FARM, WARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. tlansehaM Hint* BHO*T PART* ROW F*rrr TABT*.— Put a pound of flour upon vonr jnistry slab, with six ounces of Dttbr, and rub them well tdgethsr with your hands, then make a hole in the center, in which put twoounces of powdered sugar, two whole eggs, and rather more thau a wineglass fill of water ; mix the eggs, sugar and water well together, then draw in tlie flour and butter, shaking the whole well together lightly with the hands. AsrAßAe*tou, to bind it ; serve with cream and sugar. To Bon. XKW POTATO**.— Bub off the skins, and lay the potatoe* iu cold water for an hour or two, then put tiiem into an iron saucepan, aud cover them with water ; put ou the lid, and let tin m boil for half an hour. Try one ;if not quite done, cover them for a few minutes long or. Drain the water off ; let them abmd a minute or two over the fire to dry. then serve. To CUKA* MAKSIX.— Take two parts of common soda, ore part of puukw stone, and one part of finely powdered chalk ; sift through a fine sieve aud mix it with ■water, then rub it well all over the marble aud the stains will lie remov ed; then wash the marble over with soap ami water, aud it will be as clean as it was at first. Tfcr tapafelllllea ml mm Arrm ml liiwinl. J. M. Smith, a market gardener at Green Bay. Wis., furnishes some inter eating statements of his experiments in high culture- He ha* found the rule invariable, not a single exception to it, that the more he lias spent rultivatiug and manuriug the greater have been the net profit* per acre. Last season he cultivated fourteen acres, and began with a more thorough aud expensive cultivation than aver before. The result was that, although there wa* a "ter rific drought," one of the dry set seasons ever known in that region, after spend ing £3,&k\ or $lB4 per acre, he had a better balance than for any previous year. He appears to regard constant cultiva tion, especially through droughts, in connection with copious manuring, as all-important Stable manure* is the standard, with such use of superpho* phates, plaster, lime, ashes ami other manures as experience and good sense point out " After you have learned now to spend money to the best advan tage," he remarks, "a larger profit may be made by laying out 8800 per acre than with loss. After the second year if your land does not pay all its expense*, taxes and teu per cent on SI,OOO per acre, there is something wrung somewhere. I have some seres of land that did not pay expenses for two years, but for a num ber of years past have not failed to pay ten per cent, ou at least SI,OOO per acre. 1 expect my whole garden to do more than that in a short time." He adds that he is now aiming at 1,000 bushels of ouicus per sere, then a crop of carrots or turnips, or 500 b labels of early potatoes ; or, if straw, berries, 12,800 quarts, or 400 bushels per acre. Earth u a Pri completely deodorized by a small sh jvelful of dry earth. Haw (• Rake Hay. There are many more tons of hay lost an inaliv than farmers are aware of from rating it the wrong way. When cut with a maehiue the grass falls back and if you rake it in the same direction that you cut you will get all the grass, as it ali lays hack with the tops over the butts shingle fashion. But if yon rake in th* opposite direction it shingles the wrong way and instead of the grass ba -k gathering that in front, it slides over and loses constantly. But few farmers ever think of so small a matter, bat the millions of grass spears lost by raking the wrong way make hundreds of tons. ( OHru ad U far Petal* Rao, B. F. Phillips, of Ashtabula county, Ohio, gives the following aa his plan for tie ;troving the potato bag : Take equal parts of copperas and slacked lime. I us d five pounds of each to twenty gal lons of water, and put it on with a white wash brush. One haud can dop an acre or m ;re rn a day. I reduced a small quan titr about one-half, and it had the same efiT *ct; and so far from injuring it seem ed to improve the vines. My field of Eoiatoes were literally alive with the ugs; I gave the potatoes one doping, and next day not a live bug could be found in the field. FM4 far CIITM. Several substitutes may be used in the place of new milk in raising calves. In batter dairying, skim milk will answer every purpose. When the calf is a week old, begin to substitute skim for new milk, giving it warm, and in two weeks m ire the entire feed may be skim milk. Where milk is sold or made into cheese, when the calf has been led a week on new milk a gradual change may be made by aiding a mucilage made by steeping oil meal in hot water and mixing with the new milk—a spoonful of oil meal for the first few days, and increasing by a spoonful at a time until a half-pint is reached in four weeks, when the milk, having been gradually reduced, can bo dispensed with. A little scalded meal or flour can be also gradually introduced with the oil meal, making a gruel of the mess. Hay tea is also successfully used by many as a good substitute for milk. TTxe hay must be fresh and green.— Tribune. Hint* on Poultry Krepta*. In keeping fowls healthy we have found nothing equal to onions chopped fine, and thoroughly mixed with meal, or meal and miiifeed. They eat it readi ly. Iu the incipient stages of most of their common diseases, including chol era, we have always found this an effec tual remedy. As sulphur enters largely into the formation of the feathers, it should be frequently fed to them. In winter, 01 when kept confined, hens to lay well must have meal often, and pounded bones, the fresher the better, or oyster shells. If fed with these plen tifully, with such variety of grain as they like best, and well housed and watered, they will lay nearly as well in winter as in summer, and wiil seldom if ever eat • their own eggs. America at the Exhibition. In referring to the Centennial exhibi tion the New York 7 ribuw sagaciously says: No doubt there will be American exhibitors of all kinds in plenty, bnt the danger is that they leave the work to l>e done until the eleventh hour, pre cisely as tliey did in Paris and Vienna, and that whomever commendation their skill miglit command will be dampened by the too evident display of'the national lack of system and headlong habit of hurry and incompleteness. The build , ings promise to be all that is required. The commissioners are zealous and trust worthy. Now it is time for our manu facturers and craftam n to do their part with Order and dispatch. Fishermen should always take a lunch along, with them, for they may not be able to get a bite during the day. The Cure r. Fuller-Walker, the attending children's physician to the dispensary, read a pajx>r on en kern colitis, or Uie inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestiual canal, some portions of which are eon denaed and given below: Of the two hundred oases which last year occurred betweou April 1 and De oembcr 81, nine-tenths were in children between the agee of seven m on the and two and half years, or at that period in life when dentition is in progress, and the mother begins to fesl the infant other food than is offered by the breast. With the majority of mothers the notion prevails that teething causes bowel com plaints, and if a disturbance of the ali mentary canal manifests itself coinci dentally witli the appearanoe of teeth in the child's moutli, the mother imagines that slie discovers iwiw ami effect at once. Severe dentition, where the gums are greatly swollen ami the month in flamed, may cause a alight disturbance of the digestive amiamtu*, leading in the end to a gentle diarrhea; but my ex rience confirms the views held by Dr. ls>wis Smith, that the doctrine tliat dentition is the cause vd a large propor tion of infantile diseases is erroneous. Undoubtedly the gravest error commit ted by parents is in the mstter of giving food to