niint'##tonrrd—H. A. .MINOLL, —J.N. HALL t kroner —DR • J OS. ADA MS. Audi tore —JOS. GILLILAN P. —A. J.GHEIST. CYRI'S 1.. PKKSUIS'H. This gentleman is the nominee of tin domocracy for governor. If then- i an honest, pure and upright man iu the x'Li Keystone state, Mr. IVrahing i* thai man. His private life, his five year.- re cord in the state fogislatnre, his puritx as a judge, furnish the uiixhvubled evi xtence of what we here allege of the dem ocratic standanl bearer in this cam paign. The writer of this enjoy- a personal aoquaintancc with Mr. lYrshing, having, served with the distinguished gentle man in the lower house of our stale leg islature, and we can vouch for it—and the record will bear us out —that he nev er east a vote for a single job or a cor rupt measure. His voice was ever on the side of right and his vote without ex ception against hills which wets- *r. ag and detrimental to the interests xf thx commonwealth and pregnant with wrong against any class or portion of its citizens. Mr. Pershing was the leader on the democratic side of the house during histive years honorable service in that body,—and a safer and clearer headed legislator was not in either branch. His integrity and incorrupti ble nature gained him the respect and esteem of men of all parties, and the distinction he won on this account, just ly made him the idol of all who obtserv ed his course as a member, covering the period of ISfil to 1865 when he repre sented the county of Cambria in the lower house. Mr. Pershing's integrity and ability were such that the people of a distant anxl the largest county of the state — Schuylkill—by their spontaneous and united action chose him as their lVx-*i dent Judge, and his faithful administra tion of justice in that turbulent and law less section has been so eminently satisfac tory, that the peopletff the entire state have learned to honor anil esteem the man. His last notable actioii upon the bench was the recent sentence of the three corrupt commissioners of that county—two democrats and one rvpub liran —for misapplying the funds of the county in the building of a bam for the poor house, of which we gave the par tix-ulara iu a previous issue of the Repor ter. Here, then, democrats aiul republi ' cans—honest men—is a man who de serves your suffrages. Tried, Mr. Per shing has been found true and faithful. We are proud of him as our standard l>earer. He has been an hogor to the slate. He will make an upright execu tive, who will not permit corruption to raise its leprous hands so long as lie oc cupies the chair honored by Francis It. Shank. We know Cyrus L. Pershing, and defy any one to successfully contradict what we say of him. or point to a single act of the man's life that is a discredit to him. His record x-an be seen —his words and votes are there—his administration of justice is yet fresh in the memory of all, these all stamp him as the man for Un people. Let the people be true to them selves by voting for Cyrus L. Pershing for governor in November. In another column will be fottml the j,rx>ceedings of the democratic state coii .ention, held at Erie, last week. Har mony and good feeling prevailed and the convention dixj its work well. The body was composed of the l*-? material in the democratic party and but one spirit actuated the delegates—the nomi nation of men for governor and state treasurer of known honesty, integrity and purity of character, whom evert- cit izen, who has the good of the common wealth at heart, can vote for. And that is the character of the men placed in nomination. All eyes were turned to Erie with the hope that the conven tion would present men whose election to the highest ami most important of fices in the state would be a guarantee that ring rule and plundering should cease, and that the state might be placed in honest hands. This hope was not in vain. It was John P Hartranft who assisted in putting through the mon strous Evans swindle, by which the state was robbed of over three hundred thou sand dollars, anxl the plunder divided among the ring. Hartranft is up for re election, and every honest tax-payer should remember this big steal when lu votes in November. Democrats, it is now time to organize" thorooghly. Wx must have a change of adiuinistration at Ilarrisbtirg. The Cameron ring has held power too long already ; its corrupt practices are notorious ; the jxeojile sigh for a change ; the democratix: nominees for governor anxl state treasurer are good and true men, and they can le elected by an overwhelming majority if every democrat does liis duty. The radicals in their platform pro claim against giving away more of tlie public domain to corporations. Too late now ; that party, since it has been in jKiwer, has donated to thxjse corporations all they have of lands, running up to several hundred million acres, and now there is precious little left. The portion thus given away free gratis, was the very cream of our public domain, and settlers now must pay them a big price if they wish to have an acre of it to btiihl a hut upon for their families. This plank in the Hartranft platform is a piece of the most impudent bypocriev to draw the xvool over the eyes of honest voters. 11 was radical Congresses that voted away our public lanxls, and a radical president signed the bills. The delegates representing this coun ty in the Erie convention, were Col. Jas. F. Weaver and Maj. Harry Forster —the latter substituted by Hon. J.G. Meyer. The Erie convention was harmonious, and the desire a>f all was to nominate good men. We arc pl*a-et a few short months in examining iut>> tin affairs of foreign insurance uipann doing business in this state. Ilurtr.inli jxermitteil this rixbberx Now Mann o the principal Hartranft stump spi-akei Is that strange? Hartranft was Auditor general an* could hax e stopped the Kvan- mi nolle by which the state lost flUat.iHKk It w.i his duty to interfere hut he belong, to the ringthat dix id. .1 the therefore he |>crmitted the -xx .udle to g. through. , The Philadelphia Telegraph.a ixjuib lix'au organ, -peak- thus . f N|r Per siting : Judge IVrshing is a tuan who com mauds the sincere re-just and entirx twnfi.lenee of the whole cxuniuttirity. Hi i- no |Hhteiau, in the ordinary accepts tion of the term, hut a eitiwn if l.r.x public spirit, xx ho has alwax smauifi -n> in whatever p.