FARM, HARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD t'lwfitl R frIPM. Yellow stains commonly called iron m ild are removed from linen by hydro chloric acid or hot solution of oxalic Hd. Wash well in warm water after ward. To fasten emery to lcattmr, lioil glue very thin, add a little milk, misc the pile of the leather, and put on the glue the brush. Then sprinkle on the emery, and let it cool. To preserve soap grease, fill a cask half full of good strong lye, and drop all refuse grease therein. Stir up the mix ture once a week. The la st fattening material for chick ens is said to be Indian meaJ and milk. A remedy (or caterpillars, which is used on a large wale in France, consist* in a solution (1 part in 5(10) of sulphide of potassium, sprinkled on the tree by means of a haud syringe. The best and most durable inmilat ion for electric wires is to tin them and cover with pure rubber. Javelle water, used ftir turning white the dirtiest linen, and removing stains, is composed of tioarbonate of soda four pounds, chloride of hum one pound, rut the soda intti s kettle over the tire, add one gallon of b, iling water, let it boil from ten to fifteen minutes, then stir iu the chloride of lime, avoiding lumps. I st* when cool. Tins is good for removing fruit stains from white* un derwear. lhborate of B,\la dissolved in water, u*ed as a lotion, will remove prickly lieat. The average yield of corn cobs is T it! (virts of carbonate of potash in 1,000 }*arts of the oohs, which is nearly twice as much as is furnished by the best specimen* of wood. The corn crop of this country will supply poninl* of eohs, from which 115,ik>0,(11 V |H*untls of potash might la* math*. Tlie way they boil rice in India is as follows; Into a saiitV|\an of two quart* of water, when boiling, throw a table upoouful of suit; then put in one pint of rice, previously well washed in cold wa ter Let it boil twenty minutes, throw out in a colauder, drain, and out back in the mneepan, a hich should W stood near the tire for sovt ral minutes. Save the corn cobs for kindlings, q>e cially if WIHH! is not go-ug to be plenti ful next winter. To prepare them, melt together sixty parts rosin and forty parts tar. Dip in the cobs, and dry on sheet metal heated to about the temperature of boiling water. Equal weights of acetate of lime and of chloride of calcium, dissolved in twice th -ir weight of hot water, is a tiri-proof in - mixture for fabrics. The ammouiaeal solution of oxide of nickel will dissolve silk ; that of copper d **■ lives cotton also.— Scientific Ameri caN. Samarr Pralta umt limits. A very idea has found a lolgmeut in the minds of many, other- Wise sensible persons, to wit, tiiat sum mer complaints the generic term under which the disorders peculiar to the sea son are known, an* caused mainly by the use of fruit, and that the wise and safe plan is to prohibit its use altogether. Tiiis method, which neglects to take ad vantage of one of the most beneficent provisions for man's use. comfort, and well being, is detrimental not only to en joyment but to permanent health. The term " antiscorbutic" expresses the value of fruits as food, aud the ostium tiou in which they are held by those who understand their relation to human wants. When fruit does harm, it is because it is eaten at improper times, in improper quantities, or before it is ripentxl and fit for the hnmau stomach. Fruit ought not to be eaten between meals any more tlian any other food. It may be taken as a lunch, however, with very great benefit, or as a pr, jmratiou for a meal, that is before breakfast or dinner. Per haps the very best time in the day for eating fruit is before or after breakfast. A distinguished physician has said that if patients would make a practice of eat ing a couple of Messiua oranges In-fore breakfast, from February till June, his practice would be gone. From June, which brings us the ever welcome straw berries, until November, there is a con stant succession of fresh fruits which are a pleasure to the eye and a delight to the mind. The proof of their health/nines* lies in the fact that the more people make it a part of their regular daily diet, taking the place in pan of meat, and wholly of pastries during the sum mer months, the better and finer, more cheerful and more uniformly well they are, the leas fever and thirst do they ex perience, the less ice water and otliei violent reactionary fluids are they ob liged to drink, and the less are they sub ject to changes and fluctuations of the system and of temperature. The principal difficulty with us is that we do not eat enough of fruit ; that we kill its finer qualities with sugar ; that we drown them in cream. We need the medicinal action of the pure frait acids in our system. We need a cooling, oor re -tive influence, and we should accept it as one of the beat gifts ai Providence. —lfcarth and Home,. ( ui-nmber Catnap. Take of full grown cucumbers, say one peek ; remove flic rind, and cut them down lengthwise, then into thin dice sh.-iped pieces ; strew half a pint of salt on them; let them stand five or six hours; then put them on a sieve to drain until quite dry. Peel and slice twelve large silver-skinned onions, put them with the cucumbers into a stone pot, and cover them with strong vinegar. Add for seasoning a tablespoonful of black pepper beaten up fine, a tableapoonfui of cayenne, a gill of sweet oil, a gill of Madeira wine, and a fewbbides of mace. Instead of putting away in one large stone jar, it answers admirably to fill rith this catsup wide-mouthed glass bottles ; and if you have a few pods of a miniatnre variety of red pepper, often procurable, to use instead of the pul verized cayenne, it gives the sauce quite an ornamental appearance. It is not generally known that the largest cucnm bers, ripened almost enough for need, serve admirably for making, this sort of catsup. If tie bottles are carefully sealed up tliera is no danger whatever of Bjioiling. flow t Bat n >1 ii"Ltnrlon. Our readers will probably exclaim, only give ns the melon and you need not iustruct us hoar to it Yes, but there is a " good, lietter, Viest " way of doing things and we propose to tell you the best way of doing. As Mrs. Glass says in her cookery book, first catch your hare ; so, the pay before eating the mel on, select one of which is crack ing away from the fruit and which is also giving ont that delicious aroma peculiar to it. Put it in the refrigerator until the next day at breakfast or dinner, cut it in two lengthwise, take out the seeds, into each half put a tablespoon fill of strained honey, and scoop it ont with a spoon, dipping each spoonful into the honey and eat. If after eating f/ttantum aufficit yon do not wish your throat was a mile long am! every inch of it a palate, then we can only say* that yon arc want- j .ng in gustatory taste and our advice is [ wasted. While we are giving advice, let us add thatjilj fruit is the better of , l>eing very cold when eaten, as it brings ont the delicate flavor and aroma anl makes it much more refreshing. We do not know of iiny fruit which is an exception to this rnle. To ( nn Swert Corn. In factories where the canning of corn is carried on (he process is as follows: The corn is cut from the cob, put into tin cans partly fillet! with water, anil the covers sealed on with solder. In* the cover there arc throe littlo perfora tions. The cxrisarethen set in a caldron of boiling wator and boiled three hours, I then removed and the perforations in the cover are ciosedby a drop of solder. In this way every particle of air is ex cluded from the eorn and it is thoroughly COoked. Recently Hjjtaoketandfi and a pen were dug up at Hpipeii, The pen is of metal and made aflßjumQar in* shape to our quill pens the writing line the moderns are not so far ahead after ail. A STOUT FOR HOYS. * lUw n I,ml WlirrlM lllnflflitl frlr ■mil Indurm r. At a meeting of the stockholders of a prominent railway eorjxiratiou, recently held in Boston, there w ere preaont two gentlemen, tvilli on in veer*, one, how ever, considerably the eeuiorOf the other. In talking of the old times gone ly, the younger gentleman (Milled the attention of Ins friends, and told a pleasant Utile story, which should bo read with profit by every poor, industrious and striving lad. He said ; Nearly half a century ago, gentlemen, I was stout, willing iuid able, ooiisider iiig my tender years, and stvured a place in a hardware store, to do all sort* of chore* required. >1 wigs panl seventy five dollars a year for my servtoaa. One day, after 1 liad Usui at work three months or more, my friend there, Mr. 8., who holds liis age remarkably well, came in the store and bought n large bill of shovels and tonga, sadirons and !