THE CENTRE REPORTER. rHUKSDAV A, JAN. IfiTfi. I.ODGE MMTISRI cmytlHsulomi,lts.Nk 1 O.efO. F.n>'s arrry Samrea* eswntac la k* fn.l Fvllewa ttstl j si uvi aci h, p. aaiTv. a ; Ot.ll KewT tiorsiw. No, UT, P A M . mi en M itii rawing on or after *<-h fall m,son In Ih# Mot>llewall7\. _ „ f F HkrlacWvh Sret. W n MINOI *. w M Pno-taaas CasNua, P of 11. mrela on Sslortaj af tornsosaon ov sflrr oaoti full mnon, at Usrlr Hall. ,1. J- Aaaav LOCAL ITEMS. ——Mr. Sam' 1 Mot* eold bit fhrm near Woodward, tc David Orudorf, at Blf*per acre—about 90 acres. Hunkle's hardware stare at Mill heim is about changing bands- Messrs J W Snostk end Henry Smith being the purchasers. lt i reported that Centre llall is U' have a new sic re Mr Spiegelmyer is said to be the men. The hell on Jake Harpeter's shop wee about a* tarry a* aay that vt> rung on New Veer's eve. bus been fixed upon for dedicating the new M. K. church, atfhie piece. A gen eral invitation is extended to be present upon the eceesien. Prominent mlniste-s ef that church will ba preaent to make t'. < occasion cue of intereet Dr. Jaccha, of Orbieonia, Pa . ha le.-ated here and intends to continue in the practice of his profession. Mr. John H. Keller sold hie house and lot, in this town, to Mre M Cully, of Milroy, for ft.W The last CfcHetmae due the ladies for the interest they mani fested and the skill they exhibited in making the fair a success. A rope-walker plied his vocation at Centre Hall, on New Year—giving a pub lic exhibition of his skill tea large crowd. The rope-walking feat would have been ail right, but he disgusted all decent spec tators with the vulgar caper* he cut be forehand, dressed in female attire, his per formances in that garb being an insult to every female present. In the evening he intended giving en exhibition of his skill as a magician, admittance 25 cent*. But his performances in the afternoon very properly bad the effect to bring him no crowd, end the few admittance quarter? were returned, and no exhibition given "Wilson A Dicks hardware etore should be visited by ell who intend to build, by ell who reed tool*, by all car riage manufacturers ar.d wagon-makers wbo need stock, by all house- keeper* who need hardware. All these classes will find iison Jt Hick's stock the most complete in the county, and the prices lowest, and every one about the establishment an obliging gentleman. Beautiful Dair Switches made cut of your own combings—so cts. per ounce. Spongier's Hotel, Centre Hall. Hi hi-hi.—Got a registered letter the other day. dadoes* never ro-e quicker, ar.d overjoyed at the good luck we went out. got tbe axe ar.d with one determined sweep actually cut a piece of wood. Who 11 pay up arrears next to get us cool ed down again 7 Quick, now. The Lock Haven markets are given it- last week a Democrat as follows .- Butter, Ssc per lb. ; Eggs, 35c per dux.; Lard, 16c per lb. ; Onions, 10c per peck; Apples, $1 00 per bu.; Turnips 2sc per bu.; Cabbage, 0c per heed ; Dried apples, 10c per lb.; Potatoes 50c per bu.; Flour, $1 50; Chickens GO to 60c pair; Celery ,Bc pcrataik: Turkeys, 10c per lb. lb. Lite weight; Geese 60c a piece; Apple butter, 25e per qL When the sound of Centre Hall's bolls first broke in on our slumbering ears on Saturday night last, it started a dream in us that we had met Georgo the Third. He looked as though he bad just come down from Salt Hiver, carried a grcasv bundle, with toes well enough to be out of bis boots and starvation in his face. He sin ply asked us for a "chaw of terbacco." AV e told him we did not us the weed, and pointed him to a drug-store where he might get some opium, the stuff that John was making tbe heathen Chineecha w We have had a regular spell of spring weather— fine as it s!~>uld be on May-day. Flies were out, bees flying and on Friday, Saturday and Monday far mors were plowing. It's all right, only don't let tjs have winter in the spring for jt. Tho new M. E. Church at Centre Hall, will be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God (Noprcventing providence) on Sunday the 16 of January. Revs. G. W. -Miller, of Reliefonte, W. 11. Dill, of UUarfield, J. W. LccLse, of Aitoona and other ministers will be present on the oc casion. Ministers in the surrounding country and the public generally are most cordially invited to be present. By order of tbe committee. G. W- BOUSE, Pastor. WAKAUAKER ft BROWN. —The largest clotLinfc house in America it that or the Crru whose name heads this nolice and is located ntSixth and Market streets, Phila. Head what they ray in their advertisement on the second jingo of this paper. They will do all they promise, and will give each purchaser a guarantee that their goods are sold as low as possible, and then will take them back inside of ten days if unworn and the customer is [not satisfied with them. Any and every thing mado up out of hair. Satisfaction guaranteed. Spangler's