-ition he ta- e earnest a:<• ;H ' im hi whole duty with Ml f liberal culture, and tit..ik ed ability, he xx..-. iin.jin :i :...blv r . ln-st choice xith i- I the ~x. . x crnor. I .x- noil .nation ->t - t excellent .. inc. 1 a< Pershing. for govern, r, ha- l frightened llartranfl and the Lamei u ring. Ami well it may. Tli. jH.-ph will go for Pershing Tin y L .Xi h.ui a true ami (aitli: il sx-rvMU a i x:' the px-ojih l'l.-. u, tma---u n.- > a'!- and what is best >fal!, upi. iht . hones:. The excellent uouiinatioiis c.t I Pershing ami Piolett have froreu tin ! hopes of Hartranft and the ri .* hex 'he hopes of a th. xx. Ex-Judge Morri-, Tilt.ui's xa-uii . 1, busy preparing his jxajH-rs for the-ecuml trial in the case against Bcecher. Mi Peurso.i. another xf Tilton's counsel stated this tuxxrniug that the action xx.,.- , a bona fide one and that the x-aso xxa- . Xx*. -fit ou the calendar, anil will l-e reached about the thirxl Momiay of tln present month. , CYRI'S 1.. PERSIIIXO, the Democratic nominee fx>r gx>vertu>r i was born February 3, 1*75, at N town, Westworelaiid county. His jsi- ! rents possessed but liuiitexl means, and his educational opportunitix -were con- I fined to the meagre common school- ..t ' that day, until he became x>ld enough t. earn money to educate himself. By lus own industry a. a clerk and teacher, hx sustained himself at Jefferson College, where he graduated with the highest honors in IM>. The follow ing year he I entered the office of Judge Bhix-k at Somerset to study law. and was admitted to the lar in LSSO, when he returned t<> Johnstown, where his family had re* tnoved. and commenced the practice of 1 his profession. He soon became suxve—- ful at the bar, atixi in isoti was nomina ted as the Democratic candidate fx>r Congress agnin-t Col. John U. Kdie. The district was Hejutbh.-an by over 2,- um, but he reduced the majority to 2M In ISAS he was apiin uominaled, but went down with the tide that >wx j>t hi pirtvotuof power that year, and Mr. Blair defeated him by s.'-nie nl thx>ugh he let! his ticket. In lNd hx- j was elected to the legislature, an.l xx.i re-elected in Im-J. is<;j, ami lv." He served during the whole jwrioxl < the war and made a most p.tri ti rx cord,always giving u cordial and ixn - entious support to the government. In 1569 lie was nominated by tin- Demo cratic State Convention f>r Snprx-n- Judge, but w.i- defeatc-1 J Igx Packer, the nominee for Itovx-rn-ir. In <>etober. IST'i, he was electee! I'resi.len' Judge ofs, hnylkill county by tln- sj-on taneous action of the people, without re gard to j>arty. and his fai.hful a 'n.ini-- tra tion of justice in that L.wle-- re_i •. lias attracted tlie ..ttention <>f the j pi of the Stat' 1 to his faithful attribute - .. citizen and a judge. He is a gentleman of must spotl. life, auxl his integrity i beyond the a--.mlls of even the n. -t tnaiiciotis. He xvill certainly be a very formidable competit.r for General ll..rt ranft, an I enlist the positix*e reform ele ment of the State very larrely in hi- - port. The .Republicans of Clinton county nominated the following ticket: r-.iin ue! Christ, Esq., for dtate Sx-nat -r, with power to select his own conferee*. >lu-r --iff, Ellis Myers ; County Treasurer, L. W Dunn ; Commissioner*, Nathan Sterner and W". A. White; District Attorney, W. C. Ilollohun ; Auditors, J. W, Hutch inson and 0. S. llouti. Samuel Cliri-t was elected chairman of the county x'oin uiittee, J. G. B. Kiusloe as Representa tive delegate to the State Convention, E. P. M •Cormick as Senatorial delegate to the National Convention, H. 'J'. Har vey, as Senatorial delegate to the State Convention, with power pj select their own conferees. Westervelt, on trial in Philadelphia for his connection with the abduction of Charlie Itoss, is getting gradually en meshed in a web of circumstantial testi mony that lie can hardly break away from. The evidence of the detectives convicts them of such blundering fa cilitated the escaja- of the criminals whom tlicy were seeking for. VICTOR E. VIOLETT. Victor Entile Piolett is of French ex traction, ami was born in Wysox, Brad- ' ford county, in ISI2. His education, was obtained at the ordinary schools of that ! section of the state, fifty years ago. It 1 was solid ami practical, ami fitted bin. 1 for the occupation he chose for lite—that ' of a farmer. Being a good speaker ami ' I early gaining the respect and coufidem ' of the democrats of Jlradford county, he ' was electexl to the legislature in 1810, 1 and again in 1847. During the last ses- ' sion John C. Knox and himself led the ' democrats against the opposition with ' fearlessness and ability. -Still continu- ' ing iu the democratic party, Mr. Piolett 1 was nominated hy that organization and the Grangers for congress in l-SW, ami beaten by Air. Mercur by J,'*" majors- : ty. In IW>B lie was renominated for the same place, and against the same gentle man. This time he ran the majority in ' the district down to 311. In 1572, being the third time put upon the track, he 1 failed to secure an election, as in the ' other cases. The district is one of the strongest republican portions of the state. When the war broke out between Mexico and the United States in 18-pi, Mr. Piolett was appointed paymaster, 1 which place he held till the close of the struggle. He is now engaged in farm ing ami stock raising in his native coun ty. He occupies a leading jxisition iu the Granger organization of his stale, and is looked upon as ong of the solid Alien of northern Pennsylvania, 1 LV EX I EXsH'E LEXER) We are not oftlu>M\saxs the Morning Patriot, whxv would pursue a niggunllx policy xx i 111 regard to the siilhih- of pub lic functionaries or the apprxipraitiou of mxxtiex tx> cuahle tin in to livo Llx- entlx in-1 x\nufortahlv, Nxxr are xx utimiml t'nl of the fact tluit fri -jtiontlx dc-igning lemagxtgnx's attempt t-> plax u|s>ii tin -iinplx- and frugal tastes of the imhistri il x'la—x-s !