THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY AUvi. 12,1875. LOCAL ITEMS. Our friends will oblige bv U! Item* ot local new* in their locality, Riy> u- the tacts only, and we will put them in shape, also notices ot deaths and marrt- An v one sending us the names of six new subscribers, with the cash, will he entitled to receive the REPORTS* one fear L>ee The UKPORTKH being read hy neatly every body -n this of where il has a larger circulation Own any two papers, will he found the best medium for advertising tmsiness, sales, Ac. -Vo. .(WrSuhsoribers to the Reporter, resid ing outside ot Centre county, should re mit us 10 cents, yearly, for postage which we will pav here ; this reduces the postage to one halt', as the sum paid by them lor one year's postage was 20 cts. The Rellefonte LutH. Sabbath school had a pic-nic on the mountain above our town on last Thursday. The top is g> t> ting to le quite favorite place for pie nioers and visitors. The view for grand valley scenery is second to none on the continent. Old Fort Lodge, No. 537 A \ M of this placo will he constituted and the officers enstalled, on Thursday, Aug tie HHh. A number of dignitaries from other lodges will be present, i J. B. Butts, of Bellefoate, well known landlord, died on last Friday. He was buried on Sunday following by thi Masonic order. The horse of C. F. Herlacber, which was rescued frxuu the burning stable a short lime ago, was killed one day last week, to end his suffering from the severe burning he had received. tag property: Lots ol ground in Belhsfonte. *>t Kdoard Fortney. House and lot in MiHhcuu, of W. B. AV*gn#r. Lot ami .church in Harris twp., of tier. Kef. i-l Xarareth church, in Houstrtill*. A tract of land in Bogga, of J. W. Holt. Churih in Philipsburg. of the A. 11. K. congrtgu tion. House and acres in Penit, of !>H vill lliiirr. llouso anil lot of \\. It- Hemphill, in I'fcUipsburg. And now be jaber's there's to bo a tavern on Pcnn's Creek, in the mountain*. The ligation of the "hotel ' mentioned be- Jow. (we copy front the LewUtown G xette, Iwe judge uiu>< be at Knpid Koush rua, or thereabout*. Says the Garotte: A rather singular application for tavern li cease—that of John Gorman of Armagh is advertised to day. There is a small cor ner of U 1 :i county on the northern side of i'ean's creek, which w e suspect hasnv er yet boenpeaeirwtcd even by acandidat. \ for sheriff or county treasurer, whern the said Gorman alleges he is well provided with the wherewithal for the entertain ment of man and beast, is located at or near the iu.c of the Lewi-burg and Sprue, creek Railroad, and has twelve signature.- which smack strongly of pick and ■ehovei According to this J -hn Triester ar.d the Haviocs are not the border dwellers they have l.itU-rt ■ been supposed to be, f. r here turns up a '•Stranger's Home ' so t ! . house is called) far beyond them A son of Kit Si veils, of Brown tw p. Mifflin county, was bitten in tho foot by a copperhead soaks whilst gathering toma toes in the garden on Saturday evening last, from which the boy suffered great pain, h'o physician being near, onion? were the only remedy they knew of, ar.u tiuy applied them to tho foot, which prov ed to baa success in dtawicg out the p us es. In a short time tbe onions became green as crass. The boy will recover. Tbe reptile was slain.— Gazeitr. The nominations arc over, and the excitement has ended, and every body knows who "made it." The next thing to know is where to get your groceries cheap est and of best quality. That place is at SechJerA Co's, in the Bush house block. They are tamou* for selling cheap. AW understand that tbe detested candidate? bare made up their minds to get back the money spent in seeking tor a nomination by purchasing their groceries of Sechler A Co. Sensible indeed, for they will makt it the re sure, and if they keep on dealing with that firm they will find out before a twelve-month, that they save more by it than if they had obtained the be? t county office. Last Saturday was a "big" day for Pie *ant Gap. The Third Nines of Centre Hall, With bat and ball, looted it over the mountain, to try their hands against the Pleasant Gapers. We suppose they met with a grand reception, finding houses decorated, and the people in their Sundy-go-to-moctin§. Using, thi hotel man, has an account in bank since, and no doubt the close of the day saw more empty beer kegs in his yard than ever before- The Centre Hall Nines cann off victorious, and returned in good glee, much to the relief ol their anxious mamas as their ages ran from C to 13, and there was no tellen what might happen. How ever, the little ones returned safe and sound and in seasonable time to bavc their face* washed and he put into their little bed*, and dream of the great event. A PaOfITAELE INVESTMENT.—'Th Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine combiner in a more perfect degree than any other the requirements of a first-class machine. This is'the unanimous verdict of the thous sad* of families who are using them, and its success is unprecedented 11 be history of sewing machines. Ma chines will be delivered at any railroad station in this county, free of transport* tion charges, if otdered through the Com pany'* Branch House at 'J27 and 2d Broadway, New York. