FARM, HARDEN AND HOCSRHOLI) ir Uorlpr*. BIIKAB HKVCW* —Pour half a pint O boiling milk on a tenenpfu! of flu© brea crumbs, aid a small onion stuck witl throe or fonr cloves, a small blade c m i y a ftw peppercorns ami salt t tarto. Tr>t. the sauce simmer flv minntoa, a hi a small pat of frosh buttei an.l at the time of serving remove til onion and mace. Bou.ixo Flsn.—Fish is exceeding! insipid if snfllei >nt salt is not tuned wit the water in which it is b.aled; ataui four ounces t > one gallon is enough fe small fish in general; an addition* ounce, or even more, will not IK* to much for codfish, lobsters, etc.; an salmon requires eight ounces. Torsade the boiled fish firm, add a little salt petes to the a*!t ; a quarter of an ottne is f ydeii i.t for one gallon. \ Goon PAST* —A lady tells th (' < y Gmtlcnuw readers of a durahl 1 tor veni Kmks wliioh she make aft . t!ta following fashion: Take little com starch aud derive it in 001, wsit r, then pour on boiling water, an h t t co>h uutil of iLio right cntisinteucv \\ : a irhinds, spread it on with a brush It sik whoever uses it will be satisfied It r so sid IsM'sed witAan a day or two as it A ill sty oil bp MHinag if kept A* long. a|■ lfe . " ' -4PP # <3ttaints. —The Freud pr. Nt lite air and checki any t< Wlrncy to deoay. When want\ for the table, dip the clusters in warn water to remove Una lime. Farrr Pnuusa.—Pour over half i hu: of dry broad, tabling water enough to v ivri it sUu.l uutil ao/t, then iir.ii: oftti water sad *fci three egg well two cups of wlnte sugar, a lamp of butter the sine of s hulled wnl ntt:. and a pint of anv fruit you prefer— can-mis, berries, cherries, raisins, dried cur ius, etc. Mix the ingredients thor oughly. Flour a cloth, put them in. drop into boiling water, and keep it covered and txiiliug fur au hour. Servo with swtet or soar sauce, aa you prefer, tkxsl oreaiu well sweetened, into which von have ques<)d tlx l juaoe of a Jernou, is h • t. Busmv Arrut Prmuxii.--Eighteen good apples, a quarter of a pound of bat: r; iowryotks of egg*: one white ; ci i .mon and ohms ; oue lemon; sugar to t -te ; t te-halt a nutmeg. Pe 1, core in cut the apples into a stew pan that will jmff hold them, with a little water and tie spices; rasp the pr*l ol the lemon in; slew over a slow lira fill quit* soft, then sweeten and ptss thn>ugh a sieve ; last the eggs and grated nutmeg together with the juice of a lemon, then mix all well ; line the inside of your pie dish with gixxi puiT paste, put in your pudding and bake hivif an hour. MrZlral Nttn. Feuvx't —A bit of calf's rennet soaked in milk will, it is said, cure a felon. lbvxoKi rr.—A wash composed of a t- sop nful i f powdered tarex to a pint of rain water is excellent for rtwnoviug dandruff from the hair. Kr.ittur FOR CiraoxtO Hozßsr.xKsa. In d.t iae he seneas arising from th. hciiiim of the v,*-al conla and ad ja : ib".a>\ th* ammoukted tinc ture of %• is often a v*ry efficaci ous remedy. It may he mixed with rial part* of syrup of Senegal, and a t nful of the mixture given two or thro times daily. Si AKLET VMTWR. — In tliis disease the parent and the schoolteacher are often ©onc-riied to know how long a time must elapse tvfur- it is oiu'e to admit the wn vaioseent dbildneu to mingle with other children: And the answer is, that for ai . >nth, at least, the bcxiv of a scarlet i xer ] .dttet is casting off scales from the skin, aud from the nose, throat, bowels ai d kidneys discharges which ar polsor. us and convey the disease. The chief danger, however, arises from th ■ -kin, a this is the main outlet for tli b:ood jv.-oii to escape; hence, every seal • it throws off can carry the infection. ( rFßo.uit>s.—ln the construction oi cl l!i.-uses and in too many instance* i> w ones aLso, a great defect is to be 1 mad in Uw' absence of any mode of v • nation Ar the mplmards. This om'.ision is a serious otie in all casee, bnt e in those which are devoteil to : of food or of dirty linen. I udi esis.>s these closets, with their contents Ivecome labiratc4ies for the m.mnfactnre of polluted air, which from time to um" esaepca into the living ro- is sna- makes itself unpleasantly a: tvrent. The remedy /or thia is not difficult ; a few perforations in the doors will be found xervimblo, but if practi c i >le, the wall of the cnplxtard should also be perforated ao that a thorough draught could be obtaiueii For damp c t< ami cupbuania which generally miidew, a trayfnl of qnieklime will be found to absorb the moisture an I render th.- air pure, bnt of coarse it is necessary to renew the lime from time to time as it bee mies faiiy ahdt>-d. This last remedy j wi i be found nseftU in safes and strong rooms, the damp aii; of which acta fro , quently most injnrrmxly on the valnable <1 and doenrnents which they con-' tain. Care of Htrtn. The Ijondoo I form If'tok says: All ! "rxsi icuUt l>qftxl in th'" aaino propor ii n. witaoat i* „• uvl to their their constitution, aud their work ; because the impropriety of such a practice is self-evident. Yet it is constantly done, and is the l>asia of diseases of every k-'ad. m : Never nse loil hay on account of the because there is no proper rourishiueut in it. Damaged ooru ia exoooiiingly injnri onK. bee.iuse it bringt on inflammation of the bijw#b and skin diseases. Chaff is better frir old horses than hay, lie cause they can chew and digest it better. When a horse is worked hard its food should chiefly be outs, because oats sup ply more nourishment and flesh-making material than any otls r kind of food ; hay not so. ntuiji. liack ffeuflTiir ig UWU-fnl. T3JC betU-r plan is to feed wfPi (dropped hay from a manger, beam** the food is not thn thrown or.t„oud is more easily chewed and digested. " tdprinki.l tho luj with wab-r that has salt dissolved in it, because it is pleasing to the animal's taste and more easily di gonted. A texspoonfnl of salt in a bucket > of water fe gufficUmi. What a Title Hid. The joke told by the late Major M. M. Noah, recounted in his " Iteminis c< uoea," in reference to a gentleman from traveling through the littie Uenuaji prititipalities, when re quested to name his rank, announced himself aa " The Flector of Delaware," and eon*ejTienfly was received by the guard with presented arms, puts 'us in mind of a fiimffarly suwessfnl ruse prac tifxd by tho weii-kuowu ooamnfsditan ax 1 accomplished officer, I'ay-Director John S. Cunningham, of our navy. The I p y-director was an American commis- i sioner to the London exposition, and as such, necessariD lmJ-the entree t the > xclnsive socfi R\- of that ilk. He was CM route to qtteud some gmnd and aristo cratic receflfi'ifl in Lyndon, ar.d in the crowd met Miss S< aton, tiie daughter of I the late Mr. fcipatun, eiiitor of tlie Na t onal IhfaUiytnetr, and ouoe mayor of Washington. Miss Seaton was extreme- , ly anxious to dituin eiilmune, having' 1 ailed in i-verv effort to obtain a card o: , admiwioH, afll in her despair apjieolwl t Mr. Cunningham for aid. The gallant uud patriotic pay-director did not Dro pose t" abandon his fair countrywoman i.i distress. A sudden thought struck him—"take my arm," said he, as be p :shed bis jnw through the wovvd and approached the lunkeys: on duty, nn l uncing as the "American t'omrni sioner, and the daughter of the rl- ,r d mayor of Washington !'' " Make way for tHi* daughter at-the lord mayor of WasbiiflHfeijF nutal the ushers, and the pay-dJectaa, with the amiable and i 'vely Mi Jtßciuxm, passed triumphantly r rough tie guarded portals.