THK CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY 10, FEB 1878. LODGE MEETINGS OKNTET stt.l *#•*• f rery SiMirdur owniim i* Ibi Otjd Mig** IIMI J M. M#ct H P * • o o four IsOKHUK. No. M?. K. A. M . m**U n Mot I*s • , Tnlnj{, on or aftr oach full mmmi tn tit* the .-atue. 1- 51 KK. U hairman. SAUK lULUS printer! t the Re p rter office, from s'2 up to s'• "•> lor the largcst. AU kind* of Job work done will, neatms- and dispatch. Order* by ma from *: v part of the county, promptly at tended to. Give dale and hour of-a e and lit of article*. The dwelling homo of Mr. Fultner, at Aaror-burjr, \va- completely unroofk-l by the *lortu lat week. A sudden death occurred a; Aaron*- burg on las-.. Saturday : ght Mio Fiett* AY-aver, (daughter of M.o Fertuler. ->t near Mtllheim. *a- in attendance at lUv Tomlinson's services in the Luth church on Saturday evening, and feeling *!ightlj unwell, she rem- ired at Mi> ! ael Ni- - over night, where sh> > found dead in bed next mornittr The young lady was üb j.ot to heart disease. Her age was about 10 year*. The res-, pi* of the Bald Eagle, Nu tany. Brush and Venn'* Valley turnpike during the past yr were 3,732 .s>. and the rxpen *si SXVOI. lb, so. -h> Fresh and pure drugs a!way* on hand at IJ. F. Rankin'-, neat door to De-chner'.- gun-hop Al*o the be-: pat ent medicine*, and fine toilette articl.* Holier A Kline have the largest shvk of good* in the . unty, beyond a.i doubt. Farmer* and other* will find a thev are in need of, and at prices to *nii the Ume*. Thoy keep standard good* ait the .ime, and no deception about any ar ticles Hoffer A K.ine is the bargain store of the county. Call at Sptgelmyer's -tore, where h full line st g-- *ds will be found on hand and offered low for Cash, or in exchange for country produce. His a sating a!> ar.-..rd to pay ca-h and get your goods at a.small advance on Philadelphia price*. Tne Lutheran C iarch near Letnont, under t e pastoral careofßet. J J. Hart sock ha* just closed a m-->t interesting se ries f meeting*. Fifty throe wore added to the membership of the church —the !e church retired. The pestor fond ly hope# that the church will be a power for it.od in that community, hei.oring the Rami' of Jeui Dr. Calder assisted at the co'.i, : union and preached an effective ser mon. —— tree P. Rubies adv. of store room and Grist mill for rent. —Local items art scarce this week The big storm is over and so are miOT fences, corn cribs, and other oothou-es. Had about four days sleighing from last week's littie crop ot si w. The grain held# ail through this VaKey have a fine and promising appear Hugh Larritaer sells gods low, at Centre Hill, and keeps one of" the Lest stoc s in the valley.-—The storm !a>t week unroofed Rev. float's stable in this pine*. It is reported that the Eby's have purchased John Zeigler.s farm in llainea tap, at sl'io per acre. He also h. a-a report that S. F. Forster sold hi# f: . :. ~r this place to Ssm'l Wcidens.tul —do cot know whether it is correct. • Advertisement of.Levi Murray in xs.otl er column. Tux Complete Wisueh, tnamilac turcd V-v P. P. AJknii A Co, Erie, l's. We witnessed an exhibition of this ma cli. .v\ at cur neighbor Emerick ' on Wednesday, and we ibink it equal to il i. : - perior to any vra.-her out. It is or. i s the latest inventions—ar d every on w, . be struck with its simplicity, durabil ity and the perfect ease with whicn it can b • operated. It doe* n.>t injure gowds at aii—the agent put a $2 bill through it about 20 time.-, washed it clean, put i. through the wringer, and held is up un harmed. This wa*her works upon the ro tary principle, and can be attached C> any n. • It- weight ts only 12 pounds. It due it- w.-ra quiet and complete, and will un n -tnkabiy be found to be the greate-' help to w omen on washing day. A nun. her of ladies were present when Ibis ma chine was exhibited, and all pronounce in it- favor, and testify to us as lo its excel lency and as the best washer that has yet beeii around. Orders lor this machine •■• n.bc left at Spangler's Hotel, Centre lliiil, where parties can cor suit the gener al agenf, Mr. M Welsh. WOODWARD AND VICINITY. Delegate meeting on Saturday. The query. Who'll be School Director Tbe a-t proclamation. "We mean you.'" S ghs are on the decline. Tin- meetirg in the Ev. church closed a wv. .. ag>. yuitca number found peace in Jesus. On the 12, in-L. their last terly Conftrence will meet in the Wood ward church. Rev. M. J. Carothers is t" be pre-'-ntariJ a joyful season is antici pated. The St. Paul church is to be re-dedica ted on the 12 of ibis month, in the forr n n. A large congregation is xpeeled AVe understand that ample provision ha* been made to accommodate all. The Singing clas- at St. Paul, under the direction of Prof. W . T. Meyer, i doing fine. We ay come and hear for your selves and see whether they arc not a cred it to the community. The Valentines have commenced their annual visit. We are sorry to find them bringing con-ternalion to many a hope ful on.