The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 16, 1875, Image 1

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    Post ami Present.
Tina *t:o i" wilh wn-rf.Mii slowly called,
Au<i .-non. grown bold lik* noil t mined
hunters, leap
From r>*p 11 cwg of t\, ;tb eight an
O'tt Utoop.
lint when ous futli. . - trod iHp lei.-l plain*,
Tlio *Ur* shone brightly 10 the gentle
Tlie rainbow arched al>o\o the summer raiu*.
Anrf sleep brought happy dream*.
The world i roiling swift and far away
From morning tu .-teanrfeatly morning light.
And in tlio fnihu .v. of Uie middle day
No shadow* meet the aighU
Rut reaching from that soft and shifting shy
Of early dawn a radiant path way shone
And augels In the morning ventured nigh.
Who in the morn are gone !
They Two.
A reader of • magazine fell in with
the following line* .
Somewhere in desolate, wide swept spare
In twilight land, iu uo-tuan e land
Two hurrying eha|>es met face to face.
And bade each oilier stand.
" And who are you ?" cried one. agape.
Shuddering in Uie gloaming light.
tdo not know," ea..l the second shape,
'• I only died last nig hi."
After {Hindering them for three daya
his muse began to hum iu the same time,
atnl the following was found upon his
table the morning after he was sent to
a private asylum :
ooria>s v T rui.
Nowhere in the midnight, wind-swept street.
In Muddle town, iu No liura town -
Two staggering shapes, colliding, meet.
And knock each other dowu.
• Say. who are yon ?" cries one, when up.
Hiccoughing, with a diuukeu face.
I don't (.hie) know," says l other chap,
" I'm a stranger "n this place."
"Oh, Aunt Fain, how sliall I make
Jack a little more dignified f I want to
be proad as well as fond of him. He's
t.xi silly, too demonstrative; how can
1 cure him ? Auut l v am. advise me!"
Aunt Pamela look.xl at lh-lte irreso
liiU-ly for a m-unent, then beckoned to
Hannah to take the tea away. *
" I'll tell you a story, B<'lle," she
sud, "if you'll listen to it. I'll tell you
liow aomooody you kuow came to In- a
cross, queer old maid—a whimsical,
spiteful, lonely, desolate old woman. "
" I don't know auv such jH-rson," cried
•• Yea, you do, child; you'll recognise
her |xvrtr.t wheu it's drawn. But at
your age, dear, she was, 1 think, jmssa
i-ly jiretty ami attractive; in fact, you
won't Wlieve it, but this heroine of mine
was Tory like you wheu she was iu the
liev.lay of youth."
*• Hail she red hair, anut, like mine 1"
" Yes, aud the brilliant complexion
and high temper Uiat go with • it. She
was only eighteeu wheu she became the
defendant iu a care where all the litUe
property she had iu the world was at
.-take. She was already an orphan, and
would have, been a Ix-ggar hail it not
Kvn for the wonderful zeal aud ability
of her legal adviser—Mr. Reginald
Vic*, rs. L->cg before th- case was de-
cided i:i h-. lie half she had grown to
look forw.ird t-i th- ne vssary legal con
.- ul:ation-as the brightest moments of
her life, though tiot a word of love had
passed l> them. In truth. Belle,
the lady of our story, whom we will call
by my own old-fashioned name of Pa
mela, had a warm h< -art under a very cold
exterior, and although she knew how to
love well and devotedly, could not sliape
her sentiment to suit the somewhat ener
igetic aud passionate devotion of the
young barrister.
" ' Yon are so cold, Pamela,' he would
say; 'cne might as well have a bit of
archaeology in the shape of one of the
mutilated Grecian goddesses for an idol.
I whisper ever so many pretty thiugs in
yonr ear. and oue woufd think they stop
jxxl at the tympanum, for not the faint-
st blnh tinges your marble cheek, and
the chiseled splendor of your profile re
mains as if carved in stone."
" And all this time. Belie, every won!
of his had beeu like an electric shock of
bliss to her enraptured soul, and she
scarcely knew whether Rhe was in para
dise or upon the eArth.
" When n->r e* gagement hatl reached
an epoch devoted to the bridal trous
seau, she became very much the proper
ty of certain relatives and their chosen
seamstresses; there was so much of try
ing on, of comparing and choosing, that
very little time was left for Reginald, of
which he complained most bitterly ; and
when the convention adjonrned to the
i-ountry to arrange further preliminaries
for the coming happiness, Reginald de
clared he would follow her very soon.
"It was weather such as this Belle,
in the month of May ; and the very
morning of her journey the luckless
Pamela offended Reginald by repulsing
him in what she held an unliefittmg lev
ity and familiarity. He had but twirled
her ids*ut the room two or three times,
caroling out in his gleeful way.
" Pamela bade him somewhat haught
ily to desist, which he did, with a frown,
aud went immediately out of her pres
etfbe. nor did she see uiin again until he
1 >ade her a cold farewell at tho window
of the railway car. So she went upon
her way almost broken-hearted, and had
no joy in the landscape, nor, in
deed. eo|jhl she see field, or ;xMt, or fly
ing bits of beanty for the bars that
dimmed her sight. She took herself to
task, and vowed tliat. come what would,
when Reginald should meet her again,
she would welcome him warmly, even
should be enter the house byway of a
" Nevertheless, she found herself hop
ing tliat his first visit among tiieee sim
ple country folk would prove to them
that he was altogether a sujieribr being,
not fashioned after the same elav as
fheroselvi'S—picturing him as she had so
often aea him when deep in leg*; con
troversy, his high white brow bent into
a frown, his eya glowing with a secret
fire, wnrils falling out of his mouth like
molten coals upon the heads of his ad
vcrsarie*; only Home honest, faithful
hearts that loved her far beyond her
" Reginald reached the farm one
hsi! my evening, riding from the train in
n convenient ox-cart, bis traveling suit
of gray and broad straw hat. his flowing
necktie and the air of easy nonchalance
and careless simplicity about him,
gravely vexing his betrothed. He had
not been half an hour with Pamela Vie
fore he was on intimate terms with the
whole of her ancle's family. There was
not the hint of a frown en his brow, and
no trace of legal lore or dignity of state
embai fan mi his intercourse with her
simple relatives.
"To hear his talk as he stood there
by the five-barred gate, swinging little
Elsie to and fro, one would suppose that
he hail never pleaded a case, that he had
never quoted a poem, or delivered an
oration. Paireja's uncle drawled to him
in his provincial dialect, her aunt joined
iu the conversation without even drop
ping her sun-bonnet, and Cousin Eph
raim, the Imshfulest of mortals, sat down
to tea with the stranger guest. The
supper the young lawyer devoured that
night would have honored the appetite
of a laborer in the off kitchen. Pamela
looked with dismay at her Olympian,
wondering if that could lie the way the
gods dined upon ambrosia. Ho, wound
ed and disappointed, scarce knowing
why, she sat silent anil cold by his side
when they were alone together once
more. They had the whole of the grim
parlor, with its whitewashed walls, its
hideous portraits, its horse-hair sofa and
chairs, to themselves ; but the door of
the sitting room stood ajar, and Regi
nald looked lopgingly thence upon the
gay rag carpet, the well-polished stove,
with its grab' aflame, the warm cush
ioned chair where her aunt nodded, and
the bit of holly-crowned glass, where
Ephraim made himself suiart to visit
sweet little Jessie Downes.
" ! She is the loveliest creature, Regi
nald,'said Pamela, ' that the sun ever
shone upon.'
" ' Except one," said Reginald. • But
K r irr/. Kilitor imtl I 'ropriot* >1
VOL. Mil.
II don't Isdieve old Sol's rava olteu reaeh
yoit, my Pamela.'
"The very next morning, at the coun
try church, he saw iVuisin Epbraitu*
swiet heart. As was her wont, slie ties
tied in her father the deacon's |hw, and
looked with rapt eye* to the gixxl old
minister, while lvcgtnal.l'* eyes, once
fastened ou her primrose face, never left
!it throughout the servieo. Ily some
magnetism their eyes met, ami jskw lit
tie Jessie's rapt gaze Uft the face of the
miuieter to feast shyly upon the elawioU
allnromonta of the young l>arri-ter.
