TUK CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY NOV. 4, 1876. ODOE MEETINGS t'r.Nt*bHau.Unset, N* •. lO.slo. s-r> Xslardaj*ln l tl> W4 Fell"** H*U .! M (lOUUin, Sa l M P. ****. A " O. r PoaT LODMC, No IU, I V M . taooU OB Thnrsdar sninjr. on or after eaeh full aieoa in Ulo Odd ifllflSl It ail. ... ~ c r Hi ni.scHs.li. Sol. W B. MlXiil*. w M raoaasasGmvane, r f It, meets ™ satanto *f tomoisnoa ot after eaeh fall aaown, il Waji^Hill. local items. i lur friends will oblige bv sending u tin- ot local news in their locality, g*e u- the fact* only, and we will put them in shnpo, notice® of Atlu uintTl* ' \\*nv one sending us the names of si* new subscriber*, with the cash, willbe entitled lo receive the RicroKTRH one year free. The KKI-OKIKH being read by neatly ever* body i>n this side of the county where it h's* a larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the best medium .r advertising Business, sales, Ac. Ac. IMP*Subscribers to tko Reporter, resid ing ouiside of Centre county, should re mit u 10 cents, yearly, for postage which we will pay here ; this reduce# the postage to one half, as the sum paid by them for e > car s postage was ".Vets Mr. J. O. Doininger has broken ground for a new house in the lower end of town. —See the fai nu advertised for sale in the Reporter. s.\ splendid stock of new hardware just unpacked oy Runkle Bros, at Mi • lieim. Assortment full end complete. The farm of Wm. Keller, dee d. near Centr* Hell, was sold at public s*;e, on 2S ult, to David Krape, of Haines twp. a: SI 10 per acre. Mr. D. Brisbin has opened a new confectionery iu Centra Hall, with all the choicest candies and nuts, and in con ac tion wdh it he keeps an oyster saloon, and will serve hi* customer* with the nice>t and freshest oysters in the market, lie gets his oysters in tub- direct from Balti more, ami lovers of the bivalve will find them most delicious. Try ihera. Mr. irsm'l Foster advertises hts fine farm a! public sale, in another column of the Reporter. ?t is located a short dis tance trow Centre Hall, and is a desirab.e farm. Farmers of, I'fansvallfy, ami !• otters, will find it will pay logo to Holier vV. Kline for dry go>d, groceries, clothing, h*u, caps, boot* and shoes, they keep the laigeat gsaortmont of every thieg, aud are constantly in receipt of new goods. Last Sunday we had the drst genu ire taste of winter—snowstorms were the order of the day. and bill and dai# were covered early in the forenoon with a garb of white. Our whilom townsman, Mr. Alex Shannon, of Lena, 111., arrived here last Saturday. lie look* well and lllinoai seems to agree wth him, and he expresses no re gret at having made Lena his home May it ever bo thus. Cold weather is coining on. and men, and women and children need boots and slioes that will sued the winter reason and which at the same tin e are cheaper .that, can be had elsewhere. The place So goto. U Graham Jc Son's whose door x.na-ly t very no trufithi* sid* pws-tO < n going into Belli fore—in BrwckerholTs block. Go asJ s-e their astonishingly low ptcooa. and the excellent quality of stock they keep. Try them, and you will be convinced. The Millheim and Brushval.ev bands had a musical duel at Miltbeira on last Saturday atternoon, upon the occasion of the democratic meeting. They shot' tucee at each other from opposite tides of the street —the Millheim band stationed under the awning of Runkle s hardware store, and the Burshvalley band under the awning of Snook's store. We neyer heard so uittch brass-band music, in the sauie litut, before in our life—and it was good musk' too. The bands took it tu-n about arid as their "Übunes" were ended "our side best," was yelled by the crowd en each side of the street respectively. We never thought there was to much wind in all creaUpa went through "them" horiM thai afternoon,— enough to start up the buried walls of Jericho which were thrown down by the biovfing of horns. Blow on, brave boys, blow on, and at each other; there's nothing like a brass band „ en it is out of its first-lessons and knows hovFt-" 4 P U * M f O,: Ao - lf yo to exchange your old sew ing machine for a new one. address Bun ne..& Aiken, Miiroy. Housekeeper?, i,! J™ Ut tle good alvice-free gratis and by which you will profit? W D< * d * l ,n humbug, we will not tel.' J® *t so severe as it was several years ago. David Korman's sale, dee'd, near Aaronaburg, was largely attended on last Thursday, and articles brought remarka bly good prices. DEUICATIO*. —The Lutheran church at Pine Hall, Ferguson twp, will be dedi cated to God's service on the 14th day of November next. All ministers of the Gos pel and all others are cordially invited te attend. By order of the Committee. 3t chine, buy the New American of Bunnell & Aiken, "Milroy. Pa. DEDICATION. —The Evangelical Lutheran church, at Centre Hall, will be dedicated, D. V., to the.service of the Triune God, on the 14th of November. All neighboring ministers and tbe com munity in general, are cordially invited to be present, Rev. Prof. E. J. Wolfofthe Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, IV, will preach tbe dedicatory sermon. W. E. FISCHER, Pastor loci. Granger prices, aadres> Bunnell & Aiken Alilroy, Pa. 21 oct 3m. JOHN S. MILLER, Tailor, of Mill he im, among the hore* in this vicinity. Tluovcs v isitcd Thompson * null, at Potters bank, a few nights ago, also the premise* ot Mor*. S.iverand M'Coy and others, appropriating grain, corn, etc ! ——John Horner shot two deer in ! Green's valley, the other day. Mr. John D Decker of Potter Iwp., si ot two deer in the mountains, a few day ago, within twenty nve minutes of each I other. That was democratic shooting and Docker knows bow to do it. How our tnouih watered for a piece of venison when we heard of it. Y. M 0 A. MEETINGS. The He* S A. Taggart, the State Sec retary, will hold a scries el' Evangelistic laeetfngs at the follow ing place* Mneiburg -Thursday. Nov. 11. at - .