P f^ ENTKE ii EpoRTKK '!!! ■ ■■ ft Mi tor. o 0 b Centre Hall, Pa., July 15, 1875. * 7RRMS.—}* ptr year, in iufwuff, 2, o token net paid % il Advcrtittmenit "AV nrr hnr for thrr* in- (> trriitm*, end for 6 and 13 manf A* Ay V ml eamtrect. t; it The Plymouth church congregation „ has raised Mr. Beecher'* salary from , $30,000 fo SIOO,OOO. That's pretty tat. , and besides it is understood he dare kiss f all the female members of his flock „ The commission of nine members up* pointoii to proiwtv the draft of a new Constitution for Uic Kingdom of S|vaiti . have concluded thair labor*. The draft opens with a declaration of indivhlnal and religions liberty. The Legislature is to consist of a Senate and Chamber of Deputies comi>oscd as in other liberal j monarchical Sufrs. The magistiaey is to be irremovable. It is believvsi the Constitution will bo adopted without modification. 1 The Indiana county delegates to the ' democratic state invention have been * instructed to support Wm. Rigler for ' governor. The railroad war between the Haiti- 1 more and Ohio and the Renn'a railroad ! has ceased, and rates for passenger* and freight have advanced again. A recent 1 despatch from Baltimore says: 111 con formity witli ilm? Ag"*uu'iit between the Pennsylvania and Baltimore and Ohio roads, the car* of the latter will lo nui between Washington auci New York, and the sales of through tickets and checking of baggage fully resumed. The rates of fare to the Wwt from Baltimore are advanced as follow*: To Chicago, from $lO to 118.50; to Cincinnati, from $lO to 12JJ5; to St. Louis, froui f INtc 81*. and on a similar lasi* to other points. • Thirty-one young ladies in Warsaw, Kentucky, have signed the following pledge: "We, the undersigned, ladies of War saw, desiring by our example to promote economy and so discouuteuance extrav agance, and thereby lighten in some measure the burdeus of our hu>tud and father* by prudent retrenchment in our household expenses, therefore pledge our words of honor one to the other, that we will not during the period of one year from May Ist, 1875, purchase any material for wearing apparel the cost of which shall exceed twenty-five cents per yard ; and shall further pvouiige to ob serve a strict economy in all our house hold purtenauceft, and cheerfully aid by those delicate sacrifices to the general stock of home comforts—too often dia- jicasod with for the frivolous outside adornment of the body alone." How many Penns Valley ladies will take this pledge ? ■•♦ ♦ ' ■ The Comptroller of the Currency re ports the amount of additional circula tion issued in June at $1.015,520. Legal tender notes deposited with the Treas urer to redeem circulation in the same period is $3,099,626. Additional circula tion issued since the passage of the act of June 20, 1874, $11,001,892. Amount of circulation destroyed and retired in the same time, $9,627,066, showing an act ual increase of the tiank circulation in the year of f1.978,826. The amount of legal tender notes deposited for the pur pose of retiring the circulation since the passage of the same act June 20, 1874), is $25,523,057, and the amount deposited by banks in liquidation previous to that date is $3,813,675, making a total of $20,- 336.732. Deducting from this amount $9,627,066 (the amount of circulation permanently retired) will leave $19,709,- 606 of legal tender notes on deposit for the purpose of retiring circulation on July 1. L. W. Herrington. publisher of an ob scene newspaper called the Ranger at Williams port was sentenced on Monday to undergo an imprisonment in the pen itentiary for three years and pay a fine of SSOO. Herrington has already been in confinement at Williamsport for a long time. At the same time Ephraim Decker, of Tioga county, passing coun terfeit money, was sentenced to pay a fine of SSOO and undergo an imprison ment of one year in the western peni tentiary ; and L. B. Sands, of Tioga coun ty, passing counterfeit money, was sen tenced to pay a fine ofsl,ooo and tinder go an imprisonment of two years in the western penitentiary. It is stated that a million dollar*' worth of judgments have been entered on record in Hchnvlkill county as a re sult of the recent coal strike. The min ers now begin to realise a little of the misery which six months of idleness have inflicted upon themselves and oth ers. There is no hope of getting much money before the end of July, when the money will begin to come in to pay old debts. Mississippi, one of the carpet bag cursed states, which had been weighed down by the hand that wielded the knout from Washington, and whose agents filled the offices in that common wealth and plundered it until it was brought to the verge of bankruptcy, has at length a ray of hope for something better. A writer picture- the last de cade and fntnre as follows: This State has been under the rale of Radicals for the past ten years. Up to the beginning of the present year the tendency of affairs had been downward in every point of view. The State debt has been run from a few- hundred thou sand dollars Car up into the millions. When the negroes first began to vote they were marched to the polls. They voted in battalions, their votes being handed them by party leaders within one foot of the ballot box. Sambo, how ever, has rfren in the political scale in this State until to-day a negro fills the Governor's chair. Gov. Ames being ab sent, Lieut.-Gov. Davis, colored, is act ing Governor. He is noted as a pardon er. The press of the State is now mak ing it warm for lii on account of his alleged acceptance of as a bribe to pardon before trial a perse* accused of the brutal murder of a widow. The courts are of little effect while Davis is Governor. Last yew* le pardoned about twenty-five penitentiury convicts. Ames is very little better; he cares nothing for the State, save the money he maims out of it. He is hero but little n* his time. Nine-tenths of the crime in the State is committed by negroes. In one coun ty court four murderers were sentenced to be hanged last month, all negroes; in another county eight were sent to the penitentiary for ten years each—seven were colored, one white. At the Febru ary term of the Circuit Court of this county thirteen negroes were sent to the penitentiary, most of them for five years, for Stealing cotton. One of the thieves was an AMermin of thin city. The County