£h €ltr Reporter. MAIfM •.-•• SUITOR Ckktrb Hali., Pa., Mar. iO. IN7>. 7 KRMs.—s*p*r jrf.tr, adra**', 2,30 to'ifn o* paid in ndrnnf*. A irerUttmrnt* %k4rti*t for (firm-*- Mfrticms, nd for 0 *- c v fourteen tons of silver .sin in antici pation of the pernd fiffoutturtifitig ••'< circulation of sftver. This will amount to a half million. Tho investigation iuto the po*t-ol#e> department, shows great founds under the management of the former P. M, General, Oreasw ell. The Foreign Relations C.miinilti # ported hack the nomination of H. 11 l>ana, Jr., to l* M nlder to KngUne with a revmrnendation that it l>e not confirmed. It waa placed on tho calen dar with an arleerae report for fntnr. consideration. The New York republican* in tiicir state conveutioa inotrwete.l in firvmr •' Senator Conkliag for pkanient. Tin' instructions were not earriod ly a unan imous vote. This is another nail in th thin! term coffin. We publish in this issue the proceed ings of the democratic state convert too which assembled at UuMMte'i or Wethtwdny The deliberation!* throughout were characterised by har mony anil good feeling, ami will tint 1 endorsement with every good democrat. There w.ui no nominatiou for state oiti cent as none arc to be elected next fad', unless a vacancy ahontd occur through death or otherwise, but the duties of the convention werenolely with reference to tlie presidential election —appoint> ug > electoral ticket, electing delegates to the national convention and choosing s state central committee. These dutie.- were all well performed, and a sound platform adopted which will also be found in this issue of the Reporter. Hieder Clymer is jnst now petting a full measure of abuse front the erpul. - can organs. But what for* What an they scolding at him for ? Mover hr.d a man a cleaner record. Ihil Mr. Cly nter steal ? No. Pi I be engage in i --rapt practices ?No Pid he bribe shy one ? Xo. Did he perjure himself? No. Neither of these crimes is he accused of. yet the mouthpieces of Grantisui and apologists of corruption are scolding Mr. Clymer like a harem of fish women, and why? Simply because the failhfu; member front Berks is investigating the frauds agaiust the government, and has found Grant's secretary of war, Mr. Belknap, guilty of disgraceful practices, which a republican congress herelofon refused to look into and expose. If the republican organs were honest they would standby Mr. Clymer, now U .it he is finding out the plunderers. The democracy broke up corruption in its own ranks by having Tweed prosecut ed for his stealings, and only recently kicked Josephs out oftheir state con vention because he was not a fit subject in a body that was determined on re form and driving corruptionists IVom place and power. All the abuse thai the fish women at the head of republican organs can heaj tlpon Mr. Clymer, will not deter him from doing his duty even though it pull down the great hippopotamusin thewhite house, who has been receiving his divies from the plundering* practiced by the office-holders under him. The mg-baby in the I-an caster plat form i* a mighty wee one, nnd It re quires considerable inflation before it can be found there at that. Sensible democrats were in council and they were true to the ancient faith of the party. .Vr. James Black, chairman of the Prohibition Stale committee, has just Is sued a call lor the election of two dfcL gates from each Congressional district to the Prohibition National Convention to meet in Cleveland, Ohio, on the 17th of Jfav, to nominate candi.latefl for. Presi dent and Vice President. It is the set tled policy of the Prohibitionists in Pennsylvania to run local tickets for the Legislature in every district in the .State next fall. Their calculation is that on a direct vote for legislators they can poll doable the vote they gave t their htate ticket last fall. In the Chicago whisky trials on Fri day two ex-revenue officials testified to having received, respectively, fl ,700 and $2,500 as compensation for services ren dered members of the ring. In the senate on 24, the bill providing that Wilson JfcCandless, Judge of thu District Ourt of the Western District 'f Pennsylvania may be retired on account of ill health, although be has not readi ed the sge of seventy yearn was taken np and amended so as to provide that he should resign at the end of six months after his retirement, and then passed. ' Tire resolutione |iaereil by the demo cratic state convention at Lancaater will meet the approval of every honest man There is no repetition of last year's blon der at Erie —our best and most trusty leaders were at Latnader and gave the doings of the convention a healthy Cast. Wallace, Buckalew, Dill, and ot Iter hon est and patriotic democrats, had an eye only to the good of the dem'H-ratic or ganization and the country, and thecor ruptionists were given as wide a berth as possible. One of the beat things Unit the Lan caster convention did was to kick . c aui Josephs out. Sam's few friends up here mav think it rough treatment for their old* cornrad, but that is the right way to purify the democratic party. If the democracy succeeds in putting out a few more of the same stripe the party will be the better for it. The democracy of the counties should follow tl • example of the democracy in the recent state convention, and put down theit corrupt local politicians and squelch out the rings. With a purified organization wc can go befoie the peo ple in the next presidential campaign and get their support. Honesty, honest government, and honest most be our watchwords, if we would win. The republican stale convention met at Harrisburg on