TIIK uKM RK UKI'OKTKK. THURSDAY 17, FKB. Ib'.f. LOtJOE MEETINGS I', *TW HIU 1/WSI, *, I. i ValtV r . rnt .V ', suir,t*v evi-nlng in I Sir U,t I I #ll, • llll .1 M • iii.i.ii.wo, Sest H. I*, s out, t. vb t c i OAT Iv or, X- tST, FX M.7 msl in XI ,j tv -malxa, ox ..rafter each fall wen In the IVI I I allow* Halt. _ „ i- > Itvtti vcarn. Seel. * 8. Mix..Ml M l*n > S liaises, r of It. meeta en Salvieitajr af t ere > •', ..n or after e.v,-h full moon, at their Halt J.J. tvtv LOCAL IFKMS. DKM CO CON YKNTiSN. i Democratic Co C nvention will re- | a-- ib'.e at Bcliefontv. Tuesday. Jfehrua • v t.. e'oot rop'csoautive dl<*f(te b til Sialo Conv ticn -nit Br".xtbrial f.> ■to choose • senatorial nelegate to ; r-.s 0 M BOW BR. Chairman. I s VI.K BILLS printed at the Ro :, r office, from $2 up tv> $ ' 7 ' for thel i a -t A ,1s of job work dor. o with? ; ,a- d di spatch. Orders bv mail | from any part of the county, promptly at- j t do. Give date anl hv>ur s f -.a'.c wad| H-t of articles. The Tyrone Herald has the Ce '.en- J nial f, vor the disease is *H n (he "head The ground-hog is a humbug. *| cl-e adormib,.vvho c.ir ricd the mail at Lcwistown from the de-; 1 ;to the post office, was arrr-ti-v! on F i day for robbing the niaih 'The evider.oc ar.iin-t 5, m is said to be strong. A sudd n d.ath oivutred fn the L. p. i-ii S • day ti'gbt, nth. Mr, John Stump, who lad been stepping witfvhis son Lev tor a short time, went to bed at r.ight, about 11 .-'clock in g.od spirits and apparently in his usual g-wd heaLb, and hn i also attended preaching in the after noon of the same day. After being in hod a #: rt litre, his wifb Pvvtieing that he la! .! u. naturaiiV in brvatuing, she caii e.i her son and iu a tee minutes after he re . : chamber i aid gentleman expired lli- remains were taken to * U ...,county for b,.- x!. The a.other took a turn this wees. 8.: !;.v >gbt ar.i Monday, XrOrtgh t rai>. Ho: day right sn. w Tuesday fierce sr., wstortu and disagree.-iblo generally. Pro's Meyer and Weaver w ill cm ! nr. a musical convent ioa at Waifs' 1 store on 21st. t -—Our fr inJ Ikn. Sutcltxer.of 1 ,n .- ' w is in on a visit Ben looks fine, and is gv;tii:g along well. The legislature adjourned froufi j T -i •> to \\ eilnesday 19. 11- , r. -::ta tiv> Shugert, we are sorry to learn was iff, 1 la-i w . Representative Aleianderwat * h > o-.-r the adjournment. We !a*t week published an item of 1 Mr. Reed beit.g nearly drowned, in a : u.. 1 Jam, iu Biushvalley. The question often a-isvs a- tv> what the thoughts of such i su ' ct-might be when in that iwfsrtu t • ; edlesmetit. We are P-ld that our ft 1 Ke-i's firs", act, after being pulled !, o*.u, v.a- to feel f.-r his pocket book, p AY . ,r he had any apprehensions that 1 b w i'.o i.ter he was going to where the ' I kels go, or that in being pulled i k he was rescued from going into a bet'> world and had fallen back into the bar - of pick-; ooket*. Sir Reed might '' best explain him.-eif. By the way, it is a!- so - . .1 that drowning men have all the , actions of their lives pass before r the r mit dr, like a pacorama. and with • dreamiie rapidity, and that the sensations of s i: .vniag person aiwaltogtlber pleas- f ing. Tuo, it i- said, has been illieited j ft m jer-ons wh®were re-cued from w,- j ' tcrygrav.j, and in whom the vital spar>, ' , had, to 1 appearanois, been quenebeti. e Try it, a.l s-e—the tasting of the pudding; a is the proot of it II tier a:,J K iris's -torcv at Belle- j f. ' \ iy- r.>l>bed, on Monday night, 14, o:' oil SI,OOO worth of goods. le#ch net's gun-shop, we are informed, wu* rob, j b- d the same night, of a number of revoiv- ; e-- . d o. ier goods. t ty R. B. Van Ortuer, of MifHiatcwn, Pu Tni- Feeder is pronounced the best i in the world, -imple and no miii-owner i should be without it. It ha* been to ted { an i i- perfection in every respect, so that' r.a i.iitl will he complete without the Si-1 lent Feeler. It c.nbe seen in operation 1 a*. Campbell's m ; ll, near Millheim, where i Mr. J. M. Van Ormer. brother ef the I above inventor, ran bgm>. ?tilted a* to tb j purchase ct territory, W\ tf. 1 T .e follow I . g is a report of Rock | H k 0111, H rnstwp., tor third tralrrU. : ending F-brnary 6*h, 1878; Whole nun- , Ir in attend ipce during mouth. iua'es j fcmih - 18. Total 43 ; averag<* aHemiaaeV ] Cur: ~j 1.. t.llu gisie* 23, fem i'w 17, lota. I per cent, of attendance durj: Jf month. maiex92, itioale* 94s total udplpe? cent hi j atten 1 iM-'i during term till dle v tß>4lr* >l., fe- tt 91. tola. 9t>. Alfred ~nd (Jaivii.i \V iai 1. (seorge Puge, John irUs-, War , v. y H"at*,,tteorge and Rub. it Tro*ler,. \V. II .1 hi.- rt. Win..Coble. Martha and Id. Tt.sler. Fiuunile M eg'.