smr fsxz Centre Reporter, TIXD.CTITS..* - Kditer Centre Hall, Pa., Aug. 19. 1875. 1 KRM3.—s2ptr year, w adranct, 2.80 r hen not paid in advance. Adrcrticcmcnt* Hfrenertint for three m trrtitm*, and for G ana 12 month* */*> al contract. DeniocraUr Ticket. Sheriff-LEVI MUNBON. Treamrtr —D. A. MUSTER. rVottanotory-AARON WILLIAMS. JbfMter—W. E. BURCHFIELD. Recorder — W M. A. TOBIAS. CbiiwttNttmm —H. A. MINGLE, —J. N. HALL Cbrtwirr —DR. JOS. ADAMS, .dmfifor#— JOS. GILLILAN l>. —A. J. GREIST. We observe from the movements of the radical* in this county, that they in tend to concentrate their forces against our nominee for Treasurer, D. A. Musser, and defeat him if possible, seeing no hope of defeating any of the other gen tlemen ujion the ticket. Already stories are being circulated against Mr. Musser. Any on? knowingthat gentleman, knows that hia character is without blemish, he hails frotu one of the oldest and most respected families in our valley, has never been an office seeker, is compe tent, responsible, and will leave the of fice of Treasurer, to which he will be elected in spite of the machinations of the enemy, with every cent of the peo ple's money faithfully accounted for. .Mr. Musser hears the reputation of a christian gentleman, and is one of the moat useful cilisens of Penn township. Iemocrats owe him every vote, on ac- count of his past fidelity, and every hou est republican can Tote for him under ♦ the full assurance of voting for an hon est man. A statement of the affairs of Duncan. Sherman A Co, has been prepared for the public, from which it appears the liabilities of the firm are f4,572,12S and the assets 12,112,740. This statement is not official, and can be taken as repre senting the approximate amount. It has been prepared to answer many in quiries regarding the probable condition of affaire and with special care to avoid making a better show ing than may be • justified. All doubtful assets have hoen reduced or stricken out. The amount of liabilities given on account of travelers, credits and circulars is 12,372,952. The greatest sham that ever entered Centre connty, is Bill Brown's '-Indus trial Advocate." It is a grand foreign humbug, got up entirely at Ilarrisburg. with a few local squibs from our county, sent down by mail, to give it a home ap pearance. This Advocate has no office, not a single type, nor sheat of blank pa per in Centre county. And this is the organ of a set of conspirators to mislead democrats, abuse Judge Orvis without cause, and oast its slurs at the Reporter because it is outspoken in its sentiments and does not wink at ringn and cliques. Anti-treating societies are now being formed in some parts of the eouutry. Cincinnati and Pittsburg have organisa tions of the kind. The following is the pledge: I pledge myself not to treat any per son or persons; nor to accept a treat of any spirituous or Malt Liquors, Wine or Cider, in any public place, where the same is kept for sale and money jwtid therefor. A ''Democrat of Gregg" asks us the names of the senatorial conferees and also who moved to make Mr. Alexander chairman of the convention. As we omitted these two items in our report of the proceedings we furnish them here in answer to our correspondent, and for the information of others. The conferees are J. P. Gephart, G. W. M'Gaffey and T. M. Hall. The gentleman who pro posed Mr. Alexander for Chairman was T. M. Hall. We desire to say here that communications criticising some of the doings of the convention, can not conduce to the harmony of the party, now that the nominations are made, hence "Haines," "Democrat of Gregg" and "Bellefonte" have been laid aside. We print in this week's issue the charge of Judge Orvis in the Clearfield riot cases. The document should be read and studied by all, as it presents in a clear and concise manner the law touching upon strikes, with which all should be conversant. In some quarters Judge Orvis has been censured, by per sons unfriendly to him, for doing his duty in the matter. The charge should be studied by all lair minded men who love the peace and good order of society and who desire to be protected in their rights, and will be profitable reading for those who would incite to strikes and rioting. Out of 43,000 people, men, women and children, in the town of Fall River, Massachusetts, 15,000 arc idle in conse quence of a "strike" ordered by their leaders. The great body of the opera tives, who are already beginning to suf- Jer the pangs of poverty, deny that they are "responsible" for the suspension dep recate its continuance and denounce its instigators, and yet have not the cour age to throw off their yoke and return to work. The next step for the working people of this country will be, not to or ganize for protection against their em ployers, but for defense against their self-assumed leaders. Disastrous storms have been sweeping over Germany and Switzerland as well as elsewhere in Europe. The Cologne Zeitong reports that the vineyards in numerous places have been irretrieva bly ruined by the deluge of the latter part of may, which not only destroyed all hope of this year's harvest, but wash ed away the soil, leaving nothing but bare rock or a substratum of clay. On the 9th of July the town of Melsungen was inundated by a violent rain-storm, which also flooded the adjoining town of Gen anngen, destroying houses ami bridges andjheaping their debris upon the rail way track. Shortly afterwards llaren was visited by a hail storm, accompa nied With terrific thunder and lightning, the hailstones measuring five or six inches in circumference and breaking thousands of window-panes. On the same date, July 9, an unprecedented bail storm laid waste the entire harvest for several miles around Geneva. Kitch en gardens were devastated ; trees a century old were snapped like reeds ; in the city chimneys were demolished and Several houses unroofed, whilst shatter ed windows were counted by hundreds Of thousands. All the street-lamps were extinguished by a single gust. Hun dreds of birds were killed by the bail ■tonee, many of which were as large as hen's eggs, and three human lives were Radical* arc encouraging democrat* to run independent, telling them It i* no longer a *in to l>olt end run agnin*t the ticket, that they can be rewarded with a nomination for assembly, senator or to a chairtnanahip. and have other front rank positions in the jairtv, in lew than twelve month*. This bolting business being sanctioned may work badly. We arc opposed to it, and opjmsed to en couraging bolter*. Thing* may lie play ed thus far a apell but "vengeance i* mine aaith the Lord and bolter* may remember that the people can and will have vengeance at the ballot box."