THK CKNTRE KEIM)KTKR Til r BSD AY APE tt, 18(. LODGE MEETINGS. 1 rua 11 M.I, UIIMI. N.y WA. I ATtl'-aJi) mr u ■ a sa-ni.t'iv mt. .. IttthatMd ftSythiw* * I I ,1. ,i oi>. ami H V iivaw. v O | O: . foe i 1 X-. .M". K A■ *4- "'Ti* . At .iltj arculne. on or after each full ■*<** •" 'he ii i r.r...*iHail. , „ w u I Item.*, ai n. Sect. W 1' Mi* -I P . . v. rof II ine.-t* on satnidaj I -,n vinea i after each full J' ' V M r v ~fO((*t*U.(M.w • thf r U-'-.jal ProsMtaal. r u " LOCAL IVKMS. Our friend* will oblige Vv tending n -1,,. ... ,if local new -in llu-ir■ locality. g*< u* the fai ;* only, and wr will put in m v shape. a'*o notice* of death* and roarri : C Anv on - -ending us the mm-r- rf f,v( i-,-w Subscriber*, with the .- M, -y bodv on tins * le of the county, where it lia* a larger circulation b" anv two papers, will be Imind the t o-, m.'diutu b-r advertising business, - tie.-, v. ' ~r i hets to the Rr *okt r it. re id - i- g . utside of (V ntrc county, should • • n.ik us lde. nt*. vi*arly, for postage w loch n o w ,il pav b ri ; lb.* r, duces thi potag t. or e 1 aif. a* tb sum paid by them tor . e y car's • ostage as "A< ct- Xo itnperfeet materials put t> the garmenu m'-nui'aetnreil by M imunakc *V lftniwn at G'.h and Market sirccts, l'hi.a* Jc'.pbi*. ,Vn absent minded Ohio woman go! the coffee pot ready tor boiling and then ci fl! v pb.ic.-d it on a chair and -al her self on the .vc. Al'. hough the .cv was dreadfully suggestive ot ome of h" early martyrs she manaaed t*> derive • -n > consolation cut of it from the well iu-l : >"'- ed optH'riunity it afforded her ot ehli. ii : lu-r l u band to buy her a new dress, which, as soon * sl>e >,,f well enough, she made up herself with the i*-:-taneo ol the '"l> -mestic" Fashion* an.; a new "D*>mestk" sewing machine. Spige'.myer'sCash Smre offers g A lower than el-cwhere. Ib'ing a cash bus i: e.-scustomers can always buy cheaper A full line ot J:y e ud*. notions, grocer-* - Jkc . constantly on hand The Fir** Clay Buildings o' S A b Ho.field located on Warrior's R dge. Hun tingdon .nunty, were burned down on Thur-dry night. The origin of the fire i* unknown. Supposed to have been done by a tramp seeking bilging. Farmers always stop at llorter k Kino's when they goto Bellefonte—they tn ,kc it head quarters, always find the go >Js they want, ar.d at prices t" suit f e times Have your letter heads, envelope*. Ac print'd at fthe Reporter **. .. we J- j that kind * ! work low a* can be bad ill the J - - B F. Gmm'v, writ -u* fr 11 K ■ - vide. 111. i*l* April 1: Lin*!.-'- h * ko mentioned in the K-porter is d drg well for that part f the w rid After 1 gel here two years ago from Brush valley. 1 bought T sows for ssl ;n f*' l we *° :J four for SS7. and ti.ia winter we sold ' 9 lor slsi)7. and killed eight for our own ue. and have 44 nice shoals for next season— if old Centre can b. at thia. all right. Our winter commenced on -4 of March ; our i. :ij-are drifted with snow. Si ring w iit be late ;no wheat -owed yet. I would ad v tsc all my old neighbors in Brush valley to poll for Kane county and buy seven a and gel |r fc-r their work ; the stones are all i icked and lb© wood is halt cut. E. Graham A Son have just rec iv el tie arg stand best assortment of boots and sh< es ever brought to Bellefonle. They have ladies fine gaiters a- low as $1 per pair ; Genu' $1,50 ; Gents line boot* $8,50, other goods in proportion. All kinds of buckle and iaee plow- shoes, men and hoys, tld ve-y cheap They have ail the exclusive sale in Bcllefonte of h t winC. Burt s celebrated fine shoes for la dies and children. Eight widths, a a, b. hi. c, cl. d and e will fit any kind of fe.-t Admitted to be the best shoes in fAe teorli. Beilefcnte has a market hou.e now, which is open to ail farmers for selling whatever they have. Mr. N. A Lucas has taken possession of the large room lte : y occupied by Yeari -k J: >n. anJ di vided it off into market stalls. He pays cash for produce. He receive- daily, ter express, fr sb fish, which are sold at res-on able prices- Goto Nelson in the market house The Lutheran church at Hartletor will be dedicated on the 11th of June. Rev. F. W. Conrad, D. D., editor of th- Lutheran Observer, will perform the ded icatory services L. Johnson & Son* litre gone back %o their old head-quarters, the Brocker heff House, where they will be giad to see all their old friends and serve them in the best style. A man by the name of T-bert Holt was ft ruck down the embankment near the t'lle-burg depot on the 4th inst., I>> the Snow Shoe train. He was so badly hurt that he cannot recover The same man was noticed near Bellefoite when f e Bnld Eagle express was coming lrotu Tv rone, by some of Sbortlidge & Co s men. The train whistled, but he only got off in season to barely escape being struck. When the train returned he was again on the track, and the train had to come al most to a dead stop, before ho got out of the way. He kept on and was struck by the Sltowsho# train, as above detcribed He was eighty-four years old, and quit* deaf Republican. The Pomona council, composed of •Dresentatives from the subordinate -oj. jn the county, met ill thi. place on **•"* 'v /uesday. L Mr j t er Kerlin, formerly of lbs* Loop, has left t n " w , mak ' * hi, home with h ; ' A. H. Kerl.N, at Mann's, near Lewistdwn. Chas. Shiftier, at the Centre Hall tannery, pay. the highest price in cash or trade for all kind, of hides and bar* s .1.- leether and all other kind* of leather al ways on hand at the lowest prices. 