Hotel, Centre Hall. Orders received by stage or mail. new Golden Tongue Organ, one of the finest toned instruments mudu, for sale at this office. Also a Kynder organ, good as new. Either of these instruments offered at a bargain. chine, buy the New American of Bunnell & Aiken, Milroy, Pa. The celebrated Australian Diamond Pebble spectacles, are superior to the ord inary glass spectacle, affording relief to the eyes, and suited lor all ages, aj-e sold by M. Straus, Bellefoote, Pa. lCdecfioa -you w j s j, sewing machine at Granger price?; address Bunnell & Aiken, Milrey, Pa. 21 octSni. Snbscribe for the Reporter—don't de pend on your neighbor's copy always. IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS —The un dersigned is now prepared to sell Brick at his kilns at Centre Hull to suit pufchaser*, ut reasonable rates, also to furnish or con tract Brickwork. S. 3. FABfIEB." 7 oct y " Mr Manns-fl (tuoe. of Penn Hal', a I few days ago. while chopping down *n ap pie- tree was struck by the top of the falling I tree, and knocked senseleas to the ground. We did not learn that.he sustained any sc-ieus injury. Mr. John t'amp. of Milroy. lias put dewn the prices of Furniture, and you can j buy first class manufacture of him cheaper i than ever. See prins in his advertise- , ruent. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ! clear but a little sharp -Did \\ig made a go, d as new , Spangler't Hotel, Centre Hall. - A PAKSONAUK HAIP On New Tear's day, the Methedist congregation from Spring Mills made a raid ,r!\ repaired to ;he pantry and replenished it bountifully f with almo-t everything that could h<- thought of in the rating lice, at.d front thence to the cellar, -npp'ving it w th 1 kinds ot vegetable-, tbo dour barrels 'ared sumptuously -Ibey were heaped up, -hk en together and runnit g over. The gar ner was we'll supplied with com and oats. After I avi- g a goo t s.tcial time together, th# party returned to their homos, leaving the minister and his family to ponder over the many g which they had received at the hands eta benevolent people. The governor ha* pardoned Joseph l.Avans, ef Shamokrn. Mr. 1 even- was tried at the August terra, ef Northumber land co :ty in lh"t|for the murder < f Jatnes Mahan, and convicted of man slaughter. He was sentenced on the day of September following to two years in the penitentiary Kfforts were at once made for his pardon, hut failed, and Joseph says he hail made up hi- ramd to till out his se;.P nee, when ho was uneipeclty par-1 doned. Toi'sa MEN CHRISTIAN OIATIO.V—Tho Board of Directors, elected by the Y. M. C. A , met on last Friday evening and elected as officers. Michael Dentine, Ptv?t.; N\ A Kr se, Sec y. , Jacob Dingee, Treas.; David 800.-or. Lib The President appointed the following c.mmitteeon Devotional exercise*: W. A. Krise, John Booaor, aati Levi Mur ray. The next meeting will be held on next Friday evanirg in the Methodist chapel. The subject selected is 'God's Willing ness to Save." The meeting will bo what is called "A Praise and Testimony Meet [ ing." The Association hope to see a good (turnout. All who attend whether mem bers, of the Y. M C. A. or not, are equal ly entitled to all privilege* of the meeting. Hereafter the As.-ociation, will hold a Month v Business Meeting for the mem bers, but rll religious meetings whether Young M.-n's prayer mee:..g, public prayer meetings, Evatgelistic meeting?, "Song Service"' meetings, "Praise and testimony meeting*. "Experience on the Text, m-stings. Bible Lessen meetings, or "minute meetings," will be free to all. DOME. A MKVMIKK AAKONSBURG. Weleome, thrice welcome, the Centen nial. Jhn 11. Musser of thi* place is suffering with a very sore hand. A few weeks ago he ran a splinter under hi* nail, nearly an inch long and did not extract it, which fes tered and finally opened at tbe second joint. The whole arm is now inflamed, and the probability is that he will lose the use ofpart of hi* hand. On Christmas eve. the Reformed school of this place held a festival, which, not withstanding the inclemency ef the weath er was well attended. The church was nicely decorated with spruce and a tree in the centre nicely trimmed ; but the"g >> d ies cr things winch "look" were under the tree. In place of the long dusty nddre--es the audience were treated to di alogue* and declamations by the children. Rev*. Shoemaker and Tomiinson made short and pointed addresses*. The same can be said in regard to the strength of this school as was said of the bravo Spar tan army : "They move in a s.-iid block." Tim Lulhe:an Sunday School also held a New Year's festival. The Aaronsburg Minnim String band furnishod most of the music, which was very much appreciated. Revs. Tomlir. in and Shoe maker addre??ed the school, with scriptu ral exercises by Wm Stover. About 250 gifts were distributed aruong tho scholar*, everything went oil'so pleasantly that the litt'e ones went h- me rejoicing, and wish, ir.g that New Year would come every other day and Sunday between, but we could not refrain from thinking of tlfo words in Shakespeare .