-. Friend* please remember Occa sional. Now- * your time. Send one, send rnnnv. send all. Robert Hackenburg is making prepnra tions for putting up a dwelling house in East Woodward. He intends putting up high board fence on ea-t aide of his lot Robert we tbink this will keep the morn ing sun at too great a distance. The Revolutionists have compromised and peace once more prevail*. Occasional REBERSBURG AND VICINITY. Among the living, Your servant, Hew Mor* The same as in days of yore, liehertburg An acre of wrath, Kehersbtirg sports. On lbs war path, Sharp Hnd Zark. Powerful preaching, in the Ev. church Last summer our town was ahead a* to improvement", but apparently Hmuke tovn will take the lead this year. No le* than hall'a dozen different buildings nr. to go up, among which are most dwelling bou-es. The other day while a party was haul ing and sawing ice at Meyer's daiu, it happened that Mr. Keed stepped on a *o!t spot, and a a consequence was iinmcrgec over head and heels. He was hauled oui on solid looting by his friend S, M. Spang ler. A few moments more would havi left the former a corpse under the ice. The long looked for Saw Mill of Philip Gramley's is now in running order. He has no less than 40 feet of head on a sinal. Giant Turbine wheel, which onahles him to cut a board 10 feet long and 14 incbe.- w ide, in 2 minutes. This mill is pronourc ed to be the fastest cutting one in the val ley. The coal digging is still going en at tbe farm ol Edward 11- -utz, several miles ens of Wolfs store. The prospects are vert flattering and as yet they have not dug very deep. George Weber was the successful one at the shooting match It is row feared that the Bear will betaken to Venango county where Mr. W. resides. The young folks are imbibing the shooting match spirit. Every now and then we hear ot then turning out with how guns, shooting fci chickens and squirrels. The Brass Band concert on Saturday evening was u grand success. Speecbe in behu fof the band were made by Hon John Bierly ar.d Samuel Gramley, Esq The United Brethern church was pretty well filled. HEW MOW. WANAMAKKK A BHOW.V.— The largest clothing house in America is that of the firm whose name heads this notice and i. located atSixtb and Market streets, Pbila Bead what they say in their advertisement on tbe second page of this paper. Tm y wil do all they promise, and will gi\ each , urcbaser a guarantee tli t ~tUc-i good ire sold as low as ii ssible, ni thei will .atte them back m.-ido of ten day- i unwo. n and the customer is.not satisfieu Wft - them. For the Reporter, SI PKKaTlTlor* Shin*. It t* temarka ble that theugli we are in an enlightened age, there are so many person*, especially women, who -till persist in believing tn all kinds of omens, and consequently be come perfect slaves to them Willi ail you can do to convince them ot their er ror, and with *ll thev themselves can do, they cannot throw* off the chain* of these petty superstition*, thoughtlessly cast on them in childhood, it may have been by the gossip ofc. me childish compati or,* in th. :r tender years, when an impression i was easily made and which has now grown to he oneol their formed habits. Wo con -ider it a . r\ immoral habit, as we 1 a* a ! very injurious one temporally ; for in ob serving sign- they untie, eoarally put their i peace of >. ind at the mercy of ten thou* and accident*, vv hich ti..thing can prevent, S thereby helpii g Jlo draw on their heads the very sort of misfortune* they appro heid, mih tumult ai d di-order of the -pint* form a most fruitful source of what they tell ill luck. Omen* are chaff, and th.-y who devour them, feed on the husk* of know ledge. It may net prove amis* to the reader* ot the Reporter to here give a lew e: the most common omens, which the writer heard fall (Vent the lip* of one who is infected with this loathsome epidem ic, an 1 who n the uiost earnest manner expressed her conviction of their truth: If you -ee the t rw ni.-eii for the flr*ttime over your left shoulder no good luck for you under that moon If you see a pin ay in g with the point toward* you—a ter rible accident swats you. If you call on a friend and you stumble at the threshold with your right foot you are welcome; if with the left foot—you are not welcome, (mighty, how m.-rtifying that would be! •sp.-c .ally K you should fall!) When ge<--e promenade two a-breat funeral. If a horse neigh* when a funeral i* pass ing— death in his owner's family. If a fu neral procession is stopped—another death is soon to fellow , and a score of other*, which the writer has succeeded in forget ting. T. H For the Reporter. REPORT OF MOUNTAIN SCHOOL, Gregg twp. For the month ending Jan. •27th, 187 ft Whole r umber of proper aged on li*t, 17 male*. 