MOTHER'S OLD KITCHEN. How sweet to my night wm my mother'* old kitchen, A* prompted by hunger. I entered Uierein The kettle* end sauce-pans they looked *o be witching, And * halo of glory surrounded the tin. The beg of old Jar*- -the coffee-mill by it. The tea-urn and caddy on ahelf Juet above ; The jar of nice pickles. and all the good vic tual*) And the jnicy tniuoo-puj* which *o dearly] love, The tender-enwt pica, the spicy nniH-e-pie*. The aweet, Juicy pies which no dearly I lore. My mother's old kitchen was always the haven Where ta childish distress 1 put in for relief. And the tablets of memory wiU ever be graven With the pastry ooufeoliona that smothered my grief. How eager I'd tease, while mother was making A squnral-ahwped paths, or eonichmee a dove; And with lipa that were watering. I'd watch while twae baking - The Juicy nuuce-piea which eo dearly I love. With my alphatar!akc yet again of the pice lliai 1 love— The teuder-cruet pies, the spicy mince-pics. The sweet, juicy piea. 1 so dearly still love. A tWrlsai WeWtss lii the gardens of a restuarant at Berlin, a sun-burnt Herman ami his Japanese wife make their aptearance every evening. The wife was lirought from Japan by Iter hu*band. It is an understood thing that future honor* await tills man, for lie is chosen as soe retary to the l.orxl of Richthofeii. l*rince Hisruark possesses an only daughter, betietheiyd Kichthofen, who is to proceed as Herman Ambassador to the Court of Japan, and lie must take a secretary who understands the Jap anese language; selection there is none aud only one man can lw found to till the situation. How hipiiert la-came possessed of his Japanese treasure was related by himself when iti a jovial frame of tniud only a few days since. In INTO, Kippert was serving as stcw arvi's mate on board the Ariadne, a Prussian man-of-war. Suddenly, tin news arrived that France had declared war against Germany. The French pronounced the Ariadne to be in block ade, and she was closely watched by hcr formidable enemies, who outnum bered her bv three to one. At that time, llerr Von Brandt was the Prus sian Ambassador at Jeddo, and bis sec retary was suddenly taken ill, so Brandt sent to ask the Captain of the Ariadne if he could spare him one from amongst his crew who was capable of acting as his secretary. The Captain selected the Stewart's mate, Kippert, aud he was solemnly installed as Secretary to the Embassy, "But my dear fellow," said Herr Von Brandt, "you must marry ; we want aw oman to act as housekeeper, kippert inquired of the ambassador where he could find a wife. Herr Von Brandt called his Japanese servant who understood a little Herman, and said to him, "Jack, here are ten dollars; sad dle two horses, aud ride to the village with Kippert, and buy him a wife there." An hour later, Kippert and Jack trotted gaily forth, aud arriving shortly before sunset at the village which contained a number of huts. Be fore these huts were large tanks of water, in which the women and girls of the place paddled about, arrayed in the primitive dress of our mother ETC. Kippert proceeded along at a foot's pace; he looked through his glasses, taking ocular inspection as he passed. When he hail made his choice he pointed out to Jack the lady of his se lection. The servant rode up to the hut o( the father of the young lady and l>egged him to come out of doors and talk to him. He stated the object of his visit, and the father demanded twenty dollars for his daughter, but subse quently accepted five. Jack turned his horse and trotted back to Kippert. The father made a sign to his daughter. She jumped joyfully out of the tank and ran forward to Kippert,s horse, which she prepared to follow with much alac rity and signs of great delight. Kip pert got down from his horse to make a bow to the lady, and at the sam- time he slipped a sack that he had aiready over her head. He had previously cut three holes in the sack for the h-ad and arms; thus adorned, in due deference to European customs, they proceeded on their journey. Jessa, as Herr Von Brandt called her, learnt with great ease to clean the rooms, to make the beds, and to wash up the cups and saucers. Her husband made her two dresses with his own clever fingers, in which she seemed most proud to walk about. When the time arrived that Kippert was able to return to Germany with Herr Von Brandt, he wished to send Jessa twek to her father, but she flung herself at his feet, weeping vio lently, and entreating not to be left be hind ; so he decided ou taking her with him. He had been legally married to Jessa, who has been christened, receiv ing the name of Marv; and the pretty Japanese now speaks German anil move* in society as if she had been educated in a first-rate boarding school. Magalßceat Balls. Although rhetorician* hesitate a little to denominate the "bull" a figure of speech, yet the frequency with which it occurs, the dauger which everyone is under of perpetrating one, anil the cousinship it sustains to hyperbole, all combine to give it a half assured posi tion in the list of figures. Coleridge defines a "bull" thus: "It is a mental juxtaposition of Incongruous ideas, with the sensation, but without the reality, of connection." Jerrold's tipsy ser vant, after long fumbling at the door with his key, finally declared that some scoundrel had stolen the key-hole, a drunken notion which approached the nature of a bull. The hull is not con fined to the Irish. Many of the best come down from Greece and Koine. It was a Greek who heard that a goose lived 200 years, and bought one to see, who shut his eyes and looked la the glass to see what sort of a corpse tie would make; and who, having a houae for sale, carried round a brick as a spe cimen. But the Irish have acquired a reputation for "bulls," and roust keep it. It is suggested that the Irishman speaks a foreign language, and so is not so accurate as an Englishman ; but this does not account for the odd mistakes sometimes made by those Irishman w ho never knew a word of Celtic. Perhaps, after all, the best explanation Is that offered by an Irishman: "Sure it must be In the climate. If an Englishman was born in Ireland, he would make just as many." This piece of uninten tional richness was good, but not quite so racy as the conduct of a Dublin mob, who had a spite against a banker, and tried to ruin him burning £20,000 of his bank's notes. A rarer list is given, comprising, among others, the Irishman who stole chocolate, aud he and "his ould 'omau made tay of it;" the waiter and the restaurant guest: "Tay or coffee, sir?" "Tay." "Got no tay;" he who played at cards, and, inspecting the pool, missed a shilling. "Here B a shilling short! Who put it iui"' and the two prominent members of the Irish bar, one of whom knocked the other down, and told hhn he would make him be have like a gentleman; but the other, rising with Irish valor; "I defy you, sir? no, sir, you could uot do it." Neither are the lovers forgotten. "I will never speak to you more," said he with extreme vexation. "Keep vour spake toyourself, then," said she, "I am sure I can live without it, or your company." "I'm sure so can I, then," was the wrathful rejoinder. Trie "poor fellow whose eyes "hadn't gene to gether the whole night for thinking of liis darling," and lie "could not sleep at night for dreaming of her," keeps company with him who desired an affectionate duughter to marry liiui, and see if lie did not "beat her mother and with him who wanted a meeting contrived with his inamorata when neither of them "knew the other was present." The lllliernian paterfamilias is also displayed who wanted the chil dren kept in the nut