THE (SNTIE RVTOKTO THURSDAY JI NK 24. 1575. " LOCAL ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige by (ending item* ot local news in their locality, Rive us the Kcts only, and \v will put them HI shape, also notices of deaths and mam- RffOS, r . Anv one sending us the names of six new subscribers, with toe eash, will be ent'tioit to receive the REPORTER one year free. The RKPOHS IR being read bv neat ly <.n this side of the county, where it h'ss a larger circulation than any two natters, will be found the best ntixluim for advertising business, sales. Ac Ac. jrtfSubseribers to the Reporter, resid ing outside ot Centre county, should re mit us 10 cents, yearly, for postage which we will pav here ; this reduces the postage to one half, as the sum paid by them for one year's postage was A> cts.^ —Mr, B. B Kramer, of Harris, is ad del to the announcements for Recorder. Don't forget that the handsomest and cheapest Chronios and frames aie to be had of J. O. Deininger, at loss than city prices. Yony Kreamer is the heaviest can didate that ever ran for Sheriff in this '* county. Put hint in the balance on one side and throw the other candidate* in .in the other, and Yony can upp< *ed the bur glar did not find what he expected Mr*. Uri-bin wa- absent from hoiue for several week- and found these ev id* ucc- of intent to rob upon her return. The dedication v't the new organ in the St, Pauls Luth. church, in Han e* twp., took place on Sabbath, June IS Revs, Tomlin-on and Bright were present, also Dr. Fisher, of Zioit from whom the organ wa purchased. The attendenee was very large. Mr*. Bright presided at the organ and furnished some excellent music. Knotigh money was raised to psv for the instrument, and $lO over, which was also given Dr. Fisher, much to his de light, and as our correspondent request* us to say, "he was phased all over, having his pocket full of money and went home rejoicing " The congregation i* highly pleased with the new instrument. ——John Powers whoso exclusive busi ne-- is Boots A Shoes, knowing that he is able to beat everybody in hi* line ha* now determined i? show the people what he can do, he will surprise every one by his extreme low price* Good goo-is and low prices is his uiotto, in addition to his large regular stock he has a lot of army and plough shoe* which he will si'l at 30 els per pair, lower than any one el-c, every thing else in proportion, it is useless to -ay a- it is StlvStSSlilyJuSTS, that in the man ufacturing department ho be*t? anything in central Pennsylvania. Johnny means what he says, and when he says he mentis to bent everybody he will do it, he keep* opposite the Bush house, Bellefonte. Mr. J. Welch, at the model bK)k store, next door to the p?>?t office. Belle i fonte, intends to give away s4tk) worth of j valuable gifts, which are on exhibition in j his show windows, consisting a China j Tea set worth S:X), and nearly five hundred other handsome article* worth from 10c up r to S'JO. tine of these gi!l will bo given to i every one purchasing $1 w->rth 20 i-f ; the celebrated Baltimore Opera (.".gar*, or | purchasing one pound box of the excellent Centennial Candies, at $1 per box. He has the s le agency tor Bellefonte for the Opera Cigars and Centennial Candies There is no humbug in this scheme, a* you get the full value of your money, and one of the valuable gifts beside* for every Jul \r purchase. You can go and seo the ft? and the articles offered for sale. Mr Welch never deals in catch games, as he has an established business, and intends keeping up his good reputation. 'it. For the Reporter WOODWARD A VICINITY. Woodward on the bivouac. * IN cream parties are here is vogue Candidates become more num.rcc- Grangers, but one in Haines. Laurel bu*he are in full bloom. Ilay crop will be middling short. The grain is fast recruiting. Fruit will be quite scarce. We understand that the St. Paul church is to be repaired immediately, subscrip j lions are now under way. An Organ wa I also dedicated at this place a short tiiue 'ago. I'm sure that this looks like busi j ties*. Mr. Mu.-#cr, our next door neighbor, raised a large bank barn a few day* ago. Mr. Jos.-ph Lcitxel i* also building a new dwelling hou-e. r* The foundation for the new distillery is being dug. It is to be located a! mg Bear's Run back of Woodward, in the shade. Lemonade parties visit the place now , and ever, on Sabbath, but what may it be in a year or more ? "► "Clipper was to Now Berlin to attend the commencement. He says that it was a grand success. Jack frost paid his former associates a visit on Sabbath night, lie la* of course left his mark upon the vegetables in our gardens and corn fields. Daniel Vmnada took possession of : the Woodward grist mill on Inst Monday. . Success to the undertaking. ; The other day when ourfriend " Yoney" paid us a visit, it so happened that hi* bug. | gy ctme in contact with a rolling log at ! Mr. Krapessaw mill. A serious accident was anticipated ; but all passed off at the expense of a single spoke. Candidate* should be careful and not linger around business places too much, especially when