The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 16, 1875, Image 3
THE ('EN THE KEPOKTER THURSDAY DEC- 16, UT6. LODGE MEETINGS i-varws It six tawav. No, at*, t O. of O F>*<• to asMrltss svsnms In lh Odd Fsltons Halt, j M Ottj.iu*ai>. Ses't M. P. Ssaxxv, A. O. Oi.P FO*T 1/OrKln. N<. M7. t AM. moMa en M -ndai #rsntni. on or after nsch full sswi In tn* i ><lil FsStosrs lull. u C. V Hrai.ACBTW. Sect. W It MIMOUL. M magnms UnsnoK. r of H. marts on Snluntn* ( tornoviWoii or after useh futt moon, *1 their Hsll. j. j. Aaaav. LOCAL ITEMS. Our friends will oblige by sending u* torn* ot local news in their locality, gt*o us the facts only, and wo will put them in shape, also notice* of death* and tuarti age*. . Anv one sending us the names of six new subscriber*, with the cash, will be entitled to receive the RKPORTKK one year free. The Unrealkr being read by nearly every bodv on thi* side of the county, where it has a larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the best medium for advertising business, sales, Ac. Ac to the Reporter, rosin- | ing outside et Centre county, should re- j mil us 10 cents, yearly, for postage whn h j we will Par here ; this reduces the postage i to one half, as the sum paid by them for ne year's postage wa -V cts /ulr* The ladies connected with the l.u, ; church, of Centre llall. w ill hold abair. j commencing on Friday afternoon, -ft--j inst, and continuing until Saturday even J ing, Christmas, lex CkkaM. Cuts ami | FANCY ARTIII.KS will be *old upon the occasion. Proceeds for the benefit of the church. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The occasion will be pleasant and for a good cause—for the benefit of the church. Mr. J. D. Murray killed a porke latt week, weighing dressed, -tON pound*. The school-house in the mountains, bey end Potters Mills, was destroyed by fire, on Thursday evening, of last week. The fire may have originated from the stove. T. B. M Flrwy was the teacher This is the second time the school-build ing iu that district was destroyed by fire within the last 8 or 10 years. A woman in York row of pin* 21) years ago when "she com menced housekeeping. and has the most of them in use yet. Whst a careful, saring gem of a wife, she must be —we'll bet a pickle that if she lived in this county she'd buy all her household necessities, such as groceries, etc., at Burnsidcs <& Thomas, because they sell cheapest. At the court at Beliefoute racentiv Judge Oreis delivered what may be justly claimed as the shortest charge ever given a jury. It was a sharply contested crimi nal case, after the counsel had spoken elo quently and long. The charge was as fol lows: "Gentlemen of the jury.- If you believe the testimony you will convict the defendant. Swear a constable.'' On Tuesday of last week a large quantity of corn was stolen from tLe crib of A lick Koou, a short distance below this place, and on the same night, and doubt less by the same parties, about 2d bushels of oats were stolen out of Wm. Bible's barn. Wiiiiimii Baowx.—The larg est clothing house in America is that oftbe firm wh. se name Leads this notice, and i* located at :ixih and Market streets, Phila. Ketd what they say in their advertisement on the second page of this paper. Tbey wi.l do all they promise, and will giveeach purchaser a guarantee that their goods are sold as low as possible, and then will take ihtiu back inside of ten days if unworn a-:d the customer is not satisfied with them. the Irishman who stepped into the Belle fonte Republican oflice, the other day, and inquired if Mr. Atattngs was in. Kev. A. G. Deiningcr, of East Ber lin, York county, has been pastor of the same church for fifty years. He is eighty one and still officiating as minister. lie is an ut ii*ot J. O. Deininger of Centre Hall, and alio of B. O. Deininger at Millheim. Y. M. C. A—Tbe Young Men'* Christian Association of this placa arc holding weekly meetings in tha different churches. Friday evening has been se lected as the evening for meeting. Tbe last reeling was held in the chapel of the M. E. church, and was well attended. Several new names were added to the roll, which now contains about fifty names. At the lask arreting the Moody hymn book, untitled '"Gospel llymns and sacred Songs' 1 was introduced for use by the association. Either at the last night oi meeting in this year, or the first meeting night in the new year, the association will elect a hoard of Directors, which board will tben select officers for the year 1876, and determine tbe course of labor to be pursued. All christians, who wish to join this organization for the purpose of union work in the Lord's vineyard, should en deavor, if possible to come in before the regular organizing of tbe Society, so as to take part in tbe election, and all young men not professors of religion, wishing to enjoy the privileges of the association, should also come in immediately. Let every Active Member net fail to daily ask God's blessing on our labors, and we ask all christians who do not chose to join us in our union work, for reasons best known to themselves, to at least pray for our suc cess. A MEMBER. We defy any one, needing anything in the grocery line, lo go to Secbler's. in the Bushhouse block, ask for what is want ftL end then say they could not gel it. Any thing in season will be found in their Store The best article too, is what they always keep. In best order and quality. There is.gMvt a better regulated grocery be tween the north and south poles, nr in New Jersey. Just go into Secbler's and look around—it is a veritable museum in tbe grocery line, so complete in every de partment It is nr. institution of which good ekl Centre can well feel proud—the store and the men in it. If ever a history of Centre county should be published, the work aftlf be a fraud and a humbug if Sechler's wonderful grocery does not re ct-ive a large share of attention in it—all of which "tt abundantly deserves. Go and see for yourselves. The Odd Fellows of this place will dedicate tlicir new hall, dn 24 int, with appropriate ceremonies. Prominent uiem bet's from a distance will be present and deliver addresses. The Boalsburg Band has a!