FIRM, HARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. lla*rhM Help*- OAT MF.AO CASKS.—Into a quart of rolJ water stir ont meal enough to make it alwnt as thick as hasty pudding. B sure that the ntcal is sprinkled in so slowly, aud that the stirring is so active, that the mush will have no lumps in it. Now, put it on the buttered pan, where it can be spread out to half the thick tioss of common cracker, and smooth it down with a case knife, ltun a sharp knife across it, so as to divide it into the silted pieces you wish, and then place it in a warm oven and lutke alowly, being careful not to brown it. CAMWUK WITH OKRAM.— BoiI tlie cab bilges in siilt and water until sufficiently tender, pour off the water and compress them tat ween two plates. Then chop ! them up and fry them in a twin with but- - ter, to whiohsalt, pepper aud grated nut meg haw bren add*S. Afterward poor some cream over them, and simmer them in it until ready for use. Pi* CnrsT.—The most healthy pie crust is made of thin, sweet cream and llonr, with a little salt. l>o not knead j thin. Bake in a quick even. Auothcr I way is to sift a quart or two of flour in : the IHI. Stir in the center a little salt and naif a tcas)>oonful of aoila well pul verised. Now put in the h>>h a ctin of soft—not liquid lard, or butter ami ia*d mixed, stir it thoroughly writh the floor; j next add two in o|* of go-xl aonr 1 milk or Stirall quickly with the flour, in snob away that you need hardly touch it with your hands till you can roll it out Bake quick. This will make three or four pica LKXIOS PNW. -Yelks of eight eggs, two tablcspooufuls of sugar, ouo onp of sweet milk, o*ie am! one-half tablespoon- ' fuls of melted butter, grated rind ol two j lemons, juice of one aud one-half lem ons. pastry. Frosting: Whites of eight eggs, joke of oue-ludf a lemon, aeveu tahlespoonfulaof sugar. Pies —Beat the \ elks of theaan Ugh; nielt the butter. , : I\> the yolka a. Id augur, milk, I sit ter, and rind and jnica of the lemons, rour tta mixture into two pie-plate*. having a crust in each. Bake. Frosting: Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth. Add sugar, and beat it iu well. Put iu lemon juice, and stir again. When the pie is baked, and cold, add frosting and put plates 'in oven loug enough to make frostiug a good brown color. To Srr.w PEAKS. —Tare them and cut them in halves, if large, or leave them, if small; put them in a stew pan with very little water, cover them and let them stew till tender, then add a pint towl of hiwww wngar to quarter of a jvck of pears, let theui stew until the symp is rich; a lemon boiled with the pears and -diced thin when the sugar is i nt iu, improves both the flavor and olor; or a wineglass of red wine may be used instead. To BAKE PEAKS.—Wash half a peck of tart peart, cut the stems so as to leave only an inch length; pet them in an iron j>ot over the fire with half a pint of water and a pint of molasses to them; cover the pot or kattteaud let them l>oil rather gently until the pears are soft and the syrup rich. kuost like candy; take care not to seoroTi it. To STBW QCTNCES. —Pare and out them in quarters, take out the core*, put them into a stewpan with half enough watr to Cover them, cover the pan, and let them boil till tender, add half a pound of sugar to each pound of cut quinces, cover them and let them stew until the syrup is rich and thick. J To STEW Br. AO ass.-~Thke small under ripe peaches; pare them neatly, and put them into a kettle with water nearly to cover them, and set them over a gentle fire; to each quart of peaohaa put half a pound of sugar; let them stew until the syrup is rich. Serve cold for tea or des sert. To STEW Arri.ES.—Pare ripe tart ap ples, and cnt them in quarters or smaller; core them, aud put thean iu a stewpan, with a teachp of water and the same of sugar to a quart or more of cut apples; then set thtm over the fire, let them simmer gently for nearly an hour; turn them into a flat dish, and set them to cool. Grate half a nutmeg over them, if liked. Small apples may be stewed in this WAV without cutting them; pare them, anil core them with a small knife or ap ple-corer; a lemon tailed and sliced thin may be stewed writh them; a small tea spoonful of lemon extract may be put to them whilst stewing. GRATE JXIXY. —Take ripe grapes, press them from the skins; them put them in a coarse cloth, and press out all the juice; pnt half a pound of sugar to each pint of juice, and finish the same as currant jelly. Orchard and Early vudetiaa of apples aud pears must be marketed as soon as ripe ; and to bring the highest price, they should be carefully picked and assorted. There are quantities of fruit brought into mar ket every fall, which is no poorly tracked and assorted that it will not sell for the cost of the crates, while that of traiis j>oriation is a Ins to the raiser. It can not be too often repeated that good fruit will bring a good price, even when the market ia glutted with poor stuff. Those who throw out all inferior fruit, and pack only the bast, putting this up so carefully that there will be no rolling about or bruising in transportation or iu handling, ted frail-growing profitable. Home markets are too often over looked, and large towns and villages in fruit districts are often poorly supjjied, the growers thinking it uecsssarv to send their fruit to Nrw York and other large cities. Those who "haYe cultivated the home markets, and keep them regularly supplied, have found H profitable ; fruits can be delivered ia a riper condition than when pack**}, tor a distant market. Drying fruits is an imjiortant industry in many notions of the country, espe cially iu the line of peaches and apples. The quicker the fruit is dried the brighter it will look. It is commonly spread on boards and taken in every night; this makes a gnat deal of work, and for small lots a glass frame like a hot-bed, with holes in the sides, covered with wire cloth, answers a good pnrjwae. Where large quantities are dried, recourse must be had to some of the patent fruit dryers now in use. Budding may be performed whenever well matured buds can be had, and the l*ark of the stock lifts easily. Direc tions have'often been given together with illustrations to explain the process, so that a novice can succeed after a little practice.' * 1 Pre pane * stock of la bids for use when ever needed. Rexl eedar is most durable whether to tie on or use in the soil as a " stick ""label. They are made by ma chinery and are quite cheap. They are smeared with, white lead or chrome yel low in oitjUdOre writing.— Agriculturist. ft raeftil Uinta. Do no| fcEQ the toads. In Paris they nre sold ,*t fifty cents a dozen, in order to protect vineyards aud gardens from insects. A toad will swallow the biggest kind of a tomato worm. To deltrpy chinch bugs, put old pieces of rag or carpet in the crotches of ths trees attacked. When the worms spin, as they wu, in the rags, throw ths latter iu scalding water. The bugs can thus be killed "by wholesale. Commpk coAl OH is an excellent mos quito bar. Drop a little on a piece of cotton, Squeeze as dry as possible, and rub over the extiosed portions of the body. YJie smell of the oil disappears :ti about five minutes, and no mosquito will might n|ion the anointed places. 