Treasurer, a colored divine of tlio Bnplinl persuasion, * also impli cated. Many negroes an' losing contidcnce in the Radical leader* here and are joining the Democratic party. Then' haa leen n large immigration of negroea (Vein other State* in which the Democrat* hav* carried the day. A prominent Radical lie* in jail here to await trial on nineteen indictments again*! him for obtaining money tinder false pretence*. He went to Alalmuui last fall, after the election, represented himself to ne groes as an immigration agent, and sold many poor colored fanylie* out, broke up their home*, and gave them spurious tickets for their money. We have many new and excellent eiliaena among u> from Ohio, who are delighted with our soil, climate, and facilities. The ftiture is brightening for u* The IVnioerats are organising in every coun ty in the State, with a strong hojc of sttccees ; they have carried all the chief city elections this year. The croj* are tiner tlian ever before since the war The acreage of cotton is larger than that of last y ear, ami that of grain is over one hundred per cent, greater. nsn (>r RU ri7t:R< URN TRIM The Reeeher-Tihon *cattdal which has been going on for a "coons age" in Brooklyn, is at an end now, ami some folka who tread nothing else for the last three mouth* but the rubbish that the evidence presented, will now get tiuie to read their Bible, and other matter more profitable than the literature that spraug from this scandal, very little of which, we are glad to say, we retailed through the columns of the Reporter. The jury was out eight tlavs, and were then discharged because they re|*rted it impossible to agree They *tv*>d 0 for Boucher and J for Tilton. Revchcr any* he is satisfied with the result, be- cause hi* accusers got no verdict. 1 illoti *ays he i satisfied l>ecau6e the result i* a moral verdict in hi* favor. The Ply mouth church folks seeut to thiuk more of Beecher than ever, and cheer him a* they wouhl a great hero. Well, if they have such a taste, all right. Various other on dits. reported from iie seat of the scandal we copy a* fol lows : In regard to the Tilton-Beecher trial, Mr. lVarsall, of the counsel for Tilton, said he could give no information 111 re gard to further movements in the case, and returned the same answer to a -i*'- cifie inquiry as to the truth of the rvport that an attempt would l>e made by Mr. Tilton to have General Tracy indicted for perjury. Mr. Shearman said he le --lieved there was no foundation for the report that measures would be taken for the arrest of Moulton in connection with i Ihe Leoder-Price affidavits. Mr. Beach stays the disagreement is as good as a verdict for six cents, which was all that was ever aimed at, inasmuch as it shows Tilton has relieved himself of the calumny and aspersion that found early vent in Plymouth Church circles, in investigating committees aud in the Bacon letters. Mr. Beechc-r looks upon the result of the trial as giving him all the vindica tion it was in the power of the Court to give. For his chief vindication he looks to the future. "I am," said ho, "good for twenty years work yet and before that is doue, malice w ill have spent it self, ignorance will have become inform ed and misconceptions of character will be corrected." Being asked what he thought of the malignity displayed by some of his ministerial brethren, Beech er made many excuses for their conduct, but added; "If I strike back, I shall never strike but once; I don't want to quarrel and I shan't if 1 can avoid it, but I do not by any means propose to be led like a lamb to the slaughter." Mr. and Mrs. Beeeher were at their home on Columbia Heights this morn ing, i July 3.) As early as eight o'clock they were required to receive congratu lations of vi-itors, and until lunch time there was little intermission of hand shaking and friendly talk. Mr. Tilton has expressed his pleasure to his friends at learning that the jury in their earlier ballots on the trial stood six to six, and says that ho regards this as more significant than the final ver dict. "It is very easy," he said, "to per suade men not to pronounce a judgment that will injure, especially when ver dict can do the opposing party no ma terial good." Rev. Robert Aodley Browu, temper ance nominee for governor has accepted the nomination. Of Iris lettler of accept ance the Morning Patriot says: The Hon. Robert Audley Brown's let ter accepting the nomination of the pro hibitory liqaor republicans for governor, which will be found elsewhere, is a strong declaration of the principles and purposes of the party whom he repre sents. Mr. Brown declares that the re peal of the local option law has caused a feeling of intense indignation. through out the state. He argues that the repeal of the law was a virtual breach of faith with the people. As it provided for an election every third year to renew or re ject its provisions within a year the peo ple of dissatisfied counties could have sn declared at the polls, and their verdict would have afforded light to every legis lators' mind. Under such circumstances he holds that Governor Hartranft com mitted an "outrage," in appending his signature to the bill and making it a law. In referring to the frequent ap peals not to maintain a party on this is sue but to seek prohibition through the republican party he plainly charges that organisation with the responsibility for the repeal of local option. Mr. Brow n says we arc warned that by separate ac tion wc will be responsible for the de struction of the "only party that can save the country," aud asks with biting sarcasm if a party can save the country "which can no longer "save itself." It is evident from the tone of the letter that the prohibition candidate for gov ernor is confident of receiving a large vote. This expectation is of coarse main ly based on the fact that forty-one of the sixty-six counties of the state voted for local option in the spring of lfy 3, and on the deep resentment which has been caused in many of these counties by the repeal. In the republican strongholds of the western and northern [(ortions of the state which gave heavy majorities for local option, the present indications are that Brown and Pennypacker w ill djvide the republican vote with Hart ranft Rawle. In order that the Hartranft may dismiss all hope of compromise or withdrawal on the part of the