The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 04, 1875, Image 1

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A word Mid in lh dark,
And hand* pr**sad, for * tok<-.
" Now, little niwsl. u, mt, k
The word, that you have apekt u :
Bo not your jtromi** luvk. u
My tip* upon her chet k
Felt tear* amid their kmeee.
"Oh, pardon I beepeek
If for my doubting tins i.
Now all my doubting cease* '. '
—Um bwer/. v <Ki<Ur.
The Baby'* Hand.
What Ut it the baby , hand can hold 7
Only one little flower, do yon eay ?
Why, all th* hloeeome that ever blew
In the aweet wide wind away from the dew
And all the jewel, and all the gold
Of the kingdom* of the world to-day
The baby's hand ran hold.
What ia it tha baby", hand can hold
Why, all the honey of all the bees.
And all the valleys where arnumar stain.
And all the aands ef the deeerl • wars.
Aud all the anew* that were ever odd,
And all the mountains ami all the seas.
The baby's hand can hold.
At hat ia it the laby hand can hold—
The baby , hand so pretty and small 7
Why. just what the abouklen of A tie. bear,
Rending him down in the picture there
t,Now all 1 can tali you is surely add -
Rut that ta the work!? Well, that is all
The baby's hand can bold.
How is it the baby's hand can bold
The world V —ywe, sorely 1 ought to know
For oh, were the baby's hand withdraws.
Do'Tn into the duet the world were gone.
Folded therein as you might fold
The sad while bud of a r.we -Just *o—
Fur the baby , hand to hold.
■i ...
Down East, whom I used Iu lire, the
boys had away of earning a little pocket
money every fall, I v gathering and sidl
ing haaeluuts. The haaelnuks which
grew there, like those u the St. John's
and the St. Francis, wore much like
" Alberta," and fully as large.
Our way of gathering nuts, however,
was a peculiar one, aud as I tiuuk now,
a very cruel one. We did not pick them
up, one by one from the ground, nor
gather them in the bflrr from the bush
es. We had what we oonsidereda much
better way.
We *sl to wait till abont the twenti
eth of October, and then rob the squir
rels' neat*! Not tin. gray squirrels, for
there were vejy few gray squirrels in
that Northern country ; nor yet the red
squirrels, for these litter never lay by
large hoard* of food for winter ; but the
thrtftv little striped squirrels, or "chip
per*, " as we called them.
The region around was unsettled, and
for the moat part covered with fort*:.
While trapping one autumn, three o us
—boy* of twelve or thirteen—had dis
covered a famous place for haxelnuta. It
was on a small river, called Lurv v's
stream, in an unsettled township to the
northwest, which the people d*signa:ed
as No. 17. Seventeen wits the number
it bore on the survey map.
From the farms where we lived, up
through the woo,is to Lurvey's stream,
the distauoe was atxmt five miles. The
plaoe where the hazels grew was in a
v.llcy, between two mountains, in a sort
ol natural meadow or interval, with grass
and bush clumps. The hazel bushes
grew along the stream, overhanging the
It was a lovely wild spot, a quiet nook
of nature's own making, walled in on
each side by high, spruce-clad ridges.
The valley was narrow. From the bank
of the stream bt* k to the foot of the
ridges, it was nowhere more than seven
or eight rods—often not more than four.
Just at the foot of the knolls, above
high-water mark, the squirrels used to
dig their holes and locate their store
Rough boys a* we were, we had a
keen sense of the beauty of this seelnd
ed valley. It was a place to whieh we
delighted t-> com*. For raore Hum four
yairawekept the loodlty isecre t, so a*
to enjoy a wo!>joij of the trout, par
trl Ige* and nut* ; for this natural inter
val, half open and snnuy, swarmed with
partridge*. Ou a bright autumn day,
the grass would be alive with them.
Trout and partridges were worthless to
tit, wave to eat; but the hazelnuts sold
for lour and five cents a quart. Xator
ally enough, we valued the nuts high-st.
All through August and September, the
busy ehipmuuks worked. In October
we dug them out. The striped squirrel
dig* a hole in the earth—generally in a
bank and on dry ground- from two to
ten feet in length, and at the end of this
tunndl it hollows out its capacious
Usually, the squirrel.* go deep enough
to get below the fr>>*t; and in here, com
fortable and cozy, they |KW* the winter,
when *now is ileep on the earth al*>ve.
Sometimes, when there conies a " thaw,"
with warm weather and rain for a uum
ber of days, a few of them null venture
out, but not very often until the first
of April.
We used to setoff for Lurvey's stream
after nut*, armed with shovel, "hoe,
crowbar, a two quart measure, and one
or more meal Iwg*. There was no
trouble in finding the squirrel holes.
We could see the squirrels running back
and forth, or oar dog would find the
entrance to a nest.
The nests contained from four quart*
to half a bushel of the mita each —or
dinarily, from seven to ten quart*. I
recollect that in one ne*t we found
eleven two quart measurefols—all the
work of one little creature, of not raore
than two ounces' weight. Ned said it
was too bad to take them all away from
him. He was right, and lam sorry to
reourd the fact that we took any of his
store ; but we left about two quarts, and
thought then that we were acting very
generously. Two quarts of nuts were
worth ten cents; and ten cent* was qnite
an item with as in those days.
The fourth fall we had a rather dis
agreeable adventure while we were on
onr annual nut gathering, and by it the
whole neighborhood learned of our
hazelnnt plantation. On the morning
of the twenty-fourth of Octolier, we had
gone to dig out squirrels, and took with
us Tom's gun to shoot partridges. We
had also five or six steel trap* that we
intended to set for mink on the stream.
Onr purpose was to stay out two days
and nights, get all the hazelnuts possi
ble, an<l catch trout for food.
We arrived at the stream abont ten
o'clock in the forenoon, dug out three
squirrels, and then began to shoot part
ridges, so as to have a stew for supper
that night
Ned's dog, " Rover," would scour
through the grass, among the hazel
clumps, and start np the partridges.
Tom could then shoot them almost a*
fast as he oonld load. Ido not think we
were more than an hour shooting thir-
teen ; aud we should have shot more,
but Tom's powder gave out. In the ex
citement, he had shot his powder-horn
empty be .ore he knew it.
Then we turned our attention to fish
ing. The stream abounded in crooks
and bends, with deep holes under the
banks, which were well stocked with
speckled trout. Grasshoppers served
lor bait, and we were not long pulling
out as many aB we thought we should
use that night. Ned caught one that
would liave weighed nearly two pounds.
That was certainly one of the best places
for bunting and fishing that ever was
The locality wo chose for our camp
was well up the valiey. A great rock of
many tons' weight had some time rolled
down from the mountain, and stopped a
few yards from the bonk. Here we built
an open shed-camp, between this big
stone and the stream. First we put up
some jxiles ou crotehed stakes, then cov
ered them with flat hazel-boughs and
long dry grass.
Our fire was placed in front of this
"abed," between two stones, and close
KV in 1 /, Ktlitor and 1 Voprietor.
to tin" water. We Ivgun t,> get our sup
tier by four ia the afternoon ; for we had
bad no dinner, mid were hungry a* bears.
It takes sotue time to dries ai d cook
{vartrnlgi's, and fry trout. Night, too,
comes on early the last of Ootoler. Si
it was dusk before we had our stew half
done. The cauip tire brightened, and
the light gleamed iu a ruddy streak
across the stream. (.Tickets sang and
chirruped iu the dry grass, and the many
wihl sounds of the forest cam* to our
ears from the mountains on either ante.
Here an owl was hooting, and there a
raoetxm gave its iptaveriug alto cry.
Presently Hover growlevl ami dashed
off down the bank amongst the haeela.
n>u we hoard huu latrkuig excitedly.
