FiRM, ARI>EN AND HOrSFIIOLD. Hints nhnui W nrk. It is propor to commence this cliaptei of hints with weed*. In oor walks ( >ver farms in niflcrent localities, we see weeds are everywhere, in the cornfields, amongst the potatoes, in the stul)ble" and the young clover, and with rijie, or rapidly ripening Reed". Home good fanners keen them out of their crops, but around t he fences and in odd corners there are thrifty patches full of seed. At a gathering of farmers last month, some of them complained to us that the wisnis were ruining their farms. In the very field where we stood—a summer fallow tod!—the weeds were in full bloom, aud if uwwisl, would have ma>le a ton to the ncra. Ox-eye daisy, simp dragon, wild radish, thistles, rag weed, pig weed, amaranths, and a score of snch common, but testiferous plants, covered the held so that the plow could not wholly Imry them. When this summer fallow was plowed, the field was seeded f<* a whole lifetime. Twenty years' !al>* mttiuot wholly clear it, and yet the man who owned the farm com plaiucd that the veyds \yuroru'uing hiiu. There is udb isnivdy fog weeds, which is thoroughly ePartive. sad that i* cutting them whorgM found e odd plucia, I* fore they hli*#®, nod .-lean cultivation in the tiebja. l,; - : f V It is the same with insect* as with \re,\ls, beetles, bug*, (KttMpillu*, aud iuseots of Hll sorts in All their form*. There miwt lie constant warfaro against thorn, and they must Ik> kilhsl by wy OMBI hi ortr |wwr. But farmer must k>ep his eves open, or he will fail to see the ouemv until too late. The tent eatterpiUars sometimes clew every lef from AH orchard lief ore tlieowuer notice* their unsightly uost* upon the trees. Study the habit* of the pwtt, M) look out tor'them. lns dry anil hard. If iiijfcf is spread npcm an oat stubble which frio be sown to wheat, and clover in the spring, it should not be ilrawp from the kiln until the ground is plowed, when it can be dropped, at once ou the | field in heaps of one bushel two rods apart each wry. This will give exactly ' forty bushels per acre, which is a very fair dressing. The drat shower will slake the lime and cause it to fall into a fine , powder, when it my be spread evenly j in a suture, ete tod each way from the heap, with a long-handled shovel. This is by far the easiest way of handling ime. — Affrlcuilurtit. Killing fw the Fair. It is well for farme.s to bear in mind the regulations of the approaching fair. I Bnt a little more time remains in which entries may b made. It would be well if pew* intondhig to exhibit should give immediate attention to their en tries, thus giving more full opportunity to correct t rrors, if any be made, as well as relieving the office of secretary of that excessive strain which usually falls upon the last few days when the dilatory ones make a rush. Whether the show will be full and in teresting or not depends entirely upon the number and character of the entries. And these depend more upon the spirit of the residents in the near count it* than upon distant portions of the State. There is altoadty gratifying evidence that tlie fair wifl bo very fVd. Iftoj of the crops are of superior excellence.' Never were finx sights of barley and oat-fields seen titan are now advancing to the har vest. Wheat, although not promising a great yield,i j likely to be very tine in quali ty. In vcar bids fsix-to be a pros jierous OM f* feirixtow, who will do well. to make' exhibition of the products of their skill and industry, that they may excite to greater excellence. We have no doubt that in the department ol grains the show will be very rich. Il will afford excellent opportunity for in specting seeds and deciding upon tht kinds to be Used next year. There is at every fair a considerable business in the way of such selections and sales. We hope farmers will give careful attention to the exhibition of grainy opt waiting for the jpf theijujjp'*, who has. their awards on general excellence, while the careful ami observing farmet may tipsjitka- a MttiaU which the com mittee* are ootapell.-d to pass without a premium, the special requirememente for their use. The good farmer who at tends the fail for the profit, will use his own judgment hi all these roOters, and he will ahreiy tiwi bm'jfioflt*. We do not car# to can in am fee the ways in which the fair may be made useful. Such a work wonld require more time and space than wo can give. And after all it woold be of no use to those who have not the spirit to enter into the aliow with the purpose of extracting good from it,.Or more liberal, with a further design of adding to its excellence. Welsh Evrr>itili(. Few farmers know exactly what they sell, and a platform scale is, we regret to say, a rare piece of barn furniture. A very important tiling, and one which few farmers know exactly, is the quanti ty they feed to their 'stock, and how much a buah-i of grain, a ton of bay, a quart of milk, a pound of butter, or a pound ofnqxk costs them. A knowledge if these things is necessary if the farmer would makers bosfness profitable, and nuless he weighs, measures aud keeps account^!everything used upon or sold from tliA fkrta,lie cannot tell whether he is work&g at a profit or a loss. • u ,W*B> A. Carlou* Snake Story. ThonJi)a Jndd, of South Hadley, Mass., tube tho following : On my way to the fUfc-i noticed two young men in the road intently, and up to them they point ed to wlftt Scented to be a very small snake, aba if two feet long and about t iiree-eigfitfca, qI an inch in diameter. The forxbak sad hail two branches some six inchaetseg each, but there was noth ing at thwwmt like a respectable head, the ends haying tim apissirsuoe of hav ing been pnt square off; the tail tapered off as a tan ffliotild. The whole was in motion, uoVing forward very slowly, say a footy# fifteen minutes. * Upon a closer ••jamiuntion I found tliat hi* snakesliifi was made up of myriads of very small worms, not more than one quarter of, an inch long, and in diameter about thewixe of a pin, but all so firmly woven tcsjnUier that they might be mov ed up or iaoyod sideways without dis turbing the appearance of the snake or separating it at all. Tlie snake was round aiul muuttdiood ita4m until it tapered off fyx the Uui; in detaching a worm fr<'in the main body it was soamall as to be just lirseernible with the naked •>.. Think> T that sjioittd the little worms grow to 38y ibpideiaUe size they would make a pfmy large snake, or that, shimlijl |h^ r eventually separate and spread BiCßfiepts over the larmers' fields, tbtyr Mlrry destruction be fore themfT advised the young men to get a flat stick, and smash the whole con °eni, wkhsh they did. Can any of your r< :i of worm his in the north west ofi: Canada have met with dis ng failures. Their crops have been fhan half destroyed by the grasshoppers, and a good deal of des titution iff fhe result. THE RE\T MTSTKRT. Ttintlon IWrl It rime* II lirllril In ifcr llinii AWnlr H kwr Bli ma 11 f Fifty yeara ago tlw* VIH>U< country wan exciteu over tlic disappearance of Wil UAIU Morgan, an anode! e MUTUI, who harsons well acquainted with Morgan, excited considerable int<-reat. The willow and several intimate friend* of M- rgan termed at confident that it was Ins body, tliut the committee appointed to investigate the aKiuetion determined to bold another inquest, of which public notice was given. On the day a|if>oiutod aouie sixty or seventy people assembled at the mouth of t>ak t>rchard creek, where the body of the uukuowu man was interred. llefore owning tlic grave Mrs. Morgan and Dr. Ktroug described iviiaiu niarkt upon Morgan a badr, by mean* of which it could lie identified. When tlic rmle collin was opened the Is sly it contained diacloard the peculi arities described, and after delils>rateex amination the jurors declared it unarni tuoualy tin* body of WiUianr Morgan. Fruui tills verdict uo one preaent dia aeuksl, ami for a week or ten days the question seemed to !