-\ tlx-, liiitilillg n-iost xx bat ttu x style tin-e\-es-ive saltirix - xxf | id lie official-. Put I hx're i- fx-asou iu all thing- ami tlu-rt' is or i>tiglit to l>, a u a - -liable limit to tin* pax ami |>i-ix|ii| .iii - • t public -xiv ant- Nix. tli.u- IthottM Is-no |H-njuisites at all. foi umb i that heaxl max W -uiinnctl up pix tlx nitii' all tin* x \trax agam-t al-11-x - ami tln-tt xx In, I. attaxh lxHi-ati<>iisli uLlei .! t'hex sllxUlhl Is- xtbligx-d to live |I|HI| -it It tivt-.l all -xxam t -"ami u ■ otli. iap propria!ion of the public inoiu .x ssh- uLI < in.-xL for tin u U'in lit, \\,- have Irx'eh letl to this tram of thought l-x an examination of the axvxmutix on tile u. the Au.lilorGeneral's office fin the re irui-hing --lilii- I utixe in l.s. J uilxl l't>r retitu.g ami retarin-luag ix- -auii'ill t >?4. Iu tin- gonei I appi • t istioit bill I t 1873 there xxa- m.-ertxa th foil -wing its ui; ' For t-irni -hitig tin L\t. ulixe Mansion, T'-.xsG, oi -t uio h tl.x-reol .--in x Iwbm- xiry, llix-liill- i i iie -ante t•be .. . ted by tlu> Auu i ed : ls.'i yard* AMuiii -tx-r curj. t j.-l .'.st Brussels " l'H o<> :il* " Plaid I.ttiett 134 Kl Vu. ...I.t |Uxl f. I iiu j f I.' -,-. I r d-. in. ts etc. 1 living nirjK-t-. freight, •* li t 23 ' utfnV.tdc. u !0 yards heavy xlrot- fr.oge ",s,i j 225yard*double intcrl . is 77> —i " satin lining 4SUi As " fancv broxiule liorxlx r 3tU 5"! bl " "gimp 414b making long curtain.- " - • lutubrcxpiimt 85 on -S yurvl- citron figured 1-rxwndc b>2 bb -s " all.-ilk tstrti head fringe .>.13 '• 2*T " xhnible iiiterhniiig i3 |b :ui " satin lining 57 rib tSi " faiu'y brxH-.iile U-rtL-r 43s ,'si i Alj " '■ gimp " IS 311 ti making long curtains t'3 on t " drajxeries 45 t*i 24 all llk ta—el- l'.'2 Ob 12 " fuux-y IxH-p- bit Ui lbyM-fancy eorxl for'piuuo mxer 'im 10 " lining 3 7ai I making piano cover 12 3u 1 uiexlallion satin graml jianox --v --er 17 '-t 75 var-l- (amy satin '.'3 75 so " xlrab satin 100 00 Making -l| fxr 2 l> >/x 11 t hair- nil 1 piano stiwil. sot*', W'a-lung lace eurtin- 37 •'*' Labor 35 im j Mistvllaneous t-xj-ens- 3S It Total 843154 4 Deduction made to bring bill ' within appropriation 211 Sb ft. 142 L- AxMbill for carjH-t* 1.887 So The amount appropriated and ex|Hnded fti.ctai- #b.U*l bb In the general appropriation bill for !-71, in cur- another item of $5,510 07, f--r x xjieu-e- incurred by the sujM riiiteml ent of Public Buildings ami Gr> un-ls, which expenses, according to the A'.ali tor general's report for 1574, were "f -r repairs to the Fxeentive Mansion." in thx' same appropriation bill we find an other item "f $4.1 U5.35 r "axlxlituiual exjH-n-x- in refit ing Executive mansion per hill.- rendered." The Audit->r G-i:- t r.d'- rx-js-rt for ls7i . show- that the S .ite Treasurer jeiid f4,4'.s3jt' f--r rx titing Executive m-.n-ion, being u deficit iu - run r ajtproj riatioll JerAx t of May 11. is 74. The cost, therefore, of refiling ami refurnishing Ru- F.xecutivt Man-ion for the ye I s ""3 ami 1574,l 5 74, was f 1-5,M3.27. v conaidenble portion of thMexpe dilutes was made uudvr thedirc ti -n -f tlie late of I'ill !-<• 1". ing" ondGmunds vxli- fib i his voucii en for the same ir. tl- proper dej t# incut. We are informed, however, the! some of th- -e vouchers ii..-i|>j-x fr- ni the Auditor Oeniraltjntßceln f--rc j General Temple tt k jx>-se--ion. Their mysterious disapjcaranee h-.-d- t-> the -u.-j-icb-n that at a i ;ti u of i'.- alleged x-xp'-nditures fur refiling the I x ecutive mansion may have Wen made f-r soni * other purj-ose than tin im pr -vcment or adorntm nt <-f thx gulier nabirial residenx - . tif x ar -■ this • us picion may not he m-U rr-untied, the executive xlepartnient mti-t - i. -• c >ne liorr. or thcothx rof its dilcn.a. l! mu.-t either i-oifx to a-i extravagant outlay of the public money in refiling ami furni-hing the lixemtive inaii ion, or it must admit that oth er exjienst * which it -l- x - not hoose to -livulge are covx rexl l-x the jmyuients from the treasury here notcil. 5Ve de air- to-1--no injusticj to Gov. Hurt ran ft, nor to any one connecte-1 with hi- a-l mi ii i-t rat ion, but we are ct-notraincd t say that either the Executive uiuiision has W-sime an expensive luxury orsome b-Miv has charged bills to its account which could not stand the test of an ail-l it oil their <-w u merit*. JEFF. IA VIS .11 7///; EA //-'. St. Louis, ScptemWr S.—Jefferson Davia delivered au niliiress at the agri cultural fair at De Soto, Mo., to-day. There wax a large crowd pic-ont. Mr. Davis was w<*!l received, but no notable demonstration was made on the occa sion. Mr. Davis o|tened his apcecli by ex pressing much pleasure in meeting the jK-ople of a section of tlie country xxilh which he was well acquainted many years ago, ami felt rt-joice-l at its growth and its prosperity. He came, ca-ne, he aai-l, not to -lis- uss the <|uestious which vex the mind ami disturb the harmony which prevails among the peo ple. If there are any who still entertain feelings of niali- eor cherish bitterness on account of the past, let us, withdraw from such. He declared that whatever migbt'be tlie machinations of politi cian*, whatever the views of p-oli- y ami designs of State-craft might desire l>- consummate iu regard to the future, Un people -if the great Mi—issijipi valley an one ami mustalways retu.iinoiie people, in interest, in destiny ami in social form and material progress. N'- man. no course of policy, no deep designs of ambitious men could everdissever them. In all the future tliey xvotil 1 surely stand tugether, The great rivi-r bound them together by tie- stronger than any that politi :s conl-1 ever invent, ..mi from tliesour-'e to tiie in tutli; the !-•■- jde who dwell iu the valley must i united. He then spoke at considerable lengtij uj-on the vast agriculttira! re courecs of the -> mnfry, and tin futuiv development of comtucrce of the .Mi - sissipt-i valley ami its great ndvaulagxs, and its imporUiin-e to the nation, lie predicte-i t lint lite time would soon e-um when fleets of Iron hat-wmil-l float doxvn the mighty Mi. is i:-; i, hearing a cotnaieree greater than th.tloflhc whole World. But aiittle while ago, in view of the vast possibilities of thi.s great valley, hu jtdVxtv'dted the building of a unjvetm- Tv which slmuM nerve to confer tin J highest cilucutioii ii|Htn (he 'img men' of the valh x Tito great population t which iii i-l s i.'ii 111 in ililn i ich re I gum wii! Km. I ot xx ill he I ml, according, (>• the-t;.lu ■xxlm h they mux maintain j ill moiitiil culture. Mi Duvin aUo nigcl the• uthevtity of dirvet tratio xxuh I n rope, ami itv-crtoil that ape, ie rcatimp lion xx .is itnprueti *;thle until our px|uirtr< e\eeexl Olir illl|>ort lie also .I."dared that t'oncrisw hacr.itt • Stfx'.e I'utiveiiti 'i> Th private \. ere ii.