TUF. ( EMUK UKrOUTKH. t * ia :sp.v Y SKI'T. if., 18?6. LODGE MEETINGS W.I OofO F„ MMli fttri SiO.ir.Uy essnins In th flail I *ll..*> Knit J M liiLULiM), M V K.M OID Fo* LoosS. Na MT. F A At . raSSU w Tliumlu vnnitu. on ur nflni Mil) lull wtoon In tlx tM.I H*n „ ~ C. K Hihi ii hi r. Ssct. W. B. Mimics, W Pmoontw G*no*, Pf It. nwii on s*t.m)*j ' tornmin on m sfter -s<-h lull moon. t ttanir Itnll J. J AKItCt. "LOCAL ITEMS. Dur ft tend* will ->blig< li sending us loin- ot local now- in their locality. give ti the (rtoU only, and WO will put them 111 khiipu, ot dWilHl HMw HlftlTl* An\ lino MtuUin* u> the names ot m v n*w nu "/rihor*, with UifCAph, will be onMitHi 1., recoil o th. lUivRTKH one your free. Tito KKFoRHtn being read by neatly ovorv body nil this side <>l" the county, where It has * larger circulationthan any Iwopapers, will bo found the boil mediant for adverlLiog business sale*. Yc. Ac. V-Snlt'ribor to tlto Uopoiler, resid ing oiKsislo ot Centre county, should re mit us 10 cents, yearly, for postage winch we will M| bore ; this rod uc- (MfMtal* to one half as the suki pehi by them tor .mo year's postage was 2V cts. FRIDAY. OCTOBER IST IS THK LAST HAY t>N WHICH YOU CAN PAY TANKS SATUIULV Y, OCTOBER 2D, IS THK LAsT HAY KOK TAKING Ol'T N A Tl UALIZATICN PAPERS. The Veteran Club of Centre count) will hold n pio-nle, in Stewart" - woods, near Roalsburg, on Friday next. On Friday last we hud some hettvy shower* ol rain, atd on S*turdax morning the f;rt frost of the sc..son, There is * free Buss running from the Johnson house to and frotu the depot. —The excellent farm of Ja- 1 For* ter, near Spring Mills Is offered tor sale This is one isl the finest farms in the vai ley, mil ** Mr Forster hat moved to tthio, mid intends remaining there a good opportunity present* itself to any one de siring to invest See advertisement. Hastings savs he would like to wear the I*. V. Hank on hi* watch fob. Just like that sort o fellows, who always ha\ . more dangling on the ouU de than their pocket books are good for Harris township men think that the result oft he election to be had in that town ship, on Oct. I'd. for or against a division, w ill be close Should a division carry, the township that would include BeaUburg would be pretty evenly balanced political- j lv, whilst the Lemonl side would he , strongly radical. —Mr I>. J. Musser, of Penu Hall, ; sent us a stalk. ofelover, seci'tid crop, j measuring 4 feet in length This is hard to beat, and Mr. Musser may stand at the head of the class until some other farmer send* in a longer one. Go to Rankin's new Drug Store, next d. or to Dest hner s gun store, Bo'.le for.te. Pa... for jwire and flrusb drugs and medicines of all kinds at rem*'nable prices. : The ceti-us'takers of Wmchendon,' M a.-s., have come across th.* ease of a wo- j man twenty five years old, married at twelveyears ot age, who has ten children the oldest being now thirteen years old. j The C\ urt of Washington county has . fined several of the Township Auditors $59 j for not publishing a re|ort of the receipts ' and expenditures of the township. Leonard Dale, a son of A. J. Dale, of this place, had Li* leg broken while | playing in the school-yard during recess, lie wal on the fence, from which he fell, Ca i-ing his leg to be broken between the ■ knee and ankle. A Christian Temperance Convention j will be bold in the Court House, at lleile fonte, on Tuesday, tbc 28th day ofSepteu:- ! ber. at 10 A. M . for the purpose ot organ- j ixii.g the Churche* of the county under ) the A hristi&n Temperance Alliancco f the State of Pennsylvania. All pastors ->f Centre county arc invited ■ to be present as members, also every Sab- | bath School Superintendent is invited. In addition to these every Congregation in Centre county is requested to send one member as a delegate. Mr. Joseph Smith, of Pent. Hall, re- : p rt- a corn stalk over 13 feet long. There is some talk of the Pre*byte- j riai.s holding a cburch here. They need one very mucb, and are able to build Mr. A. C. Shafc-r, writes us from Lodi. Kane county. 111., date Sept. 6, ill- i following as to their crops: Corn will] yield a large crop ; my father cut a slock ; to-day, which measured ll'i fevl in length, j a:.d had three fuli grown ears, which were ] _l<>, 14 and 121 inches in length, and seven J feet from the ground. Now if any Brush j or Pennsvalle) farmer can beat that, let us j hear. Oats will go 60 bushels to the acre. > aiid wheal 16. I get the Reporter every j Sxturdky—it is a welcome visitor. The, market prices in Lodi are, wheat sl, oats 24c, butter 22c. egg- 16c, potatoes no price, i being so very plenty. Th e Center or ouk Pofclatios.— It has traveled westward, keeping curious ly near the 39th parallel of latitude, never getting more than 20 miles north nor 2 miles south of it. In the years it has trav eled only 4ft miles, and is still found nearly 60 miles eastward of Ciocinali. This we find in an exchange, and we do not believe a word of it, for the most |*eo ple are now found around Sechler's buy ing cheap groceries. Grangers ' Junior Sons ! Democrats! Republicans and Ladies ! Your attention is called to the fact that I now believe my stock is worthy of all the "blowing" 1 can give it; an inspection of my etyli-s aad qualities, will convince that my stock is as complete as the most fastidious could wish to select from. Prices are down as low us possible and I honestly be lieve them under all competition. Give me a trial. Powers Boot & Shoe store, Bu*h A M'Clain'it Block, next door to Herman's N*. Y. Dry Goods store. John Powkb*. Visitors to New York who want a quiet, but select and luxurious home while they stay in the city, and one where the expenses are decidedly lighter than at the larger houses, will do well to call at the Spixolek lloi'se, on Un'on Square It is situated in the heart of the city. Car riage hire is saved, as nearly all the stag. - and streetcar lines pass its doors. See card In advertising colunu. 