17 females, total 34. Number in attendance during thi* month, 15 male*, 15 females, total SO. Average attendance during month of males 1 ti; female 13, total 25. Percentage of male* SO, females 87, total 83 Names ot pupil* who were pres ent rvery'day this month : Chestie S. Au man. A. Kllie Auman, Makala Auman, Katie E. Ripka, Callie Ripka. Lydia A Zerbv, O L utisa Zettle, W. Ben Kipka. John L. Kipka, Jos.-ph K. Confer. James Zerby and *Bveral other* missed but one All the above named pupil* were present every day up to date, since school opened except G. I*. Zettle and M Auman; but they and several others w ere absent but one or two days since they commenced going to school. The majority o: these pupils have quite a distance to school, and nearly all of them re >oiall A. C. Rtrxa. Teacher. Indication* of a speedy eruption of Mi unt Vesuvius are steadily increasing. John S. Millxr. Tailor, of Mill heim, is putting up the be*t of work and the public would do well to call upon him, ** his prices and work -uitthe times. Bal i-faciion guaranteed. We have seen some of his work and find i? equal to tbt of the best ot tailors. One door east of Weiser't smith shop. 21 oct 6m. IXR RENT: The undersigned offers i-r rent a very fine Store Room A Dwell ing Hu*e, at Sinking Creak Mill*. Potter twp.. one mile weat of Centre HilL The -land is one of the best in the valley. For further particulars inquire of PETER RUBLE. It) fab 2m. Centre Hill, Pa. QRPLLAN'S COURT SALE - By v irtue of an order of tbe Orphan's ci urt of Centra county, there will beoffer ed at public -a'e. at Centra Hall, on SAT URDAY. FEBRUARY. 26.1876. all o'clock. IWO LOTS OF G R()UND. situate on Church street, in said town •-arh lot containing about 1 of an acre lots belonging to the estate of S. S. Wolf, dec d. TERMS.—One half of the purchase money to be paid on tbe confirmation of -aid sule and the balance in one year thereafter with interest. Bond o begiren m the sum of Seven Hundred dollar* t-- ba approved bv the courtor uneof the Judges he eof ' C C WOLF. 10 feb 3t PETER HOFFEK, Admrt. KELLER BROS SALE? Will be sold ai t'ub'ic Sale, at the rcMdence of the suh -cribers. near Centre Hall, on WEDNES DAY. MARCH 15th The following pro perty, vix; Two Breeding Mares with Foal, One Driving Mare, one Two-Year Old ( two Yearling Colt*, one -IX YEAR OLD STALLION. 1 Breeding Sow with pig, 13 Head cf Sheep. (South Down. Two .Milk Cows, 2 Heifer* with calf. 1 yearling Bull, 4 head ot cattle, one Plan.ation wagon, with bed and ladders, 1 two-hor-e wagon. 1 pair ..f b.ib-s!er Mower, Canon Cornsheller, Circular WoodsßW, Sausage Cutter with btllance vheel, 0 set heavy horre gears. 6 Collar*. Bridle*. Plows, Harrow*. Cultivators, Forks,llino, 2 heavy logchains, 2 ten plate stoves with pipe, also good cider vinegar by the gallon, cider barrels, meat vessels. 6 scaps uees, and many other arti cles. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m., when terms will be made known by | losiah Neff, J. HENRY KELLER Auctioneer. Jan2otd. RECEIPTS* EXPENDITURES OF CENTRE COUNTY from Jan. Ist, 1875. to Jan. 1, 1876 : JOHN B MITCHELL, Treasurer, of Centre county. Jan. 1, 1870. DK To outstanding taxes Jan 1, 1875 .$89,304 45 To amount assessed for 1875 34,091 51 To amount received from commission ers Centre county. 5,440 (18 To amount received from Unseulvd Lands 3 80 To amount received from redemption Unseated Lands. 92 30 To ain't proceeds Trea-urer sale Un seated Lands 301 76 To aiu't transferred from Military fund 94 91 To am't balance due Treasurer 3,048 9)—582,970 89 Jan. 1, 1876. CB By amount balance Jan. 1, 1875 $ 6,126 31 By am't ouutund ng t ixes Jan 1, 1870. 17,937 96 By UDI'I warrants paid by Treasurer £4,38-97 By iiu't transferred to ally's lor collec tion.. cTddl By am' t exoneration# • & commission al . I lowed collectors 2,141'24 . j By ain't stationery for Treasurer* of r tlee 10 id ! By ain't Trea-urer* -alary U.tVOUI $82.8*6 B', " By hah dm l'v..r $3,048 99 1 JOHN II Ml rUHSLL, Tr.-aMir.-r, it. account with Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania s Jan 1, 1878 DK , To nm't outstanding taxes at Ist settle ment $->.442 78 1 To ain't h-s. 1 1 r i JS7S a.iwk'i 80 , To atn'i received from commissions e:- Centre .nils 3,571 <*2 ' To amount chaige.t hack at Ut settle men I,IM 4-1 -f 14,002 b J an. I, 187 i'. CK By amount ba l at last settlement .... $1,024 06 By ain't outstanding % Jan 1, ISM 5,618 13 By ain't State Treas urers receipts 5.3.X18.H By ain't transferred to atty's for collec tion 430 17 By amount exonera tion* A commis sions allowed col lector* M 9 34 By ain't treasurers commission* 98 67 Hv amount bat m hand* of Treasur er I,Mt) 83— f 14.0tJ < 8 To balance at Settlement due State Jan. 1, 1876 $l,lOO Ki MILITIA FUND. Jan 1, 1876. I>U Teaiu'l outstanding taxe* Jan 1, 1875... $3 -0 70 — j3OO 7< Jan 1. 1876. Clx By am t out-tar-.lit g taxes Jan 1,1876. $lO4 88 By am i transferred to aitv's tor collec tion to 56 Byam't exonerations A commissions al lowed collectors... 