THE IKM ItK ItKIHHtTKIt. THURSDAY SEPT. 21, 1*75. LODOE MEETINGS (:k*T*K Httt No. **, 1 O of O V moot. evMj Sxtur*lh> evMltim in th* fMkl ffllowi 11*11 J M (iILLIUHD, S*ct H I' •****. A• Ot I* Four U(H>o. No. M7 K. A. M on ThnrwtM ovmnfl, on or •(tor M h fnll mon tn thn Odd Follow* Hull w Vl C. V HRBUiWR. Kwt VT It MiSuii. M Uin*ou od or e*cb full mo'O.*' *\nsV \ LOCAL ITEMS. Our t>Nnil> w ill oblige sending torn* ot new* in their locality. give u the facts onlv. and we w ill put them in shape, also notices of death* and mnrrf- Vnv ne sending ui the names of si* new subscribers, with the cash, will be entitle.! to receive the RapowTltm one year free. The Kirntuo being read by neatly every body n this side of the county, where it has a larger circulation than any two paper*, will he found the bet medium for advertising business, sale*, ."fee, Ac. it 70 pods, and having about bean- Ih> bean market will evidently be gutted now. Our neighbor, George Durst U* effect ed an exchange olprspofty with J. Henry Keller, of Hnrtis township Mr. Durst takes the farm of Mr Keller, about 165 acres, at $135 per aore, in exchange for his mouutain farm and house and lots at Centre Uall, at JH.OtW. Mr. Keller will remove to Centre Hall in the spring. The Centre Hall Sabbath School had a nice pie-nie in Witmer'a woods on Sat urday. The Penn Hall base bai 1 club played a match game with our boys upon the oecnsior.. The Penn Ha l boys got bent, but being good looking fellows they may ?Ucd a better chance with the girls— that's some consolation. A IL-ffct'* cheap .-tore a largo lot ot good* of every line is being receive ! for fair week Farmers will bear in mind that they always have the largest stock in the county, and sell low, and that their goods are all standard articles and no deception, they always make it their aim to have the best in the market. ilootievilic, in Sugar Valley had a large Sabbath School pic-nic, on Saturday Hill. Five bahd? were in attendance : the L.sck Haven, Salona, Rebersburg, Mill heim and Booneville bauds. A contest lor a B dat cornet was one of the features of the pic nic. The contest for the horn was a spirited or.c —the contestants being the ' Rebersburg, Salona ard Lock Haven ; bands. The prize wa< valued at forty ' dollars, to be awarded to the band having I the highest number of votes—each vote ! valued at ten cents. The pools opened md liand closed a: S o'clock : there were nj hundreu and ninety-nine votes polled,Ms ( follows :—Kebersburg 547 ; Lock llaAi 335 ; Salona 316 . making the receipts S'JB- j 9*i. So Rebersburg carried off tho prir J ■ Raw onions are said to produß*, sleep. An Indiana man who had j several sleepless nights at-" a few the otbw ! Evening betore retiring. His wife kickA him out of bed ; he landed on a boot jacß j which nearly broke his back, and spent thw re?t of the time till morning applying ar nica and "cussing ' onions. Any woman" wishing to buy some of the onions and j kick "somebody" out of bed, can get them j cheap at Sechler"* grocery, where tbey al so sell all kinds of dried and canned fruits, i coffee, sugar, molasses, spices, hams con- j fections &c., cheaper than you can steal j them. Our old democratic friend, Mr. Ja cob Wagner, ot Potter, sent a lot of pota- j toes to the Reporter office, the other day, j as a specimen of what be can raise in that line—Chilies, Early Rose, and Peerless Father " had one-third of an acre out which yielded him just one hundred bushels, all large and fine fellows like the j specimens sent to this office. There is no danger of starvation in these bard radical ' times, a* long as Jacob keeps alive to raise t potatoes at that rate. If any one can bring in a belter report let us hear from him. George Washington, the father of i his country, could not tell a lie. Mark Twain can but will not, and John Powers doe* not when be tells you that he has the largest assortment of boots and shoes in central Pennsylvania, and that he sells them lower than the lowest The eating of the pudding is the proof. Give him a call and it will redound to your advan tage. John Powers' Boot ed hi# n w Tin-day '' Centre Hal! ha* had more improvements . this summer than any other place in the county. There are Mill a number of other 'j new buildings in contemplation - The Granger# ~f this neighborhood I have a ware house at Centre Hill where ' they deliver their prodmc t'.-r shipment \ and store such good- as they get from the east for their own covsutut-lion. Mr • .lames Lasholl t- -tore-keeper at a salary • of S4OO per year, f —The granger pic nic oi tho tair r ground on Tuesday 23, will no doubt be a great atlair, a- their will he a general turn • out of the brotherhood a a- of out ; sider*. and great preparations a e being made for the oeca-i. I Some fellow -Sole Jake Ripka --weel ' pumpkins a few night- ago- Any chap who will do such a thl- g is i ot uogood to he stationed ut one whole night to eat. I 1 ct it'ii i with the thermometer down ti 80 below xero The lollow uiy hav, thought ho was only taking some huge p ■ plus, but pumpkin-pit> are played out ' there now. The meeting of the veteran club ot j ' C, 'itrc county, at BuaUburg, on -i-t Fri day wa* a large affair There wa- a ful ■ turn cut, of veterans and others of both • exe. The affair was in tho cature of a 1 basket pie-nie Gov. Curtin made* one ot ' his happy speeches. There were ad -1 dresses by other gentlemen whose name? ' we did not learn. The next meetingoflhe ' club will be in the Fort wood-, a