- orx v .| tin lath, a net) the | ir po l.tx ext luaU elv . rcupicl by ddcgalc- Vt sw> txfe t.'elts It, Jolni M.l r, Chair . el t I (he 11. i tile Sl tte X .inlliUt. he Conv 'ill.ox to ttrti. i At this nit I -tago Wat lllltat \. illi prumiiiviit | it# and reproMntativM of the' |*i , !• • xti I x St eieU.i c* an. iliu'til, 'tl r une, i lit. I. -.lowing |n r * " :i I X' X S. ei-el x : I C t ' . > !' 1' \ SI all, A tvt. .1 l:.o eh. on.a . '.attal that the br*t buri '•■ si , iut r xx;.- the pp. intuitu, tof i. It'll; pc x , \ ela.t Ilia' Mi . M j. McOrnth ot Pti t x 'U! .y. '■! . ii x. J; u. . t Lehigh. Ihe Seeriiai.. mile i ;h. r a ...ut'i .Ut xj,i : a I:. ej a, follow* .' Jawe* Kllii, I.Ci I John D. Sliita. tV ( On in <,• Air. :• i, ■ t.i • -u .i I M I.lis XX ■ 111,.J all ami; ,S MI . ex- j I - ri ito l . hail i.x t. ~fs. ; , M j Oral.l 1 |x, XI xvlxi:. I, tixitxl it blurt add res . A i.x .alt i xxax Mtitxpleti, tel. rrnig all r> - til ..ii. loth, i.uuii'.lco xxil tut rem!' nig, or debate, thu. rutting off di*cu--xoti oil l .tl I X S..iu!|.X||. A II a ion xx ;x- u.lopt ■ 1 c.xi ling xipori del egalion* from vttrioux oixtriei. n< report Hit naiiiex ot numbers en varum* com mit lee*, atld Stale ConilU lice II Xx a* ixrxit rod, xxller .mo dxscuvvti-n, ini committee# of one from each Senator ial district be appoint, d on credentials,, permanent organisation and reo!uli. :.s t Villillllttee i II i* Solution*. ih. t tutn.l'-t e .1. it. . ,t.o! - xx. . U'i tiouneed a- follow. Waali. It tjuigly, t * eo. >1 Lri.iias, Fdwrnti Tiernan, luae I 'll XVix; Mtl.r .ili, l.x'.la> * i.. .- i -rs, ti- XV Alef . ary. 11 It A ten, John It 111 .l, (i.sxfge It a., A 1. Ale cona, Janiex Boyd. Henry ShsffWr, Geo NaU'iiaii. l.ewu ll.t a, Win 11 u.loo, II l". Si aX'ely, John A Jeii't, Juarph iltmphiil, Wtix V.. Mat. n, lltudi'tk It Wright, It A tireenaxaall, KJxxurd llt-n --s, I 1$ ltr.icLy. Walter Mi. rs -J, h It 11 a xx-ley (xeorge W Ityan, J -eph IKetoxre, Thtixa* J Foster, F. \V llughex, John A. Ma gee, Ji,lt llraiin. K. Bruce Pel. liken, S. K Pe.x'.e, F I' 1 lerf.ey, W Hartley, Kennedy 1.. lllt d, Jaiucs M, liutl.y, Israel Painter, Wiii 11 Pmnter, Jai*xL j; ,r, Samuel Alx Kx W I*. Lup'o n. I:, i' s .aycr, John A Harsh, Win It. .'unlap. Kd. I (iarvui, A It Iwt ilaher, I* W. H itehins..n, >l. N At i ten. Tl.i :.• r. : unite .n | erm>.nxnl xr ganinat on a; d . .ntetled s. .tt e*re alx.x , aiin. jiici d. Iha Convention nt xi.r.. adj..urn 1 until lour P AJ. Tax l liX'el lion s en'.b t |x t.ler at I v !] : . 11. i>. li. 11 .. • n l'x t.l ( .o.i lxli.ll. 1 Air. Mil* . from the Commitl. •• on Per a! nl i'r/ tii'.aiti. ii, it j- r;. !U> n. 11. u ii V.'r , I. i Air. Wright tin rt..l : - the xtxge . takir-a the chair ymt •! Ix- At; Li f . , I'd ! C*'XVx i:t'. - ;al .'jtßliaiiy 6. Ati.itx -a -if th- iVrtuni.-t Chttirtnati. ft ii ■ xi t tht f , i lit ; . I return to yx u my *iiu. rc thank* for the honor j y u l.avo C'xeifeirml t>n inc. Although 1 j ..axe frequently i ecu called on in my own i Slate-, and on one occasion by the IJ. tiio-' i cracy f the nation t 1 pi ide over lh< I ") ch iherat u*, still, under existing ciri uttj • j * , I feel d ably honors dhy my • tu ..Lien. It i tux at..bit. in tv u the (Jov t . the S.Hli - ..:.J iia'.iwn paced bm Axv .re il jai.iu.eey belong- Tuat t :. oii.pii-b. d, my mission, so far m M;IV I contief:: wit', i Mil leal it flu in igennccrn . >d. will be to 'cd I want nothing mora,] a i a., i.un .n probability, I 11. nix I • ' ill lix-. : • (A;.plan* • Hi:', gn lb ix.. ti. I i n'l xxan'. t xnppi ir aiiixxng yon sr. iigurvhead. 1 haven few opim ion* i my own I deir.- to exprt ii"l in ilio spirit . : dictation, i.ut o fiicnd t" ■ frittnl Win II exiit-iiioring grnx o quest ons, tin • ruling feature that should govern the C-n j vent ion nhoulu bo h <1 o* irc to harmonixe ■ ail ninUert in xiexx of the great end we have before us. A- to the candidates, 1 . liaxc no choice atuong the several gentle men named. Give mo a good man, "f un exceptionable character and correct prim eiplxo n.l 1 will he satisfl d. Having this object in view, let ii * act in a spirit of con. cc--ion. Let the question bo, not which one of the lie n -Hnll be nominated, but j xvliali I will be content to heartily -up| .rt any ot the distinguishtd gentlemen named- Thu fact stand* out in hold relief that there has been no comhi na'.i n hert to free either worthy or un worthy candidates on tho Coiiventi -n. That is cncouri'giiig. Then let our eyes be liked on tho purpose ami that the prosp.'r ity and glory ot the country anil the main ti'tinncoof the Constitution and the promo tion of the greatest gooxl t-> the greatest mini her of the human family. ® There tdiould be no diflercnce* of opin- 1 ion either on the subject of tho platform to! 1 be adopted, but • -ii this point 1 have a lewj words of ndv iw, not in the spirit of dicta lion by any means. It Ini* been the mis sion of the Democratic party since I cum* munoed voting, in xv "xitno f trty years ago. t ' make an J maintain gold and silver to the <"oi>i:ti:f inid currency otllieconiitry j 1 laxud and cot.tin ted applause). That I no. It. .'ii it* uiosion, and, gentlciiien, let us all litre that ohjeot us tho ultiiiiute olid i.- Do not hasten il, so that it will lead to tin- dxxtruction of tin- inter. n- to r.'tunio to nmr row, tli. party vv uld die and the eoiintix Willi ii -Ii iiM an attempt bu ma f. to ot. force sueb n p 'h-v ; hut what vv,> nit. . !• i-this, vv • mu ! .. x p gold am; lix ; in view as ton (•!■ ml by day an 1 the piilai .•! ii.e Ly night, t guide our p litical nath way We must go ixlieini oil tilut idea, in 1 1 1 believe this f nvi'iition will Im pre| an- I to a.lop' sonielhiiio tike it. ll i. tho. uui versa I feeling t . day. The itepublii mi Mel', t'onvx liti 1 In.oil a ileclai .ilioll on lii is nliji .I, li.t' I ii.t if 1n..1 t. t'.invi. litxi i nl'their | .'ly In* ill ill l'lllbiiig xi tt iii .x lia I-.