TUB OKNTBK REPORTER. THURSDAY OCT. 7,1876. LODGE MEETINGS CUltt HAIX L(MMV, No 6, I. O. of O. F„ m*t* •rpn Sftlnrdty oYMoInf In Ui fMi Mlowt Halt. J M UIU.IUND, 8K 14. P. NAN MKT. A O OLD FO*T LntX*. No. 437, R. A M . mwi on Thor*AM) evening. on or after oach full tu*>n In U# Odd FolU HmH O. F HKKLAV HEM. FTOCT W B MLNOUT, W M PRtment in the eastern penitentiary a: solitary confinement at haid labor for a term of six years. ~g —The magnificent store of Iscchler A Co., in the Bush nousc block is attracting as much attention this week a* the fair. The finest specimens of dried snd canned fruits are to be seen there and can l-e bought low. This is the best arranged, and most complete grocery in this section, aad a more accommodating set of gentle men to wait upon customers can not be found. just as easy for you to go and see for your selves, citizens of Pennsyalley, and find it to be correct, that at Graham A Son's, you find the largest, best and cheapest assort ment of boots and shoes in central Penn a. The cheapest, ye*, for the cheapest and largest variety. You get there just what TOU want without having to hunt all over Bellefocte for it. Pcnnsvallev people will fir.d Graham A Son in BrockerholTs block the roost agreeable gentlemen to deal % with. Guggenbeimer has the largest and best stock of Clothing in Centre county, and prices as low as in Philadelphia. Sternberg is there too, and he will sell Clothing right—its his old busiuess. Go ar.d see. Mr. James A. Keller, of near this place, was kicked by a horse on last Mon day morning. The horse kicked out be hind, both feet striking Mr. K on the breast knocking hint insensible for a short time ; after recovering he was able to walk home, although bis breast is consider ably bruised. Had he not been as close to the borse as he was, the blow would undoubtedly have killed him. Since th<- above is in type we iearn that two of Mr Keller's ribs were broken. interested generally make the most, and it is lamentable that all people can not be induced to follow thai mode of doing busi ness, as all parties concerned always feel more independent and find it a fair and square way of dealing. We be'.iere there is only one firm in the county that has had the nerve to introduce this system, end hav ing followed it several years, find it a suc * cess and find also that they do a better trade- and can sell lower than under the old credit system. This firm is Burn-idc & Thomas, of Belletonte. They sel! gro ceries and ail household necessities for Cash or produce only—but thai.lhey hare, T at an inducement, marked their goods down to a trifle above wholesale city prices. Now every housekeeper at once will see that be makes money here—he has a saving of from 15 to -10 per cent., and that in some families will amount to scv erul hundred dollars a year.—lf you g" t • Burnsidedb Thomas, opposite the Bush home, you will find this so. The ftftTtr*e*i pair of boots we ever ( heard of wa a pair of (air boots, a: i Ji hnny Power'* opposite the Bush house. ' for John Ardeli—Just a* handsome u high ' in price, and worth every cent of the won* j ay. At Power*' ladies wiil find a nice ar- < tide of fair shoe* and gaiter* hard to teat The Mary who had a iiuie lamb, is 1 raid to live in Centre county and i* now out of her teen*. She is handsome and pcsecssedof good sense. A correspondent of the Reporter interviewed her on a recur.; Saturday evening, and *he says when the is married she wiil get all her groceries at Sechler's. Her husband will save money. Merchant* and others going to New York will do well to read the card of the Spingler House, Unicn Square, New York. Comfort, luxury, convenience and economy are the advantages offered at this select and excellent hotel. oct 7 1 rn WINES FOR DEBILITATED FE MALES. Some time since we stopped at FasHiie i N. J., and were really surprised to see the , amount of 31r. Speer's stock of Port Grape Wine on hand, it is almost fabulous. Four Storehouses are filled, ani tiers upon tiers of casks up and down stairs, and in some cases huge vats, occupy every availa ble spot, leaving only little alley ways through which to walk. It is an illiinitless quantity of wine. None is sold until it has acquired the age of four years, and the building;, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are of the first, sec ond, third and fourth yenrs vintage. Our druggists have some of the oldest of the above wine direct from Mr. Hpeer. Pat erson Guardian. feller & Son druggists agents for Bclle fonte. • IMPORTANT TO BUILJ)E*S -The un dcrsigned is now prepared to sell Brick at his kilns at Centre Hull to suit purchasers, at reasonable rates, also to furnish or con tract Brickwork. S. 8. FARNEit. 7 octy SCHOOL TAX NOTICE.—The taxpayers pf Rotter school district are hereby notifi ed that the tax-duplicate has been pla',-d in my hands for collection. All tux Paid on or before December Ist, next, will have 6 per cent, deducted, acd from that date to January Ist the amount on duplicate will be payable, and all taxes unpaid after January Ist 1876, will go into the bunds of a collector with an addition of b per cent. A. H. IIOSTERMAN, 7 oct 3m, Treasurer. Auction ! Auction !—Tbe goods remains ing in tbe store of 8. 