31 r ShiiSer is A good honest worhmsn. there is nothing bogu* about L>L WORK or leather, and he deserves the best of en cou rugement. wagon this season with goods of Whit' Deer manufacture. Mr. Naginy of Mifflin county has a cornplanler which he claims to bent anything out as a fertilizer, planter, &c , being arranged for dropping any number of grains desired Price on- Jy 820,— nnd having improvements over tiny planter heretofore out. Ceo L Good h*rt now occupies the Broclerlmfl farm between Centre Hill and the HO T The young MEN of Centre IFAO should nrgnnizea fire company.-— —J- O. Di ' n ' r '** r you ~Mr^w" r u "* prel 1 WHOLESALE prices. John 1 y N< -' ,R RACESIJ. Jsjciil in tlie Reporter Lee a . 1 y . ~ i * | prder?.—JSsVery brought him 4. * . . . , R>„..HENCE it pays to body reads the Kepo \ , advertise in it. An-"* *?***. . r\ it, declines to take tuch a ste; un e s i'urkey violates the treaties by pet jßaaeQ. y occupy WK tiervia. LOCAL LCNCHKON FU>M MoN In sibm .5 in. r Shoemaker*. IMi'tiU Widow-. ! .•*.•*..■. n u-.v Mitnv p< i * robin i. Plenty <>l muti!' m i n. Our streets kk' horribly dirty Tin* tree butcher* have began w> rk (i.'illg 11)1 l>! Fi-cher in I ' US"'. Martin Bmmgnrd lis* again fully rcvov* ered hi* health. fl :, ,1 lir 1": cl : queiy wwrvlill you Bud hi in A prinlii g off. il i iinrt i I ~ ■ ctl HI our village Our 1.-ti'o b'.nek-iiiiiii. J ..v. i vnti.t handsome by the lair se\. Aoctd. Atewdav* !.:■! >1 V.Uu Tmiiln w.•> 111 i irtm .i mto fail I upt • the Icr mill lY.n .uro imli l>.' . ii i arm Shi* i- *l nog Our gentlemanly u>r- ' I, Mr I' .vi.l "*olt ins two i'l il'" "mil i \ • uii' i*ml cheap*- store* | lho \ .'l, treplenish his present t r*r:> A witn * ir->li >ui i ' 'l IVnii nniiil good- shortly Cliwi u Mi- i n-!'i. iml nii ri- - lu l l undi-r ih* auspice* ol H.-i I rtshl v-iosed oil tftt*Slid lt'iiili oce.e-ioti upw"l of oighlt, coni*t'Og men and chiulr. i partoO* OS I he L-Til - Jill, !'- Hw >< u lt( Mam u'sl l.Mv l> ,ir i' ut i, hko i t'.."ii, a*. I'lii tw ii l 1' nun Mlnvt have Inunrwl I * a iuwni n..| | Mttl 'ho V ' hi• I""' ''i • that in one in*unc ih* k n of > colt, which hmi J nil. .i> :*• - aid Jet i > >l ut' and manufactured iut"C>-. and .illi cit off upon unu*pcctiajr J"'•*■• :.• tho-c of n veritable ti v In o ihrc*' a re .' f>\ skin wa- uif Si'.l uito •>- ami nee . to answer for a largo number of ri-ynard The kiilc of a black o*t w* utiiu nl enlarged to rrfinvmt any number ■ i,iin>, ttlii'n I \ i •- Mil.- -I lUp 1- ilout'li'(inly . One tatony ''l I".'ml" Nno r*, it i* alleged, ha* drawn troll* the county treasury. sine** the !ir*t - .1 .ntiarv, on* thousand dollar* Souio cihlci tl o: i twi'iily v iimnu lit# born ••■>uni lor thr arri-ti of |l jxrvu * ei.gijscil in tl .* nr fariout tiUtlllt s M'li** i'S 'A l.iltn haTc al bin arrcstnl ami h)4|t-* of thu r cai" turo. T:>e Kej{i>ter ii - iiii' -rniaticii be !or> Ol .111-l Oe of (he P. tit, > 'W* thai iMirr about bc 'AHh ot DrCtmb-r, there have been enpsur. il. hot, assJ - ,iiij(htei -j el, by cilitrn. ol frtnkiUliii towiiahip. Blair county. 14 wildcat*, SkU lute*. 74* w.-- •*. 177 mi.'ik*. (>l7 ; ice.-.-. • .1 Ih hi*'* Of tin* number the Wa'Nf.iuily cat tured IS wildcaU, "-111 foxe*. -74 re* ■•is, lt>; mink*, -t*.' t.olcx-at*, and hawk*. The toward pad on all shoe *calp>' antounted !>> >ls7i lti beliend tli,.t thi* i* not nion- than one half that ha been paid to the mighty htmteo ol Krankstown to\*n*hi)>, for calp* >ince lit. tir>s of January. Steam Tannskv Bchskd —The >tem tannery at Philip>bursr, operated by M.--r* White Jk S n. • d"*trcycd by tire on Wednesday night of la>t week, th, till ult. This otabliahniet \va* built in 1870 *: 1w a* tea*, dby Me**' S M h !*• A i >!', who were burned out at O- > u May la-t. Their lo>< i* e*iini .'.- d at S s .- iSOO, ut on which there i* an insurance ut. !S"J4.UO. The 1( -> of the i a or*. Mi *r. Mun- n, 11. -It ACo. i- -et down al S4o WO; covered hy an insurance of $24,000. The destruction i f this industrial estab lishment throws over a score of men ut of empi ment. Ilow the tie originated, ni ne seems to Knew. When discovered by tbe watchman, the engine house w-s it full blaze, so that he was unable to reach the whistle and give the neee-sary alarm for help. lie was either asleep, or not at tending to his bu-ine-- The Pbiltpsburg Journal, in alluding io the di-aster. says : •'The tannery was huill hy Me-sr- Mun-; son. Holt, While A Co. in and w - one of the large-t in Central Pern.-viva nia, having a capacity of 30.000 iib. per year, and co-nv-te.' of a main bull (>ng 4t>x*2fO, a leach b u-e V-xMO, ar.d n ro'.ii g house about 20x50. It contained one hun dred vuts, ten large leaches, two hark mills, and w- fined throughout w-iih the most approved arntng -mont* and me nan ism known to the bu.-iness. HUMAN BtNF.s" *MUPPED AS FKEIGHT. The W r illani.port Banner <•' 4. relate, the follotvi'.ng horrible story ' T l is m rn ing there w. a strange rumor afloat iha'. the iiones of a man had been discovered at the C>tarSa depot, and although it was gen-rally di-heliev.d, y*i t there were those who took pains to inve-tigale It turned out that th- rumor was Correct On Saturuay a 1- x arrive i as fre iht. direct ed to some m*n in Cei tre county As a peculiar stench was emitted, it led to an nve-tigntion, when the discovery was made tli.t the hone- of a man had been packed in heb-'X Tliejiws and on hand are mis-uig, 1 Ul tb>- clenched t:' ger-, us well as the finger r ail*. Can b<- distinctly s en, as well oth.-r t-.