short di tanoe fr- m our town. Tun Fakukks Hakvi-t i.ovit The various grangers of tho Fatrous of 11 us* ' bandry of this county will unite in a grand 1 Harvest Homo pie-nie on tho fair ground, ; on the 25th day of September next Ex tensive preparations are going forward tor a grand occasion. The semi annual exhibition by the students ofthe Fine Giove Academy, un der Prof. Jae.b Rhone, will bo held Thursday, next. 30. Tho programme promises a rich treat. There is no use in housekeepers bothering themselves with cunning an drying truits any more -a big burden has been lifted from their shoulders, liny can get them belter, nicer, liner, healthier and CHEAPER by gong to Sechler A Co, who have them on hand frosh and direct from the best truit establishments. A new Presbyterian charge has been formed embracing Centre Hill, spring | Mills ar.d Centre Hall, to which Rev. Kob inson, a young man of talent, has been j called. This wa* d-uie to lighten the la- j be-rs of Dr. Hamiil, who retains Lcmontl I and Boalsburg congregation*, as hi A L|harge. F A match game etwefn the Lynxeye club of this place, 1 , and the students of the Penn Hail Acadi— I I uiy. t'ur boys gained the day ; the score | 1 stood 72 to 36. Keep on boys, you w.llj I soon be able to play the Athletic club. 1 f "Godey" for October, is on hand. I and as usual, is a splendid number. It i* j the leading lady < book in the country. I The Nursery, for October, is full of I pleasant things for the little f.dks. Prin vted in 80-ton. sl,€o per year. ] The stableoftheSus-iuehanna Uo_se j at Gurwenaville, was destroyed by fire on : I Friday night, about f> o'clock, together' | with a SI,OOO horse, belonging to J P. Ir | vin, Esq. The job was evidently tho work lof an incendiary, from the fact that Mr. j Read, the proprietor, was absent with hi- t '.earn at this place and a hcr-e belonging to j J. G. Larimer, who was stopping at the j I hotel, wa* left out of the barn. Mr. Lari- | i mer lost bis harness. Some oat* and hay ; was also consumed. Tbe gros* wicked- ; ' net* of this crime can only be surpa*sed , by murder. Republican. j GIVE Yovr CIIILP A PATER.—A j child beginning to read becomes delighted ; i with a newspaper, because he read* of j i names and thing- which are familiar, and he will progress accordingly. A newspa ; per in one year i* worth a quarter'# school* | I ing to a child Every father must consid- j er that information is connected with ad-j vancemcnt. The mother of a family, bo- j | ing one of it* head*, and having a more] ; immediate charge of children, ihould her i self bo instructed A mind occupied be- \ II comes fortified against the ill* of life, and :j is braced for emergency. Children cniu*- ; j cd by reading or study are, of course, more considerate Hiid more easily govern* J ed. The MldJleburg Fair grounds were • sold by the sheriff some time ago, the sber* 1 j iff iiitnself beeoming the purcha*er. Mr - Bolender intends to put the grouds in or i derathi* own expense,and rent it to theag i i ricuhural association. r| Visitors to New York wiio want a i ] quiet, but select and luxurious home while . I they stay in the city, and ne where the 1 exp-nsi arc decidedly lighter than at the ■ j larger housts, will do well to call at the ■ SriNOi-KR llor.-K, on l"rl*on Square It 1 is situated ir. the heart of the city. Car ' riage hire is saved, as nearly nil the -'ages > and *trcet car line* pa*s its door*. See card t in aiiverti.-ing coluir.s 9*Cptlm. 1-. ♦ ♦ - Dcniocratir SfatMliiitr Comiuitlt'c. I Beliefonte—Northward. A Sternberg; Westward. Jack M'Clcllnn; Southward, \Yni Furey. • Benncr—Adam Y Wagner. I Bogg*—Henry I. itarnhnrt. Bumside — J R Gillilattd. ' Curtin—ll> nry This I I Ferguson—Oi- rge Eckle. e Gregg -John F ilechman. _ Haines—John R Bair. II llalf Moon—Ellis Lytic. ' Harris Samuel Ishler. Howard O.-orge Stierring. Howard tivp —Geo I) Johnson. 1 Huston—JulmO Mile*. fi Liberty—Daniel ihtner. n Marion— M'Cally. q Miles—l'riah Rbafer. 3 Patton— Wrn Heed. Potter— B V Arney. Philipshurg -C A Talkner. Penn—D L Zerby, Rush—ll B Wilcox '• Snowsboe — Able Oampbeti. '* S|iring—John N"ll. Taylor—Samuel Huover. Union—John G Hall. Walker—Thomas Dunkle. 1 Worth—Win William*, s Unionvillu iloro—Frank Leather*. r C. M. BOW Kit, . Chairman. M A SIO,OOO PIOEON MATCH, j* Newport, Sept. 17.—A pigeon match for SIO,OOO has been arranged here, in which n James Gordon Bennett and A. 11. Bognr- K dus, the latter the champion of Ame ica, are to siioot against Carroll Livingston and C Ira A. Paine. They are to shoot at fifty .j birds each, and the highest score in tholOh n wins. The match will be shot from five n trap 9. English tules. y SNG W ST(JRjn 51 C' 4NA DA. y River Dp Loqp, September ltk— Duriug i 5 the storm yesterday twelye inches of snow r fell. Much dttmugi' has been done to (mil k . and ornamental trees , r Snow storms have prevailed in Canada •1, and in tho White Mountains within the . past few days. GREAT STORMS IN NEW MEXICO Santa, Fe, September 19 —Great storm f' liave prevailed all through New Mexic 19 for the last ten days, and the town of I.e Cruce was nearly destroyed by the hurt n* ng of a water-spout. Much damage is al te ready done to the wheat crop by the eon tiauel wet weather.! , HOW PERSHING WAS NOMINA TED The Filial Fallot lor Governor — Vote of each Delegate. Tlu< lollow ing u the correct vote at *t , on the lat ballot for Governor in the Eric , . Convention : t For Cyrua I*. lVrahtiig. > M.