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular, free, on application. This company want a few more good agents. We are glad to notice that Win. P. Wilson is having the pike through this town touched up, and put in first rate or der. Good for Wilion, all will thank him (jr it. mm Complaint has been made at this of fice of the bad condition of the pike from Q.J Fort to Union county. Come, gentle men, give the people good roads, you have collected enough tolls off the candidates tjiis summer to do it with. Will the man agers see to this ? The heavy rain ste m which,passed through our valley on Wednesday night, 4th inst., raised the tributaries of Penn creek so suddenly that several bri-Jge.- were swept away in Gregg township The garden of Jonathan Condo, at Penn Hull, was inundated ; the water carrying away the fence and almost totally destroying its contents. Frank Hosterman of the same place, also suffered considerable damage from the fences around his residence, which were carried away. One of his out* buildings was carried quite n distance into in adjoining com field ; while tome of his potatoes were found the next morning hanging on the fences in the neighboring fields. eince the above 13 in type, we learn that several pig* belonging to Win. Alexander, at Spring Mills were drownded and found hi tbc wheel-work of Fisher's Mill the next morning, Daly of penn Hall had hi.* I ehioken house carried away with 17 chick ens. Daniel Burtges of the same place lost his spring house, which contained a whole veal, besides such things as are gen erally kept in houses of this ltind, Perry IJarick, of whose accident we related last Week, we regret to say, is in a Critical condition from the injuries sustain* ed. Mrs. Ranch, on the other hand, isout of danger r~ your.g friend, fttd scholar, S. L. Stiver, graced our sanctum with an hour's presence the other day. Judge Love came precious near dining with him on Tuesday . ; ' DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CON VENTION. The democratic delegate.- from the dif ferent district# met in the Axurt-housc. at Bollefonte, on hi-. Tito-day afternoon, to nominate a county ticket Uapt. Morri son, Chairman of the County Committee called the convention to order. The dele gate,- pre-> ntcd their credential* a- fol lows : Bollefonte S. W .John Bradley, John Wagner. N \\ ~ \\ Galbraitb. \\ A\ , W SI Qoistian. Potter Bonj Arney, A Lukenbach, J 11 Kunkle, J - llilliland, ."-lack, D C Roller, Rolu rt Lee Mile- II W Cot man, Ja* Gorman, Jno llo.vtcrman, A.I, S infer, Jr. 11 W Spring C T Alexander, J, hn \S o, d>, Henry Noll. Uaities—Jno Hair, Jno Limbert, Wm Bower. Jacob Bower, jr. Miles burg T M Had. Gregg -J B H rex man, Jae. M'Cool Daniel Uutikle, John Coldrvn, 1 me Btrunk, Henry Mark Penn Miehael K < r-U-ttor, D 1. Zerby, A 11 Alexander, Samuel ArJ, William Mauck. Harris Jacob Bottorf, Ureal Coudo, Fergu- Potter Walker Jas Nixon, Ainu \ ids. Da- | vid Double, Mr. Beek. Howard Uoro J AS Gardner Unlonvßlft Boro Daniel Hall. Union —B Brib>n Marion David Hurt. r. s 1; ,;'l M'Cauly. Bonier A Wag -r, il herl Corl, Vim • Garberick. Begg* II L Harvey, Adstm W ithorite, Wn Mark- Fergu-on Fred Botlort, J H turg on Saturday, 21 -t insU All Patrons and other* are cordially invilc-d to be pres nl ana participate. —The Sprucctown Nabath School wil hold an ice cream f._stival on Saturday af .ernoon and evening next, for the b'>nefi >f the school. All are invited. A heavy hailstorm passed through Buffalo valley last week. Some of the riail-etonc-s were as large as walnuts — breaking windows nnd cutting the corn into shreds in come places. Tulk of your kmg potato vines ! 11. W. Kreami r, of Brush valley, ha# one on exhibition which was rui-id onjiis farm measuring 7 feet and 6 inchc. LOST I A gold cuff-button, with N brown stone, fastcr.c 1 to a No. 10 papei cuff. The finder wjU greatly ob.ige by re turning it to T. 11. Hurler, Auronsburg. On Wednesday night, 4th, while Thom as Richardson and wife of Spring Mills, with their little grand-son, Jacob M'Cool, were going along the pike, when at the hill east of.Jumos Forstcrs farm, their beast suddenly took fright and ran off, throwing them out and cnti-ing some se vere cuts and bruises on the heads and faces of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, vfhile the liltlo boy escaped unhurt Dr. Frank Van Valzah was summoned, who dressed their wounds, and under whoso m. dical care they are faft recovering frotn the in juric*. COUXTKUKUTIXO IN Mi.-SOl'"Hl.