•,■ ili it. .1 tin n utlcrino'i . I v. ill iix-v.a ..grei'lioi xx iil you, iny t..ilo.v' duuioiiut- agree, to abulidon gold and -ii I 1 ver and greenbacks u* the permit-' * gent currency of thq country, but xvc until I accept thrin iiiili. wo can bring tl • aoi n try hack to the constitutional currency This campaign, let me ay, must ha i it lit .1 xxn bv our candidates an.l the people '. rt MS | rit I i aggression Me are to de mand t■ f tlio Hi-publican I't'iy who has rob It ol out State T i na-ury " Me aio |o .all t lie in to axHrnunt for tampering with I the cu 11 em v, thereby pi .Mincing hunk nipt - ey ami ruin M'e xt if \x iIxT to know xx tit has hecouir 1 ot lite tin . null ikan •nt l llltt Hlttlr IT* |P II I \ J IH-I 4I |II< U IM 11* < T TU III I*. utisWv ll. lit i Utl (llllkt |'i| ii I*U Jf rl'S4i vt I \ ( .\p|i';itHM I \\ ' 111 II |tlac< •ill I Knixiti tf III t >III uui ini of ti |Hir' mull • I itittl jti( |iiiitl \\• vi i I cany the country [ljooit, go I'll I Me tllMlgi l 1.0 el. t 11, > s 1011.. ft.. 111 th . :,\ t . it., day x'l election, M < .tin II Hot I x eti gixu |l|. til tlists* to |xt.|lel til d I'kpl.ul, 111 X Olixdusion, gl'lltll lot 11. let lite Mix that 1 kltoxx xxr ale f.ght alo 'that I believe we shall win Thumb ring , cheers Irotn nil parts o' thx house.) Alb) oi v ice Presidents, (xi*||iri*is| ■me troiu xai'h St*nattxrial District, will Sec it'Uiirs, and k .iiilaiuiixg the Srcielarit nj p. iiitrd hy (tie Stale t'oiuuiiUee a* clerk an 1 (e.l, t>, xx , i . oi and approved hy iht ] If oiv. ttlion Mr 11x> idMt t rpl ll.e invr.allon. c. unng froie c-iiixeu* wiih.'Ut xiikiiurtiixn of partv, aioi t al tile loeii.bers, invigorated by the lake' hre, /e, would return and jM-rforui theii| tx.lifs 111 tut ha manner ax to enable them ledeclare with l'errv, "we have met the ■ iieiuy an 1 ihey n'e ours 1 Ite l itM Hallo!) w a accepted by a large majority. I !.o laxfti dition llieu adjourned until It ifi; A M :-m >rr ... Tht hall d iru.g itie ev enit g wa- densely crowded, but the, uiu,ul g,.,.,| hum- r and g.t.>d order pre ! v aiiel Lnr, Septeuibe J. Mr Hughe*, Chair-. ot liu t'o:umiuee on R.'solutions. pre-' sealed the CooiniiUee report as follow- j Tite IMattiirm. Hiiolxe.l, Tl;at we hereby declare our unfaltering dcvoti.xu t. the fundamental of Democratic government a eßunctaleil by Thomas Jefferson 111 Ills first .naugural address, to wit.- " Equal and . xact Justice to all men of whatsoever stat" • r persuasion, religious or political , lb. -uppor: of the S.ate governments in all their right- as the lil.tsl coinpetelit aduiiti isiiat -I for t,„r domestic Volutins, and jl . -urrst xulwalk against tnli Kepubii can tendencies, the Supremacy of the civil ...ver the military authority, ccoi. tiny in the publi tvp.ns.-s that later may he lightly hurtliHitd Tiie holiest payment ignorance, in tfieiency *tuf wick. Jncas ot the leaders ..f the party ill- 'l'xd the S;„;, ■ ! N..:: u f,.r , period f years, and calls for !> vir imtue i.ntix aid permanent rem the and disgraced, lis i.i a! ]!x;rn\ i. :i . t n.l, , : J. Ttiai the uii ;uo nixiitipticatikin of t üblic efllcers, an. .in t.i admu.istr.xl u ot the Ftd t .at :.•.5l .le •vcrnuieisU, -o that the people nay I . a px lily a possible, ic lo'vcl f; in the burden* uf taxation with which they arc now seriously opprrs-vd. M' call up. ii our Federal und Slate K p r si ntativ cs to strive, by nil proper in 'dns. 1. reduce tin in Imlli to the vciy lowest ptacl x-abttx numb r a d ainoulil. fiiv State Treasury, lib. Tl at the conduct of tl u present Ma"..- Treasurer in tlie mnnagei'.ent of the t'oninmnweaTl.'sflf antes, in ln m-gh cling t - lute the moneys in tho Sinking Fni.,l in payment uf the public debt as ri idly us required by*law ; his non-ac . ounling lor ilia inluiest received hy him I on the people's money deposited with the several hanks and banking irstitutiea.' throughout the State, an J hi. insolent rc-, fu-al l" submit the archives of the Treas ury Department to a legally constituted com mil tec of tin House of Ih-prescntative*, appointed t x inv x'stigafe the, is < ause for grave suspicion, and is deserving of I the severest condemnation al the hand* of n outraged nr.d already over-taxed .poo i pic. • luvcsiigaltun into its (Jouilitioo Dcmnmlcil. ..tin That thp condition of our State Treasury dx inai.d the liiosl .curdling and thorough invasligalion, ami wo call upon Hit- eo in in l tli'O apfMiintcd hy the House *> T IT pr. - iitativcs to inv't sligute thu slate of j the same, t<> revolutely pursue the duty j I which ha. been confided lo it. What is lst<|Uuel of I lie Noinineim. litli. That the nominees of thi* conven tion are hereby pbdged lo apply all mon eys in lliu Sinking Fund a* required by laxv in the reduction of tho public ih'bt,! ami thereby save the iuiorcst on tlio aauixi t . the amount m reduced, and that money* .I i - the I' xiiiinonwl'.tlih from corporations! ii ,d i-idix itlual- shall bo promptly collud ed and paid into the Treasury, and not in i II it v manner, directly or indirectly, lo em ploy puhLic oi uit-y ■ for.thuir own proli.or I pui poses. Tilt; KlllUlioiill J'llHllx. Tilt. That the contraction ol thu money currency an I circulating me liuui hereto f.xie in;.ib' hy the Keputilicnn party, iti.rt the furthct' contraction prop otl by it with a xiexv t . for. xl resumption of specie pay m-at has already br.night disaster to the j l,ii-mo-s of the x uulry and threaten gen- I era I bankruptcy, and whillt wu Ckpr-ly . II iiici.tlx- the piiucxpiis that a sound cur-j fiicy should be gold ami -ilver, or rc ' cxonal' c therein, we are oppoiod to eitli-l , attraction or an inflation uf tho prcs i IPCIII' . , a id would leave the restore i ii "I ix gal t.unlets to par in gold, to bo! . .. .ghi about by promoting the industries, .; the people, and iiut by destroying I limn. full Li-o.'il retr.lem Ittslei l of Mil in,mil Hank Cutreiioy. Hii< That lli* policy already initiated hy 'thu Kcpuh'.ic in |,ii ly, t.fabolishing the ■_ •.! 