— Sunday Times. ft. Anierimn Silk Mnnfsrtnrc)i. Few people not actually engaged it the business have any just coneeptioi of of the magnitndeof the silk mauufirotnr id ing industries of the Fnibxl States th That we are making the lest of sill of goods in this country, says a good all to thority, the pat have already discovered. The T. the United Stat<'s may now la* fairb lie rankixl among the great silk manufaotur ing nations is m>t NO generally known . This fact is shown by comparing otir im j porta of silk niannfacturixl gvxsls las year with tho pivxlnetaof our domestii 1 silk Tndustrv. I'he former were vahux "l st tIMHLSI • tl " , MW.MI Ihos.. flgures will have the more sign ill ' . ounce when vrc consider that our domes ' tic industry has iuiirMsvl even within i [j 1 few years, aud right in the teetli of tin general deprewion of busuitvis ; i lV grow*, while the sale of European liiatiu facturivi to our people stands still or re lie trogra.les. ile This result is the more satisfactory lv> es cause our maimfatdnrem have had up a ; hill work. Their effort* liegan as earli Id i as the wursr nmlticauh- #o s, whenUn id thrifty matrons of New F.nglnud, und< V. th> shade of their own muitvrrv tree* h. ; fel their caterpillars and rx native silk, but when tli. y were fairly , established Una supply It's-cue insnfli iiirnt. Chinese chmp )al*>r OU theothei ide say a " This is Un- rva.l English silk," or, ; " Tht>se are the leet French gisxla" We are making ta'tter a* well as cheaper a silk gvxxls tliau the Europeans. This is h true alike of the heavier silk* used for u coach trimmiugs and Uw light.*>t i>f rd>- r* iwnis ; of the richest fancy silks and the a merest filagree lace. Not only are 1- American g sxls strougvraud more dune - hie tiian those lumte abroad, tin y also d siirjwss them in jvrmanctKx< ar-d inten r- sit vof color. i. The importance of the silk industry t> it our country may U> judg*t from a few 0 facta. The numbor of firms and maim *. factoring corporations engaged on silken h fabrics is one hundred and eighty, of * which seventy are iu New York, fort v two iu New Jereey, twenty three in Pennsylvania, twenty one in (Amneeti f cut, and eleven iu Massachusetts. Tlie . j inunlwr of ojieralives employed is 14, * ! 471>, ami the wijje* paid amount to f A1.4fiT,819; the capital mvestad is $14,- { TitS, IS4, and the value of productions r amount to the round sum of $i0,082,4 vj. The prodOcta clnutlel bv article* are as follovvs: Z2Z SSZ i XXjl X T irowa UK) •>•* ntk-.. ui aeo.-w #a."n,384 - SSmlStt vac *, ctiia* 1*t!....' TSSXH SJNM6* A~m s : HdJ t !. !.V!V XiV#* 61MJU l>jla* . S) U, *.*. l- • . broS *>l'.inaiiw !." IJflsjW UIUK .** Isc 1 ' Vtaal l.CS.w:>o so . !■* *i .sj . The workpeople are exjaised to uo i such dangers v>f accident to life or limb, t or of pi>iSkiniug from unwholesome I fumes or tenijiersHirt s, as are common in many kiiivis of factory labor. The - more skillful workmen are well paid, the i tv-st silk finishers earning from SBO to - per week, and women employed on - fa-eels and fringes g4iuig sl2 to §ls. More than hftlf the operatives are wom< a i and girl*, the iaV>or la-tug light, mul 4 otherwise suited to their capacity. Thi* r indinflry is c*>ustautly extending the va riety as well as the amount and exoel , louce of its products ; and its long list , of manufactured articles would supply j even Flora McFlimsey with something to wear. How a Frenchman Keep* a Hotel. 1 " Five or *ix men ride tip on z- horse ! tu-k. I touched my hat and say : ' Gentlemen, I ver glad t*> *ei you." 1 They say 4 Can we stay all eight?' 1 say, ; 4 Gentlemen, you can stay nil ze night, 1 all ze ihiy, all so work—by gar, you can [ stay one long year. I have plenty room, plenty bed, plenty to eat and drink, by gar. I k-ep ae tavern good, and uo mi.v t take." i 4 'Zen after awhile some come np on - Lors-hack, and say, 4 Where is zat Mark f Jteauhl.'D F I touch my liat and say ; • 4 Here.' Are you z*> man rat keep ze i tavern f* 1 aav : 4 Out, my friend, I • have zet fionare.' 4 1* z" house full?* ' Out, Monsieur, but I have plenty room, plenty bed and plenty to eat and drink.' 44 4 Well,' say* ze citizen, ' how many , have yon got, Mark:' ' Ten,' counting on Lis lingers : ' yes, by gar, tea wide bed. * 4 Let's see, two in a bed, that i i will stow away twenty persons. I pre ; stune yon have as many as thirtv of a ; night, sometimes, don't yon !' "Forty, by gar,' says Mark. " 4 Well how do von provide for the extra twenty ?' 4 1 take ze sheet, ze com fort, ze pillow off ze men zat is asleep, and make ze lied on ze floor, and make ze grand apology, and wish them bon voy age in ze morning. So za go off and say that Mark Beaubein one clever fei- ( low, and zat is • way zat I keep ze men."' I A bad ( alamitv. A frightful catastrophe has befallen a* large piirty of pilgrims to the Malial ingam shrine on the Timievelly frontier iu India. They were camped in the dry bed of a torrent at the !*. of tlie shrine one Sunday evening. Thousands of men, women, ami children were talking, or eating, or dancing in tlie shady IHH! ; ; hanareds of sheep and fowls, brought up to lie sacrificed, stood in mournful groups, each awaiting his turn. At five ■ o'clock there was a heavy shower of rain, but tho multitude stirred not; ten minutes later the hitherto dry led was - full, and the freshet rushed down head long, carrying those who, notwithstand ing all their frantic efforts to gain the bank, could not force their way through t the crowd. The water did not gradually rise, else the jicofdo would have escvpea; but a w&il of water came down nnex jiectedlj, and rendered any atti-mpt of i the rear rauks to gain the sin-re problo m.itical. In half an hour the water liad fallen considerably, and one hour after the catastrophe there was no water in the lied, onlv the surface was wet and slip| ry. Many dea. Some were found jammtsl l>et ween stones; and onlv a very few of the ill starred lot , saved themselves by catching friendly boughs. It is believed that over two hundred men, women and children must have perished. Bound to Beat. She was an elderly lady, and as she seated herself on one of the stools in a Nevada store and asked to be shown some "caliker," she remarked that when she was a 41 gal " abo thought she was powerful lucky if she got twelve yards in a dress, and she thought it a i "singful " waste of fT to put in nurre; but she hail just " hoeru " that Mrs. X. was agoin' to hev forty two yarils In her new caliker, aud hoped that there 1 might be u cloud burst in seventeen 1 minutes if that air woman ahould stare round st her In church and make re mark* alout iror clothes. 