--r, Vtiimeruian, VoJcr-oii, Biard. i Schuylkill, Heard, Wa.liioglon; Bcdoll, I RcLhoover, It onton, Bradley, Brady, i Biatt.m, ttrawlov. Hroiiiiain. Hr*'. kway.' j Brown, Hrubwkcr, lluckaiew. Church, Co- > I burn, C.irgoc Currie, Dalla*. Dawton.ji I Dclchuntv, Diller, Dillinger, Dintnioro, .' j Dolan, Duff Duncan, Dunlap, Eaton, i j Kgan, E lit, Faun. . 1 , Win R , Potior, T., I Schuylkill, Foster, S , Schuylkill; Fold- 1 I ing. Gnllagher, Glai.-, Gordon, Graham, j Grant, l.i :iv, Greenwoo.l, Guffy, Galst, j I ! HKiiey, lt.irlly, Ha-iing-, Itawly, llay*, j' Hebrank, He. k, Harrcter. Herseh, He-'I triek. H lii.Uy II u <*, Hurtt, Hutchin I on Lli iM'nt Hutchinson, Eric, lam-. In- I n. ?, Jack-. Killucky, Era. tuer, l.udner, t Lungfllt, I.e: non. Lew:-, Loan Logan, t i Loonii*, L.ipton Lynch, Lynn. Madden. Maher, Mm Ii , Mtrkla KllWr, Altagk*- < nr. M.tli, Mitchell. Molt, MeCale, M , Caiitiiiant. M.Cullough, MeKelw, Mc- * Kinl.x, M. I.e an, Nuutoan, Newioyor, . Painter, Palters i, Allegheny. Patterson, ' Washing;. : PU.'II, Fayette; l'all. 11, l , I,*:.caster. Pearee, Philadelphia. Petri Wen, Pierce, Mercer; Pndelle, l'layford, I Porter. Putney, tjuaile. Vjuigly, l'hilade! r phia; tjuiglv, t'linton. tjuinn, Haymotid, v K. Ed, lie . hard. Rhodes. K gg*. Rowland. I Sander*. Sawyer, Shul" :, Swhler, Sanrt- t ner, Slierw >d, Sh .einaker,, Small, Snow- | den. Sower*. Speer, Stark, Stein, Sitle*. Stinrliour, Stroop, Sweeny, Swineford, l'aggart, Thompson, Thornton. Tiernan, Tierney. Triuimer, Tshiuly, I*hi, Vicker*. t Weat.r, Centre, Weaver, Delaware; , Werl lie Wlutaker, Whitman, Williatn*, | Cumberland. , For Henry I*. Koas. . Messrs. Allen, Philadelphia, Allen, - Crawford Alien, Erie; Airieks, Ancoua, I Bachnian, Beamish, Berrill, Bishop, | Blood, Boileau. Boulden, Boyle, llrobst. * Campbell, Chaptn, Oollnor, Crawford, d Delone, lrunbar, Durham, Kngletuan.jn Eschbach, Faunce, Samuel., Flytin, Fori • t. r. Ci litre; Gaiumel, Gardner, Garvin, s Gro-*, Gurthrie, Gillespie, Haggerty, Hampsher, lleigi Heist, Herbert, ILff- tl man, Somerset; UoUenbach, Keegan, ?| Kennedy, Kindt, Kiuzer, Knox, Kunkle. p La tux, Lee, Leech. Leffortt, Luldell, Lie- it ble, Longaker, Mageo, Mahony, Martin, G Merrick, Miltigan, Monroe, Montgomery.' a Miwre, Murray, M> \-*y, McCarty, Me - Coy, McDevitt. McGinne**, M- Gowan, McMullen, Nichols, U Uara, O'Leary. j Parker, Picrson, Reynolds, Kilter. Kos*. Kobinon, Kyou, Seller*, Suavely, Stable, Stanton, Tracy, Wall*. William*, Clarion, Wilson, William, Wilson, Morgan. Wi nan*, Wright, Lu -me \\ right, Phila d Iphia; Y'erke*. Ski For Iwbcrt E. Moneghau. a . Mi ?rs. 11. mpbill. Millar, Chester, M r ri*on, Ntvin*. Vandever. For A. C- Noycs. 'it | Me-irv Dsvi-, llankin#on,;McGrlh, No- T lati, Fcale. ti Mr. llerrick, voted for Victor E. Pio-.w lelte. C TIU'E AS SPOKEN. The ltich ami Poor Man'a Dollar. u it [Cincinnati Enquirer.) v The Comniercial quote* daily at the t< lead of it.* editorial column for the benefit ,] if the workiugtnen tbe gold value of the p aorkingtnun s dollar, thu u The Grecuback Dollar II At the close of butine yesterday wa* t< worth : oi 87 i CeilU t! iOr 12; Cents than a Gold Dol- ' lar. Wo now submit the value of the bond- ' J adder * dollar, a* quoted from Wall a'.reet, * Now York, daily . Tho Bondholder's Dollar i At the close of business yesterday was' y worth | h f j Or 351 cents more than the people s dollar, . and thi* by laws of a Republican Congress legislating in favor of the Money Power, # nd the Commercial says it is right. ) | ljuery Why should tho rich man's do!- lar be worth more than that of the poor i man ? Prof. Randolph, in u lengthy paper or. I the sun, say*. A molten or white hot *' niai, 656,000 mile* in diameter, equalling l _ i in bulk 1,260,000 worlds liko our own, I baving a surrounding ocean of gat on fire. | c 50,000 miles deep, tongue* offlanic darting a j upward more than oo,i. G. JcWcttnlso addressed the meeting. The latter *uid the Uaiou Pacific Road wa* u r war measure simply, and that was the rea h son the "government pushed it forward so rapidly and with such lavish expenditure, i, Now, " he continued, "we have peace, and d with. peace come* the greater necessity for y and tho better possibility of tho toad, it) which will serve the purposes of cum o merco of tho whole country." All the speeches were listened to attentively, and the facts and opinjun's of the speakers in dorsed in the most earnest and emphatic g manner. The result of tho'delibcrution* iv was the pnssugc of a resolution that a Na il tional Railroad Convention bo held at St L >u:s, on the 23d of November next, at a which steps should bo taken to memorial te izeCongress in relation to this subject and also interest the people of tho whole na tion in the contemplated movement. The meeting is declared to be one of the larg is est and most respectable ever held in St. •o Louis, and it* actum cannot fail to com es maud attention when associated with the t- object in view, the running of another 1- railroad across the continent at a point n- which is favorable both to cheapness of conittuctiwu Mid accowvtUttou vl . GALVESTON IN A CYCLONE. lgtsa Neatly $1,000,000. St. Louis, Seplonibiir lit, A Olvlot special t tin* Globe-Democrat, received a it Into hour Imt night, #J * thu ti>ru w hicli commenced->n Wodneday cotilln uiil tu rtx>' w it)> great violence until lt< on Friday night. The #ier from thi Gull of Mi'iiio vcrflowoil hull of Galvo* ton Island knocking down soino hundrw small tenements, unroofing several churrli rt. |irri' ntttl residences, knocking dowr signs, awnings and other hanging* Ihi water l on the principal street*. Thi Strand Market was several time* two fee deep. Three large iihiHitturi lying in tl.