*• settled, latter in October there came a report that the body declared to lie that of Wil liam Morgan was claimed by his family to lie that of Timothy Monroe, a Cana dian, who was swept in a small boat over Niagai a falls eleven days previous to the time that the body was washed ashore at the mouth of Oak Orchard creek. The remains iu the meantime had Usui taken by Mr*. Morgan to 11a tavia. A third inquest was now to be held for the purpose of establishing the claim of Mrs. Mourvie. A largo eon course of citizens was in attendance. Mrs, Monroe appeared aud guve a de scription of her huslvuid's persou and of the clothes in which he left home on the morning of the day he was drowned. I'tenons to bar examination Bates Cook*, chairman of the Morgau iuvesti gating committee, examined the clothes preserved bv the coroner with great mi nuteness. l'lns enabled him to test the m-caraey of Mia. Monroe's knowledge and memory. Neither Mis. Monroe nur any person RvuquUliixing with her i>r interested iu the identification of the body as that of Monroe ha h garment, but underwent a rigid xauieatiou by Mr. Cooke of more than an hour, in which she described with singular ac curacy every rent and patch found in each garment. She indicated buttons she kail sewed on the pantaloons to re place those lost which did not match the others. She also described one stocking that had been darned with yarn of a dif ferent color, lu a word, her description of the clothing was so accurate in every particular as to leave uo doubt that each article had been under her special care. But wonderfully accurate as she had been on this point, she was most strangely wrong iu her description of the Iwxly. Monroe being at least three inches taller tlian the corpse. She described her husband's hair and whisker* as coarse and black, adding that his hair had been cut quite short a few lays before he was drowned, while that upon the head of the deceased was long, silky and of a chestnut color, Monroe's sou oon lirrned his mother's testimony relating both to the clothes and the body. No attempt was made to im]>each either, nor was there any doutt that Monroe had been drowned, as alleged. It was difficult to reconcile these eonfiictiug statements. Mrs. Monroe wus as clearly right about the clothes as she was wrung about the body found in thein. The third inquest resulted in finding that the body previously ad judge, I to be Morgan's was that of Timothy Monroe. There were other circumstances connect ed with the disappearance of both Mar gitti and Monroe, assuming that both had been drowned in Isike Ontario, calcu lated to complicate the question of iden tity. The body was found at Oak Orch ard creek a full year after Morgan's dis apjiearance; of course it could not have tieen drifting about that length of time. It was known, however, that Morgan was weighted heavily when thrown into the lake ; and, two months before that body was found, the mouth of the river and that part of tho lake where Morgan was supposed to have been thrown over board bad been thoroughly rakish In this way it was supposed that the body had been released from its weight, risen to the surface aud drifted to Oak Orch ard creek. Monroe was drown ♦si on the 2oth or 27th of Septomlxw. The bcsly j at (Nik Orchard creek WUH found on the Bth dav of October, having but eleven or twelve days to dnftadißtsnee of forty miles, where ft was found. It is under stood that drowned persons remain sev eral days under water. It was ascer i tained by meteorological records that, during the interval Ivtween Monroe's death aud the finding of the body at ; Oak Orchard creek, the wind blew most ,of the time up the lake. Now, as ther>- | is no current in Lake Ontario, and fts ob jects float with rather than against the wind, it seemed improbable that the i body found should be that of Monroe ; I while on the other hand it seemed equally improbable that a man drowned j in the hitter part of September, 1826, could hsro been found in a tolerable I state of preservation in October, 1827. ; So that there were irreconcilable facts and circumstances connected with this strange history. Mrs. Morgan and the intimate friends of Morgan deecrilsxl marks upon his person before seeing that body, which left no doubt in the miuilsof all pn-sent thut it was the remains of her husband. Str..ngly ' enough, however she re j pudiated every article of clothing found upon the lssly. And yet Mrs. Monroe, who came from Canaiia, readily described every artiele, garment by garment, with minnto and startling accuracy. While, therefore, up to the time that Mrs. I Monroe appeared there were no just grounds for discrediting Lite correctness ! of the second inquest, yet ift*r the third ' inquest hud leeu held at Hatavia there ' was a strong reaction in public opinion. I Although tin- gentlemen associated with me in the investigation were still strongly of the opinion that the lssly was that of Wdliam Morgan, my own previously clear and strong convictions were a gisul deal disturbed. Nor can I now, after fifty yearn' anxious inquiry and reflec tion, say that I ain satisfied that it was or was not the body of William Morgan. The discrepancies aliout hair aud bexrd between Mrs. Morgan ami Mrs. Monroe, after the conclusion of the third or Hatavia inquest, induced those who claimed the body to be that of Timothy Monroe to say that the hair was pulled ont and the whiskers shaven off to make it resemble Morgan. That could only have been done in the presence of be tween sixty and seventy persons, some ot' whom were democrats and others Freemasons, and yet all must have seen aud consented to the fraud. The last inrfnest WAS held only a few days before the election. No other question entered into the canvass. The excitement was greater than I had previously or have since witnessed. As the stream gradually wears the channel deeper in which it runs, and thus becomes more surely bonnd to its accustomed course, so the currents of the heart and mind grow more restricted to the course in which habit has taught them to flow. These intellectual and moral habits form many peculiarities of character, and chiefly distinguish one individual from another. They are, therefore, of the utmost importance. Rules for luthcrit, A writer in lb* Washington (YIIHOI/ lays down the law to mothers HO follows: 1. If a you tig gentleman (WMW to Mi>e i hor daughter, who Blunt incontinently ! leave tin' room after exchanging civilities alamt the weather. '2 If she happens to enter tho rvxnu luildwly tutor rupta a scene from " Romeo and Juliet," alio must retire without being seen, if poaeibte; or, if recognised, imwt busy itorself in ar rang tug tin curtains until tho two young |Mopthi* rvtiroil to tho respective extremithe of tho sofa, leav in)? a virtuoun wants of green rep lw twoon thorn. 