* go for the ticket, and give bolter* and bolting a wide berth. This encourage ment to bolter* will send the jmrtv to where ice i* unknown if it is made re spectable by the sanction of the party. ♦ • swi IATIOSOF ri'BUVI.ASI*s l*uring the last fourteen years of Re publican rule, says the Sun, Congress voted away the most valuable portion of the public domain to railroad corjairw tions and in other ways. Of the vast empire which was regarded a* one of the great sourev>s of national wealth, and as a permanent attraction for immigration, there remains hut a comparatively small part for settler*. By a system of corrupt legislation without parallel, these rich lands were distributed among speculate** and mon opolists, who, by means of the t'redit Mobilier and other fraudulent combina tion*, shared the spoil* with Senator* and Representatives that served as their agent* and instruments in the plunder. Nor is this all. The Department of the Interior, under Delano, has augmented the wealth of these corporation* to the extent of millions of acres by venal de cision* against all precedent, which not only ro-opatmd condemned and spurious claims, but have driven thousands of poor settlers from the homesteads ac quirtd by law and laK.r, for the benolit of infamous Ring*. The popular belief that the supply of public land is unlimited, is a fallacy which cannot be too soon dispelled. Of late years the olhciai mparts have been manipulated in the inU'rest of the rail roads that enjoy immense grants, in or der to produce at; impression that they did not materially affect tin; large terri tory open for settlement. But even sujierticia! examination proves these statements to l>e interest ed, and, by their suppression of impor taut data, to be worthless as a basis for estimating the quantity of good laud available for sale and settlement. A few ugly facts may wcil arrest attention ou this imjK'rtant subject, aud cause Congresa to halt before granting anoth er acre without a public reason that w ill stand the severest scrutiny. Total area of the laud Total ef MF LUD SUM UJ " paaeca Moantaio*. rack*, tod l** itutnou tall pUlu, dta<-rta,dc.. not rolU valiMg, M118Ati4......5W.1iM).M1l W*tar Mrtfte* . . ML'WO'FUI SM eotata. dettac. dc ... lU.UMn lUtarred for new Stat.-. Ij.' hint. Ullta la State, without public faail* . aw.tta.ivu MMWONU *cm. I-iifwaaM*yah lie lud. WWJW.dA *crta Some of these quantities are iuvf*sa rily estimated without reliable data, but we have reduced the tigure- assumed by others, so that there may be no charge of exaggeration. Less than a thousand millions of acres constituted the capital of the United States in virgin land be fore it was touched by legislation. Let us now see how it has been disposed of. The task is difficult, because the reports of the General I .and Office seem to be made up with a view of concealing rutlw erthan of exposing the truth : Acrw. Sold ta> round lubm |>.uU! Eatarsd under bomnr-.d kU H-taUta Orautnd to tcncnltiu.l coU*chi*ar. and W'tnrucaln I.Ut'.KW Saltn—— **nttrn nTitn Saata of Girrarnniant and buitdinc - Wet ÜB.MD Oruuto ooapaataa and paraoaa- -A>r*un Daaf aad dual aarluna... So.lM Spaatah claltaa- Calif.-nua and Florida ... l-.Tm.OM' Rtaartad to com pa* at. -Ohio. Ac rJU'.JUs Raaarradto Indiana—Mlaelaalppl. Alabama. I" tab. aad Or*on ILXOB.atB Indian traattta raaarratioaa . l)>.tOC Oraatad to ratlruad* cblcflj tfca Pa-ifica. aad dec talon, of Delano BU.IUMU. .000 Allowing a large margin for errors of the quantities estimated in the area of the United States, ami deducting the foregoing figures from the total, and there is serious cause for reflection in re gard to the future of the public domain. The great corporations and monopolists have become the proprietors of the soil, and before many years pass away the immigrants who seek the West for a home will be at the mercy of the specu lators, who by corrupt legislation have been enabled to seize a great empire and to hold it on their own terms. Even now along ail the lines of the trans-continental railways, built by sub sidies of land and money obtained from Congress, the immigrant is forced to buy upon the conditions imposed by these Kings. And we are only at the l>egin ning of evils to flow front this source, for as soon as the remaining lands that have not been grabbed are occupied by settlement, then the power of these com binations will be felt more severely. After voting more than two hundred and twenty-five millions of the best lands to Ames, Jay Cooke, and others, and allowing a large portion of the grants made to colleges and for improve ments to be stolen, the Republicans all of a sudden have raised the cry of stop thief. The Ohio Convention started out with this declaration : "We demand that the public domain shall be scrupulously reserved for occu pancy by actual settlers," Home of the men who were active in passing that resolution had become rich by the legislation which turned over "the public domain" to plunderers who bought Republican majorities by whole sale, and paid for their votes in scrip and in greenbacks. When there is noth ing left to steal, then the Delano*, Sher mans, and the whole tribe of Ohio job bers become virtuous and "scrupulous" about what does not exist, just as they are for specie payments, after having created the paper bnrrency and exjtand ed or contracted it to suit their specula lations. The Radical press are making them selves happy at last over the fact that State Treasurer Mackey has published a statement of where hisdepoeits are, with the certificate of the Kinking Fund ('oni missioners that there is no defalcation in the Treasury, or words to that effect. Though Democrats never charged a de falcation, these journals were so frighten ed that they jump for joy at the thought that it was not shown by the statement. Of course the Treasurer can fix up his balances for the occasion, but the fact that he denied the Legislative Com mittee the right to see his books and his securities leaves bis own statement sub ject to the suspicion that it was for the occasion, and thai he was not ready to make it when the C' were on hand, nor was he willing that ttie Com mittee should see his books ami securi ties, And again, there is no removing of the grav# doubts existing on account of the passage of a Jgw making it no lon ger the duty of the Treasure/* to publish 1 monthly statements of his deposits, &c, Tltat law was passed for rascally pur pose*. It ha* no doubt served its pur pose* so far, and will *o continue. This the people believe. Mackcy has made one statement. If that law hadn't been regaled he would have been Compelled to make them monthly if be had obeyed the law. But that law was in the way, and by smuggling a bill through the legislature it was repealed. No act of explanation at this time can remove the suspicion* of the people, for it is their settled lielief that the manage ment of the State Treasury atfiur* have lieen very corrupt the funds used to delwvuch the people ami carry elections and nothing short of a removal of the Treasury ling will satisfy the public demand. now non MACKF 1 / s/ s rut: /•/ a i /• n v/i.s OF rut:si t IF Pittsburgh, Aug, 7, Cnder the stat ute* of the state of Pennsylvania, the State Treasurer, or any other State otll cial, who shall either directly or