#o keen engaged, and parade in ful> rega'ia will be had. Wo-enter volume 9 with the commence ment of 1576 and ere reviling our list and ; ending out acconrila to all who owe sever al years subscription, and shall feel oblig od to strike off the names of all who refuse to pay arrears before January Ist, next We can not send the Reporter year upon year without pay. We must puy Cash iuj paper, work and material, hence the read er who is in arrears will see how important it is to mail us the amount due. A news paper cannot be published without money We teust, therefore that those who have been lifting the Reporter regularly, every week for two or more years, willl feel that it is but simple justicetowards us to pay up arrears. new Golden Tongue Organ, one of the finest toned instruments mude, for sale at this office. Also a ltynder organ, good as new. Either of these instruments offered at a bargain. ' If you wish a first class sewing ma . bjne, -buy of Bunnell fc Aiken, Jfilroy. ?ft-' —The following are Dannyhasting's fa- Yorite lines: Ring ding diddle, The eat played the fiddle, And the cow jumped over the moon. The celebrated Australian Diamond Pebble spectacles, are superior to the ord inary glass spectacle, affording relief to the eyes, and suited lor all ages, are aold by M. Straus, Bellefonte, Pa, lC(Uc3m COURT |>Ho('KKl>l*<W. Nov. Term, Second Week. "Judge Maver pre i.lcd during the sc ond we k c! the N M iul>er term l court, which vm n hu>j one, the disposal of quite m mitnbur w onsen being iiTwifJ in j one way or (mother. Motnlgy, Nov. 29. | The Inl I'Mt 1 tried > that ot M u lim l ; Rrcniun t. Benjamin Stem, being an *o | lien of assumpsit for labor. The |illi litf occupied a luu-e belonging l tho defend ant, and worked tor litin on hi* furtn oe castonally, the mot of what he '.mined to have done being odd job* about the |>litce, rather than regular labor > alarm hand, tor which he was hardly well tilted lie claimed for one hundred di)'< labor, while the defendant allowed hjm tor only twen ly, atut imiiti'il that he a already over paid. The cause was thoroughly tried on behalf of both panic*, and resulted in con ! vincing the jury that the illegation* of j Mr. Stem w ere aubstantialiy correct, for they gave a vaidtct in fa\ or ct : o< d< :■ id an! for slo,u> Alexander A Bower for plff ; Fursl tor deft. i'uoday. Nov. 00. Benjamin Stem \> S 1,. VanvaUah This was a i-uit of an ÜBuuutl character | fortius region, and exceed no little ir.te - e*t. It was an action against a and surgeon, for damages on ncceuM ef injuries resulting from malpractice. The plaintiff owned a stallion which he had been having shod at aI- acksunlit j shop, and while hilchi -g him to the buggy , the horse became enraged, as his owner alleges on account of the presence of an other animal of the same sort; he scued Mr. Stem by the arui and threw htm against a fence, when the arm was badly fractures!, both bone* of the right lorearut, the ulna and the radius, being broken. Dr. VanvaUah was called, and set the broken limb, ar.d he and hi# partner. Dr. Woods, attended him so long as it needed attention. The re? ill was, a limb which i* stiff and almost entirely tt-ele-s, the hand being t roue, pahu downward, in which position it - placed by the sur geon. It wn< claimed on behalf of the | plaintiff that this was an error ©a the par; lof the surgeon, while Dr \'aiival-ah de i dared that he placed the limb intuis posi tion deliberately and intentionally, antici pating a stiff joint, and believing that where a hand cannot be moved it had bet ter be prone than supine, or seuii-supine Upon this point there seemed to be a dif ference of opinion, even among doctors There was a 'cloud' of medical men called ' upon both *ide>ithejease, enough te make the court b-.-use. for the time being, resem ble a college of surgeons. The way these medical gentlemen swore, upon one -ide and the other, was enough to make the jury believe any and every theory eTer advanced regarding the treat ment of a broken limb, and finally to dis believe everything. About the only firm and uueqalificd Relief left to them, w< judged from the verdict to be this opinion, ] that doctor- will differ, ar.d that if a jury I u called upon to decide between them the safe-t way is to favor the side which con demns the physicians. As to whether this was or was n< t what doctors call "a good job" was perhaps questionable, though all , agreed that it wa an extremely difficult case, and one in which, considering all the - circumstances, the prospect of the limb be j ing restored to it* primitive soundness was j at least doubtful. Mr Stem, though a hearty man, is not young, and tha fracture ; was a bad one ; we believe with Dr. Van- , valsah that it was undoubtedly caused by the bite of tha horse, the injury occurring where the animsl had the arm in his , mouth, and it being extremely improbable, from all the circumstance*, that this arui , was broken by the fall when the horse let go. There being so much danbt, some] of ourba-t phveicians giving it a* their opin-j ion that under the circumstansas j they did not see how the at- j tending surgeon could have done better. | According to a plain principle, by which t jurors ought always to be governed, the i defendant should have had tho benefit of the doubt. The case was thoroughly and ably tried by the opporing counsel, arid was one to exhibit a;lawyer's intelligence, industry and ability. The charge of the Court a.- clear ar.d impartial. Wednesday, Dec. Ist. The above last mentioned cause was concluded, and the jury rendered aver- > diet for the plaintiff for sooo. Beaver. Furst for INff.; Alexander, Bower f r Deft. Henry Brockerhoff vs. Lebanon Mutu- j al Fire Insurance Company. This was a j suit to recover on a policy of insurance for damages by fire to the property of the plaintiff, known as the Conrad House, in Beilefonte. The property was insured to the amount oi $7,000 and it was claim- 1 ed that the damage to the building by the fire of 172, exceeded the sum covered by l the policy, and tbe award of the apprais- ! ers was for a larger amount. Forjthe de- ( fence, it was claimed that the insured did not make true answers to the interrogate- I ries in his application, that the occupancy j of the building had been changed during the interval from the time the insurance was effected and the lute when the tire occurred. Th.c principal puiuU raised by the defence, which leased to be lu-teined by decision of the Supreme Court, was that, in answer to rin Intcrogatory, Mr. j Brock erhotf declared that there was no in- ; cumbrsnce on the building, the f*<;t being ' that there wa> a couple of judgments on I record against him. practically as affecting j the risk. These judgements were of no | consequence, a- Mr. Brockerhoff was sim- I ply bail for other parties, and the judge ments were actually sat'-fied before the fire t occurred. There could be no doubt about the justice of this case, but there was so much question about the law, that alter the evidence aa* all in, and before the Court had charged the jury, tne plaintiff agreed to a compromise. Verdict, by agreement for tha Plaintiff for Beaver Alexander, and Bower, for I'iff Hoy, Love, for Deft. Friday, Dec. 3. Stein keck ner <k Bcexer vs. Abraham Stein, deft. This suit grew out of a patent right swindle. It wa- claimed the de fendant gave a note for a patent right, which note wa purchased by the plaintiffs. Tbe deft, denied that he gave sucli a note, and declared that his allege 1 signature was a forgery ; all the papers he signed at tbe time the note purported to have being nn order, and on agreement. Verdict for tbe defendant. Beaver, Stitzer, Magee, for Plfi's. Hoy, Alexander for Deft. JUpuA lican. " —lf yoti wish to exchange your old sew ing machine for a new one, address Bun nell A: Aiken, Miiroy. SCHOOL TAX JTOTI E.