Wednesday, 29. The Cameron influence predominates among the delegates. Will give further partic ulars in our next The convention will pronounce for Hartraoft for president, with Blaine for second choice. How are you Sam Josephs ? Who is JUT chojce for speaker now ? GVJD STARTLING FHMJtL M laqo STOLEN FROM "nil PKN-T HON on in A HldemU K. v, -it. Washington, Mareli Tie 1 1 1 , lummidec on invalid tension* I'■ >■ |' ! to light to-day a swindling opctuti. • > in , the pension offiee, w hieh foi umgt.itud, ox.ve.ls anything that tho inve-.it, .lin>: committeesof 'he pr> -cut omgi. -shave yet devel inniitt. e, - I Mr. MteWWi i H Vt > i w4 iv ria'rirwßiHnwmiißj Tne*< i ft. fs.tx and it ia haheved that the pre • lit i tp. • ( ure is only the first revelation fa ►}*• tomsUv course >f robbery which hiw e\ rated iu 0i puufittu wthce for ii'um Henry \on Aonw.au "f N*a i orh was t'lMiiniiisiiinrr of iiiNuiim- ff'tti I.m 9 un it sometime in 1>I. Sturm* ho • mi lustration of the ulttev IW .S ln if ilbtn, w**.hint'<*Mk. mi l Mi ton's testimonv n-day sntuuni..i. •! Ihv •Ireornvtantial evidenee thai hat Uci In WW*ee*efoit of the cnmtaitieo for * t.v •mie. When Von Acrwam wa* volutin .onei #,300 dormant bounty Unit w.p rants for IWw.res of land aaeh liMi mutilated In Hie office, Wing the v. ~i •, i-Rhtapfpyrapn* whoAvvre dead r 'ad j forfeited them otherwise, fht' *v;u!a ■ p.ons of the iiflk v prevent anj one eto j plgyod therein giving any inf. : | nullum as to the nuiat cr of i" i i. . whose names thess dorpuut wanaul ,-xiat. At tins time Uhu wvi. tun lawyers, nam.d Cheney, M..-s,T - n ;er,ofvLyo ,,s N. Y..ud llill, I'.in .ui.. N, Y., engaged iu lh' pr> .i i •. • Janus sgitiii*'. liie gowi tim. lit in it ■■ mgton. Van Amauttn waiann iniiuiau irn iiil of thi Wgtd trio, aiid ihe ii.s u .-wentary evulemv in the possession o! ihsaanniltsttlKl.ee for the name of thy a.hniui*trlo .r guardian on the wairant* Trtis I iat.k and the trio made '.hem out, putting in ilhcr OBonev. Vau Meter' * * horn the Warrant wf then put upon the market in V*-Uut, No* \otk and other places. The r iuar Ct value at tfutt tiuH- Wa* i -'*■ ,*ioee, making lite oMlrv bauh w,.iU> about BitAUMk l'lm wuioiko as to *• tat portion of this -uu \ ou Aewiafo rucviwod i.vnot conclusive. but it cuuk. not have bean lew.- (ban >n tenlitlnd that he mwsiigetvd w n imndrrel of tln-ae suminl* after tl*\ were iMmtVeJ fonn*l them alt fr..w,lu 'nit, pwviiig, i-oftcluaiTolf, that iu i> uarancg did the proceeds of the 5..! o wirranWteo to the per*uwt© whom U* > rightfbllf belonged. We entire pTki purions warrants were !;orl Jiiw'fgo W" :l i ru-rvmvtsuirgyj tUu cetuily couv-*it; i* —were Dr. lfobbins and l>r. l>r, Pobbni-' Attended the jr. .veutlvi OWaDr. lllllbsail did •*!, lwi.lii*V bv itl not wish to l>e elc-ted fort he nts-i ai>*l persons who were present af the rr* • ,-eoibUug t,f tlie cuntentiojii, hmji ci • thorized to say for Dr. llillUsh Uutt in lid not wish to l*e a delegate and treuM not attend if elected. Tlie Doctor's ntrn attcudancc at the laitu-aster Convention ■onflrtns the declaration* that wen oiude for him at the time referred to.IV hv (lit* thing we* thus set up ivntrary to the Doctor's wishes will be for tlux-< about BeTtefoute to explain who did the work knowing that Dr. llillbidi won}' not nervi if elected. No hkitne att.uhv fo the Doctor for this trick, but it wm>. KHtptcUd thing ou the {*art of at Ikliefonters who misled the defepitc if that neighborhood into dicXating who should be* the man front thU t bo stopped. Fetuisval iey democrats moot IH> allow ed to cay whom they desire when certain pUwi > are to bo filled ffdU? this slide, and dicta tion like the above .and n wo. had in an instance one year ajpol will V s T *ented at the ballot-box broflr people, because It is a direct instult to tlie ster ling d< ru( racy of this aide, to w-hirh thf*y will not snbmtt. At a of a convent ion like the one above. Use attendance from township* at a distancv from Bellefmifr. is meagre, giving a few wire-pullers in that town the opportunity of drum ming np a full representation from tUP districts around the county town, :.wf these they use U fix matters to in their purpiws, totally disregarding the wishes of the and other sections. IVnnivalley detrio ccats inuMt not submit to three imatlSutd fill not, |s the ones who engage in them! may find out, to their sorrow. It hi eoneeslM that thr* siiie of lh>- ountv shall have one of the two stems •ars to liteUgbbvtureaqd ouc.'if the t* < delegates to atnte convention, and tire -iiDis is conceded to the Hellefontc side. of our cour.ty. Xow it is no more than iwoper arid fair that as rug.ir ! those po sitions, the democracy of tbiwsii^; :nf couni); Should be allowt'd \hnr rli'tio yet this' IVM been di nted t#*< ru tllnea oflate. Sueh iroomae, it 'inust 'w reeyi. work ill for the natty. Tim ilnwnaynfy of Pufinvl!#j wilt Sub mit toit>*Ht few over hire wlib jilnnyr go agarnst tlds side, exi-epted. Iu IVauphiri (unty, whiih is a lee iislatirc district, with several rcj re;'r.- tatives, like f'entre, the delegates of' he different sections of tint* county to which is conceded a representstiva or n-pre sehtative delegate, settle tlmt matter for themselves, and the city of Hirrisliurg, although represented in the coiinty con vention, is not allowed ro dictate to the country democrats u/io shall be their nominees. Any other plan would en* dsnger the harmony of the party, and it must be so in Centre. The democracy of Pennsvaliey have the power to assert their rights ; onr townships furnish tin democratic majorities, and oir peoj4- are not made of the cowardly material that will suffer itself to be Imposed up on. If we are to have a member to the leg islature from this tade, that man must be the one whom the majority of the people over here desire, and so with any other position that Ls t<> be filled stand ing npon the same footing—and flic thing most riot be fixed by votes manipulated by Bel I t'fo nters. The democracy of this side of the county concede the sanie-'W their democratic bretbern of Ibe pi Iter side. ♦ ♦ ♦ iloW roll -4-Y ISTi:OI)C< Tio.v TO Ii ELK SAP. Washington, March 21.