8. \\ oil, dee'd, at Centre Ha!', will be sold at Auction, on Wednesday, October 13, ufternocn and evening, and sale will be continued each day and evening until all goods are sold. Every article offered and on hand, will lie to d without reserve. A good stock still |4 bftfid. A ihttftvti for JBergww, Who wart* to invest throe farm ore advertised for sto in tho Reporter. ——The basement <>t tho new Luther .in church m this place I- now ready tor ser vices. Rev. Anipach, of Miffiinburg, preached the first sermon in the now build ing, on last Sabbath. The basement is one of the finest and most commodious in the county and ha* adjustable scats. Tho sta ple i* 120 loot high, which we think is the highest spire ill tho county. John C Burr, esq., has our thanks for a pamphlet copy of proceedings of Detn. .State Convention. Gov, llartranlt will be at State Col lege on the loth for the purpose of inspect ing the cadets. —The Wo >dward Hotel property i> offered at Slier tT sale. See adv. in Re porter. —Subscribe and pay for the Reporter —don't depend upon your neighbor'* The Reporter is worth double the price in any family. W>- ~1 > vffl Of Ml subscriber* who are hack tw,\ three and four year* heed this gentle call, and be kind enough and mn t. Do for m tin language ofShakespearo we must ex, '-iiuu "Save u. Oi.-A ., or we ink For the Reporter. I'KNN HAI.L ACADEMY. I'll is Academy i- undoubted > or.colli., bet schools outside of the College Rev. Wolf and IV i Kvatis being such loach,-: - a* know how 1 properly conduct it There are now upward* of 50 students not count ing the little boy* and girls in the lower department The present term clue* on Friday, Oct. Mb, followed by a three week's vacation. I'he Hall iti which th, academy it held is a largo and nice y painted room w ith a splendid s'ate black board, and a g -od coal stove which all a,id to the attractiveness .: the school. Kv. rv branch of study is taught that would pre pare the student for College Male Stuifitits. SCSloVer, G F Sho. k II Wet. el. G YotiaJa, 1* J Yoiiada. E I'witmeyer, 1' l> Stiver, u Smith. A C Rink a, .1 W Rankin, W F Gasman, J C Ortidorf .1 F Mullen, Cl* Leitiel, A J Lorg C krape, G \\ k'uiie, H M kaine K Kruturine 11 Kruiurine, T King, B S Jamison, T 11 Harter. J \\ llaru-r, K B 11- sUruian, W C OiUiland, J A Grenoble, C K Kink!,-. A C Fisher, C Kdmumis, J Cor.do, \V Bible, W I'Hosieruian, K Grenoble. A K Gobble, W A Fahrion, S K Kmerick. L> W Duncan. .1 W Crawford, 1> Brown, L V Wolt, K S Zot by Ladies M s Addie F -her, Mary Groh, Mary Fahrion Carrie Minich, Clara Guie>, Suie Hosterniaii. The above are not all the students, l ut we hope those whose nanu s do not appear above, will pardon us f. r not inserting them, as we could not accertatn th, ir first name* Long may the Penn Hail Academy live ? Hoping that the students are all well pleased with the above article. "BIXLKT." From the Altoona Mirror we learn that Robert Hewitt, a wealth,- bachelor, com mitted suicide by shooting himself, on the 17th inst. He lived with a man named Jo seph t-oguin, who workrd hi* larm which is situated in the mountain near the Wop senonock Hole), seven uiti, - from Altoo na. On the morning of the 17th, he took his gun and said to hi* family that be would lake u dav s hut-.:, and in the even ing he was found ab> ui a mile and a Quar ter from the b.-use dead having -hot him self through the heart, lie etta letter stating that, being weary of life, ar.d feel ing that he had lived long enough and done enough "fur good and for evil,' he had deliberately taken his own lite. He left a will, bequeathing ail hi* property to his farmer. AN UNPROFITABLE PEACH SEA SUN. liiddlrlown. Del*wre, Sspt. 21.—The peach season will be virtually over in about a week. There van be no doubt but that the growers' fear- for the profit, have been tullv realized. The markets from the very first shipments • f Hale? to a few days since, when the firmer varieties beiran to make their appearance except at irregular inter vals, have been glutted, ar.d the returns have been absolutely a 10.-s in many cases. Owing to the glutted markets about one third of the crop, it is said, has been al lowed to rot on the trees, and many of the farmer* have tjot picked any of their peaches for market -ince the shipment of Hales. As a general thing the oua.ity ot fruit shipped this year to New 1 ork and the west has been finer than ever sent ftom the Peninsula market*, and but for the superabundance of the supply there is little doubt but that the growers w -u!d have been amply comper-aud. The growers who have shipped constantly to New York -which has taken about I.s', 000 basket*—are out cf | cket, and in nianv cases have nt received t-m-ugh to pav the commission men. Philadelphia was about the-poorest of all the markets Growers who have shipped to th<- smaller western cities hare done better than any other class of shippers, having paid ex penses ami realized a fair profit. The Boston markets have been well supplied, and. coupled with the point* of shipment in New England, have been, next to the western point*, the molt remunerative to the growers The total number of baskets shipped to" these points was about 3ot),(KAi The entire cost of ticking, shipping and marketing the euormou- crop of peaches grown on the Peninsula has n-. been very far short o! $2 000,000 and when the sea son closes this wn! be increased probably to nearly $2,200,000. There now remains about six days of largo shipments, the Smock, late Crawford, and various can ning varieties constituting the bulk of the remaining crop. This week the Heath, a very excellent cunning truit will make its appearance, and when they have been all market-d the ea-on may be said to be over. The total shipments will am unt to about 6,00u,0U) baskets. Fully I.