The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 17, 1876, Image 2

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    ' <E sentre Reporter, "
FP*I>.IOBT* ........ . Editor. J
Centre Hell, P*., 17, Feb. 1876. j,
1 ER\ts.—s'2p*r year, %* n4rnce, .*
tthen not pniti in ndranrt.
i'innrtisements 'AV p*rtin* for tkrtttn
irtion,nnd fr6tind I' 2 month* f>y */'<-- >
eoafracf. _ (
, r
Grant is anxious to give testimony in
favor of Babcoek. If nothing rise will
mvp Bub they will try to prove liini in- 1
Tt wonltl be almost a luxury to lw bit a
with a wow-ball, rays the 1-owsiaburg i
Chronicle. Well, say stone instead of t
snowball an 1 tnl) semi our devil down j
to accommodate you. *
In the legislature the house commit- (
too have negatived the bill making an
appropriation to the grangers for an en
campment on the Centennial grounds
Tlie sum asked for was $50,000. (
The New York Senator. Conkling, it i
reported, has begun to advocate a third
term openly among those with whom he
converses. He regards Grant as the
most available man for the Republicans
to nominate, lie thinks the South can
be united in his support, and that quite
enough strength can be added to this
from the North to secure the balance u!
power and force his nomination.
An investigating committee i- giving
a little light upon the Frees)man's Sav
ings Bank, the institution that w.o
hitched under radical wing* t *av
Sambo"* money, and which ended in *
big "bust,"leaving the darkey without a
aingie cent of his hard earned wages.
The former President of the Freed
nmn's Savings Bank testified before the
House Investigating Committee on
Tuesday Ist, that the trustees w ere men
who {slid little or no attention to th
business of the bank, that money was
loaned on worthless securities and col
laterals, that depositors*account* though
it was a savings institution, were ovei*
drawn ; that the investments of the de
posits were made in improper quarters,
a id that in a word no one seemed t>
run the hank but the clerks behind th
counter. Most of the fund* were virtu
ally embexxled on collaterals known te
most every one to be valueless. Some
of the property had been recovered by
the Commissioners appointeil by Con
gress to investigate the bank, and one or
two dividends to poor and swindled de
positors would probably be paid.
As will lie seen in another column,the
nation has sustained another loss in tin
death of Reverdy Johnson. Mr. John
son was one of the greatest constitutional
lawyers in the counrty ami a gentleman
of spotless character. He belonged to
the old school of statesmen, having
been contemporary with Buchanan
Clay, Webster and Benton. He helti
prominent positions—was congressman,
17. S. Senator, minister to England, am
other high and responsible positions. Ii
there were more of such characters in
high places at the present day, the
country would be better governed am
tiere would be less ma I-ad mini strut it n
and plundering. The country mourns
one of its greatest and purest sons.
It appears from the Clearfield Repub
lican, the democratic organ in that conn
ty,.that the '7iiers are trying to create
trouble in the democratic larty in thai
county ; the Republican is fighting them
bravely and exposing the secrets of the
new order of Modoes,
* __ (
Grant intends to swear in favor ol
Babcoek. We do not see that his oatl
should have mnch weight with an hon
est jury, since it is notorious that lie was
proven guilty of falsehood and deception
by President Johnson in the matter ot
removing Stanton from the office ol
%'v of Wir. It is humiliating to say
this of our present chief magistrate, but
it is the truth, and be will just as soon
be guilty of the same thing to save li?
crooked whisky frend, Babcoek, as he
was to help Stanton. We did not yet
learn that Grant lias reformed, else we
would have more confidence in w hat he
may say in behalf of Bab.
Wendell Phillips delivered a lecture in
Philadelphia a few evenings ago, in
which he wound up with the old atjrli
abolition abuse of the South, for which
there is certainly no occasion now since
slavery has been abolished, and the
South having suffered so terribly by the
war. Mr. Phillips is one of the agitator?
who helped bring on the war, but did
not expose his carcass to rebel bullets,
he used "jaw-bones" from away off safe
in Boston. Mr. Philips is one of Amer
ica's satanic sons who is always for
keeping up strife and mischief. In his
lecture he pronounced in favor of Grant
for a third term with the negro Fred
Polugaas for Vice President. His lec
ture wound up in the following infa
mous strain:
He denounced the booth hi unmeasur
ed terms. He said the spirit existed to
day which if left to itself would again
rise against the government. The only
change is from 1861 —the want of the
power As long as cruelty controls the
South it can never gain the civilization
of the nineteenth century. Behind is a
bloody spectacle, a hideous ghost. The
horrors of San Dominge were not the
resistance of slaves to a master, but ol
freedmen to be again enslaved. They
killed every white man, woman and
child, and they deserve credit for it. Il
this civilization of the South continues
as it now is its history may yet be check
ered with a Christophe or a Touissant
L'Overtuer. Mr. Philipsjaftercontinuing
for a while in this same strain, spoke of
the reconstruction of the South, and
said ; In this mush of concession, this
gush of sentiment, we can do nothing, i
The North should proclaim to the world, ,
'I have inconsiderately relieved that un
happy traitor and pardoned tliat inso
lent rebel, and how shall I remedy it ? <
We must reap where we have sown, i
The next thing is San Domingo and na- (
tional bankruptcy. The North should ,
put its foot down In a manner that could
not be misunderstood, and that was to <
show the world that the North is as col- \
or-blind as God himself. Y'ou can j
nominate for President who you please.
Public opinion should name him ; such 1
a man as should make every man's r
knees in New Orleans tremble. The on- <
ly man who ever showed he under- {
stood this is the President of the Uni
ted States, U. S. Grant, and I have no 1
turning of stomach at a third term. The v
man to preside over the Senate must be I
a negro Fred Douglass. .Mr. Philip# con- ,
tinned at great lenght his denunciation
of the South in terms fiercer and more
bitter than in liis best anti-slaverv days.
He continued eloquent to the last, hut
with the most astonished Philadelphia
audience that ever listened to him. n
There is some probability of the bank- £
rupt act being repealed, and from the ]
proceedings in Congress, a few days ago, J
we find that the House has already
passed the repeal. The first section re- h
peals the bankrupt act of 21st March, Jf
186?, and all laws and parts of laws ei
amendatory thereof and supplemental,
thereto. ! \ ' e
The second section provides that all lot
Jttita and proceedings now pending in IB
he United states c. inls wherein ail adt
mlieation in Bankruptcy ha* been made
diall he proceeded w ith and he govern
>d by the ptovWona of existing lawa,l
which are continued in force on'x for
(he purpose of closing up still* And pro* 1 1
reeding* now pending
The act is to take efl'e-t frout ntnlafli' 1
Ist of January, IST?. ,
After -on.e discussion of technical <
point*, the hill was passed yeas, l.s
nnvs. SS.
"Petiuou* were presented in the Semite
on Tuesday last by Senat. r lloji-r, from
citizens of this county, praying for the
repeal of Mr. Kurtz's law increasing the
fees of Notaries Public within the coun
ty," \ BiiJcAw t;,) and which Mr Meek
published in his paper at the time with
out disapproval and alter having serve!
as a member four terms without attempt
ing to repeal it. Horrible, Uii tit 1c-
IttiouH are al-o in circulation fol the re
peal Of the act which Mr. Meek manag
ed to get passed increasing the fees on
unseated lands from J4o to 81.00 pet
tract. Now who'll set , m up. Gray
The senate on Fridaj , last, pa-- • <i the
Centennial appropriation bill, hv a vote
of 41 to I.Y
Tho democratic Ii use ha- cut down
the diplomattc appropriations half a
million of dpUais.
The fact that Senator Bruce, of Miss
issippi, denounced Preshleut Grant in
executive session, cliurgid him with hi
! difference to the aoQthcrti colotvd re-j
publicans, and with having utyuotlj
taken sides against them in \liei-sqpi,
occmions much eouttwent. It i* said
that the President, on hearing of hi- re
marks, sent for ljim. Whether this i
true or not the friend* ot hot mlnred
senator -.'V he w ill not accept any such
invitation, as he considers the breach
between tliem too wide to be closed.
The democratic members in conversa
tion a few days ago. say they do not
think there will be much difficulty >"
framing a financial platform a* a concili
atory spirit pervaded the caucus last
night. The opinion was generally ex
pressed that it would l>p impracticable
to resume speedy payments on January
I, 1870, as provided by act of January 10,
1875, and therefore that measure should
be repealed and measures be taken for the
gradual resumption of specie pav meats
by requiring the national banks to re
tain a percentage of the goldreawlved by
heei a.- interest by them as interest on
the bonds deposited with the treasurer
• f the United State- as a security for
their circulating notes and also requiring
the secretary of treasury t*j retain a cer
taiu jwreentage of gold as a part c f the
sinking fund for the purchase or pay
ment ofthe public debt. This will le
the basis ofthe action of the committee
in their report to the adjourned meeting
vf the caucus Thursday 17, next.