*uis, buckets, scraper* and scuttle*, for ic was to lie married tht< next day, and wigs supplying his household in advance, a* was tlie grtHuu's custom in those day*. The articles were packed ou larrow, and made a loatl snttieioutly heavy for a young mule. But, more willing than able, I started oft, proud that I could move such a mass on a whecllwrrow. 1 got >in remarkably well till 1 struck the mud road, now ikveuth a vena*, lending to mv friend B. 'a house. There ! toiled and tugged, and tugged and toiled, and could not budge tht' loatl up the hill, the wheel going its half diameter into the mud every time 1 would trv to pro pel forward. Finally a good uatuml Irishman passed by with a dray ami b*>k my Uurow, self and all 011 his vehicle, and, in imnstdarwtiou of my promise to }iay him a bit, Untied me at uiy desti nation. I counted the article* carefully a* 1 delivered them, and, with uiy empty I tar row, trudged mv way back, \vlustlmg with glee over my triumph over dull Otilty. Some weeks after 1 paid the Irishman the lit, and never got it l*aek frttm mv employers. But to the moral. A merchant had witnessed my struggles, antl how zealou-dy I struggled to deliver that Utd of hardware; he even watched me to the house ;ud SAW me count each piece as I landed it in the doorway, lie sent for me next tlaj, asked my name, told me he had a reward for my industry and eluvrfuluess under difficulty in tlie shaia* of a five hundred dollar clerkship in liis establishment. 1 accepted, and now, after uearly half a century has passed, I look lat*k and say I wheeled myself into all I own, for that reward of perseverance was my grand stepping stone to fortune. The speaker was a VOJT wealthy banker, a nitm of influence aud position, and one universally respected for many good qualities of head and heart. Boys, take a moral from this storv, and Ih> witting and industrious. Yon do not know how many eyes are upon you to discover whether you are sluggish and careless, or industrious and willing, or how many there are who, if you are moral and worthy, will give you a stepping stone to wealth and position. Pajtug for the Church A correiq'Oitdent of the Hartford Churchman tells the following story aa a veritable incident iu the life of the late Kev. Dr. Charles Burroughs, of Ports mouth, X. H.: The good doctor, then rector of St. John's, Portsmouth, spending a vacation at tlie Isles of Shoals, which were tlieu much more populous than BOW, in his rambles there came u;>on an old church. He made inquiries, and fouud that it liad long la-en wholly unused, aud that the people, for the most \ >art, had not for an equal time heard the sound of divine worship. His soul was stirred for them, "as sheep having no shep herd." He called together some of the principal islanders and secured both their permission to hold diviue services there on the Sundays and their promise to attend. He then caused the dusty and somewhat dilapidated place to be cleaned and slightly repaired, the broken panes to la- reset, etc., at his own ex pense. Then, though he sorely needed entire rest, he undertook and held diviue services there for a succession of Sun days, and visited the people from house to house during the week, to do them good. The congregations were consider able, and always listened respectfully. At last the vacation was over. In his last discourse he bade them good-bye, and give them his lk-st counsel for the future. The Sunday passed away, and on the morrow he had just pushed off in the sail-boat which was to convey him back to Portsmouth and his parish, when a man came puffing and hallooing over the hill. The doctor thought some new act of duty or mercy was required of him, ordered the boat to return, at once disembarked, and went to meet the messenger. He brought tin- bill for the use of the church by the doctor for five Sundays, The people hail hi Id a meet ing on Sunday night and fixed a reason able price. The doctor paid it and re turned home. What Savages Think of Twins. In Africa, according to Dr. Robert Brown iu Popular Science Monthly, the birth of twins is commonly regarded as an evil omen, No one, except the twins themselves and their nearest relatives, is allowed to enter the hnt in which they first saw the light. The chil dren are not permitted to play with other children, and even the utensils of the hnt arc not permitted to be used by any one else. The mother is not allowed to talk to any one not be longing to her own family. If the chil dren lx>th live till the end of the sixth year, it is snpposed that nature has ac commodated herself to their existenoe, and they are thenceforth admitted to as sociation with their fellows. Nor is tbiH aliomination of twin births restricted to Africa. In the island of Bali, near Java, a woman who is so unfortunate as to liear twins is obliged, along with her husband, to live for a month at the sea shore or among the tombs, until she is purified. The Khasian of Hindostan con sider that to have twins assimilates the mother to the lower animals, and one of them is frequently put to death. An ex actly similar belief prevails among some of the native trilies of Vancouver island. Among the Ainos, one of the twins is always killed, and in Arebo, in (iuiuea, both the twins and the mother are put to death. California Farm Life. There are few cozy, comfortable, mid dle clam home*. The lionse i* either a magnificent conn try residence, or a mean, nn painted, redwood ahanty, though neither can l>e occupied by a man immenaely wealthy. Everything seems put there, adventitious ; nothing grew ont of the noil. There are no ancient tree*, no shrubberies, no grata. Instead of homely farrner-mesws, you eat urban fare of beefsteak and hot biscuit made with Boston yeast powder. lon hope for pumpkin pie, and get a can of Balti more oysters. There are Oregon apples, Cincinnati hams, and stewed prunes from Germany. A man may be worth 8100,000 and have no milk to whiten liiH coffee. The cow runs on the range and comes home when she lists. A buy may be dispatched for her 011 his tough little shaggy cow horse, and a man must l>e sent to bring the boy home. The yard fences all look imported, as they are ; all things have a contractor like look.alittle tawdry, a little cheap. Everything is so naked and so new that no one can hang a tradition on it. There is no moss on the fences ; the newly sawed boards and posts and the houses stand out painfully ugly aud prominent beneath the lovely fkj- Trouble Indeed. A crazy woman was lodged in jail at Omaha. Her mother, Eliza Betts. came up from Saline county for the purpose of securing her release, claiming that she wonld be able to take care of her daughter if she had her at home. Old Mrs. Betts told a pitiful story regarding her troubles. She said she had but one child left ont of a family of six, one having been scalded to death, the second being killed by a fall from a tree, a third shot aud - two have died natural deaths. Her remaining child, although helpless and insane, still claims her tender love and