-St* and 7 p. m , in the Baptist Church. State College-Fri lay NOT. 12, at 7 p m., and Saturday morning and afternoon Bellefonta - Saturday, Nov. 13, at 7 p m , in the Methodist church. Bellefoale -Sunday, Nov. 14, at D.JO a m , in the Y. M. 0. A. Rooms ; 4 p iu. in the Lutheran Church, and at 7 p. in the Presbyterian Church. Jacksonville - Monday, Nov. 10, at - 3t) and 7 p m . in the Church. Huffalo Run--Tucsday, Nv>v. 10, at - 0 and 7 p. ni in the Buffalo Run Church. Centre Hall—Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 2:30 and 7p. ni, in the Lutheran Church. Unions ill*—'Thursday, No*. IS at 2.30 and 7 p. in., in the Presbyterian Church. Port Matilda—Friday Nov. IS, at 2:30 p. m , in the Church. Btethern from Bellefonte and elsewhere will aeeopay Mr. "-"sggsri to each p.'ln". to assist in the meetings. Christian workers at crery place are urged to be present, to take part in the services, and to endeavor to gather in the unconverted, especially young me.i, to the meetings. We give the following as the list of teachers employod by the board of school Directors of Walker twp. various schools : Zion II 11 Heraberger. Forest L C Kearick Logan T. B Kupert. Centre G. W Weight. Hublersbuig. Gram K. Twitmyer " Primary S->phia M Kwen. Snvdertown Dnvid Brown Franklin Gram J Zimmerman " Primary Uattie Swartz. Salary of each, $33. Previous to this year S4O, were paid, but owing to the pres ent monetary stringency, the salaries were reduced $6. The correct plan of grading w ages according to the grade of the certifi rate has not yet been adapted. £. SPA WLA FHuM PENN, NOW AND THEN. The public schools of Pann twp. com menced on Monday Oct. "do under very fa vorable circumstances and under the fol lowing teachers, viz : Mountain School— B S. Jamison, Gentzei's—A. J. Rishel, Liberty—D. L Zerby, Pike—G. W. Keen. Texas- F. P. Musser, E.k Creek—A N Runkle. Millheim. No 1-W. F. Smith, Millheim, No. 2—Miss Frances Willow. The attendance thus far has been good. The corn crop through this section is good but owing to the protracted cold in the spring as well as to the early frost* there is considerable soft corn among it. Answer to E.J Smith's puzzles. Wa bash, the name of the river. Lancaster, the city. The meeting was a success on Saturday, notwithstanding tfee inclem ency of the weather and the absence of the speakers. Nevertheless there were other able men here, who talked about the is sues pf the day in such a manner that it ought to fadgce every sensible man to vote the entire deoj a-ialio ticket frcm a to iz zard. The wall for Daniel Uirich's boutv u sow iuo*t done and soon will be ready for ths carpenters to proceed with their work. THE ELECTION. The Democrats carry Centre county by about 1.400 majority for Pershing. The democratic majority on the county ticket is less than Pershing's. In the table below we give the official vole of this county so lar • Mwaiyod, ex cepting Commissioner which Is as follows. JJeiiefonte W.Ward, Mingle 54. llall 52, Gregg $7, Rogers 62, Glenn . Hal! 144, Gregg CI, Rogers 62. Gienn C. Bartholmew 10 Potter—Mingle 301, Hall 173. Gregg 220 Rogers 16, Glenn 1. Spring—Mingle 106, Hall 136, Gregg 128 Rogers 106, Glenn 32. THE STATE. has been earned by Uip Radicals by 1,200, which may be reduced to a closer ggure. PE S NSY LVAS I A.> 1 ASS ACH L SETTS. NEW JERSEY. WISCON SIN. AND MINNESOTA CARRIED BY THE RE PUBLICANS. MARYLAND. MISSISSIPPI AND >,*EW YORK, DKMOCRATID. CENTRE COUNTY ELECTION. November 2nd. 1875. lftTJ. IS'> heiiulor " tiller ill*. * 'Treasurer, t Vrotiionotaryi Rcgotcr. , Recorder. t. ■ tii m leejoif r, - tji co O < ® C. jr, r 2") H k A ~ K -p. w C I§7S ~ 2 * 3 .i sr c s*. el J J 1 5 i S 7 3 S £ 3 - 3 2 • ?i I| 5 s ? ? i? i |U i|?|l' •: fj - E i; i? ? r * BOKOCOIJ* SPVi ? s ? f ? J J s '%■' * •-? S. f11?.j 1 I J? | ? : w- 2 z. w £ ■ .* i'; .-* ■, # • i 3: .• f ~ ~ : i S? BJ 5 f" 2 n-I a S- r I 5 o- ' Oi ! i ' ' * • s - AND M 3 s. T ; ! ; Hi :jf] |i a ;i { g; j I | | j \ j ? ♦ TOWNSHIPS, j : | | : j : j ; I w W.rd r, W~ivs " o • I | Unionville Borough 22 4o ...... 0m ...... j j , j Howard Borough 34 37 41 23 14 j \ | 7 .... Philipsburg Borough 119 103 ••••••|ll™ •••• ; 1 j j , {£;,- — ismi:S 1 ii i|'H~'' T""ispa 148 gss±zzzz=. S £~s ::::: ~ =|= : r_ ~-f~::::::::::+=i=j= ~5 =:= - :::::: Ferguson 227 157 •"'*,* i i i i i I • Gregg... 281 67 224 hi 1 I 1 Haines 193 1* , j ! , I ' - - Ilaifnioon 44 82 ..•••• ••••" •••••• j j j ioi—j ui ,1 Howard ! VjJ ini 0000 m 0000 OOOOOI'ioo wwouMiitii ooiiVooooisM) iokSaifii (ikwjmi * JJJJ Huston 53 119 0000 0000 0000 000000U0 000000000000 0000U*0l*X) OOtXIdKXXKOOU) (XHX)(** * 0000,'* *** JJJ JJJ J*J ( JJJ Libertv 59 137 0000 tJUOO ixsr) OOOOUXIO (*)00)UH**) (XXJtftXWOtMIO IXXXtiXXXMKIOIi (XXX)UXX), XXX XXX ,X 00 XXX six M* XXX uxx^ 5, 89 44 (XXX) (XXXI (XXX) OOOO(XXX) 00U)XXXX)tr.XX) OtXIO.UOUOOOOO e" n >M ™ 0000 (XXX) (XXX) (XXX)UXX) (XXX)(XXX)(XXX) 0000.00000000 axxtoooouxx) 0000.0000 0000 (m> "000 WXL (XXX) OUOO (XXX) XXX) potter*::::::::::::: w ia m & as* noj >m. m 1 245; m. 2291,107 291101 *> *• 801178 1 Rush 139 120 Spring 6 ™::™::::::: ISf IS no no 25 MI! m wu u> u% im w mm : 40159113 v no Taylor 40 48 Union G5 113 03 53 48 Walker 193 113 11 Worth 681 "6 j j • i : • Total 8712*2% j . | 1 I 1 ; .j|' ! ] | (IKK AT I I UK IN RUSSIAN POLAND London, October 20. The Jewish World says two hundred dwellings, a synagogue and live schools, ill llio town of \\ idsy, Russian Poland, have been burned. Some persons perished and S.UV families are homeless, MARKETS. New Yotk, Nov 1 Flour, super 3 10(4 f> 40. Flour, common to good ft 00(40 90. Flour good ti* choice (1 (**<4t> 3 \s nest. No 2 Chicago, Spr.i * 1 MM* I *\ No 2 Milwaukee IU u\ s '< Rye ?