indi rectly make ami receive any protils out of the State revenues in liable to removal from otHee, and a criminal prosecution with heavy penalties attached. Bob Mackcy, State Treasurer, should at once lie remove*! from otliee and prosecuted innler tbi* act for receiving directly and indirectly protits ftotu the State fund*. He was recently forced ins to giving a list of the bunks to which lie has loaned the revenue*. Among thciu is the Allegheny Nationul ltank uf this city, which ha* fHss,Uoi of the sinking fund, and 18,000 of the general revenue fund . also the Central Hunk of Pitts burgh, which has some fcuO.OUD of the sinking fund. These, and pcrha|>s lar ger deposits, have been kept in these bauks during Mackcy'* administra tion. • .Maekey is a large -lock holder and an officer of the Allegheny National Hank. The t'cntn) Hank is ran by Tommy Steel, City Treasurer. C. 1.. Magee, and the King, ami Maekey also holds stock in the Central Hank. Nearly, or quite half a million of dollars of the State funds have been used for years to run thrae banks, and Mr. Maekey has regu larly pocketed his share of the profits which could not have amounted to less than foO,QUO per year. Kemble's bank also gets a large por tion of the fumic, and Mat kcy is Under stood to be a stockholder in that eou cern. What is to hinder his impeach ment and criminal prosecution in the fait! of these facts? Let in a little Sun light upon these dark ami devious trans actions. in thfl commonwealth it iare garded as a crime of the highest grade to tell the truth al.oaf dishonest official- in a public journal. The Cincinnati Gazette has received special dispatches from 140 county scats, where the late llood occurred, and the prospects are much better than expect ed. Wheat and oats have suffered. Of the former two-tiurds liftjie crop will be saved. Of corn there mill be more tuau the average crop, owing to the increase of acreage. Potatoes will yield largely, although some few fanners complain of the rot. At most poiuts the yield w ill be over tim average. The hay crop will not fall short of the axa-agc ill quantity, but the quality is not as good as us ual. MOR<;A\, THE MASOS. MI RLOW W RKI) RUM>I< IF HI KNOW S or THE ABIUCTIOX. Mr. ThuHow Weed w rite- a- follows to the N. Y. Herald : That no "adequate cause" existed fr the murder of Morgan w ill occur to oth er miuds as it did to our-. No such in tention existed in the minds of those who were connected with his abduction. It seems due to the question in iu pros cnt aspects to say that what originated in a desire to suppress a book which it was known Morgan was writing pro gressed step by step, Incoming more and intricate, until it assumed asjtcct- unfor seen by all the individuals who became involved in it. After Morgan's manuscripts were foil ed at lialaviu it became necessary, in the judgment of those concerned, to rate him from Miller, his publisher. That object was effected by Morgan's ar rest on a charge of larceny, on which he was taken to t'anandaigua and contined in the Ontario county jail. Here assur ances were given by a Canadian that if Morgan was taken to Niagara, Captain Brandt, an Indian chief, would provide a home for him in a far nest fur compa ny. Confiding in this assurance Mor gan was secretly conveyed from t 'anan daigua to Fort Niagara, a distance of 11*0 miles. By this time many of the most influential citizens of Canaudaigua, Rochester, Clarkaon. Gaines, Lock port and Lewiston were necessarily let into the secret. After Morgan was confined in the fort those w ho brought him there crossed over the river to attend the meeting of a lodge, by which it was ex pected that Morgan would l>e received and sent west, but after long and anx ious consideration the Canadian lodge refused to become parties to, or compli cated in the affair. This occasioned se rious embarrassment. They could not go further, and it seemed dangerous to recede. Two or three days of bewilder ing anxieties brought a large number of men high in the order to Lewiston, w here a Knights Templar encampment was inaugurated. All knew thut Mor gan was confined in the magazine at Fort Niagara, and all were greatly dis quieted by that knowledge. While at the table, after dinner, the chaplain and orator of the day gave a sentiment so significant that all eyes and thoughts were turned towards Fort Niagara. Im mediately afterwards Colonel King, as stated in my letter, was driven in a car riage to the Fort, Accompanied by John Whitney, of Rochester; Mr. Chubbuck, of I-ewistown; Mr. CSarside, a Canadian, and Mr. Howard, of Buffalo. Colonel King had been an officer of the United States army, Whitney was a stone ma son, Chubbuck a farint**. Garsidc a butcher, and Howard a bookbinder ; all men of correct habits and good charac ter, and all, I doubt not, were moved by an enthusiastic but not misguided sense of duty. I knew Colonel King uud John Whitney intimately. Both would have shrunk from the commission of a know n crime, and yet both, Impelled by the de lusive idea that they were discharging u duty, participated in the commission of thn highest crime. Of all the persons connected with the abduction, arrest, imprisonment and fate of Morgan, there was not one within my knowledge who did not possess and en - joy the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens. It was not strange, therefore, that fact* subsequently estah* lished beyond denial were at first very generally ami indignantly rejected. The people would not believe thut respecta ble citizens were guilty of open and gross violations of law, and yet none but repn table citizens were thus complicated, none pf whom, however, intended or apprehended a **ta#rjphc Nor would tiiat catastrophe have occured but fcy the unforseen and infelicitous conjunc tion ot difficulties and circumstances which I have related. { Cliniyje of Juilj;.'(>rvin. Commonwealth | In thaUiiartei vs. SesrionsoTCtear- Ralph 1 arks, et nl. I field county 11 A nut or TUK . or AT TK Jnr. Thi 1. uti Indictment presented by the Grand Jury of thi* county again*! fifty.two person* named In the lluln'tiiii'iit, charging them in the first count with 11.1t, ninl in the tec um! and third count* with conspiracy, to Increase the price of wage* for iutniu|( en I from fifty to sixty cent* per t. u, by mean* 01 threat*, intimidation* and violence di rected toward* other per<>ii* who were willing to work in the mine* at the fnrmei price- A continuance wa* granted 1..tw0 of the defendant- by the Court, a . •Ih pn no entered by the Common w eallb a> to >i\ oilier, and twelve other failed to appear. The remaining thirty-i two defendant- appealed and r\crallji pleaded not guilty, ti have beeiitworn to try the I-MIO thu- joined between the Commonwealth and those thirty-two de fendant*. , A riot u a tumultuou* di-turbaiue oi the public peace by three per*oi:* or inure, assembling together of their own authori ty with an intent mutually to a**i*tone an other ngaimt any one who -ball oppose tli em in the execution of oiiie private iih ject, and afterwarda executing the *auie 111 a violent and turbulent manner, t ■ lb* terror of the people, whether the aci in tornied i* luwfWl or unlawful. It require* three perxon* at !ent to be engaged to Coiiatilute u riot Where there are let thaii that number their offense may be an affray, mi a-aault and battery, or *omeot!i-| er offense, but caiuiot amount to a riot All pcr-05* acting in concert and pr*#ent aiding and abetting w hen a riot occur*, are guilty a. principal-. It i* not what one in- j dividual doe*, but what i* done by all thai Constitute* the riot. And every per*on present taking part, or aiding and abetting lbote who take an active part are guilty of what alt diJ l k or*on who happened t.