-, VgfiiethtrF per and Lixub Hotitawcra pr<-wat every day during mpnth. }' istaher of vieitori 10. A. I). Winra. Tetuber. —-Bns —' BralT' has got bach again- been rusticating Fsgar valley Dr., A xandct- ha* got fc'el Tl.tte i*j or;■.thing rotten in postaK-nia'ter* within forty uides gf Centre Merb* ' r- big mlrti-ement and you'll Cotsj whut will pay......8ad road- all around Pettfisvalley ha* about twenty-hva v.iUfi eia-scf, equally divided between Prof'* Weaver, Win. T. Meyer and Ail. M ever. The following township officers were elected in Potter on Tue-dty.— Jpi<:ge, Jolin RisJiel; liipeePjn, Petfrj Smith, A. McCoy ;Scliool Directors, W. W. Spangler 3y, Jacob Wagner, 3 y, W. J. Thompson 1 y ; Cof|stn%le,' W:a Her eon ; Superviß0 ri*, II McCTosky, PT hnif-1 fler ; Overseers, BoLt Lee, J. 11. Keller ; Assessor, G W Spangler ; Auditors, Le vi Murray 3y, Davitl L. Kerr, 8 yjj Town < lerk, I). F. Luse. Judge Orvis at the recent Centre county Court rendered adecUiuu, whifh is higlily important, and we reprint it for the benefit of whom it may concern. His Honor ruled that where a nuut give* l;is wife money, he having no (Telita at the time, uor in any way showing an in tention to defraud, real estate which the wife may purchase with such funds can not afterwards be made liable for deb's contracted by the husband subsequent to such gift and purchase. A young mart by the name of Walker, of Stone Valley, Huntingdon county, it i is supposed, was one of the thieves who sto'e the widow Taylor's horses near Reedsville, is reported to have been sliot a few nights ago, while attempting to commit a similar deed in Huntingdon county. — IjnriMwn Ikm. Col. Jno. 11. Stover, of Missouri, is in our county *>n a visit. The C'olonei is 11 native of Aaronsburg. SALES. Wolf s lots, at Centra Hall, Feb. 25. Keller Bros sale, near Centre Hall, March la. ... J. 11. Keller's sale. Harris tp., 23 Feb. Jos. K Moyer's sale, Mile# tp., Mare* 18. M. G. Gray's side, Ferguson, March 29 Sale of Daniel Wolf, Haines tp. Msivl 9. farm stock. A. H. Hosterman's sale, Poller, Mart i 'l* Kerlin'* -ale. Potter, March 8. Levi Long's sale, Brushvalley, Mure! lo g, 11. Uailey's sale, Harris, ibrcli I , i For the Kcportor. MUSICAL CON VKVTIOV AT .1 \CK SOWILLIC ! The Mutioal Convention Which conron i iai at Jacksonville la t week under Iho MI -It \V. T Msver, assisted ly Pi of Geo S Hoy. a, a grand sues j cos* The convention opened on Monday evening, Feb 7th, under the most favora • hie Husp:.-. < There *i a good represans ; tation cf sin ors the dial logbt. ami the number increased daily until there wer* I some sixty singe • participating. There I were two session- each xl.-vy . one in the ntoming ittd one in the'evenmg Judging tVoui the interest matllfetledby each icem | ber during the entire enn vent ion they all I seemed to agree en on. point that the celt -1 verl on and concert should hot ami would not be a iatlute. lly Iho earnest emlea*- loraof the conductors (Prof. \V T. Meyer fanil Prof. Geo, i- Ho> i the time was prvst- I uably spent in sessions and by the kind- Inoss manifested on the part of the citiaen* our short May among them *as rendered exes-. < pVa* 11 t. Notwithstanding : thetnelem. ncy of the wvathr-the cunven t:on as well as the concert as well attend ed ami we ryjnioe to .m wended li.eir way l > the rhurc i there t ■ be the recipients of so ul . hsMring music This Band i hich it un der the instruct!®! a of the acsioniplished , iiMtstcian Prof W, T Meyer) though young, tns aire.is attained groat eiiu r.yr.ce m t ,e mu-i. .d era and the excellent ntuvtc thev doc-ursed has inscribed their pre-, n inenco on the milids of all those ivfce have h. tird thetn. "II 'nor to whom I i onar s due" arc our -entimcnu to the '.ick-cnvt. e - utmg eta-s and we ny ,iuli, .; the !ea-t In - tat on they are de seewingoflhe highest honors the comiuu nity can b. stow upon them This class is under U e uistrti. lions of Prof G S llov, who has been untiring IU his labors and haskhtis worked them up into the position they now occupy ; his labors have indeed net beep fruitless, and the writer eneour ige all those w i*hing to hear y o give ttiem a call, • • " " A SrunrxToii. BANK ROBBKRY. The Burglartt Get Only (P21.500 nml I. ive $300,000 in Their Hurry to lX'pari. New I. ndon. Conn., February 10. —The iLsttk of Commerce ws robbed on Tues i.y night, and on tx ednesday the hank di-ers were unable to open the vault, but an expert acv mplisbed it at nigbt, when ' losa t $21.5111 was dissevered. The delay in opem g the vault gave the bure* irs tw .t ty !. ur T.ours* start of the offl er* The burglars had picked up in a tin box airbills, ail receivable securities of the t'ai k amounting to five hundred t?iOuank do lars or more, but i-tl thetn on th# fl air of the vault, evidently in their hnrrv of departure Katrwnee was gained through a suit* window leading into the Directors' rov-ui. On the ouuuie dv-or of the safe was a combination dead lock, and on the inner ne another patent luck eeaibinatiup. Each Wat entrusted to a different officer of thebank The paying teller, who had ths combination of the ouuide !ck, wss una b e t<> i. vrate on Wednesday, and the set* vicv- of experts were obtained. The ex torts succeeded opening it at six p. m., when the robbery was discovered The bank COM racted a week ago f®r at hr. no meter lov k. which arrived to-day. Ttao -.ife of this bank was considered more se cure than that of etiy other in the city. There is no ciuo to the rubbers. Too M ATT KK or F ACT.