The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 02, 1875, Image 2

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. iKD. 10HTZ............... *4ltst. !
Centre Hall, IV, IVo. 2, 1875.
f Kff.V.f.— f2 per year, iw adeaace, 2..VM
•<>< pairf tw nifcawc*.
Ad9trtise>+"tt* 'AN* ftrlint for thrr* in- j
isrtiont, mnd for 6 ana 12 *Hi>fk Ay >y~
it I ion fraef.
Tlte fads carry the election and al
ready Reading is opening soup houses.
Other towns are doing the same.
Grant takes his whisky straight, and
hence his friends deny that he had any
connection with the crocked whisky
frauds of MTVtaidd and other pet rads.
in St. Louis.
"All the 1 democratic candidates for
speaker of the next house of representa
tives play poker. and on the avergc a
IVmocratic politician would'nt amount
to much unless he did."
So savs the Wm'sport Ma*. A bub
Well that's not as bad as with the fcl
lowsin the Bulletin's party they adgct
the "poker."
The Pope has sent a sevrst note to
Spain. Here is food for the third-term
ers, and liraut should demand an ex
planation. This note undoubtedly
means a conspiracy to upset American
institutions, and smash our school sys
tem. Surely Grant did smell a mice
when he made the Ues Moines speech
a few weeks ago. A secret note to
Spain ' what the deal does that mean?
Vp and at 'am, Granties, and hurrah for
a third-term.
The Chicago Times becomes unusual
ly severe when it remarks that an ex
change new apapcr expresses sympathy
for Grant, in that his friends, one by
one, are dropping off into the Peniten
tiary. But when his friends are all cor
raleil, perhaps Grant will want to join
thenl in the penitentiary; and it isn't
necessary for him to add much to his
present record to entitle huu to admis
sion. This kind of talk will not please
the Gaiette very well, which is just now
engaged in picturing the transcendent
beauties of a Third Term.
Gen. M'Donald, Grant'* bosom friend
and boas of the great St. Louis whisk}
frauds, has been found guilty. A dis
patch of "J".* ult., says: To-day has been
devoted to sj<eech by counsel iu the M'-
Donald trial. Judge Chester 11. Krum
spoke for the defense, and Col. Dyer,
District Attorney, for the prosecution.
The case was then given to the jury who,
after consultation for nearly three hour-,
returned a verdict of guilty on all counts
of the indictment, eight in number.
Goes to meet Boas Tweed.
The third-term question is gaining
new life, notwithstanding Grant's letter
to Harry White, which want to say that
he didn't and that he did desire a third
term. Any eight year old school-boy
could tell that the letter was ambiguous,
and now Want's own late sayings and
the language of his kitchen-organs show
plainly that he is trimming his sails for
a third-term, and that his White letter
was carefully trimmed with a loop-hole
for his popping out for a third time.
All federal office holders, and radical
newspapers which enjoy fat advertising
jobs from Washington, are proclaiming
that Grant is the only man to lead their
party to victory next year, and that he
must be nominated for a third term. A
majority of the radical organs are oppos
ed to Grant's third-term aspirations, and
declare that he will meet with over
whelming defeat, and from present ap
pearances the subject is likely to raise a
row in that party.
The Harrisburg Patriot has been im
proved lately, and appears as an eight
page daily. Always a good paper it is
now better, and as the leading demo
cratic organ of the state, should have
the most liberal support from the party.
If we desire to have a good organ—and
we can not do without one—it must
hare a good support.
Ex-Governor Clifford, president of the
Boston and Providence railroad, re
quests the directors to cut his salary
down one-half rather than reduce the
wages of the workmen on the road.
Herein iaan example worthy the im
itation of Grant and Ilariranft. While
the pay of the laboring man was going
down, down, down to the starvation
point, their wages were doubled. We
do not expect to hear from either of
these officials a desire to have their pay
reduced until the wages of the poor man
get back to a comfortably living figure.
Says the Times: The more closely
one looks into the crooked whisky de
velopments, the more the suspicion
grows that somebody very near to the
President was friendly to the ring. Let
ters signed "Bab," and attributed to
Babcock, were shown to distillers by the
dishonest officials who were corrupting
them. MePonald.who has been chief
of the ring for three or four years, was an
intimate friend of Mr. Grant, and had
influence enough with him to procure a
revocal of Bristow's order changing the
districts of supervisors to detect the
frauds. McDonald was seen riding with
the President on the avenues at about
this time, and when he returned to St.
Louis he left with the latter a splendid
team of horses. Colonel Grosvenor says
in his letter, that when Mr. Grant visit
ed St. Louis McDonald was much in his
company, and on one occasion, when
they were at a fair together, the Presi
dent having praised a pair of horses,
McDonald bought them and gave them
to him. These things alone would be
disgraceful and suspicious enough, but
they are not all. When Mr. Bristow
prepared his grand coup d'etat upon the
ring, he distrusted Chief Clerk Avery,
who turns out to have been one of their
Washington partners, and took nobody
into his confidence except Solicitor Wil
son. The utmost secresy was observed,
and up to the time when the papers
were put into the President's hands for
his signature, neither Avery nor any
other confident of the ring knew that a
■torm was impending. Yet no sooner
did the papers reach the President and
come to the knowledge of his private
secretaries, Babcock and Luckey, than
the telegraph flashed to St. Louis this
emphatic warning: "Lightning will
Strike to-morrow." The leak may have
been elsewhere, but iu view of all the
fiacts, the conclusion is almost irresisti
ble that some member of the President's
household furnished the information ups
on which that dispatch was based.
Congress meets next Monday. The
house is largely democratic, and a lively
canvass is going on for the Speakership.
Randall, of Philadelphia, Kerr, ofjndi
ana, Cox, of Yew York, Walker, of Vir
ginia, and one or two other democratic
members, are candidates for the posi
tion. Randall and Kerr are the strong
est, but it is thought that neither will
have enough to elect, and that a cpp>
ptVWW CMUvUUstti will be chosen.
Fill FKFs.
lloMon, Xovtmlifr IJOMII i • 11 k \
A Co., extensive coal and luuil'fr deal
er* in Watertown, Mas*, have failed,
with liabilities estimated at fSW.OUO.
1 he failure was caused by their inabilr
ty tit collect from u large number of
master-builders and carpoiilera indeht
ed to them.