1.0. b r- a d giving the Nat'oiml hanks power to furnish nfl the cuir-ncy, will jineicuno tliu power of un ulreudy dangor-l (Continued on next | agu-1 THE CHItIMTIA N MINIM It Y. For the ltitpurtcr An x'Vangelical pastor is a minister ot .. t lirl.t and a sltiw*id of the mvsteries of . (...,1 I here are two kinds of ministers ; ( suli B- t. k! sx-iid*. ll lid those who conn ihx'iiltelve*. Ministers should not be UU ° dhlv et*med inir much preferred; yet h Ihtiy should have dun liunur and deacrve rcpact Worthy minister, hux,, been cubed by God through the Holy (i 11...1 ai d the voice of the church. The lovr <.| e G el constrain* them t. enter tho mill . i!xy. I*, tut, xr in tlie iii ini-1 ry mii 1 remain in it I he • il jev t xl ihi* article may he prntll ahl.v xiitcussed timler two divi*ion* .• I Tin Miamiar imu Here de. a •criptlon of the sm It'll t.ifl. tf will hu in |* 'I fit I lUn lirt uf u j{x |>) it fi 11, iiliiinii ii Hi, , # ,.rvttl i ilt puU'ti by bl t Olli 11)41x1 Mliil !!• ( v. St, d will! hi* authority, to preach the a r.l administer th. x,urameiits and cse nte the . ensures nf the church. I Cor. I I - Iho ml-iistry is M divine institution U 1 '" 11. M I'aul says Olirirt #ent .e not ttt h.ipiise, but lo preach the gospel, x!* -ai. I". |a Jest, -, ,| t, I'aul 1 how . J tlx. . I . tlie p. p e and 111.- Gentile., t .xpi I tiieir exes, and t., turn thmn Iroin Jifkm -s t-x light, and front the power ol axi uix to G..d . that tliey may recti iv. j, x ol sin*, and II iiitierilalicx tm g theiu Itxal aio sain Hue.l, J tl i a solemn tfi, o Ttiry rncelve i xb mil charge Irom the mouth ol G d 1 - tint at nu*e of sm *ll imp ol I he Pastor - x si .• deli.*ll,lt ; Hut an .1 might III! an angel's heart, Ami Hi. "t a Savioui - hands Ph x ,tch t -r -..i115, for x hieh the L rd D ' heay lily bills forego; Tor suu.s which must forever live la raptures or in woe fti • in in later I- God s luouth-p xcc to lyi'.g niuix, ami dy ing man's to God. Such 1 xtii, e )• t,i lauily * • ieuin one, '2 Co r. i • '-J. i li is s respectahle oUce. They ar< w ,ri.ii- xxith (...J ft- tow labour* in 1 ■ I'* harvest Imiaiatry should, and ii. : t xis I,more,! by uto-t nun And ii - lould . I ways be horn in mind that re i- ti lilfx-rerioe hetwx-en the man and ; e ofliiu il ncu if we do not like the . J, yet we should not Juspist- the ol ■ fice. it U a reap wiiM* -Bh Tin- p.-..pi. ■ the p. -tor ciißige, iaiuiortal soul*. No inuii Carrie* a gieti-r responsibility i 1. rn be wh • w ch< -1 ,r , *uls, and he must . . x, a.. .nut, H. b 13 IT. II iut Tit on or lue Ntritm ! , my si- ics of God, 1 Cor. I. 1, ' 1 1 in* il X Scriplures Tlie great my* ■ : x-y nfg xJhness, I Tim 3. 10 Tlie my* , ti'ry of the incarnation, ol regeneration, ot i*. - i x'-g rt „.n, ttc Tile isx'fsln Hit llaptism slid the ■ji- rd • -upp r. which are *ign* and aeait ; I means ot gi ace. and necessary Hi th" .s '.bat Ch lias coininaudid theiu. W. Why t 1 l imy nro above reaton ; riol c.intrary it it, ("lit lib xX. it. M'e C.tOld Ml! "W noth ! I of Itie.o at tI, but t-xr tlivine Kexela ' lion 2. 1 tier are full ol Vx irdolii and love. J.xhn 3. It. Utsd sxx loved the world, that , lb-gave I is oil ly begotten Son. that wiio s.'t'u r believclit . n iiiut should ut perish, hut have everlasting lite i The virtue of these mysteries can only I be known by esperirMMw—through an np-! jpr printing laitit. l'!.x quaiuicalion of a minister of the il- -ps-1 via. F'ailblulne**, which in .. , .ie- . * 1 I'urity f purpose, mine, heart and ,lfo " - , '2. Sine riiy —a minister should first preach h. serin ma to himself and then to tlii people, .1 Diiigence keep a: it. Tiiis is the true iltuof di igt-iu'e A stothlul miaii- U wfill In Ver make a faithful sti ward i Impartiality tliviJe the w..rd rightly ai d gix e p. saint and sinner their due por u n The poor and the rich must each' 1 re.-rive justice- all aool tare at one tince ' ai d ruled at .uii- value in the i*orit s 11 six. I'lle-e things are required of miuitlers ot ; t e L rd Jesus Christ. Gil the utbar hand, j it i* required of the member* of the church I < /)( . er .Yrxrs Ail'.-iti i : in p. on tiic I'tn.-n Pacific Railroad. > t. Friday mgiit. a train wauiuat' . ing .-lit from tin" station when a storm ' . inttt. hud, and in i n si r .fids thcc was 11, a '"ury of Its*ii and wind that toe en ! jil-eer deemed it best br slop the iocomo '. >•■ ]". lis, " • xxerx- simp wt grew: 'i , utiks ot c many <1 ihrm three mud ! t ur incixo* HI "Iminelcr. and of alt •• , squvrt s i, *. s, A-'. The first ;.t -ir-.i i: .4. x i * auhtd *. . • i the Am g '.■ s-xerrly injured a !a-j tx in ilic face, muhii.jj a deep tut. Fivej liiinu'r* afU-raard there was noi a wuoie light of giacs an the *< ut. -.Jeof the train it .e I,- gth d il The window* in e Tul rirnn iars were ot French salt re. gh'h- -t an inch thir s and double ' i L.aii l r it- h 'lh tin. ktic**--s. and tore tl.e i . '.;t;r into shrcda. Ttie wo Jen >' utters, too, w. -c suiss!iel, ami many "it) fi. . mirrors were broken. The 'deck I , lights'Un the top ot the cars were also de 10 tsiiid. ih" dome ot the engine wa ..lid as if il lutti been pounde-i With a ix y xi "ight, and the wood work tin the - illi M ie. ; the tars was ploughed a- if me i.t.e hud -truck il alt over with siid-L • g hlow- fr. m a hammer During the, • nlinuanee of tli Is-rriflc iuailladc. which To led fully twenty minutes, the rxciic-j un ;it and leaf em .ng the passenger* ran very >-x tral ladies faiuled, and one x. Mr- Kar'.e, wifeifihe auperinU'i d-i '. ~f the M >Uii; . ii division of the road, xx -nt int" spa-Ill*, from which she did not n over f-*r - ver an h'-ur alts-r the cessation .-I t a-t "in Several jxcrsons sitting on tho south side of the iisrs were more or let- II jured ah'XUt th • head and face A-so'il i l o" slorin atiMliid a iiltle, the' 1 malting the cars was liulig up in trout < <"f the window*, mid the* train moved .til, the tin fled hailstone- proving an " . .{."tele for stxme mile- Ai the nevt *ta-i f 11 -n. stiipsrxfti. were prPvursal and fast , - vi i-i xvt r the windows the entire length ot . r-c train. The cur* have lcen run into MI op fur repair-, mid the damage will ' i* estimated, to several thou-i ' -and dollar*. ".I I'attnt Srrmon ItrgHlatar. Acandi-I , ib ;e tor a vacant vicur.ig" in FTngland an . n uiiccs an invention ot Ids own which 111 y prove to be useful. It is a peculiar arrangement of the pulpit, with aclock l*. • gix e warning. When at the end ufa halt hour the clock *">unJs an idprm, ami it the , pr Mcher does not conclude within three minutes, down conies the pul|iit, with the parson and tin. re-t of tlie appendage*." Spring (MMMIS, At Potter's Mills. . I. 11. M'LXTIUG. Dealer in Domestic Dry Goods. LactiO'S Dross Goods of every ib-cription, embracing all tlx. Nx w Style* in the market. Also, .VO77".YX. I.At KS, IK>V IF.H V. WLOI'LV, ci.o rntsu. < .isimf/ins. (. AKI'FTs <>//.