• be there by accideul or were drawn then by idle curioiiiv, but look no part with the 1 ioter* by a. t or word cannot be bell re sponsible for the riot. The Comiiionwealth allege* that the.e defendant*, together with other* to the number of *e\ oral hun dred, were guilty of a riot at Uo Run, 1 tin* county, on thp I Ith of May la*!. If you hud from the evidence that on the I 111. of May at li<>* lvvtn, tbr-e or mure per ton* •**ciubled and proceeded to carry out their object in a riotous, luuiultuou* and \ iolent manner to uch an extent a* to put the perron* w ho came there to work in fear, the partie* thu* acting would hi guilty of a riot, and if any or all of ihec defendant* were prvretil taking an active pari with the rioter* or for the pur|H>*e of aiding or abetting litem, they xliould be convicted under the tir-t Count of thi* in 1 dictment. Only such of the defendant* a> were present on that occa.lon can be con victed ota riot, whatever you may hud a* to their guilt or innocence of the other charge of the indictment. A* we have already staled. thi* indict ment contain* two count* of conspiracy Tbeae count* charge *ub*tantially the -Mllie offense, merely varying in the man ner of '.ating the circumstances. Con-pir acy i* where two or more pt .son* agree 01 combine together, and to carry out an un lawful purpoae, or to carry out an indiffer ent, or lawful purpoae by unlawful mean*. It would be iuipo-*ible tor u* to detail to you all of the varum* combination* which have been heretofore held to amount to oon.-piracy. All combination* to do un lawful act*, or to *o *.t, otlicrw in lawful by unlawful mean* aro held to ba indicta ble a* conapiracie*. Uliier acta, which when done by an individual, are perfect ly lawful, wben done by a combination of two or more, become unlawful. The law upon tui. s„lqe..t i jo well laid down by the prcaent Chief Justice of the r-uprcuie court of thi* Slate, in the caao of the Mor ri* Run Coal Company 11. the Barclay Coal Company, 18 I*. F. Smith. LT-, that we will rea 1 to you a portion of bi* ©pin ion. Thi* wa- an aelion of debt brought by the plaintiff against the defendant up on sn accepted draft The defense wa* that (he draft had been given in puttuance of a combination or ggffe.pept between five coal companies the purpose of which wa* to regulate the price of con), which combination wa* alleged to be illegal and fhe draft, therefore, without legal cotitid- •ration. Judge Agnew ajs: "Th© effect* pro duccd on public interests lead to the con sideration of another feature of great weight in determining the illegality of the contract, U>-ail, the combination reaorted to by tbe*e live compani,-*. Singly each might have suspended deliveriea and tale* ' of coal to auit it* own interest*, and might ' have raited the price even though thi* r might have been detrimental to the public i intere*!. Theru it a certain freedom which ' mutt be allowed to every one in the man . Kgerncnt of hi* own affair*. When com . petition if left free, individual error or fol ly will generally find a correction in the , conduct of othort. Hut here it a combina tion ot all thuo companies operating in the Blo*j>urg and liarulay mining region* and controlling their entire production* They have combined together to govern the supply anil the price ot coal in all the market* from the Hudson to the Mississip pi river*, and from Pennsylvania to the! lakes- This combination ha* a power inj it*confederated form which no individual action can confer. The public interest must succumb to it, for it ha* left no eom-j petition free to correct it* Latoful influ ence. "When the aupply of coal is suspend ed, the demand for it become* importunate and price* must rite, or if the supply goo* forward, the price fixed by the confeder ate* must accompany it. The domestic henrth, the furnace of the iron master, and the fire* of the manufacturer, all feel the, restraint, while many'ilopondcnt hands arc' paralixed and hungry mouth* aro stinted. The influence of a lack of aupply or a rise 1 in the prico of nn article <>f such prime ne cessity, cannot be measured. It pernio-! ate* tbo entire mass of community, and i leave* few of its members untouched by : it* withering blight. Such n combination i is more than a contract, it is an offense. 1 | take it, said Gibson, J., a combination I*h criminal whenever the act to ba done has'l a necessary tendency to prejudice the pub- i lie or to oppress individuals, by unjustly j subjecting them to the power of the eon federate*, and giving effect to the purpose ( of the latter, whether of extortion or of ( miscief; Commonwealth vs. Carlisle, , Brightly'* Hop. 40. In all such oombina- , tions when tho purpose is injurious or un- j law ful, the gist of the offense is the con- | ■piracy. Men can often do by the combi- j nation of many, what severally no one , could accomplish, and even what when , done by one would be innocent. It was , held in The Commonwealth v. fibefle, 8 , 8. dc It It, that it was an indictable con- ( spiriiry for a portion of a German Luther- t an congregation to combine and agree to- | getlfor to prevent another portion cl the , congregation by force of arms, from using t the Knglish language in the worship of j God among the congr*g|tjon. No a con- , * piracy to assist a female infant to c.