'This is s.tid to be better than pennyroyal essence ftn- tlm same purpose. f*iill lor *bbaa* Worm*. A portim of each cabbage head can be saved from the ravages of the green cabbage worm by sprinkling fine table mlt over the heart or center of the head. A teaspoon ful or 1BS is sufficient for one t> pplication, and it appears to act as a i rimulant Uj the plant. The application t hould b£ renewed after each rain, if the worms continue to work. ENDURANCE. —A small boy was seen to stand *up in front of a hand-organ for 1 wenty minutes the other day, while ihe • .perntor- was at work upon it, without manifesting the least evidence of fatigue, it is wonderful wliat a small befy can en dure when he makes ap his mind to it. iJPF : * " FARXINH LANDS." A New I *rk tarn at :lna lata ifcc Far Ileal. The New York // raid says : We are furnished a proclamation from the laud commissioner of the Pacific railroad ask ing lis to tell the people atant the rieli j farming lau.f" located " in the groat belt j of population, commerce and wealth, j and adjoining the world's highway from ; iieeaii to ocean." We Ufa Informed that there are twelve million acres of these , lands and that three millions are now for sale. The terms under which they are to ta sold are ten years' credit at six ier cent, interest, and at the rate ol five dl laraan acre. "The country ia equally adapted to corn and whret, and there is I no fever and no ague, little anow in the winter time, and with timber and coal," Nothing is said about lxuian*a of orange* or tropical fruits, as waa the onsloiu wher. Jay Cooke waa propouiuK hi* Northern Pacific railway. Altogether iwe learn that on these three million seres in the Platte valley there may ta found every requisite of civiliauion. We trust that these flaming advertise meats, asking people to go out and live ( in the Western coontry, away tayond . | the reach of oiviliiation, will ta road s ! aeooud time before they are accepted by our people, The advice to "go Meat a gooil to a certain e&trut, The fault I with much of the liusiUgtetioii fc> tin Western country in that we spread ont ami: do not it mm yeaults that would come if we were t aui central- iqvm vvrtain lulvsnugeou* point*. In other words, as an English critic recently ex pressed it, America swells but dre* not | grow. We have rertain jxmit* iu tlie West that ore strong iu agriculture aud ; in commerce, a itii every feature of cKili : station. But around these points ! Chicago, St. Lonia, Cincinnatic. Denver. Topekti -there is a vast, unimproved couutrv. Iu going iuto a couutry like this Platte valley, which the railroad agents are so anxious to "develop, the i immigrant begin* with nothing. 'Hie I prioe of the laud, five dollar* an sore, added to tlie cost of transportation and the necessary sutaisteuce until tlie farm is made to jay, will moke It rex-t a great deal more than better latid uearor home. The land scoured hv the I'nion Piuutlc is *lx>ut as bad as any laud we have in the Territories. It is not a land oft timber, j It lias only roomily tecwertvl from the grasshopper plague. Its resource>* are iuaitdil. We do nit kuow any section of the United States eiivpt. jx-rhsjvs, the extreme southern part of New Mexico or Alaska, that we would not piefer to ss occupied by immigrants than these acr* s which Jay Atonkt now offers for sale. ' We tlnuk, also, that our settlements slamld be made utanv laime. Hero we have Virginia, large sections of Pennsyl vania and New Jersey anil New York land still virgin, to be purchased for a small sum, adequate for a ion of Um millions of psq>le. Why not, if our people want to "go West," go into the northern counties of Pennsylvania or iuto southern New Jersey or into that beautiful country that lies beyond the Blue KiJge t They can find Utter land here than in Nebraska, at a ch- a|>er rate, i near the seaboard, near their friends, within the shadow of the older civiliza tion. Before we encourage these stock gambling enterprises to carry hard work ing, intelligent people out into the wilderness to pay for land a great deal more than it is worth, simply to *trongth- I eu tlie stoik of a Iwully handled railroad, let us see that we have thoroughly ex plored aud developed theeonntry within five hundred miles of New York. A Whisky Riot. I*uder certain circumstances a bottle of rot-gut whisky contains as much of danger as a can of nitro glycerine. The Vicksburg lit raid illustrates this most terribly when it says: The origin and particulars of the riot at Clinton, Miss., have been variously stated. After hear ing all the statement* we think the foi i j lowing about correct: There is a law 1 prohibiting the sale of liquor in Clinton. ' j Some young men from Raymond brought a bottle with them, and while { the speaking was going ou Martin Hive- ( ley and some of his friends went off a short distance to take a drink. The ool ; ored marshal for the ocaiaion approach ed them and forbade the drinking. This order was not regarded, and when the marshal attempted to take the bottle out .j of Siveley's hand, Siveley struck him ,; over the head with it. Senator Caldwell (colored) started to settle tlie difficulty, and was followed by some twenty ne : groes, whom he ordered back, but about a hundred more came rushing after them. Some one fired a shot, which . | was followed by a general firing and a stampede. Siveley fired all tke barrels of his pistol, and tlie negroes then de rnauded his surrender. He surrendered i and gave up his pistol, after winch he > was shot and his brains knocked out. i He waa then robbed of his clothing and ■ a finger was cut off in order to get his ' ring. The infuriated mob found Charles Chilton in his yard ami shot and killed ' him in presence of his family. Prank Thomasaon, a promising young lawyer, waa shot from his horse a mile and a , half from the scene of the conflict, and i) after falling the savages drove their i 1 knivea into his body in many places. John Neal was fatally shot iu the laft . lung in the town, and W*ddy llioo s ri j ously in the hand. Four dead negroes i were found on the field and two mortally j wounded. Hix additional negroes have • been found dead about Clinton since. Two Farmers. The two farmer*' farms lay side by 1 ' side. One of these farmers IM call , j Farmer A, the other Farmer B. Now j there was always a wide difference in 1 these two farmers' crops. So, one day Fanner A goes to Farmer B and says: " See here, neighbor, I want you to tell ! me how it happens yon always have suoli , , superior crojis to mine, with only the feuoe between our crops; for I know ' my form is composed of as good soil as i yours, and why it itf" "Why," says i Farmer B, " the difference is bnt a very I small matter, and can be told in a very i few words ; I always start to my work on ! the farm, and say to my boys: ' Come i on, boys, let's go to workwhile you . always say : "Goon, boys, to your work,' 1 i . at the same time yon start "off to some neighboring village or city, where you ■ spend the day loafing alxmt saloons, • gambling hells, croquet grounds, etc. . Thus you while away your time day • after day, not knowing or caring very much whether the work is going on j . at home or not, while lam ou the farm with the boys, encouraging them to take an interest in the work of fanning by , helping th'-m. It is a natural conse | ! quenoe, where the father does not eu ; courage the boys by helping them, for the boys to think : " Well, if father ' kdon't