44 You kin ji*t J cut ma off forty-three yards, ami I'll I hive it miul'3 piu-back fashion, with an overdress and a square mainsail, aud a I flyin' jib aud a back-action ; then I'djist 1 like to see that stuck-np Mis. X. put on ! airs over me." A Sad Warning. A terrible sequel to au hour's amusc- I ment telling ghost stories occurred at | the surgical institution nt Indianapolis, i A room full of young ladies, patients of | the institute, amused aud excited each I oth"r by stories of terrific apparitions, hobgoblins, ghosts, etc. The gas had j been turned out, either intentionally or ibv accident. In tho climix of a I vivid story one of the girls throw her shawl over a trembling comrade. A little rustle and strange conduct were . noticed. When a light was brought tlie | fact was revealed that the poor girl was i insane. She lias remained so ever since, e Lnsted nt Middle town, to *. au ample cluunical free laUniitorv enter k prim'. Agricultural colleges m tln i i oountry, fouinlixt and largely Miiqvtrtetl H> by State patroung.', languish U>r ntn it deuta, and would fail to-dnv if they de ly jHunled on tuition f*>*. and Un> .stune i. r true of agricultural branches of college*, i. The** are usually almost a dead Uws. I- Tlie Journal t\f (VWHUICCC. says: st Agricnltnriats cannot know tH> muel ii- alxnit the latest ami liet discoveries ami .1 : theories fer the uianagemeut of cro|*, 1. ami at some later day of more general I enlightenment the prejudice* which now s widely eu*t against acieutitlc farming a I may disappear, and the hall* and field* le of the agricultural college* t. thronge.l it with enthusiast le disciples. The Agri i cultural Experiment Station of tkiune*. s- ticnt will not U> open for students, ami ta solely for tin* analvzatlou and testing > of soil*, MXXI* and fertilizers, and tin r- determination by actual trial of tin v farming proshicta 1* st titled to lie grown te in all parts of that State. It will do foi •r all the Connecticut farmer* exactly what *, each wouht do for him* If if lie had the ir apfvaratUK, knowledge, and the time to us spare for such investigation*. Thi* idea te of developing and protecting agricnl y turul rcaourcee, though novel here, is au i ! eld story in Europe. England, France, T Germany, Austria, Itnli and otlu-r ixuui ; triea have had theae station* iu ojterution for year*, and there are now in Europe at-out seventy of them, each employing n a staff of competent chemist* and other •t investigator*. r Some of them are given up to ajv-oia] i tie* like cattle feeding, action of manure*, •: grai>e culture, ailk pnxluction aud the •. milk industry; eighteen ntatioaa do uolh " ing but teat the vitality ami value of the r seeds. Tlie ad'.literati ui of amU was a * ixuumoti and sernnt* nuisance in Europe r j uutil the fraud was fully exposed uud I stringent law* pasted to prevent it. There e ! were large establuhtfieiit* in London e and the capitals of ihe Contineut where M-ixl* of all kind* we re adulfi rat< ti us .> highly as seventy jaw ixmt. with worth leas material. In one instance quartz sand to the extent of aoveoty-five per > tvnt. was mixtxl with roxl clover seed ami f sold extensively. Thi* mischief long ago reached the United State*, ami ha* i Iwe n innoeeutly abetted bv the Agricnl f tural dejartmeut at Washington. Detroit Froe VMM lui i i iir). "Is that chx-k right over there f" a*k ied a visitor the other day. " Right over > there said the ls a-up* all oue ecent?" in quired a lady of a juvenile salesman. 4 " Nil, ma'am, they're all tau cents," replied the inmavut youngster. A Cincinnati merchant lia* a pair of 1 sbi>c9, made in UTfl, during tho times that trietl men's ailes, ami he propose* 1 to exhibit them at the Centennial. 1 Dr. Hall says that no person should i get out of tied as soon as waking, that is, uo man. He should lie there aud speculate ami theorize while hi* wife i-< getting breakfast ro-mly. They are kiml heart*l people in Wyoming. A man will threaten lo stasit if you don't ilriuli with him, ami then have the bart< mler ts> pop you over if i voo don't pay for the flunL When Georgia planters have to attaeh burglar alarms to each separute chioJki n to prevent it from Wing taken off the roost at midnight tin- poultry ninst won der what this country i* coming to. If a man gets np in the night and drinks through the n .*e of at- apot, and sucks a hairpin into his windpipe, -tumid he tear around ami blow up his wife and di-tnist the win le neighbor hiHHl, when the gin*! woman ha.l no nlea that the haiqin would be disturln*i before morniug. A Self-Willed Miner iiuried Alive. "Peppermint" writes the A/is-rs' Journal from Donaldson, giviug an sc count of a narrow es.-niw made by a man named Henry Miller. Miller and wife, his wife's father an 1 his daughter left home in the morniug for the purpose of getting his winter's coal from au old hole at the outcrop of the big vein. He had not I*.-eii working very long before his wife told hiai to look out, or some of the lnuik would slide down on him, a* she saw it giving. But a* he was an old ami experienced miuer, he thought ho wouldn't accept any suggestions and coi tinned at work. Suddenly the tauik did give way and cang' itwwn on him with a rush, burying him to hi* neck. Hi* daughter ran to his assistance ami tried to pull him out. Her effort only hail tho effVsst of cansing another fall, which buried her father j out of sight and caught her. H r grand father ran to her aid, and succeeded in rescuing her. She wa* not released one s*cond too soon, as a third fall occurred. Miller was then given up for dead, bnt still the ilanghter ran to the Oolket col 1 j liery, which WHS not far off, and told the IK*W of the cave-in. Ho took all hi* men, and, armed with picks aud shovels, they proceeded to the hole. Hero- they ■ worked with a will, ami iu atamt three | quarters of an hour they came UJKHI Miller, who was kneeling, with both arms across his face, and hi* head against the fact of th coal. lie was alive and wa* taken home. He will re cover. At present he is totally unable to use his leg*. An Old Trade. Alront one half the northern portion of the land on which the new Itornau Catholic cathedral in New York stands was transferred in 1779 by the New York city authorities to Koi>crt Lylhurn for j £405, subject to an annual payment of four bushel* of wheat, or tb ir value iu silver or gold win, to the mayor, alder men, etc. Itola-rt Lvlbnru transferred it in 1810 to Francis Thorn]won and Thomas Caule, who sold it to Andrew Morris and Cornelius Hecney, and thus 1 it jsiHaed through various hands until it was purchased by the trustees of Bt. , Patrick's and fit. Peter's churches in 1829, a]waya subject to tho yearly pay ment of four bushels of wheat to the mayor, aldermen, etc., of New York city. In 1852 a release of this yearly payment cf fonr bushels of wheat was obtained from the city authorities by the payment of 883.32, the interest of which sum would probably purchase the four bushels of wheat. An Appeal. When the English fleet under Lord Nelson was bearing down upon the French ships anchored in Aboukii bay, just before the ever-memorable battle of the Nile, tho captain of one of thu British vessels addressed hi* crew at considerable length, and having exhorted them to reinemlwr their duty, and what their country required at their lunula, he turned to the captain of marines and : Raid: " Now, sir, you have heard what ! I have said to the ship'a company; it it may lie aa well for you to say some thing to the men morn particularly under : you." Upon which the marine officer commanded "Attention!" and addressed tliein in the following pithy and laconic manner: "My lads, do yoti wo that laiulf" fM'iiiting to tlie shores which they were rapidly Bearing. "That," said lie, "is the land of Egypt; and if yon don't fight like the deuce, you'll soon bo in tho house of bondage." Tho effect was electrical. An Underground Forest. A man living in Essex eonnty, Vir ginia, in digging a wt 11 recently, at a . depth of atamt thirty feet came upon the trunks of large tn t n several feet in diameter, which were found to be cypress. Fearing the water would be injured by the wood, lie determined to abandon hi* well, and dug another some distance off. When he had reached about the same depth he t gain encoun i tered the trees ; an I a third attempt, at i a still greater distance from the first i well, again brought him in contact with this subterranean forest, the trees of which are of great size and well preserv ed. AX IMI'KOTIIUM IIKIXU. The Mnlf-Mr.r.l of lite Hudson lint Trrrl lr# lUnrlnii |M The MH'niMllom of th# half brers! of tlu< I!U<|NOH IMY territory, WHEN not en gagctl n* rut/uijrur or agriculturist, nr.