3. If a young and com- Iterative stranger calls in a hired carriage to lake lior daughter to tho play, o|era |or german, n)n< munt not lot nor fast nil I i OUHIIOHH get tho better of hor good hrarrot had uot snapped at hor diawoud earring and half swal , lowed it, which cus>d hor to givo a scream that brought tho servants with lights, and exhibited her bracelet iuex tricahly fastouod to young Jones' collar button, all of which lie explained very unintelligibly andto nobody s satisfaction —at this }H>int, when this din uteres ted friend sto|>s to got breath, the mother must explain that hor daughter was sit ting on the stairway with young Jones Uvause alio was aliout to ilrop with fa tigue; that she wont into tho aviary with youug Jones lavauaesho was passionate lv fond of birds ami to got a " sbitf" of fresh air; tliat it was Friday, ou which day hor daughter always fasted; tliat wuie abhors an empty stumiu-has much as uature does a vacuum, so tho first glass of champagne hor daughter took with young Jones went straight to her head; I that it might have gone to a minister's head under similar eireutnstances, in fact it frequently did. She must thou affee tionately kiss tho friend of the family good-bye, inwardly vowing never to forgive Uor for a meddlesome busy bod v, ami lot hor daughter go the next night to the german with the identical Jones. The Miip Worm. This destructive little annual makes its home in submerged wood, which it {■erforates with tubular galleries, whore [ it spends its life alternately tunneling and feeding ou the flue raspings of chips is makes. It altounds in the seas, and its ravages are so extensive and so rapidly effected tliat all submarine strnc turns of wood are liable to la* riddled by it unless carefully protected against its operations. Planks and timbers of bridges, piers and ships, that appear t outwarilly whole aud perfect, will often on examination prove to be internally furrowed in every direction aud ready to crumble to pieces under the slightest weight. A piece of deal has been found completely riddled in forty days after its immersion. M. Quarterages relates that a boat raised four mouths after it bad foundered on the coast near Port Si. SeUistian was so wormeateu that it was utterly us'les. The curioos part of the tunneling is that, although its galleries may perfor ate every part of the wood ami destroy its entire substance, they never commu nicate. Some instinct informs the little miner when it has reached a hollow fur rowed by auuther individual, and it di stantly changes its course, and literally worms its way in a new direction. It geuerallv moves with the graiu unless it meets with some obstruction. Karly in the eiglitoi nth century it at tacked the dykes of Holland, and for a time threatened to annihilate the coun try by consuming the piles supporting the sea walls, and thus letting the ocean roll in upon the kuid. A vast sum of money was expended before the immi uent ilanger was arrested. But protec tion against the worm has tteen found in iron rust Timber exposed to its gnaw ing* is rendered safe on* being impreg nate,! with oxide of irou. Copper sheathing is employed to protect ahijM, or tiie timber is driven full of short, brood-headed nails, the rust of which covers it with a coating which is to the worm like an armor of mail. Its little tooth never attempts to penetrate a ma terial so spoiled for its taste. Infant Mortality. A New York city paper not en the gratifying decrease in the weekly mor tality of that city, especially among in fant•, of whom 4M died in the last week of July, a decrease of 153 from the pre ceding week, and of 164 from the second week in July. The total infant mor tality for July reached the high figure of 2,Uo'J, against 2,826 in July, 1872, and 2,131 in 1870. This is a high rate of in fant mortality, inevitable in a city so densely peopled. Humanity and science may do much to reduce yearly totals ; but squalor, want of food and pure nir, the indifference and neglect of drunken parents, are factors wliieh cannot be eliminated from this frightful equation. Hut the unhealthy conditions under which these little ones habitually live in the attics and cellars will surely tend to swell the mortality bills. This is true enough, and with a mnch more rigid sanitary code the evil wonld , still exist. The only hope of a remedy is in a thinning out of the population and a cheapening of rents which will draw people out of the cellars and attics to some extent, and we look to rapid transit as an important factor in solving the problem. A War Sausage. M. (iruvel has obtained the monopoly of manufacture for France of a new kind iof sausage—the sancisaon Grtivel. This singular addition to the oouuniKsarat has been adopted for the army by the min istry of war, and 100,000 have I wen or dered for toe occasiou of the autumn maneuvers, when they will, for the first time, come into use. Various experi ments have been made with those sausa ges; HjH-einieuK have boon exposed to the iiiflueuoe of the weather for several weeks, ami others have been sent to Buenos Ayres and back without the least injury iu either case. According to the Cologne (Jazi tte, not only lias M. Oruvel entered into oomniunication with Madrid with a view to supplying the •Spanish ariuy, but the English govern ment has coneltiibd an arrangement with hun for the East Indies. The sausages are made of meut, benns, peas and len tils. The liladdera or skins are pre pared in •Stuttgart, but the secret of the inventor lies in the manner of packing j or closing the sausage. A Touching Incident. A touching incident is reported from Vieuua, Austria, as having occurred at Brnenn, where there is a strike of weavers. It apjie&rs that the men on strike met in a churchyard—perhaps selecting this spot as affording conveni ence for immediate sepulture. It was almost immediately surrounded by a battalion of infantry aud a squadron of dragoons. The soldiers having loaded their muskets, operations were about to commence, when the wives of the weavers stepped forward, and holding up their children exclaimed : " Here, shoot us down !" How far the soldiers were affected by the sjiectacle is uncer tain, for the telegram giving an account of the affair merely says that they " then dispersed the crowd with tbo bayonet." It may, however, tie taken for granted that if there was any slaughter the Labies were stabbed first, then the wives nd afterwards the weavers. A North Carolina girl, sixteen years old, lias given birth to triplets. The Yellow Fever. Burgeon George