£pe . from her father's control with a view to j marry her against hits will, is indictable | as a conspiracy at common law, while it j would have been no criminal offense if one , alone had induced her to elope {with end t marry hi in. Mifflin vs. Commonwealth 6 | W. ii 8, 461. One man or many may his* , an actor ; but if they conspire to do it they , may he punished : per Gibson, C- J- flood , v*. l'alin 8, liarr VdN ; 1 Hussel on crime t ,V>t; An action for a conspiracy to de- , fame will be supported though the word* | be not actionable, if spoken by one :Sllood c vs. Palm supra. Defamation by the out- , cry of number-, says Gibson, C J , is as j resistless a- defamation by the written act t of an And says Coulter, J,, "the concentrated energy of several com- * 1 bleed wills, operating simultaneously and 8 ' oy cuncrri upon one inuiviuuai, i iiiingcr 011* even tn the caution* and rireumtpret, 1 but when brought to bear upon tho un wary and unsuspecting, it i fatal; Twitch ell v, Commonwealth, P Burr 211. There i* 11 potency In number* when combined, 1 which the law cannot overlook, where In jury U the consequence If the o<>n*plrn cv be to commit a crime or an unlawful net, it U easy to determine it* indictable character. It i> mora diftlcult when tho act to be dufie or purpoae to be aeeum pliilied l ilitioi I-lil in Itself. Then the of- Mfell*© lake* it* hue (ruin the motive*, the rneun* or the conn quenee* If th# motive* of tbn con fed era to* be to oppre**, the j iiiewn* they u*e tuilawful, or the come jquenm to other* lnjuriuti* ; their cooled 1 j eratiiMi vv ill become a conspiracy. loun eo* are given m The t'oiumonwealth v Carlitle, Bright Rep. to. Among those mentieued at criminal i* a combination of employer* todepre** the wage* of journey men below what they would be, if there wen 110 ivort to artificial U.eaii* , and a combination of the I nker* of a town t< hold up the article of bread, and by mean* ol *earcity thu* produced to extort an ex orbitant price lor it. The latter instance i precisely parallel with the present MM. 1' i* the etfet 1 of (be act upon the public which give, ibal e*-e and thi* it* evil as pect a- the re*tt!l of confederation, for any ' baker might cbooie to bold 11)1 bi* own {bread or coal operator hi* coal, rather than -e the public fund* on a particu lar day by iule rumor. The purpo*e it self, raid Lord Ellenborough, i* mi*chiev j ou. It strikes nt the price of a valuable 1 commodity in the market, and if it give* a fictitious in ice by means of fl rumor, it 11* n fraud levelled again*! the public, fori! i* again-l all such a* may po*ibly have anything to do with the fund* on that par ticular day Every "corner," in the lan guage of the day, whether it be to affect the price of article* of commerce, such a* bivad-tuff'. or the price of vendible stock*, when accomplished by confederation to rai-e or d< pre.* the price and operate on 1 the market* i> a conspiracy The ruin of-1 ten tpread abroad by thre beartle** con-! -piracie* i* indescribable, frequently filling < the land with starvation, poverty and woe.' Every association I*criminal where theob-! jeel i to raise or depre** the price of labor' beyond what it would bring it it were left] without artificial gid or stimulus. Re* v.' Byerdykc I MAN 17'.', In the case of ' ruck as*delation* the illegality con*iu mott frequently in the mean* -10 ployed to car-j ry out the object To fix a standard of; price* among men In the aiut-employ men t, a fee bill, i. nut ill iUclt crimiaal, but U.ay become *0 when the parties result to coercion, restraint or pvnaltie* upon the I employed or employe-*, or w hat D worse, ito for co ol arm* Ifthc uipau* be unlaw ful the combination 1* indictable. Com monwealth v Hunt, 4 Mete. 111, A con spiracy ol Journeymen of any trade or handicraft to raise the wage* l#y entering into a cotiil inatioh to coerce journeymen afid master workmen employed in the; -aine branch of industry, to conform to 1 rule* adopted by uch combination tor the' purpose 1 f regulating the price of labor,' ind carrying sueh rule* Into effect hi" overt act*, is indictable a* a misdemeanor. I Wharf, C*. L, citing the pc.qrie vs. Fiah-' Wend. Si. Without multiplying example*, these aro tutllcieni to illustrate the true aspect of the case before ut, and to how that a combination such a* 1)1 etc companies entered into to control the tup ply and price of the !110-*burg and Bar clay region* i* illegal, and the par tract therefore void." You see, therefore, that any agreement, combination or confederation to increase or depro* the price of any vendible com modity, whether labor, merebandito or ! anything elm R p.dktable at a cui.-pira cy under the law* of Pennsylvania. Each individual ha* undoubted right to demand whatever price be pleate*, for hi* labor or propdly even though it tbuuid be twice ' or thrice it* market value ; but if be enter* ' into a combination with other* to compel ' the employer or purchaser to pay the 1 price thuv demanded by destroying com -1 petition, (be combination become* an in ' diriabio o tie me. Jo with tho employ ar*. 1 whether coal operator* or other*, if they ' enter into a combination to reduce the price of labor, it U conspiracy and indicta ble in the court*. Each individual may - determine to pay no more tban a certain price for a given kind of labor, but if he 1 enter* into a combination with other em' , ' ploy bor would be oonlrary to the rules, regit • , .Intuitu ot by-law* of their association,]] without being liable to indictment for con- 1 spiraey All this laborers had a right to do prior to the passage of the act, if they J acted simply a individuals ; but if they I nonocUtod together and noted |n concert, - their conduct was criminal. This act situ- " ply destroy* the criminality of concerted action on the part of lahorors in refusing to work for any of tho three reason* given in tho art itself. Bv the lirt proviso the act W made not tn apply to the members of any organisation whose constitution, * by-law* iinu are not in strict con formity to the coiutitutlori 01 th- JJnitod States and of this Commonwealth. In or dei in prevent any misunderstanding as to j the meaning of the Legislature, the second provisopontinuas the liability to "prose cution and punishment gridci existing law " of any person or person* who shall u any * way binder persons who desire to labor fur their umpluyers from so doing, or other person* from being employed as laborers." It follows, therefore, that an ugreement or s combination among laboring men to quit u Work for the purpose of increasing the s price of their labor, or improving their treatment, i< not lawful— thus far the law " authorizes them t • act in cone -rt; but if thoy go one step further and attempt in any way to hinder or prevent parsons who f • are willing to, labor from so doing, their , net* become unlawful and their combine ■ tlon criminal >- The question* of fact which you must • determine, under thi* branch of tha case, , are, wa* there an agreement combination or confederacy entered in by tbo*o dofendent* - and other minora in the M©shannon dl- I trot during the mouth, of April or May • last If so, what was the nature and char acter of that agreement, combination or confederacy ? If It wa* merely to quit wolk in order to gain an increased price - for their labor, the coiiibinatiun wa* not ■ criminal , but if the agreement went lur ; llicr and the the parties combining, not only agreed lliemtelVt>* to quit work, but to hinder or priveut person* from laboring . in 1 lie mines at the former price* by uieatu of threat*, intimidation* and, If need be, actual violence, then th* combination was 1 criminal and all parties to it liable to in dii'tmeiit and conviction lor conspiracy. Much ha* been *aid during the progress 1 oi this tiial upon the merits ol the iup|KM d c nil let between capital and labor - lb* ?ODt< between the operators and the working men. It is not our intention to discus* the int-rilt