46 42 Bv ain't Trea-urer' commission* 499 $366"'.. RELIEF FI ND. Jan |, 1876 I>R. To ain't outstanding at last settlement.. $26 15— S2O 15 Jan 1, 1876 CK By amount transfer red to attorney tor collection $26 15— S2O 45 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Cen tre county, d > hereby certify that w have examined the above account- ot John It Mitchell, Treasurer of said county, and find item correct. w line.-- .ur hands and -eals this sth day , of Jamiarv. A. D.. 1876 \\ M SCcK.VKI.vNE, iSeal.l) A .1 GlilES T. [Seal,] Aud r> J M tilLLi I.AND, [Seal.]) EXPENDITURES. Commissioners Pay. A. C. Ilinton on ac count ot serf ice... $ 767 53 S Gram ley on ac count of service... 281 85 J N Hall -in account ol service - 484 60—$ 1,533 38 Commissi-iht-Clerk. It H F.-rter for ss Dan 1 Derr repairs at gas fixtures 14 13 < \5 ;lon A Hicks stoves A hard ware 00 88 , Jno l> Lieh lumber for C. House 41 46 H Hoffman work at t C. H and jail 63 54 i, J A J Harris hard ware tor C H"U-e 18 88 J McDermot repair at C 11 steps .* jail. 51 50 Jno Mai lory repairs at V 11 and jail 13 50 A Sussman mattiTig C U 75 fry W W Wetxler spouting at C H... ' 65 73 ( 11 Gaibraith repairs at C H— 14 00 W 8 Gaibraith plumbing at jail... 5 CO R J Doak for work at arh. room and otfice* CI 05 Bellefonte Car Co. lumber C 11 1"> 70 W 8 Woll A 8,,n for stove pipe 1 '.tl John Bradley re pairs to gas lamp post and lamp 0 25—$ 66802 Ordinary Expcnrc*. Nora McAllister washing tor pris oner* $ 04 50 Rob M Knight ga for C 11 and jail... 283 20 J R A C T Alexan der coal fur C 11 arid jail.. 566 22 J H Dobbins for medical Mtrvirefur prisoners 1874 90 00 J 11 Dobbin* for medical servtee for prisoner* 1875..... 65 00 J Zellcr A S->n ni'-d --icine tor prisoners 3 90 J C Williams medi cine for prisoner*.. 6 40 B Gaibraith on ncc't services a*janitor. 38)00 D S Keller fur Agri cultural Society .. 100 00 Western Penitcn'y keeping convict#.. 415 16 Insane hospital Dan ville for insane 1,509 09 Jurors pay _ 4,549 73 Assessors tor a-ses sing A registering. 2,104 82 Road views 2m 69 Election expense*... 1,731 07 Refunding Unseat ed Land 16193 Redemption " " 18i) 75 ilc-funding taxe* overpaid - 219 77 Constables pay.! 320 71 Tipstaves pay 228 61 B Gaibraith Court crier - 122 00 J 11 Voeburg Court reporter 610 CO In-urance on public buildings 109 00 Bridge views 13 V> County bridgi-s 678 66 --lute lax paid 3,571 62 Commission on col lections 99 18 'ommissionera nou-s paid 1,896 50 liiteieston notes A bonds 2,73) 39 Coinuitasioii on Lu nacy 19 28 Commonwealth costs paid. 8,717 35 Scalp premiums 7K2 70 Teachers in*t.tute... 155 31 Premium* paid collectors 40 00 Inquest on dehd bod ies 6 i 08 Aaron Willini Pio thonotary bill ren dered 821 CO J 8 Burnhurt coun sel fee A com. I*7B 72 20 A O Furst ait'y lee Penn tp. road case 000 Sain'l Brugjjer plana A specifications for bridges 35 00 A O Furst alt'y lee defence jury com. 50 00 McAllister* Heav er att'y lee dc lencejury com 50 00 I) F Foriney att'y fee com v L (ionier 2d 00 \V J lveLli uil y fee com. v# Creecy... 5 CO G W Spanglcr ex amining Potter tp. assess book 4 00 Saui'l Gilliluna ex pense dividing Ferguson Iwp 9 20 8 T Gray ex pen-e dividing Ferguson two 15 00 N J Mitchell ex pense running line Howard & Boggg. 20 50 DZ Kline expense running line How ard A Boggg 8 90 Ly in k* Bogi*ter'( office 30 06 * I ?MUgerl ilrfkl boo. 800 r- OFFICE 30 00 1 11 i.AM* IL . ket Prolh.inot I offioo 30 00 .) M 11 .-MR! .V Sen MD-IE for pruuner* '.3 00 1\ POLLER tutting wood C 11 3 (1> I S earn hurt iervi- EEI preparing *ti !i-t:E* for Stale Uep.rtment 76(1) I F S|, „>(, ceii V l y ing K I. eighty to *ylum 34 10 II C*rr convey ing A Partridge to a.YLUM 70 IL) (lary N ebil clean ing ellii e AC .... ... 8(1) lir minute Pre-- Co. binding old M>*Ct* BOOK* 850 F Miller .ervica cleaning arbitra tion r00m. ....... 4 00 Jacob Schroui bind ing matting 1 25 PIII ip William* I pen*e en ttuplirtt® 2 OIL S T Forater expen*® ON a* *®®A book* 8 75 M G Kyntan ice for C il 1 00 J II Kink in arrvice clerk election re turn* - 5 0J J IV Gcphart tervie® clerk el®**, return* fill) D W Klineoveraeer election llu.umtD 000 Order* of *orvicr S of I S 7l paid . 44 5&—526,106 62 Printing Bill*. 1' Gray Meek bal. 1874 $124 25 F Kurt/, account printii G 216 00 tl IV Fo T account printing LT*4 40 E R A B 1' Tut EN ac e- unt printing LO.I 80 -FT I,ML 06 Total expenditure® $34.38507 B F. SUA! FEB, Sheriff, in account i * ilh Centre county ' Feb. 2*7, la.-*'. DK I'.l - aH on account. $ 2 0(0 I O I(. K N' 11 *V Pcnn vallev Turn pike I Co - ft 100 , T bal 2,(14 13—52,284 13 I t R BV boarding pritoner* a* perbi'l F'.MOD) By receiving A di*- charging primmer*... 58(1) By bal. com coT. for \,ar*lH7., ,V 1574 148 (>J I By com co*l. 1876. - 66 60 By kuiutnoning juror* a returning RMIR* 21)7 00 By conveying 10 con vict* U> penitentiary- 65I)(O By notifying juror* not j' to attv'nd Oct. court... 