-The taxpayers of l'ottcr school district are hereby notifi ed that the tax-duplicate has been placed in my hands for collection. All tux nid on or before December Ist, next, will have J per cent, deducted, ard from that data .o January Ist the amount oft duplicate will be payable, and all taxes unpaid after January let IbTti, w ill go into the hands of a collector with an addition of 5 per cent. 1 will be at home Tuesday and Thursday of each week to receive tax. A H HOSTKRMAN, 7 oct Bm. Trcasuier. auy manufacture apply to Bunnell Ac Ai ken, Miiroy, Pa. Jons S. MILLER, Tuilor, of Mill-1 heim, is putting up the best of; work and the public would do well to call upon him, as his prices and work suit the times. Sat isfaction guaranteed. We imve seep some of his work and find it eijual to that of the best of tailors. One door east ofWeiseEe smith shop. 21 oct 6m. IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS.- The ua dersigned is now prepared to sell Brick at his kilns at Centre Hall to suit purchasers, ut reasonable rates, also to furnish or con tract Brickwork. S. S. EARNER. 7 oct y Granger prices, address Bunnell A: Aiken, Miiroy, Pa. '.l oct 3m. Subscribe for the Reporter-do Vt de |>id on your neighbor's copy always. j - CtNTRK Co. TtACIISUa' 1 Nat ITt I K -IMlli anuual session, will eopvena ii Reynolds Hull, Ucllefoute, Tuesday. Dec - 28, Ibto, at tf o'eluhk, a in, and continui ill session tour days. I Goto Rankin s Irtig store for nice > fresh and puro drugs, and fin# toilet aitf clef. Next door to l>echur'a gun shop, is where you hud Hob. I Ho timet' A i-orrc pendent from • Centra Mills, writes us the following On I 10 iust., Mr. Charlie Deise, of Cenlr* ■ Mills, thi* county, whila on hi# way hum* treat leek ll iven, was rohlied on the pike ' leading from Kmanuel llarter's to Nit , tany valley He was attacked brtween , the first and second mountains (our intor > iitunt dots not state by how many) and > fa> taken front hint, and was given a hlo-i over the eyes Mr. l>oin had some money in bis boots, which the robbers did not get. Mr C. Giasstuire A lady ate in town at Spanglar'* Hotel, doing all kinds of Ha r work, they do good work ami guarantee saticaition i:i ot cry ease. Comb ing* tuada into tw tU'hes, curls, front braid pull's, bar chains, bracelet#, ear ring*, t>rcast-pint, n - wigs made to older ami repaired. \Vtl remain for a short lime V'ly Sunday to Tuesday night was cold and very stormy , with an attempt to tiow all day Monday, but amounting to only a mere whitewashing of ihesurfttee Wednes j lay indication for clear and pleasant | weather, ... .\W are sorry to #ay that father jjpicher has gone blind llr had been tuf fcring for seme time from an affection of. the eyes, resulting recently a# above stn ted. ' Tut Htsl KAVILV Nxw aPAPttL—This is the claim which the publishers of the New York Observer make in behalf oil their paper. It is a bold claim to make in j our day, when there ate *o many papers . but an undw taring course in sending out, i for fifty-threw year*, a large, full, fresh, readable, and pure n -wspspor, which is I unsurpassed, justifies them in the claim We can recommend the Observer. It h*- 1 ao hobbies , it is sound in doctrine, in:par lia) and uabi-taed.'reliable in iu new-, in teresting and iu*tructive in iu various de-i partmenta, and offers no clap-trap premi ums or pictures. For specimen copies. addre-s S 1. Prime A Co , Now York. | -——Rev J. M, Anspaoh, formerly ofj ' MiAinburg now pastor ofthe First Luth- ; I eran church of Reading, was suddenly ! stricken down in the pulpit on Sunday, the ltih inst., with heart disease lie *>■ | conveyed to his residence, where he soonj revived, and at last account* was oonvale- ! -cent. The event caused gr.- ; ,t excitement until the Congregation was disper-ed and the fact ascertained that the popular pas tor was speedily recovering. - M Jitn'm j ( Wfyrapk. Mr. Hugh Larrimer, at Centre Hill' has just received a lot of fre-h canned, peaches fivin Baltimore. We have tried them and find them a superior fruit. Go to Hugh for poaches and you will get an excellent article If you need any other store-goods you can buy it cheap at tha same place. lie keeps a full and com- I plete assortment of every thing, and is,] be-id a wholesoulod fellow, deserving , the most liberal patronage ef his neigh bors. j] Paer SALS for building a brick , dwelling will be received until January , Ist next. For farther particulars apply at the Reporter •JSce. ZINC IN SUGAJt YAI.LKY. .' Blowly and steadily valuable minerals: are being developed in this portion of the 1 state, and it seems certain that ere many 1 years elapse extensive manufacturing on- 1 terpriscs must spring up to take the place ' of the lumber traffic, which has been the absorbing itam of trade for eo many year*. David and Henry Moyer. of the Sugar) Valley lumber company, says tha Lorkj Haver, tnterprise, have again resumed operation* on the farm ot John F. Price, in Green twp, in search of m inerals. They have sunk a shaft to the depth of five feet, \ and four.d an itnmen-e supply of ore, sev eral tons of which have been sent to Elix abethport, New Jersey, and pronounced to be tine of the best <juaiiiy, yielding; about Coper cent. The company intend erectiag a fttrnacc and greatly extending their operations. This will undoubtedly bring currency into Sugar Valley, which, will be very welcomo in these pressing times. GIANT POWDER. Terrible Explosion. Li ndon, I)cc. 11.—An explosion of a case of dynamite—known in America as "giant powder"—took place to day at, Bremerhavcn, The case which contained the very dangcrons substance was lying on the I'tay, in tho midst of the lug-! gage of the passengers, at the moment wben the steamship Mosel hauled out of the dock preparatory to starting on her; voyage for New York. London, Dec. 12—A dipateh from Urcmerhavcn to-night, states that fts per sons were killed and 36 wounded by the, |-OS plosion yesterday on the spiay ot the Mosel and eight are missing. A passen ger on board the Moset has since attempt-) Ed to commit suicide, but was prevented from consumma ling the tatal act. lie will be examined. ENGLAND Terrible Colliery Explosion—l4o Lives Let—Heartrending Hcenes. .London, December o.—An awful ex plosion occurred to-day at Swarlhc Main colliery, near Barnslev, Yorkshire It i feared that more than 200 lives are lost. The colliery at which the dreadful ex plo-i<iii occurred to day belongs to Mitch ell & Co., and is one of the largest in Southern Yorkshire, it is joined by un derground workings with Edmunds Main colliery, where, twelve years ago yester day, over three hundred persons perished. The works extend for many miles. They •re entirely worked with safety-lamps un der very rigid discipline and were con sidered safe. At si* o'clock this morning, about three hundred men and boys descended and commenced work a- u-ual. At balf pnst nine, a terrific.explosion occurred. The exact position of tho explosion is ut pres ent unknown, but minors of all parts of the pit were startled by loud report when they rushed to the assistance of their fel low workmen but met with great difficul ty* Latest *oo >uuU indicate that the total number of lives lost is 140. The explosion ~ was caused by cure!.-!-* blasting operations. * Hundreds of men, women and children are congregated at the w>uth of tbc pit , and as the disfigured bodies arc drawn to J the surface the set-lie is if the most heart- j reading character. Another explosion of a similar charac tr is reported to-day in a coal mine near lVntyroh in South Wales. 