The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 17, 1876, Image 4
TWO LIVES. RY *. iVXXART fX.vTKR. Peru— he gprxx- to manhood fair. Weak- he strsy'd from mother's cre. Mad - he wed a soman tow Dmnk-to dealt a deadly blow. tiring lie broke a mxxUisr's heart Wrong -e'en from the x-ery stait. |Vm he grew lo fair. strong he pn d a mother's .sow. laxve.l tie wed a maiden pure. Kind— he heip'd the needy poe*. Head m mourn d by evsry one. xioxnl oh. true and faithful son ! tlstllnc ranll * llh Ihe Wort,l. There is a class ol pcopl* in the world xx ho make it the chief business ot their live- to dejxreciate existence and its blessings, w ho speak of this world a* a •vale ot tears," au 'alxode of sin and sor rtxxx ,* a Mallx cross,* a 'realm of hlasical hopw,' ami so on through the entire category ot*#u h cxprc-sltms. l ife, iln'v tell u-, is not worth lixlng; they wish they hud never Uvn horu; or liaxi died in infancy, ami xx o c.tnnot help indulging the thought that ii they h.*l nob,six- xCiuild have been the 10-, rby it. Evefx thing bark* to them - id and lu gubrious. their spectacles rc smoked glas. ami their jaundiced, x. -cecxerx tiling bright ltirough this dusky metii inn. Every misfortune w hiclt com, s, every streak of 111-luck which tM'tall* them, is .a direct 'Judgment' from tlo # kimlghty as tiivnigii thev tellevxsl tint Uie i,o*l of love and poxvet the w hole time in stuxlx'lng xxnt re duet iter. I or cruelty xx heiexx ub to atllixd Ills children xx bom He pi ft-sses to love. It a man rots too much at dinner, drink- too much and smokes too many cigars and dies of ajmplexv at forty, w lien 1 , tight by the laxx >ol nature lo have lived to eighty, tivxd is arraigned, and the man's friends and the clergy man who preach, * hi- funeral -enmm call his death 'a mysteriju* dtsjwnsa- Uon of Provklence.' if a mother dresses her tender little child so as to show w- hare neck ami arms and plump leg*—beautiful, we ad mit—but fume the le— -.-nsitixv t> xsald on that account, if she tills the child * stomach xx ith I * and its head with knowledgelntetuhai only for ri|*T years, and the child dies. a> xf course it xx ill, then everybody sytupathiaes with her. ami urges her to la* resigned to tlie ill ~f I*rovidence. Aud the artlictcl mo ther weeps, and wonxlci - xxliat she lias ever doueio deserve such au aillicting stroke. Men who are brought up to know right from w roug cheat, and lie, and swindle, and speculate, and build up fortunes, and invest them in taiicj stiß'k* which ri-e into existence like snap-bubbles, and by-and-by the bub ble bursts, the fine Ihings are swept away, ami these men have the assur ance to sav that God has dealt harshly with them, and that the punishment is harder than they can lear. •Th (>si* hr!(> th.* t>o bf.'T thetuwio*." As true a liueas ever was penned, and in nine ea*e*out often our world isjiM w hat we make It. if we resolve to sea* only the dark side, we shall of course see no sunshine, if we choose to live in a cellar. the sun will not be likely to come down out of the heavens and seek Us out in our obscurity. If we meet trouble half way it will accept the tacit invitation and be ever present with u-. *A merry heart doeth juod,' and the greatest things which can IK- showered ujton a family are good nature and i heerlulness. Indian* ma Iking Hreatt. A correspondent with the Hay den surveying party writes of the Moqui Indians as follows; It was with no little curiosity that we stopped and passed the threshold of otic of the hou ses to wituess the interesting process of the manufacture of pee-kee. or Mo qni bread, which we liad so frequently eaten since our arrival. Under a large, fiat, smooth, horizontal stone some two feet long, a toot and a half wide, and three or four inches thick, a hot tire was burning. Belore this a woman sat on the tiour baking. In a pot by her side was a thin, pa-sty mixture of greenish tiour \made from the red and blue corn . cedar ash, and water. Into this the woman dipped her hand and smeared a thin coating over the stone or oven, which had been previously greased to prevent adhesion. In a few seconds the sheet of pee-kee was re moved and another baked. I wenty or thirty layers of this folded twice, formed a loaf, and w ben dry it was ex tremely brittle and palatable.—The process of grinding the corn into riour and converting it into this bread is an almost endless job for the women, but they take it as a matter of course and are always laughing, apparently hap py. The dour made by them is of two kinds, the greenish blue and the white. The latter, made from the white corn, w hen finished is as line and good as any of our manufactured brands. This pass s through three mills; the first breaks up the corn, the second grinds it coarsely and tlie third pulverizes it. These nulls consist of stone boxes piaced in a row, which may be seen in every bouse, in each of which is an in clined, square, smooth ruck on which the corn is placed and rubbed with a long stone or roller some fourteen in ches in length, and four wide. Ihe grinding is invariably done by the women, who labor at it from morning until evening, and frequently doling the whole night. The Hug ItrlgiMl* .Some years ago a committee of the House of Commons, investigating the subject of the pnjer luty, rejiorted that "not more than four-tenths of the rug* of this country are preserved; It the remaining six-tentlu could i<e returned 10 lie manufactured, there would 1* no nece— ity to gi to foreign markets for some twenty-five per cent, of the rags now required for the paper manufac ture of England." Tlii- statement fur nished a hint to the Haggis 1 School Society. There had been e*utbli*led a Shoe-black brigade; why not a Bag-coi iectlng Brigrape? Truck*were itiere upon provided, and jioor boys trained; the truck* were numbered, and the boy- clothed In a serviceable uniform. A printed tariff was prepared, showing how much money wa* lo In* offered for each kind of refuse. The collector# are the elder boys, who make purchase* and manage the cash; the i<fiUtnlt arc younger boys, to draw the trucks, and otherwise act under the collectors; while the sorter# are employed at the warehouse or depot. Every truck has its round or beat, and returns in the evening with a collected store of odds and ends, honestly paid for in money. l'a|ier, rags, old metal, glass, old ropes, Itones—all are Itought; ami the boys have gone so far a* to buy, and bring home to the superintendent, a cocked hat, the trappings for a hearse, a bag with a million of canceled postage stamps, and other unexpected tilings.— Chamber't Journal. Hint*lor SUr-Wl Invalid*. As tor clothing, tlie invalid ought to carry supplies of light ami warm de scriptions, which may be required to dolt and lion, often twice during the day. Unless well wrapped and under an awning, it is not advisable for very delicate persons to leave the saloon al - ter sunset. liming November and the three following months, dew falls pro fusely at night all over the Valley of Theues after 9 P. M. It is, however, dispersed In-fore 9 A M„ and in the form of tleecy cirri may lie seen float ing at high altitudes in an otherwise clear and delightfully serene atmos phere. The dew almost vanishes in Nubia, above the First Cataract, in consequence of the close proximity of the desert to the river. Thus the cli mate, from leiug moist, as in Egypt, becomes exceedingly dry in Nubia. Travelers sometimes sail at night when the wind is favorable, but as time ought to lie no object, the preferable plan is to halt at dusk ami start after breakfast. By this means tlie sick enjoy all the scenery, and are saved the annoyance of the creaking helm at night. The boat should be so placed that (he morning sun will shine on either the starboard or port side for two hours before tlie patieut ar rives in the saloon, the lattice windows of which have been raised, and tlie ou ter curtain rolled up, the object being to dispel the sharp morning air, by no means an insignificant caution. But it will lie (omul that invalids with sus xoptible ail passage* and they consti tute more than one-halt ol tin* \N inter sojourner* oil tin- Kite—who harovx l> riiMteiil t!♦* x-omloitles* feeling ot getting out ot bed anil dressing with an Egyptian north wind blowing ihnautli the boat. will tullv appreciate thia recommendation. A train, on tho downward vxtyage, when Uon<a blow* sharply, the atom window a should lie cov*rod with the sntata, ami the boat allowed to drift atom foremost w Idle the patient is seated in tliectuy nook in front of the aaloon. A comfort Ira* I mat, without a aatara, and full id diatt.i troin the badly-titting doora and window*, oblige* the invalid to hut liimselt up during wimlv weattier, and Urn* the full benefit of tlie climate i* in a measure lout. The uraud ad van Inge of the Egyptian oliiuate in winter is ita daily serenity and sunshine. However strongly tlie wind may blow, a sheltered corner after hraikfwt time will always lie a attuny one. To |h i sous, therefore, with dedicate Inn*;* it is a matter ot no little itni>o!taiice to lie aware of tliia eirenmaiance and to le enabled at the same time to iitiliie a tew aitnple measure* of protection against the aaperitie* of the weather. 