TIIK CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY JULY 15,1>*5. "" LOCVL ~IT EM S. Our friend* will oblige by aeodUig i fcriiit ot local news in their locality, give HI the foets only, and wo will (Mil them in shape, also notice* of death* and tuarri "*\ ny one sending * (hi name* ofsix new Mih-.-ribors, with the r*sb, willbo entitle.! i > receive the HKPOUTKR on* venr In <• The llßromKß being rea l by Ron'i > everybody on this side of the■ roun >- where it his a larger circulation > two pgpors. will bo found the best tm-dium for Mm fit**, }** ga@-Subteribera to the Reporter, ren - ing outside of Centre ihou.d re- Jt us 10 cents, yearly. for we will pay here; lh>* reduces tbeposu ee to one half a*'h sum paid bj tr.cm tor on* year'spostage was Sorts. A number of new Hvnder Organs are offered nt wholesale prices, by Win. Kttingcr, Aarontburg, A rare chance to buy a good organ cheap. l&july dt Dr. J. It Kreider, of Ohio, former ly of Millheim, wn* in on a visit a short time ago, and also called to ee us. Ihe Dr. looks well, and has built up a good praetiee in his present home. Prof. Wm. O. lleinle has been cho sen principal of the Bellefonle Ml ml- Salary $l2O per month. The items from Niitanv and from Uebcrsburg were received too late tor out last issue, ami are too old (or this week, hence we omit them. A. J. Ree*nsn ba beea appointed postmaster at Centre Hall, vice C. F..lier lacher, resigr.ed. Andy makes a good, obliging postmaster, having been tried. —'few. D. M \YoH, who held a pro fessorship in Franklin and Marshall col lege at Lancaster, ha* resigned, and will take charge of the Penu Hall Academy. Since the Gre in Osceola about two hundred building* have been coiarurncc l, about balf of which are ready for use. Mr*. Tobia* Uf thi* place, fell dowi stairs about two weeks ago, sustaining se vere injuries, front the effects of w inch K e ha* been confined to her bed ever sir.ee; she made a misstep turning a #emmer#null down into the kitchen. Mrs. Tobias !•> a very heavy woman and it 1* strange she was not killed. She is recovering slow f. ly celebrated at Spring Mills, on lb* 3rd. Tue U. O. A. M of Millheim, Spring Mills, and Be'lefontr, wore preseut in re galia and paraded in the forenoon and af ternoon. Music was furnished by the MiMbcim band. A very large crowd of citirons from the neighborhood were in at* tendance. In tb afternoon the procession wended its way totlo P resbyteriau church, wber* add! CMOS wore delivered by Rev Price of Millheim, and Itev. Wilson, of New York, In tbo evening there was to be a bop at the hotel. Every thing pas— ed off pleasantly and in the best of order, and the Mechanics presented a fine ap pearance in their nice regalia. The corner-atone of tha Reformed chapel to be eroded at Mr. Adam Sto ver's, in the east end of Brush valley, will be laid on Sunday. August Ist, at 10 a. m Always keep in mind, people of PennsvaHey, that the place to get Jour boots and shoe*, cheap, and of any quality r style, is of Graham A S n, In :be llreekerboffblock, Bsllefenle. They keep the largcit and finest assortment in the coui.ty, and never fail to please. A large stock rf sole leather always ot hand, at lowest figures. Shoemakers can! be supplied with what they need nt whole sale prices. Remember the place—CJra h:im Cc San. Sec advertisement A chicken—or ♦.her a "chicky"— with one wing, saw it* fir-; day-light in ur barn-yard about four weeks ago and is still as happy as any. Tnis may the commencement of a new departure in the few 1 tine, for a chicken with one wing can never fiy over a garden fence to scratch up peas, bean* and such, as evc-y attempt to clear the fence by a onesided Hop would be sure to turn it on its back before leaving terra firma. Real'y we thick this kind of chicken is an improvement upon the old, and may be the one too that is to lay the golden egg—who knows, Barnum might find millions in it. There is only a wee bit of bone where the wir.g ought to be —what has become of the missing Hop per we do not know a* we see none of it* sister chicks that has three wings, which would at once solve the query. Subscfi bers to the Reporter who pay in advance can see the greatest living ruriosity free of charge, and any on# paying five years in advance, will be entitled to one of its eggs as a premium when the wonder has grown to maternal months. Our fortune is made and we are happy. Centre county farmers are busy bar vesting. The grain crop in this county will be a pretty good one and much better than was expected six weeks ago. The hay crop is short and few formers have bayfto spare. The Beccber-Tiltou jury having foiled to agree upon a verdict in the scan dal case next took a vote to see whether they could agree upon any one subject, when the vote stood unanimous that the cheapest groceries are sold by Sech'.er A Co., in the Bush bouse block. Fresh Mackerel, seldom reach u* in' the country, fresh, immediately after be ing caught. These fish thus fresh from the water are the most excellent to be had. Sechler A Co. have just received a lot of these mackerel, fresh from tho water, and if you desire something nice in the fish line, just go aud try them. Rev. Fisher of Somerset county, and a recent graduate of Penn'a College, ha* accepted a call from the Centre Hall