of ibis contest. If either party I at been wronged, the law ifappeal ed to, would furnish a complete remedy, and t-i the law both parties must appeal when they have, or imagine they have grievance, which need a remedy Neith er party can be permitted to lake the law Into their own hand- ami right their own real or fancied wrongs. If the laboring men are not paid their wages, if tbey are cheated in the weight of their coot, if their treatment by their employer* is brutal or offensive, or if they suffer any other real wrong, or injuries, (he law will furnish them adequate means oj redress. If there 1* a combination among their employers to oppress them in any manner, they may be indicted for conspiracy in the courts, and ibt a-t of 1872 w 111 not relieve, because it doe* not apply to them In this country no one can be compelled to work against hi* will, unless he become an inmate of a work IP.UMS or penitentiary. Nothing can properly control the price of labor but the tswof supply and demand. If work is plenty and laborers scarce they can in -1 crease their wages by demanding it, b*. j cause th* employer has no option If work ts scarce and laborers plenty, competition will briug down the price of labor as it will of everything else. No class of men has :be right to moiiopolixe any particular kind of labor. Kach individual has the right to engage in any kind of work that suit* him, and to .eil hi* labor for any price be can obtain for it, and a combina tion or organisation dosiguad to interfere i with this right i> against public policy and unlawful. All poison* wbo labor for otb-' er* do .0 upon the term* of a contract eitb (cr express or implied If sn agreement n made in advance as to the wages, it it an express contract; if no such agreement it itiX'L, tha law implies a Contract on the lusrt of the employer to pay whatever the labor W reasonably worth, or what others arc receiving for similar work. Neither the employer or employee can compel the other to pay or receive more or less than; he i- willing to contract for. The law gives the right to impose upon the laborer, j for if be it dissatisfied with hi* wagu* or' .bis treatment, hi may go elsewhere or' ; seek other employment—the whole conn-' try is open nd froe to him, but he must jnol prevent or binder other# from working who are willing to do so. It is alleged by the defense in thi* case! that the combination to which the defend ant. belonged was a lawful one—the a*JO-j nation known a* "The Min-r Nationall A*M ciation —of which most of them are members, is a legal and legitimate organ irsli. n under the law* of Pennsylvania Portion* of the oon*titution and by-law* of thi* organisation have been given in evi-1 dence and read to you, to *how that the objoct of th* organisation i* not only lawful: but commendable, and that the bv-lsw. nd rule* ara not in confi ct with the con-' .lit©tion of the United Stale*, or of thi*; Stale. All tbis may be true There mav* bean organisation for a perfectly login-; mate object, and its memhjrs may combine; to do unlawful acts, and thus make themselves guilty of conspiracy. It doe*' not follow that, because the original ob jecta of a society are legitimate, that every thing it* members dot* lawful The or i ganisalioit of a religiou* congregation i* lawful, but the combination of sonic of it* member* to prevent Ifce use of the English language in the public worship ha* been he d to be unlawful. An association of minor* >* itself lawful. There arc many other association*, societies, and organisa tion*. which are perfectly lawful in tbem selves, and there can be no proper com plaint against them, unless their member* proceed to do what is unlawful. While there mav be nothing in the con*titution of' The Miner*' Association" in conflict with the constitution and law* of thi* Slate, the provision of Article 8, eoncern -jing strikes, it not in barruonv with the . sp'f'l " r government and (nstitulion*.' To transfer to certain officer*, or to u cen tral commilleo. the powpr to legalize or ' refuse to legalise a u*ften*ion of work, tend* to lake away from individual* the control over their own time and labor,! . which the law give* them AH organize lion* or arrangement* which give to one' pepnn the right to say whether it is legal or proper fcr another to work under ant! r given alstc of circumstance*, mutt produce! j pernkous result* The law recognise* the matt perfect liberty of each individu nl to coutrffl hit own time and labor, free from the coercion or dictation ot an v oilier individual or associations. But whether the purpose* ot thi* organization arc cxpe diet or not, is not the question for you to decide. The simple question for you to dcterrnino I* whether th*e defendant* en-1 (••red into a combination to do an unlaw-| ful act, or an otherwise lawful but in an unlawful manner. If they did, they are guilty of a conspiracy and should be con jvicted. If they proceeded to carry out] , their purposes si Go** Run, on the lllh oft May. in a violent, tumultuous and riotous' manner, eo as to put peaceable cititeni in i fear, they are guilt v of a riot and should; iba convicted under the first count of the indictment. You mu't determine all question* of fact, including the credibility I of witnesses If we are uiiitaken in the' law. at wo have laid it down to you, and! ;he defrndent*, or any of them, are injur-' , ed thereby, they have a complete remedy under a recent statute byjremoving to the 1 Supreme Court for roview. This case hat occupied much time. Many witnesses have been called, and the facts have been argued at great length br able counsel on both sides This was ai^^iii^Conclude<^on^JrdjageA| i^^^' XT UTILE :—Nctic# is hereby given that IX the following named person ha* fill ed hor petition and will mako application for lioenso at Aug. S*. 1876. Elizabeth Kunes Liberty Tavern I) II iluhl..._Snow Shoe twp...„Re*taurant John Haywood...Fhilipsburg...Restaurant Catharine Smith...Snow Shoe ..Restaurant Peter Weber Philipsburg... Restaurant N. M. 8rctzin............ Kuril Tavern A. WILLIAMS, I'roth'y. 1 C1 A UTlON.—Having purchased theß* ' / lowing property of And. H. Foust, at ' private sale, on the 31 of July 1876, 1 1 leave the same in hi* possession H l my pleasure, and all persons are cautioned . against meddling with the sumo : 2 bedstead* lyul bedding, 1 sink, 1 table, ' t cook stove, I parlor *tove, 12 chairs, 1 gruin crndle. 8 acres of corn, 8 buthels of ' wheat, 0 bushels of rye. And the -aid An drew H. Foust shall sow the Bbu. of wheat this fall, and six bu. of rye forme. Jul. 1U JTjQ. p. I)KCkKRT. ' tty P-AN or ENDORSED BY THE HIGHEST MU SICAL authorities throughout the world a- THE BEST. I> F BEATTY, Propri- ' otor, Washington, N.J, Spring Goods, At Potter's Mills.! I* 11. M'EXTIRE. Dealer in Domestic Dry Goods. Ladle's Dress Goods j of every description, embracing all the t New Stylos in the market. Also, > ' (..