aery while he was at home, although he "would not object to their noise If they would onlv keep ! quiet;" in company with the Wggar ' woman, who was the mother of "six small children and a sick husband." | This worthy lady was probably a near relative of Iter whose son Itill "just made tw o chairs and a fiddle otti of his • own head, and had plenty of wood lefl for another." Here are also tin- physi cian w ho, lu a case of infanticide, could not determine "w helher the chiltl was alive at the tluie of Its death or not : and the woman who fell into a well and j was thankful to "Providence and an ! other woman" for assistance in getting ; ! out. The man who lamented the fright ful mortality, since "there were people I dying this year who never dltd before;" i the man w ho, after an illness, "w as : f sick for a long time after he gut well," j on account of the doctor** doses; he who ' would not tight a duel because of bis i unwillingness to "leave hi*aged mother an orphan;" together with the |Hor I boy who complained that his parents I treated him a* if he were "their -on by | | another father ami mother;" all are ! here, and the list 1- very appropriately I closed by the account of the Irishman who was riding a mule, when the hind foot of the latter became entangled in 1 the stirrup, "Bo dad, If you're going to get up. it's toimc tor mesolt to get I down." Vii tlt > .Wiy'Vl iiNil V (h 1 ' Litemtwr. KM W IISI I>K* t>bi age find* uo keener outdoor j pleasure than to revi-it the seashores familiar to it from childhood, t hen memory and reflection summon iln-pa-t to their silent sessions, a- the man, j cheered, it may be ho|ied, wiib allot 1 love ami deferetwo w hlcli -tumid acvom- ; panv old age, watches at evening the Ashing-boat* hoist their sails to jas.s the harhor-har ere the tide I alls, and so, with (heir large brown spread of can vas, sweep niaie-tically Into tlie niglit. The grandchildren, it may ta, play around; their father walks up and down, ! unfolding to hi* approving wife in the intervals of his cigar the plan of his great work * /Amorpkirtu, which is to waft him on to fame. All thing*around hint, the aged man ponders, are full of hope and innocent enjoyment, each looking on to some higher stage, some blessing * to blossoih in the future. Ha* uot this reflection a comfortable bearing on his own years, which are fast Hearing their earthly term I Aud if Hie inestimable boon be further granted him of knowing that his life has not altogether t>eeu spent uselessly and selfishly, if he l>e conscious of a good light not unfairly j fought, if not a lew memories of kiiidlv deeds beset him, of effort- made not whoilv lu vain to carry out the law of love in his dealings with others. If j peaceable thoughts and pure fancies and j righteous deeds and helping word* have been the diet on which he has fed his soul, who would not envy him this re trospect of life, mellowed by the sea's freshness, and with each hard outline softened by its gracious influences ? ■ Then, turning from the past to the pres ent, the sea spread out before him. with its sails mysteriously sinking below the horijoii to seek another world, uiust needs remind hiui of the numts-rles philosophers and jioets who have loved to view in it "that immortal sea which | brought us hither," as well as the sea ( which rounds our little life, the un known waters on which, when our an chors are once weighed, we must dark , ling make our voyage. The sea is thus the latest, as it was our earliest, lustruc- i ' tor. Its vastuess, it* brighuie**, its union of {w-rpetual agitation with oen tial peace—all tliese qualities are now but symbols of the future state, as they served in youth for the work of fancy, j or of encouragement and solace in man hood. From tlds world's sea old age thus insensibly passes to the "sea of glass like unto crystal" before the throne of Hod. Finally, In order that it may strengthen the man at tout to suffer this "sea-change" in a higher sense than Shakespeare ever dreamt, the notion of trustfully waiting is also inherent in the sea. Lowell seldom wrote grander I words than w hen he thus dwells on this aspect of the sea ami the home beyond: "The tifoopiag mi-vnl h*r*. la o!{M Far aad more tar the vara'* raaaJiof stocks, Sot d.'Ubu, for all Ui darka-e* aad lb* am, Thai tk* pale eke; hirdeu *lll k—p her Irrel, Sad ehureward Wad afala k-r faaaa-Srered Ixkl Aad. though Tkr kaailag mien far withdraw, t, k*>, can wait aad f—d a hope f Th<- Aad at the dear recurrence of The law. Sure that the parting grace thai auraiag saw." lodellng. Clay is the material most commonly approved and used for modeling. It is wet with pure water, carefully freed from all foreign substances, beaten and worked to a projw-r state of firmness, and is then ready to take the shape of the ideal formed in the artist's mind. With the simplest tools orhotnc man ufacture, made of ivory or bone or box wood or rubber or cedar, of with his bare fingers, the arti-t fashions the plastic material, aiul touches and re touches it a thousand times, until the image before him is the counterpart of that in his mind's eye. Sometimes he works all day on the corner of a mouth to get it just right, and then puts the mcdel away di-.-atistied. but taker- it out again and continues his laltor till, at last, some happy touch makes the w hole complete. Very careful is he to keep the clay moist, and for this he sprinkles It through a fine hose with water, and covers it in Intervals of labor w Ith a rubber cloth, that its plas ticity be in no wise diminished. N hether the figure be finally draped or not, it is modeled uaked, so that severity and truth of form, u|*) which the excellence of sculpture so much de pends, may be made perfectly sure. The other day we stood beside the modeling stand of an artist whose in imitable groups are familiar to every cultlvatcueye in the land, and watched . his skilful baud as it worked the veins ' Into an oak leaf. "My talent is patience said he; "I never weary of working at my model till it suite me. The fault w itli novices in the art is that they ex pect fine results too soon; they do not keep their clay moirt enough, and they are not patient." Modelers in clay are we all. The tools with which we work are simple enough; they are the duties, the pleas ures, the crosses, the burdens of life, made to our hand, waiting to be used. The ideal to be wrought out must be in each individual heart. Hy education, ( by discipline, by correction, fault- must be removed from the character, which is the plastic material on which we work. The drapery is the body. If the shape beneatti is perfect, the dra pery will be easily adjusted to it, for as Spencer says, "Soul is form ami doth the body make." Patience must pre side from the tieginuing, middle, and end of the work. The clay must be kept over more plastic with the love of truth and purity. Nothing will harden it so quickly as vice and prejudice. And we must work till our life's end on the corners of the mouth, on the lines about the eyes, on the curves of the brow, on the pose of the head, till the Mater appear ami pronounce the "Well done. That his eye may ap prove, the form beneath all the drapery must be modeled in the severe and naked simplicity of Truth and Virtue. To many of us Is given the modeling of characters other than our own. It I is in our power by judicious training, by the power of love, by the inspiring influence of example, to work out nat ural defects in the clay, and to impress on it images of beauty; to fashion it in . fair and graceful outlines, and make of it a vessel unto honor. "Like clay in the hands of the potter" are the hearts of