Montreal, Nov. •'> Ualdw in A Sleep
ef, of the Ooolii\H>ke Mills t'ontpany,
Montreal, hate fnileil, with liabilities
between f td.OOO anil soo.tttO. One hun
dred skilled artisans and laborers ate
thrown out of employ mcnl by their sns
Buffalo. \. v , Novumbet Hn o
tensive drv good- store of\V. 1' Marcy,
at 270 and '.'77 Main street, this city
closed its diH>rs to-dav. The liabilities
ate abi'iit f!"n\iVK, T)e avetsare sup
j posed to be about fIOO.OtHV I'he ereili
tors are mostly eastern t.rm-
Thus it eoutittuv's each day 1 tings a
Ivateh of failures, sttsjtensiotvs, panics. or
whatever you may choose to rail them
Hands throw it out of employ with each
| honest creditors loosing heavily and
I dragged along dowu into lnukruptcv
and this all with promises, for the ia-t
ten years, of prosperity and g.'.*d things
generally, if only the radicals be kept in
(owe-. When was there such a long
eoutinued depression w tth no prospeit
for a change lor the better? llow long
is this to last * liow long are the pc>>-
l>le willing to vole that the men in of
rice ahull continue to get rich by rib
bing them, while they themselves are
getting poorvr with the rte of each
morning's sun ' tiraut has his salary
doubled, and *ks a third-term, Ilait
ranfl had liis salary doubled and w its re
elected ; a radical congress dnibed its
I pay. and all the while the pay of the far
mer, mechanic has bung.
11ug down to the hand-to-mouth joint
I How long is this state of affaire to u i.-
PKAYixutVR rut: frixidext.
Philadelphia, Nov. '.'s. At the M>> ■l>
and Sankcy in the dej-ut build
ing this morning, lieu. II Stuart prnved
earnestly for the President of the Tin
ted States, that he might bo brought t
the feet of Jesus.
Now tkiltico. 11. Stuart it a radical
himself, in full standing, and he should
know whether l r . S. G. needs praying
for—about every body else thinks he
needs it, and if Moody and Sankev can
succeed tu oouvPFtiiig the Long Brunch
sea-gull, it would amount to a great deal
in the honest administration of the gov
ernment. But Grant is too fond of horse
races, dog and cock tights, to pay tuuch
attention to spiritual affairs, and then it
would be a bigger job to convert the old
smoker than any two men would like to
contract for. It would require a thing
like the Wayne station camp meeting,
one entire season, to makeaa impression
on I'seiess.
The disciples of the Winnebago are
still true to Middletown practices and
keep going for |>oor "Lo."
A Topeka. Kansas, dispatch says that
Enoch Iloag, suj>erintenJent of this In
dian superintendence, and Agent (.lib
son of the Usages, are both to be remov
ed. It is charged here on good authori
ty that a ring of speculators has been
systematically defrauding the Potawa
tomie Indians, who, until recently, oc
cupied a reservation near Topeka. The
principal charge is that certain member
of the tribe, living in the Indian Terri
tory, were represented as being dead,
and their estates were administered up
on and the proceeds pocketed by the
riug. The amount realized bv the
scheme is estimated at f JU.QtX*.
And now another pet under Grant is
coming to grief. The case of Avery,
Chief Clerk of the Internal Revenue at
Washington, indicted for complicity in
whisky frauds, was called in the United
States District Court at St. Louis, on 2"hl
ult., and both parties being ready to pro
ceed, a jury was empannclled aud the
trial commenced. The indictment
contains four counts, charging that Av
ery had knowledge of fraudulent pratw
tices by Bevis A Fraser; wilfully failed
to report the same for the purpose of
aiding said tirm in its practices, and con
spired with McDonald, Joyce, Fittro),
Bevis St Fraeerand Ulrici to defraud the
government ; also, that in the further
ance of this conspiracy he and his co
conspirators did perpetrate the frauds
for which they were organized.
Assistant Attorney Bliss opened the
case for the prosecution, marking out its
line of action, and stating what it ex
pected to prove. The jury is composed
of Nathan Cole, a prominent merchant
and ex-mayor of this city, two retired
merchants of St. Louis, and several gen
tlemen occupying respectable and re
sponsible positions in interior towns of
the State.
Washington Correspondence of the
Chicago Journal: There is, however,
a scheme on foot, with the object of con
ferring continued honor upon President
Grant, which I must regard as fairly en
titled to the candid consideration of the
public. The scheme, or rather sugges
tion, hers referred to, grew out of the
fact, which will not be denied, that Gen.
Grant, in accepting the Presidency,
made a great pecuniary sacrifice.
Two plans in connection herewith
have !>een canvassed. One is a pro]>os
ed amendment to the Constitution. "
This is, iu short, the suggestion of a
new article to the Constitution provid
ing that every ex-President of the Uni
ted States shall be, ujon his retirement
from office, except by impeachment, a
Senator of the United States at Large for
Another plan is to specially provide
for President Grant, without waiting for
a general provision on the subject. This
plan is simply to declare by law that ex-
President Grant shall be (Jensraliseiino
of the army. It is a proposition, in a
word, to place him again at the head of
our army, by the creation of a new of
fice, made expressly for him during his
lifetime, and without at all interfering
with the pay and emoluments of the
present General and Lieutenanb-Geuer
sl. This proposed plan would he in al
most exact analogy of what was done in
the case of Washington, who after his
retirement, and war was threatened with
France, was declared Generalissimo,
and actually held that office for some
time, though never exercising its func
tions in the field.
Sueli are the proposed projects as to
President Grant as I get them here.
They are not, of course, talked about on
the streets or in the saloons and public
club rooms; but those who arc uhle to go
behind the scenes and get at the inside
of things—the open secrets of this polils
ical metropolis—know that these things
are being constantly talked about by the
initiated, and are likely BOOH to fake
shape and come before the public.
Jl}<> fierce storm, on l:st Sunday
night, did ifiliah damage to shipping on
tl\e northern late*.
At Omaha the thermometer on (tie
morning of the 2i)th, was U below /• r<S.
Storm and cold weather reported from
other sections.
.Y.I TIO.XA I <;I:A.X<;F.
l.i'iiisville, Nov.'.".' In the national
grange to-day a committee wns appoint
ed to arrange a special marriage cere
mony for grangers.
ltc solutions strongly condemnatory of
the ciistuta tf fanners mortgaging their
crops, were presented and inferred.
Resolutions looking to the establish
ing of an oftieial organ either at bonis
villeoi elsewhere were not fa< reil V
committee was appointed to memorial
tie iMiigie-> for protcitioii against glass
liojtjiels, isti'lpillais, eti by tbe e.-lal
lishment of asi ieutillc bureau offners
will bo elected t-> n oirow
Tin: /• i i KossaFiii v/; i.v/</,i.
rui \ trtov it OHM. ti ki iios i i 11-
1 uisville N< \euiber .1 I'he impor
..nit feature of the Grange pro lug
1 ii> day was the lep.u: of the finance
' ciimmittee, rev oiiuueudiiig that the >aia
riisofthe officer* le increased to tin
1 foil wing figures w hieh wa-*•> ordered
Master fl.'Jtkt jier annum and expel-fa
tieas.iier, fissi JH r annum attde\|ieiises
se. letaty. fc'J.ooOper siinum and cspen
ses fhe bond of the secretary was tix
' etl at f 10,1**0, and the bond of the tica*
irtra'. s\tWl) The i lection •{ officer,
resulted a-> follows< I'he master re
- oi\tug a plurality on the tenth ballot
' Master, J. F. Jones, if Arkansas; over
1 -ecr, J. J. Woo Imni, of Mi higan; lec
turer, 11 !i jjinedley, of Iowa; steward,
\ J Vaughn, of MtSf-.ssijipi, assistant
steward, Mortimer Whitehead, of New
Jcr-iy. chaplain, S. 11 Kllis, of Ohio
reasurer, F M MclKiwell, secretary. O
11 Kelly, if Kentucky; gate keejer, O
ilinw iddie, of Indiana; t eres, Mr-. J. T
Jones, of Arkansus.
l N *;.