The nastiness of the Becvher matter
is to l>e opened out to view again. Hen
ry C. Bowen appeared before the Ply
mouth Church Committee on the night
af the th, and offered to prove his
charges against Mr. Beaclu-r, ui.ikiugthe
following projmsition : I propose that
three men within the Congregational
body be selected,distinguished fir their
wisdom and impartiality, such for exam
ple, as Presideut Woolsey. President
Asa 0. -Smith. President Fairchild,
Judge Imfuyette Y. Foster, the Hon. Al
pheus Hardy or the Hon. Julius H. Seel
ye, men in whose decision the world will
put confidence, who shall be pledged to
keep all snch evidence secret, before
whom only Mr. Beeclier and myself
shall appear with onr witiM*— <•?, and be
fore whom 1 will consent, without any
reserve whatever and as soon as they
ran meet, to give in full the evidence
which has led me to say that Mr. Beecli
er is guilty of adultrv, hypocrisy and
perjury. The proposition was declined
jnd Mr. Bowen asked for ten days in
which to consult documents, dates and
memoranda* referring to the case. The
rommitte then resolved, that it Bowen
leclined to state such facts then ami
there 'We shall to-morrow evening re
port to the church the action which has
been taken and ask for instructions."
There is a split among the radicals
<ijhm the presidential question.—si re
volt against the republican managers,
including Grant, Morton, Conkling and
Blaine, and in favor of Gen. Sherman.
As the chances for Babcoek ! s convic
tion increase, the cry of "rebel sympa
thizers" is raised against St. Louis jury
men. This has been the way for fifteen
years. Whenever auy person protested
against or tried to arrest official stealing,
the whole Republican press set up the
cry of'-rebel sympathizer" and "copper
head," and all the party bummers joined
in the effort to drag him down.
The jury was secured in the Babcoek
trial last week and the district-attorney
opened the case. If there is any truth
in the statements that reach tie, the de
fence has a very hopeless case. The
prosecution have obtained possession of
a lot of telegraphic correspondence in
cypher which passed between Babcoek
and Lucky, the latter being at St. Imuis,
at the time of the Avery trial. It is fur
ther claimed that the district-attorney
has in his possession receipts given by
the express company for large amounts
of money sent Babcoek by members of
the ring. An officer of the govern
ment residing at St. Louis is credited
with the statement that the amount of
money sent by express to Babcoek in s
single month footed well upinthe thou
sands. The documentary evidence to be
produced by the prosecutionwill he vol
uminous and not confined to the tele
grams already given to the public.
Friends of the convicted mem 1 torsoi the
ring have come forward and produced
correspondence from Babcoek which is
said to be of a very damaging character.
A very suspicious kind of correspond
ence has been unearthed which prom
ises to lead to important results. Dis
trict-Attorney Dyer has ascertained that
Babcoek, for a long time prior to the ring
exposures, had been in correspondence
with suspected and convicted parties,
but instead of transmitting his commu
nications by mail or telegraph to the
parties he desired to reach, he forward
ed his letters nnder cover to an officer of
the army stationed at St. Louis, a com
niissary or quartermaster, not connected
with General Sherman's headquarters,
by whom the letters were handed to Un
persons for whom Babcoek intended
St LouD, F'-bruary 11.—Tin- first wit
iiess called this morning in the Bibcock I
trial wis Major E. 11. Grimes. Anions,
rjther things Grimes testified to having re
ceived letters purporting to be from Bib- j
-ock enclosing others addressed to Mr. M'- ,
Donald, with a request to forward I hern.
/. W. Douglass, Ex-commissioner of in
.ernal revenue WHS called and identified 1
tumorous telegrams which passed between
liuiself and Joyce and M'Donuld. A nuin•
ier of telegrams w ere shown to witness for .
dentiflcatioh, hut not read, being resr rv- ; j
-d for introduction at anotner time.
Colonel Dyer wished to read a dispatch t
igned by General liabcork but tho di - t
ence objected and it. went over. Several l
ither dispatches either to or signed by j >
Jabcoek were identified but withheld. i
TIH ISM I.Y 1 II ///vA'l . >; 1/ lK\ ' I 1
Tin - ><\-i s.. i o -I,- in ri - n vrr uvii.w |
Willi I'll irtVIH IM'll lit \ 1 I,' I ST A- I,
tIONH Of INN'M t N| K,
Louisville, Ucb. 110 ludiotiumej
recently tried, t otn i< t d and •toom . <ll'
at Indianapob- fu- *. mplii ity in wbi-kj
frauds Wei'' placid tn the tnt pti-><nnt (
.letters otrelile In Ito ciui . I u'pti -u
CIS, prcviot-to thin jii cut trmible, t
oeetipieii high positions, and were mini
be red among tin- hc-t citi.- ii- <■! I vuits
villc l'he seiitci:,jtend !'< i hntd lalrfo- !
for the terms specified, foi violaliott "f' 1
the revenue la a
\ t'onricr Journal ret rtcr <rt-ccrdett
in havtug a talk with the pi i-om t - aftet ,
thfj an ;v cd at pr|aou, Übvtt MeGrifl
Wtu •ittitig "ii tt sniokina lounge with .
his fare lut r : ixi ill his Iwi. 1 . the | "tun |
of grief and d< ; ait 11 rejn rtci
I torn hint him tiglitly us -n the hotildci
when he started and raised Ids In d
Ills face It >ked curvw>rn and L ;aid.
Slid hi- eye- were sulfn.-c.l pilfi t
lit- i - sixty \tai- old. He id MV
God, to Ui'iuk that 1 would ever co-i i- to
a place like this It will kill UK, UIV
huart c-et uslii d ISOXI ll< -| • >: ■ |
voice deep with emotion and was great
ly agitati d, If it w. re not fur m\ i r i
wifuatbl . 1 believe 1 uul i taiid it, j
but to think of tl c disgrace brought
upon thfUl is Wore than 1 can hear It
will kilt tnv wife . ,-i it'io a, anil
this \i ill kill lit i. but tin ; n one . • ;
latum, .-die kfaO's 111 Ul il.g. 'ft of tl" i
charge, and I s\vt-a Ito v I ,iuiil .nio >
cent mail," lli'msl that hi- wife v\. j
fifty tiyh! year* "Ul, and that hi; had,
been married thiiiy M> tint! v\s- j
will known and h ,hi> it -ja tv-'i j
il, being for ra vvts years city j
clerk of that place, ainl a leading ineiii J
her in the rrvsbvlcrianebiUvh, lie be- '
the !u. it dhc.oe, ni-,1 it is the gcpual j
opinion lonoug hi- liiejnls that i
Ihe will lot lon .- - uvive 1.1- ita| tisoti-:
Jatiire K Hill Meinoil >i ei u"ul ami
-. id that in had m.nle tip he loind t
stand it and that he tvuM stand .. . much
.'-any Other living tnan. llill li-o
exten-i\eacquaintance in In-liaua, iUoi
- well known in this city He was dt u
nty revenue collect' rat f'v.vnsvide, lit
asserted Ms imp fence yestt itlay, and
leforche was u'litcntvl at hitHtusip !■-,
Toe-day, through hi- coun-t !, \\. U.
Fi-hltack, 1 rt-entt'd the following nott .
to Judge tin sham ;
"With due reference to y nt honor
and the jttry that found rue guilty 1
say now. in the prt scnce of Gouami the
world that lam not guilty. During my j
connection with the revenue dvpartrweid .