care. WALL NTRFKT SHARKS. " Pun, ('nil*. ami NtrMMlra," the name l H|rclniln tkt Ml Nttttmp* Mnm •% "Mill* *' How to Speculate Without Uisk ! ' | "Puts," "Calls," "Btraddlea," and " Donhlti Privileges!" Huoli are the head lines in whole column* of adver tiaementa iti New York city journal*. Now I want t ox)*oai* one of tin* moat barefaced swindle* connected with Wall street, and it will la* no fault of the ; rimrx if any of it* readers are captured !v the " out and call " brokers in New York. Tlie sii'wspajvra have generally Ist these gentry alone, lx*oati*e their a S.IOO, ae cording to the time and nature of the contract. Now, this is a very tempting form of gum'-ling : soy, for example, that Rock Island is selling at 105, autl a jer sou believing it mucli too dear, can Imv the privilege ler sixty days of putting it at likl 100 sliams of sttvk, representing in mouev #10,500 a n,l all this for #IOO and the broker's coiuaitaaiou. If, then, ! Mr. Tracy, the president, dies, or Mr. Yanderbilt is thrown out of his wagon m Harlem lane, or any other important event happen*, down goea the sttvk to uiuety or uinety five. In that case the j buyer of the " put " takes iu his sttvk at the lower figures, and pocket* the ditTer euee Ivtwecn that and the higher price. All this looks very well on paper, but there are several reasons why the jsvir dupe* are reminded of the thimble-rig game of "Now yon see it— now you don't!" In the first place, tlie brokers are nearly all of the confidence class, and generally buy and sell puts and calls on straw men, whom tliey lepresent as re putable, but who, IIJK*U a tied in* or rise m tlie market of three per cent., would incontinently fail; and, iu that ease, all that is left is a printed contract in which the owner is plainly written down an ass. In tlie next place, a stagnant and unfluctuating sttvk market where prices • do not change two jvr tent, iu a mouth, is often to be contended with, and iu tliat event the mouev is surely auuk. The du|H, however, is induced to invest once more, on some confidential point in regard to some sttvk by which he tain surely grt his money hack. The "call" is exactly opposite to the "put," The broker agrees to give the buyer the privilege of calling a stock, say I'aoitio Mail, at such a figure iu thir ty or sixty days. Pacific is filing at forty, for example. A call will be sold at forty the for sixty days for one jsr cent., or with commissions SIWS.'iS. If the stock goes to fifty, and the odds are fifty to one it won't, the purchaser of the cull makes jive hundred dollars, less his outlay, and double commissions for buy ing and wiling ; in other words, about sl7l. if the stock vibrates between foaty and forty one dollars jwr share, or goes down, the poor moth who has ix-eti tint taring alamt the candle of speculation for thirty or sixty ilaya finds his financial wiugs singed to the extent of his invest ment in tffe call. All of the risks besides are incurred, as in tlie case of the put, I tad faith, straw men, etc. N.wv for the "straddle" or "double privilege." It take* a small-sized capi talist for the*.' ventures. The other in ducement* were for shop boys, clerks, and sewing women ; these " straddle* " are for pretty •torekj>ers who have an sinlntioit* itching to bworne aps*ulatora, and to be known on 'Change. Tints straddles c* cause they embrace both a put and call. Take again the familiar instance of Pacific Mail. It is selling at forty. A straddle out be bought at the market price, say four per cent., or four hun dred dollars. This is for the privilege of putting it at forty, or for calling it at the same price within sixty days. Sow the stock luis to go to thirty-six on the down course before yon ever get your money lnu-k, or to forty-four on the up ward tack, and then any error in judg ment in buving in your stock at tin- de cline, or selling it out at the advance, is fatal to the speculation. Figures, how ever, are paraded la-fore the public in the ncwsjiajs-rs to show how much Smith and Jones made in the month by buying privileges, and exceptional advance* and declines are cited to make their argu ments plausible.— New York (V>rmi/w dencei Philadrfphia Times. KunntßC a .Newspaper. Running a newspaper is like lighting a fire in bud weather. Every one thinks be win do it better than the one who has his haud in. Through some misappre hension of facte a large class of )tropic have coine to the idea tliat it costs little or nothing to conduct a newspaper, and that most every one can do it a well, if not bettor than the one tliat publishes the paper. It has become a general fashion for persons to call at any news paper office and ask for a copy of the pa per, having no idea that it costs the pub lisher money and liard work to buy and print the paper. There is uo business in which there is more, or even as much, financial risk as in a newspaper, and few businesses iu which there is as much capital invested. More than eight mil lions of dollars have been lost in news paper schemes in the last year. A news paper is an article for sale and cannot ls> had for nothing. There arc few busi nesses which require the common sense and good judgment as to conduct a newspaper profitably and to the interest of the public. Few persons think that every little item has to l>< rend over and over to consider the good points and the bail, and to see whether it will lie to your interest to publish it. Most every one who can write at all thinks he under stands the whole profession lietter than the one who has his hand in. It isa fact most every one who can write at all, has some thought which he or she can put on paper, but what of them ? The read ers of the paper will not Vie interested in them, and if the plan is kept up, the readers will lose interest in the pn|>er, and by-and bye drop off, leaving the con cern in a pitiful condition. To conduct a newspaper so that it will be read with more interest cadi week, is what every one who lias an idea of publishing a pa |*'r must do. An editor must lie nu tired, if he wishes to make his paper in teresting. He must never be content with filling his columns each week, but must try to fill them with the news in as condensed and acceptable n manner as possible. To do all the above tilings, do thm well in each and every week in the year is what few have an idea of doing, and what few have an idea of luiving to lie done, unless they know something of the business. Jt. requires a stonily and sensible person to conduct a newspajier that it may bo financially profitable. It is not the writing alone, but putting it up in a tasteful style that every one will like to read it, and make it financially profitable. The Xew Style. The New Orleans RrpiifyNcan says of the pull-back stylo of ladies' dresses : Were this display produced by the sim ple wearing of scant skirts iu the style of the graceful Josephine, leaving to the wanton wind, in its freakishursa, the task of tracing for a fleeting occasional moment the charming outlines in fuller relief, taste would not complain a*d criticism wonld be disarmed. For such momentary betrayal of charms which modesty instinctively conceals, Wing the result, of accident., could not be cen sured. But the dreadful jiermaneney of the tlisplay produced by the tying back style ami the premeditation which it manifests, defeat their own objects and make that, which accidentally seen wonld be captivating, so common as to lose all charm. Itl'MiltV MIMHS. % Wed l*roeer l tor Wmo al (he Arunnnate In tho Klerk llllla. A Itliit'k llill** Hrrma|HMiiltmt of tho Nosv York lh nihl lum HrriuuH foroluKl of tHiuiiuK "UlVorititf tunouß tin* minor* thorn. Hi' : Tlio iiuTottdiiiK tiutulsor of minor* in tin* mmnfry in n Muhjoot for worioiid |i)iiUntliro|no at ton tion. I huso roiuurkott tho HiitToriiiK whioh ninny of thoiu hnvonhossn nssill iti£tii a tiouiio |Mi|snUtion, uinl thut