-rtior* of the body,; The n ystery is, why the bout -of thi. imo , wh - was evi entlv a tall, p -wi-rful tnn>cu line, were pack d tndi-criuiinalely in a h-'X and aliipped as f eight, insliad "j be ing ench-si-il iti a coffin and shown proper j resoect. The cn-edemand-, and probably will receive proper investigation. A IT. A N •*. fTIMS ASTER. Thirty IVrsous Ifrowndcd at Aber deen. L April 5 —A ferry boat Was be ing drawn acr-s the riv-r Dee at Aber deer, Scotland, was capsized to-day in intd-*tream by the violence of thocurr nt. The boat wa- crowded with passengers, and it is tei red that thirty persons were drownded 23T( F.NTEN NIA L M USIC -T e publishers of Church'. Musical \ i-itor have just issued a novel and interesting volume of mii"' to be given aw ay to sub scribers to *he Vii'tor—ot eof th< b< -' of the musical magazine-. thecosl of which is but $1.30 a year The n w volume is called the "Centennial Premium," an • i unif-rni in size and style with the otlier •>l the Vi.-ilor premium -erjes-lhe \ s ong.' "Piano" and "Classic" pn-miunis- It centum* liberal selection* fr>ni the curi ous and inspiring mu-ic of "ye olden time"—tbe music pure and unchanged, to which our palm tic t< ri-fath-r- marched to battle and "Walked the -lately dam ' including li:*i'ht", quid tep polkas, horn pip'—, and t me* It i- the only C<>l lection of the Kind extant, and worth tar more than the price of the magazine, in it -elf a go>-d return f- r the suUcrib. r'- u>n<*v. Tib- publishers will send sample . f tin Visitor with fu 1 particular* of premiums, n receipt of one stamp. Address JOHN CHURCH & CO . Cincinnati, O. For the Reporter. AMEBIC A Br J. C. M Lnn lof the brave 1 gr< it y i <-i < again. Thou who hast shelter'd me through toil and pain ; The blood staiqed banner that in triumph waves, Far float- o'er its defenders -hilly gr tve-. Hahtiwd be tbe soil oil wh cb I tri-nd ; Rejoice ye clouds now rolling over head. For 'neatb your dark dull low ring foini, i Dwells a nation fn-e as the raging storm. When ii e-b- ltid s!reams a'relo -< ned (row their bands. And earth bidecks with green her fi-rtil* binds; _ Then I again my inni < home shall -ee. Ah }< •. sweet home of my nativity. Again, before another day shall fade, 111 i--t bcueatl. thy Iresh nr. 1 bracing shade ; K're golden fire- the firmament u i n, They'll welcome me castout, forsook, for-j lorn. HEM EM Bit* NCR When the "God o dy" !• ■- fled, WllCt the star- till ir pathway tread, When the orb of night you •■■■", Then I -k, remember me When the birds so sweetly sing. Praising God their maker King i When the shadows swiftly flee, Then I plead, remember me. May our mournful clioru* swelling, Kougofa thee in thy lonely dwelling ; Long as this mortal part shall be, J will remember line. * AGENTS. make no till .yon sro our NEW BOOK, Which in thrilling inteie Sterling merit, elegance nod cheapness, has üb-o '".ell |i" equal. It is "The Thing" for the Onion nrnl period—takes on sight. The N -rth American Review says it is " of unqualified praise; we antic ipate or it an extensive popularity" ; tin JJubuque Time? says 'Just such a work a.- thousand- of the American People will In glad to possess ' ; the Detroit Advertisei calls it "preferable to any yet published.' Any act ve Man or "man d g-md ad 1 dress in-uie bug'profits and steady wort ye r. f.r ull m titulars, ad.; it— ■ 1.2,0 & CO., 21 Park P ace. New 1 jHk lfiap 12L SNOW A HI >PRKI) FKET UKKIV Th. Kim) .' t in iL* bsivc on ili l'n u l'ii> :li. thruugl Hiiiu. ■ Mr t' F. ("larkon returned from bii t'llit •:.i. nip n. nt l *, a- t relate* -'in* ' uiiei.-lint i'i lib nt ot In- rciurn over th.- mountainr He left San Franclaco al eiglil 0 , l,>cl, .MI MCI . -day. March I'• Ihe tcii'm ijdi h .! i u -ioil a featful >#■•* Ittorw in thii mountnln*, eomtanMcibC M •he I- i S .pp.. ihe road Woubl be 1! , t 1 Mr (" salted bon i , ,ij. \\ i ■ c the Si< r .inetilo valley avarythinc wm ainUlns The cattle were liuMl s is' i" ItMMI h'eb. ami . , ,iera d. .k. d with linnn 41 two p id the tnud tiirnel cattward to a* . , i,.l the N. i . In no urdatii*. a' d bi i-n t. ■ I |l . t'a'.l "11, fl 'ld W I it'h | . 1*11" kin file Uii'K wa from four !' w#tve fu tile. t, and in the the aulchr* il W *ld - o ■ Ml'. * .'lll. hundred feat deep |,. ** *!.! \ ,i'i •. vb *H lh' \ • l t ' t 1 " ' lllcllt - . t • A*b vluflwif thi* WHitfr inniK it%* - '\v |fltHi(hi t by!** , onuHivt -ami hundred* ill t htm e. had ; | i . l. I!. N■i mi a*, nil. 'lie train wa eh tide until it reached the io*d ol \\l *onil e Htimb.ddt n"un t on** ihcv overl'Hik the trui which h .i I. hr*..' Frwnetaco(w ilm wttf ,| ,\,.. , , . , i nrc.l I' "ill Wei -lo lons .• l-irli *i* mile*) Wa* blockaded, no tram- ha vine p-.-ed over that mwtioii for four day* Ti < now wa* anv depth from lour to !., A* the wind wa- *liil blown-. t of nil"' track wiili thnvel* hi- a- futile m- euiplyiiiK the ocean dry wiin a * I"' u. Seven Sell locotnoUt r> were i,i"i ; i • , western end of the block ada, eiah'i if whi i ucre put behind an I ill memo *now plottgb Tio live pa>en* grr train* were m*>*ed into three and thu* arrai god, ach irg wa* luad# on the ob -iti '. m A* Mich power Wa- hard lo re. if, in three h'-isr* the wow plough wa* pushed throng - to Tiiatio, and carat an of ti tin- i. .. hid ttgden on'y three hour* be hind ti .• fttAtt the uci e**ful trial dmi t -lral. - that trnlli* cud be pU-tied through ,:.v I* , c\ li'i.-ly to impedo any ri id. The change c niinc down the nmutita n* wa* a* great * that going up II .-• In the val ci of Salt Lake tanner* w .-re pious ing ar.d Itiu almotphcre wa* mild, Smarting out gain i:l a few hour* the deep *m1 \\ "k.-r Br.