- limited to in the htrtvm mur hit ' resilience, hunting for *iu*ll gam#, th euro of hit jHinioH, mi>l rouiiil of social ' " visit* to hit neighbors. Tlio two former ' ure followed only to th# extent of fur nihhing iv supply of food for the tin v. to l t inomot being left to iwni for itself, t'ho .* of M(vuintiluting mipiihoM of j)iiui ftr tlio IUV'H provision, ho K miipri got * without hi" tlinnti ; uor th> I frequent privation* tif tint m>it m< ui to 1 impress upon hi# volatile uutul the policy 1 of reserving of present exeeii# for future . scarcity. Hut, should ho by omo 1 ftfftuitou*eireunwt*neob#otihio possesse*! of a surplus provision, its ownership be ' oonn -i n consuming tluuio to liuu until disposed of. The ldt'Jl i>f keeping uny " thing whit-h he own sell is an iih-siirdil v ' w hloll his intellect munot gnuqi, ' l It is the winter season, when the isild has put tin end to their lalsns for the " most pnrt, and the cares of existence are lightened hy reason of ntlvauet'.s mail" upon the work of the approaching !! season, or the fair supply of provisions '• laid by from the hist, that the siH'inl life of the half breeds may IH< mild to If at " its highest. Jl is tin u that they •uury * and are given in marriage ; that tonal * mg, dancing, and merry nut kings of till 1 do-oriptiona, do much abound. Every loghottse then echoes to the violin of some uiocoasilied ami stnught hailed * i'ugomm, wht after years of sedulous practice has attained a curtain ghastly facility of execution. It is rumored weekly that at the r> sideneo of Ihiptiste, " or I'a.soal, or Autome, there will le given ' a dams', and the rumor is gpoepted as a general invitation. ' ; file young hueks of the neighborhood 1 irruv theui*elvv* in the liewilderiug J apparel whieh obtains nisui OCCSMIOUH of this nature: a blue cloth rapote, ftitli brass buttons; blank or drab e -rdnroy trousers, the wethetio effect of wlueh is 1 i tkatMYiHl by a variegated aasli, with fringed end# jveudeut alwut the kins-s; ' lUiHX-asms, and a far cap with guudv 4 tassel. The young tuaideus upnar. ! themselves m sombre prints ur woolen I stuff, but with bright colored shawls about the shoulders. This, with a false j luster upon their blank looks, from CM pious applications of grease, is all that la showy about them. The dances are reels and square tlatior*. When they j begin, however, they continue for days at a time; the younger jieople 'Occupying the night, and the older ones the 'lav, ' repairing home to rest, and then return 1 iug. Custom moke# u obligatory ujs>u ; th# euteruiuew to furnish fo 1 and liquor for th dancers, and there is a vast consumption of (with. It fr*>qu< i.try happeiM thst, from tti# uunilier of par ticipauta, and the long Continuance of the dance, the amount of supplies do uianded redms s tie h -i to uoTerty. 1 have known rojx-ated instances where at oue Imil, continuing tlirs'or four ilnv, the entire winter's provision for a family ■ was istustimol, ami ponies were s .hi t > pay for the liquor. \t, the iinprovi tleiit bleed thuik* nothing of it, ami! giviß the Udl, well knowing the r< salt iHe wants either a fea-.t or u famine. If bo spends his substance f >r othera, IM'W- j ever, he retaliat* by haunting all the festivities of his aaighbara during the entire winter. The IHscotrry f f.'olil. l>r. O'Urge McKuistry, an oi l ( 4 ali furnimi, tolls the off told sbiry of the dm ooverv of gold in California, ms follow. :' Captain Sutter wanted lumber for build ing, fencing, etc. .ami he sent two parties to the mountains to "proqsvt " f"t tun IST and a mill site. Xlarsliall, a whc l wnght, and jwrty, went up the American fork, ami tmg> r> v, a millwright, went up the Consumtii , the strs-ani next south. Captain Sutter decided in favor of tlie American fork, and tiingerey was put to work building a tlouring mill some four or to miles n the fort Mar shall was sent to the Auien.sui fork to cpiistrut't a saiau saw mill l'eb*r WiKi mer aril his wife were sent to keep the is' house for tin* Uiill men. The entire outfit belonged b> Caj tain Sutter ; all the tools, team , pr>'Visions, etc. No other jwrsou luul a dollar of capital; all were muter pay from Captain Sutter. The tall niee . f tlio milt WW* made tcsi small, ami iu enlaruiug it and l< tting the water in, the riiehof wat- r turned up the gold. No one knew what it wg*. A small two ounce juescriptiou vial full of tine float gold was brought down to the f >rt. McDowell, the gunsmith of the fort, swore that lle ylenl found a "brass mine." I we. at V.rln Jiuenn (ut>w fwui Fnuieimo) at the time on busiiiesa for Ckiptaiu Sutter. On the return trip of Sutler's launch the vial wan tak*ui to Verba Hnena and its contents were there * pronounced float gold. Ihe tliuoovry ar. Towmaend, I i think) cloned his office. The two print ing offices the Star and the t Vi/ ifhrnian , —tvastxl to grind. The only sea going vessel thru in |Hrt was a Hudsou ltay (Jottijiauy's lrk. Captain Driug, and lie left her swinging at anchor m charge of his wife and daughter, and started for the mines. Von will thus MS- that it was the mere chance of building that saw mill by Captain Sutter that led to the gold discovery. Nobody but Captain Sutter at that day wanttxl a saw mill for lumber, as all the linildingu there were of adobe walls, with tnle roofs, con . Atructed bv the ludiiuis. r.dltoriaJ Eirinionn. The New York World says : The etli torial association excursions are well nigh over for the season. Wo are gruti tied to learn that in many Stales they are not ent'ouragivl at all, mid that in others the leading eontitry journals ue clino to be rejiresented on them. In- ' deed, it will be found that in a majority , of instances it is not the practical men who make and control the rural news papers that are conspicuous on such occasions, but rather the editors' friends and contrilmt'irs, who would almost pay their own expenses at fall rates for the satisfaction of being recorded as the rapreaentative of the Hungtown Ilanttrr abroml, and to figure at homo in a lead mi long primer article, l>eginning with "Our Own Correspondent," and con cluding with their initials. There are ! two ways in which these excursions in jure the profession. In the first place, they lower its tone and leave on the pub lic mind the impression that the editors ui lie bought up or influenced with a free pass and a half-rate hotel bill. In ( the second place, the editor gives direct ly alsmt thrice as much as lie gets, and is estopped in uprjietuity from express ing freely his opinion concerning the corporations or individuals that have thus got the bett if of him in tlm imm<-di ato bargain. As a rule, the man who takes a pic-s limits his public usefulness and hvtseufi hisporaona) influence. It is | gratifying to observe that this view of the matter bai been atsvpted by so \ many of the conductors of the country jonrnals ; it will be still more gratifying to observe that next yisroiany others I have let the "editorial excursion" I severely alone, and declined to be r-bm pr'lleil to express their < bligatioiiH t-i the accomplished and "genial" railroad conductor, or the "mine host" who ! "knows how to run a hotel." After the (Inutsliopper*. An exchange not -s the receipt of a sample of Kansas "grasshopjier corn, j well worthy of explicit doscriptioft. The delicate little ear which serves as itsam pie is twelve inches long, l ight and one -1 linlf Inches iu circitinference, and weighs j one and a half pounds. In tins ear ore ! 