TilK CENTRE REPORTER. TIIU USD AY IHT. 21, 1575. LODOE MEETINGS Ng KSfc. 1 o of O F . •von HstvhUj •vcnm* n Ui* Od-i Follow* lUll J Kfl.. II V Ksllllf, A.U. OiJ Fo*T Is*!***. No. MT, F A. M . mMi .m Tbursdai STtnlnf, oa or nch foil moon In tho Odd F*Uow* 11*11 C l lUm. ti'KMt, NocU W B MIVGI.V. W M Pmooitrim iiRASuf, P of 11, moot* on iUturds} *1 lot noon i n or Afl#t o*ch foil moon, *t Iholr IUU .1 J A RM\. LOG A L I TF. MS . Our friend* will oblige l>v sending us terns ot local new* in their locality, give u* the facta only, and wo will put them in shape, al- > notice* of deaths and niarri ases. Any one sending us the names of fix new subscribers, with the cash, w ill be entitled to receive the KKCORTKR one year free. The URPOMKR being read by nearly everv body on this side of the county, where it has a larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the best medium for advertising business, sales, Ac. Ac. jrgr-Subscribcr* to the Reporter, resid ing outside of Centre county, should re mit us 10 cents, yearly, for postage which we will pay here ; this reduces the postage to one half as the sum paid by them for one year's postage w as 2P ets Peininger A Mu-ser, of Millhcitn marble yards, this week put up a handsome monument over the grave of Hon. S. 8 „ Wolf. It i< a piece of workmanship which does credit to that firm, and is c>iual to city work. Scott Stover, of Versailles, Mo . -oil of Michael Stoverformerly of Aaron-burg, has come hack to Centre county on a vi-it and called at the Reporter office. Scott is engaged in school teaching, and inforift* us that the re*t of the Centre county folk* now at Versailles are getting along wel and like their new home. Charley, ion of lies. Slambach, of Aaronsburg, received a severe kick in the face by a horse a few days ago. Thj shoe struck hiiu on the right cheek a liuie be low the eye cutting a gash two or three inches in length and in to tbo.bone. For tunately he was too near to receive the full force of the blow, or it would have | proved fatal. The election in Harris township, on 12 for or against a division, carried by 2. majority in favor of a new township. It is proposed to call the new township "Nit tany." The nauie would be a very pretty one, but so would advise tha adoption of another, in order to avoid confusion, as there is a large valley in the county called Xiiuiy, and also a post-otfice called Nit tany, east of Hublersburg. Peraon* at a distance wwnld confound the one with the other, and often be at a loss which of the •'Nituniej" are referred to. "Nituny township would the a good distance troni N iitanv post-office, and to one side of Nit tany valley. Person* often address letters with the township for destination, and such would be sure to go astray. The lady readers of the Reporter will fir.d something to their interest by reading the advertisement of Mrs. M'En , tire, of Potter's Mills. Henry Krouse of Aaronsburg, Las' in his possession a live pheasant and a ' monstrous chicken hawk, both of which ho i caught with his hands—not however, by sprinkling sail'on their ui's—but the pheas ~ ar.t he chased into a wood-pile, and the haw k he knocked ctT of a tree with a stone. He has them both penned up in his yard. Trie latter bears his imprisonment like Rcgulas, the Roman, but terror is in bis eye, and is only awaiting an opportunity when hemay glut his vengence on bis cap- ; tor's poultry. any manufacture apply to Bunnell A Ai ken, Milroy, Pa. , Amid all the politics and mixtuir i of tickets in this county, there is one thing that the people will not get confused upon i —they will always know what party to go to to get cheap groceries. No one attempts I to gainsay that techier & Co., are the real, 1 g-nuine people's men, whodogood to their '■ neighbcr*. They keep the best and purest in the line of coffee, sugar, molasses, can- < * ro d and dried fruit*, confectioneries, and 1 in xact of every thing needed in the groce- > ry line. All who visit their store, admire < the nicety of its arrangement, and the su- ' periority of all that they offer for sale. We < frequently hear men say that at Scolder's i the nicest and best can always be obtained, and it is a fact. DKDICATICX.—The Lutheran church 1 at l'ine Hall. Ferguson twp, will be dedi cated to God's service on November next. All ministers of the Gos pel and all others are cordially invited t® j attend. By order of the Committee. 3t W W. Curtin, only son of Ex-Gov ernor Curtin, will be married on the 21st. i to Judge Harding's daughter, cf Wifkcs barre. Pa. Rev. G. W. Miller, of Bellefonte. will lecture in the Sprucetown M. E. church, on Thursday evening, Nov. 4 Subject: Americanism. Admittance 20c, proceed* for the benefit of the M. E. Par sonage, at Centre Hall. Toe Nursery, for November is pret ty, and pleases the little folks immensely. Price, SI,OO per year, or the Reporter and the Nursery, $3,30 per year. Chairman, C. XI. Bower, intends j making the campaign in this county lively 1 between this and election, as will be recti from the number of meetings he announce, in the Reporter. Let the democracy turn out, and bring their republican neighbors . along to bear the issues discussed. Shortlidge & Co. sell the very best! quality of Wilkcsbarrc, coal. They also ; pay sl.lß for wheat in Car lots, to be load- ! ed in cars. Our readers will do well to call on them before buying or selling their grain elsewhere. Sceadvertisement. Granger prices, address Bunnell A Ai.cn, Milroy, Pu. 21 oct3ui. The good people of Potter's Mills and vicinity will be benefited by calling at M'Entire's store and seeing his new stock of good-. All who have been there speak ot his fine assortment and reasonable prices. Give him a call, he deals fairly and gives you the full worth of your mon ey, and if you don't find bargains there, then tell him so. He never sends off a cus- j tonier dissatisfied. JOHN S. MILLER, Tailor, of Miil heitn, is putting up the best of work and the public would do well to call upon liim, as his prices and work suit the times. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Wo have seen some of his work and find it equal to that of the best of tailors. '2l oct 6m. There was a very handsome monu ment, ten feet in height, erected in the cemetery at this place, a few weeks ago, in memory of Mrs. Joseph Crolzer. There was al*o one erected in memory of Hon. S. 8. Wolf. Merchants and others going to New York will do well to read the card of the Hpingier House, Union Square, New York. Comfort, luxury, convenience and economy are the advantages offered at this select and excellent hotel. oct 7 lm IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS -The un dersigned is now prepared to sell Brick at his kilns at Centre Hall to suit purchasers, at reasonable rates, also to furnish or con tract Brickwork* 8. S. EARNER. 7 oct y SCHOOL TAX NOTICE.-The taxpayers of Potter school district are hereby notifi ed that the tax-duplicate has been placed in my hands for collection. All tax paid on or before December Ist, next, will have 5 per cent, deducted, and from that date to January Ist the amount on duplicate will be payable, and all taxes unpaid after January Ist 187ti, will go into the bunds of a collector with an addition of 5 per cent. A. H HOSTERMAN, 7 oct 3m, Treasurer. Auction ! Auction ! —The goods remain ing in the store of S. S. Wolt, dee'd, at Centre Hall, will be sold at Auction, on Wednesday, October 13, afternoon and evening, and sale will be continued each day and evening until all goods are sold. Every articlo offered and on hand, will be sold without jeserve. A good stock still on hand. A chance for Bsrguius. Ladies Furs, Store Fixtures and a aooi safe will be offered for rale. * WOODWARD A VICINITY. Apple-cider is but five dollar* per bar : ret. Pigeon* arc quite pi only, j Henry Vonada sliol the CM deer of the sea-.HI : therefore he claims the tirt head mark' A young revolution broke out in East Woodwaid and seri, us results aie looked f ' for. j Jut now we have a remarkably 'still i house' on He*: ■ rui . back of Wo. Jward | Gentlemen pie to leave her rot , I Some of the principal radical* in this > j place "cave under ' for Periling ami l'iol ' let, \ cry soiif.b'e, ihdoed. Our town was increased of late by two , | families moving in it trout a distance. ! j Our church at St. Paul is about ready to j undergo are dedication. It is quite hand | somely remodeled and prospect* bid fair > for LLIo future. OCCASION at.. THE WIIKATSWINDLK. A lew weeks ago a man calling himself i | Taylor, called upon Mr Geo Wood*, in Gregg township saymg he was seliii g * new kind • f wheat which would yield over 50 bushel* to the acre, and that ail ] the pay ho asked tor seed wheat was what it y lidded above that, ami induced Mr. Wood* to | r, a-e, promis : • t 1 deliver the wheat at Spring Mill* fo this fair t but preposterous oil ,-r Mr W v Otll Ct U• tented, ami ' Taylor lilted out a blank "articlo of agreement" which Mr. Wood* signed thinking it sot forih the term* for the purchase of ihe wheat. Alter the sharper took h:s departure Mr Wood* be gan •* have fear* about the paper he had - giu-d without having read it, and at i nee came to Centre Hall a d advertised the note in the Importer, and afterward* as certained that Taylor* teal name was Alexander. We lind :: w that this swind ler has been playing the -ame trick* in Miffim county The Lewistown Garotte sa \ s The name of the man who attempted the i recent wheat s>vi: lie in the valley is Sam j uel Alexander. \Uer \-:r g Mr. Mc | Clelian, lie met Benjamin Zook, and trod ( to persuade hiin to purchase >me, tut Mr. 1 Z. told him ho would not pay $lO for any I bu-hel of wheat. They finally agreed that Alexander waste have all above 40 bush el* to the acre, and an agreement a* Mr. Zook understood it * entered into that ef fect. The wheat however was not deliver ed as promised In the meantime Alex ander called on another farmer, where ho proposed to stay ail night, and but for the mentioning that a warrant was cut for a wheat swindler, lie would have been caught. The constable ami an assistant ; saw him en the road with a horse and bug- ' gv and made pursuit, bu'. Alexander j jumps d out and ran into a cornfield, and! finally made his way into the mountain, leaving the horse ar.d buggy behind. So far nothing is known as to the content* of the papers signed, but whenever they turn op, the swindler had better leave the Uni ted Stales, and those who attempt to Use the (tapers will also find a hnrd read to travel. i | AH. I T STEEL I'KNS.—Few persons ' | doubtless areaware of tbo fact that the ori- ; ' giaal invents.rot Steel Fens is still living : Sir Josiah Mason, now the great pen man ufacturer of Birmingham, England, en joy* that distinction. He :s now very o!d, being above eighty. It is in his great fac tory several of the most popular of the i widely famed Spencerian 1> it>'.e Ebi-tie i Steel Pens are made, the models being I supplied by the proprietor* of the pens, Messrs. Ivison, Hiakeman, Taylor A Co , I tho Educational Publishers of New York. Tne Spencerian Pens have attained their I great popularity from a variety of reasons, t all of which w ill bo apparent to any one j I who may try them. Of one number alone i more than six millions wore sold last year. We use them in our office, and are so well pleased with them that wo have no hesit*-' lion in saying that they arc, in our opinion, I superior to any other article of the kind I with which we are acquainted. Their chiefeharaoteri-tics seem to be flexibility, elasticity, durability and evenness of point, < ar.d a nearer approximation to the real ' quill action than ha-> been heretofore at- ' < taimd in a steel pen. The Spencerian arc , comprised in fifteen numbers, all differing i in flexibility anJ fineness of point, and for 1 the convenience of those who wish to try them, Messrs. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor [ A Co.. 138 and 140 Grand t-treel, New- York, send bV mail a sample card. : securely enclu-td, containing one each of! the different numbers, on receipt of Twen- ' ty five cents. I KIDNEY DIRRIRRI.TIE-.—Speer's Port j t Grape Wine is the best diuretic known.; j it gently acts on the kidneys, stimulating i and infusing in them new vigor and urges them to throw from the system ail the worn out particles which if suffered to re main would poison the blood and create disease. Every disease to a certain extent demands a diuretic, every part ot th' sys tem must be in working order to tuulwiain health, and the kidneys especially are the main avenues for the escape of the poisons of the system. Physicians have, after strict trial and due examination, found Speer's Port Grape Wine to answer the | purpose admirably, and recommend it in i cases where a diuretic i* needed. This wir.ei- raised in New Jer-er, and sold by druggists generally. Sold by Zcller & Son, Bellefonte. DEATH OF AN OLD SETTLER. j After a lingering illne-s. on Saturday i evening Oct. 2nd, near the village of Wif- • 1 iow, Joe iLivie-s county. 11l . James I'ark- I iiiS"n. aged ©.' years, 5 months and 3 days, j Deceased was born in Brush valley. Mile, Township, Centre co. In the-pring of 183 V he with his family and only broth er removed from his native place and set tled on the farm where he died. lie was one of the earliest settlers ofthis part of the county and to him was born the first white child in the township Mr. Parkinson was an intimate lrit-nl and acquaintance of lion. E. B. Washburne. now to France. He had servid tho town as su pervi'ur and Justice of the Peace for many years, he came to 111. when it was aw il derness and had ecn it grow to bo one of the fiist states of the Union, he raised n . large family—eight of whom are still liv ing near the old homestead while three son* were killed in the late war. Hi* wid ow was the di'iughtcr of the late George ; Hoy, of Brush valley and ni-ter to John j Hoy, Ksq , of Bellefonte. His remnins were followed to their last rwting place by a large concourse of people, more than 60 team* were in the procession. The funer al sermon w* s preached by the Rev. J. H. Soule ol the M. E. Church, of which the deceased was a member. J. W. P. (Bellefonte paper* please copy.) TEACHERS The board of school Directors of Potter township have employed teacher* for the different schools as follow*: Sulary. Centre Hall. Grammar W. A. Krise. s4o " " Inter. Mir* J. M'Cormick. 3o " " Primary, Aggie Murray. 25 Potter's Mil's Grammar, C. B. Litzel. 35 " " Primary Maggie Evan*. Egg Hill J. 11. Strohrn. 35 Cold Spring T. B. M'Elroy. 31 Prospect Jlill Michael Shires 37 Centre Hill Win. Keller. 31 Tussey Sink C. F. Stahl 31 Plum Grove G. F. Arney. 31 ■ Pine Grove F. M. Burkholder 32 Churchville E. B. Hosterman. 37 Loop H. B. Kilborn Earleystown W. F. Ossman 37 Pine Stump J.C.Harper 27 Rock Grove and Manor to he supplied, i Previous to articling, the board adopted ; 2j as the lowest standard of certificate at ! which they would employ teachers. This ; left two schools to be supplied, as tho av . ernge of several certificates came below f that standard. The salaries of ail the teachers except those of Centre Ilall wore graded according to the grade of the appli cant's certificate. ' Those holding Permanent, Professional , or Provisional certificates averaging less I than li receive $37 i Provisionals averaging li " 3t> 11 " 35 1| " 34 1 " " 2 " 33 21 " 32 1 " " 21 " 31 'a* " 2* u ag ltpllHMTfttiC MftOlillfpi Meetings of tho fticndl of Pershing at Plot let have been appointed a* follows Pine 11*11, Monday eve Oct. * j Rock Hill, Wednes. " " '. j Churchville, Tue* " " ; Penn Ilall, Wedne* " " 'J ! | Wolfs S. 11 Tliur*. " " 2 ' ; ltob*rburg, Friday " " 2 I Centre Ilall, " " " 2 ' George* Valley. S. 11 , Thursday, " 2 Day Ma-- Meeting at Millbeim, J-atu da\ , lit* C. M. Bower, Chairman. • ♦ • DEMOCRATIC MEETING. Let the People Rally. There will be a meat lug of Deiuocra > and all citi. en* lionestly opp- ted to the *i icidal policy ol lite administration part; r both slate aid national, at CKNTIt HALL ON ,F AID AY EVE, OCT. S 1575 Addresses will be delivered by 1 (.1. Hinh, D. K Forlney and others com f one, come all, and hear the live itsue* i the campaign fairly and honestly expiate i ed. By order of the commilte. C M. BOWER. I Cbairmat ! 