&®RK Com western miied "41(47ft Oat* west ern mixed '> ilb Coffee IVJftV-'H. r.fgs 27(,t.2S Sugar, fair to g.Hwl refining 71®, 8. Petroleum, refined Hi(4l3L CHICAGO Chicago. Nov. 1 Flour, good to clien ;2m 40 73; ouii g < tries 0 Wheat, Dec 1 OTii-i.) o.i, sailer No* 1 OTluvl 071 Corn, seller Dec. M. seller N..% SO llals, seller Nov >l4; ellef PeC 314 live, seller Nov. Barley, Seller Nov. bb PHILADELPHIA. Flour, at fain ti SO®7 26 High grades 7 fttVvb NO Wheat, new red Pa. I Hftuvl -40 Amber 1 37(*1 40 Corn, western mixed 71*71!. yellow 72a73. Gats western lliitcd3B. HKLLKFONTK MARKETS. >Vlute iVheat $1 Ift Red lift ...RyebO new COll 40 old 7ft OalsUO Barley '.Hi 70 Clo < erseed S.OO Potatoes 30 l.ard per pound 8.. ...Pork per pound (HI Butter JO Kgg-lft Plaster perton fl4 Tallow 8 BacohlO Ham lo Lard per pound 8 cents Buckwheat tta o:s ..Fiourper barrel ret*i 17,00... Nova Scotia plaster sl4 to Ift. C yugn plaster $9.60 per 21M> lbs. JTURM FOR SALE. The subscriber will positively sell at public ale on e premises near Centre Hall, on THURSDAY. NOV J6th, IN7&, at 2 o'clock,|p. ui.. hi* valuable farm, con taining 117 ij Acre*. Tiis property is located on the. Millheim pike, one mile east ofOld Fort, iu Peuns vallev tine hundred and twelve acres cleared and in splendid condition, well fenced and well watered, the balance well timbered, with excellent spring of pur# limestone water near the house. There i* a erected a FRAME HOUSE, Bank Barn and all necessary outbuildings in g,u 1 condition upon the premises. A large orchard of choice Fruit tree* and all the improvements and conveniences nec e-*ary to make a comfortable home. Term* en c v—Made known on day of a!e. SAM L F. FOSTER. VUDITOR S NOTICE.—In the Or phan's Court of Centre Centre co., in the matter ot the estate of Elizabeth Cerbin, dee'd The undersigned an audit or appointed hy said Court t>> make distri bution of the balance in the hands of the administration, will attend to the duties of hit appointment, at his office in Belle fonte, on Friday the lhlh day of Nov.. 1876, at on* o'clock, p. m. when all per sons interested tuav if thev -ee proper at tend J. n. MORRISON. NOT. 4 3t Auditor. 4DM IN I3TR A TORS' N OTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Daniel Kim port, late of Harris twp, dee'd, bavii g been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be in debted to said decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and persons having claims against the estate will pre sent them authenticated for settlement. DAVID KIMI'OKT. Nov 5 Ct Adm'r. QHBirr 8 BALIS - By virtue of sundry writs ot Fieri Fa cias, Levari Facias and Venditioni Ex ponas, t me directed, there will be expos ed to public sale at the Court House, on Friday, the 19th day of November, 1876, at one o'clock, p. in., the following de scribed real estate to wit 7 All t! at certa in tract • f land situato in H ward Township. Centre co. Bounded on the west by land of Christian Bowers, on the north by land of said Bower* and James Ar.tes, ea-t by land of Samuel Fletcher and on the south hy land of Cur tin's heirs, containing lt>4 acres, more or less, thereon erected a two story frame dw.-lling house, bauk barn and other out buildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of T. J ■ buakle, ALSO. All the defendant's interest in and to all that certain tract of land situate in Spring twp, Centre co. Bounded on the south by land of Philip Flory, west by land of Win. A Thomas' heirs, north by land of Samuel Null and east by land of Adam Swart*. containing 834 acres more or !ei, thereon erected a two story frame dwoHmg htuse bank barn and otner out buildings fiacd taken in execution and to be sold as the property of lsaaa Miner ALSO, All that certa n tract of land situate in Tavlor twp. Centre co. Bounded on the south bv land of John Hunter, west by land of David Weaver, on the north by the Allegheny Mountains and on the east by land of George Sharrar, containing 70 acreo more or less, thereon erected two small dw.-li:.g houses, barn Ac. Seized taken in execution a*d to lo c-U as the property of T. G. Moore. A LSO, All defendant's interest in and to all that certain lot of ground situate in Union twp. Centre co Bounded on the south by land of Wallace Reese, west by land of Wtu. Hugg, north end east by land of Ge' rgo o[-i.ep, containing 2 acres and 29 parches more or leu, thai eon erected a two story frame bouse add other outbuild ings. Seised taken in execution and to be t Id a the property of James Witherite. ALSO. All the right title and interest of defend ant in and t<> all that certain niesuage ten ement of trapt of Lnd ailuate in Walker twp. Centre co. BouudgiJ en the north by public road leading from the junctivo to Bellefonte, west by land of Michael Shaf fer, south bv land "f Jacob Keher and east by land of B. S Winkleman. containing JO lie