1,040 kernels. The corn was raised on ! ground which was thoroughly gone over by the grasshoppers this season. Wheat, j had been sown—but the 'hoppers de | stroyed that, and then corn was planted, ' the result in ninety-eight days from the time of planting lieirig a crop of which ! the above-described is a sample. The yield was one hundred bushels per aero, i M'MM IKY OF XFWS. Ilrma l Inlrrril Irvan llnwr mud Abra4. Nnw York msrvlioata wo |>#ill"oUg 'h> |HMt-eoloo lU'iartiusut for • ikwt mail to , Uracil, monilily. tl.pio ts-ing IMM at pr—*u<■ I'lio rlealu tilt StUWr O|.UHIOu found • with Niehoia, tlio alatcuiuting bank luanasor, ' and Ula aon. fiom Monlieal, wlio wero oautflit ' at Ht. Ausatiue, Ha. 100 detective lio|ma to IM> aide Ui tMorar moot of the at.den |4o|wirty. \ re|KUI u|*>u the new lkwtou |wt oltlew allows uiiDiiaUkahly Ihat there I in* Iwen fiaisl, and kwietaty llrialow haa taken tl.o mailer in , hand The t'hlcaso havma cdiargteJ ) editorially that Secretary BrtatowM fawny ha.) eu trillika |aed hy the leienil# otltcora 1 eii their airlial ft.un Kuru(>o recently, At lolnr. (iaueral ri*rtet>nt 1 • laeued a card i contradictUiK the etaleluenl, and raylii); Uiat his family aoooni|mo.t tl.o ancretar> a fruru ' Knro|*>, and that lio la iMtftiiraiil of the for i 1 ' that the Uiuiks w,-re o| ene.l and eiauiliiod | same as those of the OtllSl .Tha 4 ' Ln'ttdun gagela ahl jljf crltK'lao the admiralty 1 ' minille aioneratn.g the admiral Inoouimaud of the oqaadrun at the time of the oolltalou of thr j two iron-oiada , Juder of uieu, xomrn and < hli.tran ~ i IU *. Ur. Henry Knraler, arehhlahop of ttroe lau who has been in trout la with the 1 I'ruoalali gi.verntDont, out of hla ptlh heal I HI of the Pi LE's ci c'rlical declsrlug U.a I'sU s laws to l o null and void, has severed his conuechou with the Prussian portion of his duceee t'ndsr the pressure of Ihe great plain Turks) is diiulinshiux her concentra tion of troops on the rieriiou frcuuer, and Servla is drm. I ihcing her forces .... A dis- Jstch frotu Vienna rays liuasu* is ( repmlng on evj edition it chats nut of for the seslstance tnicered hy the Isller In the hhokand insurgents . l*r. J. \V Ksnlfii woe |s.lsoued by a uegreas named Matthews, at t'Utiton, La , at the lnsU|,'atluti of a Legru iiaand tiair. A deputy sheriff, while ouuvey ing tiair to Jail, was nvsrpuwrred t>) a masked ; ui.t>, who shot (lair and than look Ihe soman frieu her cuatodsa'is and hung her ....The, negro who hilie-,1 Mam. trainer, in Murray j • only, (la, a few days ago, was taken free. ! the guard at riprtug Place, Ly a party of dls- . gulsed men, a:.d hanged .China has granted j the liuu# J detusnds The ootlon crop of tlio enure Heuih is large, se.xuvUng to Ihe re i rt of the Now ur!.r c ui unties apisrmted t. inrosugate hut the j cku.g .a on a!, s iv, on ac- uut of amknaaa ai.d pohtaoai trout .oa ... .Senator t lwuuda. of Vermont, hue doenned the l ulled ."Cairo ctrr*iit J tdga •lnp, woich ws* tendered hy the government. ( bark* Coortney mods the heat time on record at the I iocs oil Cs.'uga lakr, N. Y. lie rowed a two-nice turning race ui th.rteen tnu.nlcs and fvurteea seconds. Tha pereentagsa of the ■ ditn n of the oot i u crop. Oat. 1 were as f.-!l s \ rlh Caru h. a. eighty-tie , Ho.iUi Cart Una, wotnnly -ev.u, fl.Juia. seventy ; ttoolg-a seventy .:e, Alabama. nit*ety-f ur . M Sctrsipfl, uii.ety-sit : Louisiana t Inety , Texas, eighty ; Atkar sas. one hundred and three , Tunnaest e, ninety .... A giraffe belonging to i > cpsughs cirrus if led a! hvracuse ex- , posure. It was valued at While the rhlmcerua, belonging to tbo sauia establtab- , thrill, was being earned from Philadelphia the wag, u bloke through a hiidge wsi the aoliuai was fstally in)'.'.ted It was valued at f39 IS*I Ta o Meg: jm*. lialiwal Jark-n si.d n . t-iwui. were nuinlered hy ruthaue in lit s.'l N. V. There had i-eeti s startitig for ht me tlrey welt- attacked i and killed paring stoiiee. Joltn Mo " <1 Uie. Mat 1 hew Lkowdeti. arid James Thortih U wt rt* held for the cr.tno .. ihe ie has Ihh n lirav) .a re an.-iuj the c.toets of tiievat liritaiu. a-J the, le.egrspb antnuibcrs the w:< kof ogverai ooMtiers ouci U,e iss if a immlet of i.rev .. Information hoe l-erti reeveir.d at the State dej.orlntent that lt -.e-.s bo* drv.Jed to be reprt edited at the Cei.te nmol exbii itiec*. The Npwi.sii tuimslry woa uotuvkhng to the claims of the VsUosn Postmaster fiunhatu, of llrteigepeirt. Conn., wsa ittsminsed for selimg appoint roe .... Tlie Anw< t/ fn.f.ei aavs twenty tUouaand people have beti retideted liomelnw ly the floods m Uie uelgb- I orliiod of Ahme-Uhad. in the proiluce of Ouxerat Minnie (ierniana. a hltle girl, tune years of age. was outraged a: lUnghein ton, N. Y., by a young man named LorerU The latter aas oaptutevj au 1 lockad up. Miunic will prohaUy die. The atnaroei Pandora fitted out by lady t Jane Prankiitg l as returned from an ArcUc voyage, in fear of teeing froxen in the toe. Tlie graves of three of Sir John a roeu were elisoowred on Ileachey island Iter J.HSIIUS l>a>, of Newark, N. J , was stricken with sjH.plexy whde preaching to his cotigregaliotx It is said that ll ss'ia baa cvussuanded (he Polish propiiobnw in tha prorinces of Wilna OroJna, Ko> na Minsk ar.d Vnep-k to sell their farms to Ituesian tenants, the gov erniastit fixing the price At the regatta of the Yolo College navy, hold mar New llavon, the law echool crew won a three-mile shell race with a new of the class of "77. in nineteen roiniitee and twenty-eevew leeoish, A l arge race of two miles between Uie fresh men crows of the academic and scientific de | narlmeiite. ess W >II hy the academic* in Uilr | teen minutes and tbirty-Uireo and otimipjarter s> couds. A two mile race between crews of the law department and the cissses of '77 and 7f, reeulted In a victory for '77 in thirteen minutes and eighteen and ihree-parter sec onds A man named Hiker, leetdmg in Haokettstown, N. J., shot and killed his two eons aged six and eight years, and then t --' fenipteil b> kill hla wife, not succeeding in which, he shot himself in the head, from j which he may not recover. Family troub'ee were the canoe The revenue authorities i of Ht. Louis hare inatitntoil suit* agonist five parties for nearly one million dollars, on ac count of their removing epitits on which live tax had not been paid I)on Carlos has dismissed from his service Oens. IMrregaroy. Mendid, Vi issoo and Mogrovejo A five mile singlc-sctill race for #I,OOO and the cham pionship of Amorioa between Evan Morria and Henry Coulter, wa rowed over the llutton course, Pittsburgh. Pa The race wa* won by Morria by one lcugth, in thirty-five minutes and twenty seconds, which is claimed to l>e the best time ou record At the sale of short horns at Vinewood, Ky.. forty-four native cows and heifers brought #5X,210, and twenty imported ones $.">1,229. a total for cows of ♦ 10H.425. F"ur native tmlla sold fur #1.715, and five impvn b-d our* for #12.300, a total for hulls of $14,015. Tlie total for seventy-three animal* was #123 The Peking (China) (lauHr has published an edict, in rogsrd to the death of M. Murgary which is considered satisfactory, ud ap| re heiisi ui* of vv;ir between England and China aro ili-sjpafv 1 for the present The Em peror Willi*m, accont|wtiled by Von Moltkeand ton Uirlow, reached Milan, and was nveiwl by Met or Em uxmiel. Tlmte was groat enthn si.t-111 among the people .. Ex-Pn-sidiUt