12 persons J we e killed and HI injured. THE DEITSOHLAND GROUNDED! NEARTHK MOUTH OF THE THAMES. Fifty Persons Drowned. London, pecember 7. —The steamer Doulschlund, from Bremen foj Now york, with emigrants, grounded on Kentish Knock at five o'clock on Monday morn ing during a heavy northeast gaic. The Dcutschland encountered a terrible storm while on her way to this port from Bre men, but was safely tuken back to theolh er side of the Atlantic. Although her machinery had been disahloJ. she has on ly made one trip from Southampton since encountering tie storm, where she was laid up along with half a dozen steamers of the line, and has not bccu used since! februftry kiti The former Commodori X, of the DcuUchlaiid, Captain Ludwing, a in th troughly elfioient otllcer, vvii* placed in charge of the company'* dock* at Bremen n> even a short time ago, and t'ai ltricken *t-ln was trai slorrod to the Penlsi hlatiil. , There were on. hundred and fifty puen j. gcr. on board, , Capl lirn krnstein and part ol' the pas senger* ami crew of the steamship Deutscbland have just landed at llarvvich j it l< upp-'srd that about filly ol the pas ( ; enger* and crew were drowned The Deulschlahd is now on Long Sand*, still' j further toward the Esse* shore than to, Kertish Knock. Two tug* and a life beat r have proceeded to the e< ue "I the di*a* iter. Kentish Knock Sand*ara a lew tulle* j off the mouth ol the 1 bailie*. " FORI lIAUITY sSAKL. el ■ - I I'M lI.US'L I. O I'I.SMO V It VKMMOTM* Hot t ivrirtillVl) IN till ION I slttit iiUAT-! ii " Now you JUat akipotlt of thi*," Mini s a lug burly ilJs k hainl ill llto l.nbea' cab-- ' in of IA Fulton ferry, us lit- caught a' thinly clad, shivering barefooted Imy by : tlie our ami marched hiut toward tin ' dixu. "Vict out on the deck lively, now." l'be little fellow hud been ak-j • ing the pa—.cngerw for cents, anil the man , had caught hiui at it. "Oh, please don't," screamed the child, as the deck Jhaiul twisted his car, "I'll go, I will." A' tashionablc woman stepped quickly for t ward, and In r silks rustled and her eyes snapped tire a she said. What haw he r done ; why do you treat the child no j harshly ?" : ' "lie's a young beggar, uium ; and the rules doesn't allow beggant in the boat*, mum." I , "Let him alav in here," aaid she. "It's i cold outside. 11c is barefooted, and no ( 1 young, too wby be can't be more than 'five or .is years old." ; "He can stay here if he behave* him- i self, lie nuisn't beg it# agin the rulea, I mum," and the big man let go the little ' I one's ear and stood watching bitn. I "Poor little fellow," tuuand the lady, ' scanning the bov'a pale, pinched fare:' closely. "You look tired and hungry.i I've a mind to give yon M ini-thing." ', i "It's for rum if volt give him a cent, ' mum ; his folks will take it all away . | from liim before his foot's put ashore j, three minutes," atisvvered Uie deck hand. f But the kind lady handed the shiver-'i ' ing child one ofl'aele Sam's crisp fifty' cent promises to pay hereafter, saying. ■ ("lie certainly needs shoes and some 'thing to eat." I' i "Mistaken charity," persisted the Yal- 1 ant employee "We know 'em all—he'll | l get n> giKnl of the money." "He's welcome to the little I gave him," 1 she answered, and noticing that the pas-,* !seugers wera regarding her with inter -1 eat, she added : "and I l>elif ve every JUT- ' son in this cabin believes lam right— N .lu-l that most of them are willing togive ( the |MHir child a jienny or two." The passengers did agree with her, and they la gan dropping money into the little fellow's hat until the episode prov l-j ed his bonanza. |j The loat touched the planking. The u boy skipped to shore and acr-is the p street to Fulton market, The Reporter followed him round into Beekman street \ and saw hiui wait on the corner; two b minutes afterward saw the well-dress- ci ed lady approach from the other siJe of, P the market ; saw the boy carefully empty the money into her gloved palm, c< and passing the pair heard her say * sheerfully. "Well, Dick, 1 guess we'll B try the Roosevelt street boat." —A*. I*. l< , .Stm. ® MARKETS | J j New York, Dec. 18 —Flour .utter $4 5" .i C 4 7.1, common to good 1 ?o(4o -to g >od to \ choice <1 oiW.cC 00. Wheat no 3 I'hicag- Spring I IV; no. 3 MiiwauKea 1 13(<vl It Kyi-Ml'-vW Corn, we-tern mii'-.I 74 t-7i j I Out*, western mixed C- ffe. lls(uv ,) 21i Kgg* '-.'pV-*'i Sugar, fair to good „ refiniag Petroleum refined l-t^i. 121. , PHILADELPHIA. Flour <■* fam 5 7S< t,fi 26: high grade. 7 00 a ($8 flO. Wheat new red Pa 1 311(41 do * white 1 42(syl .">0 Corn western mixed "5 d i *,76; yellow 71 §(<c72!• OaL western mix- I ed lift 13. Petroleum refined 12Jr>12L CHICAGO. Flour good to choice ,1 'M<* r . 76. spring ~ extras 6(1)6*6 OH. Wheat Feb. *.<7<((.WH; j. sel Jan '.iit'V.'7. Corn sel Dec 4Q ; .el Jan Uf Oats sel Jan 301; so! Dec 0. live j, sel Jan 68(5,66}. Barley seller Dec , !. i Milk t Makkkts. corrected weekly hy 1). Shelmire, Wheat J1 to 1 2k Barley 66c to 76c. Oats 26c to :15c. Clover Seed $6 60 to $6 tkl. Rye 66c to 70c. Pork 7c to 6c. j Peultrv 6c to oc. <j Butter "AX- to 26. I Eggs 20c to 22c. < BELLEFONTE MARKETS. White i7heat 51 20 Red 115 ... Rye SO 1 ncwCotnSA old 60. Oats SO— Barley W> d 70 Clorcreeed *6.50 Potatoes Mi 1 Lard per pound 8. Pork per pound 96 Butter'JO Eggs 15 Plaster perton fIJ Tallow 8 BaconlO Ham 16 \ Lard per pound Scents Buckwheat 66eta. Fiourper barrel retai!7, oo... Nova Scotia plaster sl4 to 16. Cayuga ol after $9,60 per 2000 lb*. j ?(. A National Family Paper. TO Tb Ort Ftmll* I'sper of Aoertea, the onlj ospsr ->potln -tsnxwln.lWr. <jck sod lismhai. sn.l ~ lng mtllii>n In (h pul'lir. Is Onw r„d f.., th- 1 lea I taoUl ,-smpolfH. sod Ivu.lMl ok<m dsltalited suhoerlb . I "THE STARSPANGLED BANNER i lls alar** lht o. u <- ■! imn eap-r. In.l.rr.|i, I ..rorflowln* nh i hsrtnlna Slr|n. r.ln, sknhlitn. p..ntrj Wil, llumnr and run It girt* stl n-w R rlpns ltl(lits. HnrrsU. Arts, *<• . 4 " , hss s l lilldrno's infill. . Msdicol ISstiwtm.nt, I'uxf Ut's I'urt.rr., tc tc . and Is a p-rf-,-1 I amtlr I'sper Humbug* ( nombwr hu fW coltnniMl f truthful. prlliMa state* menu fo Mvdnal. iMtwnr. ft ft, bond, or "put And j call' ga m" ran or or "cilfh If )n mad thli *rAt lsi>Ar It PipoM> All ftvtn4l"r frr or for •ud t*r a !t- •# **r lOUO, name® And |ime" | It I \i ta Hot Rnsf !• tont prr|tt<l 11 \ m>* etfrjuhrrp It it lut th jAior fssr rtrry | hotat. Soothmor Iforthm-ti ■< l Ht pdttUiAl, rr Hfft6tiurwHUrUn It for all. Nfarlnd In 1*63, it ha goo* "Tt fr 13 yam, and lr rrad hy r**>pl • Vou want It and will hat* It aomr tUno Why out norr ? Elegant Cliromntt. 1 (worth ft oaiphl.Aixo itll torhn*. flnrly tnotintwd. and t we offer any four of TBOAOMRJA and BANK KM a who)# c jrrar all fnw. for ft Trtrra arw rhrotnoa •uitaM# for anr parlor. 60 of br promtama offorwdr. i A I nut IVnril H- a-h r. rtflMßlur iu ottr J A Ldt.ll \Y oru. canlannlal tlurln* thia on# yrar do Lak* a National, patrt it it wide tw'i" papwr, onn that !• for Riht and aa!nt wmnw oo that knows no narty. no north. a<uth rant or weal; hut a paper Intended for erery reader one that AATna money to ita readers hy exposing tha "trlrks and trap®" of swtndledotn . and now | tha time Ynu HAM put It oil too hmg. .Sand TO <!