THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY DEC. 0, 1X76. LODGE MEETINGS Out** 11*1.1. tamo*., No * I O.ofO I- . ww vtj Sslnrda* **nta in t hr Odd Fallow* Hull .1 H Oll.ULxl\ Hn-I ti. P Mum, A. O. Ojjv FOWT Umxik, So. Kit. F A M . niaols on M >nd*r avwniu*, on or ifur onoh full moon In Ui# iMd tallow* H*ll A' t". llra.r. 08, Swi, W MiaMJU W AS I'M wins** F ol H. mwU on NaiurJ*} f *0 noon on or aflar •*. h foil moo*. t Ihotr Hall J J. Ansa* LOCAL ITEMS. Our friomld will oblige by wuJinj ui tern- ne sending us the name* ofsi* new subscribers, with the cash, will be entitled to receive the Kfportkk one year free. The Kiuvktkr being read by newly every body orker this year pulled 327. Who c-n beat it—the Bellcfbntc Republican will net be allow ed as a competitor, because we Know thetr Danny is a bigger h—nastinft. —-Never mind how cold or wet. but go right straight ahead into Sechler s and g- t your dried and canned fruits Nearly all Bellefonte, theonehalfi f Bald Eagle, NitUny, aud Peon* vaUie*. KCt their sugar, coffee, tea, ham*, queen-- irr, and dried and canned fruit* at Sech ler'a in the Bu*h hou#e block, because there's where the nicest, bet and freshest groceries are kept. Did you try Brisbin's nice, plump Baltimore oysters ? H* gets them treh b the tub all the lime. You can get them by the quart, tie*. or any other way, and any thing in the line of confectioneries. Young folks' marrying season is coming on. They want nice, cheap turn iture— home or city made—go to Brack bills, Bellefonte, the largest establishment in these i arts. Always new arrival* of dry good*, groceries, ready made clothing hats, caps, boots and shoes, at the farmers headquar ters, Hoffor Jc Kline, iron front, Belle fonte. With thi* week our circulation ha* an increase of ST—the largest jump we have made in any one week--though there is scarce a week for years, that did not bring an addition to our edition. Theeir culation ef the Reporter is now near 1.300. The Sandwitch Islander* believe that Beelaebub walks the earth in the form of a woman ; bui the sandwitoh Islanders never saw Fred Kurtx. R-yubiieo*. Correct. If the Sandwiches** had seen us they would be better informed, and know tbat Beeleebub stalks the Republi can i fllco in the form of a man, and goes by the name of Dannyhastings. Major C. If. Shriner has sold hi* mill property, near Milflinburg, to a par ty from Curio, Union county, for $15,000. ——'The Odd Fellows of this place will dedicate their new hall, on 2-1 inst, with appropriate ceremonies. Prominent mem bers from a distance will be present and i deliver addresses. The Boalfburg Band has also been engaged, and parade in full rega'ia will be had. The champion Pennsylvania pie cater a;e an apple pie ten inches in diamer \ in eight bites. Pooh, Dan Hastings can b -at that all hollow, he has the biggest luouf you ever *aw, and can stere away a half peck of potatoes on each side of his jaws. The caring in ef the heading at Pad dy mountain tunnel, of which we made mention in a recent Issue of the Reporter, •was not as serious as was reported to us. Mr. Leuffer, the engineer, informs us that the iui ucuin can be tunneled notwithstand ing. and that the falling in of some rocks a abort time ago, was not of a nature to in ter fere with operations. Glad to hear it. Every pedy from Pennsvalley is invited,—and we alts advise it—to call at Graham & Son's, in the Bookorhoff block, when going to Bellefonte, where these gen tle- r.eo will supply the wants of all—men women and children—in the line of boot* ar.d shore. They can supply you bettar than elsewhere, and at prices not to be beaten. Shoemakers will And alto a stock , of the best sole and other leather. Mr. John Buaael of Aaronsl-urg, re ceived a severe fall last week. lie aa* standing at the end-gale on his wagon, when tbe horses gave a jerk, throwing hint out on his head, causing some severe cu i and bruiees cn bis head and face. —-Henry Loe set ire to a house nesr Fredericksburg, Vs., and was unsuspect ed; but his innocent son was arrested, and was Rk#ly to be convicted by circumstan tial evidence. Tbe son told his father to keep silent, and allow him to be punished. The father consented, but afterward chang ed his mind, wrste a confession, and drowned himself. Laura Miller, late of Philipsburg, stole a new dreas from a lady in Altoona, and wore it to the Chestnut Avenue M. K church ofthglcity, on Sunday evening of last week. Tbe police came into church and escorted Laura away from the to tbe loSi-up, and she wears one of her own dresses now, while wailing on the next terfn of the Blair county court. OartM..—The following wc publish as sent us.- Centre Ilall Mr. Kurtz th here WHS some folks bulcherd in nitna valley on the 2nd 1 -To they shot a beef twiale and then it ran A mile and thhen they struck it in the bead with tbe ax. and shot it in the Shefder and then they cought it bv the taill and held it around an apple tree and bit it in tbe head twicte and then it fell they were Republicans. The Lock Haven Enterprise lays that at a meeting of the creditors of Thomas & Mason, held in that place last week, it was found that tbe liabilities of the dim amounted to $2u~,1%.40, and the assets J120.38C.0®. Milesburg is not yet free from the small-pox. The latest report say* there are 20 cases at present. We enter volume 9 with the commence ment of 1876, and are revising our list and sending out accounts to all who owe sever* nl years subscription, and shall feel oblig ed to strike off the names of all who refuse to pay arrears before January Ist, Bext. Wo can not send the Reporter year upon year without pay. We must pay Cash for paper, work and material, hence the read er who is in arrears will see how important it is to mail us the amount due. A news paper cannot be published without money We trust, therefore that those who have been lifting the Repciter regularly, every week for two or more years, wlJll feel that it is but simple justice towards us to pay up arrears. , .pdr\ new Golden Tongue Organ, one of the finest toned instruments made, for sale at this office. Also a liynder organ, good as new. Either of these instruments offered at a bargain. -—lf you wish a first sewing ma chine, buy the New American of Bunnell & Aiken, Milroy. Pa Chas. Shefflerhas rented the Centre Hall tan-yard, and will take possession ol it in the bpring. Meanwhile Mr. Sheffler will be engaged in the establishment and take in hides, skins, etc., and work out stock for the halves. 