their children. I find it to b* almost always the fact that a child suf j faring front inflammation of the bowels has lieeu fed with corn starch, coffee and lea, aour or poor milk, bits of bread, meat, cake, and a tut of everything there is going about the house. Not more than teu oses out of the two hun dred OMVnd iu infants below the age of six mouths, and not more than twenty-five in children over three years of ago. These facts show that t*wel complaints commence in chihireu from the time those having them iu charge begin to stuff them with a great variety of food, much of which is totally lUl suited to their little stomachs ami tiieir tender bowels. Recoguuiug tlie fsot that errors in diet are the chief cause of bowel complaint*, I always endeavor to regulate these matters, and, as a rule, insist that all forms of solid food shall be withhold from infants; only warm, pure milk being given. This is bland, soothing, nutritious, and will he received l*v the stomach and bowels, if any form ol food can be taken, it ahould l ever be kept iu an ioe box with meat and vegetable*. Where it is difficult to get pure, freah milk, Borden's condensed milk, properly reduced, is recommend ed; and it is sometime* a good plan to mix the uiilk with barley water. The milk treatment I have found to be very successful. Light is as essential to hu niau as to vegetable life, and growing children ueed it far more than adults. Errors in clothing are almost as bad iu their effect as errors of diet; especially in a climate so changeable as the Ameri can. Soft flannel shirts ahould be worn dnriug both summer and winter. The dress should never form a ligature about any portion of the body, since it interrupt* circulation and promote* con gestion. If the physician can properly control the hygienic conditions sur rounding a child, he will find that in most case* very little medicine Af any sort need be given. A Wrestling Match. Olive Hsrper, in the St. Louis Globr, gives an account of a wrestling match in Albania : The men were stripped entire ly naked. Their bodies were rubbed with oil, and they entered the lists. Two stepped out aud they were soon locked in an embrace that seemed most loving, but for the twist in gs and eoutor tions and fierce looks of the wrestlers. The force, the strength, the magnificent structure of form, the great, straining muscles and the lithe, sinuous twisting* of the body was something to rememlier forever. I watched, breathless, with every nerve tense,admiring the beauty aud strength of the men, when one gave way a little and the other threw him heavily on the ground, where he lay for a mo ment apparently dead. My sympathies had, like those of any other woman, been with the handsomer of the two, but now I was all for the one who lay helpless ; but sympathy he did not need, for in five minutes he was ready again, and the strainings aud bending! commenced anew, and in a short time the other lay upon the grass, and he stood triumphant. The third trial was to be definite, and the struggle was fiercer and lasted longer than either of the others. Then the strong muscles stood ont on the broad backs ; tbeu the white legs were pillars of irou ; then the grand chests heaved with the deep breathings of these two strong wrestlers—gladiators of living marble, with necks like the " tower of Letianun." Not a sound from the multi tude to break the silence ; ail were as breathlessly anxious as I, watching the two splendid athletes. When the one who had fallen the first took the other, somehow, around the waist and bent over him and bore him to the ground, then the shouts tiiat arose made the very mountains tremble. A Serious Religious Outbreak. The Herzegoviftian insurrection is as ■uming threatening proportions. On account of the nearness of the province of Herzegovina to Austria, that empire is supposed to have a deep inteiest in the welfare of the people, especially as Christians form a considerable element in the population. The insurrection be gan with troubles lietweeu the Moslems and Christians; it lias gradually drifted into a rebellion against Turkish domina tion. Servia, a semi-independent State, sympathizes with the Herzegovinians, and the Servians are aiding the insurrer tionists by subscriptions. Prince Milan, the reigning sovereign of Servia, is mak ing a pilgrimage to Vienna for the pur pose, it is said, of ascertaining what position Austria proposes to occupy in this latest complication. Anstria, at the first outbreak, hastily dispatched troops to the frontier, but has preserved a strict neutrality. Serva is interested to know if this attitude is to be preserved, or if Austria will interfere iu the interests of peace in case the insurrection shall long continue. Meantime, Servia, which has been under the rule of native princes, but nominally subjects to Turkey, sinoe 1815, may drift into the current and be come actually independent. In a Detroit Police Court. " F.rust us Washbnrue Harrison, the police say that yon are a drone-lee in the great hive of industry," said the court to the next prisoner. "I can prove my cliaracter," replied Egastns, settling back on his dignity. "I don't want auv proof—proof sticks oat all over yon. See the whib-wash on your back ! Gaze at that head of hair, which hasn't been ambled over with a comb since you can remember ! Behold that soiled shirt—those old clothes your general dilapidated look. It's no crime to be poor, Mr. Harrison, but it's meaner than pizen for a poor man to be lazy!" "I haint lazy," replied the prisoner. "Ah ! Erastaa, don't talk to me! I see no ambition in yonr eye—uo resolu tion in yonr face—no dust around in yonr actions. Yon wouldn't crack a co coanut for the sake of the milk ami meat. Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise." "I haven't got any aunt," said Mr. Harrison. " Well, you've got to ante out of this, my humble friend. I'm going to make it sixty days." Erastus marched back with stern and deliberate step. Human Nature. A Detroit commercial traveler walked down the aisle of a passenger coach the other day, having on an outlandish linen duster and an old straw hat, and seven women, who had seats by themselves, piled their baggage on the spare half and looked out of the windows to avoid (feeing him. While he was sitting on the woodbox and chewing the bttter end of reflection a man with a brass watch chain and a three dollar set of glass diamonds entered the car, and six of the women lifted their satchels down and moved close up to the side of the car. Such things are not right, but they always will be. The Story of a Wreck. There were one hundred and three women on board the ill fated Schiller, and of all this number only one was saved. She tells the story of the wreck as follows: We were in the cabin at the time. As we started to go up the stair way 1 felt a sudden shock, and in an iu slant I appreciated the terrible fact that the vessel had struck. I was almost wild with terror, but my husband hurried tue up the stairway only to find that our worst fears wore realised. All was con fusion, but our personal safety was the first thing to l>e thought of; so I Jump •si into a iifctioat which was hanging ut the aide of the ship, swung from the davits. There was some'thing the mat tor with the gear, however, and we were compelled to get out again, and wore put into another of the I mat*. They were full of water, and the |a 111 an o|x-u Uat. if I were asked which was the sweetest moment of ifly life 1 should say it was when luy feet touched the shore of tlie island when we landed. 