our children in ours, and we are, i whether we are conscious of it or not, i molding their destinies. What skill, what wisdom, and above all, what : patience we need! I ~, Ready Money. Keep ready money on hand if you I can. No matter if it is only a little sum. | If It is only sufficient for the current I expenses, it is a great convenience to i say the least. Any one who lias tried and compared the credit with the cash ■ system, will readily admit the correct ness of the above remark. When you buy for cash you generally get things ' cheaper—get better weight and measure ! and all the favors the dealer can ex tend to his patrons. On the Chronic credit system, the matter is usually re versed. If you try to avoid credit by borrowing, you improve matters very little, if any. llence we give this ad vice, "Turn an honest penny" whent ever you can, and always have snfficien moneyoii hand to meet your small en gagements. AUBHTUTIUU Vol \i, SKKk riut tut Hi H inn. It it now U-giuiiing to lie well under stood that slock of all kind* should l*< well kept during it* early growth. The carcass can lie made larger and heavier; there i* no lo** by keeping, a* In the ease where stock 1* held over to fatten at mat mil \ ; and heifer* ate brought to calf sooner with equal or superior strength, and Increased capaetlty for milk. It W also fonml that pigs lit tered in spring and turned to the huletier lu autumn, yield the greatest profit, A lamh dropjied early and well kept, w ill turn out a fleece equal and sometimes superior to a mature -beep, and w ill In- a sheep iti aire. I] e saw it -tated In the Indiana Farmer where the lambs sheared seventy-two pounds of w 001, averaging over font teen pound* per head, one rant latub yielding twenty pounds of "clear wool." The breed was a cross of the t'ol*wold and Iw-lcester. At a recent sale of Short-Horn* in England it was shown that young bul locks a tear to a year and a ball old can be fattened clieajier and fwlth more pro tit than If held to a greater age, the animal to lie fed for the shambles front birth. Hut the principle applies to other breeds and Other stocks, notably swine; and as to sheep, where is there greater protlt, If rightly managed, than lu titling lambs tor the butchert Propped lit the spring and sold in the tali, a lime not embracing over five mouths, lambs can lie made to yield more percentage of profit on their keep than is obtained from the wool ami the increase of carcass of the mature sheep. I'ash i- obtained ill the first case in 1,-,, than half the time required in the last. There is no profit in keeping fui the mere sake ot keeping. The flesh of young animals is being more and mure preferred. Old porker* are discarded, and pig* are taking their place—this from the ju-riod that fur ii is he* "crackling" v roast pig to lite time when maturity rlix-us and gives cuni|iactlie*s to the tender texture-. So with poultry, which i* tender onlv in the young bird. In the young animal we have grow th ami the storage of fat, all tender and sweet, and new ly made —not the old flesh and fat, becoming tough ami rank by long confinement in the system, and subjected to agitation ami oilier influences which [M-rtaiu to the mature hog. To Out vi\ FMt'iT i now H iKin \ Tun *. —A correspondent of The American Agriculturist says: "1 wisli (<• de scribe to you s method of making fruit trees bear,that I bluudered on to. Some fifteen years ago 1 had a -mail tree that leaned Considerably. I drove a -take by it, tied a *trlug to a limb, am! fast ened it to a stake. The next year tiiat liuib blossomed full, and not another blossom appeared on tlit- tree, and, as Tim Bunker say*, 'it sot me a-tiiiukiiig' and 1 came to the conclusion thai the string vv as so tight that it prevented the *ap returning to the roots; consequently it formed fruit buds. Having a couple of pear trees that were large enough to bear, but that had never lilintoiuel, I took a coarse tvv iuc ami w mind it *ev era! times around the tree, above the lower limbs, and tied it a* light a- 1 could. l'he uext spring all the lop ainive the cords blossomed a* white as a sheet, and there was not one blossom below where the cord wa* tied. A neiglibor seeing my trees loaded with jH-ars, used this method with the same result, 1 think it is a much better way than cut ting off the roots, in early summer, say June or July, wind a strong tw inr several times around the tree, or a single limb, and tie it, the tighter the better, ami you will Is- pleased with the result; the next winter or -prlng the cord may be takeu off. TUT Van K OK MI II II. —The value of mulching trees and plant'* has long been appreciated by thow who are careful observers, ami yet but eomj>ar atively few persons estimate these mean* at their full value. Its value a* a summer protection is moat strikingly shown In hot dry seasons. It is there fore of special benefit in the Wet, tor, there are but few Seasons there hut have long spells during July ami August, where many plants suffer. Mulching is especially valuable to all newly set trees ami hedges, fur these having had their roots severely mutila ted in digging, and of necessity making but superficial roots during the first ami second seasons, are particularly liable to be injured by drouth, that j would scarcely affect those that were I standing w here originally planted, or those which had lieen planted for years. Indeed, the second season after trans planting. when trees are not mulched, is often the most fatal; since, tho tirst season they have partly subsisted U|H>U the sap contained. If the season lie f dry they often succumb and die to the surprise ef the planter. DESTROYING WKKPS. —Anybody who lias taken the trouble to observe the tendency of weeds to spring up imme diately after a shower, lias also ol served the fact that If the ground is loose after a rain no weed* will appear. Thl* is due mainly to two causes. First, weedseeds, as a rule, are very small, consequently they will germinate only in ground somewhat packed. A rain fall will always produce a crust on the soil, and as the seeds are intimately mixed with the ,-ame, the rootlet® get a chance to start. Secondly, the cultiva tion of the soil after a rain exjo*e* a larger surface to the action of th. air, consequently it dries rapidly, ami the seeds obtain no start, or if start .si, dry out and perish. Acting on these es tablished facts, it appears an easy mat ter to destroy noxious weeds by keep ing the soil iiroken. Of Count thi- ap plies only to soil and seasons not ex cessively wet, and only to cro|>* useep eepllhle of cultivation during growth. CABUHE nut STOCK. —We would re peat the communication we have often made, of the value of cabbages a* food for stock. Cabliages are rich in nitro gen, and for making milk or flesh are valuable. In gathering a patch of cab bage* for market, there will always la more or less soft heads, which are un saleable but will answer for stock-feed ing, and where heads are cut off ami sold Instead of being pulled up hy the roots, the leaves make a good feed. It Is very hard work to induce farmers to change their practices, but we think if they would try the ex|>crimcnt of rais ing an acre or two of cabbages for stock breeding they would be so well pleased with the result as to make it a part of their system of farming. When cab bages are high, the larger, firmer heads could be soli], and tile poorer, with the leaves, fed. POTATO RUT.