■>. NVW is THE a*- <-aptad time. Onlr 75 rent• AEEU rea thia great paper a year • With four charming rhmmoa. only FL & nunt her* sent for U RANLA SPECIMENS (LUUTT ready ' SENT free to all Send for It NOW F'osts nothing to see it sand to-dayfto f) . Hlnadsie. NIT dacl6aow The Model Magazine, American Monthly. WF. Invlt* Hi* attention of lb# public to the con * lent* of fht< f'uMtiUr Mr*Kin Th#y *n t|. J tie-1 aivl erit*rl*lnlttg. prrvanntltig *n uimaQil. M trr|)r of tho moot Attrartiv* fnAturo*. rendering i ech tiAue au Instructive compendium of I'opulHr IJt>riiltire. The Mauuanri te now on bond, or *i>ociAlly #ngAgod , for prodnrtlnn .tiring the y#Ar. emhrmro an unuMUAllj i I attractive lUt. of Hrilllant Susrie*. KkoU ho of Traroi. PtMvm*. rapor* on Hcleneo and Art. Biographies of Kmlnent end Notable Per onagew. F.eeayt on Temier i tnd rhrletiAn Morality, Utrrary < tU< liu, Faabbma. Ilouarholti Matt-r*. and a variety f aide and lutoreet \ ing Artlel*o tnn tho Important Tonira of tlte day. hy tefonted and well known wiitera All |'Wlbl meaxie • re. and will he, taken to supply the puhllc. through Tho American Monthly. with a popular and >et refined type of I.ilerarr Knjoy ment. AawioipommtofKOUlW I.ITKK ATURK and • Christ lan l*rtgree it wfl| he uQgnrpaeecd in any l>o partnient. and uneonAlledl n the ftnenoMof ita malerl al or tho beauty of lt <> t egia;j}|y.. It x>urpoes t*. he comprehensive jmhdou*. practical, senaihle. and to have really Wrttmc and t>ermanent worth, whiUt It •ttractaand amuses, for the hour, both OLD AND YOUNG. Whler I* liurtfiil to "H-ißlr il aondnmnn wllhout f*r <ir (.vr.r, m.Vlli* U~-lf In 11,n llllMKrtOY THKPKIIPI.K n. I,'iwrr f,.r In lln- v*rtua d|rlnirnla |l rd<Tinj l'k for hnalltjr iii ln,i,n. (mm •ontlmxnl. *nd an Imi'itrlta) tTii irnaanf clnluki .jn uU*t rf| *'" t tfIMCCj The Amerioan Monthly contain* alxly.four douhlo column pages each month, thus making a yearly roluine of orer ?&ti LAKCK PA (KH, and T furnished to subscribers (postage pre paid) for 51.50 a Year. 5 copies, one year. NHSI); 10 copies, one year. fIO.OOO. , SPKt 'IM KM COP!EH sent to any address upon receipt of 1& cents. SO,OOO Ciivpti Away in Cnr.h p during the year Ut 8lw i io . |Aa uft The American Monthly. v |( 4%s|r ffn>epVpiix, teimsand • Mpti>s 16 cents qiAffVonsihlo A (i 1/ \ 'P S wanted In erery . town In the A VI J -' J> 1 ° UOIUHI Stale, and Canada to ranrasa for 6 THE AMERICAN MONTHLY. s to whom large CASH COMMISSIONS U1 he nai l Mend for spm-isl terms, prospectus etc. Specimen u coplas 16 cents. Address all communitati>na to 1 1), JLUttiiAV McLKLLAN Fubli.hgr, MSLiMaitiAAniwitliis Vwk. SUAM. Pot IUMM'T A crro . pondint write* • follow. I herewith i append a recipe for curing the tmall-pox, though the pitting nr. filled. It I* harm le** when taken by a peraon otherwi.e well. lteinuiiy . Sulphate of tine and i to* glove, each one gr , lialf toa*poonfu! of sugar, mis well with two spoonful* of water, then add four oa ol water. Take a tcaspuollful every hour. The de*ta*o will idisappear in twelve hour*. Give to rhil jdren according to age it i* also recom-i mended for scarlet fever A desperate Btid bloody tight is reported to have taken place at (tolling Fork,' Mis*, between a band of seventy five while* and a band of two hundred negroes j hlevm negroes were killed. H.iron K iinond It 'thschild and Count de I 'urenne, ef France, are in San Fran ci*co. These young men are reputed to represent $500,000,UU0 of properly in and' out of Franco. a use a hoi - refir cj to draw a heav j 'load, an iiihuinau wretch of Schuylkill . .tntv, tied a r--pe to the animal's tongue and l ulled It out. Kapublican Congressmen are beginning .to show great dissalislac'-ioti with tin. third tcrni plullorm, n- set forth in the : message. The memorial > f the Centennial Com' ' mission and Centennial Brian! of 1 inance, for an appropriation of SI,GUU.(JUI, was pre sented in the Senate. Franklin Shaffer, a young man living near Arg i, Indiana, wa* *hot and in- Itantly killed by Ira Slarkey yosterJav afteraoon while hunting, Starkey mittak ing him for a turkey In the north of Spain the weather has been *o cold lately that some ol the AL , phontist troope have been froten to < death. The Hon. A H Stephen, ha* been gain- , ing quite rapidly recently, and unless an unfavorable change occur* in his health, 1 he hope, to take hi* seat in Congress e.rly HI January. Henry Krt-.-shy, one of the person, i-harged with the murder of Mr*. Joseph j.Schneck In Lehigh v -unty wa. connnltted :--r court on YVedneday. j liiraiu Deal, a resident of Iriah valley, Northumberland county, while buteber j ing on Tuesday, fell and ran bi butcher • knife into his throat, troui the effects of whiuh hi* died. An aged women named Y'ingling wa. lound dead on the floor of one of the room, in her home at Sharp.burg, Blair county, lon Friday last Deceased wa. a widow and had been living alone. The executive c mmittee of the We.tern I'm.-n Telegraph Company reported the' ! net profit* for the halt year ending De- j j comber SI, 1e75. to be $1.702,7r). Fifty-nine bodi.* have been recovered from the Jswailho main colliery, England, and it i. now eon.iderisl certain that the dead will number between 13U and 110- Tbe rectifying utabluhsneiit of \k cl lii gton, Kidder A Co. 74 ltr.-ad street, New Y'ork, ha. been seued. and the pro prietors arrested, charged with being 'crooked.'' New Y'ork, December 7.—A German uptown saving* l-ank suspended today. There arc about four thousand eight hun dred depositors. The liabilities amount to ab--ut frlSkiUJO. The officer, expect to pay at lea.', eighty rent* on the dollar. Gen. Banks voted for Gen. Alpbcus S. William., of Michigan, tor speaker of the bouse, who i* a democrat and not republi can as reported In some of the newspa per*. Stoke*, who killed Ftsk, is said to he confined to hi* bed in prison with asthma and chilis and fever, hie hair is turned whit* and hia i(institution ruined. IJi; term will expire next September, but en effort is being made to have him par doned. , DEATHS. Near Bellefonte, on Thursday morning, Dec, 2nd, Mrs. Susai na Muascr, wife ot Job a Muater, Sr., aged 74 year# 4 months and 13 days. Our dsvoted triond wa n devoted wif, a faithful tnother, a kind neighbor, who n much loved hy all the coaimunily, and an rnrneat Christian. For tiaarly five weeks ho was confined to her bed, until death relented her from ber sufferings and Uud called her home. Death had no sting for her, and the grave lot it* victory. Manv loved ones mourn her departure, because in har they; had n faithful wife, a fond mother and a kind grandmother. Her name is written above whera she had ber treasure, and where her weary soul longed to go—in Heaven —to Heaven., There wo may nu-et her. MARRIAGES. In l'ine Grove. Dee. 7th. by Kev. J.j Foster Bell, Mr. John ( t<> Mia Ma ry A. Stiver, all uf Slate College. At the residence of the bride'* brother. j Mr John Mi-eso. in Bellefonte, on Thurs day evening, Dec. 2nd. IM6. by ltev W. H Lilly, Mr. Andrew Morrison to Mia Su Mcoc, both ol Balletonle