take any interest on the farm, whnt'H the use for us hoys to bother onr heads about it?" Therefore the Ixiys I either go carelessly or not at all about ' their work." Fathers, encourage your lxiys to work i by going along with them and helping . j them. Ancient Measurement*. n At a recent meeting of the Society of I Biblical Archaeology, a paper ou •'"Ancient Metrology," by Mr. F. B. i j Condor, was read. In this pajx-r Mr. j Condor indicated tho confused and con- , . i tradictory state of our present knowl ; edge of the subject, and proceeded to LI establish an absolute metrical base, ideu , j tifyiug the barley-corn, which the He , j brew writers state to bo tho unit of , length and weight with iho long meas ure barley-corn aud with the Troy grain. I The grounds of identification were—(l) actual measurement and weight of full- j sized grains of barley at time of the harvest; (2) determination of specific i gravity according to statements made in i Hebrew literature; (3) actual dimen > sions of ancient Jewish buildings, and actual weight of a Babylonian talent now • in the British Museum, which corres ' ponded to Mr. Condor's determination i of 960,000 Troy grains within one per ! mills.. The remarkable double division of the Chaldee metrical system, which is both decimal and duodecimal, was then ) explained, and shown to apply to meas r urea of length, area, capacity, and 5 weight. The origin of the Troy ounce, t the iliamoml carnt,, the Spanish ducat, . and other existing divisions is traced to - the early system employed by the Plue . uician traders. SEITRINH A TOTE. Tkr *l*r* l*M kl m I nllrt •'! *••!' llia Uw l illaalr *•<) hla Ka rknnircaa. A former United Siatre Senator Ixung |in gxxl humor told the following atorv ( jof his experience. He said: "1 will ~ j tell you how it wan. Old Stnhblelleld ; one i>f your New York ' men of antvi prim*' 'owned a line of steamers, that i was doing an excellent busltu-**, and would liave paid htm lot* of money, ouh he got intt> the hands of C\>ligrca*incu ami lobbyist*, and they bled hint, lie wa* making ten js nsx'tve, uuder ( the name of extra pay for mail s.-rxtis 1 , the snlwidy of ftltkl.tWO a year whieh | tXmgreaa gave him. But .wlubbleflelil ( wanted half a million rt year, ami he ami lits agent* nam* on to Washington to secure it. I •• 1 did not know much of what a | ' going ou -ancli |KH>ple have sense enough t.i steer clear of uie; but I did t , notire that there* wo* a great ibsxl more oliampogne firetiug are>uml Imw than wa* usual, ami as for supper ami dinner parties, there seemed to lw> all epidemic of th< tn. 1 paid verv little attention ti> , Stubblrfield's jx'Utioii, having at first glance made up UIV Ulltid tlint his de mand was inadmissible and that my duty to my constituent* requires! me to vote aguniMt it; but 1 do not believe there i were Ulay for me uiv favorite puis** with exiiresaion. " My wife ami I usxl to visit a Mr. SonierviUe'a family, and in her atse-nce 1 got to going thfe a gixxl d> t il—two or three evening* in the week. Bouierville wa* a pretty good sort of a man, but his .laughter was superb. One of the niret aooouiphslifd creature* under tlie sun, ami a paragon of k>VJmewA Just twenty-two, and bright and sharj a* u ' needle. She was a graduate of some hifalutiu college, ha.l all the aAXxuujilish . meats, and could talk like a book. A* for her playing ami her singing -such exquisite inflections such timder turns, such voluptuous flow and cadenoe~*o much troth ami feeling uiohhsl in such artistic form—it was perfection. I was the slave of sound, and itotiert* S.mier ville was a magician. To haw her play tlie 'Adelaide for me. after first siug ing some plaintive ballad, was a sens* tiou that thrilled along every fiber of my being, and made me happy a* a donkey iu a stolen luxddock. "One evening I went there and Roberta came to sit l>y my side ou the sofa, and talked in her most brilliant way, making me laugh till 1 was sick by the way she imitated one of her Usxollers at college. Then suddenly she Us-ame silent, pen sive, distrait. 1 asked her whst was the matter. She male me no answer at first, then, turoiug to me with n moat lie witching smile, she said: *1 have a very great fovor to ask of you, Mr. Hi dalgo ! But not now—-not to-uight!' 1 swore tliat tliere wasu ithingshe would ask of me tliat 1 would not do for her ; but she tripped off to the j>i*uo, and j played all my lavoritc airs till midnight, t thought there- could not U* a more tie lightful or eat are. Thru, when I rose to go, she said she had a great trout ill store for nie, and askrsl me to go to—— aliurx h with tier ou the moru, and hoar her play on the orgau. Ho it went on for several days. At last, one evening after she htnl sung 'Waters of Elle'to me, and played • Adelaide,' she o.une ' and sat by me, and said : 'I lunl a let ter to-day from my very dearest friend, and it makes nie sad.' " 1 1 am sorry for that, Miss Robert*; is there auything the matter I' ' Her father is on the jx>int of being ruined, she writes, and his only hojve is in Con gress granting him the relief h> is <>n titled to.' ' Confront! ia Jxx>r depend euoe, Miss Robert*—may 1 ask who your friend's father is ?' ' She is my darling, darling Alverda Htubblefleld '. O, Mr. Hidalgo! Ido wish you knew her' Bo | lovelv ! and plays like an angel! O, Mr. Hidalgo ! 1 aai J I hod a favor to n*k of you—l am afraid to do it—you are so , differeut from most men—l know it isn't right—but won't you—won't you just promise me to vote for Mr. Htubble field's claim wheu it comes up V She . seized my hand, aud ilropjiod on her knees liefore me iu the prettiest suppli ant attitude. ' I will take no denial. Promise me! Promise me! It will break my heart if you don't!' I hesi tated, but I saw the witch was going to cry in earnest if I didn't, ami I gave her my word, like the donkey tliat I was. She sjiraug to her feet, j>nt her anus . around mv neck, kisned me, burst out crying ami left the room. "Well, I voted for Htubblefield's bill, . and it went through. Then somebody • whom he did not hrilie kicked up a row, and there wa* au investigation. Stubble field, books aud agents were overhauled, and, among the items of many dis bursed, were: ' Colonel Somerville, $2,500, Miss Roberta Somerville, for a Senator's vote!' Mine, sir ! aud, do you think, sir, when I etime to in quire about it, there was no Mis* Alverda Stubhlrfield at all, and all the fair Roberta's hysterics were got up for mv exjiecial benefit! I wrote to my wife all about it, and she said it served nie ex- ' actly right. But next week, she came on to Washington, to play for me herself, and otir intimacy with tho Somerville* suddenly ceased." An Ancient Sword. The Buffalo F.xpr< ** says: There is > in thejMXtaessionof John Knde.a harness maker, one of th* most ancient relies : owned in the city. It is an antique two edged sword, made in 1365,0ne hundred and twenty-seven years tadore the dis covery of America. Tlie weapon is alxtut two fret and n half long, aud ex- ! eredingly well preserved. The blade tap'rs off to a sharp point, ami consists of a thick pieoe of well tempered steel, alxmt an inch aud a half nroad at its widest jiart. Several figures and de vie* have bon cut in it, bnt they are nearly obscurrel by the stains of rust. The date, h< iwever, is very distinct, lx ing cut iu deep on lxth sides of the blade. The hilt is entirely of metal and strengthened by coils of copper wound tightly around it. The hand is protect- i ed by a simple iron cross piece. That the hword is gmmine Is proved not only by its appearance but by its history. It origiunfly belonged to Baron Yon Licb enctcm, a rich landed proprietor in Sax nin mill tli'li NU'T MNL h !