u markot ssill tm oetuhliiihtsl horn fttr its tssusehiemsi. Tho HIIU|HUIIOH tioet nrosiklo.l with uji|iho huso nntli oiont to Htintkiin thorn for only ts*o niontlm. Milnv who ut tlmt ssorts no pro snlotl lmso ulhiwoii thoir |irovi inlor to IMHSOIIIO < klmUMtotl Iwsforo thinking of ro plouiNhitig it. Sovorul luuiorw liuvo, ut tho sory sorgo of ntrarsutioll, iloU riuilloil to torn thoir nto|M horuosirurit. Tho prohloui sslut'h Muroii thorn in tho faso IH to jTtHuiro ftukl to MiiMtuin thorn on tho jotiruoT. Tho duaiuumar} rogulutionu uro iu'iutssl sith wvority iu tlii* ooui tuuiiil, uiul no t'lvihnuH t-un jirtwuro pro vianouu union* through tho ohurity of olHtvru or UM ilmhouraitf of ooltiior*. l'Uouo miuoru who uro woll auppliwl hokl on to thoir ntortsn ssith a phurisiuoul grip, uinl rs'ftims to noil ttiiy twirt of thoiu for osrou fuhuloun priooat, It in onny to foro so 1 , if tho gtivorniuoiit not foroo tho insutlorn to rotir< from tho Hlng tlioin ufti-r tho oummouMsutont of svtutor. Thoro tu uo imlitiiry or Imiian |Hmt in atioh proximity u* tt make it ou-sy of aooaiia, ami tho*** who ulloss* tbcmirlTM to I* hut up in tho salloy by tho tliHip HUUWM, ssith n moagor atoro of food, uiuy oml thoir oxinlonw by atarvuUk ®. Tho government wonlil ilo well to ox iiroH* it* uutlrority, if for no otlior Jluui a benevolent purpoe, in provontuig itnt'li a Mid result. The miner always truete, to u mi)tcrutitioua degree, to luck ; and this jHfuliarity rwudoi* him at ill mor. .-ttrehttQ of the preateiit uinl uucamtsi rued for the future. One afternoon two men, formerly rem dent in Kentucky and Mtsuoiiri, outne into the camji from the upper smiley rurd ropreaonU'.l thcnmolvoe um deatitute of f.t.t.l uud auxiuuu t return to Fort l.ura mil*. They were diaguaUs.l with the ineugcriiemi of the gold protluct vu thr* country and mti.l that there were tunny other* eijuully tlwapjHiiutvt. They offensd some of tlnnr I tedding iu ox oliuuge fur ration*, of which th. y ntu* coodinl in ohtriiuing u muull .juuHtits. A Fend, A deadly j>or'iuU feuil tn Texan has just Iweu ul'uti-.l by the death of otic of tin- parUos. Tltese were two doctors, Mwlletto ami Manning, practicing in the QeighliorhiHKl of Sorbin. There wore professional joal natural position. He retired to Hell county while eonvalesi-iug, still nursing his wrath agamsf Mallette, who, upou his jsirt, was no more forgiving. No sier wits Manning domiciled in lits old home than his euemy sought him with a gnu. Manning, however, was ready for him, and shot him dead as stsm as he tunde his apiwarumv. N > Coiwieaii veudettm* were ever more implacable tluin some of them quarrels in the Southwest. Curious Story. MMNHCIIU setts paper* are printing the following Mory : John Manning, a young man of North Adams, went to work in HO uir print works in New York ul>tit six weeks ago, antl did the work of two men who had beeu discharged. After he hail lieen in hi* new situation a WQek, he was invited by these men to go with them ou an excursion. The next lav his employ era missed him, ami his continued ab sence teal them to think that something van wrong. A aearch was made, which resulted in fiuditig him in a piece of woods not far from the city, raving mad and alnioat dead from exposure. Word was sent to lus fatlier, ami he was taken home in a sad condition, it requiring four meu at times to prevent him harm ing himself or others, and lie had to be aent to the Northanipton asylum. The I>hyHiciaiis lutving charge of the case pronounce it a bad one. The insanity is siipjioHed to have been the reaiilt of some drug given him maliciously bv the men with whom he was lost seen. When found he had boon robbed of his watch and Home money. " Verra Wecl Pitched." Tho stithlmrn and perwrae disposition of donkeys has sometimes lain the oc casion of amusing situations; u*. for instance ; Iu Scotland they have nar row, ojcn ditches, which they call sloa-p --dr&ins. A man waa riding a donkey across a sheep pasture, bat when the animal came to a sheep.drain, he would not go over it. So the man rode him Imck a short distiuicc, turned hint round, and applied the whip, thinking, of course, that the donkey, when going at tlio top of his speed, would jump the dra ; n before ho knew it. Put not so. When the donkey got to the drain, he stopped all of a sudden, and the man went over Mr. Neddy's head. No sooner had he touched the ground than he got tip, and, loakiug the lieast in the face, said : " Verra weel pitched ; but then, hoo are ye gnnn tae get ower jersel' f" Lite Jumping Fish. The Lancaster (Penn.) Kxaminrr re ports that while a raft was pacing down the Susquehanna river, just at the CVine wago falls, alsive Oollin'a Station, it wan lionet by a school of block bass nnmlwring probably two hundred, all of which hwtped up out of tlie water and on to tho rafL The raftsmen tried to secure the fish and succeeded iu getting alwmt twenty ono of them, which weighed in the average from threo- Juarters to two nml a half pounds, ttdge Libhart iR authority for this item, and ho also informed the reporter that several lioys who were lifting out lines n day or two ago in tho Susquehanna river were astonished somewhat when five black bass leaped into their boat. Lait Warning. He W!ut evidently going W>t. Peo ple generally get ithoitrd u train for the WM wlu'ii thj v lullll ptonmid to g<> ill that direction. - He eat by the car win dow telling bin wifo and two dnughterß, who hnl accompanied him to tlie depot, wiint to do during bin ahwnoe, when the Licll rang and the train Rlarteil. " (iood-bye, im !" the three shouted. "Good-by®!' he aboutswl back. The mother suddenly remembered some thing, and, running down tho platform after tl.e cttr, she called nt the top of her voice: "I'd! pit! don't ninkc ii mistftkc and drink that hair oil in the basket iu place of the cold tea!" Very Unsatisfactory Thia grxid little hoy WPR sitting o:l Ihe front atcpe whittling up his .--ister'i. UN iUeiilcltiu* Uißt tlimo will bo B iniaeeßOin dt lh fnmlK" juloolo. .... A ut*i> iiemokl lltxifiltUan, of <'iew(nr. rncwutly tutiiml Mtaln'a ovlilenno ami lito oumratiaß. A few mgliU aflorwiuit ho ae vlolotl by a liaiitl of Iwniily (ho tuaalia>| mm slio gasr In an a InrrlMo l>naUiiK AotHUituig tu tlio lain column, Mio total |ko|mtaU 80, Wh f.umjinote tit Chill. .. An o 11>rone train froan Hi l'aul went a I rhttin foul mlloo from Cln<*(;o. tllllnri llio oouduolot, oitgluoor and tlmtiiaii, and alight Is injuring a fosi of the l**eoiigeie tVmrtuoy won the arugle amill rliaUoiigo OU|I at Harahkga in thirtaaou urluuto* auid Ofls ulna eocorid*. Smith and I Jdied, of tho Argo uauta iToe.wou Iho |>an oar lain in Iweuty-oUe mmulM and thttty alt and mio half BtH-.iiido the distance helug three imlne with a turn Cajd Weltb, of tbn Kuglieli merchant aernce, estam from lhnrer to Calala in laenly-one houra and forty uunuCoe, without ualrig ens hfe-eas uig or rtoallng e|i|>eiatna Tho hUedtve of Egspl haa aent throe mnii of war and a force of troojei to that jHirtlou of the Kgytdiau ixtael leirdorlng on Abyaainla Ut puulah tho body of biacko lusading Kgy|>tuti leirisory.... . John l,eo ToweU a aetiUmced iu Urtdg"i> til, riaon men! for (dacutg obetrncUuua on a railroad track. It In re|Mirted itikt the Kilobaud luaiirgriite base nurrikiiiidetl Khojend, a large city fifty ruilca from Kb. kar.d. ComßlunicaUuu iHttwceu Khojeud and lae.lik. ltd la Inleri ilptol. The authorities of Taschkend are arming Uie linn elan inhabiUnts of the city.... Ads teen from Ca(>tan Kdwaid Himpeuii, commanding the I'ruled Main Steamer Omaha, dated I'auarua, Aug. Bti, aniioUHOea that lite State of Tanatua ha* declared war sgaiuat the Htate of CoUrnr bla... A dispatch from Halifax, N. K., eta tee that the t .ital catch of mackerel at the lrlan.l llun vear in not above two-tblrd that of lant year. but the quantity la affperiur .. Tue batik of California, at San