I have worked faith folly in the tut toe t
of the govt riuuent. I ..-k f>-r tin sake j
of my fat,ill) that votir "hom r wiii be as i
merciful a- the drenmsttpri s with per- j
' m:t. J K. 11 ai u" i
He is forty tvt years old and lias a j
' wlfo and eight children.
lit Dip t flbvrwinc w.t- -.aland nit n, i
having nothing to -ay :o any ui e, but
■zuzitig vacantly upon those in the room
Inn note to Judge Grc-hnm before -eii
ti'Bce was pfOtioURG 1. -aid: "1
• withheld nothing frem the united states
. attornevs when culled upon, but c-tvt j
th evidence upon w huh my own indict
! ment was found and Uiat of otia-rs. 1
■ aui unfortnatdv a pensioner t>un the
• government, i bear three rev ere ami
. honorable w> unda i focml for thru
year*" good service a-a | iivat soldier
' lam maimed for life and unable to do
any manual labor. It wa- my lielpicr
i condition and poverty, i <uj led with a
desire to save my lilt!- h- me from 1
ing -old from ti- that causv 1 me to listen
to the oily wortls of the ndure t,"
tj„.it hi- puijliltwmi is out
of *ll ptcoportion tdliis "tteu-e. Ha mid
- (hat he never would hav.- li en in the
j ring only thut all the "th tr- were in,
and if lit- kept qui he would have them
• all to tight, and to saxo lit* j -.-ition he
' nut in. He i-a married io iii. tait ln
t no children. His lit-atih is ilehnite.
j John K. l'bilip wit? in the ;nnv four
years and w.isbiuil) wvundtd H< - aol
r the distillers go! liiiu into Tt by -tatinp
' that they would have lo ,-hn: !• rn ■ r
t run crooked ; that lie w.o trying to pro
vide a home for his family and did s • !
want to lose his position. Uhilfp* ij of age. He ban . wif
- Itl| ft rur children in -irai'emd t trcutii
-1 stances. He takes ns sgtiiciic.' !iar!
, Geo. T. Muionsoii was in the arntv, ]
but broke down on account of ill h< altb
lie is t" years old and has aw ife mid
! three children.
Wm, Mutnfor i t- j i '.ably '•'> year
old. lie cjon- fin ti.r army and
received several wtauids. Ir ! • )-e<! '
very pale, but taliu.
David M. Lew is ajipearcd u i,'. •? to
■ his hard fate. He is a man p -t tb
middle age of lifb, and lit-- a familv, j
liinim B. Snyder ! kt I -ti I,
After the pn'sonei L. d .-I...ken band
with their Iriends and bade them c -•-!
, bye thev were marched out ofthe office
into the prisoner'- reception r om. They
1 were then relieved of su< b arfie'e- a
! tbey liatl abciut tbcui whi' bit was <-on*
trarv to tip- rules for tlu n to keep.
Warden iloward iigll pa tnver-ation
with the prisoners, and will lr.-a< U.,-j;ii
just as the regulatiotiH re-mire. They 1
were next lakpi to the prison barber. 1
■ where their hair was cut and their w hi--
kt r-shaved off. They were then taken \
to tho clothing department, and the
' striped convicts'.-uit.-ghen th<-m, whit h
' they put on, and whit h altered then - 1 '
much that tlig-y were scarcely reeogniza !
hie. When fully rigpcJ oujt they wert
. taken to the bouse and **vrifd their 1
quarters and cuts. They will not at j
present have any w ik to do, • (he en- 1
• victs are all idle.
' How Bank wa- Uibht.i
of Over <400,800 Wioil: pf I'rp- i
I pert)*. I
Cincinnati, Feb. J 1 T<m r, Qr.t
of the qui no y Bank robin i , dii-d on Tin---j
day ia jCvxn-vilJe of Ct>a*um|4i<iu. JL- i
C"nfe*lon of the iK.ii gy Bnnk robicr,v io
i plicatcr threo others.
lie said tliVt bin.-, f, j. Uii f Mined Itil
. iby of Syracuie, Y , KnglJh T<mt, ni .1
another, whose narm- \v* i -uhl riot pro
' curs, were implicated m the bank reH.
to-rr. After the party i-ur-.twt on the
divtiion of the money, (<I, he and
Uilsey underui..k i < bury tho bonds until |
. time would lesson tut dvagi-r of urt>< tion ,
in Ihwritogot'alion,
They went to Chamber* Junction 1 >,
anJ buried the huriiis in a culvert t.eartl.c
railroad truck. The bond?, amounting to
. $550.0(10, were deposited in a tin box.
which in turn wa' eneb>'< I in ;n.r Imi
of wood, which Wtts made by them Ir on
fence b"rdr.
The jituotJ nciir a croising. and Hi;
*ey wa* placed Oil 1t... l. ti to keep W.-tt ,
if any in* discovered the -re.'t. Uiisc.v
witi out ot sight of the hiding pirn e, anil j
Termer was the only man ot the { who
knew its exact locution.
For nearly two year- afterward 1> coo-'
tinucJ in correspondence with lld-cy,
hearing from hhn for the last time in Sep
tember liut, liiboy then went l the
I'acific con-!. Hiid ho* tu>t since been heard
of, winch led 1 nicer to suppet" ti;jit he
WHS dead.
The whert-übt uD of Koglish Tno ure al
so unknown, and but one of the gang re
main-, whose present locution wa* ret iail
ed by Termer. This is the ono xtho
name could n> t be n-< ertained, jbut he it
or wu recently, lying ill in the hospital of
the Sister- of Mercy (or Charity), at St. I
Louis. This man leem* to bo the only
ux-wilable source for too confirmation of
Termer'* strange story.
Termer aUo iwifw-i'd to having been a
party to ii diamond rohbery in St. J.epb.
Mo, in March la-t, urul -aid thifl S'-'Haiu
wurth of diamond* are buried <;ri the Iron
Mountain Railroad-it Boonville, Mo. ID
died before lie could give the particu
Estimated Loss 9.'{,000,000. 1
New York, Februity 8. A lire broke '
out at fi,Bo this evening at Bio Grand street
which proved the m-ist dctruetirn lor j
year*. The lire burnt through tl.e i ntire
block hounded, by Grand, Howard. Broad
uy and Oro*by stre.-ty, iltogelher about
thirty building* The total I out is esiimi- }
ted at jkJ.uou.tHHi One firm, Caalu-n, " t
Itruiiden-t A Co . I ce deult-rs, estiniate.-
tliuir lot* at si,UoO,t>Ui. '
• • I
Baltimore. Md., Fob 111, Reverdy
Johnson, the di-tingui bed *tat< trnsn and!
jurist was found dead ll m evening at 8; 15 '
in the grounds ui round ing the executive' I
mansion at A tin Apoiiy. Mr. Johnson was t
the guest of Governor Carroll and dined i
this afternoon with oth< rgcntlenien at the j '
executive mansion. He was found dead j u
in the yard by a servant. 1 h
PI N Ns\ i,\ \M v i i <i i \ n - in:
TIIIIJMIHV. I', WuAry Hi. IRH The .. '<
Me wa I dled LU „ee< : .T it H. M. I.V |.i,-U- .
1.-! lit Ueveriinr I NITII
: Mr. Herhtel presented , frwuslt- £
S fHH •! - ' il \ 1 U i i | SMin| \ , HCklr>lS fM of|*
gresKm*l nidto build the Texas and IVJ*
I lip ! Iww ~ 1 ij} u 11 p t< {tutted favor , „
( \ " i viu 4 i.., the v.tabli.buHml ' l
The L IRIJ bin. Ml tnlrodurrli ~
M ; B I I AL .I ; slug I ll' >f •! j
I I I •> 'ff.TR R iinrVf'.L>l j]
L H- \ :il UNI IT IT I J.FUJ., rs V ill lines- V4-S I- 'l*
Mr Jn, An m. i. ■ .uthoi,# ami ,!i t
I* . IIIW UI 4IN* *I4T lo (IMV UV#RF^
TO HMI - I PI ■ \ IIIg \ot
:* |IMUST BY < L. I I • ! LB* rUti*'Vni
I> TIN Cl'ttlt DILUTE IIPI, vt *L,U full MI ILII IN
Ut 0 1 If. *..,,1.1,.* . |
Ml >. IM • . 1,., FC*L)fwlng U.IU-, T
It* '< Tint! the , IMTP WU i*
I hilt* Ll 'todured.H.TU this btvih aft* r HIT],
' -• -l,v . . V r n! ruv!
Mr in.'tt'll to mretid bv ir.-rt 1 '
II g iI MI IT 1 HM' ,if M iiph instead el '
\ prii ! >,
ML I . (tut - Mil iiJlitt'Ut V,(fttilll,
*l' ii
i*v ii iiinii n- hiuiidil * it, agr<#d
% .... ......
I iii! N, if „ I .. ■ I,>t|ll null
•Ui pre,- \ngrknc\ TI,,- bill fcM ttUM'iul 1
! • > >i ?. neont the ihir.l ,'ii.m which h
•IN i\-i, .1 ti i.**m!I could l e fwmrd i.