—Some eight years ago. Brown Weber and Gra ham, wholesale druggist* in St. Louis, were doing tho largest business in the -State of Missouri. Among other goods they sold large quantities of Specr's Port Grupe Wine, which is pronounced the pure t wine in the market. In 1868 one or two members of the firm conceived the idea of getting up a counterfeit of this wine by making a cheap mixture of flavoring ingredients with whisky and water, and called it wine. With this itqff they filled several thousand bottles, put on an a coun terfeit lube! ofSpeer's wino. a coun . torfeit of Mr. Alfred Speer's signature over the cork, uud supplied a majority ol the retail druggifrs throughout the coun try west of the Mississippi River, who purchased it of R. W. & G. as Speer's genuine Port Grape Wine. The triok wtu not discovered until the consumor* turned tho fluff to their druggists as net fli for use. Hearing of this in 18C9, Mr. Speer at ,01106 went from New Jerse/ to St. Lou is, employed detectives, and traced the ! head quarters for dealing in this iniitalior of his wine to the pin. oof Brown, \\ ebet and Graham. He commenced suit lot $30,000,00 damages In the United Statei Court Such deception on the part of this house caused tjjem to loose their business, and before the canui off the tlrm fail ed. and became worthies*. This *tutl i now out of existence, having spilled and httr-t the hottlis, so that none U now to le found in the market. The large yield from the New Jersey vineyards the last few years ha- enabled Mr Spoer tore duce the ptice • I his wine His New Jcr •e\ l*i .11 far-upcrior to any heretofore put in market ; none of which is bottled until four years old. It Is prescribed by physisnu - a the bc-i and most reliable wine to be had. Most Druggists through out the country sell Spoer's Fort Grape srine,~~u'nfr. • ♦ a tIKiI.i>GICAL SUHYKY tiFI'KNN -V LV IM A Abut met Of the State lieologist'a ro port. The board ofCstliaiesiaMN of the stale geological survey heid their quarterly niacin g t llarr.shurg on the .'ah of Au gust The following abstract of I'rof. ! Lesley' repcrt of progress will be ititerest- I ing to the public .- ' Field work s re-umed|on the Ist ol May, and there have been no interruptions of it, the following parties being at work in their respective districts Mr Prime, with Mr. flask and Mr Kent, in Lehigh coun ty. and with Mr Chain-eat the water gap; Mr. F rater, with Mr, Lehman and Mr Kda.ird*, in Adams county ; Mr. Dewee*. with Mr. Uillin and Mr Athlturnor, on the Juniata Mr Piatt, with Mr. Sander- and Mr. Fagatt, in Morrison'# cove, and with Mr. W tl Piatt in Cambria county, and with Mr. Young along the Youghiogbenv river , Mr. Carl!, w th Mr. Hatch and Mr Hale, in the Oil Region; Mr. Stevenson, with Mr. While, in Greene county; Mr. Slierw d i T:gga county ; Mr. Allen de tailed to special duty for levU , Mr C. K Halt, as paleontologist, makes necessary journeys to the different districts, and tudt<-* the collections of fossil* sent in to be reported on. Mr. MVreath, assisted by Mr. Kurd, analyse* ores, coal*, lime -tones and clays, in the laboratory at liar risburg. Dr. Gcnth i- investigating the primary and voloanio rocks and minerals in the laboratory of the university at Phil adelphia Mr. K. B. Harden and O. \V Harden are draughtsmen in Philadelphia preparing the report* for press so far as re lates to illustrations. Mr. Lesley has been fully occupied in jsub!ibtng the reports •f progrc.-sof 187-1, of which Dr. uetjlh y have been published. Mr. C'arll s and Mr. Prime's arc just printed and ready to bind ; Mr. Piatt's is commenced and will he ready to bind by the Ist ol" September, and Mr. M Creath's will follow immedi ate y Mr. Fearer's and Mr. Dewoes' vill be ready for the press as oon a* the printer signi tied his readiness. Mr Le-ley' experience has been that six months' held work require* at least six month s office work ; but publishing add still more to the required time. We were for: natc in gUi->g s > much office work done last winter, so the crops could be left free as early as May to take the field again Next winter the amount of ■ ffice work ought to be greater; anJ it will rcouire both skill a>td judgment to prepare the work <•' 1p75 for speedy publi cation in 1876. We had only four months of lield work lust year. This year wre will have six and it is to bo hoped seven. Last rear we had tut fife districts occupied. . This year we have virtually ten; as will appear when the details are stated. Finances of the Survey. But ihivji Tease of work involves art ir. rc.i-o of expenditure, the continuance of the pre-ent force next year will be im possible without an increase of appropria tion to S3O,U)C and yet the work done this I year is tne least to be reasonably exptvted' of such a lutvev. The slate of the financ es as follows : i*. o appropriations for lsT4 and 1*75 $70,000.00 Warrants drawn on the treasurer to June-30, 1875 42.95.V0'.', Residue of the appropriation. 27.044 91 There i a!-o an appropriation of $33,- 000 for 1876. Surveys Being Made. The details of the work accomplished' this season thus fur is, shortly, as follows :' Mr. Prime has surveyed the limestone country lying between his mapof last year ind the Lehigh river, and if commencing his .