The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 13, 1876, Image 2

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    jJho Centre Eeporter.
Ckkt*k Hall, Pa., Apr. 13, 1 S7t
1 KRM9.—s2prrfcar, ta ndraaer,
fthfn not paid ta adtancr.
Adrrrtixrmcit* tide prr tin* for (krti ih-
Itrliniu, and/or 6 anil 1* mnnth by *pr
al contract.
The Ways and means committee are
not favorable to a change in the
liana has lioen rejected as minister to
Kngland by the senate-l? for and do
against confirmation. Let Gmnl nomis
nato Babcock next.
Thomas A. Scott, Joaiah Bacon, IV is
tar Morris. John M. Kennedy, Alex. J.
lVrbyahire, Samuel M. Feltou, Alexan
der Biddle, N. Parker Shortridge flenry
M. Phillips, John Scott. Pittabutgh, were
last week elected Directors of the I'enn
sylvania Railroad Company.
The election for governor in Rhode
Island, last week, resulted in no choice
by the people. Lippitt the rvpublieau
candidate and present governor, will be
elected by the legislature
The watering trough act was defeated
In the house.
The two-year stay-law wa~alao de
feated iu the house.
Connecticut has gone democratic by a
majority of about 4000. The democrats
elect the governor, aud have the legila
ture by au increased majority, which
secures a S. Senator, Grant won't
take anv nutmer in his this time.
The different investigating commit
tees, at Washington, are daily unearth
ing new and astounding frauds practic
ed upon the government by office hoiders.
These pluuderiugs are not confined to
one department, but are found to exist
in every branch of the gorerumeut, and
so numerous are the revelations of steal
ings becoming, that we could fill columns
of the Reporter each week.
Rutler has a new feather in his hat—
he has triumphed in the defeat of I>anu
for the tuiauon to England. Butler
hated l>uu* as an Irishman does snakes,
liana helped to defeat bpoons when he
was a candidate for congress last time
hence the bitterness. Grant has plenty
of material lying around that he can
make use ot in nominating to the senate
for this mission. There is Bahcock, and
Belknap, and Joyce, Boas Shepherd, or
Fred tirant—and many other flies that
hover around him attracted by the mo
lasses of the white house.
Nothing ha* put so effectual a damper
upon thirtl teruiism, a* the fraud* and
plundering* that have been exposed at
Washington within the last three month*
It has knocked Grantism into Hinders,
l>y opening to public gaxe it* corruption.
Never before ha* an administration
been disgraced by the track* of the plun
derers all leading to the white bouse, a*
is now found to be the case under Grant,
who placed around him as hi* advisors
and otfice holders the worst material in
his party.
It is proving expensive to feed con
tumacious witnesses held as prisoners by
the House. According to the bill ren
dered bv the House caterer. Hallet Kil
bourn ha* managed to eat from sl2 to
$25 worth of provision* daily, aud there
is also a charge of $3 a day for sending
two men with these costly viauds to him
in a carriage. Among the things that
Kilbourn is charged with having eaten
for breakfast and lunch on one day are
the following with prices as annexed ;
Hroiled shad, $1; sirloin steak, $1; robin*
si; cold turkey, $1; cold ham, 60 cents,
cream and ice, sl, latnbfries and crab
salad, $1; tedeerloins, $2, and pig-feet, fit'
cents, besides some five dollars* worth of
-oupand vegetables. Then, for dinner
on the same day. be consumed, accord
ing to the caterer's bill, about twelve
dollars worth of edibles. Clearly it was
time for the Democratic foot to gome
down, and Mr. Glover, chairman of the
committee whose questions this gor
mandizer had refused to answer, not only
would not approve the bill, but intro
duced a resolution requiring the Ser
sreant-at-Arms to put him on prison fare
If contumacious witnesses were to be
crammed with delicacies in so lavish a
manner there would be an end of inves
tigations, for all witnesses would be con
"The Republican party is committed
l y its origin, its traditions, its history
and its duties, to an intrepid and honest
administration of public affairs." — Pmu
arfrmM Rfjmhiiran Platform. To this the
World remarks:
The party may have been committed
by high-sounding resolutions to an
'honest administration of public affairs,"
but it has stopped with its commitment.
Its practical traditions, its history, and
its execution of its duties, hare been one
series of plunders. Salary grabs, subsidy
jobs, Credit-Mobilier swindles, freed
man plunders, carpet-bag steals, sales of
post-traderships, protection of monopo
lies, real-estate pools and whisky frauds
are only a few illustrations of the un
deviating policy of the party carried in
to practice. History never furnished a
party,with such great pretensions for
honesty in its resolutions, that in prac
tice went so deep and was so persistent
in its corruptions, as the Republican
party. Its great pretensions of honesty
were successfully palmed off upon the
public until a Democratic House was
elected and a little light thrown in upon
Republican practices.
The reason why our good friend Meek
is so much opposed to G. F. Stiller, is
because Miller a few weeks ago sued him
for the railroad stock which he subscrib
ed in Pennsvaliy when he was a candi
date for assembly some 6 or 7 years ago,
taking a little stock in Potter and in
Gregg to electioneer upon. So far he
has refused to pay and Mr. Miller had to
sue him, for it. This is the kind of
Pennsvalley railroad man our neighbor
Meek is, still letting on to be strong for
it in his paper. One clsss of people at
Bellefonte are for our road, and another
is opposed to it—Meek belongs to the
If Mr. Miller is the man Meek now
says he is—since he sued him for his
stock—then both Meek and Miller, are
two bad M's—they should be yoked to
gether, put on the first cattle train and
then be switched off over an embank
ment, and be smothered under a
"six months supply of blanks."
The Beeclier business is not over yet.
On 6 the Congregational Convention de
cided to refer the question of examining
into the guilt or innocence of Mr. Beech -
er to a committee of five, who shall call
together all persons who are Buppcsed to
have any evidence bearing directly on
the subject. If witnesses making char
ges fail to sustain thein the churches to
which such witnesses belong will be left
to deal with such witnesses, while wit
not members of any church will
I. KG Is J 117 IF.
The follow ing we copy from the lum i
proceedings of i.
The New County lull .•• up on third
reading. Amendments were adoptid
requiring that no county should he re
duced Mow forty-seven thousand j-opu-
Lit ion. and any new county termed
should have not less than I**rt>
thousand. The lull, if it shall jmss final
ly, w ill admit only one new conn!* that
formed out of l.uaerne.
rtN \i. e,iwtin ■ i tiik in-.• u m ll
The Boom hill was reached on thiril
reading, and after much skiimi-hh ..
vote wa> reached. lis' von wet. i .
in its favor hat 111 l votes vvn- icipnivi
It was then reconsidered, and on nil
passage had ItKi in its favor, securing .!
passage finally. It now gv- totlu t.ii \-
ernor. IVter llerdic is at la-t iU-!i..!id
and poor luuihermen and raft -men ac
cordingly are overjoyed ..t thcirttiir . h
at last.
The bill for the stay of execution :■ i
two years on all judgments p.
Ed ; ul-o the Usury hill.
"Major Purmatt" oitve billy t i ■
of Millheim, in th county • t wn j
luto Florida and bivaiue .. eai ( ct-li. .-. r. j
aud like all that sort of northern vvri
cut a figure tin IV among the m.o c- .tin
scalawags, which - oti eitahli . i. ■■■ t.
step iuto olliie. help plunder the
and run it into helpless bankruptcy am
committed other pr.iuk- which -t do
land him hahind iron bars. Hilly . iti
congress and the -mell i f In- h.. 1 j r.o ;i
ceasoon disgusted decent men . ml h
has fallen into the hands . i an inv sti
gating committee nuteh to th an y
ainx- of William. The co- mitte h..
lominenced w. rk on his carcass,and the
doings of the eouiinittee, on ins! art
reported from Washington as follow-
The investigation iuto the c.:-e ot
Representative Purnian, of I'le-nda, wa
resiiuu'vl this morning by the i nimit
tce of Civil Service. ].. J. I tennis, Stat*
Senator of Florida, was examined, and
testificvi he was present when a Mr.
Wentworth offered INiruian one th.
I and dollars j>er annum for the Collector
ship at Pensacola. Purman w anted three
thousand dollain in sdvancv from V\ cut
worth. Pnrumn didn't -ay lie w. uhl
procure the api ointment for \V. ntw r: 1
fur three thousand dollar-, hut -aid In
would not get it without the three thous
and dollars ami that must be paid in ad
vance. Wentworth did not secure tie
place aud witness thought the matter fell
through because of a lack of eontt ici.. •
bet ween them. Purman would not j. t
the place for Wentworth and trust him
for the three thousand dollar- ami
Wentworth would not pay the money
and trust to Purman to get the ; 'siti a
for hitu, so the matter failed. \V ;U.t --
was asked if it was the understandii.g in
Florida that the people -re to pay
their legislators of t'ongn-s- ft>r getting
jKisitions. He replied, "That dejs:
entirely on who represents us. '
Q —l\) you mean to say that such -
the custom there? A. — Well, some ct
our members have stub a reputation,
daughter.! The impression of witness
was that Purman went in for making
money and would not let a ten dollar hill
stand between him and his friends. Wit
ness did not know of his know ledge that
Government boat hands were --ed
for political purposes iu Piirmuu'a int r
est but he had uuderstooil that such wa>
the case. Adjourned,
A meeting of the directors of 1„ '. A
$. C. JUL has been called, bj the l'n :-
dent, Mr. Mill •r, at Philadelphia, ou 25.