111K COMING CO.NTKSI' IN PEN STLTANIA Aiiuntiug the u.ot cheering report* i favor of Hays frotwOhio to be correct, is jut tuoh a rv-ult a* would detent Got llar-.rnt.ft by a decided majority in Pent • sylvnnia Willi at lcttit UO.ltt) lot* vott - and certainly double the Republican m* . jority according to the old party line* i 1 Onto that there are in Pennsylvania, th i Kk'pubiivaiis carry tho Buckeye State by i i 'innial majority, even after they hav . gamed largely on the temperance, schou and bard money Utue*. Here the tciupci ance question must tell against llartranfi and the school question i* unknown an unfclt in tho cauva--, while there arete id e laborers in I'eiuisylvauia for ever, one in Ohio. If tho Republican* shall lo* anything like the percentage of Kepubli can vote- that they lost iu Ohio, Judg Pershing will bo elected by 15, UK) to 20,t0 I majority, or probably more. A carefu ; analysis of the vote of Ohio show* that tic Repubiiean party, with its 30,000 majority was utterly powerless to >*io itself in tbi lata contest, and that hut for the lavish usi of oi uiey and the accident of a falsi i*su< on the schools, iu defeat would have beet overwhelming. Hero, the misrule of un scrupulous political trickster* who huv< usurped the control of Republicanism, and stained it* laurel* with the alitne of tbt j -poiier, are t in eel the poople face to face for judgment, and the trial will he a fait ! one. There will Joubtle** be plenty ol j money to debauch voter*, but the lime has come in Pennsylvania when every purchased Vote will Cost the favor ol twice or thrice the number of hotiml Republi cans, who still believe in the integrity ol Republicanism. Pbila. Time*. In a recently published letter upon the I political situation, ex-Governor Bigicr, among other things, speaks as follow* of the nominees ot the Democratic party: A word about the candidate* nominated at Erie. I know Judge l'erslung person ally, and am somewhat familiar with hi* h:-tory. He is in every sense a proper person to fill the high office of Governor. Ble-sed with strong native talent and fa vored with fino accomplishment*, he can, ar.d will, fill the office in a manner to pro mote the welfare and gratify the pride of the people of the State. Col P. llet is extensively and farvora bly known. The duties of the place for which Le i- a candidate are purely minis terial, and he has the ability to carry them out to the letter, and the courage to inves tigate the Trca.-ury down to the bottom dollar. IOWA. Washington, D. C-, October 14. —The following dispatch has been received by the secretary of war : "Dcs Moines, 1 wa, Oct. 13 —Hon. W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War : Thirty eight counties nearly complete give Kirk wwod 17,-XJ majority ; a republican gain of 3,2ut). Tho state majority will bo at least 30,TM0. There arc large republicaa gain* in the legislature. We elect twen ty five it cf thirty new senator* and at least seventy-firo members of the house. (Signed) "J. S. CLARKSON." lf you wish to exchange your old sow ing machine for a new one, address Bun nell A Aiken, Milroy. FRIGHTFUL TRAGEDY, llackettstown, N. J., Oct. 10, '2 p. u.— | A German painter, named Kilter, shot hii ! two-children this morning, at this place, and then shot hitr.seU. The youngest child, aged four years, is dea J, and the other, aged eight cannot live until night. Kilter, himself, is not dangerously hurt, the ball not penetrating his skull. Hitter had some trouble in his family previous to this and had been sepcrated from them several years until recentlv, when they started anew here. Kilter, at the time of the murder, was just recover ing from a drunken spree. THE BLACK HILLS. GOLD FOUND IN PAYING OUATI- T! ES. A Gocxl Country for Farming aud Stock Raising. Cheyenne, Wyoming, Oct. 17.—-Prof, Walter P Jenney, chief of the geologist* ti the Black lliils and bis assi-tants, return ed yi-steiday. having spent flvo months in the Hills. They made quiteja thorough examination of the whole country and mapped front Belie Fourchc to the scutli fork of the Cheyenne river. He reports gold field-forty mile* north from Uarvey'i Peak, arid twenty miles wide that contain g id in quantities that w ill pay from $3 tc $5 per day to the man, and thnt there art bars on numbers of streams that will pay much more than that. Tho water su|>pliei are ample for working purposes and fully sufficient to mrry water from the top o: most of the bar.- and allow the tailings l( be readily disposed of. The gold is coarse scale, good, and easily separated from tin gravel and sand. The professor has wit! him nn ounce of coarse gold that two mer obtained on Spring creek with ten hour'i labor. An assay of the gold shows it to b< nine hundred and forty fine, worth sl9 4- in coin to the ounce Prof. Jemmy cor roborate* General Custer's report of th hills and says that they will support thou sands of miners when the governtuen opens them to settlement. The valley are all adapted to agriculture,and the hill and canyons to stock raising. The rain fal is pleantiful and timber is abundant. Hi i official report will he made from Net 1 York probably before congress meets. SINGULAR INCIDENT.— About twi weeks ago a cow belonging to Mr. J Bully, Cogau Valley, Lycoming coutl ty, strayed away and failed to com home. For several days search wa ' made for the lost animal, and afte the lapse of one week she was found ii the woods dead, with her tail twistei around a small sapling. It is suppos ed that in brushing away the flies he tail became knotted around the tree . and in her efforts to get free she walk i ed around the sapling, thus tying her self more securely. She had evident ly starved to death. The sapling hai i been nearly pulled out of the ground : showing that the poor animal had ex hausted her strength in trying to a cape, and finally Tuid down to await I terrible death from starvation. FLOODS"IN* INDIA. \ London, Oct. 10, oa. m.