-urvcy of Northampton county, which he hopes to complete this fall, so much o<" it as lies between the edge of the slato and thegnci>. Mr. Frazor has added to bis' last year's map of the ore belts of York and Adams, and has mapped a good deal: of the north border of new red and south !l ink of the mountain. lie will continue this belt to the Maryland line. Mr. De wees has followed the out-crops of the fossil to the Su-quchanna river and back to Mifflinand will continue the samo- Messrs. Billin and were detached in! April for a special survey across the coun-i try along the line of the East Broad Top railroad. Mr. Uillin making the map*! and 31 r. As'iburncr -tudying the geology! and constructing the sections. Their last! work has been in the Trough creek coal basin. They have discovered eleven small coal beds, of no practical value, in Side- 1 long ridge. Mr. Piatt fixed his headquarters at Sum mit, Cambria county and with his a d W ' G. Plntt has visited ar.d described and 10-j catcd on Mr. Kd. Smith's old countour line map every coal bank in the county ! This survey will continue through the; Somerset county this season. He has superintended Mr. Sanders map-! ping the Canoe Valley, Sinking Valley i and Morrison Cove, which will bo finished this season and Mr. Fagen's observations of the iron and zinc ores. Mr. Piatt has also superintended Mr. Young's' statisti cal survey of the coke field of the Yough iogheny Valley from Connelsvilleto Pitts burg, much to the satisfaction of the peo pie. This will make an important report Professor Stevenson aid Mr. White Ititvo surveyed Greene county and made a conq lclc section of 1,500 feet of coal mcus ure, rocks above the upper coal beds, lo cating on the map the depth of iho larger coal hrds beneath the surface at the prin cipal cros roads. They have discoveied .nd located across the country two anticli nals and two synclinals, and tnndo the geology perfectly plain. The rest of the season they will survey Washington coun ty. Mr, Carl! continued his observations at intervals alt winter and has recently been reinforced by Mr. Halo, who with Mr. Hatch, is surveying carefully the outcrop -if the Bcroa Grit from Warren to Sharon Mr. Carl! U collecting notes through the oil region and applying his discoveries of last fall to the tu-!y of the country south of Franklin. Mr. Sherwood and Iqs aid have traced from farm to farm across Tio ga county, tho Mansfield ore bed, red beds, fish beds, and tho Cat-kill outcrops, lay ing them down on the county map in col on, and will continue this work through Bradford nnd counties, Mr. Cbufice has mapped the Dclawart and Lehigh Water Gaps, and constructed sections through the roofing slate belt, hydraulic lime and glass sand formations Mr. Hall after arranging thp cabinet of fossil localities in Westmoreland, Warren and Venango counties und in the Juniata spent a month with u volunteer party of collectors on the Lehigh and Del aware rivers. The number oi analysis palled for by the assistants to illustrate their reports demand ed an increase of forpp jg tho laboratory ' Harrieburg Mr. ford has ' i —ore oeeii ctnu'o J , . „ ai assistant, which will doublt the capacity of the laboratory for turning out work. Railroad Ltvc's. 1 Mr, Allen, aUacbedj to Mr. Figzijr jus r vii* the collection urtd arrangement of ail r the riilh'til #inl canal levels In the *tat<\ " lie will have for publication Intho winter, * aavcral thousand level* at fixed stations on '• railroad, canal ami turnpike line*. Thiti* " not only needftil for the work of tho or \ v,.y, but excite* groat Internal among cngl ' near* ami surveyor*. It U the Intention to 1 include In the lUt, alphabetically arrung '' cd, all tUtlona leveled by the aurvay L ' | corps. i'rioca of tlio Report*. At tbi* meeting of Ilia board the price o! l>r. Death's report on the Mineiology of Penittvlvania, 2Xt pages, 8 vo,, with lopo ' 'graphical map, wa fixed at filly cunt* in paper cover and the postage in sixteen cent*, and the price of Henry K YY rigl<-> * ' special report on the IVtroloum of Penn sylvania, it* production, transportation, . manufacture and statistics, 11- pages, 8 vo., with several ma|i* and illustration, at 75 cent* ir. paper cover and the pottage is ' ;tw elve cents. Bound copiea of either are lio cents more and 24 cent* postage. 1 lie e law requires that these report* be iold and \ the commtstioner# cannot distribute lliem . gratuitously. The boohs ate handsomely r. printed and unlike the generally unwield* - ly volume* of geological surveys, they ate ot a very convenient, handy i*e, printed it on good paper, in cleartype, and the work tuanship reflect* credit on the slate prin n tor They are sterotvped, so that editions It can be published at any time to meet th . demand. Each of these district reports is , complete in itself, and is indexed willi un • usual tullno**; each is told separately, and i person* who get them a* they come out e can have theiu bound up in volumes Thi> j is a new and excellent feature of this sur It vey, as there are really no preliminary ro il ports to bo thro an aside and superseded f by a flnal report. These reports are in . themselves flnal. The turn of the publish ed reports this year of the work of 1874 will amount to about 1,100 pages, exclusive . ot Prof Lesley's, 110 ha> been obliged to do much drawing and finishing to secure j the best appearance p>r the books, and a i great deal of correcting, amplifying and > appending to make the statement of each {'district full and clear to the reader and | useful to the field worker. Much inquiry has been made for tbc .! geological reports, but the work of publi , catiou is, utuch more advanced than was ever tho cau with any other geological 'survey in the same time. There is no question but the general result will be sat isfaetory to the people of the state and thej I scientific world. Order* accompanied by the money, seiii, '.o John It l'earre, secretary of the geo- j 'ugical Commission, 22J Market street, llarrisburg, Pa., will be filled by mail or; express, at directed, or the reports can be! obtained through booksellers. a ♦ * AKULST or A BIOAWTST.