The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 03, 1876, Image 1

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Whsr*. where will bo Uio bird* that amg
A hundred TO*™ TO com* f
The flower* that now in beauty apring.
A hundred yaars to rorae t
Tb rosy tip. the lofty brow.
The heart* that beat ao gay I? naw ?
O. where will bo love's beaming ere,
Joy's pleasant ami 100. ami sorrow'a q;h.
A hundred yoara to oomo ?
Who'll pre** for gold tbi* crowded street,
A hundred roar* to oiirni- ?
Who tread you church witu willing fret.
A hundred year* to come ?
Rale. trwiuhUng age. and rtory youth.
And childhood with its brow of truth
Th* rich the poor, on land and <> .
A hundred year* to coma ?
Wc all within our grave* shall aleep
A hundred years to ,smc ?
So living aottl for u* will weep
A hundred years to oome.
Put other men our land* will till
And other men our street* wilt till
Wluie other lard* .11 aing as gay,
A* bright the sunshine se to-day.
A hundred vears to ootn* !
The Rewara of Kindness.
Mr-. Gorhaiu put down a letter she
had U-en reading, ami losvklng around
the table at lier blooming daughters ami
two tall, handsome iiis, she s*ld in a
doleful tone—
"Your Aunt s.tbinn is coming to lam
don, and ha* invited herself here with
out ceremony."
"When*" asked Arabella, with an
intonation of intense disgust.
"She will reach here this afternoon.
Wilher, you w ill have to meet her."
"Sorry, mi. but 1 have promised to
drive Mis* 1 aidwell to the |vrk. Kred
can go."
"Certainly. I will go." Fred said,
gravely, though there w as a hot tlush on
hi* forehead. "I am very fond of Aunt.'
"Nonsense!" said his mother, "you
have not seen her for fourteen years; 1
never went near the detestable old farm
after vour father died."
"Nevertheless, I have a vivid recol
lection of Aunt Sablna's kindness w hen
we were there."
"lh\tr me, Kred," drawled I.ueilla,
"don't be sentimental; I wish the old
thing won Id stay home. 1 can't Imagine
w hat she is coming here for?"
"?*he is our father's sister," said Kred,
"and 1 cannot dud anything surprising
in her looking for a welcome amongst
her brother's children."
Mr*, itorham shrugged her shoulder*.
If she had spoken her thoughts it would
have lieen—"Fred is so odd ! Just like
hi* father." But sheonly said—"l may
depend U|M>U you then, to avert your
aunt. Kred? 1 will see about her room."
it w as a source of great satisfaction to
Mrs. t.orh on that ber children were ail
like herself; -fireer*' every one except
Fred," she would say, ixoigralulatiiig
herself that the plebeian bloisl of "ilor
ham 1 -rm" was not transmitted in the
features of her elder sou Wilbur, or any
of the three girl*.
That Greer pride meant luten.*e sel
d*hi.e*s,that tireer la-autv wasofaevdd,
bard tvpe, tluvt Greer dispositiun was
tyrannical and narrow-minded, did not
m trouble Mrs. tiorhaiu. That the son.
who was "all Gotham." was proud to
the core with the true pride that knows
UO false shame; that he was noble ill
dis|*Mition. handsome in a frank, manly
type, generous, and self-*aeritieitig. she
o<u!d not appreciate. His hand* ami
feet were not so stuall as darling Wil
bur's, he had no fashionable affectation*,
and no "Greer" hnik. So his mother
thought him rough and coarse, and his
sisters declared that he had uo style at
all. But outside the home,where a great
show of wealth was made by many pri
vate economies, Fred was more appre
ciated. X*
When he became a man, and knew
that his father's estate, though sufficient
to give every comfort, wa* not large
enough for the extravagance his mother
Indulged in, he titled himself for busi
ness, and took a position iu a counting
bouse, thus bet-ouiing self-supporting,
though his mother declared no Greer
hail erer been iu trade. That the money
she lived 011 was made iu soap boiling,
the fashionable lady ignored entirely.
Ihtrling Wilbur had studied law. but hi*
first client had not yet ap|*-nred. ami
Mrs. Oorham supported him, trusting
hi# fascination? would touch the heart
of some moneyed belle. Miss Caldwell
was the present hope. She was her own
illistress, an orphan-heiress, and verv
handsome. That she as proud and cold
in manner was only an additional charm
to Mrs. Gorkam, and l.ucilla. Araiiella
and Corlnne were enthusiastic in their
admiration of "Cornelia Caldwell's
queenly manner."
XobcKty suspected that Fred, blunt,
straightforward Fred, hid one secret ill
his heart, confessed to no living being.
And that secret was a love, pure and
true, for Cornelia Caldwell—a love that
would shut itself closely away from any
suspicion of fortune-hunting—that ouly
drooped and mourned thinking of the
By four o'clock, Fred was at the sta
tion with a carriage, waiting for Aunt
Sabina. What a little, old-fashioned
figure she was, iu her quaint black
bonnet and large-figured shawl. But
Fred knew her kindly old face at once,
though he hail not seen it since he was
twelve vears old.
"You are Aunt," he said, going
quickly to meet her.
She looked at the handsome face, and
caught a quick gasping breath.
"You must he one of John's boys,"
she said. "How like you are to your
"I am Fred." he answered.
"Dear heart! How you've grown! I#
your ma here?"
"She is waiting for you at home."
The good old country woman had
never had the least doubt of a warm
welcome at her brother's house, and
Fred certainly confirmed ,her expecta
tions. He found the old black leather
trunk, the hag, the bandbox, the great
bulging cotton umbrella, and put them
all ui the carriage without one smile of
ridicule. He made Id# aunt go to the
restaurant and refresh herself before
starting on the long drive home. He
listened with respectful interest to all
the mishaps of the long lourney, and
sympathized, with the—"Hullunion of
every mortal stitch I've got on, dear, in
the dust and smoke."
And he chatted pleasantly of hi# child
ish recollections of the tiny house and
wide farm where Sabina lived.
"You see." *be told bim, "I made up
my mind thin year I would come to
Loudon once more before 1 died. I've
tried to before uow,<lear, but something
or notherallers hindered. Dear, dear!
You're all grown up, I g'pose. and you
wan but uTot o' babies last time |>oor
Joitn brought you to see me."
"C'orinne is the youngest, and she is
eighteen. Wilbur is the only one older
than I am."
"Yes, I remember. Well, dear, I'm
glad that John's wife brought up such
a tine family, ('in only an old maid,
but I do love children and young folks."
But a chill fell upon the kindly old
heart when home was reached at last,
and four fashionably-dressed lailles gave
her a strictly courteous greeting. But
for the w arm clasp of Fred's hand, I
think she would have returned to the
station in the same carriage she came,
so wounded arid sore she felt.
"Xot one kiss," she thought, "and
Fred kissed me ai the train, right liefore
all the folks."
Fred slipped a silver coin into the
hands of the servant girl who was to
wait upon his Aunt, promising another
If ghe was very attentive, and himself
escorted the old lady to her room. It
was not often the young man's indigna
tion found voice, though it grew hot
over many shams and acts of hard sel
fishness in the house of his mother, hut
he said some words on that day that
called a blush to the cheeks of the
worldly woman.
It was not a very busy season, and
finding Sabina was likely to have a
sorry time if left to the other members
of the family, Fred asked for a holiday,
and appointed himself the old lady's
escort. He was too proud to care for
the fact that the quaint little figure on
his arm attracted many au amused
glance, but gravely stood by while a
new dress for Dolly, the dairy maid,
and a city necktie for Boh the plough
man. were purchased.
He gave undivided attention to the
more important selection of a new black
silk for aunty herself, and pleasantly
accepted a blue silk scarf, with large
KURTZ, Editor ami Proprietoi
ted spot*. that wa* prcM-nted to him,
appreciating tlie love that prompted the
girt, and mentally resolving to wear it
w hen he paid a promised visit to ttu
larin. He drove Aunt Kahlua to the
I'ark. lie took her to see all the *igli(v
On<-e >r tw ice, meeting some of hi*
gentlemen friend*, they hail thought
"the queer old party i* some rich rela
tion, Gortiaiu I- so very attentive," and
had delighted >ahiua t>v t heir deferential
alt ention*.
Otuv—Ered had not counted on tliat
-in a picture gallery , t 'ornelia < aid well
sauntered In alone. She had heard of
Sabina, through the disgusted eotumeul*
ot I.ncllla, and knew she had no pro|K-rlv
but a "miserable farm," but she greeted
Kred with a stulle tar more eordial than
she gave ber admirer*. A little lump
came in Ered'* throat. Then he gravely
introduced the *tately tieaulv in her
rtisiting si|g to the little old ta*hioned
figure on his arm.