—John > i.v an* testified before the war dt-partnn- vt exjienditure.* eoinioittee this nffenioon concerning his tnulership at Fort Sill. He savs he paid General Mice, of lows, fl,6oo"for introducing him to S.i rt-ti.ry Belknap. Nothing turther was eliciii'.t, except wlwtf lias altvady been piililish cd. What might the market price be now for an introduction to Belknap.' lliut article is scarcely in demand now, and aould not command .1 thaw of tobacco from any imp in the Reporter oflice. Whew ! SiiWu fur on introduction to Belknap! "The &o! ami hi money were soon parted.' < 'rill ft! tH AM .1C > AVS Wa him ; mi. M c. h |U. Si uator Hu rl •w (w Viif i January uu U linn tlu re luid he. a distiml itera i ions in a,a units and ligiitc- in ill.- li ial re| rta am II) in the public deht statements. Hie Senate isunniiUc. on tlnance have ui-t sent the Treasury Ik imHinout tl:es. |UH'dies, and asked an explanation of the following point* In |S7I. during Senator limitwell'a a.l- wholeaaie dnapw were nti.de ill the tallies, show illg the palilie ' it the n I ev't I• i yenr.tldr tv or fort, reports h ivitig In-en uhe.i lv inildt The snfU of thee alterstieiis imourded in the nggreftate tan in. rea-i in the pitN c deht ei Over f247.(Xi.1tl Tie i haitijis rdh-rre.l to date l>a.-k to !r the .leh* f< r lWlill having once t i.Ji ' HYr.dc up and k e:.t t• 'oil; iv-- Itll sail s. - ! uv'd icp. I - for that vc.Ni ougi.t to j e,, ( e V, ith it Tlie flittin'-e report# from |'s -tviv*. Dhl thYis atrrte. hut between ' he p.ih'i.ntifm of the rV}>ot. for I^7o li,! IWTI hi ineri a. was uuide in this i". in r r hv which it appears to I s -4 \ . h very siilswquent I . i-iiM 1-~1 wlici! it was re|w rt,d lv dmPo :"br is 1 tin: .23tM-O.W. It ' iu.s Ih.ui reiwated at the last tignre ev ,ti \,.r yuice. Tiie only rtMYclusiou "hat cull he i.rrived at (Vi -ni theo ohvl ,us d - -rtpH> .lei l~ that the Kryrisier of 'he Trcn-urv eiiiinged the flgtires in !h< J ■t' ? I^l, nr.d S.Pattvr Pavis and I tJieSeafttecommittee want toknow who ' lit .uni w hat it w is done for. Sehit t IlivuJw cU undertook in answer Sefta h.r Pvvjs*gpeoehrt*, hut he did not t.uieh UusO points,-7"i'W. qxri'J- A CLKAtt CASK All A INST BED- KNAP. Testimony tIC Mr. Marsh. Veiling . Mflrilt •A'.—The wtneo f"l<*h P Mareh srdrrel here sriy tbi* • rnle. hot w* not I e*rr. *f MatsachntetXt. re .Jb r cr the lever*! thldri of politic**' Irtimrnt in the h*w- bring deje rrerr !in lbs three gewtlfines *be wit .... „ *•* ' thtretiftMv #*it.|s mh>,l and gnve hit teflliwttiv wd'.l out be ,t.'i r- • , • '-y the com 1 .. .. . - v', VS* : *t -:-B-y with each ft;..r h ■. *• it Sb* f>—- in M-K,f <>' .ii iriilt. Tb wiir.eii r< pc*i ii hH .worth n thnl i c had Mnt tin C'l oe .m.rfitnt $1.4(11 to Mr Belknap, ami ihnomtnii'e**are m ot MviJenc thstlbii iwcksgo u*> r- ciptid for to exurvs* ,a-iuu*i > bv Gei-i .t*. 11*' *n*p. At no prt of the UWliniOpy would the witn. -ev th*t hi-1 ! ever convened ulth Gen eral Bi lkimp on the uhi* *t "< the pay ment- 1 money. *h*cb, r the tint italmont t** Mr- lfo'knup were ail trane mit'ed to Gen. B-lkWtip or dl|w>.d of aa he directed Mr Mars'* irv-i re|ii#e'.ed t*> be at lt*e eaptti l at l -n ,*'elork in tne uurijing. *b*i rie cxnniiiiitliaii wi> b** rnMinind. Mr- Ma rah, nlUMHigil *Oil>pi*iia*'d, rein*in in N,*v, Vor . i*!i*s l rig i.inct. mid will n •ii r*-t|iiitiil I* cHit* before the renins lit e un ci|"iili'.ur, > in the **r Jepkrtia nt un Irs* it T>ec*.me neeewanr to eatahlleh, through' h?r. tt'e s'teged ra*nfeion or >ast of Mm Retkrap that the l>l r B.*!- bnvj* had -h-red in the pr*** reds of thr ith'ivare •• ef the Kreituekv railread ciuim by the then see rotary of * nr. SECRET-SERVICE CO BR C FTIOX. How a G .Tfrntnvt t IVt ctivc I'ro ccelni Ajjkiial the Ku'iiui Wellington, March 23, - Seen t-wr tr •genu of tne AdntttiNtmtioa m almntt •laitv tUbnog "tafe'l rti lenco and rrvcul- I'jr tbso njsrac' , - aitd crime* ©f (irnnt ■,ii Wltitelrv es-l'hiaf of th<- SvcreJ fii-rsli s and one t>f the nafu burglary con j4r*4w wh'i w Jwlitd m*. T<, day h icj'.iCcJ before the C >tiitni!ie* on Ripen biuret m the D.-partrrtefrt of Junior. *t. • w.>ro thi •• i-Cl A ttornoy-flenend Ack ••trnan gnve him an unbodied nrdnr on the Abhorring r'.-rk of thn Treaiury t< IrtrWs* mm b mcney as. waa tt.-ndod U procurearro* of itio Waders of the Hu ll lox outrage* in the Shwilbcm Staff Ability igeh>m>i pr two ui|> to "h.ulh Cnrvhu* and Gnoraia. an j came track writ ,iPac J uuh i xwggerslcd *U'rii.* to circu it: n, the N'.rli i>b d iVarful outrage ninth bad never hen committed. and • re of uo t> the Adtrlfitrtrwlidrt for ;><>- ' 'Wife* pdrtj<> r '. Then he tent detective* Smith to writ tiivfhe .-are* These dotec iyya y,yr lfroei!V relntix o of W li'l"*y, U (ria ni hi* v< ratioii*. Tae wit© t-- very frankly stated In the ran jori'j olcsiM ds t*"vcr heard Iroin there deiiK'tivi'ii after they brc'itftir PvlahtisUed 'in gT' i yty t res or on farm*, ard the hi fornintlfi:'that ho (fid ehfain from the fee seas n-'lt o: eeatt to rinuhit* bl>'d curd* Mow tnrb-a. Mr. W hlilev acent btw ism slittMAliand fIuU.OUU in tbss way, and be to toil thu < lomitira now m at-e Ku A-ohaiuu by nnufhdMrsew hi* cr mi - nntl us;n({ tic "iPir> -tyicted powers ofthi Fiit V i: new* say*: Yen terdn.v alicmoon Gen Li-barrn gave the merchant* and iiu.