1 want to say that the treatment we received ou landing was of the kind est and moat hospitable character, oven more so than our reception at I'lymouth. One thing I forgot to mention. I am the only lady survivor of the Schiller, | but iu the second boat which we got into there was another lady lying in the but torn of it, but she was dead when we landed. In tlie crush ami horror of the scene she was trampled ii)ou ; hut whether she die*! from fright, or flrrur, or exiiaustiou, 1 am unable to say. A reporter subsequently learned from the husband of Mrs. Joeti* that after they ha*l part sally recovered from the effects of the terrible ordeal through which tlicy had (tassed they went to their native town ui Schieswig, where they s{>ent upward of seven weeks iu recuperating their strength. Naturally enough his wife had a strong reluctance to agaiu crossing the ocean, ami it was ouly after tlie most earnest persuasion that she could he induced to undertake the voyage. All of their material inter ests were iu Davenport, lowa. They were possessed of coDsidt-i side property uesr there in real estate, ami so, finally, his wife wa* prevailed upon to cross the ocean again. All the way over, how ever, she wa* in constant dread and did not sleep an hour duriug any night. Mrs. Joeus is a ruddy, pleasant looking lady, apparently about thirty-five year* of ago. While she told her story, it was evidently more with a desire to oblige than from any wish to dwell upon a sub ject which must be replete with pain ful recollections. The Late I. X. Singer. In the dentil of Inane M. Singer, an nounced from London, Rays the Toledo (Ohio) Cormmtrvial, a strange life dosed. The deceased hnd a checkered history. Of his early life we know little beyond the fact that he was a young man of bright talents and tneutal promise, with a special tendency to development in mechanic arts. Milieu al>out thirty six years of age (in 1*46), under the name of I. S. Merritt (substituting his middle for his last name), he ap]M-ared in Ohio as the proprietor of a " Omit Moral Drama," designed to illnstrute the vice of drunkenness, and enforce the princi ples of total abstinence. The success of the enterprise stvms not to have met his expectations, for in a short time he found himself at Fredericksburg, Wayne county, bankrupt, and compelled to sus peud operations and sell out his concern. Thus situated, he set aland looking for other business. Having some knowl edge of WIHHI type manufacture, he soon found in Mr. Day (afterward well known to the j>riuters of Ohio) s partner for the prosecution of that business in Fred erioksburg, under the firm name of Day .V Merritt A limited establishment was improvised, with tools and machiuery driven by hona- power. The next spring Mr. "Merritt" started out with a one horse wagon loaded with types, which he sold cliiefiy to country printers in Northern Ohio. Encouraged by the re sults of this trip,-the firm went on and manufactured so hi>erally that the next spring Mr. " Merritt " set out with a double team and a larger load. The re sults of that trip were not known for many years, for the peddling jMirtuer failed to return to make report, having decamped with load, team, and the avails of the trip. The type business was con tinued for many years at Fredericks burg, and subsequently at Cincinnati by Mr. Day and a brother, but "Merritt 1, " returned uo more." Subsequently, as already indicated, he turned np under his proper name, Isaac 31. Singer, the sewing machine patentee, in which char acter he has long been known to the world. To what extent he was the real inventor of the machine I tearing his name is disputed, it having been alleged that it was chietly the work of other brains ; but he became the patentee, and as such secured an enormous income, which for many years j>ast has contri buted li!h-rally to the gratitication of his tastes aud desirea, most of liis time of late lieing spent in Eurojte. His lffe was a suooess in respect to p*cuniary gain and notoriety ; but in other re spects, which most men regard as higher attainments of human ambition, he was not much kuown, and his record can hardly be held np for the emulation ol young men. The Tobacco Crop. The July returns to the department of agriculture show that the acreage of tolmoco is greater than that of last year, tho increase being in the great tobacco producing States. Maryland lias in creased her area fonr per cent.; Virginia, thirty ; North Carolina, thirty-three; South Carolina, seven ; Florida, twenty three ; Mississippi, sixteen ; Arkansas, ten ; Tennessee, two hundred mid three ; Kentucky, two hundred and twenty three ; Ohio, twenty-five; Indiana, forty-nine ; Illinois, fifty-six ; Missouri, sixty. New York, Pennsylvania and Texas rejiort the same area as last year. New Hampshire ltas reduced her small acreage thirty jnr cent.; Massachusetts, twenty-five ; Connecticut, two ; (ieorgia, fifty ; Alabama, ten ; Louisiana, seven ; Wisconsin, seventeen ; Kansas, eleven. The condition of the crop is most satis factory iu the larger tobacco Stab s, and is two i>er cent, above an average on tho whole. Kentucky, which produces two fifths of onr whole crop, is thirty-four per cent, above the average. The other large producing Btab>s sre either very tear a full average or alsive. The re markably depressed condition is noted mly in the smaller producing States. Clly Criminal l.ife. An illustration of the way they do things at the Tomlts iu New York citv is from the World : " Say, Eugene, ' said an officer at the Tomlm to a clerk, " how many prisoners have I got on the sheet?" " Officer Smithkins, of the Twenty ninth —nine," was the answer. " Well," replied the officer, "l'v( got my accounts sorter mixed; 1 know I run in ten, but I cau only find eight in the cage." "Well, what are you going to do alsmt it ?" snavely asked the clerk. " Blest if I know. Say, Hlenkinship, how many nriaoners have you got?" (This to another officer). "0, I've only got seven, but our precinct 'll be called last." "Well, lend me a she one till after I get my cases done, and I'll go out on CeDter street and run one in to return to you." "Keerect. What sort of a one'll yon have ?" "I want a vagrant of about sixty, Irish, tliat was very drunk andahusire, and took four offi cers to run in." "Then I've just got your fit. Here, you, Mary Fitzgib bons, there," and he loosened an inmate of the bull pen. " Thanks; I'll do as much for you Another time." linn* ( lirlfttlmi Andersen. The announcement of the death of ] liana flirtation Andersen will lo re ceived with more than ordinary sorrow hy thi< thousands whom low ninny works have amused nml delighted. 11 in death occurred nt Oopcnltagsn. Hans Christian Andersen was Imrn nt Oilnuw, Denmark, April 'J, 1 MtVft. 11 IN father wan n |>oor shoemaker, who died when tlu< lsiy wan nine years old. Ho hail loamoti to rt>ail nt a chanty soiled, allil uftor hin father's iloatli wiw employ ml iu reading aloml to the iueml*|inhiiK<'Ui whore ho triotl to timt employment in a theater ; hut on account of IIIM awkwardness atnl mice lie wan rejected. l'rof. Sitmni, di rector of the royal conservatory, having hoard of the Imy's effort*, took him in charge mnl had )iiiu instructed an a sing er for Uie stage , hilt nt the end of n few uioutha hia voice fulled him. Hy thoaid of tile jKwt lltiltllM*r|< lie wan enabled to enter U|KUI n course of ntudy, mnl liefore long ts-gaii h> write for the stage. Some of hia IriMiliN were highly praised hy Oehleuactilager and otherw, hut none of tiiem were ever produced. 11 n\ ii ik lawu admitted into on of the government ncliiMiln through the inflit euce of Councilor Collin, he workeil hard, entered the royal college of Ou |>enhageu, mnl in Iffcltf, after completing Ilia atudiea, printed hia tlrat laa>k, "A Journey on Foot to Amak," which wan nxvived with great favor. He ilicreaaed hi* reputation hy sending forth a volume of poems, and in l! yivira after warda wrote " The Two Baroness.