'M\ aunt, Mi** tiorhaiu, Mi*> t'ahl
vv ell."
Thev admired their pictures together,
ami the voting lady was cordial ami
"After they came -low n the step*. Mi*.*
Caldw ell said :
"A on must let your Aunt drive an
hour or two with me, Mr. toirham. I
am going to do some shopping, so t w ill
mu lax your |v*tieuce by inviting you
to join us. but I shall la- please I it Mi**
Go i'ha ui will dine with me. and you
will eall for her this evening."
Then she siuiled again, made Sabiua
comfortable in the carriage and drove
off. leaving Kred forty times deeper in
love than ever, as she intended he should
"He is a very prince of men," she
thought, "and I'll give film one day's
rest. Bless the dear old soul, she ha*
such blue eye* a* luy dear old grand
Then she won Safutia * con fide m-e,
and found she was worry ing alanit tlie
purchase of certain household matter*
that would not go in the black leather
trunk,and that she did not like to worry
Fred about it.
She drove to the plai-es w here the bet
good* could la* had, keeping guard over
the slender pur*eagainst all imposition,
till the i.i*l towel was satisfactorily
chosen ami directed. Then she drove
tier home, and brought her to the room
where -grandmother' was queen, know
ing the stately old lady would make
the couiitrv-ivouiun welcome.
In the evening that followe,l, Fred's
heart was touened and warmol, till,
scarcely v-ouscious of hi* ow 11 words, fie
told hi* long cherishetl secret.and knew
that tie had won love for love.
Aunt Kahlua Stayed two week*, ami
then went home, to the iiuinetise relief
of the Gorham*. ami carrying no regret
at leaving any but Fred and < 'ornelia.
It vva* not even suspected that t'orne
lia sjient four week* in the height of
summer season listening to the prais,-*
of Fred at Sabina's fartu-house, ami
Frevi did not know it until he came, too.
after she was gone, ami had hi* share
of the pleasure of hearing b ving com
mendations of one lie loved.
He wore the necktie, and made him
self so much at home that Kahlua wept
some of the bitterest tear* of her life
when it e lef
"To have you !oih and lose you!'* she
"Next time We w ill come together,"
Frinl whispered, ami *0 cousoled her.
But. alas! the next time Fred came
was to sii|M>riutend the funeral of the
gentle old lady, and though Cornelia
came too, hi* happy wife, then- wa* 110
welcome in the pile lip* or the blue
eyes, closet! forever.
Hut th* w ill the >ll lady left gave all
her worldly |x>--e##ioii* t<> her 'dear
nephew, Fmierk'k Uorham,' the farin
and farm IIOIIH.
It was apparently no very great legacy,
and Corindia smiled at many of the oiil
fashioned treasures sue touched, all n itli
tender reverence death leives.
Ten years ago Sabina w as laid to rct
ill her narrow colli n. an 1 ttiere is a busy
Mourishiiig town around the site of (to
old farm.
Mr. Frederick (torham lives there
now, and handle- large sum# of money,
the rent* of stately buildings.
Made his money, sir, by speculation;
you will he told, if you inquire as to hi#
aource of income; fortunate purchase
of ground before the town was thought
But I, who know, tell yo-t that the
only #|>eculaiiou he made was in the
kiudnes- of hi# heart extending loving
attentions to his father's si-ter, and that
the only land he ever owned was Aunt
Sabina'# farm.
Oor World, and skat It la l amptael
Owing to tiic indefatigable investi
gations of the analytical chemists, and
to their zeal iu the cause of science,
there is scarcely a substance in the
world that lias not passed through the
ordeal of their crucibles and test tubes.
From them we learn that our world is
made up of but cni|>aratively few sub
stances; so few Indeed, that we are
struck with wonder and astonishment
when we consider the innumerable va
riety of form and character into which
those elements are ca|>able of lieing
moulded. We have all the animals and
inanimate creation, the plants, the ani
mal-: we have the rock#, the earths,
the air and water, in their endless va
riety ; and yet the -üb-tanee# of which
they are composed do not exceed sixty.
On closer examination our wonder in
crease# a# we learn that of these ele
ments no le-s than forty-six are metals,
In the ordinary sense of the word ; live
are gaseous leslies, like the air—w iiich
indeed i-on-ist# of two ga-e# out of these
five; and the remainder are suhsance#
of an Intermediate character, of which
sulphur and charcoal are the ty|ies.
Therefore everything that we cin see or
touch |M-rtaining to our world is com
posed of one, two or more of these sixty
elements. We know of no one substance
that contains more than six of these
elements: and iu a general way there
are rarely more than two or three, blen
ded together to produee one result.
Thus, the white of an egg is made of
six elements ; a flint stone of only two;
a pieee of wood consists of three ele
ments. These three materials are the
type# of the portion# of the world to
which they belong. Though one stone
differs from another stone, ami one
wood from another wood, and one flesh
from another flesh, yet their cotn|io#itioii
is similar, and of nearly the same ele
ments. It i# the nature, quality, and
property of these several elements that
constitute the study of chemistry,—not
medicine, for that is hut a mere branch
of chemistry—the composition of all
things. By analogy, (lie analytical
chemist can state w itli certainty the
principal qualities and composition of
everything placed in Ills hands, w hat
use to make of it, and how it is to be
applied for the welfare and benefit of
his fellow man.
It is much easier in some cases than
others to produee what look# like pa
tience. There is a constitutional im
patience which is the natural result ot
the delicate nervous system, and the
quick, active brain which always ac
company high talent and cultivation.
.Some people, again, seem naturally pa
tient. They are not easily Muttered and
excited. They are phlegmatic and co
matose, the result mainly of a dull
brain and a slow circulation. Extremely
stupid people often seem remarkably
liatieut. The truth is, the more patient
men seem, tlie less patient they often
are. That quietude of manner, which
is the outward sign of patience in one
striving against anger may lie the out
ward sign of mere stolidity in another.
It is not patience to be composed under
what another would feel keenly, if the
reason is that you do not feel it at all.
frorlalia fol.
M.'lll, *.l\ till' .X'.lftirdllJl /.'. i trlf, llil*
la-en distinguished from brute* u* *
cooking animal Hut ho ha* another
t'hai iclprhtic almoMt eqnallv distinctive,
lie keep* |>et*. It i* true that *oinetlllle*
j thl* characteristic t* shared hi lndivld
iial* of other race*. A hor*e ha* been
know it to Income allaeheil to tlie *table
eat ami lo pine In the absence of pussy.
Ko, too, *ll have allow etl a comer ot
j their kennel t*> *oine stray animal tin
lucstlcalcd alsiut the house, and odd
ft iemtohip* have la-en cemented !>el W een
ereature* a* different a* a goat andjack
daw, or a rahtiit and a foxlioiliid. Kuch
brotherhood between tame lu*t, all
living In a -tale more or les* artificial,
t* onlv a* natural a* the talking; ot a
) parrot, the piping of a hulltlneh, or the
trained lat*>r of a canary taught to work
tor it* living. b\ draw ing it* w aler w itli
.1 bit. ket and chain. fie tiever heard
! of a eat that loved a dear cricket to cheer
with friendly chirping* her lei*ure on
j the hearth. Xo puppy ha* la-en known
to lavish tender earesse* on the radiant
i head of an iridescent bluebottle. The
hen, who*e limited intellect reel- lie
fote the watery instincts of a brood of
duckling* j< the victim of parental af
fect ion inlmriiig under a base deception.
Itnt men |a-t many creature* beside*
\ their off-spring, *uppo*iiitiou or other.