— I.ati Thurs-, ..ay qohu t. SsoU—, a if*sii*.g -g*nl 1* ■ j the liquor firm of Wirt* A C ij) I'hiladel- ; pbia. was arrested in Lock Haven and lab - i en before Alderman Battlieler, en lb<' charge of bigamy. It appears that Stone! ha* a wife and child residing in Lancaster, j l'a , and that on the lTlh of July he waj married in Kenovo, by He*. George War-, 1 ren. to M !si Maggie J Itirsih. ♦ O ■ " ■ 1 SUN BURY A LKWISTOWN KAIL LOAD. 1 Many of our readers are all anxietv to lea rn what prospect there is that tbc Sun-| burv and railroad will toon br operated. We, therefore, reprint the fol ' lowing letter from the President of th ' road, addressed to the editor of theSelin* grove Tribune, which explains exactly how the situation stands : XotlTltl'MllKßt.AM>, PA , ) July 27tb, 1876. Ma. EUITOR Dear .S'ir .—Lately 1 liavr been in receipt of so many letters from ah part* of your county making inquiry as l< < ! the present stale and future prospects ol < the Sunbury and Lewistown Railroad, and ! not being able to answer such applicants I iby letter, as I -hould like to do, 1 have I concluded Mr. Editor, loask you to tav to the people of your county through tin ' medium of your valuable paper, that ar- I rangemenU to open tho Railroad hav< been made, and the papers signed, and a toon as the people along the lino of tin i road are agreed to do w hat is right, And t accept a reasonable compensation for their ! ! land damages, the road will be opened am) i I run, and not before. The rood has bad inany difficulties to contend with. Thosi . who should have been its friends were not. ! those who were thought to be against it were its friends. Very Respectfully Yours, A. C. SiMFSov. Colons, 111.,/.ug. G.—A tornado passed ' over this placo last night, destroying barns, unroofing house* and blowing down chimney*. The grain ia the surrounding | country is injured considerably, Sultan Abdul Astir, ha* authorized th< circulation of the Uible in Turkey. Two-thirds ot the town of Hriansk, in ' Russia, have been blamed, the flame* rag irig until extinguished liy a fall of rain The deva.-taleu town had a population ol 13,'Jt 0. The Assi-tunt Treasurer of the United States nt New York has been directed to sell $5,000,01)0 in gold during August. McCeary's majority in Kentucky is now estimated at about 43,000. Tho Constitu tional Convention Is still in doubt. Eighteen additional cotton mills have become involved in tho Oldhnm strike, and -0.000 operative* are no\y idle. At Memphis last night tho Mississippi river was reported rising steadily. The weather was cloudy and threatening. The Democrats of North Carolina claim that they will have a good working major iiy in the *orlh Un.Jina Constitutional Convention. No new ca*c* of yellow fever within the k iorida forts. Forty-five cua-s arc under treatment at Barranca*, twentv-nine of which are pronounced convalescent. Tho New Jersey organization of Con verted Free Thinkers, twenty-six ftrong, i met in convention at Vineland yesterday, with the avowed object of setting this ' wicked world right side up. , Tho first shipments of Delaware peaches , have proven disastrous grower*. It ( costs seventy-five cents per crate to pui r them in or through tho (perked, and thou , sands have been told at thirty- and lorty cents, e lie ward. 1 A • * vard of five hundred dollars is of n 'ered by the Farmers Mutual Fire Insur t ance Company of Centre Co., for tho arreai and conviction of the person er, on whieh was print ed, "Don't go to sleep." ("1 A I'TION. Having purchased the fol j lowing property of And 11. Foust, a , private *to, on the iird of July 18,5, 1 leavu the same in hi* po*s,-ion *1 int • pleasure, and all persons are rauliont-t - (gainst meddling with the same : | bedsteuds and bedding, 1 sink, 1 table I cf rye And the said An drew jl. k'uusl shall sow the Hbu of whea ibis fall, und *i* bu Of rye for i.iu t jul. 12 JM> l> DKCKKRT. j> 10181 IB - N "i W I I The following accounts have been ex ainin ed and passed tiy me and remain filed i of Record in this office U r the inspection iof heirs, legatees, creditors and all otheri in any wav interested, and will be present i i d to" the Orphans Cogrt on Wednesday I the 25 th dav of August, A I). 