I - ui, i.mi v Jib ,H al pas-tag i le-iaw-l
row. j 1
l Mr. LKUM it* SMvwt) thai the -,-ute (<r ,
j .'.t IC I ~. F V UILN vu M bill NO *. ,
j <1! I .it,, IG. • I<!)roi stnlHUi HTMFFLIJ
1 lot of ci •I v FLL r, IU I V . I
! MM*,. R. IT', T IL* A ti ll of Urn bill
j in* I I-NIT! ng UNIT nil the ITT-I AT TIIR 'T
I [MM' (I ..FT!.,- trrn. ~f aiir.FFL.N shall br- J
J. MO THO TOT }.. ?!, (>t {TIC cotliuy COD brj
!on TIN I, 4 I V TLI, I I. NIL- HUM R, W birii 4M,1
; Rr.ctl
• Mr. A ibrink! ini v.,1 amoi .l •ri'tioti
, 1 J'l > .114 to tli- rtuv iiAni i-t Phtlmiol-j!
I lv 4 till- ulat i pmpoiMtii Mil
j 1 i>.l - i-I . ;i. ; .llotu. y I*.uni l:
1' I- 0, In ill! $lo,(!v4l T . SLO.LXXL.
I •• vr ft :U J 1.1 IL LM', |IIRLILONTJU-1
NON . TOLW>U> T(i R, •* J t-r LIT'IN *l2. ,
<&■, T.trfrr-I, F5 ITTF.O
I (a uft
Mr I. , 11, I IBR bi-I ML F '■"Rl!'
j U,t winter UN* ib MINI, MUL ibnt LHL
MOM not to.
L I- B;,I I URI-OJ 40
AVL> ..: .1 !
IIiU.C !•' llifjjli tnlilaliv, A,
i 1m ii.m-o l.irt i.t lui. • I .K t n. in
j >, ! t,io run *un. r. |,rtmiiitii|t fi-rdrmi J-|
J JOTMMHTNL 1 1 BR B JIO 1,1. lilt*. -VI 011
I MU.'iU. will .1.1 ati ITLMFL
j Mr. Puto.v iiorv.4 u |ii4utiwit lt
;• E tbf fartW, s con.-.Jt r*itn*u of lit* rum-,
huliott. A*R> JTO v.,, n O"A i"
! Mr v. -1. - r.-M.I !■; ,R. net nN >
iNRT 1 J.JK |W • tit, ll of s!',<<! to tSo Wo
A l *.' H?I *E! •FIPISITIRI<T!OC sT.ttO t • t!*C,
TRNA tor . .tn i R,s l'litlaaii|;l!lTO
; A- ■ r> *'T NWUIFIMIMJR F.' ,I T • THO
j INUUKI '■ htiiu for TIN, Ul|.ui.
j Ml. I. HO vl tin, nrgnn Ml r.
J .< A LID (A. TTULLWN uf ULQ lin'O |tl-
AU :... R _ nwt;v|,titii tjf i'lW
f.. iio n ,<f n.v i-oit'l n*- ~u!
I*l v,n . Tof :!,<• in •1. ... T) . N '
I AN act *. •RI JII' ITR IT,,- IWIMAU'I ot'.tontli- :
j IFV. nflll I pr.ITCRT-LIIC ji-,'(<io
j UKIM'I in rc*': ' on tlicrotu in UO Dub) t-F
1 L',M„nl, NR.:* L'LIWD.
An 1 '. A .LO. U . ; R t : AGO , IlJltiii- to
EN,. 11 IEO th, .< 1 F|> I.'lU 1 LLAI.T.ii >* .* WTTTNN
. | ' a., iu ■ - i-u ..r ! .lis ilrrrnit
!' *'*'• "-'I U ■ * Pi* •* 1
A I M • T f-r • • F! I.* it !.!••
: riqttirmg au iitnn to pukluh M AT nun!
• j itatoMr: TO! TL IRCC FR ITN! * 1 ficmlilui'l
I 1 r.MO) O riiiii I-IOFTO:,. OU|,cr*'lMß,. T Itr
, j -ir|, OF ,iu-'i lil -tlfl'iM MjUrtHtl Ollli
, J ii* i-igunti*-4 li*J[ to Mod.'., Mtii A ami an -
, ijU l •' I- A.|< 5* 3 bulvUfW lutiU Par
' An •{ j.. TUIH n a r, n. ,!>• by n.ii,!a
1 RTU* OGAIR S? MTIPOFTII. R ■ F'l.m.L, WIN, r,->
to* N OR rtrfr'irt t OJUN or ROPALF PUBLICI
! -AIL- I JRONILCY J> -!|-'rr.l
AN GET to pro*id, • MM!,- F<T tt • rcrti
| at of county *. Ati
' An act ' \mg I ,IF (..writ.SO
■ TTTFILLL,. I'mwci.
| At:. K . LT.r:,I , | MJPTO. ITA,.
LIVI.> lb.!. 1.. .■ 4 U|, 180 URTIEMI ATLMN,
PI. 1.1 n B. !J. N L.J. B SM 1, N,I the hr>t LUNI
f^; u
A ■! .: FPN-or. * JTTHF r . .f. .V.-'
lIMM br, ...'.. ilir want Uo lnd,FL.
1 ni'aiy |>U!Fll,ltd
An oil fM.ividi! G .) ot.unnl iWJOriry to
cJ _ L '
VOT , NMJ.ITIG 1* LA muiittyvali- 1
1 • F O< .'I :.C tclcnii-I
j On t!s:. B!!! , n.i.lorablc DLICUCOJ.M ANDJ
• incrnmcnt ct •uni by the ititroducUoD ct
I rrttondmiT.•- making im,- year f Intcm
, IMRAT hal :L *:,.T tiir uC OT totmccoCairu
T iur \ Wll RUSF.-IO (• >t '
j pom, indtknitn- Y. vi-.. .0 WAR lat AGREED'
M, II warn Witiliirnwii AND)
, TOO luiiiic. TV N-iilvrlA>n „F (BO BILL *
1 I'-II NCJ F. rTI N PIT •nt.
j An ACT ii.., n 1 i tie Jlaca .4' Uoldinf
tbfi ~ ...i 1 1 ~f ihy nipr.cnif curt f -r tt
' NVDJLI- RLl'trict, I,r,i! |,rov!4 ST for flssir-R
j UJI AND furni !I:ng LUITUBIC tOumi for the
' (ITIRFR rntikit T-.n AFIPR JIHAT-NN of FFL.-
, I (PF "4,
MR itayi .FI.O 1 ,a JON*I<4 ;!.* GT,; R T:PI
I ?'••• AGM TIIU..
| Ailjoumeii.
s Tho Ta-.aailtapapcra rdnt* n horrible,
i *tiry of :J: J. alt, *,t n y,ning girl from the
ma'.|K.i- t.i cof a V Hi cr ,iueti-r," wboap*
I (, r* to bav,-b. en plyinna prolitxl'-i- iradi-
H:.<l L■:ng a K • 1 Jcal ofuiirchtaf in t'raw
j f r-1, ontv. T. i,i!<l had mni trifling
;nP: . - t ;,hnt bn<! I iifflcJ the leal .!.!-r
üben tli ! , .. i; ,:,n ;.g nn } made Inl
'linen- ; lie n ! d , --l!C ai-tilf-riaij 4:010!
* i*ni* t , mm humor" which would iocvi-.
j tnbly kill ki-r if let nioiic. hot bo wa< the,
- poc-M mar of ,rt rtt remedy, vtbifb km a,
i "iro c ure nod the only cure for her dm aav. :
lie wa-nci.'v 'diiigiy - i-i, anil hyv-!
{•uutpt 'i|r,nl ill* f.-e, made fovcfal up
j appear* to have boot) natr-mg loliltfoh *f j
j hiiii or 1 t ! rm rcury, , orroiv mbtf''
ante. The treatment pr,Mluccd n->t OOIT'
j the cAn'tiiiitionSl rigiil of mercurial t<>l
) toning, hot ulc-ratlon and nlotigluagof the
I "kifft and flcih. and after aetreral day* 01
j li-rrihle lutferi:.g ihepi >r girl diud At
(other patient, aho had he*n urniiariy,
trenteo oy tin. Dr." Us'mrne, Was al l>t
account* ill critical 001,il,lnu and fcim Cj
j tsin fatal IcriiuriHtiou of the Jenning.,' ess. '
the victim* ofliii 'gnornnce and brutality'
j .re turnit'g up throughout "tlitj vicinity.'
j \\ e hnjipy lu lay that the wretch j. nil
i.-iil, wit,ore we liApe lie will be allowed to,
re mull: for thy re*( ••f I. i* natural iite. ami:
we ni'**! eiijritety direct the aUtntion ofi
j the public h> I'll* cnE a II warning a guilt* t
1 itinaraut niaJica! nnitsfitlsft. i
m, I
I licrr are varions ,WTIINATF* ;UT tp the!
amount uf M -ncy the whisky ring were!
ah'.c to accumulate and divide, and all of!
tiieni M'tdely diffcreut in amount, 1 LS>- !
trit itturney in,,- t'tirpptAa tbo anm
out OF ivjiich the governmeiit WAS def-*
fiaucital, as U twecu four and idx inil-:
I lionn — or brtwera one ami one AND a
I half millions FOR four years.