M. Htemborg, of the Unite*! ariuy, gives the following iu Ilia iuipreSNituis of yellow fever: First -The yellow fever poison is not nti emanation from the (lentous of those sick w it It the disease. Second—lt is not generated by atmos phorie or telluric influeucoa. A tvwUiu elevation of teuqierature ia, however, necessary for it* multiplication, and it* rapid increase ia promoted by a moist atmosphere, and protiahly by the pros euce of decom|Htmiig organic matter. Thud The jiotsou is |sirtalile iu ship*, goods, clothing, etc., and a minute quantity is capable of giving rise to an extensive epidemic. Fourth-V.ijvosnre to a teni|eratnre of thirtv two degreea Kalireuheit com plctely Aeatroys it. Fifth It uiay remain for au unknown length of time tu a quiescent state when uot subjected to a freezing tern |w rat ure or eXjioacd to the uoudltion uiHtwaory to it* multiplication, and may giu lie come active and increase indefinitely when these conditions prevail. Hixth While liability to the disease and ita severity w hen oont rocteddeja-nd, to a iwtrtoiu exteut, upon age, aex, tem perament, previous habits, acclimation, they also drjiend to a great extent ujk>ii the degrtHi of concentration of the tsii soti ; that is to say, the larger the dufte the greater the |HMsibihty of an attack and the greater it* severity. (In coin ciding with this statement, *avs i>r. John M. Wood worth, of the marine corps, 1 wish it understood that I have only re fereuce to tlie disease as it occurs iu the Uuited States. I wn* uuder the luipres aiou that it originated m New Orleans, until the contrary was proved, during the ooonpanry of that city by the United States trtsips during the late war. There ia, I think, indubitable evidence to prove that yellow fever is a native of the tropica, and that ita im|sirtatiou iuto the United States could lie prevented by a strict quarantine ; that is, total isola tion. I consider the most reliable wetlinl of disinfecting a alnp is to batten down her hatches and red use the tem perature of her hold to thirty degrees Fahrenheit, and to keep her in that con dition for four or five ilava, so tliat the bilge water way remain frozen for that length of time. No further danger need after that tie apprehended, and any sub sequent appearance of fever ou board must arise from fresh exposure to ita in fluences. ] A Wail St rift Kiuaurirr. I vlo not imagine, says a corrwapoini cut, Uiat Jay Ciuuld in a pleasant theme to any American, and yet the Wall street strategist lias his strong (sunt*. He ia a man of uncommon nerve, never faltering, or, as tliev say,never "squeal ng," wheu pursued by tiie most adverse fate, it was thought that wheu Flak died his dramatio eud would demoralize tioiild, eventually drive htm from the public gaze, and certainly ruiu him a* a tlnancial jaiwer. There are those who anaert that his subsnjumt inglorious de feat iu Frie wa* a warning to him, that he redoubled his efforts as a strategist, and made up his mind to recover lost ground. Others again my that his operations are only another method of keeping off the dreaded end foreshadow ed bv the death uf Flak. 1 was down iu Wall street the other day talking with an old liabitue of the street. He was saying that Gould had everything his owu way ; that he could do just as he might please iu any stock, and that all other operators were jMiwerlvww to pre vent him. "What, tin u, is there to prevent him amassing unlimited wealth 1" "He is loaded down with Union IV thfic," replied mv friend, "and nobody wants it. Gould can never get rid of it unless a dividend of teu tier cent, is de clared, in which event he may unload and retire from tlie street oue of the richest uieu iu America." Gould will probably uever quit Wall street His tenijienunent is exactly suited to the excitement of that kind of life, for he is a cold, wary, dextrous business man, without {tassiou, and ap parently without ftwdinga of any kiud. lie neither drinks nur uses tobooco in anv form; nor is he addicted to nuy I titbit that would prevent him from s most perfect and absolute concentration of the astouialiiieu known to realize SI°JS,OOO in a single mouth. An Asiatic IVstilenee. No great Asiatic pestilence lias ev< r scourged the Eut or the Ix-vaut and al lowed Duiuaecua to escape. At bast two gnat caravans—the pilgrimage of Hadjis from llaghdad and the great com mercial caravan from the name region— have yearly and for centurion made the plain of Demeslik i Shem their termi nus, and time caravtuiH carry jtestilenoe l in their train under any and every | quarantine which Etiro|>euu akill can de vise and Turkish administration execute 'or attempt to execute. It was by thin ready path that the plague entered Palestine when the troops of the French ' directory occupied it, and entered it again under sedulous imita tor, Ibrahim Pasha, thirty yearn later. The great commeriiid caravan thin year would have reached Damascus, in the unual course of events, shortly before the breaking out of the cholera whose devastation is just announced, ami it j will not be surprising if fuller advices : prove the caravan to liave been its source, as preneut news places its tiegiuniug ou the caravan route. Nir would it in auy other Turkish city t>e surprising to learn that the ravoges of the ]M-stilcnce were felt llmt ami fiercest in the Christuui quarter. In anv true Moslem citv this quarter approaches more or less closely to a Roman ghetto. It is the worst drained, tin worst-built ami the worst | cleaned part of the town. lint the Cliristian quarter of Damascus lias lia.l a i singular experience. In June of 18t>0 it was sacked ami burned in as fearful an outbreak of Moslem fanaticism as the •vntiiry has seen. When under Mah moud Pasha, Imoked l>y a Freneli cantonment, this est ' part of Damascus, hygienically consider ed, beoauae the most modern. The fset that the present attack of cholera has lieen most virulent there is only another • singular illustration of the singular ' vagarn s of Asiatic cholera.—iWic JorJfc World. A Spanish Execution. Tlio Ojtinion* ffationalc has nn uc count of u double execution that took place recently at lioronloua. A maitl servant named (leorgia Foix*aitltHl bj her lover, Vietoriano Urcieta, murdered her master, who had made a will iu hot favor. The judicial investigation and trinl lasted no less than three years, and resulted iu the condemnation of lmth the accused, who, according to the ens torn, were taken on the evening which preceded the execution to a clutpel to remain there until the next morning. Tliere the two convicts were only separa ted by a curtain, and the woman uttered etug presaut on oue of the notable occasions when Mr. Conkhu announced that he had a litter of new born rabbits to " feed out." The snakes, responsive to tlie late cheerful a. 1 vance in temperature, bail petitioned for bus teuauce. lu B large glass .ago, situated on th# grass border near the sea buna, are several raUletmaltes, Florida ser pents, and blucksuakro from our north ern J sutures. The genial warmth of the suti, heightened by the glass cover, had stimulated s-r|>eutiiie life