THE CENTRE KKrOKTKH XIItJKSDAY JUNKs, 1876. LOCA LIT EM S. Our friend# win ofcligo be ,*'* !imi lM(l A two perm, win bo found the best "**>> for advertising huauie**, sale*. Ac, A., ff*rPuberiber to the Hoarier. se*''l - otttaide of font re county, •** re mfu< 10 eenl, yearly. for we will tiev here ; lhf reduce* ihe peeuwfe to one half. NRthe tutu raid by them for one year'* portage wis 51) cts R CV . Brickor of the Evangelical Lutheran church has accepted a call to Sugar Valley. —-We are revising our list and striking off the names of such a* have faded to pay us their bones! dues for the last few years. Subscribers who fail to receive the Repor ter, will know the reason. ——At the barn-raising nt Philip Durst"*, about 2} miles east of here, on last M od nesdav, there were over 100 men present, among them three candidates for Sheriff and one for Treasurer, and one for Pro. thonouryand yet the barn went up in good t>roe and without a fight. The hell on the Lutheran Church rt Aaroasburg received a'fracture from frost '*t winter. _ -On last Sunday evening. Rev. Shoe maker. pistor of the Reformed Church at AaronsbiXrg, delivered a very interesting sermon on *he first r-eHlien in the Lord * Praver: 'Ha Unwed h* Thy name" He purport a wman an t*ch coruiKuuvd patitiiMft ut to be organixed in our town. We would only 'av, 'Come on yr I Jacks of tl Trade* and become Mechan ics while you may A Potato Fau h was recently contracted at five cents pur I undrod bug* destroyed In le-sthan an hour a few*children had -earned a good day# aH*ry. upon which the employee 'caved in' and caused the 'little one-' to shed tnanv a tear. On thesth in-t. Mr. Noah Weaver rais ed a hem. lijte 65 feet by 65. It so lap poned that three men were wounded and a few made very narrow escape*. The ques tion once more to mind. "When will men learn to be more careful v ' And nw Mot* A Son off -r two cent# i for every trout that carries a speck. May ! their pnd oon be brim full. George, oor congenial landlord, is about leaving us for Wolfs Store Weil may bis 'grub* never grow leas, but his day# king and prosperous. A Distillery is now the topic of the day. We think it altogether out of order in a town like ours. Clear sparkling water is plenty, and nonceuff r for tbo like. A short time aco. a scene occurred, long |o_be remembered hy the peeple of Ka-t Woodward. Wo have frequently ocard of Paris green taking effect upon the sec ond party, but when It extends it- border* o far as to reach a third and involve a fourth party, we think people should be particularly cautious. OCCASIONAL. For the Reporter. KPRING MILLS HAPPENINGS. Some eight or ten days ago as Mr-. Frank Hosterman of Penn Hall was milk ing, the cattle commenced g'-ring each other, getting Mrs Hosterman under their j feet and trampling her in a horrible man j ner cau-ing a very large scalp wound and ; other serious injuries. Dr. J. B. Leitzel | was called in and under his skillful treat ' merit he is rapidly recovering The Mechanics are going to have a pa rade here on the 3rd ot July. Reamer, Spangler and "Yoney were around hpre lad week trying to get men to put them in jail. - Mr. I. J. Greoobie still does as large a foc-ines* as ever. Mr. K H. Duncan it in Philadelphia, | attending a R.R. meeting, j PoUUo bug# are a* plenty as candidates \ ALL-mt-XACK. I CLINTON*COUNTY. The • ranger, Hal I at Bonneville is about ! complied, and will be dedicated with ap propdate ceremonies at an early day. It i* tjjfflne, 22 by 40 feet, two stories high, Jffftl constructed. 'The saw mill of J. K UURA HTMKNT At Washington, on 4, the Indians were all hr-'iight up to the interior depaitiueiit about ten o'clock, au.l grouped iu tbe open inner court of the building, where their photographs were lakeii by the oper ator ot the patent off},# department Red C.-'iid di-clined t Join the group, saying that they could have In- picture by paying him $26 f-r it. \ tier ward- some ol the prominent ehiets Willi Bishop Hare, -Major Bingham, Major Howard and Mr liinmau, were taken in a group bv themselves The Indians then repaired to the secretary'# room, when Secretary Delano held a brief council w Jth them, assuring them of the good w Uhe. of the department t-'Watd* them, and if they did not believe him, and do at he advised, he was afraid they would hereafter be lieve him to their sorrow. lie told thelU if they would take the. $'.'5,099 ho wvttld try and get $26,090 m-re for them nest wint.