" Reginald walked homeward by Jes
sin's aide, while F.phraim and Pamela
followed after, both proud and please 1
tliat the little maiden had found favor iu
the Sight of so distinguished a guest
" Reginald prulouged his stay in the
country, d.N-laring tliat he neetted a
raostion, and was out iu the morning be
times. Ashing iu the neighboring streams
for sunflsli, and gathering wild flowers
and ferns ; coming Imek at sundown
xomew hat abstracted in hia manner,
- but sallying forth again the next day.
" i'amela declined to join these ex
cursions, as th." suu and wind together
would liave made sad havoc with her
complexion as they would with yours,
Uiy dear, you very well know. But
then- are complexions, ladle, tliat tlie
> sun lakes to kindly enough, and paints
with a magical brush, the wind putting
iu a crimson that was never found even
upon the palette of Sir Joshua Rey-
I uohls.
"Upon the May festival, which was
arranged late in the month as a farewell
celebration for Pamela and her be
throtlied, the beauty of aweet Jessie
Dowue* seemed to onr pole |xUrician of
the city like something almost super
natural. She called to Reginald time
and again to tell her if he had ever con
ceived of so glowing and vivid a loveli
Hess, and could not take her eyes from a
head that made the sweet blossoms with
which it was crowned seem faded and
dull bv comparison.
" The day grew somewhat chill toward
evening, and in the hollow of the wood,
where Pamela wandered alone, it seemed
to her that the wind whistling among the
trees arose to a kind of sob tliat was al
most human iti its intensity. And as
she walked along, half anxious now to
escape from a solitude that seeim 1 peo
plod with melancholy sounds she heard
a murmur of voices close at hand, just
beyond the little thicket that barred her
" * It is so hard to say good-bye, my
sweet child,' said a voice that was the
one voice in the world to Pamela. ' You
have crept into my heart, wanning and
blessing it.'
" 'And shall I never see roti again V
sobbed httle Jessie lh> wiies.
" 'Nay, darling, how can I tell i Pcr
haps when this sweet madness is
" And then, 1 telle, poor Pamela heard
no mun>. A bless.-.1 unconsciousness
seized her, and for the tirst time in her
life she fainted. Not the last; alas
since that moment of agony her nerves
have ma Ixm so strong, and upon the
recurrence of certain sounds or certain
remembrances she loses hi rself for a
time. A little while ago, when yon pic
tured that scene in the woods, it put in
to words that bit of the past; I saw again
the nnsees and ferns at my feet, the
little black pool of water half cove red
with withereil leaves, and I heard the
dull thud or discorilant crook of the
"When, upon that time long ago, 1
awoke to con-ciousness, Reginald was
bending over me with a white stricken
face, and all the rest were busy with
jxssets and restoratives in my Ix-half.
" When we were left alone together,
and I found that Reginald hoped I was
unconscious of all, 1 was tempted to ac
oept this negative happiness held out to
me by a niggardly destiny; but he
1 logged of me, writli a persistency which
I interprets! in my own way, to follow
him as quickly as possible to the city,
whither be was going the following
'•' Yon may as well remain," I said,cool
ly ; 'a cowardly retreat now will avail
nothing. Seek yonr happiness where
yon may, Reginald Tickers; it has never
been dependent upon mine. I ln-urd
your words to Jessie ' —
" ' And if you did,' he broke in, ' what
then ? Tliey were the first fond ones 1
ever said to her, and these were wrung
from me by her sorrow for our parting.
I never meant to do you wrong, Pamela,
and was not disloyal to von in heart.
It was a mad, foolish impulse ; forgive
it, I prav you. Do not let this oue fault
make misery for both our lives. I will
promise never to see her again.'
" * And do yon think,' I <*ried, ' that
her agony will mend mine ?'
" ' Nonsense, Pamela.; it is not in a
nntnre like hers to sufT> r long.'
" ' Rut it is in a nature like mine,' 1
said. ' Nevertheless, Reginald Tickers,
your jpa|h and mine he apart henceforth
and forever!'
" • Rnt it an, theii,' his face white
ning to his lip*. ' Let yonr pride
lie the cause, as it has always Is-en. Hud
yon beeu less cold, I liad not sinned
against a love strong and perfect at it->
birth, but stinted and starved every day
that 1 lived. I beg of you, as yon at least
value the |X"UCP of others, to br atbe no
word of this to your cousin Ephraim ;
he is a good fellow, and deserves well of
happiness. Let him win and wear his
wild blossom, as pure and swret, so help
roe iieaven ! as when first he found it.
A* for me, I will trouble atl of you no
more !'
" He w.-nt, and with him went the
rest of my life ; for th mgh I am nearly
fifty years old, I only lived to the age of
twenty. Jt was fortunate, nt least, that
mine was the only life 1* reft ; for Regi
nald married five years after, and Jessie
took up the thread of her love for Eph
raim where it could lie so readily mend
e<l that my honest cousin never knew
it was broken."
"Dear me, Aunt Para," said Belle,
her eyes full of tears, "in all those five
years, before he married that other wo
man, why didn't yon make up? Why
didn't you write to him, or fall in his
way somehow, or pretend that you want
ed to tXiusult liirn as a lawyer ?"
" I was too proud, Belle," said Aunt
Pamela, brushing the tears from the
young eyes looking wistfully into her
own. Aud then there was a clatter nt
the door, and Jack came bounding up
the stairs two at a time, leaping from
the landing iuto the parlor, and taking
Aunt Pamela and Belle into one hearty
embrace.' It was noticeable that Hello
found no fault with this lack of dignity,
nor found Jack bx> demonstrative.
'■ How jolly it in bore, Aunt Pamela!"
Haiti that ardent young lover. " Belle in
like a blamed icicle at the house yonder,
and I never bid any yearning toward
the polar regionß."
TnEin Cr.AIM. —-The managers of the
Pacific mills at Lawrenoe, Mass., arc
likely to have a claim against the city
for damage to their new mill and inter
ruption of business, occasioned by the
undermining of the mill foundations by
the construction of the new main sewer,
which was rebuilt last year and carried
under the mill into the river. At the
time fears were expressed by the officers
of the corporation that the sewer might
some time 1m the cause of damage. The
tower of the new mill has settled about
two inches within a few weeks, and a
part of the work at the north end of the
mill has been suspended on account of
fears of further injury.
Iu English Court*.
A recent English case of extreme ern
elty, passing under the guise of justice,
has Usui much is'liunelitsl on iu Uie
liajw-rs oil Itoth sides of the Atlantic.
There aeetned to tw something |ws'iillarly
revolting in the circu nstatice that a lit
tie girl of thirteen, who had plucked a
geranium bud in an almshouse garih n,
should t*< sentenced to imprisonment
for a fortnight in jail, ami for four yearn
longer in a jwiial institution all t.s mild
ly termed " reformatory." Hut, as a
matter of fact, severe sentence* such as
this are ty no means rarely |ipui.Miui*vl
from Uie benches oeeupic.f by the " un
liaiI iai,I magistracy "of England. Justus,,
in the hamls oi the gentlemen who are
called ii|su to administer punishment to
1 ictty offenders in the English rural dis
tru ts, is esjHs-ially stern with those who
in any way invade the Kacrml rights of
" prooertv." Theft or tresiM***, in their
eves, is t.s, apt to be regarded as worse
than wife beating, or slander, than j*r
jury og murderous assault. Such seii
tenoes as that accorded to poor little
Sarah Chandler are far from being as
uncommon as the ooMpii'Uoiunww of her
case would imply. The very same
clergyman who sought, in lus capacity as
a magistrate, to brand her for life as
" jail bird,'" because alie plucked a
flower, sentenced, not long ago, a small
tviT scarcely out of his pinafores to
prison for a month, because he scrajs-d
the leavings of a discarded toboooo cask,
and sold his scraps for a half-penny ;
and Ciunlemue.l a young servant girl to
six weeks in jail for putting some photo
graphs, which she found in a waste
pajN-r basket in the house where she
served, into her pocket to show to some
friends. Not long agosixtet u tlshermea
and women, living ou the Northuiuhriun
exist, were cast into jail for a month for
picking up mussela on the shore, with
which to liait their hooks. It was an
audacious assault ujniu the property
rights of the squire whose estates ran to
the water's edge ; and Uie clergymen
and squires who administered the law
without jy in that region rsnld not let
the flagrant defiance of the rights of
property pass. In Essex three very
reputable and not disorderly lads, aged
about sixteen, sallied out for an after
noon walk. In crossing the fields th,-y
came to a brook ; a graasy knoll ou its
banks tempted them, and they threw
themselves upon it and Iwigan to read
some books they had brought with them.