prohibition brethren, Mr. j Brown concludes his letter of acceptance jnr declaring that his party "will never " ceasff their at the ballot box " while the £use of Gmi humanity " require it. We Cf.tl therefore r/lfi£-r --" fully and hopefully addr£*S ourselves " to the work." At (he Indiana county Democratic rein vention on Monday, the delegates to the Erie convention were unanimously in structed to vote for HOD. Wm. Biglc-r for Kx-tkwrnor Biglrr recently *wto a letter positively declining to bo n can didate for the democratic nomination for governor. Since then, the tlrntwrncy of Indiana county have instruced their delegate* for hint. Mr. Iligler haa tele graphed to the Chairman, a* follow - 1 received your dispatch to-dnv niul shall comply with it* request. My per isotial de-ire*shall not interfeie with my [duty to my party and my State. Wiuiam llu.iicu. The Pittsburg Kvening Telegraph ipine* that "Mr. Itiglef may he the mammon* choice of the (Itomoenttiel invention" for Governor. • ♦ a 111 an aide eddrv** to the voter* of Cheater county, by Joseph Hemphill, K*|., more e\temled notiee of which we will give in another i>-uo. we tlud the following interesting statement* How huveoui State affair* Ih-cii man aged? Let us examine the tax per head of the population, for Mate, County and Municipal purine* in Pennsylvania was, in is.iii, fct; in 1870, fti.ftti; increase, SSJMk Thia enormoua increase may he accounted for partially, though not en tirely, hy the expense-, whiehu war nee c-wanly entail*. 10-t us next consider the "( xja-n-i -of government" account*, which, being made up solely of the salaries and ex pease* of the otheeio connected w it It the executive, judicial and legislative de partment.*. should vary hut little, if any, from year to year. That no charge of uufuiruo** may he uiade, we have taken the second year of the first term of each of the last eight Governor*, and flm! them to he a* fol- lS4li, tinV. >huiik \dcui.i f2lt,ik2 184'.', Gov. Johnson iwhig 237, hV lvcs, th.v. ltsgh r idem.l --o.lt" '•* ltcai.Gov. PolKk** i know - uolhitig) ai7,ytit n 18511,G0v. Packer ,dem. 408,087 to Isf'J, t iov. t'urtui Rep tP'.tnis 18ftS.Gov. Geary Hep S4A.VM v 1*74, Gov. Hartranfr (Rep.) Yi *j It seems, therefore, that within the lat twenty-eight years ttie > of (he government," a* they arc' ealied in" the oltlcial reports, have increased $*7P, 521.41, and 8251,613.74 of that sum wn* added between lsf>S, the second year of Geary's ;uloiiujtnitiou, and 1*74, the H.vod veur of llartranft's. Honest ami economical administration Would not produce such result*. Reck less extravagance and corruption can alone account for so unprcecdeiited an increase of burthen*. Here is something Li; ta* jmyit- to | ijeiid. The last Democratic Governor of Peuu-ylvania was Win. F. Packer. The exm-uses of bis administration fur thi yew 1859 cost the tsxpityen $4if,t97.4" The first Republican Governor was An-1 drew G. Cnrtin, now a Liberal ant! an i honest otticial. His administration cost the Ui|uvtj> for the year 1862,M-K),u2t'.. j sr. The difference can well l>c account ed for by the tact that the war hail win- 1 tneneed and tbg expenses of the Com monwealth increased thereby. But e are now at jwaoe, and certainly the cost of carrying ot the government ought not to be more now thau it was tinder Cnrtin. But it is. Gov. Hurtranft is the last Re publican Governor, and he is asking for are-election on his record. ¥hatsho.s that for the year 1874 his administration coat the taxpayers $!,096,15.1.63, or $547,- 124.75 more than during the first year of the war. Is it any wonder the people experience diiiiculty in jiayiug tln-ir taxes when their receipts are diminish* ing and the expetiM-s (if maintaining their officials in office arc in< re. nig?— Eri< Obatrter. PEACE AND VICTORY.-DIVISION AND DEFEAT. "We uresorry to sec a dispositive oil the part of a few men, sumo of thorn have been wrred welt bv tbe party in the coun ty, to sow discord and dissension tn the ranks of our organisation at the present time. There ureTiut few who are working this way, and we hope their work will fall short ol success." The above precious hope we take Irom one ot our Bellefonte continiporar.es. It is a palpable hit at those resiles* spirits who led off in and sympathised with the traitorous Modoc movement to defeat the democratic party last fall, and strike down our excellentnominees, Mackeyand Wan luce, and endanger the entire t -unty. This base attempt "on the part ol n >* on the con duct of life." The general result of the trial, the Nation think, mutt be regarded as unsatisfactory. Mr. Bcechar has not been convicted, but then he haa not been acquitted, and it warns him and his en thusiastic partisans not to suppose that "their ebullient devotion makes any seri ous impression on tho sober, second thought of the country." A carpet-bagger is on trial for rnsealily in South Carolina. It is ex-treasurer Par ker. Ladd, the missing witness who had attempted to abscond, was arrested, and testified that I'arkcr told him that $150,000 in coupon State bonds had been given to bim, of which his share was $150,000. This was when the final settlement was made by tbe Slate with Financial Agent Kemp ton. Ladd also swore that Parker asked him to have these coupons funded by an agent of Parker. The coupons belonged to the Slate. Wll AT IT COSTS TO KEEP ORANT. t.SnssJ Annual average under Taylor- Fillmore (Whig)- $-14,000 Annua] average under Pierce . (Democrat) 41.000 Annual average under Buchanan (Democrat) 40,675 Annual average under Lincoln (Republican) .52,105 Annual average under Grant, First Turn) (Republican) 101,720 Annual average ynde.r Cirani, Sec ond Term (Republican i 110,289 A CONTRAST. When tho House of Representatives of Pennsylvania had appointed it Committee of Investigation into tho citato Treasury they adjourned for the recess. Jhe func tions of that committee hnvo been frustra ted by the pars latent refusal of the Treat urcr to permit any investigation So stands the matter at thia date. Now for the contrast. The Trettsurt-r of the St itc of Now York of hi* own accord comet for ward and, asking investigation, "I be " lieve, says be, "every account will he " found to be correct end errry dollar pro* " utrtyplaced." These words we eniphit sisie, hinmm * orr.etly this Treasurer Mac key bus not ssU uhi* -stst n Over-due loans