The object of this meeting i- to have
steps taken toward* liavir.g tin road-bed
ballasted and the ties and rail* laid, in
view of the near completion of the tuu
neliug and grading. Mr. Vandyke, >ne
of the contractor* in the mountains, in
formed us on Monday that 7 < feet of
Paddy mountain tunnel wen throe.h.
and that the balance, about 170 (> t.
would be finished in about 10 week.-The
grading on the road a* far as Ix-tu :>t
may be said to be finished, and tl next
thing in order is the work for which
the above meeting of the b trd ha-1 'cn
We expect Mr. Miller to act mplisli
something at that meeting. Our p. ..pit
have been fooled long enough ; their
money is spent, and for five war- the
beat acre* in our valley have been cut
and farms damaged without any return
whatever to our people. The j alien-•
of the stock-holders ha* been -orely
tried, and they demand of Mr. Miller
something that will look like earnest
work, and no mart May. There i- no
excuse for it now. The people aluig the
line have performed their part --f the
contract —they havegraded the road with
their local subscriptions. Not a dollar
ha* been paid by the Pcnn'a It. It. to
ward* the grading, and now our people
demand that that company come up t--
its promise and make it ready for the
cars to run. Our people demand of Mr.
Miller that he make hot and quit k w >rk
of it now. There can be no valid ex
cose for longer delay. Our part of the
contract ha* been faithfully performed
—now let Mr. Miller see to it, insist upon
it, and uot leave Philadelphia with his
directors until he can assure the people
of Pennsvallev that the desiredjxiint has
been reached. The delay thus far was
an outrage and a wrong and there
should be no more of it.
Harris-burg April ti.—The committee
appointed by the House to investigate
members ol the House in regard to im
proper means having been used to secure
the passage of the Boom bill, held a ses
sion this evening when some fifty mem
bers were examined under oath. Noth
ing important was elicited, til) Backus
took the stand arid stated that Herdic,at
the Keystone Hotel, asked him if anv
members were going to vote conscienti
ously against his bill, and if so lie would
convince them in ten minutes that he
(Uerdic) was right.' He also wished to
know any members who could be influ
enced by his money. Mr. Wise was also
sworn. He was approached in a myste
rious way in his Mat in the House and
told that Herdic wished to see him. He
stated that he spurned the offer prompt
ly and stated then that he thought any
member should be shot who would sell
out his constituency. The party who
approached him marked the amount on
abnok which he could get, if he would
vote against the Boom bill. When ask
ed who the member was w ho approach
ed him, he promptly answered, .Mr.
Thornton, of Allegheny.
Mr. Bucks of Cambria county was
next examined and stated he had be< 11
improperly approached in Bolton's Ho
tel about two weeks ago by a person who
stated that the Boom hill was an unjust
bill and that there was money in it it he
would vote against it; that he would i< -
ceive #4OO if he would vote against it
and two hundred if he dodged. When
asked who had approached him he an
swered, Thornton.
MT. Wanner w as also approached and
offered #4OO if he would vote against the
bill and #goo if he would dodge, lie
stated he was approached hv .Mr. tient
ner of Philadelphia.
Mr. Conrad of Berks county, testified
—I was approached bv a member and
told him 1 was in favor of the bill, la
told me there was some money in voting
against the bill; he said #"00 in hand
and two hundred additional if the hill
should be defeated; he stated that the
person who approached liiin was Sena
tor Boyer of Clearfield.
There is much talk and excitement
here over the affair and anv tnetnlu i
who shall be proven guilty will no doubt
be promptly expelled.
lhe Committee sits again to morrow
when further exposures will follow uitd
some rich developments may be looked
77/F HA HOICK Th'lll.
W'i. hii gt< n. \| iil Ccin nil Hen j'
dei on. of M, luni-, r>-timed his tvstl ,<
loony t. .lay be .ore the committee on
the whisky trials. He nod, among other !
I thing'-, that in con\ei isii ion with Sccre- j
1 larv hri-t.-w in January l.iM the secies;'
iin\ ttstint t< ( hiui substantially he
[thought General l*orti i and tietieral
' lhtlnock,v>t "itt> >1 tin m had nee ess to
; the ; i .nut tuy > v d< ii. in the attorney
I v.cuciid- otlii c and thereby ascertained
I what th. Ie w - ..ii -t lienernl Bab
cm k; hut in. the will.* •- Hi cntlv came
Inii tole-tilv befcie the .. iiunttice. he
I has had a eoti\t i at.on with the uttor
! Ill) j. I.i i. I hiii: i it, wl"n he luted to
jiheatt or ui \ 1 1 mt tniukly what hi*
iiad heard tioiu !-e. ictuiy tili tow
The iitinr.<i i gi in 141 saiu he did not
j-urp* mii ii iti Mguedly let 11.11 •. m'k or
r'orter lu'ivi .mi -n to the tde-of his of-
I live hut i i I. t ii; iitu all) < - mmtuitea
iid wl at ivtiietue he I . d against Rah*
,o kt. il . i'n ah ut httmelf, hut he in*
vitiirth.v uitd that the President knew
iinne . i ut ii than t'i iu ex plana-
I lion i : the- fait the attorney geu rail
j -tuted to U uder -on that a member of
the grand jury at M I uiU, named Fox,
c.iiue In ii i.i'livcui -1 last and remain
i c,i till * . die Ist ot 11 1 iiuiry, and he |
i, ■.i I . loii uiunieaud to the
pr. . a ..;i tin iv..-teriul t. <t ■iu the
J. v,. lii nit pe;.ied before the I
I grand ;UIV ii.i ..tUWi.i y .ei.eral had
bs ■ . ■ -r.jr|
1 . " tolhi hliV'ofiSiVWmov. I
! Jit .4y•vt il i ' ii?* flit* tiljt*v t
I 11, t .t . iiid} alttl tw-iiay I
jstnlid li e lililti t.t I*ll , he ii It the
t uiiiiuii■. in dr..w their own eonclu
< oux
ii s 1 11 il i ' i a Hi) till.
\v,-l . . Aprilt. til orge j
A > t - u . ltcd l i hoe the eom
uiiui -n ■ M dt.;u- in the vw.r de
p irtan utaudhtM V mi ' • toai-onlinuei!.
Vothi n. "Wh\ was it that you
Li d ihn ..lint have not given
, !,, rl 1,, Uof till-e .1 t.M-s oil till' lli'tt
; i' t .1 wh h v- It luxe te-Ittiedhe
jii-wi u i, hi .in.M- of .in order dated
Man hh> '•<• - h How-
Hrt. Vital no otlicer, active or letir
etl, i-hall d nelly . r iudirectly, without
Oeing .ailed u|on by proper authority,
I solicit su-gi or rciomuieud action by
in, mtier- >f congri >- for or against iniit
tar\- atTairs,
-Vixjud. Ail fw-titioti.- to eolign -s 111
oltiiir- relative to subjects of n military
iharacter will be forwanled through the
general of the army and secretary of
war r their act...a ml tntiistuittal.
Third An offii-er tihiting the seat of
goii niiiieat during a -ngn ssionat ses
sun will :i n h.s arrival, register his
name .it the adjutant general's olljee as j
ii t\\ ivtiutrt • jiiti litfivlkiri u :
uxxet L llu* KtljutUUt tfriu-ral -f llu
iimv. rvciting the pwrpow of and inne
that'wdl L' eiuhr.icid in hi- visit, and,
the author:tv under which he is alocut i
ir.mi hi- eomimtud or station. The pur
. ~r .1 . t -o recited will U- the
-trict u-uido of the eti'wr iluring his
j tientr. i i u-ter pro i - di-d to say that i
tin- ~rdi rct id the imuth- of all army j
i ortt or - u *hr . id t .abuse-that exist-j
led m the frotitii r. that the officer*
I knew if the recent c>mpiaint* were sent j
; to congressmen through the secretary of !
i war thev w aid be pigcn boled too It
j was generally un-arsto-*.l in the arm*
that a violation of tlii* order would be
apt to cau-e the officer to lose his com
rui-*ion. General * uster -aid he wa*
satisfied that the object of the order was
t > cover up the d"i og ot the secretary of
A late decision ot the supreme court
creatc.l ,nite n flutter in certain quar
ter-. If the decision of the court was
correctly reported in the daily paper*, it
is this : "That a mechanic's lien i void
Iwvau-e the claim on which it rested did
not -ft f rth that the materials were
famished or the work done at the lie*
qe.est of the owner of the proptery."
California is In-coming alarmed at the
influx of t ha.c.-o, and how to prevent
the Oriental* from gathering iu there i*
the great question in before the peo
ple of the ,-Uhn s'.ate. Large meet
ing* have be - n held in San Francisco to
deliberate over the evil of Chinese iu
niigr.iti . The Cclc tials do not come
to stav and 1 ecotnc j-ermanent citixcns.