"There's soiuetliiiig round here!" said
Tom, setting the spider of trout off the
tire, and getting up to look about.
Ned was splitting wind a few ste{is
away, lie stopped and cvune up to the
" It'as liear," said he; " and we haven't
a grain of powder !"
• We were not much afraid that Ixvtr*
would ix>mc very near our fire. But a* '
w< stood there, we hcrii the twigs snap,
ami saw lhver running P>wanla ua, |
l*trking and growling furiously. Tom
tight ut> the crowbar, and st the same
moment t hcarvl a queer smiffling none,
such as a wild animal make* when eating
fresh meat, and saw, not three rixls otf,
a large, dark colored creature sp-aiiug
up towards us through the bualic* aud
It would lie false to deny that we
were badly soared. ' Hover, iu his ex
citement, fairly backeil into the tire.
All tiiree of us jumped to the other side
of the biaae.
The Kiuton] was crouching close to the
earth, and crept forward as if about to
spring. It then mined itself quickly,
and mixing the string of partridges,
which Torn had hung on a hush a little
lawk from the tire, turned and ran oil
with them. That was evidently what it
wanted—we thought it surely meant to
jump at us.
" He's gvmr!" exclaimed Tom. " Hut
what was it f"
We had never semi any creature like
it before. Though as large as a very
large dog, it did not look in the least
like a bear. Besides, it lukl white on
the under parts of its body, as we had
all three seen wheu it reared itself up.
It was much larger than an otter or a
lynx, both of which animals we had fre
quently seen. It did not look like the
description we had heard of the eata
mount, either; yet we had never seen
a catamount, and feared it might bo one.
Ai quick as the animal ran away.
Rover darted after it We could hear
him barking in the bushes at a little dis
tance, and concluded that the creator*
had stopped to eat the partridges. It
did not seem to trouble itself much for
the dog; and Rover clearly did uut dare
to spring upon it.
We did not eat much supper after
tiiat Rover's actions showed plainly
that the lieast was prowling aliout, and
not far from our camp. Ned was so
afraid that it would smell the trout and
come into the camp, that he threw those
we had not cooked back into the stream.
They floated down, and presently we
heard somethinc splash heavily into the
water below. We suppose it was the am
mal jumping into the river after them, as
they floated past.
Rover continued to bark in the wood*
for more than an hour. Then ht> came
back to ua for a few minute*, but nxm
mil off again an.', continued to Imrk at
intervals. We did not dare to go to
Ai>ort midnight, the dog came back
to the camp again, wlb h* leu-k to u.
and hi* head poiuh-l in th .pposite
direction, making a great outcry; but
the animal did not come out in sight.
Toward* morning Ned and I went to
sleep, but Tom kept Watch. Altogether
we paased a very uncomfortable night.
Glad enough we were to see daylight
As soon as the sun rose, we gathered
our things and waded the stream to the
other bank, then set off for home, keep
ing a sharp lookout on all sides. Bat
we saw nothing of the animal ; and
reached home atout nine o'clock in the
On the way home we bad decided uot
to say ranch about the fright we had
received. But we told Tom's older
brother, Addison, and another young
nan in the neighborhood, named Han
March. They laughed at us at first,
but finally said they would go back with
tv* in the afternoon, ami take their guns
with them. Bat they was sure it was a
bear we had seen.
So after dinner we all fire- set off. and
reached onr -a:np of the previous night
about three o'clock. On looking about,
we found tracks in the rand on the Isuik
of the stream, near where the partridges
had been devoured, a* large a* the palm
of a man's hand, with marks of claws.
Aud close by our camp, where- we hie!
cleaned our trout, tie-re were more of
the tracks, a* if the creature had eaten
np the refuse after we had left in the
morning. When they saw these tracks
th older l>oys changed their minds, and
said" it must have lieen a very large
wood-shock or fi*hr cat.
To lure the creature, several part
ridges were shot and hung np on the
bushes a few rials from tin- camp ; ami
Addison caught a string of trout, soon
of which he hung in the name way.
Now tliat vii had the older boy* with
as, and the gun* well loaded, we felt
veiy much liraver, and ate our share of
tiout and the potatoes we had brought
and roasted. As soon a* it became
dusk, we got under our shed ami sat
quiet, keeping Rover with us. Have the
lonely hooting of the owls ami the chirp
of the crickets, no sound was heard till
quite late in the evening. Theu Rover
growled, and we saw the hair liegin to
rise on his neck and shoulder*.
" Whist !" muttered I)an. *' He's
coming, sure!"
A few minutes Inter we heart 1 twigs
snap. Every gun WHS now held ready.
A little after, I heard the name snuffling
sound tit at we heard the night before,
and Bfxiu saw the creature creeping
toward the partridge# that were hanging
from a bosh. The Ixiysall saw it The
animal raided itself stealthily, showing
tlie white on its breast and under parts.
Dan tired, and Ad'Li son, too, at almost
the same instant, and Tom l' t liis gun
go somewhat at random. I recollect
hearing a harsh snarl, but saw nothing
more of the animal, for there was a
great smoke. We heard it rush through
the brush. Rover dashed after it.
Away they went up the aide of tiio
mountain. Then we heard Hover bark
ing loudly.
" He's run him into a hole," Dan
said. And as soon as the guns could be
reloaded, we followed the noise made
by the dog.
We fotiud Rover in a great crevice, or
cleft, in a ledge which overhung the
side of the valley. Addison tliru-t in a
pole, and we threw in stones. It seemed
to be the mouth of a den into which the
creature had probably gone. But it was
too dark for us to see distinctly, and
after groping around a while, we went
back to our camp ; but the dog would
not come away.
For my own part, now that the excite
ment was over, I was soon asleep under
tile shed, and slept soundly till sunrise.
When I awoke, Dan and Addison and
Ned were just coming back to the camp.
They hail been to the ledge into which
Rover bad chased the animal. There
were spatters of blood, they said, all
along ou the grass and leaves, and on
the rocks at the mouth of the den ; hut
they could hear nothing of the creature,
etui a .moke which they had made iu
tile orevuv liail failed to drive it out.
liut Addtaou and Dan w< re a* much
at a loss as we had been as to the kind
of an animal it was. Thev had never
seen anything like it. It had a broad
head and short ears, not ill the least like
a lynx or a wildcat. Then, UK>, its color
was iliftmnt from tliat of any wild atu
tual we tiad ever seen tn that Motion.
So it rwuiatuisl a puzzle to us, as boy*,
what it could be.
Since that tiine, however, 1 have aeeu
what Canadian hunters call u oiircqjuu,
or glutton, also sometimes called a wol
verine ; and, from what 1 recollect of
this creature, 1 have uo doubt it wa a
The earctiou, or wolverine, is tvuu
rnou in the north western States of this
country and in British America, alsmt
Hudson lay ; but 1 have heard of only
two or three tuslaucc* of its lteilig aeeu
in New York or New F.ugltuid.
The Hudson bay trappers say tliat it
will eat a deer st one meal, and that it
ofum come* fearlessly into their huts
after game or fish which they have
taken. During the winter season it is
said Pi come around the fur fart*, and
pi dig through tiie snow to g>-t the old
boots and mo.\*asius which have been
thrown out— Youths' (bvipanio*.
All About AdTfrtMug.
Of ixuir** all uewxiapers want adver
tisemeuts, just a* all merchant* desire
to sell good* —just as all manufacturers
desire orders for their wares— m*t as all
farmers desire cu*P>mers for their pro
duce—just as all lalxirers deal re a jsisi
turn m which thev can get an eqtuvaleut
for their lalxir. The solicitor for adver
tisement* is uot iu any sense a different
man from him who waits upon you for
an order for goods, and yet he is gener
ally considered a bore if he asks for your
advertisement, You look at htm as
though vou were about P> confer an irn
mense favor if you yielded to his re
quest. You dou't advertise as though
you were inveting in >mething that
would prove advantagcoti* P> yourself.