Boston, November 14. The New Eng
land I-abor Reform League held a Con
vention in this city to day, afternoon
and evening. A series of resolutions
a ere adopted denouncing all jtolitical
j>arties, creeds and faiths, asserting that
all hgislation in this country tends not
to protect persons and property, but t<
personate the interests of speculative
rubbery. A large number of speakers
addressed tlie Convention. Park hints
f revolution and socict military organi
sations among lat>oring men were
thrown out. One speaker asserted that
men were drilling in Chicago and peo
ple need not be surprised totindthat citv
in ashes. Some morning other cities are
to be similarly served. Tramps were
lauded us only honest men, the Savior
having been one. I'he Convention fail
ed to hit upon any remedy for alleged
abuses and adjourned rubject to call.
Washington, Nov. The Hon. Sa
muel J. Randall of Pennsylvania, Fernan
do Wood of New York, 5..-. Cox of New
York, and M. C. Kerr uf Indiana, all
mentioned in connection with the
S|>e*kership. are now in the city. The
!a-t named arrived to-dav.
Washington, November lis. —There is
a steadily increasing interest shown in
the matter of -e!e- tion of officials of the
next House. With regard to the Sj>eak
er-hip, no clear idea of the actual status
can be had. Randall and Kerr contin
ue. how ever, ahead, and Kerr's friends
claim that hu strength is growing in the
South. John <J. Thomp— >n, of Ohio, is
growing uu-re formidable as a candidate
for Sergeant-at-arms.
Chief Justice Waite w rite* a letter re
fusing the use of his name a* a presi
dential candidate. Let a few other*
-how go<> ! sense and Wait.
California paper* are publishing the
locket of a Tuolume county justice of
the |eac who held office in ISSO. The
following isan extract from his minutes
of the case : "N. B. Barber the lawyer
for George Work insolently told me
there were 110 law for me to rool so, 1
told him I didn't care a d—n for hi*
lx>ok law, thut 1 was the law myself,
lie continued to jaw back him to
.hut up but he wouldn't I fined him f-VI
•nd committed him to goal for 5 days
' r contempt of court in bringing mj
rooling* and dissions into disreputable
ne-csai. 1 us a warning to unrooly ]>er
sous not to contradict this court.
N't xt year an association known as
the Patrons' Centennial Encampment
Company, propose to locate a home for
farmers within a few miles of Philadel
phia, during the routinuance of the In
ternational ExjKi.sition.
Dell Norris, of Darby township, Dela
ware county, pointed a gun at Charles
Price, a colored lad, on Sunday, suppos
ing the firearm to be unloaded. The
gun went off, tearing the entire lower
part of Price's face away, and scattering
hi* teeth and jaws over the room.
Mr. Caleb Robinson, of Paradise Fur
nace, Toil township, Huntingdon county,
was lot? years old on the first day of No
vember last. On the 21st day of Octo
ber lie made L'V) shingles, and from the
elasticity of his walk, and the condition
of his health, there is no doubt that be
will outlive the Centennial year.
There is one very mad man in Ocon
to, Wisconsin. He was a candidate for
he Legislature, and being too high-ton
Ed to vote for himself he voted for the
other man, who was elected by one ma
jority. He is disgusted with politics.
The Treasury Department acknowl
edges the existenrc of a gigantic whisky
ring in New Orleans, but claims that it
is powerless for evil.
An incendiary fire on night of 21, de
stroyed the Harrisburg Trotting Park
stables. Nine horses were burned to
Although the democrats lost the legis
lature in New Jersey, it turns out that
they carried the state on the popular
vote hv a majority of 3,300. Four of the
-even congressional districts also gave
i democratic majorities. Another block
knocked out of the radical pyramid.
Just previeui to the departure cf the i :
20 p. in. Northern bonnd train from the
Richmond depot, an •xciting >ccae occur
red between Gen, Bradley T. Johnson and
Gan John I). Itnboden. The Utter, go
ing off the train, waa approached by Gen.
Johnson, who, saying to Imbodon be had
been looking for him all day, administer
ed sundry blows with n cowhide. Imboh
en made at Jol nsoii, when the latter drew
a pistol, but before he could use it
both were scpera'od and arrested
The cause of thcfassault i attributed to the
evidence given by Irnbodcii in the con
tested election' between Johnson and
Knight for seat* in the Stale Si-nnto.
P. C. C. Hale A Co., boots and shoes,
Boston, offer their creditors forty cents on
the dollar slid a settlement will probably
The New England carpet company, and
Oustitvus A Lhull & Co., carpet dealers
lloeton, are reported failed The liabili
ties are said to he iilOll OGO i nch.
Two hundred and forty basin Is .if oats,
wojgi|i;;g thirty i-ight pounds to the bush
id, were Mi >d up> of ground by
Mr. Albert W. porter, o'f Tioga county,
last season, ! 1 ' ■ ''■'
1 liia distinguished lawyer end ate tea
I man .lied on Monday at hie homo in
New York, and the aiitldenneaa of hie xle-
I craee took the public try surprise,
I tlicre had broit no intimation of lua ill
; neaegiven to the public.
Mr OVouor at eliotit (jS year* ofage,
ami one of the moat brilliant lrieh
American* of the present century.
• ♦ ♦
i :aHI tu wii 11 AM it amok
New York, November '.'4 \\ tillain
li Vat..i died tin* morning in the eigh
ty-fotirlh y rut of hi* age 110 had hecu
in ill health for a long tunc and the
cxi ut not, therefore, unexpected.
Dining the courae of hi* long life the
\ slue of tin. property lc>|iic*lhed to him
hy In* father haa hen constantly in
creasing, and It la nlmoat mipoaaihle. a<
the present time, to estimate it* amount
It consist* of teal r*tut* in all part* i f
the city, and is wort It utuy millions of
mi • ♦ - - -
1 be I'hilaJelpbla Chronicle of last Ste
uing atiuoi ncc# the death of 11. n. \Y 11.