re- more or less, thereon erected a two it iiy frame Hotel building, stable and oth er outbuilding*. Seized taken in execu tion and to be sold as tho ptojjprtv of WU liam Robb. A LSO, All those two following described lots of cround situate in Ferguson twp. Centre co. BoueJcil on the north by land of Michael Rider east bv an alley, south by street and west bv' Muth hy Union .treet, ea*t h.r balance ol lot No. 16, north hy Allegheny alie.l N* ,i on the *iulh hy -\ 1 lr|ihon v • treut, eal hy lot No J, north by High • treet and weal hv an alley, thereon i re. t r.l a large Hotel building, large .hed uiut ether outbuilding Seiaed taken in execu tion and to he old a* the property of Dee Taylor. A LSD, All tho*etwo following deacribod tract* i.f land one therool ailuate in llarria twp, Centre co. Beginning at a post and run ning along land l Geo. Shoneberger, N M ' wcat 15 perches to W. (.thence uhmg land of A A Henderson. *->uth 66°, . yj perches to ttone*. thence ulong land ol John liaison, S 75t'.*> four tenths per. to W. D , thence S ck'T , W 7 perche* to stonoa, thence S. '.'7 l, K. l'.'J perchea to stone*, thence along land oflieorgeShono. herger N 7*J°. K t'll perche* to •tone*, them e N 274". W 77 four fifth* )rehe to W. (.) Stuuip, thence N tiSl", K 13 perch e* to stonea, thence along land of Joaeph M yer N 'J7°. W '.*H perches topoat.thenca N t>iF, K four firth* perche* to t>o*t, thence •> . W 53 perche* to place ol be ginning, containing 147 acrra, thereon erected a two story trauie dwelling houie bank barn and otlu r outbuilding- The other tract situate in Ferguaon twp. Centre co. Bounded as follows Begin ning at a stone, thence hy land of John Stoker S 291", K 300 p relies to W. O . thence S tHU'. W lOStwo fifth* perche* t stones, thence by land of John Ouheen, N 'Mm perchui ti sloiiN, thono© by l*Uu of S. M Williams, N t-6) . W KX two tifth* perche* to the place of beginning, containing "AfJ acres, thereon erected a stone dwelling house, baru and other out buildings, also a good orchard, Sei.-.ed taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Johu 1! Mc\\ illiatus. A LSU, All that certain tract of land situate in Ferguson twp, Centre co Bounded i>n the N by land of Samuel Harpsler and James Oatea. K by land of Michael Kian and John Snyder, S by land ol Shorb, Stewart A Co.* and W by land of Jamee Kcs heirs, containing 150 acre*, 60 acres tiuiberland more or less, thereon erected a two story frauie dwelling house, bank barn, and other outbuildings MeUed tak en in execution and to be sold as the prop erty of John Kllenbergcr ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate in llain twjs , Centre county, Pa., in the town of Boal-burg Bounded north by Pine street, east by lot of Mr. Kiddle, south by an aliey, west by lot of David F,slier, and numbered in the plan of said town, as lot No 11. containing lof an acre. Thereon erected a two story plank frame dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seised, taken in execution and to be > >!d as the property of llexekiah llunimci " ALSO, All those two several lota of ground, one thereof situated in the Boro or Bellefonte, containing SO feet in breadth, fronting the public square and extending northward 140 feet to an alley and known as the west ern half of lot No. 51 in lb# general plan of -aid Boro. The other thereof situate in Spring twp , Centre county Pa., on the eastern side of Bellefonte. Bounded S. by the great road leading from Belief rite to Jacksonville, east by lot of James Me. Manus, north by land of James Arniur west by lot of Sam'! Harris, containing acre*, together with the buildings etc. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John M Callister. ALSO, All those several lots of ground situate in Huston twp. Centre county Pa Onotherc of situate at Julian Furnace, bounded N. by railroad, E. by creek, S. by Diamond and M". by street containing i of aa acre, thereon erected a large hotel building stas blipg nd other outbuildings Another thereof, bounded south by llld Eagle creek, east by H BtcbarJ, north by land of John Kline and Thomas llartridge, west by John Kline, containing 4'J acre*, more or less, about 15 acres cleared, there on erected a frame dwelling house, log Dara and other outbuilding*. The other thereof, bounded on south hv land < ! Jno. B Mattern. west by land of P B Wilaon, north bv land of fleorge Brown, aat by land of John Kline, containing C acres more or leas, no buildings. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of K W. Hicbards. ALSO, Ail those thirteen tracts > f land situate in Hustou and B„h twj> Centre county Pa. one thereof in the warrantee naiue of o*. TiJ Berringer. containing 483 acre*. I&S perches, another thereof in the warrant. # name of W. S. Lattimrr containing 433 acres and 108 per., another thereof in the warrantee natne of James (J'.ontwortb con taining 366 acres and 158 per. another ttiereof in the warrantee name of Kd ward M o j is ton containing 433 acres and 163 per. another thorcof in the warranltco name of Geo. LatUmcr containing ol acre, and 163 per. another thereof in the warrantee name of Andrew Armstrong containing 379 acres and 10 per. another thereof in the warrantee name of Sharps I>e!any con taining 433 acres and 153 pe-che. another thereof in the warrantee name of Wm Mc pherson containing 168 acres and 03 per. anothvi thereof in the warrantee name ot J no Price containing 4i.t acres an f Caper, another thereof in the warrantee name of Jas Baxter containing 866 acres 10 per. and the other thereof in the warrantee nsmcof John Uollington conUining 433 acres 163 tier, containing in all five thousand one hundred and ninety-five acres more or less. No improvements. A J.SO, Alt that certain IfAct of situate in Burnside twp. Centre county Pa. Bound ed on the east and west by land of ltu dolph Mulholland. north and south bv land of the heirs of Reuben C. Ilnlcdec'd, containing about GO acres more or less, thereon ercrtcd a two story plank frame dwelling uo M .C. '< £ ham and other out buildings Meiaod. taken in execution and to be sold us the property of Jacob Walk er. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate in Union twp . Centre county, bounded south by land of Win Smith and Shull, east bv land of Aaron l|a!l, north by land of Foster Lilcas and West by land of David Hall, conUining 100 acres >ore or lass, about 40 acres cleared, thereon erected a frame house, log barn, wagon shed and other outbuildings. feteiacd, taken in axe. culion and to he sold at tho proporty of Archibald A Stiver. ALSO. All the right, title and interest of J. A Winters in and to a certain lot of ground situate in the B >ro of Unionville. Centre onunty. bounded on tho southeast by lot of Tili-a burton, southwest by street, north west by lot of Presbyterian pr#opago etc, northeast by an nlley, containing f of an acre more or !*"-*, thereon erected a two *t.- t y frame dwelling house, stable and oth er outbuildings. Seized, taken in execu tion and to be sold as the property of J. A. Winter*. A LBO, All defendants Interest in and to all that certain lot of ground situate in liberty twp Centre county, hounded on the north hy lot of Elizabeth Koon*. weit by street, north by land of Frank Stover and east by an alley, containing till feet front on taid •treel and extending back I'Al ft to taal al loy. thereon erected a two *tory frame house, etc. Seiaed, taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Charlei Bola pun. SUKHIU'R OSRI K ) 11 F, SHAFFER, Itellefonle, - Sheriff. November 2nd. 1870. J Nov. 4. A DMINISTKATOR S NOTICE TTetteis of niltninittration on the estate of Jacob Moose, lato of I'otler twp., dee'd, having boon granted to tlie undersigned, all person* knowing themselves to be In debted to *ald ifeccdelit are re cry G--,ds, which will bo sold at the low-jj est prices. Filie lias one of the best tnillin-, ers in her employ. I and Bonnets re'.rimed in the ' late-t stvie."At Oct 21, 2m. •' LULL OPENING OF Bonnets. Trimmings. Millinery.' AT . . j] Mi*s I.ucy Deiuiogcr'a, , IN CENTRE HALL, who hat jut returned froip Philadelphia. WITH THE LATEST FASHIONS, AND complete stock of New Bonnet*, new Hat*, elrgant Trimming*. &c, which will be old or made up. at ri-a> tiab'e price*. Al so, old ladie* Dre>* Cap*. I h* new *tyle* arc Vt ry pretty-A* Ladie* uaii and ea them early rirt come, first served- Oct 2s 4L pieisni s nortecs— l ha following account* hav* been exam ined and paa*e>{ by ra* and remain filed of Record in ibis office for lha inspection of h*ir*. legatee*, creditors and alfolber* many way interest*-!, sr ,d will ba present -J to the Orphan * Court of Centre co.. on Wednesday. 24th day of Nov A. D. 1876, for allowance and confirmation. The account of J B Lcitxel, aJiuinislra tor of all and inguiar, the good* and chat lle right* and credit* which were of Phil ip Leitzel lato of Gregg twp, Centre co uee'd. Tbe account of A mot E Clem*on, guar dian of Amelia li*y, one of the children ot David Ray late of Centra co. dee'd. The account of Aran* E CU-nntm, ad minialralor of all an.i singular the good* Ac. which were of Mary Ann Gates late of Ferguaon tap. Centre co. dee d Tho account of John B. Heckiuan, ad ministrator of all and singular the good> and ehaitlc* rights and credit* which were of Eii;abth }{cckmnh lale of Gregg twp, dee'd- First partial account of Joshua Potter and John Kiahei, executor* in tho last will anil te-tamcnt of Peter Durst lato of Potter twp. Centre co. dee'd. The first partial account of Elias Confer, executor in the last will and testament of Solomon Confer lato of Pens twp, Centre co. dee'd. Tho account -1 lfcnry Brockerhoff, ad ministrator ef all and singular tho goods which were of George Cliambrige latetof Bcilefonte. Centre co. dee d. The account ufSamiel Gilliland, admin istrator of Daniel Shuey late of Harris twp. dee'd. The third account of Josiah Neff. execu tor of the totals of John M eff late of Potter twp, Centre co. dee'd. The account of Joseph A. ltankin, exe cutor in the last will and testament of Jer emiah Rankin late of Potter twp, Centre co. dee d. The fsrst partial account of Jacob Gray, George W Elder and John A Hunter, ad ministrator of Robert Elder lale of Half moon twp, Jed d The account of J> eph F. Williams, guar dian of Peter Spoils and Newton Spotts, minor children of John Spoils into of Huston twp, Centre co. The first partial account of Georgo W Eltle, administrators, cume testo niento XIII-XO <>f Jacob B Ettlo late of Bellcfontc. Tin- final aec- unt of Jesse L Test, exe cutor of tho last will and testament of Jos eph Booth late of Philip-burg Register's ofllco ) J. H, MORRISON, Oct 22 18f J li&gistur. A Jcranton thi*f, datoctad in stealina • a revolver, fled into a Catholic church, • aJ was arrested while knealing in front ' of tho altar, pretending to he praying. The Istolen pistol was found under a eat near l whole he I>licit. Scribner's Monthly for 1876 ' TR* ul.