Luth. charge. H. Levy. ofMileeburg. has obtained a patent for bending horse shoes. The Ref. end the Luth. Sabbath schools of A&ronsburg held a picnic in Coburn's woods last *Satu-day. The Mi 11- heim band was in attendance. The Old Fort experienced quite a speck of war on the evening proceeding the national holiday (3rd). The caulc was stormed in gjod earnest by forces from Earlystown, who made two or three attacks. The place was in possession of New York and Philadelphia recruits who withstood the attacks manfully for a while until they gave way to the "furor of supe rior forces," and the New York troops re treated to the upper apartments, leasing the Philadelphia forces alone on the field below, who in consequence had to with stand a rough charge, but kept posessinn of the stronghold. The enemy on the out side at one time retreated to Centre Hall and returned with a "field piece" to renew the attack, but no further hostilities tool place. The cause of the skirmish originated in an attempt to accertain who had ab stracted the keys of the bar, and during the absence of the commanding general. - --JX 6*/ nod silver mounted bar* nets v, ifcdokn from P. It V wt, of Mill Creek, Huntingdon county, on the morn ing of July 2ml. The thief, a negro about 24 years Of age, afterwards stole & buggy, £*-4 tbko -iSArd -ut he proceeded ;to* the fteVeri Mountains', end on Sunday morning following at 'flutist's neqr potter's 4k|Uis. wijftrp be li"t4 *WW fed. The Ptarp spit tiip npain wd Wok in thp diaction of fli^iicp l , Uap, Mr. bark er and tuoU • "~~ . uiwi oi spotter's Mills learning of these facts, at once set in pur suit, und reaching the neighborhood of Underwood's sawmill, found the negro A upon a log, and made him ac quainted with their errand. Sambo denied cd having stolen a horse or knowing any thing about it, and refused to be taken without n warrant being read. At this Mr. Parker agreed to watch him there while the other gentleman proceed ed to get a warrant. In the meantime Sheriff Mutbersbach of Lewistown, who was on the hunt of the thief, and learning ' ;he cousrc he had taken, al >|arrivod, and gobbled op 'he American cltixen of Afri can decent. The horse was found bid away in a thicket, and the buggy nl*<> about 11 miles off in the brush. A reward of $25 for thief, $"25, for the mare and s!'', for the harness wa- offered by the owner, j theriff Muthorsbach gave Mr Parker 1 and departed with Sambo for Lcwbtown Bellefonle he- organized ■ volunteer company, 80 strong, with the following officers Captain, Ja company will be att icoed to tie oth regiment. N - liunal Guard,-, t diii-hm, Major tlonvi :.t Jaui, - V (leaver c tnmanding 11. S. UTO TIII VKTKKIXS, It.mor also to the inventors wtu-se genloubave oman eipatod the race of women tVom thedrudg ery of the needle Honor above all to a firm which like th WV-.in Sewii.g M > chine Company, distributes its machine broadcast throughout tho land at prices that oven the p*,>r and humble can afford to pay A tlr-t via*- machine for fifty dol lars ! This is the proclamation of the Wilson S-wi: g Machine to the people Machines will bedeuvercd at a' y railrv ad station in this county, tree of transporta lion charges, if ordered through iheCom panj's Brenc i llou-o at 227 and —V Broadway. N.w Y ■ 1- They send an < legant catalogue and ehromo circular, free, on application. This company want a few more good agent*. Harper* Monthly t >r August co itn- Mr. Longfellow'* boautiftil semi een'enia. pee in of M oritur 3alul*oU, and It* histo rical, scientific, t.ud illustrated article* are fully up to the ordinary high standard He vend a Joiibtthi i~ ihe hc-t American magaxine. —— The Cmuiw-'ou b .nJ of UarUeton. under the te.idar ship of Prut Sloes, of Dutivilie, Pa , gave its fir-t serenade on Saturday evening, lihh 0 -t , in the streets of that hamlet. The band play* well, considering that they had but three weeks' practice. A festival will bo hold ou Sat tuday, iTib, in an adjoining grove to llar lloton, for the benefit of the band. A great crowd i- expected. - Annie K. T. S.ihta, formerly aAarci.iburg, this e-)u:.ty, ha- returned t her home at New Berlin, Union county, from the Luthcrville, Md IVeiale Sem ianry, having graduated with 3rd honor* out of a clai- of leve&te. n. Wo congrat ulate Miss Annie—may her f..;ure bo a prosperous as her past. J. 11. Phi!?l ,tf Potter, i announc ed in this weeks Reporter, a- a candidate tor Recorder Sportsmen remember you are sub ject to a penalty for killing any kind of game before thy Ist of September. ——The crops in Union c-iuuty look remarkably ucii, compared with those of tbia CutfKty. Again we are called upon to chroni cle a sad accident which was caused by the careless handling of coal oil. On Wednesday, 7th in-: , a 11 year old lad of MiflSinburg, r.atncil Willie Catberuian. kindled a fire over a lot of potato bug> which ho had picked in a bucket, and then attempted to pour coal oil on the Games with a can. which ignited tho oil in the can.causing it to explode, and burning the boy so badly that he died the next day. Fortunately the accident occurred in the yard ant! no further dama.-c was done. —• ♦ • For tho Reporter WOOD WARP A VIN N ITY. Haying abcut over. Harvest is "red hot.* Cherries are quite plenty. 