V\ at*, of Montgomery county, at hia raais
ilea, a yrctar.iay n.ornitig at an o'clock
Mr. \Yitta wra* wall known Ihreughoul tha
•la'.* a* a public speaker of splendid abili
ty am! held for many yss'ie leading pl*,v
in tka councils of the democratic party
11* was at owe tuna, about twanty-om
\ #ar* ago, a representative in coagret
rout'.alphu Huring the last few
years ha hat been lha editor and proprie
'.or of the Common wealth a weekly dainu
crate journal published ui I'hiiadalphia
Memphis, Teun, November l!ti. A
si' despatch to tha Appeal fioui Sar
du, Mot., sayt Hen Edwards ai.d Oacar
Freeman, both culuied, convicted at the
Septambor lartu of Court of the uiurdar ol
Loxx.s llihhlvr (colored , war* hanged it
tL* jail yard bary at | 30 p m today, ir,
the present-* of about 4,WW pro;'.*, three
fourths -it whom were colursd.
Three colored ministers stare in altand
,, otia uf whom gaf* out lha hyain
> i ark '. iroia lha tombs a doleful sound.
| They both died without much ttrug
j g.sug Edwards made a desperate at
tens|-t to escape lust night.
Kraemau was lo have bean married tool
and committed the murder in order to g*
money therefor.
I-A S D.
Thirteen Vessels Founding.
London, Nov. 20. —lt it baiiavad thai
thirteen veaaels foundered in the D .wni
during the ilorin last night, and from for
tv to fifty lives tost. From 600 lo 600 vet
telt of all sort* are now anchored in it.
r Downs, waiting for fair weather.
The I oast BETWEEN Yarmouth and Lows
' stofl u strewn with wreck*. Three vas
sals are ashore on Ooodwm Sands.
New Haven, No*. Iff.--Gov, lngcrsoll
■ to day appointed ci-Gov James K Kng
lish lo be United States Senator in ptav* ul
| lion. O.S. K. rry, dae'd.
A Picture Drawn by the Pen of Our
Kuown to the Writer.
[Cor. N. V. Hull ;
Our of tho most amusing places to xlsti
i in these times of business depression it "s
meeting of the creditors of ons of th
frmi tl at has e suspended payment,
i It Tow are on* uf the creditors, you Lavs
the h. n r to receive aa invitation to at
land lit meeting. It is generally neatly
printed, and in it they recju*>l lha pleasure
of your company at such a day and hour,
at their own or their lawyer t ak Per
haps you swear a little when you read it,
which is naughty. If tx> good lode that,
you swear mentally (but I have heard
Some swear openly and call tha firm bad
' names , and at past you decide to accept
1 the invitation.
Un arriving at the meeting you had a
unzcd assemblage, about half smoking,
I ar-.J most of thern in the best humor ; but
there are a few sour creditors who have
, old fogy notions of right and wrong. One
. of the creditors, perhaps only on paper,
jumps up and says, I nominate Mr.
Jones as chairman." If it ■■ a "crook
ed " failure, it is gsnerally a friend of the
firm's. The motion is seconded, and car
ried. Secretary nominated, motion second
el, and carried Everything is "carried
at a meeting. A motion is never negatived.
Meeting organised, hats come off.
S< ;n* one move* thai a statement ol lias
. biiiiic* and Assets be resd. Motion second
ed and carried. Statement generally raad
• >melbi'ig like this : "Liabilities about
frvi.OtO ; stock on hand about Srj.(XJO pres
ent Talus about $9,000 ; bills receivable
and open ace unts, s'„'!,(iV) ; bills bad s!>,-
<YX>." Firm offers thirty cents at six,
twelve and eighteen months. Up jumps
one of the fogy era liters and wish*, io ask
Mr. Smith, oi.a of (he firm, what ho meant
by stating to him a[month ago that he had
$.00,000 stock, and only owned $30,000.
MR. Smith replies in a bland voice that
"the gentleman who spoke last must have
mi-understood the tenor of his remarks at
the time he mentions."
Irate old creditor says he "rather thinks
he did not, and is ready to go on the stand
and a - ear to it."
t'p jumps another old fogy and "wants
to know how his books stood on December
Mr. Smith replies that his books wers
not "balanced."
Old fogy "wants to know why thsy were
not balanced."
Air. Smith REPLIES because they could
not make them "balance." [ Laughter )
Than young America JTIATPS up and says
"he does not see that talking will mead
matters ; time is valuable, and he cannot
afford to loso any more at this meeting, as
HS has several more te attend to to dav.
[Laughter.] doubt, needed
more capital to conduct their businsa prop,
srly, and took this means lo obtain itj
[Laughter.] No doubt if they settled with:
them on these terms the firm could take A ;
larger store in a better location [laughter],!
and ruost of the creditors could sell them j
more than they did before [laughter], and
get warn 'bit' next time [Laughter.]
Therefore I move the offer be accepted."
The chairman states that the motion is!
before the meeting. Motion carried.
Young America—l move we adjourn.
Young America—And I move AN!
amendment "to the nearest restaurant" to
drink everybody's lmaltb, the firm's in
cluded. [Laughter.]
Madrid, Nov. 23.- General tjuesada HAS
raptured Sail Cristobal, with all the Car
list po.itions in the neighborhood ol Pam
Additional reinforcements, TO the num
ber of 1,306 men have embarked tor Cubs
An official dispatch from Gen hjustadu
announces that I'ouipeluna has bean com
pletely relieved after throe days. Twelve
battalions of Carlisle wars routed with
heavy loss.
The inuncipality of Vittoria are prepar
ing to receive King Alfonso on his way to
tho front.
Don Curios has issued a proclamation
exhorting his soldiers to an energetic re
sistance Mguinst the fresh attack of the
northern army.
Treasury officials i-sliinuto that the gov
ernment will recover more than S'i,tKAi.UXI;
<r nil tho "crooked" whisky distillers.
Tho ofli.inl count <1 the veto of New
York at the late election is nearly com-]
plated. Tho total volo us thus shown for
Hburotftry of fjtate wus 770,3.31
For the Reporter.
A Kiorj for Hoys.
* Hy J Herman Mutts.
It was a swart, cool May tnoreing, the
bird* tanned to ting their cheeriest song,!
, lha flower# nodded in variegated beauty'
along sunny slopes and vine trailed hills, j
tlisir bright petal* flashed in glan and doll, ■
and made many heart* swell with gratl-!
ude at tin Ir tw cat kvsulv , and jutl]w hai*
, tin fl ,i wr f • bullied hi ightesl and ill* SUII
. sti. ua lot a last • a luodatl lllllr cottage,
( tho front rati and was almost covered with
p vine*, English ivj clung in hi ght green
beauty . a Hailing ai t.ulus hung in graceful
wreaths* and a g lorn us old trumpet irrrj
r stood Sentinel over thauoor, slid in lha
HI a trellis window stood a pot Uiassrd
■ over wdb toft eyed panties.