>* wl'l* to tlofoiul Ihommvlvo*, uu.l tho uiuro tin tl1 nnwt Iw tililisl, tut ill NO tliw ill not fitiliotl iitfniuat Hut OIH rotniirk must l>* motto. Kvwi on tlio uiout Hii|Mi>oliN, or in tlio liwwur Arcs of proviti •■ml mul rural lifo, who ran nlint hi* oyo* to tlio lauiontnhlo M llml tlio gontlor anil kimllior iK'S havo a vory gitbl Goal to do With Hint lioillidlonn nud riliuotln oxtravutfauoo which lutr'tluox'* all tho viiaiN, and ■linahtiK all tho virtuon, ovoll to ilisrw and oitinotiouf It may l>o tho lioi-otouty 01 tho duty of aomo to apoud princely fortune* in priiuvly poinp and imiirv ; if no, they aro only to bo jutioil for tito dirtioiilty of doitiK it gracefully, and rtwltviuuig uiutoria) wanto with |HT nonal refinement. But in thin great town, and each m-anon moro than tho lent, thrro aro IhouxMida and tliouaaiuU who ro manifestly njKiudiug frn uioro tluui thoir oiroumabuiooa will allow* For \or? lUUoll of tliin ilooji, widoajiroMl. and still nproailtiiK ovil, tho women art> MI H nworahlo. It in thoy who Gross at a rate far In-yond thoir income ; thoy who 111 nmt oil tho liest holme* in the I><-*1 neigh tmrhood ; thoy whouiunt havo equi|>agoa for all tisx-s, liuies and place* ; thoy who omiuot aliato thoir manifold require uictiUi, oven when the family Uioroaiw and iiobtor iwrn nlioilht tako tlio |>hulaining thoir pecuniary affair* to thoir wives with manly candor or common boHtneaa like accuracy. They do not make the wife a confidant MH! fellow oouiuwtlor. But there cannot be a doubt that in the great majority of houaea the lady known unite enough to see, with a very litUo rrmctiuii, that she in driving her bimliMid and fumily into atrMtne*a atil fnibamianmoiit, with the mk of ruin. Peonle uitint have very many Mid very goud acron, or very good invent meats, indeed, to be able to *{* int oftx'U the rental of a good rotate in a single en tcrtoinmeiit, a drenamaker'a or an uphol nterer'a bill, a lioune at a fashionable watering place, a prolonged continental tHir, a necklace, or aome other toy. Vet women MO such or eat urea of rivalry and diNplay that they cannot help as et of triumph over Uio*c who n> less fortu nate or leaw spirited, mat so are continu ally the foremost to intiame a pernicious rivalry. What can their luisliaiitls do t . They submit, jH-rhapa. They sulk, jier haps. They more commonly cast aUiut for ways and means, and, as they hear and learn more, they are more apt to take counsel from despair, and give themselves up to Hie stream iu which they are already fl.wring helplessly. They cannot be worse than they are ; thev may be better. 80 they s|>eculate - that is, they gamble. They noon find they are victims, Mid set it down to their simplicity or their scruple*. Hy and bye they make the discovery that iu such MI all'.ur it is lietter to Is- at the head than at the tail ; lietter to Is* on the right aide of the wull ; better to Is ni the ring Hum MI outsider. So they press inward, give and bike confidence*, and 111 time Me millioUMres, or iMiikrupts and exiles. hating Like Pigs. The Ltiverpooi fW does not like the manner iu which American* eat. It says: At one of the restaurants 111 tlie ' Strand I was for tho first time initiates! into what, 1 am told, is a common American style of feeding. With us currant jelly is riot usually considered a proper condiment for roast IH*-L That, however, may lie allowed to Is- a matter of taste. Hat the line must be drawn somewhere ; MH! I must confess my own sensation of horror when I saw a gentle man first place a lump of butter on his ]dats of meat and then help himself be tween moiithfuls from a plate of damson tart which stood alongside. 'Hie prae tics of tlius mixing food ptvuniacuoualy will probably 1 more familiar to thos<> of our readers who are acquaint'-d with the American hotels and Hie Atlantic, sbiuners than it lias, til! now, Iwvn to me. In the case winch attraobsl my at tention I of coarae aasmntsl that the omnivorous gentleman was not 11 fair representative of American gentility. Rut a friendly waiter informed me that the gentleman was a judge w heu he was :it home, and that he had expresslv ordered his sweets to be brought with his meat iu order that he might enjoy himself in his peculiar fashion. I have asked some questions since aluut it, and have lieen told that it is not an unoom mou circumstance for American paasen gers bv the steamers to ls> retpiesbsl by the captain* not to dip their knives and forks into dishes on the table which are reserved for after couraaa, and it was explained to me that the prai'tic*' had risen from a usage at the hotels iu the I'nib'd Sbib>s. For instancw', at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, it is usual for any ilinner which is entered to be brought all at ouiv, and placed lie fore the diner in small dishes. He then ' begins as he likes, and frequently pegs into a number of plat# at omx, most in congruously ch'HWIl. Ainerlran Hrapovlnes in France, Mr. C. V. Hitey, State entomohigLst of Missouri, lias lab-ly returuod from France, where lie lias ls>cn on a tonr of inspection among the gnqw<-growing regions. He was everywhere received and treated like a prince, dinners were given in hi* honor. Mid every possible attention shown b> him 111 public Mid iu private. The particular reason for those ! civilities is the fact that Mr. ltiley was the first to dl the attention of the French bv the fact that a simple remedy for nil tbeir troubles iu connection with the grapevine disease WM the ulstitu tion of certain speeioaof American vines, by him named. These, ho ufHrmcd, ' would yiold good wine in FrMiec, ami lie free from the pest. Some of the wine ' growers tried the experimeut, which contiuumi the next year and that following ; and the success lias become HO well established that extensive orders linve now lieen sent to this country for vimw. In fact it in believed tho demand from Franco will be so great that our nurserymen will l>e unable b> fill the j orders for exportation this season. Mr. Riley sow jilanbvtions of American vines flourishing in France,,whsre the nntire vines hud been utterly destroyed. "Is It Hone Forever ! ' A star-eyed boy sat lieeido uio, and I watched the face brighten nud the eye grow eager as he spied a man with n J bunch of balloons. Nearer and nearer came the man, eager nml more eager grew the little face, but ho said never ft word. His mother Ixnight him n Ixd -10011, and his smile of joy was dazzling as it sunbeam. Ho