You seem to think that when yon pay
for advertising you are donating to the
newspaper man. You do other things to
bring vour name aud bustuem before
the pnfdio—you ornament vour plate of
busuiens to attract customers—you hang
out au exjauisive sign, and arrange your
wart* attractively, aud hire men P> ank
jxsiple t<> bnv your gisxla. But when
you are invited P> make your wi-thes
xnowu thr.ugh the l>eet #ud cheapest
medium iu the world, you U giu <■ won
der how you can get rid of this newspa
per man without absolutely kicking htm
out of vour establishment.
Here you make a gnat mistake. Be
cause you don't l**r from an advertise
ment as soon as it is inserted M no pn*>f
that the advertisement is doiug no good.
One seldom hears any go>*l uf himself.
To prove how much notice* <>f
one's business are, note how amsittrf
most men are in regard to wh-st w said
of them in the news]>apcr*, especially if
the notice is not altogether complimen
tary ; note, too, bow jealous are many
alout what is mud favorably of another
in tue same lins of business. Thus do
men tacitly admit the power of good
and evil of notiis-s in the public prints,
and vet tiiese same men will cry out:
'• Weil, 1 don't ace a* it doe* tn* any
good to advertise." Thi* theory that
advertising in simply conferring a favor
upon the editor of the newspaper is the
silliest of notion*. One might a* well
say he bnva hi* groceri--* at Smith'* juat
t ' patronize him, or hi* dry giM*l* of
Brown jnt to keep him from starving,
or g**t-s shaved at Thompson's because
he want* to encourage the tonsorial art.
It's all l*sh. You trade where you can
get the b> *t return for your own good,
and not from any deaire to sustain your
newspajxsr.— Hubbard'* Advertimr.
Making Horn Combs.
Upon entering the factory where* born
coral w are made, says a eorre-spondent,
the first sight presented to view was the
pile of horns in the rouglu Tli odor
was uot pleasant. A man *nt in front of
a cutting machine. He had leather pat
terns of the size wanted, and would
wrap it amnnd the born and put it tinder
the cutter. One horn makes two piece*
of different sliapea, both of which are
large enough for two comlm. These
piece* are thrown in one pile and the
odds and ends in another. Those de
signed for combs are subjected to a pro
cess through hot oil, which softens the
horn, so that it can lie reduced from a
round to a fiat shaj-e. Then it is laid
away to dry and season. Aft-r that it i*
cut the right length, allowing an inch
for sliriukftgo. Idie machinery is exact,
and ls-autiful for cutting the teeth in the
comb. A man stands by the feeder.
The strips are iaiii on a part of the ma
chine, which is fat a ted by steam.
While the horn strips are warm they
are placed between tiie two horizontal
b r* of the machine, which has sharp
knives, aud also a dud. upon which are
nnml-ers. These numliers represent the
numb* r of coarse teeth, which are the
iirt out M made on the comb, and then it
give* a litth* turn backward, or a skip,
and proceeds to make the fine teeth.
When the horn is taken out you can
scarcely see that any impression has
been made, but if yon pull the two ends
the combs separate, for there are two,
the t* eth of which were interlaced. The
combs are handled many more times he
fore they are finished.
The Value of Fish a* Food.
Many elaborate comparisons liave
been made as to the comparative food
values of butcher's meat and fish, and
occasional controversies have arisen on
the subject, in which the utmost diver
sity of opiniou has been expreeaed.
Home economic writera maintain that
fish has no food value worth speaking
of. Others say that fish food must oc
cupy a middle position lietwecn vege
tables, beef and mutton. Again, a
learned authority says that fish, well
cooked with oil or fat of some kind, or
served with butter when brought to
table, "is chemically the same as
butcher's meat so far a* nutrition is con
cerned." Another writer says that fish
as food is only fit for children and in
valids, and ia totally unfitted to support
the health and vigor of men or women
engagi din lulioriouH occupations. As
usual in such disputes, we may hold
that the truth lies between the two ex
tremes. Many people following labori
ous occupations, especially in Hcotland,
live largely upon fish. In that country
the fishermen themselves eat a consider
able portion, and, as a class, fishermen
are strong and healthy ; and the wives,
who undertake a part of the men's work,
are still stronger and healthier. In Por
tugal fish fried in oil forms a very large
proportion of the final of the population;
their fish diet is supplemented by a little
bread and fruit, anil although the peas
antry of the land never partake of flesh
meat, yet they are a hardy, vigorous and
brave people.
ed for the Dominion of Canada that it
ranks third, certainly fourth, iu im
portance among the ship-owning coun
tries of the world. The list of vessels
on the registry books of the Dominion
exaibits a total of 6,930, measuring
1,158,363 tons. Of these 834 are steam
ers, measuring 76,487 (with a gross ton
nage of 122,836).
Mr. Warner Tries It.
Mr. Warner, n nmjieotabhi and law
nbtdiag citiseii of linker street, rode
home tn an express wagon the other day
having a hand tire extinguisher and the
driver for oomptuiy.
" What's that thing T" asked his wife,
HI contemptuous tones, aa she opened
the hall door.
"What's thatf Why that's a fire ex
tinguiaher Ix-st thing you ever saw
meant to have got one a year ago."
" Jacob, you are always making u fool
of yourself," she continued, as she shut
the door. " Every patent right man
gets around you as a cat lays for u
"Doe*, eh f If you know anything
st all you'd know that every store and
office ui Detroit has got one o" thee.
They've saved lot* u' buildings, and may
save our*."
" You throw it on the fire, don't
you t" alis naked, in aircastic tone*.
He carried it up spurs into a closet
without replying, and she followed ou
ami naked ;
" Does It about a tire out f"
"If you don't know auytliing I'll
learn you iximetliiug ? It i* full of
chemical* ; you strike on this knob on
top aud nke'* alt ready P> open that fau
cet and play on the fire."
She grinn.-d iu> she waikixl around it,
and finally ak<*t :
"Do vou get a home to draw it
around U 1
" No, I dou't get a bona* to draw it
around. You see those strap* I Well,
I back up, put my arms through tin ui,
and here it it on my l*ck."
" 1 see it is," she sneered.
" And oau't 1 run to anv i**it f the
house with it f" he demanded. "S< <-
—see t"—
Aud he i-anP-retl along tin- hall, into
the bedrooms and out, and was turmug
the head of the spur* when Ui* foot
caught ui the carpet, lie threw up hi*
arms and she grwhls-d at him, and both
rolleil down stairs. He yelled and she
veiled. Someting* he was ahuit, und
then she Pxk the lead, and m iUn r of
them had passed under the " string "
when the extinguisher, bumping and
jamming, tiegun to about oil it* charge
of chetmcala.
" You old !" die startiil to say,
when a stream from the hose --tniok hr
!>el wt-eis the eye*, and she didn't finish.
"What iu—o-uch!" roand Mr.
Warner, as he got a dose in the ear.
They brought Up in a heap at the lnt
Pun of the stairs, the stream playing
into the jar!or, guiu-t the hall dis.t,
and up stairs by turu*, and she gas)*-,! ;
"I'll have you sent to a f<x 1 a*vluui 1"
" Who's a fxl!" he roared, dancing
around with his eye* full of chemical*.
"I'm fainting !' she squeaked.
"Aud I've Imikcii my liatkl" he
It was a sad house when those two
highly respectable old jeople gut *o
tliut they could use tlu-ir eye* ami tin
eavt matter* calmly. Aul she doubled
iim U-r sit and ksuwrly said :
" Take that investigator. or citin
guisher, or whatever you rill it. l*k
down town and tall everybiHlj that you
tiro n lunaticl"
A ul he .said :
1 know more than all your faintly
put together!"—lh iruii /Vr IVni.