to Senator*, mortgages')ol printers, bolp to railroads tottc7 tn< l I 4' solvency he knows very Well are not the iljyestment in which the public money i„ ] properly Hence the refusal. It is now thought to ha necessary to cu,i in all National Bank notes of tho denoml nation of $6 on account ol counterfeits. Tho Comptroller of the Treasury has call ed in all notes of this denomination on four Illinois banks, but as tbe sanies of ctbez hank* cum easily be inserted In Hip spurt-] on* plate-, and ly simply changing the, coat-ot-arm* on the t>nok• they can be adapted to the hanks of other States, it i,-' evident that tho precaution "I* vailing in '' note* of which counterfeit* bavo beon Ui r covered a 111 prove futile. And for tin very -amo ri>i>nn, 11 will executed ruun * terfcit of any other denomination mi!) re v •|uiro nil that issue to be called in, and •- I on to the end of tho chapter, lint In the l meantimeall thi* expense mmt b borne'* by (ha people, who have to pay iuim> j> *), <• U*l,(XX> for tho privilege of enjoying tin- n hank currency. I FURTHER 1" Alt Mi I I. A Its OF IIIK KAKTIIiJt AKKIN.MiI 111 \MK It HA New \i>ik, Jul) 10 A steumcr I. 'in Panama bring* later detail* if the gii-nt erathi(uake in South America Curuta U | in mint, not a tingle h>-u>o remaining. The * killed are calculated at .1,0)11 llotarlo.i, Sun Antollio, C'npat lt i, Gu,ip>< S ,t Ji, j an, lie I'tna, San Cayrtaita, San Crltlobal. f I'ariba, l.obalera, l.agnla nut adjoining , Vlllagit ate in complete ruins. SalaXan | toth 11.1 MtWfljf, ami the adjoining coun-i \ trie# it nearly dovcatatvd, C'hinacola, Cha | po, Pamplona, Cucutilla, Arbolcdut, San- , (■ago, tiallinilu ainl (irauialute have alto 1 < been great sufferers. Tlie ■] Number Of the Dead in CucuU u calculated at three fouriht ut I the entire population. 1 lie few familio -aved urn i>n the outskirts of what wuoltc<- 'I lit* city, but they will toon be obliged to, retire, at the putrefacli u of the dead Mllljt nt allow them to remain It i> heart- i tending to itc the *ounded who have ttoj catc, and who cannot remain long alive it*| tin ir piurv.nl condition, Thieve* and tot,- ' Io:i, v.. pi down on the ill fated city ami,' hardiy .i tingle tafe hat been lived front ' th* ) on lioute, Pillage it general. ' It , r i -.lidrrd mulee wore killed in Me tMllr iu.l a: there it no eUO to remove i iht o th stench itbvcouting frightful. The -u . i ir Stale ; Treaiurcr with IwotvrkiU* drawback*; be cause, I* ret. he i the candidal* of the ring charged with |.routing by treasury n it management and anslout to screen it* |iait operationt from future investigation, < and tccond, bccaute be it the candidate of the party that tuttaina the ring which, when it had the power, irgaliacd iLe rob bery of the ainking fund at the option ot the executive officer* of the State ri'kMcATto.N or ASM *iSr*Tvt.Mv —The following it the Act of 1b74. requi r- I ing the publication uf annual settlements,) thovring the financial condition, respect -1 vely, of the everal township* and bur ought comprising the vkrtou* counlie* in the state. Town.-l.ip and borough au ditor* who fail to comply with the requite uunts of ihi* law, are liable to the penalty prescribed in the act: Ski"llo> 1. It* it cnnetetl, s*., That the auditortof the teveral townihips and bor ought within the commonwealth shall meet annually on the fird Monday of June, and oftener, if necessary, and shall audit, settle and adjust the account# of the supervisors, road commissioner#, school, borotgh and tow ntblp treasurer#, a* may by law be referred to them See 2.—That the auditor# of the several j township* and boroughs within this com i uioiiMcaith are hereby authoriaed and re ', quired to publish by potting, either print. • edor written, ia at least five.public place* : within their respective township* and bor-i ought, an itemized annual *eUlrtflu..t for their respective district ; said handbills to | bo posted within ten diiyt after such settle ! inent; and further, it shall he the duty of raid auditor# to file u copy of the fame ' with the tor. r.ship clerk in their respective district*, and alto with the clerk of the . court ol quarter session*, which tliall be at : all time* tuhjeel* to inspection by any oil J ien thereof; JVtfMef, That where any two of taid office* shall be eterch'd by the tame person only one statement shall be required ; Al*o jironlle/, That nothing in , tbi* act kitali be construed to interfere w i:h . the present low which requires annual ,: eutemonlt of the receipts and cxpendituros of the borough councils commissioner* I supervisors, overseers of the poor and , school directors to be advertised in the . daily ami weekly newspapers published in the rcapcclivo localities. Sec. In case of neglect or refusal to roinplv will, the provisions of this act, the . auditor m neglecting or refusingbuil ■ a penalty of twenty dollars, to be recover ed in the same manner as debit of similar > amounts are by law recoverable, by suit ' I instituted in the name of the school dis ) trict upon the complaint of any tax-paying - j cjlixens of the same, and the proceed* ■ thereof to be paid into the school treasury - of said district. Skc. 4.—A1l acts inconsistent herewith i are repealed. Arraovgu.—-The 24th day of Aptll, A.i D. IM4. J. J\ Il.t*TKA> - rr. , A NKW SUIT ON TUX TAPIS. I it is asserted by tho Brooklyn Argus t that Moulton will endeavor to secure the i indictment of Mr. Ceocher by tbe Grand . Jury now is session for alleged perjury, t and will summon the following witnesses ; . Mr*. Stanton, Miss Anthony, Mr*. Brad | sbaw, Mrs. Moulton, Theodore Tilton, Mr. and Mrs. Richards, Henry C. Bowan, Mr*. Tilton and others. CUBA. Two Engagements. 1 Havana, July o.