&ut.OUU baskets have b er: used on the peninsula, some of the fruit being canned, a grpat quantity dried, and thousands of basket made into peach brandy by the distilerics, which have sprung up all over the lower part of the stale From the present time until the conclusion of the sens .n the mar kets continue to improve, and the grower yet hope to make at leas. expenses, if not "a small surplus over. But. altogether, the effect of the present crop has been disas trous to the peach intere-t of the peninsu la. and will result in the grubbing out of the orchards. e -• e HOW A SNAKE CIIA I'M ED A BOY From tlif Heading Eagle For the last two weeks a on of A Hen Rogers, ago.i eleven yean, a wood cutter on the Blue Mountain*, about three mile* froni Hamburg. has been in the habit of leaving hi* father's every morning about 'J o'clock, and not returning till noon. The j>arents of the boy have ques tioned him several time* a* to where he went, and the boy would reply, to p.sy with a neighboring boy named Springer On Friday last the father watched his son, and followed at a short distance, and when about a half mile from the house, the boy entered a piece of thii k sprout land, in from the road some two hundred yards, where he seated himself upon a large rock, and in loaa than ten minute* the father was horrilied on seeing a inou-ter black snake crawl upon the rock and put its head on the boy a lap. The father states that the snake was the largest he ever saw on the hills, lie states that it w s easily fifteen ; feet long and a thick as his arm, which is well developed. The boy had taken bread with liiin and wa- feeding the snake, which at intervals would stica a lurge tongue out as if hissing fe, at once unpolled i self and raised lis body at least foqr feet from the rock and looked in all direction.-, ami tiien it return ed to the boy's lap. ar.d the father returned lionia and Hwaited the boy's return, which was, us usual, at noon. When told that he had boeu playing with the snake, the boy said the first morning lie met the snake he liked to play with it: then lie took it food, and he was so mutft pleased with hi* companion that something told him that lie must meet the spake every morning. One morning he said he was late, and whtn he reached the place tho snulre wa- stand ing up, and it came out to meet liiin, then followed liini to the rock- There is sonie . thing very strurigc about a snake charm ing not only children. but I have read of adults coining under their charms. There is certainly some truth in the facinating powers of snakes. On Saturday morning the f'utber arid two of his neighbors went to the place with guns, and at the usual time the snake made its appearance, when all fired atone lime, killing the charmer. The Rebersburg band passed through this place on their way to the fair, they vUf tars Willi WtfUvbl ttttsie. SA L RAII.ROAP. The bondsmen's treasurer, Mr. Hart, wa* hero last week, adjusting land damage claim* against the road, and succeeded in making satisfactory settlement* W illi Christian Fiatn, W. How , George Higgle, John Sager, Charles R>- mig, John W. Shaw, John Fisher, How ersox's heirs, and with the bondsmen on i Matthew and Robert Forsyth's claims, I leaving some still unliquidated, hut with, whom it 1* hoped settlement w ill soon he made. The disposition i to put the road in operation in a short time. We learn trout the Time* that Josiah llnrt, treasurer of the bond holder* ot the S A L. Railroad was in Seliusgrove last week and filled and paid nearly all the . amis for land damages in that vicinity and up towards Middteburg. George Schnure received s'."—*l, Jus k. l>avi ; ' I'awling A k reoger $ IVM ; Henry Scho. h sl.aV; Christian Waller s£6o, and 11 M Straub probably SOOO. From there the treasurer went to Middleburg. where a delegation was Waiting to meet him.— (htitttt. Mr S M SwarU, of Churchvtlle, wiiic. Mr. John C. Wagner n>f the Loop! set a plum graft last spring whic) lot- since grow n to 8 yards length, ami ha two sprout* each 11 yards long, and the tllaiu graft is about i in. in diameter. Wi name it the Pershing grait, and ifilmdeiu ocracy i* a*determined to elect Mr. Per* slung us the above graft fs to grow, there will be no doubt of bis election. SHAWL* FROM I'KNN, NOW AND TURN On Friday last, a> John G. Mu-*er and Michael Zeigler were driving from Mill heitu to Texas, with their meat wagon, the b rso scared between Mr. Mutser's and Mr. Otto -at an old box ilia'. Uu-if left there, and the consequence was, the horse went down over the bank, making a wreck • f the wagon a* well as of the (euee. What become oftho beef we will not say. But John would belter move his scare crow*. Mr. Daniel t'lrich, jr., has dug the foun* datii . n tor a new dwelling west of town. We always thought Dan would do such things as toon as she would say, yes, em phatically. Mr. G. W. Stover, sr., at Penns Creek, is building two new house* this tall, both of which arc going up rapidly and ; will be finished in the coutse of a few we k*. Such enterprises aiming tho other citir.i.s there would soon increase the ap- 1 pcarai-.ee of the hamlet. jl Bill Brown is expected in Millheiut nrc'l teng. and someb.dy ha- thrown tin cans' i and buckets into the street already for the i satisfaction of the boy* on that occasion. ' May they use theiu successfully. 