'lhe rihnntes of I'pper Egypt, Nubia, and the desert are, from their anportoi drytlMw, far better at!tied tor certain lung disease* than the damp atnto* pile re ol rfie lelta and lullixao-d tracts ot the low country ; much, how ever, dejieud* on the condition oT the patient, who must consult ith his me dical ailviser on tins point. flic cli mate of the Vile Vallev in Nubia is much dryer than that ot laiwet Egypt; w title the abarp, brwcinirair ot the .Vu biau lK'sert i* utteu try lug to the very delicate, I'lie evj>ertooe ol )at* suggests t> the |xatint that, provided lauietit is obtained by the vtxag, ui the Fust t'alaiact, Lc will do x oil t.< i*h ou u> (lie second catai.u't, i.mi U • iu Nubia as lone aa the xxcalhei wil. pel nut. He max return to Asaoxwaii u> ward the inil ot February, aud bask for a texx days among tlie sunny creeks x>t the rapids, where be will euioy the tine scenery and a delightful c imate. It e>jual to the exertion, lie can stroll amotiir I'lnlbe's interesting ruin*, ami anchor the boat iu the sheltered ms>k tttst nuder the grand temple of .Escu lapius— no unsuitable plaice for the iu xalid who tcels the better for his Nu bian tour. Indeed. if his gratitude for the art which ha* Imen the means of suggesting remedial measures for his good lia* any eccentricity* he may mu tate the ancients, ami there ami then sacrifice a cock at the Temple of Health, where doubtles-s many au ancient Egyptian had offered up simi lar obtafiou*.— Ckttmbert't ,/i>r*<W Tkr tafllth Walnut. 'IV innate of the English w alutii \Ju-j --km* te§bi L* IVrsla an.l the Himalaya*. It was introduced into Europe, at a very early age, by the Greeks, who planted it in all their colonic*. It found its way into Italy many centuries prior to the Christian era, ami was greatly prized by the Unman*, who gave It the name Juglans, said by \ arro to be a contraction of the words Juris J'.IMJ, — Jupiter's nut. The Kotnaas diffused the tree through their provinces, plant ing it even in Kngland, here it was called by the Saxons Wealh-knut, or foreign nut, w heuee come* the modern name walnut. In Russia, the tree is called Greek nut. probably because It was carried from Greece into that coun try. The finest walnut-trees in the world grow, it is said, iu Asia Minor and along the Black Sea. in Cimusia and Persia, thousands of families subsist upon the produce of a few roods of ground devoted to walnut-trees. The HuilJity A'cirs. giving statistics regard ing the tree, says; "Near Balaklava, in the Crimea, there is an enormous wal nut, w hieh belongs to five Tartar fam ilies, and which produces annually from >o.l*lo to 100,000 nuts. This tree Is said to bo nearly :1,000 years old. At the Village of Parthenit, in Greece, there Is a walnut tree whose trunk is 20 feet In circumference. Tills tree is worth i.27 annually. There are several very ancient walnut-trees in Kngland. the njo-t remarkable of which is in Norfolk. The trunk of this tree is said to 1R- >0 feet high. and 11 feet In diameter. In 1027, a walnut-tree wa- cut down at Mdwyn, in Hertfordshire, which, w lieu standing, icinpirtl a -pace of 2,200 square vanls." The timber of the Knglish walnut is iight, hatd, tine-grained, ami suscepti ble of a lilgli polish. It is consequently greatly valued fur various purposes, it is, with the black walnut, almost the only wood ue<l In the construction of guiebaks, and |J,OOO has been paid for a >ingle tree to be worked up In tliis manufacture. Kngland annually con sume- Jo,UGO full-grown walnut-trees, which are imported mainly from Italy and the of the Black Sea. Kissing Hand*. in Morocco the number "the i- never mentioned in the Sultan'* presence, be cause five K the number of the finger* of tlie ham!; and the hand, as the wiel iler of sceptre, *w<rd and pen should Is'. is the symlkol of authority all the world over. Thl- give- ;t meaning to the custom of saluting a ruler - hand by w ay of homage, and no courtly cer emony can lsmst a greater antiquity than that of ki--ing hands. Priam, suje plivating Achllie* to restore the body of Hector, call* him-eif the most miserable of men in being furred to kneel I*-fore the murderer of lib children, and kf-s the hand yet reeking with their blood. Roman soldier* kissed the hand of their generals; consuls, tribunes ami dicta tor- {teruilUcd a favored few to pay tbein the -aiue mark of respect. Under the emperors, kissing the inqx-rial hand wit- held an essential duty on the port of courtiers of high rank; ami, taking a leaf out of the Pagan's Imok. as w a# too much their habit, the bishop* of the early Christian Church gave their hand* to tlie Hp* of inferior min ister*. The wearers of the triple crown were content with being honored in the same fashion, until one of the la-os, not caring to exhibit a mutilated baud, sub stituted hi* foot, and no one daring to protest against the innovation, hi* suc cessor* were careful not to resort to the les abject ceremony. It may be doubt ed if any Pope would have persuaded Cardinal John, of Lorraine. to kiss hi* toe. When the Duchess of Savoy prof fered her fair finger* to that lip-loving churchman, he declined the favor wit h disdain, declaring he" was accustomed to make free with the lip- of tlie great est tjueen iu the world, and was not go ing to do less by a dirty little duchess; then seizing the a-tonished lady by the waist, the Isild Cardinal, spile of strug gle- and perturbations, kissed her thrice upon the mouth. With equal disregard for etiquette, hut with more simplicity, did the country dames, to whom Charles ii. presented his hand, put uptheir lips tor the king to kiss, a breach of custom the Merry Monarch readily forgave; forgave, we may be sure, with more sincerity than Jaine* 1. forgave Sir Henry Yelverton for speaking disre spectfully of his countrymen when, in token of pardon, he allowed the indis creet orator to kiss hi* royal hand thrice ere he left the presence. Kissers at court are, we believe, forbidden to ap pear with their hands gloved. It wa* not always so, for in a letter dated 1025 we read: "This day uiy I ami Coke, with hi* gloves on, touched and kissed the King s hand, but whether to be con firmed a councilor or cashiered I cannot yet learn." From ki**ing hands at court came kissing hands In courting— a practice the learned Selden consid ered as foolish as to eat the {taring of an apple when one might taste the fruit itself; and from kissing hands for love came kissing hands lor politenem' sake, and the use of the phrase, "I kiss your hand," as a salutation upm leave taking, without a thought of suiting the action to the word. A story is told of an old laird, w ho, lieiiig presented to George the Fourth at a levee, iu hi* ig norance and anxiety to get through the business, ignored the Land extended to him, and, with a hasty blow, edged to ward the door with all speed. Brought up by I/ord Erroll's whispered rem inner "Kiss hands! kiss hands!" the startled old gentleman, facing about, kissed lioth his hands at the king as if wafting a cordial recognition to a f fiend at a dis tance. All unconsciously, the laird was acting according to ancient rule, for only the greater subjects of the later Caesars were permitted to press their lijm upon imperial finger*. Inferior folks kissed their own hands, as they were wont to do upon entering the tem ples of the gods; a custom l'liny set down among those which were followed for no known reason but their antiquity. —AH the Year Sound. l.llsrarjr 4'nrloslllss rilnv #scrt* that the Iliad of Homer hud tieon written xili s piece of parch nient, *o small as to lie enclosed In a nutshell. Hurt, although skeptical, maxle an e*|erliiient which convinced him that It xxas possible, although others max still doubt. He tells us that piece ot vellum ten iiu lies long slut eight w ide, can be put In tlie shell ola large walnut, tin till* lie considers it |H>s*ihlr lo write in a single line thirty verses of lhe Iliad, and t Mjuoero Hue* ill a single page. The txxo sides of the leaf would hold rlit- Ift.tnm xirse* of Homer's |H-m, A line t Iliad con tains about thirty letters, liemv '.sal let ters xx x'lild hare to be written In every line, wlilcb. It not beyond the bound* of IHISSibUItX , I* la-xoiid lias. o( ploh.t bllilv. t'harloltc