- "If every day were a holiday. To play would prove ut tedious *• to work ; But w hen they come, they wi-hed-for And nothing pleases but rare accident Carnival at Aaronsuuko.— Quite a carnival was he'd at Aaron-burg on New Year's day, which will not soon be forgotten by the people of that quiet town. The first act in the forenoon was a parade ot the trade* on wagon* headed by a band of martial music. Thore were some thirty teams in line—on one could be seen the blacksmith, blowing his bellows, and making the anvil ring with hammer; an other With the weaver plying hi* loeui ; the mason dressing hi* -tone, the carpen ter shoving his plane, the wagon-maker, the carriage-maker, the washer-woman, the farmer with hi* ancient flail, and ether trades, all upon wagon*, nod in their shirt sletves—the day was warns all working in dear earnest a* though at home in their shops. After parading through Aaronsburg, the deuioa-trnlion passed on to the town of Millhcim—a representation of industry on wheels—and paradud through ill streets, all busy at work. The sight was a novel one, well gotten up and carried out in good order, to the delight of hundreds of spectators in the two villages. In the afternoon a company of mn#uue raders fotmed at M illbeirn, and after treat ing that town to a parade proceeded to Aarontburg. And O gosh, how they were dressed ' they beat FalstafTs rag-muffins all hollow There were nier: with horrible faces, noses a yard long, noses turned up and noses turned down, baboon faces, monkey faces, foola faces and some ugly faces. Horses with specks, horses with Piinls, and horses and men trimmed in every Imaginable ugly style-fat follow and lean, humpbacked and crooked fel low#, and some other ugly fellows. Who were they ? that's the question, for they left no keerds, but cut up all manner of rediculous and side-splitting antics. With all the above going on down there, we think those towns must have enjoyed their New Year immensely. r |HIE FA KM KRS MUTUAL FIKK JL INSURANCE COMPANY OK CENTRE COUNTY, l'A.-CVntro Hall, Dec. '33 rd, IS7&. The Annual Meeting oi the Members and Election of twelve Di rectors, to conduct the affairs of the Com pany for the ensuing year, will be held at the house of John ripangler. Centre Hall, on Monday, the 10th day of January, 187d by Dr. Ilarrlt, I>iattict Deputy, o llellefonlo, a-*iled by officers of olhei j lodge* After the ceremonies in the hall, the brotherhood and spectators proceeded to the basement of the Lulh church where an interesting address was delivered by .1 N Barn hart, of the Bcllefonte lodge upon the history and purpasoe of Odd Kel lowslip, recounting its first introduction in this country by Thomas Wildy *h. Mounded the tir*t 'edge la Baltimore in 11*1'.' receiving a charier from the Oratld Lodge in Knglai to Jay in stole < one go<>d things for t' * I inns week, a I off th, \ went t Nechler and got It, Sechler s have done more t ' make Christmss happy at home than any regiment . fSai ta Clauses that ever crept 1 down through chimnus on t'liristmas eve, : hecau-e hundreds oi 'ain lies found thet '[the place to lay in their stock of geed jth.i gs fo the h. liday* <)o to Sechler* ' I ai 1 see if they d * not hate every thing the appetite can crave *ll first c!*-t goods, nice and fresh they keep the boat of ev pry thing. (Jo an I inspect their hand* - 'me vj*h sSment, a- I sou whether lb: ■ it not the truth. Buggy Uimtiuiig, finishing, anJ ail that belt ngs to that Tine of business, far any style of vehicle, t done up to order wnJ satisfaction, by our friend John T Lee, on the second story of Deck's shops. Jebn is a experienced sv irkuian and has a tal ent lor that kind ef work that speaks for itsplf.n all jobs cowing from his hands. s 1 ry him, if you want a good job The Ueiletoute railroad committee| I wouh wa-appointed a tew weeks ago t. have aa interview wah Mr. Scott and oth er piouuneut I'snna railroad oflicialt, | has e been on their uiiton ami returned, I giving a very hopeful report, as the par ities wtth whom the interview was had, I-cemed favorably disposed toward* the completion of the branch. .Mr. Scot uiado , proposition, that Beiiafonte r*t< S4o,UR) and tiie i'enn a Railroad cotnpuj to proceed at once and complete the roai Irota Bellefonte to Spring Mill*. Mr Scott seemed warmly in favor of thil, an. w tr>o < 1 Many cattle perish od, and the crop* in all direction* are ruin ed. I'KKKIULK CALAMII Y IN MY 112 1 KitL VND Floor of ti School House (five* Way SO I'creon* Killed ntul 60 Woundsti Berts, December New* ha* I*. en re ceived ht re of a JrcsJiul iiilaniily which occurred io the lilt.e viJagtl < f Hillikan ta Canton Asrgan, on Saturday Chri.t