10 00 Bv mde. for jail and primmer* - 52 IT Bv co.t. on inT day of Janu ary. 187'.. to the ER-1 dav of Januarv, A.I 1). 187 ft J \tt®M. A. V HINTON, J. S Bakmivkt SAM LGRIMLKY, Commiuionera. OUTSTANDING TI.V DUE BY COLLECTORS. Jan I, 1870.- IF*7I - II Carton. Bellefonte. s 207 28 X J Ha.iinger, Ben rier 287 32 John Minich, Gregg.. 1(K) 26 JM> Sbuffer, Walker.. 33<> 23- $ OSL 12 1872 \\ M Kiddle-, Philip*- burg - 68 FT.) Tho* Marahal. Benner 24 20 .In ■ Ward. Haifinoon 26RT97 David Bobb, Liberty. 18 62 (i.oStovor. Potter...- 128 18 .I** (L*KT, Snow Shoo 3217'.)—$ 81135 1873 C Brown. BellefonL.. 360 76 Dls M ILON.. B -gg* .. 248 91 Albert lloy Furgu*on 78 85 1 L C Banek. Marion. _ 306 07 Jo.oph B •**. Spring LT>2 07 IV Itiddlc, Philip.* burg 453 60—$ 1,609 16 I*7l Jo. F v. Bcllefonte... 1,425 10 W Riddle*. PI ilipn burg 957 54 |E II I nrr, MIB'-burg 26 45 J W M 11 wain. How ard borough 68 84 D I, dir. Benner 7:TFI 68 B B Poorman. B<>gg* .'>42 14 F Car-..N, Burniide... 37 34 K Kierchofl Curtin... 1M 67 G W MC William*, Ferguion 4'.| 76 IS B H ilton, Ilaeri*... 89506 i W T Leather*, How ; ard 432 90 I W (.'mm, llalfmoon.. 17564( IV W Spatigier, Lib erty 4(1) 90 ! Perry Ctmdo, Marion 268 17 II K"r*tetter. Penn... 142 05 Ksl Corrmek, Potter 667 81 II B IVIB x. Bu-H ... 821(51 iI) II Ycagi r. S. Shoe. 165 99 .1 RO>- Spring, 794 06 11 Shaffer, iValker... 13,4 13 E Turner, Worth 70 97—$ 9,104 46 : 1875. 0 llrown, Bellefonte 1,866 08 i A.) Graliain, Pbilip*- I burg ... (153 34 1 P Stiope, Miichurg 366 35 J W Altitun, Howard boro 237 06 E I. ■•<•*, Unionville 11286 I J Tate. Benner... 1.448 32 II L Barnhart, Bogg* J. 0.55 69 .1 B Newcomer, Burn.ide 20608 I T LN AS ('urtin 21574 D Krep*. Ferguion... 2498 44 | II I) I< k. Gregg 2,446 19 T XV 110-terman, Hninei 1.615 37 M II'"- Harris 3.0.0161 IIM M Kline, Howard 612 13 !• XI Kline Huston 4291*1 J llGriffin, ilalfmoun [616 31 (' A C-mrter, Liberty 627 65 I'eriy Condo. Marion 1,232 12 B Sinull, Xlil. S 1 194 20 XV TREA.Icr. L'atton... 809 00 A 11-RT•• R Penn 1,310 4(1 J MGillilaud, Poter 3.37026 II !I XVilcox. Bum... NIL NO JAN Watson, S Shoe... 899 67 .1 no Sween.v, Spring... l '.SIH (L S Hoover, Taylor 227 68 XV Spoil*. Unior 104 4H Jeese Swarts, XX'alker 1,732 09 P William*, Worth... 273 13— $31,174 81 $43,690 9 IN hand* of itt'ys for collection 1,916 8) $45 (ICG ft FINANCIAL EXHIBIT OF CKNTKI COUNTY. Jan 1, 1870. DR To notes anil bonds duo -und r.v per-0n5547,411 42 To b ilance due J . 11. M rebel at sett le nt nt 882 91 To balance due U. F SI atfer at *et- TL -MI nt 2,004 13 To balance due A. II num con hp ! aimer aervic- ,*. n 95*7 H'j BULAAVB DUE CH (inutility cunt tu la sinner erv)re 65 T.i balance due N. Mull on mm is tinner service . ... ft (II T>" balance due corn. clerk 48 W T.I L> I tin >C II Gnl i limith janitor 290 00 jTo F K urta, pi nil lng„. 74<*.i iTo bait. .. c !>r .1 II I BL.iIIM <1 service So (II To balance 7( K' { M.V.V. ;i> JanllftTft C'U By inn.Hint UUS .landing taxn $411,<10091 Hi am. hi i . ut tin .i liiK la*c unseated l,aii.i> 4 UTIHKI liv amount not. • lielii by roiuuiL i tinner*. 670 00 By am.mill in hand. of officer. lor col. 1,915 8.) Hi am i dun from l>>r. * .V lowmhlp. for keeping m-auo In atrl.mi 66ft "11 $81,'.3186 By bal in laser county Jan I, 1876 #?<> ft 9 The following niiiountt have heen paid i > nncr 7 26 1873 1.0 Itariek, Marion *• (* Dan'l Malum- llgg> !>_'iJt V It*.* t lloy. Fergu-on Paid in fu Win BidJI, I*itiii|iaburf; 175t i>>:4 . \\ MoU il.iatn* Ferguson. 96(1 David Lohr, Benner. 31' loe|.li llotl, (i|innf[ 2 Ml* Ella* Turner, Worth kit it I..hit M. Drain, Howard h0r0... tl ..had Si.artcr, Walker 27'.' K Kircboff, Cu'lin .... 26Ut II II I'.u.rmnn, li.-ggs JnS i* W XX "-panglar. Liberty 17 V I'errv Comio. Marion l'.'l 9. 3 It Wil.on, llarrip 123 77 Inseph F >i, B-Definite 4"d 91 w l Leetherm, Htiat l S&O XV in Cross, iialfinooti 74 2t 1875 Thontat Hotterman, Heine. Paid in full Michael He, Harris 1,06711 John Sweeny. Spring 347 it Jrae Swart , Walker 400 32 Win Tri ttlcr. Patlon . lftJ 4' I 1 W Kline, iiualon _ 95 11 J II Griffin, lleifmoun l<*Ht A liarler Penn 6'JllOli John M. Kline, Howard 1146 tie K Small, Mile* 360 4: II K l>uck, Gregg 1,627 i'-< W Alia n. Jr.. Jl..war.l boro SHU Philip William*. Werth 02(1 Jamet Walton, Snow 5h0e........ 64 3t >*iti 1 Hoover, Taylor 6000 J M Uilii and, Poitcr _ I, 7-6 ft Dattd Rrebt, Furguton ftfit 7i John T Lucat, Curt in 46 l* A .1 Tate, Benner.. 7951* I Brown, HeUetonte ........ Wid I 1* shop*, Miloburg. 44(6 Win Spoil*. Union 6000 IE M Lucat, I'nioniille .th of lialtin -on, 1 : t'entre cuunlv. (In Jan t*. m Storimwan, II at hint t-on- , rad. Nl D., <>f Sunhurv, Northumberland county, to M i>t Sarah L Leather*, n.'M Howard Centre co. J At Eagle Iron Works Jan. 19, Mr J.ocph Dander. .f L >:k Haven. M N Curlin, eldest daughter of the I at* Auitin Curttn. K>|.. of Kaglo lr t, W .rk, Centre co (in 1) ult. Mr. John Sbull, and Eilen , Fye. both of Potter twp. ♦ • . ■ DEATHS. T tin the evening of the Bth ir -t . a! her . home in Buffalo Bun. Mr Marv Shad w:fcof David Shadle, ag-d •'! yeart, llj months and 21 dava On Jan 22nd, at Halfmooa, Centre co. J I Xtr. J. ha Thompson, aged 77 Jar and J Mr XX A Mother of Loch Haven, t- ' 1 M stl M St afer of Lamar All. , Iwlli > Clint on county i Dn February ti. at Mr A! N.