— Mr. Francis Gerry Fairfield w rites in the Scientific Ameri can , that a "bland solution of carbolic acid in common whale oil or kerosene is the scientific remedy for the rot. The best way to use It would, 1 think, be to dip the (sitato, just before planting, in the solution, which is very inexpensive and very easily obtained. I may add that my experiments convinced me that carbolic acid in this bland solution In no way impairs the germinal activ ity of the tuber; but, byway of cer tainty. let me recommend to your far mer readers to first try the experiment on a few hills next spring, and If suc cessful, to adopt it as a remedy for the blight." THIU:KG<>OI> ItI'LKH Fun FAHMKKS.— 1. lii gathering corn, tukf such ears only an arc, flnest and from the most prolific stalk". 2. Never fake from a stalk having hut one ear, If thrifty stalks cuu lie found with two or more good-sized ears. Generally but one of them is fit for seed, and that usually the second front the ground. Hut if the lowest is the i>est, take that. Al ways take ears that are filled out to the end, and that beyond the husk, if such can be found. When you come to plant before shelling, break every ear. and see if the pith of the cob is dried up; for if it is not the corn is not rljtc. A uooi) cheap paint for hums and outhouses is made as follows: Put '.j bushel of good lime in a clean barrel, and add sufficient water to make a thin whitewash; stir it well with a flattened stick until every lump of lime is dis solved. Then add 50 lbs. mineral paint 50 lbs. whiting, 50 lbs. road dust, finely sifted. Mix to a thick paste with linseed oil and thin gradually to the proper consistence with sweet buttermilk, fresh from the churn. The covering quality is improved by the ad dition of 1 gallon soft soap. Mmtxrir. lit VINO o\ i ni iii r. The practice of buying on credit the necessary articles ol the household I* latul to good oeoil ulill. The housekeeper has always, to pal dearer when she does not pay easli, I'he tradesman must have Interest for his money, for a man will never, in a business community, Is- w tiling, and 1* seldom able if lie were willing, to forego it. To the ordinary cash prices of the article lie therefore adds the interest which max accrue during the time that credit I* allowed. This, however, is not all. There must !*' a premium exacted by the dealer for tlie risk he run* in trusting Ills giMuls to that class ol more or les dangerous cu*tome|* who uoii l pay readv money, hi en the most honestly dis|Hiscil of th< se are often un safe debtor*, (or they aic generally such as are Imprudent enough to anticipate their Incomes, and to overrun them In e\|>eiidtturrs. The credit system, umrc ovor, Is a temptation to unnecessary purchase*. There I* sort ot che* k in the sight and touch of the bard won money to the disposition to dispose ol it lightly. tin the other hand, there is something in the facility of erldlt, re moving as It due* the disagreeable tiecr*- sitv of payment to a vague future, very seductive to the buyer, vv bo can gratify hi* love of possession with a utomeiitarv sens*', at any rat*', that it* gratification *N'*ts lit in nothing. I Itere is no such cheap ami cautious purchaser as cash. To !>av I't vies INS.- —t'ut the pump kin- through laterally .clean the inside; then continue to cut. In the direction as before, ring* about half an inch thick, t'ut oil tlie rind and bang the rings on a |s>le in the sun or warm room to dry. \\ hen dried it will keep a year, it i> to tie tallied in plenty of water until tender; thou skimmed out and prepared for pies, tlie same as umlried pumpkins. Another vv ay . Take the ri|w pumpkins, pare, cut Into small pieces, ievv soft, mash and strain through a colander, as if tor making plea. Spread this pulp on plates, in layers not *|uite an inch thick; dry it in the stove oven, which should Is- kept at so lovv a temperature as not to scorch it. 111 alsmt a day It will tiecoiiie dry and crispy. The sheets thus made can lie *towel in a dry place, and thev are always ready for use for pies and sauces. The quick dry ing after ! .is'king prevents any portion from | slightly souring, a 1* nearly always the I case vv hen the uncooked pieces arc dried, the fi vvor |s much Is-ticr pre | served, ami the after-cooking is saved. To use: Soak pieces over night in a little milk, and they will return to a nice pulp as delicious as the fresh : pumpkin. How to A\ oio t'ol.i>s,—An editorial in the lirihtk .V"!,. it Jimrnttl *n catch ing cold coru lnde* thus;—" The practi cal considerations which arc the out comes of this review of the patliologi ol colds arc these: Never to wear wet cloUo'S alter active muscular exertion lias ceased, but to change them at once; to meet the los- of the body lieat by warm fluids and dry clothes; to avoid long-su-taliied 10-s of heat which is not met by increased production of heat; to increase the tonicity of tlie v* -*ela of the skill by cold tiatlis, etc., so educating them to contract readily oil ex|ssure, by a partial adoption, indeed, of the 'hardening' plan; to avoid too warm ami debilitating room* aud temperature; to take es|>eeial care again -t too great loss of beat w hen the skin is glow ing; and to prevent tlie inspiration of cold air by the uiotith by some protecting agent, as a respirator. We can readily understand how a respirator should Is an effective protection against w inter bronchitis in those so dli*ised." I LIT ACT V BKUII I-I*.— in * large ma jority of cases, *;iv tlic/'inai of liralth, it will be found that the tiest and health j ii-st meal of the ilav tliould lie eaten in the morning. If the closing repast of the da> ha* not been oaten too late, or has not been excessive In quantity or indigestible in quality, the stomach will be rested and active in the morning after th>' individual has enjoyed a cool hath. The stomach will then restmud quickly w itli the necessary gastric Juice , for the solution of food, and, if a fair ; amount of exercise is taken during the day. a large mass of final wlll be as -imilateil and converted iuto blood ami tissue. iVJth a g**l, substantial break ; fast no great amount of final will lie re quired during tin" remainder of the day. St MiTUXI* or CAI 11: 111 l — Dull. hca\ v headache, obstruction of the nasal paa -ages, discharge* fulling from tlie bead iuto the throat, sometimes profuse, watery and acrid, at others, thick, tena cious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; tlie eye* are weak, watery and inflamed; there i* ringing In the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a nasal twang, the breathla offensive, -uiell ami taste are lni|>airiNl; there i a sensation of diuiuess, mental dc|>rc-e>n, hacking cough and general debility. Only a few of the alxive-named symptoms are, how - ever, likely to Is* present in any one case. FRENCH CREAM CAKE.-- Beat three eggs and one cup of sugar together thor oughly; add tw o tablr-|MM>iifuU of cold water; -tir a teaspoon fill of baking powder into a cup and a half of flour; sift the flour In stirring all the time in one direction. Bake in two thin rakes; split the cake- while hot. and (111 In the cream prepared iu the following man lier: To a pint of new milk, add two tahlesjiootiluls of eorn-starch, one fieaten egg, one-half cup of sugar, stir w Idle cooking, and w hen hot put iu a piece of butter the sire of an egg; flavor tlie cream slightly with* lemon, vanilla, or pineapple. IN nutr ARINII lard for tlie market, it should flr-t is- cut Into piece- about the si/e of a walnut, and these should lie allowed to stand in water for half an hour. Then work the material with the hands in or it successive portions of water. Next pour off the water, melt the lard in a water hath, and strain through flue linen. In the tlr-t strain ing, it will lie iiu|sissilile to get rid of alfthe water, -o that after cooling and draining. It will lie nece-sary to leinelt the lard and dually to (liter It through pajx'r in n warm closet. To M ARK ItrE BREAD.