1 The farmers are ail through culling off ' corn and are t; w working at their clover- i seed, which promises to be a middling < good crop after all. < The supervisor*commenced work on the i new road, at I*elius Creek on Monday last i The road c mmeiiccs at Mr. Zerby's -aw ' mill in Penn twp , and folkws Penns t creek connecting with the main road at < Beaver Dam school house, Gregg twp I The road will he a decided improvement cutting off many steep hills and not being ' much longer if any. s The grain looks very fine through our 1 section of country, and promises to be well let for the winter. 10. S. C. • ♦ . DEATH cr AS OLI> CITIZEN.— On 1 the 10th inst Mo.s Frank did in Lock Haven, aged 7S years. Deceased was bur i. J in the Jewish cemetry on the 12U>, by 1 the Hebrew Benificial Association (to wIK ::I the family request us to express their { thanks for many kind Deceased was b >rn in Germany and catue to this country about fifty years ago. lie had been blind ' for 10 years. He lost an eye about 25 years i ago by being struck in it with an awl or t -omo sharp instrument, ar.d about sixteen ' years ago, while cutting wood before day*'; i.ght, a i cce struck lura in the other eye j and thus made him blind.— Dtmotrat. ,t t 1 A WON I>ERPUL RAVINK IN NK W MEXICO. A correspondent, traveling with the ( Wheeler expedition, give* the following * account of a wonderful ravine encountered { by the expedition: About twenty mile* from Lag-son* we * crossed some plains near Sheep spring, and t suddenly came upon a deep volcanic ravine with walls of bluish lava, sheer from the t top to the bottom, and at least 700 feet high. In running over the continent by railroad, and suffering from the monoton* t ous character of the plains and prairias, one is inclined to think that, compared * with the latter, the proportion of pictur- ( e-que scenery in America is insignificant! But before you have traveled many hun- 1 drcd mill - in New Mexico or Colorado •: you are bound to acknowledge that any a <>ne of their abounding marvel* would be enough to make a more accessible country ' famous. What has the East, or England, j or France, or Germany to equal this ravine, for instance — tho Canado Alamos, as it is * called ? Compared with it the Pictured Rocks, the Virginia Natural Bridge, Wat- I kin's Glen, or the most curious feature* of the British coast are worth as little note as 11 a boy's box of magic compared with the ) best tricks of a skilled prestidigitateur ;' and yet here, in the midst of a thousand ' other marvels, it has n-Hbing more than n j name and scarcely excites a nii-nient's won der. The surrounding country is almost 1 flat and is bounded by abrupt mesas. We mar. h along with apparently nothing but j tho plains ahead of us, and suddenly, w itb out warning, as we approach a crest of tin- 'I wavy land we seo tho edge of the gulf • Less than a d<o to his feet, and before a hand could bo extended to prevent him, shot himself through the head, and lie fell dead hy the side of his wife. Russell seemed stricken dumb bv tbe fesrful scene, and was led from tho room like child. He wns arrested and held in $-.* MX) to await tho action of tho grand jury. A verdict that Mrs. Harriet K. llurst met her death by the accidental discharge of a pistol, and that Horton Hurst came to his death by his own hands while temporarily insane, was rendered. We printed last week an account of the hanging of a man, Scholl, in ltellefonuine, Ohio, on suspicion of having murdered a young wouian named Laughlin. His wife had accused him of the murder, recount ing a story which, on its face, was improb able in tha extreme , while Schell himself, with the halter around his neck, his innocence, and declared that his wife was in reality tho murderer, having been actuated to the crime by jealousy. The Columbus News says that a microscopic examination of some hair found clutched in Miss Laugh tin's hand shows that it was neither hers nor Schell'a, but that it cor responds with Mrs. .Schell s. If this is true, there can be little doubt that the un- fortunate man's story was true, and that the murderous mob of "determined, hon est ciliaen*" were guilty of hanging an in nocent man without judge or jury, or even a pretence of investigating the question of bis guilt. Gov. Curtin left Philadelphia for Ohio on Saturdy night and will speak for Al len every day until the close of the cam paign. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. (101> SAVE THE COMMON- J WEALTH. I. 11. F. Siiarna, High Sheriff of Cen tre county, Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, do hereby make known and give no tice to the electors of the county af.reaaid. that an election will be held in the said county of Centre on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 2ND, IKT;>, in accordance with tho Act of Assembly, for the election of: One person for the I'ffiee of governor of the commonwealth of l'enn'a One person for the offii eof State Treas urer of the commonwealth ot Penn'a. One person to represent the c. unties of Centre. Clinton and Clearfield in the Sen ate of Penn'a One person for the office of Sheriff, of the county of Centre. One person for the office of Treasurer of tho county of Centre One person n>r the office of Prothenotary of the county of Centre One person for the office of Register of the county of Coat re. One penon f r the offico of Recorder of the county of Centre. One person for the office of Coroner of ihs- countv of Centre Throe persons for the office of Commis sioner of Centre county. Three persons for Auditors ot Centre county I also herebr make known and give no tice that the place of holding the aforesaid ■ •It-.: n If, :! • ■ V i-Tal lb.roughs and Townships within the county