-r. If they did not he, would refuse to let them have the privi lege of hunting on the Smoky lIUI Fork any longer. He could not afford to have the peace ot the country distutbed and the! danger of murder committed by allowing! them to hunt there any longer. In relation to the Black Hill*, lie said a committee bud been sent out to *ee if there I was any gold there. Neither he nor the' President knew whether there was any there or not. If there wee, it would be; iuipos-ible to keep the white people out ot i the bit!#. Indians cannot always restrain their young men, neither can we always { restrain the while people. If gold was found there, the government would pay them liberally fur the land There wa a part of the Big Horn country that the Indians did not use, and the govs eminent would pay that at a fair price. A map was brought and the position of the country pointed out to them and ex plained He desired them |o lake all that had been #ui to llieui home to their peo ple, and obtain an answer, and send word I back to hint a* soon as possible. Spotted Tail said that he wanted to do; what wa* right, and that the great spfrit had told him never to steal anybody's, 4 ithout paying for it If you had the same sense ot rtgot woco„id get lonjf 1 weil enough. Thegountry spoken of be long* to the Crowe. The treaty of gave hie country. When you buy you pay a great price, and we do the same A# for the Black Hills, they are worth a heap of ns •Uvg, iyj it is not worthwhile for us to talk ah ul Huur. The secretary replied thai he had pot' accused him or hi* people of stealing, and | lie did not want Hpotted Tail to 09uU'S H>e | Great Father of stealing from him. W# don't expect to steal their country, and we are not going to -end the army up there |to take it from them. They don't give u* credit for our desire to de them good. Bed Cloud wanted to have the bill* of the white men who had ou,o with him paid, and he gave the secretary a list of their name*, which wa* referred to the commissioner of Indian affair*. polled Tail said he wanted to talk -bout hi* ngency matter# vcfor* he wet home, and he w, '.l'd like to go home to morrow after breakfast. The secretary here withdrew, telling the' Indians that they might talk alt night with the commissioner about their agen cies if they w anted to. Afvera little further parley they with drew, expecting to have another talk. Buhop Hare held an interview with the Indians at the Trcmont house to night, and endeavored to show them the advan tage* which they m.gbt dative by surren-i dering the liiack Hill* to the governmerH for a portion of land east of the Missouri , river, which he assured them wa* much better for their habitation, and he advised them that the President wa* in earnest in his efforts to keep the white people out of their territory but thought it would bo W*a*r ip them to giro up the Black Hilt* if; the govorn-mar.t would agree (o fee! and clothe lhm for a number of year*. Krd Cloud replied that he had ears and judgment both. He had heard such talk ever since he had been here, and he bad not said much When the white men came to his country he would turn the ta ble* and have a great many thing< to say on his side of the question. They expect to start for home to-morrow, and will go byway of New York, where they will re main two or three day*. West Point Caijf.tshii\— The exam ination for a West Point Cadeubip. with in the gift of Hon L. A. Mackey, for the 20th District took place at Lock Haven on 27 ult., before the same committee a* for the Naval CadeUhip. The applicants were James A Leyden of Bellefonte, C. L Penny of Union Co., Henry II Beyer of Porter and F. T. Quigley of Beech Creek township, Clinton county, F. O. ! Glover of Union and Joseph F. Pie of l Clearfield county. The last two did not appear for examination. James F. Ley den passed the most creditable examina tion and received the appointment He will be examined at West Point on the lCib, and if be passes there he will receive a warrant as cadet and enter upon his | term on the first of July. Further