I I u tha door of that sunny nttsg* tto. d
tha widow Snow, the tun then* through
f ih* old trumpet creeper end played hid<
f and task 111 her soft brown braids, a tlitilr
if niotberly Joy bmka over her l*. a at a
night golden-haired buy of pit lisps eight
iiimnu-rs <sm# romping towards tier bis
• wtit wui pearl, hi* cheeks More the lint
, if the conch shall, and hit eyes looked
„ laughingly up at the very hesrt of a blue
eyed panels.
, "O, mamma, the boy s urn going to play
. lowti el ih• old mill, may 1 gu 'long, do
* et die go dsartsl uiaiiiiua. ' plead the bo},
* hits lbs pansie ay at almost turned to jet
, black , the mother stooped down ai d kits*
d the ruby lip*, smoothed back the stray,
s rills -fgolden hair, and halt little Oscar'
go "O. memin a, yuu are a dear good
mauiiua. good bye. mamma," and grace
fully skipped out from under the old irutu-1
net creeper, out lulu the gulden sunshine,
'* >t merry and ha|>py as a childish heart
•jull he, throwing back akis* wf farewell.
' '.be little forut disappeared.
Widow Snow looked after her child, and
r her heart went out in prayer to llim wh
* I nth all tb'f fx well, far the welfare of
tier only Comfort, and feeling thai God .
: hlrtiiig retted upon her child
The baautitul Rule widow Si), w traced
her steps hack lo the coxy iiiort,|iig room
end busied h#r#lf knitting a tidy , her
thought went ha- k from her beautiful boy
'' to a mound of waving grass and flowers
just over the hill lop What expectant
'' joy* we e never realised, for Death marks
n miio stone in its path, and Mrs Snow'
fail and knew liter* would nevar again be
a return —ai d had centered her love, de
'' v olio!) and happiness on her lit'.l* Oscar.
We will pas* over a period of ten years
and look in upon widow Snow ar d.hsr ton.
'it it spring-time sgsiu, tha cottags seems
i almost a bower ol baguty ; the ivy cling*
heavily loth* walls, lha trumpet creeper
bursting out in lender bods, and lha trail
( iug arbutus tall* of a long, happy summer'*
i reign. The pleasant littla widow has
grown more matronly, and the blown
p braids are threaded with hare and there a
stiver line, but the seme sweet smile lights
t up her face as when first Introduced to the
reader, it may be a little mellower, yet the
ame. silting oppbslie bet at the lillio Us
table is ocar bint we scarcely recogmxe
j, j tax a Ukose largs lustrous ayaa, the dye of
the pansi* is atill paepuig out ; ha seems
II his mother s pride and joy. and even lha
>.' old trumpet creepar seemed lo nod a wel
-* k|S.,- i,, kij talked p!?itanl!y
his mother. Oscar Oi.-w had received a
iibv'ei edu> aUoti, and w ilh a commanding
paraon, seemed lo bid fail to make his mark
ili tho world . his mother doled on bins,
1 praised him, and looked forward to a bril
liant future lor her heiidt- ine boy. but
isles' liojf . n s*c a ti;o}|-f t (rotes
Standing in a fathomable saloon wc ae
a tail, baiidtouie man. with a glass passing
up to his bearded mouth, ' Come hoys,
drink to my health, for to-mcrrow we
* slerl forjthe west," the clash of glasses told
that all ware friends Farawalla w.-re
■ T sp -kun in social terms and an* of lha par
e ty glanced at an ormula clock wa-nod all
' that it xva* near liam ttissx,, una per In. g
glass was Laken s ud Otcar Snow w.lh two
' companions wended hit way la the depot
' Oscar was hurried tale the far wr%tl he
led en aimless Ufa for two or thre • years
to come home Would have bumbled him
'' At a last great eflort he joine<l a band of
brigands -tears sped -n, ihe sweat
k Snow xvat laid by the grassy mound over
' the hill lop ; tha lillie cottage had patted
1 into stranger hands and Oscar had almost
' been forgotten when the papers were Ailed
' with lha arret! of a band of marauder*
' and am uigsi the list ot names was Oscar
' .Snow they paiJ the death penalty. Such,
boys, was the fat* of o M , known to the
* writer.
George Gihbt fell against a circular saw
in a us 11 at Cameron end WAS cut to
Hon Andrew Apple, a soldo r of
v war of 1I2, diea in fifartbampUin County *
j few day ago
t Alex. Hatielt, of Holier co„ wa thrown
- from a buggy while ca hi* way to church
* and killed.
While out gunning near Landitburg,
' Perry county, on Monday, franklin Kl- ;
' In ker was accidentally shot dead by a
k companion,
A statu convention of the Junier Sons of
'76, a labor organisation, will be held at
, Tyrone on Dec., 23ih, 1873, end oontinu*
r two days.
J 1776. NEW YORK. 1876.
Eighteen hundreJ and seventy-six i* the
t Centennial year. It is also the year in
which an Opposition llous* of Represanta
r'tivys, the first since the war, will be in
power et Washington ; and tha vear of tha
, twenty.third election of e President of the
United Stat** All of these event* era
sure to he of great intarast.and importance,
especially tha two latter ; and all of thm
and averything connected with them will
■ be fully and Irethly reported and expound
ed in the Sun.
The Opposition House of R*pr***nta
i live*, taking up the line of inquiry opened
| veers ago by tha Sun, will sternly and dil- 1
, igenlly investigate the corruptions and
' misdeeds of Grant's administration; and;
1 will, it is to be hoped, lay the foundation!
for a new and better poriod in our natural
history. Of all this The Sun will contain !
complete and accural* accounts, furnishing 1
i its readers with early and trustworthy in- '
: formation upon these absorbing topics. 1
The twenty third Presidential election, <
with the preparations far it, will be memo- <
rablo as deciding upon Grant's aspirations
for a third term uf power and plunder, and j t
still more at deciding who shall be theL
candidate of the party of Reform, and at j
electing that candidate Conctrnesig all ,
these subjects, those who reed The Sun!;,
will have the constant meant of being |
thoroughly wall informed.
The Weekly Mun, which hat attained j
circulation of over eighty thouvand copies. |
already hat its renders in every Stat* and
I Territory, and we trust that the year 1876 ,
will tt-a their numbers doubled. It will
continue t<> t>* a thorough newsuaper. All
the general news of tiio day w>ll bo found
in It, condensed when unimportant, if full
longth when of moment t and always, w* s
trust, treated in a clear, interesting and in* k
structive menner.