Suddenly up rode the owner of the ti hi
on horsclmck, ami roughly demanded
their names. Soon after they hud re
turned home they were taken in charge
by a policeman, brought la-fore the
magistrates, accused of tmquia*, and
heavily thud. A little girl of thirteen
wits recently condemned at Dorchester
to twenty-one days' imprisonment at
"hard lalKir," and tlve years in a re
foruiakory, for stealing an eartheu milk
jug. It turned out thaWtho jug, which
was cracked, had In-. ii giv.-u to the girl
without authority by a servant. The
supposed thief, t.Hi, was ascertained to
have the l*<*t character tor honesty.
Aft/tlf ton'* Journal.
A bridal Tour.
There came one day to a little inland
b>*u m Kentucky a young rural couple
who had jnst lx-en IKIXUII Ty the "silken
bonda." Their destination was the
dejHit, mid the bridegrixim was evidently
quite impatient for fear the train should
arrive t>efi ire he could reach the office,
buying one ticket, they stood on the
platform until the tram had stopped.
When they entenxl the car the bride
groom fotmd his bride n seat, kissed her
most affectionately, Iwde her " gotxl
lye," and going out, ReaUxl imuself on a
(six and commenced whittling most
vigorously. He witched the train out
of sight, regret depicted ou his fa-',
when a bystander, thinking the whole
proceeding rather strange, resolved to
interview him. Approaching him care
lessly, and oh wing a straw to keep up
his courage, he said :
" lb-en gettiu' married lately 1"
•• Yes," said he, "me and Millie got
spliced this marnin'."
•' Was that her yon put on the train?"
" Yes," with a sigh.
" A likely lookin' gal." said our ques
tioner. "Any laxly sick, that she had to
go away?"
" No;" but here he grew confidential.
" You see me and Sallie had heart] that
everybody when they got married took
a bridal tour. So I told Sallie I hadn't
money enough for Ixith of ox to go, but
she shouldn't lx- kin* kcl out of hern.
So I ji*t brought her down here, bought
her ticket and sent her on a visit to Home
of her folks, and thought I might get
some work harvestiu' till she got back."
That afternoon found hnn busily at
woik, and when in a day or two after
Sallie came hack, he welcomed her
cordially and affectionately, and haud in
hand they startetl down the dnsty roiwl
to their new ham" and duties.
A Monster Turtle.
The fishing smack Sylvan Glen,
Ketuey, muster, captured a monster
animal resembling a turtle, off Montnuk
point, and brought it into New Lon
ln. The animal is etven feet long and
two through. Unlike the ordinary tur
tie, this animal hH no feet, but large
fins projecting ou either side which
measure eight feet and six ine.hes across.
The head is unquestionably that of atur
tie, but is crowded with U-eth which are
of an elastic texture. The animal is in
capable of drawing in its head. Its neck
is atrnut a foot long. The hack l* jet
black, and ridges run horizontally at
equal distune s apart. Its shell is not
thick, and resembles guttn perebn. Old
sea isiptains, who have traversed the was
for life, Hlnxik their heads ami declared
they had never seen its like la-fore. It
appear* to be >t variety of tnrtle well
known in the Mediterranean, and is called
the leathery or trunk turtle. It is
distinguished from other R|ssneß by hav
ing its shield overlaid by a leathery skin
instead of homy plates. The shiohl is
smooth in the adult, but tubercnlaUxl in
the young, and has wveral longitudinal
ridges, with its anterior limbs twice us
long as the hind ones. It is the l&rgeat
of the turtles, and nttaius a length of
eight feet anil a weight of more than
half a ton. Its flesh is of no value, but
its shell IIOR been used along the Medi
terra man for small imnts, drinking
troughs for animals, and bath tubs for
children. It is found on both Glides of
the Atlantic, specially in the tropics,
coming north as far as Massachusetts
buy, and following the Gulf stream
across the Atlan'ic to the coast of
Europe and tho Mediterranean.
Sail Wafer Ilay;
Salt water day in the grand day of the
year for the people of eaatorn New Jer
sey. Stalwart youths and blooming
maids, whose cheeks were like " fresh
blown rosea washed with dew," at this
season hold high holiday. Half a cen
tury ago some farmers of Middlesex
county, New Jeiaey, having collected
their oropH and finding thair purses full
er than usual, determined on having a
grand " harvest home " festival. South
Amboy, on liaritan bay, was the nearest
town on the bay side, so thither they
went. That picnic has lx>en yearly re-
Isided ever since, the second Saturday
in August being the day for its occur
rence. This year over 15,000 persons
took part in the festival, and it was one
of the most enjoyable gatherings that
has been witnessed for many a year.
hat llarhii Helmbold Nay*.
I)r. 11. T. llelmlsild, who was known
four y.sir* ago as the most exteuaive ml
verliser in America, has returned witlun
a few days to I'hila.lelphia from Europe,
where he has lieeu rtvildliig since lHfl.
Me said to a reporter of the I'hiladclpiua
Time*, among other things This i* mv
native city, and it is t*i this city that 1
look more Unui to all other* for *iip|Nirt.
1 eouiiueuoed business ou fifty dollar* at
the northeast corner of Eighth and
Hrowu streets as a ilruggist. It was at
this time that 1 dis*>verod my fltlid eX
tract of buohu. I then moved to the
hasemeut of the Itutler House, Tenth
and Chcatuut strtx ts. Afterwards, in
18.M. 1 ope nod Uie flllesl drug *U>re in
the world ou the properly of F. N. Slier
rerd, on Chestnut, Is'twiN-u Ninth ami
Tenth. But mv huoovss here was so
questioned on tlie opening night, a dis
la-lief was s<i engendered that so young
a man could not compete successfully
with established druggists, that the
credit 1 had gainNl was completely
broken down, and after a s-rit>a of strug
gIM I failed, an.l my projH-rty jaissed
into Uie liauils of an assigms.. Nothing
was ever realized by any of Uie creditors
from this assignee, but prior to my ilo
porture for New York these obligation*
were discharged by me, throiigh a busi
utwts 1 commenoe.l milter the thrN< huu
dred dollar law and coudticted on this
very spot, No. MM South Tenth street;
thos.. who di>! not prosecute mie were
j>aid in full. Then 1 conclude.! I would
remove U> New York, and compete with
the leailiug druggists of America. 1
opened at No. fe.U Broadway iu lMflO the
largeet and handsomest " jNila*N'" drug
store iu the couutrv. It was twenty
eight feet front and two hundred and
rtfteen feet deep, and in a tlvr story
building. Ou the ojwnting night I tNk
ill §ti,(kkl cash, and before one month
hrt-1 expired 1 was owner of the building.
It-fore another month 1 was owner of a
residence on Fourteenth street, where 1
resided until 1871. My auuuud profits,
after taking th ' store in New Y'ork, were
never 1--MS than SIOO,(SW, and often ex
cnnlnl $-!-o,l**>, and lmd 1 disoolltinn.Nl
my atlvertismg at this time would have
exceeded ST<IO,tKW a But 1 never
was a lover of money, aud on
mv advertisements. Wliatever display
1 have miule in carriages was not from
seltishuesa, but was another species of
advertising. Tlie whole world depends
ii|>on enterprise, and the preas and the
men who writ> for it are the machinery,
and those who sit iu their chairs com
plaining " that things are dull" must Is*
dyspeptic, or " waiting for something to
turn up," like Micawtier. They'are un
worthy of a cletui shirt or the love of
woman !