ma* festivities were being celebrated in a! school heme in that place, when the floor tng gave way Eighty person* were killed ami tifty more or le* wounded. rr iTk ?: Y\ A Severe EugagoiuouL Lend. n. December -7 A dispatch from tlie teat of war in Herzegovina Hate- that a great battle took place Thursday last, mar Nitchllca, lading nearly all day Fifteen thorn-und troop* were engaged. Hie Furbish fortes elaiui a decisive victo- J ry. The fighting on both side* was de Iterate, and the !o>tci *evere. I *♦ • h Four murJers in SvhuylttiU county in J four days. Prof. A L. Gus, of Huntingdon Globe, it not yet out of the woods. jd' A drunken man at l'etuville swallowed 10 a knife blade while taking a drink of whit- * k y. :i A farmer named Mc Mullen waa frozen , to death during the cold wsatharlast week. Foo much whisky. d Convicts in the Ohio penitentiary hare „ e been detected counterfeiting nickel*. Well or hat beats old Nick. A[| -Milroy M iHati -, < rrected weekly by 1 1). Shelmire, Wheal $1 IXI to ji 1 Baney 050 to SOc Oats SOc le SkV. | Clorer Seed $0 00 to $b 75. | Rye 05c to TQc. Pork 7c to Sc. Butter 26c to 28. Eggs 25c Cera *0 to 52. Beef SO to $0,75 per 100 lbs. UKLLKFON'TB MARKETS. White iYheat $1 'JO Red 115....Kre80 new Ci't 046 old . Oat JO Barley 00 70 Clorerseed ,6,50 Potatoes 30 Lard per pound 8. Pork per pound 06 Butter A). Kggsls Plaster prrton $U Tallow 8...... Bacon 10 Ham 15 Lard per pound 8 cents. Buck eheat CU. ..F.our per barrol retai!7,C>... Nora Scotia plaster S! J to 16. Cavuga plaster $0,50 per 2uu. lbs. I' ICKNSE -Not lua it gi v#n J that T. M Hall hat filed bit petition for a tavern license in Miletburg boro., and tliut application will be made to the court to grant the same at January • *- ion* next. Joel King Tarern Marion twp A WILLIAMS i oJan 3 i Prothonotary. | N THE ORPHANS COUKTOFCEN-' I THE COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of Robert El der, dee'd. The auditor appointed by the saij Court U> a •certain the ad vam ement and make distribution of the funds in the hand of the administrators of Robert Elder, dec d, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at hi* ofßee, ir Belleinnte on Tins day the eighteenth dav of January. A l. t 187fl. atone o'clock, p. m.. of said day. when and where all parties inter--ted can attend if thev seo proper. D F FORTNEY. 6 Jan 3 t Auditor. J> KG IS 1 KK - M>T lcks The following nceour.;* have been exam ined and !pa*en by me and remain filed ol Record in this e f,-r the inspection jof heirs, legatee*, creditor* and allot her* in any war interested and will be present ed to the Orphan* C-*r an d yu* Alice daughter of Jonathan Krvuiuer, heth "f MilHieim In Bruih taller, > :i the l.h. I y the Rev J ti Shoemaker, Mr John Sho k to Mitt it" (' Line, both of the Vicinity of Far inert Mill* 4t the retid' e fthe Irile ia; her, Dec, I .M I*v R*i W K. Fucher Mr Heitiri ( S\ olf, of l'ena twit to Ellen Biinor of Potter. DEATHS. On Dec '.'l, Cora Little, daughter oi George II biiJ Eve D Slever, aged 3 year*. I month and 14 day*. "Go. lilt!* loved ene go, A mother'* heart can t*!i. And none hut her can fully know IK tv hard to tny Farewell.' 1 On "M, at Potter - Mill*, John 11. Brcon, aged Id year*, -I month* and k'l day* At Tylerrville, Clint u county, Aaton Gr*ib, aged 4'J year* 3 month* and 13 day*. At Nitianv Junction, I net weak, Mr. Thorn at Hut! n, aged about fV6 > earr. Gn \\ i dnesday Dec T.<, in P -Uer twp, Mr*. Kerlin, wife of Jn. Kerlin. Born in Lancetter city Died luddenly of par alvti* o{ the'lung-. Age years ami 1 dev. Dec. !> John Ouum, Born in Dau phut co. Pa., l)e. 18, 17lk'. Age, nyl veart *nd 10 day*. On 2. near Centre Hall, Levi Puff, aged il year*, it month* und 17 day*. DjcaTU.— On -Monday evening, 27 Dc uibcr, at the rrtidenco of hi* ton Al- Ircii Hotteruiaii, near Centre Hal), Mr. John liosterman, aged h'Jyeart, 4 munthsj tnd 12 day*. Judge llotlermati wu well mown throughout thi* county ef which io vi* a prominent ciliten. Hi* father, lolin Hoitcrmun, who died over 20 year* go, in llaine* townchip, wat one of the arly settlers of Penntvalley la the laath of Judge Hoitermah we mourn the ou of an eiemplary elticen, a man who ra* scrupulously honeit and cenacientiou* n all hi* doing* with hi* fellow nien, rhich gained him tho esteem and respect fall who knew him The writer hereof njoyed n intimate acquaintance with the oceatod for a period of nearly 30 year*, nd a! way* knew him a* of a humane, lib ral-hearled and kind dupotition—yet traightforward and ou'.ipukon in hi* con- fictions ei right— never shirking a just re. sponsibility or duty with a heart devoid! >f vindiclivenei* towards any fellow crea ture—and charitable to the full extent of] his mean*. A farmer all his life, with the 1 ; meagre common school education of his day, he was notwithstanding a well-read' man and possessed of large intelligence' and