9 sept lm. Weakly axi> Sickly Persons Many person| who are weak and sickly at this season of the ye.tr arc at a loss to know what will restore their health. It has lately been found by experience thai the use of Speer's Port Grape Wine w hen taken in moderate doses is one of the bes; restorative* known. Physicians, clergy men and temperance advocates should en courage the use of the Port Grape Wine, and thus aid the cause of temperance and moderation. It is especial y recommend ed to families for iu purity, exquisite flavoi and healthy properties. Medical men cer tify to its valuable powers. Mr. Spcer ha been for years engaged in preparing am perfecting this wine, and it requires a fcui years' process before it is fit for market.— X. Y. Knjttiat. Our druggists have procured some di rect from the Vineyard. It is excelien for females to u-e, especially for those will nursing infants. The last Centre county court sen tcnccd Louis Gonier to seven years ; Join Kerns one yeur ; Scott McGuirc tw years ; Charles Henry 14 months ; Jamt Jennings one year; Wm. G. Brown 1 months; Toney McAlister 13 months William Tate one year und three months Thomas Loughlin one year and nin months ; Michael Kelly one year and sev en months i the Western Penitentiary At this rate, w hat will become of the deal ooracy of Centra, asks the Lcwistown Gt /.etlr, a radical paper. We answer, tin the democracy ol Centre will, have a lai ger majority than before, because the ebov named are all reds. A fine opening | resent# itsolfat ek ol l ( new tin-cans on hand, which he offer* .it . the following low pile.- Rooked Cash, j I quart per d, ?.. $1 ."<> Sl.kM II quart par d*x L>*t 1 ,*to ; 2 quart per doR 240 2.00 • —— A paitv fftl>|H on Tuesday night of last week visited the spring hou# as and graneric-of Mrs t" t' Kciler, Jus - Keller and John Harper, r. t.bing them ot gram, and other pi i-iotis, and stole about . 4tl chicken- from Mr. John Foiviuait. t*ur r eilL-.'-ns should h. on the watch for those noctuinat t' ieve ——Mj P B. \\ i'son v>f thi- court) ; was elected Lieut Cob ol the .'-th 15 g' ol the Nail, f-.l tSuard- t l'a. > .p- dot • 11-e coui.tii -of Cambria, Bedford B sir, Huntingdon, Mirtlm, Juniatt.i unl Centre, by a unanimous * >t> at Hoatu g.!--n on the j 9th of S pi . I A better choice Could u. ! hue been made a'ld We C ng! .It.i'ol et! Major up >n lu- pr>nit'tion. He i- a born mllitary , man, and i- a tie • looking ottleer If he lives unlit li e i ext war. Centre county wil 1 boa-t of a General who will have true laure!- to how He w H honor the -word, and make the enoiiiv "git We i aid another visit t Long - cave, >n Friday lat, in eom iaiiv with ltev Lilly t. m B.'den ote. Rev Fischer ami Mr WK Wolf, ofUlk pi ice, . \ plored it pretty thoroughly, which led t-> tb* discovery of a new gallery or museum of curiosities which had never before been approached by any one, and which rival, all the other apartments of the cave in beauty This gallery we discovered with in a short distance from the entrance, and is not quite as easy to approach a* the otli |er apartments, which may account for i:> not having been v itt*d by any one here jtofore. This cave present* many wonder. ] ful curiosities and is grand throughout. The number of stalactite- aud stalagmites are innumerable, and many of the latter j are iu the form of human beings a- well ri ot animals. A- we gave a description of j this wonderful cave inn termer is-ue, we j shall not note it more at length now. The temperature of the cavern we found tt\ and ot the stream of water 60 degrees Fahrenheit Two fellow- nearly cume to blow the other day lYra very singular cause, and on account ef an innocent party-and there i-no doubt if a fight had been per j riiltted by the by.-landers, that a murder , I vrculd have been committed The circum ! stances w ere these : A man wa- alleging that where war,, and mere'.;., di-c were -old as low as at Sech't-r's gr eery, the store-keeper must >:>a! hi- K-cds. Thi ! riled another chap, who rot ated sharply I that it WM none I f No I s huitlMH h>>w j low S.-chler & Co. sold their go ds or a- ' j to how they got thorn, only so ho g t hi | money's worth and a good article, which j Jhe always did. They both had their arm- It >vo full of packages from Shschler # to "go for" each other, and the crowd refused t< | bold their package- for thorn if they were , going to fight about it, and the tw i fellow - ' ! went their way without black ev. - or bleiody noses, satisfied that tlrey buy cheap est of fisehler A Co. in the Bu.hh.j-. j block. Lour Irak—Mr fiwtl Kofmr - I pairing the rtd mill dam, damaged by tk. tlood Mr. Peter Ruble's new house is I nearly finished Mr. Wm Cotyer hough: j a very tine team of the long eared persua sion la-t week, of J. Henry Keller The coal mine of Samuel Miller A Co., has caved in, no one vva- injured hy th.- t tiling j earth The Loop hunters brought in t. : tine deer on Saturday evening from S: i,- j oreek cabin. O N K. WOOD WA RD A VI CI S1 I Y Potato, s in great abundance. ! Seeding jti-l about over The corn crop will be beavv , Jac-a trust put in bis appexram . A short time ago, M-. R>>te paid u- :i visit exhibiting u fishing patent right. He also gave u- a rehearsal of campuu-oting | exhortations. N it would be to .