iuto quite hopeful activity. Mike produces the deal red provender, ami the reptiles ac knowledge his ktudncsa. There is a very perceptible awakening, and im mediately on the entrance of the rabbits the black heads are seen lifted above the rank growth of cloTer that lines the cage. A marked difference is noticed t sit ween the snakes. The rattle snakes are inert, lying at length, ami passively seizing their prey aa it ap proaches them. The black snakes, on the contrary, are all attention ; their heads are raised as f listening to the tread of the prey. At sight of it tlmy stretch forward with open mouth and strike. To take their : nrey headforemost—which they invari | ably .lo—they execute some maneuvers, lieitig to coil around the victim if need lie. liis coiling is cluxracteristic of j the blacksnake, as wc had ou opportunity to witness on thia occasion. Oue of the blocksuakiw had swallowed a rubbit, and pecml alrout for more; his eye fell upon the bolfnws flowed prey of the rattle snake, which was quietly enjoying the alow but sure process of saliva coating his (•veiling meal. Without oeremouy the blacksnake seinil the rattlesnake by the tliroat and demanded a disgorgement. The rattlesnake, in his -stolid manner, refused, but made no demonstration. 1 He lay at length and evidently trusted to his iHiwcrs of endurance and bis fearful fangs for protection. His an tag ouist now released his hold and seized the part of the nrey left oubbde, sensi bly concluding tint now or never he had a chance, for the inwardly inclined teeth of the rattlesnake are surely sending the morsel out of sight forever. A violent jerking succeeds uo tatter, ami now he ' quickly Bends coil upon coil arotiml tho rattlesnake, putting iu o|>eration his i greater power. The rattlesnake keep* liis hold with praiseworthy tenacity, hi* le* as flaahe witu rage; his heed is swol leu to the utmost. His assailant is thoroughly in earnest; he is all action. A great commotion is aroused among the other Muaki-K. The moodier from Flori da retires to the gallery; the necoud rat tlesnake is awakened into activity by the plaintive cries of tl-e half swallowed rabbit; and the blackanakcs an* darting through tlie green grass ami clover in j search of more prey. A crowil of interested sjMTtators had now oolleoted. There was now a first rate "snake fight" at hand, certainly, ' and there *<*(. Chinese Immigration. Whilst immigration from Europe to the United States continues to show a marked decrease, that from Asia is in creasing. In 1873 Mr. Young, chief of the bnreun of statistics, jminteil to the fact thut Asiatic immigration had fallen far short of what had been represents], having never in any single year reached 15,000, the then aggregate, 109,502, be ing only about four per cent, of the total immigration, whilst the small number of female immigrants, not exceeding seven per cent, of the whole number, seemed to preclude a large increase of the pure Mongolian race in America. But immediately after Mr. Young's re port a remarkable increase took place. The immigration of Chinese in 1871-2 wan only 6,508, hut in 1872-8 it reached 19,368. In 1873 4it fell to 13,073, but in the following (last) year reached 15,- 807. The numlier expected during the ensuing year is far in excess of any that has preceded it. NUMMARY OF NEWK. Ilasis ml Islarea* Irmm !■••• as A AhraaS. Advices from I lung Kuiig tncnlvml st ||, bill nan of aUltaUoa allow Hist diirui|| Uis Aral fortnlgbl u' Uia usw (as ocmumhi Iks stjiorts fiom ItMikaw wars 'Jt.OOO,OOO |iotuida Tlia |s>atmsstar-Kiieral lis* nuala s eoutrset mill lbs (Ks*deutaJ and Orlsnlal siesinlii|> i-vtupsuy to carry tlia mails bstwsen Hsu Kran olstvi, J|-ii suit (Alius st s oust of about .(KM) pet Simula, wbtls (kaigrsas voted tbe PselAu Mail o>au|suiy ASUU.UUO fur lbs ssois ssrvti-s ..Two burg Ims situs ted lu Kt Ixmls pievs la be aeavloU wlio eses|d from Hlug Hi tig by stealing the locotnullve.... A com miueo of tsreuty of lbs lasdlug uuuiufsctursrs of tbe Ottawa vsltay, Osnsds. Itsva baea s|>- IMiiiiUal to occurs s oollsollou of articles of (lis various manufactures for tbs Philadelphia centennial.,. tkr t'bsrloe Addsrley'a Mai. hsnl Hbipptug bill hsa (Nuwad bulli bouses of Perils tueul . Tbs funeral of llmis Cbnstiau Audorseii took plsoo st t'opeubsgsn. 1 •eumaik, and was si landed by the king end mysl fsunly end s huge ooncoorse of |ieople ..It sp|iesrs ss If s general esi lu Columbia, Htmth Aoiorl cs, was imminent (Irsders M work an tbs cottier of Miaalou and Hixleeuth streets, Han PrsniTe. il unesrtbed s ksg ooutalulng gold, lu aoeles sud uaggels, la value vsnouely Setl lutted st front AAU.UOU to ♦so.nuo Conn lelfett H.OUO bolide uf the ( allforms end Oregon branch of lbs Ceutrsl i'SMDc railroad he. a beeu delected lu Wall street. New York, ~.. Tbe army worm appeared in immense uuml>era st Huases, Nee llruuseick, ou tbe government railway line east of HL John, and their ravages have create! Widespread alarm. Fields of grain were attacked and devt.oyed Ui a short time, llorse i oilers, run over tbe rued whore they iTueaod. did nut |wt.epl.bly laesen then numbers. A telegram from HL Andrea's says army worms invaded tiist town a few days since, covering tbe streets, holds and lanes in every directiou, end devouring tbe greea and grain, Iu spile of every opjiosiUou they are still advancing. Tbo llarxegovuilau rebellion la eaetunlug formidable (wopurtiona. Tlie I'almouai.a and Muutegnne MS aiding tbe insurgents with money end pruviatuns. After e stubborn fight near lUUetehle, lbs Turkish troops were routed lu accordance with the notice given (be Hpenbdi goverumenl bee ordered e levy of 100,(0X1 men. Tbe minister of Ananct Is to leeuo coueolldated interior scrip for XAU,- 1100,000 A peeaenger, said to be e HpanWi colonel, waa taken from the Itriusb mail incomer Eider, at Porto Eico, by (be H|ianisb eutbuitUee and eouu afterward aboL Ail tbe foreign consuls (woteated A aabor recently arrived at Halifax, N. A. bae reported a terri ble crime which waa consummated two yssm ago. Tbe erbuooer Mary 1- Junes sailed Trues Clyde river fur Buehm, bavtug two aistere ou board ss passengers. Huon after sailing tbe aaptain and crew, with tbs exception of tbe ui fanner, outraged the women. Tliey were Ibeu killed end the bodies thrown overboard. The crew subsequently reported thai the vessel sss caught la a gals and thrown on bar beam enda, the two women being drowned tu the cahtu ..... There are thirty-ail caaee of yellow fever in the town uf l'ssnegonla. Mies., the disease having beau brought from Havana ... IHi neon, Hbsrtnan A Co.