of Centre are as follows, to wit For the twp. of Haines, at the Public House of John Limbert. Aaronsburg For the twp, of Half Moou, at the School House in Storiiistow n. For the twp, of Taylor, at the house erected for the purple on the property of Leonard Merryman. For the Township of Miles, in the school house in tho town of Keborsburg. For the twp, of Potter at the house of John Odenkirk, Old Fort Hotel. For tbo twp, of (iregg at the public house owned by J. B Fisher. For the twp, of Ferguson in the school house at Pine Grove. For the tw ( >. of Harris, in the school house at Uoalsbnrg. For the twp, of i'atton, at tho house of I'eter Murray. For the borough of Hellelonto and th i townships of Spring and Bonner, at the!, Ourt House in Bvliefonte. I For ihe twp, of Walker, in the school i house at Hublersburg. For the borough and township of How ard at the school house in said horo. f For tho twp, of Rush at the Cold Stream school house. For tho twp, of Snow Shoe, at the school house near Samue! A.-kcy. For O c twp, of Marion, at the bouse ol ] Joel Kline, in Jacksonville For the boro. of MilelA NK IIAVK AN I U: TO 111*1 H KM. !. New York Oct. I.—A apodal tliws patch from the 1 tl Cloud agency *&)'" , that the council closed on the 29lh| i ult.. writh the abundoument ofnegotla* , lion* by the eouiiiiiMtouara witli the •cquieseuce of lite ludiaua. Ihe lit tlimiH again tuada *|ooche* aaking in return tor the Black 11 ilia, that their nation bcsuppotlcd for over *OO yean. 'lThey also wanted cattle, guna, cloth-' ing, borate, farina, houses, saw mills, schools, civilised furniture. They would retain the foot of the hills. It wat intimated that many ol the chiefs would like to finish thu council at Washington. Senator Allison ajjaiu read the formal proposition of the goverment. agreeing to purchase the Hills for|ti,2sO,Ooo iu fifteen an-; HUM I installments, or lease them for 94b0,000 yearly, and also to purchase the liig II >rn country lor PbOO.OOO, ipayable in teu annual instalments, to he expended on live stock, husbandry instruments, etc. The Indians declin ed to accept the oiler, it being too | small. - ■ ■' ' Williamsport, October 3 -Abraham ' Winnegardnsr, a wealthy and influential 1 citizen ot this place, coin mi Ued suicide this evening by drowning himself ia the canal, one mile abovs here. OHK&IFF ■ SALI By virtue of a writ of\ enditio ti Kipon us issued out of tbe Court of Common I'less of Centre county, and to me direct cd. w ill be exposed to public sal*, nt tln- Court House in Uellefonte n h ridsy, tbe V2nd day of October, 1875, the following properly, vis All thast certain tract of Isiui situate in llaiucs Township. Centre co., l'a . bound ed on tbe north by the Lowisburg and Old Fort turnpike road, on the west by land o! Michael llcss, el si. south by land lofOattiel Stover, and east by land of the i heirs of John MoU, dee'd, containing 38 'acres, uiere or le-s, thstaon erected a large Hotel building, large shed, tenant bouse, acd other buildings, being known as the Woodward Hotel properly. Seised, laketi in execution, and to be sold a* the property of \V. S. Long. Sale to commence at oue o'clock, p. m. of said ■ day. [.Sheriff's utiles, Uellefonte Pa , Uct 4, 1876 It i . SIIAKFKU. Sheriff. AY; RILAN S OUSTBAXJ ( Uy virtue of an order of the Orphan's! Court ot Centre county, there will be of-J fered at public sale, on the premises, in, I'olter twp , 3 miles west of l'oltt-r* Mills, I on Friday, October 21', 1875, at 1 o'clock, p. m . a valuable lot ot ground j of Mrs Rebecca Books, c ntainlng lO Acres, with lg House, liaru ■ r.d other Outbuildings thereon envied j There is a good ORCHARD in bearing .condition, also a never failing spring oti water on the premises. Conditions will Lr'j made known on dav of ale A LI KEN BACH. Oct 7. Executor, j, VIt I'll A X - COU KT - \I.K The undersigned, Administrators of lhe | Estate ot K Vk Jantis -u, late of Jutilata: county, dee d, will, by virtue of au order, of the Orphan's Court of Centre county i expose the following described real estate I situate in Poller lowr ship, Centre county, to public sale, on tbe premises, at 2 o'clos k 1' M , n Friday, November slh, 1875. The undivided one-half part of a tract / of latid, bounded by lands of Elizabeth Deckcrt on the east. Andrew tirage on thej j south, Henry ."-aiikey on the west and! Joseph Carson on tbe nortb, containing: 5 about H 128 ACRES, more or ie*§, having thereon erected a GOOD FRAME 1101*8 Eot large sixe.jj Bank Uarn and g'H>d outbuildings The whole of this land is now under cultiv alien 1 ' and is an excellent puality of arable land, j There it a good Apple Orchard on the, premises, and also a fine assortment of oth er fruits. This land it eligibly situated, about one mile northeast ol Potter'e Hank, and it close proximity to churches, schools and*] stores. Terms will be made known on , Jay of sale. JOHN MuTZKK. LOl'l*s E. ATKINSON. Oct 7. Administrators. . Valuable Farm for Sale. 1 The fine and highly productive Farm of the undersigned, situate on the turnpike, about 1 mile west of Spring Mills, is offer- J <-d at private sale. It eonuins about lists ACRES OF LAND, under a high stale of cultivation, and the!, greatet part under post and rail fence, Willi I, all else in the best order. 1 A largo two-story FRAME HOUSE, LAKUh BARN, and all nec.