-* " iu Euglish. About tliia time he received a royal annuity which raised him alxive want mnl left him iu comfortable circum stances for the rest of hia life. A year or two ago a ruuior waa eireu -lat ill to the effect tiiat tlie kindly, genial old wrih-r waa in {lecnuisry trouble, mul the children of America were csiledupoii to contribute to the relief of their old frieud's imeeaatties. The rca|Hiuae waa prompt, and a large amu waa forwarded to Andersen, a lio, on ita receipt, wrote a touching letter thanking hia little frieuila for the aulmtantial token of their ayiupsthy. While he wan not in actual want, he said, he would accept their | offering aa a token of love and friend •hip. A Noted humbler. The Nfw York itraphie draw* thin picture of John Morrisaey, who is now engaged in ii conflict with Tammany; Such a head wan never planted on shoul ders. It wus like a helmet inclosing an other face. 1 have heard it sunt that his mother could whip an ahle -b shed man. Surely this ia the most singular of all the prize-tighter*. All hia generation in iL the grave—Hyer of liquor, Poole of murder, Sullivan of suicide, Heeuau of self-inflicted disease, Sayera of RUOOeaa. This man survives all of them. Once he *w the moat un|M>pular man in America —when lie lad against Hocuau in the ring iu England. He ha* pleuty of (leople who like him now, but it ia hard to draw close to him, for there is too much of the ogre utiout Morrisaey to xmprehend him with lmmiui lines. A solid, driving, buainesa man, without a lazy bone in hia body, |io*aiunnto but not voluptuous, kind to hia inferiors, inde|H*iulent with hi* superiors, diplo matic but not overlavu-uig, Uk>, be al ways reminds me of the docile giant in the story books, who no miourr grew mad than he ate one of the seven little Jacks. He lias one or two sprees a year —not more—when he walks against awning-posts and they fall down, shakos hands with friends who go lame forever, and exhibits a dreadful picture of the grandeur and iuq>otouce of an curaged Achillea. If this man hud lived iu liouie, and huoarded in the same house with n lady teacher, aud is apt to be the cose, fell in love with her. He Cid attentions so assiduously that the ly's affections were seemingly won at last, and a marriage engagement was entered into. The parties were w hat is known as worldly wise, as well as affec tionate, and wluie discussing tlie future they incidentally compared assets and liabilities. Tlie gentleman had alxnit s6oo,and the btdv held balances amount iug to $1,400. It was then determined that tlie head of the houae should pur chase a lot in an eligible |>oaitiou, the fiancee agreeing hi contribute her $1,400 toward the construction of a $2,000 resi dence. The agreement seemed satisfac tory in every respect, and the gentleman at once consulted au architect, had tlx Elans drawn, and engaged a will known uihlcr to do the work on the new house, which was to cover any amonut of do mestic and unalloyed felicity. When the building operations were well under way, however, the lady concluded she would visit friends nt the Host, and her "future husband " having no objection, she started off, taking the sum of $1,400 with her. Now comes the thrilling clause in this brief but too solemnly true narrative of love and distressed fi nance.. Since the lady's departure she hns persistently declined to answer tlie appealing missives of her affianced, and the work on the new house has been sua lx-lided on occonut of n failure to pay for the labor of the industrious aud anxious contracting builder. He wanted his money, but owing to the sudden withdrawal of the £1,400 in partnership assets the unfortunate gentleman could only offw to throw the uncompleted house back on the hands of the contrac tor; but that gentleman is in no need of a new habitation, and this Minneapolis love story is left in very complicated and emtarrassing shape. The United State*. The statistics furnished by the United .States department of agriculture reveal, in startling figures, the vast natural wealth of the country. Less than one fifth of the entire area of the United States is occupied by farms, of which only one-fourth is under tillage. Not withstanding the enormous wheat crop, the land which produces it is not equal in extent to the surface of South Caro lina. The national crop, corn, covers a territory not larger than Virg ; nia, and the potato crop could grow in less than the urea of Delaware. In view of these figures, who can question the boundless resources of America, or look with mis giving upon her steady tide of immi gration i The practice of pinning back the skirts of ladies is said to account for the sudden change of purpose that is often noted nowadays when a lady sits down. A kKNTFCKY HON AM ('lt. Haw Three Yeaaa lllrla Were I'Hlaral •4 Itrarurd Miiflt.Mnr Yrtr* A|. It wan Sunday, July U, 177(1 ninety nine yearn ago and the rudely con utruetcil fort at Itoounlairo lay iu drowsy ntilllienn ou the lauik of the Kentucky river. Daniel limine and hin friend and associate, ltiehard Callaway, hail lieeti almtuit since early in the nioruiitg; and the ginal wiven, aharena ill the toil of the early piotirt lent with the handler name of He lay. So KUaalietli wan known dimply an Itetnv Callaway—Hot a name suggestive of romance, yet ahe waa withal a gvutle mnl a loving girl, mnl had maiden fancied that gave the deep color of romance to one of tlie iu cideiitn of her life iu the wilderuenn. She waa juat turueil uf sixteen. The other girla, younger by two yearn, were Fmmy Callaway, fairer than her sister ltetny, and Jemima lioone Though but fourteen yi-ara counteil the lives of tlie two girla each hud a lover who waa a hardy pioneer. Aa eveuiug drew near, one of the girla proposed that they ahoulil go a abort diatauoe la-low the fort to where a canoe wan lying, and drift out upon the river U> catch tlie riding oooloesa of the eveuiug. Hardly were they Rented aud prepared to puah from the ahore, when they de tected a alight rustle in the bruah, and in a moment more live atalwart aud ludeoualv (minted Indiana laapad to tlie aide of the canoe. What girl of sixteen could lie eipiai to aueh an emergency I lietny Callaway, witliuiit a moment a hesitation, determined to defend tlie houor mnl tlie liven of herself aud her young iviiijanioua, aud wrote bar name iu the auuala of Kentucky. Standing erect ill the canoe, ahe acioed the (toddle, and at a single blow laid o|>eu to the tdiue the head of the foremost aavage. The i>ther Indiana pressed ou, but, atill nudauuteil, tlie brave girl fought them. Filially exhausted, she sank to tlie bot loin of the cwnoe, and with her trembhug nidt-r aud friend waa dragged ashore, mid hurried off to meet whatever fate might be iu attire tor them. The couateruatiou at ths fort can well lie imagined. The fathers of tlie girla | soon returned, aud before the night I cloned in Daniel Boone, at the head of a party ou foot, and ltiehard Callaway, at tlie head of a jiarty on horm-tiack, were off in pursuit. Iu Boone's party were Samuel Henderson, John Holder, aud Flanders Callaway. AH Henderson dtroile alutig he wan thinking of the olive clieeked heroine, Betsy Callaway ; aud Holder clenched hia hands and ground | hin teeth when he thought of poor, little, frightened Fauuy ; and Flanders Calls way a!uioat forgot hin kith and kin for thinking of hia captured Jemima lhsjue. j We can eanilv smile over it now, but let ' any man put hitnaelf in the place of these young men and oak himself how he would feel iii such a pursuit. YVhen tlie Indiana started with the girls they made tli> younger once take off their ahoee ami put ou tnorcaitiua, but Betsy refnml to take off her shoes, and as she walked along she ground her heel into the soil to leave atrial. Noticing this, the Indians made tlie whole party walk iqmrt and deviate from the ootirae, no as to wade through the water aud ile strov the trail. Then the uudaunted Betsy broke off twigs aud dropped them along the road ; and when the savages threatened her with uplifted tomahawk if she persisted in thi*, she secretly tore off portions of her dreaa