Nov. ill. Kev Thos. A. Rohinon of Potters Mills and Miss Ella 1* Wi' .n, daughter of Lucien Wilson, of Oakland Mill*. Juniataco. On 2nd, at Millhcim, Mr. Wn. S. Mm ar and Mrs. Annie C. Hitter, daughter of Wm. Harter, of Mitlhcim. /" t BEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES: AT Wolfs Old Stand. Largest Stock of Goods in the Valley! ONE PRICE! LOW PRICE ! POLITE ATTENTION ! Havingjnst rcturno l from tbo Kat, and bought ut panic price*, 1 am now prepared to el! cheaper than ever before. Mv #lock con*ists in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS. 11 HOSIERY, ; HATS A CAPS t HQOTS A SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, | SANDALS, A-c., Ac. La dies' and Geuta' Underwear a spec iality. A LABOR STOCK OK READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly on hand. Look at tho fig- i urcs: (lood Cammerc SuiU, f 10.00 Uood (Jammerc (Joalf, $5 00 Gustomers will i'tnd the stock com plete, and a call is all that is required to assure you that ibis is the best place in tho valley to buy your Remember, u;c A aye 'jut u>ie price far everifcuw, WM. WOLF. nKSI It ABLE HOME AT PRIVATE SALE. —A vorv desirable property, situated at Cburehvilie, Centis county I'h. is offered at privuL. vd" (nVprovemenU CONSU,I|U UE*TWO-STORY DWELL . ING HOUSE 22x28 ft. u never failing well 1 with pump, garden and young fruit trees. , Churches, school house, store etc. close by. ' It is a desirable situation for a shno-inak er. Terms reasonable. For further in formation onll at the store of Messrs. > Strohm A Swnrtz, or address the under signed, at Selinsgrove. Snyder county Pa. ;II boy at, TtiU}, J, i'iiJiPiiingJi, I Th. Board of Pardon, on J reviewed i .shout forty case*, recommending among other, the Clearfield miner*. I Grain. Seeds and Produce LOO la THIS WAY, and bring your grain of all kind*, Clover Herd, Pork. Poultry, Ae., Ac., At." to Milroy mill ware-houte where you; I will at at! times receive the highett caihj i price* for the iarne Salt, plaster, Coal, j r ih, Ac. for sale. D till F.i.M IRE. i is nuv ;i in N'OTD'K N. ti, -I- herein given that' the a- Hint of William Weaver, jcumtnittee of Kd ward D Weaver a tuna 1 tic, ha* been filed in the office of the Pro-I ihonotary of the C-iurt ofl'umtnon Flea.' of Centreco , and wilt he presented to thei 'Court for confirmation at January term,' neat. A. WILLI A Mm, ice 2 i'rothonotaiy. | lAST NOTICE All person. indebted. j to the estate of 8 S Wolf, dee'd,' lare hereby notified to render satisfaction lon or before the Ist day of January ne*t,| after which date all unsettled account* Will be placed into lb. hands •! an officer lull • collection. P HOKFKIt, C O. W<LF, ,'St nov fit. Administrator*. I lOItsALK.- I The subscriber offer* at private ale, * properly situated at Milllioim A dou t<le lot, thereon erected a TWO •"-TOKY HDPsK, a wotxl-house a good stable and other outbuildings. Term* reasonable For further'information address 8. M Swarta, Centre Hill, or call on H. M Swart''- "ear Millbciiu 'Jo iniv 41 b. M. ttWAHTZ A DM IN ISTH A'fOK'S NrtTICS Letter, of adtninistratioli on the estate f Jacob Kline, late of l'otp-t twp , dee d having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to said decedent are requested to make immediate payment, anil person* having claims against tbe estate will pre- 1 -eut them authenticated for settlement. KD KLINE A JOHN SHANNON. | nov IS fit. Adm r* Ii XECUTOK 8 NOTICE.—Lett.r. te*- j lamentnry on the e*tale of Barnet \, late of Fotlt-r townabip, deceas rj. i.avinr been granted to the undersign el, all |>cr.on. indebted t > sail] e.lata are required to make lmimetiate payment, and thoie having ilaiini against the same P> present them, duly authaiiticated by law, for settlement. JOHN B WAGNER, MICHAEL BTROUM, dec'Jfit Executors. I L 1 N L I! H Y GOO D Mrs. N. E. McENTIHK, PUTTKHV MII.LS, 'ha* jutl icturncd front Philadelphia, with llhalateat styln* of Straw Silk and fancy Halt, B >nntt. Ac , Velvet*. Flowers, ("rapes, Silk Good*, Feathers, Blonde*, KiMom Ruches, Braid*, Ornament*. A fall iina of ai) tbn Intost atylfc* oi Millin ery Good*, which wilt be *old at the low e*i price*. Sb ha* on# of the betl uiillin-; er in her employ. isr-Hat. and Bonnets returned in the ateat *ty le. "Mitt Oct-tl, fin. | Don't Buy \ HARD COAL BASE BURNER HEATING STOVE, until you have ex amined the -THE- Best & Handsomest STOVE IN THE MARKET. Call and see them at the Store of J. I. REENR.IN, CKXTXK 11 ALU, PA. ! C'TIfikMPTOM'S IMPERIAL SOAP ' / Is THI "HET." Thi* Soap i* manufactured Irotn pure material*. nd as it contains a large per- 1 cer.lage of Vegetable Oil, i warranted ful ly e<jual to the best imported Castile Soap, and at the same time possesses all the washing and cleansing oroperli- s of the celebrated (ierman and French Laundry Soap*. It i* therefoio recommended for, ue in the Lauudry, Kitchen, and Bath rootr,, and f r general household purpw-, ICJ; alio, fur Prinleis, Painter*.;ne*r, and Machinists, a* it will remove *tain of t Ink. Grease, Tar, Oil, Paint, etc., from tha' hands, Manufactured only b? CHAMPION BROTHERS. 3 ,4, G. ti. anJ 10 Kutgert Place, and S3 and •T6 Jefferson Streal. New Yerk. Nor 11. tisi. The Granger Store! Something New! CASH AND PRODUCE FOB CHEAP GOODS. SHOUT CREDIT A SHORT PROFITS, j hrkilgr i: \on i, Spring Mill* ha* established a store to suit; the times, and has a complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE. QUEEN'S WAKE HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, FISH, SALT. CIGARS. TOBACCO, DRUGS, SPICES. OILS, In shi'rt a lull line of KYKUYTHINO FOR LESS PRICES TH AN ELSE WHERE |COME AND JUDGE FOR YOUR SELVES. •'ifeb. y. "y'iSMDW NEW Tile Manufactory. WOODWARD. PA. Tha undersigned hai opened a new Tile Simp fur manufacturing all kinds or Tile*. Person* wishing to drain off their land will please call and examine our stock, as we make the round and alo, the horseshoe tile For sample call at the Reporter office. D. YEN ADA & SON. 21 oct 3m. W.awlward. Simon Haines* CENTRE HALL. Manufacturer of ('Krrl:iKra, RiikklCN, tVitjtoiiM, Ac. Of every description ; running goar for all kind* of vehicles, made to order, and in llrt cliu* manner. Being a practical tue ihamc. I would WARRANT ALL WORK to give tklisfeclidn RepaiVing I promptly attended to at the lowest rate*. i Undertaking, Collins of all styles niuJe on (hortesl notiyft. Tha buainea <>f unilcrtiiking atteniloj tu iu nil it* b l(eitcetfully aoi'viW a bro of I public i>atronag. f> sept y J TiAHHtf. J.Ti SIIPIiKRT J A.HKAVk John hoFKkh. pktkr iiokfku, Pennsvalley Banking Go, CENTRE HALL, I'A Ami Ahow In wrvst. Discount Nolo Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold andt Coupons Pktkr Horriß, Wis. B. Minolt Pros't. Can If tet BE VTTY TT^ X-suSend stamp for full information, HTOKK, NSW GOODS AND Panic Prices. 11. .4. LAHHIMKK. .I the old Centre Hill .land, Jut opening n Stock of NEW GOODS, OLI) F ASH ION ED PRICES! A largo variety of I*adiea Drew Gooda Great Bargains in Mualiiiaand Cnlicoee. Ready-made Clothing Warranted to Suit. ilia Cloth* and Caaaimera, Cant b* excelled His Grocery Department. A*ionith every onoin a**ortuientand low price*. 