; It I* true that a modern naturalist tiipl*
lit an ant*' nest, certain well-cared for
| ta-etle*.aud endeavor* in vain to account
I for such a my sterion* fact. Are the la-e
--tle* seavongcrs.or are they pels? (trare
; the ant* endued, like men, witli siiper
*tition, ami do thev venerate, like the
ancient Egyptians, a coleopterous bi
sect ? Marling* show a preference for
certain *heep. Every criKVKllle may la
supposed to be the favorite of a par lie
ular lapw ing. Hut these ln*tatice* an
swer rather to the .<|airt*nian'* predi- ;
lection lor a well-Ua kial miair, or tin
tlv-ti*her'* love for a hady pool. Xo
kitten lead* alanit a tnoti*e with a blue
riblton round the little victim'* neck,
a* a child caresses the lamb which It
may one day devour. The child show*
its |>etliiig instinct at the earliest age,
and love* a woolly rhinoceros a* *< 111
a* it love* -ugar ami apples, I*>ng la-- ;
fore the lathy Can sja-ak. a* *<>oii a* it .
can o|a*u and cio-e it* tiny hand*, it .
long* for something sol t and warm, and.
above all, something moving, w tiich it
may grasp and pinch at will. No wor
sted i**HUe, however cunningly con
trived in the toy country, can cotiiiw-u
for a moment with a real puppy. The
pleasure of breaking all tin- leg* from
off all the ijuadruja-d* in Noah'* Ark
pale in insignificance t**idetie- rapture
of pulling pu**y'* tall, and half blind
ing a living terrier. I'he cat and dug
endure from the infant the torture* ot
liatnien without complaint, ami purr
or wag their tail at each frc*li Infliction i
as a new manifestation of regard. Vi
visection i* a tritle compared with some
of tlie unwitting erueltie- of the nur
sery; but the victim* seem to under
stand that their pain* are not intended,
and it would 1*- well if a like elf-**e
riticing eulhusiasin could !*• filtered in
the scientiflc labomtorv.
That the people no js-ts ami lo
mUuv them i a plain and nn<|uestiou*
alde fact. W tiy llicy k*ep them l
ihotlicr ami pinch more dltilcult qtir*-
tlon. Siiiir. it i* true, have a dislike to
the destruction of animal life. Cardinal
lteliarinine would not disturb the flea*
w liich jjl their livelihood in Ills famous
beard. Other*, attain, have been driven
to love a swallow from the mere lone
liness of prison life, and theonlv reason
for doubting the truth of the legend
which connect.* the name of Bruce with
a spider is that similar tale# have been
told ot other fatuous men. The story
of a lady Blakely w ho Insisted on kee|s-
Ing her merlins to moult in her lied
chunilsrr, and her husband'# consequent
displeasure, occur* among the annals
of the fifteenth century, l.itile dog*
figure on brasses; and the names of
"I'erri, "Jskke," and "llo" have come
down to us as memorials of |iets beloved
tive hundred year# ago. Cowper, be
#lde his hares, js-tted all kind- of ani
mals, and remonstrated in verse u ith
Ills spaniel for kill iii|C:s fledgling. (tidy#
apostrophized a fly, and iliirn* a mouse.
We think it was Carnot. in the IMgn
of Terror, that lavlslied caresses on hi#
dog, while he sent hundreds of human
victims to the slaughter. In fnet. there
are tew people come to mature years
who at some time of their life have not
loved a ilear gazelle or other domes,
tic animal, and l>eeii gladdened by its
affectionate eye. A Ijoic which is so
|>eculiarly human may lie humanizing
if properly directed. Tlie child, in
deed, will roh a ne-t to satisfy its long
ing for a |>et. But it is easy to demon
strate the cruelty of interfering with
natural laws, and the #|>eedy death of
the half-lledged nestling demonstrate#
clearly enough tiff futility of the child
ish aspirations. The sympathies of
Hill Sykes, callous as he was, were
awakened toward hi# dog, and even
Charon may Is? supposed occasionally
to liestow a friendly pat on one of the
head# of Cerberus. Although it has
often been remarked that love of the
horse accompanies, if It does not cause,
the degradation of many a man, yet it
would Is- hard to ascribe the iuii|iii(ies
ot a blackleg to any true love of the
animal on which lie lays his money.
Doubtless the horse of Caligula pre
ferred his oats uiigilt, and it is the iin
eertaintyof rat ing rather than any fault
of the raeer that attracts rogues to New
market and Epsom. A horse would run
quite as well, the race would be even
more often to the ift. If betting could
1M- abolished. And our prize coster
monger# ami cahuicn timl kindness to
their animals, like honesty, the best
of policy. The donkey that is starved
ami beaten seldom favors his driver with
more than a spasmodic gallop, while
the sleek ass we now occasionally notice
in our streets draws than his pwn
weight of heavy men at a cheerful and
willing trot. The principle on which
|iet# are kept is, however, sometimes
ditlieult to Mud. We were ail horrified
lately, to read of an old lady who starved
a household of cats, and every Indian
traveler tells shocking tales of the cru
elty of the Hindoo to the humpbacked
cow he worships as a divinity. < 'ruelty
to pet# Is only one aspect of the matter.
There is only one aiqiect of the matter.
There are people, especially in towns,
whose kindness to their jx-ts Is exer
cised at the expense of their neighbors.
.So long as they are an amusement to
their owners, without being a nuisance
to the public, no one can complain.
There are, It is true, crusty people who
would like the world if it contained
neither kitten# nor babies. Hut it can
not do real liartu to anyltody that an
old lady should turn rabbit# loose in
her garden in order to reduce the exces
sive corpulence of her darling pug# by
a little wholesome coursing. It is good
for Iter jwts and docs not hurt the rab
In this age the Netherlands claim
precedence among the countries of
Europe in belfry music. There are
more chimes, or carillon *, in that coun
try than In any other. A great nunilier
of bells are required for this kind of
tnusie, which is sometimes of a very
elaborate and Intricate character. The
carillon* a clarirr are played like a piano
forte. The keys are handle# connected
with the bell# by rods or cords. The
carilloneur employs both hand and feet
in executing the airs which charm the
inhabitants of the Low Countries. The
(tcdalg communicate w itli the larger bells
for the bass. The keys on which the
treble notes depend aresdruck with the
hand, w hicii is cased in a "thick leathern
stall. It is recorded that a carilloneur
of Bruges was so expert he even exe
cuted Ingres on those famous bells that
hang in the cathedral of that ancient
city. The rapidly developing (esthetic
taste of our people is gradually bring
ing the use of chimes and peals flito
our American churches In the place of
single tn-11*. In \. w York there ate
three sets of chime l*'ll those of St.
Thomas' Church, on Filth avenue and
Fifty-third site t; the chime* ot tirai*-,
on Broadwav, ami those, •! Trinity .on
Broadway, op|MMtlte Wall street. I'he
bell* of St. Thorna*', ten In iiuuiliet,
were cast at Meneely'*, In West I'roy,
and put up In the tM-autilu! lower two
year* ago. They are the finest Intone
and tune. Tbell IIIU*U- i* woudroUaly
t-eautiliil. The bells of Grace, also ten
In IIUIIIIH-I', have a united w-'ighl of IU,
IbHI |M>unds. The largest liefi, called
the Hector's la-11, or the tolling l-ll,
weighs pounds. Till* splendid
chime cost fii.UoO. It you w i*h to enjoy
a new sensation, go up Into the I**ll
- er of ti race Cburcli when Mr. Senia,
Ihe rtuiiiiimrui', is practicing. He doe*
not dance about amid a forest of ro|>ea,
pulling inn* ami then another and
another, a* tin- old-time liell-ringct* ot
England did; but he plav* on hi* Mtril
l"H >1 cloriVi* a* tli-'V do ill llollaud.
I'bere they are, tencliluie-rtngiug lever*
ranged in a row like the keys of a piano
forte. Those huge key* require the
whole strength of hi* arm and hand to
move them. I'o each of the lever* i*
attached a nqie, passing through the
ceiling to the tower alaive. where it
connect- w it)> it* particular liell. I p
in the light, airy, latticed tower, far
above the roof* ot the tallest houses,
hang the ten huge wide-mouthed inr*-
seuger* of aoutiu II at only await the
master's touch to till the air with mel
ody. Trinity chime* ate perhaps, next
to those ot < lirist Church, rhlladelphia,
tin- oldest in till* country . Hut strange
to say, almost nothing I* know 11 ol their
history. Even Mr. Ay llrte, tlie accom
plished etiriUfHumr, who ha* rung the
change* on them for nearly twenty
years, can I*ll but little about them.