Br®iite" small writing con talus txxenty letters to the linear Inch, and she put 17 line* into au inch. I'hls xxoul.t give nearly SOW vci*,-- of Homer iu the space that liuet xamslxlers can la- made to hold 15.W0. Elian ic- Cord* that a latcudcitiottlaii artl-t xxtote in letters of gxdd a ins)' of two verse*, enclosed in tlie rlinl of s grain ot corn. I'etcr Hulcs. a celebrated ami iin-cl t'lc xx riling tna-ler, is -aixt l> haxe w 111- ten a minute copy ot the Hible, ra< h leaf txMifaiidng the same HiiilU r as a ivage of the great Bible. Tlie entire Iws.k xx as txuebesst in a walnut mil larger than a hen's egg. The British Museum Is sakl to contain a portrait ot Vjueeu Antic, a little larger than ah t til sise, but the Hues of the diaxxlug are fortm-d ol very small xxriting, ami contain the content* ola -mail tollo volume. I'assittg from xxriting to pi inting, vine of tin' smallest b<>ok> ever ioxhluxhl is alt octavo entitled, "'The Hible in Miniature sic .or a t'oucise History ot the tiixl and Ncxv IVstameitta, Lon don, printed for K. Newbury, corner of St. Haul's Churchyard, ITS"." It extends to 25> pages, i strongly hound and adorned xxitti execrable steel en gravings. A single pagxg taken at ran dom, is fottmi to xxuitaiit "J1 word*, or 105 letters. The page measures 1 inches, atami au inch Wing iH-cupted t>y the text. This small book on a great subject, is exceeded in iiilinilesiittaliiess by a literary pigmy blushing in it thirty-seromi eviitiou. "Small rain u|k>ii the tender herb, lHmt xxxu.2. Thirty second etliiion, Ixuidou Keligious Trax't Society, 5b Paternoster Hoxx," 1* the fall title page of a xxork which may probably claim the designation of the smallest book in the xvorM. It i- au octavo of I'iJt |xg>', ami x'acti page hold some dfi wxirxls, or ab,>ut 140 letters, it measures a shade over l l 4 inch. If we take as a test of stnallness tlie greatest amount of matter coctipressed Into the least space, the palm Is proba bly due to a liible recently issued at the Oxford press. It measures inches by 2 S 4 inches, is about an inch thick, and weighs when, handsomely bound iu ealf, with silk linings, less than J' a ounces. Another lirm hate lately issued a Bible which is only smaller than that just described. The largest book the world has so far seen s believed to lw the wotk entitled "Specification* of Patents for Inven tions," published for many year* past under the editorial Care of Mr. Beniiet VVoodcroft, F. H. S. The work is still iu course of publication, about ten part*of It appearing daily, or between three or four thousand yearly. Kach specification forms a pamphlet stitched in a blue pajwr cover, illustrated when necessary, with engravings, Some spe cifications only cover a single leaf; others are as large as a good-sized volume, if we are to regard that a* the smallest book which contains the few est letters, the palm Is probably title to "The Wordless Hook," which alter the title-page, duea not contain a single word, i'hls "book" consists of ten pages. The flr*t is the title page ami front cover, the tenth forming the other cover; the second and ihirtl pages are black as an "Kthiop's artu;' the fourth and fifth are red as a rose; the sixth and seventh are virgin white; the eighth and ninth are shilling gold. I lie entire work is a religious allegory, de vised by some enthusiastic Evangelical the black symlMill/lng the iinregeuerate heart of man; the red indicating the Redemption; the white imrtraving the condition of the heart after it hx- teen "plunged beneath that flood, and the golden felicity with which the book ends leing the symbol alike of earthly ami celestial jov. Fruit In PrrhlMurlr Timet Carbonized apples of small -i/e. iden tical with th<>*e growing w i I>l in the wood* of Sw luerland. have Is-en found abundantly in lake lx>ttoins and in :t tolerable state of preservation. Mr. Meikominer disiaoered on one i < i *ion more than three hundred of them lying together. They are often cut in halves, more rarely in three or four jarts, and were evidently dried for consumption during winter. Whether a larger kind of apples found at Ilobeu haiiM'ii was cultivated, or aw iid-grow• ing specie*, remain* undecided, i'rof. Oswald Heer, of Zurich, who ha- pub- Ushed an interesting work on lm u*trim vegetable renudns, inclines to the for mer view. Wild {tears were treated in the same manner; hut they are far lew common than apples, which must have formed a much-sought article of diet. Among other vegetable remains aecti uiulated in tbc lake uiud may he men tioned hazel-nuts and beech-nut-, \v hlch doubtless both grew in great plenty ; also vvater-.-liestnuts, which doubth—si were collected ami eaten by the lake-men, as they are in l'p|er Italy a! this day. Their present occurrence in Switzerland ajij-ears to la- restricted to a t.irn in the ciintou of Lucerne. There have further been found abundantly the stone* of aloes, bird-cherries and wild plums, and weds of the ra-ptierry, blackberry, and strawtierry, showing that these fruits of the fore*t were used as food. Aooonling to Mr. Keller, tlie lake colo nists of tiie Stone Age drew their sus tenance chiefly from the vegetable king dom. Their animal food evidently was aivpiired by hunting rather than by the breeding of cattle, considering that, in the accumulations around the piles, the bones of wild animals outnunilx-r those of the domestic sjieeie*. Milk, we may assume, formed an iui|M>rtaiit article of their diet. The (.ladlnlor* of India Another sort of comliat, much more terrible than those already mentioned, ami which is only to IN* MEN nowadays at Itaroda, is the Xurki-ka-kousii; that is t<> sny, "fight with claws." Here the combatants, almost naked, hut adorned with crowns and garlands, tear each other with claws of horn. These claws were formerly of steel, and caused certain death to one or other of the combatants ; but they have ls-cn alsdishcd .1- too barbarous for modern times, t hose now in use are, as 1 have said, of horn, arid are fixed on the cloned fist witli thongs. I was only once present at a combat of this kiud, for my heart was so moved by the horrible spectacle that I retimed to go again. The wrestlers, intoxicated with bting— liquid opium, mixed wiih an infusion of hemp—aing as they rush upon one auotler; their faces and heads are soon covered with blood, and their frenzy knows no bounds. The king, with wild eyes and the veins of Ilis neck swollen, surveys tin* scene with such passionate excitement ttiat lie cannot remain quiet, hut imitates by gestures the movements of the wrest era. The arena is covered with blood ; the defeated combatant is carried off, sometimes in a dying condition; and tlie conqueror, the akin of nis forehead hanging down in strips, prostrates himself la-fore the king, who places round his neck a necklace of tine pearls, and covers him with garments of great value. (tne episode, moreover disgusted me to such an extent that, without any heed of the effect my sud den departure might have upon the guicowar, lat once withdrew. One of tiie wrestlers, whom the hang had only half intoxicated, after receiving tin first few blows, made a show of wish ing to escape; liis antagonist threw him, and they rolled together on the ground before us. The victor, seeing the unhappy wretch demand quarter, turned to the king to know whether lie should let the other rise, but, inflamed with the spectacle, the monarch cried out. "JUaro. "miiru (ti ike ! strike!), and the sculp of the unfortunate fellow waa ton without nn-rcv. When he was taken away lie hint lost all con ciouanesH. That same day the king distributed amongst the victorious wrestlers necklaces and monev to the amount of more than four thousand pounds. AI.NKTI.Tt HI!.. T'L tuN AMI DKY STARI.KM The pre* cut ea*o!t ha* been, and in all likeli hood vv ill continue U> be, a very unfa vorable one for iior-os. Influenza, that destructive |H'*l to the equine I ace, laith endemic and epidemic, is prevalent in a greater or less extent throughout the country, in view of this fact, the fol low ing hints vv 111 l>e found useful: A horse will endure severe cold weather without much Inconvenience, so long a* lie I* furnished vx it it a dry stable. Hot require him to stand on a wet and tool floor, and hi* health w 111 soon be gin to tail. Morse* often suffer from ■ old feel and legs. A great many stables luive damp and wet luior*. Few men who handle hot ••* give proper atten tion to the feet and h gs. Fspecially i* this the ca*e on farm*. Much time is -pent of a morning tn rubbing, brush ing and smoothing tlie halt on the sides Slid hips, hut at no time are thr feetex ami lied ami pro|*r|y cared for. It is know u that the lect of „ horse require more t aic than the IMMIV, TIICV need ten times a* much, for in one rc*|**vt Uiey art-almost the entire hoir. All the grooming that can !