- .in tone'* credit if they would keen him a*, home and not have him scare all the wo ioien into fits, a- well as keep a quiet peo ple aw hole night from sleep. I A balloon ascension *■ to come off a j short timo since, but for some cause or . other it prov ed a failure. Mnd the ves-el lauded.upon the railing of the Woodward bridge. May the enterprise meet with suc cess. The young folks of this piaco lulk very String of organising a bae ball club. Tnere is indeed good material here. The school Director# of Haines tow nship have met and divided to pay teachers ac cording to their qualifications, ranging j from twenty-seven and a half dollar* to j forty dollar, per month The Woodward and Y-'tiada s school- were awarded toKd ward Weirlck and J. C. Morris. School* will open on the third Monday in October, and continue five month*, j Sportsmen keep th<- wool* alive by cracking away from early Uiurn till late at evening ; Lut thus far not n drop of blooJ was shed. The narrow- is full of pheasants, and several black hears are said tW e living there t"<>. R' v Tomiill-oil will prciteh in the Kv. churc!) at this place on next Saturday evening. l>kh inst. East ot dward is undergoing a heavy ' old fashioned revolution. Some ol the by roads were blockaded ; but the Continen tals succeeded iu removing all obstacle*. , though bv muscular force, lleinforce ,. ment from the county-seat i. anticipated [• OCCASIONAL. .V series f 8. school meetings un t der the auspice* of the Centre County .Sab bath School Association. An Institute of two sessions, afternoon and evening, will j be conducted by the per-ons whose namci arc given in connection w.lli the following places, viz: Gc>rg. M. Wolt, H. Y Stit aer, Esq., and others. Aaronihurg and Woodward, Rev. W. ' T. Wylie and I). S. Keller, Esq. Gate-burg and Linden Hall, I'rof. John Hamilton und others. Rebcrsburg and Brumgnrd*, Rev. R. Crittenden and Gen. Jus. A. Beaver. I'hilipsburg aud Row el ton or Sandy Ridge, Revs. Lilly, Reese aud Miller. Mount Pleasant U. B. church and Rod r Matilda, Rev W. Gwynn, Charles K Cook, E-q., and oliiers. Hecla Furnace school house und Nit -0 tauy Hull, Rev. It. Crittenden mid A. O r Fur.-t, Esq. Fairviewschool house, Rev. W. H. Big gart, .Stewart Lyon, E-q., and others. '* Eiigloville or Howard, Rev. \V. T. tVv lie and others. Subject* tor addresses aud di-cus-ion : Methods of leaching employed by ou '■ Saviour. Catecheiicul instruction, llov n can we instruct the young iu practical be nevoience? Bible study us related to re l> rivals. Bible schools in winter. The Bi ble iu the memory Bible teaching . I temperance Reviews, sources of succes le Other topics and questions that any ma v- wish to : u'nnil will be considered. n- A New Orlean- father tied hi - boy lip i a* a sack and depn.iled him on top of a bru nt bile. The boy a found theio three daj '* afterwards, having betn allthut time will t out food. |. SI NDAY St 11001. MEETINGS AN t . CELKBKATIONB On the 22d ct Vu,. , the Aaronsburg I ,1 S. School as-cmbled in the church t> anl of the Sunday School reported by Mr. J Mti—cr Wanted . M-'tiey to buy a net librari it.irc i.giilai Htleudaticc tiur l| pnti-nl- more entire tl ration lo Hi Sun.lay School work, etc l'rof Mryc placed the organ an. 1 . Mr- Kllillgef, wle has charge of thi infant department, inter -porscd tho exercise- with singing by he . la- Mt W S.oxei who had charge o the Programme, . iineed the names i the Sp.-akul - and the music, etc. Th school sang sw.-et'y. The addre--* xx.r ' edifying, atnl the exercises uetc piotitntih I throughout. 1 Until I may suui up am t -si that the oc a-.oil w ill l„- renieinberei r as n green spot in our memory e On the 4ih ef Sept , the Spring Mill SundaV School bed a . elebrxllotl. Keys , \\ ilson, lloiie ami I'ouilin#on, were thi • speakers. . > day K. y ■ Wolfand Sin,. > maker airived ill time lop irlake ol thi dinner, which may be Called a suinptuou lyj.sl, and participate in tlu -ociety *■! thi ocas ton. It i- nil her a rate thing lo *,. the Hack y at pariy - strongly represent ed at a> "> . l-rati, awn* the case ui - S| : ,ng Midi. ti •„ Ituel . ill lis.l chwrgt j f the programme and executed In* pan well Mr \\ i -on the N upt , selected ami aun.-uii.fd the music. Mr. Duneait ami tt.ciiil- mxiiag. I tno procession and thy 1.yh1.-s, ami thii gs were certainly done u| according to Guiiter Honor to whom honor i- due, and the ladies should haVi double honor lor the rich lepast lliey had prepared for ad, in the rear ol the Spiing Mills . huroh Tho celebration was cer tainly a succv■- tu the Ulh of Sept., the Reims Greek S. School had a celebration. The religious exercises were held in the church and the festivities in the grove back of the church. Gen. But hanaii again liael charge of the Programme, to which he again did justice. Rev. d'omlinson entertained the school with stories und qu<>: r- till the call P< dinner came Alter which the school o fottued in privessiou and all were soon marched ar-uiid a magnitlceiit table The • xercise* in church yy.-re enlivened hy oc casionally singing a lively piece of music led by bro. Mu.-*er. am'in the g.-oyo en . joy ment yya- promoted by swings, etc™ Mr. llvrring slip. i.iitenJs this school and need not be atliaincd of the bund of christian workers he represents. At the table we aga.tt -aw a forcible illustration of the tine -eutiiuent uttered by Jesus: She hath ■ lone yvhat she could. There were the women again with their kind act-, circu lating their coffee, chocolate cake, cocoa : nut cake, sjainge cake, pound cake, etc., dainties and Jelecacie* t.o numeruu* lo mention—certainly thev are deserving of thanks. On the evening of the same day, St. Irak* .