— Wet up rye flour with lukewarm milk (water will not make the bread so good). Put in tlie same preparation of yeast a* for wheat bread. For four or flv® loaves of bread put in a couple of teaspoonfuls of salt. Two tablespoon fills of melted butler makes the crust more tender. It should not bo kneaded as stiff as w heat bread, or it xvill be hard when baked. When light put it into nuns without moulding. Let it remain In them almut 20 minutes liefore baking. BKF.AII Bare*. —Pour half a pint of tmiling milk on a teacupful of flue bread eruinlis, add a small onion stuck witli three or four clove#, a small blade of mace, n few jieppercorns ami salt to taste. lat the sauce simmer live iniu utes, add a small pat of fresh hotter, and at the time of serving remove the onion and luacc. KEEPS W KLI.. —An interesting experi ment has been made in London. About one hundred pound* of condensed or -oliditlcd milk, which 11iid lH>en exposed to the action of tlie air for four years and three months, was tested. Its quality was found unimpaired, and by chumiug a few minutes ft was resolved into fresn butter. LEMON I*IK WITH RAISINS.— Take the Juice and grated rind of one leiuon, one egg well beaten, one cup of sugar, two tablespoon fills corn starch dissolved in two-thirds of a cup of sweet milk, one cup of raisins carefully washed and butter, one half tlie size of an egg. Mix and hake with an under crust. J,MM RYE TEA CAKK. —One pint of sweet milk, two eggs, a tuble-qsHmlul of brown sugarund a large pinch of salt. Add enough rye Hour to make it as stiff as common griddle cake batter. Bake half uii hour in "gem pans." Serve hot or cold, us desired. BROWN BETTY. —Pare and cut flue some ripe apples, put in a layer of ap ples, butter, sugar, and cinnamon, in u deep dish ; then a layer of bread crumbs, and so on till the dish is full; bake half an hour. Can be eaten warm or cold with sugar and cream. arivrrtric. Aniline lilatk l>u I'.'lfelrieitu. "If wc take a strong solution of sulphate i>l aniline and submit It to the action of IHII HNTIXCN T-l<-IIK-II t M. employing plat ilium electrodes, tr MlM ill see till' poal tivi'poll'lHM'UUH'i ORIIMI with A violi't blue covering. gieeniah in iilantM, a tin t ivmai bed by I.etheby. ft theex pi'iiini'iit inprolonged tm I'J ot Mlmurt, w i' ace lived to tlif positive pulr n lilnrW iiinMH, riuiljf detached. On tieatlng Him miimliiiii-i' with ether anil alcohol, unit drvitig it. there remains an amor pinion black Iniily with aotui' greeniab li llln lliilln, tllMlllllllle 111 lllunt solvents. It tiiia Irndy in treated with sulphuric acul. ami apreod out U|MIII a poree'.aiu saucer, it lake* a gi's time, and unlike the latter colossal genius, he doesn't keep the secret to himself, or lock it in the Ixvaoms of a chosen few, hut spreads it Itefore an astonished world 111 this wise. Any Ixxly .an try it for himself, and have a small' lolronda in ati incredibly short tune. We extract flotn giguti tic advertisements in the ilaiiy jour nals. the "Process of Producing the Parisian Diamonds" " I ne bodv is of crystal, which is the hardest and le*t substance that could }Mssibly lie used for the purpose. Then, after the crystals are cut in proper shape, they are put into a galvanic battery, which coats them over with a liquid, that is made of diamonds which are too small to IK- cut and the chip pings and cuttings that arc taken off of diamonds during the process of shaping them. Thus all of the small particles of diamonds that have here tofore lieen comparatively worthless, can now. since this great discovery, be used to produce diamond liquid. ~ Sofl and pliable woods, such as pine, willow, alder, etc. f require the use of targe saw teeth with acute points and considerable pitch; whereas hard woods or those of a tougher and denser consistence, snch as oak, mahogany, roacwiMxl. etc., necessitate the adoption of teeth of perpendicular pitch and di minished space. Yellow deal, pitch pine, larch, etc., are of so gummy and resinous a character that the teeth not only require more set, but the blades themselves have to be smeared with grease to keep them cool, and to de crease the friction arising from the ad herence of resin during motion. Sim ilar results are eiperiencxi in working soft woods ; the teeth liecome choked by the damp consolidated sawdust, and obstinately refuse to perform their dtitv without extra force. Illuminating Gat from fori.—To the list of sutistauces capable of furnishing illuminating gas of good quality, cork is now to W added. Recent experi ments. made in Bordeaux, France, liava given results I Kith economical and satisfactory, and it has been definitely decided to use tlie material 111 the lighting of the city. Works for burn ing cork are now in process of con struction. The fragment* of cork, principally waste left after rutting Ixittle stoppers, are distilled in a close retort. 'I be flame obtained is stated to tie whiter and more brilliant than that of coal gas. while the blue rone is much smaller, and the density consid erably greater. Precaution* Again*! Isae applied Ixiiling hot. and left in the pi|>ea for about a quar ter of an hour. As sulphuret of lead is insoluble in rain or spring wAter, it forms a safe coating ; a strong proof of thia is that spring or well water per colating through mines of sulphuret of lead never contain traces of the latter metal. When water contains lean it may, according to Dr. Kirtsing, be re moved by filtration, especially when the Alter is of charcoal. A Gigantic Ice- Houte.— There is a gigantic ice-house in Brussels, Belgi um. whose roof covers an area of six teen hundred square metres. The walls are double and (Hied in with moss and sawdust. There are nine separate ice-chambers, each of one thousand cubic metres capu< ity. The temperature never exceeds fltij degrees Fahrenheit. There are galleries set apart for the storing of meat in hot weather, capable of hanging two thou sand quarters, and having them iter feetly isolated. A million tons or ice have been attired iu the building at one time. A Frenchman named I'atrian, who styles himself "contractor for public lighting," has a factory and warehouse for the making and selling of oxygen, which is kept stored in metallic reser voirs under a heavy pressure, and de livered to customers for such purposes as the light ing of theatres ami dining halls, blow-pipe use, inhalation and ventilation, and air baths. After tiling a saw, place it on a level bourd and pass a whetstone over the side of the teeth until all the the wire edge is off them. This will make the saw cut true nnd smooth, and it will remain sharp longer. The saw must be set true with a saw set. The horse power of waterfalls Is found by multiplying the number of pounds of water which fall per minute by the length of the fall in feet, and dividing the product by 3d,000. Three times the weight in pounds per fathom equals the working load in hundred weights of good hempen rope. IVIOIOtIt AN K* < avian MOON. Thomanßrown w w employed at (he theater a few yearn ago a* a kind of iitlllly man, and one night the manager put htm tiehiud the •eerie at tlie rear of the *tag, to take care of tlo* IIKMIII. llrow ii had a candle on tlie end of a long pole, and It wax hi* duly to hold the light IM-IIIIHI the moon, which wa* u round iinpnliited apaee in the curtain, and to puli the eiirtain slowly up, to represent t te rising of tlie tnoou. Itrow II *eated 11111 ■-<1 f oil a piece ot haronial caatle, anil, while uniting for the oriler to go to work, he fell asleep. Presently the trngedlaii on the stage said to the heroine: "Swear by you bright liusui," etc., etc., and turned to |M duI to It, hut the orii of night was not there. The stage manager lb*w around mid gave Itrow II a kick, and In n fren/ v ordered Into to "h'lal that unsin quirk.'