25 nov. 3t. One door east of Win. Weiser's smith shop, Millheim, you find John S. Miller, fashionable tailor. 4Si.IC very body reads the Reporter—it it the best advertising medium in tbeco. —is'ext Sabbath evening liev. Fuel #r will preach bis inlrodueion snuon in the Loth, church, in tiii* place, j —And now Hastings is uneasy about the ItelUfonle hog committee. The gvtp j tie men evidently have come across thu le- > seal grunter of the Republican. Keep off j 1 the street. Danny, and the hog committee wsn'l trouble you Keep to your sly. ho. Dee. ti, lh7o Ma K l UTS ■ / V.i - Sir --Sine# thi di vision ot Harris Twp . there is an inquiry as to whether the policies el those in the new township hold good in case 01 Hie U. Answer Policies taken hel-ue the di vilion of Harris, the property of which is now in the now twrp., hold good, although reading "Harris." Future |ol cU ol course will bear the change. —Hasting* aetually bit into a barber pole the other day thinking tt was mint stick candy There is -ometbtng wrong with Danny ever tinea he officiated on the high hotsC, at the l*le fair NITTANY \ A 1,1.FY HKKYITIKS Currency still prwrou*. Butchering red-In*t—lr,--h sao ige, daily rations. Superintendent Meyer v >.ud our town ship last Woek. lie was well I leased will the condition of ibe schools. The Rion sch,ol, which wasuneipeeted ly vacated tome time ago, is now being taught by Cincero Yearick, of BeUefortte, Sever;,l parties ot cur sportsmen have been to the Aiieghvnie* recently on hum ing expedition* The most ot them re turned ladelied with the "monarch of the glen." Mr Joe Trcalcr, una of our awfulgooj fellow-, husktd I>"> bushels of cut u, *>u Sherilf Shatter's farm, in one day. this fail - commencing nt sunrise and quitting at sunset. \\ ell done, Joe ' come to the fair ne\t vear Mr. S I llershbergcr i f/'ion, who has been attending Carllmge College, (111. for sex era! years, returned home several days ' ago. Me looks datura!, and speaks veiy ' highly of the Institution. The Mublersburg Literary Society, 1 which has always been a good one, re opened Monday evening, Nov 22nd. The usual interest manifested by its old mem bers, in its re-opening, demonstrated well her continued prosperity. Public meet ings. as before, will be hold monthly. The exercise* of these meetings consist in the reading of the Hublersburg Herald, (a monthly paper edited by tho society I, tbo j delivering of orations, declamation-, etc j The bus nes* of private meetings is mainly i in debating upon questions of tho day. Vox PrscKH. | For the Reporter. THANKS, i Some time ago the undersigned \\us somewhat unlucky. An ax let roe of bis buggy broke— hor-e ran away and shatter ed aid btvke the vehicle a good deal to the detr'.iueiit'of the owner. A few friends itiaiJ about Aaroruburg tooktlio broken buggy and had it repaired and footed the . bill to the great disappointment of the un- ) fo-tunate party. The kindness of these * good friwnds, is hereby, *v< gratefully , acknowledged. JOHN ToMUKisoy. ! A M I*UDER AT A CUUBCU DOuK From the Jefferson City ! Mo.; Tribune, Nov. 19: Yesterday in New Hartford, Forrest Keid shot and killed Geo. Davis, son of Judge A. J. Davis. Services were being conducted at tho church bv a Mr. Du ncan, a Haptist rtiini-ler, and father-in iaw to Rcid. A large crowd had congre gated, and all couid put bo jJCfonipsodokd with seals in the church. At tho ebr elu sion of the exercises, and while tho clot, ing hvniii was being sung. Forrest Reid went out of the church and was followed by twoo! the young Davises. After a vio lent war of words F rrcst drew hi* pit!,.] and insUuiUy bred at tho one nearest him. The shot was a fate! a&n, but before the vital spark bad fl-d. the young fellow raised himself and tired a farewell shot at his murderer, then sank back, and said to his brother, who w as tftnppjhg hi* pi-t-dtt Rcid : "Take my pistol, your'* is no ae nount" Nay ing which he uirn- t iwitn<>- diately expired- JT;s younger brother took the proffered pistol, ami Jsea began a running tight, both hooting until ibep hud exhausted their ammunition. Neith er ot their shot* took effect. Thi* evening Forrest Rcid passed through here, under heavy guard, for Bowling Green. MOODY AND SAN KEY AT PHILA DELPHIA. Philadelphia, November tat The jjt tendance yesterday morning not. b ng 1 sufficient to fill tbe old freight depot, the 1 conuuiltee divided the building by draw ing eanvu-s acr> ss the middJe, thus giving the lower part a compact appearance. At tbe prayer-meeting thin morning the at tendance Humbert.! abeg*khf*J> th there being a *light prinkli£j[ ot i present. The meeting was'opuued flie singing of "Sweet Hour of Prayer" by th° cboir, uader Mr. Siankey sleadership. The request* for prayer were then read, in cluding the following: For a father who was once a | rofettor of religion, that he may hijve strength to acknowledge it again. By an unhappy wife forl/tr hu band, who is disgracing his Christian pro fession. Prayer was then offered by the Rev. Mr. Clopp. At Mr. Moody's request the audience then sung, "ii .w Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds " The hymn was not sung with as much spirit as ta usually displayed. During it* progress a large BU nber of pen-on* entered. THE MASSACRE OF J.MO EGYPT IAN SOLDIER* London, Nov. 29.