.H iking (> a Completion.
A very curious industry in Paris, and
one that t* more extensive, than might
be supposed from its nature, is that of
paints, pencils and powder* for making
tip the e-iffijib ti •. Most of the go at
perfumers, a* (lu< riant, Ptrer, etc..
bale a back room to their shops twpe
cialiy devoted to this mysteiioua euin
ua r.v. The ordinary method of danh
iug the face, first with a white {sunt and
then with a rouge, finds no favor with
the consummate artist* wlh> kwli the
use of these beautifying compound*.
For whitening the skin a preparation is
shown that is composed of some insolu
ble powder in a liquid. The bottle must
first t> well shaken and ft very am .11
quantity of it.: contents must then Is*
taken ou a fine old linen rag or hit of
cotton and rublied round and round fill
the preparation has |w-nctrub-d the skin
thoroughly. Thi* wash, they say, makes
the complexion " beautifully white"
without a trace of the flonriueas of jsw
der or onliuary |int. It i* very costly,
lieiug sold at sl2 for a small bottioful.
Next come* tho rouge, whieh is also
very costly, being value d at $H for a box
of the liest quality. From thissuperflne
article the grades descend through dif
ferent price*, until the course sixty iwit
rouge is reached, which no well bred
Iswiity will eomhweend to nsc. Differ
ent shades of rouge are sold for differ -
ent occasions ; there is a shade for day
light, one for the theater, cue for the
ball room, one for the racecourse, etc.
Then there is a scarlet liquid used for
coloring the hps, and a lilaok powder for
blackening the edges of the eyelids ;
this last requires some dexterity iu it*
use, as it must lie put on as a powder
and then delicately " washed in " with
a fine linen rag and lukewarm water.
Black and brown pencils are used for
marking the arch of the eye heavy, and
a pencil of most delicate bine comes for
tracing the veins on the white surface of
the painted skin. To aid iu this last
crowning touch of the whole artistic per
form no co, a chart lias lieen prepared
which gives with medical accuracy the
position of every rein iu the humnu face,
neck and chest. Tue negative quality
of barmloaaneaa is claimed for most of
these pigments, yet deaths from too ree
a use of them are not uncommon. M.
Obin, of the Grand Opera, was killed by
the white point wherewith be whitened
his head when he played William Tell,
and Mile. Mass, the celebrated actress,
fell a victim to the poisonous eiTeots of
the hair dye wherewith she restored the
raven hue of her profuse tresses.
W hat They Live" On.
" What do yon think of this matri
monial business, anyway f" said a free
and-eaay young man on n Chicago stris-t
car to another at his side.
" What t yon mean tliat which the
papers are bilking id suit so mucli —mar-
riisl people living on $1,20U a year ?" in
quired the other.
" Yes, that's what I mean," said the
first speaker, "do you think tiiey are
correct in saying that a man cau live on
that amouut i"
"I do," was tho reply, "in fact I
know from experience that they can.
I'm a reporter myself," the speaker con
tinued, " and live on $360 A year—s7 a
"Is that so?" exclaimed the other.
"Why, I'm a reporter, aud live on $6."
Ilow Rabins are Cured.
The climate in the northern part of
the temperate zone is not warm enough
to produce sugar in the grape sufficient
to make a good raisin. Every experi
ment of that sort so far luts resulted iu
fuilure. There are two ways of curing
grajies. Some are allowed to shrivel and
dry partly on the vine, after which they
are cut off and dried in the sun, and
called sun raisius, to diatiuguish them
from others dried in ovens, and also jar
raisins, because they come to us in jars.
Others are dried iu ovens. By drying
they lose about two-thirds of their
weight. The most highly prized are the
Malaga or Muscatel, and are produced
by the provinces of Valentia and Urau
ada in hjpaiu.
II.M Tkt-V Arc Run Tb. ti.tlr.burs
,11,', surf Ibr Ibarprr. W b. VtuSr a I r
--lutir Out at ft.
lake tunny •f Umw which have gone
i lwfi>rt, iudi<ftl, just tu all lottery
schemes may be ei|>eoted to, the Ab-nui
ilna liift Concert oc belli c lias fallen
through, ami a li w New York Fusmds
htlVe gobbled ull the funds. It is uot
the lirnt time these same men or iui*n of
their ilk have l*-en engaged in just tteh
scheme*. ltukssl, they make a Siting by
it, and a fat living it i*. too, Whenever
any association thinks tliat by a lottery
it fan improve its treasury, build new
building* or inaugurate a library, it g'-ta
charter for u scheme. Then these N•
York aharjHirs step in, advance the
mouey to carry on tlu< work, ai<>rb all
tlio nuniptii and wind tla< thing ii|> in u
grand an iiiiUci.
Probably tlin grandest scheme "f this
kind ever attempted in the Uuitod
Statin was just after tin- war. A charter
was obtained fur an asylum for soldo**'
orphans on a noted liattlctb-ld, aud ail
the prominent nu*u and women m the
ismntry lent their aid Ui the scln-uie.
Let its nee how it started.
A noti*d tobanoo dealer in New York
had made his fortune and retired. Ous
ilay them came to Uiiu a lady dressed m
deepest mourning. Her huslsmd had
died, aud the cx]>eiiaoa of lua sickliest,
and iitirial had absorbed all her ready
means, and she must wait until she could
bear from hi r relatives in Kurope before
money could la* obtained; meanwhile
she must raise a small sum on her dia
monds. Hhe did not like to take them
to a ]Miwubrokar, but had come directly
to the tcdiaoeo king for aid. There was so
much upjiareiitcaudoralsiut the case aud
the distress of the woman was ao great
that the Udweoo man, after learning of
his jeWider tile diamonds Were vai
liable and worth ten times the amouut
desire 1, advanced it In a short time
tin- woman returned, (wild the amount
borrow d. and with tears iu her eyes
thanked her benefactor over and over
again. Hin insisted utsui hu> taking a
i-oiumiasiou for his money ami deparu-d.
A few weeks alter tliis another lady iu
black i-allt-d upon the tolaioco man. She
Inul lunard how kind he had been hi Mrs.
A., and leiug in ditn-* she had come
on a similar errand. She also obtained
a loan on her diamonds, and in a few
days stilt another cume. The tobacco
man, although retired, found that he
could make a good thing in mi vanning
oil diamonds and did ao. He grew a
little careless as lie foUUil Ills kuowledge
of precious shuiea increased, arid in a
remarkably short time bad advanced
s■>*<], 000 on diamond*, Them was less
promptness in redeeming them than for
rai-rly. and the tobacco man grew a little
tidgety. lie called in Tiffany'* el
pert. and tiiat gentleman declared it hut
twjief that every off colored and defec
tive diamond in the country had bmo
gathered into this lot. Ho valued the
whole lot at ulxmt $30,000, and then the
tnbaooo man awoke to the realization
that he had IWII the victim of a lot of
unprincipled sharpers. Ho most oer-
Uinly hail. He quit the buaineaa of
advancing auuu-y on diamond*, and a* a
matter of course nobody run* to rcde< m
ih roc on hand.
One ilttT a gentlemanly looking fellow
came to the tflliwva man and said that it
was in contemplation to build an asylum
fur the children <d dreeaasd soldiers ou
the Getty *1 mrg 1 wide fi4 1. To aid tbeao
torpriae a charter had b*-u <>hlam*i fur
a gift icluoa', and all the distinguished
men and vunti u of the country had lout
their aid t • it. It w* to be a mammoth
affair, the prices being diamonds and
jewel*. The g< ntlntra offered to take
the lot held I>r tike tolmnro man, and ue
them mi the pri-*, paying htm for them
at receipt* i'4BK' in. it was a g*d op
|H.>rtumty to git Isvck the money 1m had
mlvnacol, ami th* h<>kl*r of the dia
monds yielded. It invd scarcely la'
Kaid that" this was another tuove of the
sharjx-ra, whtste mumim hat been ao
great that they meant to curry it further
on. How they managed to get the
name* of so nwnv pawl men and women
to aid them is still a mystery. They dtd
it, and the Gettysburg Gift ('uncart
scheme was all the talk of the country.