* Itrown was liew lldrred, and, without waiting for further order*, be ran the curtain clear up with one jerk, w hen Ibe oord broke, and down It came again. Another string was hurriedly rigged on tlie pulley, and the moon !*•- gau to rise properly; but Brown's nerves were so unstrung by fright that he Collldll'l hold tlie caudle steadily be hind it, so that there were fifteen or twenty eclipses during the ascent, the light meanwhile wandering all over tlie curtain, to the infinite amusement of the audience. However, the luminary got safely up at last, and tlie tragedian again observed : "Swear by you bright Uloolt;" but I a*fore the words were fairly out tlie cord snapped again, the curtain unrolled with velocity, and broke loose from the roller, revealing Brown, tlie lunar elevator, roaming around In bis shirt aleevea with a caudle on a stick. A inomenl later tlie manager was fumbling among bis hair, and that very night Mr. Brown closed Ids thea trical career. The manager remarked to a confidential friend that w Idle a man who was able of making tlie same moon rise three times in one night, aud of getting any ntnuler of eclljises and other astronomical phenomena, might be valuable for some purposes, be was alNiiit as fit for a theater as a wall eyed ■mile w as for singing hymns. Ciijcxxx POT-PI a.—Tk* three cup* of good buttermilk, one large t*-ar|ssm of aaleratus, a little salt; add flour enough to make a hard dough, about like bread dough, kites.l it iuto a lliee loaf, tlicit cut it into slice* alsiut an iueh thick, and dip or roll each piece in suttie flour. Have the fow I nearly cooked with sufficient broth to cover it. Then lay In the eru-t; let it boll twenty to thirty minute*, keeping well covered to prevent the escape of the steam. Thicken the graiy In the usual way. This will make enough for a family of six per son*. ll I* a very nice way to cook chicken, and we like it i*-tu-r than a chicken ph- baked. TAXNKD Asvitow.—Going up street, one of the recent *-00 l .lay , a man saw a buy alsiut eleven year* of age sealed ou Ute sidewalk, bareheaded, in the full blaze ol the sun. "Bub, you ought not to sit there, Said (lie man. "Why?" "Because you'll get all tanned up." "Makes no difference to me whether 1 sit in the sun or shade," sadly answered the boy ; "mother tans tn- up three or four times a day, anyhow AN OIJI Highlander, rather fond of his t*sidy, w as ordered hy his physician, during a temporary Illness, not to ex ceed one ounce *• f spirits daily. The old gentleman waa dubious about the amount, aud asktxl Ids sou, a school buy, how much an ounce was. "Sixteen drachms, w.-w the reply. "Sixteen drams! An excellent doctor!" replied the delighted Highlander. "Hun and tell ltonaid McTavish and big John to come down the nicht." A WELtetNoWN alderman gave a dis play of bis great literary ability at tlie Mansion House banquet. He was asked by a lady tin- meaning of tlie initials S. 1". (j. U. on tlie standards borne by the soldiers In one of the pictures on the wall. Ills answer: "I believe they stand for Small Profits aud tjuick Re turn*." What would the "Senatu* I'opnlusquc Koinanus" hare thought of such barbaric intelligence! bm-t--n Hums l. JOHN HENRY had a guest* at dinner tlie other day, ami during a pause in the eonveraation thcntM torlUi ipokf up: "I wish I was you." "Hoyott, my little boy, and why do you wish you were me?" "Cos you don't get your ear pinched when you eat vittles with your knife." How torn liltig is a boy's dream of manly independence. Cincinnati Time*. _ IT W S A GHACRITI. compliment that llaydn, tire ttitiaician, paid to a great female vocalist. Key nofds hail painted her as Cecilia listening to celeatial music. IxMvking at it, Haydn said, "It is like her. but there is a strange mis take." "What la it ?" asked Krynoida. "Why, you have paint.s| her listening to the angels, w hen you ought to have represented the angels listening to her." NOT EXPLICIT.— Prof. X.,lti I'tilverslty,insists strongly on pronoun cing final us in I .atin in Kngfish ooae. Student in recitation, not appreciating the point, comes upon tlie word "pro fugu*." "Professor, would you, on your principles, pronounce the word prof y©u-goo#e or prof-yos-goose ?" Profes sor,ln a rage/'lieave the room Instantly, lr." MHS. Mn.t.tss was asked the other day how she managed to get along so nicely with Mr. Milliss, and frankly replied: "Oh, I feed him well. When*a woman marries, her happiness for a little while depends u|>on the state of her husband's heart; after that it's pretty niueh ac cording to the state of his stomach." A COLORED TREACHER down South tmk for his text the words, "Though after my skin worms destroy this bisty, vet In my flesh I shall see tod," which he divided into three jmrts, as follows: "First, skin worms; second, what they done; third, what the man seen after he w as eat up." As oi.n woman in Hridg.qx.rt, whs has pasted nearly ft.OOO medical reci|xs in a Ixx.k during the past fortv years, has never l>oon sick a dar In her life, and she Is grow ing discouraged. Some people are liorn to 111 luck, she says. TEACHKB (to a little boy): "Well, my lx>y, do you know your tables?" Pupil: "Yes, ma'am; breakfast table, dinner table and su|Mter table." The Ixiy goes to the head of the class. IIK W AS bound to lie aicurate, and he described the woman's costume thus: "She wore an elegant suit of something or other, cut bias and trimmed end wise." B limit A M YOCNO HAS |*eii dnbhed Brig. (fen. from having been called "Brlggv dear," so often by hi* numer ous wives. W HV sliould the cable dispatches lie so dry w hen they come all the w ay through water? How TMK free lanch fiend solves tlie problem of existence—By the Hny-no ineal tlieory. A NEVADA TAPER s|x-aks of an urchin tiiat bad been playing w illi a mule's tali, a* "a spoiled child." THE man who wears an eye-glass on one eve must needs part ids hair in the middle to balance bis head. WIIT have campositort more reason to grumble tlian anybody els*'? Because their business is always at a stand. WHY is a colt getting broke like a Voiuig lady getting married. Because he is going through the bridle ceremony. WESTON IS the man W ho lias two soles and a single thought. A MAI.ADY peculiar to milkmen — water on the brain. "HE IIANM.KD his gun carelessly, and put on an angel plumage," is a late obtiuary notice. A ri.ACK to get a good eye dear. At the glass eye-makers. Ir vott are anxious to bckum famous, yu must be willing to lie abuzed. LIES are not the only things that cum home to roost, all evil things do. IT IS odd that the lainp-|>ost with it* lamp taken away is a lamp-lighter. I he rower er Water It baa been ohaerved bv tlie ablest w titers In tba service of geology Uiat the jsiwer of water as an agent or denuda tion and subsequent transportation of matter Is, without any doubt, the great est now in operation. The smallest streams carry with them a pmpoillnu of the s,ill through which they How, ami when a union of their waters in crease* their volume and velocity, and consequent jsiwers of erosion aud traua p..nation of a river, the effects on mal let through which the channel I* formed will lie very marked. I.yell estimates the ipiautity of solid earthy matter brought dow u annually by the waters of the .Mississippi to lie three million seven hundred and fifty-eight thousand four hundred ruhir feet; and this is exclu sive of the vast i|uantitiea of floating