The church warden* and Hector ot
Trinity parish confess to almost total
Ignorance oil the subject. From vari
ous sources, added lo the Inscription* on
the Is-li*. I have learned that five of the
bell* were cast iu laindon by Mears prior
to IM.V A* the second Trinity * hurch
waa built with a handsome steeple Iu
IT**, it 1* more than probable at
leal one of tlie liell* eame over from
l-diglaml afsitit that time. At any rale,
when, in 1 "*•>'•, tfie eli 11 rch edifice wa*
taken down to make way for tlie present
l>eniiti!iil structure, there were *tx l*-ll
in the steeple. I'he largest of these wa*
cracked, and *0 it was *el to Meiu-ely ,
iu Troy, to lie recast, and at the *ainr
lime four more w ere ordered t complete
the cliltue. I'he large*l bell weigh*
.I,ll*l |MHIIId-, the *mallc*t 7**'. 1 lie t-it
l*-il have an .iggri-g.ate weight of about
fifteen tfiousaiui pouml*. I'liey are
filing iu a framework of wood -o heavy
a* to deaden the sound to a great ex
tent ; ami the vc*iry are now deliler
atiug a* to tlie necessity of hav ing them
remounted and reining. A* they are
somewhat out of tune, owing to the
coii'tanl striking of the elap|ter* in one
place, it w ill l- fouml nev**ary like
wi*,-. to re|tair the part* worn away. If
that la- |o**ihle. I'he bell-chatubcr i*
not, a* many suppose, near the top of
the *ti*-ple. It i* rather nearer the l*>t
toil). The liell* hang very Hear (lie
rough tlooi, ami ail lite machinery for
ringing is rude ami primitive compared
w ilii that of Gra>-e or St. Thomas'
< liureb.— //ir/*r" tf qsi.-mr.
Ilo) a, !>• Sonirlliliii
Boy*, <lo not la- a burden to your par
ent*, enm|adliiig them to npj*>rt you.
lo *<>iuetiling—CO fnatlcr wliat, so tliat
it i* honest. laa>k around, aud obtain
employment; then off with your
ami determine to work your way up.
The faultier prwptrlly la within the
reach of everv one inclined to n*e it.
I'erhap* jruiir father I- rich, and there
forv von think there i no nwtl for you
to \t>rk. What a wiurli'o Ht'tiw!
Your lather may In* rich now . hut nrit
y*ar, or next month, nnr had in\r*t
tiH-tit may absorb hi- riches and leave
him in a condition worse than poverty
—in debt. There are hundred* of pro
bable mlfortilnea w liieli may reduce hi*
mean*; Illness utar lav him low, ami
ill- bu slues*. lacking lii- -iiliervtaion,
may pi to ruin. Then you, hi- am, not
having lieen taught the liece-sltv of laiN.r
are un-killed in tiie u*e of liand- or
brain,ran do nothing hot fret and worry.
Your ronditfon i worse than that of the
mo-l humble workman in your lather'*
establishment: for hi* exjwrienee w ill
re.oniinend him to another situation.
Beside-, |aiverty to you, w ho had never
know ii the wml of anything, beinniM
doubly aggravating. Hi ought up in
luxury and Idleness, plain food i*
natiaeou* to your dainty palate, and
common garment* arem the livery of
shame. You shun a meeting with the
associate* of your belter day*, ami thev
|i** you with a chilling nod, a* much
a* to say. "You are |>oor now, and of
i-oiirse cannot presume to reckon ll
among vour acquaintances."
Itoya, strive to lie independent. la-arn
to la- useful ill the world—to is- aide to
"paddle your own canoe." a* the saving
is. Then, if trouble come* to your
fatlier, lie w lit have at least one friend
to a**i-t him in regaining hi* former,
* rospermi* condition an affectionate,
industrious, and energetic soil.
I liitiillri-llc*
1 draw together, say* a Pari* corres
jsmdciit, toy odd- and <-II<IM of politic*;
my hit* of tow II gossip, rumors from
Versailles ; w iud-lmg* from the National
Assembly. As I pause, quill In hand,
my maid, Celesiine, enter* with the
new spafter*. She hn* -oniethiug else, I
see. beside*.
"Heboid your ehnuffretto, madam,"
savs t 'ele-tlne.
"Tien*! the pretty little gem; but it
is elegantly warmed, eh J And the
chniiffrette disappear- under my |wtti
A what? achauffretle ? Pray,madam,
what is that? say you.
liovvn come* my attention U|MMI my
pil|ter. Cp go my feet upon litv eh.nil ll
rette. Ibm't you ee? We have Is-gun
our chit-chat; and my JM-II is already
trotting off" toward you across tiie page.
At tills season of the year there arc a
dozen or more chauffrette*, 1 suppose,
in every house. They are neitlier alive
nor dead; neither very little nor yet
very big; these chauffreftes. They are
square tin chafing-dishes, cut out oil
the cover ami sides in little holes,
through which comes the warmth of
the live coals placed within. Only in
the largest houses, public or private,
are furnace* used. Nay, I believe there
are not many Parisians w ho have ever
seen a hard-coal stove. So w itli large
apartments to heat, and W ith only OJH-II
lire* of charcoal, or coke or W IMMI to do
it with, you w ill *> c how agreeable,
how necessary these chauffrette* are.
When a visitor arrives, quick ! another
warming-box is prepared and brought
and put before the guest, who often
horrowait • take away home with him
iu a cab, returning it next morning.
Indeed, these chauffrette* are easily
taken alMiut. The women in white caps
and pink rihltoii streamers who usher
you into tiie theater boxes often bring
you these in place of tin; usual wooden
stools; and of course you will IK* too
well-bred, as the woman take* care to
tell you, to offer a poor usher less than
two francs for this attention, and a
Irani: or more beside* for her smart pink
bow* or the smile with which site ogles
~ Mom* OiitfiinlMl Collcgp Mint ll Irs.
The old historic < 'oiitlnenlal Congress
will be sure to attract much attention
during the year upon which we have
entered. Its first session began on the
sth of September, 1774, In Philadelphia,
and until 1788 it held regular sessions in
the following places: Slay 10, 1775, iu
Philadelphia; lJccemtier 20, 1770, in
Baltimore; March 4, 1777, in Philadel
phia; September 27, 1777, in Lancaster,
Pa.; September 110, 1777, in York, Pa.;
July 2, 1778, in Philadelphia; June 30,
1783, In Princeton, N. J.; November
20, 1783, iu Annapolis, Md.; November
I. 17*1. In Trenton. X.J.: January 11,
I7HA, anil until tlie adoption of tlie
federal toustltutloo, In York.
t urlini* lo know how iiitii> of It*
i member* w#re nlui'Knt men, ui ruilirr
Kri|u.i(l'* from college*, MI- have taken
(lit* tritilile to make miexamination, tin*
result ol which I* given I ado w. There
may Im* tuuu* errors, hut mil enough to
affect iIM* result ll vt 111 IM- found that
(lit* prn|*rtiou of educated men in tin*
various MWHIHIU I# much greater lliau
Hut of any similai number of year* In
the federal Congress, ami we arc in
clined to th'llc%i* that the great weight
of influence wan with thi-m* men, ami
that the etlirieiit conduct of the war wu
eminently the re mi It of their wisdom
ami |iatriotUm. It U true that there
were mem tiers who never graduated
from any college who *t*sl an high in
; Influence ami were a wise in counsel
!a* their e<ltieate<l colleague*—such an
itnger Sherman, (Jeorge (iymer, Hen
jamlu franklin ami Others—but their
iiiiinliera cannot comtiare with the huat
of illiintriouk men who had the adv . U
llage of a college training.
There were in the C'ontineiilal Con
gress during lln existence 350 llieililieri;
of thene ll*, or aliotit one-third ol tile
whole, were graduate* from cciliegen.
<lf these '.'i were giuduuted from the
College of New Jersey in Princeton, ".I
from Harvard, JJ from Vale, II from
it iliiam and Mary, * frotu tin* I ulver
sit> of 1 Vnimy It anta, f from Columbia
College, I from Brown l'tilver*lty, and
I from Hutger* College, and 'JI were
j educated in foreign universities. Tlieae
j 118 grailitalen were dintrihuted ill the
coUntie* a** follow n; \<-w llallipshite
I had four college grailualen among li<*r
delegate*, three of w houi w ere gradiiah-d
from Harvard and one from Princeton;
Massachusetts tia<l seventeen, sixteen of
' whom were frotu Harvard and one from
■ Yale; Hhode Inland had four graduate*;
two Iroui Princeton, one from llarvaial,
and one frotu Itrown t'niver*iiy; Colt
iieclicutli.i l eighteen graduate*; thir
teen from 1 ale, three front Princeton,
ami two from Harvard. New York, out
of her large delegation, had hut eight
graduaten; four from Columbia and four
Iroui Y aie. New Jersey Intd eleven
graduatrn; eight front Princeton, one
trout Yale and two from Kutger*. Penn
•ylvaula had thirteen graduaten; four
from Princeton, four from tin* Univer
nltv of IVntiylvaula, one from Y'ale
and lour educated in foreign part*.