there is danger in the 'wind.' OTCASIOXAL. For the Re potter. SIIZIXG CRKKK MILLS, June 15. '75. Mr. Peter Ruble has aepaircd his mill and is n>w ready to furnish his customers with choice fl tir. 1) G., now being toe miller, and having the name of making the best flour in the valley, ha a great ma ny warm friend-, especially among the fair sex. The repairingof Mr Ruble'* Mill has raised a building spirit in Mike for as I was passing the other day I found Mike busily engaged in puling up a very hand some bake ovtn, made out of very choice clay, Mike think* these panickey times re quire a little economy. There lias been a great cry about thepo tato bugs being o plenty, but I think the candidates will out number tbcm this lime. Sonic folk* ere wishing the election was over, they are tired shaking hand*. John B. Lee caught a sucker in Sinking Creek that measured 1 inches. Win. B. M ingle cannot beat that. UNCLE JOHX. CHIC4GQ COMMUNISTS IN COUN CIL. Chicago, Jur.o lo.—The Communist* and working men held a meeting this nf ternoon in Bohemian Turner Hall, to con sider the lahor question Speeches of the most inflammatory kind w re delivered, snd the advico was freely tendered by nu merous speakers that the laborer* should arm themselves and present a fWciblo re sistance to the encroachmeuts of employ ers on their right, and that they should scuttle the incoming vessels before liny were unloaded, and thus tench the owners not to trifle with their workmen. Resolu tions were adopted extending sympathy to the strikers of Pennsylvania, and a small contribution was taken up for their bene fit. PROSECUTION OF THE WESTERN WHISKEY KING. St. Louis, Juno 13.—Indictments have bceh found against five more prominent members of theso-culU-d whiskey ring, but the urresu hgvo r.ot yet been made, nor have the names of the Parties indicted transpired. Jt is alleged thut evidence against the ring is turning up in unexpect ed quarters, and thut it is very strong and convincing The report ; that the govern ment bos compromised with the on-ruber* of the ring are emphatically denied by the officials, who usFerl that the prosecution of thu parties implicated will he vigurous and determined. ASTOXIHUIKO —The progress made by 1 the Wilson Shuttle Scwin Machine. In ventive ijtili low beeu taxed tu it# ulindst, and the result i (hp q-,ost tierrud iflld de sirable machine fur guneful nnd family use I Vswf. T# I- - .■ , -- so *...*psu ufiu en*y iu . qpi-rnte, is not liable to gel out of repair, f its work is the best, as was shown by the first premiums awarded it at the Universal Exposition in Vienna, 1873, and it is > sold at a UFS price than any other ma chine of its standard excellence. ,<'Machines v. ill be delivered at ony *■4! ail road Station in this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through tile Company's Branch House at 227 and ! 229 Broadv. i y New York. They send an .elegunt catalogue and chromo circular, free on application. ! This Company want a few more good agents. v COM MVNICATIONB. (Ili 11 * - d rtstionfihlt rbc fAs opinion* ■ r;i. r,., I i'i ( Wimnrii •j ,-n/i • rrv.n u>i, mfoiij prr*."i */> 1 ofltff For th Reporter. RtToi'tler. Thei-flUv of Recorder i not a very; profitable, yet very important one, and u e .impotent lis it ii should therefore be lelect cd t > fill i! Judge Utoudfool of Milat burg i? .tup. lent and deserving; he i* a veteran ill the rank* ; has ever sustained a i good reputation . but the tlauie* have rob ! bin) him ot the greater portion of hi* prop- I ert y and brought poverty upon him; the tithe ol Recorder would he a lietp to him, and he Would ninkß a competent, lalthful 1 and ic'iable officer. There are younger men seeking the tame position, who are al to competent, but we think there i* none 1 in- re d<-i-rringor ni-re in need ofthsposi ' t on than John S Proudfimt who i* known to almost every citisen of the county, n a staunch democrat and an upright man. MAS*. For the Reporter. MR FRXH KI'KT* We ec by the Rc j porta and the Watchman, that ttio politi . cal nag* are being entered for the fall race*, I and that some of the groom* are giving their social and political pedigree. Thu? is given the voters a rare chance ot select ing the men who hunt office, inslvw-i oftbc system of the office hunting the man. But these are queer time* and the voters are becoming queer too, and have some strange notions a* respect* nominations, and deny tho old crack of the whip, "stick to the ticket," being of binding effect, utile** a; candidate or nominee Is honost and capa- ! b'.e and worthy of their votes—if he is then j the voter will stick to the ticket. Hut it hoi? a political intriguer, a shyster after 1 office, never satisfied utiles* he haslhepub- 1 lie tea*, in his mouth ana the people's tux es in his pocket—never satisfied unless he! is fed on the crumb? of office—if such are' _ nominated they will find tliev have u harJ | toad to travel this fall. They will find the j ! people are going to assert the right ot choice and determined to maintain it at aii haaaards. Jinny of (he persons askii g to be nominated for office are clever