It is our aim to make the Weakly Sun
the beat family newspaper in tli* world, (
and we shall continue to givo in its col
umns a large amount or miscellaneous
reading, such as stories, tales, poems, I
entiflc intelligence and agricultural infor- l
matioii, for xvliieli waare not able to make n
' room in our daily edition. The agricultu- i
ral deparlinanl wspscjilly is on* of its <i
prominent feature*. The fasl.ious are n-g I
ularly reported in Its columns; end so
are the markets of every kind. ,]
The Weekly Sun. eight pages with fif- (.
ty-iig broad columns is only sl.2UayeHr, „
postage [irnpaid A this price bsrely re- t
par* ttm cost of the peper, no discount -
can be made from this rata to clubs,
agents. Postmasters, or anyotio. k
I'lis Daily Sun, a iurgn four pago news
paper of twenty-eight columns, gives all '
tho news for two cents n copy, subscrip
tion, postage prepaid, 63c, a month or s('•-
/■0 n year. Sunday adilion extra, sl,lO U
per year. We have no traveling agents o
Address. THE SUN, Now York Oity. J
dvc'itit b
4rtp.ScnJ stamp for full inforiiiiitinn, /
' I'ricc List, Ac., &e. I>. F. BKATTYj ~
Waibingtoo, N J.
1 lie Kicioee of Sinuer* Given Furlli
er II lustration.
The sermon tit • continuation of hi.
discourse at Monday night's service, "1
,pray (!>•• have in, „ CUM j Jladldj
ji.ol hat* tiuir a( l)iat meeting lo review
all oflbe excuse* offered ty thoaa invited'
jtoiha wedding u|.|>*r of (ha Lamb, and!
I last fiighl ha spok* of (ha ..then (hat came;
• In* mind Ilia first I'(rut* which he
talked of *ll Ih* .(lie given by o luant i
backward, utireganerato of n.l being
alerted Mi. Moody hellrvra in the dot
Irln* t.I el<ctioii, but ho i* tif (ho opiniett
thai no unconditional parson bat any rra
ton to trouble himaelf or haraetf about the
mailer, inasmuch at I'aul wrote to the
t Lurch, and God baa aaid, "Whosoever
will, lot hint tako of lha w atcr of lifa free
Mi Moudv bat au idea, ht say*, that af
ter t 111 Ist had I'oeii in Heaxeo thirty or
f.>rty >.-*r and I'aul hail wiittcn hi* apis
lie that Gud t aught Jutm t n the isle of
I'alini.* and loi<J him lo wnla at hit dicta
lint After John was about tearing hi*
labors, <*ud thought that lie might fim.h
jhy slating "that whoever wa* baptised
might enter the kingdom of 'heaven."
Hut. said Job it, "tharo will he millions
oftouls Dial I~n lha baptised ' "Well,"
aid God. 'w rile it that wh- aver will wor
th ip fur b* taVan) " "Many soul* will
not get a chance to worship, ' .aid John
1 Imri writ#, 'YYh.wower v* ill, let him
take ol the walar of tif* freely ' *' taid God,
and such War# hi* inatrut itont Tha cu
ius doctrine ul alntiun for tinners Air,
Moody said aa* ton la in ad ill that last
stale unit, and he has no tvmpa'.hy with
(xoaons who use ihe ileum of not being
elected.'lt is a uiystery tu him why wa do
Inot act with at much reason in spiritual at
temporal matters, and he closed hi* talk
on election with a hurst of enthusiasm, in
viting the audience to partake of the water
of life, somewhat a* Hawthorne'* Town
Tump invited the rustic popu si ion to
drink Here 'tis free ," "walk up and
drink ;" "nothing to pay;" "twill do vou
god , ' "her*, all of you drink ," "lah*
it to-night ;" "'.hero s plenty for every
one, Ac.
Th second urutt liluiivd to I y tin
speaker i tlx "i k u! tunc ' wilh vliifli
so liili't are fullering. 'Jim men win in In
1 in tlx llit In talk with about
their ii'uli, very readily acknowledgedj
that tlx* warn badly in need of it, but ilj
lx ooulj iixka it oonvenienl to rail anutb-.
• r liux, at tlx) were undersuch a tremeti- j
ii"Ui pressure end bad nuiimt, thav anulil
listen to hi in Tlx moment lx inquired
ab. •ul a woman t soul tlx had to ruth oil
ho fix aiid put tlx babul to bed. (rod of I
lert you, starving and thirsty Ituman bc-i
ingt, tlx bread and waterot life, and you
have f.o time or are afraid that it will Wake
YOU (l>-omy to eal and drink These *x
utei are the devil'* liet, and you w ill be
iivva and ibtfiaii tlx in. i Lowering hit
\oice to a conversational tone) "iSalan hat
t clink \\ neo you arc young he putt itt
back at-d tayt, 'Put it off When you
yet old lx teit tlx clock way ahead, and
uiuruxrt Too lata 1 Jlun llx s
hy biui. it u lxver too'toon nor tievar too
late to patlake of the wpdding supper el
the Lamb, and the invitation it to all,
young and old, great and tmali. Do you
txar 1 Kvery body it inviled You and I.j
Not one left out in the cold. Oh, come to|
me feast "
The neit excute which Mr. Moody haJ
met with in hit salvation employment ii
tlx cry of "Tin too bad ' He centiderrd
that the flimsiest excuse ever invented h>
any perton of tente, i,d ha Wildly inquir
vj of (but* presenting that pretaxt bow
they wtriitinn lu become belter. There
wa> no reply, and while the audience wat
wailing to lx told, a fray headed cnlhusi
att on the Ironl row audibly echoed Mr.
MoodvT question.
"I'll le'.l you. my friendt," said Mr
Moody, shaking hit head and loref.ngcr
jiatqlUjneoiuly vy th the pronunciation ofi
eabh word "y..u can t got rid of sin with
out trod. Becaute you are bad he invitee
you to come All you've got to do it toj
prove yourtelf a tinne* to turn and he wiii |
rv< eive you, if you will it him You don't!
want to dross up in rxw robot before non
filing (io just at you ax, incased in sin
There wat once an ariitl who wished to
pa,1.1 • h'tlure ui tlx ialu(t) of tbe prodi
gal tor,, at.d he tried to obtain tome model
for the character cf the prodigal In v>:k
ii.g througii tlx >tret he met a beggar, the
very image of h; imag.nary prodigal, and
he entered into conversation with anil en
gage I hint to call at the artist's studio or.
the following week. On tlx day appoint
ed the beggar Came to the studio. As he
• ' lercd tlx arlot and iaqu red the
object of his visit "Why, you met nx on
tlx street one day last week and asked nu
p. call a; yoqr itqdta,' ,*.d ux Bran. 'fwi
are mlsuilten, said Ux artist. 1 never
taw you before in my life I made ar. wp-f
(.ointment with a beggar to meet me here
to day.' Tam he.' replied the man ; 'and
as 1 was coming to such a line place, 1
thought 1 d fix up a little.' ' Of course
the artist could not use him
f Another clan of people whom Mr.