% I IRky. QLQVES, 1 CLOTHING, OAS fM It RMS, 1 < .1 HP NTS. OILCLOTHS, BOOTS, > SHOES, GROCERIES 4 PRO VISIONS • ot every description, all of which will be sold at very low rates for CASH or its equivalent Don't forget the place, come and see us anyhow, ifyou don't buy. No trouble to show goods. Country Produce Taken iu Exchange J for Goods. emay 6m. c ' " 0 l>Kl*lOgg A. t Mt'HHKH Established, 1843. M ILLIIKI M MARBLE WORKS s BY . DEININGEff & MUSSER. The old, reliable place, where r t Monuments, Couches, i Headstones, r and other marble u work I* made, in the very lel style, and I upon reasonable term*. * toy Thankful for pail fuoon, uv re ( ipeclivrly lolirit the patronage of the . public. Hhops, Ka*t of Jitidge, Miliheitn. Pa. . Apr. 8. y, Ho! for Sussman'sT! ( Just opened in Ins new qitaili i* in r HuL% Arcade. A LARGE BTOCK OF I Trunks, Valices, All kinds OT L*&ihi>r& 3ho& fi/idJugs Shoemaker! call and tee SUSS MA A for cheap dock. BUYS AND SELLS ('LOVER ANI> TIMOTHY SEED i t dee 3. t-f. I CENTRE HALL FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS The underxguea uaving ~ix ~.:<•*- ] sion of the above ciabli>hment, ropect-j ' fully inform the public that the sante will • be carried on by Uiem in all its brancbcu | as heretofore. They manufacture the CELKti.fAIED TRUE BLUE CORN PLAN . til, the. best now utado. HORSE powers THESHL . ma CHINES A SHARERS, 1 tWS. STOVES. OVEN DOORS. LXTTLK PLATES, CELLAR GRATES, PLOW SHEARS A MILL GEARING of eve ry description, in short their Foundry it! complete in every particular. We would call particular attention to!, our EXCELSIOR PLOW, ackuowi- < edged to be the be*t Plow now in use, |; •htfting in the beam for two or three hor- < Ues. , Wc also manufacture a new and iiuprov ' .d TRIPLE . EARED HORSE POW ER, which hat been u*©d extensively in Uhe nurtborii and western States, and ha* (laken preoedeuco over all other*. W<-arc prepared t do all KINDS OF CASTING from ibe large-t to the small* est, and have facilities for doing all kind< of IKON WORK such M- PLANING, TURNING, BORING. Ac All k'nd* of repairing done on short no- ■ VAN PELT A BHOOP, j jon2t-Iv. Centre Hall. | BEATTY NO OTHER I'IANO FORTE ha. alUin ed the *ui>< popularity vft.*-cn>l stamp! for Circular. D F BEATrY, Washing ton, New Jersey. • ~C ENT R E 11 ALL COACH SHOP. LEVI MIHKIY. , at his establishment at Centre Hall, keeps ! , on hand, and tor ale, at lbs rontons-, r bte rates. Carriages, Buggies, a & Spring Wagons, Puu axu FAXCJJ ' and vehicle* of every description made U> order, and warranted to be inade of the be*l seasoned material, and by the most | ' skilled and competent workmen. Person* wanting anything in hit lino are requested to call and examine bis work, they will' find it got to be excelled for durability and - ] wear. may Stf. ' LEVI MlHit 11. NOTARY PUBLIC. SCKIBNER AND CONVEYANCER, j CENTRE UAL L, 1' A. Will attend to administering Oaths, Ac knowledgement of Deed*. Ac, writing Ar , tides of Agreement, Deeds, Ac. mav)6 KK A TTY PIAXO ' COMBINES EVERY IMPROVEMENT KNOWN. statiyi for Circu-j lar. Addrexs'D. F. BEATTY, Wash , ington. N. J. , 1 (>T. Ai.kx*xtiKß. V M- Bovxut A LiiXANDKIj A IHtWKUS. Attor ,lo.v* at-Law. li> iiefonte, Pa. Special attention given to Collections, and Or phans' Court practice. May be consulted m German and English. Office in Gar man'* Building. mv 28 '74-t. BEATTYHIIED WEIGHS WHEN BOXEDOVKBONE , {THOUSAND POUNDB. Liberal term*,! to dealer*. 3>,Send *Ump for Circular. Address j 1) P. I}RATTY. Wariunglon. X. J. j 1 A. J. OKNDORF. DENTIST. I* still located at Pine Grove Mills and g is now prepared to travel to the homy* ol patient* at a distance and render any de sired service in hi* line. In the best man- ' ner, of best quality and at reasonable . rate*. Insertion of new denture* made a J specialty. Trfth extracted without petite. Jljan 74 BEATTYiPLOTTS FATTY A PLOTTS' Celebrated Goiden Tonguo PARLOR ORGANS c are ranked by eminent musician* and lis-, j' linguished men of honor throughout the; {' world n# the leading PARLOR ORGANS] now in use. An excelent Organ for the Church. Hall. {} Lodge, Sabbath-school, a* well a* tho par- J lor. , N. ll.—Special rate* in this cae, as an lt advertisement. An offer : Where we have no agent* w< R will allow' any one the agent's discount in */ order tq have thi# wonderful musical pro during instrument introduced. *7 No other Parlor Organ ha* attained the seme popularity. ; . Send stamp for price list and a list ol] | testimonials. Addren : BEATTY A PLOTTS I A Washington. Warren County. N J |n HAJ. J. NRREFFLKK X TAILOR, Over Dinges' Saddler Shop. Cut.Hall where he is at nil times, prepared tomakc all kinds of men and boy's cloth ing, according to the latest styles nnd at I' reasonable charges. TBROCKERHOFF HOUSE7 1 BKLLKFOVTK, PA. E. PERKS & SON, Prop'rs. Q This welt known hotel, situate in the business portion of the town, hat been thoroughly renovated, rcuainteri and fur- O nished now. It wiii be the aim of tho pro prietor to make it a pleas inf Home for those whomay favor them with their put ronage. A Iroo carriage is run to the de- ■* pot. arid the best *tljles in town areoon nocted with the House 29apr. F. FORTNEYTAttorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rev onld s bank. mv 14'6". * (AJvertuememt) ; RppubHcmi —Shei ill'. We are authorized to announce that Capt. H. C. Bearaer, of Potter, will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the usages P of the republican patty. It MATTY piano! Dljil I|l This ipi en did PF i .no Forte combines jevery improvement In tone with power Jetid great durability, end hat received! I the unqualified endortetnenU of the high i est Musical authoritiet for it* Marvelh-ua "ifraordinary rirhne** of. Tone, having No SUPERIOR IN THE WORLD Largo siae, 7i Octave*, overstrung B#*i, full Iron Frame, French Oraud action, Fr-1 Desk, Carved Pedal, Solid Rosewood | Moulding*, ivory Key Front, Capped Hammers, u Grade Treble, Ac., Ac , Ac. Weight when boxed over One Thousand] Pounds ( Liberal discount to tho trade. Agent. Wanted—(uiale or female.) Pt Send .tamp for Circular Addles* the inventor and Proprietor, DANIEL P. UK AIT Y. W ashing urn, New Jersey. C. PECK'S New Coach Manufactory • CENTRE HALL, FA. j Tlte undersigned ha* opened anewes-i tabiihm<-nt, at hi. new .bupi, for the] uianufactuir of Carriages, Buggies, A Spring Wagons,; SLKfUUa A XI. Stall a, Plain amu Fancy of et ory deacriptlon , Ail vehicle* manufactured by bint' arc warranted to render satisfaction, and a! equal to any work done elsewhere. lie u.ea none Aut the beat material,! and employ* the mo.t akillful workmen.] Hence they dalter themselves that their work can not be excelled for durability f I an J finish, j, Order*from a distance promptly attend- 1 ed to. II Cone and examine my work before ' contracting eUewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, Aii binds of Kepariog done. I JJ-EW UOODB AND NEW FUIt.ES ! i HHiH HATES HUB BED OUT I (iood* at Old Faahioned Prices.! At the Old Stand of WM. WOLF. Would respectfully inform the World and the real of mankind, that be he* juti opened out and I* constantly j receiving a large *tock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS which be it offering at the very lowed market price. DRY GOODS and FrinU, Muslin*. Opera Canton*, and Woil; Fiaunel*. Ladle* Ore.