—An official dispatch 1 report* that on the 27th ult. n force of: 1 Spanish troops fought for two hours four hundred insurgents, posted in an advan tageous position near Moran, and killed twenty-seven of them. Tho los* of the Spaniard* was small. On the same day | there was another cnageinomenl nearOcn je, in which ten insurgents were killed ■ Two young roughs in Mi-mphi* courted the snmo girl, and upon her choice be tween them arose a fight. The rejected lover attacked his rival with a knife, cut- 1 ting a deep gash across his cheek and nose. Tho wound wn* a long time healing, and it left a disfiguring car. Having recovered ' from hi* wound the suffetcr asked the girl to select a day for the wedding ; hut she coldly informed him that she could never j marry a man with such an ugiy scar on his face, ami decided to accept tbe other' follow. The Hartford Time* that onj Thursday there were teen On a vvlisrt in that city no fewer than sixteen children, between the ages of four and oight year*, all dru/ik I They hid obtained acres* to ioiijh of the vile liquor of the draq;*h u P* 1 and drank -enough to set tji.rip gru*.y< drunk, cr helpless. Borne were weakly i trying to stab cbJi oilier with such weep, oil* n I hey could roach. The San Francisco Bulletin represents tho effect ofopium eating upon tho Chinese in that city a* worse than the popular es timate of it. The victim when deprived! f the drug, is in a moro pitiable condition 1 tjiar, *Jio uruiiisosd with dalirum tremens.! IjL iiHotbei' goaby, m.v nis till Oft ffieln food, it isbblii-v-! |ed that nine-ten the tlic thleying (Tottel; iby Chinese i to get money for opium. jj A new potato di-ease ha* made it* np-l pea ranee in in the form of a ■fungus, which attacks trie tuner* H i.i?i young. At Che*wick it* effets have Wen disastrous, the entire crop of tho American yarietiei having been destroyed. ' ( niTKoKTIIK RATTI.R-SNAKK h ISt, Augustine (Fla.) I'ie** J \ pn-t otlico ngt iii tiaveling in Texaa n tells of the successful use of the gall of a ( rattlesnake as an ant'dote for llio bite of p that rq>ti!e. In the case spoken of relief ~ was almost instantaneous to the patient, j who wa> hi ilhing hi paroxysms of giont , pain, rapidly swelling aad becoming pur- , pie. A friend of the writer, who pent , several years in California and New Mexi co, saw the same remedy Un o**fully Used I among the Indian* in the latter country, j In one instance, an Indian's dog near the | camp was bitten ill the nose by a large | iutile snake Tim Indian* immediately 1 i pelted tlx reptile and admiiii.lered li e 'j gal) The cure wis rapid and effectual. | * • Plymouth Church has increased Mr | Ueochrr's salary for the current yiar to i SRM),tXO to ins viattayl pay. l'be addition is ' made exprestlv to cover the expense* it t the scandal suit, and may then-lure be a> copied as a semi-olticial announcement id what those expense* linve been Tlx item* are made up a* follows; \\ ut. M Kvurlscouiital fre.s2ltU> fix-Judge Fetter ..„...H,otXi Austin Abbott 10.(100 ti oi- Tracy s.ot* T t; Sherman... ... 1 Witness expenses .lll.MH) . Incidentals, &,U*> .' Total J Leaving $-■', on coun ty, t-n the l-'ih of "Max they- live iotig and brosper Mm. Kartoris, dattghtcx of Prcaidunt i t irutit, i* the tnoflter ufa ten putin J Ufij j i Another rtlatiou to provitU,' fur, thiiig ha* cirt-o-ri* uu I'lysw*. The Golden Age tugged* thai preach ers who went their salaries raited wilT, pirate take notice of the Plymouth Church I prooceding- and govern theuue've# a>j jc srdingly A Toronto(OnLl tridegrooin was con- I fronted at tbe door, Monday, by two big ' ' brother* uf the bride, and had to thorough- , ly whip them both before the marriage | ceremony could proceed. "Latin and Greek are all right," said *' Washington eounty farmer to l is son, :. young graduate, the other day, "but gim- j me a mm) who cart plow arotird an apple, true 'lbout touching the roots. ' Thdt'hicago Timet report* that the first lady lawyer aduitleC to the bar in Ohm just g<* bcr fir*t client. The client is very rnuthfiil, and is the legitimate result of successful courting The doctor ay# be is iloir.g as well as could be expected ; bul w bat docs he know about lav. Kr x.-ti peacl.c* will be shipped to Ku rope this summer tn large quanlillu*. A successful cxperitiicni was made last year, and it was demonstrated that fruit kept froxm during the ocean voyage thawed out ftwh and fine of flavor upon arrival in Fngtanjl, vhere it was told at enor mous price,. A story cornea from Bioomingt -n, lit, -.hst a hen recently laid an egg with the words "Friendship, love and truth" en graved upon it. Send hi r to Brv-oklytr In a week she would l>e nest-biding in Plymouth pulpit and laying eggs with ."Grace, mercy and peace" on them for . ||ot.ry W ur.l s breakfast An attempt is being made on the Swe dish coast to recover the cargo of an Kast I'lndiaman which foundered near the Fort-, I ic.-- of Klfborg in 1712. The diving oper . slions have been very successful, a large , quantity of old Chtncie porcelain having ulreauy been recovered in **j perfects con . dition that piece* have l-ccn sold to col lector* at high prices In an article on the "Struggle against ,lh Money Power" tbe Cinclnatti Enqui rer says ; "Tho Democracy have dqw the *ame Sght before them that they had in j the days of Jackson a-d Joilcrton. They have not one national bank with fSI.BOtI,- ; 000 eapilal to encounter, but instead have tro ih"U*snd natiooal banks with £400,• ; 000,000 lion. ltevc-rJy Johnston, who is in his eighty-first year, astonished the Baltimore bar latt week by standing and arguing a case in court for a wbolc day, without ap parent fatigue. The colored people of Panola county. Mississippi, in convention a few days ago, passed a resolution that "hereafter the col ored citizens have at least one half of i the offices of lru.-t and profit." Tbcy teem ' to be getting tired all around of tbe way I tho parpet-baggers treat tbem. THE ONLY ESCAPE FOR HEN RY WARD BEECH ER. [Front the Independent.] Thai Mr. Beccher will now proceed will) hie ordinary labors we ure assur ed by his own moulb. But he has tried the "living down" policy enough to know—or, at least, for everybody except him and Plymouth Church to know that it alone is a failure. If Mr. Ikecher is goiug to regain his postiiou of three years ago, he must tiiiifeh the tight against this riauder. The courts have proved bul a feeble delouye. The testimony of Mrs. Til" lou, which might Have shed much light on the case, was uot received. Her own slutemeuU to others were all excluded. Mrs, Beechcr was uot call ed to the Witness stand, if, uow, Mr. Beecher will press the suit lor slander aguiust Mr. liltou, and hi ing iu these . witnesses, who knows but he tuav ! greatly help his position ? If be wish es to do auy further work in the world, he can multiply ils usefulness , many fold by devoting a year first to the crushing, if he can, oi the charges against htm. Better give all the rest! jol his lilu lo it, if necessary; fot