-ini moo of .Matnmorss a p to pay : lib troop- and place the city in a state of I defense. He offered a premium of :>0 per ' i -nt in ■ u-!>'in hon*e boml*, saying it wai a friendly offer and if it was not accented he would raise the money by force and n.d •cru pie t-> use severe mean-, thai if neces sary to wimibe murohnnU to effe t his ob . jct, he would do-so- lie said he had the interests of Lis government in his bands and he wouhl suh-erve ihiin at all IIHZ • arda. The inerch nt* present were than , e ill' d'Ui to f uh-errtie to the war. When fit.or Ante! io L-ttvgoria Was called he said In- wa* nefthle to -tib-erihe. He was itn- I medintelr e. ntined 111 tha artillery Lipid. CnhKell A C- . Tvi.me 148.912"* ' Huff & C '.. K-i-l Llverpi 01. ' •!.to2l IVM.U7 /Lloyd. Huff A Watt, L'ltrohe . 722-11..% Total 1 1,010.402.20 The puti ioning creditor fsThornsa Ritch ey. z.aO' H'i was ma o in the United Stat' D.t it Court, re erring io Kegis ter s u e question as to whether the i p.-titioaiug creditors constitute a legal quo [rum Pr\r<>( mrir statu tosvi V I; TJUX. if i. iiujirtiT, T\. Murvli 53,, The lViu ruti SF itc t'ottvciitioit met in Kultunj llttll, Mr. II II W right. I'hnirtUHii >f the lute tVlMiiil tViuuiiUet', called tin *" Mtviiiliiitt In flitlcr, mid it<>:i Win A , • lay fiilil, "I I it) ctlc. Wit* elected tclu [wsrury I'lusiriunn h\ nn nlnnol uiuini , IUOIIH vote. J ,T Mr I'lnvfnrcl t> ltmn,l Ihatska ftsr the ' |,,in r i cnlri iml tijw'ti hup, Kmiiaclotl liiinnxnv .slut itiitiri-il the I'llaiiiin •f i orrn|itiim wherever it >r tlit" right i>rlti*l|lr-w. t lie fhlltiwitig rer/ihitidn una ntlti|ilc\ n l.irgs- intsjiifity ; lu-ta-ls -J, That one rvpti rthUtive ftdni j i,n h SctiuiMrtal dialri> t Ih-M'h'ilt'll a* l v t'oinuitltt'o on t'rt'tlcnliala, lVt ma turn) I p Orgntiiautioii uti'l Itoeoltltiotia, and tlamt: t* .in- ti -olutioii* l>t iifwrrt'tl to the ton Vt'hljoii oillomt ilfl'jlf ; th.it thf toll i vent toil reh'vt font Kt tmtorinl di'leitnlt** " to ihi- N ilionnl C'lnivt'iitioii, two Koprf- Miitntivi tlrU'gali - frnlti t-Ui'h t'ongrt'M usnul ihrlin l, .< nil thul tlit- (,'onvi-ntion ilut tho i hi.iniKin of the ?liili* Coll- n ral Coinioilti i' , The vail of tin- roll nftowej UIKIUI flf N fin l oiiti'ati 1 *fut, nii-vt of thf w from ji l*htlni|fl|. fottt o'eJiX" a IvolnTt E. Mutlugiittl.; f Wfgt t'lit-aivr, was elected |wrniiit,eiit i hitirmuti h\ a uuunitnous vote. i:ft> ' vice jiresiileuu ami numerous necret*- i H were eh*'teil, A committee of two | ua.iaftit to the committee on emlen liuls to Ivtiow w lieu they would he ready j ( to report, and returned rav-', ing thi refa.rt would W reaiiy i at hulfpu-t live o'llo.k. The, ouventiun adjourned till then. Jftiring the rvi'eswt I\. Tlummer made a 11 ' : The convention reaitfetuhled ui hall live o'l ha k. The committee were' 'tot ready to reisort. and a further recew, was taken until half pant seven. On the re:'.isetnhlirig of the conven tion the committee on credentials re ported generally in favor of the conteat ,nts ;ts follows : Cieorpe MclnUre, de tared elected In the Twentv-cighth Philadelphia diwtrict smhsiitntcii Samu el Jcigephs, Mr. Woodruff, of Cambria, me ved that Mr. Josephs be not admit •ed as a suhatitnte. hn view of the op- 1 position to him Mr Joscnhs withdrew < Hon. Uohert E. Monughan of Chestct ■oliutv, upon taking the ehair, after •hunking the Convention fbr the honor' •onferred,stated that corruption is the' enemy that confronts us on every hand to-Jay. Wtlgg TDK DIDSoCRATIC r vkTV OK ISiXE.| The iMinoerutie parly ruled us for three ipmrtern of a ctuilurv, and all thai is erv.it in tins etsiinirv belong* to thai varty. It atliksi houisiana, Tc*aa, Flor- Ida, Ac.. t > our .luttiaiii and made our .'ritire | e"|'le (MKkieftil, | uerful, urna-l ->crousand happy.The Ih-publnwu* have: the ri< h to maintain its aaccotlcncy. (IKJEXT or Tltli UfcM'H&mt I'AItTY. it i the pnr|K*e of the fV-nioeralici tKirty to stand for the people and to bring all cnlj ritato condign puniahiuent without fear, favor or ntfection. Again thanking yon for the honor conferted. l the Convention i* ready to proceed to 1 bnstnc;**. I' Mr. Stanley W.odward, of Luzerne, presented a resolution that the conven tlon present for the consideration of the < [ democratic party of the Union the name oltbe Hon. Jerenuah 8. it!a k for Prenident, being well aaanretl that hi> nomination and election would secure, an administration distinguished by the simplicity, economy and jrcraonnl puri tv "f former davs. The resolution waai laid on the tahfe James P. Barr of Pitt*burp, W.t'ooper Talley, of IVleware. Charles U. Buck*- lew. of t olnmhia. ltiehard Vatix, of Pliiiadelphin. 11. M. North, of Lancaster.) ! William M. Heily. of PhiladelnliM.l ! He inter < Tymer. of Berks, A. 11. IiW. of t Union, W. A. Wallace, of ClwvrfieM. 'Jeremiah S. Black, of York, bliss >1 i Clark,of Indiana, James Kill*, hchuyl | kill and William L.Jf.