- S. S. i..ot iu tiu-ir church to hold a S S. im-.tiiig, Mu-i and discussion and levotioa constituted the principal bu*i- Ineas of this meeting. It a- an edifying Oct a.a. Rev. A u rand, the pa-'.or of St Luke has g *J t. be encouragy il jin his Sunday school work Sunday -cl.ool ui- . tings ar- becoming much more ircquelit, aud, 1 think, are adapted to i awaken a deeper interest in the Sabbath ' cause. '•* A WATERSPOUT. (•rent I>.tuiagc Dune. MontjH-lit r, Septemlu-r lit. —Violent 1 storm- occurred in this neighborhood ! r.uvl great damage ha.- been done to the .rop-. A waterspout dt-lroyed fifty i h**usc.-a! St. t'hini.in. Nine dead laxl :<•- have la-en recovered. Sixty |er-ons arc still !ni--ing. TURKEY. More Fighting, tYmstantinople, >i*pteml>er 13. seri ■ ou- fighting oeeurretl yiii Monday, Tues day and Wednesday last, in which the Turks were defeated. This ha- resulted in the renewal of the -eige of Trebingc hv the insurgent*. A RInH'ELLKIi SUNK AND TWENTY TWO PKBSONB I T Chicago, September IL—A terrible diauatcr occurred on Lake Michigan ear ly yesterday morning which has just been reported here. The propeller Equinox, on the way from Chicago to Hay City. Mich., with a i-argu of salt, and | low ir.g the schooner Emma E. Mayers, ] loaded with lumber, was overtaken by the storm ulout 2 o'clock yesterday [ morning near Point au sable, ISO miles north of t hicago. Captain Woodworth, of the Equinox, ..one to the stern of of the propeller at that time, and called out to cut the lines. This wa- done, ami the careened and sank in a few minutes. She had on boardacrew of nineteen men and Uup luiin I)wight Scott, of Cleveland, n well know n lake ('uptain. w h>> wx-s nceotnpan ie.l by hi-daughternml grand-daughter, making a total of twenty two peraona. The first imitation the schooner had ol the catastrophe were the shrieks of the drowning. The Mayers could render no aaaiat:ui.-e whatever in the terrible sea ! that wa- running, and the entire crew ol j the Kapiiiiox went down. THK WAU 1N THE EAST. • , I • I o Ten Thousand Fresh Insurgents Take; The Field —Fen s of a General War. Celling)*, Montenegro, September 10.— ' i AU the country between Scrvia and Mon-jf tenegro i- in full revolt Fully ten thou- " . -mid insurgents iiavc taken the field. The | - town* of Priepol and Plcolic* have been , sacked, nil the Turkish villages have been j burned and the Turk- massacred. The Christian iahabiiants hnvo t.kon refuge l , in the mountains. The Turkish troop- uro demoralised and * ' the insurrection i* spreading on hII sides. M-.nU ncgro i- prepared for war, and the wildest eiilhuiiiism pruvoo. A general ' " war is regarded u- inevitable. 1 "Kay.non. 1 s Kill Galon," by M. I), j Thomas. A new .-.iiti.• n ..f tliis very p .p --ul*r piece ha: ju-t b '.-n i--u.-d F.ird .nc- 1 ing purpose*, tins o tho best galop over I ' iiunlishcd ; it i* likewise a showy and bril- , Imnt piano slo. Mailed ( Ftee of Postage n for 40 cts. 1 "No Friendly \ oioe t. Greet Mo,'* song ! , and chorus hy the popular composer, if '• P. Dank-. 'I hi* beautiful #->ng, altliough ' new. i- already u great favorite. Every- 1 .- .no wishing •ouietliing ih-vv or really t.nu titul, should -end f->racopv. Mailed (free of postage for .2> el- A .Id less, \V. If. 11 Buln-rACo Musi publishers, 1192 Chest nut Street, I'liil a. • ♦ • t- THE FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE. '■ London, September 11.- The Executive Coiii.'uitlee on the Foot and Mouth Disease f' have asked the Privy Council lor an or der to prevent the holding of markets, f' sales or fair- throughout Warwickshire. Th" diseute ul-o prevails considerably in the county of Norfolk, the Inst return Jl showing that 3,1)00 ca-).-- have been re w corded th.re during the week. Celtic, l " sheep und pig- are all affected. - A convention of husbands i* soon to "ii meet at Cincinatli to devise means of pro lection against the kis-ing clergymen. A corre.-pondent uggusts lliat tliey bo com pglleil to eat rw onion* at every meal, aud in lieu of the customary white choker, re vice the Eh/. tliethan itiff, t<> he not les. than three fi-et in diameter and starched I. 1 " ] the i ig dity of cast iron. i) ■- 1 , . 9 Ther is not one clergyman in While I Pine CQUQty Cttl.J ll' Erie Convention. Continued fro* 2nd page. I ( ( on# monopoly, ami the enormous liurduiii , ( now ojipressing llir people, without colli I peiisaiiiig u.lvaiilsgo, mid that nil th. National Bank . ii.'illation ho prompt)) and permanent!) r.-lit.-d, and full legal I tenders be issued in lliir pin. o n, Full Legal renders Wanted to hi l( J Keeeeivahle for all Public Dues. J 9th. That the public Interest d.-niantU vt that the Uyncriunont should cease to y|j r%. U-redit its own money and should make it !i,. legal tenders receivable for all public clu.* er exeept where re-peel f->r the obligation '*l eoHlracU loquiros paymei.t in coi.i. r- l-'too Hanking. er 10.h Tno extinction of the present Na ol |tonal Banks and the establishment ill th. ii "I sts-M.l ef a system of free hanks of discounts 10 ali.l deposit* under such regulation# a th> Stat.-# respectfully may prescribe, anil no U 1 ! paper money ev.-y.pl su.'ti a# may be i*- J tsu.'-l directly bv and upon the lailli of the 'd j Ke\ls*ral Government, uttording practical fly a currency ba>.