They work tor 1 w wage- and can live
for a few nuts per day. The great ma
jority of them brought over as
Coolie.-, I \ firms who hire them for a
term of v • at-, a -y -teni near like slavery
as can be, and which ha* become a regu
lar bitsir.c -- All they make in this
country they take lack to China and
spend it there—even their dead bodies
are taken back to their native country
f >r bnrrin! w iien they die.
The committee of investigation resum
ed the examination of witnesses yester
day morning.
Mr. F.-gel, of Lehigh, testified that he
heard that two Perk* eonnty mem Iters
Miller and Andre had been offered
s2l>o to dodge a Vt-te or ?400 to vote
against the bill. According to itits
nivut* uiade to him the pr<-|>osilion was
made before the lull come tip on final
Mr. Dry, of Perks, *wore that he saw-
Senator lloyi r talking to Andre and that
the latter informed him subsequently
that lloycr had offered him money.
Senator Hover testified that at no
time had li< offered any iimney to nnv
member. He had a conversation with
Andre, during win h the boom bill sub
ject came up and lie perhaps repeated
the c-tnmon rumor* which prevailed,
vix: that one party was paying cash and
the other partj was bidding them up.
Andre * - nie'd a liltla covetous and
wanted to know if the parties were rc
sjfon-ihle, to which witness replied tluit
he siip|.osed they were. Andre inquir
ed who the parties were, to which wit- 1
ness replied that lie did not know. He
never oflered money to Andre or told
him that I c had been authorized to do
so. All that witness said was playful
and more for amusement than anything
el.-e. lie denied absolutely the testi
mony of Mr. Andre us to having offered
him specific amount*.
Mr. Conrad's testimony having been
rend, Mr. Itoyer said: 1 never offered
Conrad any money; may have told him
lliat money wa* being oflered for vote*
against the hill; never a.-ked Conrad at
State Capital hotel whether lie was ready
to accept my offer
oti:isn< session.
In the afternoon about twenty-five ad
ditioual wiino-< wi re examined. Four
questions were put to each, being sub
stantially whether they knew of any
corrupt in n: u.-< din connection with
the boom lull. Tlioy nearly all replied
in I he negative.
Mr. tp'irk did not know that anything
bud iv r been offered for or against
votes on the boom lull has had his joke
the same as other members upon the
subject, but had no knowledge personal
ly of any bribery or attempted bribery.
Mr. Douglass, of Philadelphia, Iteforo
being sworn made a statement, lie said
that if then' was any niembi rof the com
mittee or any member of the house who
bad < barges to prefer against himself he
would like them to conic and make them.
Until then and until be was Mibjvnaed
according to i w he relic ed to testify.
The sergeant ut-arin- forthwith sub
ponued Mr. P< gl. who was then
The first question was asked, vi:'.,
whether witi i - knew of any bribery in
connection with the !>•>< tn lull?
Mr Dougin ' rep y \*u •, *'l decline au
- w Ting."
Member < i the i umiitci "For whst
Mr. Doiigln-- "For reasons hot known
to myielf 1 don t think there it any right
| lo Mib| ten* iim without Komi! charges are
preferred against me oi against tome oth
er nertoii." 0
Mi Uuiistei -"Do you decline to an
swer loi' the re:, oil tl l.t you ni'.gl.t OOlll
llilt yourell.
Mr. Douglass "Nntir."
Mr. Gui-.-tei (In w lint ground then do
yon refuse
Mr. Pongliis- "On ground host known
to myn K. D any specific ehiiraea are
made 1 will appear and testily. I nlil
t isii J don't know v.ho or what i am to
testify lor or again t."
Mr. Gunnei - you know tlio ri tu
quelico of youi leftl-al
Mr. Douglass- "I am willing to stund
in inv no-iLioii. 1 want the resolution read
under whicli thecommittee n tp|iuini
-11• * iif;ltt ll| tin' witness in IIMI i' this in
ohiiioa read insisted upon |>y Mi
Iti \htiin mill it n read accordingly.
Mi \\ olle moved that II.• it rn In
tcquired either |. answer or rrAlui, mi.l in
l lip latter rvriit that IHI case lip h'purliiil'
I ' ill# I toll • o
lln wlllit" continuing to irl'utr, IIK
matter was dropped, Willi iho untliriUnd
"'g apparently tlml it would bo referred to
I lio liotian.
A. iilrovi>t> \ sprung tip among th*
< omtiiiitee t hip oi |||,< <|ufiioiik prn
j .ttlll.l, ,1 to I Ht'll mctllhct It N* ** In-1 ho I "111
iutil ho, :i tulltiUil MUIUI I lie buuili bill
M: I,.■ \ |i|| iit oolilolttlpil :Iml iho qileatlol
wax 100 vague i,All improper. and tlml tbo i
qtl, r v should ho w hot her thorn hail boon
• !•> "ooiruol illoitatioii I I,i, \ it*it
M* opollMit h> Mo,.i* Timj ullil Chap
in, lut Itmn IIHi i, Wulftind A major*
iiv oi iho o, rn nt It* t-o tot in oil inclined to al
low the question to remain in lt ongina
i. Trn, 1.1. h they tli,l
Mi lln rnti I, Mhot aa accused In li
moony , i Mi \\ . VM IkM \ t|l£ I. tfM
ry 0, m,tl rt Imuluf v Ili• I licit Wtt>
iltc lutu l|t* hft i jt'krj U|tll tbo lubjnl
i' utv i w Air \\ in- i rumor whit li
\p but! lu-Mfil ibnt (here UN M> in tbt*
1 b 1 u; ,(i Mt \\ | U i bmJ ii(utU4 ibul 4
it \\*< iil (ttki* It I" Ihrtl rnmiUht Iti liU> '
■i Wiliitu liiiil trplitil, t 111 Jokuijg*
\, vitttl it ui*h Whi |bo i'uu lit* bmi r
tt M r Mi i rrtiu li no quite true
tl< ll , Mli io while tli lit converting i
mi, i Mr \\ *, hioi it .rtril the lifturi'i 111 1
iij.oii e I'Mll phlet Ij ing upon the desk In
Irpi : .( him but iho figures hatl no aigulil
oio retoifit mall a,totupxiitinriil ol tli,
Iti '* < ra,|i<*u j ial nairaiotl In rcf
ri ■ t iho lottimot v, f Mr. Ruck wh
lot,l , no.I ll t Wllr. t*s of having offered
iniii , nl . lie oi it o hotels, he *x
.-,1 ttint loi su< h offer liml been mailt
iii.l inn) ol the ataleiiiem* of Mr Mm k
' r.* innrt-prpsentaiiori* Mr. Tht>ruion had
nev• r I* en uutbortxed to otter money to
.•1} I*. *tl v HI t tin ii t oiit'ii with the boom bill
•ml had novel done u. 110 voted in lie
v oi the pux igo ol the bill and trrlutnly
A, ~ d 1.0 l 1:11-lolore Imve endoavolod It*
~-oure vote* for its defeat.
il, l'arh, wti,.o iiatne had boon men
d oil I.Ulrdtty ua having itatd a
" ■ tor In tin r be hud got bit boom
n l ey ,■ 1. explained tbut the entire ro
-111111, ai d oil lla uoooui|taniaiellt* too! I . On
j. , u a , un,! lie I been to undenlmiti by
1 *>f |iu tut if honi theto oieri or
M • Campbell, of tluller, who hud Itiude
the ongliiul utaertion about l'arh forrob
,.rated lltia atatoment He bud aaid oil
rhor.dny in hit teatlmony that the re
tiiur h t'l Mr. l'ark w aimpiy a burlesque
and now reiterated the laot The (onvar
*at 1 ii liatl been Carrieti on without priva
, v and in tho pretence ot a number ot gen
Mr Kara then continued In- teatlmony
dot 'uruig thai heloro the bill had paaat O
lllially ho had been approached in a pleat
int. laughing way, hy Mr Monlgomery,
ol Phiiadetphia, who while anas king o)
the hill had laid, " 1 here ia fAaf in it,' at
the ramu time holding out four dugrta.
fhia might l ave horn pioaaatitry or might
have boon hualliea*-- wilneaa could 11. I
-ay Mr. M-Uitgomt-ry had alao ij to
him "you can got your money."
Mpitktr fIUtIWI ..oal.fird that on Wrd
rii ,lay he met Montgomery in the ladiea
lobby and that gentlemen told him ' we
Pave loat the hill but have none but our
own men t > blame," and utao aaid that ho
,uu d point out a!X men in the huuae who
took "our money and then Voted in tau t
i t'.e hill, and aao • u..1 mat 'We olferetj
| lliice men J-i uO to c||ange their vulva.'
, Iho aptaker had betome 11.d glial I ut
i.itoae aiaerliona and liad thought that the
matter ought to l- inveatigaled
Mr Mew art "I l.iw fence lealified ttuat u
member named Kmght 01 Huika had
lUarked the hgurea ftx.l m pencil on a
piece of paper and aid aoutelhing about
helping defray election oipenaoa, but
altlicia did not lliini, there wu any inlen
lion o! making a bona CJa offer, nor wax
ho linpri--cd with tho (aot that it wax in
tended aa a bribe. He bow over, regarded
the itil'VtDriit aa ruxpiciuui.