the danger is that even his past usefulness will be Cancelled. If he be guilty— would wo need not write the words then, Hirer alf his perjury, there is but one course open lo hint; bod that is in silence to try to live down tho truth .mid U'vu pp his life; and even that iour*jD hum fail. ♦ • A man u:i iiatiged at Allauta.Cia, last month. A few days before hit execution, a Culholio pneat, two Bap tist ministers, and n Methodist culled ion hint at the same time. They com ( jmenced discussing religion, and who ! had the surest means of saving hint ant! Ib v> became so noisy and violent I 'toward fi,ct> uiger bt u,e milo? had [to ,;;!p'fvro and order thfc® nil out of iail, and the wretch hqd to get along without any pfr* rt,, * r - Tlx latest big canal scheme in Eu<- 1 lopeisone to connect the Bluck Sea with the Caspian. West Poiut has just turned tsiit g clah of 43 new army officers. ' $ FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL DR.' NitVINS' SKRMGN Lam-aiiar, Jun* 27. The t-utumence-1 ment exerrisee of Franklin and Marshall C.ill.'Kn wore Innugurstod her* today with | liio baccalaurrste sermon, ffllveri>d In the eotlage chapel, by tho president, IL-v. | John VV Ntvln, D. D., before a larg.- a-- >i |iibls of ttodclits and visitors. Thr sermon w. a very eloquont and ab).. di.- course. The fbllowlnjt is a synopsis ; "Who knoweth the spirit of umn ! Kii 1.-siastles, til, 21 I The difference between man ami the animal life below him is conditioned by xast but is, nevertheless u great, fixed *ulf, al lowing no possible transition Iront one lo tlio other Tho correlation of the two or ders of existence is in nrii) sense boundless I he full knowledge of man involve* end less illustration from the world below him , not only comparative anatomy and com paratlvo physiology, but comparative psychology also ; tor in the cae of the titgher NiitioaU there is at alt time* what so ins to lie a perfectly startling approach ovi ti to the exercise of human intelligence •nd human will. This only goes, hovrev i. to reveal in tlie end the true nalura ul he real distinction betweeniha two kinds •t life, i lie human is not a mere outward />tu of any sort added to the animal exist •nee ; an advanced degree ■ r higher po nice of tlis existence merely on its own • lane ft is a new creation tailing up into itself the powers of this lower life, hut this in such away that tbcy are br.-ught throughout under the org*uiv action of a new deeper principle, which impart* lu them, from flrt to la.t, a quality of exist "rice altogether of another order than thai if the omnia! The difference thus It not gradual, as of more or let* on the same plane, but pr ncipial in the sense f in ward i lea, law or form, extending to the universal life, physical as Well a* spiritual. Ihe spirit oi soul ot the boast nbe in forming animation of its entire being) "go i-th downward to the earth," and can nev er by any possibility take any other course, while the suii it or soul of man (the inform ing principle of his entire being, body and •milt goelii upward." J U st this in linn is what w<- are lu uiider>Und by the "im age mill likeness of trod," in which we are told he was originally made. Man, in oilier words, it essentially ruind ; and It is uolMiig |es than the energising force of mind which works (demiurgically we may •ay iin all the processes t ,f hi* |jf e in the womb first, and then hats born, on to the final d v clopuiont of his highest spiri.ua' powers. 1 lie difference between buu an one system of order descending • trum (sod as i s comcc, by successive j planes, and returning through man back l • God again in the same way. In this re lation the higher everywhere rule* the jower, and not the lower the higher. Bo lin nature, and so in the world of mind or 'spirit. The lower cannot from itself pro duce (he higher; neither is th* higher .comprehensible for it. Nature is inielligl , tic only from uian, and man again is intel i.gible only from God. It i. irrational Shu* in the bighost degre to Cwbceive ot i created mind in any form (human or an gelic) a* tn and of itself ths end or fitness uf reason, intelligence, good, righleotu uess or truth. It can have no proper spir iiual reality in -uy such respect, except in the character of an organ or capacity re writing inL lUclt lit proper cjulenu. whether a* will or intelligence, from the ' (ounuin of all truth and good in Gtl. On ; I v witdoni rightly so called, and other wis dom t laimtflg the natue t* "earthly, sensu al, devilish.' 111. Life with ma*! is the result of liv ing infiux from G>d. This tucans a great Jea! more lhau extern*! > ffect brought p> pat by divine fiat It means inward real communication In God wc literally lire, move, and have our being The whole notion that life can be parted from it) ab solute source, so as bo he the sepersle property of any merely relative and finite nature, angelic • r human, is abqt.rq at.4 nruiana- l-o alt *ound roiiitious fiwling leaches. Bo even the bet icicnce and the piofoandcrt philosophy of modern time# if torccd more and more to admit, theoreti cally, at It-ast, and in speculative idea, though with no ability, aiat, to grasp the tea! abjective divine power and glory of God'* revelation, without which all specu lation ends al last in the dreariness of dis pslr, Tlie testimony ot the Bible [o thi befr' U£, teJciiipUoi. and salvation .•nly in and bv the life of the Son of (sod tn u* as our life, is too full of euurse for toruai quotations It meets us in a thous and passages. "Became I live ye shall live also ; al (bat dav ye shall know that i am in >uy Father, and yo in tue, and I in you Again .