timber aud other vegetable matter which are continuously tieiug borne off the up lands hy the tributary streams. A vast quantity of tlie alluvium flmla its way to the Gulf and U deposited on the submerged plateau of mud at the outer edge of the delta there forming tile foundation of that great alluvial plain seaward. But a vast quantity also l deposited iii the lied of the great river itself, aud this nrocoaa of filling up has lor ag< assisted ill the formstiotl of the great alluvial plains or bottom lauds that stretch southward from hi. I-mils lor one thousand miles along tba river, aud are in width from thirty to eighty luiies, aud represent those inexhausti bly fertile landa of w hleh the Lomlou correajiondeui wrote in IMS:— "There Is no ay stem. The farmer scratches the ground and throws in lite seed, aud his tjountiful harvests come up year alter year without further thought or trouble. Thousands of cen turies have made the aoll for him, and it defies him to make 100 heavy demands upoll it. ll gives him all he asks aud Is never known to disappoint or fail." l.lsbl Ssvsrrlf aa The Bank of England clips every light sovereign that comes into the Bank. The weighing of every sovereign is ac complished quickly ; they weigh 3,two in an hour with one machine. Mr. Paltner, the l>eputy-Governor, informed lite House of < ominous Select Com mittee of last session oil batiks of Issue, that last year tlie Bank of Kngland weighed colli to tile amount of £23,100,- 000. and rejected £840,000, or about 36 tier cent., a* bring light gold. For this last amount the Hank paid the value, making a deduction for the deficiency of weight, which is generally about 3*l. or 4d. per light sovereign. It was stated to the committer Uiat boxes of eorrectly w eiglied gold, sent by tlie Bank of Eng land to Scotland, frequently came hack without having been opened, and Mr. Palmer stated that there is then some reductiou for light w eight, lie ex plained tills by adding that tlie mere shaking of the sovereign* on the journey will make a slight difference. There 1* a jiotut at which every sovereign be come* light, and many sovereigns turn that |s>int ou the journey. Mr. Hodg son, M. P., a bank director, stated that In a box of .1,000 sovereigns the number which would be found to have turned the point would generally be about eigiit if they have not been disturbed; and he added: "You are aware that the sovereign which la in your pocket at 8 o'clock in the morning is not the same sovereign at 12 o'clock at night." After this rather alarming announcement It I* satisfactory to find Mr. lioihraon stating also that the ( barge for flghl weight on the eight deficient sovereigns would be about 2d. per coin, making only 16*1. on the box of £5,000; so that •ays he, "it really amounts to nothing." —LumUm Times. Hraiorallss of Lib After rr*Mla(. A friend residing In Baltimore had in his |a*%seasion a small alligator, which had been sent him from Florkla. Its habitation was a tub partiallv filled with water, kept outdoors. Ihiringone of the cold snaps of the past Winter, In the night the water became completely froxen. imprisoning the reptile In the loe, with but a small portion of his b**iy protruding therefrom. Toallap pearanceathc animal was a* dead as one of the stuff*-*! specimen# seen In a museum collection. Tlie want of time precluding an effort for iU extrication in the morning, it was allowed to re main fruxen. ami was soon forgotten In in tlie mate of the cares of the day. For fortv-eight hour# the reptile thus remained froxen and lifeleaa, at the end of which time.tiring thawed out.vitality tan-amc visible, and In a short time U was animated as ever, with no evidence of having in tlie least suffered by the prolonged frigorific confinement. Here an instance In which the vital *|>ark seems not to have tieen extinguished by the freexlng. nor the animal's organism to have been mutilated, but that vitality merely remained torpid or dormant during the freexlng. aud ready to re apoud to Its functions whenever the animal's organism returned to its nor mal condition-— American Ar fiSua. A rerallar Sswapwper. I*>mlon has* large weeklv newspaper call oil Thf (tf-itmaty, devotfd, u its title shows,to obituary notice* and mortuary proceeding*. It has an Imraeio? circu lation and column* of splendid adver tisement*. Undertakers who get up Minerals In every variety; cremation- Is to, enibalmers, vault maker* and grave diggers all have their say In its col umn*. while the makers of humble tombstone* and the sculptor* of gor geous monument* are ready to decorate the last home of man. Crape maker*, manufacturer* of all sort* of funeral appliance*, and especially mourning mantua maker*, claim the attention of the afflicted In their special advertise ment*. Will* of distinguished Individual* are given, and loot w ill* advertised; the cards of attorneys drilled In probate matters, and advertisement* for absent heir*, make up a portloii of its patron age. The reading Is all suited to the sub ject, while the obituary notices form a staple Item, and if necessary choice notices are written by distinguished writer* for the afflicted friend* and re lations, so a* to move them to appro priate grief and lead them to gentle consolation. Many people are afflicted with a mor bid love for snch reading and to them this (taper furnishes the choicest matter. rhlßM* Wbwlhsrrs*. A correspondent of the Gardener's Cknomielt dilate* upon the Ingenuity which the Chinese have displayed in Ihe construction of the national wheel harrow. The one large wheel used 1* placed in the centre of the vehicle, so that the entire load rests directly upon It. The street* of Shanghai are filled with these carriage*, which ply in the place of hack* and dray*. Two |*r*on* can conveniently ride In one, sitting oti the wooden platform at either aide of the wheel, resting one arm on a frame work raised over it, and planting one foot in a stirrup of rope. "It i* by no means uncommon, howeTcr, to see aa many as four person* conveyed, with out any particular eflbrt (the ground being level , by a stalwart Coolie." Garden and farm-produce and llve-alock arc transported in the same manner. The Chinese farmer often wheel* his animals instead of driving them to market; and a fat. lire hog lying on each side of the w heel inay frequently be seen bowling along to the place of sale. ArttSclal Wsata. Hulwe.r *aya that poverty Is only an Idea, in nine cases out of ten. Some men, with ten thousand a year, suffer more from w ant of mean* than others with three hundred. The reason is, the richer man has artificial want*. His Income is ten thousand, and he suffers enough, from being dunned for unpaid debts, to kill a sensitive man. A man who earns a dollar a day and does not run In debt, is the happier of the two. Very few people who have never been rich will believe this; but it is as true a* God's Word. There are thousands upon thousands with princely Incomes who never know a moment's peace, because they live beyond their means. There is really more happiness in the world among working people than among those who are calieu rich. RrhcsrhX Mssdrsk* Ptlla WIU be round to possess those qualities neces sary to the total eradication of all bilious at tacks. prompt to start the secretions of the liver and irlve a healthy tone to the entire system, indeed, it is no ordinary discovery In medical •uteuoa to have Invented a remedy for tbsss at uMorn comptslnts which develop all the re ■ulU arudunad t>T a harMofar* Iran u m at calo- iremiad br mankind. .Ml Sck6>.