Mr.tieiaolnian xwore that at Lan.aater
he had mi' John B lick, who aaked bitu
the had voted for the hill Wilneaa re
pited in tho affirmative, whrrrupon Heck
-aid ho waa glad there were xome honeat
men in the iegt*.alure, and told wilriof
when it wax all over mat he mult come
1 and xec him.
ti vernor ltig.rxull Reelected utul ibt
Legislature Secured.
The election in Connoticut on 8, |iaxxed
i off quietly.
Tbcie was a heavy rain, and raw and
disagreeable weather. Notwithstanding, a
lull Vote was pulled.
; The vote for governor is
Ingerxoil. Dem ... 4v*.Kxi
! Kohixon, Kep Su.tOu
I A water, Greenback 2.U0
Smith, Temp LUX)
This gives lngorxoll a majoritv over all
of 3,1K
The greenback party east two thirds of
its strength in New Ilxven.
i Abut one half of the Temperance vote
went to the Republican ticket.
Both branches of the Legislature are
Democratic, ar.d tho Democratic majority
I on joint ballot is probably increased,
i In the Third Coogrexsiional District Mr.
Wait, Republican, i* elected.
The Colored People uo linger to
•Support, iu a Solid Phalanx, Kadi
Naahville, April, C. —The National)
(Convention motto day, but as the Com.
Imitlre on Resolution* were not ready to
rep •it no important business was transac
(ted. I**nchback, in a speech xaid that ihe
I colored people were beginning lo think for
ihemxelve* and would never again voto
, the Republican ticket in a solid column ax
! heretofore. He said the South could net-;
•■r prosper while party lines were race
• line*. He wanted no more color line pol
| itics, hut the division of parties on other
than race line*.
Senator C. 8. Smith fallowed Pinch
hack, making a powerful speech in favor
of a new departure. He advised that the
blacks r.o longer remain in the Republi
can party hut make terms with their white
Southern friends, and hereafter voto for i
honest and competent men without refer
once to party. (
Hi* speech made a profound impression i
and was received with great applause by
the whites and black*. There is a strong (
element in the Convention in favor of thia ,
departure and < aucusxing is very hot.
And now wo have fifty-five thousand
dollars more whipped through the Senate
and House of Pennsylvania, for the Cen
tennial show. This is for a military dis
play and lias greater merits than the ap
propriations ol fifty five thousand previously
made for other purpose*. This makes one
million one hundred and ten thousand dol
lurs fiom the tax payer* of this State
which ought to satisfy our pride and pock
et. Until the Legislature has ndjoumel,
there i no sure thing an odd llfty thou
and or so will yet be demanded. It ap
pear* anything Philadelphia ask* for thi
gelt, and we hope without any boom logii
being employed.
IMPORTANT Drciatosi.— The Supreme
Court of this State has just affirmed a judg
ment making the late Recorder of I'hila
phitt responsible for the am unit oi amort'
gage on a pieoa o( property omitted in a
certificate o( search issued from his office.
Persons who have occasion to have the
records examined by either the Register
and Recorder or lliu Prolhonotary, would
do wcli to always take a certificate ol
.-•Hl ch with thu offiecr's seal attached
This will make the officer and his bail re
spotikiblc for any omission and consequrnl
!r ss.
Ilou.-iug Meeting nt-San Franciaco.
San Francisco, April C.—The anti-Chi
ncse meeting at Union Hall and the street
in front was attended by at least 10,1X10
persons. Governor Irwin presided in the
hall Resolutions were adopted setting
forth the evils flowing from Chinese im
migration, and urging thai local measures
for relief had been exhausted, and that the
only resources remaining was an appeal to
the treaty making power, and that a dele
gation he sent lo Washington to present
tlie question in full, and urge immediate
action The meeting wus addressed by a
number of prominent gentlemen, counsel
ing moderate and conservative action; en
joining lull protection of the Chinese now
in the country, anil deprecating earnestly
any violent proceedings. The meeting was
quiet and orderly, und evideutlj in hur-.
mony with views tulvunoed by speakers.
At O'IO O I lot* It oil t'l t'llief ll UK Ii I o
\V alto, ol tin itipr • ml, appealed in
the renal#, noouiti|ialilril by teftalora Kit'
muml* nml rimrmnii, nnil m o-oorletl to
a o*l at the right of the preident tro tan*.
The lollowtng oath maa w lininialoi i I, llrtl
to Mi Kerry, then to the >• nature, win
wore oallnl by the hh rotary in wl|ihnoi •
cat oriior in groups ofxix
* Volt tlti solemn!) xvveir that 111 all
tlt I lay£ e appcltaintng to ttio trial ol the till
poacliii < lit ol U W, II- Iklrap, taton'ili"
In\ of war, tin, pending, yoit will <lo ill,
partial JuettO". according to the constitution
alnl the lata
Alter the ■ fill ha.l ho I II tlit ll i li '<>< l ti
the • • nature, the Cll icf Justice retire,!, alid
Mr Kit'iiii|jl:uyoft euhinitti IHo i,lor in
etruotlna iho secretary of the • < Hate to i*. •
tiiy the huii of representative* thai iho'
eeouto i, now organised lor iho irml of 110
tisil t nohiuonl ol \\ W Belknap, l*l i
■, rotary ol wat, ami romly to it., \ e to.
lllMHagrt* of the impeachment ofl tt• pari
taf the htm-ii of reprcaentAtivM Agroni
Wtuit Mor rum
M.-tart II nob. Its 11 • II tl I'arjo lit. I,
oimneol lot llolltl up will nh ran the ITlh
■ met., the lime >< I 1,.r tin i: ui, un eelen
amn of two w rei,. ma I, im; a together lour
weeke ie. whit li to tomplole tin ir propara
liolit an J aUUimoll witf.eeio , ->* l the tlefonee.
Then* ie every poerihlo o\ijoiiee tlml the
I'olitellOml hioilo aa in I'hili ttA plliw l,
•imply a huge a(M'< ulation, iliigunr l unj
drr the inline ot pair ioliaiii. The more ope,
lookt lit 11, the more i > * hi, -n. i e ite illinrA
eiotie at u oimll'lem e tiporullon l\i ,41, .*
hue been " ropi o into oont'lUutuig 'o ,1.
OhoeUy mei il i .lit, hnve travor-o<l ilia*
oour.try from 11 .1 to i i.d to *. ouit fire ml
veltieii n irem ll " t.ewi<Hper and the!
Wulttail ll MVrr lllv Ifkt.vl ItHkt IllWiit coil 1
triholn iia to aw |l the hat n( thing, i ll 1 *- I •
The whole poll, rniHlioi ix xu. I obi
one ir. wlii. It h > iliaoii ah. dd invite hi* 1
Height oia to rend 111111 n ipuuitity ol artl-!
clea lor exhibition and llieli ah n .J invito 1
them to o,one nml huh nl tin- aliow, Hlidl'
pay htm, the while, two i-r thriii liin, * a- -
much t'.ir board ua the thing ia w rlh. Al
r.-ady do w<- b**af from llir patriotic ol.y j
~f llrotkerlv that J • per dny loi
la*h po ■ a,in 1-li o a lit u Ileal li tf of o 111 w Inch 1
• rung'r. w ill ho n m.moduli.l Hi* l.|'
I tic In.i ed that till* vkt Icn-tl* aw indie w 1 • o
' JaSeiy hold in,
I N" u iiria.
i The auprome court of iho United S ni<*|
lately alnaahod a,i|||.' l i .c ..In .|ii;Ul' * fix - J
a I Saw •ol , iigtia*. pax.od by that b ly to I
g,-t llo* Republican lonlrol ol tin 'Utherrij!
• tale* Tho il lat waa the Caa of Clt gCBX I
..f I. luixiahu Who 10, 1 h* en pr. ■ lut 1 Ull
dsr the act of c.oigrr. for landing to
gellu-r and v napirtng" deprive free 1
.American cili*eii of African decenl of. l
..heir jilal t* 1 I priV eg, bv It. 10.1ta .
and inlimiualion i'lte a,. ,Oid iamn !
wax ilia CAxc fr ui Kentucky where por.jl
xor.x were indicted under li e federal ciiaiji
1 lion law fr interfering with the excrcirc
of eolivrrd auffrugp, and the !a* waa de
cided unconatitutional 1 l.x 0.-urt ,ieolar- 1
.| 111 a general Wav what duiio. and pow '
er* belonged t- tho ledrru! govrriiinai I :
and what lo tbu alat X, nhd that audeagotl
aad air*lionxare ihinga that belong to He I
alalc-a and muxl bo I by them oil- '
ly The court wax unanitn ia in it- judg- ,1
nienL Thit*. i-ue afsor un oilier , ( the ly- ■
ranniral ii efx Kopubi can 1 i
• mu.hcd Into un I! hen hy a court of their
own appoint it g
Secretary Hrixlow > llietidx etute that ha <
ind the I'loaident are again on the in l
agreeable term#.