A Terrible Scene.
John Webb, the murderer, was hanged
at Knoxvillc, Teun. He maintaiiuxl
wonderful nerve to th- last, ami when
nml-r the gallows continued to nfllrui
his innuoenoe. An imm-oae crowd from
the surrounding is mutry, .srtimatcil at
from l'l.itJU t 15.00U, awremhleil to
witne** Uie execution.
Webb jwu-t<ok heartily of breakfast,
and allril the attention of the guard* U>
hi* new Milt of black clothe* taken him
by hi* brother. At luvlf jHist eleven A.
M. the death warrant was read to him,
when he asked to read it himself. After
finishing, he ruis.*! his huml, ami said :
" Iteforo God my execution is unjust,"
ami kissed a crucifix lie had given him
by the priest. He also added that he
forgave everbody, but that it was unjust
to luuig him an innooent man. lief, .re
leaving the jail he told A vera, by whom
he writs employ Uulothed , ed: "Good
bye, obi fellow, you will liave to pray
mighty har.l f>r forgiven.-*a of the mur
ders you have caused if you want to get
to heaven." The prisoner walked
promptly with his wife accompanied by
the sheriff, las deputies and a priest.
His wife v% much affected while Webb
was trying to console her. The pro
ocasiun tnoved to the gallows, about n
mile, with the sheritTa posse, fifty strong,
an immense crowd following. Arriving
there a circle was formed by two military
companies and a posse. The wagon was
driven immediately under the gallows,
when at the prisoner's request the sheriff
called Wehli and the State Counsel to
bid adieu. He then briefly addressed
the crowd saving : "The statement I
made in true. I die au innocent man.
They are killing me for nothing. I put
my trust in (tod. I think I have been
forgotten." He then requested the
sheriff to call others, Mr. Huskies par
tictilarly, to whom he said : 44 I want to
say to you it in a serioti* thing yon have
done. Kill a man if you want to, hut
don't swear his life away. He then do
nouaced the whole partv as having sworn
lies. Amid the agonising screams of
his wife he mounted the rear scat of the
wagon teliiug the people to look, slid
saying: "I'm thclxwt piece of furni
ture you have in many a day-"
His wife wan then led from the horrible
scene. Tim block cap was then drawn
over his face and the noose adjusted,
when the wagon moved off, and at lialf
pa-t one o'clock 1m was swung in the air
anil pronounced lifeless in twenty
minutes. When he was taken down he
presented a natural apjiearance.
SI range Occident to SII Klephant.
An unfortunate and unprecedented ac
cident occurred at the Zoological Gar
dens in the Regent's Park, Ijondon, to
one of the elephants. The female African
elephant, being very fidgetty and rest
less, is usually tethered by a ring round
one of her fore find to the corner of her
stall while the elephant house is Is-ing
cleaned ont in the morning. On the day
in question, about half-post eight A. M.,
the keepers were alarmed by this ele
phant calling out suddenly, as if in great
pain, nnrl on miming to the spot found
that she ha<l actually torn off the top of
her trunk. It seems that she had thrust
the end of her trunk underneath the
ring by which her foot was confined, anil
then, pulling ngninst the ring with her
foot, hurt her trunk. This caused her
to exert such force in the attempt to
withdraw her trunk that the end of this
organ was torn off in the effort. For
some time after this extraordinary event
the elephant was in great pain and very
uneasy. Bho has now begun to feed
again, and seems likely to recover the
use of her trunk, n the wound has not
inflamed much, and is gradually healing
Stopping a Train.
The Stamford (Conn.) Advocatr re
lates the following: A trick that can
only be played once on the same conduc
tor was perpetrated on the gentleman
who ran the 5:40 trnin from New York.
A mau on the train who lives lietween
New Hochcllo and Matuaroixn-k, and who
wanted to get home in a hurry, came to
the conductor, and with feigned excite
ment and in earnest tones, said that the
trnin hod just run over a man, and for
God's sake to stop. The conductor at
onoe pulled tlie liell-eqrd, and the train
was soon brought to a standstill. A
number of passengers got off and ran
back some distance, but eould see noth
ing of the mangled remains the inexor
able iron horse had made. After tho
train had again started, the only passen
ger left behind was the man who gave
the information, and lie, having thought
fully taken his bundle under liis arm,
was seen crossing lots toward his home.
Bome of the brakemon "allowed" that
110 would have more than his ticket
" punched" the next time ho got on
that train.
The Treatment of llshltual Drunkard*.
Tlit* report* which have np|eared of
tlic abort address of Hir Thomas Wit*un
oil the occasion of the recent deputation
to Mr. Cross give* an imperfect idea of
hi* word* unci meaning. Short a* *w
In* statement, a* under the circumstance*
wax useful, it wan no pregnant with
meaning ami will have no )H<ruuuiciit
value that we Lake an opportunity of
presenting the actual Words : Hill My
iiuiuhle a.lvvKwy of thin petition may lie
expressed in a very few sentence*. 1
inunt preface them hy saying that, al
though for much the greater jmrt of my
long profennioiial life I wan profoundly
incredulous of the permanent reforma
tiou of habitual drunkard*, fact* have
more recently come to my knowledge
which have tmule me an almont sanguine
convert to a (letter hope and lielief.
Among habitual druukardn them are
many in whom what wan lieguii an a vice
panne* into a frightful Ixnlilv and mental
disease. The frequent u*e of iutolliitt
uig liipior* in excess, and e*|>ecially of
alcohol to drink*, haul* at length to ail
accumulation of the specific jxiison of al
cohol within the system, no that the
Ixxlily tinnuc*. which include the brain,
IxxMimcn no impregnated, no charged
with the JHIIHOU, or no affected nomcbow,
a* to pnxluoe a degree of oravuig which
the unhappy dipaomanUMV--for nolle in
rightly .4hlxl i* utterly unable to renin!
OontroL. Ho imix-rative in thin morbid
craving, that in no toe instance*, by hi*
own confexxtoii. he could not refrain
from swallowing the customary xtimulu*
even if he Were certain that death would
I*' the niHtaut result. Now, of nuch
{wraotin, it i* found that, if they can be
strictly deliarred from all a**ee*a to alco
holic drink*, they will surely, though
■lowly, recover from thi* form of mania ;
that the incorporated |x>i*on will lx<
gradually dislodged and elinanatcd from
the nywteiu bv the *i lent and *olc efficacy
of that Wueficeitt force which we uiedi
cal men ackuowlmlge no lluuikfully, the
vii uunln'Mtrix uaturie ; and the wretched
man or woman will become once more
aide, and in no ntuall jxiroeutage of cane*
williug, and even anxious, to alnuulou
the \ toi< which had been the first ntep to
ward the induction of the maniacal dis
ease. Now, if thin tx no—and from all
tli*t I hu\ e **-ti and heard and mail ou
the subject, from expericno* gathered u
a large scale in America, from the teach
uigs of some of our oa-n lunatic asylum*,
and from the to*tiiuouy of private ob
server* lam fully jx-rsiuuled that it is
*o; 1 might even appeal on thi* jxiiut to
some mciulx-r* of the deputation now
present—then 1 conceive tlrnt the ainr
ilouing, by Mime legialutlVe mcasum, of
retreats and reformat*rien. wherein, at
the instance of hi* r*l*tiou* or friend*,
or by hut own wish, or by the sentence
of a magistrate, nuch a sufferer could IK*
legally detained for a time (which ha*
been extimatixl to lx> between three and
twelve month*, though, in my judgment,
three mouth* would (** fartx> little, and,
of course, ample proviaion should !*•
male against any fswaible abuse of such
dctCUllou), *ucli legislative action, 1 say,
could scarcely (xi regarded an anything
lean tlian a national blessing. JirifiJi
M- <licat Journal.