-stary Out- s buildings on tbe premises. All the build- j ings are good as new, and tbe house has j recently been papered and psinteJ on lbe ' f inside It ia one of the most desirably !o- j j eated farms in Centre county, being but 1 ( mile from the railroad station, convenient to churches, schools.'tores and inillt. At. { abundance of good Timber also cor.veni-j cut. For further information address JAMES L FOKSTER, , 16 sept if. Akron, Ohio. NEW GOODS! —AT THE Centre Mills Store, J. F. THRONE baa just opened a line Stuck of GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE which he ix selling at [GREATLY REDI'CEI) PRICES, Consisting in DRY GOODS, ALPACCAS, MOHAIRS, PIQUES, LAWNS, MUSLINS,; PRINTS,! FLOUNTS, SHIRTING, TWEEDS, JEANS, CX>TTONADES, FINELAS-IMERS, EM BORDERI ICS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, RIBBONS.; and fancy article* belonging to the Grocery department Sugars, Coffees, .Syrup, N. Orleans Mo I lasses, Domes tic itud Foreign Fruits, Fish)Sitll, eve rything usually found in this depart ment. • QUEENSWARE, whole aeD or dish • ea or by tho piece. r llltKih iitttl 1 VU; VI RKIH CI NFS. r 1 r WOOD and WILLOWWARE. ; HARDWARE. * FORKS, RAKES, SHOVELS HOES. e NAILS. Ac.. OK NTS' CALF HOOTS, LADIES' MUTTON UAITOKH A MO- ROCCO, CHILDREN'S SHOES of all * kind*. \ TOBACCO A CIGARS, all at greatly '! reduced price*. Call and seo for yourxef '' ve*. No charge lur showing good*. ■ UKUIKST I'HH'HS PAW fur all kind, 1 qf Grain, and country Pr&iure tukfn in tu> 0 change far goods, 1 iiii..l-4in •; ;U N ION SQUARE, N. Y. ■i Fiiroiiciiit I*l a it. I 0 A RRLROT PIHHT CLASH IIOTKI. In Iho ksxrt ttiot'lf) . cotivoitiniil In U place* of bualnoaji. churiti ••, thi'itnn, tt\ StaiCfa ntt.l atroet car* tiaaa tlin dt*r ill for allstfmiuboat Lrtloa and ratlr.-ail de|oti . (u<*af a lint! a iiioto tjufot, comfortaldo and Ituuriou "tioim*" at tlio Nplnglor for l*a moiiay (linn at th IP Imy.-r ilrt <-la liotcla. Kleicantly ftirnlahed room fill ou |H>r day upwards. CarrUtfw It no U aavid a Uu km hviuaro ia vaaily roachod b> at root cam or U ' . J. f, I'RDST, Frourlitur. 9 MDt to> s ' For tlie Reporter, j A match game of b**e ball wai played at Milllieim on Saturilay between the Millhoimrlub and the Democratic club - of Peon Hall. The Peon Hall hoy* came ; o; Flour, Cuuiutou I" good It 7U(uV olO; f lour, good to choice C Uo(<4t> bit. Wheat, No' 2 Chicago prmg $1 '2tt Wheat, No '2 Milwaukee $1 'Jttntl 81. Rye [ ttOfaWc. Corn- western mixed Ov(i*fu , Oal,- western mixed 4m.v4'2 Coffee 19f(4 224 Egg* "2h("4,'2!<4 Sugar—fair to gmnl refining TD vel. Petroleum, refined 13|( 14* PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, October L— Flour, extra family s'•'2o(<4& 374; high grade* V (XI Wheat, new 41 26(4136; old red J1 4'2(.cl 43. Corn, wettern mixed 72(473; yellow 73(. Robin ton Crusoe, Gul- Liter > Travels, \ athek. Undine. Vicar of I W akcfield, Paul and Virginia Elizabeth, Pleciola, Tales from Arahian Nights, Complete in One V.-lutne of over 1,000 i page*, beautifully iUutlraltd with 34 full t agc Engravings It is the wexui a aTo*r HOOK, and all want to read it Agent's Outfit free to all , • who mean busioeasand wilt faithfully can vass. J. B. FORD A CO. ( |7 oct 4t 27 Park Place, N. York. I FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN. TV long out of the tube is mscrfoJ in the COT'* teoli, trhm the . i lk tciU Hotr, ertihuul the itul of the hand*. ] The ailcnlion of Dairymen it called to the above cut. which represents a SIL VKR MILKING TUBE, hy which more than half tlwr time and labor of milking cows it tavelf Four tubes to a set, which will be *enl postpaid to all parts of the country on receipt of Two Dollar* per tet j | An Agent it wanted in every county, Uc whom a liberal discount will be allowed | Addrcs* tbe manufacturer. GEORGE P. PILLIKO 701 Chettnat Street. Pbtladelpkla 1%. All kinds of Secret Society work, i JeweL, Emblems, Badge* and Silverware; genet ally. Diplomas awarded at the Berk*. Mont gotnery, Chester and Burks County P'air* For leeum nials see the Practical Farmer for September and October. Send for cir culars. 7 oct St. Tube* can be leen at the Reporter cfflce - -they are a success. I RPI) NPN PORFALLPLAVTIIO I v |i 14 \ 1 IIJLJJLJO Ul Tree*. Evergreen*. • UrnamenUl Shrub*,' Climbing Plants, Grmi>o. Currants, Gooseberries, Strawberries, Raspberriet, i and other small Fruit*. Asparagus, Rhu barb' Ac. SEEDS TOR FALL SOWIRO.I 1 Orchard, Kv Blue. ili-rJU v- ; O - (Red Top*. Clover. Timothy ai-.d other Grass Seed* ; Turnip Seeds of all, kind*; Vegetable and Flower Seed*; Hedge and tree Seed* BULBS—IIva- ] ctnlbt. Tulip*. Crocus. Lilies, and oilier I Bulb* for rail planting; Horticultural j Goods, Terra Cot la Ware, Ac.. Send for price list, or enclose 25c for full illustrated, Catalogue. Address EDWDJ. EVANS AGO.. Nurserymen and Seedsman, York. Pa. 19 aug Bm. I Simon Haines* CENTRE 11ALL. Manufacturer of I CnrriKt-M. LLTIKRHST. IVagoitt*, Ac. Of every description ; running gear for' all kinds of vehicles, made to order, and in first class manner. Being a practical ma ham. I would WARRANT ALL. WORK to give satisfaction. Repairing 'promptly attended to at the lowest rates. Undertaking. Coffin* of mil ityle* made on shortest notice. The business of undertaking attended to in all its branches. Respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. 