1e75, for al lowance and eontiruialion. The account of Adam Yonada, guar Jan ! f Henry A Yonada, minor tun ol David I Vonada, late of llaino, twp, dee d, i The flnal account of \\ illiam Weaver . nd Daniel Weaver, executors <>f the Es tate ol Faiuuel Weaver, late of Gregg twp. deed. The account of William Durst, adminb traU rof the s-slalo ~l Vk liliaitt 4t Mayt, lato of Harris tp, d> u'd. The flr*t and partial account of Jacob i Bower, Jr, sdmiuistrator of Samuel j Br-wn, late of Haine- twp, dee'd. ; Tho administration account of David i Lawyer, administrst. n of Mary 1-awyer, ; all-of Marian tarn, doe'd. The second ai d tnsl account of James Glenn amiMarah A Gamer, aditiinittra :ors of Daniel Garner, late of Harris twp dee'd. | The account <>f John Iloutx, guardian of j John, Mary and George Jefferson and 1 Benjamin F. Houtz, minor children uf , Locmda It utz dec<-*<••{ The account of Win Smith administrator ' - Jail and singular the goods and chatties rights and credit* whictk were of Jacob I*. | 'Smith, late of I'utiii twp dec d. 1 tie account ot Mi -c- Inotupson and. Marg.ire: Gregg administrator* „{ Col. Andrew l.regg, la'.e <<( B >ggt twp dec'J. The account . f J W Cainpbelland AUKS I E OU-mson. Executor* ol the last will and 'etlamenl of Frederick Gate# late of Fer -1 -iison tap dee'd The first and final account of John Wolf administrator of Kxra Rritlain lalt of Potter i* p dee'd. The account of James lleverly Guardi in of Sarah S Walker, minor child of Machael A Walker late of Uoggs twp' dee'd. Tbc account of Perry W McDowell ex ecuior of the last will and testament of Nntbati Reck late of Marmn twp dec d- Tl.e account cf J case Uudt-rwixKl, ad ministrator of Jo*. L'ndcrwood of Cenlrv county, dee'd. The supplemental and final account of Mrs. Jane H. Strobeeker one of the ad min 'straior* of Dr Samuel Strobeeker latej of Mile* twp dc* J The account of Calvin P W Fisher guardian of Mary Rebecca Grob. minor : child of Eliza Oroti late of llatii* twp dee'd. The account of Mary A Rosa and Rob ert Cuiniuings, Executors ot the Estate of John 1' Rows late of Gregg twp dee'd. The account of Samuel Gitliland admin tsiralor of Estate of J Duncan Rankin lato of Harris twp dee'd. The final account of John B. Leathers, executor of Daniel Leathers late of Low ard twp dee'd. The account of Marv C Sline lato Mary, C llcirly. administrator of Taitulias Heir ly late of Bog * two dee d. The account of Daniel Rsrtge*. John Risbel executor in the last will and testa ment of John Uarlge* lain cf Gregg twp deed. I The account of T M Hail ev-nior in the late will and tcftau.rnt of Charles Lucas, late of Hoggs twp dee d. The account of Henry Meyer adminis trator of Jacob Meyer late of Miles twp dee'd. The trustee account of Alexander Kerr I tru-lee to sell the Real Estate oi Csdhor mo Rankin late of potter twp doc d The executorship account of James Dun lap ami Thomas F Ration executors in the n>t will ard testament of John Archey late of Ferguson two doc d. The account of Samuel J Herring and John Grove administrators of the Estate of A J Young late of Gregg twp dee d. The account of John \V Krumnnc and ' Mr*. M J Kepler administrator* of Jacob Kijder late of Ferguaoa twu dee'd. Tiie Cna'. account of John B Leathers executor of Daniel Leaders late of How- 1 ard twp dee'd. The account of J C Shinoberger and David Stover administrators ol tho Estate "fGoorge Shinoberger late of Harris twp Joc'd. The acenuntV.f Joseph Itsker a iminis | trator of Elizabeth Corbin late of Harris ; twp dee'd. The account of J I* Gephart trustee to -iiU the Real Estate of Jacob S Awl late of Harris dee'd. The account of LouitWolaler and Jacob Fletcher executor- in the last will and tes tament of Jacob Welzlcr lato of Howard' i wp dCc'd. Register's Office ' J. H. MORRISON, lieilefonte Jul. 2t'75 ( Register. | NEW GOODS! —4? TM— Ceulre Mills Store, J. F. THRONE has ju?t opened a fine St ick of GKN KKAL MERCHANDISE which he is selling at jGRKATLY REDUCED PRICES Consisting in DRY GOODS, ALPACCAS, MOHAIRS, PIQUES. LAWNS, MUSLINS, PRINTS, KLOU N TS, SHIRTIifG, 1 WEEDS, JEANS. COTTON ADES, FINE CASsIMEKS. EMBORDERIES, QLQYEo. All AWLS, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, RIBBONS and fancy articles Lelouging to llit Grocery department Sugar*, Coffees, Syrup, N, Orleans Mollnsses, Domes tic anil Foreign Fruits, Eish'Salt, eve rything usually found in this depart- UU'UI. QUEENSWARE, whole sets or dish us or by the piece. DRVCIM itud PATENT HEBI CTiyiss. WOODattU WILLOWWARE HARDWARE KOMKts. •' -• "' .... iv ES, SHOVELS, lIOKS • AILS. Ac. GENTS' CALF BOOTS LADIES' BUTTON GAITOKS A MO ROCCO, CHILDRENS' SHOES of|al kinds. , TOfACCO A CIGARS, nil nt greall , reduced prices. Cull and see for yourse . ves. No charge for showing goods. 8 HIGHEST PRICES PA ID for nil kirn of Grain, and country Produce taken in ec change far gqgjs, juavHa. A number <>f new Rynder Organ# ar offered at wliojesale price*, by Win id Ettinger, Aaroniburg. A rare chance l buy n good organ cheap. Ifijuiy 4t ♦ JiMeph A Young, eldest son of Brigban Young, died very suddenly on Thursdaj , night, it I# tuppoaed of li#*rt disease. Ols'lluiirt. I, At Fin* Grova Mill*, Pa ,on Saturday i July mi,i, of Cholera Infhntum, John Cat i. ( In, ton of Jonathan and Suo Heta, aged I ] months and 14 day*. . ! Death, with ruthless hand, has again vis ard this loving household, and seizing an other of it* jewels, earned it away. "Once, twice, thrice, yoa, lour times" '.hi* same relentless visitor ha* tome and " cone, taking with him each time a pre vious life, that we thought belonged tc earth. Wilfred Clyde, Lillie llell, and Daniel Sell, were all taken inside of eight yi r ; the wounds