men. and would fid the office solicited withered 1 it; others are old political trickster? who : have a better opinion of themselves than the people have of them. Why i* it ! they advertize theraselve? as candidates "subject to democratic rules." I* it to in , form the voter* that they arc the very . men to fill the office soli-itcd. in prefer , ence to other* equally qualified, because they Jo not blow their own born. Old Ilick-TV said in hi* day, no man should seek for office, but when hi* fellow citizen* i solicited one for office it wa* hi* duty to accept, unless it would be an injury to; him. This i? a sale and good rule, and if adhered to, we would hare more honest, capable and judicious officers in every de? i partment. The political howl of the political tricks ter, that the nominating convention is ; bound t > select from the advertised office I seekers is too thin a trick at this day. 1 The duty of the nominating convention is to placo in nomination men of unimpesch-' ! able moral and political character, whose' | ability and qualifications are known and admitted by the voter, and thus do the | greatest good to the greatest number of the people. The approaching election i* an in portant one to the people. Wo hat e to elect a governor, state treasurer, state senator, and every county office except congress and legislator, and therefore it behooves the members of the democratic party, of thi. county, in their primary elections of delegate* to act with caution, prudence and care us tie selection of dele gate* to the nominating convention. Here | there is a want of concert of action, exist? | ing among the members of the democratic party in the different townships; the polit? ical trickster and hunter after office takes of this, and lay? hia plan* to have delegates selected thnt will answer his aim, and adroitly encousage a multi plicity of candidates in every township, this he calls bringing his dupes before the .people ; selects certain individuals for del i egates, and so informs the chosen man or men, who tickled with this notice, be come- stirred up to secure the delegale sbip, smeared over with gammon instruc tions, as a cover for the bargain and sale of transferred voters under the control of the intriguer, and thus tho principal offices are secured in the nominating convention, I candidates become nominee* whose politi cal stench stink* in tho nostril of every honest man, and then we end the delegate endeavoring to excuse himself, by saying, "we were out-voted, but we must slick to | the ticket, we'll do better next time. ', ' But ibis cock will not fight this fall. Let the nominating convention place in nomi nation g<>od, true, honest and caiuiblc men, I who have the confidence of the people, and the democracy will bo victorious, noth ing else will do. Therefore the intriguer, schemer, snd annual office-seeker had bet ter stand from under. More anon. A DEMOCRAT t For the Reporter. No Thin! Term. e "The unwritten law of the Republic,'' is l tho unwritten law of the democratic party. ■ first announced by Washington, accepted 5 by the Democracy, and ever afterwards udhercd to as a cardinal principle of the i la.ih, Uie effort of tne Grant Administra- I lion backed by all its office holders, has ? been to establish a new rule upon the sub . ject; on the ground that there u no con stitutmnal prohibition against u President . being elected for a third term, and urges "public necessity" a? a reason why theold . anti-third term rule should not in all cases B be followed. So strong, and so wide spread however, was the democratic sentiment nga ns ; , third teriuism, thut liie democratic pre*s of tho state, speaking public senti ment on this subject, forced it* opinion up on two Republican slate conventions, (thnt ot Pennsylvania and Ohio) who de clared against it in their resolutions, which niuU-riaUy checked the nspirutions of the third te-m pretender Qrant. This anti third term rule has hcen go long followed by the democratic party, not only in its national and state conventions, but in it* county conventions, that it ho* become a law by custom, nnd is fitly termed "the unwritten law of the Republic." The at tempt has been several times made in the democratic parly in this county, to break over this rule, arid to nominate those who have held office for two terms, to a third term ; but in every instance they have j failed, and "the unwritten law' 1 has been - i indicated. Every democrat wih remem ber uu instance of six years ago, when the friend* ot J. P. Gephurt Esq., than whom ' there never was u more efficient and abler Register in Centre county, asaed hit norn ■ iimtion for u third term. John H. Morri '■ son, Esq , the present incumbent was then . a candidate for to this office, i and he appealed to "the unwritten law" ' as against Mr. Gepbnrt, and the conven | tion adhered to the law, and gave him tbc . nomination, no man ever did say, nnd no man ever can suy that J. P. Gephurt wa? j not both "competent and honest" in tb . discharge of the duties of hi* office; and his defeat for the third term wus solely be causo his nomination would have been in , violation of "the unwritten luw" oi the - rat.