'Syrup, Sugar, Tea, Cuflee. Canned fruit*, Domestic and Foreign Frutla, C'heeee, and ivory other article belong-, ing to the Grocery Depart in en t. Ptr~ Farmer*, Mechanic* and Laborer* look to y-iur interest On. dollar taved i a dollar in woeket. Tiien call and ee at what astonishingly low price* JT A"N u trouble to kiiow Goods i Also the choicest Fawit.v Ft.ot'a el-1 way* on hand. Apr. 16, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, DYE KTUKFS. PKKFCMKKY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES FOB THE TOILET, r Ac., Ac., Ac. I*l'KE WINK AND MQI OItM, for moilictna! purpose.. ' Truaaca fr Supporter, in great variety. Al*o, choice CIGARS TOBACCO, and all other article* u.ualljr kept in a first cla.t Drug Store. Prescription, carefully Compounded.l Ooct tf _ MILLER A SON. | ' Headi|mrtor Air BooU and Shoes! P 0 W E It 8* j BOOT ANO SHOE. STORE. Opposite Bush House, BILLKFONTE. FA. Power.' Boot A Shoe Btors i. the larget \ and heat nocked .tabli>breent in Centre! County. j, He keeps constantly oq hand a full line Qf H< or *A\i I no Ei. lieu just opening the largest stock of Spring Good, ever brought to Bellefei.te. f 1 j1 £ S >1 0 t 3 for ladies, kept eon.tantly on hand- Boot* and Show, for and women, of; all stylo 4, quality arid price., from the ' most costly to the cheape.t, constantly kept on hand. WE DEFY' COMPETITION! either in quality or price. Call aud examine his new stock of Rpriug and! iSummer Good*, and you will find it ( w> your advantage. Apr2lly. NEW YORK | BRANCH STORE, McCUiii*i Mock, Directly Opp. Bu*h House, Bellefonte, Pa, If. HERMAN A CO., Prop'rw. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID-j ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN- C Y GOODS, 9TBICTLT FIBS T-C LAIS 00009, lleiow the I'SDHI I*riees. Nov 12. if. ea. wmaoa. r. a. airaa. a.a. news ] WILSON & HICKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARD WARE DEALERS. I HON, PA I NTS, 01LS. (i L ASS, AC. Builders Hardware COACH MAKEB'S GOODS. CABINET MAKEKBSTOCK. Stoves of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS, &C. WILSON A HICKS. Bellefontc, Pa. NOTICE.—We will ell to responsible men on three month* credit. Will take off 5 per cent for cah which is equal to "JO per cent, tier annum. It will pay tho pur chaser to borrow at 10 from other parties, if ho can save in buying trom u*. In this way we can turn our money and *etl low er. Mar 1&. tL CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. 1 J. 0. DEININGKB. A new, comtilele Hardware Store ha* i been opened by Uio uudersigned in Con- 1 tre Hail, where he i* prepared to sell all I kind* of Building ana Uous* Furnishing 1 Hardware, NaiL Circular and Hand Saws, Tenson Saws, Webb Saw*, Clothes Hacks, a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture 1 Frame*, Spoke*. Felloes, and Hub*, table Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Fork*, Locks, Hinges, Screw*, Sa*h Spring*. I Horse-Shoe*, Nails, Norway Rod*, Oil*, Tea Bell*, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn iihe*. I Picture* framed in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. Tit- Remember, all oodt offered cheap- ■ er than elsewhere aug2s' 78-tf. JOHN CAH P'N < If Furniture Booms*, MILKGT, MIFFLIN CXX, PA. Extension Tables, SuiU, FinotSt Common Furniture, Conaisting iu part ol BUREAUS, BED STEADS, CAIN and WOOD SEAT CHAIRS. Tho public generally are invited to call and see tho fine assortment of FUKNJ TUUfc to be found at the above c*ta\dvib~ incnt, all ol our own M Undertaking in ul\ Its arauchoa, Oaakets win) Shrouds. Having purchased an elegant Ilearse, I will attend all orders of undertaking 1 may receive from Ponntvalley. Contra Co '*• JOHN CAMP. Jan 28 If. ' BUY YOUR ORU6S FROM aaKivs rb rit Store, . (NEXT DOOR TO THE DEBCKNEX OUR STORE., ; FBKStt ANU CUEAr. 'aw. ai FURNITURE. JOHN BREtIIBILL, in his elegant New Rooms, Spring stre Bcllefonte, 11M un hand u splendid assortment o HOUhK ri'BNlflßK from the com moncstlo the most elegant. CHARBRR KETH. lA HI.OR SETS, BOFAB, (HA IKS. IJKDBTKADS, WOOI. MATTKK>HKH HAIR MAT TKKBBKB, and anything wanted in the line of hi* buslneis— homemade and city work. Al io, ha* made a (penality and keep* ot hand, the larked arid illicit dock of WALL PAI'KB. (ioodi aold at reasonable rate*, whole**. and retail. Oive a call before our (baaing elaewherc. febfe-iy J. ZELLER & SON DRUGGISTS INOG Brockerlioff Row, Bcllefonte,F I Ocalerain Brag*, t hrulcal* I'crhiucr}, I hiic) Uoml* dke. Ac. Pure Wine* and Liquor* fur tnedicr purpotea a 1 way* kept. may 81. 72. QENTHKUALL Furniture Rooms.' kzba kuimiiim:, reaper-tfully inform* the tt litem of Ceatr county, that li* ha* bough tout the old atarid of J. O. Detuinger, and ha* reduce' , the price*. They have constantly on band and make to order BEDBTEADB, < BUREAUS. bimkb. W AEUSTAinM. ' CORNERCUPBOARDS TABLES, Ac., Ac. < Hoiib Maps Cuaim ALVARAOA Haxr. 1 Their dock of ready-made Furniture la ' large and warranted of goad workman, hip and ii all mad* under their earn immed • ate auperviatan, and i* offered at ratal [Cheaper than elaewherc. Call and fee our ttock before purchasing elsewhere. 'M fob. ly. j Gift&FloryV New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE nALL. [Thay have now opened, end will constant ly keep on band, • splendid stock of new SHOES, GAITERS, A SLIPPERS, for men, women and children, from the beat manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the i t Lowest Prices. ROOTS and SHOES made to order, upon short notice. They invite the people o. this vicinity to give them a call, as they will strive to merit a share of their oat ronaga. myldtf GRAHAM & SON, I fM I i |fi s jit ifh aif >Jmwr Dealers in Boots, Shoes and aunaias, Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine 6aiters. All Kinds of Custom Work Made To Order. Harness lather, Sole Leather, CalfSklns And Shoe Findings always on hand. BMsop Street, IDmay tf BeTcfbnto, Pa. Excelsior Cement- The undersigned now manufacture* Ce ment WARRANTED OP ASUPERIOB ol* A LIT Y, at hi* kilns, near Pint Creek Mills, in Haines twp. This cement has already keen used in large quantities upon the L. C. A S. C. KB., and has been found highly satisfactory upon all jobs where it has been used, and as equal to any now nianufavturod for use ia CIS TERNS. WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a good quality of Cement is desi rable This Cement has already been tested far and wide, and rendered tbe ut most satisfaction. Persons, therefore con siructing Cisterns, laying Water P ipea, Ac. will find it to their advantage to bear this in mind,and alto, that he warrants the iarticle at represented. J. G. MEYER, may 21 tf Aarontburg, Pa W. A. CURRY, itaol <& She 9 ifti&fcw, CEYTHE HALL,FA. Would roost respectfully inform the cit rent of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants hia work •to equal any made elsewhere. All kinds oTrepairing done, and charge* reasonable- Give htm a call. feh IS ly Tt. SPANGLEU, Attorney-at-Law. Bcllefonte, Pa. Grace with Bush A Yocum. Consultation in English and German. Collections promptly attend ed to. feb&-tf (J t T M MINGS 11 O US T? \ Bellefonta, FA ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. The Cummiags House, on Bishop street, ' lis one of the pleasantest located hotels in 1 ibe town It has the heel stables in tbe < 'place, has an excellent livery attached and , • very attention will he paid guests. No , pains will be spared to make it a pleasant ><nd agroeable stopping place for the pub lic. Boarding by the day or week, and I rates charged will always ba found very j'ev iune 17. ItasßT HROOKKRHOrr, t. t>. SIIVOXaT President, Cashier. OKNTRK COUNTY BANKING CO (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, BMV aci Selk Coverpuioat Sewn ities, Gold <4 Coupoßi v. r. SUKKRIFR* A.r. MILLIB Keystone lVoru A Molel Works. J. P. MILLER A CO. PATENT OFFICE & EXPEKIMEN . TAL MODELS OF IRON, W OOD OR itRASS, MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. 