*• done won't j avail anv thing Lithe horse I* forced to stand vv in-re lit* tcet will la- tilth)'. In tills us 1 (be lih'l will becinuodiscolored i ami Mien (he legs w ill get ha-lh out Of i tlx; and wilii bad feel and had teg* ' there i not much else of the horse ill for anything. Mahir piisous generally are very M-vcre on the b-gs and Icet of Imrses, ami utiles* these building* can allord a dry room where the iiorse* can vvalk around, lie dow'it or toll over, , they are not hail M> healthy oi comfort j able to the liorse as the j mature, and j rliouid la* avoided by ail good ho* tie is in tlie country . Nothing Induce* colds ! and cougti* so much a* wld ami vvci , tcct in ill-kept stable*. An ordinary cold is the stepping stone to influenza, dl*teui|ier, ptieumouia, rtieumatisiti, and a humbci of othci diseases whicli follow in their train. Keep your sta bles clean, give your horses plenty ot | fresh air, keep their feet warm lit cold w rather, and you may defy the ilmti satid-aud-otie disorders that equine flesh is heir to. — /'arf, Fold, an./ Form. Ftu tr-Tnns IIKIMI**. —The last num ber of the Lmukm fhmlea illustrates and describe* a plan of fruit tree hedges which is suggestive, ami worthy ot adoption in many paru of this eouutry. tur Kngtlsh contemporary savs that it* France and Belgium, more than elae vv here, liave tlie vacant spaces along j the lines of railway la-en utilized for grow lug fruit*-—principally (tear*- and it Is olleu liie case lliat, instead of the trees being in the form of standard*, | they are trained so as to form a hedge along taitii side* of the line. .Sometimes j a cheap fence of galvanized wire t* uod : and the tret** are trained #t> that the branches cross each oilier ami occa sionally a cheap and slender kind of wooden fence, common in France, is sulistHuted for the vv ire, and it is found that, by training them in away to cross each other, Is- fore the fence de- Icays the trees are perfectly self-sup lairtlug, and form a very neat fence thrtuaelvre. Tlii* I# a plan well worth adopting in many gardens where iieat dividing line* are desired. It Is quite |MM**ibh- l> train espaliers of the choicest varieties of pear* so tiiat tbev stiall, in time, la* scil-supiairting. Fiahilhe*l trees erosaed in this way should not la* allowed to get into a rough, hedge-like condition, hut, on the contrary should j la* trained a* neatly ami perfectly a* trees on a trellis or wall. No fraying of the branches, resulting front their being interlaced, need take place. A shoot should la* taken along tbe top so as to act as a finish and tend to hold all tightly together, ami thu* constructed the w hole will look much tlrmer and neater than the 111-trained es|taliers that one often sees. A CLEAN Pot ttKy Hoi sr.—A clean tweet fow I house is a very desirable thing. A building infested with ver min is a wretched place to routine fowls in; and however generous may be their feed or the attention given to their needs otherwise, the neglect to keep the laying and roosting quarter free from lite overbalance* aii attempts to maintain poultry in a healthy condi tion. Purity ami cleanliness an* vb*o lutely essential to the health ami com fort of the fowls, guarding thetu from vermin, atul rendering even narrow quarters comparatively comfortable. Whitewashing is one of the most Im portant aids to sea-lire these results, ami should be perforated twice a year, Spring and Autumn, at lat. ami ortener If necessary. The t**i wash i made front fresh lime slacked with boiling water, to which is added one ounce of cartoilc acid to every four quarts of water. Siitte -av that tiie bitiiding -iiould is* cleared of fowl*, closed, and thoroughly fumigated by burning in it Ntil|ihur or tohatvo ateina in an iron kettle, previous to white* washing, but we have riot found this neces-ary. Whitewashing even j*r tion of ifis interior with the at*ve mix ture will do the business, The lime besides purifying the building, cover* unsightly stain- on the walla, and great It tinproven the general p|<cr slice of the room, while the acid tie* stn t * lire, tb-a- and other vermin. Moss IN LAWNS.—A eorrc*|miideut dc-irea to know the bed way to remove the tmavS from law us. The treatment inust vary with eircum-lance*. As a general rule, however, ui<-- must be regarded as any oilier weed and Is* re moved, to Is- replaced wilh the growth of gra-s. W hen the ground - friuten without snow, the iiio-s may Is- rapidly taken out from among the gra* with a line >t*cl rake. The bare ground thn* made should then Is* top-dre--ed with a cotii|s>-t containing alsuit a tenth of wood a-he- with manure, or the two may Is- a|iplh-d separately. Fine manure w ill do w ell alone, if very evenly spread. Then sow very thickly quite early In the spring with the seed of lawn gra-s. Sometimes moss springs up in conse quence of the heavy shading of trees. In such cases It may la* eradicated in the manner already deacrllied, and then kept out by sowing very densely with /*<! prateosi*. known also as June-grass, Kentucky blue-grass, etc. This keeps green and luxuriant in the shade of trees better than any other grass we know, orchard grass not excepted. To cause a speedy growth, spread one inch of line com [Mist tirst over the surface, after the mess Is raked out. When mo come-from too much dampness, thor ough undent raining must IM- resorted to, besides the treatment already d<*- aeritved. II AT AS PotT.TRV FMII IN WINTER. — The Poultry Hor hi advises the use of hay in the diet of fowls in w inter, as they eat grass to advantage in summer; "Bulk in food is required for health, as well for poultry as man or animals. Rich and concentrated food Is not readily digested, and invites disease. It is stated that, in importation, the life of a valuable horse was saved on ship board by feeding to lilm cut shavings in absence of hay, iu order to dilute, so to speak, his grain diet. Some think a craving for bulky f<**l is one chief cause of feather eating in winter or among fowls confined. "Now, just try ami wcitri' a KMMI l>ly of second crop hay, short, an<l if |HiM*iblc, containing clover. ('ore only enough to preaerve and your fowl* will cat a (Mil lion of it all winter, when they would turn away from Male cabbage. What is not e will furnish untold amusement scratching over. Heinem ttcr, In winter, if (mtiltry stand on one leg. unemployed all day, thev are dis posed to have the 'blue*.' fdlo medi tation* lead always to bad habit-; while a healthy mind, in a vlgorou* My, suggest# bualuesa, which, with fowl*, mean- winter egg* and early chicken*. I >KKP PLOWINO.— Ieep plowing i* good practice when you have a deep soil. It i* lietter for *ome crop* than for other*. I'low deeper for root* than for grain, and especially for corn, since in our short summer corn w ill mature quicker If the roots are not obliged to go down into a cold subsoil for nutri ment. Hut with shallow plowing you must have plenty of plant i<.<t mixed with the surface soil, since you desire to contlne the root* to that for the sake of the warmth. But above all beware of deep plowing in a shallow soil.— [ Tor/into Globe. THK BEST SEASON TO THIM TKKEH.— Tree* arc usually felled In tho w inter, when the trunks and hark are free from sap. Fruit trees are trimmed in the spring, that the vigor of the tree may be expended 111 the fruit instead of on the growth of the tree. Mctnmnc. Dnllinj //•!