-p. t uy, i.s v/ul n? against "the > unwritten Uw ol (he Republic," there are , numerous other initnncci of the same kind ' .L,s t , ,„..i nave occurred within our own county, , in tho result the same, and wo refer to this j one only because it i the most prominent among the recent cases. Sc strongly imbeded in the minds ofth? people has this'un written law' became,tba 'j. even the republican party, whicb hereto , fere has been governed by neither written i or unwritten law, staggers before it, ano stop; short in its unbridled career, nnd de chres against Grant's third term preten ] sioiu, notwithstanding ha is to-day prcbu bly thg strongest sqao an a candidate with* in (lie Republican rank*. Thl* action i* hut anothar inttanro of tho oorrcctncn* <' Icittticrallc idea*. They lire co e*teniv* with the principle* underlying <>ur form' government, and founded up n them , ami it makes no ililferonre how thnjr may !>• opposed, and the opponilion may even tor thii time being, *uocc*d, hut at lt the I eople ututl r.nd v ill ee their eorrei tnci", mill acknowledge their binding force. On. i one more leather among the nuiiis in the plume of the detnoerallc hat, thai *mblcn the many victorie* id truth over error. Only I t the / Jotd /MI, FY ■/ the itmf adhere to iu "unwritten law , ' a well lhoo that at o written ; let j it smother it* eliek and third term pre tenders, and take by the neck uml thrott e all nomination* i t tin* "unwritten law, a* toon a> discovered, ami It will ever tin and be triumphant forever. V SttlTA*. More than iniiety elega'it engraving* are contained in Harper's Magazine for July, illustrating a great variety of tub*' Jects, all of intense irilereit to the Aim-riM can reader Newburyporl is shown in | well written and profusely illustrated ar ttele from the pen ot' Mr*. Spoffurd. Mr. I'arton tell* ahout "Caricature in the Key* > jolulionary Period." The entire population of the township ot Allison, in which the town of Lock Haven was located was til.! in Ix4o. of lan k it at en) borough, KM in 1860, JJl'j in IndU, and OMB6 at the time the last census was taken (1870 i It is now tIKTS) estimated to bo something over 9,000. 1 On Saturday night ot last week, Mr> Berry, wife of William Berry, of Floming-' ion, died very suddenly at her residence in j i that place. She had been visiting a neigh j bor, and 011 returning home, was seized j with a severe pain in the right arm. The: pain soon attacked Iter entire person, and | she died in great agony, j a J IOWA. Fort i M ilea of firsts-hopper* DM M LINES, June It! Reports received here state that an army of grasshoppers, forty miles long ami ten miles wide, hat ar rived bciwien Council Bluff und Ncela, I and the pests are eating everything that is green. The conductors say that they are -o thick that they hinder train*. It is estimated in Wilketduure thut tiio coal strike lias caused a lose* to that re gion of fully 110,000,000. Tlie Prohibition Convention at llar risbttrg on 10, nominated Dr Robert Audly Brow n, of law retue, for Gover nor, and Elijah F. Pennypaikit for Stati* Treasurer, The union of the Presbyterian Church ' and the Church of Scotland iias been : oonsumateil. Tlie united Church i to be designated the Presbyterian Church of Canada, . It is confidently expected that a com plete dissolution, or at least a thorough 'reorganisation, of the Miners' I'nion w ill take place. The colleries are re sumed all through the Fchuyikil region. Mexican raiders have stolen over $2.- OOO.UOO worth of Texas cattle since I Jan uary. Raiulsiw A ilolberton ami Robert] Benson & Co., London, have suspended. Tlie tirui of Bonnet, Benson A Co., -f Quebec, have suspended with liakilitie estimated at $1,042,000. Ix FLOCKS. —The editor of the Punxsu t*wn*y Spirit states that be saw, from hi* office dooi, eleven candidate* at one time on the street* of that town, one day la*l i week. HO, 38* "*AK ACT. To puuish persons for carrying oou coaled weapon* within thia Common wealth. SECTION 1, Be if enacted, Ac., That tiny person Within this common wealth who shall cany any tire arm*, slung shot, hand-hilly, dirk-knife, razor or any other deadly weapon, concealed upon his persou, with the intent there with unlawfully and maliciously to do injury to any other parson, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon the conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars and undergo an imprisonment by separate or solitary confinement not exceeding oue year, or either or both, at the discretion of , the court, and the jury trying the case j may infer such intent as aforesaid, from , the fact of the said defendant carrying such weapons in the manner as afore : said. APPROVED—The 18ih day of March, A. I). 