'Che diamonds were arranged in the moat
tasty manner and exhibited in New j
York, and money flowed in rapidly.
Tlie day drew near for the drawing.
The aharjiers heaitated whether they
would postpone it and go on. or wind
tip. 'iho authorities and the pafwrs
were Ixgiuuiug to grow suspKWous, and
so it was arrangisl to wind up the affair
with so in < tiling that should show the
character of the men. With the con
sent of the tobacco man the diamonds
were taken to Philadelphia for exhibi
tioii, and it was arranged that on a eer-1
tain night *.ho jdacc ill which they were j
deposited should tie broken iuto and the
diamonds stolen. The day before this
grand wind up was to take place the
toimcoo man had his suspicions aroused,
and rushed on to Philadelphia just in
time to save his property.
How much money the sluurpem divid
ed from their swindle is not known, but
that it was a largo amount there is
every reason to hcliove—-probably not
less than half a million dollars. It is
just such man as these who run the gift
enterprises in the United Htntes, and
jMinple invest their money in them ex
jieetitig to ninke a fortune thereby.
Ladles' tlloves.
Each numlier of gloves, says a fashion
journal, comes in three shapes, via.:
short finger. 1, tn-diitm, and long-lin
gered—n thing to be remembered by
readers out of town who send to the city
for their gloves. Gloves fastened by
but one buttou cost $1.65; thoae with
two biiUons are $2 ; with three buttons.
$2.50 ; with four buttons, s'i. Undra—eil
kill gloves are the favorite choice for
getienil wear with stylish people. A
novelty this year is the white undressed
hid glove that will tie worn nt receptions
as well as in the street. There are '
more serviceable shades of drab, wood,
and mode. Undressed kid gloves fas
tened by two button* are $1 75; by three
buttons, they are $2 ; and by four but
tans, $2.25. Double stitched gloves,
called " dogskin," but which are really t
mode of heavy kid skuis, are liked for |
service in traveling, country drives, and
cold weather ; these are as pliable ami a*
nicely finished as the choicest kid
gloves, and cost $2. Castor gloves, that
bleach and soften tho hands and prevent
them from chapping, are 81.75 for those i
fastened by one button ; twenty five |
octita is milled as the length is iucroaiiod
ami another button required. Children's ,
gloves fastened by two buttons now
begin with infants' sires that are small
enough to fit a babe of twelve months.
There are also the stylish tlircc-buttoned
gloves for misses ; tliese arc $2.
Hood Trices.
Then* was a huckster iu good old Con
tinental times who sold a pumpkin pie
for SIOO in Continental money, (ien.
DeKalb, in a letter, says lie had to pay
S4OO for a hat, ami S4OO for a jiuir of
boots, lie also wanted a horse, but as
the prioe was equivalent, to ten years'
pay,he went without it. lie says: "My
six months' earnings will scarce defray
the most indispensable Outlay of a single
day. For a bed, supper and grog for
myself, my three companions, and t.heir
servants, I was charged, on going off
wit hout a break fust the next day, the
sum of ssso."
How to Make Bag Carpet*.
SSrriAer*i Monthly tell* ua how to
make rag carpet* as follows: If you
I want Miimething fur your kitchen floor,
j firm, warm, and durable, from which
, spots can 1> , usily removed, which can
te shaken, turned, and lie as gtsal as
new again for several years, use rag car
)>et*. They can generally lie obtained
of carpet dealers at from sixty cents to
one dollar a yard ; but often a smoother
and 1 minis, truer article can be made at
houtc, at least ready for the loom. For
this purpose save the old clothe* —<old
fiannel, shots, and under garments, old
dresses- tn fact, everything which will
' ruukr long strqst. Ohl clothe* of good
tailor* are doubly valuable. Calicoes
not too much worn are excellent mate
rial. Out into atrip* about an inch
wide, sew end to end, and wind suns>th
ly into halls of alsiut one pound weight.
Allow from one aud out.fourth to one
ami one half pounds of mgs to a square
yard of carpeting. Collect all odd
pieces of any color for the mosaic or
lot ami in tin *tnpe. Cut aud mil these
thoroughly before sewing, so as pi make
this stripe as uniform as poMihle, A
few pounds of remnant* from a woolt-u
factory or soft listing*, of any needed
color, make • nice stripe, and require
little sewing. Do not put P>o much
black into a kitchen carpet, as it is not a
strung color and show* the dust more
tluui other color*. A stripe of several
shades of red brightens up a carpet won
derfully—and who objects to a little
brightness ju the kitchen I White
woolen rag* take a nice cochineal ml,
white cotton a durable green from fustic
aud logwood s-t with blue vitriol. A
cinnamon color may be dyed with cop
I terms. Select a c,tars strong warp of
•ome dark color -brown and slate colors
are good olluwrng one wound of warp
for every three auJ one fourth yard* of
Carpeting. Keep Uie exact weight of
rwgs and warp to compare with weight
of carpet when rvturned, and employ a 1
good wearer. Many prefer a kitchen
mr|>t put down with rings, a* U ran
thus be easily taken up and shaken.
I'ruaiNed lauid for M oiaen.
Olive Harper write* of domestic life
IB tirweoe, that in one respect it is the
Co in laid land for women; for the hus
nds, in d>-v.iUou to their wive*, are
theniaeivos their ouly Liarallel. Hhe
say* ; A Greek man ia oiuy content when
he can lavish Ufxm hi* wife all the lux
uries in the way of drees the female
beurt can desire. He i* only happy
when, tn oomjiaiiy with hi* wife in tne
house, in the garden or on the prome
nade, *tie w the best drtwuaed of all the
fair. With the Greek husband there i*
no grumbling consent to Uwpiw utxiu
Jou enough to buy a fioir of Ixxda, while
ie apeuda Un time* tliat amount with
his friend* in champagne sappers; no
long drawn visage a* be dole* out a
stingy sum. while delivering a solemn
lecture as to female extravagance. Not
a bit of it. Ou th<> contrary, the Creek
hiodtand does not lead hut wife through
bv-streets for f<*ir of dry good* stores
wh-u she wi*hea to go out for a little
walk. He lead* her, on the contrary,
}met the moat fashionable store*, and ob
i-rte*, with the eye of a critic, all the
new styles, ami is really, ladies, really
and truly dung to Npcud hi* money for
hi* own anfo. Even for fear that she
should not !H ncmaidi-rwd so lovely a*
soma one else, he goes to a p rfumer's,
he buy* cohl cream, rice powder, deli
rate pinks for check* a little blanched by
the stern realitUK of motfaerliood ; he
buys a little black for eyelashes, to
brighten eysa that have became some
wind dimmed by tears, porhapa, or
vigili over sicklv babe ~ and he not
only give* hi* full and free consent to
their use, but he himself will artistically
apply them, and afterward compliment
his njon her beauty till her heart
swells with lore that he know* so well
Imw to retain, fnrh as when the first
vows were plight* d. Yes, of a verity,
the (ireeks are liad men, but good hua
baud* and tender father*.