  • l not play and prank ns other children do, but he sat otill and held the string, and let the bal loon float out on the breeze, mid looked oonb'nt. Suddenly n strong gale seized the b>y and carried it aloft, fnr nlsivo the flag-pole, beyond the housetops, up llib> ktlier, and tlio child's face grew sad dened, but he uttered 110 erv. As Hie crimson dot passed out of sight his eyes fell, and with ft slight tremble in his • voice ho questioned: "Is it gone for ever?" His in 1 ther offered b> pnrcliAse him Htiother balloon, but mysteri' us were the workings of that childish heart. He declined the offer. He would wait for his own to come buck; none other would sutir.fy him. Was not that 11 les son in the eluhtish life deep and bitter a* we learn ill onr maturity | THE LATEST— There are two news papers in Wexford, Ireland, which are on as friendly terms ns two .newspapers j in a small place usually lire. The owner ' of one had n prize bull which he called j Pio NOllO, and the editor of the other : surrendered ample spnee b> n pt i st who wrote Utters libeling his contemporary | for taking sacrilegious liberties with the j name of so august a personage. There-1 ] upon the owner of the bull sued the other editor and recovered damages in I SSOO. i NUMMARY OF NKWH. ' li*a>a liir*l trm llaaia Tha settlors about l'rta|(a 1* Prairie an>t 1 WiwltaHirue, Maiulotw Cansils, rt> el*lin>rlug for the lemovsl of the Hlotix liullsiis to the ro , l sorva. nitieo the milder of one of thetr mini I v Iss llie t'sixt tiw luovist further west, and now j '1 hang atsmt \V mtbtMiraa, sutaring tlie houses • of st-lllris and torrlfylnji women and children * Into giving thniu eveiythlug Uiev demand d Tho liiluese gnveriiiuenl lias s| |ileti .l |Wu d oflii'isla ss joint siul>*ess, of hewalk, N. J.. was dosUojod b> ,t an exploslou and die, and one man killed and , „ a doaen wounded, lire tiro extended to an '1 edpuuuig building, and |>iopoMjr to the value j, of #l?A,ot*l was destroyed Professions, u burglars onleretl llie luuiklug bouse of F II I ttanooek A Co., at Orauville, ky., and carried off fn, gu.r, consteting of #is,ouO in Put tod { States tx.nds and ♦fv.orsi In legal lenders, I t tl.iw 111 fraettonal ouirsucf, and ♦! It*) in ; ¥ gold colli . . Capt, John l\ Jouss, of New j lurk, while garlug al Niagara Falls with some ( friends al fri|>M Park said "gtssl-bye, c and jumped over, In sight of hundreds of pen pl" t Tlio t-oiivenUoti of the t>em*-raey of Peuii- I sylvanla, held at Krie, nomUiateHl I 'yrua 1.. , Peraliiiig for tioveiuor. The platform arraigue ; ,j Itie leaders of the party which lias ruled the i nation and tilale fur years, and demands their ! > uumediale removal . charges thai lite unduo > muiUpllcatlou of public ortioors and the inordi t uale increase of the salaries and nluoliuueuLa j •] of ortli-w are among Uie many evila which llsdi- t cat rule has forced upon tlie Oouulry, and calls , upon the reprtaeutalives to reduce both U> the , lowest number practicable , charge* the State | treasurer with mismanagement In not account t lug for the lutsresl of tho common wealth's , money dcjiuelted in lacks, and demands a f alriut Uivestlgatbsi , pledges the nouiluees of t the convention to apply all moneys to the re ductlon of tlie public debt ; state* thai the contraction of (he money currency and circu lating medium heretofore matte by (he Kepttb- j > llcaii parly, and the further contraction pro- f jvsusl by it with a view to forced resumption t of specie )*ymri>U, has already brought do-as- , lei to Uie huauieas of (he country, and lineal- i | ens gwurral bankruptcy, aud demands that this 1 policy le abandoned, and that the voluma of 1 money be made and kept trade, leaving Uie reatorauon of legal lenders * to par tu gold to be brought about by ' promoting the industries of the people, and not by destroy lug them , demands j that all the national bank circulation | be promptly aud permanently retired and full legal lenders issued Ui their place , that Uie , government should make Its legal tenders re--, oeivahle for all puL-Uc dues, except where | respect for (he obligation of coulra.l* ro.puree , |>aymrnt in corn ; calls fur the extinction of tlie , present uaUonal banks and the eelahliahmeut | of a system of free hanks of discount and de- ( puait and no |*per money except such as may he issued ii)sm tlie faith of the federal govern , meiil; asks for the co-operation of the IJ be rain and others The French Admiral llaron Itouciere-le- Noury. ceiniman.luig llie Mediterranean a>|uad- . i ruu, wrote a letter regretting hia luahthty to be preeeut ala Bouajarust banam*h wheat for expurtauou. The Informa tion from Sweden tti regard lo tlie oro]w is aleo favorable la pat or WUhanx, of Uermany. will go to Italy at the beginning of next month, lie will be accompanied by I'rtnce lhemarrk and (iruerala Mdtke aud Manteuffei ... All the negroes a: reeled for being engaged in the Oeurgta uprising have boon discharged, as nothing oould be piroTed against them The latest letters from Central America state that lrau<|uthty prevail* throughout the eoc , tiofi. Hondura* le quiet. The banditti In Han Miguel has diejwnved In all directions Alm the gronnd. The loss amomite to 9'J00.000, oil which there | is no insurance ..... Two atorms met near ! Blootuingtoti, 111., and muesli damage was done. Many houses, barns and other buildings were demolished and many poople killed Bishop llara testified to the Indian frauds commtaeion that Agent Havillo said that certain caUle \ , weighed HSO pounda, which it appears he charged Uiu govomnu nt for at 1,041 pounds. Mcsrtv. Moody anrte from Uie Alaillteiranean see six A to the effotft that a very vtoleut atoim pre I >atletl about lis shores aud did much damage I The rivers in Uie eolith of Fiance were milch 2 swollen ainl nvnrflnwod tlie land, in many Iu I stances covering the vines. A water spout I destroyed fifty hotiM* at Ht. t'hUnan Nlu* J>( deait bodies have been recovered, but sixty •' |wreoue ere still missing . Tire Hervteu -• ministry have issued a atrcalar tu the chiefs of n tha several disUtola, eaytug "We are living ' t on the heat tortus with the Porte We, there- 1 fore, older that you prevent this good under . standing from belug distnihed either hy |>ei tuiiUng volunteer* lo jolu the biaurgeuta, or hy the export of arm*, aiamuuiliuu or pro V vlalo.a. The Kervtau government ha* Of I R deied out twenty Ute thousand men on ac A count of (lie Ihieatenlug c-uueeutrstiuu of ji Turkish trtmpa on tha frvinUer ... Eleven y' persona |rtahed teceutly from jsiiaonous ga* J' tu Ui* Houtiihgtun Wood oullioiy, Khropahtr*. " Tngland . (teueral Jovsller, the new Hpanlah piemler. Is intent on peace There are six > thousand cases of cattle disease In levon- Y shoe, an increase of two Ihouseud during uue {? week. . Judge (iliberl, of liroukiyu, N. V., has reudnred a derision lu which he affirina i the legality of schools exclualvoly fur while I g children. Tha deolatun was In a rase of a A colored miuister smug for the adintsaiuu of 1 r < hia sou Ui one of the public aoboois oocupted ! i by white children The Maine election re- | ( aultdl in a victory for Uie Kepubhcen can- 1 A delates hy live thousand uiajurity, a iuaauf live ' thousand fruui last year.... The atcem beige ! JJ Meudola, ladexi wlUt coal, foundered in Lake Michigan during the late gale, Denying down j ( thirteen out of the Iweu'y |iw* En* harbor etxty-two yeare age, has been raised and the bottom found to be iu a good state of ! preservation, hhe la to l>e exhibited at the j centennial. j - * OTonuell'a llut'l. 1 >iuiiel( )'Comit'll OlH*', ui deliaU', oalluil , Irorvl AlvMiloj a " ItltaxUal Lulfisiu," , Mnl nxwivcil a oluxltetigc U> tight a duel , thorvfor, bat the agitator lunl xrowesl Ui ' ouuacM'iioe uot L> thus lake hia life tubi; hi* own hand*. It t* one of tho curiuMi j tle of daelitlß, however, Mid thorough j ly Irish ou the one jaxrt el leant, a* Weil a* nonneiiMcal