||*tiur* luslia attualMHi to Uw tllo,lu* lid > > u(aug of lit* altiai tlo •rtltflw •*■ ur*l for Kvitt*a*#i • ,; utiKiiili. fur in* luiuiea i" I" "•* *•>< ' oUuu. | '' nl'll uuluviv.ua u.r<*Tall• muutlo TWI UMr Mart*'* am MUiuloat Ov.ak Tb at—aa*eedukmeMw.abu* 1 iba tulliuf tw abvutt fme bu lawtrtlo IwJ, 1-aJllut •la. MO ualutod ■ILI.ubMuWIaU' .I.WUAOOO MI4 I taw •I .1111.. 4la otth.MlL "LOUHL lha uuaot |11|.1.1. ■ rocunl of OOAL* t '.llfofUU llfo Uwt HAT o |V|MOD. 1 WO allot I OTOM HA#lu In Iho Jauuafj NUUIHOL, PHILIP KOLAX'S Ml ENDS, Or. Bhow Your Passports." It) F.dwnrd l.tcri'll lluli'. 1 ito mm of ItoU Mury U Übl In lit* Ko4ilh iMterti lfrttory, uw forming tb hlatma # l*zuUi** ud UtM.ll the urn* of A*r>.* Mu.l U e of fcuruf* Tuu mond fait— of p+yv t-t-ialmmm to t*# even naorw Ittlereeliug th*n U*t ith wftfartt our rntlcri arm aliradj Uuriiui CENTENNIAL LETTERS. Edited by John Vance Cheney. , A rata OOUMUUU uf lUtululiuuafy ImUara. iuali.LL 1 frvui al.'iaaiu lha haaiia uf lha doauaudama ol Col I J.iaat>li Ward Tlia> ata full uf tnl,,aal. aul uiU ba . raad aallh a laia lallah la ruuuutliua ullh Uia l.aaua •I*l celebration of lh (Mf I HIUIXIANI I V laiM BATHD AUTtCULA 4)M 1 ooJi*£s3, WntUin reet et by their friend*. will BMOar du Hug the jmar The revived inter**! la college Uf® wiekee theee tafer CIM*. tally timely nod wIU MCII re 1 fur ILetu euuau*! nllenUon OLD A EH' YORK. Elegantly illutr*led *rUUu* oh Old New York. b> i John 1 Mine* will hi'iM**rat ooce, and will atirart the attention of all. •• etlf or rountn, who mark with tote**t Urn of ike gtali thcUopulu. and •£•> tioualeJy I ernemher the cjuaint pec ul lartUe* of IU eldeli time Kvery number la profu*ely illustrated, thus enabling ua to give our deacilpllve aud narrative artu le* an ta let eat aud pertuaiseul value never at lain ed in * u* il iuat ratcvW'ciitdi al t'nder it* aceuatomed manage men! Ikehmasaii.t will ta Ike future be detoied. a* II Ua* t #n te the paal.tu aound literature and C krutiaa prugreaa '1 lie Fdllurlal l>-purliii'iilM. uccutiv over twenty page* of each number and contain l>r rfollaad'* vtgonm* and ttmeljr edttorlaU, a* well aa Ket tw* of the Uteel walk* in Art, Lltgr*tar and rkiwftgg. TF.IIMN t 14 00 e yeer ; SS cent* * X umber. Tba lu aula, I.uai.ialu, NUA, HF.V. 10 Oct. MTI bound ta inaroua cloth fSMb do do l>ouuil In half norocoo k)W Vol* begin In November and May Any of the ear Iter volume* (I to VI! 1' will be supplied ee|*erete)y to part lee wh. wuh them to complete arle at thla rate I • , cb'Qi 17 uu half morocco, AlUi< BikmhM.tßlUi AMI Tom M ANTRKS will be .111 plied el rale* Ural will cunilie them to fill any uf u*e above offer*. hubarr ibera will pleaee remit in I* O If oner Order* or In Hank * beck* or t> regt*U>v*d hUn* lftoney in U+iaca nof I*i *1 ondrji ri*V ttCKIHNRR k OO :U it roadway ff V y £M;VD;V^ NEW Tile Manufactory. WOODWARD, J'A. The untieraignt-il )*n upen riT?O vox PALL VLAHTIVO I la 11. 14 > run end t.trr.au.rh. A ItUliV t" ! Tro>. Feergrtto*. Urcaatenul Shruh, fit tn bin g fiipU, Unpft, Currants. |(iOoeherrie, Mrawherru-a. Kaapherrieai and other ameil FruiU, Aiperegu*, Rhu harb' Ac. SEEDS FOB FALL SOWING. < ] XOO/IC I Orchard. Kv Blue. 11. rd-OUL/ll O •Rod Top). Clorer, Timothy J iatid i'ther (Jreai Seed* ; Turnip Seed* of alii kind*; Vegetable aid Flower Seed* ; : Hodge and tree Seed* BULBS—lira-; cinth*. Tulit** Urocu*. Lilie*. and lterj I Bulb* for Fall planting lloruuuliurall (cd, Oola. \Vatr, Ac Send for' pn. a lut, or enclo> Boc for full it!ulraled j [Catalogue. Addre** EDW DJ. EVANS A CO., Nuraerymen and Sccdtman, Y'ork, Pa I'.' aug 3m. Simon Haines* CENTRE iiALL. Manufacturer of Carriage.. , llugglee. H ngoiiM, Ac, Of otery doacrintion ; running gear for ' •li kind* ot rtbit.c*. made to order, and it. flr*tcla** manner. Being a practical me- I would WARRANT ALL i \N URK to give atifaction. Repairing promptly attended to at the lowed rale*. Undertaking, Coffins of ill sly lea ! made on ihortot notice. The buainea* of undertaking attended to in all it* hranche*. Keapectfully aolicita a haro of 1 public patronage. 1* aept y GREAT B A ROANE AT THE HARD \\ ARE STOKE OF J A RUNKLE & BRO., Millhelm, Pa., W IK'LIAXL* AND KKTAIL DEALER* IS IIE AVV &S H ELF IIA RI)WA KE, They have just returned from tho Eastern Cities, whero they liavo purchased a well selected slock of HARDWARE. CUTLER v, laos. NAILS. OIL*, PAIWT*, VARMMUK*, PcfTT. 11U1LDERS A 00 A CUM A KERS GOODS. Plasterer* and Masons, Saddlers, Shoemaker*, Housekeepers, and in fact, HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. Wo call particular attention to a fine as -ortmunt ol picture Frame* and Moulding, very cboap. WALL d WINDOW FArER And Curtain Fixture* of every kiud, COACH and WAGQN-M AKSBS— Your attention is oalutd lo our stoek of Spoke*, Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, l'ules and liuggy Wheels, all of No. 1 quality and soiling ve ry cheap. Our stock is large, and con -iantly being renewed, and we are selling —wholesale and retail—at very low price*. Remember—much money has hffen lost by paying too much for Hardware They buy for cash and soil at Ca-h Prices for lc*s profit than any other Hardware Store in the County. jr*~Call and see us. Satii action guar anteed. J. A. RUNKLE Si BRO •ug 27-y 74 FARMERS AND DAIRVMEN. The long end of the fttbt it iiutertrd in the cou't tent*, when the wit/i will Jiow, without the aid of the hand*. Tho attention of Dairyman is called to tho above cut, which represents a SIL VKR MILKING TUBE, hy which more than half the time and labor of milking cows is saved. Four tubes to a set, which will bo sunt postpaid to all parts of the country on recoiptofTwo Dollars per set An Agent is wanted in every county, to whom a liberal discount will bo ultowed. Address the inanufHcturor. GEORGE P. PILLING, 701 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia is*. All kinds of Socrct Society work, Jewels, Emblems, Badges und Silverware genetaily. Diplomas awarded nl the Berks, Mont fomery, Chester and Bucks County Fairs 'or tcstinii'iiiuls see the Practical Fariuei for September aud October. Send for cir cularij. TocUtm, Tube* can be *oen at (kf Ilvpyrter plfict art omntftl, ' STORE, NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. 