*.l on the gM and silver ' ..nd other property of the whole people of • the country U uli. iil Put ty Arraigned. "J till. That with tliis declaration ot prill cip > s and policy we arraign the leader* of '"the Republican parti for their exti at agent ' <■ yp.'itdilut. s and proltigate wu-le of the '' people's nioiie.x ; for th.-if Corruption ; for th.ir < 'iitenipt of Constitutional obliga >l tivHis , for their cxtonioiial.- increase ''lot our salaries of our public otlicers, rt ! for thsir oppressive, unjust and defective d|vtem ot taxatiuii, finance unvl currency ; '' :or their continuance .f incompetent and ' corrupt men in office, and fv r their mis- I' management of both the State and F.-dt-r --11 1 Governini-iiti, niul we cordially in l ttc ' tlu. Liberal Republican* and all other men '' without regard to past party associations. • to eo-y.py-rale with Us 111 expelling ihotn Irotu power, and in securing such au ad niiuistratioa of our public aff airs a* char asterized the purer and bett.-r day* of the " Republic. Discussion ou (he l'lntforiu, ' Mr. Souder ot Lelngh offered utt anieiid* jruent to strike out sections eight, nine and . ten with a proposition lo insert other reso lution*. These propositions receivod a j st.-rm of noes. Mr Hughe* mOve.l to lay the proposed suueilJtiieu',* yin the table alij called fot C the previous question. c | A vote wa* takcu on tiie motion to lay the amendments on the table and adopted by 162 yeas ts> W nays. ] The Platform Adopted by an Over w helming Majority. ~! Another vote w.y* then tak.-n y>n the pre- L *! viou* question and the resolutions a* print i led above. f! The vote resulli-yl ill yeas. 168; nays, 19. • The Result Received with deafening Applause. • The announcement of the adoption of 1 the platform by so large a majority was : received with thundering applause which j lasted some minute*. The nomination* for candidate for gov ' croon then followed. The name# of the I eighteen candidates were offered, ni.d the ' ballot resulted as follows r jb %• S2'2 5* sj "•gOFF Y7S-J £ Higiy-r .*'• 29 41 46 4* 52 55 66 66 Fox 26 26 29 2V 25 24 N ortb 29 4 Barr 4e 42 49 49 62 40 4 - 43 31 Ny, - 1 M -'• tt • 1 41 4'. 42 41 5 lVr*hlng 13 16 Is IS 26 26 fix) 45 42 146 Roes IS 29 2>. 28 32 3d 45 4s 54 94 Morton.... IT 12 T Piolelte... 11 13 19 17 13 11 8 11 > Mntt 4 6 3 , Gibson... 416 2 1 Jenk* 2 6 4 3 I 0 10 2 Knox 3 | Coffrulb.. 4 5 2 I Spang. .. 2 2 Monaghanl) 14 12 15 12 9 S 5 - Stiles 6 6 7 8 6 Mutchler. 1 : Dreher... 6 3 17 I While the tenth ballot wa* being taken , with Ro*s in tho ascendant Uiglrr with . drew in favor of l'ershing.] Follow ing are the second ai.d third hat- I lot# f.-r state treasurer : Second ll.itlnt. Hancock 6 Nobl. 62 - l'lavford 64 ! Abraham* 5 . Embigh 2 . Pier*oil.... 17 i 8 r) Powell - 3 Pioletlo 64 Third Hallot. Noble 47 Piolelte.... 124 : Piaf lord 61 Piolelte w. nominated for treasurer, af ter w hi. h the cot.v. Ii >li adjourned al? 49 • | a. m. * I A dispatch wa* read in the convention! '. from the chairman of the Ohio stale ceii - tral committee in which thank- were Icn -1 d. red the democrats if Pennsylvania for ~'their platform and promising fial.txxi demo erMlie majority for Gov. Allen. Great enthusiasm follow. J the reading of this dispatch. Ju.lgc biwrie, of the Crawford judi- eial district, baa may the tliroat and drugged it ' forth to public view, and it is now tlirot- ' lli d to the delight of tlic people of the ' Umpire state and the edification of ' ticiaus all over the country. Judge Pershing is the same sort of man. He ' found a lot of county olllcials who had ' been misappropriating the people's money—just as.other olllcials are now doing in tiiis Common wealth —he set tin wheels of justice in motion and these dishonest otll 'ials have been lodged in prison to serve out their sentences, lie did not enquire a - to their polities or as to the policy of punishing them, lie Uncw tliat the law had been grossly vio lated and must be signally avenged. That Is the kind of a man to inaugurate Keforiu in ring-ridden IVumylvania. Judge Pershing i flic Tilden of Penn sylvania. His proper place is in the Executive Mansion at Harris burg, and the'people menn to plau I'lUq \ I \N lv slut th H H I.Hill INI Mi lu.txo BARKKLS OF Oil, III' UN Kl). Oil City, IV, Seplen her 1" At i >• o'clock tin* morning. tl> 11jtlit• nrt lru l i. ■ 'it,, ,i| the tank* belonging to tilt* I in|**ri M ~, J oil Refilling Company IIIHI' an " Hour thl place Tim tank contained aboti 5 I eight ilitiii.tnllit Imrrt'U "t crude peirolaun *1 which immediately ignited, and owing t< u strung lint tli w lint inevading at tin' tune :t!ii< ftr' nunutl nearly over their fiitiri lf f is.irk* 'l'll* lot* 111 oil, both crude ami refined jof which there w nearly forty lliinumii • barrel*, atol on the building* and uiacliin ' ■•rv aio) iron tankage ail! not fall iltul h ■■( two hundred thousand dollar*, M|ioi , i a lit, li there i* no insurance 'I 1.0 oil a til It* a ere one ul the moat ex itoiiaivo anil iuol perfect in the country !iul will be a!ino*l < nttruly destroy evening The lector of lilt ~ j American cottr|{ unit lliu lardiiial* act relarv accompanied. Two cardinal* and •ev t iat ptelalc* greeted bill! at the ball ol ' the throne. He wax immediately inhered - into the p |.i> ■ private n|>ar intent alien r In* liolynt*** rO*U and einbract-'l bun. i I lity remained alo.ie together tor ball an hour. I foil leaving the Vatican the car dinal wn again coin|i|iineiit<-tl hy the pre late*. I lie date I'.xed lor the holding ol the chvltlory I* the "Jlili Instead of the '.'