( LOTUS, /mors, sl/oi:s. onor/:uii:s ,t /'/lo V/s/o.X.s x| .'Very Im ription. all of which will lie -x.hl at very I"SNV rate- for CASH or its equivalent Don't lorgel the place conn ti. 1 -las it- anyhow, ify.xu don t buy. No in uhlcx to -how goods. ('iiintry i'rtMlnee Tnken in Kst'ltange fx; Giipds 6m ay Gin. a "h*tjf I'irwar. and ,♦ . 3; v t Jai ss k farxlrr alixruld Uav® bITTLK GIANT , Cob Fur llorM or Sto4m I uwer CViM*Cut Miul CircuUr MOOD- SAWING MACHINES. Uon* rlftlvb r JuiJl/jgs Shoemakers roll utnl tc Si ,vi A A fur tittup stock. BUYS AND SELLS 1 LOVER VNIi I IMOIHV SEKL). ' i*e .I. t f. ________________ CENTRE HALL * FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS I'iie utiJer.igtieu ttaving •r, p-osua -ion of Ibe above CstabiishttieUt, re-pecl fully inform the public that the atue will he carried on by them in all it. branches a* heretofore. I'tiey manufacture the CELr.lta.vl ED ritt'E BLUE COUM'L.v.xi the i best now mad<- UuR-K I'Utt ER< THESUI.NG MA CHINKS A. SHAKERS, I'LGWS. STOVES, OVEN IMIORS. KMI ILK I'LATE-S. CKLLARGRATK-. FLOW SHEARS A MILL GEAR! NG of eve ry description, in short their Foundry it Complete in oVery particular. We wo aid call particular attention to our EXCELsioH FLOW, acknowl edged to be lac best Flow now in uc, shifting in lire beam f"T two or three hor k'E We !-■. manufacture a new and improv I ritIPLK GEARED HOUSE POW ER, which has been u-ed extensively in I the northern and western Stales, and has laken prosx-dence overall oilier*. Wx arc pre|tar* the small ■ est, ami have fa ihlie- for doing all kinds of IRON WORK -uch a PLANING, 'TI KNING, BORING, A, All k'nds of repairing done on short no j lice VAN I'KLT Ai SfaOOP, ijan'il-lv. Centre Hall. BEM7 """" No OTHER PIANO FORTH fas. attain. ,-d tlie xsine p'xgxularitr -tsv,Send stamp if.xr Circular 11. F. BKATIY. M'a-hit;g ton. New Jersey. CKHT RI 11 ALL COACII .SHOP, I. II % I MlitltlT. .it h;- - -lahli- mcut at Centre Uail. keeps oi hand, and tor a.e, at the m<*sl rente ita lic rate*. Carriages, Buggies, 6c Spring Wagons, l't. Ais AND FANCY, in.! vehicle of < vers description mmle t' xtder, an-i warranted to be made of the ) lvet seasoned material, and by the most ) skilled and competent workmen. Person* wanting anything in his hue are requested i'so call and cxe-nine :n work, they will t:nd it not t.< t e excelled for durability i.nJ jw.-ar. • may 3tf. ml >ii it it aa , NOTARY PUBLIC, SCRIIINKU AND CONVEYANCER. CENT U K 11 A L L, P A \yill all" nd I.x aJuiinistcring Oaths, A""- anowle Jgemcr.t of Deed-. -Vc, writing Ar :i. le- .xf Vgrcement, Drr-ds, dec, mavlf KE4TTY Ft * COMBINES EVERY IMPROVEMENT KNOM'N. s, r,*l t"nui f.xr Circu lar. Ad'lre-t D. F* BHATTY. M'ash ington. N. J. C. T AIIXXVMLH t' M BOVMM VI.KXANIIKF. .V BOWERS. Attor .ncys at Liw. ll 'llofonie. Pa. Stu-cial aUention given to Collections, ar.J Or. | (xhfin*' C-'urt practice. May be consulted |in German and HngiUh. Office in Gar* man's Building. mv *JB'74-t. BEATTYH * N " ' M'HIGHS WHEN BOXEDOVKRONK I'HOITS AN D POUN DS. Liberal terms lo dealer* kicSsnd -tkmp for Circular Addra** I> F 11 HATTY, Ma-hmgt i, X J. JJlt A J ORNDOUF. DENTIST. Is *till locatfx.l at Pine tjrovc Mill* and iv now prepared to travel to the homes ot patient* at a distance and render any de sired service in his line, In the beat man-! ner, of be-t quality and al reasonable rale*. Insertion ofn -w dentures made specially. 7VWA extracted without pain,] BEATTY&PLOTTS | JJKATTY 4 PLOTTS' Celebrated Golden Tongue PARLOR ORGANS aremnkcil by eminent mu-ioian- ami di*-j lingiiishexl men of honor throughout the World n the leading PARLOR ORGANS now in use. An oxcelont Organ for the Church, Hall. Lodge, Sabbath school, as well a- the par-' lor. N. B. -Spcscigl rates in this eas., a* an advertisement. __ _ An offer ; Where we have no agents we, will allow any one the ugi-iil's discount in Order to have this wonderful musical pro-1 during instrument Introduced. No other Parlor Organ hn- attained t.i the same popularity. srli>kl -MU4P bxr prioe list ami a list ot toatiniutiittl*. Adxlre : HHATTY At PLOTTS. M'.x-iiingtori, M'urren Conntv. N .I BOCKEHOFF HOUSE BKI LKFONTK. FA. E. PERKS & SON, Proprs. This well kruiut. hotel, situate in the business mxrlion t.f the town, ha- been thoroughly reuoyated, rx-paiuted anil fur ni-hod now. It xxlll lietheniin uf tho|>ro prix'tuis t niak. it i pleasmt Home fi.r 1 those whomay fnv.xr tlieni with their pat ronage. A !rx"e carriage i- run t the lo pot. anil the be-t stables in town nrecon nected with tho ilouso 'Jthipr DF FOIxTN K Y \!l uiiey ,t Law • Bollofuiilo, PH. Officii over Key. I bank. may 14 IL. SPANULKR, Attorney-at-Law, Itollcfonte, Fa. Office witli Bush & YIM'UIII. Coiisiiltation in Engli.-h and Gcruiiin. < 'ollectivins promptly altond xid to. rolxfr-lf BEATTY PIANO! KNDOHNKD RY THE HIGHK"-T MU ISICAL nuthixiitie.-throughout the world la* fHE BUST. D. V. BEATTY, Fropri utor, Washington, N.J. I \>i?k rrv pano! l>rj A 1 1 1 Thte •plendid i> alio Korteeoß.o.nai ievery improvemeiit in tone with power -land great durability, and has received jilt, unqualified etidorsenicnU of the high* It Mueionl authorUlea (iff *u Marvellous < IraorJuiary richneM ol Tone, having s BUPEUIoR IN THE WORLD. Large riae. it Octave*, overstrung Bass, full Iron Frame, French Grand action, fit Desk, Carved Pedal, Solid Rosewood 'l', Ivory Ky Front, Capped II. .Illinois, aGralfe Treble, Ac., Ac , Ac. .gut bond over One Thousand I' HI ml. Liberal discount P. the trade. * '.Mils \\ uni.'d (male or lomale.) tl finnd sump lor Circular. Addiess t? 1 ' • Itivoiit.-r slid Proprietor, D \ NIKL F. j UK A IT* IV ashing ton, New Jersey. C. P E C K • 8 New Coaoli i/iauuiactory * CRM RE HALL. PA. . lie undersigned has upcn.'