11 ucklo-berries, amongtbo latest. On last Sunday i of .Mr. Noah \Yeuv-' cr's cows died, which is quite a ioi, since sl'.e way a very good one. The cause s --too much n.-w clover pasture. Tlie distillery is upon its -pin. yid t-.ej roof nearly finished. A few day* ago there wa trouble in their camp, but har mony once more prevail*. Our next door neighbor, Nathaniel Boop, ha* the finest field of corn in ea*i end of PennsvaHey. Truly it should make bis uiodest heart 'broud.' By the way there were intruder* iu en't Woodward In-t week. They ga ncd en tral'Ce by a front door, int' the celter of Stdomon ; but faileo to get anvtbii g good to eat, so they left in h i haste taking along the only pump stalk in that place How long will the lise be tolerated '? Sol, you had better load your shotgun. OCCASIONAL. ITEMS FROM EAST END OF SINK.- IN'O CREEK. Grass-hoppers plenty and crossing to south side of the creek Mr. J. S. Dauberman's lien coop* were visited several nights ago by a mink, or inoine other bloody "varmint," which slaughtered some GO spring chickens in two successive nights. Minister* win make note of this. Foxes arc roaming over the field* in broad daylight, examining the poultry t-> •ee whose is in the best condition for mar ket, sportsmen will please .nnke note of this and try to stuff their bidet out with fresh hay or sawdust, or else canned grass hoppers wiil Lave to be substituted for chicken at tnc num.an celebrations. The creek at th is place is very low, and doe* nof contain fish andlccls enough for our own use; fish cranes from olli r sections will take the bint, and if you do ome plca*e bring worms along for bait, for they are scarce here The oldest inhabitant—Bernard Wag ner, i* in his 9llh year nf.d enjoys good br-tltb. Some thief or thieve# visited Mr. James Carson's meat house arid took therefrom -i piece* of meat, suspicious looking persons arc lurking in the woods near by the prom ises. "Uncle John" if you ever take a notion to come down to sec me. I would advise you U> prepare yourself to be run over by horned cattle and candidate*, which in fest our public highways, the former are left run by their owners regardless of the golden rule, ;! latter are traveling around merely for the ia!:o of jdea-ing "their numerous friends," that's all. UNCLR ELICK. - ♦ ♦ • L RAN I) J UIIORS. August Term. 1 Bellefonle - Go' Brian, R C'urtin, I) W W oodring. Ferguson—Daniel Krebs. Wtwicer—lVm Pennington. Banner—B F Hun'cr. Chr Dale U Sto- < ver. | l'cnn —J W .Hnook, Jacob Saunders. Miles—R D Bierly. Harris—P Shreck A Dale. . Liberty—J K Clark. ( Worth—B S Miles. Huston—J ' Fupate. Potter—Josiah NefT. Hoggs—John Poorman, Jr. Curtin—lVm Mann. Slilesburg—Joseph Shirk, John E Thomas. 1 Tay Jo* —iuooiu < Bu-h—(J*o t) Siiiiiler. ""verse Jurors. Patton—A Sellers, G FotPgiovc. T Hnrtsock, Wm Stine. Harris—S Tshley, Jn? Jack. Miles—S It Fousti Aaron Sniull, S S Spangler, Jotiri Shaffey. I Liberty—(J Johnson, I) B Kunes. Walker-Joel Utiubje, P Wultur, JII . lalhei't, Halipi^on—John Wilson. J W Gray. ' Bonner—J H Wbitincr, G HasH"— * merman, J A W hitch ill, l- tl Uanpt. Penn—Aaron Dutwcilcr. Haines—T Yenrick. l'otter—Fred Kurtz, IVm Spangler, J I) Li"glc. i Bellofonte— W B Twilniiro, A Loeb, 'M m Harper, 1' B Wilson, J Curtin. Huston—H llartsock, KC Henderson. Soring—3 Tibbins. Ferguson—H Snyder, J Krenmer J W Crumreine. Howard—M PHoiter, J B Leathers. Snow-i.e—James Gates, D Wolf, J G Uzzle. Worth— 3 Giceeiiib. W H Williams. G egg—M H Guise, Wm Neese. Paiiip?burg—D Funk. COMMUNICATIONS. (JJV n ■ r>-poMniWr for fAr opiniowa] > I-I -- i in noaiNNnirefioNS. (bamaai' i-ntinNi rvixoiimolding person* .for offfv t ' bt j ntii j\n\ ) .( OLKAN HANDS Mis. KPITURS There are quite a mini t , her ot geutioni n oG'eriug ihemselve* for oftU'r Ido not object |o that, and find j am .'SLUM many good ami worthy d.-m- , oer:;w!i> have clean hand*, and never fi. s i.ve.l the party. Rut I think they | should t- carefully ifttd and - open went into the j lioachciv u Modoc movement, not inure! | than 12 month* ago, to do font Mackey, Wailnce, \\ oli oid the balance of tho , regularly muuinal'd democratic county i ticket 1 ask the n, 1* it safe to ( u minute such, and will the honest doiuo I , eracy vote tor them if such should incau li, u-ly be plated upon the ticket 7 I fear j there wouid be trviuhle, and hence let u> ( have men ilh clean hand*. Their course in the Modoc movement absolve* any \ deiuuernt fr.'m any obligaliuu to Vt>ie foi ; iheui. 11 ALI MOON, I a For the Reporter. MR K.IUToIt : 111 tin- peek we huv read the couiiuupieutiuii of n Ifouun rat, and Yi rita*. in ytuir paper -ami the) 1 have given gtni.l ad\ itx' to the deiuocrata 1 in ehooning delegate* and making nom inationn which ahould lm uttendeil to, , ami acted upon, but I think they aliouhl have sanl something morw particularly w hat kind of men should bo nominated for the several ottiee* to i>e elected at tile NoveiulH-r eleetion." I'erhapa they w ill yet. A paper priiiterl on the other side i of then lountatn *ays there are wrrntv . two candidate* running for office in the county at this time, to till seven county onieea; we must hare a gixul many hungry office aeekera in our jxtr tv if this is true —who wants to live on the fat and fryings of office, w ho if they have common sense must know tliat nine