— Grandmother —"Y c. ugl.t l • be ashamed of yer>Lf, Matilda Anu, to asa! without a tear when the g>' 1 clergyman was a talking that bc.-uti:'ul. I nd every on - else was a weep in SOr* Marilda —"NVhy, how could I try when I hadn't got a pocket 'andker cher 7" It appears that the humorous Californ ivn ha- a habit >! larginr a cigar with a -mall capsule of nitro glvcerine and then presctiuag it> same to his friend byway of a joke, A number of noses have af readv been blown off. NYAVAMXKKR A Baowx.-The largest clothing heuse in America is that of the firm w hose name heads this notice and is icated athixtli and Market streets, Phil*. Read what they sny in their advertisement on the second page of this par er. They will do all the> promise, and ,ill give • ach purchaser a guarantee that their goods are -old as low u' p sible, and then wili take them bnck inido of ten day* if unworn and the itcmr is not satisfied with thm. Jons S- MILLKR, Tailor, of Mill iieim. is putting uu the beat of work and ths publicweu- I do well to call upon hitn, i hi# prices and w rk -uitthe times. Bal ufaction guaranteed NVe have een some of Ills Work and Srtd it equal to that of the Xe-t of tailor- One door ea#t of Weiser • -mitbshop. "Jloctdm. T7XECT7TOK S NOTICE \*j Letters te*- ( ■ *mentxryon the e-tatt of Mr*. Hannah ' Daubernian, iatsof Potter township, dee d. , having been grant' ,i)l s tfi) r JOHN 1! MITUHKLL, Treasurer, i account with Common* eaith of Pnnyi " vaitia : J | J*n 1. Ir7 I'H . To aai i outstanding , taws at lu M-itlo , ment , J.*,il- "H To Am I for I 1*75 3,80 ft $0 To at*t received from eemreii- ion em Centre county. 3 I O'J To amount Charged t)AOk At la it WHlO tuert 1,1-1 S3 s)4,bO£6J Jn. 1, 1879. UK Hy Amount be I, *: last settlement ... Jl.ilit 03 By Am i ou island. ig Jn 1, ISTtV .... 3,1'1S 1 ! By am t Slate TV. . UrurA receipts ... II ?•' By nm'l transle. r,- 1 to ally's for entire tlon 4.wi 77 By Amounti> mera tions A yommi*- sion* Allowed col lectors 909 I By am i lrptiter n>mmu>i.)n> '.Nilt By Amount but. in hands of Treasur er 1,190 vl-$14,002 CS To balance at Sett V ment (too State Jan. !. 1879 ?I,IWKI MILITIA FVSI>. Jan 1, 187a lR r Am i outtten d -eg taxes Jan I, 1873... $309 76 $399 79 Jam 1, 1879. CK By Am i outstanding taxes Jan 1. 187<" $134 88 Bv ami transferred to ii> *tor collec tion &*> M Byum't exonerations A coßiiuHtioni al lowed edlectori... 40 42 Bv Ain t Treasurer s commissions t '>> - $ iflrt 7<> UK LI KF FUN IF JAn 1.1878 1)11. To ttii't outstanding at last letllemont.. #29 I.* $29 13 JAII I. 1879 UK By Amount transfer red to attorney lor collection...... $29 lo— $29 13 NVe, the undersiz ed, Ami it T* of Cen tre county, do hereby certify ill At no have examined the above accouri- ot John B. Mitchell, Tre*--urer of -aid county, and find it em" correct. Witness our hand* and n th this 3:h dsv of January. A. D 1879- \VM XIeFAUI. ANK, "4*l,n A J (JlllKsT. (Seal,' ■ And"r- J M. GILLtLAND, ,>val.J t LXPKNDITL KRS, Commissioners Pay. A. 0. llinton on ac count ol service...s 797 <33 S Gramley on ae room of service... *.Bl 83 ■I S Hall on account ol for*tee..— - At! lA)—s 1,693 & CommiuiiiMrt Clerk. K H Former for ser vices ..$ 923 18 J. S. Barnhart "* " 6'"J O'.i—s Jury Comnii'ssinsri M firt'tr forfervie. * "3 B Liquet on account 8 7* K H Forster sorric - a* clerk 174 BHtl K II Fomter servi ces as o>erk 1873... SO UU J 8 Barnhart servi ce* as dark 1873. 1000— $ \'J" U3 County Auditors. A J Griest for ser ticea - $ -iouu S Frank " ... 3D UJ A Rearick " " ... lit) IX) Jas F Weaver for services as cierk... 2540 $ 1 lis Oft, Improvement A Repair*. Galbraith A White plumbing at jail...s T.' 10 Dan 1 Decrrrpur- at PAS fixtures ll 13 W ilion A Uuk slovet A hard ware - . '/. tt ß Jno D L ob lumber for C. H0u5e......_ II 19 II Hoffman *i>rk ul C. 11. and jail 93 <7! J A J Harris hard ware for C ll<>U". In 99 J McDermol ret>.irs at C II steps a jail. 31 30 Jno Mallory rej ,irs at CI! and jail — 1 "• V> A Susmun matting Oil T3.fi) W w Wetr.ler spouting at V 11... U UHlbraith repairs at A" H 14 U) W S (Jalbtaith at jail... 3 UU H J D >k for *. ri. at arb. room and offices CI 07 Bcllcfonte Car O. lumber C H 13 70 W 8 Woil A Son for stove pipe t '32 John Bradley re pairs to git lamp post and lump 0 —$ 36602 Ordinary Et{>eMs<. Not a McAllister washing lor prls oners 5 04 3'7 Hob M Knight cri fe r C 11 and jail... 287 20 J K A C T Aician- I*l ft i\, V, I *\ J iail W95 22 ... | J H lb'bbm* for .j mpdleal service for t , I prisoners 1874 M) IW j., J teller <1 Son inud- I icino lor priM'D'Ts 3 '.X) J C William* medi cine for prisoner*.. 