-d a new ea* * tutni.l.aieut, at hi new shops, lor the luanufitetuie of ' CarriageM, Buggieit, & Spring Wagons, hhaiuu* AMI* Slaps. Plai* AMP FANCY o! e . cry description . Alt ti'liiiMi manufactured hy him at warranted t i render salisfuctieri, and a* f • .al t-i any work d<.n* elaewhere. He uses none hut the host material, .d eiupl .ys the most skillful workmen, i they Gutter themselves that their i • "keen not be eg. oiled for durability land finish. Order-from .. distance promptly attend ' "iu nt.u Miiaiir my work before . Illra'tingelsewhera, I'KUT> KEASONABLK. Ail kind* of liepariug dottr. V iiw GOODS AND NEW PRICKS I I LI * '■ '<> 11 HATES It Hill Kb OUT tiooda at Old Fsahiourd Fri(*. At the Old Stand of WE. WUI.F, > old respectfully iitf..ra the World and the rest of mankind, liiast ne ...* ju; opened out and is atuur' receiving a large t ,k c: ALL IU.N! - oh be is offering at tsw fofy market pri"e illvV GOODS aou ,| I'rinu, Muslins, Opera Canton*, and Woh r iannela Lsdiri llrr.i (>.jod* a such a* i D'-lains. Alpacas, Poplins, Kmpreas Cloth, ■ .teens. Tntneis-, together with a full ock of everything usually kept in the D;h Good* line. , vi ;ch he has determined to tell vety -ap, consisting of NOTIONS: ' lull aleak, part of Ladies and ihi Id reus Xltrino Hose, Collars, Kid . glore*, heft quality silk and Lisle thread! '(. l.ves, If. — hi *. Nubias, Breakfast shawls, i lIATS & CAPS, I • A full assortment of Men's Boy's and Children's Ot the latest sty le and beet. CLOTHING, Heady made a choice selection of Men's; and Boy's of the newwt style* and most! serviceable materials. HOOTS & SHOES. 7 | WM. WOLF. CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J ( DEI SINGER A new, complete llarduate Store has i i e. opened by the undersigned in Ces- Ure lla.l. where he is nreparr-d to cell all ' 1. ir.ds of lluilditig and House v urnihing II .rdware. Nails vke. Circular am. Hand .Saw*. Tension Saws, Vchh Saw*, Clothes Hacks, * full ttssort of Gu- and Mirror P ale Picture , . n rues, ,>j."kes. Felloes, and Hubs, table . ■ utlery, Sborels, spades and Forks. I,- ok-. Hinge*. Sere ms, Sash Spririgs. !1 ;• Sl..' Nail*, Norway Rods. Ous.j a Bells, < arpenter T "ds. Paint. Vsrti-j Fictur. * fran.cj in the f.nHt style Anything not en hand, ordered upon: • - rt'-si notice 'AKh... tuber, all rwd. ..(fered cheap-' *' r than (ilu'whrf ; a2V rs-tf The GrniiEer Store! Something New! (ASH AND PKODI'CE FOR H CHEAP GOO Da ri ; liDliT CREDIT A tiIIOKT PROFITS, i INKIIAL GRENOBLE, ring Mills has established a store to suit '] the time*, and has a complete slock of j DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HA HP WAKE, OURKSSWARE HATS, CAI'S, ROOTS A SHOES, .toll. SALT, CIGARS. TOBACCO. PHI G>, SPICES, OILS. lii short a lull line of | EVERYTHING FOR LKSA PRICKS THAN KLsvEWTTERK. < OMR AND JUDGE FOR YOUR-, b ELVES, . b. y. I \TKW HARDWARE STORK. * J &J. IIA KRIS. No. A UHOCKEKHOKF ROW \ new and .complete Ua.dware Store 1 . been opened l>y the undersigned in 1 1.. ckeiboffs new building—where they I t.reparevi to sell all kinds of Building ; . id House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, i Steel Nails. ( Buggy wheels in *etl, Champion f ( olhes Wringer, Mill Srwv, Circular and l;.,iid Saws. Tennun Saa*. WebhSaw*. j 1 e Cream Kreeaers, Bath Tubs. Clothes K xka, a full assortment of Glass and ' Mitror Plate ol all siaes. Picture Frauie*, vv heelbarrow*. Lamp*. Coal Oil Lamps, ! I tting, Stu.kes, Feiloes, and Hubs, I 'WS, Cultivators. Corn Plows. Plow ( j I nit* Mold Hoards and CultivL tr Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades I Forks. Locks. Hinges, Screws. Sash v , ring*. Morse-Shoes. Nails, Norway 1 ■•ls, Oils, Lard, I.ubrjeating Coal. I ei d. Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Bellows. |S. ew Plates, Hlacksmitlu T<>oL, Factory !' Us. Tea Belli, Uroulstones. Carpenter p ols. Fruit Jni and Cans, Paint, Oili, \ irntshes received and for sale at ■ • ■•. iu>-if J A.l HA R U IS. iTEATTY I ' A N 0 VGENTS WANTED 1 (Male or Fe 1' ilc.ito take order*. D F. JIEATTY, W ihiaginn. New Jewgjr. ifnurr. j • ui: i kk l-i ystonp I'utcrii A Works. ,1. F. MILLER A CO. PATENT OFFICE *V EXPERIMENT , TALMODE I s OF ;no x, if ou i) on nnj sa, M \DE ON SHORT NOTICE, j' 7 Wafer Street. caJKO First Arrwie, PITTSHVKGII. iwith J. I!. Sherriff *1 Son, Works, Uu Floor. lapr.y! S \ U.S.G. GUTKLIUS, Dentikt, Millheim. "ffi ii lii- nrofewional service* to the public. He is prepared to perform all <•; in! ioiis in the dental profession lie is now fully prepared to extract All without iiijff T3-tf. B>EATTV 11 * x .. hiaiiip lor lull itjforuiation. Price oAat, Ac., Ac. D. F. BEATTY, Washington, N J, K>K ►'ARIIERt AND ALL OT.'OK i! Sj 1 '• i 1 ro* foreign a dohkmtc i I>KV GOODS, NOTIONS, k ready made clothing DiiEf*auOOJJß, (iSOCICBiICji, PKGVIWOMs, ■OOTg a 811(1101, i '''i bouio i( os*c>*_ , CLOTH 1 AG, OIL (LO'JliK AUG FARCY ARTICLE* (JUEENB W ABE, GICOCKUILs. JRo. \ VIMONM, FLOL'B, At * audi* now |>n jnrtti to gccouiodalt U r *"• ol call* the attention | the public to bU et. * V of 6a i ULEItV, i M JL o Jowclj if * LO W at any a her. la M.fflin or Centre co TIN AND SHEETIRON WABf P ! FE a troiTisc aSSiST ° f CUPS, DIPPER*. a,, t DISHES, AC. All work warranted and ch.rg,• rea.on j *•"*• CwnHil ; FIHMTLHK. I JOH A BKEC HBU L |in bit elegant New Kuwait. Spring street, 1 Belief.. tile. Hal on hand a splendid MWitau-iit ut HOUSE FCRMI I KE from the COtW : mofirst to U or 11am. LTheir stock of ready-made Furaituro is : argc and Marrantt-d ofgt>od workmanship and is all made under their own iuitnedi. ale supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing eUewhere. 26 feb. ly. Gift & nory's New Siioe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. They hare now opened, and will consianu lv keep on hand, a splendid stock of us* SHOES, GAITERS. A SLIPPERS, for tnen, women and children, from tb best manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upot* short notice They invite the people o, this vicinity to give them a call, a> they will strive to merit a share oftbelr pat ronage mvlOtf GRAHAM & SON, Dealers in Boots, Shoes and aU'3J)2JI3, Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. All Kinds of Custom Work Made To Order. IlnruesK Lett! Iter, Sole l.entkee, Fair Skius And Shoo Findings always on hand. „ Bishop Street, flaw if BflUtfoatp, r,