inflicted by the death of those dear ones, were just beginning to lieal ; the heart-aches were nearly forgot ten ; the grave* of the dead were already growing green ; lime was dealing gently ((ith these parents; twin cherubs wen . now chattering in their home; beauty bad *'ji.oen given fur ashes, and mourning bgd ! been turned Into rejoicing. But, sudden- My, all was changed— worn), re-opened heart ache* and soul-anguish renewed Keeping and mourniug have oomt bad * r again. The twin- have been separated— n lone taken, the other, left Little Johnriy'i I companionship with hi* brother and aistei ) here, has been shortened only to he length 1 i ned wiin those In the "Far Off' country Hi* prattle on earth has ceased, t b re newud in song, to Moses and the Lamb, if heaven. The evergreens placed upon hii • oreast, and the flowers in hi-. Iltt! band, ' were kcautifktl emblems of his immortal)' > iv, and btooin in th future. Into which lit d has now entered 'Tit a pleasant thought to contemplate the meeting of these cnil a. drcn in heaven—their recognition of each I other, and the infant song* they would join •' in singing! What a concern they, doubt lest, leel tor tho,. who vet remain to strug i gleln life's ponfiicu I Tbu aftt-rnoon was cloudy, when the large assemblage oi friends ami neighbors met to pay their farewell tribute to those beautiful remain* —a day fittingly analogous to the feeling, of the bereaved parents and friends. To ; . the child there Were no clouds, bit was ,1 )tunhine and glory. Wo need not tender „ ! our sympathy to these oft stricken parent*. . for our heart# bleed with theirs, and our t (tears fall in common, VV'e need not turn v Their Ltteiiuon to tbfl comforting words ol f. Holy Writ, for long ago they sought and found sympathy anil o-msolation more „ abiding than that which earthly friends jj l an proffer. W © cKi§B lbi tribuut of I o?t* in tba language of the Apostie, part ot r wis lb# it'll for ibv (kcciilou, mid language suitable to the child triumphing, , la* it did, ao soon over death • "O death, where 1 xtmg y -, J- ff'ave, where ts thy victory ?" .1 0. W v ■*'V ,l! H k - N <■ s hereby,*. I it the following nauied person has fill jed her petition and will make application 1 tor license at Aug. Sea*. Ig7.\. , Elizabeth Tavern V 1 K " bl --Anow Sho# twp ... Resuurant , John Hay w00d... I hiiipsburg... Resuurant Lathann# Smith . Snow Shoe Resuurant ' ~ eb#r -- FhiHi*barg...Be*Uurwnt N. M. BreUin Rush Tavern j A. WILLI a ko, Fruh'y. 4! Iffjer Poultry Powdor. V JR Warrsatwl. I fastis Use, ft torsrs (t.:<-zea ct-mara ui i vP . A Yr oeWJaary autlue ki elaaa /J MP* baaat aa psopar fesdlag. si ■ ■ w>vh a r.seafal aapplf et Oo1, en I sa4 a*(aba! l-tom, nig taaieo. I. any oe • Kt| rvSu i.,aiaclO £ 3 for ladies, kept oonsUntly on hand. B(>ts nnd Shoe* for men and women, of all stylet, quality and prices, from the] most costly to the cheapest, constantly i kepi on band. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either in quality or prices. Call and exaiuino hi* new stock of Spring and Summer Goods, and you will find it to you Anr'illv KINGSFORDS OSWEGO I 1" K E -AND— Silver Gloss Starch, For the Laundry. •SAKt'FAtTPRKD BY T. KINGSFORD & SON. The Best Starch In the World. Gives a Beautiful Finish to the Linen, and tli difference in coat between it and common standi is scarcely half a cent for an ordinary waibing. A*k your Grocer • for it. KINGNEORDS Crnvßgo CLPJJ U'lDPth, FOR PUDDINGS, BLANC MANGE. ICE CREAM. AO. I* the original—K-üblished in 18401 And preserve# its reputation as Purer, Stronger and More Delicate than any other article of the kind offered, cither of tbo same name or with other titles. STKVKSSON MA< 4X.AM, Ph. D.. Ac., the higher! c'omic*t authority of Europe, carefully analysed this Corn Starch, and •ays it is a most excellent article of. diet and in chemical and feeding properties is fullv equal to the be-t arrow root Directions lor making Puttings, Cust ards, Ac., Rccair.paoy each one pound pack ago. L*J3br Site at M'.V. WOLFS, Cadre BaM. June 10.3 m. W. A- CURRY", . CE.M IIE II ALL, FA. , Would most respectfully inform the elt ' /.ens ofthia vicinity, that he has started • ■' new Hoot and Shoo Slh:t, aud would bt (• thankful for a *l.ato of the public natron . igo. Boot* and Shoot made to order anr according to style, and warrants his wort ito equal any inado elsewhere. All kindi !. of repairing done, and charges rpitonablc Give bint a call. feb 18 ly . Excelsior Cement' Tho undersigned now manufacture* Ce merit WARRANTER! IF A iIU FKBI < k v , QUALITY, M bis kiln. p'* .. Creek Miii*. in w-' . - u.nes twp. Ihiscetnon . -..eiidy been used in largo quantitia upon tbo h. C. A S. C. KR., and has bee found highly satisfactory upon all job S. where it has been used, and as equal t s any now manefavturod for use in CIS J TURNS, WATER PIPES or whatevi ill purpose n good quality of Cement it des rabfc This Cement has already bee ~ tested far and wide, and rendered tbo u ,f most satisfaction. Persons, therefore cot '* atructing Cisterns, laying Water Pipe Ac., will find it to their advantage to bei thia in mind, and also, that ho warrants tl xr- article as represented. J. G. MEYER. Buy ;l„U Anr9Sl?urg, I IVTBW B T °BR, NEW GOODS A Nil Da Panic Prices. 