< harbor worn swamped. Ono sleamboai and two tug* were (link, one being com pletely demolishrd. tine large Kngllsl bark was forced from it* mooring* and dri ven ashore. tine schooner i* kl feet at land. Some ten man, working on tin Breakwater at the bar were drowued. Tilt health . rtli ir. l>r ti W Petto, and hii guard* are drowned. The railroad track ii torn u|i in twenty place* on the island The bridge i* partially destroyed tu I vert on both road* are wn*hed out, and dauta g. ;> are variotuly estimated at front SIUV UM to in*' The ilorm wa in the font ot a regular cyclone, hut the wind wa nol very heavy, though the water wit* higltei than during the great atom.* of Inc. Cincinnati, September 19. • A New llr- Ivan* special -ay "Parties w lto have r rtved here report that two hundred houses were destroyed at Ga! veton and thirty lite* lost during the storm. No furthei particulars." KY PRIEST UKHDKMANNH NA K HOW ESCAPE FROM A l'llOl SAND KL* FJfIANb Philadelphia, Sept. 17.—Last evening Gerdeman, the ex-priest, delivered a lec ture in Masonic llall, Manayunk, on the Roman Church a* it is Rt present. I poll it conclusion (lerdcmann placed him-eli under an escort and started for the railroad station, the mob, whitfc bad already col lected, continuing in close proximity to the t arty until they reached that place, lie was placed in a smoking car and both loots locked, while a posse ot police re mained outside. Numbering almost a thousand, the mob was a dangerous one. Suddenly they rallied, teat the officers out ot the way, captured the car, hroke in ;he door, and began an assault upn the -till cool and collected ex-priest, lie was protected, however, from serious ii jury by lie police, receiving only a few bruifc*. itcrdainann escaped finally to a rear car. ind under the care of officers was brought 0 this city. IN BABTHQUAKK 41 KIA KXPB KIKNCK OK A UALTIMOHK. \ Es ,-KL lialtiiuore, September lb. Captain 1100, if the American bark St Lawrence. which ailed from Deiucrnre U|H-H the 251h ulli no, for iia'.liuiore, with a cargo of sugar villi molasses, report* having experienced it 8.30 p. m. on the 29th ult , a heaiv -artlnjuake in latitude IS 1 longitude 61. ti, which shock the Ve*el from stem to tern, but, however, causing no damage, fhe weather was fair at the time, and Cap ain Doe w- asleep upon the deck, but eas aroused by the shock. The first mate. Jharles Zimmerman, who was on tire vatch at the time, record the following •articular* upon the log At the hour tamed the level shook and trembled as if t had either run upon r- cks or a sunken reMtt!. 11c went aft, looked into the *• or, which bad not been discolored and ihowiug that the icsiel had not struck, lie then went below to sec if the sugnr or itolassc* had shifted, but.found itall.nght. lie allerward ordered the i-umju to be put ,o work, but no water came Iroru the holds >f the teasel, and ha then concluded that .ho "upheaval ' was caused by an earth* piake. Two lady passengers were in the sabin, Mr*. Captain Doe and Mis* Dilling ham, of Ail-any, N. Y„ became greatly ilarmed, and said they beard the inixcen nasl snap from the cfCU of the shock, .'aptain Doe stale* that the earthquake lasted thirty seconds, and that when hi* vessel received tlic shock he was about one liundred and forty miles from land, be :wecn St Thomas and Sf Bartholomew, :wo of the group of Carribbean isles. A similar shock had been felt at Itarbadves, mother of the group, the Jay before, lie had sailed over the same course, but never before experienced anything of the kind. A TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. Auburn, September 13 A terrible tragedy occured in the town of Venice in tliUcounty yesterday. Harrison Andrews fifty years of age, wer.ttolbe sleeping room of bis son, aged nineteen years, who was asleep, and dealt him two murder, us blow with a hatchet The second blow crushed through the skull and probably injured the bmin. lie then aroused bis two daughters and shot ono cf tlu-m through tli<• abdo men with a revolver, inflicting a severe though r.ot ncccsaarily fatal wound. The girls escaped from the house nnd aroused the neighbors. Andrews then {mured a quantity of oil on the carpet and set fire to the bouse, and ended by committing sui cide, shooting himself through the head The neighbors extinguished the fire and procured medical attendance for tht wounded. The * n will hardly recoyer No motive for the atrocious deed Is known Andrews had n violent and ungovernable temper. YELLOW FEVER. An Ejmlcmic In Florida —Great Die trees Among Tlio People. Washington, September 17. —Tho fol lowing despatch was received at the Navy Department this morning NAVY YARD, I'KXSACOLA. Fla., 1 September IC. i The Yellow fever is epidemic at llowell'; station on Fernanda Bay, twenty-five mile above the Navy-yard. The people havi neither food, medicine nor attendance They are crying in the name of God furro lief. The Navy-Yard is perfectly healthy. (Sigurd; G. 11. GOOFS'.a, Commodore. AFTEIt AN EAItTHQUAKE. in the Ruins of the Fine City of Cu cuta, in the Republic ofCoiumbia. (Bogota Tradieionista. ! Tho day after this terrible acene, peopl flocked in on nil sides, urmed with imple menU for digging, and tnules to carry th plunder away. Merchant* who attemptci to find and recover their