-- . for the tali i rni P-vbtier i* uipMfiv, and aha I i .rio ol- of p..wder ; "lie of Walker lit ' t etirientai I'umder Co.. coniainit g hall a ear I >an Arsenal llill, near >ail Lake I 11v, exploded this aflern on with terrific violence, shaking and ksdly injuring building- in the city, prostrating chimneys anj aprt-iding Hie wilde*t consternation among the p. 'pie Thr • men were blow n no one know-where, and two boys were killed Their name, are unknown. Manv l u i ll g were riddled with bould er- w!ui tl'-w all over the city. Ihe two jbovs had g "ie gunning, and it Is supposed itliat they tired into one of the niit.axines, [causing the explosion. Bl'lllVL OF BYSDYK d FAMOUS pTAI.I IU.N 11A M BLETOM V.S 111- HI MAIN- Kul.Lo iVKD TO •PHEt.i; A\ K BY \ ILLAGKItS AN 1> OTIiK It- Owners • f ''llambletonian" stock in Centre • unty and throughout the country wiild f. lint'-'-sted in the follow ing account of tlu d< ath of the sire of "l>ext> , at Chester. N Y ,en Tuesday. I"rid - the 1 ad- w of a black, wooded b'uffoi t Blue U dg- mountains, in the *ii!age of Chester, N Y. the remains of lh- v. rii r '.i d s!i> lion llambli loni an wire buried yesterday. The body, ahich had been ered with thp blankets and robt - and ether liable gear that the b-r-e hd worn at his death, was enclosed in a pine box, nt. 1 ws borne to the grave on a stonehoat that was dragged at the heel, of hors- s. Many j e iple from the vill ige of Che-ter ar.d frotu neighboring t. n foid gathered at an early hour thi- II, an 1 they formed an escort to the burial place The grave had been dug in th orchard til the bai k of the stable in wh ih the bor-e had been kept fur many years, and under a darkly clouded sky the interment was made. ' The stable in which llambletonian was kept Is a viie st. ' v Ciothic structure, prets Iv and taseful witiioulatid luxuriously fur ni-bed witiiin. About adoxen rods north of the barn, Mr. II twland pointed over a nigh sto> e wall to the grave that is mark ed by two surrounding hillocks of sand Tier. I'in w 11- taken off the stonehoat at HOI, at d iv !- ! w ernl .! .wnaheavv slid ing planl- into a -ix 't grave. The last shovelful of ea'th was to-sed in at about 1 o'clock, and the little train of followers irei t hii k to Chester through a shower of lain. Little el— wi*, tulki iof in Chester ex cept the death of the celebrated stallion, and the owner of a relic of the old horse, a piece of tooth or a hair, was looked upon as a tre i*ure holder. Mr John R Com -t ok, a well kit-urn horseman of Chester hold many, and he refused nlnn-sl fabu lous puc for his treasure* lor an old grit l<-r that had fi Vn out ol Hambleloni n- jatv n fo i week- ago B*> anil 810 were I off-red, bu tin-owner would not sell. It' has btsn csllnsau d by admirers (f Bsd*| let iiia ii that lie ha* earned nearly sll,- ■ sO'-ucn v if - .in -h-w i* three year* d Hi- -ntire -ari .ng- m the tune til it I e ws ii p■-*• -i-ii u! Mr. Rysdyk .amount to lover $211,000 Ilamblei-niun wn- twenty-seven years old at hi* death, and it is thought by his k-ej er that be miglit have lived many I years lotm- r, ! lit lor the terrible cold that ii • eau-lit i-t 1 ill Many -hillful physi cian* were employed, but they were una ble to til-ak up In- disease. THE GREAT FLOOD AT MEMPHIS. Memplii-. April f. -Tim river ro-e an inch an I t* now thirty lour lest eleven inches, or halt'an inch above tne flood Of 1*74,,i,i1. ev .-tin v that of lnt August The g'-iiernl iui|iie—ion among the river men is that it will rise a foot yet. which will put it -i mve the highest water known. FIIIGIITH'L ATROCITIES RE- I'oltl Kl> BY THE IHhMAX I SSI RUE NTH. Vienna, April It i* asserted that the insurgent chie! have lelt Sutlnrma and r. joined their hand* 'I hey intend t l ' re • nine ho.-tilitii - against the Turk* on the 11th instant, when the truee expire. liar .in ilodieh hat returned to Raguta. The Political (J> rri|"iidonc< publishes from trustworthy "iiiees i.nnii extraordinary letall* I'f atrocities committed t.y the Hu- man iiu it iI - upon the M ahoiiictnn mid Chrnti:.ii inhah tuiiy fur t•• fuiris< t<> take liurt Hi tin' insurrection. It I* alleged that -evoral village, in Chli-ona huve been destroyed by lire, and tlint two gendarme, and a Turkish hotel-keeper with hi* wife and flair children, were burnt alive. It is also stated Unit a Ghristjnn who persist ently refuted to obey tiio injunction* ot the "insurgent!, was massacred, with hi* whole family. Aftor enumerating oilier instances of atrocities the paper proceed* to relate that u party of insurgent* made a raid on the Kmupa district*, telling lire to two hundred bouses in Pasnilza, and kill ing more than two hundred innocent per com. Christians suffer equally with Jl horaetan*. The Political Correspondence corrects the assertion that the negotiation* wit* the Insurgent leaders have fallen through it says they are *tiil being car. -i*d on, and it i Imped they will finally lead to r '" The examination ot witnesses before tlie. committee on naval expenditures at Phila delphia i cooduitod with closed doors. It' was developed by the testimony on Katur day that the cont act for the removal of ship ousea rom the navy yard wu given tc tie h g e-t hit der at SIO,OOO more yti a. need to Uuvo been paid for (Ik) labor. There ii'fn i7S death*, 4ss bin 1 •, 'OS j marriage* a: d M ttll birth* in the < :tv N. York lnt tri'K I to- p n 1,007 arii-i. Four tlnm-n d head ofeailb have do .i lit I'lali (bi winter on account of llm deep mo**, which prevented ihcir getting to tha grata. Now York, April JO A T. Slow art, who hnt been tuO'ortllg for tile |n! week trnm intlaiiiatiiin •! ibo boWelt, died till* afternoon, A lomnioiivo holler, while being le.ted in BlnghamUm, N \ , on Saturday, • pi. Hied, killing in.iantly Ave per*.in* and •r IDUll) injuring