Wa would e-.coin it un , *p, mi la .
i vor if every Iriend of the Ka|*ortcr w.-uld
*eud u* tho name of nl Irnxl one aulocriber.
with the Caili lor three month* U) or.!x,
. ait niontha til.tM, and ona year IJenJ-!
irr, won't you try and do t|. tl * liitie la-'
vor. and will topgy you by improvi g thr
Uk (ILO liallt • t ! :i Hftt
ulicribcr>, *<llj |h Cmh, %%I!1
tend VMU llir lUportcf ot i' V .Hr frv .
\ The follow mg i
account* have been examined and passedi
by me and remain tiled of record in this
i ifi< < for the inspection *f Loirs, logatoea, j
)creditors and all i>lk r * m any way inter
.extcd, and will be pre-cntr.t to the <H
filial. • Court of Centre • ■ inly, on \V 1- the 28th das of April A. ft IB7i,
for confirmation and allowance .
I >be second account of J alio•• 11 Por
ter and E V Campbell, ex* tutor. Oi the
' last wilt and tcxtament uf John R< csman
late of Penfi towiuhip. der* ..-. d
I The account of Patrick 1. ighr*-v ad
miaixtrator of the eatat-- of Patrick Pearl,
, late of the borough of BoHaloalf, d.
S The arrount ! Jnmex liarrix, Guard--
*n of K txa Ann Si !ir*t-k, a tic.- r. ni Jof
1 \\ in Srh: xk laic ( ;ln> b r of B lie
i fonte. dee'd.
4 The account *f K r* cli* I. Ie and
<l. K Love administrator of tli-- estate of
John Love late of Potior twp , d- e'd.
i; 6 The first a> <1 partial account of
>. Dutweiler, xdmuii-'.rxtixr ~f lh .oia-..- of
• ileiiry ID-* late of Ham-. tw p . .I*-, d
' tt '1 ho final account of Jacob Rower jr.
I administrate' ol the estate of Samuel
Brown late of Uain*-a twp, d<o 1
j 7 The account of J r remix tl Maine* :xd
!, minixtralor of '.he uxtat*- of Kiir.abi-th
Ha*nex late uf Mil*tvi. d*c'd
8 The account of Jnc. b D. Valentine
Guardian of Richard. Faun iin*-. til nl.
and Marv. minor children ol Jacob V.
• Thomas. |lellef<>nte
' V The account of John \V. Krumrine
and Maltha J:*ne Kepi- radnor tril.nxol
tho estate-'f Jacob Kepler late Furgu
♦on twp. Centre CO ile, 'tl
111 Tho arc,-uiil of J It. LuntllWl and
S U Leathers admit'itratora f li.e e-tute
of John Lea thei* lte of Howard twp.
Centre county, dee'd
II The account of John Zelglcr and
Henry Zeiglt-r ex-cuU-ri of the last will
and tcxtament of Michael /.eiglcr late of
Haines twp, dee'd.
12 Ihe account *f Edward F. Lloyd
and Richard Alhprton, truxti-* of the
estate of Hardtnali Philip*, do. d.
j Id The account of Edward F Lloyd and
.!. P. Montg -mer.v, tiuxtcci of c-u,tc of
Hardnian Philip*dee d
It The account of Edward F Lloyd
and A. J. Montgomery, truxn-ex of estate
'of Hardman Philips, dee'd.
15 Tho account if Robert Gardner, ex
'ecutor of the last will and testament of
John Gardner late of Furgu- n township.
! dee'd
i 16 Tho account of William Pealer ad-i
! iniaistrator of the estate of Elir. tbrth Wea
ver lute of Gregg twp, dee'd.
17 Tho account ol John L Kurlr. ad
ministrator of tho "xlate of James H ||tn
lin, late of the borough of Bcllcfonte.
18 The account of Adam V. Wagner,
administrator of the estate of Thorns* Run
ner, late of Bennor twp. rtee'd.
19 The first partial account of William)
j Allison, executor of the Inst will an-i l*-s-
I lament of David Lamb, late of Marion
twp. Centre co. dee'd
1 20 Tho account of Josinh li. Brown, i
Guardian of Clara Lucas, minor daughter
of Henry M Lucas, late of Snow Shoe
twp, dee'd.
21 The ninth annua! account of Daniel:
Klioads and John Irs in jr. surviving trus
teo* of tho estate of W. A Thomas, latcof.
the borough of Hellefonte, dee'd.
22 The account ol Adam Vonnda Bnd '
Jacob Hnael, executor- of the estat.* o! '
Philip Vonada, lata of Mil*-- twp,dec'J.
28 The account ,'f J. K R -yer. guardi-j'
an of Charles K. Royer minor child o!
John W. Rover, late of Poflt-r township,]'
21 Tbo firml account of Peter Kipka,
Guardian of the person at.d , -t:*te ol Con
rad Deckert. minor child ol Conrad Deck
art. sr , late f Gregg tw p det d.
26 The account of 8 .1 ifcring admin -
istrator of the ••-late of Philip Muxxur. lalt
of the two. ol firegg in the county ol Cen
tre. dee'd.
2t'> The partial account of S. .1. Hi ring,
B. M. Hrring, J. 1' Hi ring and 8. G.
Shannon, executor* of the la-l will and
tcxtament of George Ilering, lute ,-f (Sregg
twp, dee'd.
27 Tnc account of John Dale, guardian
of Sylvester Sehlegle. i minor child ol
Sum') Schlcgle, lute of Fcrgu*, n township'
28 The account of Cyrus Wasson n,i
minislrntor of ixJI and singular the good
xnd chatties, right* and credit* of Jut "hi
Ktters late of the township of Bcnnct.
29 Tli,- account of J P. Grph'irt, trulc
appointed by the Drphan* Court ol t'rntre
co., t > sell ihe real i -tato of Daniel and
MHIV llaslingx late of said county, dee'd
/ 10CK I Plfi't I.A MA HON.
Whcrraa the lion Charm* A Mayer. PrMlttrnl of
(b* court of I sunttton I'leaa, lit the iiMli Judo il l>l
Irlct, oiiaitinfi "i lit" count I** ul ('fhlrr, Clinton and
Clearfield. and the Honorable W W ls*a and Uc
Honorable II l>opp. \a>ci*l| Judaea In tVnftc
county, bavinx iaaued their bcarltitf slat*' th<
Ith day of A|r. A. I . I*:H. to me directed for boldinjc
• court l Oyer and Terminer and tivoeral .toil tclc
erjr and CJuartcr .Hewelon* of the Pwnf in Kcllefontc. for
the county f Centre. nnd t commence on the 4th
Monday of April. It'ini til# 21.d day of Apr. I7H.
and to (Kmtinu# two weeM
Noti,s | therefore hereby nlven totho Coroner, lua
tlcoa of tbe Peace. Alderman and < unstable* of the
aaid county of Cnntro, Ulll ib| li then and there in
their proper pen*n, at 10 o'clock In the fqfenoon of
•aid uy. wttn (heir records. ln<i ilsltnws. ctfttninn
thins, and theti uvu remembrances. to do then? thing
which to thcirnflh a appertains to tie dona, and tboae
whourehoundtu rauofntiaqcea to timaecute
the priaonn* that am or ahull tt tn the Jail of Centre
county, be thin and there to prosecute against thciu
aa alia It be just.
Citron under my hands *t Bollefonti*. the |a( day of
A|>r v . in the rear of our tajed. l*7rt. and in the huud
drcth rear of IniUamtulitfii v of the (flitted State*
1 T V I Ml* NV*JN •_J sh< 'l! f L
JOHN F POTTER, Attorney-m- Law
Collections promptly nigde and!
special attention given to those having
lundsor proporty for snje. Will draw up
nnd have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages,
&c. Office in the diamond, north side o
the court bouie, Reilefouto. uvti&'O'Jtt
lloiilwoit ('liiwgiiiy Huynnl will) Die
l yu'lV, nml Ihiyuril K> ( it nj( thai
Ho Dor* il htilt ii Lie in lii*
Jin. nl Milking I tiiu-il Hluloa Hil
va i I' ui Jrigitl Ti tiilrr- A Hot
Delutle. • {
\\ aeh ngioii, Man lmkl In tha fienat'*
to .lay, Mr Hheritian lltep, Ohlai) lallt-.l
up til" 101 lto amend the lawa rrlullllg to I
the legal ton,ln ol eilvor coin, and inov e l
in flrlho out nil allot (he Mmoliiig oluuer,
.I an"'i tby iin lting 'Jhe iH or ooiiia
of III." I' I ilr.l Mtatr,, n, pt ||,o Irado do)
) tar, •hull be legal tender at their nominal
{ yuluo for nny amount not fieoeJiitg |ii
~ any ot , payment " Mr. Hhirotan eaid
tho only t'hangu i to mak n tbo uivt r roin
of the, uitry. okoopt tri.le doliiti, logai
j Mr .1. ii, lien., XtjV. I tuiiJ the obji, tof
the h I wa to enable the itlUeiit of the
Kuril!,* Siaioe to t * an-act bueinea* without
itluh..ruetinent He ealil thai eubeiJiary
ooiu etiultl only lie ptirchatid with goto,
while niv. r bu lion ooutd be pun lu eed
with gold, ami ih -II hy luktny Hlo the
mint they could get ll en tin ,1 into the
trade dollar , or, in other w< rd, the limie
dollar i ouid be purehu ed with > i\ti bill,
lion while thei mut have polti to pur
t hare tubtiiliary ooiti, •uotl a* balv on, t|u if j
tera. A, w bieli they louoti fir , lunge
Iho ritii tun., thiii the aubkidiary <.*lll.