Ix-law are had two graduate*, )*>tii from
Princeton; Maryland had *rvcn, thre
from Princeton, two from the ( niver
ity or Pennsylvania, one from William
ami Mart and one educated in foreign
parts. \ irgiiiia hail nineteen gradual* --;
ten from William and Mary, two frtuu
Princeton and eigtit educated in foreign
pan*. North < aroliua iiait four gr.ol
ilaten; two from the University of
IVnu*ylvanU, one from llarvanl ami
one islucatetl ill foieign I tart*. South
(aroliua ha*l seven graduate*; two
from Prince (on, and five educated iu
foreign |iarti>. tieorgia hail five grad
uate*; three from Yale, one Irotu
Princeton and one educated in foreign
part*. Thiia it appear* that Princeton
had repreiM-utativ e* from ten of the
colonic*; Vale from tlx; Harvard from
live; the University of l'enus) lvaula
from three; William and Mary fratu
two, and ( olunihis, Itrown and Hutger*
from one each. Hftv--ix delegate**
signed the I k-clsratiou of Independence.
(f these twetilv -eight, or jilst one-half,
were college graduates.
It would IM* W rolig to suppose that the
remaining member-of the Continental
i oiigrcs- were an illiterate act. So far
from this Iwiug true, many of them
were educated ill the la-*t classical
school* In the count rv. ami were espial
to many who had taken a complete
tailleglate course; and those who had
come up from the farm ami the work
shop had attained their elevation by
native genius or* by dint of hard self,
culture, of whom Benjamin Franklin
was an Illustrious example. Notwith
standing alt this, however, the history
of the men of that Congress proved the
Value of a college education. Massachu
setts in that ( ongre*s hail, out of t enty-
Iwo member*, twenty w ho were college
graduate*; Connecticut, out of her
twenty four members, had eighteen
who were graduate*; and half of Vir
ginia'* representative* were graduates,
while the re*t, nearly to a man, were
highly educated iu private hy their
wealthy iwtrentii; aud thene were the
State* and these the men w |u> were mo*t
influential in carrying the nation to ln
Ttio Cniinlr) Ilir I'lurr tor Vrcbsnlr,
In these hard times for workingiueti
ill all branches ~f business, the itillow
ing aensilile ailviee from an ex< hange i*
timely and appropriate: The deinaud
for mechanic* in country plav* I* al
ways grow ing. it i* a mistake to sup
l„i*e that car|*iilers, bricklayer*, and
mason* need to crowd into a city to find ,
employment. In tin* country, where a
mechanic can have a few acre# of land
upon which he may *|>end part of his j
time not otherwise occupied, In* need
never I*" short of work. He can keep a j
hore and ride to his work, lowing less
time in doing so than if lie lived in a
city. He ean k*ep a cow, some pigs and j
fowls, aud raise, with the help of hi
children. a large hare of his supplies.
Hi* family will have better health and
enjoy themselves much more than in u J
crowded citv, having flowers and a i
garden toamuse them. They may drew- ;
less ex|M*nsively, will wear out fewer
clothes, and the rent will not have tola
provided for every month, or. it It liu,
it will IM* tint a tilth* lauupared with
city rent*. Farmers everywhere are
improving their buildings, putting up
lienor barn* and fences, ami competent
country mechanics could procure profit
able job* and could do the work at much
cheaper rate* than in cities. One well
fiuished Job bring* others, for nothing
is *o catching as improvement, and our
ex|M*rictice lias lieen that many farmers
do without new bar us or house- because
of the diflieulty of procuring eonipetent
mechanics at a reasonable price. There
are very few good farmer* now in the
Kast or the West that are not aide to
have good nirm building-, ami at the
present time village mechanics have
more steady employment and can save
more money—lf they earn le*w—than
those who work in the cities.
The S'lnrlili* linphrr.
We saw several year* ago in the np
|s*r portion of New Orleans a colony
of gophers <hlghlaml turtles), estab
lished hy a gentleman in his garden. He
had a very large square of ground eu
closed hy a high picket fetus*, tin* pie
ket* put in the ground very deep, in
till* square he hail one of the finest gar
dens we have ever seen, and to our as
tonishment he had it swarming witli
He had bought a schooner load of
these turtles, brought from the sand
hill* of Florida. He hail originally
bought about three hundred, hut had
eaten about half of them. The others
he kept to lay eggs and to eat oecasion
all y.
lie had had them several years, and
stated they ate two or three kinds of
grass aud did notdisturh his vegetables.
He had a few yotttig one* hill would
not to raise any, as tiiev were of Mow
growth, but the eggs were very tine, as
we had occasion to test, and they luid
tw ice, or oftener, each year, and a great
number of egg* at a laying.
We were struck with the enterprise,
and wonder that others do not keep these
harmless animals. Nothing ean sur
pass them for genuine turtle soup* and
Cargoes occasionally conic Into New
Orleans, and arc readily disposed of for
immediate use, l>ut this thoughtful gen
tlciuan always had a ready subtly at
hand, until the march of improvement,
backward, such as we have mode lately,
rooted out him and his gophers.—<
irjierali re AVtc*.
Showing (lie ( ainNrk* I'lrlore*
To day I have been busy showing
the "Alphalietiesl Object Teacher," ku
leitliHM'ope, and stereoscopic view*. I
have l>i i n much *urpi isrd, as well a*
amused, at the effect piodurcd hy the
exhibition of theiattet. A* a IMMIV the
Indian* of (lit* country who have
never been Fast,and, a* a consequence,
hale <iin hut lew white people, are
disponed to dlslx-licve the account*
liiey receive leapeellug their lilllllliera.
the mairiiKuilr ol their tow u* ami ci
ties, and tin* extent ol the country they
occupy. They lielieve that their own
people who have been Kaat have Ucu
duped iiy aome kind of sorcerv, or, a*
they would *ay, "niedicine." I'liey
also think it i* impossible to make an
imaginary picture. Hence a picture is
to tliein "proof positive" of the exis
tence of an original, t'otisequently,
exhibiting towns, buildings, tursi
scene*, and soldier*. hs trad a most
convincing effect. This wa much
heightened hv having some mountain
nccm-n from Crdoiiulo, familiar to tlieiu,
and which they recognised at once.
This was. 111 fact, tlie nlrougcnt addu
clble evidence that the account* they
had tcceited were so far fiom lieing
cvaggciutioua that the hall hail not
Inch told them. ('tie initldle agcd man,
who Ira* always treated thene report*
with the utmost skepticism, wa* par■-
ticiilailv struck with them, lie could
not sntiicu ntly express his surprise,
luit Iw-at upon his mouth in utter
aatouishnieut .Sun Boy, who ha<l of
ten told htui what lie saw in the Fast,
would SS] to bist in Krows, "What
vou think now f You think alt lie now f
You think all chiefs who, have Is-eu to
Washington tool* now 1 Again and
ngaju would he look them OVeV.w itks ills
hand upon lit* mouth, dumb with
amusement. After he had looked
theui ovei several times, l>eiug a war
chief, he called iu Iri* warrior*, and
exhibited the picture* to them, talking
to them all the time. I eoilhl under
stand luit a part, yet would gather
Kirch expressions aa these: "l.ook ' see
what a mighty powerful jH-oph-thev
are'" meaning white people. "We are
fools! We don't know anything' Wean*
iust like wolves running wild on the
plains." Such an effect on the war
rhief* and warrior* cannot but ta* serv
salutary , slid must rondure much to
ward deteiring them from going ou
tin* war path again*! stirh a "might) I
fsiwerful Jx-ople." 1 could Out wish
that a good stereoscope, with suitable !
on tine*, could la* exhibited in every j
Indian camp in the land, ami properly
explained to the people.— A Quaker
Anu'Mj the I mining.
( klurM* Xrrubso.
A party of Chines*- tumbler*, lately j
intrrslm-ed into the ( 'liliirsi* theater, j
Son Francisco, are indeed marvels In
their line. A number of athletic Moti- I
goliau* appear, *lrip|>ed to the wsi-t,
and ls-gin a sort of cm!a! on the -t-tge. :
At first the flglitlng ap|H-ar to !*• pro- '
in I serious; but *!x or eight Anally ally
theiu-elves against one man Slid try to j
overcome him br springing against trim
aud MI iking him full In the breast with
the soles of their f*et. He meet* th I -
curious mode of attack hy standing like ,
a statue, while the others fall heavily j
upon the A number of table* are
next brought out and piled one above j
tin* other until a height of about twenty
feet i-obtained. A performer, whose
weight Is no h-s- than M< , mount*
them, and, springing In the air toward
the floor and the stage, strike# bo(h feet
witli a heavy thud upon the tsure breast
of a man standing almut ten feet from
the fool ol the table-, throwing him vi
olently to the fl<*>r. How a man ean
laud such a blow is a mystery. Again
the agile acrobat ascends to the lop ta
ble, and, springing upwards, turns*
-ontrrsaull, w Idle alt tin* table#, except
the lower one. are suddenly taken i
awav. I |sm the only table left he falls
with a force ap|xirciilly great enough
to break everj Isine in ill- txsly; hut he
leap- up again immediately ami turns '
ha>k hand>pibig- across the stage.