all igether, tlrat Morpin. O'Cotinell, the aou, without hut father * knowledge, acwjrted Hie clialh'tipn. H<- wart "good enough Morgan" for the (lohle lord. Mid they fought. After jJ, tiring' three tune* at mu'li other and uo j body getting hurt, houor x> imtiafltsl. j Tuampu. Maine poopla aro reaolvml | to "show fight" in the oaae of all " trumps." Thewe vagabond* mfewt the Htate, Mnl commit deprtxlatioua and vvrimee of variou* kinds ; but the people are supplying themaelve* with firearm*, | aud will not hesitate to use them. Au I Augusta ui-wiqiaper nay* Unit local au j * thoritio* are iwginuuig to take decided i mearturt-N in reference to tramj>. ' One trial of IJubbiu*' Kiectnc Sep j (made bv C'rixgiu Ac Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,) will satisfy the moat doubting of its great merit. Pure anil whit* a* snow. Try it. Make your grocer get it * , Important to Travrler*. Persona vislUng New York or leaving liy Uie oars frutn Grand Central Uepot, will save an uorauce aud exptsise of carnage hire aud bag- . cage expreaeage by stoptkug at Grand I'mno , H-Piei. opposite Grand Central Hepot Over iso elegantly funuahed ruoma and filled up at a cost of t'AO.OOO. European plan. Guoeu can live more luxuriously ft* the money al the Grand I'tuoti than at any oUter firsl-olae# bonne | ui New York Htegea and street cent peee the doors to ell perls of Uie city. Bee that the hotel you enter w llie Grami L'num Hotel. ; Ocmt. Cantiou tu purchatwrs of the Peruvian ' Hyrup (a protected aolutiou of the iwvioxide of I iron). Beware of being downed by any of j the preperaUous of l'erutian berk, or bark and _ iron, which may be offered to you. Everv ' j tKittle of the genuine has the name Peruvian , Hyrup (not Peru nan hark'' uj*i It. Examine - catefuiiy before puichaait g. Corn. Contagious dincaw-s, such a* home ail, gtaisler, etc.. maybe preventwl by tb* use of | .Wmliiii'i Cariury Condifiou /'mcliri. Per aona traveling wiUi ho:sea should lake note of 1 Una. Com. Miasionance Mid other* Rejourning iu i foreign laista abonld not fail to take with tix-in a pvod supply of JuhWM'f Jaofyw /.tatrnml. i It ta Uie ui"t reliable medlcme fol all purpose* there ie ui the world. Com. A WAN OF A TIIOI HANO. A OOXaVMPTIVB rVRKIV - Wtaa Aaeta was tsmrlv Iran ( esssasptlen. ail sails levto* falle*. aeetdml lad to a tkmmj ehsrsbr 1* II J AMXI catwd hia oelr child with a prqmlXe el • WsseXn *..( s lie oow (Oca nS|n fm M ivey ml . '■ wo anus pa (■> par o|us Tbee* la eat a atceis ■ impl. m of I VisaumpO- n that It dam set Wssnele - Slebt Neacls. 1-TMsn c of the Hervas. Dtttcalt Klpac tarmllan. Sharp fair* in the Unjv. Naeam si Uae NUsnsch. luctxoa ml Us Howola. and W satin* f U WesrW Addrvm < RAOISM K 100 . lo3* Rare Muwel. PhUsdslphts, Fa . (ton* MS> of thta *4 IICM k's Ft I.MONK sYHi r, KOK TIIK I KK OF A ONHt WFTION, t'OCC. IIN AND coI.DM. Ths srssl rlrles of thti medlctse la that H rtpaaa the scatter sad throw* It oat of tha arwkns. pun fin* tha I blood, and thea sSecta x cure. I Hcuasca's Ha* Waan Teste, nva Twa Oram or lirtrtnu, laniuasnow. K-rv. Ths Tonic produeaa s bstilhj action st ths atoatacb. creatine en appaUte. formtn* chrls. and curiae the ' ratal olwUnsXe -Mil of Ing leestlou. v nrvn'r Mxsnaxas PIUA ma rax Craa or Ltvaa touruiar. Kiv- Tbess run are and produce a hsslthj ! aclloa nt lbs Ilrev ettheut the less! dancer, as Ihsp era Tee from OUIOMSI and jet mors sfhceeloea la nana In* i a health j setloa of ths User. These reared tea era a certain sure tor ('ciauapUno. - ' as the I'nlnmaie Vruu rljeue the metier and parities ; the blood The Mandrele title act upon the Uver. ' I create e huuithp Idle .ml remove all dleeeem cd the liver, often 'a oenae .J I'onenmpUoa. The He Wed I'onlc rlvee t.-ne and aUencth lo the eU-meeb. maX ee a e-.-d dl*eatl .n. ud enehlea the orcutu In form pood t-l end thus creates e health, circulation ol bwulthp blood. The combined action ol lbear medicine#, o thns riplelaed. will cure ever* rase at > onanmpl(on, M talra In lime, ud the use at the needle I nee persevered . In Or. he bench la proleaatorudly at hia prlnelnal offloe. t corner Of Sulh and Arch Streets. Phtbedelpnl*. every Monday. Where ell let torn for advice renal he addnen 1 Kcbanck'atmedtrlnee lor sale h all l>rnetele Tkf Marketo. srw torn*. llcof Osttle-PrlMie to Extra llouooka XV4 11H Oomtxiou to Oood Teism rvaao.l ...... 10 0 10% Rhaop 04%# 0(1% I mints OM,# 0-V. < Oottoa Middling ... 14%# 14% Flour—Extra Wiwtern 1 M #•<> Stale Extra 4 00 # 403 Wbaat—Rc-t Western 1 *0 # 1 M No. J Spring I *t • ' * Rrc—State 14 *4 HB4lt— Htatc 1 IS iA 1 St Barley Malt I 14 # 1 EJ (laU-Mlxad Western ............. M • 14 CV>ra—Mixed Wretrrn 13%# 1* Hay, per cwt. ................ *4 # 1 l Straw, par cwt... ...... 14 # M Hope "tSa,l4#>—old* o # lo Porh-Mrwa Jt to <4ll 1 lard INVerd . 1 % rieb--Mackerel No 1. new IS (' t Jb 0> No 3. new It SO uttl !UI I Dry Hod, per cwt . ......... 47*v4 ISo 1 Herring. Healed, per hot .. M , Western l*wtry <4 S Wretsrn Yellow ...... 14 # 94 I Western Ordinary...... 19 4 14 Pennsylvania Fin* 90 at 3*- , Ob near- State Factory (* # 1 % " Hktmmed...... 03 <4 b - Western I* 00 Kitgs—Rtate 33 (A Jl XXHXLL. Wlieat t 40 9 1 44 < II ye—State 01 # M Corn—Mixed 1* • T* Hurley Slate I 14 # 1 14 I Oat* -Mtatr II 4 > srrvano . Flour 4 00 <4 9 74 Wheel- No. 3 Spring IF 4 1 11 1 Corn--Ml ird fit ol M i Oat* M % liyr 114(4 115 | llarlej. . 1 10 # I 10 •ui.Ttxinae. Cotton -low Middlings 14%(4 14% Flour—Kxtra 9 '5 (4 9 T.t 1 Wbut—Red Weetem . 14 ' <4 1 4t Rye 91 # Ml , ! Coru—Trllovr 91 • 71 CaU—Mixed 4° "4 44 PeAroteum...... 5%# 04', rHTtoii>Ki.rßia Flour—Pennsylvania Extra 4 90 #7O Wheat—Western lied 13' W 141 Rye 00 # #l i Oorn—Yellow 71 # 71 \ < Mixed 73 # 7t i Oate— Mixed 4" # 41 Petroleum—Crtd a... ,1U%#09% Kerned t1.% \ wumMmaaaem Kmm Ms'ns (a CallfnrnU mil -1 wkjA SB tf lion* of children #r# otli e PMTHr humu TIPI'DIF IBlMMliii^J Sixw* Whv not? Ihtiy ur# th# P ohPMt ftod n v#r w##r tbrousli CNLLJBHMSBM I To pontine# you of |h# lMipu'Fiity of lh# I* Cw*V Z II r| iIM I ilil.i: M KKW WIHK Jill vou n##il • nljr ## fh# hut# Irnlt# lion# u*■ tl 9in uttsmp'# to jt#l up konisthini RtratUr A l#<> Wire (Juilted Sole#. 1 Tli* atttii raimsl in Franc* for tb* (J wMieflt of th* stiffr-rers by tli* flood* unoiinlh to over thro* inillt'on dollara. * J|OOk AUKITN WANTED □"^BACKSHEESH Sfl Vx\"\r£ K 'rr, '• • h •:Li' ilt, bd Mtsb f llxe Uftd of IK* llix Mf H Bun. •(rt uo' i. .4l v th#iv4f>' fi'gr / n.'•##• Mtecauo. rF kfi#t*iito H "iffenriJ# .YUM til rwm I le •& lix eti ht< -na .x.-tly t INttUd in *4 S < ( | , \ til . UJi4 vi" *f GL ewtbe |*c, i I lf ..(.J# u •I'isbftia t Übr to wib Nil* I* %% ■ (tar# f Axmi, !