Mwhlv hat mat tf!l 1.-t„ thai t.e# itue;- ci
.in i.ot ii-i theu, partake of ill a Wedding
r tupi er; that they can't reason It out "If
j vou have g<>t that idea in ynur brad, tvd
. Mr M--ody, petulantly, "jrou will never
' find God. With bun it a revelation not
1 i'lwstgetwn God it above rrwon. and
. you inut coma to him ai a little child
r At Ibit subject could verv easily extend it-.
• elf into a theologian! di*-<*s*toa Mr.'
' M>itiy liiwpn'.l it. aid patd or, to what
* ha characterized at about the last tiniir
that a man hat, that of no feeling ' 1
should like to ba at tba feast and want to;
b a Christian. but I don t feel," Mr
' hat com# to tba conclusion that
j feeling hat nothing to do with the matter.,
If men want to go to G >d ther muil tcti
tin -.r faces like fir,;; na'ds Uaavan
i> Towru tha ,'lota nf thf tar\ ica ha he-'
. gan ti> warm up to hi* work, and laming
,out over tba railing of tba pulpit box. with
hit hand waiving nerroutly to and fro in
i tha air. he tboulad :
, "If I broke up all tha excuses in the
world Satan would invant nt ones They
are alt refugee of liet. Let Death snake
hi# finger In face# #.i night, and whar*
' j would your excUsti be * Your toul won't
' get fat on excuses, and the kingdom will
> be farther away the more of them you in
tent Make thii thing a pertotial matter
Supp-ea now." continued ilia speaker,
' taking a pencil and paper from hit pock-j
t el, "this document vtl drawn up for you i
, to sign. I will raad it:
"While in tha Kink; Nor 10. 1*75, I re
ceived an invitatiar. from the servants of
the Matter to be pteient at the marriage
topper of hit Son in Heaven, I beg to be
iSigned' M., or N.
"Now how many of you would tign
' thit ' Not a kolitary one Qf you. You
' daro not. Now suppose this letter kbould
- ba handed around lor your signatures .-
' "While in tha Kink, November K>. IM;
' I have received a pratking invitation, from,
the tarvanU af the Matter to ba pretent at!
' the wadding supper of hit Son. By tha
1 grace of God I will ba there.
(Signed M., or N. j!
• "You would all tign it, I think. And'
yet you will go out of hereto-night laugh
ing and scoffing at what you have heard j
I pray to God you may accept the invita-1
lion ainoerely to night."
The tarvice ended with prayer by Mr.
. Moody.
.** Wh. Kiimiakb. of Centre Hall, ha#
the agency for Centre and Clinton coun-
I liet. Pir the att.VKR SftLKINO Ttnza. ad
vertised in another column. Ail partir. I
wanting them altould apply toon, lie will j
canvatt a portion of the county.
No* 11. lto.
of Potter tchool district ere hereby nnlifi.
vJ that the tax-duplicate hat been placed
in my hand* for collection. All tax paid f
on or before December lit, next, will have'
6 per cent deducted, and from that date
to January 1t the amount on duplicate
will be payable, and all taxei unpaid after
January Itl 187ti. will go into the handt of
a collector with an addition of A per cent.
I will he at home Tuotda.v and Thursday
of each week to receive tax
7 ocl 8m Treaaurer.
any manafacture apply to Bunnell ,V Ai
ken, Miiroy, P
Graugcr price#, add ret- Bunnell A* Aiken,
' Miiroy, l a. VI oct Urn.
Jou* S. Mii.lkk, Tailor, of Mill
haim, it putting up the beat of* work and
the public would do well to call upon him,
at hit pricei and work suit the timet. Sat
isfaction guarantaed. We have teen tome
of hi# work and find it equal to that of (he
heat of tailort. VI oct dm.
dertigncd it now prepared to tell Brick at
hit kilnt at Centre llall to suit purchaser!,
at reasonable ratot, alto to furnith or con- ,
tract Brickwork. 8. 8. EARNER. '
7 oat y
- ■■■ ■ i
jQR 8.0, QUTKUL'B,
Dentist, Mlllholm. I
OtTert hit professional service* to tho |
public. He is prepared to perform all
operations in the dental profession.
RSl*lie it now fully prepared to extract |
tooth ahaolutely without pain. ruyß-711-tf.
iiirlo,) to tako orders. D- F. BEATTY,
'Washington, Now Jorsoy.
of our intention t< put nkw uuii lowkk j-iucla on much of our Slock.
We have in id.- up mo MAW OVERi "OATS sud SUITS for I hie year, mid
lo tramfrr our Stuck into ( u*li ureilul ioi |r|drilieo lor 1R76, we will
make certain tactifxres whi. li will lie apparent OS AND APTKIt WEDNES
DAY, DECEMBER FJItST, when wvohnll ha TS gone th rough our Fales
: room* and cut olf Profile, ami even s pari of the coat, from many of our
preaeot price*.
LA be very ejrad in stating thu matter, at UY ILU not intend that any ad re ,•
tiseinent or curtain of our hou-e shall mitleud the public in the least particular,
wo think it proper ta say, that this .Marl /town, uhilst it applies to
, and cz tends throughout our house, yet there tire tome lots in which (at they
have already been marked ut note prices.) ue shait make no change.
OUrl fJiJ;\L u/jil OrJLY uiAM DOVJti TIS S2A
| • a*
I. No Second or Altered Price -ONE FIXED PRICE.
- —Cah fiiiui AM, to warrant L w Prices.
•L The Contract uu our part to return money, i* a part of ths bargain in
emhcaae (providrd gooda are returned unworn.)
L — A dull Guarantee giv .i for each garmenl.
The Stock we oflt-r .* ail kciy, qipi ut ''ROCUHT" or "wa .I.EBALE" atock
hut our
C Made Clolhiii^.
It will be reinetnlieied that uur stock alwaj* embrace* the CIIOICDT
STYLES of UWAMJAL GOO DP. and that kVBKY SIZL lUll eIIAPE it pro* d
ed for both MEN and Boy* i: u.ll also he borne in tniud that there U hot
Sixth—Sixth—Sixth—Sixth— SlXTH
ami MAK KET Sim la.
Hoping for a viait from each reader, and that our frieo ia will pass thit an-
Douucemctit to all llu-ir fiimdi iu Use country,
We are Vcty Truly,
liuruert aud Shipper* of tbe celebrated
: tviHiirnti IL-iimie. ;
Uralers ; .n the very beet grades of
iA N T 111{ ACj TE "'(DO AL j
The uoly dealers in Centre County who sell the
W I L K E Si li\ A U Ri E C Oi Ai L
from the old Baltimore mine* Alio
of Urtuu- Ooai dryly bouted expressly for houseate. at the lowest prisas
I) E ALE US I.V Glt A I .V.