6 40 B G!brith on ace't service* asjanitor. 340 00 ' D S Keller for Agri cultural Society. 14J)'W , W '-stern 1* eniuny , keeping convict*.. 445 16 Insane hospital Dan- . ville for insane 1 ,509 W Jurors |my _ 4,5i9 73 Assessor* lor a-<- , *ing A registering. 2.4f loquesloll dead bod il ie* 60 08 Aaron \V iUjutii* Pit - f. thpnotary bill r ii p dercd 321 00 > J S Barn hart Cotin ' *cl fee * coin. 1878 72 2*l , A O Furt att'y lee " l'enn tp. roaaenso 10 00 Sam'l Brugg'-r plan* A specification* fur bridge* 36 00 A O Fur-t att'y lee defence jury coin.. 60 00 McAllister Si Beav er att'y lee de lence jury c0m.... 60 00 D F Fortney att'y fee com. v a L Gonii r 20 (fIJ W J KcLh ait y fee com. v * Creepy... 5 00 O W Hpangler ex amining Potter tp. assess book 4 00 Sam'l Gillllanu ex pense dividing' Ferguson twp 9 20 S T Gray expense dividing Ferguson . h ' twp 16 00. N J Mitchell ej pense running linu Howard & Boggf. 20 60 D Z Kline expense running line llow- -• • • . . ard A Biiggs 893 Lyon Si Co. uidse. for prisoner* 2 8 B K Shaffer on acc't 'JJJJ y A luma Express Co, freight (JO ttSSUj book* V blank*... I 42 Hun'l Lutr. fur wnml I!|| A Jail,. t .liiir.i't Slacker for i WIHMI *' II V jail* 260 S Sutton ("or * nod 9V 011 anil jail 300 I]ci.y Pert ntming j n Jck ptu.-ner 4 01) f 'l* JuHnvlnfi pe*t- Hvo Ac ... WS II Y Silierf tlatlon •mimit>nr't ex pupae nutting out lllll'k* dUPll cHiri A #lrotli*n 1 (>*r* 63 00 C ny A Schlock re ... moving a*he*ftm * 4" II A!*! 760 .Inn Mol'ermel rti m.ivmu a-nofrum Oil !ol u.l 2117 Jo liu II slt'?nou li ■ * 1L rfoUr x .IVuo 3006 ST .''initi d.-,J b- ■ uJVi* tiuvi 2000 V NYi fatm 4n< Hot l'r, rii..nf'v offloo 20 ot> 17 M \\ ig m • ,vh ii Hid lor primiier* 23 00 \\ 1' >l"-r . ulting wi-.- iC II 3 00 1.1 S tiMiniiHii torvi rw preparing *t<-- ti-tjr. tor Stain department 7600 "J F Jili ■ ■} convoy ing K 1. .ghty t. n>|um 34 10 KU C "i' .'M • v 11'i V to a-ylum 7000 _ M .• ■ \ bH v leu 11-11 11 ink ndice Ate-. .. 300 B- titti l'r. Co. I'll, I,fig ul. ntnAn implicate 2 00 ' I K Tr. ulur riMtnta ! on • • •* h..ok* H75 M (■ Kyman k-o fur • on: ioii J H Kitikin -rrvitl >i ehirt election re- I turiia 300 ■ J NV Gephart ervice | cork ekm. raturoa 600 i,O NV Klini'MvnruMr . | election llutiunlp Cot> ,'Or.l. r* of orvic * of ; Iff I paid 41 T6—s2U9Cf2 i Printing Dili*. 1" tlrnv Mttfk biL 1674 4121 26 '• iffo SIT 00 F Kurt* account printing 215 00 <} NY F> -t account print! g .. I'M 40 K I A K I' Tutcn ne on- ft'. printing 169 80—$ 1,661 06 I Tola! i xpenditurea $ i 4,55597 11 F SHAIFKK, Sheriff, in account with Centra county •' Feb. 27, lwtf> I'H ■, To rath on nroaunt, 4 54.0U0 Co I', I!hh -todk 14 £. N It Jt Penn*- vaticv Torn pike \ C o - 80 00 To fc.nl 2,004 13 ~|2,254 13 t'R By b.> Jinjf prituoert •u ; r< . C f'.viOAl By ri i Tvin<{ A
  • Be lui r "T> for | year, 1873 A- 1574 14-f, By rutn CIi 1ff*..„.,„ 55 60 Jty autmnonmir jurora * rvturr Ing r<-njri<_.... 297 Uy ißy CioiTrying 10 con vict, l' petiiantiarj. UUID By notifying juror, not to attend Oi-L court .. 10 (V By iu !-r. for jnll atxl pri-ioiart. 5217 Bv c it- on inquiaiuot.a 11 ih'-u, Corfau*, rulaa to how rauar, citx lton. bench mrrtit *. .v.- 73 37-$ 2.264 18' Jail I By but $2,>4 18 STATK oy T t., j.. Cextkk C" i Wcthc inderaignctl. Auditor* of C • trr county, .!• hereby oerttfv that i , .*'■ -of an Act o! A- amb r an vitU-.l Nn Ait roUting to c-untie* and : *i .p, and countT and lownthi* nffi. : :it tna Commuaionar* u®ie, ,11- ' ita, on the Ur*t Monday in Janua rv. |t*7f-, and .ltd nudil and wtila and ad jiirt the several account* art forth in the lore jf- ing vtaluoicnt. In wilne urhere,'l we liftve her. to -el our ban und eal thi* 1-Ula dy iu Jan A II 18"6 NY M M. FN BLANK, 'Seal }1 A J ;KIKT, JSaal j V Aud'r*. .1 M ti11.1.1 LARD. {Seal.]) CF.N I'Rt COUNTY. SS NVe the under-igned Conitnie .toner- nf Centre county is<: Attc - A. C. HINTON. J S •RAUMIVKT SNNI I.t.K* MLF.Y. Commiaaioner* #l l>T\NllNti TAX DUE BY > COW.KOTUKit. Jan. I. 1874 .- / 1871. ii CVrmn. 11 -'lcfonut.s 27'2S A J II Hen ner 287 82 John Mtnich, -gg IWJI J: S utTer, Walker- 991 12 A'w Knltii., Tbiiip*- ttur_' . l/J I t Mdnhitl. Honner 2120 Ji< Whtil. II tlfnuH>n 256 97 i Rebb, Liberty. HI 52 [L Stover, I't'lUir..., 128 1H 1 v(i .t. . H Ma I on". B<>gg .. MB9I Albert Ho* Furguen 78 H'> LI! lLtritsk, Marion.. 90607 )<■*<■! b lie#*. Spring- 10207 \\ Kiddle*, i'htlip*- Uir|.,..i „ 453 60 —S 1,00916 1871 J JK TJ"-lf*ronl.., 1,426 JO w fti.iat.