safes had to pro cecd revolver in hand. The pillage of th ruins went on for flvo day*, during whirl time those bandits sent nwa.v some tlfT mule loudt of tlic goods of the unfoitunat that lay buried under the ruins of wiia had been the fine city of Cucuta, in tli Republic of Columbia. The streets and iancs among the* ruin wore covered with ail kinds of goods am merchandise. In one place boxes of win bud been opened, the contents drank, nn< the bottles scutleied around ; in other pin cei, chandeliers, silk trimmings, furs, am furniture. In another were to bo scon tin of sardines, salmon, oysters, etc., all i confusion, nnd all more or less covcro with mud. lu the midst of all this there were torn of the people of tbil unfortunate city sol ting oil' Chinese crackers, drinking wini surrounded by dead bodies, and shoutin out, "Now tho rich arc poor, and tho poo rich." All this was accompanied with th clamors of tho living, tho groans of tli wounded, nnd tho cries of thoso buric nlivc, who begged to bo. helped out froi under the ruins of their fallen houses. Some pious old woman would come int view with her hip full of stolen article murmuring, "What a terrible misio turn-, ' ami then hastening home to coin lliu beads ot her rosary and lake an invei : lory of the valuables in her poi.-essioi 1 The whole scene smelt of tho infernal r< ' gioris, and seemed a foretaste of the day 1 jHsitfiuwut. Akd I'ftMtitl tuvetgl littji those who could, left, and thoso whoroulil not, did the boil|thnl w- poviblo utidn i lie circumstances. n Tho very aid that was sent to the unfur ul lunate the robber* managed to share, ami m little of it fell to the lot of the really do - serving. The chief of tho national fores to stationed there abandoned lit* post. Tht !o Colombian Guards, as it was called, muti nied ; and alter robbing what It could 41* d solved and deserted. Even the alcalde i- look to lltgtil *• -1 l. ft the robber* masters II of tliu lives and good* of their unfortunate to fellow-eiiUrtiis. In fine Cucuta i now on i ly a name for a horrible heap of ruins, i-t with its dead inhabitant* putrilying under rt lllt-111. PRoGItESSoF THE INSl'ltllEC'l luN IN THE HERZEGOVINA. |J London, S©pUtnl>t*r 1H Th* Time* lbi •n mortiing !* n ipvi*l from t at i # Uaro, saying, in effect, that tho insurrec , e tioii is not declining in Eastern llorsego i,! vina There have been some sharp en id icounters near Matchso and ft'levi*, ii I which the Turks were defeated. i i A tiro at Little Keck, Arkansas, Ue ' istrtiyed ap entire block of building* includ nig the Anthony House. " Tin storm which recently visited Gal ' v fslott was tho most violent and JcstrUi- r ' iivo experienced in that section lor sever# . U®*"- - „ Nearly half the nominations for County • School Superintendents this year in low# "i are those of women. Both parti* are iin partially selecting female candidate*. | When Mr. Blaino wus noenlly question ed as to how ho fell after the Maine elec • • lion, ho answered "Over my mind a "j melancholy daro lias conic, the saddest ot I the year.' *• Santa Fe, N. M. t Srpls nsli r 111 Ihi ' j t'Oil -ot Rev K J Tolby. Methodist miuis ter for Cimarron and Kltrabelhtown, *• II found between those two jdacc*. He had 11 been shot through the heart IDs horse l ' t was found lied l-> a tree, as' orl distance " | irons the body, lliere is no clue to thc *' murderer*. Water-melon* are each in Hamilton. Nev , a"d none but people of tho host society can indulge In cholera morbus. A gentleman at Alisonia, Conn., buried one wife on the Thursday and marr.ed an " I other ou the Saturday ot the week before 11 . 0 last. , A Medina misanthrope, A R Nnow by name, warns everybody against trusting bis wife, California, and also forbids any ■ woman to step on hi* preiuic*. DEATHS. . i At l'atierson, of billiusdysentery. John . McCoy, only child of Robert M and Jen nie A. Sartain. Aged 1 yar, I* months !and2 days. iIfJtXSCUTOBB BOTH I lA-tter* ia-j . l*j tamentary to the Estate of J.ihni r Dauberman. late of I'.-tlrr 1 ownsbip, Ceo-; ire county, dec d. lias nig been granted twj ' the undersigned, all persons indebted U 1 the -xIJ ostatr ere requested to make im ' mediate seitleiuenl, an-1 tho-e having claims to present them duly authenticated; for payment. J. S. DAC BEUM A N Sept 14. Executor. , OBIDGE LETTING - Seeled propo- I/ali will hi received at the office of the 'County Commissioner*, until Wedueeday. • the 23d intl., for the mas. nry and super .'structure ot a new bridge In be buillacroas 1 the Bald Eagle C'reik at Julian Furnace r The plans anJ specifi.atiolil can be *een flat the office of the c-mnty Commission era. Bv order of the board. A C HINTON. w.VM LOKAMLY J. S. BARN MART, J. N 11ADL. llerk. fuwiaiisieiirri, ACTIOS'. All | ersont are hereby Vy cautioned agairist purchasing a note signed by me and payable to Andrew liar-. I ti-r, tor forty dollars. Not having receiv ed value for the same, 1 will not pay it un ' lor* compelled by l*w. '! __ JOtfß H ARPER Valuable Farm for Sale. The fine *nd highly productive Farm of t the undersigned, situate on the turnpike, .