Again he cllmtw to the top of the lower
ol tables, w Idle a *cs-o,id lies down U|MMI
a table a few feet from tin- lis*- of the |
tower. Turning a *nuer#ault in mid i
air he falls II|M>U tlie other Is sly, tin
two breast to breast, ami bound* of!
again with a second soin* r*ault. •it her '
acrobats <-liml**<l to various altitudes
and fell upon the stage, alighting square
u |sin their back* with a force which
w .i* astonishing. These feat* air all
executed hv men in a semi-nude "ondi
tloti, so that there is no ciisnce for pad
ding their clotln-*. YYdiilr the Ameri
cans iu the theater applaud, the Chinese
make no demonstration* of approval, j
hut sit looking stolidly on. The man a- j
gers Informed the reporter of the San
Francisco < ill that the tumbler* are
trained from childhood, ami la*cmi ,
hahitiuited to the terrible COllcns-lons
only by year# of praetlee. He adde<i
that many are kilhil in training, or '
maimed for life. None of their tests
are graceful, but simply indicate a tre- j
uiedous amount ol strength, nerve, am!
The < ore for 4.o**i|t
What is tiie cure for go-ip? Simply,
culture. There U a great ileal of gossip
that ha* no malignity in it. Good
n:Uuri*d people talk alxuit their tieigh
lair* because, ami only liec-auM-, they
have nothing el-c to talk altoui. A* we
write, there come* to u* Ihe picture of
a family of young ladle*. We hare seen
them at home, we have met them in
galleries of art, we havecaught glimpse*
ol them going from a bookstore, or a
library, with afresh volume in their
hand-. When we meet them, they are
full of w hat they have seen and read.
They are brimming with questions.
One topic of conversation is drop|M>d
only to give place to another. In which
they are interested. We have left them,
alter a delightful hour, stimulated and
refreshed; and during the whole hour
not a neighlnir's garment • soiled by
so much as a touch. They had some
thing to talk idHMit. They knew some
thing, and w anted to know more. They
could listen as well as they could talk.
To *|ieak freely of a neighbor'* doings
and belonging* would have seemed an
lm|ertliieiice to them, and, of course,
an impropriety. They had no tempta
tion Ist gossip, because tiie doing* of
their iieighlior* found a subject very
much les* interesting than those which
grew out of their knowledge a id their
And tills tell* the whole story. The
confirmed go**ip is ulw ay- either mali
cious or ignorant. The one variety
need* a change of heart and the other a
change of pa-ture. Gossip is always a
personal confession either of malice or
iliiixH-ility, and the young should not
only shun it. hut by the most thorough
culture relieve themselves from all
temptation to itidugc in it. It U a low,
frivolous, and too often a dirty business.
There are country nrighl>ihoods in
which it rap's like a |e*t. Churches are
split in pieces by it. Neighbor* are
made enemies by it lor lilc. In many
(lersons It degenerates into a chronic
disease, which is practically incurable. the young cure it while tliey may.
Chinese llnhllntlon*.
Jlastern arrliiteetsniay get some hint*
of tilings to follow or avoid from a de
scription which the Virginia City
Chrvnicle gives of the structures erec
ted by the Chinamen iu that city: "Ite
iwcen tighis ilit- CkiMMI is an in
dustrious animal. Just now he is
turning his energies to building, and
like Ins lighting, some of it is contrary
to IIIVT and also shocking to a correct
architectural taste. On the north
west corner of I and I'nion streets,
.John lias created a marvellous affair.
It ts built out far enough to occupy a
third of the roadway. The frout ele
vation (height five feet) i* composed of
odds and ends of stone picked up in
tiie neighbourhood. The one window
is formed of three oil cans—two up
right and the other laid across the top.
The roof of this edifice —which lias a
Terms: $2 a Year, in Advance.
frontage ot atioiit twenty-live feet and
a depth of thirty or more would make
a band some play strouud tor a arhiMil,
a* It ! petfi rtly flat and comtioard of
earth. Trie interior, which lite repor
ter doubled himself up to enter, ia ill
vitled into numerous little detia and a
spacious saloon."frith eaitheii lloot and
one oil-ran window, i'he place ia
ahorflv to lie opeuml a* a resiauraut,
ptovidecl the police don't interfere,
which they should do. The idea of
iililt/ing oil-ran* fur building roateriai
ha* been eagerly M ired by otTier Celea
toil*, and tin couM-i|tiriire i* nunier
011* tire proof ahamies. The raua
tilled with eattli and ptlrd one upon
auolbet, make a solid wall, anil no hul-
Ict can |>eiietrate thetn -iiot a slight
consideration these t Ituea. I'titfer
grotind residence* are ahai (Kipuiar. A
lug squaii hole is dug into the hillside,
covered iu with sticks, atraw, and an
occasional plauk,. The door ia natu
rally furnished by the eastern alope.
Although sut-li trifles as llglit and all
are left out orcoiiaideiation, tlie bomb
proof character of the underground
structure has a charm for tlie ( hineae
inhabitant. The only diawbai'k to
such a house is the piolwhility that on
some raiuy night an eireuiv may take
iuto In* shaven head to dig a ireuch
and direct the wator of the street down j
the chimney
I MglUb Jtsfllsi Matches
An aueeilote t told of a tisliing j
match w hit-.ii look place in HUSM-X, on a
river rendered somewhat difficult to
tish by reason of the rising and falling
of the the tide, the peculiar objection
being that duiiug ebb the receding
waters must tie followed up through
deep mud. One competitor was be
wailing his hopeless rharice of winning
the lcu|Hit which wasotleied as a pllre,
his only take being a diiumulive eel J
weighing a little over three ounces. I
I'resently some spectator*, 011 a tour of
visits to the competitors, arrivad, and
moulted after the nature of his sport,
"tin. I am completely out of it—this
small eel Isi tig all 1 hare taken.''
"There we differ witli you," encourag
ingly replied the visitors: "for this
aud another eel of about the same sire
ate all we have seen taken to-day." !
The hopes raised wete, however, '
dashed to the ground, for the other eel !
weighed a Ivare eighth of an ounoe j
more, ami took the prtre. In the lal;- '
.-*betheid contest, 4 pound* 15 ounces
won the pttre of forty guineas. The :
sin.<ll nes* of the take, I* perhaps, to be j
explained by the fact of the competi
tors forming a Hue on the lank to tlie j
distance of three and a halt milea. tlie
tisli bring reudered powerleaa to feed
Horn sheer perplexity. Fancy a fish
coming suddenly upon an array of food
hangiug in tnul-water as far as the eve
ran reach, looking lo a liaman rye like
all endless street of butchers shops.
Faucy, I say, a tish coming upon such !
a scene. Here a bunch of gentle* at- j
tracts its attention: but, before it has I
made up his mind, a lively brandling
wriggles itself into notice. Then a
choice piece of graves trripta the palate
oulv to i>e supplanted li) a wasp grub;
until the ttewiUtcred creature attempt*
to tly the scene, but in vain. Turn
w he 1 e It will, ftMtd still meets it* view ; j
for mile* nothing but food, food, food, j
I'orlritlla Iky Use Itrsd
\'r-l--e Pioehard is a hairdresser in
Paris, but he is also an amateur |wrtralt
(•sinter. As he charges only twenty -
tive franca a portrait, he lias a great
many orders among the humbler classes.
Recently he was called upon to juiiiit
the portrait •( Mine. Beaulugis, a buxom
janitress. She a* (tainted in profes
sional posture, seated with one hand on
tbe ><ord and (tie other resting upon tbe
back of ber |el cat, a handsome Angora,
which repoaed in her lap. The portrait
was excellent, the Angora being par
ticularly gud. as in thi particular the
artist's knowledge of hair su of ad
vantage. Hut aner the first compli
ment* the scene changed. Mine. Beau
logi* drew a Lsuits d or from her purse
ami hsiidced it to lite artist. He {sick
etd It and asked, "Where i the other?"