• "God bath given to u* eternal life, and this life it in hit Son." Thai it lh< key note of God's entire revela tion, Old Testament and New Rational iota out of the Church and in lb# Church .all tuts i'anlhclstic tiiysiicl-m and say "How est) thi> roan give u* Hit flch to eat!" Bul with all tni, the word of G xi •tandeth sure, and mustery of giwlllnea* i huilt upon this rock shall never yield to the rates of bell. IN'. The true destination of every man, the salvation to which God ha* called us, for this world or the (.ext. is wu,K-U.lrig which can be actualized only by such real inflowing of He lifu ot the L rd into him for that glorious purpose. Science, pbil ofophv, apeculation, mortality, theoiogu-al 1 orthodoxy, ecclesiatlical rectitude, are not > ufflcieni m and of themselves to serve any , work. Nay, further, neither outward j Church nor outward Bible can make sute .or him hi* heavenly calling and election in this view, lie muit be intcried inui the actual communion of the life of the Lord, , made to meet him and to abide with bitn '(through the Bible and the Church), in correspondence with hi* own faith ac knowledging and looking fr the internal advent ot his spirit in this superhuman and uperterretlial way. Thus 'illuminated by the life of God from heaven the Church becomes the organ of hi* grace and Uu ' Bible ts lighted up with the glory of hii presence, the outshining of all that he ii in truth a* tbe wisdom of Gcd unto salva . lion. Co*oU.*RlkH. —I. Note the folly and uinoneos of making mere naluial science or intelligence the measure of truth or the ' guilding light of life. 2 The insanity ol 1 pretending lo know God. or lo compre ilncnd heavenly and eternal thing* from the study "f man himself in hi* simply j mundane character. 3. The profound ] truth of the Old Teslamont oracle ; "The fear of tho Lord is the beginning of wis dom ; a good understanding have all they that keep llis commandments." Also ol that great word to Nicodcmus: "Except ■ man nc born again, born of water and lbs spirit—the inflowing life of heaven—he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." I "The vanity and unreality of ail so-call ed natural theology and religion, h. Tlu duty and privilege of trusting in God's ho ly, universal providence in distinction from all human prudence and calculation, either our own or that of our fellow-men, : as the only absolute guarantee of all (rue prosperity in this world or tbe world to coiue. • GOIIKT'S for July is fully up to its usual Standard. The illuminated frontespeice is a new departure for that journal, but it will prove successful. Mr. Godey never does thing* by halve*, a* is shown by the groal amount of labor and capitol he has oxpemled on the favorite Ladv's Maga gine. The fashions are always the vcrv latest Addres, J*- A- Gody, Fhiladet phia, I'a. GRAHAMS SON, Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Ladies', Misses' and Chil .Jrsn'p Fine Gaiters. All Ikiuda of Custom Work Made To Order. Harness Leather, Sole Leather. CalfSkius And Shoe Findings always on hand, i Bishop Street, i-Orrifvy tf Bellefonto, Pa, ltd URINIgIIRR A 0, Mt'KHKIt ' Established, 1843. I MILLHKIM MARBLE WORKS nr OEININGER A MUSSER. The old. reliable place, where MnllumoiltK, Couches, Hcadatuneti, and other marble i work i* made, In the very bust style, and: upon rea-onable terms, teiT Thankful fur JMBI fawn, UT re tprrfirrlp aolicit the patronage of the public. Hliops, Knot of Hrldgi-, Mitlheiiii, i'a. ' Apr. 8. y. Ho! for Susaman's!! it Just o|t*ut-tl iii h>* uew (juitrti-rs iu , Buah'a Aroule. A LARGE STOCK OF Trunks, Valices, Aii kinds Of < I Shoemakert call anil ue SUBSMAA , for cheap tlocL i BUYB AND BKLLb CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. ' c L L | J CENTRE HALL FOUNDRY 4 MACHINE SHOPS ! J, Jims - - -am r • I Tlie under,igneu unn,- . xti |M*a-j ■ jiou of the above <--!abiulitwnt, ti -ped-j • fully inform tiie public that th<- sna-e wiilj be carried on by tiietn in all tig branches j >je* berfiuriore. •j They manufacture tbe CKLEU - .1 ED TRUE BLUE CORN PLAN •. ~ the! rj best now made. IIORSK POWERS, TilK- ""O MA- I CHINKS A SHAKT I'LoWB.I Ii .STOVES. OVEN DoofctS. KhITLK i PLATE*. CELL AKi, U vie.-, PLOW SUKARSA MILL GEARING of *v.--j i 1 ry description, in short their Foundry it complete in every particular. *i We would call particular attention to our tXCKLSIOR PLOW, acknowl ' edged to be the best Plow now in use,! shifting in the beam f<>r two er three hor ' 1 set. We wise manufacture a new and ictprev ed TRIPLE GKAUtU UoRsK Po\V-, ' KR, wljiuliLw. Wu used extensively In the northern and western Stales, ena bos taken precedence over all others. \Varejnrepwredbi do alt KIKDSOF J OAST ING fri'm the largest to the smali est. and (>ave faeiiitios for doing all kinds' of IRON WORK such a* PLANING, TURNING. BORING, Ac All knd# of repairing done on xhuN. no-! " - lice VAX PKLT A ShOGP. " jsii2l-lv Centre Hall BEATTY p i* w - NO OTHER PIANO FuUTK h* attain j i-d tho ssmc p molarity. v£n.BnJ stamp' for Circular. 1> F. 11F ATI \ • Washing ton. New Jenjy. " " CE N T R t H ALL ; COACH SHOP, 1 LET! TH 1111 AY. . at hie estubiisuMseut at Centre Hail, keep* a on havdi and tor ala, at tbe most reasons , ble ratrs. • Carriages," Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Pi.xis: AND FANCY, and vehicle# of every description uade to '.Lirder, ar.d warranted to be made of the fi ; best seasoned material, and by the moat I skilled and competent workmen. Persons II wanting anything in his line are requested "to call and examine his work, they will 'Mllnd it not to be excelled for durability and 11 wear. may fill. I.ETI NIKHA), e NOTARY PUBLIC. KCkIbNER AND CONVEYANCER. CENTRE HAL L, P A. '*] Will attend to administering Oatl. Ac " knowlclgeraent of Deeds, Ac, writiiwr Ar -0 ticlesof Agroemeru. Deeds. Ac, wisv 16 1 iiEA , rrv" r ' ANU u aiMUINESKVEUY IMPROVEMENT .1 KNOWN. stamp for Circu ' lar. Address D. F. BEATTY. Wash j, ington. N. J. i- C. T Ai.kx ixdxx. " O M. Bsvus. j 4 LEXANDER A BOWERS. Altor- J x\.nvys at Law. Bcllefonle, Fa. Sneoial e! attention given to Collections, and Or e'phsns' Court practice. May lie consulted if! in German and English. Office in Qar >. man's Building. my 2 74-t. j iiJEATTY e WEIGHS WHEN BOXED OVER ONE HTHOUSAND POUNDS. Liberal terms yjto dealers. >f| iqtSend lUmp for Circular. Address e;D. F. BEATTY. Washington. N. J. • JJR. A. J ORNDORF DENTIST. Is still located at Pine Grove Mill* and ~ jis now prepared to travel to the homes ol n ! patients at a distance and render any de ired service in hi* line, in tbe best man 'j ner, of best quality and at reasonable e rate*. Insertion of new dentures made a .• specialty. Teeth extracted without pain, j 21jan 74 BEATTY&PLOTTS tj A PLOTTS Celebrated Golden Tongue ! PARLOR ORGANS r are ranked by eminent musicians and dis tinguished men v>f honor throughout the world as the loading PARLOR ORGANS i now in use. An exeelent Organ forthe Church, llall, lodge, Sabbath-scboal, as well a* the par lor. N. B.