(about 1 mile w<-t of Spring Mill*, ii offer (ed at private sale. It contain* about 10U ACRES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, and the • groalet pari under po*t and rail fence, w lib r ail else in the best ordei A large two-story FRAME HOUSE, LARGE BARN, and at! necessary Out ' buildings on the premise# AH Ibe bui'.J- L tng* are gotHl as new, and the house has . recently been papered and painted on the , • inside. It i one of the most desirably 10- ( cated farms in Centre county, being but 1 r mile from the railroad station, convenient to churches, schools, store* and mills. An abundance of giHw! Timber aUo conveni ent. For further information address JAMES I. KoRSTER. '• 10 sept tf. Akron. Ohio. *: Simon Haines, f A CENTRE HALL. Manufacturer of CarrlagcM. Iltlgglcs*. kiitgoiisi. Ac. 0 < Of every description | running gear for all kinds o( vehicles, mado to order, and in o' first class manner. Being a practical me i. Ichanic. 1 would WARRANT ALL , | WORK to give satisfaction. Repairing 1 promptly attended to at the lowest rates. Undertaking. ' ColHtis of nil stvles 1. It made on fhorte-l notice. The businew of undertaking attended to in all its branches. Respectfully solicit- a share ol public patronage. 'J epl y ' NEW GOODS! j I —AT THE— y Centre Mills Store, J. F. THRONE lias just opened a fine Stork of GKN KUAL MERCHANDISE which hi is selling at GREATLY REDUCED TRICKS Consisting in DRY GOODS, u ' A LPACCAB, MOHAIRS, PIQUES. 1 C LAWNS, e . MUSLINS,! :ie PRINTS sJ FLOUNT6, SHIRTING, TWEEDS, ' ,e JEANS, ■ h COTTON A DEB, ' FINECASsIMKUS, l " EMBORDERIES, ftl GLOVES. ,c SHAWLS, HOSIERY, n : SKIRTS, JJ RIBfiONG id and fancy articles belonging to tli u Grocery department Sugara, Coffees u [ Syrup, N. Orleans Molfawea, Dome* ni tic ami Foreign Fruita, FishpSall, eve i n rything usually found in this depart 0 j rnent. QUEENSWAItE, whole sets or dish "® es or by tho piece. ?t- HHKLNtana rvri NT HI:II "g or CINfJS. . lie bo WOOD and WILLOWWARE HARDWARE. FORKS, RAKES, SHOVELS, 110 EC ito NAILS. Ac. GENTS' CALK BOG'l> ... LADIES' BUTTON GAITOIt.S & Ml ' ROCCO, CHILDREN'S' SHOES of In ,r " kinds. list TOBACCO & CIGARS, nil at greutl •n reduced prices. Call nnd see f->r ynur.-e ves. No charge fur showing goods. HIGHEST I'RH 'ES l'.i IP for oil kio, 10 ", of Grain, and country Produce taken in r 01 change far govde, fii FLL A SUPPLEMENT r To an act, approved the lint day Ma one thouivnd eight hundred and *e venty-lhree, entitled "An Act t ' amt'iiil and consolidate tho aeveral "l nets relating to game and gamefiah. l ' Rmtiom 1. He it enacted, Se., Thai ' the lirat aeollon of said act bo amend -1 etl no n* to riMid aa follows, namely Clml no person tslin 11 kill or pursue, in any part of this state, any elk, or wild deer, save only from the tirnl day ol September to the lirsl day of Decem ber in any year. No pcraou shall ( have in his or her possession, or oflei for sale, or transport, any elk, or wild ■leer, or fresh veniaou, ave ouly from < the first day of September to tho lirsl day of December, in any year. N< i. |mruii slmll, at uny time, kill auv 'awn when in its spotted coat, or liavi the fresh skin of such fawn in his oi • ier possession. No pqfwoii shall pur •ue any elk or wild deer with dogs, ii > *ny part ot this state, or shall kill, ii he water, any such elk, or wiid deer • r fawn, which lias been driven there to hv dogs. No person shall, in any ■art of this state, set any trap, or au stlis-r device, at any artificial salt lick, or other place, for the purpose of trap nog any elk, deer, or fawn, and catch >r kill the same,except for consuuip x ion iu his or her family ; any person • trending agaiust anv of the provisions if thi* sect on, shall IK- deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollar* for each . -Ik, wild deer, or fawn, so killed, pur u sued or trapjsed, or fre-li elk, wild it leer, or fawn skin bud u bis or her possession, and may be proceeded ( igainst in any county of the state _ •rlterein he may be arrested, having , the same iu his or her possession: j I x roviilrd howevtr, That any person , may sell, or have in his or her posses t sion, the elk or wild deer aforessid P between the first day of December in any year and the first day of Februa ry next following, without liability to , the peualty herein unposted: J bond ed, He shall prove that such game, if j killed iu this state, was killed within . the time allowed by this act. or was R killed ouuide of the limits of thi* state ani at some place where the law did f not prohibit such killing. Dog* pur ; suing elk, or wild deer, or fawns, may r b killed by any i>er*on ; and any con stable, or other town official, may kill any dog that habitually pursues elk, wild deer or fawns, an i the owner of , such d<*g shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each elk, wild deer jor fawns, killed by suchdog : IVorid jifd, That this act shall be so constru !et:d, September 17 —Tls81-ton gun' recently eoHpletwd at Woolwich, tor th*' jiron clad Inflexible, was tested to-dejr. The charge cor.uitod ofji> pounds j Jer and a I,3ca* pound tLot The result wss. not quite aatisfaclory. MARK BTS—PRODUCE. New York, September V) Flour super.! ?(t*h Flour common to good $i OU<6 Bo' Flour g.-.-ti to choice s'.*• .to 30 Wheat No 'J l'hicago spring $1 2li(#l 'J&; Wheat No 2 Milwaukee $1 1!> Kjc'Jl(-x>*. Corn, western mixed 7b}(v7l. OsU, ws*t orn mixed 'AX-jil Coffee Kggs Sugar fair u> good refining ?<-> **l. I'clrolcuta, refined 13. CHICAGO. Chicago, September 20 —Flour, md to choice o 2o(ti ~!t, spring extras 6 26' t j KTI Wheat, October lobby 1 UJI, seller Sept |1 12) Corn- sulier (>■ t. is|, seller Sept. All). OaU—seller Sept. 35. seller Oct. 3&i(*3-H) Rye -seller Sept 7of % 78. Bar -1 l) -eller Sept. 51 12. PHILADELPHIA. It Philadelphia, Sept. 20 Flour, extra . family 5500(qi625; High grades $7 76(4 , p Wheat, new |1 40(! 