Timii.ieco. atopped gwyuieiit owing to a lack of coin. The officer* claim to hate sufficient assets to act tie all The hauk a ill not resume busi ness . Hilling. Alums A Co., of Uaiuworn, Md., the largest sugar importing houae iu the country, suegieiided atth hahtllttoe aiuouuUug to ♦J.ftUU.OOff J antra H. Noe, the Sea York uieictiaait alio aaa beaten on the head by a burglar he found ut hia atore, haa attice died Of hia iujuriee ~ The AUlauta ciea, oouquaed of college graduate#, won the 'our oared race at Haratoga against the amateurs in eighteen tumutea and thirty two and one halt e i>udo , Courtney end ltobiueou won the double scull contest in larrive minutea and forty-two aud out-half aeconds. Twenty four crates of peaches were ahlpj < d to Euroj* by the steamer Ohio the filet ehlptuenl OU re cord Well rleculed Colli,lerfeits of the HO bill of the First National tank of Thila delph.a aie again In circulation. I'rivate telemaius froci Montevideo state that the dis satisfaction with the President and hia tuinis try is such that no doubt ta entei tamed lliat another revolntK-ii Is imminent in Trugttay. Tt® won>l Jay uf Uia Han Fr aucisoo |ag rcw died at the dosing of the Merchants bank and tlie Nations! lioll llank and Trust Corn jsny, not ou account of IHBOIN cocy, but ••imply lack of gold com. They will rrwuiuo in a few days. Win. 0. Bllatwi, pitwidenl of the l token ltank of California, after attending a meeting of the dilectors of the tank, at which ho was made to resign his office a. de liberate!* commuted sunndo by drowning Hoe. George l>. Lord, si-tuetubsi of the New Y.rk Assembly. was arrested for bntery in cwunc clieti with a lull gamed by the ASM mtily last waiter for the additional caangmuaaUitl of one John Hand for dredging black bock kuU r, butTalo. lie was held in dIS.OGU bail.... . James It McNeil, a well-knowu gdantcr livn g eightceii miles below Memphis, Trim., art | m actnai use, ai d other g*erwottal effects, etc . of (•rraoua arm.tig iu tbo I'ulled Hutea from foreign countries went into effect Hc|t. Aral. The Trigjolitau authorities age-log. red to the t'uited State" consul for tlie ittdigiutins uffertd bun... Heo do t'rgel rag-nutated The Alfouaist aruiy occugaod the foita ... i'araougetf uti a train frtiati *t* atut-r Manitoba on lake Superior and was instantly sunk, ten of the peo|do on ber being drowned Advice* fiom Harxegovtua confirm the re pent that the insurgent* have rejected the advice of the European power* to auvpeed hushhtira, and aloo that they demand the lude|>endeuce of Ilj*ma Another revoln- Uoii ha* begun tti Santo Domingo. l.t-Trtal dent Baca liaa been proclaimed Pre*ldnt by Uie revolution!*!#. The citie* of Santo iHituiugo and Puerto Plata remain loyal to President (ionrale* The Scotch etproe* on the Midland railroad. England. came into colhidoti with an excursion train from More carabe to Bradford, near Kildwtrk. Five per aoua were killed and forty injnred. enteral probably fatally .... The foot and mouth disease i* sprealmg among the cattle in Cum lowland and Aberdeen* hire. England . .... Fourteen Montreal (Canada) dry good* (Irm* were compelled to make arrangement* with tliclr creditor* during one week.... Joeephu* Booy, Jr., treasurer of New Jersey, ha* em ber/Jed from the State about FCC,OOO, which ha* lieen epenl in dissipation. He *M ar rested 111 Philadelphia Thomas Caliaglian. who occupied a room in a New York tenement with hia mntiier and water, drove hi* water Into the street at midnight and then killed ill* mother by beating her about the head. He wa* arrested Three young men and three young women wore rowing on tlie river at New York on a Sunday, when liter fastened a hue from their )■<>at to a tugboat in order to get a tow ; but the sudden atartiig of th# tug turned their hoot over, and a girl of nineteen wa* drowning nheu one of the young men swam to her and thoy both sank out of night..... CoL Edward N. iAingstreet. of Syracuse, N. Y, committed suicide on acoount of financial difli caltien.... . I.cwtn J. Bennett, the canal con tractor, has paid back to the Slate of New Y'wk, 412,000 of money fraudulenUy obtained. Canal Appraiser Davis ha* been arrested for roiu|licity in the Hand contract fraud Secretary Bristow ha* ordered the sale of Ft.000.000 of gold during September The busiuens portion of Jteynoldaville, Pa, was destroyed by fire. One day's heavy rain in Washington, D. ('., caused some of the sewers to I nrst. and thus overflowed a large portion of the city, doing much damage. Eleventh and Twelfth street* were flooded sufticiently to float an ordinary I .oat, Noar Fiber creek thirty bounce were flooded to a depth of nine feet..., A duel was fought in the dark st Waco, Tex., between Charles Carrick and J. M. Turner, over some trivial matter. The distance was four feet, and the wespons used were six-shooters. Three sliols were fired. Turner was killed The lobellion in the Turkish provinces is spreading. Four thousand Serbian# havo jn lere'l Tutliinli leirtlorv, snd sro eiub avormg to incite, the Bulgaria.!* to rise against the Poll*? Burma in r|Kirled in full rebellion against the Porte, and Monteuegro and Serbia are activ. ly pu paring for war. In llct7.rgovina the insur gents liovu formed a national government un der Lynltobratioh The Knglieh polar ex ).edition has !>ceii heard from si West Oreeu- Innd, being all noil and on their way to t'|ier navik, wheneo they will vlait ('apt. Hall's grave ... A hoy iiameil Morris Hysn. re, iding i Hopkinton, Mass., ntarteil from In* house to kill a cat. when he wo* stopped hy his two rii-ters, who tried to persusde him to desist. A straggle ensued, during winch the gun in ltvnu's hands went off aud killed the two girls. The publishing house of Lee A Hhepard, of B-'Ston, and, Bhe|>nrd ,V Ihlhnghain, of New York, have suspended ~. .Two new eases of yellow fever are reported from Fort I'iekeiia, llai rain as Barrack*. Fla . .Seventeen Irampa were arrevted in ltahway, N. J., aud I hey threatened to have revenge. On tlie night after their reloann two barns and a Itunhcr yard were tired by incendiaries The Atlantic' nulla at Ijawience, Man# , base icoi*ta to tie (aileil U|Hio by tbe Torkbah aulliutiuee lu aid in (Hit ting down the Herregnvlnlait tettellliHi, and la ctHuaetjueaUjr calling tu hla ufheera imi fur iutiglt 1 lie ff./.itWu'titi linnnrr arid the f 'liiuti AtitciKiH, uf Naralisllle, Teuu . tba t-M --eal (tapere uf the SuUtbweet, base been nun aulidaletl under the uasre of tbe* .., ViMMHiut tie Mcaua, the French mUrtater of agriculture, locumim lids utaiiufacluieia lo ei lilbit at the Centennial ethlbiUuu Auditor 1 baser the canal board lot eou- Uacta fur the I hautplalti canal Improseauent 111 diriM-t stulaUott uf law. an.t el(udaai FBM,- U Without any law whatever. Lite pauul factory of llailer, Bell A Co.. al Biouklyo, N. Iwa* deartroyed by fire, involving a lowa of ♦ 160.000, . (•tMeruiiient Telegraphs. Tlio In in. Imi 'J iliU* ha* tho following ; Tho public will loriru with iliauppoiut lUent that un oxjierientjo >f tho shilling tologruph eyeU-iu, oxt. luiiug ov*r twverol yoiiru, huii trot ouuflruiod tins ho)Maftk) au ticijiutioua which worn foraiMl rs**(ect ing it tiiton the analogy of tlio pmrny (roat, Tho tits* iu t band when it will even (iwi to \my it* way, and, uuleia* miiuo oointidorablo ehongo oau be intro duisod into tlio prom-lit nyntnui, it caur ouly Itooono* a hoavy and moreauiug per inuiioiit oJnirgo upon the tbianco* of tin outi ti try. The inerwaaetl bumtiemt which lia* fol lowotl the mtrotliu tiou of the ehdliiig telegram bis* lusen grs*atly outbahuioe.l by a larger iuereaiae in tiro caaat of work ing and maintenance. Contrary to all expectation*, a* the number of inoaeaagea transmitted lus* inoMMd the net re ceipt* have ntasadily fallen off. Inland tnemaage* lnive lucres*.