two other. The committee on expenditure* in the llepartnient of e i. In.i mg bar. aom. ntt'.undlng fact. regarding ihe i n lu. I of I i >HI Klat. • mar*hal* in 1 \\ . i an South, Maguire. one of lliti tncttib' • Of ill. St L, HI. . looked wh'-ky rill', ha, been -enli in nd to pnv a Bne of live ih>*n,*tid dollar, and undergo an iuipriaonmerit ot >ix month,. ttepirt* from varion* part* of (llii.i atat< that the fruit cr. p ha* bean n ueh injur. r v rec. iit !..ol w. ither There adl 1 not ni.oe than one-eighth oi the u*u.. crop .if peaches. The S'.ale HoU*a of UnproHtative* in ve*ttgatiog committee on the boom lull met oil Saturday and dm-ided to *it will elianl door, and to admit no one bu •Worn .dticial reporter* and WiUl<--*o* Saturday'* inveatigation by the Hun*, couilnittee oil the expenditure* ..f the In tenor llepartment *h>>w that tlrvil (Irani *nd a ton of ex-Siicretai v Delan • worn in tere.ted in the farming-out of .urveying contract*. The t'.'.nr i the lnllei tovereign of Ku rop. The Kmperor William comoa nei ill height. MARRIAGES. thi 4, by Kev. Tomliiwon. at tbo reti ilencc of the bride in Millbeim, Mr A. Itumillor to Mi.aKlla J. i>e'ningr. DEATHS. On Saturday Bth. at 0 o'clock. i>. tti . at Centre Hall, Mr. Lettie Alexander, relict of Fr- ..'ii Alexander, 7- ,year* 4 months and ID day* The deceased *i> horn in Mifflin county in the \ ear lett!, and moved with tier fath er to Huntingdon county in lt*l6 where she resided until 1830, when she wn* married to Fraud* Alexander and since then ha* lived in Potter township. She was one of our oldest citixens and was loved and re speeled by all who knew her. We shall mis* our mother and friend, hut we must not mourn ; God in his wise providence ha* called her home. The deceased was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church f.-r tnanv years Her faith in Gm| - .Iron* an l bore her up in her afflic tion*. She was perfectly resigned to the will of God and passed awav with a *nile, truly bli ->ed are they who die in the L rd. On the tirst day March the decea-ed fell, receiving an injury in her hst. which, ut the time it was impossible t > tell precise ly as to the extent of the injury, but on post-mortem examination found an intra capsular fracture with but very title dis placement. From this difflcu ty she had almost recovered 1 vcepl not being able to u*e her linth tin the tlr-l day 01 April ahe w . taken with a severe attack of pneumonia end lived but eight days. He ye also ready. A Kilt KM p. On Saturday, S. i .ar Wo- Iward, Mr*. David Krape, aged about &'l years. OBITUARY. Frederick Seltzer died at his residence in Joliet. 11l . on Sundav morning, 'ttb inst., at "J o'clock, in the 76th year of his •If*' Mr. Seltzer >< born in \\ cnel-d -rf, Berks co . this taie. in IN* In early life tie was engagad ill the milling business in, Wome -dort ; in 1840 he rn -v. 1 to Centre county, having purchased what was then known as the Grossman farm. <>neof the finest in the valley—now in Chutvhvilie. In the spring of 1868 Mr. Seltzer tho.ight to better himself and aio Ins children •>■ -old his valuable farm and wstat to Will co.. 11l , w-her • ho could buy more land. Having done SO he settled himself in Juli et. the county seat of Will co. Ho !e*v.-* a wife and seven children to mourn their o the citizens of Potter. O.'Bce next door to post offlce. Centre Hall. N'OTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing nam"! person* have fiiod iheir petition* for License and will make application to the court to grant (he tame V pril term, next. Fred Smith Saloon-Bellefonte boro. \Ym. I olan Tavern- Itan'l Gariuan...... do do Jn Bradley - do do Robert I.loyd do Pbilipsburg lor Richard Hay* .... do do James Pasamore.. do J. Itamsda'e ........ do de Hiram Harris do J I. Kaumgardner do do Mr- tvaP-Garber. do Rush township. Jeffrey Hayes .... do do Julius Seigworth.. do Boggt Top. Philip Gate* .. do Ferguson do M L Leitzel do I'otler do Jm. G I'zzle do Snow Shoe do Michael J Dolan. Saloon- do do A Hanoi wholesale Be'lefonto Sain Nicholas, saloon W 11 1 iikir.- >n Je Co. Tav Henry Y eager Saloon J. S. Ilcnrv... *' John Andor* >n " It. Johnson A Sons Tav. K. Brown Isaac Miller... Cbas Brown, wholesale Ja llavwood. Saloon Philipshurg. S F re! dm an- wholesale Robert Taylor Tavern Peter Wener Sal>on OW. Whipple Saloon College tap Miller A Katon Tavern Ferguson David J. Meyer Haines Wnt. S. Long JohnJ. (taker " Miles " Jackson Roush S 11. Kune* " Liberty " Elizabeth Kunes " " " Jonathan K reamer " I'enn Rebecca Mu'ter J. 11 Odenkirk " Potter " John Spangler Geo A Keller " Rush " D. H Kuhl Saloon Snow Shoe Iwp Gotlieh llaag Tav. Spring >1 Robb " Walker . W. Hateon " Worth John Capcnheaver " Taylor It W.ltichard* Tavern Huston tap. Win Brown wholesale license Bcllefonte Thomas L 'Ugliry Saloon 30 mar Ht. A WILLI VMS, Prolh y. 1 trill. lf LETTING.