and dropped them ou the road. Boone's (suiv aoon found the trail and followed it rapidly, fearing that tlie girls might grow weary aud be put to death. All Sunday night and alf Monday tlie pursuit wan kept up. On Tuesday morn ing a slender column of smoke wan seen in the distance, and the experienced eve of the huuter detected the camp of the Indians. A aerioua difficulty now pre sented itin-lt. H<>w were tlie captives to lie rescue 1 without giviug the captors time to kill them f lucre wan hut little time for reflection, an the Indians must quickly discover llieir presence. The white men were sure shots and so they picked tlieii men, fired upon them, and then rushed into tlie cnnip to their rtvtcuc. At the momcut of nttack tin girls wren* sitting at the foot of a tree; Betsy with a red Inuidauna handkerchief thrown over her head, while the heads of Fanny and Jemima were reclining in her lap. Betsy's olive complexion came war serving lier a bad turn at thin jnne inre, for one of the rescuing party com ing suddenly upon her mistook her for an Indian, and was alsuit to knock her brains out with the butt of his rifle when a friendly hand intervened and saved the girl from meeting her d<*th just at the moment when she ssw lilierty within her reach. The fathers aud gallants carried their loved ones home in triumph, and this romance of real life in Kentucky a ecu turyago would not lie completed without the information that tho dreams of love and happinoHA that were so cruelly dis turlied were sulMcqticutly all realised. Brave Betsy Callaway became Mrs. Samuel Henderson, and lived to tell the story of her capture to her children and her children's children. Little Fanny tie came Mrs. John Holder, aud Flanders Callaway look to his home Miss Jemima Boone, and thus oetnented tho friendly tics of the Boonos and Callaways. It is s long time ago, nigh on to a liuudrcd years; and all the actors In the romoDOe have long since departed, bnt their memory is green with many of us vet, and w can all well afford to give a few thoughts to the event that marked their character* and the times in which they lived and loved. bmivillr Courier. Oranges anil Lemons. Ornnge and lemon plantations, in tho Mediterranean countries, are ml led gar deus, and vary iu size, the smallest con taining only a small numlier of trees, and the largest ninny thousands. The fruit is gathered in baskets similar to ts'iich baskets, lined with canvas, the Imsket Is-ing held by a strap attached and passed around the neck or shoul ders. From the gnrden the fruit goes to tho repacking inng.izine, where it is removed from the Isixos, in which it was (Nicked in tlie gardens, aud repacked for shipment by experienced female pock era, after having been can-fully assorted by women, and wrapped in separate pa per* by young girls. As uianv as 500 l>crao!is, mostly women and children, are employed by some of the fruit growers in their gardens and magazines, for gathering, sorting. And repacking for shipment, tlie wages paid them vary ing from nine to sixteen cents a day. A full grown orange I roc yields from five hundred to two thousand fruit annually, and arrives at the henring state in three or five years, as draw the lemon tree. In sorting, every fruit that wants a stem is rejected. The boxes are then secure lv covered, at rapped,'and marked with the brand of the grower, whan they are ready for shipment. Twenty years ago this trade was nothing in its commercial characteristics, or the inducements it off.-red to capitalists. Now it is progress iug with giant strides into prominence, and iH a considerable source of revenue to the government. A Broker of the Future. When a Detroit newsboy got hold of the information that the big Now York Imnkers hail foiled he called a number of his best friends together at the post office, and said : " See here, you feilers. There's another big bust-up in New York. Peanuts, harvest apples, jaw breakers, and gum will kite right tip, aud if you've got any money you want to hump around and get in ahead of the panic." Aud they " humped." NIK KKHI LAK TRAMP. A Vivid Pre Fteiwreeflh* WasSeriss Tea ■ beeil —Hie Hsblld and II ueeld.. Vteavr bearda ler Vsllswers. The visitor to the country, tliia sum nor, who happens to lie of an ntioerviug turn of miiiil, will notice lounging along the highways mul bywaya of almost any m-tglildirhood he may resort to in the Atlantic States, a alouching figure clad in tlie motley of meudicaucy, with a cer tain uiicertaiiity of manner, a furtive, half delimit, Imlf cringing air, and a stealthy, sidelong glance that at otice at tract* attention and reje-la interest. This creature in the tramp. New to our country aula, he in yet font becoming j a familiar object even iu the tinmt re- ! tired and out of the way places, where, but a few yearn since, hin very name wan , unknown. He exhibits the name char acter everywhere, or, rather, the aam plumes of character under similar comli tioua, for, though he can fawn and whine where he thinks alwiaemeut will be safer or more serviceable, yet at wnue lone farm hoiiae, where he has only fright etted Women to deal with, the blunter of tlie low browed brute is savage and im portunate. lie in geuerally seen alone, though a cltanoe encounter with an old pal ucoa aioually leads to a tein|d.rary (MUiueralnp in vagalHimlage. llut tlie tramp in natur ally imaoeial, hin being a form of winery that iloca not love coui|iany, aud drink, or Imd temjier, or ln>tli, generally forbid frieinUhiiM extending beyoud a few days. But he sometime* haa another sort of rom)tauioti, one who couuot leave when drink makes him disagreeable of dangerous, one who has no refuge from hia rage but the grave. Ou n summer evening the tramp may happen to Im wen stretciied at full length on some bit of grans by the road aide, smoking a black pipe, while a forlorn, limp aud 1 taggard nemblauon of woman hood lu-uila over the brands of a chip tire, or gathers in a greasy old kerchief the munched and mumbled remnants of a tieggar'a meal a wound-hand and lliiid liaud aaviug that stands, iu tlie Life of thin wreU-hed U-ing, iu place of all the sweet lines of household economy, Fuleah there in something ill tlie pres ence of the approaching )>arty to furliid such an exhibition, the ehaucea are the tramp will take oppoituuitv when two or three |Mople are fainiuug by to display hia brutality by hurling foul words, or a stick, or a atoue at the unhappy slave who would fain hide herself behind him. If such an assault comm. she bears it aa one uaed to similar attacks, shrinking and clutching hex ragged shawl doner about her throot, perhaps, but makiug no moan nor raiding her head. Her face is rarely wen ; her eyes, never. Whether those windows of the soul hide the con nciounueaa of awful depths of degrada tion, or whether tlie light of expression has gone out, none will ever know. Our olmerver, if faithful to hi* calling, will tluil the tramp ha* n ctiriou* habit of poking about the root* of a tree by the wayaidc, or the foot of a telegraph |le or gale poet, aud, if care i* taken ill watching hiiu, he may be frequently ■teen engaged iu tin* occupation either quite early or quite late in the day. JLxamiue the place where be ha* been iwarchiug, aud clone Mcrutiuy may reveal three or four oabaliatic character* rudely bcrntc'hcd on the wood or stone, a mat*, or a dot in tlte center of a circle or aquare, triangle, *igu* resembling pbo uograpliy, or other *ign looking more like printer*' proof mark*. Thene an* the tram pa' giudebuards, the blazed treiw of the path, the trail of hi* hunting ex|M*ditiou*. They tell him that the next turn lead* to a rich place, where b* can nafely a*k for mouey ; that th poor aohlier i* a good dodge to try in another direction ; that the farmer on the right keep* a aavage dog, Uiat a cully crili, or liouae of reaort for tramp*, can be found in the village