.li ili-l , a reportetl y etlerday. f• ♦ • [ A fat.tl t .title diacate ha* broken out 4 , among several druves ol cattle near the 1 | Aucram Lead Miner, Itbinrhcck, N V. r , N early all have died. A l.oiid. 'l' *|. cial u\ - that after the I '.lb ' ol tin* luoiitb the latex ol charge- on t able iiie.-snge, from N. it York t itv and all t point* cast of Nevv York city, to the I til ted Kingdom and France, will be reduced to one shilling sterling per Word Tin* re. I'durtion w ill cover all kind* uf businea*. KllOk AND lIKHKLS HOI'TED. ■' St. l"etct*burg, September 7.—A tele gram ba been received trom tieneral Kaufman Coiumaiiding the Rui*n expe ■ jdtlion against Ivliokalid rebelx, niinouiic . ilig that a battle wa fought on the fourth . in-'.ant, when the Hur-uinx completely ile- I feat ml tb A force ot tbc rebel* numbering thirty thousand, wlu) oceuoied a fort I tied ' poxilion which ticuera! (iolovathotl storm ed. The enemy was pursued by fifteen vcrxU, aid many of them were killed and drowned in the Aiundarin river. Several - guilt and a quantity of other war material | were capluieJ. L"*es of Uuxiali* Were inconsiderable. General Kaufman will continue hix advance against the rebelx. i when lux mean* of !raiix|>ortaliuii arrive from Kadshent, ltru*elx. DAYLIfiHT BANK ROUHERY. Cincinnati, Setitciuber 0. A GaicUe* Huntington NY. Va special y ■ While Mr. Oncy, rtihlrrnf x bunk, vva* alone at noon to-day, three men entered, aud plac ing pistols at hi* head, compelled luui lu open the sale. A colored man happened in at tlii* moment and **■ also covered with • revolver and c-'iiuiianded to keep still, w Inch lie did The robber* *uccced ed Hi gettu g twstessioli ol >1 1 Utl with which Iht-y decamped. A confederate had hcrrs hi waiting An alarm was in stantly given and citixens and police •tar led ii. purs oil, but failed 11 overtake the robber*, who all escaped. \N hilr William Wat- m, of York coun ty, l'a , was crossing a cum held, hi* gun tin- accidcnla y discharged and hit lu- id blown to pieces III* d-sg guarded Urn bo dy for t; v e day*, driving away the birds that had code- led round it and timiily at. traded the attention of the neighbors by rutitiiug home, devouring a ha*ty meal ravenously and hurrying bat k to his watch. La*l wick a boy ah- ul cloven year* old wax set u in Maiden, Mat*., vainly eiidcaV oting to lead hi drunken father Inline. It would have be-on a hard and painful tar* at bc*t, but it wav made -loubly hard and painful by the fact that the son Was far drunker than his tire, / t ACTION AH pelt-!., ale hereby i .eulioiie-el against purchasing a note signed by me and payable to Andrew Har* t-r, for forty dollar*. Not having receiv ed value for the xaiiie*. 1 will nut pay it un isex compelled bv law-. 10 t. pt ;.t JOHN HARPER Valuable Farm for Sale. The fine and highly productive Farm of the undersigned, situate on th.. turnpike, about 1 mile w e*! of Spring Mill*, is offer c.l at private talc. It contain* about !•'* ACRES OF LAND, umlcr a high state of cultivation, and the grcatei part under po-l and rail fence, with all else ill the best oftlet • A targe two alory PBAMB HOUSB, I.ARUE KAKN, and all nrrr.nr)- Out buildings on the premises. Ail tin" build ing arv K'tsiti • new . and the house ha* recently bien papered and painted on the inside. It I* one of the Uioxl dioirablr lo cat. J farm* in Centre county, being bull mile from the railroad station. • mvenient to cliurche*. school*. tore* and mill* An abundance of good Timber a!* • cor. vent* • nt. For further information address JAM KS 1 FOKSTKK, 10 sept tf. Akron, Ohio. Simon Haines, CENTRE HALL Manufacturer of Cnrrlngcft. IliiKgii'*. a Agon**, Ac. I Of every description ; running gear for 1 ' all kinds of vehicle*, m ide to order, nnd in . fir*l vlux* manlier. Being a practical me chanic. I would WAHUANT ALL NYoKK to give satisfaction. Repairing ' promptly attended to at the lowest rale*. Unde'iaking, : Collins of all style* i innJe f undertaking attended to in all it branches KespftClfully foliciU a share af, t public patronage. 'J opt y NEW GOODS! —AT TUB— ;'J Centre Mills Store,■ J. F. THRONE lias just opened a fine Stock of GEN * ERAL MKUCHANDISK which he is selling af UKKATLY REDUCED PRICKS. ! i i Consisting In I DRY GOODS, ii ALPAOCAS, MOH AI Its, PIQUES, LAWNS, MUSLINS,; PRINTS. FLOUNTS, SHIRTING, TWEEDS, JEANS, COTTON A DlvS, FIN E CASS IM ERS. KMBORDEHIES, GLOVES, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, RIBBONS. and fancy articles belonging to the Grocery department Sugars, Coffees,! Syrup, N. Orleans Mollasses, Domes | tio ami Foreign Fruits, eve rything uaually found in tliis depart-1 incut. QUEENBW AR E, whole sets or dish es or by the piece. uitrci* mii I'V IIM fii in tiviis. WOOD and WILLOWWARE. HARDWARE. KOHKS, HAKES, SHOVELS HOES, NAILS. Ac. GENTS' CA |,K BOOTS, LADIES' BUTTON G\ITo US A MO ROOOO, CHILDREN'S' SHOE* of|nll kinds. TOBACCO A CIO A IIS, all at greatly reduced prices. Cull and er I >i \ oursel ves. No charge for showing good . HIGHEST I'll!* 'Es !