— Bid* w'll be re ived lit the effire of the County Cotnnu*- • ioner of Centre county. Pa., ui.til Sa:ur ■b.y, the Wnd day of April next, at I' 2 o'clock |> m , of said day. for a new roof anil other improvomemcnU to be made to the County .liiil.lhojilanaand apeciflcation* for which can n<>w be *pen at thi* office. The aueceaalul bidder will be required to enter into bond* with approved security, conditionally for the faithful performance of the contract. By order of the board, II A MINtiLK, J. H. HAUL, A UKKUO. J. S. MAHMIAKT, Commiwioneri. Clerk. mar V 3 6t THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. The Bellcfonle public and the people ot me country generally w ill bu pleased to know that the old and well established DRUG STORE, Into the properly ot James C. William-, on Allegheny street, neat door to Hick* hardware emporium, has been re opened for business and i be ing rapidly ro-stocked and fitted out with the best and most popular DRUCS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, and everything usually kopt in a first-class Drug Store I'HKSI RlPTlOfffiCAHEFrL lycontpoiiutkd ill till lioiii-m of the day or night, and particular ano urompt attention given to tho wants of farmers and others who live in the country. Storo never closed to those who want medicines 01 anything in tho drug line. rpi, e undersigned lionet, by strjet attentioi 1 li. business, to merit and receive tho pub lic patonage. I a. u. bxsmi Ap'i! I O-l i j .tiller Mn\ I I o if. hi .. •! \pi • ' (111 .i lli l Mm W t.t- 1.1 II IV II' l 1.-r Vr' l l U* > lirr A| '•• l i '•-> |MI|II May O I'illL tPKLI'IIIA Philadelphia, April S Flour " Uin e, 7fi(.t,b,V> High ipuliS . tHi.vsTi. 4\ itMt . | I Ail, uw m hit# I I ti Oilll j while tki, yoilow 07. UO, alii' 4 . 18 .Milh '* Mmtki i. ' it. .: .. .ivl.jj I> Sbelmire, ' ( "over Seed lllMo of '(.... i s #7 00 per lUUIUt. C irn It. 4i. j Kvo i'.h' lo 70 MmANaW Sc Ola Pia.'.i-r JS, (rOVIK Islo j •<-r I"i \\ title \\ heal 5> I -•'.! 5> 1 • ■'' . H...1 *1 :* li rlt.> 70. Pi . i Timothy $'J lo - >• ' FUiMI in thi'M #7 7* |o Kail I 40 in I Ut. Oat. a - .', to !15.\ t'. latoi "JoC to JSOc. UKLLKFONTK MAUKKTH. V lilt" Wheat >1 IX4 lie.l jyi . Kvo'i .'ut h ear* 40, 1V Out' in Martey WO '0 010/emse. \U> ... . Potato#* ' Lard par(lounil tl Fori, jn r pound:!'. lulle 1 K|[|r I i F• . ; r j- Hon 414 rallmv S liutrol hi Haul 15 Lard per pound 1 rnitU Itu. k * heat 'l4rti. F.our per barrel retail 7,00... Nov# Sr.iiia plaster fii 80 Cayuga nUitor SO,BO per KX> tbi Shelled torn 4. to 50 IMPOKTANT TO BUILDLBS TIIMIU ler. gucd I- now prtvparovl to veil lirirk h! .I* kill.- at ('. ntrr Il ill le -n't puriha r* it rea-onable rate*, a! > t>> lurnLhoi con tract Brickwork. S. S. FAliNKlt. 7 ovl y / 1 HEAT REDUCTION IN PRICKS \ I AT Wolf s Old Stand. Largest Stock of Goods in the Valley! OusPriCb! LoiV Pr'iab i POLITE ATTENTION ! Haiingjuvt return# I from the Kat. ami bou.'ht al panic price*, t am n.'W preparinij In .ell cheaper than ever before. My -tuck tiini.ili in part of I) .Y GOODS GROCERIES, no no v IBMKRY, H AT- A < AIS, lit)' >i - -lit ti->, RI'UUKK BOOTS, SAN DAIA Ac., Ac Ladies' and Gr:n' Uttderw# ar n spec iality. A LARGE BTtM k OF READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly on hand. Look at the fig urea: Good Cent* 1 were Suit*, slo.(hi Good (iirc FItE SII IMI > It i: A l. to a 4 DM IN ISTK * TOR'S NOTICE.— Letter* of sdminiflrotion on the el*t •>f Err* I>. Brifbin, Int" of Bo.*lbure dee'd hnvinft been nr*iited to the under •untied. ll peron* knowing th"iit*plve* t he indebted ttiai"l tlecedent tire rt' ■ to mnke inimedinte pivincnt, mi 1 pet-iwin havingcleiro* iigninft the e>tnto #iil pre .ent tlieni mithenticnted htr .ettb inent SA MUP.L OILLILAND | mnr St Adwi'r \\TM P. WI Attorne* -tl.iw >r Bellefonte I.'# Office in Mr. Ben er' Building. Ilelletonte I'n. BROCKE-HOFF HOU3E. IIKI town, ha* boot turnout li ly ren • ■ vat' d. r-'nainted end for ni-hed now. It will bo tho aim of thepm i>ril"t t-> make it n pVnsint Homo l hote w borntiy favor them with their put -onnge. A tree carriage i run to tho '!■ liot, and th" best fable* in town nre won noted with tho llouo 2ttapr /y WOOD ~ fe PUMPS Hlatrhl- s ' Hutt'RH l'nrupil*r nd llriftea r.'i Pump*. • l'* r -j-i er lifting* -H ati.l tirw sty i- a. and all twiuflde mKUI* Manufw- < it tug fnrllMlr* gratl Itirnaerd atiwk M LA Rtl K. i :!••• MM ALL. VlKltofft, pwlllr.tfMrU* tlf lAeall mid irr i 1 UP KRI A L HO A P V--' 1* VttE "HT ' Phi* Snap is M anufactured !rom pure material*. and a* it contain, a large per centage <-t Vegetable Oil, it warranted ful ly e-jual t<> the best imported Castile B.>ap, and at the 11111# tone posnt*e* all th, washing and cie.using pr.iperll** of the celebrale-l German aud French Laundry >■ • It 1. theref.'ie m .unuiended f>r in Mi# L*u Irt. Ki: ten. and llatn and i -r g.-heral i.xuscii -id purp , ■ .. f-r Priiite-it, Painter*. Engineer*, iti-t M .chint t*. a* 11 wilt remove stains of Lik, t.i Tar, O: . Paint, <-t - , IrUu the and*. Manufactured .•nly by CitA M PTON BUol tIKR-S J ,i, C 8 and 10 Itu!g--r. Place, nnd33alid i Jrlfeft'-n >ireet. New York, i - at P . i.a i- iplua, by KOON> A ItUOFF, Uttt N-rtli Delaware Avenue, and t>y gru. r generally, mid at Sectiler's grocery. Nov 11. 6m. Simon Haines, CENTRE HALL. Manufacturer of CnrrliigC!.. ltuggicw. II agona, dr. Of every description ; running gear for .*ll 11 ol vehicle-, tu de is* order, and in first cta tu inner, it *mg a practical me- L-hsflic, 1 Would W \KRANT ALL WORK to give - lll. faction. Repairing promptly attended to at the lowest rate*. Undertaking. CoiHtixofali style* 11, ado 03 shortest notice. Tho buinc •f undertaking attended to in all its branch' - Re* peel lolly * -licit- a share ol puhuc patronage. ' sept y \Y. A. CURRY, 1 EX THE I 41*1*. IA. Would most respectfully inform the cit , ten* --f this viemity, that he has started a new 800 l and Bh--< Shop, atnl would be thankful for a share of the public oatrow igr. Root* and Shoe made to order and n cording to style, a: d warrant* hi* work t<> K)Ual any made elsewhere. All kind* f repairing dono, ntid < barges rea* >nable Give him a eall f**t 13 lv jiiiiN r ALL\ .UNDER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Rcs-ectfttlly offers hi* professional er vie,. •... the citire-is ot Centre Hall and viv -sity Consultation in English or Ger* man Hat