67 II ofcr Str&iy auii 80 Firtt Avcnrt*. PWTSBIRCHI. OdW uith J. 11. Shcrriff ft Son, Works, 3d Floor. l*pr.y. JAS. M'MAN US, Attorney at Laws Bcllefonte, promptly attends to all' business entrusted to h;w. iui2.'(Mh BEATTY ITHB BEST IN USE. ,*-Send stamp for Circular. DANIEL F. BEATTY. Washington. New Jersey. f OHN F. POTTER, Attornj-*-Law. ti Collections promptly made and -pecial attention given So those having lands or property fox sale. Will draw u| I and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, Ac. Office in the diamond, north side o ' t.ho court house. Bellefonte. oct22Ti9ti M. P. WI.LSON, Attorney-at-Law, ''J , n I ?. ,, J! efoo i? £*• OR* ia ito. Baa n|f flßuildmgL tttllilfnitl I FOR FARM Kith AND ALL iilfi&R Oo to 1. Guggenheimer. J'Oll f Oi.EION A DOMESTIC DBT GOODS, KOTIOKS, READY MADE CLOTHING; DREMQOODi, OROCRRIE| raoViiloM, BOOTi A SHOE*, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A BHOEB CLOTHING, OIL CLOIIU AMD PABCY ARTICLE* VIUKENHWAKE, GROCERIES. PRO VIBIORB, FLOL'K, Ac *0(11* now prepared to accomodate *1 bit old customers,.and to welcome all 1 new ones who mar favor him with their patronage. He feel* safe in cay iog that he can plca*c the moet fastidi oua Call and aee. ISAAC GUGGEXIIEIMER. • B.—Mr.Huasmari atill continues todeai in "ATHM AND SHOE-PINDINGB, CLOVER aa:ad TIMOTHY SEEDS, 10 tbe old room,where he may always be found. 12a P .tf. f pilK undersigned, determined to meet J-. the popular demand for Lowtr the attention •( the public to hi* toek of SADDLERY, ac. w offered' at tbe old stand. Designed •specially for the people and the time*, tbe largort and mod varied and complete as sortment o Saddle*, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every description and quality ; Whipe, and in .actevary thing to complete a first class establishment, he now tfers at price* which will suit the time* JACOB DINGKB. Centre Hall Cha.~Hr Held, Clock, WslckashrrAJewfler Miilbeim, Centre Co., Pa. all kind* ot Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of the latest styles, a* also tbe Maranvllta Patent Calender Clocks, provided with n complete index of the month, and day of the month and week on it* face, which i* warranted a* a perfect lime-keeper Clocks, Walshes and Jewelry rw PiHkd oa abort aoticaand w arrsntw. BEATTY Ako. WEIGHB WHEN BOXED OVER ONE THOUSAND POUNDS. Liberal terms to dealer*. hta-Send stamp for Circular. Address D. fTBEATTY. Washington. N. J. BHOCKEHOFF HOUSE. BKLLEFONTE. FA. E. PERKS A SON, Prop'ra. This well known hotel, situate in the business portion of ths town, has been thoroughly renovated, repainted and fur nished new. It will be she aim of the pro prietors to make it a pleuant Home for those heresy favor them with their pat ronage. A free carriage is run to the de pot, and the boat stable* in town areeon ! i>ecied with the House. aapr. aoo Fort* combines every improvement in ton# with power and great durability. and has received the unqualified endorsement* of the high est Musical authorities for its Marvellous extraordinary r.cbaew of Tone, having INO SUPERIOR in the world. Large sine, Ti Octaves, overstrung Bast, full iron Frame, French Grand action. Fret Desk, Carved Pedal.Solid Rosewood. Mouldings, Ivory Key Front. Capped Hammers, aGraffe Treble, Ac., Ac., Ac. Weight when boxed over One Thousand Pounds. Liberal discount to tbe trad*. Agent* Wanted—(male or lemale.) ISA-Send stamp for Circular. Address the iavenior and Proprietor, DANIEL F. BEATTY. Washington. New Jersey C.PECK'S New Coach Mann factory. CENTRE HALL, PA. The undersigned has opened a r>, w es tablishment, at his new shops, foi the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons, Buttons ASP Sutoa, PLAU AID PASCT of every description , Ail vehicles manufactured by him are warranted to render satisfaction, and aa equal to any work done elsewhere. lie uses none but the best material, and employs the most skillful workmen. Hence they flatter themselves that their . work can not be excelled for durability and finish. Orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. Come nnd examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, ▲ll kinds of Kepsring done. HARDWARE STORE. J. A J. HARRIS. No. 6. BROCKERHOFF ROW. Anew nnd Ha.-dware Store has been opened by the undersigned in Brockerhoirt new buildings where they are prepared to sell all kinds of Building and House Punishing Hardware, Iron, Steel Nails. Buggy wheels In setts, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hand Baw*. Tenaon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Cream t reexers. Bath Tuba, Clothes Rack*, a full assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of all sixes, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows. Lamps. Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow Points. Shear Mold Boards and Cultiva tor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spsdes snd Forks, Locks. Hinges, Screws. Sash Springs, Home-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal, Linaeed. Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bellows. -Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory Bella, Tea Bella, Grindstone*, Carpenter Tool*. Fruit Jars and Cans, Paint, Oils, Varnishes received and for sale at luneh t-tf J A J. HARRIS. BEATTY ——— ENDORSED BY THE HIGHEST MU SICAL authorities throughout the world as THE BEST. D. F. BEATTY, Propri etor, Washington, N.J. P. FORTNEY, Attorney at Law • Bcllefonte, Pa. Office over Rev- bank mar 1V0 jQB.S.O. GUTELIUS, " Dentist, Millhelm. Offers his professional services to the public. He is prepared to perform all operations ia Ike dental profession. sap-He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely %oithnt pain. myft-7S-tf. BEATTY rirrvr AGENTS WANTED 1 (Male or Fe male.) to take order*. D- F. BEATTY, Washington. New Jersey. D. M. RITTENHOUSB, WITH KOQ?re, ft€HWARZ A CO. WHOUBXALX OKAJ.KRS IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue, 137 North Water Street, PLILLADKLPNI A. V. A.Kooxt. G Scawaas. J. SCHWAB marAly. THE ADJISTAtfLE SPRING BED The Best and Cheapest now tn Use. Mann P ufactured bv • DANIEL DERM, Belefonte, Ponn'a. ±%.Call and tee them \\xJore purchasing '• t -^ ner - lapr.y d flP^vrzvfQTnrTS a . I ■ MiiJjßaiMWrr!Sli i .Jai Imm ) WWrr A* Fwt loffipl. low priced, wamaattnl ngwltut tsrefltknge. Cr, r. jSaai63i3Muw:.Si^.a *4