out of every ten must bedisappoint e>l. Now let us see on the principle of mutual return—from which ante should the Mierul be nominated. The three last ."sheriffs were citiacnsand reaided on the north aide of the county—Sheriff* Kline, Wood ring and Shafer, all sheriffs -who have in sncceaaion tilhxi the Sheriff s office for nine yearwami w ho were elected by the democratic town shipaof the aouth side—therefore upon every principle of right ami fair plavi— the south side is entitled to have the; nomination of one of her democratic cit izen- as the candidate for Sheriff', as we have democrats us deserving and us w ell qualified to perform the duties of the office as ran be found iu any other sec tion of the county. If I had time 1 would like to say some thing about the election of Prutuonota*; rv. Register and clerk of the Orphin'i t'ourt, and Recorvler, but from what I learn from one that knows, —creating the separate office* of Recorder from 1 Register in Centre county, is a decep-j 1 tivui. The Register otliie gather* all the cream, while the Reeortler ha* all the' labor and is )>aid in poor skim milky and not sufficient of that—to keep skin and bone* together—and the act e*tali lishing the Recorder office should be repealed. I see there is a great anxiety . to get hold of the money bags of the , county, ami hosts are seeking to lie coun ty Treasurer. It is an important office, to the tax pavers of the county, we bavnj 1 i>eon favored of late years with respon-j 1 sible, honest and capable men—meuji w ho practiced industry, care and eoino-' i mv in their ihiily pursuits—and wlio', followed the same system in their offi cial trust of the county funds. But it ' would never do to nominate a candidate ' for Treasurer who may have proven • himself incapable of managing bis own 1 private affairs, and ends in insolvency, , and too proud to work turns office seek- , or, and asks the people to elect him county treasurer, und trust their money to his safe keeping. Would not this be! asking too much? I have made this longer than 1 intended when 1 began . ; but you know that thi* is a new business ;to tne. A r.iBHLKur PENS. } ATTKM t-TKD TRAIN ROBBERY Two Men 1! ard the L >coiuotive atiJ Kill the Engineer. Tcrre Haute, lnd , July 9.—Long Point, , s station on tha Yanilalia Railroad, three miles wast of Ca-oy. Illinois, is a place , whera al! train* on that read usually stop for water. I: it a lonosotno place, situated , in the wuods, with no one living within a < mile and a half of it. I: ha* long been con- i sidered by railroad men at a dangerous ( place. .Several limes lately tbo enginirers \ hava seen suspicion* person* lurking nbout there at night, and have run by t without stopping for wator. La*i night at i midnigbi, a* train No. 5, the last bound,' Conduct >r Frab-y and Engineer Mile* i Ames, came up to Long Point for water, | Two Meu Hoarded the Locomotive, one from each side, and said to the engin- j •e"Pull out" Tho engineer was at ] fir-t soniewhiit bewildered, when they said again, "pull out," when he, seeming to! comprehend the situation, said, "all right, , I'll pull out" The men then said, "we will run tholliing our.elvcs," and at that both the robbeis fired. One of tho shot* killed the enginoor instantly, and the other lexlged in the :ib. The fireman who was on the tank taking in water, immediately jumped and ran to the rear of the train toff notify the train men. Having heard the < conversation, and comprehending the situ ation during these proceeding* at tho on-|f gine, a confederate had detached tho r Adams Kxpresscar and they then, pulling J the engine w ide open, ran her about two 1 in ile* >ai and .-topped, blowing off brake* j 1 to deceive the Express Messenger. j J They then came to the di>or of the car', and said : "Lot mo In, Jack." He replied j to them "You damned rascals, I'm ready , for you. If you ever come in here you . are dead men." Tho robbers then com- j mcnced firing into the car. Tho Messon- t ger (Burke) said it seemed to him there j were n dozen of them, as tho shots seemed g to corno from all directions. The conductor and trainman after the L shots were fired saw tho situation of affair- ■ and at once pursued them. They could, only find one revolver on the train, but found two soldier- oil the train who were ' armed with carbines, with these weapons r the train men and two soldiers started in c pursuit of the train and the robbers, but f when they came up to tho train all was " quiet, the rubbers having fled. They found ' the engineer in tho bottom of his cab cold " and stiff. There chanced to be a freight •' engineer, Jack Vandergrift, on the train 1 and he, with the fireman, immediately ran ' the engine back to the train and brought it in. The robbers failed to gain any en- s tranc,- into the cxpre-* car, it being <1 one of tho close kind, having no windows p and very strong every way. Had they do- a inched the American Express car alto, J which was immediately In the rear of the t Adam*, they would Undoubtedly havo nc / eomplished their object, a. it was an open „ car. having windows, the doors not being very strong. They found the hammer by which the coupling pin WM kpcehcq out, „ and which ; •as * clueto r the discover!? cfi tl.q perpetrators ol thi* . outrage, • ' ' -- m ♦ e FUNERAL DP CHIEF .K'ATICE K WGODWAfeii ti Y> iikesbarro, Pa. Jyly Iff.