-ott.of Krie, were i nominate J for delegate* at large to the j national democratic convention at St. . lamia. Meshra Wallace, Clymer. Dill and i North wore cloeu-d. Mr. Wallace bad: i 'JUO rote* ; Clymer, 210 ; Dill, ltW : audi I North, 140. Mr. Wallace nomitiutfH! Charles R. lUcknlcw to head the electoral ticket of rennavlvania, and moved that h? be elected by acc'atimtinu which was fol lowed by applauac. Mr. Buckalcw xra# at* led ad without nppoailiun. Messrs S. H. Wilson, of Beaver. I*aiil M M. Fox. of Philadelphia. William 1 Scott, of Erie, am! C. Heydrick, of Yc nn|D, won- nominated for the remain* isipr fiortion of elector* at large. Sir. Wilson was elected, receiving 11A votes to 54 for Mr, Fox and 53 for Mr 1 Hendricks. The chairman announced the election of a chairman of lite state committee as! in order. The following |M-r*nns wore nominated : William McClelland, of' Pittsburgh i W llinm McCandlcss, of Philatelphia ; Joo. Miller, of Cheater; 11. F. Meyers, or Harrisburg, • FIRST BALLOT. M 'Candle* 71 Myers 58 Miller 36 M'Clel land 79 BBCONP BALLOT. MrCandlcss 78 McClelland 88 Mvers 60 Mlfier. 22 No choice. While the third la l lot NVH In progress it was discovered that a Philadelphia!, not a delegate was personating one. At the direction of the chairman he was removed from the hall amid the ap plume of the convention. The third ballot resulted as billows ; McClelland Jl3 McCand!e*n 53 Meyers 53 Several delegate* changed their votes] from Mr. Meyer*and one trom Mr. Mg- Candles* to .Mr. Clelland, Increasing Ida vote to ISO, a majority of nil the votes. The chairman announced the selec tion of Mr. McClelland, after which the names of members of the state commit tee were announced. ELECTORS. 1 lioWrt F. Sheif. 2 George It. llell. 3 William I!. Wright. 4 Thomas K. Gaskill. 5 John Morgan. 100, I ,1 I thf , .'Hill,it- > ~ on f. f. huh,' > rip rtrd the fhM*irttigH fiUlforiu. which wa gdoptvd Ti.e lie tunc racv of I'fiinfjfleania IM|i| i',invention mel, rcsin'tt* it- oh rep—ted n Art irutii,i,* > t * lierprtiinl untuiiel the *tsUi, it< ilgi *null • to rigid flili'litv to ptiboi tru u. to I'lm ,i tl.il • fohollili'Mi M-llliillti 1 Tutilill of tl,r !i il i •fwl. t'u eUii nsugii jnai jp" * 4 bibt'Ol'i t" Ik.-..| elf go* i innifiit in . v rr.v n i tints I. If hom.t pwynw rt i.t'tho puhln d!il, slid ti -, koutid I'r.M.t IMI 'l'll if I tin pit bite leith, n liii*v w lb t'UiMil itiou end kUm,. tb* BVtiUaoa* of bill.cry, fruud and Ipcculstioti in bigli pjini*. thi ilitlut* tl at pfeveib and the Midi- l us,l of f, ihclsl ruin that , in i eml ■ vrr the pe. (,it *,f the air,tt i ami they uhartf that the •' e'vit* sre the dun. rendu • f the present government the ui 1, war legislation,' vicioua fliittsciat po'.ii v, extras Csn, e fc, d earruptnui ot t!,a ifptoi I lie.'.rs purtv and it* tt). and invilu g i all • t overy aliade u| pulnival v(,ias>* wl • r behrVe In otUi'.ai |,UI,l> slid 6dv.i(y, Ik - thw ai!juuio-ni of hnnni tgl um >iion upon s M aiHilld h*i, lii.V.l |j I'Ksltl fn 1 thts inter* i fit e wholi Joi i' f an.! not of .•> i lure. i in thts recognition ,-f it,e f. ' -ettlcuieiii ofgll tpit*liisns Hihti'ilfed to the arhilr* i a ent of the sword, end In a jediCjr wlii< ! i m der the conatit ,tin k 'Cp* sbteaat of the s and eivitigali u of theage to unite . wilt, them, they dictate. i Kirat Thai she ch il n r*ue el Tho guv* , eriiluenl hat btfuiuo , auu|d am, la niude thw object of pcit' ite' gain, glid ItihiO'liil ji la public I> ut l.e bfi'Olfl# tin.' rule und n.,l *, } I it* ixit j, si M >.* ImiivM th*l lone*J.j. 11 apse *1) si'l fdelity re l)lt i fl'y tcata ~i , fi, .10* fir public .tation, and tha the \ whcle.oii# piuaHies of the taw .houiil be imed with vigor to CTitori e official BCOolitit iibilitv. tjfi-ond. That tho rreriit and rrpekiftl |exposure* id (ratia slut fotruptian in the i sdmtniitrati'Ui ol iwibt.f atiaire nil tor a |*cnrchiag and thorough iatnligalkiii ol Ihnfonjufl übd copuiitub pfgvety hrnch if th* puhhc .allnc lu I r end that *U corrupt pla-'litw* lby be bfi tlglil 10 l.gbt, anil that sli who have ithu*<-J and bt-trej #d their public trust#, whatever may tu* their alatlon, my bw eipoaed nlid puni.-h ed; and Vie uege llinn* *.n f liarge of tksiill J.Tt at AVaahlr,ft,.h to prompt, tnoruugh ar.d exhau>t>ve eysrninaUott ol ikeir rt* ispcotivw field* of labor I TbirJ. 'that retronehni'i.t aid fOoWO* : ,ojr are itidi.pvi'uWr in ted. ral *tut<* *nu i nunieipa, ailuiiH *lratioU at all eager.Ual jmenna toward la*caing the hurJattt wi .dm In,4k** of renrce*nuUve f,,r tlie r'duo !uoti of tJm vjtpAhtniurt k „rttve tederal gi *• ' ornnifiht to • Just rtandard and their drier, lunation to mi sen lire iiunfrer of Un'tti 'offlclsls. Kopitn. Tliat genera! amnesty to nit Ipargfwi* iii.phcau* I in in,* lata iwhe!jit! •against the govr-niuent <>( tho 1 l iled ! Moles, whu |,„ir ik*i ajiii.Jy I mSI rvilew. Ed I rum 'lenitiiitio by the a, 11 ** t. "! i*st' greak and by tb Tivrid.llt, W 'U.d ho C | ..allowable aoJ prop ' -vk of g.-Teri. . I mental pow i r in the year or the centennial ~ce!ebta'.,un of Antericwii isApriitpo,! " and thel the eon.tn<*i of v -ci. a r 'ni,anl'' hy Pre-i.i.nt tyfsut ut a j phi ll* '!ran! g •. s*il Hi that nuch a m. .oro ;* fit, jwdicmo* snd Ilhnwh'. Kill!) 'fhsl lb dtuiocravy of J* nnayi vania cordially el'p' <*• u! thojc wievi-i. , of the slate constitution to wtl: The ec <• paymei.t* e tle l.t d>,r *i i January, • iui|Mt*ieic to UKMtr.| and it i* a etaiiinte.3 il at a". that dale the United Slate will go iff. bankruptcy li |nr*l)|MiA|a.ir|je>*p>j JittTU.l ct ti c future, tun * ilia laborer 1 and pioduccr out <1 en.p.oj luti.t, U | alandiog threat upon th< butineai tnan and , ougnt to be forth* Ith ret', a'c.t S. vefth That gld and $i vcr are the only true bai ft-r the eurrerr* of the re-' public and thai congro *hu!H take auch • trpa fcr th>< reauioplnm ot >prc: pay ment* will moat .uraty ai.o g>< ,diU , r.