44 Treasury ttlrl*. 44
A corespondent of the Cincinnati
Knqutrtr writes from Washington :
44 Treasury girls," be it known, are not
all vonng ; in fact, some of tliem, no
doui.t, have children as old as your cor
respondent, while many are yet jn the
full bloom of girlhood, and more have
entered the cypress hung jxirtal* of old
maidenhood, or have worn, or still wear,
the widow's weeds. Still, according to
ye festive correspondent, all en
gaged in the Treasury dojartment are
"girls," even though they le grav
hairisl matrons and mothers of families.
As 1 have said, ''Treasury girls" are
riot all either young or pretty, a* is geu
erally mpiiuml, and in looking over the
44 sea of ffte-H " 1 have discovered but
few who look as though their owners
consider life as a great flirtation made up
of little flirtations ; on the contrary, the
majority of faces la-longing to the 44 Treas
ury girls " liear the impress of an earnest
purpose earnestly pursued, while many
are evidently shadowed by sorrow or
disappointment: in fact, the ladies who
are engaged in the Treasury department
are only a small detachment of the gr.-at
army of women who find themselves de
penuent upon their own resources, and
iiave, as is natural, sought out tire best
place they could command. The aver
age "Treasury girl" does not go to work
in silk and lace, according to tn popular
idea, but, on the contrary, wears a hxsie
sack and overdress of a<>mc light wash
goods over a wor*t>xl akirt, ami, by wnr
of taking all romance out of the matter,
carries a little lunch done up in a paper
or pinned up in a red napkin. Neither
do all 44 Treasury girls" preserve the
lines of beauty in form or face ; on the
contrary, there are thin, angular, and
pcqiendiculor women atu<>ug them, and
there are some who are burdened with
flreh ; most certainly there are many
who evidently did not win their position's
by means of personal liennty.
A Treasury Incident.
The Washington ChronivU contains
the following : A rather suspicious cir
cumstance occurred in the printing
bureau of tlie Treasury deportment,
which resulted in the dismissal of
the principal actress. It appear*,that
one of the young lody employees wne
! Missing from one room to another, when
our five-dollar notes fell from the folds
of her dress, to which they had nooi
dentally adhered, or in which they had
leen oouoruled. Two other young
Ifulics engaged in the same room, who
were following almost in her footsteps,
observed the noU-s fall and picked them
up. The fact being reported to the
chief of tin- division, he confronted the
nnlneky girl and demanded an explana
tion of the circumstance. Bho asserted
her iunooonce of any guilty knowledge
of the money luring at suit her peraon,
and stated that she believed it must
have Htuck to her ilress as she brushivl
by the tables on which the notes lay
piled, previous to the accident. Although
the belief wns generally outertainod by
the nttnchcH of tlie bureau that the girl's
story wns truthful, the rigid rules of the
office required tier dismissal as n warning
against tin- recurrence of similar mis
Seaside Lore-Making.
A watering-place letter retails the fol
lowing : Last night a correspondent s
curiosity was aroused (an nwful thingl,
and I overheard the following :
He—" You have ensnared me in the
meshes of your golden hair and drowned
me in the liquid depths of your violet
eyes! What am Itodo I"
She—" What a jolly death to die for a
young man ; you should recommend it!"
He—" Yon doubt my sincerity ?"
Bho—" Nay, nay, Clarence, you wrong
me! You are too sincere."
He—" Don't you think just a little of
Hhe—" Y-e-s."
Ho—" And may I—may I kiss?
She—" There comes 111a!"
He—" Dura the darned luck!"
Lines composed 011 the foregoing :
Oh! yon naughty, naughty boy,
Don't you wish you hint that kiss?
Do you think it Initio# Joy V
Fading ptnasurs nimply this-,
Mighty nioe;
Awful nice,
But it only transient is.
A NUhas • Ifc* a*Wwl Thlrl*a—Mb
ISma at Ik* SaklKl glalaly TM.
Hishop Clark, of Kbod* Island, lias an
article in the Isdyrr on the subject of
"Htealing." He nays ther.- are twonty
aeven names by which a thief is desig
nated, ranging dl the way from the petty
Uiief to the aristocratic uufortuiiaU.. He
says: luatead of using tlio good old
Saxon, which meant something, even if
it was course, we say of one who lias
rohtted the Istlik that " tliere is a deficit
tu his accounts," and of the man who
hjk-uiU money that ilom not lieloug to
huu, that h is " oblige. 1 to oomprouiiae
with his creditors." If a man has robbed
uie, 1 do not f.N-1 any Iwtter to be told
tliat " he has appnu.riated my pnpwty
to his own use. Let us call a spaile a
spade, and a rascal a rascal, and we shall
kuow tletter where we stand. • • •
A lawyer in Boston oucw aaked the cap
tain of a band of English burglars if,
with his skill as an accountant and other
accomplishments, he could not do IwHU-r
by earniug hi* living iu some honest
way, to wliich he replied: "Certainly
sir ; was it not njion the whole a |eying
business ( but do you supissie that it ia
the (Mwuniary return which make* it at
tractive to me f by uo means ; it is the
pleasure that 1 Lake in bringing my wits
to twar, so as to circumvent Uie plans of
oUterw for the pi urn* ulimi of their prop-
'the elevation of burglary hi the rank
of a mental science ia somewhat novel,
but the intellectual pre-eminence of the
professional reldx-rs may justly dis
puled by Uie accomplished swindler, who
never breaks a lock, or strikes a blow, or
uses a Uh4. House breaking requires
only a certain amount of tnechaniaal
skill, but to g.-t |Niswessioii of anoUier
man's pro]>ertv by hiKxlwiukiug him, or
playing u|niu iiis feelings, it is necessary |
that one ahould study something more
than the mysteries of iron bolts and
bars. Take, for instance, the mendicant
thief—not one of the ragged regiment of
beggars who are alwava ready to pilfer
whatever ia not to lie liad in other ways
—but a well dressed traveler, who has
lost his wallet or had his pocket picked,
or failed to collect a bill U]s>ti wliich be
relied to meet Uie exjieuses of hia jour
ney. Now it ia onlv t>y the exercise of
iuaiderahle ingenuity tliat any of these
stale devices can lie made effective.
A pleasing young uian, with an inimit
able address, call* upon me to some such
distress, and aska for a simple loan of
b-n or twenty dollar* t reach hi* home.
."Now," he adds, "I have been anffi
ciintly familiar wilh clergymen to know
bow ltable they are to IM* imposed upon
by such stories a* mine, and for this
n-aiion 1 would nut like* to take the
money without lorn mg in your hand* a
few IHX ika which I brought with me from
home a* security for the loan." " Wluit
are the lHM>kaf' I inquired. He then
mentioned the title* of three or four
religion* works of tlie highest character
lying at tin* hotel in hia trunk, such aa
only a vary good man would lie likely to
read, and the twit took. The youth kept
liia books—if be ever bad them—obtain
ed the loan, and that was the la*t I ever
saw or heard of him. This is a very
ordinary specimen of the ingenious de
ceit* by which the trilie of mendicant
swindlers obtain a living.
Cheating the government by evading
the payment of duties and tuxes, by
smuggling, and buying giants known to
IM* smuggled, and various other modes of
fraud, is popularly regarded as a some
what venial crime. So far as the abstract
morality f the deed is concerned, 1 do
not we the diffvreuoe Is-twecn putting
nr hand into the public tr.-a-urv and
taking out a hundred dollars tliat <lo uot
la-long t< me ami abstracting tin same
sum from my u ighbor's |aa-ket. Tlie
derangement of certain branches of
trade, s* well as the loss of revenue oc
casioned bv this evil, have reoeiaiy
arouwsl public attention, ami the con
viction of a few conspicuous criminals
mtiv tend to almte the fraud.
The rascalities of contractors liave
never lxen exceeded or equaled in any
former generation. One fat job is a
fortune ; ami an easier way to make a
fortune can hardly lie conceived. Only
get the pai*r* signed, secure the money,
and nuder let the work at half price,
and the tiling is done. How the work
will lie done, and with what sort of
materials, is another matter.