* ♦ • ...
The U wistuwn I 'L'LNYMD SAY* A enri
'.lucirciitiihlarmco currcti lust week, in'
Rl.nneition with the death of tt lady UEAI
lieidsyHie. On Wedncftilay night a
. luck in the house struck OUR, when the '
hands indicated the tiiuo to lie live 1
1 uiinut, S before one. Hut. what was Mill
more singular, (lie elork, heing outof OR• ■'
der, had urtt cfrfn 1. before for two YEAP-I^
Las(. The sick woman, noticing IBEJ,
striking, meiMioiied tills fact, and added. , '
I will die ;-L I o'clock." And, sure
enough, pri ■ in-h twenty-four hour*
later, at five ininutcg be ft ire 1 o'clock (
Thursday night, her spirit took its '
flight. ['
♦ ♦ ♦ \t
liouutl-iiog DAY is SI hiiuihttg tliisjy
year. No six WOUKS OF winter followed!'
the seeing of his shadow. Put THE crH-j!
!<-r 011 the tliird-lerm ticket for Vice- J
M l" MP. ,1
lnthn dei-nie re . ALLY IN the Virginia'
Legislature on LIE <Vnte:tnial appropria- •.
tion, Peter J. CA-tcr, the colore 1 delegate 1
fiom NORILIUTIIBI 1 land county, arose, and (
urge I on by the erica uf "Ilcar him ! L.CURI J
biui 1" tuundud in thu wull known VOICE*
■! i v tii hit tiiuilh Slid Lgtclier, (natty *l
- d il lb*! 111*111 bar who w* dvo
.11; g Uni I 11. nod, will*4 inpidity uf ara
.iiu'iiti ui hereP-l unknown, proceeded
lo -peak. Ihe iioia and eonfution pre- u
r hlnj Id* :ir*t rvinark* being heard, but 11
wt.i .. Mar was n aiur. it hi* voice, in clara
ui: peal*, ring through iho ball, aounding s
>i, to (!. . < ntelitiial,
\S i it, nud wliy, I'm aviu',
HfO I I 'id: What ' tali thousand
vjoiiiti lui !>• I. gi awa, to IT Miidvlphi*.• c
,1 ,* 1, ""t, ! link, "Iwt h,nt. j!,
t;,l I- gin n, bet fire ; [t'ticera) Where'* '
(tt* fhtngw*le to rnif ' Let em go to icel*
,u:l ... |i||| yuu I|>(■ v,oo a aaylu' |
•I'ii, piuatina-tc y, itr own *pi-tue> i.ook •
nl Ilia! italliary of till rut SVmlui.gtoh, I
i. Ik at flay, and t'lllhouu. What i
t .-ii t:-,t thought? Ye*, lab. Ite buy
•towd on 4" binfill! d"*V. (Aj>plue. ail •
da "ti i 911,'' Logon U4 friend oh do
white 111*11. Mr Logan u down on >h
U!u< k man Mop M.d coilatitnte Ji 0
pri ife trip Ticket !•1, f.? it).
< UJ j lo igitig ui .1 bri .kf< t, f:1 more
Vi, ;.,: 1,1 PhtUJelpioa, i!,iL. Adiiiini,-!-
ta lis tliutt and >ide slew et ii .iat Tft 1 ant*
Multipi) nig of tin* by flv*. eownt up di
! t'l.v cu*;->*it •, trunk*, |iotlej*> t carpc
u -ig- cheer*.J Look at b
trcus :y , e k at da money do tiovornoi
imu ,a nl m p-wla,. o kinmpa a titin* fin
jdia o- Bidon '"Uid Mother ilobbard (he
Iwe t (a ,i* M|it .f.l fttr (a git * poor f .-*:
111 1 wl cn *he come bark dt dog weir
1 .1 Jo- 10 it w ill liiititutloi, on r !
,l| ,! ! N'u, *eb , tin talkui' Aruerieai
'•a I:guano liuukwoi 11 >U. tic.arge Woh
•gt m. Itrawn w!-ar i you? Hi*e
' m sour -i at, ,ay is 1 right—ay w 1
j ji-sth-i"'. truth, atjdJi -tUh agin'.
Kv-< i* t ie Letcher froitig fr, tu hi
1 (' Mr Sootiki-r 1 move a ia Jal to
■ warded to Virginia', n— lite gm-d. lb<
rewt. ttia gtor ut- t'arier. Seconded by
, .-iiotb.
I I'C 10-0-in, w n* carried and the Lcg-s
laiuio H,,j iuhh d c-r drliika.- Bichnmnd
Kv• nUm J-iOrns'.
. * <
ifa. ,1 1 - Mc iiu! !. r February yn
:Alns -ivty-flto itlvite*tfivni. *c,t nu ,-aceod
ill r . inieir,ling vartt'.y of reading uiat-
U, r. pe-iiwhianl among whipk 1* a 1 o nu*-
|cl bt liinrge feiioi, the create*! of living
mgjtdcHtni Ik i* lung *uwa amy tale ha*
(beaa pul'itsbtwl thai aruuwd ■ deep and a(l inter cat n* Middiomareh t
,nd a* tbo autiier i in the Lillue,* ef her
, • w. r , there i rm di-uhl that the ilory by
: r which beg i in lids number >-f the
• Mags tit v '(rllfngvr the iflnte rnuiarkabte
' -t• ,! lutrtl® pbbrm There are u!w> enter
int* art >• on C'ttiaf Juttt.-e W-t,
I Hcv Join Todd, an atnrrilng tkotob by
t' - Crayon, c! . ew
1 j Will be iftld
,t t'ub' , Sat-- ii mile* *e*i of Ms ji on
tbuig. MAKt H ifie toib un J. Kline"*
Work H . 1 yeaHinr Hng
•-U diNi* oietlo-n, t yearling Colt 4 mttk
V >i, lih vi v( }*.wr:g _tal*!e. Sheep, a
~ t*;<y.d t*hei 1 Wagon ITf kurit
-prit.j WKg. 1 k-o!.ior (traper aadj
, i-r. I sett of flay Udders. TuroMiing
'Marliine h-r*e Power nrut Shaker, bururi
lis*", t l.anea-ier lrilt, I Hay-rake.
\ J'mw*. Harrow* Cui'.nratoea Fork*, new '
B ib-fch d, I CwA St iva with pipe. Sate
, lu trnimMtM at i tfUitk.
I,a:,sicca Uto. LLVt IJiNti
•VucSiotiCurj. fehlftd
*1 Al.i: J.i; K MuVEIL
l'n#re will
-i| -r at P„V: S.i MARCH 161b.
!*X At M tnwetbip, ! ml!e *l of Haul
: borfhwdg. the entire farm staek of the üb-i
■f.-riber v;* ,* Sit g >.at work Horses from
I T fear* 0'..l ~i (Wb, 1"i year old and I
t rearilm S Mi k Cow*. *J being fre#ti,
yiittt t'{t , --keep 1 iiroadt'ig Bdw, 5
jphC-l. t Croud w Cooled ?A agon, 12 hiifse
Wag.j.i, . lo w spdug Wag'inr, 2 ilob-
Cii, 0,, i le'g hied. 1 Trent Power Ma
ciiißC, Tv),k< r and Strap, 1
~1 ll*y ua, 2, 11 4 Ha* ladder*, } iarg
CuUnaU-r. t C.-td'liitof, I Curnr*w-r
■ 2 1 ,Ii- . h*t.# 1 i|Um liie*, a tu!
)■ a*, k-• -to Harrow*. 2 #"-1 Yankee 1
II a.'in ■ 1 salt 1 tgti t duut 'i- Harness, 4
j, ua li, no. HHdies, Cottar-!. Hatters and
Str*|o !' üb!etre<> Singtetr•*, Log
ehains, ltaVe**r,| Forks, ttaV by th* T>m.
a tar*;# dout a Uted O, g*n. and many oth
er artioies l> .• year t 'redit will be ,*.
it' M. W fchte -Vwf l*iybid.