generally < and in his Judgment and views He was elected to the office oil county commissioner sutuo twenty years ago, and discharged hi* duties with the* strictest impartiality and fidelity without respect to person- Some seven year* ago! he was elected to the office of Associate; Judge of this eounty and served the full 1 term of five year*, and in this responsible, position he displayed a clearness of JuJg inent which elicited the favorable men-] lion of the entire court. Hi* health was* always robust, until about three years ago.l when an attack ot paralysis prostrated j him for a time in speech and litnb ; ha re- jcovered somewhat again, but these at tacks repeated themselves from time l. j time in a milder form, so that for some three year* he ha* been more or less en-, feebhd and needed r.uriitir-hi* mlr.d al*-. becoming enfeebled from tbs HTsrU of these attack* Fir week* ago lie thowed signs of rapid decline, and be continued to recede until Monday evening. 27, when he expired peaceably. A short time before hi* death he seemed In full posses sion of hi* mental faculties and censors* ■! intelligently, and was conscious of hi* ap proaching end- bade hi* wife, children and relative* "good bye." He was in terred in the cemetery at this place Hit connection being cine of the largest in the county, hit funeral wa altmJtd by an Immense eoneourse ot people. RKAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I At Wolf's Old Stand. Largest Stock of Goods in the Valley! ONE PRICE! LOW PRICE! POLITE ATTENTION ! llavingjust returned from the East, and bought at panic prlcea, I am now prepared, to sell cheaper than ever before. My stock consists in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS. HOSIERY, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS dr SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, SANDALS, Ac., Ac. Ladies' and Gents' Uuderwear a spec iality. A I.AKOK BTOCK OF READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly on hand. Look nt the fig ures : Good Cuuimere Suits, SIO.OO Good Qummere Coals, $5 00 Customers will find the stock com plete, and a call is all that is required to assure you that this is the best place in tho valley to buy your goods. Remember, we hare but one price for everyone. WM. WOLF. '?(>. A National Family Paper. Tfi The (r#*t Kamll, Papsr of Am-rl,-#. lb# oolj nmpar #l|Mialn£ mveTJ AWlndlrr. (|UACK Anil HUMFCAS. And •• UK millions lo th public. IA flow t'Ailj f.. r Om On timolol RARUL-ALAN, A.-ID lyO.uw MOW (lrllhtd ttibtrrlb ors TH K ST A R SPANG LED UA N N KR , |,r,i' #l*ll PA#, SO cnlnmn pAp-r, I <-.l-r ,|><- „, rtll' UtA llh C-llAlllllri* !ltl-A. TAIoA, bkvlrhr. l',„lr>. WH. Humor A ltd tun It aim nil now 11. , 1|... Kl*l>tA. HocrMs. Art#. Ac . So., bus A Clilldron'A IMtrtiMSb* |iAtUn*nl. I'uiilrri I ornrr. lir ell.. And bt A p-rfocl Fmll, l';.ft. 11 .....liiiith ItA A|wclAll tU Ollntot. r.rrf Frsud. I 1 UlllOUge ya.ti, Nwindlrr. And • llAAt'• Kvt-r, numbor bAA fl. rnlumni nt Iruthfal, mliAlilii >(> moniA No .AWDUSL lottor., (111, bond, or "pat And call" SAttf rAit er "CAU II ' joa If ,oa roAd thlA rr-AI PA p-r II Ai|>e All Baladlcrv wllhnat f-Ar or tAror And IAA A U-t of orr ItAAi. wiih nAinoA And "SAIOOH " It f , But T& rontA A r-Ar. and I. aent propatd II I-tlnla ..orywhoro. It I. lu.t tho paimr for-rrry honio, Southorn of N--rthrrtt. it la not polltlral, ro llgl .otor AO, (Allan It wavoa for all. htartt-.l in 1-o.t It ha, gtina on for IS j-oaro. and la road hjr ltm.ot.l po -plo You want It and trill havo It annul llmo. Wh, not now ? Elegant Chroinns HHcndid V Kr.fchS~ ♦ 1 wbl, alx ?ill InchiMi. hunt) tununtd, antl wo (any four of and IUNNRU ,a wholr yoar. all froo. for tfl. Tnoa# ar otiulno fihramoi suiUkbl* for any parlor, fto oilier premiums nfferedr. \ I '1 St Wtird Ussaslor, reiueniher la? 6is t \ uru. rounlrjr , oenUmnlal During this ono do a Na4(f>nal, patriotic wide awaVa papar. ona that la i for Kihl ami sgalnat wmii* ona that knows ro parljr, no north, aouth oaat or woat; but a paper intended for arnry reader on# I that savet itHn y to its reaslrra bp *t post up t he "trick* 1 and trapa" of swlndiedom - and now ia tha fltue. You har# lut It off Uk> long. Hand to day. Now ia tha ac caplad time. Kee 74 oenU Aoourot thl srost PA per A Y.IAR ! WiO, fourchArmj[n* afciuwot,unl* fl. i nam br< tcnl for IS cent#. SprclmonA -I(O,UK rn.,l vi . rn , frncto All. (tend f. rlt now. CtlSlA llidlllnc to Ann It •end OYdAjfto 11ANN K KIVL'UI Ibll INUK_ t> . 111 II^Ia lo " dc. IS run DF. FORTNEY, Attorney at Law] Bcllofonto, Pu. OUico over Re ,-- oaifls* hank. may WW Don't Buy HARD COAL BASE BURNE g, II I.A I I.NO HToVK, until you have a: ( *mined the '■ THE IU si & Handsomest the bed imported Ca.tile Soap, and at tho tame i, me „|| tl , t wattling and deeming pruperli** of the celebrated German and French Laundry "< •apt. It it therefore recommended for uc- in the Laundry, Kitchen, and Hath room, and tor general household purpe .ee; alto, for Printei-, Paint.