Of the numWrleas other wravs in
which the community are cheated—the
formntiou of stock companies tiased
u|Kin a tissue of lies, where the little
savings of hard working men, and the
patrimony of orphans aud widows are
systematiiwlly swallowed up— railroad
1 siuds, floated for a while by large divi
dends, paid with borrowed money, by
which honest people are enticed to in
vest their capital, and where it aoon
sinks out of sight forever- certificates
issued by ex governor*, senators, and
foreign ministers to lieguilc the unwarv
into some valueless scheme—of ail this 1
have no room to write.
This, however, is the conclusion of
the whole matter. Fraud is the crying
sin of the natiou, in high places and in
low places. The freednion deposit their
earnings in a national savings hank, and
their money is niched from them. Yes
—place your faada in tlie hands of a
rospivtahlo citixen, and auddenly he is
off for parts unknown. You buy a htm
dred Glares of railroad stock, guarau
bsd by the most saintly men, and se
cured l>y public lands, and ftnd that it is
not worth a penny. You hold a
righteous claim upon the government,
ninl are obliged to sacrifice half the
amount in order to obtain the moiety.
A Practical Farmer.
Boating is no doubt a good tiling when
judiciously indulged in, but an old gen
tleman ri-siding in Detroit, the AVoe
/Vo says, whose son was a memlw of
one of the winning crow* at tlie Toledo
kregntta, has rather conservative notions
concerning the muscular art. On Bun
day the following dialogue occurred be
tween the father and son :
Father My boy, how much did you
weigh when you ls-gaii to train lor this
regatta 1
Bon One hundred and sixty pounds.
Father An I you pulled at 145 pounds
didn't you t
Son—Yes ; I worked down to that
Father And how much is thot badge
worth that von won down there ?
Bon Don't know exactly, but I think
I heard some of the feljers say they cost
827 apiece.
Father—Urn ; $27. Now thou, if
you'll work off the same amount of flesh
next season by wt wing wood I'll give you
a badge worth just four times oa
muali as that one, and an order on my
tailor for the liest suit of clothes you call
The young gentleman intimated that
he guessed he would take a little run
down to the boat house.
Very NL
During one of the numerous showers,
a Detroit lawyer walked four blocks
i through the " drips " to reach the offloe
j of a justice of the peace and say:
"It rains upon the justice well's the
j unjust." *
His honor removed the pipe from lib
i mouth, looked out of the winlow, and
| replied :
"Gross needs it."
And the lawyer went ont and kicked
at a newsboy to ease his burden of mad
I uess.
Torrns: S'-J.OO a Year, in Advnnoo.
A Horrible Heath.
It is doubtful tliat tliere lias ever lawn
reported a -leath so terrible a* that of
John Hchoveu, which took place in New
York. He waa a(J or man, over aeveuty
years of age. He lived with his daugh
ter, a young woman of eighteen aum
mere, ui a miserable, rickety tenement
hoiiae. He waa a man of unexceptiona
ble moral*, and loved lii* daughter bet
ter tliau hi* life. Eor aouie time back
he had Imeu in feeble health, hi* disease
lieing of a nervous character, which re
quired the administration of narcotic*
to produce tlie aleep and lest necessary
for a man of hi* advanced veare. If the
writer la not miaiuforuied, hydrate of
chloral was the drug preaerilied by
hi* physician. Or, at all events, Uie
narcotic was a thin, oolorlesa tincture of
the o imuateucy of hydrate of chloral and
the ap|N-anuioe of water. It was kept
in a httie cloaet along with other lotU"*,
among which was a small vial, contain
iug creuaute. On Monday evening Mr.
He] ItoVMi, feeling ill at ease, requested
hi* daughter to bring him the narcotic.
Tlie bottle which contained the narcotic
and Uiat which held the creosote were
preciaely the name iu form aud wae and
also in general ap|iearanoe. Neitlu-r
botUe was labeled. The daughter, in
stead of bringing the old man the uar
cotic, brought him the creosote, and be,
equally ignorant, |>oured out a spoonful
aud swallowed it.
The next moment Uie old man Uirew
up his hands in terror and ooustema
tion, crying: "My God! my God ! I
have made a mistake. I sin burning
nit. Help! for God's sake, help!"
Tile fumes of the creosote at once led the
girl to realize the situation, and crying
aud wringing her hands she dashed down
the treacherous stairway*, rushed franti
cally into Uie street ami accosted an offi
cer, who at once called in the aid of the
nearest phyficiati. Meanwhile the suf
ferings of Uie old man Were terrible. It
was as if his entrails bad been pierced
with red hot irons, or as if he had taken
a cup of molten lead. H* face became
livid; hia ere meimvl leaping from their
socket*; hi* In sly became convulsed
with sjmsms. Language cannot jsirtray
Uie agony of Uiat old, gray -haired, dying
man. " Water ! water ! My stomach,
my heart, my very aoul ia on fire I" he
shrieked in the torture of lus death
Uiruea. Hie doctor came, and emetics
were giv.-n in vain. In fifteen minutes
Uie agel German waa dead.
A re|KrtT viaibxl Schoveu'a residence.
There was no cariN-t on the floor to
muffl- Uie step of the visitor. No pic
tures graced the dull and dreary walls;
but, while Uie birtl* sung ou ttie eaves
aud the ctiildren laugh.-.! merrily
in the streets, a poor litUe lady sat
la-aide a rude coffin iu a garret, weeping
alone, and wialiiug Uiat she was aa cold
a* the dead en-attire whose coffin site
was enibraciug.
A Lame of I>npe.
Tin* beat'chnno* the duel lm* of j>er
jwtuity, aav* Armo* Huumay*, in on*
of it in Tribtmr letter*, i tliat it in a
game of (lupM. The wit of VolUirp
could not abolihli attipidity. The
revolution* oouhl not extirpate preju
xlioe. Equality remain* the m<mt
ahadnwy of chimeraa. Human folly luw
it* aacending niul descending ttenle. Tin
nx of revolution rut* % few handle* of
fufpiU of prejudice, but the tree* grow
WW. There i* u primordial law of na
ture which dominate* nil lawn. Among
the prejudice which put human folly
nxxt ntrongly in relief ia thai of the
duel. The Kngltah, who are a little more
wuaible tlian the French, have aup
preNMvl it by common outwent, Itecauae
tliey *oc tliat it ia impossible for two
adversaries to meet on equal terras.
Look lit two combatants ou tin* field.
Why aihoiild the one who in young, good
looking, witty and txdoved, risk uis life
against lite other who is ugly, ill-tera
pend sud *n]erflaou* in the world ?
Yon will never find two daelists perfect'
If even in w*e, figure, rank and fortune.
Generally one rinks everything, the
other nothing. A man of intelligence is
a force in the world, a light, a mine of
gold. How can you allow that fur a
few snrlv words he is Ixuuid to go and
Ite killed by an idiot, who makes a fog
of dullness wherever be itassea.
1 have heard of a duel between a Span
ish adventurer and a French marquis.
The cause of it is easily underaUxnl.
The marquis had uttered that speech of
imbecility : " That man i not of my
at." iwohan ChalM>t stud the same of
Voltaire, but he did not condescend to
cudgel him with liia own bauds. The
Spanish adventurer, wishing to Wloug
t> the marquis's *>*t, ran away with his
swiwthoart and his wife, and afterward
went to him and said : "Am 1 now of
your set I" They theu went out, and he
l<asned liia sword through the marquis
in addition.
It i* said that our minister of justice,
considering that life is m perpetual duel
with death, wishes to suppress that of
the sword and pistol. He does not sot*
that the point of honor should lie in a
chance thrust. Bnt he will work in Tain.
As long as there remain two Frenchmen
in France there will Iw the material for
a duel ready made.
The Adulteration of Liquor*.
In an arrive on the liquor question,
tin* New York World think* the most
would be accomplished in the way of
tenqveranee if the dealers were compell
ed to sell pure liquors. It soys: Even
iti the better clam of resorts the liquors
are far from being pure, while 111 the
"doggeries" and "bucket-shops" they
attain an incredible atrocity, so tliat
those whom Isul liquor is moat likely to
ftff.vt disastrously are those to whom the
worst liquor is furnished. It would not
lx an expensive matter to appoint a few
analytical chemists in aueh a citv as this,
charged with the inspection of all liquors
offered for sale and armed with the
power, in (SsiiH of deleterious adultera
tion. to inflict the only punishment that
is t ffective that of publicity. If, in ad
ditiou to printing the nam<* of those
convicted of adulterating their wares,
the French practice were resorted to,
ami saloons or stores when- poisonous
liquors are vended placarded with IUI
official announcement of the fact and
warning to customers, tlie result could
not foil to bo remarkably benefldaL
Not the Plaa.