The Food of Yankee Teoma,
Dr. Loring. in hi* address at the
Bloody Brook anniversary, said : Per
bans word upon the subsistence and
diet of your ancestors may interest you
here. Palfrey tell* us tlud iu the early
days of New England, wheaUn bread
was not so common as it afterwards Is*,
caine ; tmt its place jwa* largely supplied
by preparations of Indian corn. A mix
ture at two parts of the meal of this
grain with one part of rye has continued,
until far into the preseut oeutnry, to
furnish the bread of the great body of
the people. In the beginning there was
but a sparing consumption of butchers
meat. The multiplication of flocks, for
their wool, and of herds for draught aud
for milk, was au important care, and
they generally bore a high money valu*.
Game and fish, to a considerable extent,
supplied the want of animal food. Next
to these, swine am! poultry—fowls,
chicks, goese ami tnrkeva—were in com
mon use earlier than other kinds of flesh
meat. The New Knglander ot tlie pres
ent time who, iu wbatevsr rank in life,
would be at a loss without his tea or
coffee twioe at least in every day, pities
the hardships of his ancestors, who, al
most universally for a century ami a
half made thear morning and evening
rejnuit on boded Indian meal and milk,
or ou jsirrhlge, or broth made of peas
or lieaiis and flavored by Is-iug boiled
with suited la* for pork. Boer, how
ever, which was brewed in families, was
accounted a necessary ot life, and the
orchards scam yielded a bountiful pro
vision of cider ; wine i ud mm found a
ready market as soon as they were
brought from abroad, and tobacco and
legislation bad a long conflict, in which
the latter at last gave way.
A Worthy Association.
Oonverneur KeotblC, who died on the
sixteenth of Beptetnber, at Oold Spring,
N. 1., wits oue of • HUSH of men who in
till* OMutrr sro quito rare. To flno
abilities ami culture ho added inventive
faculties Mid bnaiuesa eajmeity ef high
order, ili* house was for over half a
century proverbial for its hospitality,
and his guests wore among the foremost
in tho country in social, political, liter
ary, and professional position. Ho was
one of tho seven surviving nominee" of
the Tontine ass< eintion. The share on
his life was purchased by his father at
the formation of tho association, iu
17yd, when he wits only live years old,
the compact of the sluureholder* being
that the property of tho association
should lie divided when the numlwr of
nominees, originally two hundred, had
been rwlwinl to seven. This oecnrriHl a
year or two ago, and suits are pending
for the division of the property. His
shore oeat S2OO, but is worth $150,000.
It has been owned by different persons,
and tho holders have Itceu paid their
proportion of the income of the aasocia
Bon every year. Mr. Keinble's death
leaves only live nominees living. Wil
liam Bayard, who was one of the seven
survivors, died a few mouths ago, aged
eighty eight years.
SKA HICKNKSH. —Tho following drink
for iclieving sickness of the stomach
was introduced by Dr. Huluhau, and is
very palatable and agreeable: Boat np
one egg very well, say for twenty min
utes, then tidd a pint of fresh milk, a
pint of water, sugar to make it palatable;
boil, and drink when cold. If it be
comes cards and whey it is useless.
TWms: $2.00 a Yenr, in Advance#
A MiiAK.t: WILL t AHE.
A It raitb ( lilm. .1 HlrklfM ta* bla uirel.* a Wilt.
Tint will of the late (laplain Kbar B.
Ward, of Michigan, now ts-fore the
proltste court in Detroit, present* some
unique feature*, and is attracting the at
tention not only of llie legal profession
but of all clauses of the community.
( apt. Ward left an estate roughly esti
mated Pi be worth 9&,000,(100. ft* had
lieeu twice married. From hi* first
wife, who had become a |<ariaiyUr, he
was divorced, aud within sixty days
thereafter he was married again, 'lite
first wtfs soon after died, leaving a fatu
ily of five children, of whom all but one
are of age. By hi* 'second wife he had
children, who are yet under ag<-.
Th- strange feature of the will is that
the infant children are left to Uie guar
dnuiship of their mother, aud to them
aud their mother the hulk of the great
cetate was devised, while Ut his other
family he gsve only some heavily incuni
liereti projierty, out of which it was at
first thought uot more than $200,000
would he realized , but there is now s
belter prospect This projierty was not
given to Uirm outright; tiut put into the
Lauds of trustee* or exacutors; and by
s codicil to the will, executed on the
25th day of August, he dirocted that
Uiese pay to riuii of the
children by his first wife s sum not ex
reading rillO s month for their support |
out of the income of the estate, except
in case of sicluieas, when the sum may
be increased at the discretion of the ex.- j
colors. The execuPir* may make UP*
payments quarterly or monthly, but Jin
uo case anticipate any payment. It is !
this codicil at the will, w.icb make*,
the older children perpetual peuaiouors,
that is most obnoxious.
The main reliance of the petitioner*
to have the will art aside I* founded
ut*in the claim that in the making of it
Mr. Ward was unduly influenced by
the delusion* of Spiritualisai. It ia
asaerttxl that until Captain Ward txxmme
a Wliewr iu Hniritaaliam he lx-lieved
not in (Sod, nor Y'rovidenos, nor inspira
tion, and that he beoame a ooavert to
Kpmtualtam a* a relief from the oppres
sive expectation of annihilation. When
he had accepted Spiritualism aa t re
ality he lieoame fanmlioaJ on the subject,
and to ace rtain degree insane. Ue con
suited medium* on ail mqwrtant con
oerua of buaineaa, aud submittrd P> what
he imagined were the direction* of the
spirits. He had withdrawn from an lm
;*>rtant lawsuit in oliedmncw to the spir
it*. He taunted one of lit* son* ao m
toleratdy on account of aomeihuig he
sit nl the apirtPi had oommuuicated P
him, that the young man committed sui
cide with latiihuium. He hired medium*
to do the materialisation business, and
fan end ha saw materialized spint hand*
aud faces.
In support of the theory that bin sub
jection to spiritualistic lufluenoo* was a
caar of inaanity, a strung* record ot
family timrinmqr to mental dweai*- wpro
dueotl. Hi* grandfather, liavui Ward,
dual iuauae at the age of auty-oOe. Of
Darid Ward's children, four were insane
or left insane deaoendant*. Captain
Ward'* father w not alsiolutely insane,
hut perverse, high-tempered, and the
victim of fanciful delusion*. One of hi*
sisters in a fit of insanity killed her in
fant and herself. Of Captain Ward's
children, one ia unable to take care of
herself, une is at tunes dangerously in
sane. and another, who was weak
minded, committed suicide. Captain
Ward himself hail had two attacks of
apoplexy before the one which caused
death, and it i* represented that these
affected Ills mind, if not to the extent to
inaapacitate him for binriuesK, yet so as
to make him more easily deluded by im
Tbe representation* made by counsel
aato the iiifltienoe* under which the will
was mail)' are straugu enough. Shortly
after Senator Howard'* death. Captain
Ward visited a medium who put hun in
communication with thenenator'a spirit,
by which he waa informed that sudden
ibwth would soon come njKin him, and
warned him to act hi* houae in order. Thua
admonished he made the will, which was
witueesed ; but afterward consulted
Mrs. Kane, who gave him communica
tions that were framed into another
will, which does not appear to have been
executed. Early in 1874 he went to
New York nud consulted other spirit*,
and the will now in controversy was
drawn up substantially according to
their supposed directions.
Counsel intiniahxi that if the jury did
uot reject the will on these facta h#
should ask its lejcctiou on another
ground—namely, that (.Captain Ward
had lawn unduly influenced by hi*
y< >uug and attractive wife aud her rcla
iivin in the disposition of hi* property.
The program of the cane will be watched
with much interest, not only by those
who know the parties and have a per
sonal interest in tbe result, but by a
much larger number who will be enri
oua to anow how these points touching
Spiritualists will le decided. At the
last reports, a medium having been call
ed a* witness, hi* evidence was object
ed to as irrelevant, and the lawyers
were arguuig tita point at length.