•'What other?" said the surprlsetl Janl
tre--. "The other iamts; your portrait
Is forty francs." "But you told me it
would be twenty francs." "By the
head. There wen* two heads—yours
and that of your cat." "But the cat is
an ornament, a mere accessory like the
cord. IHi you want me to pay for the
cord, too? cord doesu't count,
hut the eat counts; that is a head.
< <uut by heads. Will you give me the
otherlouis?" "No." "Weil,then. I'll
take away the picture," and lie did so.
Mute. Heaiilogis seeks to replevin it. In return demands Ills two
iotiis d'or, and the Parle District Court
will soon have to decide this weighty
The lati Temple.
The last Kuro|>eati temple in which
public worship was paid U> the old di
vinities is said to have !ern that of
A|M>ll<> at Monte fasano, which re
■u.iiiKtl open until its destruction by
Benedict in Mt. ,*sint* then the human
mind lias wandered in many mares ai d
labored tinder dreary hallucinations
without end. Who shall say, in these
days of decaying faiths, how near Vol
taire's prediction may come to fttllll
ment? Day by day the claims of science
to universal priesthood are urged with
increasing confidence. The old my
thology sirip|ed of it* imagery, (It may
Im> said,} uii idea! i/t-d and re sol veil into
it pristine elements. Is a system of nat
ural philosophy • and modern science In
its latest phase fs little more than a re
turn to the old opinions under a new
nomenclature. It would be strange.
Indeed, If the rumor ol Pan's death,
promulgated so lonsr ago, should prove
unfounded alter all!—Froser's Jfogarjae.
The Urlatn at I.tfe.
like the future of life, remains an un
solved mystery. Science ha* tried in
vain, bv analysing the phenomena of
Spiritualism, to read the future. The
attempt ha* been fatal to the reputation
oft'rookes, and has injuria) that of
Wallace, Battled iu the future. Science
Is now trying as vainly to read the rid
dle of the past. How did life originate?
Itastian thought lie had found the clue
in inorganic matter, hut Pasteur and
Ids kettle wrote and boiled the "prom
ise and potency" of life out of liastiaii's
soulless germs. A new theory, first
broached in IsMVi by Kicliter, ascribes
the origin of life to atoms contained in
meteoric stones that have la-en hurled
ti|>ou this planet from other parts of
the universe. These atoms are tsup
|H>*cd to have contained the mysterious
principle of existence which we call
"life." But the pra>f advanced is of
the slightest, and the demonstration
it it could t>e made, would still leave
the piisale as much of a puzzle as ever
—more so, in fact, since this would
transfer it from the earth to the iiiil
vet-se. How did life originate in the
infinite space from which the meteors
whirl ?
Age SIKI Crlnm
Age materially influences the extent
and degree of crime in both sexes, in
relation to physical ami functional de
velopment, age exists as a defining force.
It appears to affect the criminal careers
of the sexes in two ways; by iM-ruiittiug
such a degree of bodily |>ower to be
reached as to render jsisslble criminal
acts in different degree#; and, the bodily
powers remaining the same, the varying
mental conditions produce changes in
the force and direction ol' the criminal
impulse. Each period of life, therefore,
is characterized by degrees and qualities
of crime which belong to it. In other
words, certain phases of crime are |>er
petrated at one period of life in excess
of any other period. These remarks do
not apply to both sexes equally, for
these periods do not correspond either
us to age, or in the nature of the ofl'ense,
the excesg of which distinguishes one
period from another.
NO. 5.
torraw cou ti.
7 rafVa facts.—Two country I ails came
at an early hour to a market town, and,
having arraoirrd their stands, aat down
to wait for customer*. One waa furn
ished with fruit* and vegetables of the
boy's own raising, and the other sup
plied witii fish. The market hours
passed along, and each little merchant
saw with ph-aaure his store steadily de
creasing and an equivalent in silver
lots shining in his little money cap.
The U*l melon lay on Harry's stand,
alien a gentleman came by, and, plac
ing his hand upon it. said
"What a fine melon! What do you
a*k for it, my boy f
"The melon is the last I have sir;
and, though it looks very fair, there is
an unsound spot on it," said the boy,
turning it over.
"So there is." said the man ; "I think
I will not take it. 'But', he added,
looking into the boy'* open counten
ance, "is it very businesslike to point
out the dofect* „f your fruit to custom
ers V
"It is liettcr than being dishonest,
sir," said the tmv, modestly.
"Vou are right, my little fellow ; al
ways remember that principle, and yon
will fibd favor with God, and man also;
I shall remember youi stand in future.
Aie ttiuar fish fresh f he continued,
turning to Iten Wilson's stand.
"Yeaair, fresh this morning. I caught
, them myself," was the reply, and, a
; inurbane bring made, the gentleman
went away.
"Harry, what a fool you were to
show the gentleman I hat spot in the
melon ! Now. you can take it borne for
your pains, or throw it away. How
much wiser is he atxMit the fish I
caught y csu-rday f Sold them for the
same pi ice as I did the jrewh ones.
He would never have looked at the
melon until he had gone away."
"Ben, 1 would not tell a lie, or act
one either, for twicr what I hare
earnrd this morning. Besides. I shall
be belter <ff in the end. for I have
gained a customer, and yon have lost
And so it proved, for the next day
tbe gentleman Uuigbt nearly all his
fruits sud vegetables of Harry, but
never spent another penny at the
stand of Itis neighbor.
A o lUauty ia o ltirl.— "Have yon
seen tins wonderf" asked Poppy, the
poodle, rushing into the court in great
"Wonder!—who?—what ? asked Ne
ro, the Newfoundland, waking up.
"Why, my lady's new favorite. Boa
tie." said Poppy.
"till!" said Nero, lying down again.
"A sporting <log T naked Koe, the
poi uter.
"No. no ! a pet. a piavthing. and urh
a fright J" answered Poppy, spitefnlly.
"Fright! What is be liket" asked
several, gathering around ber
"A great head, little body, short legs,
broad paws, l.|*ck nue, and long tiair
ail in a frit," replied Poppy, with an
air of disgust.
"Then he's a skye," said Koanab. the
Blenheim : "and though 1 prefer my
own kind, I know skyes are greatly ad
"I nee no harm in a black mtuzle,"
said Toby, the pug, squinting down ap
provingly at his own . and ail the com
pany. one after the other bad a word to
say in vindication of the charge against
Hustle, but Poppy grew more augrv at
each apology, and at last flew off in
high disgust. They declared, when site
as gone, that always having consider
ed her to have good taste, they were
much surprised at her jadgmeut in the
mutter, as, from her own showing, the
favorite mast be m genuine skye. and
therefore unquestionably handsome.
"Don't puzzle your heads," aaid Nero,
looking np again, "remember that this
new comer has put Poppy's now out of
joint, and who ever saw beauty in a
rival r
IIV Mirrr im Fortmn* TeUimq.— "Do
you believe in fortune telling ? 'asks a
young correspondent. Yes, certainly
wc do, snd practice it, too. Would vou
like a few trials of our skill f W ell.
then give attention. When a boy with
black hair and eyes always tells tbe
truth, be will be believed and respected
aa long as he live*, and as people would
prefei to keep Klin alive, he will aland a
good chance to arrive at old age. A girl
with brown hair and blue eyes, who
obeys her good tempered .and
industrious, will have many adtniietw,
particularly among sensible men. and
•lie will therefore be in the way of get
ting a good husband. If a girl with
rosv cheeks and early hair, will avoid
late hours, tight dresses, too many nice
things to eat, will take plenty of exer
cise in the open air, and keep good na
tural. she will probably be a good-look
ing and happy lady, and if alie obtains
a good ••duration .she will lie a tit w-ite
for a Governor or President. In ail
these raaes the hair and eyes are of no
great importance, hut the otbei requis
ites must he strictly olieervcd to have
the good fortune rome out right.
"J think tiie rain is very provoking."
said Bessie Jones, looking out of the
window with an angry frown on Iter
brow. "It is very provoking ; it always
rains when I don't want it. It is spoil
iug the slides, and there wont be an
inch of ire left in an hour t<> skate on.
Now where's any fun this afternoou, 1
should like to knowf"
"You can stay at home and sew,"
sai I her aunt.
•I w ant to skate said Beanie. "This
mm is very provoking,"
"The provoking is all in your own
hoan. Resale," said her brother. "If
you only ha<l Idue sky inside, yon
would uut mind the rain oulaide."
Yes, it is so. Blue sky luside—that
is, a sweef, serene temper—takes ail
the little disappointments of life with
out fretting.
Ttro Reason* li'Ay.—While some bov*
were skating on one of the slips up the
river a gentleman noticed one on the
l>ank who looked longingly but who
had no means of enioying the snort.