• fu%fmo Mfom T U** Ago U, f\* dk ~..cref | lie* <• *• tlt tt rree- i| I'ugme an>l f.tHxa ft** ki ui! A44^#. A I) vfi'hlltlSCiYoN * CO . fUrtlMd, Coax flO # day ul burne A|M.I tfistltt und tern* 91* hnm VtdrM TRIfH <1 <*J, A|iAM#. M#ia# A NEW BOOK BY NARK TWAIN lt 9**tf for Fgutaniw No# HMD I# Use ttmu %*> iet tefiiligy Ihtui diqiUttllwfilMMtl arlUi 4fk*t b#M t uh* on# jrisu ItixAF# will Mill Pi mpt •t*ob will giw N>t| eiuutoe vt n#i4, u4 (luhlett IUIAII# <*# u# Uie iriUta ul 4 lad fAHt Will *ll Gaijii fuel# eedii|, I 4r|f##4*y /#eAed Keetxd lu >ottl Mia Mad kriiM # fuk ## 11. - u Mass i '11(1 Urllr | mtlfef Hill, . I". j 1 A.V wfl Ult i.HhY A (Vl Yxmejax, til /txemem t Wr r K g.wxxie.l u, Mela sad ie V4mil axle Asvute ta Ibau 1..1U1 IdU |D I ■ NOTIIING to in It Parti, ularn Pres ( ~ p U VItK IKY A 410.. Augusta, Mu ( lafbtx per 11 rrk ua'xr). Xtels ■ P.m. Is Clraa *<)'' Ist trus Addruss' ifxlsl <>u .ladlsiie|Us.tad | oJOLtHER* Birr tLIUHTLY VOUIMfi OB f* I JI'BRII its utOsta paaelnas by Sppljlug Is F' I It Claim Oris 344 N Fifth M. Ms I Aiswtsia (ms I.J mail I LJLIVIY )", I KSTm bOK El AN H' >lx3 11 Am't 4drr(lsing lla>4 Maak. I Im m#t pructltui tfMllea AMU udveriMtiir, aid ihululß I Itxg lis* lesaet It#A* of I'M tor r# *UM fUllUl.x : A 441### t C KVANh, A ivrti*iug Ag#ul, Jf.Sif Wuublnglou n lUeet, buAeu " 1 Lx#r# •Ut ill koto# lu I! , \ I uITAIt Of THE Ufc# H Mr##bexrrT MtUKMk# uf irvw# tint hurti ut fuHbtik Naruur* far WE PA.OJIV, Hffain#a, U.J. * llrkur#ili, I ktrrb X Hall. ' m fi,,,,., <• h< '< -eW Mas. ,sa# ' - Ths demand (ur pant has Foam M incraasss rapidlj Nssr a aaaa Sears. Fraarr A < a.. *. | r~r. e >. hse.. ra , esc "Maes Sold fu nCQQVI has fan to all clissev ul trade. ll asvsr lukt to glee saUstnc Flggast thing tu rules you ever ' I I xsa OieJlrst thing l sail pan xTiW a'ar kuaa Many rulusble < uuSXag I r~-lpee sent fees hand at mee I (uf ( lrvulsf to tiEll 1 (.ANTT ] ( ACO I 711 Ouaas fto. Ksa Turk ; AGENTS WANTED sailing book svat pubhahecl Head for circulars sad eat In'l'lMl.N,. tXI . Pbtladatphis. Pa Ib Wonder* of lad#n> CEE>|> Sarcparlai ami IK Asxtzta 1T~ ~I — ae Aaaa aed fa* M 7bx Daßy Occur aflat I'adad a Few Base, af , OR. RAJ)WAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent, THE (xBEIT BLOOD FIRIFIEft. L Oaad apt in*, dlasjpaaruaaa ■al"". lugwm, ■ataachaly '■ mniti and hsrdaaaa al Oaab aad nam "f lucaaaea. awpaMa vmi-rccm rahsX Am no momwvu uructuti##* ur gefrtn# t • f##tiuu u>' nt uud aalatcrtud ulatf. uu il traaE jm Irixsppaarunes ol ap-aa. tlaiabm. pxmwtsa OsOb ks-Xa slaai *d bssjtay. Ox cries < Msagwd in* as taa btd aud el -udy ui psaruaos to u slam sherry sv uabm —p.. auto- ;iMa Ircaly the blxddat w.r. ug* Iks eraO.'* wtibeut pets sr esxldlng . male sr mm aadlaaaSx * P ltorasd*ensteuuaa ef gueaaty end (-rnj.ila* # tosoluntery aesXaotog dlsebx (r#4 L Uo# #**r#j wrgutoU iTI u.* • ting# cm Urn wtxiUi erf Um# rguu. uu , -ja,nu f' 1 *r nmdj.lsm. three* e* heed dutkiulslilua f tha frcca-mcy at acagh .enseal increase of strangle Ifcraegbcet "a eyeivK stopiaga el eight eaeele end fee MM el weehneea sr •and the lege. Sr?.-- e,. .easelt euf cold end ohUa. scam of eeSuustx-n . herd braetbtag end of s.-agh sa lytag down oeertslag u ths nxerina All these d iliiaa y i: B dm~^ * toXeo oss Slgae of rstere'ng bsellh will xpi-ar es the Wood latiMwoa la iOFOiUi '4 jirK|, 4ie*u## will JV m&aluh. uo4 uU f rf#4f n ux4 lmpor# u. omW UoiT* ennrmm. ktrditTil#, uc . b# i urJrr I tf Mi ar, X BUoAjtwl m>l# teHtrt! ukml Luuitiif uJoocu, f#ur nourm #afUliUc *>rm. all mu ukk 4ieeu##a grdauUf THl'ULsss Wbsra ths sT.-.-m has tone Hser-arv UaXcAerlvar. Carmslva IxuWlamto (the prices ids nest'" - - -' le ths udverii sd N.rpurtUs. sesccxst. sd in awes seam mb llyd ••( Folaeee' bees sc. umutet. Ed end baccras dsp.tlsd In the bones. 1 lute, sto. ceasing rsrtm "f ths b ">e. ricksts. rj-lcui cureuturaa auekwuonx a I*l Is earl. g. rsriews valßs. the H*KW4F4HtI.t.IA% "l Si pantu ut4 aElarmiaut# Lb# nmu af Lb# dlMaa# tram Iba "a'V"tbcas whe are tsklsg thaae laadlrtom fee the rn-u af Chronic. Nemfnloa. or *• r' -■ . bathe cure. (aed (slier. end ru ' -eir gvv seal hmJt- 1 Improving. lhs*t flmh eudaelgbt sravae Xaaptog Its oara. It Is e sola sign thsl lbs ears le ZZZZJ In Ihess .llxsaem th. pxllsat liber gals to*tor wceaa— lbs rtrur ol lis to.o It uot mectlve If act e rrra(ad sad drlrs-i lbs bk.-d.' ooatlou# to aadarmiaa i #MMliUitcm u# a#a maSTm* mnkm ill • I#uual • hatt#r. M 4y*tr b#t rn •til graw batt#g M 4 tu i B Waoiih (Iroocib und fli#h Tb# grmi v'mmrnf lb> r*n#dj *• l d|a####a tbaj fimlh m* la C-a*umutton of uad bihnrfiirn Phiblal# KctT* ur. HrpliU' l !*! I#aaaa#, IKaMm Mr>t>t#g9 of Wibr (ImUal ailaon# riY#f uf lorded ahsra c.Lb-rer. h*ra Lo be aaed.Mla d-"rg ewey with lbs painful opcrelhor. nf oslng (bees lostrumeatol. a..- .-a-- -Uta* la lit# t'Uddar. uod la tU cuaa# of la buatMU.tfl of lb# |U#dd#r uad t® tUroull n ( ljuMTtoft UOd I'tarfib# dl 9MH ID lam -re, o -dm. herd lump, end xyphllcM u'csrx le A L tL _- i _ ■ gal lemm* I lfM> UO# lo I oh#® 'a# of'u.. iimgu. In g-ut drufu-i-l*. rhsomeMrm. rieke**. to mlrcn'MJ d#i>■*"*- (> t> to th-ea tmrlbi. Icnm oi disuse, atoww th# bnmsu ba##nrw of piWfuc* fut u " ' rQ ® uod bf IU tan lcHaL #!m -t •>.i#rjlrjjj ngmnej. II ro#tx### Lb# * U * Huunca wbara IbE grmnk mmvdj otood# uloaa to tto dua#### iS tZXSJTZZI'ZZ "Aw "*Twi eSllctsd adlh chronic dleeaeae xhcnld peretoee . 'JLTtoT c-clalclng eas doean botxln Prion 11< or 4.1 dotea bottles, or B I per to* be Bold \ y druggie Is RADWAYS READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INIVTANT RAH*. ■VUEE ATION or Wa KinNETR. ttruAMMATioN or THK iii.Aitnrß. WnjkWklATlCN or THK M'WktU, otyNtiHtTiqi or THI U'Noa. •OU THROAT. ntFFU'V'LT PRE A ntiNO. or THK HEART. BYHTRRICi, CRot'P I'IPIITHKRIA. CAT A kit 11 INFI.UKNZA. | ■IKADACHK. TOOTIIA4UK. Mi'MP*. FECRAiciA. RHEUMATISM, OOtol cklUdt. AGUE cfiILLR The applicative of lbs MKIDV KKI.IRF to Sto pen at parts ahsrs tto pale oe diUeulty ell te wiß efforcl aaee sad eomtuft. . . Twenty drcpa to hsif e lamhtor cf wutsr wtlL !ne tow m'-msnle rare CHAMP* KPAIll!!, XlH'llrOlb ten. HEARTBURN SlcK aRADAtMIR D J4ft II FA, UYhKNTKRV, OOUC. WUiD IN TRR OWkY.I. end a!' INTIiRNAL PAINS u , n ehcwid ala.ya carry a bcUla of RAB WAY'* RKI.IKF with them. A few drops laaa*a will pre vent sickness or pains from change of water. IT U BETTER THAN TRENCH BRANDT O* BmXR.I AS A STIMULANT. Prlre AO l eata. 14*14 By Draggtele. DR. RADWAY'B REGULATING PILLS Perfectly Isstslcm. elegantly reeled with sweet rem. purge, rrwulete.purify.clesnxe end strengthen HAD WAY'* r I 1.1. N. f..r the rum of !1 .i—w^rrrßiir; t:U:1 *iuiAji A 00. m+rtf+'d a. /.. amatol, # I Nfli!ai ilk It !■ *4icm A luitsrt la lb* sit>u. a • #*mU* •IbuuUat la Mm dtrMialbtt. * • Mianii blc. • dhuttU aad M I*MTU lcU M* UM ftduwvbdflM Md dU} (irutafi jr- jil Ma d I*rtitt' Klfrriwrriil A part re J. KHP IT iU. URURMiUmi QHOVIVn >m>44 MM'WluklMMt ttaaMßif.ln DlSU&lflU RUJ llvllutw* kMK N nu 4ar Tea H>Ma. I.n tfftr. •> n>ll AjrttU earned J M i.AKONKH 800 . P <) H. a AAT3. In Vwk AJk a A A -IONTII RfWU lOf* MM| (J' ]k (1 (ton Kwiuaa tKamtl>U m.4 Iw ozDU ImtßSsb _ GEO, p. ROWEL A Co. I COME AND SEE Tlmm Wlirfi fnwiM ffaarb dIHVa *cna lor tmU >■ U> hißouk i df ad M l' J K It. and • UM MoOeww aid Mhaa-'uri Kjm M 11 K***wwJ Uift Wau lor (Jab* bM (tuow wf M*d HI KM Midi— ta MIIIM l7 Uid lUm H AMif la UAllllfMlN 4 I AI KISm, _ MMt, Q>fP>U (#h jut. fc* SAMPLE Arm aXJim. Tru Iriur Pi a lit.-, Me-eerk. H J u I V AkJll I*l BtotWii. II T(4 I ,|aIT f\ II faaautsc la,f U ala lailiwiii prl.ifa u. aiualM CUlu|anJrai PENNSYLVANIA .TflMlarr iraOaat, l liaurt, Pa. Oriii Bay Hlh.Olatl hiwilac. Uk Ulaaaßoa. laMttaa aa MiUtarr Art (Barn4.l> Uwti Put ""rrViarr rmo fa. Col THRU Hi'ATT I'ranfateaA WANTKU AUKNTM. -Tt'- - -"f /- . A 't lTitR A < (iauaa. 