Wi.i be*,hi
al il >. rc-. lur,. #pf t!.e tubscriber in thy
, V. ,-. . WKHN KsDA T, M \ i'.t H the
tfth, at JO., el A, , ut.. (hiltilloalsr per.
f-rt nl proper t. v.* 1 ftroeJiiig Mar#
! IV; v UuH i Ileif .k .5 rii.gjj*. J %
'' f. Wagah, tvr. Sledi *f>rt!r- V* ag-u-.
ilav-laddee-. fiehor*e t'nwer Tares),ing
1! -rhiii and Shai-er. Uav by Uie Ton,
Plow . Harrow*, 2 L ig-rbatwa. 2 Stores
a: d Pi|*e, H--u -uosj a-.d hucf en Furni
,iip , tofcuik and P,aa Lumber. Jvo
1 I.I;MS Wlil be toed,! kce-wu Bl *alo by
IT.-ihU f'klLU
A . Th.
f>|i w eg pc-iona! perpurtv wilt be *! d
,! r-i?ifi sale; at the r,-; lene# af (he sub
•* be# ee,r C.-ntre F!nil, MARCH Ist.
la" ,at !!! o'ejoek 4 Work Hon#*, 12-
(onrold Ctatt, I vearttng 4\,lt. Chashiiw
Ch :u|w- -i Staiti.a*. rising 4 years old. 4
ikiw* 6 head <>f v -UPg iratti*. i R-..1. m
. Skoals 2 4-du'flo agsina. 1 2-h->r*" Wag
,.-!< 1 Uuggv. I pair of R,b sied-, 1 long
-!.< d, loi horsg -ltd, 1 Sieigb, 1 Ittt o(
, Br, < -, Cruppers, plow tsear*. Cof
mid'- 1 Centre Mat! OornpJinter, 2
C-nocrat *rs, t 2 lifvr-e Ctiitivator. smalt
. Cultivator* rihovnl - plows, Harrow*.
Pl< „• 1 Willougbby Mai spring Drtli, 1
; Buckeye iSiMpar stt,. Mower. 1 tlay-rak#
H'* oje*,<"p' v n|l jialiay*. * Corn-abei
r. t WTn,Jtiiiti ( Rage*, Fork*, t hain*.
-caldinf Trough, Meat Vi■!, L'-irner
Cnphoard, Bed Head*. Chairs, Sink, I
l*:,rlnr H ~r |i*m Kettle. Cider IJorral,
Stand, n i Lard Cam, Mitg Crock*, and
many ortiFF:,rticle. One v-ar credit will
! gixmm. A I! iJosTKRMAN.
,i virUV' f n,*t order f( thp Qrplitw"*
- -'tirf of L-vniro i oouty. it.ero will • o#Vr
-.i 1* ptiblic }alf. t CV dro Hall, on SAT-
M'HHAY. PKHRVARY, 'jr., PvTti, all
' ift-ute ntt Church street, in raid town,
each let contninlng nboui j bf an acre.
-Stiit h-i* ti 'totikirj; to thp :,tato **f S. S.
1 Wolf doo'd. 1
t TLRMS.—tlr.a half of the purchase
' mm,-y to tsn paid on the continuation oh
uid Kile and the halation in one vear
lijcroaftur wah iut-reL. Road 'o beglran
I tu ilia *u„i of St-vuu Hundred dollars to he
approi. J by th* courier one of the Judge*!
•lieiW. C. C, WOLF.
Keller bros sale:
Will bo old
jut Public Sale, at tho re*idciice of liiesuh
'crib'-r.s, tie.ur Centre Hall, on WKUJiBS
HAY. MARCH 10th The following pro
petty, vir :
Two Hrvedino Mnrp* with foal.
It) tie Ortviug Mure, one Two-Year Old|
Ctsp, tvvn Yearling Colts, one
it Breeding Sow with nig, 13 Head U
;-the,-p. ISuuth Down ) Two Milk Cows.
'2 Iteifor* with catf. I yearling Bull, I head
!of cuttle, one Plantation wagou, with
bed and ladders, I two-horse wagon, 1 pair
-I liob-oied*. 2 Fninily *led, I Top Buggy,
■ 1 -St'UH-r jjrril, * Fuulo Ctiltirglor, t oq]
, C'ullivatwrs, Shovel-plow*, ltlowsand Hat
r--iv*. Siuglf-treo*, Uoulde-tree-, Chain*,
Hay-Fork, rope and l'ullivs, Rnke* and
Furl,-, J Uwy-rake, 2 Gmiii-cradlcs, V
Mowing Scythe*, one
Tiire-lting Machine. Shaker and strap,
!lore l"ov,er and Jack, 1 Centre Hall
! Corn pi a titer, 2 -ctu Yankee Harness, 2
Mi* of Crupper*, Plow (!enr, Collar*.
Bridle- 1 Diiiltde ett of Harness, 1 .Single
*tl of Harne-, 2 String* of Sleigh-bell, 3
Cider RarroL, | Croti cut Saw, 1 fupper
Kettle, with Patent Stirrer, I Iron Kettle
Kitchen mid Parlor Furniture, Carpet.
Stove*, Stovepipe, Beds tends. Corner Cup
hoard, and tunny other articles too nuiner
uus tu nu litiun. Sale to cmuinence at 10
o'etui k v. In-ti term* will bo tnndo known.
Ci Kin, C. (' KELLER,
Auctioneer. P. F KELI.KR,
I 11. KELLER s \ ENDI'E. Willi,,
tf s sold "t public outcry, 2 miles east el
Ron I-burg, on the farm formerly belong
ing tu ,I ph Meyer, 011 Wednesday, the
23 day of February, the following proper
ty, to wit: Seven bend of work liursea, 8
year old colt*, 7 bend of young cutllu, 7
milk ,-ow-, 7 ihoal*. Two -Chorse I'lan
tation wagiiDi, Buckeye reaper and Mow
er, 'me 2-iiorse spring wagon -good as new
1 net ui hayluddor* I sulky, 1 horsepower.
Excelsior Reaper and Mower, Jr. Excel- 1
-iur Mower, Canon Cornsheller, Circular
Woods*w, Sausage Cutter with ballanoe .
wheel, I, set heavy horse gears, ti Collars, !
Bridie*. Pt„w, Harrow*. Cultivators,
I 1 rk , R ike-, 2 liowvy luge lit, ins, 2 ten
lilatc -luv,.- with pipe, also good cider
v in* m by the gallon, cider barrel*, meat J
v <*l- ti •,p bees, atid many othar urti
■•!l. s. SaJi- to commence at 10 o'clock, a.
ui , when terms will lie tunJe known by ,
Josiuh Noll, J. liENRY KELLER. <
Auctioneer. Jauiiytd. t
•Stftoou by Mr. Moody.
Pbdadilphla, DacamberSl. There wero
upward "f*) person* present at the!
meeting last night The .erviee. were cum I
mciiced by singing "Hold the Fort." Mr. j o
Sal.key sang "Sowing the Seed."
Mr Mood.* preached from the text, i
j What think ye of Christ?' 1 Malt, xxii..
1 tie S*d,lucres bud come la Him with a
,|i.-.Uui, tt.ey ilM'ttgl.t he i'utild net a"- (
wer After He had pot them to (Retire the
I'tiailsee* came to Hit,, An expounder
<si U. law Mid U, Hon: What Ii tie. I
greatest commandment ? Christ answered
him In Mich a manner that the Pharisees r
and Had it u cans were put lo siletue. Christ
then put a quwtipn to them .
What Thiuh Ye OfGbriat?
W host Hon ii tie 1 They said : He I* the I
son ,<f David. W ell, then. If He isthe *ol)
I David 1 ow did the King caiihls awn son .
the JUoed? He put Uiaisi loatlwtioe, fortbey '
uuid i.ut answer the queeUuti It was
touching the divinity of Juau* Christ. The
I. w> did not believe Chris! was divine
low at the close ut the old year, 1 want t
■inl everyone W hat think ye„f ChrtM?
We will not know how to act toward* llxm ,
in ,-** we have made up oor tnlnti* in re
tard to Him. 1 would not ba offended if
tsiy one should ash sue what f thought of
,ny one public chaiactar, and there i* no
it.arai ter *0 public a* Christ'*. 1 do not
,*k you what you think eb<>ul th# Bible ;
I >* inure per.ienal than that. Many nf
o,u w ill express an opinion aboul the HiMe
>nd talk at.out the preacher and me sing
ing, but il is of very litUe account wbai
feu think of us, but uf
Vast lutpoiUuca
W hat you ihist - about the Hon of Uod. 1
lent ask you what you think about the
Liferent cburchas, but wtiat think ye of
dkrlii ? W bat do you lb ink of him a* a 1
raober! W ben the utlWera we*# sent to
irrust bun, Ibey said, "Never man spake
ax this Man " What do you think of llim
,1 api eschar ? Eighlee 1 hundred years
nave rolled away, and still His soeiuoh*
ive There w not anything seen in
I'alvnine but 11# bung a truth around it
You cannot get those sermon* out of the
bean* el the people. The greatest thco
tuglae* cannot tathoin the depth of Hi*
•winoa* and a Utile child can understand
th*m There it no eturyb -ok *0 interest
• tig for ;hilUreu. Look at Ultn as a phy
sician, lie could heal the lepers with a
word We have hospitals fur incurable
, He healed all manner of disease*.