* statement shows At sTi 125.6Y baUbUes and g2.U5.7t0.Cl as sets .... The Hearsville Mase) reeervutr dsm sas swept away by the heavy rams and did much damage tu the low lauds, creating in tense en!lament among the inlielelants, as the flood followed lbs track of the deetructive deluge of a few year* ego. The streets of Williamsburg village wore badly washed, and one abutment of a uew iron bridge waa seabed away . The rams of tbo past few weeke nosed the I vis wore river so ilia! the lumber men wr# able to get their rafts duwrn to tidewaler being tlie flrwt lime Una year. Hpoiu is to send one hundred tbouaMid more soldiers Cube.. ..Thebishop of tlnesen.Ger many, who bee been acting to same extent far ArrhUehop Lexlochowwky, has been expelled from the province comprising Km diocese by decree of the governor ... Hie English Par liament bee been prorogued until October "Jtnh Tlie (Jaeeu, in her speech, said that the rela tione with fureign (iwer eoutinoe to be cor dial. and she looked forward with hope and ounAdt-ucw lo the uninterrupted maintenance European peace. Hbs stated that the visit of the Sultan uf ZaucibM will lead to the complete suptrweHlou of the east African sieve trade ... A freight engine exploded in the yard of tbe Fitch burg railroad, at Chsrlcetnwn, Mass.. (bre being an engineer, firvmui and brake tnsii ou board at the time Tbe two former were blown out of the ceb aud landed on tbe roof of a car lu the mar of the tender, creep ing with slight Injury. The brakemeu wee thrown to the ground, and although tembl/ rcalded. may recover. The cause of the ex ! ploatuu is unknown. The fragmanUi of the I engine were ecattered about in all directions and s few pwraoua received slight injaries. i tins pleas of toiler weighing thirty-two pound* waa blowu into the air aud fell through the roof of St. John's church, a qcarver of a mile distant ... Jort to tlieir regisuonts tvefore October 1.. ..Tlie I'elliolto clergy of IVsveti holdiug sUtei stipend* have submitted to the OerraMi eoclesisstical Uw* ... Ielegtes from fifty French com mercial corporations Mid trsdes-uiiions will visit the centeiiinsl ex|Hisitioii Dispatches from the commando! of the Tlrmouth, United States navy, st the mouth of Uie liio Grande, ri-jxut Mexican raids across the river at mi end for th* present Tho Fall Hiver ojierstlves have decided to their strike Tlie moil steamer lioyne. plying between brazil end Southampton, lias been lost off llreet. aud the t>ark Zurich has gone ashore on t lio Nov* Rcot hi mul In the llocheetrr (N. V ) race* Lain boat (loldsmith Maid in the four fastest consecutive heat* on recotd, i lie shortest being 3. 15\ and the last t.IT....The balance* in thn I'mtod Slate* treaaury: Cnr rencjr, B,'i'-'4.370 ; special de|>o*it of legal ten - deni for the redemption of certificate* of de)xmit, #£6,560,000; coin. #70.716*87, in cluding coiu certificate*, 19,710.700 ; outstand ing legaltender*, #074.756.108. The body of Mine Ttuipott, drowned at the Care of the Wind*, Niagara, recently, ha* been recovered. Her form waa beyond recognition. A boat containing three men waa drawn over the l'asnsic Fall*. K J. The three were drowned. They wero aoen etruggUug in tlio water, making frantic etforta to save Uiem eolvee, hut anon sank .... William llrang. a U.y eight yoare old, waa caught in the act of aelUng tire to a New llavon church The H|vani*li government will aoen aend a royal commission to the Philadelphia exhibition.... it is aencrtci! by the friends of Charlca Thomp son, who ran for chief of the Cherokee* againat W. P. ltoae in the late election, that he i elected by fully Ave hundred majority The United State* commissioner of |>enaiotui baa declared that no agent in any caee will be allowed to charge morn than #25 feea in secur ing a pension The total expondituroa of the United States for the mouth of 'June were #374,638,893.84. Army woraui have appeared on Navy island, in St. John harbor, N. 11 The etcanicr Hugh Martin exploded her holler at Washing ton landing, on the Teunoaeee river, caiuiug a complete wreck of the boat and killing live persona Mrs. Kuima liens died in Chicago f uwu mi overdoes of gel senium. Tbe reepon nihility of her death lis* Iklvmu lier husband, who prescribed the do m> for headache. Mid mi |MithoM y • boy. who oouq>ouiided it Join plots ofliatoJ returns of tho lata Hutu elee tloti in Keutuakjr give MeCrwry, Democrat, e majority of M, IS# over Hat lan, Republican, 'tlie vU for MoOresry la about 1,(100 laaa Uiau that for Lesuo iu I*7l. The Hooes will atMid uiuaiy iHmiixi au to Lmi IVopul lioaoa The American squadron officer* were entertained by the authofitlea M Huutb auiptou. England .... A New lurk excursion boat earned three thousand (wsaetigsre out iuto Uia ooaou, wheu aha waa not allowed by law to uarry Ave hundred Bp a collision on the Pilot railroad lu Michigan two man were hilled .... At etteu|>t waa made to out a levee near Napoleou, Ark. The levee patrol dlaooveied the villaiue and a tight ensued, teaulting iu the death of one of the marauder*, the wounding of two other* and the eoptura of a fourth. Ex-Treasurer Parker, convicted of MB bas iling funds uf tbs Ktete of Moutb Carolina, bra been teleaeed using to mi informality tu tbe outturnUneut . t 'apt. Itobert C. UeUvilte (rat bis invalid wife on board tbe steamer ttrtetul at New Yurh Mid lb an wrni aabore. Ho attempted to jump aa board after lb# plank bad beeu hauls-1 in, fell overboard Mid was ilrowued. lita sick wife. iteMly moons. woe sent borne Tbe Carlisle made soother unaueeeesful attempt to relieve Heo de I'rgsl. Tbe cttedal baa been macb damaged Jobu L Kates, a wealthy mam ad man. was arrneted lu I'bllsdolpbia for pouring burning ml over tbe body uf Ins niiatraa and trying to barn her alive .... Tbe total amount received under the new Maeaecbusetta license law In 110 towns is H(3 Tbs body of N. H. Orltuwoad, who actum pooled Issialdaon ou bis late bail ma Ulp from Chicago, ties been found on tbe beech of Lake Michi gan .... A man was airaated lu Jersey Utty charged with bigamy tssnty-rtvs years ajtei tbe alleged crime took place By a frightful Occident on tbe It Una arid Hl Joseph rail road oue pesesuger was lulled and over forty seriously injured. A Youthful Operator. Hun Francisco stand* aghast at the audacious stuck operations of oue Charles Kuchcl, a youth of wurlwu, without capital or available means of bis own. The ('hrtmicU. my* : This gf venturous nud enterprising youth, un-re broker's clerk, with uo capital except his native sutbwnty and exalt actually rivaled in the magnitude of his stock transactions the veteran millionaires who are popularly NU]>|Hed to ooutrol the market, make corners, and send stock up or down ac curding to their pleasure. His opera tions, thus far ascertained, during the first two weeks of last Janus y amounted to f157.000, while during the mouths of May and June, they figured up to the uicmlil of over $H40,000. His transactions from the U-ginning of the year to tlie twenty find of July amounted to over fI.IOO.UUO. Hut these tig urea, stunning aa they may see in, only cover Ilia sale* and purchases through two brokers, and the full exteut of hta stuck dealings has not yet beeu aooertained. While carrying ou business upon this magnificent scale, he druve high-spirited trotters ou the Cliff road, and is said to have been the owner of no less than three dashing double teams. He was gor geous! v appareled, fared suni[tuoualy every day, and had the beet of every thing that could be obtained for money. There was nothing niggardly about this precocious prodigal. If he lavished his money freely, it