-r*, Engineer*. i' 1 . *§ it till renioiif ttiiru oi Ink, >'■ Her U. tm. The (ranger Store! Something New! CASH AND PRODUCE FOR CHEAP GOODS. SHORT CREDIT A SHOUT PROFITS. isit f. i i. (.it i:vom,r. Spring Mills has t-sUbluhed a store to suit the tunes, and has a complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTION'S, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, fjUKF NSW A KK ! HATS, CAPS. ~i ,a, ROOTS A SHOES. |FISH. SALT. cigars, tobacco, DRUGS, SPICES, OILS. In short a tuti line of EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICKS THAN ELSEWHERE COME AND JUDGE FOR YOUR SELVES. ,sfeb. y. Simon Haines, CENTRE HALL, Manufacturer of Citrrliktxcw. iiuniM, M ngonw. Ar, ■ Of every description ; running gear for all kinds of vcluclri. made to order, and in first class manner. Being a practical mo u?ri c i. 1 w " u i d WARRANT ALL >\RK to give satisfaction. Repairing promptly att.nd. d to at the lowest rate* Undertaking. Coflins of all style* made on shortest noti* o. The business of undertaking attended to in all iU branches. Respectfully solictU s share of public patronage. 9 M pl y j UAnnta j n sHfnrHT j a.pfave juu.s uusraa. r*TgßMovaa Pennsvalley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL PA RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow In/ere*t, Discount Note „ „ , Bur and Sell Csorcrnment Securities, Gold and! _ .. Coupon Pataa llurrza. Ww. B Mrxoi a, ''res I. Cashier BE ATT Y iIUfE THK BEST IN USE ;x*-S*nd stamp f*r Circular. DANIEL F. BEATTt, Wuhmitui, Now .!or*v. I OIIN if. POTTER, Atlorney-st-Law. fl Collodions promptly made and special attention (riven lo thoee having lands or property for aale Will draw up and have acknowledged Deed*, Mortgages, Ac. Office in the diamond, north tide o the court house. Bellefonl*. nctttySßlf FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN. If Jhe long end of the tithe is inserted in the coir's teals, vhen the milk irxil Jtoic, irilhout the aid oj the hands. The attention oF Dairymen it called to the above cut, which represents a SIL YKR MILKING TUIiE, by which mort than half the lime and labor of milking cows it caved. Four tube* to a set, which will be cent postpaid to all part* of the country on receiptor Two Dollar* per set An Agent > wanted in every county, to whom a liberal discount will be allowed Address the manufacturer. OEOROE P. PILLIHO. 701 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. i"%_ All kinds of Secret Bocicty work. Jewels, Emblems, Badges and Silvarware generally. Diplumss awarded at the Berks, Mont gomery, Chester and Rucks County Faire. For testimonial* son the Practical "Farmer for September and Oatober. Send for cir culars. 7oct9m. Tubes can be seen at the Reporter office —they are asueceaa. O. T. AI.KX4XI>KK. (' M. BOWERS A LKXANDF.It A BOWERS, Attor i\.'icys at- Law. Bellnfonto, Pa. Special attention gtvon to Collections, and Or phans' Court practice. May ho consulted in German and English. Office in (tar man's Building. ray'2R'74-t, K J OKN IK IK F DENTIST. Is still located at Pine Grove Mills and is now prepared to travel lo the homes ol patient*at a distance and rander any de sired service ill his line, in the best man ner, of best quality and at reasonable rule*. Insertion of n<-w dentures made a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain. UK--KY SHOCK RRIIOrr, J. P. >H ISKST President, Cashier. QKNTRK COUNTY BANKING CO (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, Buy aci Selk Covcrnment Secuiilies,Gold A aplO'fiHtf Coupoa*. JQR.B.O. GUTELIUB, Dontlst, Millhoim. Offers bis professional services to the public. Ho Is prepared to perform all operations in tho dental profession. is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain. mjß-78-tf. L. SPANOLKR. Attornev-at-Law, L Bellefonto, Pa. Office with A l ocum. Consultation in English and German. Collections promptly attend "d l - fobS-tf D. M. RITTENHOUSE, WITH MOONS, NCIIWARZ A CO. , WIIOI.KSALK PKAI.KKS 1* Fish, Cheese and Provisions. Hi North Delaware Avtnue, 137 North Water Street, a An U PniLADKLPniA. rtifl'T J -*w KVV STOKE, NEW GOODS AND R Panio Prices. 11. A. LAHKIMER. at the old Centre Hill .land. J ml opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! I A large variety of La die* Dresa Good* Great Bargain* in Mualitj* and Calicoes, j Kt-ndy-madu Clothing Warranted to Suit. ! Ilia Cloth* and Caeeitnera, Caul bo excelled His Grocery Department. 