They pay the plv*s i* cash or grain that the Eastern marketa will iIM
11 YE,
B. light or will he sold on commission alien desired, and full price* guaranteed. lot
formation concerning the grain trade will be furnished at all time*, to farmer
with pleaaura, free of charge.
which it always sold at low prices, and warranted to be at good a fertilizer at it
other plaiter.
Pumps Of All Kinds!
Steam & Rotary Pumps
Deep Well Pumps, H 1 % I
Cistern Pumps, S>T IXI
Anti-Frezing Pumps.
r UOUti o ****** e r,, ' PP p H rrrpp kkkkk wsxcs
U A A H I'l'ltppw
8 A A BSBSBB PPPPPP || |-rpi>iv virKirw S „„„
it t AAA A A 8 P U "rrir KKKhK
• UU A A S | II p
aoau A A 888888 p „ f KKKKK RSSSai
Gum Hone ts; Packing, Bell and Brass
Founders, and Manufacturers of the CELEBRATED
Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump.
p%.Scndfor illustrated catalogue and price Ht -"fog
ATF.R SI., d SO lKt i tonne. j
'' * pr - I'lTTSiri KGII ,PA. .
THE *S2,^* ,UrIICT
laiarebangaabl* Hindi* u4 Shield Combined.
1 i - . Tb handl* U rnttrWy
lu and ratr ba
a* 4 for *j 'itthrt 0 {
■ Hi.. M IrOM. Il CM M MljMt-
ad iMrtaaity. *d hrtaw
t.mvtdrd villi n
<• ftrtniilrt.lf
*asdJ3BaMtaESSK ir*wi*i m-m u*
' WwSWMl3ffi -
lb* boa In bniaff
rwu* *, t. tm boated. tb* haadi* man
b® dHaehed We will MM to nr aWnei, o re
relpl of Draft or f O. Order for Hi* MMul. altbar
I of Ui following act*:
' B*l No. t~§ Iron* of . • and 7 lb*., 1 boodle, # I 0
•• 1-4 " S.foadSlb*., 4*
M " 1.1 ao4 10*., •• I N
Nicbel plated I moa, TSrU. per Mt tt!n
Any party ardarloflr* ooto will ro
nlr* one MI astro oa a praaaluan.
Tuorougt.ljr reliable ageota wanted.
65 Flm It, BreokJjra, E. D., I. T.
He**- liylinib ualad*lw
u o urueiHoiw a. (J. HUaaaa"
Established, 1843.
Th# old, reliabl# pis**, vboro
and other marble
. work it made, in the very bent ntylo, and
upon reasonable tormi
teir Thankful for past favort, tct re
tpeetivcly lolicit the patronage of the
Hhnpr, Kaat of Bridga, Mill holm, Pa.
The undar.igneu naving oarh i-.ea
•toa ul the obof# e.iablitfa merit, rwpetf
fully 1 1. fur to the public that tbe .arte will
be carried on by Utm ia all u* branch**
at beretolure.
the CKLU... IED
beat so* tnad*.
ry deacriplioa, ia abort lhair Foundry ia
complete in every particular.
®*M particular auenticn to
our EXCELSIOR PLOW, acknowl
to be la* beat Plow now in uaa,
in lb* beam for two or throe bur
We aleo manufacture a now and
ER. which bat been ulad oaleaetrolv ia
the northern and wrrtcra State*, and ha*
taken precedence over ail fiber..
We are prepared to do all KINDS OP
CASTING fn m the large*! to the .mall
eat, and have facilitie* for doing all kind*
All k'nda of repairing don* on ebon no-,
|j*n2l-lr. Centre Halt.
NO OTHER PIANO FOKTK has attain- ,
t d the urot popularity. Mk-Send tiilap
for Circular. D. F. BE All Y, (Vwinaf
, ton, New Jersey.
at hi* establishment at Centre 11a! 1. kei
on hand, and tor ale. at the tnoat rea****-
hie rate*.
' Carriages,
& Spring Wagons,
and vehicW of every description made to
order, and warranted to be made of the
beet seasoned material, and by the moat
(killed and competent workmen. Persons
wanting anything in hi* linear* coquetted
to call and examine hi* work, they will
t find it not to be excelled tor durability and
wear. may Sit.
Will attend to administering Owtb>, Ac
knowledgement of Deed*. Ac, writing Ar
lieletof Agreement, D#da. Ac, inavlS
It HATTY p i * * o ,
KNOWN. %%.Send stamp for Circu
lar. Address D. F BBATTY, Wash
ington. N. J.
" C. T. ALEX A MUCH. C M. Ikivtu.
ney* at- Law. Bellefonte, Pa. Special
attention given to Collection*, and Or
phan*' Court practice. Mar oe consulted
in German and EnglUh. Office in Gar
man'* Building. m v as 74-1.
I* (till located at Pine Grove Mill* and
u now prepared to travel to the home* of
patient* at a diitance and render any de
sired tervice in hi* line, in the beat man
ner. of belt quality and at reasonable
rate*. Insertion ofnw denture* made a
specialty. Ttrtk ertraeied without pain. v
21 jan 74
Celebrated Golden Tongue
are ranked by eminent musician* and dis
tinguished men of honor throughout the
world as the leading PARLOR ORGANS
now in use.
An excel ent Organ for the Church, llall.
Lodge, Sabbath-school, a* well a* tin- par
N. B.—Special rates in this case, a* an
An offer : "Where we have no agent* wo
will allow any one the agent * discount in •
order to have this wonderful musical pro
ducing instrument introduced.
No other Parlor Organ has attained lo
the same popularity.
Send stamp for price list and a list ol _
testimonials. Address : *
Washington, Warren County. N J.
BKLI.XroXTE, rx.
Johnson A Son's, proprietors, having
refitted and newly furnished this house are
now prepared to accommodate traveler*
in the most satisfactory manner.
•neJO If.
u.JW ■jM— 1 '——sa
The long rnd of the tube is inserted in the x
cou-'s teats, when the milt will flow, without >|
the aid of the hands.
The attention of Dairymon is called to
the above cut, which represents a SIL
VER MILKING TUBE, by which more
than half the time Hnd labor of milking
cows is saved. Four tubes to a set, which
will be £ent postpaid to all parts of the
country on receiptor Two Dollars per set.
An Agent is wanted in every county, to
whom a liberal discount will be allowed.
Address the manufacturer.
701 Chostnnt Street. Philadelphia.
finds of Secret Society work.
Jewels, Emblems, Badges and Silverw are
Diplomas awarded at the Berks, Mont
gomery, Chester and Bucks County Fairs.
For testimonials see the Practical Fanner •'
for September and October. Send for cir
culars. Toct'Jtn,
Tubes can be seen at the Reporter office
—tbey aro asuccesi,