As he stood up to the ticket-office
window he lookisl as though he might
have been around when Noah calked the
**■ . . ,
" I want to pit an excursion ticket to
Boouosvillo, sir, if you please.**
" Where is your money f"
" It's just one fare both ways, aiu't
"Yes, ami a ticket is good for five
" Well, I wauts to pay for do ticket on
de way lack, kase my daughters is to
give me de money for coming to see
1 hem ?"
Ho did not go, we are sorry to say.
A Difference.
"If yon dare to play marbles for
keeps again," said Mr. Hurtlescainp to
his eldest boy, " I'll whip yon within an
inch of your life." And then Mr.
Hurtlescamp went 011 'change, and lifted
up his voice at the call board, and raised
hi* hand and shook it in the air, and got
red in the face as he cried: " Sixty -
seven ! sixty-seven ! for fifty thousand
i cash or July! Put up or shut up!
I DAVCII fumtji n bushel, cash!"
NO. 37.
A Vrar *f Kir<lMrr l*rh k"l f*rifc#
lUrtrM I* XU •< lM'rll
l'r*r M
The monthly crop report of the de
psrtmeut of agriculture of the United
HlnUtti for August show* that the wenth
er of July wa* favorable to crop** io the
Eastern mul Middle Bt*U-. Drought
pmvaikd iu tiw Northwest and along
the aoulh Atlantic aud gulf count*. Oti
the gulf the heat wan intense. Ares* of
excessive nun alternated with dry weath
er in NortU < Woliua. Virginia, Arkansas
*n<i Nebraska, and along the gulf. In
the remaining Kuti* -**t of "the Pacific
hio|M< raioa ware loooaaant, and over
flows ware general in the Ohio and Mi*
aiaaippi valleys.
The injury to grain waa great, but
ran not be estimated. Depredations by
grwudioppera were reported in right
counties M*ttrni through the Eastern
and Mobile Huuw, aud exteaaivw rav
age* in Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin,
Michigan, and Nebraaka. The amy
worn did considerable injury in Hew
York, lib ode Inland, Ohio and Dela
ware. Chinch Irngx were reported in
thirty-four counties in Virginia, Indi
ana, lllinoia, Wisconsin, lowa, Kana**,
and Nebraaka. The presence of the
Colorado beetle waa noted in nine coun
tiea each in New York and Pennsylvania,
mx oountiea each in Maryland ami Vir
ginia, five in Wiaoonain, and various
counties wathnd through the Weatern
The averagr condition of spring wheat
in the wheal growing Btates waa eighty
seven jer cent. It waa ninety-nine in
Minnesota and Wiaoonain, ana sixty in
Nebraska. Of winter wheat in the
Htatea whew exoewnve rains prevailed,
vast quantities were swept away and
otherwise damaged and destroyed. The
average condition of corn ia niuety-nine.
It would be over one hundred, except
for the heavy raina. In Kansas, Tennes
see, Missouri, Mississippi, New Jersey,
Arkansas, West Virginia, and six other
Htatea, it ranges from otc hundred and
nineteen to one hundred. In New York it
ia ninety'-flve ; Pennsylvania, one hundred
and three; Connecticut, one hundred
and five.
Oats average ninety-one. Great looses
occurred in the Ohio and Mississippi val
leys by flood. Nine States range about
one hundred. New York and Connecti
cut am one hundred and four. Pennsyl
vania ia one bundled.
Potatoes promise an extraordinary
crop. The raina may possibly reduce
it. The States reporting the highest
average condition are : Illinois, 131 ;
Ohio, 117 ; lowa, 115 ; Kentucky, 112 ;
Tcunemee, 110 ; West Virginia, Mimou
ri and Kansas, 107 ; Connecticut, Texas
and Arkansas, 106 ; New Jersey, 104 ;
Maine and Pennsylvania, 103 ; Vermont,
New York and Mbaiflnppi, 102 ; Khode
Island and Michigan, 101 ; Maryland ia
down at seventy five. The remaining
States range between eighty one and oue
Terrible I'oMtlon of aa Engineer.
The Alexandria, (V*.) Smttncl telle at
tin iwiiknt at Big Bend tunnel, on the [
Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, by which
the engineer, Mr. John A dame
Wilkin*, a-as injured. The "Big Bend"
i* what is known in railroad parlance a* a
" dirt tunnel," being Tery liable to care :
in, and therefore the engineers are more
careful to look ont for " danger ahead"
in pawing through them. It wma the
exercise of this care thai probablj saved j
an immense loaa of life, as the train had
Ixen brought down to a very alow rate
of speed on approaching the tunnel. It
seem* that an end of one of the large
timhera supporting the roof had become
detached and fallen on the track a few
feet within the tunnel, and the pilot of
the engine striking it, the jar loosened
the other timbers and a large quantity
of earth and stones, and the whine mam
came tumbling down upon tbo looomtive,
breaking it to pieces. The fireman, who
was standing clone to Mr. Wilkina, waa
maalied to a jolly and could not have
lived a moment,'while Mr. Wilkin* waa
thrown forward in a standing position,
with lus throat aoroas the reverse liar,
and a large timber fell acroaa the back of
his neck, rendering it impossible to
move. He had a quid of tobacco in his
mouth at the time, and ao tightly was
lie caught that he could not expectorate
and could only swallow with difficulty;
indeed, he could scarcely raise his voice
above a whisper. There he remained
for six hours in the pitchy darkness,
while every second or two small pieces
of dirt and gravel from the roof would
fall down by his side, conveying the im
pression momentarily that another mass
was about to fell and crush him com
pletely . All the time tire shouts of those
outside could be heard, as with shovel -
and nx thev forced their way to his
rescue, which, boweyer, seemed to him
beyond all hope. When they finally
reached him he was more dead than
alive, and, !>eing completely exhausted,
lost consciousness in a swoon which
lasted several hours.
IVpnlatiM ef Sew York.
Tlio census enumerators axe busy
counting the inhabitants of the State of
New York. Thua far, says the Hrrald,
we have returns froqj two-thirds of the
counties. Thane returns embrace forty
counties and seventeen cities. They
show, thua far, a population trf IM,7W
—an in crease upon the census of 1870 of
203,'201. It is thought that the hxtwaae
in imputation, all told, will advance the
umt of legialative representation in the
Assembly hi thirty five thousand, and in
the Senate to one hundred and thirty
eight thousand, giving New York seven
Senators and twenty nine Assemblymen.
In a few counties like Chenango,.Dela
ware, Livingston and St Lawrence,
there is a decrease of population, but
generally the population lias largely in
creased," especially in Albany, Buffalo
and New York. In the interior towns
the advance is onlv moderate. Roches
ter and Syracuse show a large increase.
The gaiu is msiuly nominal in Roches
tor, arising from the territories added to
the city by annexation. New York
gains partly* in this way on aoc mnt of
the lumexation to the city proper of tin* j
lower districts of Westchester county.
So far as that #ity is concerned, enough
is known to show that it has a popula
tii>u of at least eleven hundred thousand
souls, and most likely twelve hundred
thousand. In Brooklyn the return is
about five hundred thousand.
WANTED TO MARRT.- The following
advertisement appeared in the Jrinh
Timr-a of July 2r " Matrimony.—A
mother, suffering from a mortal disease
and longing to see her two daughters
suitably marriod liefore she leaves this
world, wishes to moot two gentlemen,
respectable parentage ; minimum income
i £100; age under forty. Girls are good
1 humored, trained housekeepers, very
handsome (advertisor can guarantee
this), ages twenty-two and nineteen, eld
est very sensible, youngest a little
flighty, fortunes. £3OO each. Enclose
. oarte, etc. Address Y., 72, office of this
, paper."