4*t<>ni*he* every one In assortment and low price*. syrup, Kugnr, Tan Coffee fanned frulu. Dome*tic and Foreign Fruit*. Ufeeaae, ' and every other artic le belong ing to the Grocery in en i. War Kernier., Mechanic* and laborer* ittuk in your interest One dollar *aved l> a dollar In pocket. Then call and ce at what astonishingly low price*. Mr So trouble to show Good* "%t Also the choicest Family Flop* ah way* on hand. Apr. 16, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL. PA DEALER* IN PURE DRUGS ASI) MED ICI EES, CHEMICALS OILS, DYE STUFFS, PBKPUWKRY. NOTIONS PANUk ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac , Ac., Ac. PI ltl MIM: ANII LIQIOHN, for medicinal purpose*. I ruaaea & Supporters in greal variety. Also, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO. and all other artielaa usually kept in a flrrtclaa* Drug Store. I'rawriptious carefully Compounded - l -cttf MILL ERA.HON. lit ad junrleia for liooU tod Shoe. ! P O W E R S' BOOT AND SHOE. STORE, Opposite Bush House, BKLLKFONTK. PA. Powers' Boot A Shoe Store it the largest and beet stocked establishment in Centre Ivounty. j He keep* constantly on band a full line of II O (ITS A * II IDOEI. He is Just opening the largest etoek of Spring Goods ever brought to Bellefonle. r]M2§ M $ £ 3 for ladies, kept constantly on hand. Boots and Shoe* for mea and woman, of all styles, quality and price*, from the most costly to the cheapest, constantly kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either in quality or price*. Call and examine hi* new alack of Spring and Summer Goods, and you will find it to your advantage. Apr2lly. NEWYOHK BRANCH STORK, McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, Bollefonte, Pa. 11. HERMAN si* CO., Prep'r*. Dry Goods* HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN- C Y GOODS. ITKICTLY Fill T-C LASS 00001, Below Ihe I Mini Priced. f. h. viuoi. i, a. KirtA B. g. yyifg WILSON & HICKS, WHOLESALE AN'l) RETAIL HARD WARE DEALERS. IRON, PAINTS,OILS, GLASS,AC- Builders Hardware COACH MAKER'S GOODS. CABINET MAKER'S STOCK. Stoves of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS, &C. WILSON A IIICKS. Bellefonto, Pa. NOTICE.—We will tell to responsible men on throe months credit. Mill take off & j>er cent for cash which it equal to at* per cent, per annum. It will pay the pur chaser to borrow at 10 from other parties, if he can save in buying from us. In this way wo can turn our monev and sell low er. Marl&. U. CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. 0. DKININOKH. A now, complete Hardware Store has beon opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hall, where he is prepared to sell all kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nails, Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Clothes Rack*, a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frnmes, Spoke*. Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Fork*. Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs. Horse-Shoea, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Tea Bella, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Pictures framed in the finest style. Anything not en band, ordered upon shortest notfre. Remember, all .soda offered cheap er than elsewhere aug 26' 78-tf. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM KAXKIVN D-rii g S < o i- e, (NEXT DOOR TO THE DESCHHKR OUR STORE.) FRK 811 ANI) CHEAP Apr 22. NEW Tile Manufactory. WOODWARD, PA. The undersigned has opened a new Tile whop for manufacturing all kind, of Tiles lorsoni wishing to drain off their land will ple&ao cull ami examine our stock as we make the round and also the horseshoe tllO. For sample call at the Reuortor office D. VKNADA ASON, dl oct 3m. Woodward. BEATTY pl * " o I WEIGHS WHEN BOXED OVER ONE. THOUSAND POUNDS. Diber.l terms! to dealers. Patent Adjustable Store S/, >• ■■ '• 1 Useful & Ornamental. *•• Uk u> BUOMUMV. -—TII IM M itDi ! EASSBHEI* j K^" U ' —<>- M wumiM] FURNITURE. JOII.V BKECaBIU, ii&ir" *" *""" *>"" ,i ~ i H0? rftiffiSS^^TSPU. 0 monetl to the mutt element. OR A M liEU HETS. PA It LOR SETS 80FA8, CHAIKH, BEDHTEAIiS] WOOL MAITKKS.SK/s lIAIK MAT TKES.SKS, tod anything wanted in the lint of bk business-homemade tad city work. Ai * •P*}®"** • keep, oi hand, the largest and finest stock of WALL PAPER. o °? d V® •J,U ! *pnabl# rates. wholesa,' •nd relti!. Give him m call before wt cheeipg elsewhere. febSdy J. ZELLER i & • CENTRE IIALL.PA. I Would moat respectftilly inform thecit i tens of this vicinity, that ho haa atnrted al' new Root and Shoo Shop, and would be ) thankful for a ahare of the public patron- ® ago. Boot® and Shoo* made to order and \ according to style, and warrant* his work , (to equal any made elsewhere. All kind* of repairing done, and charges reasonable- Give him a call. fob IS ly Q UMMIN£B HOUB T? •allefonte, FA. ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. The Cumrainga House, on Bishop street is one of the ple&santest located hotels in the town. It has the beat stable* in the plaoo, has an exoellont livery attached and •very attention will be paid guests. No pains will be spared to uiake it a pleasant agreeable stopping place for the pub lic. Boarding by tbe day or week, and charged will always ho found very 'ww. . tune 17 BEATTYTSI£I tgfljyjlSKD BY THE HIGHEST ML\ iMliwi M • liauaM w) i-..