—A duspatch from Alexandria states that newi has been re ceived thereof the massacre of Egyptian troops in Abyssinia. It seems that an Egyptian force, occupying one if the dis tricts lately taken, wu* surprueJ by a large force of Abyssinian*, and 1.200 sol diers were murdered, including seventeen officers. FAVORABLE NEGOTIATIONS WITH SPAIN. Madrid. November 20.—1t baa been as certained from official sources that the ne gotiations between Spain and the United state* are proceeding favorably. The ru mor# spread by the newspapers that diffi culties have arisen are absolutely incor rect. Th* relations between the two coun tries may be regarded ss excellent. —lf you wish to exchange your old ing machine for a new OUP, address Hun nell Sc Aiken, Milroy. jg-ir W M. KHRII AX, of Centre Hall, has the agency for Centre and Clinton coun ties. for the SILVER MU.KiXO lusjis, ad vertised in another column. All parties wanting them should apply soon. He will canvass a portion of tho county. Nov 11. ltn. SCHOOL TAX NOTI ETho taxpayers I of Potter school district arc hereby notiti-' ed that the tax-duplicate has been placed iri my hand* lor collection. All tax paid on or before December Ist. next, will have & per cent, deducted, ard from that date to January Ist the amount on duplicate will be payable, Mnd ail taxes unpaid after January Ist 1876. will co into the hands of a collector with an addition off) per cent. 1 will be at home Tuesday and Thursday of each week to receive tax A. 11 HOSTKKM AN, 7 oct 3m. Treasurer. any manufacture apply to Bunnell & Ai ken, Milroy, Pa. Granger prices, address Bunnell & Aiken Milrey, Pa. 21 oct 3m. JOHN S. MILLER, Tailor, of Mill heim, is putting up the best of; work nnd the public would do well to call upon him, as his prices and work suit the times. Sail jsfaction guaranteed. We have seen some of his work and find it equal to that of the best of tailors, fine door east of Weiser's smith shop. 21 oct Cm, IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS.-The un dersigned is now prepared to sell Brick at his kilns at Centre Hall to suit purchasers, at reasonable rales, also to furnisher eon tract Brjpkwork. S. S. EARNER. Jooty COURT PKOCKKDINU-i Court convened on MouiUy, Novembot 22, His Honor Judge Orvi* presiding dur ing the first week ot the term Monday, Nov. 22. 1 tie only v a>o tried w a* that ol the Com monwealth v Wm Vanpool, for cruelty to animal*. The charge was of having ot J-'g* on a hog belonging to Henry Hatches and also of healing the animal so that It afterward died from the injuries The proof of intentional cruelty was not very clear, but the jury touud a verdict of guil ty Sentenced to py a fine of one dollar and cost* ol prosecution. TUPMI*)" NOV, 2l. Comnioitw calth vs. Josep |l Shilling, Selling tire l>> a bath. It was proved that defendant, w ho seems to be a professional trump, and is well known throughout the county, rauc to the place ot Mr, lieorgr Foust one afternoon and went into the barn to re>t. Mr, F-uut and )us hired bun f.ghting flr> in ti-o ftuli About su| per twin) the defendant was seen t>< come iroiu the barn ami abort!) after ward the building ■ discovered to boon tire, wild wa- entirely consumed with it* content* Verdict, not guilty. Commonwealth va Mi*. Mary Harris False preterm- The |ib>eculrii wet a rather ancient maiden lady named Sara] Pollster. She ai in love with and cngag rit toe man named King, and being una bio to write or to rrad writing employe,! the defendant to write letters for her lei [ her intended, and also to read to the letter-" ! received from tlie other t>rly. Mr*. Har ris read to her a letter purporting to be' from King, In which lie stated that he| wanted certain article* cloth for a t-air oij pants, lining for a coat, etc. These things, Mi> Fonsler bought and delivered to the) defendant, w ho, it was claimed, appropria' ted them to her own use, or intended to do! so. The defence was that the pants Hull was got tor King, but cut to lit the husband ol Mrs Harris, by request and direction . Miss Fontler, while the other material were presented to the defendant as a com pensation for writing letter*. Verdict, nc guilty ; prosecutrix to |>ay cost*. Wednesday Nov, 24 Com. vs. Klli* Wilbams, fornication and ' bastardy. The prosecutrix waa Miss Nan cy A. Irwin, a gay 'and festive female, w hose character, even from herownshow -1 ing, is far from being of the best. The paternity of her infant, the jury were, no doubt fully justified in believing, is ex trenn ly questionable, and the prosecutrix herself was proved to have charged it upon different person*,—among other,. Hi-i ram Banrrmaster and Daniel Bailey.' Verdict, guilty of fornication only Sen-! tenced to pay a tiuu of SSO and costs. Fort > ney for Com. lleaver lor de!L Com vs. Duvid Logan, libel. The press ccutor was Mat hew Johnson, and both he and the defendant were engaged in the furniture bu-ine-s in Philipsburg The defendant seem- to have been envious of. the property of Mr. Johnson, and wrote, I anonymous letters to those from whom the 1 Matter was buying goods, the effect of ' wiiich was to injure the credit of Johnson | Verdict, guilty, but re, ommended to the mercy of the Court. Sentence suspended. Heaver, Fortney, for Coin, Kur-t for , deft. Com. vs Bridget o'Donne! assault anu ' I battery. The prosecutor >• the husband* of Mrs. Mary if oiu, pita yuoh Utpsf ] lady the defendant accused her husband of improper intimacy, ami one day when Mrs, N. * paying her a visit, Mrs. ' UDonne! threw a kettle of water upon ber. The question of sanity was not rais ed, yet we doubt if tho defendant is com pos lacnti;. ycrJict, judtv, anj sentenc ed to pay a Cue qf SOO ana cost*. Beaver for Com.. Wvion by the Court i for deft. Common wealth vs. Frank Sullivan. Larcency. The defendant, who i* a color ed man, was charged by Mr*. Agnes JJwrst with having stolen from her house half a doaon ulyor Dq-P-WD and a piece of soap. The articles worefouad ujion Pi* person of Sullivan