liner* maile * ' pei ch a' a banquet teiuleied him, in wtiieb lie ssul Iho republic ranat bo iiiainfaineit. *'. d denied ihat th*t form of gov -runiewt would isolate France from Europe. ... j The commissioner of reventio has inti ilcted bia officer* not to aeize cigar* packed in j>aper or liu boxes unlos* certain they have not had duly paid on them. Ho will recommend to Congress to modify the law so that euoli boxes 1 can be used Clarke Edmondson, * negro charged with outraging a white woman, was lynched at Atlanta, fta., on a Sunday morning. .... Hialiop ISoiirget lias had a letter read in all the Canadian Catholic churches warning hi* people not (o interfere with the Initial of : (itubord, and stating that the ground will he c .rrod as soon a* Hie body i* dp isitcd I here. . Tlie draft of cavalry borsOM in Cuba for tlie use lit the army lia* been abolished, and a tax of 110 for every horse ihat would have i j beeu dialled hoe boou urelituted iu its stead ' Aur If ill Ariioua Town*. A in wapupor c.t jireservstiou end others de j *. ito.! Mini crumbling gradually away, m Where ot,e linum* ended and another *mmen<*• 11 it was impossible to toll. i Frequontly the successive stories were occupied by different families, tuid 1 usually two rooms were the extent of " spui e. There was but oue jumble of 1 Walls, one atxive the tther, for fotir 1 Atones. It* H litis hail lieelr dug into the * solid roek beueuth our feet, and we were ' only aware of their existence by uliwrv f ing square holes in the grotiud a* we * pmureil along. Tlie sueomwive stones of t i house usually riHsnie, something sfb r - the style of the Kgvptian pryaiuiiis, Uii til, iu some case*, four stories, or e#eu five, counting the subterranean, have , betsn reachrwL Tire doors ninl window* , were all sumll ajH-rtures in the walls, through which oue must strsip to enter. r The utiilergrotind rooms were usually workhouses where biaiikeiN were woven , or the }*• ktr wits mixed Mud baked. One thing was jsnticnlarly notioeside in the st p I*9 and architecture of all these buildings, ami that was a marked simi lanly to the rutlrs of those nucient build ings fnwu which we hod just come. Th wslls of the two were limit and plastered 1 out of the same materials and in the i same imuiiier. Many of these .Mnqtn i houses were plastered extornaliy with a layer of mlobe smeared on with the hand, just as we haul seen ill some of the ruin* along the haui Juan river; and here it may lie said that wt- had the pleasure of observing the fair Num pa-you em , ployed at this work. The doura and ; windows of the two are similar, tieing wider at the bottom tlran thn top; but the greatest jMriut of resemblance I*®- i tw e the two is tne roofs. For a long time we did not dimxivsr a ruin )Kj*na*aa ing any indications of ever having been roofed until on*- iu seen iu the canyon of the Rio de ('belly, which had lvn mo thoroughly prot*x"t**l from dcoay by the overhanging rooks thai the ruol was ai ' inont as js-rfect as when had. This was made exactly as tlie roofs of all Die Misiui k'Hlses, being poniJHSleii of parallel Jsiles of cedar, filled in with willow twigs and i lea vox. We noticed many of the depres sions among the rums which were evi dently tle subts tTsUewn WolkhoUW-a • f the unsiern .Mic.fui b.wns. In the ex U-iiMVe ruins, ptevtoualy deaaribta), oil the Howenweef, there were seven of the*- ilepreKiMsl rooms. To t*e sure, the ruins of th*' ancient )Ms>plc which still stand are mor*- scattered, and are built iu ibffi rent sort* of I'IHCCJ* from the m*Mte on which staud th* Ncvon towns; but tins ia aixviunteil for by the ueot-sei ties *>( those bhwaly time*. W hat New York Rat*. Tin-re is a tutol of wxflv 60,000 mttle *.f all kind brought to New irk city evary week to tie cut up and eaten in the city, with the exception of about tlnrty percent., whi.-h is e.ther exporUd or , delivered IU til*' Beighborbood of New Y -rk. Some of tins meat is s*-nt to New OJU-IC ;", Sarin mall and Ohartostua or to inland towns, and, iu the -nxsmi, when the ptiH- i-nger trafiic is at its height from New York to Kurojie, em-Ji sUvuner lwv i:ig liiut j*.>it will take with In ras much frewli meat for l* r ten or •ievm days' voyage as would Mitfice to atipply th# guisit* of one of ottr first-eiaas crtv hot* U for a wc*-k. lleef oaMie range in weight from one thousand to sevetifivn hnudrid js'uud*, fdieeji fr-m eig-htv t> one hundied and sixty pounds; calves will v< rag* from ninety to two hundred ami twenty jxiuuda, and a li >g, wh* tto-r *i four fi-i-t or on two, IN always uiner torn, but the four footed animal generally ranges in w> ight from one hundred to one thousand jwuinls. Ho sayi* the snj*. rmteudent of the cutLc yoril. A noted fish iulstors. two hundrvd gallons of sallow, two hundred dozen of M .ft crabs, one thousand pounds of green turtle for taiuj*. mud atoaka. Cabinet or I'arler Organs. Then*, have become the moat popular of large musical inatrument*. There are now ittouit two hundred and fifty makers of them ill the Tinted State*, who pro duce more than forty thousand organ* per annum. Most of these are very piKir instrument*. Tina ia naturally ao, Isiiitw there are few artieJea in the ma!, afact ur# of which so much aaving can be marie by the use of inferior, im properly prejnvred material, aud inferior workmanship, and yet which, when flu shed, show ao little difference to the average purohaaer. The important part# of an organ, marie as well aa they can to', cost two or three time* as much as if made a* low a* possible. Y'et when the organ is done, it ia not easy from casual lieirringa to toll the difference Ivtween the In st and a very poor one. llapecially when shown by one who knows how to cow up defect*, to on* who In** not special skill iu *nch matter*, it is not diflleult to make a poor organ appear a gorsl one. The temptation to makers, then, to produce, at u fraction of the co*t, an or gan which will sell almost a* well as a i good one, ia almost irresistible. Hence th' fa t tliat ao few good organ* are marie and no many po. r one*, and that the country is flooded with peddlers and dealers selling these poor organs, which pay such large profits. The buyer of the ]MN*r organ doe* not fail to find out his mistake aftor a while. The thin reedy tone of his cheap organ soon liecome* offensive, it works noisily and roughly, ( ia constantly out of order, and becomes useless by the time a really gixxl instru ment would have IM'OU getting into its prime. A good organ ought to last a generation at least; a poor oue may last five years, with considerable tinkering, ' or may break down much sooner. There is one s ife way. Get a genuine production of one of the very to*t maker*, and you cannot go astray. Among these undoubtedly stands pro eminent the Mason A Hauilin (togan Co., whoa* organ* are so well known that other makers are generally content to claim that they can tnaken* to give a list of the fairs at which they have exhibited; and to iiienktoii the (imminent musicians who mcoDinu ml their organs a* uiiequaled would really IHI to give a very good list of the most illustrious musical name* in tho country, with a good representation i iu Europe. One who obtains n Mason A Hamlin Cabinet Organ need have no doubt that he Ims the bent iustrument of it* das* which can lsi made.