-it, in Ai r .ti.hurg ruddenly of heart di- * M u s F Wearer, aged Is year*, s moctht arts. 1 1 day. . M ARKETS, Mil roy UttKtri, corrected weekly b> j I I). Sbelmtre, ! Wheat $1 Jd to $ 1 85 (lata !hkr te H7m: Clover Seed S7 HO to $7 25. Heef }6 to per 1(11 It*. Corn 40 to 60 H J7 to 7 50 per 100 Sbt Bye 05c HKLLKKONTE MAKKKTS. <' White iVbeat f! UOKed 115 ..liyi 11 ! new Col n45 >ld 6u E--C* a(( th* I, *I- thing and T.roperti-T r.f th- elebrat.- 1 (iermati and French Laundry V.AP*. It IT thcref.lA R.*: 'TNMI.N4r talc at Pn .adeiptiia, by KOON'."* . V KL OFF, 202 N rth D.-iawari- Avettu* *nd by grocem generally, and at Sechler'* • grocery. Nov 11. Out. Simon Ilainos, CENTRE HALL. Matiufarlut rof I t uri irtgcs. ÜBATTN, 11 TIGOITW, Ac. DF every deacription ; running gear f..1 | *ll kind* of vehicle*. m* order, and in I drticlat* manner. II M* A pr. ileal me ■HATING I would VSMIBANT ALL" ANL.K to give TAUVFACUON. it. JUIIRIII*. | PROMPTLY aU-nd Itoat L • 1..U1 -T :atr-. Uniie ß taking. ' Coflinsofuli ■ tyke 1 made on rhnrteM notice. Th< BU*IUC*|S ■f undertaking aft.nJed to in ail IN •ranch. ■ KE-J .HA Y ■ '..A ><- ■•; public patronage. Otepty j. J BARKIS. . N IHL't.F.KT ." A.BRAYS * JuMSBOKRKtt, fa rill HO: CRM. R Pennsvnlley Biinkinir Co.. CENTRE HALL. PA | KKCKIVK DEPOSITS, - And Allow IN A-reit, i, iiitcounl Note Buy and HELL (iorernment Securiiii -, HOLD a; D* Coupon* I'LUULLOI RIU, WM. B MLSIILK, ' 1 NAHIEFJI HEATI V P,ANO: - FHE BEST IN USE . R d RUMTO R Circular. DANIEL F. BEAiTY. WTA • w JURINT. \ C.KNT wS Ol i KIT b KKK j , L*afg I NLLD ( lib PF*L * illtall> B F R IVLILLIFF H Library of FAMOUS FICTION. 4 ißprbiM the T. • JEWELS •1 M \* • IN A ri VK LI L'KK MIRK Pilgrim I'MFRMT, KUWI -on (" Vl>,(sl|!. I hvei Traic!*, \ alls ... I' T .TINE, \ icr of Wakef.E J. Paul ami Virginia.) Ki.Sabeth, I'irrW*. Tale* from Arabian N - bt*. (" >-U in (JIE \ urn* OF over 1 (WB page-, beautifully illustrated with 84 full- ! gage Engraving* It i. the WOULD .** HL UI BOOK and all Viant to lead it Agent* OUUI S fro to all wI.U TlO'all B.*ilr and will, fatthfally cauvaa*. J. IS L > IRD A CO.. J 27 Jan. 27 Par* Place, N I vrk V I OHN F ALEX VNDKR, M D~ Phytirian and Surge, n, BEA|>cctfuUy otfert BW prvfe--; ML RI * vice* to the Cllixon* o! ('< • tr Hail Sfolj vii luitr C'onauitation in Englith or (-r- J man Ha* a lull line of Ul*trumnnl* to:, ■ Mt*. ling teeth. ('. .-and H thu Lulh par*onage. 2lfvb LL L '7O Centennial. '7O i FUKNI T U K E. GREAT Reduction in Prices, I Now IS the time I . htiv, n.- I HNVI OB hntul a large Slock I will offer i; | IL pnt.ic prices for the next SIX TV DAYS FOR CASH, ( licapcr (lian il ait he huuglil ELett here. which N few of tho following pricei-; will show : Cane Seat Chairs as low | as SI.OO. NYOOD.Svftt Chairs S(AKI an.l; upward: Bedst. ads s.' Msl3 00 j A good Bureau lor $ll.OO. T ham OEI Suits, Exit U: ton Tables, Book CASES, and all ilher Furniture in pro-J portion to the above pi ices, L'leasc j call an I examine onr work. JOHN CAMP, (ijiU'Jm. Milroy. C. P E ( K " s Coach Manufactory. ckn frk HALL. PA. " The underiigiu'd has ANVWE*-! tnblihhincut, at hi new fhop*, fo the' manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, J SLEIOUS AM> SLEDS, PLAIN AND FAXCT of ..very de*cription . All vehicle* manufbrtured by himj LIRE warranted to render nth faction, and as I|tial to any WORK dnT\ J3JJ I L> . . ..SI, BP 'II I *KLAR* dark OFT T IML ir dsjf." I > .NJ MUTER *HO will ; . . r'LLH 1 . us. M ' 1 ..1 ... . ... . 14 (ft iltch IVO GTURSNINE will pal FTM IN * ( WA? T* NOD *2 0 * .aoatb.and MUKE inifyvm UL> . S uim>l f*l iupu .r foatfia , tuyi F girbhi • I • TFIILFT TIAN 111-W FTSUMRO TINY*"* AMI ( 0nllaTI TIN hi. •• 1 hia I ilia > . ill ' KIBT II JIITI * til NOT cuibrst'R It TE\\ >oar Tri UU IN it UA I urUtut for MMBF wxtlll) *FRwr* RIG |* T • *tl 1 HO TL FDL A llfitplnl umiL NOI AIMIPE. J* WH|. or IN r hvishug. hnt . 1 ITXL ur gutiitalaaiiUsiii *I IIBMRTIITIT; IUW PH hit. 011 dUl*. il A •nljr 4" uUttdafiaH, n*Cl<* ires, and ntur NROD r**JB LIFT ICThr) BIUTL TOTUTKEL'A' A F#FTL < IVRT . ILU T.FLNMLE rrt(lOllln<(HFl!,lti>W >. T H.M IT* L iaa. ADDNMH, TI MI K .t LLMALNLC N. V. A DOWN WITH IIA111)TIMES. S J.M- \|,*riav UNITY II 1 U? wltoro TON RAN LIOI i I*l • 'II* \ I|T M , V , • I ... \ K IHILLAR HNL, B FTRNIIIDOLIL SI LLOU :J MA" . ALT" ,I7IIN*MID |(*II(L to UL.MIIL JALMIII It RA ucrj vftltot) of I Iff, I alu jr. sufl Nla|il# DawI *, Urm crl- * * ITIHIKN, I'UTLORY. WSFFI, *L . AC* . nt AKMUT hall ULCF, AND MIU FITTRJUL N NT wnljr | IROIN tuMtiuf*'titror* nc • t MM ARPT Unda.Dd an M*U for #L WHM HilvydaiUan OAK s2 tu IILUI, I )..