—Tho funeral k f Chief .lustico Woodward took place a this afternoon. Services vyore tanffucted U by Rev. 11 R. Joutis and B;shop Steven- ij of the Episcopal Church. The Un? of the b county attended in n body and there tvur a number of *2Js*—-•• • * . ... M utsned person* fr boon defeated beyond lot I'm bin Don Carlo* Im- taken chil i' iMffliimii l of the Northern arm*. V general advance I*:*- heen decided upon, Hon Carlo* li.i* been procliiintod l."fd of llUcuy. The repi itot | Dorregaray'* defeat ent out from MJ rid i* flo. Several Alloiuint ofllrrl* I|V j lately Joined our fori •*. An importnUi j city and fortress of Molitu de Itov, nine j mile* from Barcelona, laa uriiitdered to[ the CarlUU w itit the garrUon, cannon and munition* of war, s .vcti tupeiior olßrm | were utade pri uer* by tin* capitulation. 1 Madrid, Jolt lt An otll. tal deoatch , to the Uovernumnt give* the following de-j tail* of military operation* : Tho lighting en \\ ednmday, near Nait-j late*, initio Prov luce ol Alalia, Baled live hour*. The Crli*u were under Perul* >nd Don Carlo* They numbered eighteen battalion* of Infantry, twelve gun*, and 14."a) cavalry. Their lo* was 140 killed, many wounded, and a number taken pri oner* The Alfolilt (ietieral Contrrra* twice brilliantly charged the Navarre*e. with a body of eighty lancer*, towing death in their rank* and creating a panic. THE BLACK HILLS Washington, July 0 -Walter P. Janj ney. goologul of the Black Hill* Expedi tion, in a letter to the Commissioner of In-' dian Atfairt, dated June 22, *ay: While examining the gravel deposit* at the north bend of Castle Creek he found gold in small quantities in bars or terrace*; of alluvial quarts gravel resting on a bed: of rock about teu feet above the present j level of the stream. The area of ihce bars, was limited. The gold which they con , lained bad evidently been furnished by= the quartz veins traversing the slate*ai-wg the stream. There was considerable ex citement among the soldiers aud teamsters about gold on the arrival of the expedition; on Trench Creek, but as uo one obtained, even by several hour's labor, more than a few cents' worth of gold dust, none of the command was afterward teen working for' |the precious metal. About fifteen miners ! have located claims on the creek. The re |Kirt* thoy give of the richness of the grav el bars are greatly exaggerated. Mr. Jannay's prospecting how, a gener al diffusion of small quantities of gold over a large area, lie bad sunk a shaft of fif teen feet to the bed rock near the stockade I and obtained only a trace of gold. N oth ing had a* yet been discovered to warrant extensive mining operations. He intend-' led examining the country to the north of i'llarcoy's Teak. Mr. Janney send* with Ihis letter small grains of specimen gold. ♦ A TERKIBLE STwKM Panama, July 10 —The WotCoat Mail, of Juno 'JO, sys, that during a terrible storm in the harbor of Valparaiso, at least ; 40 boy* belonging to the training ship were 'drownod, between twenty and thirty sail- !or*, and from ten to fifteen boatmen, ex clusive of eight persons who went down in the unfortunate Kger. No correct e*li mateofthr loss of property ha* been ar rived at, but what with the stranding of vessels, sinking of hulks, damage to ves sels, destruction of lighter* and boat-, the last two probably exceeding one hundred in number, the destruction of baths and other property, the amount will be very heavy. UTAH The Mountain Mead w MfifiMcrc. Beaver, July 12 -The trial of Jobu D. Leo for connection with the Mountain Meadow Ma.-cro of 1857 in Southern Utah, at which time Ito emigrant#, men. .omon children from Arkansas atd Missouri were murdered, will probably j come up on the loth init- There are a great many witnetsea in town, twenty of, whom addressed a communication to Mnr-bal Maxwell, arking luear- of sub sistence, and on examination in Chamber* that thoy might return to their hutuo* to attend to their crops, lien. Maxwell an swered, that mileage and fee* were all be wou'd pay, aud the District Attorney would lake Li* own course in taking testi mony. It is believed and hoped that this lerribio crime, which has been charged to the Mormon people tor the past eighteen years, will bedisproven, or that the guilty parties will be brought to justice. The President i* at Long Branch attend ing the races. Wo suppo-e that's what his salary was doubled for. A BGPPLEM i:N T To ait act, approved the first day Mat one thousand eight hundred and se venty-three, entitled "An Act to amend and consolidate the several acts relating togame and game fish." SECTION 1. Be it enacted, Ac., That tii" first section of said act be amend ed so as to read as follows, namely:! That uo person shall kill or pursue, in any part of this slate, any elk, or wild deer, save only from the first day of September to the first day of Decem ber in any year. No person shall have in his or her possession, or offer for sale, or transport, any elk, or wild deer, or fresh venison, save ouly from the first day of September to the first day of December, in any year. No) person shall, at any time, kill any' fawn when in its spotted coat, or have the fresh skin of uch fawn in his or her possession. No person shall