-arh that retail * ilboul dtutroyiog th a | tm.inw. inli rc.t of Ibe pe>p,'c. Kighlh. That l*r pr. enl d. pro*, on of. all our uallOlini lfldutre. which r heel> ilia * Imlctuinc flow ot caioLal through the i honor it of entrpri atol d-*riic to honest , labor a Je en; lltrlihood it the diiee: ine* ■ table fruit 6f eitr.c agance and o! rrcklo> #nd di.huneit republican tampering with' the finanect of the e>'untrjr, and we dc nr> >e.ce the author* of that Irpslalion at, ■ fllclai.wbo have unu-lited tha fouuda-, i tuma alike of tlio alute and of the b*>iur. We CtM up€in llo> people to aid ut to halt i ibeai in tin* fata career, anil to *et thnr lacrt nlhn direction of praclivattl* men j. urn* which thai) evrntualijr enable the treatury of the Unite I Slate, to Keep it plighted faith with r.cb end poor alike, i We demand legiilation through the pow er of the federal government which thall ' irlve ut prrformance for rrmirw. and re .tore lolrrncy to the nation by rtwloring 1 protpenty ui the pt>p!e. K' eolreJ. Tbul ill CoUluiOU with tiiepeo : pie of our ti.tei ktalet, we rrpuce in lh< iopportunity u> rr leh-alo tho oenieuniat i f I the pr.K-Uiiialiun of our emancipation from i the guv'trniueiii of the ilriuih cr >wn. , uiarlting at it diJ tbo epoch od. a , HIGH LIFJi IX WASUIXGTOX Beautiful \\ uniuu of litnnv'a ShWddy Cnutt —Their (Jiiurrele ami Tip n Dow ii fa! I. [FVaw tht f'sytfafj We published t rme extract* from nnor,y inau. lettnm *ld to tie Writ ten by lb" Wlf< . ot a latu Canmet oib>'r. and now we call! attention to the ti aaaarlton that is Immg' uitrttiirateJ, which teila wliy hn lcf\ th. i Cabinet and bow tUuse ietla-r* came to b<- wsillssa. A Wealthy gentleman of Xe* V"t*k, ot | the name of Lamar. *iuc< d' >d, hd -.u , , toft ctpluii being adjud ctiled that amount ed to tonie (our or ova tiuodred ibvutanu I dollsr.. The.a clnini* were, uh iggtiy, others of iik* ort, l la*t dfctdrj ii , Lamar'* favor, but fioin tin* decteion u appaal wan la Lea to lint tMipretft" Ctuirt ' At lti 1> Y d bKJIMoN M Mtr Moody t#ad i H> ol .1,1 sn.) l,s| t, is of f (Witilli)ti>, and aftt r tin IV.'d lis lu". " Woik, for the night is coili ng." had been *ung, he read at the t< kt . r 111* 'll court, tho S(t verse . f the 13th I,spier "I llaiiicl "They that he wi r ,lis 11 shim* at the I tighln.••* of the firnia. it eli! " t he) thst I,#* wire- n*>t 1,,*) ahii • I.'ki/i' shine," liu b' gan *u,l thn, co'itinui d 11, at per hap* not in thi* world would l> *y >hn. *..(< r maiit ,<1 thr greatest and lrl. in St, of III* world h*,d died before they b*d liver appreeiatod. To b,- luit,cs*i every one mtttt acknowledge ttiai i, want* pi shifiwi j'Cte and people d"ii't I ei il preacher > to ihfl >,e frM'tti to r.trli a drure (iml det >i I ray g,f thi* woiiii li.pl ah lie in beaten. Ihaie am law thst r who dropped her two in 11*k Inli t • be., krrr cilcl After thus I uaifstoig how the huml,lc*l livr.r. w ilk i laitbtul heart, tw> d b turned to It,a lory ot tied >1 r. Mo .dy very em neatly *!.0i0,1 ll p*e piaaei.t, each one. to liy U *or hrr pvtkonal ii.flu nee up *n a. to* ring pc|roll tu bring him to tr,e Lord Hy 1.1 nli u'alion he *h.. wed how manycon i, rtr Could tie msd.* it eaclt oris of llu -0 ISSI p'erent aauM rr.ilravat Is save „il, -out* year for the tteit fifty yiwra "Wt,ai v*e w ant in N, w York,' h. said, "'is In yet •town to ituMviduai work The world isji s i wan U( lu lie itivitsd tr, Cb-iil. 1u ak 1 a I I,til tu P the roll! n!>uut hi* eternal we! , trr every day.'* ]J then told how orie ( night, very Isle, as h* wn, goll g liotne, af-| a day in winch he faited t" avsll bim-j -ill f rtny opjK.rtupity ot aiivaking tn any, , lie of, this rul ject hi sw a man alandmg 1 *o d**r ftieet tlgl t. grid lie went upto him , • rid plk' iog hi* iiatitl on hit iluwild* r, . j.poVeto lon. kit diy. The m*n rerogn j ul Mr Moody, ai d curird bini, at.d u.v.t jod t,ins to inn d los own hunt e*k. An other day he got * mutual aci#iiati,tAiice u| goto Mr. Me .liy to luUl it, bim ageirtat ""il, |*r*uii! tpu jlergpcs with atrattgeiw 'J! ) raw a Hint,. ' uf"k, h angry rrpul-.on; cptaode tkndar thn gaslight ii soo br c ime a tri or I active and Vi,lbu,itfi *e ,*r k- j ei in the l,rd a caUao. The fet tUI <>f tHva j incident was so v.tuple atid earnvat. and| Mr M.onty reem.- E*e that i**4 Adam a-tray it■* the* Lltvided hsw audience into three clasooa and ► ald'tv*d h msaif Ural, to those wbu profess p> be Christians. Ot such, he asked. r !' AY here do you stand? cati you think l 1 ,any "u? you v e led to Christ** !l held ■ tha' eacb'prrvon was a curse or a blo*ing intt • hill |t-1 r •. wn* V.VI w. >'• ' e'tber made the world better or worse! by M* living in it, and thowe who do mo*t j barm tre thoae who niakecoid hollow priel ta,-tons and Nlr. Ma* give agood reaaon'*" 'li*a*|is*i*d with groat wntMaa*. P- all i kackal'dnr* to return to God a* they had ; 'oft him. aasunng tkeui that God hart uaeksiider*. The thirdclata addressed was , c-mpoaml of iho# who tmver had made protest). 0 and t.i them be urged the truth that the shortcoming, of Christian* it re i *t use for them "I b"p." *ald he, ' you'll have no re*;; 1 hope you cao'l sleep; 1 ! hope vou'll bare no peace till yau accept 11Mir Ist 1" Onv the most affecllug auec- Jo' .-t ui tlo tcinon was of two brothers soldier*, who flighting side by aide in bat :le, *•< re separated forever by a ha!l pn-a n* through the hrea-t "! one A* he lay dy 'ng in the midft ot the fight he sent hi ! lalt metsaga to hi* mill her and then ex claimed; "It- gioriauv t die looking up This Wast" give opportunity to say that t du- so giorit-u* a death one must always ' Urn "looking up '' i At the close of tho sermon Mr. Moody [in.mil!"d a-hurl sue—'O of silent praii' , for Ge l # bl-'ssir.g tm nuD-phrt-tian. ant tMi Ltiideii present, and asked a" who de >in Jto ahare in it to rie. Here and there dotting the whole u.as of people. w<-m ,rute, with hawed heads and rye* red with weeping {sever*! Hundred stood op a. 