—Special rates in this case, as an advertise tnonL An offer : Where we liavo no agents we I will allow any one the agent's discount in f order to have thi wonderful musical pro ducing instrument introduced. No other Parlor Organ ha# attained lo the same popularity. Send stump for price list and a list ot testimonials. AdUgos* : BEATTY A PLOTTS, Washington, Warren County, N. J MAJ. J. kHREFFLKK t .. . Tajwr*. . Over Dingoa' Saddler Shop. Cut. Hull where n-fs at nil times, prepared • touiake all kinds of men and boy's cloth ing, according to tho latest styles and at roaeor.ahlo rhnrccs. AMERICAN WASH .BLUE. For Launclry and Household t'se, MANlAxcf l.'KKt* AT Xlli. American VUrataantje Werk#. Newark. N. J. Our Vi ash Blue is the best iu the world It docs nut streub, contains nothing injuri ..- <—>•).fohrtr and is used by all OUs .u tho large laundries on account of its pleas ing effect and cheapness Superior for whitewashing. Put up in packages con venient for family use. Price 10 cent* > Ma w- I 1 or sale by grocers everywhere. Al ways ask tor the American Wash Blue, it 7°U want the cheapest and best. AMERICXX ULTRAMARINE WORKS, 1 o ® i :e. .2 William Street, N. Y. i ut Win. \VolFs, Centre June 10 2m FORTNEY, Attorney at Law -L/t Bellefonte, Pa. Officfi over Key ottld s bank. mft y Rr ATTY PIANO! liijlV ill Thl. splendid PI-' ■no Forte combine*, t-ory Improvement in ton# with power 1 ■nil (treat durability, and ha* received i thu tinqualifled end1 ulcal authorities for iu Marvellout i ilractrdlnare richness of Tone, having MO SUPERIOR IN THE WORLD Largo !*•. 71 Octavo*, overstrung lla*, full iron Frame, French Grand action, Frtt Dek, Carved Pedal. Solid Rosewood j Moulding*, Ivory Key Front, Capped ila in titer*, a (i ratio Treble, Ac,.* Ac , At Weight when boxed over One Thousand Found*. Liberal discount to the trade. Agent* Wanted—(male or (emale.) *4 Send ttamp for Circular Addree* the inventor and Proprietor, IMNIKL F. IIKATTY, Watliin(ton. Mew Jersey. C. PBOX'S New I Coach Manufactory. CENTRE 11 ALL, PA. Thu undersigned ha* opened a now os tablwhmenl, at hi* new ikopi, for the manufacture of Carriages, Buggies, QII $ IIA S6, M"A IJE' IN pRoBj NdflCE. 67 Water fyr?ct. and 8Q F}?d 4vmv. prrpui'RtfH. Office with J, H. Sherritf A (Sop, Works, kl Floor. iapr.y, IJU.S.G. GUTELIUB, Dentist, Millheim. Offers hi* p,ofei*itii)al service* to the public. He is prepared to perform all operation* in the dental profession. is now fully prepared to extract teeth absclwtely v>ithox.tpain. myß-78-tf. BEATTY PIA _ N _?_ SXbSend rump for Ail) information. Price List, Ac., Ac. D. F BEATTY. < Washington, N. J. j' 'roß FARMER? AND ALL OTIIFRB • i . Go to L Guggenheim er. FOR FOREIGN A OOMEMIC DRY DOOM. NOTIONS, READY* MADE CLOTH IN(. iBO>OOOM t OItOOKIUM, PBOVIgJORg, •H**™ A Uioja, UATb, CAi'o, hUUib k bHOLo c OTHUT6. just j received a large Jot of Cook 6u>vet, Use Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Kdkoce Cook. PABIA)RF—Tb* Kedia.Lt Light, self-fe* der, Ga* Burner. Netlcnat Egg, Jewell. d . ; ogs- He sell* stove* a* lAJ W as anrwberv n M.ttm or Centre a, TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE stove pipe m-oitix. AH kinds of repairing doj&e. He h* alwaysonhaad Fruit Can*, ofallSiiea. BUCKETS. • r CUFF, DIPPERS, i ... , DISHES, AC. All work warrant.id and charge* *•**<* j 2*m7ov Centre Has FURNITURE. % M JOHN HitFCHIIII.I. !in hi* elegant New Room*, Spring street. Belie foate. Ha* >m hand a t iendid anfortwetit at HOUSE FURNITURE from the com monest to the must elegant. - CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR MKTS. I SOFAS, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, l WOOL M ATI BESSES. HAIR MAT TRESSES. : ~ aad anything wntfjed in the tine of lit* e buiiuess—bomensad* and city work- AS- . , to, ba made a *piality and keep* on ' band, the largest and ftnevt utock of WALL PAPER. B Good* told at rcaionablo rate*, wholesale 'and retail. Give him a rail before pur -' chasing elsewhere. fhli6-ty J. ZELLER ir SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brocktrhoff Row, Bellefflßte,Fa Bralcr* is Drags, Otrakalt, Perfhmery, Fane) Goads Ac., , - [ Ac. ; (Pure Wieo* ead Liquor* for medico purpose* el way kept. may >V. Ti. qkntrbuall Furniture Rooms! EZRA KRIMBIYK. ; ra*petfuliy infonn* the citlncn* of Centre county, that ha hat bough t out tho old *und of J. O. Deiuiager, and has reduced the prices. They have constantly on hand, and make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, W AMISTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES. Ac.. Ac. Home Made Chair* Always ok Hand. Their stock of ready-made Furniture i* i large and warranted of good workmanship and i* all made under their own immedi ate supervision, and It offered at ratot cheaper than eltewhere. Call and tee oar stock before purchasing *** elsewhere. 26 feb. ly. Gift dtFlory's ' New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and will constant ly keep on hand, a splendid ttock of new SHOES, GAITERS, A SLirPKRS, for men, women and children, from the best manufactories in the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon short notice. They invite the people o this vicinity to give them a call, a* they will strive to merit a share of their pat ronage. mylOtf I>. ML Kitten house, WITH KOOXS, SCHWARZ d CO. WHOI.KSALK dkajleiu IN Fisn, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Arenac, 187 North Water Street, _ . _ PHIL*DEI.mtA. r. A Knosa. . o Sosv*u. J.Rcwwsa • inarC.ly. * MANHOOD: Ifww Loaf. How Relor<*d ! saodicto#) of Hprmlerrbd or Boiaioxl w,.kn. lnvulant.rj .Vmlnil Luom*. Imontancr tnviwvsijr !mvv u* *L*. jstttructa.': ss.tsASsKi ssKAis vtsraamßssssSta lntorml xuesii cmo or the BppJlcAtioqo} the kntft; iHjinUa* out a mode of cure at once Bitnpte. certain. *fl l<*i. i tie boad* a# rooth Md n ory b.b *r tirf Ixod. • nl under Mel. Is . a tola envelope lo our * Jdresr • P< A jStili rE r Yf|l ( #t i:rm' • CHAR. *■ C KLIKE 4 t (V. I* Jni|' h-t o *®* 4 #- *?" Y°vk i fa#* oce Bp*. 4h: rrs^nrr . _ . .tt II U I OLil 111 ENDORSED BV THE HIOHEST MTJ. SICAL authorities throughout the world ns TH K BEST. D. F. BEATTY, Propri etor, Washington, N. £. JL. SPANGLKK, Attornev-aGLaw, Bellefonte, Pa. Office with Bush A Yocum. Consultation in English and German. Collections promptly attend •'d to. febo-tf J A g- ..M.MANUa, Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, promptly attend* to all btoimm mtfSRW vs Km. jnli'6Bt