pur-) sue any elk or wild deer with dogs, in any part of this state, or shall kill, in the water, any such elk, or wiid deer, or fawn, which has been driven there to bv dogs. No person shall, in any part of this state, set any trap, or anv other device, at any artificial sait lick.i or other place, for the purpose of trap ping nny elk, deer, or fawn, and catch r kill the same, except for coiisump- , tion in his or her family ; any person , offending against any of the provisions ) of this sect on, shall he deemed guilty!, of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable ( to a penalty of fifty dollars for cacbj elk, wild deer, or fawn, xo killed, pur 1 sued or trapped, or fresh elk, wild ' deer, or fawn skin bad 'u bis or her I possession, and may be prw—' * against iu anv , -~ ueU • . --"only of the state ...ein he may be urrested, having the same in his or Iter possession: Provided however, That any person may sell, or have in his or her posses sion, the elk or wild deer aforesaid I 'dweeb the brat day of December in any year andtbe first day of Februa ry next following, without liability to i the penalty herein imputed; Pro rid 1 td, He ".halt prove that such game, il killed in this state, was killed within ' the time allowed by this act, or was ■ killed outtideof the limits of this state an 1 at some place where the law did uot prohibit such killing. Dogs pur suing oik, or wild deer, or fawns, tout be killed by any person ; and any con- | stable, or other town official, may kill i any dog that habitually pursues elk, 1 wild deer or fawns, and the owner ol J such dog shall be liable to a nauaity'. of tel. tiolL.-i i.or each oik, wild deer i or fawns, It'tiled by such dog; Provid- 1 ed, That ihis act be so con*tru ed as uot to change or alter the act to which it ha supplement, nor to! change or a)tor any supplement there to, except only as to the time during! which it shall be lawful tokiHorpvir sue any elk, or wild deer, in any way. part of this slate. APPROVED— The #lßth day ol Mtrch, A D. 1875. J. F HABIRANFT. PKNN II \LL ACADEMY. The next term will Login on Monday. July 26. 1875 Tuition and boarding si reaionablo raie-. Tor particulars stpply to IU \ D M WOLF, A M . J. M KVANH.A. 11, July It :it, IVtiii Hall, IVhtrs ( l', "VTOTICK Having bought the follow n| |ng pro| erty Ht < •oi.isi-i.' *■*!*• (' m !oua y. rbv, nauu'lv one cow, two slioat* | •no cook stove, iliri's bedstead* and bad- , 1 ding, I • he*t. one-half doacn chair*, three i tot.*, uiiw UK :.t V. ol and n lot of -arpen , lor', tools. All per*ons are cautioned noi !.< mod die Willi the *aiiii* an I Intend to , 11-avo 1.10111 ill his SlllX 'ti'Hl si mv J.lna*- ' Inro. A A HON I.UKKN HAITI , (1A I't lN My wfr*. Catherine Lin I j glo, having Islk iny hod and board t j without Just cause, all persons are herein , i> authored agmiist truatlng hoi with nti) tiing on my account, a* I wi I pay no debt.- 1 ! contracted hv her DAVID LI SULK, jl.'. juH i lJH*rg- \ alley. N'OTICE N> licet* hereby given dial Die following limited person ha* tl., !< d hur |ietition and will nmle i>plieation ! for liv'snse *1 Aug Ses* lie'' j Klixaboth Kunos Liberty ..Tsvsrn , Trpaaurt-r. \\ V tvre nulliorued to Mllliounce that Ad EIII \ earick, of Matiojj will ho N can-, dilate for Treasurer, subject to the usages lof the democratic party, j Wo are authorised to announce that J. H. Bamhart, of Kprln*. will be H t-andi jdelo for Treasurer. *uhjoct to the u*ages( ot thedeuuK'rutic mirty. U e are authorised to announce that D. j j K Uuisc, of Poller, will ho u ratldidate| rtrTreasurer, subject to the usages of the: democratic party. \V e are authorised to announce that D A Muster, of Penn, will ho a candidate! , for Treasurer, subject to the usages of the . dciuoCratio party. Wo are authorised to announce that! Win Khrhard, of Potter, will be a candi*. j date for Treasurer, subject t<> tho u-agei of the democratic party. siHTitr. We uro autborised to announce that Levi A. Munson, of Philip*burg, will he a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the usage* 'of itie democratic party. We are authorised to aiiiiounce that; George lloff.-r of Poller, will he a candi-' date for Sheriff, subject to the usage* of the, , democratic party. We are authorised to snnounce that John Spangler. ol Potter, will be s candi-' date lor Sheriff, subject to tho UMgc* of thqdemocratic party. We are authorised i> announce that J, lienry Keller, of Harris, will bo a candidate for Sbcriff, subject to the usage* i of the democratic party. Wear* authorised to announce that Jon nib. Kreamer, of Millbcim, will be A CBll divlatn for Sheriff, ,übject to the usages of t ho democratic party. Kegister. We are suthorie. d to announce that Satu'l J. Herring, of Ciregg, wili be a can didale for Register, subject to the usages j of the democratic party- PrulhonuLtry. We are authorised tOaniKunce that U. W Kumherger. ol Palton, will be a can didate for Prothonotary, subject to the . usaees of the deiiivH-ralic party. We are authorized to announce that K. vs. Brett, of Ferguson, will bo a candidate f. r I'rothonotary, subject to the usage* of it he democratic party. V\ e are eolbofi< U to announce that John H. Beif-nyiisr, of Penu, will be a candidate for Proth.