hrr .1110 di-itradt.! to the trade dollar Thoj
. old iiaerirurily to-• until gold and nl-
M fjia.v 1-tiSiour-rntlv It i ull'd Ir. ml
.lie lack "I unlf.- nitty in miuage I'bo
11 ~*ago of the oil! uould remedy the 11 at-j
'if, *1 l.rov. 1:1. lie the lraiia Ili.llu, r,..,..
ttf d\ |roVfit!iittf (iitf iratjr* (Juilgi
bi 'Dg 1* l4roat-r
J' -u!ti x di'uuMitiQ (bo iQitritiny b<ur
t mdxl Mr. .Morion <j litntiJrii tin
tl.f J4U -laaippl raaolutioii. '
Ml l.tyald Do:. 1., Dot | thought it rc
liial!.able tlmt ill,, r. aolution aaked I. re
mm dice of !!,, Hi rial'r ooly. Why)
. luiuil this *ulje,t Senator* only ?
\\ liy 1 . 1 include metiibcrx of tho other 1
1! u.o It nny luu wax to ba ituoed on
j il.ia ant )■ ,t .1 w uld require the aid of the
tl.. rIH u-e I'iian why not iuclutl'. them
ll tin* 1 . naioli V\ u* ll heo iU*. 11 wu*
.1 • 01 - ,1 of inemi r> . f n diff< reui'party?
, 1 o lliforilialiori aoughl for abould be oh
, ijmed by a joint c..mmitteo of the two
11 in. ■ 1 here .. imatohe no oconaion
| lor ihta inv O.ligation. No one here ia eon.
nesting A Scualorial xent Why 1 t wail
I until lie CMMS hen-. ki.II then, if a quea*
,tiou arixoa. let it be inveatigaled ' The
troublea which have occurred lu any of
the S. ulhern Matex xpring from the Jo
.i . live* who wint down there by dirt-c
--ti.-n of Ui Dapxitauat of JoatZoe. lle'i
had AOt fIirMIXII that leiiX if mUlioAt ■ft
d IK! > had born <xt ended by thia *amc
D< parlment of J nxlics lu carry out itx nt
-1 fa:hmx doxign of Uianufacturtiig ox dcncc
of thia k nd.
M r It :!vve.i He p., Mia, ) called the
,!t< .lion . ! tin* .•*■ :.etor to btx remark of
ti 1 a of million* 11! dollar*, arid thougtit He!
would find ike taet* would not bear ui '
the ateertioc. and what 111.11 ry waa af>cti!
Thou waa made neoexxary by the act* of
ilie party In whivli the Senator belonged.,
t y thei deed* of violence, their itilimfda-•
1" .... ored pc-plc, and other xuch a**'- j
Mr Bayard *ij the Senator had taken 1
id* .1 I ge of hia o.lurtexy in yielilmg for n
q:i,'xtion lo intcrjeot a pojitical tirade ol *
h-.t'er kind, aid if he had derived an) i
e inf .it tiom it. he wax welcoma tu it. I
11 continued I*l# oppoattion to the rsxolu-!
lion Ixt which Ie xxld there VI xa til* AC*!
c aaity lie >ai<l under liio Dapartmrntuf
.lualn. line* had hern wiongiuilv wrung; ll • people dowi, there, and li* ox
p .'led tin y would he brought to Congrexa
r ".l He urged that we nhxtain
!r*ui the | iley of interference, which l>a
LiCcn xo d.imaging, and let ut have iicare
in all the S at, •
Mr. Kou'.weil xaid when ho offended,
any one he generally wanted toripiain or]
apologise He thought the Senator from]
Delaware, in quite an uncivil and angry
manner, had charged him with injecting a
iso '.leal tirarde ititohia spetrb. That wax
the manner ol men who had been brought'
ip under the code of xiavcry. He i Mr.'
11.*ut wcl.. was nut bete ax a xeholar or
u**'. her. and he did not prop***e to he!
laucht in niantiert by ilia Senator from
D.lawaic ll waa the natural outgrow th
il the xyxtcttt of alavcry, and mm who
wore rawed under xuch influence* oould
be < xpi-cW-d to tnainlain a proper con
. .iderati M for iht right* of uthrrx. He
| further denounced the alavrrr refime, and]
xaid that after remaining tn tlie Union lur j
nearly a century with their unjuxt de
inands then they w.ihdrew Irom the I n
ion ti* further eatahliah their infatnuux
, principle*, and the Senator (r.m Delaware
f son among tho first lo came to tbo.r da*
, fence in tha Sonata. lie did n-t propose
to take '* .• in from xuch a man ax thxt
I Mr Bayard replied that H did Aol lie in
, the heart of any man tony that be bad
d • , anything that wax not taithful and
, : v,i 1 t. the t"i,ion. 110 belonged tow
, family , evny dr<.p of the blood |g whoae
veins same from loyal peipla. and anyone
win* charged differently, xtalea in hi*
*. roai al r rii- Senator from Ma-*aobu*
eil ha.l ( ax he thought, in a very angry
, manner, interjecieil a political ltrade into
J hi* a|o I t'll il'. aaid It, and he did not Care
to m>*di!'v lux lai.guage in thy I* uL
Mr Morton Uep , Itid.) *aid the Sena
-1 r front Dolawnr had made a perxtnal
i. * b to*ciy He i.Mr. Morton) did tot
usually reply to <uch, but he wax not sure
hut that he could aland a hand in that kind
lofa ior '"*t The si,,p,,r. from Delaware
. ,'l>< !. Why not mako this a iointcomnnt-
Ice ' and thought it wa* unreasonable to
i leave <>u the llouxe. Does the Senator
frgel that there are about thirty commit
lee a in the other H-'Uxe inve*tigating mat
tort ail by Iheutaeivex? D-tcnc.bly they
I are doing thix to ascertain what further leg.
; ixlation ia neooaanry,but really to make pol
. ilical capital The Senator had charge,! that
ten* of mlliiona of dollars had bcon cx-
I peioled by the Department of Justice in
the lurthcranco ot its ends in tho South
ll** then read from the Appropriation bill*.
I showing that the first year of the organisa
tion of this department the sum of $ '-.(W.-
OHO W*H appropriated for it* expenses, and
I i.■ i greater sum than thai bad been expend
ed in any one year during the few vcarsof
it* existence. That, he *aid, totally dir
lixoved the xtntement of the Senator from
h law ire. The Senator had said that lie
looked forward t > th# time when the fine*
which had been imposed upon these Ku-
Klux lor their iniquitous acts would be
paid batk lo them hv Congress. That is
tha doctrine, then : Th"*efine* will be re
fund. ,1 when the D> mocralx get control ol
the tiovernnient. Thai wax to be an is
.mo, then, next November, and those
1 •I'.iundrelx who r.immittcd their Ku-Klux
lot. will he paid back the fines that were
) justly impoied upon them for their
Mr \Vilhers (Dem.. Va.) opposed the
lexotutionx and showed that the |*cople ot
the Southqrn Slates had accepted the situ
ation and were ili-poxed to abide by the is*
-ues of the war. He closed by declaring
that the depression in business throughout ]
the country would never be cured by the
a--ertion continually that one-half ol the
couniry wax trying to destroy the other)
; half, and was constantly trying to impcJc'
'its progress.
Mr. Mnxoy (Dora., Tcnn.) made n von- 1
cilia'ory speech, claiming that the old ix-|
j SUM wore pa*: and that tiic sentiments ol!
.lo- Senator from Maxsachuaetts(Mr. Bout-j
well) were not general ill any section o!
the country. j
If you vtnnt lo Save Mouey, buy your
goods of F. (J. FKANCISUUS,
ALL GOODS itre jjuarantecii to lu
right or the money refunded. All or-j
*ier filled ) romptly, ncconipanied bv
the money.
BAR IRON 21 rt*. mt lb.
§:* (V i pi t Keg
WINDOW GLASS, Bxlo to 10x14,
f. .70 per Box
PI ITY ut 4 clr, >cr lb.
Bxlo SASH, 12 Ligbu, 38 ct. per
W indovv.
BLINDS and SHUTTLBS $1 M) to $1.77
per W indovv
I'UKK WIDTH LKAD $lO lh) pr lixi lb*.
TRACK CHAINS, Straight or Twisted 7
ft s*l 00.
I! A It HOW TKKTII. *H per lb
" l.g HANDLE SHOVELS, 88 els.
" IIDKS, 88 ot*.
1! \ N RAKES. ECU. FH4.\('U('l!i.
N A ILS, n? goml ax the beet ut 82 85
per Keg.