was not all ei]tended upon himself and his individual pleas ure*. Only a few weeks ago he tout bis mother and Muter off upon a European tour, and his main solicitude when ar rested seemed to lie lest they should hear of his disgrace. The fact that the boy was able to continue such a career ao long undetected, using the stocks and the credit of his employers on such an extensive scale, seems inexplicable. The defrauded broker, when a friend applied to him asking the situation made vacant by Kuchel's detection for another youth, made answer : "If you hare a boy that you care aurthiug about, set him at anything but the stock trade. Put him into a gambling den if you like, net hint to dealing faro, but don't make a broker's clerk of him. The real gambling will be less trying to his morals than the liaac California street imitation." Ituilng up tbe Wheat. Say* tlie It" mUm Tranncript : The alj manner in whicli Greek merchant* lit - louging to New York Iwught up all the avails!iir wheat they could obtain with out exciting suspicions, strengthen* the luilu-f aa to tbe damage the crops have received in the granary of Kurojie. It may trot 1m generally known to what extent the import of wheat into England from Itnasia has increased within a few years. Itetweeu IHOWU. dv-rntrir diarrhea. etc., ar quits common and should be checked at ones. JiJasHi'i dsodym hi mei.r is the host article that can tie used in all > such casea, and should be kept in ever? family. Com. A MAN OF A Tlllll SAND. A OONKUMPTIVK IT RKII. - Wbea deal* was hourly oipocMl (raw t snnmiillsß. all rsmsdlaa hartng failed. aoetdsel Ml to a dtaeo*ory wbarotqr Dr. It Jonu cured bla oatf child elth a proper*! 100 ol na.MSc fndfM. ll* now at*** I*dp froe am r*c*4pt of too aluop* U> par oimim Tbot* a not a atogl* ■rmptem of iVoiumtrUon that M dooa not dtnlpat* Sih( Soli. lrrtt:o-n of th* Nerrea. Ptak-elt Itipac u(ration. Sharp Tain* In Oie Luag*. Ntam at th* .stomach. Inaction of th* Hc*.a. lad Wanting ef lb# M *.(** Addnm CRAUtKK K A CO.. It38 Rao* St mot. Philadelphia. IN., (long aim* of as paper The Market*. ■gw roam. flerf OotUe-rrtmr to Extrx Bollock* (*V|t> l*h Common to QooA Texao* i'Tqa 0\ MIU-li Cow* M ' *#9o (OH Hogs—l .Ire...*••.••••• DSN# O*N Drmaod . 1-y ,# 10 . Shosp 04 06 latere 1* d os Cotton- Middling..... ltq .4 US Flour—Fxirs Wcatnru...... 6 93 (A 6J) Stat* Kxtrx AM fl IA) attest—R*d Western 1 80 * 1 BJ N.- 1 Spring ... IS <4 1 M Ays—(Mate 1 ft a 1 07 Barley—HUto 1 30 <• 1 40 Bxrley Malt I M A I M oat* . M t-d Western B*t| f 19* Core- Mixed Werlerti 74 (4 7? Hay.perrwt (0 I to Htrxw, por 0w1... 88 | 90 Hop* "!♦ J salt-olds OB # 10 Pork-Mam 21 46 *3l S Lard • 13** 1* Flah—Mackerel Ro. 1, now IS 00 *l9 OT* '• No If. new. 11 00 sl3 Ou Dry Ood. per t*l 00 * 8 on n erring. Healed, per Sox SB AS 40 Wrolmm—Crude Roflned, 11 % Wool—California Flreoa Ml 4* S3 Taxaa " *> # M Auatrallaa •• 46 * 83 Bolter —State... MAM Western Dairy...... * 1 id 13 Western Yellow IS SI 31 Western Ordinary..... IS t* II Pennsylvania Flue 37 <4 3S Ohaoo* BUto Factory 10 * ll* •• HUmmed 03 * (5 Western 01 11 F.fga—State IS Ok 33 ALBAOT. Wheat 1 <0 A 1 45 Rye— Stale 1 00 1 00 Corn—Mixed 66 * 87 Barley—State 1 IB * 1 30 Oats—Stats 83 st 67 ■errano. Flonr #36 * 800 Wheat—No. 3 Spring in • 1 40 Torn—Mixed 7S * 73 Oats 76 m 78* Rye I 15 (A 1 11 Barley 1 40 # 1 40 turmoil Cotton—Low Middlings 14*, A 14* Flonr—Extra 9 00 * 9 00 Wheat—Red Western HI (A I 63 Rye 90 t us .Norn—Ye! low 67 <4 St Oats—Mixed 61 * 63 Petroleum 06',ti 06* FBILAUXLVBIA. Flonr—Penneylranta Extra.'-..... • 7B 4k 7 3) Wheal—Western Bod 1 38 g| 1 t<4 Rye US fA 93 Oorn—Yellow ...... 68 if) 68 Mixed HJ <4 63 t Oats—Mixed ft s* Bti ' ivtrtlenm—Crude 08\(fk08** lieflned 11X Important to TriTfJon. Parental tint ting Now York or iNttoi by tha oara from Grand Central Dapot, wiU aa an uoyatwa and eiprutaa of ownn * hire and bag- Stga atpreeeage try etoMgOK rt Grand Union otol. oppuaita Grand Ceutr.l Input oar SAO elegant!* funnelled rootne and Attad opal a ooat of #900,000. Knropaan plan. Oueate etui lira nmrr luiurlooely for leaa nranay at lira (Irand Union Uiat at any other flret riaaa bona* in New York, KUgea and atraat oara paaa tba doora fur all part* of tba ctty. Baa that tba liotai yon outer ia tba Grand Union Dotal. L'utn. Thousands of promising youths, of both aaxaa, go down to untimely graves, from general debihtv and waaknaaa, uo might bo aaved by fortifying their ayatama with Iron. Tba Paru nan Hyrap ia an iron tool® praparad i|Maaly to an|>i>ly Una vital Ming alamiut, and ia lira only preparation of iron that will aaatnti lato at once with tba blood. - Outn. (frost harm and tlisoomfort ia OAUMK! by tba iiaa of purgatives which grip# and rank the system. f'artmu' I'uryaitce J'ilU ara fraa from all impure mattar, and ara mtld and haallb-glrtiig in that/ operation. Com*. A MM a< mmm Wis sue* raa <*i l* <•••• *mh with a MIL, VAN TIP _ am lhaa Mleul. aaa It wtU edg Si w lee lae em at taa shoe to lleb weariaa .tit* A leu 111 Wire t/eUfed Bella. fee eeren. tad e—tial wear IWYTP^YTTt Cable Screw Wire BuljM •toots eed Sail, the heal u4 ■atdtoJUtilmAm Alee try Woe tfutltod Hulaa HbAAIdNLmI - areihey .eir ete -- hjri agalaaiiltii i tiniir" "he ewe the ie aiua aeer ••Seiea to ahe u.uee> Per fell *rtlaetata, eeag ilana SSStiK J&rZJZATS.' 4ia ...nnaieei el SUA EAD lne.erae (L.LETIWE* "R. & M **7*KE/eto, ATLTEW YERT iui UN Weal gut M , ■ iuunteeeU. U ON MAI.IK V AWLR, Aaweut wealed MmU mU ■ Awl>. IMnw (. B ( aeieiiee. Merles. Obto AtJKNTM, SO KI.m.AMTOILOUItOM<*a.atom 'TOM(Net ta I.ICT ail Haearwraw. N. V, r aa HaOeue Ktrer Ywu lere tela* teatoMaa. niritl i*ee|> three (tone, lit i .HI. etth esteaMew, oaa atery NT Ah, eag three eturtot MUltl | elieeieal water twwer la EEEM ; lerMae ead ewt eh. A wbaato ; —" eeg .BUTEW waairltoM wtu> hew York Per perUeeiere eitgreae J'LHK PBI!I TlE.eeetrew W JT The " Beat All " Safety Lamp. PoMotta tap* * *. I*7 4. Ilaa o ooiof f bate wtalcL p'oaiak oao tool 1, ota lo ita wont. pan*!, ml. ooafil. clooa oaad oalo Loot oow o-oda Apoora kowlad woori arbaare Andrew P M UIWDKM/Pntaouao ata Moo atwanr. OA Mora < hawboraOtiaat. kww Tor* ■ iv. f"*tr. Oor aoloo af bio - T i Y!S&,Y croaoo ouatlraoo'fr " f l7fY/ flew. I- < Taßto A tta, ISD i I /Vfsifow M J, •mm . Li Yfifiri / . - Vonr taa Paoaa la ow.tak ctae k Ww/y / me lo favor on ipatk oolTof k" RVvnUfA It m Uae boot faioan' 01101 000 I Hi Donne SI , New Verb. ALLEGRETTO m WATCH 5 CHAIN - por - $12.50. W. fldll oota 000 aaf aw new olyU Allrwrrile (Ueld Molrbro awd fkaloo to nor ooa fork 11 .AO ttaa ! no Clone! I I.aaanl 111 \ orin tiata am on son bet o J evador 000 ladl ita dtfiwooro Ttar rnoota tbntr Color Areata dvocelMap Una tawiwo Wotcb. tata Bwaf bp Moll or Kipao to DUTP & oo. t 32 A 34 Vetey St., New York. WANTEDHgI l" tare- two. Doadno Pee. fa. Ilotdao. pnooll Wo Yard Meone. d a Paam. wt Jwontry itart. Pnctape. ar 1 .meant Prtan iowa pntd. PA 'oa C&rcmUt tram. RRIDb 1(1) . Tffiffißrjtaoor. HoeToak ,^SJJB-S4KT|aM law Mrrnlnre ota nor nalam t ro" to Aowaatu NAIIUNAL PCMHsHI liOOU.. IbdladMpM 1 .Pu NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Tbe Laesdutg American Newxpppw. THK BENT ADVEKTtsINU MKlllt'M. Daily. 