Verdict guilty. Th Judge, in pronouncing sentence, remind ed the prisoner that stealing spoon* was a 'crime in Peatisyivaisia, that if he wished to take such articles and escape puniah , !)lSt he should go to New Orleans. The sentence Was to pay a Jne of £l,fO and costs, and undergo an iinprlsonuiout it, the county jail for four mould*. Spangier for Com., Bowers (appointed by the Court.) for deft. Thursday, the 26th. being Thanksgiving day. court adjourned over until Friday. Nov. 26. The only idvM cause tneu this week rat Uiat of T. 5!. Hall v. A. C. UJing*, with ofsci. fa. D. F. W'etzler. Tbe prin cipal question involved io tbi* cause was that of the title to certain real estate, which It was claimed on the part of Mr. Tiding* W- the property of his mother, and not (Subject tij his jjet'ts. T! ie Court so ruled as to the law in tbo cac H.i,l w; given for tbe plaintiff for $132.91. Bower for pi IT; Hoy for deft— Republican. THE WHISKY EXPOSURES. MAKING A DASH AT THK PRESI DENTS HOUSEHOLD. P 'during Telegrams fo the Ring in Genrrul Baboock's Handwriting— Interesting Testimony by Ex-Com misaioaer Douglass. St. Louis. Nov. 29 —ln the Avery trial to-dav. A C. Rogers, at one timo Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue, testifi ed that lie once organized a raid without Avery's knowledge. Avery complained of it, and -aid lie tegifrdeij it a* an impute- lion against him. Douglas* said lue se crets leaked out somo w ay, and he intend ed to confine them to a* few us possible. That was the New Orleans exposition, and it was Miccos-ful. John M D"Uglns testified that he Was Commissioner ot Intornal Revenue from ls>7l to May last, and added : tsubsequeut to the New Orleans raid 1 wanted to try this di*trict, but the ne\y< got out in somo w-ay. I then became con. vinco i that it would bu necessary to get rid ot some "1 the officers. I sent Joyce to California so that 1 could have the books in the district examined. I hud my suspi' clon as to McDonald and Joyce some time before this. Information of my raid* got out in some way. I was disappointed in the first contemplated raid on Nw Or leans. Avery knew nothing of the suc cessful raid on that place. He carno to iny office an J complained that my action re- j fleeted upon him. In tho fall of 1875 I concluded to change the Supervisors, and talked with the President ani Secretary , llriitow about it. As soon as the elections' were over and out of the way I recom mended the changes. I sent McDonald and Joyce to Philadelphia. There was a grout pressure brought to bear upon the President, and McDonald and Joyce were not transferred as I had rocotnmendwil. Witness was asked whether Babcock went to See him about retaining McDon aid and Joyce in their district. Counsel for Avery objected. Gen. Henderson said he intended to prove that Gen. Hancock was in tit in Ring,! and with this view W. D. Barrjard was culled and asked to compare u telegram! handed him with u letter from Babcock written to Barnard. Damurd said he thought the telegram was not written by Babcock. Mr. Dcugiass was recalled but could not recognise the telegram c having been written by Babcock. K. R. Chapman was then called and said ho was a judge of hand writing, and bad no hesitation in saying the telegram and letter weru written by the same person, Mr. Gillillan, Cashier in the United states Treasury at Washington, who sa d hewn* an expert in hand writing, testified' that the letter and telegram were written by the sauie band. ! John U. Donahue, clerk in the Western t iiioti T.>le>ra|>h Ofliee, was then t-attirrtweutlilij( n* tin* • iin|l >• t.t b..later tip litis fa-it. and in* vols# the Jury lii u umddl# as to who wai being tried Tit# telegrams war# Itaal< J wk a Altai nut Avery's 110 aaiii thy *ri IN li.NliUMt f Luiitlon, l)t*en to death white oft a shooting excurtion. MARRIAGES On lb© VOth u!t, at the Luth. Partonag© it; Hubl<>rhurg. by it* J A. Mright, Mr M O. (try ID an to Mitt Nannie ker lift, daughter of Wtu. Karlin, Kq , bothol Miletburg, Pa , DEATHS. j On 2, near Bellefuate, Mr. John Mutter, aged about i , igood to choice 6 50{£600. Wheat, No 2 | Chicago tpring 1 I 26; No 8 Milwau kee 1 URicl 2tt Kve I0t$ll&. Corn, wet " tern mixed Oalt, wetlern mixed • 4t>1 "> Bur.eV 65c t " ToC. Oals2setn Roe Clover Seed fi M to ?'"> i>' | Kve litic to Ttic. Pork "c In Sc. I'aultry 6c to 3k'. lutier 'fig to an. Kggt 20c to 22c. BKLLKFONIK M AKkKTS White iVheat $1 'JO Red Hi.... lie, xi new (Vird'i old'*). Oat* fi)—Barley SO. 70 Cloreneetl .o.SO ... .. PotaUie* 41 Lard perpouiitt 8 Pork per poundOG, JtutterA) Kgg-I.V .. .Planter perton *l4 Tallowb JJat oi, li). liam t'i Lard pur pound 8 c'onD. UufkeVusal •Wet* Fiour per barrel rota ill,it).. Nova Scotia platter sl4 t > IS. Cayuga plaater $0,50 per 'JAW lb It Pays! It Pays !! W H A T I* A Y S * IT PAfS every )i ti.„ •. turai. l.r. chant. Mechanic, Inventor. Far | mer, or Profetixonal man, to ken inform ed on alt the Improvmenu and ditcoveriea of the age. IT PAYS the head of every family l" introduce into hit houtehold a newtpapcr that it instructive, one that lutten a tatle for invettigatlon. and promote* thought anij encourajr* di*iu**ion among the mem ber*. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has been published wee for the last thirty years, does thi. to an extent be yond that of any other publication, in fact it t* the only weekly paper published in the United States, devoted to Manufac ture*, Mechanic*, Invention* and New Discoveries in the Art* and Science*. Every number it pro finely illustrated a;.'