1875, I J. F. HARTRANFT. THE SUN. Daily and Weekly For 1875. The approach of the Presidential clep-j tion give* unusual importance to the event*' and development* ot 1875. We shall en deavor to describe them fully, faithfully . and lcarlc*ly. THE \S KEKLY* SUN ha* now attain ed a circulation of over e'(hty thousand: copies. Its reader* are found in every , ."State and Territory, and its quality _ well Known to the public. We shall not j only endeavor to keep it fully up to the ■ old standard, but to improve ana add to ; its variety and power. THE ft EElthi SUN will continue to bou ttiorougn newspaper. All the news ot the day wtll be found in it, condensed t when unimportant, at full length when ol i moment, and always, we trust, treated in pa clear, interesting and instructive man ner. [! lli* our aim to make the WEEKLY I SEN the best iitmiiy newspaper In the) [ world it will bo full of entertaining and : . appr priate reading of every sort, but will print nothing to offend the 1110*1 crupu-! • lous and delicate Usto. It wilt always . contain the most interesting stories ano| romances of llio day, carelully selected ' anc legibly- printed. The Agricultural Department i a prom-1 1 iaeiit feature 111 the WEEKLY SUN, and' . its article* will always be found f'ro*b and! useful to the farmer. The number of men independent in po-l 1 lilies is increasing, and the WEEKLY] 1 Sl'N U their paper especially. It belongs , to no party, and obeys no dictation, con tending for principle, and for the election of the best men. It exposes the corrup* > lion that disgrace* (he country and threat ens ilteovmhrow ofrepublications itution*. , It has 110 fear of knaves, and seeks no !a vors from their supporters. Tlie markets of every kin J und the fash -1 ions are regularly reported. The price of the W EKKLY SUN is one dollar a year for a sheet of eight page-, and fitly six columns. As this barely pays the expenses of paper and printing, we are not able to make any discount or allow any premium to Iriends who may make special etlorts to extend iu circulation. Under the new law, which requires pay ment of potUgO in advance, one dollar a y ear, with twenty conU the cost of prepaid postago added, is the rate of subscription. It is not necessary to get up a nub in or der to have the WEEKLY SUN at tills rate. Anyone who seuds one dollar ano twenty cents will fit the paper, postpaid for a year. Wo have no traveling agent*. Tilb MEEKLY SlTSL —Eight pages, liny six columns. Only $1 20 a year, postage prepaid. No discount from this rate. I HE DAILY SLN.—A large four page newspaper of twenty eight columns Daily circulation over 12U.U00. All tin news tor 2 cent-. Subscription, postg< prepaid, 66 cents a month, or a year Fo clubs qf JO ot oVfcf, 4 discount ol 20 pei cent. Address, "THE BUN," Netv Y<>ik CUv. it'Ju i (It. N r OTICE.—Notice is hereby given thai the following property, now in po useion ofD. Heritor, is owned by tliu un iersigued, hence all parties are cuutionec • gainst meddling with the same A1 ■fain in the ground, nil live stock, 1 oroadwheel wagon, windmill, plows, liar, rows 2 cultivators. GEO. DURST. DF FOP.TI.IET, Attorney at Law 1 Bellefotto, Fa. Office over Hey - Vfiidjs bank. may li'Vv Trwumiw. We are aiitliorfsi-d to announce thai Vilaiu Y'earick, <-f Maihut will be a can litate fur Treasurer, subject to the usages ■f the democratic party. Wo are authorized to announce that J 11. Barnhart, of Sprltir, will be a candt lale for Treasurer, subject to the usages ol thndem >• 1 alio party We Hre authorized uiilin nice thai D K tiuise, ot I'otter, will he a candidal' •"••r Treasurer, subject tu the usa ;es of the | democratic party. \\ . are auib-rt/oil to amiouiK e that D , A Musser, of I'enti, will b a 1 alididntr for Treasurer, subject to the usages of the < iletnocratic party , We are autboii cj to announce that , Wilt Khrhard, of Potter, will be a candi , I dale for Treasurer, subject to the usuge* , 1 of the democratic part v | Sheriff*. I We are authorised to announce that | Levi A. Muntiin, i>t i'hilipsburg, will be a i candidate for Sheriff, subject to the usages ( of llio democratic party. We are authorized to announce that , George iloifer f I'otter. will bo a candi date for Sheriff, subject to the u rages of the ] democratic party. We are authorized to announce that John Spaneter, ot I'o.tvr, will be a candi- , date tor Sheriff, subject to the usages of ( j the democratic party. > We are authorized t - announce that iJ, Imnry Keller, of Harris, will bo * j candidate for Sheriff, subject to the usages j of the democratic parly. Wi-are authorized to announceti at JOl ath. Kreamer, of Miilheim, will be a can didate for Sheriff', subject to the usages o j th democratic party, IfgUßr. We are authorized to announce ilia- Sam'l J Herring, of Gregg, will be a can jitidatefvir Register, subject to the usage. 