40; old red . $1 4'K<*l 4e Corn, western mixed 73(a.74: yallow T&te76. Gat-, western mixed 40(at tJ Barley 90. !70 Clorer*eed h.tW Potatoes 0u Lard per pound H. Pork per pound 06 Buttel29 Egg* 15 Plaster perloa sl4 Tallow 8 Bacon 10 Ham 15 Lard par p •und 8 cents But k wheat 65 ets F our per barrel retail7,oo... Nora Scotia plaster sl4 to 46. Cayuga plaster $9,50 per 2LA] © 2 n for ladios, kept constantly Boots and Shoes for men nnd women, o 0. all styles, quality and prices, from th ,11 most costly to the cheapest, constant! kept on hand, >!> WE DEFY COMPETITION! either in quality or prices, Qnll an If examine liis new stock of Spring uu Sdtuitier Uoodn, and you will find i tvyuut advAQtftgffi ' Apr2llj |JJ KW STORK, NEW GOODS AND iPanio Prices. 11. A. I.AHHIMr.K. '.! *1 the old Centre Hill stand. Jut opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, II OLI) FASHIONED PRICES! ' A large variety of I Ladies Dress Goods • Great Bargain* in I Muslins and Calicoes., , Ready-made Clothing I Warranted tu Suit. His Cloth* and CaMimers, Cant be excelled; His Grocery Department, I Astonishes every one iii assortment and low price*. Hj rup, Hugnr, T--a, Cufss. Canned fruit*,! • Domestic and Foreign Fruiu, Cheese, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart in en t Farmers, .Mechanic* and Laborer* ook tu your interest One dollar saved is t dollar in pocket. Then call and see st hal astonishingly low price*. 1 No trouble to show Goods "AX. i Also the choicest Fsun.v Fiot-a al ways on band. Apr. 15, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. • DEALERS IN • PUREDRUGB r AXD MEDICINES, c CHEMICALS, OILS, DYE STUFFS. PERFUMERY. NOTIONS, J FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, 1 Ac.,Ac.,%c. r Pt'RK WINK AND IJQIOHN, for medicinal purpose*. Trusses d nupportcrs in great variety. AUo, choice I CIGARS ANI) TOBACCO, : and all other article# usually kept in a ! first els*# Drug Store. „ Prescriptions carefully Com(*ounded. t 23oct tf MILLER A SON. IIKAITY PIANO: 1 THE BEST IN USE stamp • fer Circular. DANIEL F. BEATTY. f Washington, New Jt-rter. J NEW YORK i BRANCH STORE, . McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush I ( House, Bellefonte, Pa. 11. lIEHMAM A CO., Prop'r*. Dry Goods, HOSIERY. LINENS, EMBROID i EUIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN CY GOOD S, ITBICTLT FIRS T-C LASS 00008,; Below the Usual Prire*. jNovllif. r a. wuAoa. t. a. an as. a.a. mess. WILSON & HICKS. ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARD-' WARE DEALERS. IRON, PAINTS.OILS, GLASS, AC. Builders Hardware j ! [ COACH MAKER'S GOODS. CABINET MAKER S STOCK. I Stoves of All Kinds. | CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, j WAGGONS, CARTS. &C.| YYILSON A HICKS. BellefonU-, Pa. 0; NOTICE.-Wc will *cll to responsible u men on three month* credit. \5 ill lake off 5 per cent for rah which i* equal to 28 t per cent, per annum It will p*y the pur . ehaer to borrow at 10 from other parties. > if he can ave in buying from u*. In tbi* way we can'.urn our money and *ell low r jr. Mar 15. tL JOHN CAMPY* Furniture Rooms* MII.KOY, MIFFLIN CO., PA. -.Extension Tables, p Chamber Suits, al KineA Common Furniture, Consisting in part ot BUREAUS, BED STEADS. CAIN and WOOD SKAT r CHAIRS. k The public generally are invited to call r and re the fine assortment of FI'KNI TU lift to bo found at the above establish '. i monl, all ol our own Manufacture, i Undertaking in atWts branche*. n Coffins, Caskets and Shrouds. Having purchased an elegant Hear, 1 will attend all orders of undertaking 1 may receive from Pennsvaliev. Centre Co. I Pa JOHN CAMP. Jan 28 tf. JOHN F. roTTE R;" Attorney-at-Law. Collection* promptly made and special attention given to those having land* or property for sale. Will drew up u and b*ve acknowledged Deeds, Mortgage*, J Ac. Office in the diamond, north side o u the court house, Bellefonte. oct2'/69tf m TAS M MANI S, Attorney it Ltq "*l Bellefonte, promptly attend* to all | husiac** entrusted to Into. ]ui2,'C9i r G L' M MINGS HOUS J I- Bellefonte PA *, ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor, s. The Cumming* House, on Ui*hop street, *, i* one of the pk-autt.lest located hotels in i, the town It ha* tho host stable* in the l place, has an excellent livery attachsd and every attention will be paid guest*. No ; pain* will be spared to make it a pleasant "v nnd agreeable slopping place tur tie pub Be. Boarding by the 4Y or week, and rates charged will always be found very H >ow June 17. Excelsior Cement i-r Tho undersigned now manufacture* Cu al ment W ARANTED OF ASUI'ERIOK r UUALITY. ( his kilns, near Pine 'd Creek Mills, in Haines twp. This cement has already been used in large Quantities upon the L. C. A S. C. KB., and nas been a. found highly satisfactory upon all jobs where it has been used, and as equal to uny now manufnvturod for uso in CIS TERNS, AV ATKR PIPES, or whatever purpose II good quality of Cement is desi rable This Cement has already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Persons, therefore con structing Cisterns, Water Pipes, Ac., wilf find it to their advantage to bear > this in mind, and also, that be warrants the ** article as represented. J. G. MEYER, may _ Aaron#burg, r, W. A. CURRY, rc CENTRE IIAIX, I*4. Would most respectfully iuform the oil II sens of this vicinity, that ho has started new Boot nnd Shoe Shop, and would b< thankful for a share of the public patron * age. Hoot* and Shoes made to order and of according to style, and warrants his work o. }to equal any made elsewhere. All kindi of repairing done, and charges reasonable Give him u call. feb 13 ly of Chas. H. Held, >e Clock. HntrlimakrrA-JfiveJoi Millheim, Centre Qo., W. ul! kind# of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry ,-illb- lal< -1 styles, as also tho Muranvilß (bitcrtt Calendar Clocks, provided with a id | complete index of the month, and day ol ,j the month and week on its luce, which u . , warranted as a perfect time-keeper, ill aaSUClocks, YVatches and Jewelry re j, paiuivl ou ihork &9U ftfiu WRan&Utf. Puw;.:. All Kim. ! jffiS II Stea*..!.!