A ({aeer Challenge.
Potter Palmer, proprietor of the big
Chicago hotel bearing his name, thus
throws dowu the gauntlet to rival hotel
keepers in what the poet Saxe calls
"that inn-famous citv " : The chief
proprietor of anv hotel may bring on
id* back all the kindling he can anrry to
any chamber in the Palmer House
proper (not including the Wabash ave
nue extension), in which obamber the
furniture, oarpets, curtains, and mirrors
are to remain the as they now are. A
fire may then be built in the middle of
the room, after which the door shall be
kept closed for one hour. If, at the ex
piration of that time, the Are has not
spread beyond the room, the prmmetor
of the oppoaiug hotel is to pay for the
damage by tire and smoke to tlie furni
ture, etc. ; but if the tire extend* bo
yond the limits of the room, there will
not lie any charge for the damage, but I
will pay the proprietor Ave thousand
dollars," on condition, however, that I
have the like privilege afterward, on the
same day, and, if 1 do not reduoo it to
ashes in one hour, I will pay the pro
prietor of the hotel all the damage to
the furniture aud roeru, and twenty
thousand dollars besides. Deposit of
the money to lie made iu any bank that
may lie agreed upon. This challenge
may lie accepbsl entire, or simply as to
the" Arc proof quality of the Palmer
A Hint to Advertisers.
An exchange puts the case very clearly
when it says : If the publishers of this
journal were to offer to put one of your
cards inside every copy of the paper
sent out, you would jump at the cliauee,
for tliougL half or three-fourths of them
would drop out and lie lost, and only
the first one opening a paper wonld hi?
likely to see the inclosed card, you
would reason that if only one in a hun
dred were preserved and examined, it
would probably pay. Well, your oard
handsomely inserted in the paper so that
it could not fall out and where it will
be constantly before each reader and be
ready for frequent and future reference,
and read by ten persons for every one
who would read the card, would cost
you much less than the printing of the
cards. This is a hint for advertisers to
act upon.
NO. 44.
Maw M !>■—#*■ Meet S* i*r tWas
lie (the ocean telegraph operator)
tape the "key" m in aland telegraph,
only it i* a double lu-y. It has two
lever* *u<t knob* instead of <me. The
alpha!jet lined ia substantially like the
Moiwe alphabet; that ia, lite different
letter* are represented by a oomilittMtitin
of dashes and dot*. • For inataam, sup
pore yon waut to write the word " boy."
It would read like this; .. .
——, " It ia one daub and
three dot*: U, three dashes ; and V, one
.teak, one dot and thme dashes.
Now, in the land telegraph, thedaabea
, and the dote would appear on the atrip
I of paper on the other end of the line,
I which i* unwound from a cylinder, and
perforated by a pin at the etal of the
liar or armature. If the operator could
nwl by round, we would <h*piro with
the wttip of |mimw, and read the message*
by the "click of the armature a* it ia
pulled down and let go by the electric
j leagued.
The cable ojwrator, however, ha*
unite? of there advantage*. There
no paper to j>erf orate, no " dick " of
the armature, no armature to •'dick."
The tutelage i* read by mean* of a
moving flash of light upon a radiate*!
aoale produced by the "deflection " of
a very email mirror, which ia placed
within a " mimir galvanometer)" which j
ia a small **as cylinder two Or three
inches in diameter, shaped hk4 a spool j
or bobbin, oompored of aeveral hundred
turn* of small wire wound with "ilk to
keep the metal from coming in dDutaci
It ia wound or rotted exactly like a
bundle of new rope, a small bole being
left in the middle about the aire of a
common wood pencil. In the canter erf
this is * impended a very thin, delicate 1
mirror abeut as large aa a karnel of
corn, with a correspondingly small mag- t
net rigidly attached to the back of it.
The whole weigh* but a little mare than
a grain, and ia suspended by a tingle
filler at silk, much smaller than a human (
hair, and aliuoat invisible.
A narrow, horixoutel scale ia placed
within a darkened box two or three p
ft in front of the mirror, a narrow slit
I wing cut in the center of the scale to
allow a ray of light to shine iqjoti the
mirror from a lamp placed behind aatd
wale. Tbi* spot of light, upon flie aoale
ia the index % which all meesggea are
rewd. The angle through which the ray
moves ia double that traversed' by the
mirror itet-U ; and it ia, ttemiuri nadly
equiralnit to an index four or ait fed in
inigtb without weight
To the casual obrorv.w there ia noth
ing but a thin ray of light darting to the
right and left with irregular rapidity;
but to the trained eye of tiie eperator
every flash ia replete with inteSigeoee.
Thua the word "boy," already alluded
to, w< uld be read in this way : One flreL
to the right and three to the l#t is B,
Three flash** to the right i* O. One to '
the right, one to the left, and tk© more
to the right ia Y, and ao on. Long and
t constant practice make* the operators
wondfkhilir expert in their prerfesakm,
and enable* them to read from the mir
ror as readily and accurately *4 from a j
A Bold ve 1* a Pangeroat Sttua*
A remark abb- instance of pretence of
min<l on the part of the captain of a
man-of-war > rekhvl by the St. PMer-
IfOTV paper*. The Russian war frigate
Olaf, which bad accompanied the yacht
uf the Oxarewitch to Copenhagen, waa
iviug at anchor among hundred* pf other
ships in the harbor when a fire was d
covered in a cool cellar below, which was
only a few feet from the powd* raaga
tiu<*. There waa no time to pat oat the
tire before it ooald reach the magazine,
and an explosion of the large store* of
cartridges and gunpowder contained in
it would probably haw destroyed not
only the Olaf and the Murounding ships,
bat part of Copenhagen itself. Captain
lb-blunder, the commander of the Olaf,
aw at once that the only thing to be
done to prevent a catastrophe waa to
rank the ship. After aending away the
crew, with the ship's paper*, aasfc boxes,
and most valuable instruments in
Uiate, he ordered the urj>cnter* and en
gineer* to make a leak in the Tweed, and
half an hour nftetward* ahe sank in not
very deep water. Next day dbe wa*
raieed again, and after some provisional
reiiaira waa taken to CroMadt The
damage done is stated to be compara
tively trifling, and the court -martial held
on tile officer* of the vessel unanimously
exprtwned the higboet praise of the con
duct of the captain ami hi* subordinates.
The emperor baa appointed him hi* aide
de-camp, which is one of the highest
honors conferred to Russian naval offi
cers, and the officers and men under
him have received gratuities from the
emperor's private pome.
The Tr-atcllng Showman.
The father of the lost boy, Charley
Ross, tells the story to a reporter of
the Philadelphia Time*. While in
Canada, recently, he saw a circular of a
circus manager announcing wax figures
of the Rons family, together with an offer
from the manager himself of a reward of
$2,000 for the discovery of the bey. Mr.
Born went to the circus and saw figures
of himself and wife, and Charley, none
of which bore the loaat resemblance to
the originals. Without making himself
known he talked with the exhibitor, who
told him he wa* a frequent visitor to the
Rosa household, and that all of the
figures were strikingly accurate like
nee***. When Mr. Ross made himself
known the man seemed dumbfounded
fur a moment, but immediately expressed
his deep sympathy, declaring In* will
iugncKK to pay the §2,000 reward, and
offered, in <tuo the lxy were found, to
give the father SI,OOO a week for thirty
weeks, for the privilege of exhibiting
him 1
Easily Halted.
Shortly after the dinner bell rang, he
came up*the walk, laid down upon the
ate pa, aud put hia head iu at the dining
room door:
" Min , mother says won't you
phvtse to give her a good plateful of
your nice soap for dinner, and lend me
your little bucket to fetch it home in,
and she's not feclin' powerful well any
how to-day."