* Uuodt, *uch a] Delaina, Alpaca., Foplin*, Km pre*. Cloth,! Sateen*. Tamciae, together with a full;, Stock of everything usually kept in the 1 !)&>■ Good* line. which he ha* determined to tell vuy .-heap, consisting of NOTIONS: A full slock. consisting part of Ladle* and j Children'* Merino ilo*e. Collar*, Kid], glove*. bet quality .ilk and Lisle thread j Gloves, Hood*, Nubia*, Breakfast khawU,, HATS & CAPS, A full assortment of Men'* Boy's and Children'* of the latest style and treat. ! CLOTHING, Heady made, a choice .election of Man'* and Boy'a of the newest *tyle* and moat •crviceable material*. BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. CENTRF HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGEB A new, complete Hardware Store ha* been opened by the und*rigned in Cen tre Hall, where he i* prepared to awl I all kind* of Building and House burnishing Hardware, Nail*. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw*, Tenron Saw*, Webb Saws, Clothe* Hack*. * fall ***ert ment of Glass and Mirror F'ate Picture Frirnes, Sfxike*. Felloe*, and Hubt, table 'Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Fork*, Lock*. liingca : Screw*. Sab Spring*. Horse-Shoes, Nail*, Norway Rod*. Oil*, Tea Bell*, Carpenter TooD, Faint, Yarn ; ike. Picture* framed in the finest lyl. Anything not on band, ordered upon , shortest notice. Remember. ail ood* offered cheap er than elsewhere aug'JS 7-tr - The Gra Hirer Store! Something New! i CASH AND PRODUCE IX)R CHEAP GOODS. I SHORT CREDIT A SUORT PROFITS. ] IMUAL UREAOBLL Spring Mill* hat established a store to suit r the timet, and bat a complete *tock of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, 1 QUEENS WARE HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. FISH, SALT, CIGARS. TOBACCO, DRUGS, SPICES. OILS, I In short a full line of EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICES T, THAN ELSEWHERE a COME AND JUDGE FOR YOUR- a SELVES. d sfeb. y. •I HARDWARE STORE. J. A- J. HARRIS. } No. 4, BROCKERHOFF ROW. 1 A new and ;complete Hardware Slort lias been opened by the undersigned in T Brockerhofl* new building—where they lv ire prepared to *cll all kind* of Building Si ind llouw Furnishing Hardware, Iron, m Steel Nail*. m Buggy wheel* In sett*, Champion fa ,'lothet Wringer, Mill Saw*, Circular and Hand Saw*. Tennon Saw*. Webb Saw*, u Ice Cream Freexer*, Bath Tub*. Clothe* , Hack*, a full assortment of Glass and , Mirror Plate of all *ixe. Picture Frame*, Wheelbarrow*. Lamp*. Coal Oil Lamp*, * [felling. Spoke*, helloes, and Hub*. Plows, Cultivator*. Corn Plow*, Plow f. Point*. Shear Mold Board* and Cultivi- or Teeth, table Cutlery, Shore!*, Spade*) ind Fork*. Lock*. Hinge*. Screws, Sash I Spring*. Horse-Shoe*. Nails, Norway Jlod*, Oils, Lard, imbricating Coal, Linseed. Tanner*, Anvil*, Vice*, Bel lows, torew Plate*, Blacksmiths Tool*. Factory Jell*, Tea Bell*, Grindstone*. Carpenter foot*. Fruit Jars and Can*, Paint, Oil*, famishes received and for sale at ono.v.a-of J A J. HARRIS. BKATTY*IIIV j AGENTS WANTED! (Male or Fe uale,) to Uke orders. D- F. BKATTY, i Washington, New Jersey. & r. shkkkikf. j.f. miller Keystone Pntern A Motlel Works, J J. F. MILLER A CO. PATENT OFFICE A EXPRRIMKN- m TALMODELS OF ■ IX OX, M' 00 D 0 H DBAS S, MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. 1 57 llafer Street, and 80 Firtt Avenue, [ PITTSBURGH. Mfice with J. B. Sherriff A Son, Works, 3d Floor. lapr.v. IJR.S.G. GUTKUUS, t —|_ . Dentist, Mlllheim. Offer, hi* professional service* to the A rub he. He is prepared to perform all •partitions in the dental profession, par He is now fully prepared to extract .. eeth absolutely without pain, myß-73-if. H BKATTY PIINO Sgk Send stamp for full information j . Price List, Ac., Ac. D. F. BEATTY," WxihSfigton, N. J. 20: FOR F \ RMF'RH and ALL OTRSIS Go t<> I. Gu^enheimer. FOR FOREIGN A DOM EFT)C DRY GOODS, KOI IONS ready madeclothing lift KMftOOO fib, obocerigm, PROVUHOMB, OOTU A PifOlui, OA let, CAIO, iIUUiOA f 44UU . [Co TIIINCI, OIL < J.Ol lis A*li PAKCY ARTICLEa |queenhwark. GKOCEKIES. PRO. VDslONfil, FLOUR. Ac and is uow prepared to accomodate *. I f hie old cuafomers, and to welcome ai new out a who may faro r him wit. tbeirpatrotuge. ii t . feci* (a fe in m) tog that he cau pleaao the moat faetr*. oua Call and nee. t u I ?, AA^ OL ' t: . - received s fat ef Cook Stores, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORB-The Radiant Light, self- fee • der, Gas Burner National Egg, TIN AND SHEETIRON WARI PIFK A' SPOITING Ail kinds of repairing done. He fc> a)way* on hand wS^i'JSs^ of * n fi . BUCKETB, cuFs. dippers. . DISHES, AC. All work warranted and charges reason lleited. "iiesixr" •JsepTOv Centre Hn FURNITURE. JOHN BHECUBU.I.. j in his elegant New Rooms, .Spring strw-L i Bellefonie. Has on band a splendid assortment ot HOUSE FURNITURE fram the com monest to the most eiegast. CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS. SOFAS. CHAIRS. BKDSIIADS, WOOL MATTRESSES. HAIR MAT TRESSES. and any thing wanted in the line of hi* busines*— homemade and city w ork Al so, has made a speciality and keeps on hand, the largest and Bnest stock ef WALL PAPER, a Go-id* sold at reasonable rates, wholesale and retail. Uiere him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. febo-ly J. ZELLER & SON DRUGGISTS No 6 BrockcrhofT Row, Bellefonte,Pa IYe nierw In IfrogH. ( hemiegls, Prrfawerr, Fnney Loud a Ac. Arc. Pure Wince and Liquors foe rnedict purpose* arrays kept. may 1. Ti. QKNTRKHALL Furniture Rooms! EZR4 KHI BBINK. respectfully inform* the chiacn* of Centrr county, that he has bough t out the old tandof J. O. Dcininger, nnd ha* reduced the price*. They have constantly on band . and make to order BEDSTEADS. BORBAUS, SINKS, \\ ASHSTAN DS, CORNER CUPBOARDS TABLES. Ac.. Ac. UoiiK Manx Chaibj Alwatsox Hash. HTbeir Hock of ready-made Furniture i> urge and warranted of good workmanship ind is all made under their own immedi ite supervision, and is offered at rate* -heaper than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing dsewbere. 26 feb. ly. Gift & Flory'a New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL, rhey have now opened, and will constant y keep on hand, a splendid itock of new SHOES, GAITERS. A SLirPERS, for nen, women and children, from the kaat nanufactories in the country, and now of ered at the , Lowest Prices. lOOTSand SHOES made to order, upor. hort notice They invite the people o, his vicinity to give them a call, as thev rill strive to merit a share of their pat on age. mylQtf HtAHAM&SON* ik. I VI " Dealers iu Boots, Shoes and .adies', Missep' and CtiiN dren's Fine Gaiters. 11l Kinds ofCußlom Work Made To Order. I aril ess Leather, Sole Leather, I Calf Skins I And Shoe Findings always on band. Bishop Street, M >m ay tf BollefoEto, Pa, ■