— New York Jude j pni'lefit. A lady said to us tho other day: " Dob bins' Electric Soap (made by Cragin A ; Co., Fltilu., Pa.) has saved my life. It h.i* so lessened my labors when I have I been worn out." Try it at ouoe. * To cure a cough, to relieve all irrlta . tlcm* of Hte throat, to jaavant linaraMiao* fit rosnue jx*rfacit aimnituaa* anil haalili to th >f rnn*l ilnlii-alanrKaiilraUiiii of tlialiiimao fiatria. I |lia In ni;* turn H'lttnr't Haimm of H"gi t'hrrry. Fifty eetiU aixt one dollar a U*Ua. lai|(a Lt tlla* much thn rliaapar (htm. a Fevers neldolti make an attack without woiliiiiK, "''it iu*) (tfleu be thrown nlf b) wioh ' tug the feel in narut watar, wrajijilitx UII warui h In tmt. *nit taking two or three of I'ttrmm* i /'nrynhre I'M*.- ('■> J A tnissiouary, just returned, says he d rajrar't* J# . betel you enter ia tlie (trend L'tdun Hotel— " ! (Jam r j 14IVK# MCTION I4k HE ITKKD. 1 | a- aaei *'• h uiukK tm r, i*cuae> x'e Ma* Wear* Tome, s I Mi*u*i *'* M*r>a*aa i'lu*. I, j "*• l# ItowdlcltMßM UtM VlftJi Sl I'tiUtHNbM) | Eblkl/iloM | ("fxipiWlUl aMdifUMl 'lt*4 will ft p | d'Ufh vUI tM4Mb y j iisett C Lm Am*ib ft lit# li*w> krab Up tbm iltort • I •t-'fr III# . UauUtt riw f lit* hktod, IftblWltUik IuIto*B, tl . totod Iu (tot M.4*s vbm bdsUaw of Ibe wary ogu Ua*| i tMwl tbm . HmV u < liM t -mpiaii.l w.4 Ufprntpmm Uw uf twx* n tbiw# ef llm onto# of < k'tttuuipOntt Mftfif paftufe* II(M of • dull pain lit ID* aidm. *l, —Mlmfl | tonus |Mhlu la Uo* itWukWf t'Ukdw. l#*Uai ttf UMM iaU ftoUHtia tfiri fuuri iflng !k#tiiy am Mm • ifHiAAit, AvOwantMUtod viib KkUli mm* Utohtni t# ai wtu*l 1 Ml >uawoaity ftoiai * Y iMMldlUufi lei It** ElottMbth to# logplfi ttM I I *#•*ha* to •ttoffwd. if Uie# l*Jk* UM tro lim| 1 ' "|* "Unniiiin **4 tftoUw ft IkHtotkM AfpMl# | j Wtkli ICM tiuftri# W *4lt Milnß, f Uw • vijiMa>n itet*to* a 4 * u-*d**4f. fbc £**#>& ( a Mftftdiftft* I i U MV rftqvlitol 1 1 tu** mdi • r Th# Market*. rum a I mwlOatlie-rnan c rtra t 'Jle-A. tOftft lift (V ..mac to (toed < Mace tfftft 10 ' MlhtKVwa UIW ft 7* 00 Huge —Lire WW Wft , l*nwl Idftft tlx "fiaai- Mftft (Ala laal* ...... h* ft #lk , Oonoc-madiias ltftft uv : fionr—Extra *wort f M ft I M Slate tun 1 H ft tCM I Wheel ce# We*ur5,.............. 1 U # 1 M Ee. S EfF-nc 1 K ft t M ti ft tl liertry si-.t ] g) ft J t BerS> He 11... . 1 M ft 1 M r (tote Kioad Wmw* . uftft -ft CVra M.i-1 W iietar5,............ . e ft 1J Hay. r-tr r1 S.i <# 1 (M Hlraa. |*-r cwt tk ft R llif "ta lift!*—otto '4 (A for* ~M*e. ......2ite ft J 1 ta-J !•,# rift t neb Mxcterel So. J, now * 0G ft ft 90 ffo. 1 aow 17 to fttt 00 Vry OH. iwr -wl tee ft# 14 tiwrn*. Koeiad, par hex. .. M ft OC , #anha-<)rg: .......1 t ain(t. U • Woet—CaiifonAa rieoß~Weaere Ited l if ft 1 ao hye... ft M Mixed 7# ft Tl He -Mixed . * * eelmlaiajs-Orede . I igftll *g Kateod. U* PHHWWIfI * pre*rodlnx loe *•..* a •%li'W BUM ! Mfißßy SILVER TIPPED a tibam t**f ** #.l *$ in* <**. ' CABLE SCREW WIRE •" r3. W*k. r * ma* f4*rt. * J Aah fftf rtwts r#w> mir flrtl! to'b' I uiMIJ ZM JH InnAaMMRMI Have you ever seen The tlhiftlnUeO ratate ml rie I'mW* IV-mXI. IWeft) /vmm.' ftX l-roai eew ready. Tim, m. An . y.-y*ie. A fee dollera Key* a prere awd (ji*> fm earfti. laKeta. eaeaUpae ete . ai V p-4e (*■*' punee Mn MM, eewi *mt>.M 4, /im a-i. n fi.i,# S.n.l re. Mnini* f.i, eata'i>c*e, to tbe MTre. \4. KM.WHY A (Nt., 'lerl.'er. I .MM. B*Mb Kiringid. fcraWitlinie m Wow .Varoe thla paper lieeo. a i K ok KxeTieaee. H V >l I HVV CAHira, 7 (}le.w(tli Bua., I Of. mH piat paid, i* J 11 HtWrltD. Maaaaat N \ aJCii per Herb aalar*. Malo or 1 emaia *'tree C* 'r la* !tee A.ldroa. (Vrilel t\...ladtan.;K>lla.led CIV a dar el None tmiu eaotod (SWi xad th tn t?n * "er at li see Sample* earth ftl mm 4J IU J£U Im \V 4NTKO AI.KNT*. IbM'e eo ik i ■■ 77 a. ... I a I Ul-I ri'K A ill . I't.toaat LMHKI MSII V W ANT* IT. ill Sou Iy A.C. Addrea. V N nVFI ■ -V. No nn \ i* it i* TO -. POKTI-Alfn I'lloYo I O . I'. H.-J. Me. *>ll l.edtre* I n'mile Inula etih Sana*. 1 lie. m'' A■! irm .1 HI! •1r; . V a> K■ • I N Y ISOKKII.N i'onnir Unenn.-Kal .tamp he. r li.iali* I M IUI.TUX. Inrdl, MM nl TTKH line all nook bftp-14. En ln< .. * I ..-,41 a }< Samp!-. IU eta .5# Jnhn V V V 4'?(ln * 7IONTM, I (111 BKTI4 IJ.s: j Add>em It- N. RABUKV. D-letl. Mich C(() COC/**i'r Send r>r Ckrumntatoierwi i9IU" wX4/> II nt-er.'M-". la.aa Mam A fIpVTI #>*• "li I'lir.mi.o m nulla.! !,. 2XUr.X7 lo 111 | | fo* #I. Wiaalua. and i hnn* ./ Man dmt.ylm XaUi'tud Cbpse.i Co . rtnla .Pa J&'t < A \f PI IT EHKK and Id* r-r e '. •> C.l .71 I 1J l i malm *ad leraainn n*> ehei-n. Addreaa Taxi Min* l'r i ,i 8,.ul S 1 a!t)il I**Uy* Agonte. K.Y n. arurlmand Ihe Me •. wl ' laii.tb Poior In Am- ilea, alTb to*. *4.4 Ohvo „. a. in. AMVm vn. 11l .nm ™o.i, ay JIOCA * Y|o'i|b. *taleWnlel #4 toot Mil iDIjOU i"*# * r lo Ihe wnrld One anmple fi*. V AJdrmi J. HKONKIN, I'.ie |>/ \Y*C 'lnlf Hnn.' a* Heme. Traaefer. I 7 ' 1 c Krrap I'n'n o. To.,eti- hand # aUmie Int 44U l-axe K-ok .* JAY Uipl.iV tOel*.-, Warn PATARRH i KKKB irtnl beitlael Or. I.a ere' on ■ muni ■ ,-t TTtt ,' l , r a,i|,a ll moot olib tmilmnny p IID C fl lit" eoeilnrfol reran paif-.i-tn- i Send ki H U ri C U . I || R*m Ramp I Oo .414 3 H'an.H V Till E WHAT is IT. SuH>Miitn( ao*. Mae niyM ni( ItlncwnU to Satnpim. a pent* and nUeap Ac nl* Wanlod. Smut In. i ate ftna U. # PPK* I AI.TV IS) .7 A Knli... m .H-ftnC ft* ft f*/a A MONTH AtWO eauied ->ry 0 *3fe|| where liu'tnena b n.mhl. an" lirel .n/illll riaat I'nrllruUrn toil fro* A, lioa* wvU WOKTII A oil. StToeO. Mo. nntim ead Uurphtne llebtl aha.lntel* and lILyI I 1 H npwedli* eared ralnlem .no pphHftl*. ifl lllif 1 Im4 Mneii tor Mdteftn Ur c.m w * lU4 ™ - • I*7 * r * 1 • t ll era I >1 f I >••-;*' rK I. I i'TI n> o> tyme *4a f * Ma), and l>mi> In ih-lt . , n '.-rein, (D f fl t.iif. .I.' ot'TkiT rur.r ioj-.w ~ r O VII kRUY A CO . Aat.itia.Mtlne fipi nr.Ml Tb# 74 kite Ckler. .r Al4 kite Kee Iwele* 111 o , Mr , na ladlaa i a-t n limttr. am Fnet tuna I I u o*l lata rI, Ilea Ta* ao. I.MiB.URt tat AMI Mltia* If . I|rnu 44 nnled < I V I NT. tnclaoau. O 10 iflfl * MONTH ami RXPKNsKSm all. Artli lat lirlilM I !l>mr Skmphtflf* <*. I.IN 4t'JU N'KW VOHK gr CtiICAOO. I GEOTP. ROWELL & Co. | A /X C? AI TPO i xn w M ALlt hi I H •#(.% If%fiilnii Vmmt B I.*rw#t t'hr nv> fi#*! rrw. 111 ***t I*** lirf D w if T UF.II v M A (>#., PhU* I Hfl#ri flll(1 fr*ni iliftfiW, Rl" '* of(?hirAgn j Ktrrv nmlfr tin* Mini Ml rent* fir n c#|* •! li • I.IVK f*Tu( it .MM If N M.. iiti| i lif Krenf •n!nr#'i#ii , #*f iff i - T l It - rlii** Ad lr4 •* lytff *Krk Jnurnnl, ftuffalo. >. Y. OPIUM CURE LIA! BC- Prel. 18. .41 raker. 1' O. Bo* 4*.t. lap tfteje jmg mm naeiy Prtatad iiii-o.! Vleltla a W turd* eont poet-pal I( >r V. rla. Send ■ ■ ttvmc 'or rwuple- nl Clni"> 4'artbt, 'l.irolr, Siiom rt iki--. Srroil, IBu. - limorlM J dgrain Wonl. ' A It H'l l-PK A 4'iv. He-ellnr*. Me-g $15.00 SHOT ta x. £ ArnaS barn* yn. Mr m frontnrU* iMkn) narrmlft e> l*n I.l*l MrrUa. nod a taanrr. ra no; vita PImX. PtaAnal Wn* outer . fr I.V Can M aat 0. O. D vltk yrtv. bp e iiMleMoS'lu wa Hon I Otaoy Avntrmlar eP. J' { Nt .1(1 7• I MIIOAPWAV. "•■ York, • iilt il iIMI* m.-iiuta -luni nl sti ip Ciocp I JKft I I.KV lit tiVFij dim, ru tiim. I'll" altn-K in l.irce.ter* ' ch I I- .mil I- offor. I nl seiail at limlu price* In kep ..ur .o.,r*m-n *i..tic l>li.n u-nlrr e | , P.I I. onli-r Iu ailTanoe. ' Uvor -UI ,*,U U I>. prlvllaga Iu truiiiit. CatxlugUM treu >. WAN I** AOS*! In .*ry INC.™ M t tMT I * "P*T<*HONAn4'Ti r Iml HrMl>|." 9 Mow at(hr •' i "tOf —* * !*• •# M a aNbfl a MMr ftf cbwoa tWfWtwWrit- TWN an *ll #•* I MMMI, fr, -F NMfcll iwtlli lf*twr (!* * twvar'A ®*Mt, I*—,.. W ..I. I. U41.. ' !