--s i 4 hiit w , burg... 957 94 Kli ("rr, Md!ef>iirg 2619 .! >5 How ar 1 borough 6881 I) I. tJir, Bt'iinrr 76666 It It i'.irßnn, Hcgg* 512 01 I ("ir-on. Burtuide... ill il y Kiuri boff. (Jtu-Uu... 18167 i <> \\ Me W iUiam*, 1' rgj.ui 101 "C sR \\ ilsioi, Ilinrit... 595 00 W r Leather*, Huw n d .... 4.1*2 9l> W C om, flnlffntH.fi. 176 68 W W Npaogter, lib erty.. •!'.i '.k) l'firy Coudo, Marion 268 17 II Ker.uiusr, l'riin... 14205 It M Cannick, l'nttor 667 hi II J! Wilcox, Ru*h.„. 83) 51 1) Jl Y enger. S. Shoe. 166 09 J It -.- Spring „ 70106 M uffcr, \V M |k. ir 151 15 L Turner, Worth ..... 70 97—$ 9,101 40 187 ft I C Brown, BallefontO 1,803 08 A •! (Irahnirt, 1* hil if >— burg 'MM .1 1* "ibu|ir, Milc.hurg 856 56 0, Yliutoii, Howard boio 267 lvrop Fergti-0n... 2198 11 111 I ('Km, Gregg 2.110 19 iT W llosternißii, 11ninet 1.C15E7 M IP - iliirri. 8.U.0 <.ii> 1.1 ii .M K llfie, Howard 612 48 1' W Kline, Huton 199 00 I 11 Griftin, Ilniftiioon 'Ol5 81 ■OA Courier, Liberty 62705 ! Perry Condu. Marion 1,282 12 1! Sinull, Mi'ca 1 191 2u W Tri t-lrr. Pulton... NJ9 00 A 11 iirier Pent) l.SltllO .1 ,\| (li'lilnniJ, l*o tor 8,87(1 26 II !l \V ile.ix. Rtifti... 860(JO Jut WhUoii, S Shoe... 899 57 Jm> Sweeny, Spring,.. 1,908 05 iS Hoover, I'uvlor 227 68 iw Spoil*, Union H1 18 j.let i) Swiirt*. Walker 1,78110U 1 P William*, Worth... 57:} 18—581,171 H $13,090 9 iln bund* of idi'ya for collection 1,915 b $15,006 H ; FINANCIAL EXHIBIT OF CENTRI COUNT}'. Jan 1, 1476 IjR To no.e* mid bond* duemmJr.v puisoms47,4l4 , '*|t. Jj itaiice due J . li. I Al u.'lul nt clllc tit nl #2 91 To balance clue B. ' 7 f j F. Shutter at get | t emelit 2,00113 jTo imliince dun A. 111 it ton commit* I -ioner nervice.,..., tt7 balnuco duo tf, tiramley conituU aionar tervica SOS (VS To balance due J N, llnll coinrnU* aioner *ervlce 8 (HI To balance due coin. clerk 48 W To balance 11 (InN bratib Janitor 29000 To K Kurt*, prinl- I ing 74 M To balance !>r. J II Dobbin, medical lerviaa....... 36410 To balance 7tl 80 f..51,236 ii Jan 1 187ti. * *lt It v amount out tan ling tniel ... $43,- •loiieri iNTOW.I By aitiouiit In hand, of offli er. tor col. 1,t>16 B*. lly am i due from bunt'* A Uiwiithip* tor ke<-|Ulig itiaane in u,yr ljm suß 6d s6l >5 ;h lly bal in tut r county Jan I, 1 i7' The following sinountv have been juoti in by collactur* iac aettlvmaiil 1871 John Minioii.tir.gg I'aiJ in full Jo*e|*h Shaffer. Walker $ M ill Iff 2 INio* Uarahall, Bentier 7 26 1873 L C llari.k, M-trion 6>l Duti'l M*lo ii. >. Hogg* tr.'tA VJbert Hoy. Korgu-on I'aitl in fu NVin Kiddle*. I'hiliptburg. 17 > i IS"! . \\ Me William*. Fergu- n .. '■><* Ivid l.ohr, Banner Ho,- liweph lion, Spring 'A*JU Klia* Turner, Worth -JllO John Mo 11 vain, Howard b0r0... AM, Michael Shatter. Walkar K Ku eh off, Cmiin 2501> It It l'l-Tuian. Hogg* Kid Ut VN W Spanglar. Liberty 47 2 l'arrv ('otido Marion 1049. S H NN'ilion, liarrit.,.. 12:17.' Joreidi Fox, tlclletonie 451 99 \N 1 Leather,. Howard 26 04 Win Cro*, llalfmoou 71 21 1875 1 hum a* Hotter m an, liaim l'aid in full Michael lie**. Hani. . 1.e.. John Sweeny. Spring 347 fit, Je** Swart*. NN alker Jul Wm Tre-.ler. I'alton 183 441 1> W Kline, lluion _ *is(, J 11 Dritßn, Halfuioiin I'tlli A Harter, Penn S'JOOO John Nl Kline, Howard l£i O H Sinull. Mjlo !1,'3t42 1 H K Duck, Urcpg 1,627 Bv \N Alii, 0. Jr., Howard boro 38(*• Philip William,, NYerth ilM* Jama* NYat*on, Snow Shoe 4*4 Sara 1 Hoover, Taylor 6u4k> J M iiiili'and. Potter 1, 72tiK- David Kraha, Ferguson SSI "2 John T l.uca*, Curiin 461* A J Tale, Henner 7WSUU C Brown, 14. iietonta ttisu> ; I P Shop#, Miiaai-tirg 44 i2> \Vm Spott*, Union 6iM*> K M Lura*, L'nu>nv)iie... M .h4*' I MARRIAGES. Iu Pin" Grore, t'ei.tiv county, , n Feb- ' ruary 2d. 1976. at the !. mc ~f n.e ! r.J. . ' moiher. .Mr,. Julia Mu -er, by ltev J 1 Poller lieil, l'r J K Smith, Jr. I M;,, Clara Nlti**er. ail of Pine tirove Dec Vth 1875 Hownl <1 Miller, and 1 1 Mi*t Kllmeda NYolt, both oi Haine* town- j hhi. Jan. 30. 1878 Franklin A Yearick and Mi*a Kebeoea NN i*o, both of Gregg lowa-1 '•hip. Un the 3rd ni*t., Jen alt.on Dingc*. and Mia Harrud Una.hi, all of Penn tp. i , DEATHS. I On 10, in Uabcrtburg. Daniel Connr,j' aged I J year* and V uoi.Uu. ( , > At Aaron*burg. !at week, Mia* Satan' Spyker, (Idiot) aged about <45 year, i^ Mr, .Hall, wife of Miller li 1 I 1 Milc burg, aa* buried on Sunday 13th. ♦ ♦ • A'Chicago miHlonnatrv. M O Walker,ll die.i a few year, ago ia*t month, leaving a'' 1, ill that pteai-d tiobady. H<-*itlt. therr | ' i ha* keen realised thti, far fr.>m the ,*l,te ' $-46,770. of whivh s2i. 14*1 have gone to lh<- iawyer* and adtninittrator*. MAHKKTS Mtt.it >v Miaacift. v rreitcd weekly by' I). Shelmire, I NY boat $ 1 A' to $ 1 25 4>aU o"v la 35.- * Clover Seed $7 00 to $7 '25. Beef $5lO fd.Bo par 106 ib*. 