• 11Hj,,, oil kii.il* of Grain, and country /'. ■ lin.takiu in u> changefar yogj*, I The iVashlngfon county Homo contai one hu dred is nil sixty inmates. The reception of the Army of lb" Cut ul berlaml took place nt Uticn on the 10, ul r '' Tins cleiueiiU ol the equinoctial tf Ml wore in the weather the other day. I" li i, slated in financial circles 111 l.ohdi ' that Hie State Lino Steamship Company Seriously involved. |j Mattiv Keller, a girl of Marcerburi i- aged II year* fell from a swing one da rl last week, and was instantly killed. A fatal cattle diseano has broken out l , Western New York, and tile farmers an > drovers ar much alatmcd tliercul. Tliu tsuminattoii ol Judge I'll tiling leci-ivcd with universal sal islat lio" by th - I teiio'c ratie party throughout lite Slate. flic Catholic bishops 111 Bosnia huv Iteeii iiutrutled to ue their infiuanco t '• j Ut-ililalu the paclficnlioll of the roh' lllot >** |pt>v iIH OI l' After the 16th Inst Anglo-Auieriinn c* ,l'tleratis will be "lie shilling sterling p> ( j • wurtl f MII N w York to points in Kng j land and France. A furious wiinl storm sivupt over th " town of Normal, 111., on Thursday, cau* ■ nig great damage to house*, barn* am " smaller building*. I, At Sliamokin, on I'J, a fight oc Curicd between leu men, and one them, felled hi* antagonist with a stout I hu man was carried home, fatally injur . ed ami died during the night According to published statement* th h summer which has just ended ha* beni ' •.■'cr by live degree* than? th averag seaion for eighty-vix year*. ■' An invention that would keep cloud* o dust Irom rolling in at the limit door o the dwelling would be atuio-l s great i blessing a* a street sprinkler, i* The steady yield of ore at the consolida ' ted Virginia silver mine, in Nevada, i worth Sk'.i** l per hour, or more than # li ev-ury two second* * What must be the condition ol tbingi J in Idaho. One of the territorial judge. . there ha- d.reeled the grand jury to indid > all saloon keepers who permit on theii j premises the playing of taid* for money j whisky, or any other staki *. j Sou.* young men in Falls N tiiage. Con., ps-rt'tvet' n,i bathing in the river, in full ■ vis* t viral families. At last theheadi of Uot. families captured the young men, paintsd hem in do*e imitation of bnrbet ( po'u * 1 let them go. I DEATHS. On IJ, in I'etiti township, of- chronic di ' srrhca, Mrs. Sally Kcrslt-tter, relict ol Leonard Korstettcr, jr., aged jilwul bb , year*. On the 'Jtkh of Aug. at /.ion, l'a, Mr. Jacoii Kaulinan ag- <1 'J Vtaas, •> month* ' and ti day*. On the 'jKlb ol Aug. at V\ ashingloii Fur nace, t'lintoii Co., Mr, Je->u (iladfeller, aged oo year*. On the 1-t ol Sept., at NitUny Hall, Mr. Andrew 1' Aiken, aged •'•(* year* and 0 month*. M A K h 1 A(j ES. On bv Hev. Fiacber, Mr Jolin Kin ern-k, of Hotter, and Mis- Annie Weaver, of (ifegg On k K -'.h ult .at Oak Hall, by ltev Robt. Haiuill, Mr Francis Pennington of Fil more, to Klixsbetb M Fulton ot Centre F urnace. MAHKKTS New York, September 11 Flour, ut>t-r 4 <15(4 'j ss* FUsur,common to fundi ilKit'i'A Flour, good to choice 6,- Uo vU NN heal. No 'i Chicago Spring. I li'sHl "JSJ; Wheat. No a Milwaukee 1 JO (I 1 SOJ KV C '.*J Corn, ststsra mixed *1 'nt 74 Oat*, s* elern mixed Wis U. Cof loi Ik'n lIH Kg** !-.}'v 'Ju Sugar, fair to u -•*(" -• S7j. NN bcai, O. tobet I l'.'j .c!l r Sept I loit-tl Ij|. Co.n, *llw Oct ■ ikh seller Sept 51') Oat*. s-!ter Set't Sfsi; seller Oct I Sy.- i-ller Sept TP-. 7'.* liar lay, teller Sept I Oij. PHILADKLPiII A. Flour, ex lain sUsrits Js' High grades 7 75fc" Vt NVhcat, new I ilUfal -Ft, old red 1 40(4,1 4'l. Corn, western mixed ~,'lQ 73" yellow 7'Jft>74. t>als, wrstern mixed 4ft ' il K I.I.KK' N I K MAKKhTS. vVtiiie sYheat 15 Hi-J 110.... HycfW 70 Clo rcrsced S.UJ Potatoes II LnrU per poun>l A. Pork t>er poundOC Butter'A Kgg*l& Plaster perton ill Tallow ft Bncer.lO Ham 15 Lard per pound S cent* Buck wheat liicu., Fnsur per barrel i<-tai17,00... Nova Scotia pln*ter >l4 to li. Cayuga plaster J ',oo per 7SOOO lb* IN THE ORPHAN R COURT OF CBN* TKKtOINTY. in the matter of the estate of A. J. Y-- log. dee'd. the auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the ba.ance in the hand* of the adminittrator* among the parties legally entitled toreceire the same, w ill u)o*-t the parties lnlre*ted for the pur pen ot hi* appointment, on Tuesdav the tw nty-vightn day >f September, A D. ■ li*7i"i. at two o'clock-, n. m. Nt hi* office in Retletonte, J. L. SPANfiLKH. r j Oaepttd. Auditor. 1' A CTION. All person* *'* hereby Vy cautioned againxt pureha-ing a note, „ signed bv me and dated August 111, 1(*75 01 . l)ier< about*, as no' signature was obtained l' satue under false pt etc nee, by a gentle man calling himself Taylor, but w-hicb 1 have reason to believe is an assumed name ; the taid Taylor bring a dealer in what lie calls Kgvptian wheal. '.l ~pt ,;t UKOKGK WOODS, * Spring Mills. U NION SQUARE, N. Y. i'.uritpcitn Plan. A SEI.KITKIRUT I'I.ARS HOTKt. la lh> bmrt of . •utni#tit t %ll HMW of InmAnOl . itj ftlrok. •!- Mafi* ft'rr-rt car* Im thr do -r r •! •lUlear.L t frill** aj.J wT 4l>qU j i.unD(iiiU e J. I . I HOhT, l*r\|iictot. M|t Un FOH FALL PLAKTipO i H \ Fruit and Ornamen- Ul Tract, Evergreens, Ornamental Shrubs, I'liinhing Plants, flrapet, Currants, I Liooscln tries, Strawberries, Raspberries,; nd other small Fruits, Asparagus, Rhu barb" Ac. SEEDS FOH FALL SOWING is 1 Q I Q Orchard, Ivv. Blue. llcrd>KJv v/VlkJ i lt< d Top), Clover, Timothy and other Grass Seeds : Turnip Seeds of all kinds; Vugetabla gnd Plawa deed); Hedge and tree Seeds Bt LBS—lJva cinth*. Tulips, Croous, Lilies, and other Bulbs for Fall planting ; Horticultural Goods, Terra Cotla Warn, A-'. Send for price list, or enclose 26c for full illustrated Catalogue. Address EDW'D J EVANS A CO., Nurserymen and Seedsman, York, Pa. I'.i aog dm. Headquarters for Boots am) Shoes ! P O XV E R S' BOOT ANO SHOE STORE, Opposite Rhs)t IJomSG, BELLEFONTE, PA. Powers' 800 l A Shoo Store i the largest and best stocked cstnbli-hmeiit in Centre County, He keeps constantly on hand a full line of II O O T S A \ l> S II O K N. He is lust opening the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to