' A QUEER EPITAPH. —A oorrespond
■ ent at Terrc Haute, Ind., forwards the
i following specimen of ossuary litera
> ture, copied from a gravestone in that
Under This sOd our Bshis LieS,
it Nether oßies nOr HolErs.
! IT LivEd Just twenty 7 DsyS,
And loet uS 940.-
—la—a— *
Item# Interest.
A Colorado wraMui beats the baai
drum for a braaa bund.
When under weigh wilnra oan fell
whether or not the x<-u in heavy.
Men are gceac, women are dock*, and
bird* of a feather flock together.
Charles I*nutria Aihun* ia the heaviest
taxpayer at (Jttkuiy, Maee., hia tax being
It ia a write provision of nature Hut
men without brain* never fed the need
of them.
A if Indiana newspaper mildly tmt firm
ly protest* agataat nutting a two < lobar
collar an twenty Ove oeiit dog.
lit the Ikuauaner proceed of making
steel not ioaa than 4,1**1,000 ton* of coal
are saved annually in England
A Blaakfoot ludianwnnotbadivoroed
from hia wife, ao he at obliged to kill
her when he wishes a aaparatoon.
When do fanumm beoome nursery
men ! When they take lo "cradling,"
of niursa. Thought you knew that.
In 1871 a juoose friend accused Bis
marck of )e-ii>g a Communist " Only
when I am in France," waa the prince a
The Rev. William Rand, of Sea
brook. Conn., being bitten by a rabid
.log, cauterised the wound with a red
I hot poker.
The annual convention of the Ameri
•mn Free Dreaa League will be held at
Lincoln Hail, Philadelphia, September
15 and 16.
A fugitive from a Texan jail, having
I men bitten by a rnttWmke, had to go
to a physician for treatment and waa
! thus recaptured.
The wivea of Ave of the ex-Preaidenta
of the United Htatea are living, namely:
Mr* Folk, Mr*. FUbnore, Mr*. Tyler,
Mr*. Lincoln, and Mra. Johnaou.
Tin* eraxy woman at Oreenville, Twin.,
who drove a nail into her head the other
day to core the headache, haa fully re
' .wvcred her mind by the process.
In 1841 the population of Ireland waa
H. 171,124 ; in 1871, 5,412,877. j,, the
laat census there were over 724 persona
1 returned aa over one hundred year* of
; age-
Precise old party— "Conductor, do,
prav, get on. I've an appointment "
" All right ir I Now look alive, Bill;
bore'a a kohl gent want# to meet hia
young 'ootnan.
A young man in California began to
rand a jwrngraph aUmt a mine to bis
sweetheart, commencing: "Yuba mine "
—when abe interrupted hia with: "I
don't care if I do, John."
An electric magnet weighing 1,800
Itotwds waa lately abippad lo Wed
Point N. Y., by Wallace k Bona, of An
i souia, Ot Tin* magnet haa a sustaining
| oajwdty of sixty ton*.
Tbev don't aak a woman in Wisconsin
' to teach school for any paltry 82 per
week. They offer her $1.2'., and if abe
I refund* |h*y nail the door up and hang
[np a sign of "Oue skuli- hear."
A young American girl in Paris lately
slopped with her frkuda in a crowd to
; observe a carriage accident; aha had
very long hair hanging down over her
shoulder* which aome thief completely
j cut away.
i A young man, searching for hia
, father a pig, anousted an Irishman as fol
lows : "Have you awn a stray pig
i about here !** To which Pat responded:
\ " Paix, and bow could I tell a stray pig
j from any other i"
An old man living at Gushik, C. W.,
waa discovered the other day by his
neighbors cbsved to the floor in a stable.
Hia son had pinioned him thus because
I they could not agier on aome question
affecting domestic management.
A Heoleh preacher, who noi long ago
had entered into the happy stale of
■ matrimony with a maiden named Grace,
rather snruriscd hia hearers on the en
sum* Sabbath by giving out aa hia text :
" Unto me ia thia Grace given."
A very neat bit of satire ia embodied
I in thru (dipping from tin* iMnbury .Veres :
A milk pitcher, thrown by hia wife at a
NVlauu Street man, missed the aim and
' ruined a handsome frame which included
th words : "God bkws our home."
The whole numler of ooovkts in the
! Georgia state jienitcntiary aaid to be
eight hundred, onlv otic-tenth of whom
am nhilc persona. ' Many young negroea
, am cvmatantly sent them, ranging all the
way from ten to fourteen or fifteen years
i old.
Madame Mar Malum tt proving very
successful in collecting nthrnptwin fcr
the imff< n*r by the F. eoch inundation?.
She has received already about $4,500,-
(100. The viceroy of Egypt sent $2,000,
and Prince Henry, brother of the King
of Holland, $500."
A rustic youngster being ifked out to
take b* with a friend, waa admonished
to praise the eatable* Presently the
butter waa panned to him, when he re
marked: "Very tuoe butter—what
there i* of it ;** and obeerving asmUe, he
added, "and plenty of it—such as it is.
A Bridgeport man has a habit of carry
ing cartriilges and tobacco promiscu
ously in his pocketa; he loaded hia pipe
with tobacco, aa ho supposed, the other
(lit, and lighted it. The fact that a
loud report, a scorched face, burned
tongue, and a broken pipe followed
lighting, ocwrinoed him that he bad
abo rammed a cartridge into the pipe.
During a dense fog a Mississippi
steamboat took a landing. A traveler
anxious to go ahead, oanw to the unper
turbed manager of the wheel and asked
whv they much fog ;
otftt aee the titer." "But you can see
the stars overhead." " Yes," replied the
urbane pilot; " but until the biler busts
we aint goto* that way." The passenger
west to bed.
A small image of a human head carved
in stone, which waa dug up in a farm in
Webster township, Michigan, some years
ago, waa exhibited at the Detroit meet
ing of the America,. Association. It ap
pear* to be made of Potsdam red sand
stone, which does not exist in nature in
that part of the country. The features
of the face are of an Egyptian cast.
A new prophet has arisen in Europe.
He is a photographer. By means of his
camera he made visible an attack of
smallpox twenty-four hours before it
out. Although no one could as
yet observe anything on the skin of tho
patient the negative plate showed stain*
ou the face which perfectly resembled
the various exanthem, and twenty-four
hours later the eruption became clearly
i evident
In Providenoe, R. L, a fellow collel
at the house of a uaau who was out of
town, and told hix wife that the captain
of a vessel in port—a particular friend
of her husband's- had AT© gallons of
rare wine on board for him, and wanted
some demijohns to put it in. His store
was so plausible that she went to the store
and purchased the articles for him. Ho
disappeared with four demijohns, and
has not been seen by her since.
Mr. Jacob Keller, of Pittsburgh, Pa ,
while dredging the Monongahda river,
has taken out of the mud tan-oral pieces
of a skeleton which are thought by local
scholars to belong to a mammoth. A
tooth weighing ten pouuds is the speci
men which attracts more attention than
any other. Mr. Prauklin Piatt, the as
sistant geologist of Pemuylvanin, is de
sirous of unearthing the whole skeleton,
and will probably interest himself in the
The late Swiss Gen. Dufeur was noted
for liis pluck on the field of action. In
a little bout with an enemy on ono
occasion, he exposed himself and
his staff to a rather keen fire, when an
aide-de-camp remonstrated, with this
remark: " General, dou't yuu hear
the bullets whistling about n*; wo liad
certainly better retire !" "Yes, sir, I
do; and if I should retire, as you re
quest, I would hear my soldiers
In Paris there is a very wealthy mis
anthrope who never smokes anything
bnt the vilest cigars—those which are
sold for a sou. The other day a friend
asked the cause of this eccentricity. "It
gratifies me in this way. I arrive at the
theater in my carriage. The prancing
horses are palled up, and I alight with
dignity, at the safhe time throwing away
my half-smoked cigar." "Well, what
then t" " I think now badly sold the
fellow is who picks up the stump, think
ing he has bold of a fragrant Havana!"