1 Com 4' lo 541 j <1 Hog* S7 to 7 60 per 100 lb* 1 Kyc tvoc iIKi.LKFt'NTE MVUKKTS. A'hitr iVheat $1 2U lied 116 ...K.m **i j new Cot nki i'ldt>l. i' ii, Ni itariey 70 . ...Cio .*ereed 6.50 Polatoe* 3> Lard p*r tiuwn.i &....PurkMr pyund h ButteiA'._„Kggls Piaett-r |>< Hon sll Tailow liacot 10 Halo 15 I*ard per pound 8 cenU. ........Buck cheat 45rU.,.-.- M F our per '-arrcl retailT.tk'... Nova Scotia platter sll to 16. Cayugn platier $9,50 per AMJ lt>*. IMPORTAXT TO BtHLOTBS Thv un- Ji-raigii-d i, now prepared lu i-l! lint k at hi* kiln* at Centre Hall to *uil purcliaaer*. at reai>nabl rate*. ai*o to furnoh or ca .tract Brickwork. S. S. FARNKR. 7 ocl y The celebrated Australian Diatnot i, i Pebble peA MJ. Ti'IOMAV ij 4 A Ml NISTUATOR'S NOTRE riter* ot adminintration on the entate of Jacob From late of Centre Hall, dee'd, ] having be.-n granted to the underxgned, j all persona know ing themselves to be in- I denied to raid decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and person* having claim-against the estate sviii pre-. m nt tbam authenticated for kfUleinenl. JOHN SHANNON. KetjSbl AJuir, j j ! j /"A UK AT UGDI'CTION IN PRICKS! ! Wolf's Old Stand. Laroest Stock of Goods in the Valley! ONE PRICE! LOW PRICE ! POLITE ATTENTION ! ■ Having just returned froig tho Kat, an 1 i bought at panic price*, 1 am now prepared to sell cheaper than ever before. My stock con-i*l* in part of I) UY GOODS, URQCEIIiES, NUTJONS. HOSIERY, IIATS A CAPS, IB)()TS t SHOES, KUHBEK BOOTS, SANDALS, t (o., Ac. : I *I*L it-s*' ATID QENTA* L INFER WEAR 11 AJlEC .ality. wj A I.AUHE HTOCK OK ~ READY - MADE CLOTHINC M ,j oonatantly on ImtnL Look at the fio ,K urea : Good (Jus.iimerc #uit?, §lO (IT Good (AWHuierc ('oat*, §0 0( CUSTOMERS WILL FIND THE STOCK EONT PLETE, AND N CULL IS ALL THAT I; RCOTIIREI TO ASKTIVO YOU THAT THIS JS THE HE PLACE IN THA VALLEY TO LUIY YOUR GOOIH Remember, we have but one price fo everyone, WM. WOLF, Don't Buy HARD COAL RASE BURNEI ill K ATI NO SToV K U*" \ R IIMC * s tin* I it r.s w r-i i i-.{ i i-T - Ci -v r - • L_a * N t-M — nn: IWsi 4c llni)(lsoiiH k .st ! > STOVK 1 N Til KAt A ItK KT. •Cull utiti ace them al the store of J. 1. BPINB IN t*E*mt: 11 in , Pi. C — 111 AMP ION S1 vi I'KiCi \|7 o.y j' t Ift Tllk 11, - I Ih Soap 1* it atiufa- jr.'• ti .111 pur, ■ late Hal,. H iid a, it contain a ia'ge |t 1 entage of Vagetabb ti.t. u • trnmhd ful V i-'jual to thv bi-t Import .lOa-llb S . ip. Old al the aame toon pn all ill- A'nhing ali i cle,nnt.i- propkfti"* of th 1 I'lebrati 1 German anil Kreiteli luiiidtN viap*. It i* thervfo,. ... ■ nm-m 1-d f I, Paint, ,-ti , 1 t Un hand.,, Nlaiiufaclur.-1 onit by ciLNMPtox liiiit'i iiens, 2 .1, li, H at; 110 Rotgnr- I' . .1, i . .ui 36 JaffurtonStreet, New Yr'... For i, a , PhiiaJ pii ~hi Jvt k KCOFF, 902 N-oi I) - . \ „ ind by gro r, g.-nt r 11,' .1 J 8,, 1,-r grocery. Nov 11. *>n Simon Haines, I'ENTUK HALL. Alanufaciurer of ('nrriugcM, Bujrelik tl;t4utiH, dr. Of evary dceription ; runnifii* g. ar for !i kind* of vehicle* ntada to acd h vi..*- manner, li use " iie.-iotu tl i banic, 1 w .uld NN \Kit vN i" ALL NNt'l'K !> gl,c , ,tt *". on. lb ] ■ .ii... promptly nit. nd. 11 a. t.< - ion. ii rai l *- Uncle , *taki?ig. CuHiuaofali tylis made on shorten n ; TT*< bu ••f undertaking attcn-t -It' t'l *' I* hrawche, RcpectfulT; • - *bftre of public patronage , ~-pry J.UAKttt*. Jl I: . .1 A.liacVk jutisi iiui 1141, 11 r . .r. n. Pennsvallcy Ban kin 9- Co. C'KNTRK II ALL FA BBCKtVK DHWisjtb, An J Allow 1 pjari t. ihicaaiil Note Buy and Hell Gov eminent Sccuritii , (>c-id*nd{ (.I'ujeina Prrga Hi.KV**. Wit. B. Minn.*, Prwe'L Ca>iu*i BE ATT V PIANO! THK liK-T IN I' s | - - d i. #m! f-r i'tncu'ar DANIRI* F ItENiTY. Wa-l ng! n. N<-wJ-r--v NY. 57~CURRY, lib ill i If) Si*', it Pa t l NTIII tl A LI.. I* A. Would mutt rr-p.--ti i) i.ii-i i the clt ten, of thia 1 b-'nlty, tl. 4h ha* -laruu a new liot't ahd Sk>o- Shop, and would be thankful (or a ftharo uf th' ,iahii palrim age Bo -t and So '■ ! older atwi according to tylc di> t, •*. .rk ito eijUat any made eltcwherc. AH kind of repairing done, :>r i hrpTt nr-ocabl . Give him a call r*l. jt |,- A DMI NI-STlt Alt 111 - Ni'Tif'F Letter* of admlni*trstit'rtttn ae of P..tl<-r twp., dtw'd having been grunted to I c und.-r -igned. all pefwoti- knowing the . *.-ltc t to- o.dei.te l to ! lecci, :• !t are r.-nnmt (Bce and m, lence 11 the Luth. paraonag*. 27 (eh ti *7O Cenfccuiviala 70 K U li N I r t R E. GREAT Reduction in Price. Now ik the time to buy, a* I huvej j<>ll haud a Urge Stock I will offer itj at panic prices for the Pcxt SIXTY DAYS EOIt CASH, ' i lumper than it -nn be bought lilsnt here. which a few ol viia lwl.o*iug prici - will show : OancNiiltinar* a- lowj ~u S7.W). Wood Sienltdhuirs B'i.i.Hl mo: upward] Bedstead* {id 50 tos|3 00.1 A goiili.y. , C. P B C lv ' S COACH MANUFACTORY, UK N't itf UA Hi., r.v 1 The underaignnf iiu* vipaned an. w ut tabliahnu'iil, at hi* new I■ ■ |>, fui tin jiiiHiiufHctute of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, Slkiohh ami Sf.i:ns, I'l t Av o F a ICCT , of very ileSCrlption All vehicic* in mufa. tared by him are warranted t< rcndi iti faelb-n, and at '.