—The Times < I India say* : 20,cV, another watei spout made its appearance, cominj from the same direction aud inoviiij with equal rapidity. Sixteen house which escaped destruction from tli tirst visitation were demolished. Tli tlood which followed lusted thre hours. The damage done by the* storms will amount to at least $ 150 IKK). to- The decision of the Supreme t'our ' delivered at Pittsburg on 11, reversin the decree at Nisi Prius in the ea-e > re the Kensington Uefornied Presbytcrtu , r . Church, will interest a large class readers In elfect the judgement of th lt l court is ttiat the withdrawal of an ui members of a congregation is a volants ry ry net. and tliat those remaining are th ** original congregation and retain th church property and organisation. t • ♦ ♦ US.*j Colliiigwood, October 12.—Over sii all inches of snow fell here last night. Con '•jsiderable damage has been done to frui f.jand ornamental trees by tbe beavj ,e jweight of snow breaking and bendiii| w them totheground. io • ♦ • a ——lt you wish a tirst class sewing ma chine, buy the New American ol iluunel Ito Aiken, Milroy, Pa. • ♦ • - ■- FLOODS IN ENGLAND. *| London, October 10. Kecent rain* haw iswollen the rivers and streams, and cause disastrous inundation* in Li icntershireand 1 Warwickshire, the destruction >t property is very heavy, aud somo lives are reported lost. The railroads are badly daiuaged.and traffic is generally suspended. ' ( \ SENSATIONAL SUICIDE. . Ualtiiuorc, October Id.—This alter ,, noon, an unknown man, aged about thirty, . i threw himself or fell from the top of the f \Va>hit glon monument at Mount Vernon place to the granite ba-e. a distance of 1H 1 feel. Nothing wa* found about him indi . eating his name. Up to this hour, nine p s m., he had not been identified. r THE GOOD WORK IN PHILADEL PHIA. Pariug Down the Pilgrim Vote. Philadelphia, Oct. 15. —Up to Friday noon <4,l(k) names hare been stricken from the registry lists through the eff rts of tho democrats in this city, i L. C. Cassidy, on behalf of tho drtno j Crat* ot tho Twenty-ninth ward, to A rules this morning to show cause wbv 7TO names f should not be l*ickcn off the lists of that ward Mr Temple also gare notice that on Wednesday morning he would apply for p the appointment of democratic overseers . in all thedivision* in the city. v AKL\ LE INSULTING HAU\ AUD -CAN THIS Tit U K? J From the I.itrrfuyjl Daily Putt. " Mr. Csrlyle declines with scorn the do t gree of LL. D., conferred by Harvard 3 University. American universities, he * say s, are "semblances their degrees tbe '■ "silliest sham feathers and that be should be asked to join in heading your long line of D.D.'s and LL.I) ■ a line of pom pous little lellows hobbling down to pos * terity on the crutches of two or three let ters of the alphabet, passing on into obliv ion of all universities and small potatoes ' —is more than he can bear. FIFTY PERSONS KILLED. ;* ■ '• A Camp of Rubber Gatherers on the Isthmus Attacked aud Routed. 0 i Panama, Oct 9 —Tbe Indians surprised land attacked a party of caucho-gatberers , on the Chagungue, in Darien, and killed ' over fifty persons and dispersed the entire y camp, containing about eight hundred j persons. This will be a heavy blow to the rubber trade of Panama, as it cuts otf the supply generally obtained trom the lstta mus. CHARLEY ROSS. Rumor of His Recovery in the r South, i There is a telegraphic rumor that Char- Gey Ross passed through llallimoro yester d day afternoon in charge of officer*, having | been delivered up by ma.*ked parties in tbe 'south o lU pto the tiine'of going to press we arc unable to confirm the above intelligence. n | Mr. C. K Ross has promised to comnnini j cale immediately to the press the fact of j j the recovery of tho child if it transpires. ] > COLD WEATHER IN THE SOUTH. . ! " i Memphis, Tens., Oct. 10.—There was n I killing frost la-t night, which probably did some damage to the late cotton in the bot itoms. e j .* 7 7- . ■ ■ Frost in .Mississippi, y New Orleans, La., Oct 16.—Thore was d frost on tho Jackson KK. lastnight, within ,oi fifty miles of this city. The weather is e cool, and fires liavo been started in many ie of the public building*. h TWO THOUSAND INBUBGENTB 1K n FKATF.D IN HERZEGOVINA. s )0 Constantinople, October 15.—Tbe fob 13] lowing news is official: r- A force of 2,000 insurgents has been ie defeated by the Turks. Gnu hundred it- and sixty were killed. The rest took nt relugc in Montenegro. Seventeen vil )'* lages, hitherto strongly insurgent, liavt submitted to the Turkisli authority. The almost unmarked gravo of Kdga w Allen Poe, author of "The llnvcn," wai opened in Baltimore n few days ago, to la.i the foundation fur tho monument about t< JO he erected by his admirers. At a depth o J, live tort the coffin was found, in good pro* I), crvalion, after lying there nearly twenty )(l six years. Tho lid wus removed and tin up skeleton wa* seen, almost in perfect condi Br lion, and lying with the long bony hand j D reposing one upon the other, a* they hat been arranged in death. The skull bori g , marks of greater decay, the teeth from tin er upper jaw having become dislogcd, bu those in the lower were ull in place, aut some little hair was still clinging near tin forehead. Hoyond w hat has been deocrib j ed nothing was to bosocn. id Father Leukun, n Catholic priest o •1, Springfield Illinois, has deserted hi X priestly charge and run away with hi :s housekeeper's daughter Tho pair wen a duly married at Cincinnatti. "Say t" said a city youth to tho modes countryman, "got the hay seed out o' you hair yet ?" "Wall," was the deliberate re of P'y "I K'dge not from the way the calve run arter me."—Rochester Democat. ,jj. It has been determined to discover C'ol 0 f umbus and bury him in Itul.V. His re mains are outside of the national fold, an Cruet neurni for hlin. n ,| EARTHQUAKE IN JAMAICA. K- 1 Washington, Get. 15 The signal offic reports a severe earthquake at one a. > to-dav at Kingston. J amain. est Indie ; [yjILLIN l R V 000Dg iii ' ."tor*. X. !