810 a r*ar*. So aw ft. rati all I*. Bparlwoo Oapdao ota Odawst.ior RniwKeaoi Wnohk. to riobaof 3U ,n oawo. oaak ffil. i-iStpopntE llllip IMtMWE KY snow A .MONTH Ijoao ooolof rooty CIkA wbnre Htiuao bnoorotdo ota Brot viOU TStaoMo A * 4nm SOMETHING We tare worn ota eatwaey aw oil oao m wwoeee, tape w flrta. arbnln b"VI UKTUTNCTXIN itCoVllTTteooe. Cm- Fort Edward Institute, N. Y. BnanStni Nwainun far ladtM ffiJkd (ewat-lB mwm. T* *rr for OtiSf* ft ItoaliHM. o fr IS* fL taU UtTII HOKE ( (MIKfjK. Nwmnl>arri P OrlHwarr < •., IVe*. Thi litffifittttsas. *of tit* car* of trw*ed* f*wa a llinissgSl molWtaSa wdttaa U to tarth mi*b. •bo btrv jrirwuwr tbo mm# amrffiw attdy. and the mb dwerwaa For Citihtii. flWni toil pßflkuUr* aa So r nar—ffi <•' Bffldl. til M.SS ad4M KDWARD M MKFILIN, rausnitasorr. Wit n 1 IFF * *pioo4fc! Sr* lUMttttad MOK * " 'i U " r C U Mtbor'. own so rear.' ta aad IX THR rn.i7.c t• Hf—. It to tow— Tarrimt** ElTrri parent Srltwr ipiriril tadoeea lb* keal of lb* blood I>> wmllh (w*t>4mUaa, u nil m Ibnmcti lu piuttUn opwaUo*. ibn It or* 4m nek gumbo *#*c< Is Mrib db n in MOtJ> HT ALL PBCOUIHTS SclceUd French BUT Mill Stoma* * >kmit.b.f PwlaUr jjalll 'r. <.rlnllai| Kill*, i. ri-" •' ' S n> • ""** raaaer*. fr ram a ■ i Herrhaal wnrk. UrnHlnr ll*lrh %n - ' win ' l*"* l '.m, Uoarln*. Kkaftin*. 4 M M >l\\ Faltm Il*nrt. r ; all yOffyJ/Mn WV kind* or Mill Markiftxrr *n>j tMf#QT# it t W brad *r VWrlAl/i\ ' Mmnh Hill ' Mr €"omno HT . lint Ids*. SMITH ORGAN CO. Bostoiii MA*. Thrmr WoHifiird (HrfrMmrNfi Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. Agents Wanted in Every Town. Sold tbroachont UM lotted Slat** a* Ik* IMMTAI.I.MKNT rUNi I*hat to, on a Ryatein of Monthly Pay—at*. Pnrvha— whouM a*k fur tto SMITH Am KMC A* Oma. ( •alAkMue mud full partkalan on aiHlloalk4L r ? )A 1 *?*•. iHit y**nd Uotvmi and f**ritw v ( u• wejMpr-r. with iHiAblcuuuki irrporl* * \ ) tod w valtubk Urptrt X y \ \ uiuit Wei.tu to Uiiiethe . >%\ V> C \ Mr I k 1.1 tMKOAHLZ '#k\x %V/'j&x s ft*er op.. mth- mind , -S/ f\VC /'cop. to) .•tr, it! .>*r, la formaline oH ) lAclFlc) V'V? rV/f COAbT. rull) Y/V \ / MIMM. BTOC*\ //lIVX N rrporto The DAILY t U %j|TXCHRONICLE *l7o* ye— pcwtpaKi/ ) Y% , ClAi ft TOUIO 4 CO. Sat Pr—otee. > Tih bfcdt and rhraprit Palat fa thi ffr-M for Iron. Tin or Wood. Tat sale kv llfvuor* rvorrwhem PRINCES METALLIC rAINT CO.. Mannfl'ron, M Cedar St. New Terk. tSf-C ArTION.-rmcliMa* wUI ptaue eoe that onr uarno atnl trade mark are on each and •very package. Seud/or a Ctrealar. TMi mm Tm kiM 3? H3rl2& f2*i??2C., n* ••* Mrwadw**. n. T. an, eag ml hy etell (Wl Ml| IH OtmlH, w4 .T N. U -Ma M_ _____________ MERIDEN CUTLERY "Milltill I GEO- P. Rowell * Co. I PENNSYLVANIA Military <%7*rr. Pi. y*sl®!ft atw. ( I1L Mwm. MM MM4. Regltelt L bi t, vswffi ~aw Em i ivsrv^ HBF"WMFLMB TIWIIMHI ElifMtlf 1 HL m.M.# to ■ ti l> Ymtiti ■SJtU h PRINTERS' ROLLERS MM. TM HI PIIML *• RCW" T MJMILN. I wtU ni IN. M eSectog by Ise wnlir, KM. It) MM mm vowed Mwl I* i.- eilee piper j. k. vSIM. Am*- • *■• Jfcs N- Dr. GEO. B. LORING, PMMMI e( the KM Nactaag lAlllHj Ml JI Mil*. N < rtium " TIM farm t erg l*e*> tMr MM !.■■<■ IMI'l? pbMM J) U vsrpts*^ ■>.**, ahem. MM imt— AddlWM. * I < jitioi iiftee-Lto mm im. Mem AHHBH m. r. BURN HAM'S TtMBIMC Water Wheel zzztt&kcrsE&x c w"' IBand w lflnw4?MM** HAJt-NKM. ( ■■■lalMi r. iaaalw. MlrMni. I'M Wonder* *f Mtdtni Ctwatstry. ad IS Asstta. U( mm Bmmm mm* Wrnm mm *W *y Uwir altar CMep e Few Bmn f DR. RADWAFB Sarsaparillian Resolvent, THE GREAT BLOOD FCRIEIEB. J s~*rStafE rm w.rssfrs'.a "i "V.r.ii ,aw non at aH kktataa. Italr: kikk Madwal beniihy, ita arias kill 1 trow Ma toe- MT aM 4 a tiiii ran M o Mow mill waw bar 3^js^.as3.aacra; |iiWMiM warn. Ml i■ ■■■ rat fc> Mil th^ooPreonpfaweowtlta akw UHiil M • tm. tTbow aalaalM trow eoafc oral Nt nohaiolo arUi iwHaa total M alooMtiaaa* Mail Ita lota* talaww or 0..m Imtalaw Mr onto taoaacbtar aiaaiw. Uawta orJmta nßwtaloblng iMtea w aaaw. -a of no* Mat okOta. owoo J aaf Mini t —**■ "~1 ■* oonnjoaaw or a nop* W kit tawa w ortal.r to Ita wwojap All atao. dtaroao ■Y bfflßLu ** a Uk. wmm tgrn rf ntmim hm** mJo •£*••*5■ *• Mood SfNM ta strata aml p .rtiy dw*w nll > MMW. wwewu taSlo-nw? rSTrnoollr ilftatatlal Ita I oatwta wodo jbod and jgwltaj^jatooav^oaw fleeHieo etars lta|iaim tao two mltralta. and Morvoar IfawltaUow, Ooaaootao tat lioaow Ota prior*, oto a HI to Ita tanorWata baoapariiloa aaaoeui. ato oowo 00000 out H|4 of Hilo. ao baa. oereweloi. out tin io. din tail fo Ita 100, Pdota. oa., aooOta eotao of ita taoao, rtetaw. -rtirel owraaboiw i iol nili oi oOMo oooUnairn. oorOxoo mere. o*r . lb. 04KMriKIU.UH ttal rwotoo a|af ttaoo ta ,aWa ooil aioowloolo ita rlrot rf If- flwm trow tta U * U ttaw arboomlntaopttawwtalclnw locitacore of OhrooM. taootalooo or tm iw,taw tSSSfiZZSi. TVa.U.on. U,a our. BMmssttZ U tfcHM* iIMMMMt M piMwl ddilMr fHU MwHiod thm dm**** Is M If not oil Hot Ota dflooo trow Ita Moot. K orlU m la I MtUaa* to •iMterstM Us SRtk. As soss rtajMlMrittUJW oalaolha taol • tool hwiw," oooar taw taoof roo tatar ota ta "*Tta yJSI lltooM doolA—OO la Oa-oaoioplKw of tbo l. i-r* a I Wul..a PMMok. tab'iufo. SrrWl M IHiaoa . SSM. ttavw.owWaO.ota ITIoWoMoo oi Ita Ktdwn. f i linora of WoMr UOOWIMOIM tolaof of. I —io.'. oitow w lkoiow taw to ta oota .ikootaior ton out ita potato] IMI.IIW ■Wtar ttaoo taorraaantat. ttarsi'SU^r^ I u"lootori!uonolH from ehoaao of oatar. IT IS UKTTKR THAN FRKNCII BRAXOF OB BITTERS AS A STIMULANT Price AO Onto. MoM ky DrocflM*. DR. RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS Pwrfootl, Uotelflw. okvnnllT ooofta artth rwaol row. burn, it.ulaio,pari',.ctoouoo ota airnorltaa. H AD" II D I'l l.fjn, HIT Ita euro of oil dUorcoro of tta Pi iQlrl -j. 1,1 tor. Bom-10. Kb!iw fa, Hloddor. Norar-uo lianaac, ll.ra licta, Curollpotior. Oootlvoaow. Italcoo- Boa. D/apitala. Bilii.arnwo. Bill -or Forw. Inflammo fon of tb bowa-D. Ptleo. and all Doronreaannto of Ita itornol Wamoatod to offoct pool'lro ooru ami, V. rntabln, coatautln* ao aaoroary, wtaorala, <0 dffi>ttrloiM rfnxt tw~ Oboorro tho folloarlor ajwptoou rooolttnc from D*.rdoraof Ita IMrwtlw Orpana: . tYnutipotioa, Inward IN w. Kullawo of tta Blood la tta Hood. AoMti, of ita Stomach, lion, Hoorttmra. Diartiat wl Food, Kullnnoo or Woipht la tta Stomayh, S -or Kruofwtlooo. Sink op or Klußorinp al tao Pit of UinS'omacb. Saimmlnp of Ita liaod. Harrtrd and Dlf bcull Hroalhlnp. FlutMrinp at Mao HOOD, ChoklM or Bnffooottop wtan ia o Lflac Pooturo. Dtm- Booa of V.aloo, Dr>U or Wat* bnf .re tta Sipht, Knrnr 00<1 Doll Pain in tta Hood. Deficiency of PemplraU -n, TnUownrw of Ita Sam ota K,*a. I'ain la tta Side, Choat, Uiuba, ond Sadden Flanlioo of Hoot. Barnlup to "Jtadw.'-.f RADWAVta PI I.LM will two tta oyatrm from all tb# oboro named diamderu Price "£& I rials per Be*. BOLD BY DKDOOISTB. Krad " EAIdAE AND TRUE." Send one Inuar atamp to KADWAY ft CO., No $2 VVnrrrn Si reel, New York. Inli 1 woll 11 aruftb tbouoaodo will ta aont yoit tin = t9RKfit B"" 1 for ObromoCatolopao. 4> 1U <- 4> AwJ-H. Bvrvout'o Sulfa, ItaMeo, Low