on the canal. The tramp not only ■tadiea tlnne indication* fur hi* own instruction, but he ia bound br " tin l mloa of the road " to record ucL of liia own experietum M may be of uat t<> tbow who follow. Crafty, shifty, sly, canning in all the tricks >f liia trade, tlx* tramp will beg, sUmi, live in the jnior house, Lake a turn in prison, or starve if t comes to that, hut never will do a stroke of work in this Witrht He is here in our midst, and our community has got him to pro vide for. We ought to are about the work by proper legal enactments forth with, lie should be taken care of by such mean* aa will prevent the increaae of his tribe ami the waste of his depre ilatioua. His destructive thefts, his ter rible rcckloostiCM in the uae of tire, and his oocaaional outbreaks of spite, render his methods of taking tare of himself al together too costly to be rudimsL B<- side*, lie is a disgusting and a dreadful nuiiwnct, and ought to be abated. rll ited States Kxpen*e. The aggregate expenses of the United States government for the fiscal year ended June 80 last, exclusive of interest on the public debt, were in round num bers $274,500,000. In his annual report to Congress in December last, Svretary Bristow estimated the ordinary expenses for the year at $275,314,000. This osti mate is said to lie the closest approach to the actual expenses ever made. In a dispatch of June 17, it was stated that the aggregate ei|>enses would not exceed 9276,000,000, and that the total receipts for the year would lie at least $289,000,- 000. The actual receipts for tho year from customs and internal revenue were $260,267,1 Kit. The receipts from mis cellaneous sources liave not yet I wen as cortained, but it is safe to any they will aggregate at least $23,000,000. Tlie es timate of the secretary put the receipts from that source at $2•.000,000. It is now certain that the excess of receipts over exjxjinlitures for the last fiscal year will IK* at least $15,000,000, and may feach $17,000,000. In the fiscal year ended June 30, 187-4, the excess of re ceipts was $2,344,800. Why Some People are Poor. Silver spoons are used to scrape ket tles. C'KiffiH', tea, pepper and spices are left to stand open and lose their strength. Potatoes in the cellar grow, and the sprouts are not removed until the pota toes are worthless. Brooms are never hnug up and are Soon spoiled. wNieo handled knives are put into hot water. The flour is sifted in a wasteful man ner, and the bread |an is left with the dough sticking to it. Clothes are left on the line to whip to pieces in the wind. Tuba and barrels are left in tlie sun to dry aud fall apart. Dried fruits are not taken care of in season and lieeome wormy. Ibigs, strings and pnjier aro thrown into the fire. Pork spoils for want of salt, and beef lsHwnse the brine wants scalding. Bits of meat, vegetables, and cold pud dings, are thrown awny, when they might IK* warmed, steamed, and served as good as new. Ravages of .Nqnlrrel*. 0. P. F. Kallcnbach miulo a raid a few days ago on the squirrels which abound in the neighborhood of French OH tup, near Stockton, Cal., end prey upon the wheat fields, from which they are with ering their winter's supplies. Ho in forms us that there is nn nrmy of the pests constantly on the move tran*(n>rt ing the wheat from lire fields to their dens. One of the most active of the army of transportation, whose jaws were distended with plunder, was shot, and from his mouth was taken a small hand ful of choice, plump wheat. Kallcnhaeh had the curiosity to count the grains, and found they numbered fif2 and weighed a few grains over one ounce. It is calculated that an able-bodied squirrel that will attend strictly to business will steal and transport to his underground warehouse a pound of wheat per day. With his relatives, he would get away with a ton, worth to-day ?4'-. A person, from this, can form some idea of the damage the millions of rodents are doing in the oountry, for they are all industri ously at work. The squire who married a couple at. Jersey City, N. J., took the las; penny the poor bride had, and compelled the sheriff and his deputv to moko up the balanoe of the fee, naif no doubt die rich. HI'NNAKY OF NKWH. IOM • lalsr—i trmm aaS AkrwU. Ths Nortl anrvica ag ants four hun itrsd barrsls of lUk4t whisky In Chicago, which was slorsd sway at ths Urns of Uis raids last spiiug ..... Divars at work ou ths wrack of ths ateamar Hohillsr hava rseovsrsd #IOO.OOO of bar trsasurs Tits haras Bralay hrohs lociss frum a low of lbs propstlsr Allsgbsuy. on lake Kris, suit it la suppussd to liars gous topiooas. Tts crew of fivs |>srsona hats prob ably |M>rtabed. The llralsy belongsd at Kagl uaw lleporta fioo Hctoto county. Ohio. dials that three thoussud seres of rami in that eouuty were washed entirely swsy by ths Hood. Ths crop promised a yield of stity bushels to the sore Ths Central I'aoiOc railroad offlctals have Anlshsd the Invastiga Uou into ths aeotmiifa of Woodruff, alias Molnr, mm of Utatr officials, and ffed the dnflell lo ha shout #1.000,000. Winidruff has gotm to Clous. ... .Tha bishop of I'adarboru who wan >lo|KAd fmm his fuucUotia by Uio I'nuwlaa law eonrl aud ha* amen henai inluraad in WUHIU, has without iwrmlaslon ijulttod Uiat lowu. Ou Inaviug ha addrowad a inttar to Urn govnraor of Um dlatnot. aaslfalUK for a raanon fur his departure unpaired health aud hia dntlea to hin fluek .. The three wile race at Naraloga, for a purea of #I,OOO, wta won hjr Hutherford in tM,... The aeeretary of tha uavf has laeuad a general order definitely eet lilntf the ertntendon I of the pork-packing establishment of John i*. H-juire A Co., at East Cambridge, a year ago den. Joseph K. Johnston, formerly of the Southern amy, hae deohned the preeideury of the Alienees industrial university ..... Kikuu Treasurer l'srkor, of booth Carolina, against ahum a verdict of #75,000 was re cently rendered Ui a suit growing out of Ula official trends and etubeuademenl, aud aho was in pnaun awaiting criminal proeecuuuu for similar offenses. has saapei] from the Colum bia jail,... Chicago will pay all her bonds aud coupons which were due July Ist, although Duncan, Kht-rmau A Go. had already drawn the amount due to act ae agents ..... The boiler of the steam thresher at work on a fam in Maury Oounty, Tennessee, bum, aud lulled Mr. Cullen Marian, the owner, the engineer and a colored man, aud eonnded aeveu others, two of a hum will die. The thrasher and grain crop were destroyed by Ore. .... Tho losses by floods in Illinois aud Indiana • are esUmetad at #d,UUO.UUO for each Slats. The committee appointed to eiamine the trtmsory account a have reported that they counted and weighed every coin. aud ooanted all the paper money—the result of which ia that they And a deficit of #47.818 41, including the #47 000 stolen a few mouths ago bupertuteodeut Chapman of the New York State Insurance department, baa debarred the Kansas (Insurance Company of Leavenworth from doing business in New York Stats, on ac count of their loose manner of business The oumpsny bad some tweuty-flve agencies in the State The Ashing on (he north aide of Prince Edwards Island is prosperous the mackerel being plenty. The latest adnoes from Labrador aay that flab are very scarce. .... The report of the Hamilton i(hnada) board of trade urges a curtailment of manu facture*. a decrease of importationa. aud the c—saUom of kmg credits as the means of bring ing about a sound financial condition.... .Wax. H. Alderdice, general aswignee of the bank ruptcy court at Richmond. Vs. has decamped, leaving a deficit IU bis amounts of #15.000.... John H. iioldeu. agent of the Oneida < N. f. 1 wmmuutty In Boston. has t>een held in #lO.- 100 bail to answer the charge of omhexxling #20.0U0 belonging to tlie community The London branch of the banking house of Drexel. Morgan A Company will cash Dnncau. bher iuan A Co.'