( the tlc-aiuerMumiyaitlo, Irom Alt'* ny, r* in* viip| inl > ty ire At two o'clock in tl. morning he run hei ahiir. but *li> broke in two, and H|'|UH| into deep water ami *uk. HP report* laloven |.roii drowned. iv ol wtiom w< re waiter unit chambermaid* on the boat, 'l'll* i einainder w ere paitteuger* i The tlraiiiar 1* ait it U to tier liuriiMnt ( deck anil ice i> cutting bar upper worke ,aw ay rapidly, for lan htit* tlfttr or *i* t> nolMiiu Wore hanging t<> the r lt and mini i'i the promenade ib-.k btfoic they could be got olt ANDTIIKK MIN'IVti DHABTKR IWKMTY MK N MLLKD. London, Drt\ a A leriibie eiploidoti look place Saturday in the I'oweit Dii'tor ui pit. near Tredegar. Twenty miner* were kitted and ten hafft been taken out ; e\ere!y injured TWu I'KtKSTS AND A L WV UUIIN LD Tt) DKA 111 Montreal, Dee. fi. On Satunday ta>i. ttev. Father Murpby, editor of the Tru# Witnea and famou* le. iurer on I'apal in {fallibility. etc., and K. v. Father Lynch, a] talented young priel lately from Ireland, ve out l<> Back river, seven milrt from Montreal, r:< 1 stopped at tlie la J eiu ties e hot*l. At night, after retiring, a lir< broke out in the hotel ami Fathers Mur phy, Lynch and Madame Champagne, a lutiy sleeping on tho third floor, wereburu cd to death bciorc aati-lanre could b* MB JrrttJ. A BLOODY • .MINDED ZEALOT Kingston, Jamaica, No* IS! A Hind us, employed on the Constant Spring es tate, beheaded tiro children from religious freiigy, the heads, wero secured at a tingle blow with n machete. ■ A few years ago there resided at K< • Chester, Pt-rry county, Kmiua Johnson, a beautiful girl. She became acquainted with a young man, who ruined her. Af terward, doerted by bilu, the became an outcast Lust weak >be placed herself in front ot an approaching train and was killed. There are t\Utw,OUU fvel of logs In the W iliiainoport booms. Grain, Seeds and Produce PA KM EES LOuk'TUIS WAY. : an 1 bring your grain of all kind.-, Clover Seed, Pork. Poultry, Jfc , A<\, Ac.l 10 Mllrov -oiill w*ro-hou—where you will at all timet rtH-nvi the lughod ra*h iiric* for the Salt. platter. Coal, rih, Ac. for aale. l> SIiEI.MIKE, 1* nov in ESI K ABLE HO MB AT FKIVATIE s \ I.E A v.-rv dtr*b!t) property, •ttuntr J at Chuirkrillti Centre county l'. it offrrel It private •*!'• Itnprov. menu inii>t > fa new TWtl-STOKY I\N KLL INC HOUSE iCii'-is ft a never tailing well with pump, garden and young fruit tree# t'ii ri !•• t.ool !|i : ,c, |iu a rrf ukarby ft I. a deniable l(U*liiNl toi a •liou-loak or. Term# reaaotinble. For further in formation call at lite (lore of Me*r#. Sir.■lnn A Swart*, r addrvdrr county l'a 11 nov 6t. Til OS J FEEDKKICK i;Eii|i> tin* |h t*K|t'Eril AT Wolf's Old Stand. Largest Stock of Goods in the Valley! ONE PRICE! LOW PRICE ! POLITE ATTENTION ' Having just returned front the Kat, and liouahl at pati'u price*, 1 am now nrpu< sell cheaper than ever before. Mv *u>ck con ah u m part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, HATS A CAPS, Hours A SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, SANDALS, sfrc., Ac. Ladies' and Gcuta' Underwear aapccs lality. A LAKQE STOCK OF READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly ou itaud. J*ook at (lie fig ure! J Good f'ammtre Suit*, $1(1 Oth (iood Ciimmere CoaU, 80.00 Customer* will tiad the atock com plete, and a call i* all thai *a required to assure you that lit is U the beat, place in (ha valley to buy your goods. Remember, W, have but one j/rxee far eoeryone. W.M. WOLF. \\f M P. WILSON. Atlornev-at-Law. IT Rallefonte fa, Office in Mr*. | ner'* Building, Rellclunte Pa. If. THE WEEKLY SUN. !I7T. NEW YORK. 1876 Eighteen hundred and seventy-six is (he " Centennial year It i* alto the year in i which an Opposition House of Keprrwenta- ' tive. the first since tbe war, will be in 1 power at Washington ; ami ti, yv*r of th> twenty third elect >n t*f u President of the United -State* All of these events are ure t-i be of great inturrsfand iiuporUnce •specially the two latter ; and all of than! and everything connected with them will ho fully and ff**hly reported anf Repre *tit*. tivas, taking up the line of inquiry open ad veur* ago by the Sun, will sternly and dil igently investigate the corruptions and misdeed* of Grant's administration; ami; will, it i* to be hoped, lay the foundation! 1 for a now and belter period in our natural hi*trv. Of ail this The Sun will contain complete and accurate account*, lurnislnng j it* reader* with early and trustworthy in formation upon thca absorbing topic*. The twenty third Presidential election, with Iha preparation* fir it, will be memo* rable a* deciding upon Grunt'* aspiration* fur a third term of power and plunder, and still more as deciding who hull be the candidate <>( the party of Reform, anil as electing that candidate. Concerning all Ithnio subject*, tho*a who read Tbe Sun will have the constant meant of being thoroughly well informed The Weekly Sun, which ha* attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, already lint it* render* iu uvcry Stuta and Territory, and we trust that the year IB7t. will *o their numbers doublad". It will . contimio to oo n thorough now*r. All the general new* of the day will b„ found , in it, condensed when Unimportant, at full I length when of moment; and nlwnya, wu | trust, treated in a el<- n r, interesting and in structive manner. It W our aim to make tbe Weekly Sun the best family newspaper in the world, ami wo shall continue to give in it* col umns a large amount of miscellaneous reading, spi h a* storips, tula*, poem* c i jntiti.- inteiiiMOßco nnij crtcalturul ipfor nation, for which we are not iWI to make room in our daily edition. The agricultu ral department especially is <>n of its prominent features. The fashions are reg ularly reported in Us columns; uiid so are too markets of every kind. The Weekly Sun, eight pages with fif ty-si* broad columns is only $1.20 a year, postage prepaid As this price barely re' pays the cost of the paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubs agents. I'oatuiaMor*. or anyone. The !>aily Sun, a large lour page news paper of twenty-eight columns, gives all the news for two cents a copy. Subscript tlOli, postage prepaid, Mo, a month or sb fiO a year. Sunday edition extra, sl,lO per year. Wo have no traveling agents. Address. THE SUN, New York Oily. A DMINJSTHATOH s NOTICE l.uttur* .'f ailtnini*(rNlii>n on tlio li . ,of Juio'i K lino, late of Falter twp., !