*.l from nil mil lion* iu the lu*t year of the telegraph csom|ieuiM to twenty million* a year at the pnweiit time. In the year ending March, 1871, from about ten million* of iue**ago* the reveune derivml a net profit of over three hundred tlroUHsnd pounds. Fju h Kuctstwaive year *how a gnat falling off, and in the tx.rrenjsond mg year for 1874 1875, with a bti*im*iM which ha* don Ideal it-elf in four year*, the profit* have fallen off to little more than a tenth of tliat *um, and tin- cull mute* for the present twelvemonth el hilnt a jHWitive deficit of £268,000. l'hat svlurh in private hand* sen* a jsay mg Bjsccuiatioii ha* Isascome under go* eriimr'Ut uuuiagetuetit, though it* huui' iti*** liua enormouoly inataMd and its return* are *(teedy and unfailing, a source of *<-riou* loWL Heath* In thr (Vial Mini*. A eormfuudeut of tin Philadelphia /V< m gives the following list of casual ties in July in the initios of tlie eastern district oi Hie Wyoming owl fields, which comprise So run ton and the entire Istekawiuina valley, together with Pitts ton aorl its surroundings in the Wyom mg valley ; During the mouth there were thirty mine accidents in this re gion, in which hix men were killed ont right—five by fall of roof and one by tire damp explosion ; then* men had their legs broken, fire were crippled with broken arms, ten were maimed ami ap (made by Cragin A' Co., Phil*.), %e gladly praise it. as does every one who ever tried it. Trv it. * Now M THE TIME. —It is alway* the right time to do a good ac! and every mui witii t family should regard hiawelf abort of h dutv until hi* hum* i* er>do-v*d with Wilson *hiiltle •pMiiitf tnarliin*. lei it be un derstood thai this admirable machine captnrrd the pruts medal and diploma of honor at the Vicni * exposition in 1*73 and ha* everywhere d< moii*trtel it* tiinority over all other ma chine*. Machine* will he delivered at any railroad elation in Uu* county, free oT Iran■ portatnui charge*, if ordered through the company'* branch ii iiw at *27 and *W Broad way. New York. They eend an l"gant cata leg'tts and ehrotno circular free on applioallon. Thta company want a few more good agent*. BEAT IT roit PROFlT. —Davidson A Oaikuw. of Sibley, lowa, land agent* for the Stem City aud St. "Paul railroad, *old lai d in I.jcn county to J.-*** liopkine for ait dol lar* pur acre. He, laat spring. beside# other crop*, oowed Wtv acie* of lhl*. Pa Krarr—l*lSH< send nr tbr* boMlse ldls*. I*ll <| Pitta, and pot of Otnim*ni Mllwr has Iwen •nflsrin* *Hh Itrenrhtll* ( n tentj rears, and tried nee! sli kinds of medietas, and sav* lh* r\ssM tmXirm is the only thin* lltsl Itliee her mlief. Hoiertfulli years. ,I*KK A ASIItIRIIOK levil.c rvii.i r. Hsllsrd Co . Ky HOHINt'IfR PI I.UtlNIi NVItrP. FOB TIIF. I t IIK UK I ONRI .ttPTIOX, Ctlt'GltlS ANI < I.IU*. Th* *rwat vtrto* of thts mediate* I* that II ripens th* matter and Ihems It nut nt Ih* arslem. purities th* hlood, and thns sft eels s enrs. Ik-iintrt'L Rr Won Tome. r>>* TW IT** or liTst'trwu, ImimrsTioK. En Th* T.uile petdwoes s liMlthy aetlm ot the stemseh. rreallnr an appetite, toimln* objl*. and carina Ih* must ntistlnstr eases ol lndl*estloa, TV-ersca'a MCANASAK PtMA roa TH* CT aa or tjvra CoWPLaIKT, Riv. Thsss Pitta are alleiwttr*. aad prod*es a heslthy action of tb* llrer wllhoiO th* ls#st daraer. a# they ar* fire from eslomsl and yet mors *m car kins In restortna a healthy aetlon of ths liver. These remedies are a certain our* for Consumption, as th* Pulmonic Rrrwp ripens the msilsr and purtftm Ih* riood The Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, . real* * hoslthy tdle, and remove all diseases of th* liver, often Is . suss of Consumption The Sea ™l Tonic gives lone and a!ren*lh I • Ihe sh m*rh, makes a y.e.d dt* est lon, and rnahla* Ih* oraana to lorm inod hloml . and Ihua creates a heallhi clrmllallnnol healthy Hlood. The conihlood action of iheae msdlclnrs. a* llois etpliined, will cure every case of t 'onanmplton. If taken In time, and the us* ol the medicines persevered In. IVr S.'hrnrk Is professionally at his prinriiMl office, vomer ol Rlilh and Arch Slte*la. Ptdladelphia. erery Monday, wbeie all lellera for advlca mast he addressed. Hchaßck a medicines (or sale hy all Ilmaalsla. HH#*W*FBMM|BAM The Ileal Investment SILVER TIPPED J J HP $Jj Sb*u KUf ronU UI4 out for IWr'ViM Silver TIJH* mtdn ouo dollar to tbo S Mmtfti of a natr of h bccaoHv ovoryhod? nPOTPPHPS CABLE"SCREW WIRE HmtU and Tboj ara dor WPftotrEmFiM h!fk. Man* and drr. tt't'il A too try Wire Qalltod Solo*. ■■iHHMBHHIi Had wriU'in are rasqtioatcd to write on lxtb nidi* of |>|)or. Their effusion* can then I*' raj acted under excuse* not hurtful to the feeling* of writer*. Tha Market*. *w mat, IMaf OMUB-ltlni* U Kalra Inn.ocka ( * 1} rututi to Muo4 Tea*t>a...... OTVs# M WK (V>n *..... Uj ■(■ Uu*s Ute I>;\, A 1 r>H UfWMI. U>V># IOW Mkmm .... im.%# WW Ututo WW 4 UV IkHSoo - M Milling u-.w It riant Wilrß WBUtt I It Bill Met. Kiirs . t Tt 0 I lo WtiMl -lU.I WwKro I to |>rlu I at M I at Dora—Ml and .... e*H* TO iaala tt # • Kjr 1 16 * I 16 Karlejr I to I til BtLrtaoKt. Oolkoat lo* Middling* ]'.# US Flour-Kurt t II # e Jl *6 at M Western I II at 1 aa M;e .... tty 0 M Oora—ToUow MM M Usta- Mlkod I'i at aa Mißaaia UIWM 0t' t raUNUMI. Flout-Feaute|rlVßiils litre t # t It tbaal- Wowti hod 1M #IM ' * W Octro —fellow M # M Ml tod it at taw Ooao—Mitod M * it Feiroleum -Or ude .. W,4fW *•*••* II MicMiai Pine aod Familßif Lands FOR SALE. iM4 ! Im4 TlmWt ! Um Ml Air ! U—4 Vk mtm I Umm4 Till* ! HraJffc* ! TFCF taiirr U4 ratal af ibr Pltai A Prrr MnrunfUr Hallway (•puia M •< V *. I* <*#♦srwd luf •*! i t Utmww# tf Arfual fUUitt*in m IWII lt M 3tMM*wd WMMHMi.fNHf lad 111 h, i*x■*!*s t-auilrl U Ibr Ittt# <# lit* IMllfxtftd KkrnUhl l#ab it #• *1 w Mi) |h (Aw • •rid. ho ti-ug III* Ilitf. *414 Will U 4d < it* at fatuffttia Iwrtat* t #-1 U*i M4llH Tltmajl Oik llumti M*|i|r It*r b Km* HWcil I batffj H*MW(Bid hlif HrwU k t4< . nU I 1 Atf4 *4 Hailf attkl KM UHtow *t* witt**** - ft**wi4 HMW, *t4 \Xo mr mh wutt* l MN-ttN> ttUi 4- ••II Ut *t*f4| *Hj *4 ukr rbtAw trlwltuM It*MO* < Nt* famrth 111 fMh. *n4 lo*i>U<-'4 t) ituall i*r tu|>H|| tufuitd.itA AtnMf. I* Imrrmm * i* aw4i lu Um 1. WKMHi K ltkil'..kOM<* Add tow et Keel M|k>. Mu i. •Mil bb miu w'v' a.- ree }*>wor : tail . '^JT" heire ruber btjr or - n , v Now is the timo to Subscribe! Nrm Flm Kanirla(a la rtrry Sew Varlj HakMriWi. The New York Fireside Companion i'KOSPIXTt S IQU 187(5. Tut Xr*r TAK riniMi'i < *r*NK't 14 now rooncnuod a* ih boat maintainor. moat |*.pi. i. iw.l . a .ml aixt . .1. • ili :* work if |>nM!.M In lb t'niiMt MUM*. No 1 a,W la lire lularsal autf valor at IU Oao. tmu. Tur hoi VIHM. iii PW it- i i MM -< nn&.'wttomi rncat.) mumm )l |( the alia -4 the j.utai.Uri 1 i *u lffrtla aim I'attniar Paper (of both j-fKjtiß and uid, to r Till.; v cttu -1 ami 1U .toairabia ltf>raU>- OU atatlaia trial g l > Ibo 1. •.••• -M-lmilA| lair Nlarlca, Un.hlna iorlr. of UiiM.iT on I n ltd and Art, .*Urin* Intiino tmd Hon'." r Tale*. rf 110-o I ICo la I tly nod ( aMr>, Uirtir.iA.arl Nrtr. ni4 tvaltiAraul Hfcrirara, Oiltmal linn.'f. . n- . -At .. Ivrannal* and rioaUiig I'M agr apha; UIMI F*h! • i> ft Urn 1 jmu. , AI >.•.: i< .trrajmataau; kJldbcn lure; TMlmlltrrliirl Uilk FWka; Batnlifol lliart alama. nr.. rtc. Not Ira* than S1 It CONTINUED STORIES t-übllahad eon rtantli. and a *rn - ..rr rommrnomf about rrrrr rmnnd *■— hi aallalaaar taadfera alii la* ahlr to • I 11.. .tuning..(a :.** of tb<> *laab*r or of ua. no maUur at * Im.c- it . 1 .... ... •:!. lia-i. tn-aibera can aJwaja 1* had containing Urn eot-iu. i.. .uuii>t < nj'rlorj . r.vmui t.l nt or COXTJU serosa FOR itrc llr. Jf hi. 11. tVIICiBM I itrf t'nndail I fart ( lam Prrrj Tan* Paalar llr.. a.r.arr Majflia laa Bath (111. rr Optic .Hlilr. Browne John I Mrrkla I'raf. fl" H it llaarl W aod Alr 11. Jrraaar •. M Jt i Mar. J. Vt lor- Naaarllr A. l.wraM I rdi.