•ijual to any work done ebewhot*. lie u*e none but the b 1 material, l an I employ* the nio-l -willful workmen ' ljcpfe they Eat'.cr C. uvolve- Hi*t thf : work can not bo ev eil.-J it dunbiißy and linich ! Order* frotu a di-tan.i-. uptiy attend li'" 1 . iir 1 l oms and examine my wot . luiferi Jcontraeting sbewhere. I'KICKS REASON MILE, All Ulllila i| Re pa 1 111., i .. . BJ. A Natloiitil rumily Ptiprr. *BS Tfi* tircal la>ll !'pri' 'A, 1 * Oi* eul' I. • limidlii H .r. I'l IT li* inUlbom* u ■. *• u-m t tl> t t lUj 1 * • i vaini'sif" • stu I'V '** U'-n? ' a,LbHS bu"-cjTs | TIJK STAH SH \.N< LhU UA N NK!C rig't iu i | ;i. Ir4f ( .in i •♦••ifinwtnft *l"i ctUirni'ig N • . Ialr, ■ W| -*1 u • It *ri A • niAW Hi* clum. KlftUts. H nmU, Arts, ft. ,A , has n I'WWi *o * I>osKirtui<*itT, tliillrsl PepAi I tittles m * urn i. etc , et< , mud • |e*fm t • nvilf rs|W. * ... .... lt Bt*9i tftUy I* U t *i • Mtr* I 1 *ud tiMtfWf >* %sa 11 v < ' . m lis iu>M*la. Nu hdUriL |titi.kKuU, vr "put n-i crill'" I*m cooetor • \uit * r< I l:m r *t ts*t**r It eif"*es til >wii.lln *it Bunt If m s.*• r *• and ftl>e ali t >f uvrt ('•>.• ~, , u .. •' I,# . iio| ■- '■* • nnt t e:il •*- id , m I wY* 1\ rr . 1i • • I r'i Wfj |Bouth#rnor N.'riL -iu i wu t puliftesl. * Mjli'Uaor •'•ctsiLin It ware* for II Mrte4li) KS l if lias fooa mi lor I I • ., pcflt . You Wkllt il tnd Mill !i;tre t' -litu. Why ti.,i iu.w ' I I*' IMr 1 ill I Mil.111! XN ■' Imp lid 1 G, u " 11,1 1 1,1111,1 " N-i-iul. i ir,,i: i t ii.r„.,„o worth >?l radh), lit* ''*ll Itu r, tliiely ounintoH. am vr offer any four of tiiusd *s*iu- d I llaNnk* a whoH )oar. all free, tr y.l, Im . <- • v i 4 nt.-i I iQtUblo f*r r •• s.Mltst j-fbail <%.\m fl* twdt. A 1 Wuril f m#ub*r IH.U H n T 1 ~bl 1 '• Ourhif ItuU onw year do t.. - N .tiounl, patitoti. li} Wide awake paper, .n that it. lot KUrht <. Hgalnat wrouft una thai knows ,j* .;t>, no moth, wo.tl . ea*t or r-i . hut p.tp t in' i-. .1 f i every r • ,L r • HI that avo* money to Iti ri'mlji* hy e*|Mi t, • K and tniii§ v of •niinlledoiti , * ' t' * s im yc |J. lltvo put it oft lvi S •* (u. j. N0...,1 , a \ i '• * '"u b l '-' •lliSpC. xv\\ 7 u, HDMfurc: tl 4 ia m.it pJ.,|T ft > M a, • Witt! fouceluritilittf *J*r..mo . ■ .if *\. Ik bun .• v T? iTk N '' ' i'"4.iy ..-n •ami o dftjff.tuilftNNklCi'UUL2SHlNf.it 0.. KioHvlalt Id. *• M. du.lo'vo \. Y I U. Si* A N(i lal' U, Mtvrn*v-il l„it\Y 01 91 r ßt Ui l.e* >, V n Otfu.,. wu I LLU-H A: YOCUIU CON&UITULIOII IN Eiij(]i> and German. C'ulluctiuiia]>roiuLUy MitwrnJ od to. fubu-u IVTKW I'm UK, NP NV GOODS ANI' pPaiiic Prices. 11. A. LAHItIMEII. iut the old Centre ITIII *t#nd. Jti,t opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, OL.O J ASIIIONED I'LTLCKS! A large variety of I.ttdica Drexa (iood* Great liargain* in Mulina and Calicoes. Rcttdy'tuade Clothing NS'nrrmited to Suil. Ilia Cloth* mid l'a*iinera, 4 it of lot i-xcrllvd His Crocecy Department, ,N ' m -viiyuti it. M-- ottn.ciilatidlow Syrup. ! .Tea Ci.fl.- Canned fruit*, t' u -li Foreign Ft in*, Cherae, linden 11 other article belong* lug to the Grocery Depart in on t jtf*l MfCls !. M'd IlllOe* t* 14<1 lallhoffft tjuoik i%s y *r iiilw! * (!• il*r IH | k ! The i* tail st.J Hi \btil H*! uii|jDig)y luw |>Hi oi t N i ir'iib to ihuw (iMOfii -•M. Aui the HlouWt 1 AUILV Ft-oru al- J a .y* on band. Apr. 15, jr. .Miller & Sou, CJ-NTRJ: HALL, PA DBALKILH IN I'UHE bin fiti AM) ULbICIXES. CUKMIt.NI>. tl'U . DYK nTUFF- Ffcii FI; MK it N'. No HON TO, FnN'N v.. il'LKn FOK 1 Hi; tOILKT, PC UK MINI; AMI 1.14] I f>ICS. for roddiciiitl pufpoKNL I ru*ji-a £• >ujip irteta in yreat vuricty. Aim, choice CIGAUS AND TODACCO, *hil all olio r article* usually kept m a tir.tcla*, Drug Store. iVie-erij.ti aa tmralU'ly Cotu|M>auiLki MILLKK M FFOH Headqnarloia fur liuoU aud Shoea! i (MVEHS' 0 BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Opposite Bush House, BKLLEFONTK. PA Power* IL >t A Shoe Store i* the large.) i ind bct ,t i-kej e*iabit*bnieat in Centre . "unty. lit Lcetn cunatantly on hand a full line of It <1 O T K A \ 14 N II 44 E K. Hui, ju*t opening the largmt *u>ck ot spring Qod- ever brought to Bcllefonte r J j I £ J>i D£ 3 Ifiit laJtuf. i.epi c-,nuatd, and foo will find it' •o four iidv.