•/ MrUtlt. \ try hard metal, rnicli as steel tempered to a blur, limy be drilled by a drill tempered UI a deep straw culm, the dtill being used nt u comparatively slow speed, and forced against the work a*hard as mat mble without break lug the point of the ill til. Sufficient oil may U> applied, uftet the point of the drill him wilcfwl the metal, to keep the cutting rdgca barely lliolut, the ill 111 being again ul lowcd to fun dry and again moistened, thiiM iinliiK small mi amount of ull a* In coilMiMtellt a till keeping thr dllll cool. 11l lliln way the drill will cut lurid uteri the best. For cast iron, IlilWCVet, the dt ill should lie kept as diy tin iHißMible. In diitliiiK cast lion that m very Imrd, and ulno wrought lion that hnn beu i'r haideueil, the o|M-rat ion iuy IH< greatly MIMIM1 by taking a hauiiuei and a chisel and Jag ging the surface of the uietnl, thil" ru uhling the IHIKII of the drill to bite it. It Decennary, the chine! may Ite made very hard lot thin eiqtocial purpose. I n ntake a itull ruvtHtitiyly liuid to null MUllte especial i .inc, It tint) lie heat ll ill a cliaicoul tile lo a dull ml heal, and quenched in mercury instead of wit tel. Another method In lo hewl the dilit to n lt d heal in molten lead, and then to drive it into a block of wild lead, stnkitig successive blown lightly and quickly until the dull ia sufficient ly cool to tie unit ot its tielug held IU the hand. Ihe UIMV, however, m which a til til I* required to lie so hard are exceedingly IMIC. II a drill squeaks while Iwing O|H rntv d, it aiUK** hum oue of two caitaea: Fitbct the cut I iug edges an* dull, aud requite grinding. ot else the cuttings art* hinding in tlie holes, lu the lirst case, immediate gt i tiding is necessary ; ti the second, the dllli should lie withdrawn and the cuttings extracted. WtritiMiiy of Instincts. t hough the iualincta of auiuiala api* at and disap |a-ar lu such seasonable correauou druce WIMI theit owu wants and tlie wants ot their oflspiiug as to la- a standing object ot wonder, they have Ivy no means tin- tixrd ami unalterable character by which some would distin guish them from the higher faculties ot ttir human rare. 1 he.v vary in the individuals as does their physical structure. Animals can learn what they did not know by instinct and tor get tlie instinctive knowledge which liit-y never learned, while their iz aluitts will often accommodate them selves let considerable changes in the order of vtcrual events. F.verylvody knows it to lie a common proctiee to hatch ducks'-eggs under a common lieu, though in such cases the hen has to sit a week longer than on her own eggs. I (tied ail ex(critiient to ascer tain how (ar the time of sitting could IK* interfered with in the up|a>aitc di rection. Two hens became bloody on the same day, and I set them on dum mies. (in the third day I put two chick* n day old to one of the hcua. She peeked at theui once or twice; seemed lather fidgety, then Usik U> thrill, called litem to her and euleted on all the cares ut a mother. The other ben wa* similarly tried, hut with a very different result. She pecked at the chickens viciously, and both that day and the next atublvoruly refused to have anv thing to do with tlieui. /'.q#a lar Srieuot Monthly. Arir Kind 'if Vurriige H'lwb.-A new principle in the cousti ■ •tioo o( carriage wheels ha# been brought to notice by an Knglish inventor—every part of tfie aine consisting of wrought iron, with the exception of the lire, which 1* formed of the best cast steel. The method of fastening the spoke*- which are hollow—hotli in the rim and in the boss, is such, it is claimed as to insure satety, by the simplest means. The tire la *< constructed as to protect the other parts of the wheel when it runs against thecurhatotwi, or cornea in contact with another vehicle. Neither in putting on the lite, nor imbed in anv portion of the work, is a single bolt <>r nail employed, the spokes be ing slipped into their places ill the riiu and IHHW. and at let wards locked up by a nut. while the lire is firmly inserted into a groove in the rim. The strength of the axlelree is lucleasrd a! the point* wtiete it la wo*l liable to give way, and the !*•*- is made lo accommo date alout four times the usual quan tity of oil for lubricating purpoaaa. Although made of ttou ami steel, the wheel is not more than two or three pounds heat let than the ordinary kind. RcHilernuj II 'Xifl ft re tint! lluler /"roo/. M. P. Folaoct ha* devised a new mode of rendering wood water* proof and incombustible, which ra- oil e* the uee of the follow itig compo* ait ion . Sulphate of nor V lbs.: Ante* roan |nUafi ".Si IU. . alum (auraionia hare) ri 11*.; oxide of manganese 39 ll*.. aulpliuiic acid at rtfi deg., 23 lb*.; river water "**> ll*. The above ingredi ent*. with thc**xceptlon of the sulphu ric acid, an* mixed in a bolter, where the natei IN added at a teuitwratuie of lld deg. Kah. As NOOB ae the solution in e flee led, the arid is gradually poured in. To prepare the wood, the ttmliers are placed in a mutable chamber, ou gratuiga, and separated be apacea ot alanit n <juarterof an inch. Ihe composition is ttien puni|e<| in to till completely the receptacle, and ia maintained therein iu a state of ebuili tioii fot three houra. The wood is then withdrawn, and dried in the air. Ac cording to the inventor, it lieromea praetieally petntled. and the tiiiMt in* tense rtarne only CAlbomxes the surface very alowly. A nto/n ity of I'nnUH'j.— Act: oldlUg to tin* maearchrs of Wacher, of Hreslau, into the origin of literature, printing with movable types does not go further hack tn China "than the tenth century of our era. According to Klaymtia, the first four looka of t'oufiicius were printed between the years mm and W5, in the province of Sxutacliucn ; and the student could have lead a description of the Chinese manipulations as early a* 1310 in Kwschiiledilin'a Persian hia torv of the "Kuipetvf of Cathay." Sta nislaus Jttlleß, who gave great attUin tion to Chinese antiquities, tound that between 1041 and lO4N, or nearly 400 year* before Gutenberg. there lived a Chinese smith. Pi-aching ivy name, who used movable types made from baked clay. His invention, however, did not come into use. Krplo*u>n of ( hromic Arul trith ({lycr rm.—Fx plosive piescript ions are some times sent to innocent pharmacists by careless or ignorant physicians. The latest case of this kind is related by Austrian journals. The following mix ture was ordered for external use: 7*5 grams chromic acid aud fin grains gly cerin. The chromic acid was mixed with wfcter in a flask and the glycerine mixed with it by shaking. Suddenly the* contents of the flask exploded with a loud report, flying all about the shop, while the vessel remained un hurt in the hand of the astonished apothecary, and was covered with a black runs*. This ease deserves the more notice lvecause the quantity was so small and the detonation so ex tremely violent. To (Main a Uroten Patina on Zinc.— A solution of niolybdir arid, or molyb date of ammonia,in very diluteaqua re gia, or a solution of molybdle acid in excess of very dilute caustic soda, pro duces, according to Kletxinsky, n very useful patina hath for articles of cast Attic, '/inc statues or other ornamen tal articles, when dipped into this tuitli, become covered with a very pleasing brown patina showing the prismatic colors. This covering is nothing hut a thin film of oxide of molybdenum, which exhibits polati/ation colors ami adheres timilv to the metallic zinc. Tiir Htlgum Mo nil cur liiAttntrial says t lint, an engineer, having a piece of very hard bronze of huge diameter to turn in the Inthe, could not succeed in cut ting it with n tool of any kind or tem per. until he kept the tools constantly moistened with petroleum, when they cut with leadinesN. He says, that by using a mixture of petroleum ami spi rits of turpentine, steel with a straw colored temper ran la* worked perfect ly well. The experiment certainly can la* easily tried, say in turning chilled car w heels. According to Dr. Srliuller of London, the bad effects of chloroform on the pin nwtci arc neutralized by nitrate of auiyl. This substance, it is stated, even incases of complete Kinesthesia, arrests suffocation, reestablishes nor mal respiration, ami allows the pulse to regain ita vigor. This, if demons trated beyond doubt by further neces sary investigations will be an import ant discovery, since it tends to neu tralize the serious danger which now in many instances sttends ihe use of chloroform. ■Mianrric, in 1 • FttH CoMPOktS. The Stirw'4 ttf HtnUk says: "Never go lo bed with cold feel. Never try to sleep without lielng perfectly certain that you will be able to keep them warm. To lie one night with cold feet give* such a strain to the system a w ill be felt seriously, perhaps ending In a fit of sicklies*. M t 'old feel show an unbalanced clrcula tloit. The very beat thing to do I* to warm Ihe to by exercise, If llist Ite prac ticable. If not, try dipping them in hot ami cold water alternately, two or three times, ami then using vigorous friction, if that doe* not warm them and keep lliein w arm, heat them before the lire, drying them thoroughly, and theu oor reel your habits or Improve your health, for lie sure that one or the other is wrong, |'l hap* both. With all the rest, If you sleep on a hard bed, with cotton sheets, in a cold 1 room, nut on an extra covering over the feet. It i* very convenient lo have a ; "foot comfort," Just wide enough to cover the lop of the bed and about s yard deep. This may be made of some light material (perhaps the remains of a pretty dress), filled W Itil i otlou, like a "comfortable," and lacked with some harmonious color, During the day this may te thrown over the fool-hoard, and spread un the bed at night. The ad vantage of this la lo secure sufficient light covering tor the feel without over burdening (he remainder of the body. If you use a hot brick or an iron put ' it hi lie bed a little beforehand, and then