'thi-timi f'r prayer, and ttwn Mr Mooci. tasked God to kicMt thum Then mmitten will. We would esteem it an especial fa vor if.ewn fffcnq ofthe wmil • "oiiJ us the natria of al lettit otic mb-c rifcer i 'with the C*h-- f'r tliri e months 40 - *h*; si* months If 1 fkl, and one yen l- o'- er, Won't yon try and )■• u this little li.-l • or. ab.l willfopav row by improvii g H Reportt r. Send u the nawiis ol -ix ev subscribers, with the t a*L. Ml.d w > j Saotd you the Keporiar owe yiai ti* . i ??? * * V LOOK ! LOOK ! If T"U -Hi.' 1.. Shvc M.Hi. y, bi.v your' guoila (if K. G. F IIAXUKT's, LEWLSTOWN, FA. ALL GOODS are guan ntccl to In right or the rtt'iniy refundid. All or der* filled | romplly, accotupanied by the money BAH IRON *2} ct< per lit. BENDERS HOUSE -HOES nt S&(X) per Keg WINDOW GLASS, B*lo to 10x14, fUhelper Box PUTTY at 4 els. ner lb. 18x10 KABII, 12 Lighu, 38 cl*. jet Window. FOUR PANEL DOORS, SI.BB each. BLINDS and SHUTTERS $l6O to $1.75 per Window I'UHK WHITE LEAD $lO 00 ne 100 lb*. TRACE CHAINS, Straight or Twiat d 7 ft. $1 00. llAliltoW TKETH, 4J iK per lb STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH. 60ct.-. " CORN PLOW SHOVELS7Sto9O. •' Lg HANDLE SHOVELS, 63cts. " lit >KS, 38 cl. II AY BAKES, 20 ct. F. <4. FKAXC INC I S. NA ILS, * good us tlic liest ut $2 85 per Keg. Cooking Stoves—Complete. 7 Inches. 8 Inches. U Inched. $lO 00. $lB 00 to $2.1 00. $23 CO WINDOW SHADING, 25 ct*. per yard, all Colnrs, 25,000 pitcis WALL PAPERS *Y BORDERS, from SI 00 to $1 U) per piece. omo i-nd Sou our STOCK "*® J. G. FRANC ISC US. LuwiitowD, mar ak It kit. In AII lUR>\ MENIUK. R. auiujfcdo*e lu As&enqe." A visitor et4 MlendauWle the ifw lorn i Purdue. " e hat comer t* ths li'illdlng On f Atlrndti.nl " Mouth Part ConM-r of M4A en/1 Market Hesse n u> ttio HIXTII. I f strangers sucking Oek Halt, have been misled by doslgtiliig |**rauii* " V. "It t* perfectly colossal! I>n y,.u know lu dimensions?" A " VA.OM s, (tiara feet-M on Market, And ISO odd on hum, >•} etortee high, has ovnV three aam* Ar,.*ygf. and mvvwre apaae one* w haas places, V. r*o jrouTtae etaam power?" A " A giant young engine ftitsliliri je vf. r for the freight and peso r.grreleveto.k.iu d tl.a UilUn stasia fur h, uuig, and ike ulhur opera tion* of the hi tia " V -* What order do gen take with pondar* A. " limy are t.rt ■ si4 arranged In the baaelliehl on lung /• coupler* and taken then,* cm tin- ijnhjlj/.'tevti. r to me Inspec tors rones on UiJVLri floor " V. ttrat operation f A. "No, sir. measuring. Tie good* are f!nl isaamrod la the pine, Thro itgerM. Tho cloth peons* over rotter* in the tare of a Wrong light, and two men alt. Oba before and end taiiiod the good*. wauking with the eye of a hawk for the lout pin hoi• Imperfection. and marking every flaw, no that the cutter may tee and avoid U whan he comes |t> tut the gar ments" V. '* Vim must ens ploy an *.rwy of eMtenf A "tome to our filth fli/ a r A* •' V. -ilu you manufacture all >uor own gO/Klt"' A. •' M'e do, and moat caneftsKr, Our eg* amittrr* inapt to put our prtMAcwa to me |„e fti nt du. " V " A(Ut inspecting the work, what be reset of Itf A. " Before It goer Into htock It i txfeit4 *•'try nog., garment be* it* number and other Jul no, noted cm It au that lu enure hie tory ewu be traced without fait, upon our books," >." Van Bitiai hate SO or #P salesmen f A- " Why air, on bury day* y yon do an order by mail iMlanmir A. • Very great AH over the country Our HOUSTON WATER WHEEL!! i;Ki>T Mil 1.. fIT —axt~ i"-iri '"irgaiT Jm WmA M. o. i i Xi 't iku. * r AKLLEFOXTM.PA * | ,* Send for CireaUn.tfc -.. - _ SHOUT LI DOE I- CO. COAL, LIME.&*. WILLIAM biIOKTLIDGB. B'IXD V A LEX TIN K SHORXLIDGE & CO, Burner* nod Shipper* of tb< celebrated Bellefonte - wiiisiniE! nam ; Dealer* in the very beat gride* of ANtIIRAUTKCOALi The only dealer* io Centre County who eIJ the Wlf U KE S! BA!RRE GO A L from lb* old Bthtinw* mine# Alio SHAMOKIN AND OTHER (.HADES of Anthracite Coal dryly houaed mpreuljf for bouw w.al the lowest pricta UEAL ER S I.y GRA I.V They pay the highest prief In eah or grait that tho Hasterr. market* will afford WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C.. | Bought or will h tuH on oatpmifapm when desired, and fall i-aarttMeed. In. | f.nui*t n onacarnltig the- grain trade will he furnished at all time*, t* farmwr , jlb pleasure, £c of chargu. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE 11ILICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DS.\LEKS IX CAYUGA GROUND BLASTER. which i* al* ays sold at )>w prices, and warranted to be a* good a fertillier a* an other plaster. brmg Ann yj\n r D , NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT. BKM.FOXTC* I*4. THE NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD MAOHDCB. Freuics all ikr virlwrs ei tkc Li.;!.! Kur.niii; "DOMESTIC," ludujiug Use Automatic Tension slitch wa— >tiU il the t-e-t 'ii Ji t *ir I'lcave noii.c out PATKN f IUW>tNtD CONICAL BEARINGS ob both th* Machiaa Our new anj old iitaas. wor'-til oul v. iil> Lr.ui.l new Machinery and Tools at our own new works. In the u* cuy ni Newark, New Jcpey, luv;- vyn ux a sundard of MECHANICAL EXCEL LENCE Minimum of Frictl. 'i, Mnvinuim of Dtirsbility, anil range of work, never heretofore reached i'h the Savin* Machine World. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF We invite the attention of all. especially those haviog high mechanical akall or (psetvatioo N II.—AII Mackiucs piiiy .rrauied. DOMESTIC SEWINC MACHINE CO., New Y'ork uud Chloagpo. LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS* perfect tyrtcm g4d rule* of *elf roeirarramt iimte t j.Uaae people ;.