*•• J • •wlMl ImT WU4tKlilu,r<.rUaaM|Mk . nONTK I^ N IW I • <>•*)*<* •* taMil DM Aa*a . m4> |U in MIM MM Tri l. * tM>. tKMiu a JIMKVH i*4—~—m. 4-_ MAPS* .CHAJRTB ) |7ato>l la Web ltt*]mttty ImaS/tM ~ j ft U < RJ'HfMAN.A H.rtU, he, R,V ,ot I7W W < ■ " Hare I banrr. WSWesK.SO - ! Wtt* lOUI Jut4*a. gl Oft .W/rnmAA . mry**Vftrv* tmA Minfv U'ii aara* 4 w4 w# JVa. a W KHTKHI I.l* UOItKM. I hlraca. IIU, SO ttaa#twrat, < MefWmlek ftl***. * 100 uw rM • < ouh •aarfaaf •a m „ . .am fTial ui*i tu4 a itefii jy| IlilllW KM IVMII u> MMff mot Ma o" J E-^SrCa -..wcu. , mw* * a l.rla aaUJ parmaaawll \ M -tuoA (k,M ohaa >j >M V/ V/ Elastic Trust Co., *a. Mil Mrowrdway, W. V. III*. , aad aaal | auui l.t*l( mod fort hhim rad t**arac WiscensiD Central Railroad Laois. c j ___ * KkmUOM aar f M> ttrtoo. af *a wa> - MamOruyr <. *Ua Haaiittf < iibmM H Ona j buyyor -Nu am. wind. <* m.trHna. dfoaarm IM . auiuc •forabm* mad i~WrJ aa*d kto* for UM{N>M#. nsafw , Mi . *# af/ Ibm. l imit TUB Best Paper for Farmers. ; NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE o HOIXIU im t—M oluto o# thirty m om. 1 hfMMiJOMMi Irww Fw trtw At>4 faumnww. itliw TH* I'KIIICMK, o* VurtL I l < U übt t Uw tuw nwfc llw Ua4 i:krw a A Pfkb W UUHkMiN 4 I*4l hlN*. 1 "•lltlww, (|f *| i | 'm+m |M. . THE $50,000 BONANZA 4> I* ~ #TA laa #1 la witatt, i m TDla . ■ElKltalllKtß (Ulltl . iTwal fAiucaa la \ r rJ>* . 11a ao. id for ib*< foalua., iwuraU.a.K*fa. W f Ltr * * fc ' raa.jM for ;a-.... u, 1. ut dlr- M. i.iaalr r.*alaia n"> and yrtwrrl drldllff t>d .-iWf < branw din airr a* (Wf*4 l!.(Ut.bnd.ll'r I *U!aaaaL . _ _ I ur*aadl-i<~d Book wUk I IS IIF r ' IfUtlnknNal* * I * " **' *' kti* i.. . lartaaart. OMa (■■M AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENNIAL J HISTORY or the U.S. Tt>* mat UHIWI la Uw Wnlka IWa, of oar <• , uia th* ltw Mad mllh. i. -• ~.< II aalats o*m f (HI Baa kHMIcd raftinai aad (MNI fan. mUi a lull kO.i of ib >MI ckiw Ciaad (Taao-ta al ,~ialo-aUoa Saa f. r a foil dumtrli ■ tfoo aad .tin bra. to Itni. S tTIuNAL M r MSHI.Hr CXI. Phi adWybia. Pa I CUSHINGS MANDAL ' Of Parliamentary Praetice. Raiaa of pwwwadlhf *r>.l dalwlo Hi datitwrafin am U.a raw la Uw alaadard aauurky la all UM Uaftad KUwUa aa.l t ao In \ "Vurha f-oata 1. .IOO;mm > (iMMI I * atiwl aad o 111 H ■. TV tSal z!]j la K I'Mi ud rwr alio *A J ..a aria and doitds.i four jaam AYgMVA Y oar i.rooa-, if >Cdtfna<. ol dal <3 a. I law-"——m >■< v -o,! for < "ir. alar l- r, ro,|dora! Ut ©rk VM rrw tdrwMd M htfhlr n< A#!U M futarMß BO Rlf r#f A CA WMMc/ M> HI pkfVdM OBAipl foulci Ilk tl rtw ewmls. WMilHrr fl* ; Mvudfii w w| MY MtMfmmMM.otrriT rjiriMi. AM (•mphiH Nr t* HjpN-iinm !*•#<• ba4 IllMtftitiidiA d tkn fA iacui work, **U um p n4 übwkmU TWwml Brut |w to M7 ooa Addrrßß A. I. worn mv<.TN A CO., Uhrtlmr*. Ct Thr VhU—ph* mt BrNlAfkr. Tb at m tbo tboarola And tha UTW aaa ibpomI1b fir wrf pane that rackf tha bnad RntAia. ton and hAraMMuttp tha Action of thaaa kilmd < rfiM with tßTaat** Scl*rr Apcrirn', and yoa saro tba al 11. nroo. mil.U BY 111 tißlYHiim. BAFE AND RELIABLE. Have Yfu Weak Lun Have Yon a Cough or Cold? Have Yon Pain In Yonr Breast? Have \*ou Consuniptlori ? USB Ds, L. Q, C. WISHARTS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Are Yow Weak and Debilitated? E£2il2lL2 l>o Yon rcMitiire a Tor.le ? Have Yon No Appetite ? Do You need Building Up ? Do You vrlah to bf Stroug mid Healthy? PSE Ds. L. 0. C. WBHART'g PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Sold by all Druggist*. Principal Depot, Alt ar, lar I wlflayaalt at rirrllra, I ll ft ft Wd ** PHt l tITRAIT T.r K m. r.l. OaMya;**. Uaa boon la w o*ot iblrly .oar*, nad for flrar.Unoaa and |>mapl cam. l.ra olrtoan (Moot bo oiroilad. imißßtA *• faaillr tan a*nfd la la wHlxtal l"afPa KMM. AooA4at% RraMa. foaiaalaao. Tata. Apralaa, nra fHo**d tlnoM tßalantly by otlomAl aptdkalfon. Ifnwpll; rdMa wikaof Baraa, NflAi, ftarartatiaaa. CBWONNMI Wd Mayan, Mafia. Prlaaa, (aran, Hr. Arnwta la* flMaatkoa. rodnroa UnaHRMA K baaaa o.,uL AH klada id aU rrraoaaafa wtHcb lwiw. ara aab)art aia uraatpilf ruroii Kalkr d*Uil* !a hk araab- MByfaMhbnttM. _ . Pltil blind or Mordla#--moot proailrt roOof awl rradf raia. No oaae, ba*w rnt dale or ntMftaala. ran loaf unlet Ha roguU raw. VARWa|fViMA.~I b# car* ft* Uild awiMiwi MM wtirmui wd'two. KIORtV ItMAta. 't ttaa no equal forp-naa bont rare. ■Htlllfl any ran** for tbta k • ao * Wiforacd rnmcaofidaf i* aoly yrraaaa Mvtaa who #*or kar* b*wr loprryu* ll RcAwe all Mkirpa iwrataru. ot Witch Hawt. Tbo la Uw fwAr artbri* and by Pbyakiaiw. aad la tbr boapk lai n .*. -T form, anil for >.t. ufEcaflM IA MH CAMP ART, • Naiftaa ' ttW I r MMlii AddlW l*% F WTOL - fY A MM, Mwii—t tHrm**#. Bm. • . % 4QI *4. WccTMii. IIUF" 1 it ttg&rvzz . . eaa*.fcOiaM. Mm mi it uaaiii. Lrrr.zv* " - •-*'* .■* sibtLJr wir7.'r R^mr7r>niKm MArrft*"— M* Vordi IMM . | ry-rMwrt (UO foAACoa t. .hi 111. a.,, So.* a.Mi*oh EABJL Printing PPMI Uw y.y AWH* a aur-AMiiM a* awLA.# —* "siSTw A- tSOdMAO 4k 00. *"*.'** Kbaa READER IF" Too woo Id Uka to ao# a nopy at the CHEAPEST d BEST FAMILY \EUSPAPER la (b* ooantry. eead jxmi nemo and poataOkra addfa— bo THE LEDOEB OOSfPAJfY. Chhmg*. m. TBI BEST nCII a Tb. follttota* l.llai Ireo Bar. R S ttCRY. Paator M K. Ckmrch, ft alack. Naa., *tll bs road ot rami' n o>.ia i c taw ba .m Wyawl Uw raaob .< Um IdlmM ao. b ttaarw that la a huso lia. bo al l ba yarfo*t rarad Ho bm >baa afooi ibn* daaoa l oMiaa of YBCE Tiff K bat i.-a-i nam bat Ultta. mba daehum ibrt ba it too —oil to b- fokta* maillrlnr Karyarttttd room. K It PKNT MBA. L.C. P. BBPT. Tb* raima of dfottrdaoa aba (roalor tb.a u| ,dk Ma*-a Hly*l ylMf hi* hdkft ■" hdHMMI ■ YNMI Ikafi'TlP -irtPndß'd fvt* hy aoj .'thm Utar Ibo pmyrto .ta of ora- ,u. k aoatram 1 •M> (Ha aa.. ara BcrofaAa aad all V loytm tlaam n and Tuta la. Rbavmaiiam (.( Nonralcta. and Bpfaal • p:. r.ta and ah Indaanoru-n .>myoma, t* M. aaandr of tboia bo yromainra r*raa. l>)*wy*ta. ih,t aairaraal run. ol Am- Hoao auhxd . Haartbara Oil-a.' - ■<• UMO. Nu.. naai umi, taabo Ay bo Warn aad lafan btood iu.u. >. .mutal-'o hrl of hoama albnaam for aay nv-dt, uv, t Mi.o Mofur; utark.and It * Bat yoob abfothal any aaa aruoo bo'ora tfo. public bar tba pomar *> euro (ba qnartar of Ihrm aicopUnc Iba VraBTCTK. It trrr llm tl at tba rani of tbo tea* el dtonam by IW ..wm.uuc orar; tra a>ltr from tba blood. proao#.K* Iba mo. on o. . y.nla* lb. p.nm -11# yxvat aaaapo oh.. .1 tbr juicm two rulio* Iba llrvr b> Us lad : at d n.l ua. nil,* clMttt* Ibo alotaaab aad afoaaatb .mat dlcoWfoa Tbla moob .pfmbod Iba spm dy aad fotla*. Tkt* k ! rtmtmtj ohi VruiTiKß dooa. aad U d<-a li aaqaiekly .ad o rarlly. tbat ll M an aoc onp bbod tret elm—l bo -1 1...0 ibo patient fo aoaro at It bbaraif jt bjV HBlibhi ; ' IpW-MIjI '' IklP^ HALE'S HONEY orHoREiiouNDAKnTAR 808 THR CUBE OP COCOES, COLD*, IXFLCKKZA, HOAJUUS- M -MM, DIPPICULT BKERTHIKO, AND ALL AFFECTIONS OP THE THROAT, * BRONCHI al TUBES, ARD LCXOS, LEADING TO CONSUMPTION. This infallible remedy is composed of the HONEY of the plant Ilorf hound, in chemical union witu TAJ-BALM,extract ed from the LIFE PRINCIPLE of the forest tree ABIES BALSAMEJL. or Balm of Gilcad. The Honey of Horehound SOOTHES AND SCATTERS all Irritations and inflam mations, and the Tar-Balm CI-KANSCS AND HEALS the throat and air-pasHages leading to the lungs. FIVE sildmonal ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep yon from trying this great medicine of a famous doctor, who has saved thousands of lives by it in his large private practice. N. B.—The Tar Balm has no BAD TASTE or sinell. PRICES, 60 CERTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE. Great wring to hay large also. Bold by all Druggists. ••Pike's Toothache Drops'' core in 1 .minute.