w lien retiring remove it. To sleep with the feel in contact with it has a tendency lo make the feet tender. Hut latter than both these, and to tie used w itli or without them, is the foot blaukcl. Till* may tie a square yard of j domestic flannel, or two yards, folded, of Swiss flannel, or auytiiiug else you like thai is warm enough, only iiave II nice and clean. Fold this around your had and ankles before you put them dow u into the bed. If not very cold (Ids will often warm them, especially if you have used friction; end, If wsrm, it will prevent their becoming cold by contact with the taild sheets, it keeps the warm air around tbeia. It does not make the feet lender, and It is far more convenient than the hot brick or suap stone. Try it, and, if you are troubled with cold feet, you will be likely to keep it bv you hereafter. W kaievei you use, always lie at full length. To "curl up" hinders free circulation." UruiTiKt'i or Goon I'ooatau. —To OMik a |otato exactly rljcttt, *o that it w ill be just done and no more, be • mealy, hllc, jwrfat'l, require# an ex* cri lw of that talent wlibit i* a little iiiort of genius, oone Mould think who <*au the vegetable* at ordinary labia*. I'he Nitur i# true ofoniona, tltai odorou* btilb, which i almost always served under-done; of beau* M hk*h are eitlier burned in tlie ttalcing or dried to a choking consistency. Sow a hungry epicure even can make a good meal off of three or four thing*—nicely cooked i meat, perfectly prepared potato, a dish of ripe fruit and exemplary bread and butter. It la nut variety or quantilv tiiat U *o ltu|iortant a* quality, and If those aho rook could only realise Uita and precipitate all their powers upou the perfect preparation of only two dishe- at each meal, those who feed at their lianda would certaiuly be the gainer*. It ia a great deal eaaier, when one has really made up her mind to it, to have everything just right tiian it I* | to let thing* drill, for one right thing fit* into another right thing and then the whole I* right. Kadly cooked food i* not only sheer waste in nerve and uiuM'le, hut soul power. The hungry Uidy vainly attempt* recuperation in trying to digest and anstiuUalr food not j "convenient for it. so that w hat might hate been accomplished had the final beeu right remains undone. Tux lir.*T IHSTXNTERAXT*.— 'There are lhr<-e )iowerful disinfectant*; carbolic add, but it* smell I* objectionable, chlorine and jM-riiiauganate of potash ; these last two are quite ex|M*nslve. The*® disinfectant* act by combining with deletrlou* *Ubalance* and render ing Utetn harm leas, white antiseptic* prevent and arrest the decomposition of aniiual sulwtaucea. 'lite most common ami available disinfectant and deodoriser i copperas, crude cop|*ra*, sold by di ugglst* at a few cent* a pound, under the name of sulphate of iron; one pound to two gallons of water, to tie used a* often a- necessary to render all odor* imperceptible, acting at the same time as an antiseptic, deodorlrer and disinfectant; and If ln*tautly thrown over what paase* from the body in cholera, I* one of the cheapest and best mean* known for preventing it* rout munlcatloti to other*. The ooly per fect disinfectant, however, i* habitual cleanliness and thorough ventilation; next to Utal I* a dry boat of two huud red and fifty degree*. BOXING inr. KARS.— It D known that the (taftaage of lite ear I* closed by a thin membrane, especially adapted to I* used by every impulse of the air. and with nothing but the air to support it Internally. What, then, can he more likely t injure thi* membrane than a ■udden and forcible compression of the air iti front of It? If any one designed to break or over-stretch ilie membrane, a more efficient mean* could acaroely be devised than to bring the hand suddenly and forcibly down upon the {uiaaage of the ear, thus driving the air violently liefore it, with no possibility of It* es* cajie but br the meuibraiM giving way. Medical autliorities assert that many children are Iu this way made deaf bjr boxing on the war. t'oroH Svncr.—A receipt for making a cough syrup:—Take one ounce of thorough wort, IwiHwtl, one otince slippery alum, ona ounce of stick licorice, and one ounce ot flaxseed. Simmer ttiein together in one quart of water, until the strength ia entirely extracted, then strain caretully, and add one pint of heat molasses, and a half pound of loaf sugar; simmer Ihetn all together, and w hen cold bottle up tight ur use. This is a cheap and reliable remedy for colds. A few doaea, of one tablespoon ful at a time, w 111 alleviate the most dis tressing lung or w hooping cough, and b: higtily recommended for croup, asthma, bronchitis, Ac. How TO PRKSKRVE SMOKKD MKAT*.— Take ground black pepper, the finer the better; wash all the mold or soil off the hams or l>eef, and while they an* damp rub then; thoroughly with the penper. Two [von nds of |vep|cr will keep thirty |H>uhda of meat free from flies or inaects of all kinds. After Iveitig thus treated, it can remain in the smoke-house or wood-house, and not a fly will approach It. It also Improves the flavor of the meat. PAX lhrniiv.—l'ut apples pared aud sliced into a large pan, and put 111 an abundance of molasses or sugar, and some spice If the apples have little flavor; not otherwise. Dover with hread-dough, rolled thin, or a potatoe pie-crust. Bake a long time, and then Ivreak the crust Into the fruit In small pieces. Children are very fond of this especially If well sweetened and baked a long time. BIRDS' NKST PUDDINO.— Pare tart, well-flavored apples,scoop out the core* without dividing the apple, put them Iu a deep dish with a small bit of mace and a *|MM>utu! of sugar In the o|x*niiig of each apple. Pour In water enough to cook them. When soft, pour over them an unbaked custard, so as just to cover them, and hake till the custard is done. To ("I.KAN A CAR CRT —Shake and la*at it well: lay it ii|sm the floor, and tack it flrinly; then, with a clean flannel, wash It over with one quart of bullock's gall, mixed with three quarts of soft cold water, aud rub it off with a clean flannel house cloth. Anv particularly dlrtv sjMit should N* rubbed with pure gall. A PICK ut FOR BKKF OR HAMS. —To one gallon of water add I Its salt, sugar, oz saltpetre aud one ounce of saleratus. 801 l and skin and when cooked pour on to the meat, let It re main from four to live weeks, for hams before smoking. For l>eef as long as desired. CURE FOR A FKLON. —As soon as the felon makes its appearance and becomes painful, take a tew roots of blue flag, pound them tine and bind on the af fected part. It will soon drive it away. It may increase the pain for a rtrae with the first application. ataoaots How A Bov Wokta.— In empty Rug a tub of washing water for his mcituar thera Is not one hoy In a hundred who wUI descend to the feeble artlflco of a pali and dipper. .Neither the protiwt of his mother nor the weight of the water Intimidates s hoy. It is a higher arid nobler tiling to strain than to save the gizzard. He lakat the tub by lle handles, and hugging U close to his body, waddles forward. He has to move w Ith the greater care 10 keep the w aler, which atulu* a swashing motion, frmu overflowing on to his clothes. The swashing Increases with every move ment until s little splashes on U> him. Then lie seta the tub down and picks It up again and carrlea It at the full length or hi* arms, straddling hi* legs around It In order that ha may ad van or, and Suing forward an Inch at a lime, while ie chorda swell up In his arm* and neck, Ills fa*c turns purple ami his spine fairly crack*. It Is a painful pro gress- -every step Is s strain and a pain, hut there is nothing Ignoble shout It. Kveu If he should lose his balance in descending (he sloop, which he U likely to do, and In failing catch the entire content* of the tub over Ills person, still ire has the proud satisfaction of leeliitg that the dlsaaler was met in doing his full duty—e a lory.—/ Wary .Wis*. „ Tun BLOOM or Yot r*.