- Tharai- *>Matari W. IVapre Jranlr 11. ralrr I i .ak farcy l.r.rir 1. A thru Allan ffe-aae Agile Praor- Albert IV. Alkrn dark Hailtn i*t Iralraai V. tir, l'aahioa tdllrrM Addlaan V. Blow nr. liar Fatnllv Pk..lrl. Cr'T : . I sir nr.: . I .'i during tha ootmng V. -It a ac-10. of alio #. ti* Omltt* t lit t dftt'tn! |..lkfl IftalllMal Ifel Mia 4<| t.rrvalrnl l attaod J"il| mini and a raat ain'ttw .fit f'.' 'oa 1" pi. a*, .anawri a 14.41M1MM rr-.auua la knrtwl riMjurUO. lr*sl lt.fmuiaOoo 1 rihr klirbni knohao-kold. It. lad, an** en a la all .. J aum ihat turn up im life, ca < hafaund la Una r4oumu _ . Itradlnc far Ulllr Knlha. TbUla. and *HI o t Unnr lo l.r, oor of On. prinnl ttrul fnalntna cd thr |nrr. ThcnnWlboUon l-o Ih.a .Irjai iiurrtl m liv ymeme |,iml * ulna lor < aldrini lit U.r 11; .*1 .r iitaLra TH K NKW YORK •"! Rt>IDK (nil PA N ION it! alua.dr lo wwy tr : J bet* Umrr am ctuhlres. I.lai of Knataviajta I'mratH to Nrw Yrnrlv a>abarrlhrra i A UCawtN IX Urt'E. Valnn. Mr. rilK WTTI.K ANOLKIUL Va)n.acU. TIIK fKT r*WX. . . *• *1 " I'lll AWAY tWiM IIUIIE, " " KKIN FAIUCWKLU - " *> " . lIKUINSIMI TO KM. * A MODEL VACRT. i4ui*d| VnhHk. orota. • Tli*bfce ItssuitlfaS piriAjros *tt* saiUl'le t * frnmluc. mud ih4 m mdd&Uok lo tkc fiiriiittire OF ©vwrf IMMUC. MUXIiO S (iIRLS k IiOYS OF AMERICA.' Largest an J Most Popular Weekly Paper for Young Polks. * It Is the m!r shlfli rorialtR Ihe kimd of HorW wliif't mother* *r*tsl to rr*rf mioutX Vir ititleor%. st -w 'u rterj father mar uwhrwiLauacly pime* In ihe hands of !u chthtnßA. 11 oonuina a Imt(tor nmouM aod \ anrtt f %omm! rtwilng tor gttl MMI hoy* tuaa |fi tw had in any *to*r w—hl f or mouthy imrtodicai. % TERMS FOR 1876. Mrsitrr* enrf A .VT> AOT,v or A .v*/:/•.( and rnr .vrir rnsr nuC f!l>K COMPAXI'tX: Onawpyrl Jf.m.'. ...... Rj , r 1 4wrin wilt W aant f..r i ynar to anr m (bar in the V*mind Mai au rwiirt. of BUdt Iwocnpm. far ft; nin* rotaa |..r (16. 7*4 Set JVri.' firrstd* (\ ".fxunon lil !- mil lor cor vrar i.n iwn.l of fi, t*omptna for f'<. or. nlnntH ' ioa(or #29: (in.'oia npaf t'latia ran aOornattli aid amria ontilna at fSJO rx h. t\ til lm mpooalbla hw irtrlllanona aoot lu liaclalrivvl Loll"*, or by I'M! (>fts< •' lion.' Ordor*. R"la nafw* aont la one ahlioaa tar ono yam. for #1 VL iVal • ti rjxniiixxi rymma. arnt Iron. Npnrmion roplw with any uiwof the above I'jciuiv a a .I lo auy aonrena .u rroalpl of l ati I onta H IHTED to onnraM for iho ihnre Iwo japnra la nrarr town ami vlllnno wlmm thornaro no n<-w*W>rii <•. can U madn by auronwiftt) canvaaaaia. Ilora ami t.lrla aro luviiod to l-rcnita oanvaaanr*. Erary boy aucl girl rati yoi .übacrVbora la thair o*u viUapo \\ i tic for |nbl!*hfr, P. O. Bo* 30A7. ,N4 llrrkmnn SUTM, >rw York* COME AND SEE These Kwh Pralrtee Neath rallied acres for sale on the Kioui City sod M Paul K R.. and on the Wwles*.* and Missouri River R K fveveeal Isrw* irerls lev Unto ntea Come or send enrnmtriee to evamlne Every one who has ess the land hk-e U A ppij t-' IIAVIIIN.ON .V t AI.K INH, _______ yalMra. lis, rn I o f'*.. 100 o. jtsT rrmi.tsHKn. THE SHINING RIVER! A New Sabbath School Song Book. By H H and W. 0. Pmikl** TMca 35 f.Vnta SSO |r Hundred " Rret In TW," " Wht *9ret may Say." " Wnndo* true i'ltlld." " What are Threw*." " Wnlrhitutn Awake* " are epHcimMti of thrittlreof tbi> baatrttful wa '"Wfti to wM wn moltkdlre The High School Choir! Hy 1., O KMfitaß* and W S. PHre 91 (N). VfI.CHI I** Pf>. Th* HBill Ht'llOOl. t'IKMK t atm Oar in tnml drelgn iaxthr *wry I* |lUr " HH'l tr RmOlka, aklch h% alm way tnforior l Ita prrdreaanr, ami (• oatlrely frreh and now THE SONG MONARCH !! Pries 74 rente W7. AO per lloren. Ry II R. Pai.wr*. aselMed L O Knraso* 110 not think of teachln* a Rlnirtn* Rchord without nsln* this allrarllve, p,i|mlar and •seful book Hpevimen copies sent, posl paid, for relad ptlve. Klf 111 TWO N A (0.. It pal on. Pit AR. 11. IIITNON A PO.. 711 lrodvsn>, New lark. K. F. Rlcc * t 0., firfwn, , WaaaanHHMMMwflto utf-a. "*v " A our Sea Ftvam ' irtvre per fort- lallilwlbn." It la reft, yvmidreire, N I . % * Your r /Vl# 1 Soa Foam to irrm.lnrful Our aalre fIKSQi I * rr tontMß'* Ktrryfiodi pratoaa Uwr / / M H " ** " f makrw Bread liichnr. k^ ,iß vW' A Itohtr-i Whttor, Purer. Swar'nr, * nf * th, * n *l* I other way.** wlFliv thi mt to afll you i nrrr aw Snnd at oocf tor Cirru I FCi II m lar to K0 V (-ANT7. A CO.. 17fl Doana Btrret, Nrw York. ON RAI.AKY lilr. Aaenta wsnied Ko/.oed f..U Address li. II I HBISTIa*. Marlon. 1 Kilo Geo, p. Rdwell & Co 1 EVKKV FAMILY WANTS! IT. Money In n Sold hy Aaenta. Address M. N MlVKl.teEHs.l a im inn A MIINTM and KXPKNSKS to all Arllclei TtkMf Tli • 4MM* Willi Ml ■>'! * ITILAITI)uiutfli irwlm L yln. book • tb# art HI r*B tit, *—t raaorkin* t* -Ji AUKNTM WANTKO. Wiuif. wKaaMra A Eiiin, lUarrrikf,, MET 111 NO W. turn work and iwoai for all. am or ma. r or <>M iiaio Of iu Urn Huu.l tUar lot Datolatrtrr Vtilna ERANK i.l.t i'K. Mm Hodferd. MM •• cam •nUuf wonkf" au Hook or* .nUoittmil Is, UMBO aba Mr lira tort* oiagoui Now ('linam ptudarod N| Ito btuvpann and Aaalara I'liimaa Nbtahtai Do Tm ar all porfuot gurue ul art N>> oaa oaa fUrt U* tMaptollao la troy os.-i, wii.| IU tAnaaa It raqatroa au talkiut to aall IM pit (arm. tbar apaaA fat una aalraa (Jinraaaaa*, Aaaau nod ladtot aa4 ranilbftam oat ol arl"f>r*rl. a til Rod liila lira lurl opoolno a*ar •tfuru.l u. n.*k. aruoar fur lull portico tor*. aaad Mntop tut *iuft4aoUai circular Addroo* It, tli.ltitlM I tttl 1.1 n Waolilufitrn At. ort,-u Moos til a yTC n^sz?sT-L'r Tard Mnrrnir, and a rtaaa at Joartor, Nuk raakaaa, aitfe oioaaui i n. |-art ialE. IE oaaia < trcuUr nla. tiKillP A "tl . Itltl ItruoAant*. Maw York NEW ENGLAND PEOPLE Eat rotodUr* la Uro WaM or feratb atil find Tlta Haaiaa M rrltl) tilair um> IM |fmr tur Una to taaa. aa II fit roe all tl.a Mo I ufliul uaaa a I'd to atau a llraatuM aaA ooorotol l>ul| ill ata tur 3 u uiw u-ataaa tlaa tut liliwl II a CJO.. H Wisconsin Central Railroad Lands. K*t*UM< r)W M kr wtoM m 4 mi My Um Ivurw t ruym V* *t < ttOMM* Vu Una . iMMppom - Hu **+mrm *iu&* - JN ■NMM4MMB mtmmm Iwt r fultii rkmliric mea4 immlal fltrd ftvimu# tut a #•**•, lie . ft! Has l oOUiV.IAAtf Wl* (EMik H < i MtiNMIW.WIA */ IM */< dUw #—ii. VISITING CARDS. jB Rtk Ttaa WhKa Brui.,l VMU>| Unit, MU wri • M * Maura Iranatlf ullr frluiad uaTtnai. araMMtA, tar "tit rta *<> kaw m llrairt M| ma Flaal Card < aa ata * Imii ..rr hO dtAaraai Mrtaa at arrta, lautadlaA t.'aaa. AauaHaka. MartrU. I'airarallf t*Uld ata Sad atarap tur baraptaa. ur ID cU tar Arwuu outfit Addiaua U (. I, l \l 111 \ Sank AAaaaa. Mta. Tkr Hlna at ikr Half la Lba braia ; tba abaaaak ' Ma arata npan tiu aarraa Ma a . tiaa I truaal*. Ua Aidauyr aad lira puraa tta aat aaarl Aa lbdl I aaattua rraalaa a rniital raault rauraa Ilka attarfiaa of i Ura ri utpra. aad t brtaa tfiaar trarA la tun doi tfiaru to a, Ultar Ilka Ura nla*aaA. lorttrut lartgar I i arlar. auatiur upurataoa at TarraulV I ffi-rirartnl Srltwr Apfrlrnl. ) It raa-.ralaa t> ara>a> aad rralr-mr t MU MM tkr | Mud) aad tt>* Mtad kutd Mr ail tin MM 8 (ion AiiEITM WASfTED ar lik aad itmiarrr ta tkr Oitrac 8| I'kaa WT. khi. It miatr Ua uadrra Mar ■ . rir, aad M >aw ol Uu Load at u.t Kwar >n aad 1-atrai • Mr ar it mailt a ia Mr old an! Uri ti alii rw ttw *e ara.kaaaA. ■ aad did. a aur-fc ia-aftaku at? to. Mat rurry oaa laarrl,. ia aur ut kunaril at iu rmaiar atuaor aad .an ilia Ur, Ea; Hjar krirafall it pad Urtafia. aad rt an - a.aal) u.atk— ' lilia f .rrnt aa. /V. liaiia raoraoaaaa. rkr pmeau.aer it ** rrrnataraai " Aaar rr add m „• ..1r,!0.0a. anatlp raartArd to !"*• at a mat I|| II I > tl mado. aad rarrr a aba I arm. .1 aP .rdt a . rfcaara lu aar* 1114. I*A%. lair ik*mi law t.a ajo' Uruar.urHa. To tur Art all, rar "rl , .t | M. 41 u'fit to 1 ram. ttoffi. PampMato, Epoanui. Papra, and 1 rrtota, tare t all. Addmna, I A It W(t|crttlNr nam* haml* :iwljr printed on I I toea. lenl, p jal pwkl, np"B l*it>4 of 520 rant* Your frtontto will ali wnut thrir when thwv wns jroura. AddltP, R. a OAKItOy, 411 KpwUnd Strwwt. H*itoo. Ma— ft iJil p* ItfHl. 