Bcllcfar.tc. £ 3 IN £ 3 >J D £ § for Initios, kopl constantly on hand. Boots and Shoes for mon nml women, of all styles, quality and prices, from the most costly to tho.cheapest, constantly kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either iu quality or prices. Call ami exauiiuo his new stock of Spring ami Suumicr CjooiL, nml you will tlml it to your advantage. A pr'2ll v JOHNSON'S HOI'EI 7, IIKI.I.KVONTK, I'A. Johnson A Stm's. proprietors having relitlcd and nowl.v furnished this house an now prepared to accommodate traveler! in the most igtUt'actory manner. STORK, NF.W WOW AM Panic Prices lu 11. A. Ist It It I MF.lt. rni at the old Centre Hill stand. Just opening ailock of 7. NEW HOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICESt *' A largo variety of •' I.ntlifs Dreu Ooodi Great Bargxiiis ill i, t Mtialius nud Cnlicoea nil Heady-made Clotliinc Wttiranted to Buit ~ iiia Cloth* and Cassimerf, h> Cant be excelled His Grocery Department. t , %*tonl*hc# every one lii nsrortineiil and low u , price*. -yrup, Suger, Tea. Coße**. Canned fruila, Douiestic ami Foreign Fruits, Cheese, and every other article belong, v ing to the Grocery Depatt- K m c 11 t e-tf Farmers, Mechanics and j-aborer* j look to your interest One dollar saved i< 1 dollar In pocket. Then tall and see at • what astonishingly low prices. N.. trouble to show (food*."•4 Also the choicest Fauitv Fuii'k al j- way* on hand. Apr. 10, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DKALKKS IN " I'VHE uuvas AND MEDICINES, 1 CUKMICALS, OILS, DYK HU FFS PKHFI MKKY. NOTIONS, FANCA A HTICI.Ks J ' FOE THE TOILET, ' Ac.. Ac. Ac. a I*l at: WINK AND I.KM lilts, for .medicinal purpose* Tt uaeca tt' Supporter* in great variety. Also, choice CIGAUS AND TOBACCO, ' and all other article* usually kept in a first class Drug Store. „ Prcarriptioua carefully Compounded. I, oct tf MILLER A HOB. • BTSATTY THE BEST IN USE afirSand .tamp far Circular. DA MEL F BKA'ITk. , t NVaalitnglou, New Jt-r*ev. NEW YORK t - BUANCII STORK, McClaib'* Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, I Bellefonte, Pa. 11. II KM WAN A CO., Prep'ra. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, KMBKOID EKIES, WHI I E GOODS, LA CES. NOTIONS A FAN CY GOO DB. BTKICTLY FIRS T-C LASS GOODS Ik-low tlif I sua! Pricrti. '• Nov 12 if. . r ft. WILADV. t. A ftl- ftt ft ft SUcAfc WILSON & HICKS, ' NVHOLKSALK AND RETAIL HARD -1 WAKE DEALERS. IRON, PAINTS,OILS, GLASS,AC Builders Hardware COACH MAKER'S GOODB. CABINET MAKERS STOCK. \ Stoves of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS, &C. WILSON A HICKS. Bellefonte, Pa. " NOTICE.—We will sell to rwspouaiblej . men on three month* credit. Will take off 5 per cent for ca*h which is equal to 'Jft ' i per cent, per annum 11 will pay the pur ■■haser to borrow at 10 from other parties. . if be can save in buying from us. In this 1 way a o can turn our money and sell low • tr. Mar 15. tL JO II A' ( AMP S Furniture Rooms, n! MILUOY, MIFFLIN CO., PA. Extension Tables, Chamber Suits, Fined* Common Furniture, • Coni-ting in part ol BUREAUS, BED 1 STEADS, CAIN and WOOD SEAT d CHAIRS. " The public generally arc invited to call and *l buriaoss entrusted to uim. iui2,'o£t ( d"U II M I~N GS 11 ou s r V o-o AJ Bellsfoste. PA ISA AC M 11.LK R, Proprietor. The Cummings House, on lti-hop street, is one of the plcasanlest located hotels in the town II has the best stable* in the place, has an e|p9llont llyi-O' Attach jd and every atteulioii will be paid guests. N> pains will ho spared to make it a pleasant and Hgrocable stopping pUco for liio pub lie. Boarding by the day or week, and rates charged will always bo found very low. June 1". Excelsior Cement The undersigned now manufactures Ce jmont WARRANTER OF A JUTKHIOR 'll'ALnk, at his kilns, mutr Pine I Creek MiH. in Haines twp. This eomant I lias already been used in large quantities | Ipon thu L. C. A S. C. Kit . and has been I round highly satisfactory upon all jobs I where it has been used, and as equal to any now mi ,|L> S-tf)l'ly tuforiu the cit ixonj of thik \j inily, timl he luu started > ntiw Hoot and Shoo Simp, mid would b< i thankful for a share of the public patron ago. Boots and Shoos made to order and according to stylo, and warrants his work (to equal any nude elsewhere. All kindt of repairing done, and charges reasonable Give him a call. fch 13 ly Chas- H. Held, t inek, Uulfliitiuks rsi Mill hfi m, Ouire Co., Pa. .il! kind- ot Clocks, \\ ate lies and Jewehq jof the latest styles, n- also the MaranvilL l':.|.*iil t'aleiiucr ('locks, provided with * , complete index of the month Hiid day o. . the month and week on its face, vyhL'V L j warranted as nperfegt limp-keeper. jtSfplowks, Vyatchos and Jewelry jg paired e& th&n nutken&d w*rrgta, ■—ass——* fj \ FOR MINEB, ' ■ J \ Deep Well Pumps, ,i m if\ If Cistern Pumps, Anti-Frezing Pumps. u" mw u a\ i"** 4 * y% }} t*"* 1 * 6 IUMt,,> f*** uu AAA A""""a rwiT j Irrrrf fmi Imam 'I ' a C(i A A % I* II L I #; . Founder*, aud Manufacturers of the CELEBRATED . Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. • 6 %.5 c ttdfar illustrated catalogue aud price //#'."VaC - J. B. SHERIFF &so:?/]s£ AMD 7A3D NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, ' BKH.EFO.VTE. PA. r GREATBAKGAXS AT THE HARD-L , WARKSTORKOF (J MUSSER & RUNKLE 8R05.,: Mtllhelm, Pa., i 4 Wu< luaii WD Retail Dealke* M XI u HEAVY*SHELF HARDWARE. rhoy hare juat returned from the Eastern J CiUet, where they have purchased a we!!' selected stork of HARDWARE. Cutlery, Irox, Nails,, Oils. Paists. Varnishes, Puyyy, jt n UILDERS