Cooking Stoves-—Complete,
7 Inches. 8 Inches. 0 Inches, j
$1 il 00. $lB 0) to S2O 00. $26 CO
WINDOW SHADING, 25 cts. per
ymd, all Colors.
25.0(10 pieces WALL PAPERS A
fropi $1 lH) tosl'6() per piece.
Pit-Come and See our PTOCK
Lcwixtowit, mur 9) y.
Wo t- Il.UllfcVfl ill ('.O Ishrt'i HfMMi • the
im'rT* y<iuirrwl,<>ii V,iit < >*fc Hal), In
<k /
riothlndW/ro In Amrru*. A visitor mid
ailemtaTiNwo the pcakem
I o.fc.r •' W lial r.jfl.rf Is llio Hulkllng , ,1 T
AUrn-litft " buulli 14. s < riu i of I ; i. 1
Market I'lraso pole Mm HATII, I f i "
irui,-< rs seeking Oak Hall, have been iu . 1
by.!>•,* 1,1 li* person
V. *• fi 1* prrlm Uy Colossal! I> yotl kt
It* dimension* f
A " 12'**> winarr fret-fM rm Market, aci
Jm> odd on Aittl*. Uk oi'.rie* high, ha* our
three acres aA flo..m##f, and < vr! * spar-* ' no*
txcuphd I.) m,iu<r.aa twenty tl Kill law
H< w i lairs 'mr
V. Do rotniM *tr*m pnwet T"
A " A giant y..un* engine luntidie* |. to r
for the freight and j*.-o >,*< r elrvah f •ao.l ma
botlon for )>• uliUft, aud Ibo eta r , j ru
Uou* of lita h >tiw '
V. " Wliai order <lu you lakr with (foodsT'
A. "Ttxy are flrsl i.jajr. <l am) arrst)s f -, lin
■lie Itasruirnl im loii(f iytr naek-n erul fak, n
Ike oca on U u> Uia ln*pec
u,r r.iiu on ti. <r "
V. " l in*j*< i um oitrraliofif
A. " No, mr, tnuuuruw tMfMldiM fr*t
iniarurrd In li.i | ■ l!.. i.,(-Uia. 'llia
11.-tii jaaMiei-r i.-.lift in Um faiof a*tr>r>e
llalit, and two men an, one lei„ and one
ta-hiud tbr giaida, a ati bin* Willi the eye of a
Lawk lor ike le&.-l (.ir hole iiuiartt .dton, ami
marklua every Haw. au dial Ike ■ Utk-r ma) aea
•ml aruid u w fieri kc t outae lo cullkc gar
filMlU "
V. " Vou mtiit fwjiloy an airffy of wier *"
A. "(IIM 111 our flHli Co/ a. 4MB W*
kee|ikalid> all Uir I A iwn,ii| upttie i l ' t
lot , i-artiieMa. -i. ski Ws/Biai-ftinealkiU lie
• dun n men * work em (wi ain i.
V. "Iku )uu uianulaetuw mil > ir own
food* ' '
A. We d•, and mod earrftil"jr. fHir
•mutir* iittjs tiery alitcli and atwui, and
r*mf) n every faruiinl aa eim v. I made
before we lul iur Ueacl on it, and U u
reaponalkie for II "
t. " Your eyelets muet rave you a rriet
deal"."' /
A. "In every direelk i! air It i :* r)-o iu
ai.d er< noirij uej.raiak all ya wjf Ikj. Ufii,
tkal I uakles u> U- put our to Ike
people u " W
V. Alkr int|<ellrig liie work, bal bet. t: a
of It.
A. " Brf' re It tnea Into Sunk tl ii fktfafedL
Every enirtf parmeut I s It. tuwlei ■ d
OUACP l**t|JiU li lfij iiti 31 r i u.u iuemify- hit
lory rau U liweed wilUoul fa.l, up,.:,
bo. k
V. " Vou must have Mi or e eatewner. "*
A, "Why sir, nil llu) Ue) ) u lu Were ltd
In the vartou* r.f .me and euiu-e ~1/ rocu.;
eeiUtie lo the tkt of runotTirn J
V. ' Do jruu do an order l ~f. by mail
anil exprras " Wf
A. " Vt-ry grvat. All over llee < ui.trj , tsur
JR&~Sd for Ciitcier*
Burners ami Shippers •! th * ebrated
i wiiwua wm. z
Dealers in hue very t gra<le of
The only tlealers in Centre Cuulr ho seli the
W li Li K E S B A! It It E Ci O Ai L
fruta the !J mine* Also
of Anthracite C"l <irv!.v lit u-< -I <•* j;re>> y for h<>m u>c. *11!e t-vet price*
i They pay (be lli|litl price* in ca*h ot jjrain that the liio-terr. market* will alfard
Bought or will he *ol lon commia-ion when de-ircd, and full price* guaranteed. In*
formation ci>n. crning the grain trade will be furnished at all time*, to farmer
with pleasure, free of charge.
which it alw-aj - --•Id at low prices, and warranted to be a* good a lerlilucr at an
other platter.
077181 AUB IXRO
bi:m:fo\te. pa.
r retain* all the virtue! f the I ink t K turning "DOMESTIC," including the Automatic
Tenaiou, which was an.! U he bc>t in
WPleau notice our PATENT HAW ' NED CONICAL HEARINGS on both tU Machine
and Stand.
Out new and Ih! .... . .! ..• .!„ ~..i i c >f. . .... .. .t, at our own new work*,
in huay, c " y > )* w i rV New lc-r>ey, have yivcn us .1 .feunLrd of MECHANICAL EXCEL
LENCE, Minimum of Fricti n. Maximum f Durability, and r.inee of work never heretofore
reached in the Sewing Mael mr - „j
We invite the attention cf all, e pctiaily tho-.'o having high mechanical aktH ♦*
(fescrvation. N. B.— Alt Math;: * tui > .
New York tuid Cliieiufo.
perfect fyntrm AfSd rule* of aelf mrwenrewenl
make Itis !<• tdeaee j"pb mllea
• way a* if Uwy were here In
p rmn
V. "! Mipj" w you have at leaat half • doacr.
different ill partmenUf
A. ' My sir I wr kTo tTsore than hernfy,
( full (dMned wltblttown kueiruim.and earn
ikMugkly nnr*ni4. a iiemmry wheel with
tu lk rreat wheal."
V. " V> ill you name a dnrett or oo of them f
A "With plcavure. The Cuetum latwrt
mmt, frr th<e wdio prvfwr custom made Hi
rvady Tm Funtlahlna l,i[*Mrorr,(.
with lu fMnWfuos Kok of all underwear.
Ike Uhlrt W it, with lu hu*y machine*,
maklne i ur own nrst r law rblrti. The Trim
ming fcpartmeiil. Ike If as big as many a ovu
lar autre. Ike ftarnnol huwk Hoom. The
Eeoclting Itoum. He Order Department,
named be r < re. Ihe t-jv'*l I n I forms Isnan
mrnl Tlie Itvhvny le-iammenl, with iU
ec'We of Bieeeotigtiw. The— '
V. " links] bold) sir. em ugbr
A. " I'm r t haiflhrnujfttr The Advertising
Dri-aftrneni, with i l ilLen.l sign dUtrihuUm,
idltiksatel tiihllskinuAbiisineMaud popular
lounmL e.ri uiwfcig I,ou0ioptot nthly
tU*li all yr ur frsM|ra.aend for Mi The Men •
iHyssmrt. HI.WI tints many roi.ina. The Boy*'
ft. jwrutisml. The VouiW 4>t partmenL Ike
(lilidreti a D< lniUottiL with lor epreial
i r.traui r ft I tdloa. The 1 elrgraph Iwjart
I-.. in. The Chief <"erk a lirparaaenL with
its bl kee{r* and aealeUiits. Oenerai Man
.• • • i ■ ! . rial, .era Offii r. at; 1
rther oftr, * of the flrif/all bury m
thinking, |.!enning, esaAiting. buying, rnak
lnif. ri'jtieu t : g, rr, ah me w-ndirig out selling,
a .4 In a l iolnlng their foresee
lo carry on aI u. .iseefv:th Use iwotde am, unl-
In* h. Uiv.ieu |,imi,uuo and li/u'.M an-
V. 'f l ye r-do mf"
A ♦'la.tieed it bl i flnpot to name Uie
Caaklefa l<ej*rttnim, buh handltw tu ti'-,'Ml
of nrtail tales on si single dayar*
V, "tr '*lol imrcernel Ttoti's what t-fiatdea
tii- I f . iny rtsewpatsd*vUrrhea|.
A. he ■Cy 1 Inst Lave ljft bit ll The
t jde Ihrong ten-. ..jf dial we ilepend
sit i * f-rii tand
V " What are Ike "Cora at uh' I hear an
much about?"
A. "ur t>etcm oftunnew dealing- 1 One
|ci t . dmahow; 2. hash for everyu-lng, B.
A guarantm |ir- u , tiig the (ailvkasrr: 4 The
no-nry returned if the buyer can t oikerwlaa
be Suited."
V. "■ hothlng could be fairer "
A k thill* Ahd the |op)eaM lh"
V " Well, J thank you, sir, fur your poUte
s .■ i ' .
a "hot at alt It's a pleasure towrre you.