-irttag;*. Apr'illy.j 1 NEW YORK j BRANCIISTOUKJ MrCUin , Block, Directly Opp. Bukj 11 'VhQt BeHefoote, Pa. 11. If I Kvi A V ,v < 0.. Prop'rw. Dry Goods, " HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN- C Y (I OOI) s, ST2ICTLY FI & S T-C LAS a 00008. lU*lo Hit* I MUI Pricps. Nov la it. i. wilmi*. m an**. a. *. ni'u WILSON ot HiCKS, WUoLKffVLK AND BBTAIL UABD- N\ AI.L DK.VLKI>. IKON, PAINTS,OILS, GLASS.ALJ ~ i liuilders Hardware! COACH MAKER'S GOODS. M a OA BIN KT il AKKB S STOCK. u r-* i STOVES OF AJI KINDS. " CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS, &C.!, 1 WILSON ft HICKS. 'i Belief,inte, Pa. a " '■ a N'OTICK.—We will mU to rai>onihlc e men in ihrce month- itialii. Will take •tl .i j er eat for c*b which L equal to 20 | p. r win. per annuiu. I t will pay mo pur- J.'hn-er t , burrow el 10 frotu other purlin*, j fhi '- el >uvi' in tm> nig (ruin u. In tbi* Jwsy wc tan turn our tuonev and *ell low- t Mar 15. tt. ' • —— ________ CENTRE HALL ILA I'D WARE STORE. J. O. DEINJNGKB. A new, nipl tr IJar4are Sturo ha*t , hh. i) .it en. ,J t j che m:derignfd in Cen-I tre Hal!, \*hi re he i prepared vn *elt all kind* ,'f It rildlng and ileus* . v, urniiihlng ' Hardw ii*'. Ac Circular i 'l Hand Saw*. Trn-on Saw*.' Wtli! -KM .Clothe* Uaik*. N full aa.ott-' incut nt (ii .* and Mirrur P'ate Pjctnr,- I't'i mi Speko*. Kell<.c, ..nd Hub*, tubli ' CutK ry, KboveU, spudm a*d Knrka, i j Luck*, Hinge*. Screw*, Sali Spring*.) t IJm -lice-. Nail*, Nurway Bod*. Oil*, i Ti • B ll. Carpenter Tool*, Taint, Varn-i _' '.* tie.. Tit t 11• - framed in the fiusct *iyl*. , Anything nut un hand, ordered Ufon i*lu rte-i outUe. '*"■ ituiiic.i'.Per. ail 'aid* uttered ehcap ur than > h ewherp Uug2s 78-lf BUY YOUR ORUGS FROM HCYIiIVS U I II ST O R EJ r NKXT DOOR TO THR DE9CHNER QVV [ STORE.) J RIIK SII AN D VIIE A R ,' vk *r) J BKATTY" P 'T*Y .liwKKllls WIlRv BOXED OVER ON'" I'lloUS \N 1) POUNDS Liberal term* a,ji.i deaiera. . s lid -t imp fur Circular. Add rev* i D F BKATTY, YVa- unetup. N PTPTIBUI SPRING BEI) u t, l lie Ileal m, | Cliea|iest now in U*. 51 an* " ufactured by . ' DANI KL DKltlt. B. llefunte, Ponn'a. ' vc, ' <" ' ff them before tmrohnuiug^ th '' ■ lapr.v i'l \V WILSON, Attorney-at-Law.j • , „ ' ' n,,! a Pfflcu in Mr,, iloo ucr Uuiidiug, JjuUuluuiu i'a. " Patent Adjustable Store ShelJ. ®IJ& I 'J | r ' • ; ' / • ■aj I'iiffjp jfeil : ' If Useful & Ornamental. ,u*u*rr Kt'OMOMt' alxtaM tw to mn I Wli4iU|*tMii4pro6ul■' mwm wv •*'J . , „ -J1.4 a.. i nut 11. - -- w . .-.■. - WMPWI SO UK AM •" Cr-tataa-KM MS* JtA,e*.3MUKf 0 f Vw* IPB w*S .. iHfc4BM 'Te J C*y^al'the jf y r>. ■*) wdm <* iu;it, >IM (r+m l>)o u DAw UM> Utuiu*! I) If Ijt'lVSl hmmutkim K Mrtki "• 1 UJ.A.™,~. Kill—L tud lti-,1,k l':*lwa MM wtatail'dOC 28 3m. (VftllO II I, IV * IT WILL PAY! IT WILL PAT! " £ ;JT WILL PAY! 1 h i TO GIVE VERY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO ! < £ j Groceries! Groceries! i 1 £ ; For economy maim that yoo bar nothing but FRESH, f * I'l'llE GOODS. We keep on bend el all time* • large sod carefully eeleetad stock of . _ 5 goods, c itnprietog every item > thst belongs to the ; „ Pare, Fresh Groceries ! - ! IT HILL PAY! V* j • •< s To do your trading with s boute that always fives ■ dollar t • ** - worth for s dollar. sg J| 1 S M [ If" if ; IT HILL Pill ! u \ " m ; To call and examine our complete clock of Fruiu. XuL sod Cos- ■ fecoonariot which we erenow daily receiving for tbe trade. i M i Z 1 IT WILL PAY! ! ~ JI j O ft. j You 1 liandcomely 2 to get tome of our • r~ 1 Z • pure candies, froth fruiu & ft" •5 { cuL for the *'Little Polka" during >- the holiday ecoten One or two. or live del- > • Jan, i"t at you ca afford, spent in • m* tl it "v at Chriatmaa and Ke* Yeor. brings a . he u-r return than >. the tame amount put on I mere uat 100 per cent. : <- < j j ® IT WILL PAY! - 1 t : £ r To UipwTtu tad Bieew of • ae thmt mmim • apecialtr al aa lM • ckO c * 4eUl|Ua t i FINEST FLAVORED TEAS ■ % AND t | STRICTLY PURE SPICES. !-* o : „ I" : la baruw tar Una# la Uw tto* H ilttjan. Buth Route Block, BeUefoote, Pa.; *d IT WILL PAY! I T W 1L L P A Y ! J. ZELLER &' DRUGGISTS So 6 BroekerhofF Row, Bellefoute r Pa Ileitlcrs in I)rnp,< homlral* IVrfnuiery, Fancy Good* Ac. AT. Pure Wine* and Liquor* for medict purpose* nlwmy* kept. may SI. ii QENTREHALL Furniture Rooms.' FT/.lt % KKI MBIXE. inform* the ciliaess of Ccntr ■onnty, that bo bo* boughtout the old tand of J. O. Deininger. and bo* reduced 1 be price*. They hove constantly on bond m ALL < cau-iiig a low of IS per cent, of fuel. St This Tube Cleaner i* made of spring steel. Each f. scginaut t* of itself a spring, and distend, in a per fect circle so a. to pre** against the inside of the tube, removing all tbe carbon and scale without tbe slightest injury to tbe tnbe. Guaranteed 10 clean better, last longer, and work easier than any in the market. Adopted and in use ° by the I*. S. Navy. For sale by dealer* Send for sy circular. it THE CHtI.HEM KPENCE CO., Agent* for the United States, Foot of plant Qil Street, T~- Yorhb \\Sen-&a,'' ait, He t: ibcCa./ y- x - i i i ~i - 18 *