—"Hub," said his Honor to a pigmy who wipmt bU eyes twfore the desk, "take heed of what 1 say, and remember my words as long as you live. Don't throw rocks at people. If you must hit folks, hit'em with potatoes or apples. Years ago a had hoy hit me on the neck with a rock. No oue can tell what Influence that concussion bad on In)' fortune. No oue can tell what influence I would have had on that hoy's fortune if I could have overhauled him." "1 didn't mean to!" waited the boy. ' Well, g<> and do better. You may just as well he training yourself for tfovernor as to lie raising contusion* on pedestrian's head*. Htippoae I should throw a rock at youf" "I'd dodgr!" sighed the boy. Bijab dodged him out, avx*om|>aniiKl by applause, ami the court at Mist mo ment adjourned. KKV. DM. KM-ttxr, of Kdluburgh, though a very clever man has met with his match. When examining a student a* to the claases he had attended he said, "And you attended the class for uiaMie tnaticsf" "Yes." "How many sides lias a circle f" "Two" said the student. "What are they*" What a laugh lu the class the student's answer produced when he said, "All Inside and an out side." But this was nothing i-otitjiarw) with what followed. Tbe Doctor hav ing said to this sludet|T "And you at tended tlie moral classatsof" "Y'ea." "Well, you would hear lec tures on various subjects. Did you ever hear one on cause and effect f" "Yes." "Does anv effect ever go be fore a cause*" "Yea." "Give me xtt instance." "A iuan wheeling a bar row," The IHx-lor then sat Jown, aud proposed no more question*. I.AW Y tuts are sometime* very particu lar. The other day oue of these learned aud amiable gentlemen was waited upon by a young man who w iahed his advice and began by saying; "My father died and made a will " "It la Impossible! I never heard of such a thing," an swered the lawyer. "1 thought it happened every day said the young man; "but if there D tube any diffi culty about it, 1 had better give you a fee to attend lo the buslneas." Tlie fee was given, and then the lawyer ob served: "Oh, 1 think i know w hat you mean. You mean that your father made a will and died." "Yea, yes; that must be it." IxoKviot * Ft-anwaT.—An exemplary clergyman, who I* somewhat weak iu the pulpit, relate* with much good nature how an "elevated" drover w bom be met in a coach did in all kindliness try to gloss over this Inferloritv. "Ah. lr. 8.." said the drover, his heart warmed by good bargain* at a great market, "ye dinna ken me, but 1 ken you. I'm while* in your parish. There'* no a better iikit ritau onywhere; yer own folk jist adore ye. Who care* about praachiuV A DETROIT buy paid hi* first visit to <>ur of the union tcfauuli Uir othrr day as a scholar, and w ben he carat* home at night his mother Inquired : "Well, Henrr, how do you like going to •rlwinh" "Bully!'" he replied in an excited roice. "I ut four boya licked, one girl got her ear pulled, and a big scholar burned hia elbow on the stove7 I don't want to rntaa a day." A xi MHKR of intelligent young men of Dubuque have formed a scientific cl.-taa, which it conaldering the subjects ot "light," "water" and "heat." Just so; they meet In their secluden clttb room, "light" the Are, "heat" the "water" or their whisky, and then tlieae youthful acienti*!* are fixed.— /tnrlingUm Uotrkeyc. \ KsritutvAV, the blush of health was upon her cheek, and the light of a happy spirit in her eye; u>-day, as abe ait* apart, looking a* yellow as saffron, and feeling as sullen as a mud turtle, he asks her tenderly w hat alls her, and she answers sharply, "Mince pie, you Idiot."' THK Rev. Mr. Shiptnan of Norwich says that he was once called to marry a man who was to be united to his fourth wife. As he approached the couple he said, as usual, "Please rise." The man fidgeted about on his chair, and finally remarked : "We've usually sot." Tn* most wretched being this season is the man with an Plater overcoat. He had not counted on a mild Winter, and the hare thought of how he is to get the wear out of that coat makes him burst into another perspiration and look more like a stage driver than ever. WHKN is a lady's dress like an un fortunate bull fighter? When It la gored. And when Is It like a partisan? When It Is biased. And when is it like s toper? When It I* fad. And when is it like the sails of s ship? When it Is trimmed.— Misers' Journal. A DOCTOR and a military officer be came enamored of the name lady. A j friend asked her which of the* two 1 suitors she Intended to faTor. She re plied that "it was difficult for her to determine, as they were such killing creatures." A nu.iow hid under a sofa at an In formal Boston missionary meeting and nays that the thirty-five ladies spoke twice of the down-trodden huatheu and more than a hundred times of a new kind of hair dye. "OH, I AM so glad you like birds! what kind do you most admire?" said a wife to her hustiand. "Ahem! Well, I think a good turkey, with plenty of seasoning," said the husband, is as nice a* any. SOFA so good—Mrs. Partington Isn't at all surprised to bear that the Otto man something Is the seat of dissatisfac tion. Give her a good old fashioned sofy if you wants to sit like a Christian. RKAIVINO Spurgeou's declaration, that "a cigar is a thing to thank lhd for," s school-boy iHiuglit a cigar. He was afterward seeu hanging over a fence, hut he was not giving thanks. THK nlwunl story almut the phenlx grew out of the fact that phenixes al ways roosted in ash-trees, and hence when they took wing they were said to "rise from their ashes." "PAT, who D this Nllson we hear so much spskiu' about In the newspapers ?" Don't you know, Mike? Why, It's only that sea devil, Nllson, that fit the battle of the Nile, to be sure. WASHINGTON was once asked to dine with Judge Jones. The chair iu which he would have sat If he had accepted this invltatlou will be exhibited at the Centennial. WHKN IS a clock on the stairs danger ous?— When it runs down. A MAN born without feet must neces sarily be no-to-rious. THK man who would like to see you— the blind man. A TIE game—Getting married. A Moynl ■*•!<■(, When the Allied armies occupied Parte Id 1815, (he emperor of Kintals, who re*llled at TalleyrßntTe peUce, *u In the habit of taking every morning, In the Mrlctest Incognito, • walk In the Tullerles and from thenoe to the Ptlais Koysl. One day he fell In there with hie two alllee, and the three sovereign* were going together to the Rue St. Florentine, when they were met by a man who, In ad probability, had arrived In I'arla but a few days ago. "Gentlemen,' said he to the allied prince*, "fan you tell me where I own And the Tullerles?" "Yea," replied Alexander, "follow us , we are Just going there." The stranger thanked him, and the conversation waa continued. A few minutes after they reached the palaoe, and, a* their pat ha separated, they took leave of one another. "Otto word more," added the stranger, who waa an honest Gascon; "I should like very much to learn the names of the gentlemen who have been ao ex cecdliigly kind to me?" "I believe vou have already heard of me," replied Alexander. "1 am the emperor of Ruaala." "A capital joke," exclaimed the Oaa eon; "the emperor of Hues is?" "And you," he asked, of the second, "who are you?" "J suppose I sin not entirely unknown to you either, as I am the king of I'rus "Better and better," replied the Oaa oun. "And you?" he said, turning to the third. "I am emjieror of Austria." The tiaacon burst Into a At of laugh ter. Alexander then sahi to him: "I Mjptmse you will tell ua now llke wiae with whom we have the honor of speaking?" "Certainly," replied the Gascon, drawing himself up to Uls full height and walking majestically; "I am the Great Mogul." The Kiu|>eror Alexander often related this emu-lug episode to his friends. t. m1 issswl Sever b* set down by trifles. If; troubles oouie upon you keep up and fear not tho* the day be a dark one. If j the sun is going down kmk up at the j stars. If the earth U dark keep your eye* on heaven. Mind what you run after; nevrr be contented with a bubble that will bum or a firework that will end In smoke and darkness. Fight hard against a hasty temper, anger will tome, but resist It stoutly ; a spark way set a house on Are, and a lit <f passion may give you cause to mourn all the days of your life. If you have an enemy, act kindly to him and make him your friend; you may not win him at out*, hut try again. CsswayUtM, TsS* MMl**! Every moment of delay makes your cure more hopeless, and much depends on the Judicious choice of a remedy. The amount uf testimony In fayor of Dr. Hcheuck'a Pulmonic Syrup, aa a cure for consumption, far exceeds all that can be brought to support the pre tentions of any other medicine. See Dr. Sehenek's Almanac, containing the certificates of many persons of the high est respectability,' who have been re stored to health, after being pronounced Incurable by physician* of acknow ledged ability, Sehenek's Pulmonic Syrup alone has cured many, aa these evidences will show; but the cure b often promoted by the employment of ; two other remedies which Dr. Schenck provides for the purpose. These addi- ' Hons! remedies are Sehenek's Sen Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills. By the timely use of these medicines, according to directions, Dr. Scbenck certifies that moat any case of Consumption mar be cured. Dr. Scheack la professionally at hU principal office, Corner Sixth and Arch Street*. Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letter* lor advice tuuM be ad dreeaed. A ■>—rtnaMe rrelieslMMl ecr—a. Among: the notable professional men of this country who have achieved ex traordinary ►uoae* to lr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. The prominence which he ha attained ha* been reached through atrictly legitimate mean*, and, ao far, therefore, he deserves the envi able reputation w hicb he enloy*. Thla large meaaure of success U the' result of a thorough and careful preparation for hU calling, and extensive reading dur ing a loug and umieualljr large practice, which have enabled him to gain high commendation, even from hi* profea tional brethren. Devoting hi* attention to certain specialties of the science he ha* ao carefully Investigated, he haa been rewarded in a remarkable degree. In ibeae specialties, he haa become a recognised leader. Not a few of the remedies prescribed by him have, it is said, been adopted and prescribed by physician* in their private practice, ills pamphlet* sod larger works have been received a* useful contributions to mwllcal knowledge. He hu recently added another, and perhaps more impor tant work, because of more general ap plication, to the list of hU published writing*. This book, entitled "The I>ople * Common Seoee Medical Advi ser. Is designed to enter into general circulation. Dr. Pierce has received acknowledgement* and honors from many sources, and opeolally scientific degrees from two of the first medical institution* in the land. 10 The People's Remedy. Thfi Universal Pain Extractor. Note: Ask for fWW] ECTIACT. Take mo other. •ViirriiF 1 wUI miiSt iTsiMia tMswa" PiM-i RTtACT Tbsgvaat VmisMs jyls W—siaim. Has baas la nse over USm yearn, sad for clcsnilnms aad praapt r-r*. ties v trtuns cannot bs crcelled. %i CWQWQL—Ma ftunily caa af md to ha wHboot FaadH Extra*. ArclSaata, Btatona. Caatnatans. fata, Nprmlaa, art nHtnl almost instantly by ralrmtl applicant*! bmapSr rehersn pains as ttnrwn, MenldM Kara rtotlaaa. the tags, (MS Waraa, Balls, Felnna, I'araa, ale. Arrasta ia •junaixw. tedwxn swaUtnga, stupe bleeding, r—n •> fltsroinnOousaaa haalenpMh. rnuu in. z l L**r?, *** lu tneTa. hauil i>>Tna,fullness awl iirsesfngpa:n ta lbs head. Banana, vertigo. • ÜBMItMU It has noeqaal. Ail ktads of . rerailane to which Mia are eabyert are promptly rercd. Faßsr details la book accom pany lag each bntU*. mil -blind or Maadtwt ■ mart prompt laUsf sod ready cam. Noras*. however rfeionirar obstinate, cap long resist na apbriw. UIMIII lathe only ,• cm* for tola d Suramin* sad dangerous condition. KIBIET tItCAS(I.-h has noeqaal for perma nent cure. BLLUiIB from any ran sr. For this Is a spe- Sr. II baa saved handrtxis of Uses whan all other remedies failed to arrest hissdht* horn ass, st ammeb, laaaa, and elsewhere. % maneuUy cured. MfSIWAWo# all school, who are acquaints with read's Extrart tf Witch Hatrl raw owmeudlt to thstr practice. We bars Ist tars ut commendation from hnsdieds of Physicians, many of wbom order It tor aae to their own practice. In addition to the foregoing, they order Ita nee for NarrlUms of all kinds, Ualaay, Mare Tbraat, Iniaaaod Tonsils, simple and chronic Otarrbwa, Catarrh, ftor which It ma spsctfic.) Cbliblalaa. Fram ed Feel, Milage mf Inaerta, Maaaaltaea. etc.. Chapped Hands, Fare, and Indeed all manner of akin diseases. TOIU7 BBi. —Hemovaa Naeeneaa, Hanphwaa, and Mmarttnst basis Cats, ErapUwas, nm! Ftmplea. It rerlsn. wwpssla,and re frmkm, while wonderfully Improving the Caawlrxtaa. TB FAliat.-IWH Extract. No Block Liven Man can aSord to bewtihool It It Is used by all tbr Leading Uv eras tables, Htreet Railroads and drat HormmeaSa New York City. It has no eaual for Mpraiaa, liar, aeaa or Mnddla t'kalaf% Kilffweaa, Mcratehee, M welMnga,Cnta latceratiene, Hlredia*. Paramenia, CsUe, Dtarrhsrn, Chills, ( aids. etc. Its rangeof action Is aids, and the relief It affords Is so prompt that it Is Invaluable In every Farm-yaM aa well as in every Farm house. Let it be tried once, and yon will never be without H. CAflTiaß.Pend'a Extract has been imltsekl The genuine article has the words Fand*a Ex tract blown In each bottle. It Is prcpamTby the aaly perasas living w bo ever knew bow to prepare it properly. Refuse ail other pre pmrations of Wlich HaseL Hits is the only article nsed by Physicians, and In the bru tal* of this country and Europe. "•IfSUffl fltanfcJßM "vA. nmm 'Vaklrn i BLANKS XBATX.Y fME'l'm At BM CfMi | Only 3 Cents a Week. E m MM 000000000000000 ~ s *. . oooooeeeooMooo ouoaoooroaeoouo 1 " uuaeeooooociaooo 000 000 E (iraxd laustnrnt E OUO ODD ouo mm MMWMW UnOOOOOOUOUUDO OUOOOOOMNM***) | Splendid Eetums. | OHO 000 uouoeonoonooooosß ooooenonooooeoooo ooooooooooouooeoo OooouooaooiHiawoao 000 000 E City, Village, Country E 000 O ' m 000 uoe ooa oouooeooooooooosooooo o OnOOOWW*** ***'*■• OOHOOQOOOUOQQOOOUUOm) O UUUOMXKJOOOOOOOIMMM wo 000 nt 000 IMMK, yoa wast lor Yoamntf mm 000 000 000 sad Family, tor 1878, tka meet h 000 Olio HOC* uuo M, lb* mutt CV/W, UM mm Bmmto- <* 000 000 000 A*a Oiid fm l fUmmp+m* Mmrml in 000 000 mm AxnstVa. Yuu will certain!) On* that 000 000 000 000 jours*! la tlM> aoess AfriaMmHm, 000 000 ouo 000 nwutag us nam Ammmmt Wnlnns# mm 000 durUtlMi(hetraaial Yrer. Two ants- 000 000 Awrs aow ready tor aM.ots old matl- two . 000 000 I 000 01*. aad Ow sm.IM aew uses, who 000 I 000 000 000 wui hate tt, If(hay lean tisnedsehs. 000 000 000 I 00 000 000 OS double {or gusrto) pages to every mm oos 000 000 number, baseunui? posted or. am mm Ou* 000 000 peps*. 000 000 00* 000 000 UttU Emcee* tag*. BesnMfSl. mm 000 000 i 000 pwestagaad mmecrwi. tasswvaamtwr. 000 I 000 000 1 000 mm A tUreal VmrteSy 0* fteeWest, Mt JJ 22 •*•'< *"*■* fomdiag. tmgw teetwy 000 j 22 "A".•■*, and tEIW, la 22 22 *T, VILLA St K, sad WW*. 22 22 t*X. 22 222 222 22 *••** *• **• *—njL- 22 22 Ever) sum bo* St Ammrtmm AgnmJtmriM 2 22 gtvsa sagravod Emm Flam, ruasnos- 22 22 esses ones. sniii sH msbTisla. sad m* 22 22 swt A> mi )ti rf warns s Buses. or to las- 22 22 prove sms. Bars la 1 sXesgH 22 : o®* - -■ - - - OOO r w ~' rmsmt UMWI " BirT mm om 22 (gILAKtI at m agsa tod ta 22 000 ww*toa 22 A CALL*BAB at *••*. WB* 22 000 ho*, aa tfce aosss 22 wary asait rr. m rtmm worm the 22 000 ** M OB,t 000 oob uw 22 *r*reBXJNWS. "Soother 222 22 Jonraal la t* world og*wMm% and 22 22 A° axpoam (As trick* and acheuMS 22 22 *f t* swlsdJ*** thsl pney sp°R every 22 22 ladtvMuaL Thaas exposure* atoasaav* ®2 22 ,UI readers million* of doitsra. sttd wui 22 22 aav* every roatterflkaa) U*mw (ha eaat 22 22 s< tb* paprr ta had parrhwvos sad la- 22 22 vsataseats. it am la avotdtag *r* 22 22 swsaditag. 2S ouo oo 22 ***• Ahmoa am oaly a *sw at the 22 , CKjKJ ckxi Of Uw AfmenatM AffrtAMWMT \ 22 A(. that tor as years have aasde so 22 j 22 acceptable sad ssttot to Kawamoto***, 22 | 22 wkoarneoeaairrouamatthePatiMsh- 22 22 srs cms supply the paper at a emwr*- 22 22 s*to prim! n eombtac* Bet> 22 I 22 aad I aatolnwaa to at wonderful da- 22 22 free, sad t* the Chssywn Jmmrmml ®2 22 In the tuts. AmrytodV waamaud 22 I 22 hare K. The t eateaaisl Voh 22 22 *** d*r allot IWS win tar excel la 22 22 W prevhms vol- 22 22 uam ...TBE XT. 22 000 <mo 22 Taesna: Oaly a year. 22 22 yosd. sto*copHt.ti tosca; wcofdaa. 22 000 d 000 •*. as. s. ouu TmZ axASK it aa ta, T*ma*n, mZ 000 000 ooa MA Broad way. New It. 000 000 000 ooOOeoOOOOOOOOOMKKKC oroooooorvwor. nwoiw OOOOaOOCMOOOOOOOCMMXMtOOOaoaOOUOOCKXIOiMIOOOOO H B *xz : : c; ill Br o g so* 0 O 2 :§® iS3;2 5 D d iei 5 111 ► Bp2! 1 p ;s§Ssr" J|s|36S^w il'iSiSo® ii tfc 0° hJ J I Ann * wvek to Simla. OU end Toonc, Male sn.t XII tomsto, la thWr kwellty. two. and OUTFIT mil VHXX Sddreee f. O. VICXKKY S CO.. *• T * ' guMs, Main*. 11-tSAn BHOWCASES! SHOW CASES! SB Mown led sad Wstoai, aew ad OOt-BTXIta, XXX; Boon AMD orricßptnutiTCßx ut uase Ggrwin A. HRO., l*l. 108 L 1X sad 1W? BIB6R STL. Phils BROOMS I BROOMS! JOBS I. BtIBXB A CO., BBS Washington Bu, Raw YorL Prlndpsl topot la Kew Tort fcr U but Broom MaaehMerea la t)M Caited Statm Brooms from lIJI per doiea Bid apward. Tbe Jro"" < FrtCm ** d KTmtmt to faead Itoo as mttro asw meek at WOOD ad WILLOW y*EA rnrt as mis, Tabs, Bartets, Mala, Twiarn Ontom Wick*. ao,tomN>r ttk s toll 11M of Ami. ■rt* Weed sad Olay Pipe, hoc; 8os)m, Vaakee Mo d°ss, 0u7. Ac. fegM* torn mtu o per stlU. A toll Uae oftlM trnt qaality of TIN WARS. *• L—Wo edl our goods at prteo* that do aet rooulrr d*aauala on the rood. Ordan bjr audi wW ra eUra nrotaat sttaoUou. BotahlhSad llfcJ. S-St-lv OA ""PP <* DAMABK CARDS, with name. SO els. ■C\J Addrtae J. B. HUBTRD, Naaaau,Kcu Co., M. V. s-r-n CDHEUBaTEI! IHOH BUILBIH6S Wrought inw^rtdget Oomgatad live SttreU (Hunters, Doors. Ac. ■ Entity IralrldftlMf !o. 6 Dey at.. Mew York. Send tor Circulars. t-T-ant tRpOAPot M nav Teens nee. utiuv P rCI/AXtuiMe A On. Portlsad, Be. saeiy