" Hut will you please go back and ask
your ma if she wants her soup highly
seasoned, and crackers broken up in it,
aud oelerv salt shook in, and a silver
spoon with her full name engraved on
it thrown in t" replied the lady of the
" Bub " left in double-tpiick time, and
soon he wrs back iu position.
" Mizz , mother says she believes,
as it taint much trouble to yon, she just
as lief as not."
The old lady got the soup in the tin
bucket unseasoned with farther sarcasm.
ton paper says : We have just paid six
cents postage on a postal card sent us,
because the sender had thoughtlessly
written a date on the side designed for
the address alone. Pasting my printed
or written matter cm either face of the
card, subjects it to double letter postage.
The directions are expliait that nothing
bnt the name and address must be writ
ten on one side of the card, and that
nothing mnst be attached to the other, '
any way.
lie Tlrldrd.
" T*m. yen •litMl taka a wlf*." " Now to**
' I f*1 you on* l**i "Tfc: dew*
> an did!"
• tt.ruy- a U |1M *<*" "Ok, f
oour** r ,
"KtgMasu.* " Atermk-g " "Witty.* * N *
Uir. wr**r
"t)ttif*4." "All.Uo*"H*ndaon." "To
hiro tl>* fellow* r
" High bom." "Ay. haughty !" " T**lr
hearted." " Jealon* !*
" X*SuU o'*rflowtag." "Ay. *oeegb. *la:e*
"And thm. Tom. susb • tmtm if " Intto
4am a* r
Items or liturMt.
A sleepy old town—A-nap-olia.
A slow match—A ten ymn' engage
i meat.
flow to get * small quautity of nut
iog—Cm * grater.
Long range practice—Twenty year*'
• xperienoeaa a cook.
Kossuth devotm all bin time to agri
culture and mineralogy.
It ia rott mated tlwt Oregon will have
5,000,000 bushels of grain for export this
FVanoe baa 133,000 industrial estate
Hshmenta, giving work to about 1,800,-
000 men.
The witoaaa who aatd ahe waa never
without aoftt* biaa proved afterward to
be a droawnaker. '
A Inert with one wing shorter that the
other—like a bad chimney—ia apt to
have a defective flew.
Don't iwliwve it. The only one of the
Jameses any on* ever caught in Ken
tucky wan Jam** Jama.
A Detroit girl aaye ah* will nfv#-r
marry a man with long leg*, as he could
kick her under the table
If young ladle* wiafa to get stoat, they
should eat their food Jowly. Haste
I)IM. ft* j rtviktt waiat in "A nswrit
The Cloud Tempter lodge* of Marea
choaeUa number nearly two hundred,
and ooutain nearly 15,000 member*.
Oootribution* are being rained in the
United Htsto* and England in aid of the
Christian anflbrer# in the Turkish colo
Chicago has eighteen steam elevators
with a combined -ufimfiitj of 15,1150,000
boated*, n jinn nting a capital of g8,000,-
Postmaster-General Jewell aays the
dispatch of mail* in the United State*
under the new arrangement is now on
Subject far diseuseion by dieting
club* : " Was Noah justified ia taking
with him into the ark the two parent
mosquitoes t"
A Srojcb gentleman ia *bout to start
in Florida a factory far the prod action
of marmalade, a delicacy but little known
in thia country.
The prisoner* in the Nebraska State
penitentiary publish a newspaper. The
round of the tonal reporter is said to be
somewhat contracted.
A sweet potato plantation of aeven
hundred acres, near Atlanta, G*., is ex
pected to yield forty thousand bushel*
of the favorite edible*.
By examining the tongue of a patient,
physician* find out the dieseare of thr
body, and philosopher* the dswasee of
the mind.
The St- Louis RemdMean aays: The
jeweler who made the welkin ring made
also a specialty of solitaire work in the
A visitor in South Park, Colorado, lu*
picked up a curious pieoe of atom,
which, on scientific examination, ia pre
uounced to be a petrified plug of
A man recently seal a photograph
card from Hamburg to Chicago by ex
pr MB, which coat him about thurveeu dol
lars, when it might ham gotta through
the mails for twelve oruta.
Tea, the aad, wtthemi tow* fall
down as the atghing anttzma gale sweep#
through the btattebea aad ii a fellow
loaaa a nickel in the door yard the
nhanoea are tea to one that he can't find
A rich vein of petroleum has just
been discovered at Shelbyvilic. Ky., and
all the farmers' daughter* in the neigh
borhood aw planning European tour*,
to be accomplished just, as aoon m " dad
strikes ile."
There is a period in every boy's life
when he's too small to oarry a handker
chief and not big enough to wear coat
tails, and if he's caught wiping his
mouth on the sbed door no sensible
I wreut will raise a few abont it
The president of the New Orleans
board of health has been threatened
with a ooat of tar and feathers if he
does not ansae sprinkling carbolic add in
the streets uf that city. The letter is
signed by M A Citizen, President of the
Secret Meeting."
Slang both strong and weak. Its
strength consists in the ability to ex
press in it, sharp and nervous and full,
the idea intended to be conveyed. Its
weakness is in the fad that it is the
language of the unrefined, the unedu
cated, the low.
From the top of the court-house tower
in Greenebuig, Ind., which is one hun
dred and forty fee* from the ground,
grows a mapk- tree eight feet high and
two and a half inches in diameter. Tiie
seed was probably dropped into a joint
of the stone work by a passing bird.
A sea-gull of the largest stee recently
swooped down on a crab in Lake Pout
chart rain, imbedding the lower part of
his bill in the crab's back, but the crus
tacean seised and crushed the upper por
tion in his strong claws and a boatman
rowed out and oanght the creb and the
Much excitement was recently caused
among the workmen on the line of the
Itosten, Revere Beach and Lynn rail
road, by the discovery in the soil of a
peculiar looking metal, which was pro
nounced cold. It was afterward found
that tb* "gold" waa only the metal
composition from the box of a car wheel,
which had been melted by the heat
A tight-rope performer known as
" Professor " Leon, while exhibiting in
the streets of Indianapolis a few days
ago, let his balance pole fall from a con
siderable height. It passed through the
roof of a horse oar, causing a good deal
of fright among the spectators and a
brief suspension of the entertainment.
Fortunately the car was empty, and no
one was hart.
An unknown man was run over by the
car* and killed at Detroit the other day,
and his body wa* buried without identifi
cation. Ha clothing, however, was
afterward reoogni& d by two women,
both of whom he had married and de
mited within a few weeks, and who had
since been going about together in
search of him.
It is related that a Weetera minister
recently portrayed the history of Jonah
after the following style: M I seem to
see Jonah passing along the road to
Nineveh ; I seem to see lam entering the
tioket ofßoe, buy his ticket, and pay for
it; I seem to see him walk upon the ves
sel ; I seem to see them lift their anchor,
and the stately ship moves gradually out
upon the broad Atlantic."
The mounted police in Manitoba often
amuse themselves with a game which is
both exciting and profitable. It is known
as 41 Snakes," and is played in this wise:
A troop divide themselves into two
parties and give themselves up for a
specified time to hunting snakes. The
side which succeeds in killing the great
er number is declared the winner. 8o
much nest is shown in the sport that an
instance is mentioned in which eleven
hundred and ten reptiles were dispatched
in one-half hour.
The supreme court of Wisconsin has
decided that a railroad company of that
State shall pay SI,OOO to Miss Helen
Orttker, a schoolteacher whom one of
their conductors forcibly kissed while
she was on her way to a meeting of
teachers. The court gracefully remarks:
" A railroad company is bound to pro
tect female passengers on its trains from
all indeoent approach or assault; an 1
where a conductor. on the company's
train makes such, an assault on a femals
passenger, the coinpiiny is liable for
compensatory dkmages. >