# letters of credit, Mr. Duncan's father being their security New York i revenue officers have been very successful recently in catching smugglers of cigars The smugglers were in the habit of putting the cigars in rubber haga and throwing them over | board as the steamer* were entering New 1 York harbor, confederate* in small boats pick- ing the bogs up. The officer* took • tug. aud *fur the cigars wore thrown over, thry cap tured ths confederates with their booty ("ordinal McCloskey has gone to Urns to rooatve bis hat and ring from the Papa Me took #30.000 gold to the Pope as a prevent from New York Catholics. The Jnry in the Monti tain Meadow massacre case have disagreed and ware discharged lien J. B. Hal leek, a clerk In the Tieerary department, has been arrested an a charge of ateahng the #47.000 over which eo much ex citement was creeled a few months ago. Mr. Oilman, proprietor of a restaurant ou Penn- sylvania avenno, Washington, together with a man nsmed Ilruwu, were arreeted ae soootn l>ltce* .. Two boys were killed and eighteen wounded by an explaaion in the llndnebarg arsenal, at Philadelphia. The exact canoe of the disaster is unknown Two escaped convicts were killed and a third fatally shot by ranchmen near Denver, Col....Dispatches from central Asia re|eani while in the wood* near their honee a few days ago Henry Coulter and Evan Morris will row a live-mile single eoail race near Pittsburgh. Pa, for #SOO a side and the championship of tho United Statee. Ex Treasurer Parker, who etaqied from jail at Columbia, 8. C., has been recaptured .... UCUnt (Canada) dispalcUe* state that the lata frri|un( rains have greatly injured tha crops in that taction Tlia gale of laat week waa very severe on the lakee. Tlie hark Anatin and the schooner Atanuto wen* ashore full of water near Mam ton. lake Michigan The tag Vulcan lost a raft of 3.000,000 feet of pine number on Lake Krie 1 hrough the error of a physician, who left morphine in plaoe of a foaming draught, Mr*. Jano Yeaton, of Gardi ner, Me., an aged lady, was fatally poisoned, and a nurse who tauted the draught was aith diflcal'y saved from death Ira Wood, of Harvard. N. Y., had cut a heavy tree which was about to fall, when be perceived hta old father standing where he would be struck in the descent. He rushed to the old gentle man, pushed him aside, and waa himself crushed to death.. ....Five colored oonviots, whose sentences aggregate seventy-four years, escaped from the Htchmond penitentiary by cutting the bars of a window and lowering themselves with a rope made of blankets. .... The trial of the baukrupl merchants Collie Brothers, of London, was brought to a sudden o'oee a few days ago by the discovery that Mr. Alexander Collie had absconded. The lawyers for the defense announced their withdrawal from the ca*e About #II,OOO of the $47,- 000 recently stolen from the Treasury depart ment at Washington has been reoovered, and Mr. Ottman, the suspected thief, has been held for trial in SIOO,OOO bail. Tba War daparttnont baa mada a naw aOM tcry jMt at the Blank Hilia. bad m wtnpany of Infantry and two of ea.alry will onenpy tL PiftMn btuidrad minora bra In tba bllla, bat war* prapartnf In laara in '-adlanea to tba military. Tba country hi ron.ldatad neb In gold 1b a beat orop of Wlanonaln la baatrlar than nana); and whllarya aad nataara abundant, 00m ta an (Taring from drought..... Tba JaekaooYllla (Fla.) medical nootaty publtab a card stating that thera baa not baan a oa*a of yallow f In thai city thta eaaaon.... Tba Brat crnae under tba GIYU Blguta bill to Oaorgta IE oomnwieEd Ut Ha ran nab, tb* pruaaeutor Using a colored employee of tba poet-0f1i0e,.., A docraa will aoon bo pub Hatred by tba Hpaalab auttiortUaa, ordering a layy of 100,000 bmki for the porpoaa of apaadlly ending tba war,,.. Fuor of Uia aaoapad lUebmood cooYtete ha.a bean racaptnrad At a mooting of the Montrwal city oouttcil, bald to oouatder the naw health law, which includtoioompulaory yacctna- Uon. erowda of Franeb Cauadiana Sltad tba gallery add anrroondad tba building and mak ing ao much 11 "iae thai no bubttiam could be uaiiaaclod Volley* of atonaa war* thrown In tba windows, all tba glan* being broken and two aidermen wounded. Action on tba btll waa Snaby paatpooad tax montba Tba lyoodon I'omt publtabaa a report of a aartuos aouffla batwaan tba Kuataan and ITnataan frontier guards at Honbrowa, on tba boundary Una batwaan Ituaau and iToaaia. Tba affair waa provoked by tba Ituaauna, who treapamad 00 Oerman territory. Ha.aral of tba guarda were wounded Tba geographical eungiaas at Fana baa decreed laUara of distinction to tba Naval department and atgnai bandae bureau at Waabingtuo, .*. ...Tba United Hiatal diatrtrt attoruay at Omaha baa brought suit againat Juba P. Baker, formerly Indian agent, to re us ar Abe earn of Sl&kOO due tba government. Thoughts for Hk tarda J Sight. Worth bTte in bane mill da navy; in groat * >uls, mulati"u. Trust not tiw world, for it aevar pgj i oth that it prumiaath. We ought not to judge moo'a merita by their qualifications, bat by the use they make of them. When a man seems to be wise, it is merely that his follies are proportionate 1 to his age. Young men are apt to think tbarn- I aelvea wise enough, as drunken men are : to think themwlroa nober enough. Time will bring to light whatever is hidden ; it will oouotwl end cover up | what is now shining with the greatest splendor. Many do with oppoit tun ties aa chil dren do at the seaanom—fill their little j hands with sand and then let the grains fall through, one by one, till au are I gone- Different minds incline to different objects. One pursues the vast alone, the wonderful, the wild ; another sighs for harmony and grace and gentlest beauty. Thinker* are scarce aa gold ; but he whose thoughts embrace all his subject, pursues it uninterruptedly and - feoriaw i of consequences, is a diamond of enur ; mous aize. EOMHWU YA that every man is want ed, but is 1 : wanted much. That may j be ao, but a .y woman who ia not xrauted much will d- iiy that any man is ever wanted at all- Make nut a bosom friend of a melan choly, aad aouL He will be sure to aggravate thy adversity ami lessen thy property. He goes alwava heavily loaded and thou must bear half. We may imitate the Deity in all His attributes, but mercy is the only one in which we cau pretend to equal Him. We cannot, indeed, give like God; but surely we may forgive like him. Happiness depends on the prudent constitution of the habits ; and it ia the j business of religion not so much to extinguish our desires as to regulate and direct them to valuable and we 11-chosen i objects. Whatever be the cause of happiness may also be likewise the csnse of misery. | The medicine which, rightly applied, has to euro, has, when rashness ■n ignorance proscribes it, the same j power LJ destroy. Ct'EiEo A HEN'S ArrirnTK.— A farmer in Wisconsin had a ben that Always picked and ate up hr own eggs. To cure her somewhat expensive gluttony, the farmer filled one egg with cayenne pepper and mustard and put it in the nest. The hen picked it, but shook her head in disgust, and never again touched another egg. The farmer has now sent an application to Washington to have his process patented, and levels in the im aginary possoasion of fabulous wealth the patent is to bring him. A blind man in southern Illinois can play checkers, but he can't find the wood pile if his wife wants aa armful of wood. Any one desiring a recipe bow to make snap for a cent a pound will receive it | giatis by addressing I. L. Crogin ft Co., Philadelphia, manufacturers of the just jly celebrated Dobbins' Electric Soap. • An Illinois paper says of a thunder bolt : It first struck the lightning rod, slid down to the roof, ran up to the oel lar, tore shingles off the weather board ing, arid went away without hurting anything. ___ All the year round Shrridan'* ('avalry 'Will a "I'mtmkr* should to gtvsu to borMW that are ' kept op" To botae* and cattle thai crit - in auminer they should only to given IU winter and ejiriug.