* U•* I kaibwi TO "LU-KOLFT" lot lory > "r aircuUrv, ARID ACO U )iotiaTD* <>f arti< lon at .L> P i W. *VO AN LORFT' D I> ULFI BAIL IFI|M*TA of ILUNL it. ANI by 1 JH,CHIQ Lal run** N VV I F 'II it •NIL will LL JRT IG !T !*•*% than •) -* * otliarhou \S •- • *NTL TJR mail *■ CTPR- T> lY.nriu |TT )OU A C HTIHUS BAYING. VVI [- afiut FICODTLrar)Rb( ll'. NO Uk. UU capital it DOD >IN- ( nl ! 1 1 our paperi, ircular*. WTI.L Del*. an and d< IT|| |M ARLL LOA. L>OOKA, Ac , .ill f.r T *1 DFIFFLC dollar tieauMfui KO*N, Plita, Hrat < !■!*. Kels K DUMA, Vlullna, (.ditJtra, T aatom, TN fact J HHI AI Ucloa ALL FX it #l, HEW! NTM, a ltd AAR*- nonet YON N DO TI U DEUAETN. Addrrae all . I'.*W I U H DHMIM'ON I T>.. If. K. IKJL.I.AH H\ M : Ur> mill ID ST. Hoaton ) Maatt, tier. if. R• M (J A DMINISTBATOR'B NOTICE.- Letter* of admlnhtrntion on (lie Ett. >1 John Ho-termHii, IDLE of Po'ter twp.. S LEl'd liaving been gmuteil to t U UND. r ,JY ugited, 11 pei.-on. KNOW IRG th® . Ives. t •E indebted (N iee, UIEI.t are rique-L )d to make imiio-d UI I iyinont, I.T; I (.E IMMS havingcli.ini- ng .in.tihe cauitu wil Ipreseul them nutlu nti.' l fu. settlement B.U. HOATJAIIIIAS. IRJASOH Ailm'r | KW STORE, NEW GOODS AND PANIC Prices. 11. t. I.Alt It 191 Fit. t the ©ld Centre 11.11 (and. Ju*t opening a Slock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! V large variety of Lmiiei Drers Goods *i .-at liur, s the Grocery Dcpatf m * i JME-F a rii: i*. Mh hsni. * and (...borer* >.. io v-■ ur ml, ~ -i true dollar .ve.l i* a dollar In pocket, (kvli tail and ire at What ar'-itiiahingly luw pri i.ujioit.H. f- r medicinal purpu*o>. fruasea <(• Supp ,ru-fa iii great variety. AUo, ch CIGARS AND fOBACCO, and all < ther article* u.ualljr kept in a hrttcia.* Drug tiuire, I'rescHptiom Compounded. Ml'LLKlt ft SON. Ileadquartets for Boots and Shoes! I' O W EUS' BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ! Opposite Bush House, BELLEFONTE. PA. Powers Bo t A Shoe Store it the large*! and bt l -locked c.ubluhiuent in Centre County. lie keeps constantly on hand a full tine of It O O T S A \ I> ti II U E H. Iloi. ij-t opening the larger! stock of! Spring Good. #vrr brought to j f JII £J>JT) £ 3 r ladie*, kept eon-tautly on baud. It.-.!* ud Nhoe* for men and women, of all vlvlen, <|ua!i!y and price*, from the 1 n oi ciotly to tho cheapen, conttanily 1 kepi on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION! , ither in quality or prices. Call and .-xamiue his new stock of Spring and summer Goods, and you will find it m rotir adrantagc. Aprtlly.l NEW Yf)RK~ BRANCH STORE, Met'lain* Block, Directly Opp. Bub| H ou.e, Bellefonte, Pa. 11. llFit HAN *A" ( 0., Prop'r*. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROIIV FRIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, KOTIONB & FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Below ihe l.sual I'riw*. r i a. wiuaoa. r. a- area*. a a. airx. j WILSON &. HICKS. f WHOLESALE VXD RETAIL HARD WALK DEALERS. . IK\. PAINTS,OILS, GLASS,AC. * |p Guilders Hardware j COACH MAKER'S GOODS, r | c CABINET MAKERS STOCK. [ __ I" Stoves of All Kinds. 1 CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS. &C. i WILSON A HICKS. B.dlcfonte, Pa. ' Null'. R.—XX a will *ell to rc*pon*ible j men <>n llirix monlh* credit. XVill t*k< ill 6i. r cent fur eah which i* equal to 20 | r cent, pur annum. It will pay mo pur j 'JiH-er t.i uorrt.w at 10 from oilier pnrlie*. Lf he t notice. lr K nember, all ooJ* i.ffered cheap er than elsewhere iug'26 73 tf 3UY YOUR DRUGS FROM it 11KI v.s I> r II g St or e, NEXT DOOR TO THE BESCHNER OTTN STORE.) FUIs SII AN 1) CIIE A P in* BlvV'I'TY 11 AN _" WEIGHS XVIIKN BOXED OVER G"VV mors\ND POUNDS. V/oeral tenn* *.o denier*. P, f P r Circular. Addrem D 1 BEAT IX , \V axhingntn. N J THE AIMI STABLE SPRING BED 1 he Ufa mi i ( hiMiputt now in U?e. Mmi*.' uftti'tured bv D XNI EL DF.RK, Bcllefonte, Ponu'a. ■ ' '',ul tec !'t< m be/ore purchatino I ,L " _ lapr.y L Ll r ' WILSON, Attornev-at*Law fj pellefoniu P<. Ouiio in Mrs, ifea r. ncr'* BuUdinf, Bellttuniu Pa, Patent Adjustable- store Shcij. Useful & Ornamental. aullar of K* UJfoil V ttaaU to la m I * • Mnaut mm! imnufca I Mnow i 1 ** *ZiSi, th. our oi la a to I, K CiEIKS, aad IT WILL PAY! IT W IL L PAY! - r • > |]T WILL PAT! | 3 TO GIVE VERY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO ! 3 ~ I TUK PURCHASE or YOUR | p > i Groceries! Groceries! \ H' 1 > „ j ror economy require* that you buy nothing but FRESH, \ * I'L RE GOODS, We keep on band at all timet : ~ a large and carefully selected slock of _ | goods, c >mprting etery item >. that belongs to the > M <_. j H a IGROCERY TRADE; 5 " ! __ j p" j we make it the cardinal points of our business to sell | ~ H j |a Pur©, Fresh Groceries ! IT WILL PAY! >• | 3 < : To do your trading with a house that always gives a dollar's ; • worth for a dollar. Js I p -!