*,.!.!. •■--]- lie 1 All —imtlMn rmlM' lr, to bai< um f T — <^T. D K ft KINK, [dac 28 m. Ctt.tic Hull, Pa. J kok PA KM Kite AND ALiroTHlfß Go to I. Guggenheimer. FOR FOKEIOK A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING, DitRSSOOODS, osoceium, FROiriUOXS, BOOTS 4 shoes, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS A SHOES CLOTHING. OIL (LOTUS AMl> FA*CT ARTICLE* QUXRMSWAKk, GROCERIES. PKA VDsIONK, PLOUK. Ac " d '• "o* prwpsretl to accomodate a 1 uu old customers, and to welcome ai new ones who may favor him with tbeir patronage. He feeia aafe in my - tug that he can pleaee the moct faetidi oob Call and aee. p a r. Mr.Buawnan anil continue, todeal in L nr^?o KB SHOE.PINDINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in tne old room,whera be may aiwmts be found. I" HE underaigaad, determined to meet the popular demand for Lower rrioea, ramleijilly C.TI* the attention ef tbe public to ht* lock of SADDLERY, °° w * d>e old aland. Deigned especially for the people and the time*, tba moil varied and coxspttu at. tovtmenlo 1 Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridle*, of every description and quality ; Whip*, and in .act averyth ng to complete afir.t -kt*k* U nfeSß? 1 " !• now offer*at pricaa which will atrft tbe timet JACOB DINGES.Cen.ra Hall Chas. H. Held" mwlter dk J weler Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. at! kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of the lata** atvles, a* also the Naranvtlfe ratant Calendei'Clocka, provided with a complete index of the month, end day o. the month and week on ,u face, which ia warranted a* a perfect time-keeper JlV*Ooeka, Watches and Jewelry re paired on abort notice and warranted. BROCKERHOFF HOUSET BELLE FUN TETta. E. PLRK.S d SON, Prop'rm. This well known hotel, situate in the business portion of the lown, ha* been thoroughly renovated, repainted and fur tiiahed new. It will he the aim of tha pro pnetoi* to make it a pleasant Home for those whomay favor them with their net ,A V** twrriage is run to the de pot, and lh- beat stable* in town arecoa ayted with tbe Home. 29apr BEATTY~'.AS?£ ano Forte combinee every improvement in tone with power *nd great durability, and has received the unqualified endorsements of the high est Musical authorities for its Marvellous -xtraordir.nry richness of Tons, having J0 SUPERIOR !>' THE >VORLD: l*rfe use, 71 Octaves, overstrung Bast, full iroo Frame, French Grand action, Fm Desk, Carved Pedal, Solid Rosewood Mouldings, Ivory Key Front, Capped Hem mors, a Grade Treble, Ac., he, he. w eight whea boxed over Oee Thousand rounds. Liberal discount to the trade. Agents W anted—(male or female.) ' . #M*Seod stamp for Circular. Address l u S PISH! 0 ': • nd Proprietor. DA MEL F. BE ATTI, \V ashing ton, New Jersey. C. PE CK 'S The undersigned has opened a n*w es tablishment. at hit new shops, fot the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, SLEIGHS A*X> SLXDS. PUIS XX D FXXCR of every description . All vehicles manufactured by him are warranted to render satisfaction, and as equal to any work done elsewhere. He uses none but the best maternal, and employ* the most skillful workmen. Hence they flatter themselves that their work can not be excelled for durability and finish. Orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. Come and examine my work before ontra ctingielsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, ! AH kinds of Re paring done. HARDWARE STORE. J. & J. HARRIS. No. 6, BROCKERUOFF ROW. A new and 'complete Ha.-xlw&re Store has been opened by the undersigned in BrockerhoflS new building-where they are prepared to sell all Rinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, i&teel Nail*. L ,* heel \. lB ■**. Champion !Clothes"TYringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hand Saws Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, .Ice Cream Frecxera, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a full assortment of Qlaas and Mirror Plate of all Picture Frame*, Wheelbamiwa, Lamp* Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes, Felloes, and Bub* 1 1 tows, Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow 1 ointa. Shear Mold Boards and Cultiva- | lor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Fork*. Locks. Hinges, Screws. Sash .springs, Nails, Norway Hods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal, |Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, Vice*, Bellows. i^ c "w Blacksmiths Tools, Factory Hells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpenter Tools, Fruit dars and Cans, Paint, Oils, V armshes received and for sale at luneh OS-it J A J HARRIS. THE ADJUSTABLE ufactored by DANIEL DEKK ; Bellefonte, Pcnn'a. I s*-i'