9 sept y 'GREAT BAKGANS AT THE HARD WARE.STOKE OF j A RUNKLE & BRO., Millhelm, Pa., ! WIM.RWAI.TE X*D RKTAIL DEALER* IN ~x I I mmmp* i 'K*t& IIKAYY sY SHELF HARDWARE, • :They have just returned from the Eastern - Cities, where they have purchased a well selected stock of "iHARDWARE, CI'TLERT, IRON, NAILK, 'j OIL*, PAINTS, VARNISHES, PL'TTT, 111ULDERS & C 'OA CH 1/.4 KKRS J GOODS. jl'lttatcrers and Mason*, . Saddlers, Shoemaker*, Housekeeper*, nud in {'act, ! HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. . I We call particular attention tv> a fine as sortment ol picture Frame* ana Moulding, very cheap. |; WALL & WINDOW PAPER. |j And Curtain Fixtures of every kind, >' COACH and WAGoN-MAKERS-Your attention is called to our stock of Spokes, . Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, Pols* and Buggy Wheels, all of No. 1 ouality und soiling ve r- ry cheap. Our stock is large, and con ktaiitly being renewed, and we tiro selling —wholesale and retail—at very low prices, f Remember —much money has been lost bj paying too much for Hardware, Try i of It They buy for Cash and sell at Cash Price >u* for le-s profit than any other llardwur u Store in the County. ** Call and see us. Satisfaction guar u an teed. I MUSSERDT ILL'N'KLE BRO'S I 11U*27-y'74 JJJKW STORK, NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. 11. A. IxAKItIJIFH. at the old Centre Hill stand. Just opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES I A large variety of Isftdie* Drew Good* Great liargains In MuelitiHAtid Cnlicoe*. Ready-mude Clothing Warranted to Suit. Hi* (Moths and Cassimers, ( atit be excelled His Grocery Department, Ast*inLhes every one in aasortment and low tirtces. Byrup, Sugar, Tea, Coffrs. Canned fruitx, Domestic and Foreign FruiU, Cheese, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart meat Jh*-Farmers, Mechanics and Laborers look to your interest One dollar saved is a dollar in pocket. Then call and see at what astonishingly low prices. W".Nu troulde to show Good*."%A , Also the choicest FAMILY FLOCK al ways on hand. Apr. 15, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CUEMICALS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ate , Ac., Ate. PIUKHIYI: AM* MQI OHN, for .medicinal purpose*. TrUMt-a A Supporter* in great variety. Also, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other articles usually kept in a first class Drug Store. Prescription* carefully Compounded. '23octJf MILLER A.SON. lleadijuarlere for Boot* and Shoe* ! P O W EllS' BOOT AND SHOE. STORE. Opposite Bush House, UELLEFONTE. l'A. Powers' Boot Ac Shoe Store is the largest and best slocked cstabl'uhmcnt in Centre County. He keep* constantly on hand a full lioe of II O OT h A X 1* N II K H. lie is lust opening the largest slock of Spring Good* ever brought to BelL-fonte. for ladies, kept constantly on hand. Boots and Shoe* for men and women, of all styles, quality and prices, from the most costly to the cheapen, constantly kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION! either in quality or price#. Call aud examine hi* new stock of Spriug and Bummer Good*, and you will find it to your advantage. Apr2lly. ~ NEW YORK BR AN CH STORK, McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, Bollefonte, Pa. H. HERMAN A CO., Prop'ra. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS & FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS 000SS, Below the Usual Prices. Novlitf. r s. vtuoi. r. x. KICKS. a.a. KICKS WILSON & HICKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARD WAKE DEALERS. IRON, PAINTS,OILS, GLASS, A* Ituilders Hardware COACH MAKER'S GOODS. CABINET MAKER S STOCK. Stoves of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS, &C. WILSON A HICKS. Uellefonte, Pa. NOTICE.—We will tell to responsible nun on three months credit. YVill take off 6 | or cent for cash which is equal to 20 per cent, per annum. It will pay tbe pur chaser to borrow at 10 from other parties, if he can tare in buying irom us. In this way we can turn our monev and sell low er. Mar 16. U. JOHN CAMP'S Furniture Rooms, MILBOY, MIFFLIN CO., PA. 'Extension Tables, Chamber Suits, Fined Common Furniture, Consi-ting in part ol BUREAUS, BED STEADS, CAIN and WOOD SKAT CHAIRS. Tho public generally are invited to call and see the tine assortment of Fl'RNl- TUR* to bo found at tho above establish ment, all ol our own Manufacture. Undertaking in all it* branches, Coffins, Caskets und Shrouds. Having purchased an elegant Hearse, 1 i will attend all order* of undertaking 1 i mav receive from Pennsvalley, Centre Co. I Pa." JOHN CAMP. Jan '2B tf. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROI > kaxhi.VN jl) rug Sto re, • (NEXT 000R TO THE DEBCHHER OUR IT01E.) FRESH AND CHEAP . Apr. 22 D. M. RITTKNUOt'SE ' WITH IxOOVS, SCHWA I|Z A CO. WUUI.K*4I-k DEALER* IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions 1 144 North Delaware Avenue, 147 North Water Street, , PuiLiDKLrillA. F. A. Kooas. a BCBWAKX J. Sea WAI ' inarti.lv. i- TOUN F7POTTKR, Attornoy-at-Law i- u Collections promptly made anc g special atluntion given to those having s. lands or propnrly for sale. Will draw u| y and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages Ac. Office in the diamond, north side o the court house, Uellefonte. oet22'o'.it TAS. M MAN US, Attorney at Law Bellcfonto, promptly attends to al business entrusted to hitn. iui*2,'f.Bi =BEATTY p,ANor r- TIIE BEST IN USE. jECrSond stam S3, for Circular, DANIEL F. UEA'rTY Mow Jw®u A. Pumps Of All Kir/ ! Steam & Rotary rumps \ Deep Well Pumps, Jp3|! if Cistern Pumps, > Anti-Frezing Pumps. J9 uuua a a %nmm nrrrr II trrrrr iiin jmh I:/ \ L ; ?iis Ju c •-J® -5p f ii f L. -3 jdMUKS GOODS >t ALLJKIND6. Gum Hone § Packing, Bell and Bratt > Founders, and Manufacturers of the CELEBRATED Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. •flu&md/er