11. A. ÜBKHIKK. at the old Centre Hill stand. Juitopening .Stock of 'NEW GOODS, J OLI) FABH ION ED PRICES! M A largo variety of 1 Izßtlie* Drca* Good* Great Bargains in Mualin* ami t'alicoea Rcady-niada Clothing Wnrranleti to Suit His Cloths and Cassimers, Onut b excelled 2 His Grocery Department, 1 Astonishes every one in e**ortmenl and low k pricee. ... | Syrup, Hujjur, Tn, ( itoiifJ fruita, ? Domestic- and Foreign FruiU, Clieese, . ' and every other article belong- ( big to the Grocery Depart mint 2 •*- Farmer*. Mechanic* and Laborers • look lo your interest One dollar saved L J a dollar fit |>cket. Then call and aee at t what astonishingly low prices. I( trouble to ahow Goods "At Also the choicest FAMILY FLOI M al ways on hand, Apr. 18, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PURE DRV US V AND MEDICINES, - CUEMK'ALS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, FEKFUMEItY. NOTIONS, * FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, . Ac..&r.,Ac. • PIKE WIRE AND LIQIOKN, for medicinal purposes. Tru*aen ft* Supporter* in great variety, j Alao, choice 1 CIGARS AXI> TOBACCO. 2 and all other articles kept in a first class Drug Store. ? Prescriptions carefully Compounded. I Pet tf MILLER i SON It It Headquarter* for Boot* aud Shoe* J P 0 W E It S' * BOOT AND SHOE STORE. v I Opposite Bush House, BELLEFONTE, PA. Powers' Root * Bboe Store Is tbe largest ' t and boat stocked establishment in Centre County. He keep* constantly on hand a full line of IIOOTN A \ I> H II O E H. | He is iust opening the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to Bellefer.le. y) t u H d 1 3 for ladies, kept constantly on band. < > Bool* and Shoe* for mn and women, of •11 styles, quality and prices, from the . I most coatly to the cheapest, constantly i ; kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either iu quality or prices. Call and |exatniue his new stock of Spring and i Summer Goods, aud you will iind it ' to your advantage. Apr2lly. " NEW YORK BRANCH STORK, McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Rush ' House, Bellefbnte, Pa. |H. HERMAN d CO., Prop'rw. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID-j ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FIEST-CLAIS GOODS. liclow the I'sual Prices. 1 Novl2.tf. r a. vrtLaoa. c. *. arcs*. n. a. mca* 1 WILSON & HICKS, WBOLKSALK AND KKTAIL HARD WARE DEA LEKB. IRON, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, AC. Builders Hardware i COACH MAKERS GOODS. CABINET MAKER S STOCK. Stoves of All Elinds. v i CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, 5 r WAGGONS. CARTS, &C. ' i YYILwON A IIICK3. [' Bellcfontc, Pa. t . NOTICE.—We will *e!l to rcpon*ible men on three month* credit. Will take j off 6 per cent for ca*li which i equal to 20 t per cent. Per annum. It will nay tho pur- a chaser to borrow at 10 from other rartie, if bo can tare iu buying from m>. In tbi# n way we can turn our money and *ell low- - er. Mar 16. tf. i JOHN CAMP'S Furniture Rooms, MILROY, MIFFLIN 00., PA. . |j Extension Tablos. Chamber Suits, ft Finedc Common Furniture, o ConUting in part of BUREAUS, BED STEADS, CAIN and WOOD SEAT CHAIRS. ( The public generally arc invited to call and *re the fine ncorttyi*At of FUKNI- a TUUI to U found at tlic übove c*labli*h- o ment, all ot our own Manufacture, T Undertaking in all iu kranvhea, Collins, Caskets mid Shrouds. : J Having purchased an elegant llearae, I will nt*enil all order* of undertaking I n may receive from Pcnnavalley, Centre Co. . Pa. JOHN CAMP. 1 Jan 28 tf, <1 BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM RANKIN'S I) vii £ St or e," SEXT DOOR TO THU DESCHKER OUH E STORE.) FUESII AND CHEAP t b , n JOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-.t-Law u Collection* promptly made and r< special attention given to those having pi lands or property for sale. Will draw u| n< and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, . Ac. Ofllco in the diamond, north side o the court houao, Bcilefonte. oet22 , tilt< Jj JAS. M' MAN US, Attorney at Law; Bcilefonte, nromptly attend* to all 1 hutiaess entrusted to him. jui2,'6f , t BEATTY | THE BEST IN USE. >o"end stami Y for Ciroular. DANLEL F. BEATTY. Washington, Now Jersey. IjISTRAY.— Came to the premises of the is J undersigned in the mountains on the tl south side of Gregg township, about foui p weeks ago, a red steer witli some white on v the belly, and übout 2 years old. The p owner is requested to come and prove prop- a: arty, pay costs and remove the same. li l litZKKKY, r, to 1 dPA. Pumps Of All kii.dsl Jf%W nj Steam & Notary Pumps " • — m FOR MINES, l\ Deep Well Pumps, 'F/i\ J Cistern Pumps, <4Sr v AntJ-Frezing Pumps; u tiooti a A AA A 5 H * hAA n rrrrrr jnn MM kia f"".H l Ml- 4 (MKte a a mum** r If r *■ MHMw I rinits, 111 (INS OF ALL|KINDB. Gum Hone <&[ Packing* Bell and Brass F'oundc-rs, and Manufacturers of the CELEBRATED Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. l&Jiendfor illustrated catalogue and price liat ~&t J. B. SHERIFF & SON, M WATER Nt.,AMUt Avenae. 