41.1 NTH. -MM Ia VM (n nut MOS m nntr ad sir* fli | 1 f. * w| ; K/ll hw K. 4. Uvl *ariwtj lulhawor'.! NATION U I'HR MO OO .Phi adwlphto. totolsaZMbnirSfStiKaroSiSaMMpwmr^ Anvvru And llorpliinr llnbll abaoluto!> and 11 ft) 111 ipawdtlj cumd Pa'nlewa# .no puhtldtjr fl Soud stunp f*r Hsrtloohr* Or. Oshla " * ft# lift j,| s7 hlnnton si .< >. ill xyonit iii /a t rAYH: 416U por Month is mad* by Ajmnt* will®!if aptoo did —orlniat of jtrv Mafwanil Ptctafff. (jbUtugli fiww IC. a BRUM.MAN, 5 Barvlay Bt. Kit York and 1711 W.t 4 th Nl . < 'l'u-mnstl, 41. The "Beat AH" Safety Lamp. P.tnoUvd K*pi. *t*h. IS" 4. HBB lutfnt, tab* nhloh prwventa axnloaKto, ana to Uiw most practical, naafnl, claao and fi(a l*amp v>w*r rnado ftf** 4 * Wwwlad eniwrjr wharw Addvwaa K. M IA) WORN, ratootoo and Man afactomr, N5 N*w Oh lift lW Strwwt. Now Torh. coca cU. PpitiOttlßT. wot free. Addreae r>t!UV WORTH A 00.. Ht Unto. Mo. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The be ulmfi A net lean Newspaper. TIIK HKitT AOVKHTIHINU IHKDirK*. $lO B jrear. Semi-Weeklr. *3. Weekly, $3. Fa—oat Frtm to (A* .Sutoonttor. Specimen Oopiee end Adrerttßlnn Retee Free. Weekly, to clahe of UO or more, only to I, pnld Addteee TH TUBOIA I*. T.- CHjf- 4>Z0.1. li Bt-rroßP'sSofiA Uuetea, Mms MERIDE N CUTLERY compact mmwi ■■ T. kO. - lto l __ __ PENNSYLVANIA <->gsc' *>• A25w e S PORTABLE GRINDING RILLS/ II rat rwmrti Mrarr attttwda. AMM did akdat-ruaoata, .rtrk koad .y| | jMi |[|i A EPk af Ito AHfIS rUtr Mill IH •! Ml /JiEPVMEI data, Itraals* Mrlt *k ./ jfaj—mi krr ktolllraa t lotk. Mill /#HHISI l*lrfck, lata Pkaiiaia tad IM ini I Irairr-ta. frraTlaf. MtaA-ttr, XJmPMH ■U.I Toll"-", tlaa farm, Ar all klaAa MHtW triaaty an'! Millar*' a., rat tur Hktplllot. ,I*l Bit rat to k Milt (MMMr W ifil lAkk, MMtU, A. N. F. BtHNHAMS W TIHHINK Water Wheel XfllM Ha itrlrrtrd.ltou4toi.Mt4i tor narlt ta Ura Vaiaat •►#... Waak laftrra. D O. pad baa pratrd to ba l£s—-=36 u. Ma-at. IM rtaaa mada Prtrrr nmnK lanrr tkaa aar oUtar Aral aUat V-1,11 U I'araut.kM tiaa ■ Hi'KMHAM. To—. FA. " j£sss2a£r /ao.l a ralakbto kinouJttirfil dtoEMty- V> \ S lomt Wiilklu mak*UM x v M\rV S ( a AAA fit tkfidrtMtA kf (tba bntt laMltf to*"* • O R ■ A ItXi ! Tta# l.r.atala rl tb Jfirbraa, laaoatto® fia! to a# loan Mattraaadl (MtoiM Sw (irrKKEii rott maijl 4WsfflWrtnW"r: ara ttoatrarad nil Ifil? _tod tam>_idl *^L^Tto totofitotot rsSl Ik tba *o! Hf lam-Sfeaa aura to r mat tsbaf bara aa orbar a—y. and afcM tbwaarrp tatto d#tttattluu lOtowae oaa tram gSkSg-.jS:ir..-..Kd npiFM ,rt ?" lUifl Intraperance furl 11" rtii-1 I.' I'K IMECKf oi!r knatora attA A MAMAdf. for *Ukit uiiliUcurvd (All Mt m fiMfito J. C.BXCLII3 dfiha SuSbdauAA, XKTOXT'XJFtJB aPOJEt. W.A.DROWMCO'S UMBRELLAS. ,SKI Tkr Wonders of kodern Ckolalllrt. SanapariHi aMin isocato. fbkkAao mm Hmmm mm 4 Wait aa* Tb#r Oally ttoru allow I'MfiW a Ttw Dmm at DR. RADWAT S Sarsaparillian Resolvent, THE CHEAT BLOOD PLKIFIEK. I. Goad aptrtta. daai>tmrkea at rlitaoi. Iltofm. tofin--I"'r - tocraaaa and bardaofik ad tab and ana. "."run. aa| illkl total ;tto. nltok tor load, too MM* auar aoroatotgaao ur rtatorltofifib, wruA dk roottoat, oakto ood aodaataraiod atoott. owabao M and ■■td toM awtmaranoo to aoalu-r uurtkr.*!'" I io anaUbnr. bato ar w> taltorn . "'kMr*"a k *.rl*o at fidOHflU and traooy at In il—kary rtakooto itoaihaiwtoTOaMtodod Mat wart, attlr r-naloif o partnaaoot M admtorA aabaknod la u IMM ><"*■• fww * tn —* atrial rtwtomr-d tor Uto firratral adk A Tattoo utta art H tra t Uto ayaa. aad tba wnr tby, taltuk mtaMMlton rkaarad to a rtoai. Iraadr. aod tmall tij aroAor w^_ A Ttwrua > Irato aaaab or atoortttod bkftor toattomrm .ill rUa pto tmofil to aatrntooaftao '! IBM- trto|tt nn • ewrel WOT*" Sli * t y t * Hili'iMll* 'H '*• ■ ***'mM ami and il* i twootod iß*da fioaaid and kaaltttr. ototoa. toay uh*. artrbUXto aarma. uataala *Ato dtaaam rmdaailr d attar* Ik* rpo-roa kaa hrao mfirttlaM. aad Mur.j yntrk'tlrar. t oorada* frot.liaiata ttba prktO p# onaaMtiamt ia t no .dranud kataalMrUia.. aaatwjat ad to ata aaaau tt h Hjd M R'daooa' aa*a aoratoala*, Ml aad toon*. drpMMd to tobto, J tot*. MO. unaato* atortoa of ttta tomoa. rtobtoa, n>**l oarraAara*. uuatntotoaa. toiiy WMt *to. too.. tk •ikKH *• AMlt.l.l Ab atll taorura oatay Mafia too- _ poaHa and aitm tu.aot# Uto traa ad aa# dkwarr torn lba f (lMtoafe, C NJIPH"* ■*?■.'•!. ~. _,, >„ ti>* nn. " tort w. e doe ml he?!*. Iw. revta*. tbatr M ead wetolr. toncanwac or****! k*..•'. * ■• * * • *•"• •"*" that the car* l zzzzz r. IM. ■— t|M* .. ? }> VlflU **f Iftw WW**' ** taJbdv** ,( wot IT ee *• ewmJlw* • "• \UtlA*l \S m*m U ** • Jw. !4**r." bn j"*o wiK ** MMr *nd to ctmum la hiilll, atcaMNfe *** u tW fiwl p)w tT Mi** rw4 to WT •nwt'ja •"••* Inm, In n* eat ante throat, ulcere. and ta tabaeeSa* 3 aba imc* In ■<-•. drettrte. rbeutaettoa.. rtaketa In ntnivnriJ 4*tv4 It to to thee• tttitoto force. at 1 ~ ,>„retb. Man body hae b>m* • e enplete ,„4 where *v*-v tow at ettotance to wuw, I!£wo thtoiewt remedf ce."toa. Ito* ■wtowtotoyt StotonlMW lb* k II to t each rem. mhma nit Ua* ptotearea a* >"*'■ '""Jl"" InMB Ito nod to lu atom. eaperuature I !2IZ Twi-ne tw hnfmtam biwi It to and new IfES,',* wbere?bt* tmi remedy vtamto elooe I* Ma nkln (tow that every aae to toovwce ton* tree hied wll, • fww <*•— vH I'M* *"* * Il*w bottle* to. Ito Bui aagrevated work * PW "tvSI IW-d LSgr SMS Ma ktoW dntMMta. RADWAY'3 READY RELIEF WTLJ. AFFORD IMMTANT BASS. nrri.A MM ATIOI* or THK i.N'k'l.A MMATIt.S OR THK BLABDSR. IXkT.AMMATIOM OK TIIK BOWjOR OONOKSTInX or TllK LL'MUS. •"MBSarasi saa"" 8 : ILKAOACHR. IXH>I IIAT HK. ML TOL'B. ■ KITRAOOIA RHKPMATtSM, OOU> ckILLS, AO US OF&LXA IV BppllcAtlnn of Ik. RRADV RKI.IKF to the perl or pert* where ibe pah. at SSnttl Mhh wis afford MAf and o>iml r irt Twenty drope la blf e twmMer of water itolL taefew ■Biwaent*. core CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOM ACH, HKARTHURS, fi.CK HSADAt HK. OIAR RiiRA, HYSKXTKRV, OOLIC. WIND IN THS BOM ICYA, And al< INTERNAL PAINS. . TraT.ler. .hould tow.y. ceny a bottle of KAD- WtY'w KKI.IKK wtib tbeai. A few drape to teakar win prevent atckaaaa or patu front ehaac* of walar. IT IB BETTRR TRAN FRKNCH BRANDT OB BITTERS AS A STIMULANT. Price so Cenia. S*M by Drelelm. DR. RADWAY'3 REBOUTI6 FILLS Perfectly taebeleee, elenatly eoaled with rweei am. stomach, uirer, Bowwto, Kulr.*y, Btodder. Xern*" Dtaeaeee, Headache Oooetlpatlon, OoeUreweea, ladlgwa- Hon. Pyapepnia, Bllmneaeee. Btltoae fbrer, laSaattoe- Uon of th" Rowela, Ihie., and all D*rmn*meciU of MM Internal VUcera. Warranted to effect a poeltleeomra. Purely Vegetable, con tain ln( w> auueaty, Mlnarato. at deletertona druya IW- Obeerre tba followtna aytaptotoM raaamaff torn Dta rtlen. of the Dtyeettve Oryana: ... ~ Con*tlpalk>n, Inward Pile,. PultawM of Uw Blood la the Head. Acidity of the Stomach. Xaoaea. Heartboro, ptenuat of Pood. Full near or W.*ht la the Stomttob. Smr KrncUtkma. Stnklu or nntofrtoA BJMM Pttol the Stomacb. Swtmminc f the Head, Harried tad DO hoolt Breathlna. Fluttertny at the Heart, Cboktaa or Snff.mallna Senaallooa when la aLjrtaf Poatnre. Dee, of Viak.o, Dote or w.le before the Siybt, Fever and DtUl Pala in the Head. Deffotoiey of Poraplrogon. Yell of the Skin and Kyve. Pain to the Bide. Cheat. Umbo, aad Sotldaa Vlaahea of Heat, Baratoc la the I'lch A few doaeaof RADWAYNJ FIMB wffi freeUM intern from all the above named dUeirdvraPrlce Ceat. per Baa. BOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Read " FAI.MK AND TKI K." Band one letteretamp to RADWAT A. COe 31 H'trrea Ntreet, New Verb. latortoaMoo worth thooeaade will be oaatyoa. ■MNWto Your Name RLEGWNUR Irtnt. el on 11 ft'""."? 1 UHlr Caac,forlJCvntt- *^s?^aahi'hL . ret which to Bet vtoibic uenl Nothing like thvmevvT beforvotorwl In Arnvnca mrinm. - menu fo Arena. Roraarv Patatne Co^AtolaatLMm