* milt* t vay rlcctTjr u If they war* bar* In mpr* •> yen hare ai lea btlfadoan different department*r* A "Wy d<-ar lrl wo bare mora than tomfe, est h rimmed with Iw own buuncta. and aa< b then uglily Ofganifad, a miouaory wboel with in the at rat wheal." V. -wlll you name a down or ao of them T A. "With pleasure The Cuntota Detart tnriil. f. rthuMi who pfeft-r etiMum mad* to t.ailyt 'Un Furnlablng lieiautment, with ita f%mfha at-*k ol mu I**— The Bbtrt we ~rr, with It* h'say machine*, making our own Cm cr* Often, and ether oftee* of the flriy all be*y aa bee* thinking, t lanrinr, * tanunc, lasyln*. mak it regWlot-of. rcraW .fh.**indlneutil.MlU, and in a th< !■ !i,n Uartr foera* 1 -rorry en a Uw ra*ii.le amount in* to hetwacn oud t&.UUUfW *B ftb** pe n-d/vn-t!" A. "InCrid it hi I ruttt ta name the (*-hir lH ponmrnt whichi.ondlroit**A/W) U ! vto-.l salt* on *o king)* day*!" V. "t&jomtl Itutnenw!Thti'j^wholenalde* tl.r brum to hoy cheap and w r* A. -i*at!yi Viol lave idst bit it. Tha I* i pi* tliruu* hrrt, kr 11.' <>ak Ilh.A Alt* cw tier ft ilk and Market" wf V. "fha-ik you! lafctU he lap;) Who to. Ciuod pinrtiitig" HARDWARE STORK. J & J. HARRIS. So. *. IIROCJK KRIIOFF ROW. A rtriw Ktid rniulpi Ha.dware Store *• uprncd % the undertlffted In Hrin Iterhoflri new ho lining—where they re nrepereei t.i ll *ll Kind* nf Building ind Hla* and Mi#r< rWat- "falt.De., Picture Frame*, V* bcell arrow*. L*i<>t. Coal Oil Lamp*. Betting, tiirfij trt) F.'Sioe*. and Huh*. ' <•*, ('uUtvat' t Corn I'iow*. Plow iPiflM*. rlnar Meld Hoard* end CuHW.- ,or Teeth, table Cutlery, hlmtel*, Spade* nl Pork*. Hunk*. Hinge*. Screw*, Saah , Spring*. Hor*e>Mi-<-rir<'l ao<| for tale at UunoS f if I * I 11 tit 111- IX L THE WOMAN'S FRIEND THE B3T FIXIKnr:> aVd MOBT PERFECT " FLAT Utuß" EVEIi WADE. InttrchkßffMbU Basul* hud ShUld Casblßtd. at.wd fvr'exy MCWI W liuui. Ii can on *yo*t ed and iwdaj wl.aa Iba l-oi ta he!>U( ru.au* Mar • *• h*arad. tac handle tutiat ha detarhad T' •IB r'l to any addo-a, na w .dpi of .r*ft or 1 O Order fur !*, anwu t,autr of two fuiluwdag rota: hot Ko. 1-9 Iron* of So and 1 fht,, J faandW, $i W •• A-a fe 7*l 1A *9O •* *- " J.Bkodtiiim, •* 9.99 Klckel pitted Iwwa. tVt*. T Wt #U. Any warty Ardrriat AT* acta will raw Mir* owe art extra < a premium. Thoroughly reliable cgeota wanted. AddraM BIHWIIUSUDIIIOKC9., M Ftrat Su, BroaUym £. D, M. T. teeealtWeSa*# Me**ae. urtslAwaa A WhenaK Etiabiithed, 1843. MILLIIKIM MARBLE WORKS BIT DEIIIN3ER & MU3SER The <*l4. r.Diablo pWtw, wber# Monuments, Couches, Headstones, and other marb Work! mud*. in the J bwt ylei < J up n raa-Miablc Until VST Thankful far jxtd faton, we re *peetirely *oliei! the patronage of the * public. Sitop*. Eti of Dii 4(, M iliWim, Pi. Vp- • > _ * CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI MIRRiY. at bit cAabiiiLtaeip at Onfre Hail, kwo ion httn ', nrd lor M I*. •( the mot r*a.->nn ' tia rate*. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PT.AiKAKit Fancy and vehicle* of every deacripuo# made to 'order, end warranted to be mode of th* boat -e*oo-d material, sod by the moil jikiilod and competent workmen. Bodtn* { for baggie* end |.rir.g-wag.i Ac., of the •tjoii n proved made to order.also j Gearing of el! LnOi made to order All Hind* of repairing dr promptly and at 'the loneit poanible rat** Perron. wanting anything in hi* Use are '•equeMedto call and examine lit* work, thee will find it net to be excelled for dur ability and wear. may fitf. "LEVI If I'lt RAY, NOTARY PUBLIC, SCKIBKKR AND CONVEYANCES. CENTRE HALL. PA. ; Will attend to sdntintMoeing <>nth*, Ac I kttowle Jgemeel of Deeds. &<-, writing Ar {'ieletof Arreeno-nt. lieod,. Ac, mavlb J" OHNSONS HOTEL. bellkvovtk. r*. J iHninn A Son'*. proprietor*. Having i refined and oewiy furnlh*-d tbK are now pi-pa red to aceointnodaie traveler* I in the m>t aatiifactory wanner, j hnaW tf j : Chas. H. Held. Clock. RniehinakrrA Jrsriei Millhcitn. Outre (X, P. *1! kind* i t Clock*, Watch*-* and Jewelry d the lateat *tyle. nti*t>tb Mnramiile Patent Calender Clock*, provided with a complete index of the no-nth and day o. the month and week on id (net. which i* j warranted *• a perfect time-keeper. 11 MFCltoeka Wilrlnt and Jewelry re ie mind very io* t?t ! J~JK~S. G. GUTELIUS, Dentist, Millhcim; ' OFer* his profit* ona! rv re*cnt*' a SIL VER MILKING TUBE by which more 'than half the tune and labor of milking cow* i* *:;ved. F'our tube* to a set, which will be rent poupaid to all t net* of the country on rece.ptol Two Dollar* per *et. An Agent i* wanted in every county, to wboiu h liberal discount wiil be ai-owed. Add- e-, the manufacturer. GEORGE P. PILLING 701 Chostnnt Street, Philadelphia. SSR.AH kind; of Scciet Society work. Jewel*, Emblem*, Budge* and Silverware geneiaily. Diplomas awarded *1 the Berk*. Mont g imery, Ohe-ter and Buck* County Fairs. For teatim nial* seethe Practical Farmer for Sopte iiber and tk-tobcr. Sead for cir cular* ToctSbn, Tube* can be **en at the Reporter office —they are neticce-*. lis RY BROCKEKItorr, J. U. SHUOKRT Prwideßt, Cnsbier. QKNTRE COUNTY BANKING CO (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow iuterest, Discount Notes, Buy aril Sell. Cover.imeut Secu - iließ.Goi' 1 A M>loiHtf <'oiir"n. D. M. RITTENHOUHIi, WITH KOOXfi. NniWARE A CO. wholesalk dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue, 137 North Water Street, Philadelphia. > l.Koon, G Scawiax. .rcavAl ! .C. T. AI.EX >.ndk. O • m \LEX ANDKK a BOWERS rtttor iraye at-Law. Bibfonte, P. Special attention givun to Coileciion*, una O'- [ phan*'C-'url practice. -Vlay "Jo T4-L