1 of the democratic party. l'rotaoiiotery. We are authorized to announce that H G Brett, of Ferguson, will be a candidal! tfi r I'roiiionotary, subject to the u-ages ot the democratic party. We are authorized to announce that | John 11, Kailstiyder, of I'enn. will be a J candidate (or I'rothonotary. subject to the ■ usages ot the democratic party. \\ >■ are authorized to announce that As -en William- ot Bellefuntc, will be a can didate for I'rothonotary subject to the ! usage* of the democratic party. Hwoidt'i" We are authorized to announce the | John S. I'roiidfoot, ot Milcsburg will be t ! candidate for Unorder, subject to the usage* of the democratic party. M r are authorized to a- tiounce that B j II Kramer, of Lem oil, Harris twp, wii i e a candidate for Recorder, subject to the 1 usages of the d mocratic party We are authorized to announce that Henry Beck, of Spring twp, wiilbeacan ilidate for Recorder, subject the usages ol the democratic party. Uecanbe cosult od both in English end German. CommlKslouer. We are autborirn) to announce that Joseph C'rotzer. of I'iitter, will be a candi date for Comuiissionar, subject to tbe usa ! ges of the Drnioi ra - . • party. We are mothorized to announce that H A Mingle, of Haines will be a candidal, for Commissioner, subject to the usages of the democratic party. \Ve are authorized to announce that J. Newlin Hall, of Howard, will be a candi date for Commissioner, subject to the usa ges of the democratic party. (JJrrr/iiriHriit. j Ht'|)ublicaii Sheriff, We are authorized to announce that ('apt H C Bennter. of I'otter, will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the Usages • 'fthe republican paity. T Oil NSON'S UUTKL. tl HKLLXroXTE, I*4 Johnson A Si>n's. proprietors, having refitted and m-wly furnished this house are 1 now prepared to accomuiiHlatc travelers 111 the most satisfactory manner. June 10. tf. NEW GOODS! —AT TUX Cenli'E Mills Slore, J. F. THRONE hut ju>t opened a Hue Stuck of GKN KKAL MERCUAN DISK which he is selliug at (iHKATLV KEDtTED PRICES Consisting in I)KY GOODS. ALI'AIXAS, MOHAIRS, PIQCES. LAWNS, MUSLINS, PRINTS, FLOUNTB, 1 SHIRTING, TWEEDS, JEANS. COTTON A DES, FINE CAS-1 MERS. EMBOKDERIB3, GIZOVES, SHAWLS, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, RIBBONS, and fancy article* belouging jo the Grocery department Sugars, Coffee*. Syrup. N. Qrleant Mullauue*. Domes j tic and Foreign Fruit*, Kith, Salt, eve rything usually found iu this depart : incut. EENSWARE, whole aeU ordiab< EN or hy the piece. l>Kl'GNfm| PiTKNT MEDIs 4 I.MLS. WOOD and WILLOWWARE. •HARDWARE. FORKS. BAKES. SHOVELS HOF,S, NAI Ls. Ac. GENTS CALF BOOTS, LADIES BUTTON GAITORB A MO ROCCO. CHILDREN'S* SHOES of all kind*. TOBACCO A CIGARS, all at greatly reduced price*, ("all and see i"r yoursel-i ves. N> charge for showing good*. HIGHEST Pit It 'Es PA ID for all ki,ult l of Grain, and country /V-H/IICC taken in rr change far good*. jjunH-im. | J KIN GS FORDS 4> SWK 4; O 1 I K E —AND— Silver (iloss Starch, For iho Laundry. MARDrXOTCUD BY T. KINGSFORD & SON, The Belt Starch In the World. Gives a Beautiful Finish to the Linen, and tlio difference in cost between it and common starch is scarcely half a cent for an ordinary washing. Ask your Grocer; for It. KINGSFORDS Qs>vb|{d Ovr/J SFTAPCH, FOB PUDDINGS. BLANC MANGE, K'E CREAM. AC. Is the originnl—K-tablishcd in 1848. And preserve* its reputation us Purer, 1 Stronger and More Deliyate than 1 any other article of the kind offered, either of the same name or with other titles. STKVKXSOX MACADAM, Ph. I).. Ac., the highest chemical authority of Europe. < carefully analyzed this Corn Starch, and -ays it is a most excellent article of diet and in chomicn! and feeding properties is fully equal to the best arrow root. I Direction! for making Pudding*, Curt ards, Ac., accompany-each one pound 1 package. 1 v-A. lor SN/e at W.V. WOLFS, Centre 1 H"U- June 10.3 m. I LITTLEoi&,fT W? , HKDOKS' wmmsm For Horn or Si-sin Powsr Cross-Cut and Circular WOOD-SAWING MACHINES Dsscrtytirs Clreuicrs n4 FriosiW srat frss. BLYHYERMAR.UFACTURLNCC'O. t>C4to694 West Eighth it , CINCINNATI 0.. Manufacturers of Cane Machinery, Stei.m Engines, Shaker Thresher, Furxn, School, and Church jBelD, etc, Sin ip, y MAR HI AGES. r Reuben Hunter, both of Bontsburg AF.Utli L I S I'rmluce New Y'urk, June 'JL 1 .MI rcieiptsl IT.tsst barrel*; model te ILT-MAIID; s-.iperfin* 1 western and Mate $4 BOFIYL Htr, Wheat— 1 receipts likt.ULU L>uslivls; moderate inquiry; NO I spting at $1 10(STT 22; No 2 Chicago I $! IS; NO 2 Milwauke F I Ik) in store; un .larded lowa and Minnesota spring $1 It l 1 OA I 21. It \ e |IISt lit J) Corn illllt . j limed western! KL. , Oat* dull and lower, ] lulled western I H7HLIB. , v lilt.- 71 F J linnet firm: western IFTFIV'ILI" Kegs heavy, I western at ihlc. PHILADELPHIA. I'biladelphla, June2l Flour dull and' weak; WE.-torii super 84 ■'*► L-wa, WISCWN siu and Miniii -oia sl> TTBFSTFL Pennsyi vania, Indimia and Ohi-> IAITAI(IETI file, bigh! grailt-s $81C(47 I&. W boat -better de-! mand, red at $1 !M(l 42. Rye $122. CORN., lower; yellow 81 (,IJC bid seller June OaU <1 Ull end ower; No 2 671 c spot Rve dull and nuiie nal; No 1 UJC. Barley— dull and unset led; NO2sl IT6, $1 4 16 Plaster perton 414 Tallow 8 BARON 10 Ham 16 Lard pur pound 8 cents Buckwheat 86 ct., Poiur per barrel retail?, oo... Nova Scotia plaster sl4 tn 16. Cayuga j piaster $9,60 per iIUOU lb*. -fj tfejer'i Poultry Powdtf. Is Wsrrsr.l sd. 1 f e#sss. WubasaaHyertais jl Tewdsr ,sn* a asetuwsl of / WV oraiusii slfSUs* loclssa II tu-sss aa4 gi fssaiaf wiiti a asaafal seppiv at dti*t.rrltsadtfst>sll'ft>nuiß(matarisl.a*r oaslasr fcssp (try (si sa I a coztnntet i, for sry 1 