—Amu Officers and soldiers who served in ths army, {ibv-Mciaus. aurgeotis. and eumeiit men and women everywhere, in rsoun menditig JiAseni'i .tiuajpw- Ijnimml to tie lite tost intsrual and external faintly mi-dicux ever inveutad. That * our etpeneuce.—Oim. Send for a free sjvecimen copy of the aplendid mamincLh double -sheet Han Kraucn-or VVrrai v CnaoMct*. an able, * and fearlew iwqier. It always e ntsina (v-mpiet* and re liable market, mintuß and stock re(iort; also S valushlsacncoUnral detwrtmeut etiectally pr*- [*red by an ei)>er H. JaWKS eared his aatr shlld skk a preparalioa at Oaeeato, Mim He sow Iree raelpe free on rental ta two svaiara to pe, ei|ii 1 Thee la *tS a aißato • rrapl..-m •< iVwsatopn -> thai S does as! dtoslnsle- Nlstii Sweats. IrrttmUoa -I ihe Nerees. Ollheatt Ri|m lersll-tw. Shsrp I*sl la ths t.siwce. Nsnees at the Shwnseh. Insetv s ta ths BoweK, sod WssUna mf the Msecies Addrsss i KVIUKKIg A 00.. |O3 Earn Rtrsst. fhtladelohla. Fa. giving seme of IMb ps|*r. The Markets. Www vows. Beef OstUe—Frtone to Extra BolSooks (*VB 131, (Ywnroon tc Oood Texaos...... M ft li k Mllrh (Vers * *fo>V Hogs- 1 OSKB og\ Dressed. 1 toB 1"V Nlieer..... Bhß l*W Lambs fYJift ®-k #•—Olds cs in Port—Mess St 03 tall TS Lard !!*• 13k Flab—Mackerel No. 1. new IB 00 tal 00 " No. 1 new li 00 tals 0) Dry Ood. per ewt............ I on dim Herring. Wealed. J*r h0a.... 38 ta *0 Petroleum—Crude ...... .IdVjWOek ttedned, ll. Wool—California Fleece...... ...... SS ta 33 Texas " NAM Australian " ............ It ta S3 Batter— Slate 31 ta PJ Weetem Datry 3t W Western Yellow IS ta 3* Western Ordinary.. 13 ta 14 Pennsylvania F1ue......... ST ta I* Cheese—State Fhctcry. 09 # 13 " Rktmmed............ 01 ,* (II Western, fl* A II fdßir-tatate 73 a IX >uuin Wheat..... t 40 ta I 41 Rye-State 1 CO ta I no Corn-Mixed 33 ta Ml Barley—Htate 1 SO A 1 70 Oats—Stole ? 71 ta Tl SCPPAUI. Flonr • 3 00 Wheal—No i Spring I M • 1 40 Torn—Mixed T7 0 17 Oats Mkta ' J< Rye 1 IS ta 1 IS Barley 1 40 ta 1 40 aaLTtMOSA Cotton—Low Midd1ing5............ MVta H', Flonr— Extra 9 is ta 9 11 Wheat—Red Western 1 3 ta 1 A Rye 91 ta 9* Corn—Yellow..., BT ta BT Oato— Mixed 2 # A3 Petroleum (Wkft rBILADKLTIIft. Flonr— Penney Ivan ia Extra 6 STkta • WLi to*—Western Bed 1 10 ta 1 M Bye 1,0 ta 1 00 Corn—Yellow ks # BT _ Mixed h* ta 07 Oat a—Mixed '4 ta M Petroleum—Crude 09HB0BK BMbtad UK CACTIOH ! —ln oar cttagwbl< etiauto, • rough*. rold*. mk) dtMMM. of the threat, hr* and obaat will always prgvatL Awwumißca will claim its yiettea. TMM dtemoaa, if at tended la ni ttea. ran to arralad aad eared- Tha remedy la 1* Wimm'i Anton* of WIM (Hurry. rifty Mot* and ana dollar a bottle, large toUlaa mtwh tba cheaper -Ocm. CTHPHtI bUZ"*!*£•\ZTZ P4*"W"ws"l •I| ees*s*Bai Mm 1m AU fast dry l ha* alwars •• ■ C7*MSf FIM ogtaery.ta •"* to caro >' IB.VLF ■WIJI'Yf 1.. Ml in Hi. hows* %ed an v • , MCtTCI lIaVJ t. I KW!#!! nMfMc'rwUlr* ■ylinal uU sad Kiowa ait watt —A Waw*MMl m. v. m. 0.-ia w WILD LIFE L-t2^.Wr„?%y IE THE tart'ltag oiisehuas amaaa iodise.. . FAR aEST'^^riyrri^rS Sr Hslfsft 4 htm, liitmu, Or. rfXHE ONLY lOLYTM.'RMfO HOME acMOQi. 1 PT. I'l.K'l K*T'a flail. Klllroit flty.Sid. rise (immm, -lsg i eebirasstoet Apply ** aoes MERIDEN CUTLERY ■ lIUU V" or UslJskld KaMa COBPAIT Dr. GEO. B. LORING, SCi*e{XWnUggg-'g*? as=.SKH? sax J- wrj mp Nx t ■mn. pit tmm Tu Oums Ft. Do, Esslea . <1 PACKAOEa MEED WMEAY.Ofrgafomta MmM •> Mk Akna. gswhsy. BajHiaa to—. mm /rfljirlatapt N P. Hcrvaa. Pwtowf.Fee*. * .fa, IMFOMTAftT TO lOßtfl llfTlfM. , 1 tp'i.iuwu Mk>.cJ ghnfeto*.. A. ) u.M to aak lawn uw earn twhtaa wan aaaaamjal i >• Mai aaasj la u><* .dieted aim jUdhsaa A"*****: i Sac flaafaatißsCnr: t". W. Raw#. Inni.JAa tus.rivtEaiSs *ass£y £tAm * i*. rffißMi ymmS naiM. .■, lHa r#=slil ' I Ta Pnl arfca Bv—a. It k baaaaaa TarrantV Eftnuwit Sntlaer Aperient mtmmm lk hag* af the htawd hg ■■sultan ■*'*■■ "■'• >; m aaE a> Ihm—h as th***s* 1 ' W>U BT ALL PttPOTE. cqcn *jn o> hT!L,* JbZDU H r rn 1 PENNSYLVANIA 1 * CACTMS WTfCM—TM llnurta* Bdßtw* ()NF. ' I (tociedieg ma - LAET J< >CBMALE^"L aaliME *< m SO Y—jm- tnaaa a4*ataaa>. aim ia I nirnia ' Wal.l, ud Waalta ml tkal waki, aay. "d b ilaulaM Urn aato aaa. laaybta • Baa It Mk. |oa> tfciak. I Y.mWl teal arara •-* "< mk Miiiibiiib pan. mmn waataA BaMJw I I fatma awd BaMOm praal af amwMEßom HI BEAEO IBS& rpaAa. TBE Eaaaam Bltoa, ntk4altkla. P*_ WANTEDMii SStlW.a JaaalQ Itorn. rafap. wMb alagmat rftjma<, t* mala tJraaUr la* HHIHt. t Oi 7MB BraaAam. W— Va-k ! J Fort Edward Institute, N. Y. HactAlaa kMatearr Mr UEa aaA O ■atlawi m Tapm tsrSira: i t^rJgaT UM on M Prim A.. aiM a tkaniiiwk ruiktata iiEaiH; , Una to kAh mm •. -k. bmwrn pataaa tba uaamna "4 ' nail. a*4 iwa* tba aaom liiwa Caiahwa. l*tac tall panicalan m to av* at * tt. • •Adram P.DWAEtI H MAOIL. PwnucawT TkaaaiTrmßaw, *W paHac* ato fa ffiLiitlon S2t Srs>sm SSrS?^.' aer*a*en vmt, \ # SaMaliaaakrtfca \to/ V/ Etc Trost Cs., Ma BBS Eraaiwafi N. I. CEf. aad aaai b* aE Qtfarabt taObaaM.todlawwt W rSo°&£Z: C4A-COCtwrdar. tothrOnai&kkilW 3>m •- *)ZO- 1 . M. htinaptfrr '• toalaa. but GEO. P. ROWEU &Tol gOMETMNg^^^ NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The Leading American Mewwpaper Tin: BKMT AIIVKHTIMM: MKDIEM. Daily. SlO a year. hal-WwH;. S3. Waakly. S2 rwaat #toa to iba Fal. ■■ fl a. kpacttoaa Onto b4 AdvarttotaE Raim "~ WmAB. amrn. oat, 81, paucialA Addwm Tacs Tatar** B Y. JBOOK AUERT9 WAHTED |p%GLEANIN6S mm FOR THE cr Riots." hlwt M iba toaaaad rartoai Qtaa i .witaiyam* book It l aftol, a-~- ■*, *Wb aaalaV baaatlaV. brOHaal Omabb .ad bait*. mn waaanat 'una* drrbaa. ard flto aato anm drH ui lar* aad raritoM faoriaa rr„ bao* Tto maatraa, -a-a ,toAf - Am.* tof. "HM • B> MT? ?* Iboaa ao*ai amk Miaat-A"-* A * "aaia a aam I It toaUy *• ajf otbM bak *to * aa. tor ~—ktoa*afa to k* d W, aaai ' a Waa m mmy OPIUM mTDfn IfMmi iriKIO (ISU! % ki/ - . plaint, dyaprpata. kidmadla " ' *SBi^l^*-iataa,a^laa.i-bi*a.a-roadto dWami ordara.Bta.kmala r.-toptaiato f ~ o-nroM ami tr*ryl dalnllty. S VW aad othar dirnate dtoaaaa* :f >WL;ntafh • kldnryaaad llajd. Baokwltk IS LIFE. ESSESSoSK DOUBLE YOUR TRADE OraaMa, tsru—f isd Dwhu-ZV* lUm •! Japam T-a7 mmM *, bo. W Self obMts -fifßiw'i rWw. sM*d far ctixaUr. T*l WILL# TEA Oaayurg.SOl FmmSrY„ F.a>s USU. ( tL ' ttt LAWKtL'S !®W AITUU V- -A.HO ( UIRM BCUDY. ,T" i|l| ium sinAfiw4 ivmi; ysftetUNßca hfsMbd * k Mtk BTtth AI*TMHA, 1 ky M i i l:o rwiu utl NatSMMUUiHBf ISc w4 UHkt jt rwMjr aki Mrs ftr for Astkws iM CkUdl WamMiißd torsttrrstwtßßtlf Mttw|MsyB!M NRIk r 4VII la not sa-1 *Up saotortsNr Drf --e Stt;>{iitrl orttll |tobchsB tor rBSB aism UU. n CWi m4 sot saw. or >Hi i —N< kf OroiUBOL Foil tkm roeUre, ky Mil, SLtE D WILL HAVE OUR GOODS- Send TA costt *nd . r wo wtti oond by m*H. propaki, oar LAMP FeUJKR, £ aith which rvm oak flit any Ear-mana lamp without Tt rraavfa, rMmaa* or aaiUiic maw mtaiia / U Lamm. AI aaima Una a mall yo* all oar otarolara P bad lanaa t-> aaanta aa Impair uaafm k.-na*bo)d . art tela, arttb ahtrU any panoa aaa nata Irons k \ L bl all dally Wa arant A cam la aaaryarhM. _ \ATIIN*I. AIIK.MW P:tl IMIKI, t Hiiamc. Maaa. _ npiruMkM UIIUIII litmpOTcc Speedily rami bv DR. HECK'S oaly knawn and lure Remedy. NO CHABMB for treatment until cured. Chll on or add rem , J)r. J. a BECK, U2 John SU Cincinnati, 0. OPIUM CURE iSM lac. Hrai. U. Biehir, P. to Baa 47A lnportojad. BURR KILLS FOX CORK, FLOUR ft FEED, 7"35W —ooriiy, tmmil mmpJd m 8188 toaaa. sakd. ma*, ar wa *'!—*■ Baadtla*p* •■^BSaM.Ayrt* VCDWARD HAIIBIBON, Nam Haaaa. Co**. nntIUTVI WAWTED—Misaoniu OODKTT OUli tl I 1 I BONDS. tSa*d toil daanrli-tUm and _ I amount bald Hlcbmt rata* paid li* BON OS ! I IsJ BTt'V&aSbll.'.Wia: COR s-,v-■JwtJSS R rsald to I'wxt Ageoto. Auger book * iwaaVfol. JUi Anger Ck. St. Loato, Mo.