< : a Ila sure of the plwfe— Wana
maks-f A lir !. fiak lis ..muß East ear
ner Mvih and Market "
V. "that i y ul 1 shall be happy todoen.
Ookd lUoCUilig.''
m J. &j. Harris.
A new and omul etc Hardware Hum*
i " "? ,hl ' undorlfiMMi in
Hmckarhoirs new building— wberc thcv
: aw pr*>rMt •> etl nil kind* *r Building
rxl H i.p Furnishing Hardware, Iron,
I &#*£. wheel* in Champion
Mill Sw, Circular and
MariiJ Saw* fonnon Saw#, Webb Saw#,
ice Or ,t.t I ? uteiw, Bath Tub*. Gtatbes
Ka'k#, •, fj| c.-.rirern of OU and
M irror I'latc ail Hum, l*i< 'urt Frame*,
Wheelbarrows, I. ' OM Lamps,
i IMtir.g. SnoSiPt, Frll . and flubs,
Plow*, (Ai>iit#Uff trim Plow*. I'iow
I'oiiiU Uv. d"M }i„ar<i* sd t'lillivi
.tor Tcetli, ! Cutler/, w ,rrli, Spade#
and Feral, L • 1, l|irj-<, Screw*. rla*h
•Spring#, llof-. Btnifa. Nail*. Norway
lo,d*. Oil*. Lard, Luhroaiing Coal,
.irlMW'l i'anurra. AflUll. Vif en, iJdlnWi.
Here i i )• i- " 1 -"I • .. Factory
liclU, T . Bel). OrltidctoKM, Carpcntd
Too' K-m .frri id C r.a, I'ulnt. Oil*
V,,Msili(! ... iiv wl and f,r rale at
I At I I! \lt HIS
•'FLAT IlloX" V.\Ui A.ADE.
Xnterc tan® eabU Kaeuk &sd Shi*U Ckttklr cd.
'i ne handle Is rut ,rrty
IX t. In a I <i. t> •r. <ut
*1 i d InawMiy. and ! n*
yi""". rV .d t.-th a sh.e.4
Jt... tirolerti d fi I Iko
hhai *" < i.-' !| * ra-J *Lbe Holder I#
•dm *!(•*-? d'-ntirwl v n using,
W Lw lkJ , l< being
hrrt'cd.tlse Itsttilletomit
dctrched. We •• ipv. nd to eof edou-s. mi re
vlpt of lhafl or I* O. Ort r f,-r tti amount, cither
of iw fuMewlt'g r f:
ct Ko. 1 1 Dors of i. Dead V IK*., 1 Usmilr. MO9
- V • 3 .*.r I81'.. ' til
" e-J " 2, Qnn idlba. *> a
JCUk , 1 ptaf f; -, T>l. per act cstia.
lay party ord'-rtng fire acta tUI re*
eselte one act Hire as a premium.
Tbtmswguly feliaUe • rmbi nran'ed.
Address HOOOKhf IBOX fO„
f 5 First fit, CrwUys, Z. B, I. T.
tan. tea ('sea, t. i,a at dseffiss sf Wis f ■')■*.
LETI *f 1 ltK.% V.
t bit establishment ui C'Stic Hall, ken?
•n Uan<*, and lor *ie. it the uut reasons.*
•Ir rate*. m
& Spring Wagons,
4*i-Ai jc ahu Fajcct
tJ vehicle* of e*vr> nwrtpUf" tnadt> Us
•rder, and warranted U> be wade <>f tbi'
ei •• aaot •-♦! material, and by the tt i|
-kilted and competent workup > Bodi. >
for bapf k * at a Ac . f the
meat .pr>red pattern- P;*dett> i:der.uii
tiMflnj <•! at< i nil- ts *d# t order- Ail
ii. i. at repairing d ne a: i at
In iowast (ttafibid rl--
Person, valuing mi.ylhtug itf in* line are
••queued lcall and examine <rk,
hey w .11 find it n i t • be >•* colled ior lur
i.iiitl and wear tany S i
lA> M NAli('\ A Harney at La* ,
•I K f.Uf, ft" t '%■ at- > rd to *1 • .
•a -tfa -Mru't. I to bint. iui'i'&Ht
Chas. H. Held.
CltM'L, Wairfansht-rAirweln
M • llbr; in. ( -t-til re C >., I'l
1*1! kind* ol CWk-, \\ rtrbe* at d Jewelry
■ f tl !*:< style- .•■* r.:#<• tbe Mr*ntii;
Put* I Calender ("•<•"!-. ftf"'* io <i wtb a* •
c omplete index of the ot-.nth Hud da* o.
I he m'H.ib st>d wot k >n it*, vfeicfe it
warranted n a iwrf-rt tin e ltee|-er
JPdr-Cik* U'atrbe* and Jewelry r*~
MUI No s Sol g y
BellelocU. FA
J _ ISAAC MILLS it, prUfw.
The l'uH.w.' g ow Bttbnp ttreet,
1 * one d the t>ioas*ni*t located bote's in
!tbi to- a It has 'it b.--t a; able* in the
l|l*. b-t*nit ogcell nt 'ire: attac-bsd and
(••very att r.lion ail be pari g-i,-sir No
trains will he spared rrt tike ft a |>!ea>*et
! -art arreeahtc t- pjnng plat*" for tne pub
j t Hoarding by th day <t week, and
jcharged *nl ulna'- i. f ur.d very *
I l=ll-e IT
Dentist, Mitfheim.
Offer* bi* trol--> oaal *rv:ee* U> lb*
j public. He f- prepare } to pert, im at)
operation* In thi-dental prtpp. on.
IMk-Hr i* nw fill:* prepared to egtiwct
'eetb Wabb •■tth-uf fat in mvb 73-tf
7lrr Ikettibe is innr.ted in tkt
ratc't I itf*. vken th' attft *rif( fiot, aitkoHl
j tin aid of (b httmi*.
Tne .mention at Ibkirywea ir called to
' tbe above cat, arblr ri-wHiiU ■ 1L
than Italf tbo tune an-: labor of nitA>ng
eu i livid. F-- tub to aret. wbirb
will be *ent poMpn' t to all part* of the
rtunt'y un reeeips o! Two ikular* |nr ret.
An Agent :► te! nnm • i.ty, low *
*h-uii a ii' - ral d'wnut t will be alUiwetL
Address Ibe toaeu.acturer.
701 Ckcitaat Street. Fbilsdelpki*
%All hind, < f ret (Society unrk.
Jewel*. Ktnblom*, Badges and Silverware*
genet ally •
Oiploui • awarded r.i thr 11. •
g-nttery, Chester and Buekw €• • ty Fair*,
nr fsun- nltlt w uhj !**• I"*rsner
for September and October. Sh td for cir
cular* 7octsm,
Tube* can hi *een at tlie
—tber are a*uece.
■■sir ati<K-itKatk<r, >. b. itpvtrr
Prpftstent, Cashier.
(Late Millikea, tlver Jc te.)
And Allow iuteresl,
Discount Notes,
Buy acd Sell.
Covernment Secu iliee,Go^ , £•
aplotsht f Coupon*
1). Al. KiTThjenoi#*:,
'j KOOVS, St HH lK* d CO. -
Fish, Cheese and Provisions,
144 North IMnvnrr Avenue,
U* North Water Street,
K. T.KoOXi, M N<<QMI.;, ..
10. T. AtKX tNIII . c M BOWKS*
"*jr • !.*. Ia. Speck!
: auenlitm given to HM .i <)r
--! pliant' Court (irirlict, May he onittittd
in Gorman and English. Office in tiar
taait'a Builbing. C.r '.li
J.HARRIS J.I) 881-U! 8T .1 A.BKAVK
Banking (>, s ..
And-Allow ln,t:rest.
Uiscount Note
Government v '(ouritie, Gold nr'idj ..
PETER llonrta. Wu. B 1G
Hit; AIM INI \H|.K
Ih© iM'st snl Cbot|H , 4 now in Iw. Mnu*.
ttfacl urod by
DANIEL DRIER. Bvllf.>nt, Pcnna.
'all cmd tee them before purchasing
I '" hipr.x r _
To engage id the sale of a Busii <■* Book.
The IVrwiuiil And Properly
11 1 G H T S
Of a Citiaen 01 the United Stat fee ;
So M to Xitrciie and How to Froerve thsm.
I Every Voter in the Union ; to every Tux i
Payer nod Magistrate ; to every m in who 4
buys, tells ot oxctianaßE pro peri v ; to ev
ery Justice "f the pence, Soeritf, t'ommis
tinner, or Selectnian i <■■ every Jandlorj
and evory Tmaut j t • every Notary, cl,,rk
<>r U s'lk Keeuer; to every Executor. [itir-Jb
at-LtW, Legatee to every man tvLn re
ceives or pays interest ; to every wie who
haj property to take care of, * .. it.. m
transact, civil duties to (mvicfiti, - r Rights
to maintain.
jSead for circulars, giv'tv lerwr. eic. v
S. a SCR AN TUN d CO. *
Jdiuar t>. ii**UMrd, Conn