23 P' ly. FETTIBIKtiH, FA. SHORT LID GE & CO, COAL, LIME, dec., WILLIAM SfIOKTLIDok. BOND VALINTINI SHORTLIDGE & CO., Burner* and Shipper* of the celebrated Be lie font e I WIHiHHEi ILHIMIE. ; Dealers in the very beet gradee of iAWuttM^'co^Li The only dealer* in Centre County who aell the W I Li K E; SI B A 111 Hi E CI 01 Ai L from the old Baltimore mine*. Also Sll AMOK IN AND OTHEK GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly boused expressly for bouse use. at lb* lowest prises DEALERS I J JV. They pay the highest prices in cash or grain that the Eastern markets will afar*. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Bought or will be sold on commission desired, and full prices guaranteed. laa formation concerning the grain trade will be furnished at all tunes to farmer. with pleasure, free of charge. . % RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN: • CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER. which is always sold at low prices, and warranted to be at good a fertiliser aa at other plaster. * kiln*, near Pin* Creek Mill*, in Haine* twp. Thi* cement ha* already been used in Urge Quantities upon the L. C. A S. C. KR.,*nd ha* been found highly satisfactory upon all job* where it ha* been used, and a* equal to , nr now manufavturod for u*e in CIB i'ERNS, WATER PIPES, or whatevw purpose a (food quality of Cement i* de*i- ( rable. Thi* Cement ha* already been tented far and wide, and rendered the ut- , most satisfaction. Persons, therefore eon - ■tructinc Cistern*, laying Water P ipea, Ac., will find it to their advantage lo beari this in mind, and alto, that he warrant* the article a* represented. J. G. MEYER, ( "'ay 21.tf Aaronsburg, Pa! W. A. CURRY,L <& t CE.\TKi:iI(LL.PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit ( cent of thi* vicinity, that he has darted a new Hoot aud Xhoe Shop, and would be 1 hankful for a share of the public patroa ige. Hoots and Shoe* made to order and sccording to style, and warrant* his work 'to equal any made elsewhere. All kind* nf repairing done, and charge* reasonable- Sire him a call. frb 13 ly Chai h7 Held, nttrk.WmcliinakrrA Jeweler Millbt'ita, Centre Co., Pa. ill kinds of docks, Watches and Jewelryj if the latest style*, a* also the Maranville!, I Htut Calender Clocks, provided vrilfc •) complete index of the month, and day of:* he month and woek on it* face, which i*:i a'arranted as a perfeot time-keeper. a Watches and Jewelry re- s naired on abort notice and warranto**. c BKATTY *■*• WEIGHS WHEN BOXED OVER ONE 5 riIOUSAND POUNDS. Liberal terms d ,o dealer*. hW~Si>nd stamp for Circular. Address I). F BKATTY, Washington. N. J. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. BBLLEFONTK/PA. , i E. PERKS & SON, Proprs. This well known hotel, situate in the f •usiness portion of the town, ha* been .horougbly renovated, repainted and fur tished now. It will be the aim of the pro jrietois to make it a pleasant Uoiue for p hose whomay favor them with their pat- w ■onage. A free carriage is run to the de- - jot, and ill" best stables in town areoon lected with the House. 29apr. DF. FOKTNKY, Attorney at Law • BoUofonta, Pa. Office over Rey mid s bank. may 14'6y Y~ITWANOY7ERrA ttorney-at- Law. j J Bellefonte, Pa. Office with duth & Yocum. Consultation in English md German. Collection* promptly attend- k id to. febfi-tf jk (J UMMINQB H O U S Bellefonte, PA. ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. n The Camming* House, on Bishop street, m s one of the pleasantest located hotels la I .he town It has the best stable* is the I jlace, has an excellent livesy attached and I tvery attention will be paid guests. No I ains will ho spared to make it a pleasant I tud agreeable stopping place for tho pub lie. Boarding by the day or week, and £ rate* brgd Will fUWAJI be found YJY " nf- mn t"4Sko Pennsvalley BanKing Co. CENTRE HALL, PA . . ..MCI?!' YE DEPOSITS, And Allow Interest, Discount Note _ Buy uiMl Government Securities, Geld andl PETE* Horns, W. B. MnefT* Pres't. Ceahls. Ma.snr nnoattnao wr, i. p. *avnm President, Quhinr. pENTRE COUNTY BANKING C (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow intereit, Discount Notgg, Bay and Ml, Covernment Secu* Aiei.Goid A aplo63tf . ' ""I IMC jfc Blntchlny'n J *!• CS9 market, by popular vsrdiet, the best pump for the least mmw H Attention uinvited to BlaUkley'. tf WM Improved Bracket, the Nrep - Jh Check Valve, which eaa he with* sfcjKßa.drawn without distarbiag tho and the copper ehaasher which never creeks, scales or rusts ant will last e Ufa time. For sale by Deals* and the trade generally. In order to he ur * that you get B latch ley's Pamp, he carefbl and see that it has my trade-aafk as above. If you do not know where to buy, descriptive circulars, together wi* the name and address of the agent aeare* you, will be promptly furnished by ad dressing, with stamp. CHAB Q. BLATCHLBT Xaaafastarer 506 Commerce St, Fhiladelphto, Pg, 11 mar 9m. D. M. RITTEWHOt-li^ WITH r K "°%5£5Y. A .SSS co * Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue. 147 North Water Street, r A r™. „ . PHtLAJJK.miI. ,a * ui J.towwAß THK AMcstaSlS ufactured by DANIEL DSRK, Belefonto, Penn'g. kO-Cull and see them \btfor* pw I has top hocr. lapejr EiSSiSsSi!