*iMgt U) be MrtinrtlTe la UM MTREFB# to u>e buau arntom. That UM> nroperUe* at oarialn vegetable* comprise ui tha virtues of oalouMti without IU laiuhun* tendancfeß, la BOW aa admitted fart rendered imlmputabte by *l anon. muvrtai; and t*uw who ÜB* Ux> Man drake mua will be fully asiiaftod thai tbe beat medicine* air tbuae provided Ojr nature la the common he rim and room of tbe Holds. Tbawe pi Ila open tbe bnwela and correct all Miioua derangement* without salt ration or snv of tbe Dilution* efferta of calomel at other put aona. Tlw accretion of Mle la promoted by Ibeae pllla. aa will be area by tbe altered color of the atooU and dteappeariag at tbe aatlow completion an>l cleansing of Uie tongue. ample direction* tor uar arcumpaay each boa of tXlla. Prepared only by J. 11. tirbanck g Hon. at their Roclual office, cornet With and Arch nwtwla. llad'-lphla, and for aale by all dnigglala and dealer.. Price IB I'enta per box. Bt;rrKi(icitii WITH I'll KB aliuald erect a niobutiieiit to I>k. for his benefice tit discovery of ANAKEMIB, an infallible rum for the moral ritaea of pilt-a—a failure in 90,001) caaea baa not l*ii teeorded. It ia a simple anpposi- Ury. pain lean and eaay of appitcation. gives iiiatant relief, acta aa an instru ment, poultice and medicine, and can not fail to rare, l/iti'ina, ointinenfa and Internal remedies may fail but AKAKKBIH is infallible, i'rice sl. P. KenaUndtrr Ac Co., 40 Walker St.. New York. Kent free bv mail to any a to a Halt, *h. \my la advance .* 1"7B <) inlu hrert i Uii*<* AX, Hm i.i tnti r Pblla. Pa u-s-st BROOMS! BROOKS! JOB* j. ariata a to., HAS Washington SC. Hew York. PHaatpal Ufal a Haw Tat fur Uw M Brouw Mamhaana la tba United Mala. Broom* from ItM per IOMI •■4 bpward. Ik* luwaal yrtam aaX pme variety la b* but aaywbara. Aba aa MUT. m Mat at WOOD aaX WILLOW Waiut. each aa PaOa, Tab, Ba***u. Man, Tama*. fkwXagi. Wlrba, Or, I arita wtlb a Sill bu* a* Aapt*, Briar Waud aaX Otay Pip**, Fancy Aa**. Tasks* Mu- UMM. OaOary, Ac Sagar* bur (If la stt> par mill A Ibll llaa ta*u, abX wUI run far iwrlr* mamha 1 iu* is Mr Mart*'* mat -n i I*l aur*. Tba aoauar and i iarvvrt, wbicu Um MMfear baa (fern, frvmi hi* Oaid. Cbilfurula. art tatalMl aim tferacmufe >la and Maw; •M tba mu*k M •lUxwl XottM um bhml |>.|Ar r*e urX X arty iMUfurnm Uf* thai baa yal inlmnd Wa shall akw bagia la Uw January aambar. '• Philip Nolan's Friends, Or. Show Your P ami port." Tba aoaua at Ibfe atury b> laid ta tba NoaUiwaWarL ImiUUIJ. ma turm aa Um Utaiaa at U> maua afeX iaaaa. al >ba um of Aarua tfurr*a traanm. Tba ohararaara Bead ta a aacfeua wblct waa ttiw Aul oaa. wa Frau.b. and sow t|a*M, and Uus raourd uf Lkmr advaclaruur bra. waAa* a alury if Interna* and anflaggin* lni*ra*t Arougbuuf. A Second "Fanner's Vacation," By (ml 8m R Warlag, Jr. CM. UUI la BOW ■ Karon*, item a uf Iwv baadrad and aJiy nitlaa. oua uf tba mum fartt.a aad latoraat ug .f UM ruwgr *af fey* at I*a *MHJUuuactkm una tha Cwatwuilal aawomliua uf tb* year. BKIUJAXTLT lIACHTiUTKU ABTICUW CM AMERICAN COLLEGES. Hitttea impwtnly by tbfer fnruda. will appear during tba yaar. Tea r*rwX laleraal la oulfeg* Ufa wa* tbaaa pa|mm*a|wclaUy ttmaiy. and wttlaarum fur UIM* uau*ual aUraUuu. Old. Now Tork.. KtagaaUy UlualralaX .rUrla* W. Mian, Will as*|*mr al imom. aae will aatrart UM aUauteoa ur Xiwrnitim and urraun ai-Urlaa an inl*r*a< and pwwuaat ralu* arrar fetalnad la an n Hiuferatad partuXwui Vudar tm Micumiauod m*aag*auost tb* magmiaa will la tba t ulur* b* dor.-uul. aa it baa tmaa ta Uw yafe, losoubd Ularatum and CbrwUaa arugram The Editorial Departments orrupy orrr tw*ny para* of ruob aumbar, aad ma tela Dr. HUUbimT* ig r u* aad Umrty rdmciala. a* well aa fterfew* uf tb* talma **• ta An, Umratura, Bbd bctalno. Tlllli UN T**r. k ilnta. X Safes a Stater. TB* fe rata., OOM; fete. Mor. UTO to OC* lift. bound la maruou etofh, BM go do bound IB half moruooo gfe W Vulumaa bagtala Murambsrand Mar Amy uf Uw aar bar rolunw* 11 to ill IWIU b* •uj ; ..ii aauarmtely to eanw* who wfeb Uwa to maupfela aaia M Ibfe rata. L* . otecb. gf at ; b*tf morooou gkaa Booaoat i oaa ma* PoaTKmaraaa will ba auypffed a* rata* Uwi will auabfe Uam to AU any uf tb* soure stferllan will plwa* remit la P. O. Muooyorga* or IB Bank i berk* i>Tic*tlon to CIMFANY, Maiden PERM ANENT and profltabla employment can la ■acurai by one lady In every town in the United States. Addrws J. HK.NRT LVMONDS. tW Dt- VUVAATA* gy . BTOS, kf**. 11-SO-4t WANTKD: Agrafe ta alt part* .S the (waatry, fe ■-aaraa* far oar aaw i-.,*. Tat Wmu* m Cawrrar," t.y f bafa A. Oaa mlama, bamt a.meiy Ultra*rata*. Tb* grandest Oatraalal book la tba marbst h A ftlMl.L, PaMuh.r. fewtoa. Maw IMMI _ a B i s ® n til S i O w sgg o 2 Bis "D d s >•i -as ' m d Ei r- -• n > Z-u % ri' p3 je. \>* lS L . ses ™%o °2 > a 2sgS 2sgS = r d iSa *?Str km Si >s 0 r k . w a ■& • x 0) g X R" £?i l¥ 3jl'o 2 sin rSB " O Is?. W Pa |? 3 4 O • "OaQuaationably UM beat auatalnnd work of Uta kind ta tba World " Harper's Magazine. ILLUHTHATED. %vnem at rat Past*. Tba arar-famamag die alalia. <4 Ibfe esadlaaf muwtbly pro*** lla caonuaml adae*aJnm la papalar Ami am ami aamfa laXi if wbaa arm UOab lafa baw aaaay baw it uuaHtala* iry m.mtb. wa aafafe ■Mar it a* la with Ifla M M tba Baa. abuaM i* im oatXanan la rrypeX M with liXMakli cemafemary. Tba Xkparow bar Xoaa gmd aM ark all Ufe Aayr cf It. U a.—fermAfew Afeffa Sufea of lb* aw pupalai af wafar* turafe bar* brM aonral a* aarfefe la Itu* hapamw la aU "W *•. d iiii zwi HrTat |xer i* llion'i Maxaaeta. Waou, aad kaaaa.feaa* attrmfm Xbr paar. tfo dft ar, an af Uarpafr / nmX. nali. la am aXXi-aa M *—r,W f*a pafeapi^aa A Jfetra Opy .r raifev fbr M*a*aa Waaair. ar kill Mb br Wfr'iM xraXfe >r aat' bd Xf toaaiHU af (4 ooaadk aa aar mmdfewar; ar. So <%w>r Wee-wfefeaxaaaacww. p-mprAm bad .f'nal in am ba i aff BiiX f* aag Wa ACbamfat. kaf < Banal Maauu, waaW mni tl tafaaiaa,fa aaal rfedi hfedfag wtibaaaaX L, s t*am. *rmhi ai ayam fmmfeaaar. Xw •• |.'U.w f „*r. r . Mlj. a < • am*; ; 'adjkfk A Oraaali lafeaa ta fba teMpSto%b em** glura i ■tmiiui baa pa* bmm | itßdaA maiXi nar a* illil I. fcr rdliri am h# ram aaX *afed wrnum 1 1ab..!.,■ wbam I Bl ll* llfbfe -•£-> a parfat Blaaiafel Marwiy ) • lyfea Ba, om, •I a*. Had CMC. •> m *1 fe—XP rff, . _ A awfea aXpaymr* aaidar tha Mtka a# 'Tie hXOa tary rf Iba I.nfegir. - aiaßM Ihyl* i WW* ammwO laabai j-J aaa war 11l MM Ml Safe raa'r Maaaxna. Tbto aanar aT aaar twm-ry fapam fa aaary *if aw dm * tiaaai Ufa arXar V SUaraa X bimraiar AfXram lUrtt A ttdtMßX Maw Tarb. FREDERICK SPIECKER, u I ■ wiotiutf ftun rw Leaf Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Or THE BEST BBLAHD* va 152 FAIEKOUOT ATM!ft PHUiADELiPHIA. Only ipfe far C L BaUX TtyOip Etiß OVfar fcaeax aaa ba MppbfeL ~ HORSEMEN! OW\ERI OF STOCK! Save Tour Horses and Cattle I CURE TQEM OF DIBEASE AND KEEF THEM IN A HKALTHT CONDITION BT GIVING THEM M. B. ROBERTB' CELEBRATED HORSE POWDERS. IN USB OVB* FORTY YEARS! TBI OILT roWDSkI COXTAIIITC TONIC, LAXATIVE AND PT7BUT INC PEOPEETIES OOMBIXXD, TBIBBBT UAKIX Till TU BEST CONDITIOIT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Tkty arx mad* of Puro Malarial only, em* tabtxapooaful going aa far aa oaa pound at ardiaary cattle powder*. Bay OB# package and niter axing them yea will aerer get dene praising them. For sale by all xtcrekeepera. ÜBS M. B. ROBERTS' Vegetable Embrocation FOR ALL EXTERNAL DISEASES BITKBK Of MAN OR BEAST. Janlly SHOW CASES! SHOW CASES! All etytea, Bileer McmjifeX and Walnut, new ad ss&sSs: ra fbUL no. HOPS* AHD oryuilt KUK.MTLRX aU kind* Tha lanreat and beat aasorteX (took, aaw and aaoond-hand In tha City. LEWIS A 880., H-ly IW1.1S. 10XL aaX IBT7 RIIMit 4TIL. Pblla. flirrff OOP*' day at hama Tanas fraa AXXraaa kbO H vbZUo. Sriimo* A Co., Portlaad, Ma. MO-ly BLANKS ■rkATLT FBnmn> A* omoa,