He had power over sick nest end Over death.
H i came to the world to eek anil save
'hose who were lost If He was an im
postor. away with ymii church** and RISK*-
nig*, but if lie was the (Jod man we ought
to think wett of him. and the ungodly
ought to flock to 11 tin
Mr Moody pTca in atrihuxe contrast
iko Iwsiuouuy uf the frmad* and enemies
ufCbrisL, as recorded in the New Testa
lurnL "d continued a* follow*.
.Suppose wc could he lifted up around
the Throne of tied a* John wat. Ue was
caught up Into hev#n, and he tell* ut he
saw a scenethew that made him weep,
Hjsiie one bandod him a sealed hook, and
be could nut And eny on>< in heareu thai
(H'Uid break lite Ivgi god open the book
U# toukud a own upon earth, and there
iaa* no one worthy Hume owe touched
; him and said "Don t you weep. There]
~is Doe that u worthy—the Lion of the
Tribe of Judah, He ie worthy. John took-1
]ed and It was the slain Lamb And be be. i
< heM ten* of thousand* o( engeji saying,!
! "Worthy I* the La'nh receive power.)
and Tlcl,c* at.d and honor, and.
gio'ry, dnd blessing "
Oh, Poor Binner,
won't you think well of Ckriu tu-nigbt?'
Will you not come to Christ this night and
awn Hun as your Lord and Saviour? 1
say it with alf reverence, 1 baveoee mev l
a itnesa —that is, God Uimself. That eughl
forever to settle the question. When John)
baptised Jotdl as H# -xiut up out of Jor-I
; dan. these ves a'velce heard Some Bibiej
. odeiiti tetf in that Jehovah of the Old
rcsLamenl aras the Const of the New Tea-|
•anient, and God broke the silence of foarl
tboutsnd year* when He said. "This** my'
1-eloved Son in whom I am well pleated, i
.HitiHer, think weil of llim to-ntrbj. Cab
' you give a reaaon for :.u| teceisln* Him]
i-H M may God'help you to think'
WJI Of Hen How meay ol you have keen]
],ak#'ud to go into one uf these
] roow ? I would like lu And any man who!
■ ul.l give a reason why he did not love'
Chris! I would like to ask that Utile;
boy-that young man—that gray-hwired 1
' man. why don t you love Jesus 1 Just ah !
" ycmrself the question to-night. ) uhwilfbggi
v •u> fi.d sti reason Toy not lovTag,
'iLhrist If Ji-u go to the I>>*4 world and ask
lha damned spirits in hell there is nut use
1j of them can give you a reason. There Is
' no rueeuti oan be Igifen un earth, and if
? )ou go to tho world above they don't
want lo gives rews-m, Thev at! love llitn,
vOh. that the time may goi|e al.un there
qit] D st- KIMS in beaiei, and on nanh,
aV.J that song sflall be the sung of Muse*
and the lemh Now. if you think well of
f HSm. let o* r*e end sing from the keen
■ about Hun. and then, YOU who would like,
• to become Hie, and step intothot#inquiry-■
• meeting* and we will talk and pray tugcth-,
' 1 haaid the vuiee of Jotustajr, j
u 'me unto M* end reat."
A VAl.i'A it IE WORK.
1 Th Centenaial History of the United
1 States, from tb# Discovery of the
American Continent to the Close s
of the Flrat Century of Amer
ican Independence. By James D.
st McCabe. Author of "A Manipf! of
> Uet reel Uiatory." Rath way* of the Ifoly !
, Land,' etc.. etc., etc.
■, 1; is aw Ui known fact that the great mat*
t of our people are cotnpwHed to rely, for
l t their knuw lecga of the history of their l
. country, upon the uullin* works intended
; for the use nf schwols, which by their veryi
1 nature are brief; designed for the oompre
,! hensinn nl children, and In every way uo-
I ■ suited to the adult mind, latere has lone
boen tclt a genuine vftnt <>f • tlisiory oL
| the t'oiM-e iiuiiu, covering the 4bole pe-l
rmd from the discovery ot the Conttnent
r> the present day, and presenting in a
I ; succinct and comprehensive form the his-i
■ tury of our country through iu various;
i period*, from a higher and more theught-
Ijful ilsndp'Jntthan would be pro[r in a]
, school history. This demand we are hap :
py to tay is utisfactorily met In "The Cen-1
tennial History of the United States," a'
work which is evidently destined to take'
, renif es fhe Standard History of qur ooun-l
. j try. Iho author, James D McCabe, is an j
. IWe and well know historical writer. i
I We moat heartily commend this work to!
our reader*. It is no dry mas* of detail*.'
no bomba*4e effort to inflame the national!
pruie, but is a clear, wivid, and brilliant!
narrstive of the evi-ntsAf our history, from!
'the discovery of the Arcnriogn Uontiqonl ;
to the present day. ttgivesa most Inte*;]
iesting account of lha Indians ttf North*'
'I America, frtim the time of the coming Of
the white men. The voyages of Columbus.'
the explorations of the different nations ofl
Europe, and the wanderings of the Hpan
] tard* in search of gold and immortal
youth, ere told with graphic power. The,
camei of our great IUUMIO for Jndep?n r J
dence r" slated with ' gical foree, and:
(hi- story of the Revolution is told with all
the Interest of a romance ; then follows a'
dear and succinct account of the forma
tion ol the Federal Cunsiliutfon, the sec
ond War with England, lha subsequent
history of the country, the Mexican War,
and the event* of our history up to the
commencement of the Civil War. Tba
II ,story of the Civil War is r?ted with
intense vigor, and with strict fidelity to
truth ; and the work closes with au ac
count of the course of events since the end
of thst great conflict. The author writes ,
throughout with calmness and imparUali.i
iy, and pleads the cause of tie section or
party. The hook contain* an Appendix,
giving *n account ol th# approaching In
teruational Centennial Exhibition.
It is comprised in ono large end hapd
soma velquio, of u2b pages, and remains 1
442 fine engravings on stedaad wvMd The I
book is issued by the National Publishing
Co., whose imprint is a guarantee ol the
excellence of the workmanship. It is sold
at a very low price, considering the char
acter ol the work, and each subscriber is
presented with a superb lithographic en
graving of the Centennial Exhibition
Buildings and Grounds. It is sold by
-ulwcription only, mid Mr II
HA lil.oyy. who is the authorix<-<Wagcnt
for the seitio/i, is now canvassing for it.
Is still located al Pine Urove Mill* and
is now prepared to travel lo the homes ol
patients at a distance and render any de
sired service ip hi* line, In Iho best'ttmn
ner, of best quality and at reasonable
rate*, lnscrtian of nw denture* tuade a
specially. TVrti exfrirrrtM srtfAuwt pa in.
in si, authoritie* throughout the world
< r sxa, REST D. F. BKATTY, Propri
irashington, N.J.
IIKNKT BRocxKHHorr, j. i>. auuogar
Preaident. CaaHier. '
(T.alo Milliken, Hoover & Co.)
And Allow Interest,
Disoount Notes,
Buy ar J Sell.
Government Secuiitieb.Goid 6c
apßfflbtf CAipettf' '
of our intention to put HKW and row MI THICK* OU much of our Stock.
iV have made up TOO M AMY OVERCOATS and SUITS for this year, and
* trausier out Htook into Oairh needed for preparation for 1970, we will
nake ecrUnn lurrifieti which will be apparent o* AND AFTKU WEDNEB
DAY, DECEMBER FIRST, when weahall bare gone through our Salet
rooma and cut off Prwfiu, mid oven part of the oast, from many of our
preeeot prioea.
To b very exurf iu ital mjr (his matter, as tee do not intend that any culver
lis*out*! or custom of our house shall mislead the public in the least particular,
we thinit it proper to say. that this Mark bourn, whilst it applies to
and *.stands throughout our house, yet there are some lots t which (as they
hat e already been marked at dose prices.) we shall make no change.
mia nmi ©MUT HARK mwn i>m SSA-
I.—No Second or Altered Prioo—OiiK FOIKD PRICK.
2 —Cub from All, to warrant Low Price*.
3.—The Contract ua our part, to return money, ie a part of the bargain in
rack case s provided good* are returned unworn.)
4.—A /W/ Guarantee given br each garment.
The Stoek we offer ie all *EW, and w not, "BOUOIIT" or "WBOLESALK" etoek
but our own
Carefully Made Clothing.