"Well,bub, haven t you any skates?"
asked the man.
"No, sir."
"Why uot?"
"'Cause mother says I ain't prepared
to die, and lather says he needs the
money to tiuy him some undershirts 1"
was the lonesome reply.— Free I'rt**.
The little Hartford girl who gave ut
terance to the following idea was puzz
ling her mind with a problem that has
bothered the world for ages. She was
reproved of or some childish act; and
sealing herself ou the floor at her
mother's feet, reflecting for a long time,
and then looking up, said: "Ma, why
is it that naughty things are so nice?"
It is odd to think that a bit of chalk
has to he brought all the way fiu n the
clitt's of Dover, England, before it can
make marks on your walls; but it is
wonderful to learn that that bit of
chalk is composed of the elytra, or
shells of myriads of little auiiuals, the
ijUthiycrimtf, that lived and died in tbe
ocean, year after yeai, age after age,
tor hundreds of thousands of years,
and then, solidifying into compact
rock, were pushed five hundred feet
above the surface of the sea. The bed
of the English channel is supposed to
IK- of solid chalk, uiany hundred feet
thick, extending over to France, aud
cropping up near Paris. Through
this soft material the contemplated
tunnel is to be laired, the bill author
izing the work having already passed
through the House of Commons.
There is scarcely a trade or manu
facture, workshop or school, that does
not tiud use for a bit of chalk. Great
quantities are ground up for whiting
and putty, and, thongh it is an humble
material, yet nothing can supply its
place. There is little or none found in
this country; all that is used here
being imported from England, either
kiln-dried or iu blocks as it is quarried,
at about JlO a ton.
—Pullman Palace Car company's
stock is selling for $75 a share.
Th Lord lovath a cheerful giver.
The May of life blossom* only one*.
Sweet merry It true noMlity't trn*
The rich should remember what they
owe to the poor.
The end of wisdom It consultation
end deliberation.
Men ere geese, women ere docks and
birds of t feather Hook together.
Greatness may build the torub, but
goodneea must write the epitaph.
Sorrow turns the start Into mourners
and every wind of heaven Into a dirge.
lie Is not only Idle who does nothing
but he It Idle who might be better em
ployed. •
In such t time as this It it not meet
that every nice offence should bear Its
The chains of habit are generally too
small to be felt till they are too strong
| to be broken.
'J'ne worth of the Stale in the long
run, is the worth of the Individuals
composing It.
Treason doth never prosper; what It
the reason I Why If It prosper, none
1 dare call It treason.
Make yourself an honeet man, and
then vou may be sure Mist there Is one
rascal leas In the world.
I'ittrh a lucky man Into the Kile, says
the Arabian proverb, and he will come
up with a fish In his mouth.
A cross husband'atid father at the
bead of the table makes the best dinner
tiupalatable and Indigestible.
The eyes of the rcitfas, whether la
commending or carping, art both on
one aide, Ilk# a turbutV ljamdur.
The comparison of love to Are holds
good in one respect, that the fiercer It
'Hirus the sooner It it extinguished.
Love, justice and fortune, are said to
have no eyas; but ail three make men
• •pen their eyes pretty wide sometimes.
Trying to do business without adver
tising Is like winking at a pretty girl
in the dark; you may know what you
are doing, but nobody elm does.
A good book and a good woman are
excellent things for those who know
Justly how to appreciate their value.
There are men, however, who judge of
both from the beauty of the covering.
Tho WHO, without knowing us,
think evil of us, d us no barm; it Is
not us Uwj' attack, it is the phantom of
their own imaglnation: they hare first
built a man of straw and then a aged
war on him.
There are two sorts of enemies insep
arable from almost all men, but alto
gether from men of great fortune—the
flatterer and the Jlar. One strikes be
fore, the other behind!—both insensi
bly, both dangerously.
John Newton used to say that If God
should send two angels front heaven,
the one to sit on the throne of England
and the other to sweep the streets In
lotidon there would be no discrimina
tion between the dignity of the work.
Kaiph H'aido Emerson says he has
heard with admiring submission the
experiences of the lady who declared
"that the aense of being perfectly well
dre-sol gives a feeling of inward tran
quility which religion is powerless to
U Is absurd to let a colt run wild the
flint few years of his life, and then by
might and main, reduce him, all at
once, to subjection. He should ba
taught from infancy to be led by a
baiter and be handled. A wild A tab
would be ashamed to rear a colt that
required "breaking" when grown up.
A Cologne inventor has constructed
another speaking machine admirably
adapted for dramatic performances. In
asmuch ss it can do everything but
hies. It pronounces labials, Unguals,
and even gutturals, in a manner oooso
uant with human custom; but, of courae
tbe vowels are lU strongest points, ea
pedally Its O de Cologne.
The Mikado of Japan is one of the
busiest sovereigns of the period. He
takes a hand in the court councils, at
tends navml military and educational
displays, and dignifies the casting of a
cannon or trial of a torpedo boat with
his royal presence. Hs sports a heavy
mustache and imperial, and stands an-
I looted five feet seven inches.
It lias been said that true religion
will make a man a mora thorough geo
tlemati than all the court* in Europe.
And It la true; rou majr Me simple
laboring men as thorough gentlemen as
any Duke, simply twcauae they hare
learued u> f*ar and, fearing him,
to restrain themselves, which Is the
very root and essence of all good-breed
ing.—Jfee. C. A'iayaley.
A little drummer boy was taken j
prisoner. Around the bivouac ires the
soldiers said to him: Now beat us a "re
mil*." And be beat them a "mswlie."
Now beat us an "advance." And be
beat them an "advance." Now, beat
us a "charge." And he beat them a
"charge." Now beat us a "retreat."
"No," said the drummer boy. "I can
not do that; 1 aever learnt that.".
The Sale synopsis of the Palms of
Australia by Wendland Drude informs
u* that there are twenty-six species on
the continent and adjacent islands.
Four species are found oa lard Home's
Island and twenty-two are scattered
over tfle mainland'. As in Hindosian,
the palms of Australia flourish most
luxuriantly in Ute vicinity of the sea
coast, One of the finest specimens the
LirMvma Am-iralit, attains a height of
about SO feet.
I love such mirth as does not make
friends ashamed to look upon one
another next morning; or men, that
cannot well bear it, to repent of the
money thov spend when they be warmed
with drink; and take it for a rule, you
may pick out such times and such com
panies tliat you may make yourself
merrier for a little than a greal'deal of
money, for "it is the company and not
the charges that make the feast."—
[ AMat Wollom.
No trait of character is more valuable
in a woman than a sweet temper. Home
can never he made happy without it.
It is like a flower that springs up in
our pathway, reviving and cheering
u*. let a man go home at night wea
ried by the toils of .the day, and how
soothing is aw ord dictated by a good
disposition! It is sunshine falling on
his heart. Study, then, to acquire and
retain a sweet temper; it Is more valu
able than gold; It captivate* more than
beauty and retains all freshness and
In aw ork describing the present con
dition of of the domestic industries of
Russia.W. Wesohniakoff states that not
less than thirty millions of wooden
spoons are annually made in that
country, the industry having its great
centre In the district of Somenow.
Poplar, aspcu, manic, and box are the
woods used for this purpose, and the
••oat of the spoons varies from about $5
to S2O per thousand. The first opera
tion consists in cutting the wood into
the proper lengths, ana making these
up into bundles; the latter are sold in
the markets, and are often procured
from long distances. The second stage
is that orforming the bowl of the spoon
the third, shaping the handle; and the
fourth aud last, dyeing them a yellow
Polaoaaas Wlada In India.
A paper has been read before the
London Meteorological Society on the
poisonous winds of India. The author
l>r. Cook, remarks that there are cer
tain days in which however hard anu
violent winds may blow, little or no
dust accompanies" it, while at other
times every little puff of air or current
of air raises up and carries with it
clouds of dust, and at these times the
individual ((articles of sand appear to
be In such an electrical condition that
they are even ready to repel each other.
But the wind uiosl deadly iu its influ
ent* is tbe simoon, Its presence being
made manifest in the sudden extinc
tion of life wherever protection from its
influence fails to be afforded. Dr. Cook
says of this phenomena that it is sudden
in its attack, and is sometimes preceded
by a cold current of air, but occurring
in the hot months, and taking place by
night as well as by 4*71 its course Is
straight aud defined* aud Its passage
leaves a narrow,, "knife-tike" track.
It Is attended by a well marked sulphu
rous odor, ami the current of air in
which it passes is evidently greatly
heated—is, In fact, like the blast of a