-notary, subject to the fu**geT ol the democratic party. We are authorized to announce that A ron William- ol Belief >nle, will be a can didate for Prothonoury subject to the usages of the democratic party. Km-onfer We are authorised to announce that J 11. Philips, of P-'itor. will be a candidate i for Recorder, Subject to the usage- of the democratic party. \\'e are authorised to announce that John S. Proudf -ol,of Milcsburg will be a candidate for Becorder, subject to the uage* of the democratic party. \t e are aotlioriaeU to amounce that h 11 Kramer, of Lenient, Hurri* l*rp, will ' e a candidate for Recorder, subject to the uage* of tbe d mocratic parly We are authorised to announce that Henry Beck, of Spring tarp, will be a can didate for Recorder, lublcl the utsget of the democratic party. Hecanba cosult ,d both in Kngit*h -nu tiermwn. CouimlNbiunpr. We are authorized t> announce that • ie*> Swb, of Harri*. wdi be a candidate tor Commissioner, übject to the utago* of the democratic parly. We are authorized to announce that Joseph t'rotxer, of Potter, will be a candi date fur Commlxkiorier. subject to the uxa- Igce of tho Democrat'C party. We are authorized to announce that H A. Mingle, of Haine*, will be a candidate fur Como'ixMoner, subject to the usage* of The democratic parly. _ We ore authorised to announce that J , N <•* 11 ti Hall, of Howard, will be a candi* Jala for C'otumUsioner, subject to ;iia u,a ge* of the democratic party. , A ft UNTS, SHIRTING, TWEEDS, JEANS, COTTON A DES, FINE CAS?|M ERS, EMRORDEKIES, GI/OVEB, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, ) SKIRTS. RIBBONS. I ami fancy articles belonging to the | Grocery department Sugar#, Coffees, Syrup. N. Orleans Mollaascs, Domes- { lie and Foreign Fruits, Fish.Salt, eve rything usually found it) this depart ment. I QL' EE NSW A RE, tvhole sets ordi*h e* or by tho piece, I 1 DRUFT" - I *siil PATENT REDI CT .\ EN. WOOD and WILLOWWARE. ' HARDWARE, FORKS, RAKKS, SHOVELS, HOES. ** AI Ls. .to . GKNTS' CALF BOOTS. • LADIES' BUTTON OAITOKS ds Mo- . KOCOO, CIIILDKENS' SHOES of all kind*. loBACCO A; CIGARS, all at greatly I reduced prioe*. Call mid fee fir yoursol- ' vo*. No charge for showing good*. HIGHEST PRICES PA IH for nil kind* of Grain, and country /Voduw taken in ex- ' change far tjaode. jiinei-4m. BROCKERHOFF HOUSET BKLLKFOVTK. PA. E. PERKS & SON, Prop'rs. t This well known hotel, situate in the business portion of the town, ha* been thoroughly renovated, ropainted and fur ni-hed new. U will ha thuaipi ox the pro- ' printou to i uko 1; r, 'ple'iiijiut Hotue for I tho.o w'.ion.iiy (h,or thenv with their pat ronugf A irviO carriage is run to tho de- | pot. aud Di hrst stablux in town nreooi*- nected a jth tho Itouse. ** \Y. A. CURRY, BU&l A EENTHE |IAI*L,I'A. Would nnott respsctfully inform the clt enj of this vicinity, that he has started a r.etv Boot and Shoo Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public natron age. Boots and Shoes made to oruer and according to style, and warrant* his work jto equal un.v made elsewhere. All kinds of repairing done, and charges reasonable.' Qiv? him n call. feb 18 ly DEATHS. On June IMtli, near Madisonburg, Cath arine, wil of Jacob Heinle, ugetl TJyuars, t month* hd Jit day. On .10 June, at Centra Hall, aftvi a tin. " Bering illness of soma three years, Mr, " John Miller, aged iii V< r and tt months * rivo d <-<* etl was formerly of Spring Mdl J" and a lespoclsd citizen, " On lha J6tb ult . Mr. Kamuel Royer <>l " Brush Valley, on the way to Ids homo fell <>ver, and a few moaienU alter he wa* w found by Ills friend", expired. Aged 7'£ " Venri, ft months and J6 dav tin the 4th Inst., Mr Michael Ksler '• si tbe residence of his son in-lsw. Mr P. ~ Yea rick, near Madisonburg. Aged t> ( r t ears A month* and Id days A On 2o uit, IN'r KUVV HHI. 111. Mrs Pol-jl ly Flisher. wilVi of Peter Flither, dee d * formerly of Potter twp Aged "0 years, " mouths and 7 days t !• For the Reporter. Obituary Mr John M Miller died at Centre flail.! Pa., June 80, 1*76. alter a protracted ill neaa of four years. Mr. Mir<- 1 , wliitc' w Heat extra $6 U6nx6 m>, extra Ohio S5 52j ■ ll Tallow 8 Barot 10......1iaiu 15 Lard per pound R cents.... „.... Buck wheat A'' eta ~Fiur per barrel retail7.otl... j Nova Kcoii* plaster sl4 ti 15. Cayuga] platter fa.fto per JOUO lbs. •4? l^sytr 1 ! Poultry Powd*. ' l|k Warrxsled.tr aset ta Utr.*. ■WXJHNPKIECARSCHICXAACXESSRAAAT i KOr^SStef *'* m ordiaory aweattoo sortsaa rjF. I\ Jp* Uaw as* froasr wita a baavifet sspt--r of ttm iiliaaflasiii* Km 11 u niml ar ii i rn*t KSRPRUSLIRRLSSAETBMAEARAIEOUNIRAAR ITECXXOF S-.s.vnslMa I -. £ta&4 fiaasar*. raigiZcb. • sf.*IlJX A.x I,,ar Csa.>. Mat ttm spot r caciwf RRU*- ASoa*.. At KIT KB • CO. BaiUavor* /1 VM MIN G a HuUb U v. AJ BcUsfoate. PA. ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. The Cumming* House, on Bithop street, ,is one of the plaaxanimt tocslad hotel* in: tho town It ha* tho best t abid in the place, baa an excellent livery attach>d and. every altentian wiil be paid guests. No pain* will be spared to make it a pleasant and acres-able slopping place for the pub i lie. Boarding by the day or week, and rate* charged will always be found very low. l une U. j Spring; Goods, At Potter's Mills. I. I). M'OTIRE. Dealer in Domestic Dry Goods. Ladle's Dress Goods of every description, embracing all the New Style# in the market. Also, NOT/OSS, j LAC KM, HOS* IERY. O LOVES, CLO THIS (i. ( A SIM ER ES, (ARRETS OILCLOTHS, ROOTS, SHOES, a R()( ERIE V J- PRO VISIOSS, jot every description, alt of which wiil be] sold at very low rales for CASH or its! equivalent. Don't torgot the place. comei| and see us anyhow. If you don't buy. No trouble to show good*. Country Produce Taken in Exchange j for Good*. Gmay fim. Head quartern for Boots and Shoes ! P O W E It S' BOOT AND SHOE. STORE., Opposite Bush House, BKLLBFONTE, PA. Powers' Boot & Shoe Storo is tho largest! -I and best stocked establishment in Centre County. He keeps constantly on hand a full lino of R TN AID S II O E H. II" is just opening tbo largest stock of Spring Good*ever brought t" Bellefoi.te, 3 5-11) S3 j for ladies, kept co-- * , . Boot* * . .-antly on hand. ...iu Shoes for men and women, of lall style*, quality and price*, from the most costly to the cheipet, constantly . kept on hand. !l WE DEFY COMPETITION! either in quality or prices, Call arid •-xamine his new stuck of Spring and Summer Good#, and you will find it lo your advantage. Apr'illy 1 kings FORDS; ON W E(i P IRE —AND— Silver ("loss Starch, For tho Laundry. i MAtH'rACTI'KKD BV J T. KINGSFORD &. SON, The Best Xtarch In the World. Gives a Beautiful Finish to the Linen, and the difference in cost between it and ' common starch is scarcely half a cent for an ordinary washing. Ask your grocer for it. . NINGSFOHD'S Oswbk© XJlpw UtupiJu FOR PUDDINGS, BLANC M * "OP' , ICE CRKAW &C -xs* ; original—Established in 1848. And 1 preserves its reputation ns Purer, Stronger and More Delicate than any other article ft* the kind offered, cither of tho same uuoie or with other titles. < STEVEKSON MACADAM, Ph. D., dec . tbe highest choniical authority of Europe. ' carefully analyzed tbis Corn Starch, and says it is a most excollent article or diet and in chemical and feeding properties is I fully equal to the best arrow root. ( Direction? for making Pudding#, Oust , urds, Ac., accompany rack one pound package. W>V Salt at WM, H-OZF£ Centre Bw, \f ILLINF.RY GOODS. ' Mr*. If. E. II• ENTIRE, Potter'* Mill*, hasJu*t returned from Philadelphia, and ia now ready to accommodate her cu*to. mors with Inn I alert styles of Btraw, Hllk wtixl fancy llats, Bonnet*, Ac, Velvets, Flower*, Ciapee, Hilk Good*, Feather*, Blonde*, llibhona Ruche*. Braids, Orna iiienls, Ac In short, a full liuv of all il>e latest style* of Millencry fiofx!#, which will be kiild at the lowe*t price*. Call and j >ee the (iood*, gwllalv *nd Bonnet* rclrlmmed in the ateal tyla.*W| ftmaySmj KU SIuRK. NhU GOODS AND Panic Prices. 11. A. I.Alt RIMER. •I the old ('voire 11 ill tland. Jul opcsrifig a Block of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! A large vlriety of Ladies Dress Goods Gnat Bargain* in Muslin* sod Calicoes. Keady-riiade Clolbinw VVarrsntcd lo Suit. lit* Cloths and tWnlmera, Cent be excelled His Grocery Department, A ti.nii.in-. every one in aaaoriutoui and low , price#. .Syrup, Sugar. Tea C'off.. Canned frail*. Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Choose, and every other article belong ing to tbe Grocery Depart west Farmers, MechaDiu* and lovborer* look to your Interest One dollar *aved is a dollar In j>ockct. Then call sod ae# at what a.tontsbingiy low pricM. ~4t~No trouble to show (*oftd*. Alto the choicest F4UU.Y FLOUS al "rajrt 05 hand. Apr. Ift, y, Miller & .Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PUBE DRUGS 4-VD AtEDICJXES, DUKMIC'ALS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, PEKKtJMEttY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac., Ac., Au, ll RE M |> E AND 1.14|1 OHM, for .medicinal purpose*. Trusses SKAT iho public generally are invited to call and ro the fine assortment of FURNI TURb to be found at the above establish ment, all ol our own Manufacture. Undertaking in all its branches, Collins, Caskets and Shrouds. Having purchased an olegant Hearse, I will attend all orders of undertaking 1 may receive from Pennsvalley, Centre Co Pa JOHN CAMP. Jan 28 tf. JOHnf F. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law Collections promptly made and I special attention given to those having I lands or property for sale. Will draw up I and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, Ac. Office in the diamond, north side o era! fawn*, flpllrftmr?. cviarWH Pumps Of All Kinds | Steam & Rotary Pom s Deep Well Pumps, STff\ It Cistern Pumps, a Anti-Frezinp Pumps, a° 000 0 M J}*"*** rrrrrr n jnw tint r —r ,ja| market, by popular verdict, the BSi best pump for tbe*least money. : • *R?? Attention m invited to Blateb ley'# I i Wi LPWIS* Bracket, the D*o •- ■* > Valve, which can he whb i * 'texr d ™ wn without disturbing the joints, and the copper chamber .... nev .?f cr *cha, scales orxuata and will last a life time For sale by Daalaot and the trade generally. In order unit sure that you get Blatch ley's'Pumy, be - careful and see that it baa my tradeftpa-k ■ as above If you do not know wberw to buy, descriptive circulars, together with . tne name and address of the agent nearest you, will be promptly furnished by 4- . dressing, with stamp. CHAB O. BLATCXLXT. XuifUtrrn I 506 Coinmerce SL, Philadelphia, £*, | it marvm. HMUK