11. A. I.AIIIIIHI'.H. at the old Centre Ilill stand. ' Just opening a Block of NEW GOODS, ; OLD FASHIONED PRICES! b A large variety of Ladies Drew Goods Great Bargain* in Mualioauud Calicoes. > Ready-made Clothing d Warranted to Suit. i- His Cloths and Cassimers, Cant be excelled ' His Grocery Department, 1 Astonishes every one in aaaortmeut and low price*. ' Byrup, Hugar, Tea, Coffee, Canned frutu, | Dome,tic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart in en t . fAr Far mors. Mechanise and Laborer* , look to your iniareaL One dollar saved Is . a dollar in pocket. Then call aad see a* • what eatonfshliigly low pricM. jurSo trouble to abow f*wd* iWt r Also the choice-;'. Px MlL r FLUCM al ,r on hand. Apr. 16, y, .Miller & Sou, CENTRE HALL, PA. \* ti DKALEIW IN • PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, it CIIKMICALB, OILS, DYE STUFFB PERFUMERY. NOTIONS b FANCY ARTICLES a FOR TUK TOILET. I*l HE HIYK ANI LIQCOHJ., • for .medicinal purpose# " r rruwea d Supporutra in greai ygrietv. Also, choice * CIGARS AND TOCACCO „ and all other ar!s:e* usually kept in a • _ first claos Drug Store. r i rsscripiiuiie curcluiiy MILLER i SON. ' BEJTTY h THE BEST IN USE. Send stamp • for Circular. DANIEL F BEAITY, Washington. New Jersey. ' THE PEOPLE'S ORUG STORr Ne,( Jw,. u w,kin A Hick.' HrJ ware store, Allegheny Bt., BELLEFONTE, PA., Jas. C. Williams. I (Successor to B. F. Rankin A Co.) > DEALER IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS. VARVISHEB. BRUSH KB. rKRFUMKRY. NOTIONS AND i ANCY AKTICLKs FOR THE TOILET, Ac. pufiivyiMX&ueuojit for medicinal purpose*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other articlos usually hept in first clou Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. 9uiar74tf NEW YORK BR ANCH STORE, McClain't Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, Bellefonte, Pa. H. HERMAN A CO., Prop'rw. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN- C Y GOODS, STBICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Below the Usual Prices. ' Novl2.lf. i ___________________________ r. a. WIIJSOX. r. *. KICKS. K. K. KICK*. WILSON & HICKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IIARI>- WAKE DEALERS. IRON, PAINTS.OILS, GLASS,AC. Builders Hardware COACH MAKER'S GOODS. CABINET MAKERS STOCK. Stoves of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS, &C. WILSON & HICKS. Bellefonte, Pa. NOTICE. —We will sell to responsible men on three months credit. YY ill lake ••fiT 5 )>er cent for cash which ia equal to 20 ' per cent, per annum It will pay the pur chaser to borrow at 10 from other partite 1 tf he can save in buying from us |n this way wo can turn our moeoy .-J sell low er. Mar t&. tl JOHN CAMPS Furniture Rooms, MILROY, MIFFLIN CO., PA. • Exsuttsion Tables, Chamber Suits, FineA Common Furniture, Consisting in part ol RUKRAUS, BED r STEADS, CAIN ud WOOD SEAT 1 CHAIRS, TLo public generally are invited to call " *nd see the fine assortment of FURNI TURE to be found al the above establiih j cneni, all ot our own Manufacture. Undertaking in all ;V< branrhet, Coffl i\k, Uiifikrts and Shrouds. ■ Having purchased an elegant Hearse, 1 • will attend till order* of undertaking 1 1 may receive from Penntvallev, Ownlre Co. Pa. JOHN CAMP. H Jan 28 If. I* ¥ OIIN F. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law 0- tl Collections promptly made and 1 -pecial attention given to those having lands or property for sale. YVill draw up and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgage*, , Ao. OflL- *, n the diamond, north aide o w , v'ue court house, Bellefonte. oct22't-9tf " JAS. M'MAN US, Attorney at Lata nl t) Bellefoute, promptly attends to all bminets entrusted to him. jui2,'6Bi B° / Y U M MINGS JLOUSR to Vj -o-o | J S- Bellefonte. PA. v ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor, si- The Cummings House, ou Bishop street, en is one of the pleaMntest located hotels ir it- the town. It has the best stables in tht n- place, has an excellent livery attached and es, every attention will be paid guests. N< •ar pains will be spared to make it a pleasan he and agreeable stopping place for the pub lie. Boarding by the day or week, ant , rates charged will always b found yerj fftlvw. JHB 17. Pumps Of AU Kinds! g J%\ | Steam & Rotary Pomp* "~!m i m FOR minks. ■J Deep Well Pump*, J P || Cistern Pumpe, '""A . Antl-Freiing Pumpe* :f ° A £jjl D I C H -.••ji nj r lr| S fllllllii IIS K (MS OF ALL KIND& Gum How . The undersigned begs leave to inferaa bis patrons and the public generally that he u now prepared to make Coffins sad respectfully solicits A thereof their patrea age. 1 unerals attended with a seat hearse. j. j. SHAFIE, fet > l tf Madtsoabarg. A Blatchloy's IK m TC| . Improved t'UCuM >A| ; JO J,BKR WOOD PUMP Ml x ou K® l Blatcbley'a Pump, be careful and see that it baa my trade-mark * i as above. If you do not know where W . buy, descriptive circulars, together with the name and addreat of tha agent neareeS Sou, will be promptly furnished by st ressing , witb sump. GRAB 6 BLATCHLXT. MaauUetarer, 600 Commerce St., PfcibuiaijikJa, Fa. | 11 mar 9m.