1/TKK V PAHII.Y WANTH IT. Maw la I fa A->l4 m Aeeata AMaa M M LuVRUZEfW.P NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The Lm11u( American News paper Till HHrtT ADVKHTIfaINU MltHt'M Dailr tlORiHi Baeu-WaaAJf. RJ Weekly, 11 Ntfa. ta (Aa A.lmitu H(i ilaiia Oaataa aaa AdeertAalaa Kalrt Paaa Waaki|. la elule of Ml oraaun •3i sI, peaWea new. Addraaa T*m Tatai aa B T WANTED-——- ,™ *rj?. JLM&f&JJt, Rsz to TiHßaMUAwliKmaljMaliT Slaafa lulaa, vita afaß.il Prtia I.i .vela t'lrraler frv. BRU>K A IX* . lUW Broad was Yt ON A4LAKV mlr, Aru auM •!. Aeal<. Addraaa O B OBBtartAß. Harta. Ufa. $5 to nr. J mt|i jja va pM / *t**U \ -ai M avaaaanN > R HWO I* ' naW I ".I tHRRrpAM K* I TTHi | ! JOJ (aifal j.Avo |(>au4 pan waiMa M|al aeoaefa ■eggaMiL* ge. Ml'fU. Ofa. •- eptllß ajataa rjao MMdAtfb MMO >M MiwtM MUM fi> im oo |>i | it mu4 )twg*or| fin ffQCiatu Kaed ftal t>raaaiAlalar J> I U " Jfajj H BuHMrtIMA HiaAaa Mart Now is the time to Subscribe! Krvm Klne eagnrlm prMli4 I* "fry New Teorfy The New York Fireside Companion I'KOSI'IXTI S IXII! 1876. Tit* X*W nuxittt* < oarAVios u now reaogiiised as tha boat malatalßed. nuts! poiKi'mr most as*] rolm ! silting wanhly pahlfahst h the OHM OSSttv, No Bit 1 la amued lo obuuu a Iwiavar wall aid U> Urn Ulan* nod vtw a< K* MI. lent*. The twai tnlnt la ever* Av[.nrtwnt aresncared. without tvgnrd Wnaw. It Is Ut alia of Ike publisher la makeUda • iMrrrMHu nod Fag afar ftntr tor both rnabg atid old; i <- anWue vntadainmoet am! awMaaoaiit with AMnlma Information w tu sitae* ivtatlug n U*> boaa coartaliin, ma mag* ■"<■*. ■ draw to gratify Ih. Innate vmtoalty and interest of all la the para ami aatoral romance of life; to caluvate a lata tor reading and InultaeSnal nlaaaniw : and to InenkraM good aentpusou and prtueipiea la the mind of Uo young. NotMng at so immoral inidrary la aver admitted mm 1U oulatnu*. It cooUlu* Ttr mm rrlmito Ui r KMrln, Duklu lart(Pa mf AdvwtMorw on I-and and Sra. Mlrrmi Indian and Hordt r Talon, Merits of Home l.ifr la I Mr ood I sentry, Uitllm Mori HiaHao aadfrartmimal Minrwa, Original Homo,. Joke* fVatlc Pemwalsand rkntda, IS..wwl". latest rtufcwi imahi(alh> laOWi *' m to < orreajntxtrt/ir . kitchen lore ( The Ural li UUlefVlta; laaauful lfluslrtllsai. ale, etc. Not loos than Six CONTINUED STORIES p-ai—d - aianilt tnls>iv> ■•rf rnmmrooad about every aorond week; ao that aaw i man will Im>bi-.<~ ios -1 the w gitielt.g Ir MHlc llasrl t% aod Anele 11. Jriaim K Hatnillon >lyrrn Mary f Wlers Naaaetlr fa. Kenrreen 1.r.11r There® fa marl . Prarcr JrttnrrM Feairr i'ruak Crr) t-rarar l— Atbcn Allan tlrane Anllr Pranr Albert W. Aihrn Jack Ratlin i'nrslrsn V. Naafcy trr, fashion tdllrwsa Addiaon ¥. Brownr. Our Family *h* .Irian.-Under 114a tllla we aha . during the eeatng rear e antra t aMirta. l>r phyatciaM, devoted to (In treatment and enra ;.| ttrrvairul dlaeaw. Audi as fkln Inaease*. < .MnmitngMsa. In, tbrna. kucanatmr, t'anorr. Hip lnaoaar. Ibtee I'taaaar. Eya ntal Ear l>wtewr N Throat t'linn. I'bv.iotacv of Jtianaaca of Woman. Management .-f Voting lliildren, HrtMn, ee. Throe artfrtM wS! eroitaln tins Imet modeaof treettneot >f dtamae *4-prad by tha l.chrat mnltenl auihoHUeevl lha day. and a ill ImaraiuaUe guide to the readme j! '' f 'oluwtn—No tdhtrt or pat sr atnint !o make lhla depart. rorot rnoal attt arlivr att.l aarfui to ear readers. 11 tsmliUe! 'v a (rntitrniaa of *wi rtiwrlmee and O.hiikl Jmlgmn t.nnd nannl smwal of mfmnuMka. H rtve* aaean a lo uneatMna raiatlii* to h.vaatnl MiqnMla. Wal ami tnodieal qneotionA Miftwinalje t |.r iho kllei! M ana tioaarlmtd. In fact, ancwat a to all qacnttoua that lumtip Ui life, cat be found In Uila oolumn Heading for IdlUr t-alka. ThlaKand srftlonttlnoato 10l ooeof the WW nr..! trauma of the paper. T!e can UI tan liana to this depart meat br the-*wrv f .trmoai wntrra lorel.lldms la the emu.try Tbla ahme makra TIIK Www YORK FI Ht>l E X)M PAN IOK la valuable Ut every Itooartr-kl where there atachEdrm. 14.1 nf Kaerwelnca Prramtrd in Now Yonrly Haherrlhrrei A IJBtMiN IN IX)VE, Value, M c"a. | TilK l-ITTLK A VOLERH. Valoe. 3ela. THE PKT PAWN. - . - - | KAH A WAV KMOM HOME. - - ElilN I'aH£WKU> - " m m HEtllNif INO TO BEO. *i A MODEL VAC RT, utnkwedl Valor. nmia. - Tlteae ItranUfnl ptrtonn t>re aultable lot framing, and affbtd n valuable addition to the fut ulUire ut oa cry bomo. HlMtO'S GIRLS i. BOYS OF AMERIC.C Largest and Mast Popular Weekly Paper for Young Folks. II la the Milt miner ahleh emtalna the kind of etortee wbleh moth era want U rrod aloud to ivtr Utileoi rv and ahkeh erery fnlhrr may aubeaitaUsgly piaro In the hands of hia children. It out tains a latyw anumrt and warm vof (mod reading for girl* and boys than can be had In any other weekly or meoUiiy periodical., TERMS FOR 1876. vnw< r.TKTjs axi> itors or amkktca end rwe jut 3TEir rix* 6]l>K PuMPAMIiIX: Ooe copy of JfWarr j anr an bar > User In the Untied hlav * ea trertpt of fc.SD j two ooples for |4; blue copies for |tt ftr New Tor* Elrande Onmpaotea will be neat far ooe rear on reennt 3O; Orllore ap of llaba ran aftrtwatds a>M eluris cornea at (1 JO rach. We win be responsible for teenlltancea aent in Rrgtatered letter*, or by Post Offlre klourv Order* Beth papers wot to ooe address for one year, for fa id /Hxtepr. mr*. tfaeelmeo eontea, sent fro* Specimen copies with any MM of the ahora Pictures scut to any nddreni uti receipt of Ten (Vol* AUKYTN HALTED to ccavam for the shore two paper* la everr town and village where there are no newsdealer* Oood wagva oau be made by au< ctwafcl ennvasaeta Boys and Olrla are Invited to ttecome can rawer*. Every boy gad girl can get subscribers in their own village. Write for particular* , Addreua, liEORUE MI.YBO, PabUahcr, P. O. Bex MU7. - .HA Breknaa street, New York. warranted"^ It roQuirta no Instmctloa* to rusx it. It eoa sot f®t out of o*dor. It will do every clou and kind of work. It will sew from Tl*uo Taper to Saruees Leather. St la at far la advance of otker Sewing ItacMaea izx tke magnitude c. its euperlor iaprovemeate, as a Steam Oar exoellß la achievements the old fashioned Stage Ooack. Prices made to suit tlie Times, Either for Cash or Credit. I WANTED. Address ■ WILSON SEWINC MACHINE CO OLBVXLA27D, OSXO, OSIOAQO, ILL., TWW TOSS, *. irsnr oblbaits, LA., ST. lotjis, ko. I af*iaaU> Vjnc/ Ita. HI BllWw. Ha f. (*< aa4 art Br ■all CRRar—4lHwlar,aa< Bew* IT VISITI NG CARDS. • .vvre 1 U'U. lf. # W A IDJT, Marti Hall Mw* 4Jf. r. BORKHAMI TIKHINK Water Wheel mjmFSS nrfsSii'TSi t,SS*St£si. | ZNQX7XZIB I*OR W.I.DEOWN4COS umbrellas. \2BsXz PRINTER S ROLLERS HaAaßnaanAaPjlaal aairialllae. vlll mart, a.4 aiiiul Br *M aaaißar . naa. MO avau H u aSgi!rGTm.. .. v OPIDI Tla' U *Ba (Brtaart * IBa RN' B*Mrt ipAg- an *sssJim" JSSS; licliiai Pine aidFaniai Lands FOR SALE. liaaAßali: BMfteHr! Air' Ueo4 Ualrr ! l.aeA TMIa ! Ilaallkr ( Ileal*! Tb* aaalra laH l.raat af tfca rHßlAPar iumum leanfa. aa M aa aar ■ Rfcv aaAfciCr U- He- ae4 vji BeauU a art K fa. Art eai avtterra l.attA tal av>. Ma4a Knab lla. hlark tTaatar. Saaaanvrt. Paa. lUiU, rte ._ a*c_ lueplaal mdVSmiirmSkm aa. iriluw. ogyyi uhU. aa4 Uwaa nlfa. anafe In aaaaa BwewlH 4a ■ eiJ U ih.i; Mftf mm! Üblmb dbfCH MttdtiMM TWMlii .lai' * r * " AAAiaaa as Bart Hp—. 1UB ' ■(■■H Taar Name i:ir K atlr PH. SMITH OBSIN CO. Boeton, Mm> TTkraa- WaaAard iadruataall Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. Wanted in Srery Tows. BaU Uuaacßara Wa fatted Mates ae IBa I.MMTAUAIENT PLAN* Thai la. aa a Mraia of MeaU-ir Tarmeela : Taarl'inaiirt ahaald a Alar Ba AajrtAA amfal Otta 11 ! V. •' M.lfara' saartea. Bead for IhiWJlrllß' ttirawß mil MBNafcC# fI v™ tawaaar- M> I**#, nil I —III 111 111 IM- llariaaalL Olifa.