tUwUrated catalogue and price J. B. SHERIFF & SOW, •6 WATER M..AMM Avene. pr. 1)'. I'lTTSftlßtiU, FA. SHORTLIDGE & CO., COAL, LIME, At., WILLIAM JsHORTLIDGE. BUS D V A LI V Til B SHORTLIDGE 6c CO., Burner* and Shipper* of the celebrated I WfH|Vll^ fo p Z Dealer* in the aery beat grades of lANTllliACtfß'oi^l The only dealer* io Centre County who eel! the W; ILi K EiSi Bi A:R;RiE CiOiAiL - from the old Baltimore mice*. Aiao SH AMOK IN AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly boated expressly for kouM ON. at tbe lowest pri eat BE ALE RS IJV They pay the highest price* in cask or grain that the Eastern market* will afetA WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Bought or will be told on commiasion when detired, and fall price* guaranteed. la* formation concerning the grain trade wiU be furnished at all timee, to tamer* with pleasure, free of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IS; CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which is always sold at low prices, and warranted to be as good a fertiliser at as other plaster. AMD TA3D NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, ! BELLEFOmPA. Excelsior Cement- } The undersigned now msnufirtur-* Ce! meat W A RRANTED OF A SUPERIOR DUALITY, at hi* kiln*, near Pino Crook Mill*, in Heine* twp. This cement he* already bean uted in large quantities upon the L. C. A S. C. BR., and has been found highly satisfactory upon all job* where it ha* been used, and as equal to anv now manufarturod for use in CIR TERNS, WATER PIPES orwhatevw purpose a food quality of Cement is desi rable This Cement has already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Persons, therefore eoa ►tructing Cisterns, lading Water P ipea, Ac., will find it to their advantage to bear this in mind, and also, that he warrants the article as represented. J. O. METER, may 21>tf Aaronsburg. Pa W. A. CURRY, CK.\TRE IIA LL. PA. Would most respectfully inform the cR sens of this vicinity, that he has started a [new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public patron age. Boot* and Shoe* made to order and according to style, and warrants his work jto equal any made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and charges reasonable- Give him a call. feblSly Chan. H. Held, I Clock, Watchmakerdk Jeweler!] Miilheim, Centre Co., Pa. all kinds o! Clocks, Watches and Jewelry] of the latest styles, as also the Maranville Patent Calender Clocks, provided with a N omnlote index of the month, and day ol i the month and week on its face, which is warranted as a perfect time-keeper. i | Off-Clocks. Watches and Jewelry re- i osirod on short notice and warranted. Bis ATT Y Pl 0rg ~ WKIGUS WHEN BOXED OVER ONE THOUSAND POUNDS. Liberal term* to dealers. stamp for Circular. Address , D. F. BEATTY, Washington. N. J. BROCkERHOFF HOUSE. , HKLLKFONTK. PA. E. PERKS & SON, Prop'rs. This well known hotel, situste in the business portion of tha town, has been thoroughly ronavalod, roDainted and fur nished now. It will be tho aim of the pro prietor to wake it a pleasant Home for those wkomay favor them with their pat ronagc. A tree carriage is run to the de pot, and the best stables in town areeon noctcd with the House. iS)apr._ ' TT\ F. KORTNKY, Attorney at Law XJs Bellefonto, Pa. Office ©vor Rey onld s bank. may 14'ffi 1 * T L. SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law, ej Bellofonte, Pa. Office will) '• Bush A Yocutn. Consultation in English and German. Collections promptly attend- K ad to. feb6-tf qumminqs HOUSjg II BelUfonte, PA. ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. 7 The Cummings House, on Bishop street, is one of the pleasantest located hotels in 1 the town It has the best stables in the place, has an excellent livery aitachsd and every attention will V© P*'d guests. Nc - pain's will be spared to wake if a pleasant and agreeably stopping place for the pub >p {lie. Boarding by the uay or week, ani l, r rat9 qhargea will always be found verj tow. im 17. Peniisvallejr Banking Co. CENTRE HALL, PA RECEIVE DEPOSITB, And Allow Interest, Discount Note Buy sa4Ml Government Securities, Gold and. Pma Horrxn, W*. B. Mima Pros't. Caehtar he.nrt Baocaaanorr, t. ®. aneenoo President, Cnebinr. OKNTRE COUNTY BACKING 09 (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, i And Allow ioterett, Discount Koto*, But aod ML Core rn men t Seem lies, Gold dr 'apweaf >apoM. Blatchloy'a f *D v Iraprorod OTTCTOf £ O g BKR WOOD PUMP STANDABITofIke market, by popular verdict, the best pump for tho least as en eg 0 Attention ts invited to BlaWkllfl Improved Bracket, the Bray Check Valve, which can be with drawn without disturbing tho joints, and the copper ohaasbtf which never cracks, scales or rnsts as I will last a life time. For sale by Dselem and tbe trade generally. In order to ho sure thnt you get Blatehley'e Puny, bo careful end see that it has my trade-naerh is above. If you do not know where to buy, descriptive circulars, together wtth the nsme and address of the agent nearnal you, will be promptly furnished by ad dressing, with stamp. CHAS 0 BLATCHLXY, Xaaafaetver, 506 Commerce St., Philadelphia, flb 11 mar 9m. tyeyeri Poultij Pordff. Jk Vsrrmatsd,Unset la daat,grlt*ad*cc*b*l)-a>rmlßg nstartaksaoseswag kscp riosltrr (area la ooaflameat) tor say IsagSh at Urns, with both profit and plsasors. Pacta*- fish, ivs tor fii.ta ask yosr dealer. MUtMOSOM raptor p~ THE ADJUSTABLE " i" ufactured by DANIEL BERK, Be lefonte, Penn'i. all and ttc them\bffore pwrtKmkMf dwer. lafff#