•:. MrF.iMIRE. I't' I'orrt 'h Mil I#, P s ha lust lelurned from Philadelphia, wit *d the latent style*of Mlraw. .Silk and fane i ilaU, Itoiuiets, Ac., VelvoU, Hower i Crapes, Silk Giaals, l eather*, Itlonib ■ r ititibona Ituclies, llraid*. GrnamMits, At it,! A foil line of all the lalo.l style* ot Millin ... 1 cry (lends, which will be *>dd at the low * ; oil prices She ha* one of the best inillin or* in bcr employ IV and Itonnct- rctriined in th ft lale.t *lyle.-wx Oct 31, to d 1 astua a c auie to the premise* of th if Id undcrigntd In the inountaiti* on th r >uth side of Gregg township, about fou work* ago, a red ter with ottie while ol In (lie belly, and about 2 year* old. 1 h g. owner i reijuestrd to come and prove prop ~ srlv, pay cost* and remove the same. r HENRY ZEKUY. 21 Oct ot. Gregg twp. 4 DMIMSTRA I'd It > NOTICE 11 A e. l.otten of administration on the tt*t' ! r of Jacob Meese, late of l'otlrr twu., dee d having been granted to the underigned 'K all person* knowing themselves to be in ig debled to raid decedent are rf|uested vt make immediate payment, and worsen having claim* against the e*tato will pre sent them authenticated for teitlemenl. if JGUN SHANNON, pe Oct 21 6t Adui'f. * e i?XCKLLENT FARM FOR SALE. ),- ]f cultivation, an orchard containingabou lC three acres, filled with excellent Apph and other fruit tree*. A splendid *priii| of water near the house, with excrllen x ; -pring house ; Cistern at the house and a j the barn. Will al*o bo sold at the same tune am. it place, a tract of limber land, one half milt .. from Centre Hall, conUimng about twelvr ' acre*. Term* made known on day of sale, K For further particulars iinjuiro of John H Keller, at Centre Hall, or on the prcnu- DAYIDW KELLER C V KELLER, lil FF K ELL Kit, WM.KhhLK.It JK ' SAM L FOSTER, Guardian of W. E . Foster. y* ii RBirr v &to LS e ! By virtue of a writ of \ cndiiuni Expon , as issued out of the Court of Common lMeaa of Centre county, and to me direct y ed, will be exposed to p ibllc sale, at the J Court House ui Uellefonte on Friday, tbe , 22nd day of October, 1b76, the following property, vix . All that certain tract of land situate in Haines Township, Centre < o , Fa , bound ed cn the north by the Lcwisburg and Old Pert turnpike read, on the west by land of Michael lie**, t ai. south by land ■i of Daniel Etover, and east by land of the i heirs • f John Mist/. Jvo d, containing •* ~ ai res, more or lo*. lliele ili erected a large Hotel building, large shed. P-nant house, l ' and other building*, being known a* the • Woodward Hotel property. Selied, taken in execution, and t< be sold at the property of \\ .8. Ing. t*ale to commence at one o clock, p. iu. of said day. " Sheriff* Office, Bellefontcl's . Oct 4. 1575 11 P. j-HAPFEtt. Sheriff. , My virtue of an order of the Onbui'i Court of Centre county, there will be of* 1 fered at public sale, on the premises, in Potter twp., 3 miles west of I\rth, containing about 123 ACRES. more <*r less, having thereon erected a GOOD PRAM K HoUNE ot large se, ltank ilsrn, and good outbuilding* Tbe !*' whole of this land is now under cultivation and la an excellent ouality of arable land. : There i a good Apple Orchard on the 1 premises, and also a fine assortment ofoth , cr fruits. This land is eligibly situated, about one jmile northeast ot Potter's Benk, and in c ,close proximity to churches, schools and j stores. Terms will be made known ot , day of sale. JOHN ID'TZKK. I.OI'IB K ATKINSON, ' Oct 7 Administrator*. Valuable Farm for Sale. The fine and highly productive Farm of B the undersigned, situate on the turnpike, about 1 mile west of Spring Mills, is . tier ed at private sale. It contains about 160 ACRES OF LAND, •'under a high slate of cultivation, and the g grcatet part under poet and rail fence, with all cdtc in the best order. A large two-story FRAME HOUSE, LARGE ItARN, and all necessary Out* ■' buildings on the premise*. All the build* .. ings are good as now. and the house ha* j recently been papered and painted on the j inside. It is one of the most desirably lo fj rated farms in Centre county, being Cut 1 1 ' mile from the railroad station, conven'ent to churches, schools, "tores and mills. An i abundance of good Timber also cor-renl* enl. For further information address n JAMES I. FORSTKR, J j 10 sept tf. Akron, Ohio. NEW GOODST —AT TllK— (Centre Mills Store, I J. F. THRONE ~haß juit opened a line Stock of GEN* y ERAL MERCHANDISE which he i is selling at - GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, •*| Consisting in * DRY GOODS, I. ALTACCA.S, MOHAIRS, i, PIQUES, d LAWNS, k MUSLINS, I. PRINTS J FLOUNTS, SHIRTING, TWEEDS, 0 JEANS, COTTON A DES, v FINE CAS-IM ERS, EM BORDERIES, )f GLOVES, SHAWLS, r ' HOSIERY, '• SKIRTS, RIBBONS j' and fancy articles belonging to tin Grocery aepartiuent Sugars, Coffees " Syrup, N. Orleans Mulliisses, Domes 1 tic ami Foreign Fruits, FinlySalt, eve , rything usually found in this depart' ment. J- QUEENSWARE, whole eela or dish es or by tho piece. 