It will bo remembered that <ur flock alwaye embracer the CHOICER!
VTYLIX of SURRT A XT! A L GO- Iki. aud that KVltitY KLTB aud aHAPE ie provid
ed fur both MAY and BOY*. It will also be borne in mind that there ie but
and MARKET Streete.
Hoping for a visit from each reader, and that our frieude will past tbia en
oouuoootoQt to all ihott friends in the oouotrv,
We are Very Truly,
Burners And Shippers of the celebrated
Belle fonte
Dealers in ti> very beet grades of
The only dealers in Centra Counts who sell the
W I Li K E; Si Bi Ai Ri Ri E C Oi A! L
from the old Baltimore mines Also
of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly (or house use. et the lowest prices
They pay the highest prices in cash or grain that the Eastern markets will afford
Bought or will he sold on commission when desired, and full prices guaranteed, let
formation concerning the grain trade w(U bs furnished at all limes, to farmer
tritk pleasure, free of charge.
which it alwayteold at low pricet. and warranted to he at *ood a fertiliser at a
other platter.
Pumps Of All Kinds! |?3|
Steam & Rotary Pumps
Deep Well Pumps, K : I^,
Cistern Pumps, |
Antl-Fre*ing Pumps.
Gum Hone § Packing , Bell and Brass
Founder!, and Manufacturers of the CELEBRATED
Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump.
W&.Stndfor illustrated catalogue and price list.-^jl
OS WATEB St., A SO IK Avenue. |
An* and .complela Ha.-dro Blr#
hw boon opened by the underilgtu <j in
KrockarbofT. new Duildin*—*hr> thnjr
are prapared to .all nit tcin<H of Building
and Hoove Fomi.Mng Hardware, Iron,
Steel Nail*.
Buggy wheel. In ntU, Champion
Clothe. Wringer, Mtil Haw#, Circular and
Hand Baw., Ten Don Saw*. W . I. Sw,
lee Cream rreoxer., Bath rub*, Ch>Uea
Rank*. full saaortfftOftt of Gla.a and
Mirror Plata of all aiaa#, Picture Frame*,
Wheelbarrow., Lamp*. Coat Oil LaraiM,
Belting, Bprkr, Felloe,, if;l l< ib,
I'lriWi, Cutlti t< r (.orii l:*;. ■. I"
Point*. Shear Moid Board, and lulim -
tor Tenth, table Cutlery, Shovel,, Spade#
and Fork*. Imck., Jiittge* Hfiww. -ali
.Spring*. il(rv-Shoo,. .Nk •. . ay
Rod., OfD, Lard, Loir (Nat,
Lin.eed, TaUtiera, Anvil., V u-i. U 11<.%,
Sere* Plate#, jWack.milL. Tei. Factory
Bell., Tea Bell., Crindaioi.e ( rpenter
Tool., Fruit Jar. and Can., Faint Oil#,
VarflMM HteMkUg MB lor .ale M
lun#l • t JAt M Alt!' i
the best wammt ahp Hour perfect
lotercfcangeatle Handle and Shield Combined.
■ The hard .-1 entirely
arpanc ~ ei f ma? be
dim# fcr Mf nai'ier of
J rtaaa. It tmm .j t•
Ml liitSilhf awl being
mwle# *l(4 a !.:• 4
lim bw4 1, >nptet*ljr
(ra Ibe
regales# when i*wf
Wlm* lba|w>ti t, ! m 4
na.M).wi h**a#,tackijn- --t
1 be AfUt ted We wfil eeftd is may *#4*r% ••
<fbt of tw*M or P. O. Order for (1 •:
of i.,„ to;ta: wsetst
Sat So. J—J leeasof S,AaM 7Jfc, 1 bd}, ft? <0
• I ! " S. Taa4B In*., " *
T.SaodSIW, *' 5.09
Jftckrt plaU-d '9.
Any party ordering #w #ei 111 re-
S naHra •*• art aa.ra mm m prrwluin.
Thrniagbty rellabl* aetata aaatad.
Adiraaa BBOOKIV* AA !> TBO\ C 0.,
S8 Pint Bb, Bfoniys.E., X. J.
IML iiiiMbM.aarfttij : .i
s.u. iki*l<*** ' ZC. ui! i
Established, 1843,
The old, reliable place, wmie
and other marb
vork it made, in the vary b*l tuple, and
upon returnable term,.
•Mr* Thankful for pa* f Jattort, we re
ipeetively tolicti the patronage of the
Bhoj>, Raft of Bridge, If it Hiatal, I'a.
Aj*r. I.y.
•d lb same popularity -ib-Scnd Unp
for Circular. D.W. BEAT* V, W ashing*
ion. New Jemr.
•I lit* establishment at Crtar* JlaU. k< t>
jo band, and lor ale. at tb nui gwasona
Ola rate*.
A* Spring Wagons,
and vehicles of every description made to
order, and warranted to be made of the
Wt seasoned material, and by the moat
♦killed and competent workmen. Rdi
for bogf >er and apring-wagon* Ac., of the
moat M proved pattens n.ade to >
Gearing of all kind* made to ocrf. r All
kind* ol repairing done promptly iat
the lowest possible rates
Person* wanting anything in bt* Jin® are
requested to call and examine hi. work,
the v will Had it pot to be excelled for dur
ability and wear. may 3d.
C E X T E E 11ALL, P A.
WtU attend U> administering Oath*. Ac
know lodgement of IN #d*. Ac, writing Ar.
tide*of Agreement. Lkwib. Ac., mavlS
BHATTYT 1 * |rg -
KNOWN. st.Send aUttjp f..r t'.rcte
lar. Addresa uT F. BEATTY. V. ,
iofton. S. J
Celebrated Golden Tc?.gee
•re ranked by eminent mitsielar; and <•: .
anguished men of honor throoirhoot the"
world a* the leading PA RLOR ORG A N S
now in use.
An excelea: Organ forth# Chart , Hs.ll.
Lodge, Sabbath-school, at well a* the par
N. B.— Special rat®* in this hate, > an
An offer: Where we hg* v no agent* *<
will allow any one the agent** ®ri out in
order to have lhi wonderful miuicai pro
ducing inatrutnent introduced.
No other Parlor Organ ha* attain* ! to
the tame popularity.
Bend stamp for price list and. a list ot
testimonial*. Address ;
Washington. Warren County, N J.
MLWrosTr, rx.
j Johnson A Son'*, proprietors, havtac
refitted and wawly furnished this house sr.-
now prepared to accommodate traveler*
ip the most satisfactory mnnr er.
r nelil If
■! T- ■—-
C. r. SBKBRIFP. J.y. vlLtKlt
Keystone Pateru & Motlel W orbs,
to if atcr Street, and 80 /Trrnf A reave,
Office irith J. li. SUtrriff A Son, Works,
3d Floor. lapr.y.
J AS. M'ilAKL'B, Attorney at Law.
Bcllofonte, promptly attend* to alt
butiaeu entrusted to him. jui2.'f.Bi
AGENTS WANTED! Male or ic.
male )to take orders. D- F. BEATTY
Washington, New Jersey.
Chas. H. Held,
Clotk, hi inch in ti her *Y Jeweler
Miliheitn, Centre Co., l*n.
all kind* of Clock*, Watches and Jewelry
oftbe latest styles, a* also the Maranvillc
latent Calender Clock*, provided with a
complete index oftlio month, and day .
the mouth and week on it* face, which is
warranted ut a perfect time-keeper.
js#~Cloeks, Watches and Jewelry re
paired on short notice and warranted
ano Forte combiner
every improvement in tone with power
and great durability, and ha* received
the unqualified eadoraeiueat*of the bigh
eat Musical authorities for its Marvellous
extraordinary richness of Tone, having
Large sixu. "i Octave*, overstrung Ba*.*,
lull Iron Frame, French Grand action.
Frit Desk, Carved Pedal, Solid Rosewood
Mouldings, Ivory Key Front, Capped
Hammers, a Gruffe Treble, Ac., Ac-, Ac.
Weight when boxed over One Thousand
Pounds. Liberal discount to the trade.
Agent* Wanted—(male or female.)
•A"Send stamp for Circular. Addic*-
the inventor and Proprietor,DANlEL F.
BEATTY. Washington, New Jersey.
-o-o* A *
Bellafcnte, PA.
ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor.
The Cummiugs House, on Bishop street,
is one of the pleasantest located hotels in
the town. It has the best stables in the
place, has an excellent livery attach jd and
every attention will be paid guests. No
paina will be spured to make it a pleasant
sad agreeable stopping place for the pub
lic. Boarding by the day or week, and
tue charged will always be found very
lew. }itts 17,