< .. M !:ni|is W- W-M FOR MINEa 1 \ Deep Well Pumps, J| Cistern Pumps, GtkJO A A HHAHSH P I PFri-PP XtUI MHM Ab HS RE 5- ; oouu A A MMUUt h lit I' *( BSMM j Finns, mi tw OF ALL'KINDB. Gum Hose iS, m Packing, #O// flwrf Bran Fouodera, and Manufacturer* of the CELEBRATED .1 Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. *%UienJfor itlaotrated catalogue and price Kel.'&t J. B. SHERIFF & SOW, MVATEBM.,*MIaIArne. PITTUIBttH.rA. BHORTLIDGE A CO., COAL, LIME, At., WILLIAM SUORTLIDtiK. BOND VALESTJHI SHORTLIDGE 6c CO., Buroera and Shipper* of the celebrated Bellefonte I wiHinTiEi z Dealer* in the very beat grades of ! iAWHMciTE'OOnri The only dealer* in Centre County who sell the W 15 Li Kl E; Si Bi A! It! Ri E Ci Oi A! L from the old Baltimore mine*. Alto 811 AMOK IN AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly hooted expreaaly for boat* ute. at the lowest priae* DEALERS IJV GRAIJS. Tbey pay the higbett price* in cath for (rain that the Kactern market* will aflbr* j WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOYER SEED &C., Bought or will he told on com minion when deeired. and full price* guaranteed. In* formation concerning the (rain trad* will be furniahed at all timet, to farmer, with pleaiure, free of char(e. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER* FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY'. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which it alway* told at low price*, and warranted to he a* (ood a fertUiter aa an other platter. ©??! si AMD rajid NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, BELLEFOXTE.PA. C GREAT BAKGANS AT THE HARD-'. , WAKE STORE OF J MUSSER & RUNKLE BROS., Millheim, Pa., WB.'LKSALX AKI> RETAIL DUIIU rx , ( i , HEAVY K SHELF HARDWARE, They have just returned from the Eastern j f Cities, where they here purchased a well •elected stock of HARDWARE, Cctlkbt, laos, Nail*, OLLS, PaIXTS, VaKXISHES, PI'TTT, ( , BUILDERS A CO A CHiIA KERS' ] GOODS, , Plasterers and Masons, i Saddlers, Shoemakers, , Housekeepers, and in fact, ' HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. We call particular attention to a fine as-i 1 tort went ot Picture Frame* and Moulding, r vory cheap. WALL & WINDOW PA PER, j j And Curtain Fixtures of every kind.' e t COACH and WAGON-MAKERS-four * attention it called to our stock of Spokes, j n Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, Poles and Buggy{ * Wheel*, all of No. 1 quality and selling vo -oty cheap. Our stock is large, and con • stantly being renewed, and we are selling; ' —wholesale and retail—at very low prices. • Remember—much money has been lost by j n paying too much for Hardware. Try ) iflusssr & ©pa's,; They buy for Cash and sell at Cash Prices for less profit than any other Hardware a Store In the County. jx9~Call and see us. Satisfaction guar anteed. , MDSSER& RUNKLE BRO S, aug 27-y '74 BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM ;®j RANKIN'S tDrng Store, t. REXT BOOR TO THE DESQHNSI OUR f STORE,) -FRESH AND CHJEAP _ R D. M. Rittenhouse * WITH y KOONS, NUint ARE A CO. 0 WIIOLKHAI.K DKALKSS IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 1 North Delaware Avenue, 137 North Water Street, J _ Philadelphia.* I F.A.EOOIS. a SCIWAU.*WAS 1 UtMRitJ. Pennsvalley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL, PA , RECEIVE DEPOSITS. And Allow Interest, Discount Note Buy and Sail Government Securities Gold and Pxtme Horrxa. Wm. B. mSmlil* __ Prest. OaakW HBXBT BEOCKXaBOPP, i. p. iivtut President, Cashier. QENTRE COUNTY BANKING 0# (Late Millikan, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Note*, Boy and Soli. CoTernment Secui'ties, Gold A dpWfiftf sixm. i v .m Blatchloy't 3 *l2 a Improved CUCUM* VV JD t - BEB WOOD PUMP <>, is the acknowledge* STANDARD eflhe market, by popular verdiet, Ike best pump for the least meeep Attention is invited te BlaUkley's Improved Bracket, the Check Valve, which caa he with, drawn without disturhiag the , 'joints, and the copper chamber which never crocks, scales or rusts aat will last a life time. For sale hy Denies* and tho trade generally. In order he he 'sure that you get Blatchley'B Pump, be 'careful ana see that it has my trade-mart as above. If you do not know wkere he I buy, descriptive circulars, together with the name and address of the agent nearo* you, will be promptly furnished by ad* dressing, with stamp. CHAS. 0. BLATCXLXY, Xaaufaatmrar. ' 50t> Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. ! 11 mar Qui. ft Ifeysri Poultry Pfwdw. A Wsrrsawe.lf essU la —A .w ordinary niteatloe toclaaa- J w ay& a°M.rrl(snd([tiri|.fcTiniiigniMorlal,nay oasear • hoop Poa lir y(r >rn l a eon Saaioeot > for aay lesctfe ef Urn* with boihpraSUad plantar*. F*ckaf**la. A. C. UXTKR * CO., BalOaate. | THE ADJtJSTABJLE ufaetured by P Belleftmte, Penn'a. and K4 thai UJvrt purtham ay "***- lap*#