• ~ i r is i IT WILL PAT! \ y : : > To call and examine our complete stork of Fruits, Nuts and Con- } * t tecUoneries which we are now daily receiving for the trade. j r •• IT WILL PAY! 1 s PJ j t H ! You { , handsomely • lo gel some of our ! p* • pure candies, fresh fruits & j r* •S i nutt for the "Little Folks" during ; • the holiday season One or two, or tte del- • > £ : lart, just as you can afford, spent in ; •< this way at Christmas and New Year, brings a t better return than p. the same amount put on Interest at 100 per cent. ; < ; -® : j IT WILL PAY! 2• • r - Tc tar ftmxT— sod Spwioli Woo—tfcal ■■> iealy ol lial Uc mt icoO ! c ~ ;S * uSoUoUriW M £ : FINEST FLAVORED TEAS j 5 AND STRICTLY PURE SPICES. j la bartas aa? teia la tfca Baa of 3 ~ i £ptc®r]*c a CtrifiicU&DiiPY, Fruits, I f r : ci t on ; j SECHLER & CO., t- jjan. Bush House Block. Bellelonte, Pa. j K IT WILL PAY! IT WILL PAY! J. ZELLER A- SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoff Row,Bellefonte.Pa I><>n!rrlii 4 hrmlcwl* IV rnimrrj, lncj Oodi Ac. Ac. Pure Wine* end Liquor* for medict purposes always kept- may 31. 72. QENTRKHALL Furniture Rooms.' EZRA KKriNBIXE. respectfully inform* the citizen* of Centr county, that he ha* bough t out the old stand of J. O Dcininger. end ha* reduced! the price*. They have constantly on hand j and make to order BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS, ' SINKS. W ASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS , TABLES. Ac.. Ac. v BOMB MADE CM AIM ALWATBO* HAKI "Their *tock of ready-made Furniture i i targe and warranted >f good workmanthit ' land i* tl! made under their own immed - i | ate eupervision, and i* offered at rate ( i beeper than elsewhere. Call and *ee our *tock before purchasing < . • lsewbere. 28 feb. 1y i ( | ~ GRAHAM & SON,. Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. All Kinds of Custom Work Made T< Order. Harness Leather, Sole Leather, Calfskins f And Findings always on hand. Bishop Street, SOmity tf Bellcfonto, P. Gift &Flory's New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. Fhey have now opened, and willcomtant | ly keep on hand, a splendid stock of ne\ SHOES, GAITERS, A SLIPPERS, fo men, women and children, from the be manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upoi | short notice They invite the people o [this vicinity to give them a call, asthe\ , 'will strive to merit a share of their pat , j rot, age. my 10; t 'I I k rOItr.MEV, Attorney at La> JJ ft ttoliuftjutth P. Office over itej PU.ljfeM*. Ull/lllj FOR FARMERS AND ALL OTHER Go to I. Guggenlieimer. FOR FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING, DREBSQOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES CLOTH IX a, OIL CLOIIIS AKI> FANCT ARTICLES tiUEENSWARK, GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS, FLOUR, Ac snd is now prepared to accomodate al uu old customers, and to welcome alt uew ones who may tavor him with their patronage, lie feel# aaie in tay >ug that he can please the most fastidi ous Call and see. ISAAC GUGGENHEIM KB. P- S.—Mr.Sussman aitil continues todeal in LEATHER AND SHOK-FINDINGS. CLOVER aud TIMOTHY SEELS, in me old room,where he mav alnats be found. 12ap.lf. undersigned, determined to meet the popular demand for Lower Price*. respectfully call* the attention ot the public to hi* tock of SADDLERY, now offered' at the old aland. Design ad •specially for the people and the tunes, the largest and most varied and complete as sortment o Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, fevery de*cripiion and qualitv ; Whip*, sud in fact every th ng to complete a Sret- I via** establishment, Jie now oOersal prices which will sun the times JACOB DINGER. Centre Hall EW HARDWAKE'STORE. J. & J. HARRIS. No. 6, BROCKERHOFF ROW. A new and complete Hardware Store ha* been opened by the undersigned in ttrockerhoß* new building—where they .re prepared to sell all kinds of Building .nd House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, vteel Nail*. whec], In setts, Champion -lothe* \\ ringer. Mill Sews, Circular and land OH WE, Tennon Saws. Webb Saws, ;ce Cream Freezer*, Bath Tub# Clothes Itacas, full assoriment of Glass and dirror Plate ol all sizes. Picture Frames, v\'heelbarrows, Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, {filing, Spokes, Felloes, and Dubs, i lowa, Cultivator#, Corn Plow#, Plow j'oints, .--hear Mold Boards and Cultivu or Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades .nd Forks, Locks. Hinges, Screws. Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway tods. Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal, i.inseed. Tanners, Anvils, Vices, uellows. -crew Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory tells, Tea BeUs, Grindstones, Carpenter Tools. FruiiJars and Cans, Paint, Oils, Varninbes received and for sale at uneS W-tf J A.l HARRIS 3EATTY——— •JSWnSED BY THE HIGHEST MP iVLAU authorities throughout the world • r**w BEST D. F. BKATTY, Propria _shingtnn. N J. .j I