••'"■! haying Imi-ii granted to the unaernixned, oil |m ion* k Mowing I henunive* to be II) r debled to hkM tlii'rdpiit are rpnupnted t" ! limko imoioiliatn payment, end |iarnn , having claim* it£*iiil iho rittl* vtill |ir' p|it tliein amino.United oltl*meiit i ' Ki> KI.INK A .I'tllN SHANNON j Mt || i.' Ailtn'N I A DM I NISTIt AToKH NOTICE A Lvttor* of ajiuiuialratioti on tbeirtateofi Oanlnl Kiniport, Into of Harrie twp, ilee'tM having been iffHiiloil to the undroiginxi, jail |><-r>.in knowing lliounol* o to be id • Irl'ti'il to Will ilocoiMl Mfo f oil no* toil io make immediate payment, and Lie Mori baring claim* ){rtiiit tlio nutate will |r •cut tlioiu authenticated for ■ -ttlemarit. DAVID KIMI'OKT. Nov A IK Ailm'r. ftf ILIN LE ft V GOO I) 5 n rm. i;. tli I.M I HE, ' I'ottkh'h Mine, Inti ]u*(, returned front l*tiiln>lwith the laiol ty)* of Straw Silk ami fancy Hat*, HotineU, A , V i lvoU. Flower,,' Crn|>i, Silk Good,, Feather*, lilotidiM.j Kibhoiit iturhi , lirault, Ornaiueiilt, Ao A full line of all 1110 Utotl ty lu, ol M illiu try Good*, which will lit ld at the to**- m! price*. Sho ha* one if the bet millin er* in her employ. fl#- lltb d Hon net* re'.rl:n*tl In the uto.l *t*le "ft* Oet?1, let. Don't Buy HARD COAL BASE BURNER UK AT! NO STOVK, until you have Hininptl the TIIK Best 4c Handsomest STO VK 1N Til E AJA KK KT. .':!! ami too them at the Store of J. %. KIIKNMIX, I'IVTKr !|h, lo f\ It A M PTuN SIM PKKIVL SUA V"" JVy' '• tux "HtST. j rhU Soap i* it anufartured trm pure i materials, and a> it contain* a large jn*r < entage of Vegetable Oil, it warranted ful ly CTjual 111 the bott initmrtrj CattileSoap, and at the mine time po*te*f alt tin a suiting Nil I daansing nrnperti*' of thi •elebralid German *nU French Laundry "up. U it llioretoie recommended for ue in the Laundry Kilcn-m, and Bath room, and for general household purpo **' ' ,O for l'ritiUu I'fc.qi. **, L*. go. ear*, atsii Ma r l,,tii-jt>, a; it will rttanreataiaa ui i'lli. Cfcjlv', Tar, Oil, Ptivl, till , from tht hand. Manufactured only bv CHAM Plus BROTHERS 2.4,6, H. and It) Rutgcr- l'ia<-, and-2) and So JelfertiinStreet, N'< * Vark, Nor 11 ta. TheOrangerSlure! Somothing New! CASH AND PRODUCE FOR CHEAP GOODS, ISHOHT CKRD4T A SFLOBT PROFITS. ISHF.4I. GKft VOltl.l . Spring Mill* ha iwtablwhed aitoreiouil the tnae, and ha* a complete .lock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROOBKIKS. HAKUWARK. QU RENEW ARK HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, KISII, SALT. CIGARS. TOBACCO, DHL-OS. SPICKS. OILS. In htvrt a lull line of EVERYTHING FOB LESS PRICES THAN ELSE WHERE COM K AND JI'IHJK FOR YOUR SELVES fifab. y. Y£i s b\D>VS NEW Tile Manufactory, WOODWARD, PA. _ The undei-*igned ha opened a new Tile Shop for manufacturing all kind* of Tile* Perton* withing to drain uif their land will plea*e call and examine our Hock, a* we make the round abd alto the hortc tboc tile For aample call at the Reporter office. D VENA DA A SON, 21 oct Bi;j. Woodward. Simon Haines* CENTRE HALL. Manufacturer of C'Rrristgcft, Huggira. H ngona. Ar. Of every description , running gear for! ali kind* of vehicle*, made to order, and in first class manner. Itemg a practical me chanic. I would WARRANT ALL IVoKK to give sati-fnetion. Repairing promptly attended to at the lowest rale*. Undertaking. Coffin* of all §t vies made on *hortet notice. The business of undertaking attended to in all it branches. Respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. '.I sept y J H AUKIS 4. IS NHtJOKRT, XfokiAVk 1 jona ttorKKtt. I'KTI HIIOiS KK. Pennsvalley Hanking Co. CENTRE HALL. PA RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow In.vrctt, Discount Note Buy and Sell Government, Securities, (iold arid. Coupon* Pterin IIokr, Wu 11, Pree'l. Cashier T AS. M'MANTiS, Attorney nt Lat */ Bellofont*, promptly atti* d to all]' hutiaes* enteasted to hint juii 'r.St BE ATT V p,ANo: TICK HKST IN I'SK •v.Send stamp! l for Circular. DAN IEL F UKATTY, j Washington, Nr* Jitwv its. r. aiiKßßirr. j.r. vhi.i.ku! j Keystone Patent & Model Works • J. F. MILLER A co. PATENT OFFICE A. EXPERIMEN TAL MODBLB OF 111 OX . IF 0 or) OJ{ nA'A6' 6, M ADE oN SHORT NOTICE. f>7 Water Strret, and 80 Firxt A rente, PITTSIUIKJII. Oflke with J. IJ. Shorriir A Son, Works, 3d Floor. lajir.y. TO UN F. POTTER Attorney -at-Law. f} Collections promptly made and special attention given to those having lands or property tor sale. Will draw up and have acknowledged Deed-, Mortgages, Ac. Office in the diamond. north side o the court house. Itellefonte ncW'ititi marry p 1 * m ° &fi..Send stamp for full information, Price List, Ac., Ac. D. F UEATTY, ' Washington. N ■). jQR.S. U. OUTE LI US, Dentist, Millholm. t Offers his professional services to the , public, lie is prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. ■ | Trfrllois now fully prepared to extract 11 teeth übaututfiv wit! vul pt,,; iii yC fS-tf UKVTTYAiAA 0 ! I AGENTS WANTED! (Male or Fe . male.) to take orders. D. F, liiiATTY, VfMluiifivui Kw Jwiyr. N'KW STOHK, N'KW COODS AM) , Panic Prices.i ii. %. i,ihkini:ii. tl till* old t'enlru il ill Ju*l opining u Stock of N'KW GOODS, OLD KABIIIONKD FKICEBI IA large vtrirty of Lttdiet Drfft Qvodi 'iitiii ii.ii.'iui.' in Mualiuiaml Cnlicoea. lteadjMiidni ilt*. cvrrf uiio In k*<)ltMont aiitt!