aogfZ ef *la,t.wl!b botb prottsadplsssuzs. l*aUt AAarsss, A- L WXVKB A CO , ;T, -. r PUMMINGS II O U S "T U OO XJ Bslltfoßte. FA ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. The Cumrniiigs House, on Bishop street, j ,is one of the pieasanle-L locate*! HOTEL* IN the town It ha* the BEAT *iabie# in LBC| place, HAS ar. excellent livery attach d and , • very attention will be paid guests. NOJ Ipain* will be spared to make it a pleasant: I.nd agreeable sl-ipping |flace for the pub | I lie. Boarding by th* day or week, and; rates charged will alwavs be found Veryi | low. JUNA IT. j' AMERICAN WASH BLUE. For Ltundrv AMI Household Use, MAXtffAOTtmtD AT TBK Amsriexn Ultramartas Workl. Bsw*rk M. J Gur Wash BILL* IT the best in the world jl DOES I.IIT streak, contains nothing injurt T jous to health or fabric, and is used by all the la'ge laundries on account of its pleas ing eff-ct and cheapness Superior far : w tuiewasbing. Put up in package* oun veniont for family use. Price TU cents each. For sale by grocer* everywhere. Al ways ask tor the American Wash Blue, ifi vou want the cheapest and best AMI HP AX t't.TltAMAltlXK WORKB, Office, 72 William Street, N. Y*. j YO-KOR sale at Wai. YVolfs, Centre Hall. June 10 2M | GRAHAM A SON, .'lfi:;# • S*- Dux ION in Boots, Shoes and fIIDBBI Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. All Kind* of Cu*lnra Work Made To Order. llarnovs Leal lift . Solo Lent her. (KIT Skins And Shoe Findings always on hand. Bishop Street, JOmnytf Bcllefonlo, Pa. SPRING Goods, At Potter's Mills. Is 11. ENTIRE. Dealer in Domosiic Dry Goods. Ladle's Dress Goods of every description, embracing all the ' New Styles in the market. Also, XOTIOA& LACES. Hoß* lEItP. GLOVES,, CLO THIXG. ( A St.MERES. CARPETS OILCLOTHS, HOOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES £ PROVISIOXS <>T every description, all of which will be! jsold at very low rate* for CASH or its F equivalent. Don't torget the place, come ;nnd see us anyhow, if YOU don't buy. NO] trouble to show goods. Country Produce Taken iu Exchange for Good*. 6may (sm. Headquarters for Hoot* aud Shoes ! P (I \V E IIS' BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Opposite Bush House, BELLEFONTK. L'A, Power*' BOOT & Uhoe Sjtoro T* the largest and boit slocked crtablishment in Centre County. Ho keep* contantly on haud a full line of II O O T N \ N I> IHOEI, He it just opening the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to* Bellefor.te, f3M£B W © 2 3 for ladies, kept constantly on hand. Boots snd Shoos for men and women, of all styles, quality and prices, from the most costly to tho cheapest, conslanlly kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION 1 1 either IN quality or price*. Call and lexamiue hi* new *tock of Spring and Summer Good*, and you will find it TO your advantage, Apr2lly. PUBLIC SALE, By virture OF an order of tho Court of Centre county, thero VFILL hp offer ed at public, IIV MADIFOUBURG on iiat'urday. JUNC2(V the following property belonging to the e itate of Win. Harkini, dee'd. A HOUSE AND LOT. situate in raid town, bounded south by lot of 53. Wise, cast by High street, west by •n alley. Conditions of Sale : One third of the purcknse money on confirmation of sale ; one third in one yenr thereafter, the balance at tbe death of the WID9W, to tie secured by bond and mortgage on tbe pra nis*3. JOHN HARKINS Ma'S, ILLIN ERY GOODS. Mrs*. >. E MRENTIRK, Potter's Mill*, ha* jut returned from Philadelphia, and is now ready to arrommodale her custo mers with tho latest sty la* of Ktraw, Hilk ami fancy Hats, Bonnets, Ac, Velvet*, [Flowers, Crapes, Hilk Goods, Feathers, Blondes. Ribbon* Ruches, Braids, Orna ment*, A<- lit short, a full line of all tbe latest stylo* of Mtlleiiery Good*, which will !• sold at the lowest price*. Call and | see the Goods, JMT Hats and Bonnet* letrimmed in the 6may 8m KW STORE NEW AND Panic Prices. 11. (. I..4HIIIMEK. at the old Centre 11 ill stand. J art opening a hiotk of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED MtICEIiI A large variety of Latlie* I)re*a Good* ( Great Bargains in Mualiuaaud Calicoe* 1 Ready-made Clothing Warranted to Suit. 1 Hi* Cloth* and Cassimer*, Cant be excelled His Grocery Department, \ >io!iih* every oue in assortment and low price*. Syrup, Sugar, Tea, Coffee. Canned fruit*. Domestic and Foreign Fruit*, Cbe*e, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart me nt p4r Farmers, Mechanic* and Laborers took to your interest One dollar saved it a dollar In pocket- Then call and see at what astonishingly low price*. JMPNo trouble to show Uuodi It. Also the choicest FAMILY FLora al ways on hand. Apr. 16, y. Miller & Sou, CENTRE HALL, PA. DKALKKB IN PUREDHUGS AEI) MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OIL*, DY'K STUFFS. PERFUMERY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILKT, Ac., Ac., Jtc. PIKE WINE A NIK LIQIOHH, j for .medicinal purpose*. 