9f IIUIKINnnd PATENT ME1)I i 4 CI X EN. WOOD and WILLOWWARE HARDWARE. FORKS, RAKES, SHOVELS ItOKS , NAILS. Ac.. OK NTS' CALF HOOTS Bl LADIES' BUTTON GAI TORS it MO tr KOC'CO, CHILDREN'S' SHOES of al p. kind*. cs TOBACCO A CIGARS, all at greatb reduced price*. Call and see for yotire[ ves. No charge for showing goods I - HIGHEST PHICES PA ID for all kunl e- of Grain, and country Produce taken in ex Q change far good*, lO&VfVB. I The Lindoti Standard contained a tel cqi gram saying that the Turks now hold tl to district of Zubcl, tho last refuge of the it St. surgents. It it reported front Berlin that negolli linns with the great powers areln pregresi for the purpose of demanding from Tut j key a guarantee for the payment in foil u t' l the interest debt after five years r>y rt| , The Amatilla Indian* have driven *wa< the workman on the Nevada and North ern Telegraph extension, threatening t< ~ kill them if they continued tho work. ('apt Bell oil captured two wbiti 1U whale* in the weir nt Yarmouth, on Capi „ Cod, on the lltli They are the first thai have boon secured on the Atlantic sea '"j board, ie ir A fair Sicilian maiden lately got on lo| '" of a house it, Palermo, anointed hersel with oil of petroleum, and burned herself nlive because the COB. limnn wouldn't mar | ry her. j; NEW Tile Manufactory. WOODWARD. PA. to* The undersigned has opened a new Till Shop for manufacturing all kinds of Tiles Persons wishing to drain oil their land _ will please call and examine our stock, ai we make the round and also the horse tho* tile. ~ Fur sample call al the Reporter office. D YKNADA A SON. K 21 oct 3m. Woodward. MARKETS. ■ Now Terk. October 16.—Flour, super I, i > 15v274 Sugar lair to good refin te "'K 7l(s8. Petroleum, refined W. it PHILADELPHIA " Philadelphia. October 16.—Flour ex k fain. s'i 26(47 26; high grades 8 7d 11 Wheal, new 1 2i(*l 10, iTid red I 41(41 4i '• Corn western mixed 70(470 , yellow 711(4 721 Gat* western mixed 40(441. j CHICAGO. e Chicago, October 16. Flour good to choice $5 26(46 76; spring extras 6 06(46 Ol I Wheat October 1 101, seller Nov. 1 09| , Corn seller October 671. seller Novembei Ml. Treneurtr— Wbj P Courier Liberty. . j I'rotkonotary— Abel Campbell—Snow shoe 1 j AVyufsr— R. H. Mine Psiton. (■ "icii)..iser—Allen Bsrlhoiomew--Half moon. ' Audit'it— C. 11. Host—F'crguson—Wm. Cronoble —Walker. Cbronor Dr, K A Russell—Unionville. AGEN TSIJU f FIT Y KK^! Large Commissions end Cash Premiums (orselling a Library of Famous Fiction, , caaprlatas Ux Tss 1 Jftcel* of Imaginative Literature : Pilgrim's Prugn-s-. Robinson Crusoe, Gul liver 1 Travels, Vathrk. Undine. Vicar of Wakefield. Paul and Virginia. Elizabeth, Pkciolzl. Tele* from Arabian Nights, Complete in One Volume of over I.CUO • pegc*. beautifully illustrated with 34 full* 1 page Engravings It is the wont p • STOXY book, and all want to read it Agent s Outfit free to ail , Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, Poles and Buggy " Wheels, all of No. 1 quality and selling ve ry cheap Our stock is W- and siantly being renewed, and wo are soiling 1, _ Wholesale and retail—at very low prices ). Remember-much money has been lost by II paying too much for Hardware. T ho .> f " r and sell at Cash Pricoi lor less prollt than ftny other Hard wart htoro in tho County. Call and see us. Satisfaction guar' *• antoed. m USSER * RANKLE BRO S I..IVTEW STORE, NBW GOODS A> h. "Pan i o Prices H. A. LABKIMER. * at the old Centre Hill stand. Just opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, ty OLD FASHIONED PRICES! ' A large variety of l*adiee Dreaa Good Great Bargains in .• Mualint aud Calicoes ) Ready-made Clothing ,i Warranted to Suit . Ilia Cloth* and Cassimers, Caut he ex eel let P| His Grocery Department, If] 6* ton is he* every one In assortment and lov K prices. Syrup, Hugar, Ti-a, Cofle". Canned fruit* r * Domestic and Foreign FruiU, Cheese, and every other article belong* ing to the Grocery Depart in nt Jbtr~ Farmers, Mechanics and laborer look to your interest. One dollar saved i a dollar In pocket. Then rail and a jwhat astonishingly low prices. 3S4T N trouble to show Goods.'MS ' Also the choicest FAMILY FIOI'B at | ways on hand. Apr. 16, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, DYE STUFFS PERFUMERY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES FOR TIIE TOILET, r Ac . toe., Ac. 4 PI KE HIM: AMI LIQIORN for medicinal purposes. '; Truaaea & Huppurlera iu great variety Also, choice i I CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other articles usually kept in 1 first class Drug Store. Prescriptions carefully Cotnpuunded I Itooct tf MILLER A SON 6 "■ v Headquarteia for BOOU aud Shoe*! P O W E 11 S' f t BOOT AND SHOE STORE, ' Opposite Bush House, UELLEFONTE. PA. Power* Boot A Shoe Store is the largest and best slocked establishment in Centre u County. He keeps constantly on hand a full " line of t;B O OTN 11 D H II O E H. , B.®'• i u,t "pening the largest slock ol a Spring Goods ever brought to Bcllefobte. /Jft£S D £ 9 for ladies, kept constantly on'hand. Boots and Shosw fur man and women, ol s all styles, quality and prices, from the moat costly to the cheapest, constantly , kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! in quality or prices. Call and examine his new stock of Spring and { Summer Goods, and you will tiod it to your advantage. Apr2lly. NEW YORK BR ANCH STORE, ' McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, Bellefonte, Pa. 11. HERMAN A CO., Prop'rw. i, Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID* ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA 1, CES, NOTIONS to FAN CY GOODS, • TBXCTLY FIBS T-C LABS 000SS, Below (lie Usual Prices. } Nov 12 if. r a. wtuaov. T. a wscm ■ a. KK'Sa WILSON & HIQKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARD WARE DEALERS. IRON,PAINTS.OILS, GLASS,AC. A Builders Hardware CX>ACH MAKERS GOODS. CABINET MAKERS STOCK. Stoves of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS, &C. WILSON A HICKS. Bellefonte, Pa. NOTICE. —Wc will sell to responsible men on three months credit. W ill take off 6 per cent for ca*h which is equal to 39 per cent, tier annum. It will pay tbe pur chaser to borrow at 10 from other parties, if be can save in buying from us. In this 1 way we can turn our monev and sell low , r. Mar 15. U. r JOHN CAMP'S Furniture Rooms, MILROY, MIFFLIN CO., PA. | Extension Tables, Chamber Suits, FineA Common Furniture, Consisting in part o( BUREAUS, BED STEADS, CAIN and WOOD SEAT CHAIRS. Tho public generally arc invited to call and *co the fine assortment of FURNI TURE to be found at the above establish ment, all ol our own Manufrcture. Undertaking in all it* branches, CofWns, Caskets and Shrouds. Having purchased an elegant Hearse, 1 will attend all orders of undertaking 1 may receive from PennsvaHey. Centre Co. ' Ph. JOHN CAMP- I Jan 28 tf. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM RANKIN** s l)r u g 810 re, (HEXT DOOB TO THE DESCHHEB OUH STORE. I 1, FRE SII AN I) CIIE A P Apr. '£l TOTIN F. POTTER, Attorney -at-Law (I Collections promptly made and * special attention given to those having " lands or property for sale. Will draw uf and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, toe. Office in tho diamond, north side o ; the court houso, Bellefonte. oct'J'/COU JAS. M'MANUB, Attorney at Laot Uellefonlo, promptly attends to a< business entrusted to lnm. iul2,'lW*< i BEATTYTS-TE TH K BEST IN I SK. jjr"trSend statni g for Circular. DANIEL F. BKATTY Washington, New Jersey. V T.3X ECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters tes i!i tamentary to the Estate of Johi Dnuberman, late of PotterTownsbip, (Vn >8 tre county, dee'd, having been granted t< e the undersigned, all persons indebted t. the said estate are requested to make im r- mediate settlement, aud those havinj claims to present them duly authenticate* , tor u.,'a Si) i. Pumps Of All Kinds! Jfril Steam & Rotary Pump* FOR MINE& m i Deep Well Pumps, j mMJf\ || Cittern Pumpf, . Anti-Frezing Pumpt. a uuuu u a\ y f,rr r H t'W **> MM 5,1, a *\""**s P PF 5 uu Would most respectfully inform the cit Q tens of this vicinity, that he has started a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be : thankful for a share of tho public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order and according to style, and warrants bis work ;to equal any msdo elsewhere. Ail kinds ' of repairing done, and charges reasonable ) Give him a call. feb IS ly 1 CbasT H. Held, |j , Clock, Walrhmukrrdk Jeweler Millheim, Centre Co., fk . all kinds ot Clocks, Watches and Jewelry j ■■ of the latest styles, as also tho Maranville, Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a complete index of the month, and day o! w the month and week on its face, which is w j warranted as a perfect tlioe-kecpcr. ai j gsff-Clooks, Watches and Jewelry re- , paired on short notice and warranted. ei BEATTY "^nr~g I WEIGHS WHEN BOXED OVER ONE K 1 " THOUSAND POUNDS. Liberal terms dl to dealers. i-VuSi'nd stamp for Circular. Address D. t. BEATTY, Washington. N. J. ' BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. . BKLLKFONTKTPA. ! 1 E. PERKS & SON, Prop'rs. This well known hotel, situate in the f business portion of the town, has been thoroughly renovated, repainted and fur * nished new. It will be the aim of the pro ■ prietois to make it u pleasant Home for K 0 those whoiuay favor thorn with their pat * ronage. A Iroe carriage is run to tho de- - P pot, and lh best stable* in town arecon h nected with the House. 29a-, I j "TV F. FORTNKY, Att^^^rh. 1). Offi K*v* 1 onld s bank. m ay 14'fo a" L. SPANGLER, AUorney-at-Law, - Bellefonte, Pa. Office with Bush & Yocum. Consultation in English , and German. Collections promptly attend- J ~ .d to. febA-tf !j •p Q U M M I H O U 8 Bellefonte, FA. j ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. s- Tho Cummings House, on Bishop street, m n is one of the pleasantest located hotels in I i- the town. U has the best stables in the I to place, has an excellent livery attached and I to every attention will be paiu guests. No I i- pains will be spared to make it a pleasant I ig and agreeable stopping place for the pub id lie. Boarding by tbe day or week, and £ . ratei charged will always l?e found Try Ti low. IWHI7, Pennsvalley Banking Co. CKXTRK HALL, PA , RECEIVE DEPOSITS, i.nd Allow Interest, Discount Note Buy aid lall Government Securities, Gold aadj 'rraa Horria. W*. B. _ _ Pres't. Cashier KMT siouuaen, t. o. iinut President, Cashier. COUNTY BANKING CG (Late IflUiken, Hoover A Go.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, , Lud Allow interest, Discount Notes, BUT ud Sell. government Seoul "lies, Gold dr flk Blatckley'g J (BjWJSS Ti 223 market, by popular verdjet, Ike beil P um P >or the least moee* "I wHI Attention u invited to Bwteklef*# StHR Improved Bracket, the Bm Check Valve, which earn he with i-jCal drawn without disturhlag the 'joints, and tho copptr shsmhfe rhioh never cracks, scales or nuts sal rill last a life time. For sale hy Daalsei ind the trade generally. In order he he ure that you get Blatehley'e Paasm, he ireful end see that it has my trade-mark is above, If you do not know where te >uy, descriptive circulars, together wife ho name and address of tho agent nearwß rou, will bo promptly furnunod hy ad lrcssmg, with stamp. CHAS Q. BLATCHLZY Haiafhstarer 50tt Commerce St., Philadelphia, Ta. 11 mar'Jm. D. M. RITTKNHOUM, WITH ?®°s|os£S?, A JffiS co -isn, Cheese and Provisions. Delaware Avenue, H7 North Water Street, > A „ . PltLAPgLrilA. earth/?.* ° ' Cnitt J THE ADJtJStifilE ufacturod by DANIEL DERR, Be lefonta, Ponn'a. sm-Vall and tee them i before purthtukm hocr. 1 mgjf j. HHKsTPTnKnHIjMi®^