• price*. syrup, Sugar, Tea Colt"*., t amird IruiU, ( Oouic.tic and foreign Fruit., Client;, uhd cvury rubor article belong* ii. to tli< Crocerj i> (mil. tit en t r Fanner*, Mechanic* ufiU lWri ItHik tu your inieri et One dollar * dit * dollar in pocket. Thn < ill and M'c at what *-I.t< #ljn jfly low jrri. )i KO~ Null i| -%*, AUo tku eliuUuat r aunt i j 'l a i way* uti hand, Apr. 10, }'. .Miller & Soil, CENTRE HALL, PA. HE A l-KKs IN rUHEDHVUS AND MED I VISES, CHEMICALS, (HLs, I>VE STUFFS, I'Kit Y UMKHV. NuIIuNS, FANCY AUTIOLK3 yon THETuILET, it- ~ A<\, Ac. PITKE WINK AVI> UQI OItH, fur mmiiciuai purfttMe*. Truwidf tl- Supporter* iu yrval variety. A La, ifa'-pim CKI AUS AM) TOBACCO, nd all other arthle. uutally kept in a P,rtcla Hrug Store. Proicrijillom carefully Compounded Hwttf HILLBB b SOU. H('aJ(|iUrtei< for Boot* aud Shoe* ! P*o W E K 8' BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Opposite Bush House, BELLKKOKTE, PA. Poweri Bout 4 Shoe Stura U ine lrget ' *nd beti *tock4 wWoUmmeiil ii Centre i County. He keepi constantly ou hand a full'' [line of II O O T H I \ I H II O E N. ll.* it jmt the Urg*i i h L or ISprini OaIivr brought to B-il<-r>i,t.- iIM 2 s>]fis 3 for ladie*, kept constantly on hat.4.* atid She-- f,, r *>m*n, o( ' •II style*. <|Uai>ty and price?, from tin 1 tu< to ihe cheapen, c !>inth kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either in *|uality b ! II cure, BoileAnte, Pa. 11. IIEIIHA* A CO., Prop'rx. Dry Goods, hosiery, linens, fmbkoid- KltlEU, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS, ltriow the Usual Prices., ■ I. . j r. a. wxxaoa. t a. aicaa. a.a at. at WILSON & HICKS, j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARD WARE DEALERS. IRON, PAINTS,OILS, GLASS,AC Builders llarthvare COACH MAKER'S GOODS. CABINET MAKERS STOCK. j* It Stoves of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S HI'GGIES. j WAGGONS, CARTS. &C. WILSON A HICKS. BlU'otUc, Pa. _____ NOTICE.—Wo will sell u> r-upou-.ui, ■ men on lbr6 months credit. Writ us, . I off 5 pr cent for caab wiiich i* equal to ivi! j p-r cent per annum It will pay the pur-J, <-hat,r to burrow ut iO from other parti. -,|, if he can save iu buying from us. It, U ' 1, way wtt outturn oar money ttuJ -ell Int er. Mir I* tl. j I CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. 0. DKIXINGKR. ) j A new, conipkte Hardware M M tin ! been opened by the undersigned iti Cen 'troliili, where he is Prepared U> . > il ali , kinds of Building ami II se v an. siting Hardware,>. -V 1 Circular and Hand Saw*, Term, n Saws, Webb Saw,, Cloth, Rack-, •< full it nient of Glass nr; 1 Mlrr -r I"..: Pi mr, Frame*. Spokes. Folic- and llub. (abb Cutlery, Shovels, Spades ■■) Forts, Lock*. Hinge*. Screws, Sash Springs Horse Shoos, Nuils, Norway, Oils, Ton Re 11*, Carpenter To,,)*, Paint, Varn ishes. Picluro* framed in the finest style Anything not on hand, ordet. 1 u|".j shortest notice. g-tr Remember, all offered clioaj er than elsewhere attg 25' 73-tf JOH\ ( DIP'S Furniture Rooms, MILROY, MIFFLIN CO . PA. Extension Tables, Chambor Suits, FineA Common Furniture, Consisting in part .it DURE AITS, RED STEADS. CAIN and WOOD SEAT OH A1 US, The public generally are invited to cail and >ie the line assortment of FI'RNI TUUh t in) foftnd a! the above ostalilish -1 mont, all ot our own Manufacture. Undertaking in all its brancltea, Collins, Caskets and Shrouds , Having purchased an elegant Ilenrse, 1 , will attend all orders of undertaking 1 inny receive from Pennsvalley, Centre Co. " Pa. JOHN CAMP Jun 28 tf. BUY YOUR DRUGS fROM II I) rii Si or (\ _ (NEXT DOOR TO THE DESCHNER GON STORE ! FRK SII AND CHEAP, Apr. 'Hi I-THMTURE. JO nx ItItI.CXIRXLI.. in hi* oloffultf }-PV K"Oinr, Spring ft #• Hellefnnte. lift* n hind ri amnrlnirrti HOUSE I'URNITUHK from the ton. 'utmost lo the molrl tranl. CHAMBER sKT . i'AKLoRHKTB. ! SOFA v . < iI.VU . BEDSTEADS. WOOL MATI I:I HI,-. ilAlJl MAT T BESSES, i •.(*y and keep* o hand, the tarpon an 1 t stock of WALL FA FEU. Qo d at r< . leitie Witt #, * holcun ! ml retail. Hire hint* c#il !.if.nad Furniture b '*■*> in) warranted ofgood workmastbi md i *ll made under their *n itr.d - tie ropery iamb, and i offered | tate. .li.-aj <-r than eLewher*. fail and M-e our Uock Lcfoi).wr> elaewbere. % f„b ly Gift & Flox*y*s New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL ,They hare now .peuod, and wiii eonalatn y keep on head, a ealendid rtork of tier SHOES, (iAITKRfi, d: SLIPI'KRS, foi men, women end children, from tie beet inufaetori in tbe country, end now of ••rod at the Lowest Prices, HOOTSand hlloKri itikde to order, upnr hort notn-e 1 hey invite the people o. thin rieiniti u> give them a tell, m, they • ill to ttiurit a thate of their pat roimgo. my Kkf GRAHAM & SON. tip r il f J . li.>alera iu Boots, Shoes and AUBSMd, Ladies', Misses* and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. All Kinds of Casio in Work Made To Order, Harness Leather, Sole Leather, CalfSkins And Shoe Finding alwsyt on band. bishop Street, • if lieflefonlo. Pa Excolsior Cement' Trie utid< -rvigned now mnnufarture* Ce meni WAKKANTEDOF AHUPKKIOB Ul Al.n I, il his kilns lien Pint tro k Mills, in Haines twp. Tbiscemcnl hat already been ttud in large <{uanUU ijtrtn the L. C A S. C. lilt., and ha* been [found highly* saiofaclory upon all job# [where it has b-Ssn used, and a* e>|uai It r "*' mint, fart an*! for u #e in CIS IKRNti, WATER PIPES, or whatever * T kml '("•Bty of Cement u deal male This has already beer lusted far and aide, and rendered" the ut uio*t ratbhtetion. Persons, iiirrefofs COB* itlruvUnjj I'lftcriu, laying Water Pipe*, Arc., will find it to their advantage U beat U(i*in mind, and also, that he warrant! tbe irlicjft a* represented. 4 , J O. MEYER, may _1 t! Asr< i)tburg, K %~A. CURRY, 800 l & J)l£#9 uJ £*&**, CEM'IIIIIULLFi. Would most ri-#|'t tfully inform Ike cit xetis oftbia vl- mite, tb;; he !>- started > new S!|,. Slap, and would Iw thankful for a share of the public patron age M<>.. in oo made to order and acrordiag to style, and warrant# his work |to o jual any made elsewhere All kind* of repairing doa* and charges reasonable. fdi IX ly T hPANHLI U, Attorr.<'r-at*Lnw, s, Tn. OnJci wllti | Bush & Torum. C- ultßt: >n in English md German C. >n*promptlv attend ! >H : e il! In- ito make it pleasant * f' •'bit p) ng place tvr the pub u\ H at 1 1 'i; l y ike y or wttk, und i -me. f argc.l w; always be found very iur.e IL itasnr HK>> KKIIIIOS K, j. p. sunt;am President, Cashier. QF.NTRK COl NTV BANKING CO (l,.ite Millik in. Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DKPOSITS, \nd Allow intc r. #t Di-i'ount Notes, lluy ar.l .-'ell, jc'ovt rnm. in Sect: itieh.Gold A -1 t>Wnftr Coutwms I * *-#*rjr Fa.foor, aim! ior afu-uld hart " "" hITTLEGIAKT \r-< orn & Coh Mill. A i x- "BOOKS' V M I n ~njVO' J Sor Itono or Ssoxu, Power Cro?< Cut and Circular WOOD - SAWING MACHINES. Dose*t Ireo'.ars end Prieo-list writ froo. II I.b II b Hit .Hamiraoturfngt o. Wltoii'.U Wed Kigbth.SU, CINCINNATI, 0., Manufacturers .if Carm Mm binary, Steam Engines, Shaker Thresher, Fnrui, School, and Church Bells, cto. Deo 10. y. IBEATTT PI,NO! i ENDORSED BY TIIK HIGHEST MT iSICAJ, nutli irities throughout the world i TilK MOST. 1> F. 11EATTV, Pruni utor, Washington, N.J. n PDRTN BV, Attorney at Haw Aft Bellctutilc, i'tt, Ulhcu over Rey vuia.t Itwuk-, I FOR FARMERS iNO if!. '1 > S Go to I. Guggcnheimer. rot. . ttl i . J. A DOMESTIC DRY GOOD#, NOTIONS, | READY MADECDOTHING iDBEftHOOODR, ' (iiitX.EßlEß| rsoTMoirl, soon & mom, IIATS, CAPS, ROOTS & BHOES CLOTHING, OIL CLOTH AKI> FANCY AK7ICLCB O "vi5o5; **° tod isoow prepared to accoaodataal but old customers, 'and to welcome mil tifetr ones who may favor bin with heii paifoiuge. lie feels safe in at. log that he can please the moet fasti di >us Cell and see. I*A AC GUGGENHEIM!*, t Mr.bustman atill co&tioaee lodeej in L ( , K ® *lf L> SHOE-FINDINGS, h *tf .5* aud V nKEDS, u |*e old room .where be mar always ®e found. I I'IJJk under* determined to maet I f-_ the popular demand for Lower neead nhpeetroUy eell* the attention ef -b public® hie lock of SADDLERY, row offered' at the old aland. Detigusd ♦paelally h. r the people end the time*, the f oertetid moet varied and compleu u sottme&tw Caddie#, Hen. era, Collars, Br id lee, f every deeoripuoo and quality ; Whips, ■ud in tti cvrytb ng to cumulate all rat la#* •itebltabment, be now offer*at prices which will suit the times Cbaa gTHeid, Clock, liHit'limakrrA Jreeler Mdihciin, Centre Co., Pa. t!l kind* ol Clock*, Watch** end Jewelry f the iat niuriad on limit notice and warranted, BEATTY r 1 A^nr " SVKIGHS WHEN BOXED OVER ONI tIIOCSAND FOUNDS. Liberal terms t® dealer*. BROOKE HOFF HOUSE. BELLKKONTK!CA. E. PEEKS di SON, Frop'ra, Thi* wait known bot*l, muate in the -restate# lamon of Ui town, hat hsea horaviphivrenovated, repainted and fur> ihd new. It will he the etna of tha pre riue for iu MirriiUmt EXTRAORDINARY hcbnw of TOM, baviac NO SUFLLILO# IN TUK WORLD. r ti* "I Octave*. ovcMrutig BOM, .utt Iron Frame, French Grand actio*. Frit Hot, Corned i'tdai,Solid Kaaewood Houldiug*, ivory Key Front, Capped ttanuieta, a Grade Treble, See , dc, dtc. Weight when boxed over One Tbottaaad round*. Liberal dttccunt to the trad*. Agent* VV anted— male or female.) Send kUtnp lor Circular. Add rata '*• fa, 'emir and Proprietor, DAN I LL 9. WSATTf, \\ sktiinau-n. SewJenajf. C. PECK'S New Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL, FA.. The utider.iifjwd hu o'fiMi.d u,tM at bit new thopt, fo tkt •nanufactuie of Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, SLKiae* AK SLUM, PLAIV AIL FAUCI >f every description . All vehtct*s manufactured by him *rc> warranted to reader satisfaction, wad M equal to any work done elsewhere. tie ae> nunc but the best material, md employs the most skillful workmen. Uwciue they flatter themselves that their work can not be excelled for durability and finish. Onlmfmai distance 'promptly attend- C"tnc and examine my work before •ntraeting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kinds of Reparing done. KW HARDWARE BTORX. J. & J. HARRIS. So. 5, UKOCKKItIiOFF ROW. Anew and 'complete Hardware Storo ha# been opened by tbe undersigned in Hrockerbofirl new buililitic—where they r prepared to sell all kind# of Building nd Home Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Stwl Nails. Bug*}" wheel* in setts, Champion C lot be* \\ ringer, Hill Saws, Circular and 11 nd Saws, Tcuaon Saws, Webb Sawn, b Cream Freezers, Bath Tuba, Clotbaa Jiiicka, a full assortment of Glass and M rrcr Plate of all sizes. Picture Frames, W livedbarrows. Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Bolus g, Bpoke#, Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cuitsvators, Corn Flows, Plow Poir.U, Fhear Mold Boards and Cultiva* tor Tooth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spade# and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bask -prings, llore-Shoe<>, Nails, Norwni H Js, Oils, Lard, Lubricating! Coal, Lin#, i J, Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bellows. Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory S XT* Hells, Grindstones, Carpenter I-xd*. Fruit Jars and Cans, Faint, Oil*, \ urri-ljc > received and for sale at liins 08-u' J. A J. HABBIS. -It v ,'. Blatchly' r> for the least money Jiif Attention * invited to Blatchlejrs * j Improved Bracket, the Drop .*- Cheek Valve, which can bo with ,.Vi drawn without disturbing. tko • niann-s tjolnta, and tho copper ohamber | which never cracks, scales or ruats lit w ill Inst a life time. For sale by Dealaio • d the trade generally. In order to bo • ire that \ou get Hlatchley's Pump, bo arciul and see that it has my trade-mark ..above. If you do not know wbero to buy, dercriptiva circulars, together with ihe name and address of the agent nearest you, will be promptly furnished by ad dreusing, with stamp. CHAS. 0. BLATCHLEY, Manufaetnrer, ottti Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 11 roarthu. D. M. RITTENHOUSE, WITH IIOMS, Nt lib* AltZ A CO. * w HOICKS ALK DKALKRB IH Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue, 137 North Water Street, • PHILADELPHIA. ft. A. Keens. O scnvAaa. J.Bcawsa Till: ADJUSTABLE SPRING BED. ihe Best and Cheapest now in Use. Man* ufaeturcd by I)A NIKL DERK, Be lefonte, Ponn'a. \Q~< all and tee them \lefvrc purchasing ksiiriito