1 rua*e* d* Suppjrtcra tu great variety. Alto, choice CIGARS and TOBACCO, 'and all other articles usually kepi in a firstcla** Drug Store, i'reacriutious Couiuouuded ,Mac\ tf MILLER A EON. BEATTY FSNI .THE BEST IN USF ••'-Bend stamp ir Circular. DANIEL F. 11KA1TY, ; Wa!i: :,gp.i,. New Jersey. THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. (Next door la Wilaou & Hick*' Har dware store, Allegheny Bt., BKLLEFONTE, PA., Jaa. C. Williams (SucceMorto B. F. Rankin A Co.) DEALER IN PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS OILS, DYE j STUFFS, VARNISHES. BRUSH- 1 ES. I KHFUMEKY, NATIONS, AND TANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET, Ac. PUASVMIS&UQU&AS lor medicinal purpose*. I SHOULDER BRACEB, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety j AUo, Choiea CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and ail other article* utuaily hept in flrrt class Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREPCLLY COMPOUNDED. • 9mar74tf NEW YORK I BRANCH STORE, McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Butb Mouse, • Bollefonte, Pa. 11. HERMAN D CO., Prop'nt. Dry Goods* HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS A FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS 00001. lit'low the Usual Prices. j J' a. wuaox. T. A mesa a. s. mcaa.' WILSON & HICKS, ) I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARD WAKE DEALERS. IRON, PAINTS,OILS, GLASS,AC. ■ Builders Hardware COACH MAKER'S GOODS. CABINET MAKER S STOCK. Stove* of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS. &C. WILSON Jk HICKS. Bollefonte, Pa NOTICE. —Wc will sell 4o re*pon*ible men on three months credit. Will take off 6 per cent for cash which L equal to 20 per cent, per annum. It will pay tne pur- i ehater to borrow at 10 from other parlies, • if he can save in buying from us. In this way we can turn our monev and sell low er- Mar 16. tf. JOHN CAMP*B~ Furniture Room?, < MILROY, PA. Extension Tables, ■ Chamber Suits, ' FineA Common Furniture, j Consisting in part ot BUREAUS, BE 1 ) i STEADS, CAIN and WOOjl CHAIRS. W ■ . The viic zeuoraliy aro invited to call 11 and gn* awortmbnt of FURNI* TUltl; to bo found at tbe above o*tn\disl>- rnent, all of our own Marfan}vwx Undertaking \n *ll it. branche*, COWRS, CAAKFTS mid Shrouds. Having purchased an elegant Hearse, I 1 win attend all ordors of undertaking 1 may receive from Pennsvalfey. Centre Co 1 P- _ JOHN CAMP : Jan2Btf. ' Collection* promptly made and special attention given to those having land* or property lor sale. Will draw up and have acknowledged Deed*, Mortgage*, IS- I FFI-E in tbe DIAMOND, uorthsideo tkt ffvwn bTuw, vttm I - : ' ' " ,r \ Pumps Of All Kinds' H CnPnflt * # Steam & Rotary Pomps Deep Well Pumpi, ft, JA 11 Cittern Pumps, m ' ] % m ill o i Anti Frezing Pumps. O tUOO i a AA g*"*" pwt H t rrrrr m §**** fM I 88 I T w A A IIMMI f II f immmm MhS "* HIM Bill MIIIIS OF ALL KINDS. Gum IJone leal* and Retail Dxalbm in I I HEA VVk SHELF HARDWARE, They hare juat returned from the Eastern < ities, where they hare purchased a well ! selected stock of HARDW ARE. Ci'tlxey, laost. Nail*. ( Gits, Paiww. Varnishes, Pcttt, B UILDERS A CO A CHMA KERS OOODS. Plasterers ami Masons, Saddlers, Shoemakers.h ! Housekeepers, and in fket, I HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. ' We call particular attention to a fine as- ! sortment of Picture Frames and Moulding very cheap. * ( WALL A WINDOW PAPER, And Curtain Fixture* of every kind. OOAOHand WAGON MAKERS- four attention is called to our stock of Spokes* Hubs Fel oes Shafts, Poles and Huggy ; W heels, all of No. 1 quality and telling vo ry cheap. Our stock it large, and con- ' suntly being renewed, and we ara selling i —wholesale and retail—at very low nricee. Remember —much money has beea lost by ' ipay tog 100 much for Hardware, Try h i Ijhev buy for Cash and sell at Cash Prices \ for leas profit than any other Hardwaref| Store in the County. fiT'Cal) and see us. Batiiiaetlon guar- . anteed. MUSSRRA RUNKLE BRO'S. aug 27-y '7l BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM RANKDPS Drug Store, (REIT DOOR 70 THE DXSCSRS GUH STORE ) FBESH AND CHEAP.!' at* as i Pennsvalley banking Co. J CRNTRI HALL, FA| Discount Note Government Securitiea, Paran Horran, Wa. B. Pr * J JL Cashier M Chaa. H H^ldi £l •1! kinds ol Clocks, Watcbm and Jawalri of the latest styles, as also the Maranvlll! Patent CalenaerClocks, provided with e complete index of the month, and day et the month and week on its face*, whieh k warranted as a perfect timekeeper Watches aad jewelry r*- paired on abort notice end aepU'tt y Lzoelsior Cement* GUAUTY l used in large qoTntitS upon the L.C.4 8. C. BR. and has bee. MS, VS&tfrlL Tr &£i *.. wiff SiKS irncr.';."ip^' n 'a U " 1 '• •-<• *• mv. Blatchlay's ((Bftßwm vV, it the acknowledged STANDARDwfSe market, hy popular .Verdict, the /"PWai Bracket., the' Drop Check Talve, which can he with drawn without disturbing the | J°>nG. and the copper t chamber , n ® T ®f cracks, scales or rustsand ss istii: ssJsr n* Xtfe as above. If you do not know where t* buy, detenpuve circulars, together with tne name and address of the agent nearest you, will be promptly furnished by ad dressing, with sump. I MUWMT. Manxfaetarer, liSLta?*"® o*' 0 *' FhiLMiei *** SHCj ; 'j?! 1 !!!!