a full Lne of instrument* tor extract sg teeth. Offlce and residence to the L ith. parsonage. -7fcb li C. PECK'S Coaoli Manufactory. (KM UK IIA I,L, I'A. * The underaigned h afeni'd an. w ea .ablirhtnrnl, at hi new ahopa, fo lb* uanufnclute of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Slkiom* A > I> SLKDP, PUIS AXD FAKCT ofevery description . All rehicte* in*nufat lured by him ,re warranted to render aatiffaction, and a* •iiial l<> any work done clucwhere, lie uea none but the best material, -id employ* the inoal eklllful workmen, lence the\ tlaller them-el vca thai their rk can not be eicelled for durability tid finih. Order* from a ditnce promptly attend- Come and examine .my work before oiitra-ting nb here. iMUCES KEASONABLE, \J| kiii'laol liejeiring iloiu*. i<>. A National Fa mil)* I'aprr *7H. cTor> xvlndiff. jtwli t1 hatnhtti. n thv pub Ik*. !• nom rwrnly for the IV® ItUAW w dchghlrnl *til>*rrll> THK STAR Si* \ NOLEO BANNER • Urjr* rl|bl L*g*. * c lnmn PAJT. ®Ur. nirt with charming Nt* i*, rale*. Nkct BRA. •Jt, WIV. Itum>>r .. I lan It .• ail i>* H* ,t..* High!*, Sw rU. \r*m. *c.,. baa a ("nUdm'i MtaVtmfnl ft ml furrier • ormrt. W. etc , and • *crf* tt* trail* fai*rr I , !( bit) bio itNM> fVfrj riaod 111 IIIIk Ik " gqj. k Nitu dbr t aa4 "Haal. Krfrj URABFT ha* IH* crtln'u f truthful. reliable \ B , , • i -i I. ..r put an H" ftmr can ctmr "catch * * u If yon rw®*l Ihta grwa> , 4 pe r || rt|ftM>* all Svlndlhtt witiioul fear or Utnw nd girc-aa If fof oewr l'k\tth nam** and gam#* " If I* iiut ;4<*nUr*r, n-l ta Mt irep®U lb V' 'SI u 'nre It t* Jt the pai*er fr rrgj i >mr, Mmttlib ti ttr Northern If U ut political, re lgl.ittOt mm tartan It *•*• lf all. Htrrtnd in I ARB f ha* g •ttr n f*.r l year*. mn I* read liy fit i want tt and will ha** i aro time. Whjf aul wow • ' i 'Kr,.i.i .** W| ham Imibirt-Hl 1 L f K'l'l V hrtMli m. S|'l't!tl I rert. In hwreo* worlb ft aarhl, tlrr **ll Iwrhpw. firmly mounted. am I * offer any four OF t< I• nut \ .tl \l OIM. country'* mntwanlil Darim lt nti# ypar do take a Natbial. ttiatriotH . • awake* i>*|* r. .me tbat I* for Kltfht and .• tnat wntig t.,at know* >•. warty, n iiorfb. atxuth •t rft; ta a pftprr Itlwdlw for gtvrj inadrr iwr IT) MVP MONEY it* MATBR* BY ftpaini LB# "tHrk* t i tat M*"of vrtadf*dt and not* t* tha Utn. Yu . ,** p\t' tt off Uki l"ixg find to day Now la *c- NRA I M thtlf 7b caota e rwa Uta groat |xao#r a ywar With frwr charming aaat PP1I| NPIHI for it !■• f < *t* nothing t> e#e It ■*nd to IIANNKWL'L T BI isNlNtft/O . Htnadal* t| drs- 16 • •• w QENTKE HALL Furniture Rooms) KKRi Itltl M HIM.. re-pectfully inmrm* the citizens of Contr county, lluit he lihs hough t out the old -tnndofJ.O. Deininger, and ha* reduced he prices. They have constantly on hand ■ lid make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS. W AMISTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS TABLES, &c„ Ac. Their stock of ready-niado Furniture is 'arge and warranted of good workmanship and is all made under their own immnd - ate supervision, nnd i* offered at rate, cheaper than elsewhere. Cull and seo our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 26 feb. ly. "VfOTICE is hereby given that the ac -I*l count of John ICishel, assignm of Meslatne Reese, has bepn Hioci in the office of th ; I'r 'thonotary of the poutt ot Com mon l'lt* >3 of C< litre county, aiid w ill he pro'cnlo'l to tho court for continuation at Al>nl toriu, next, A. WILLIAMS, dJ mar lit. i'rutu'y. ; HTOHIt, MEW UOOI>B AND Panic Prices. 11. 4. LIHRIMEB. | at the old Centre Ilill aland. Ju*t opening a Ktoek of NEW HOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! j A large variety of Ladies Drew Good* : <*reat Jiargain* in Muliaaud Calicoes. Steady-made Clothing Warranted to Suit. : ilia Cloth* and Ca**itnera, Cant be excelled His Crocery Department, j Wotiuhe* every one in aMortmeutandlow price*. Syrup, Sugar, Tea, Coffee. Canned frulu, Domnatic and Foreign Fruit*, Cheee, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart nt en I WrK artuera. Mechanic* and Laborer*j ook to your interetl. One dollar *aVcd U . dollar in pocket. Then call and e ai what a.tiuiuhingly low price*. .pgr No trouble to *huw Good* "Att Al*o the choicext FAMILY FLOP a aL way* on hand. Apr. 15, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DKALKItS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OIL, DYE STUFFS,! PEKFL MKKY NOTIONS, FANCY AKIK LKS FOR THE TOILET, Ac , Jr. . Ac. I*l ICE HhL 4.NI> MQIOICS. for medicoial purpo*ea, i'ruK-i-a A Sujrp iru-i tu grt^variety. Al*o, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and alt other article* utually kept in a firttcla** Drug Store. Prescription* carefully Compounded, MILLER A SON. DELIGHT! Headquarter* fur Boots and Shoes! j JOHN POWERS, BOOT A SHOE M A K ER OF CENTRE COUNTY, a DIPLOMA Awarded to John Power, for the i i best fine Bonis exhibited at Cen- I 1 tr<- County Fair for the year 187 r > J J jj) >\ i ) U r A C T 0 -ri 7 Opposite Bush H<>uae, BKLLKFONTE. PA. Powers' Boot A Shoe Shire is the largest and best stocked establishment in Centre j County. He keeps constantly on band a full line of . It O OTN 4 X I) H II O E 8. He it la#! opening the largest stock of Spring Go->d* ever h -ought to Bellefonte. rISI £ 3IH DS 9 : for ladies, kept constantly on hand. IJ.x-t* and Shoe* for men and women, of j all style*, quality and price*, from the! most costly to the cheapest, constantly ; kept on band. WE DEFY COMPETITION! either in quality or price*. Call and examine la is new stock of Spring and Summer Good*, and you will find it to your advantage. Apr'illy. NEW YORK BRANCH STORK, | McClain't Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, Bellefonte, Pa. If. IIEKM.4X A CO.. Prop'rw. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ER! ES, W HITE GOODS, LA CES. NOTIONS A FAN CY-GOODS, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Below the Usual Prices. SovLitf ITHNITIKK. J Oil A' IIBECHBILL, >n hiselegunt New Rt>om, Spring street Unit tut hand a Honest to the most elegant. CHAM HER SETS. PARLOR SETS. SOFAS. CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS. WOOL MATTRESSES HAIR MAT TKKSSKS, •nd anything wanted in the line of hi* iu-ine*— homeniMde iind city work Al ts ha* made a .peciality and keep* ol land, the largest and lineal stock of WALL PAPER. (hunt* told at reaonable mte*. whole** nid retail, (live him a call before pur •haaing elaewhere. febCiy CKNT R E HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGKB. A new, complete Hardware Store liar been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hall, where he is prepared to sell all kinds of Building slid House '■"urnuhing Hardware, Nails, Ac. Circular and Han J Saws, Tenron Saws, Webb Saws, Clothes Hacks, a full assort ment Of Glass and Mirror l''afe Picture Fromes, Spokes. Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades ami Forks, Locks, Hinge*. Screws, Sast Springs. Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Hods, Oils, Tea Hells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Pictures framed in tho fluest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. nr- Remember, all onds offered choap er than elsewhere aug2s' 73-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - Let tors of administration on tho estate of Dan iel Conser, late of Miles twp, having been granted to tho undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said decedent are requested to make immediate' payment, and persons having claims! against the estate will present them au-i thenticated for settlement < SAM'LQRAMLY, j mar 10 01 Ad' n 'fti s t''>'Aof- | TL. SPANdLEK, Attomy-at- La w. Pllufonte, Pu. Office with . llu hA; Vi-cu ii. Consultation in English an 'Milan. Collections promptly attend ed to. t'ebd-U Pumps Of All Kinds! f; Steam & Rotary Pumps FOR MINES. \ Deep Well Pumps, jjjjjj^j Cistern Pumps, fife## l Anti-Frezing Pumps. .> GAS PIPES, unuiix mi Hi OF ALL KINDS. Gum Hone § Packing, Bell and Brass Founders, sod Msuufsrturers ofIheCELEBBATEi) Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. : w&mSend for illustrated catalogue and price lid J. B. SHERIFF &SO.V. M WATER veaa*. ■P r * ly. rimKHKUII.PA. IT WILL PAY! IT WILL PATI h |T WILL PIT t ( h ft- I TO GIVE VERY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO j THE PUBCOAtfK OF YOUB I £ I i Groceries! Groceries! 1 * rt_ : > Z : For economy require* that you buy nothing but FRESH, i ** Fl RE GOODS. We keep oo hand at all times a large and carefully selected stock of { goods, c '(uprising every item £ : that belongs to the ** < | • = "* j 1 iGROCERY TRADE\ • e £ : Wt mska it tha cardinal points of our business to sell fr - __ J ► Pare, Fresh Groceries! ——c— i IT WILL PAY! h' I 3 < To do your trading with • house that always fires a dollar s • ft- : worth for a dollar. < J: | Z S | IT WILL PATI 1 2 : > Z : To call and examine our complete stock of Fruits. Ruts and Con- \ * fecuo caries which wa are now daily receiving for the trade. j - i IT WILL PAY! i ! Ton . j handsomely * to get soma of our pure candies. fresh fruits A : C" •5 J nuu for the '"Little Folks" during • : the holiday seasen. One or two, or five del* : V £ lars, iust as you can afford, apent in • < this way at Christmas and New Year, brings n ; hotter return than - I p. ; the same amount put on Interest at IOC' par cant. j - U'i IT WILL PIT! J !' S M T* ~ -J - uilllr Ihm £ : FINEST FLAVORED TEAS \ 5 AND STRICTLY PURE BPICEB. 1 ~ ! —r— 1 • h >• : ta unaa ear tsta tajn* Hm of z rt d i : - j gpccsr!®#, ftoatattoßtry, IFruftc, i z ~ : CALL OS £ i i SECHLER & CO., ! a : > H i3D Jan. Bush Hours Block, Belleionte. Pa j K : ! IT WILL PAY I IT WILL PAY! J. ZEELER tr SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoffßow.Bellefonte.Ph ftcalcr* In rbmlefth IVrtmiirrj. Inncj tinodn Ac. Ac. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicr purposes always kept. may 3J. 72. GRAHAMfc SON, Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. All Kinds of Cualotn Work Made Tc Order. i Harness Leather, Note Leather. Calfskins A d Shoe Findings always on hand. Risnop St;.:et, t - ..i.ty tf Dviiefonu>, Pa iTT"® undersigned, determined to met* ' A tbe popular demand for Lower [Prices, respectfully calls the attention o 'thepublic to bu took of SADDLKRT now offered' it tbe old stand. Designed especially for tbe people and tbe times, tb largest and most varied and complete at-- sortmento .Saddles. Harness, Collar*, Bridle Jof every description and quality ; Whii* and ta Sect everyth ng to complete a fir-! class establishment, be now offertal pri. e which will suit tbe times I f ACOil IHSGKS. Centre Hail Excelsior Cement* Th 'udeTvi(rned now manufacture* Ce> ani ?\££ RAN T KD OF ASUPKKKIR QUALITY, at b< kilns, near Pine Creek Mills, in Haines twp. This ctment [has already been used ia large quantities fTnV h h C 4 CR R *" •:' „ ; : - the vor*l . " ' ir'ir- of so. • -■ fj-tl -u itttban t I per Mil*?. offr *, is iuaUc ul p' i.g stifl. f i • " j ;>rtuir, and disn-iid- In s | M ' * is - i,:i..-e ataim-t tbe inside of n.-e ■ - • , .! ine carbon aiul scale with, mi Sv J-j';. to tbe lobe. ■ i o ci-an better, isst toseer, sr. 1 ■ *; . - la It- market. A dep.- !it . - svy. Kw silo byuea.'t: I