particular* of the earthquakes i in Asia Minor show that several villages were destroyed and two thousand person* | lost their lives. THE SUN. Daily and Weekly For 1875. Th approach of the Presidential elec tion give* unusual importance to the events and development* of 1875. We shall en deavor to de-eribe tbem fully, faithfully and fearlessly. THE W KKKL Y HUN ha* now attain-; ed a circulation of over eighty thousand copies. It* readers are feund in every Htate and Territory, and it* qualiiy S* well anown to the public. We shall not or. iy endeavor to keep it fully up to the old standard, but to improve and add to it* varietv and power. TilE WEEKLY SUN will continue to be 1, thorough newspaper. All the new of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and nlwav*. we tru*t, treated in n clear, interesting and instructive man ner. It i our aim to make the WEEKLY SUN the best family newspaper in the world It will be full of entertaining and appr print* reading of every sort, but will print nothing to offend the most scrupu lous and delicate taste. It will alway contnio the most interesting stories and romances of the day, curotully selected and legibly printed. The Agriculture! Department it n prom inent f< mure in tbo WKKKLY SUN, and it* article# will always be found fresh and useful to tho farmer. The number of men independent in no lilies is increasing, and the WKKKLY SUN is their paper especially. It belong# to no party, and obeys no dictation, con tending for principle, and for the election of the bent men. It exposes the corrup ts n that disgrace# the country and threat c stheovo-thr >w ofrc; H'dlf anjnj ituilon*. It ba# no fear of knaves, and #eek# no fa vor* from their supporters. The market* of every kind and the fash ion* Rrc regularly roportcd. The prico of the W rIEK LY SUN is one dollar a year for a sheet of eight page-, and flity six column*. A* this barely pay# the paper and printing, we are not able to iwlic any discount or allow any premium to triend# who may make special eflort* to extend it* circulation. Under the new law, which requires pay inent of postage in advance, one dollar a year, with twenty cent# the cost of prepaid postage added, is the rate of subscription. It is not necessary to get up a club in or der to have the WEEKLY SUN at this rate. Anyone who send* one dollar and twenty cents will get the paper, postpaid for a year. We have no traveling agents. THE WEEKLY SUN?- Eight page*, fifty six columns. $1 20 a year, postage prepaid. No discount from this rate THE DAILY' SUN.—A large four page newspaper of twenty eight columns. Daily circulation over 120.000. All the newj T or 2 cents. Subscription, postage prepaid. 55 cents it month, or $0,60 a year To clubs of 10 or over, A discount of 20 per cent. Address, "THE SUN,'' New York City. lOjun 6t, \1 \ 1 Terrific Earthquake Hundred# of Por#<>u# Kilird nmi Wou tided. London, May 2'S The Levuut Herald say* * *erie* f terrible earthquake shock* 1 occurred MI the beginning in ihe * province of HiuuiMi, AMU Minor. Six 1 hundred h<>u*e* were de-tmye-l. Account* ' i 1 fur received show that liil live* have 11 been It niul IH7 pernotis were injured,. l ' The ittitnli*r tit killed i> still unknown. I The province uf Bruu*a Is In Ai* Nmu'i ' end its capital cily, which ha* lire same 1 name. it only ttAy-soveii mile* trom Cn i" ■lahtmople The country i lertile, and " itie pu|iulttli>n cuiii|riitivtaty dene, Karlttquake# are n >t u novelty, thegreatei part of the cily ot Brouta having bean dv •iroycil on the 2Sth ot Fabiuary, IKW, with a IOM of one hundred Uvea, GREAT DAMAGE BY TIIK HEAVY It A INS. Indianapolis, June B,—Anather heavy ) ■ rain storm occurred here latt evening i causing the White river and all the iinal- t !er ireni!i near the city t- overflow , iheir banks A Urge amount of damage t M done by the wind and flood in variou* parti of thd city. The a hole itorlheri neeitoil wa overflow ed to a de|itb of from thro ,to tho fuui. The damage u> all the i railroad* ill till* vicinity . very evere iThe trestle-work ot the Indianapolis. ; Bloomington and Weltern railroad. Ilvr | I mites weat of (hit cltjr, wa* waihod awas t and Eagle creek bridge, on the Indiana * 1 apotis, Cincinaltl and Lafayette railroad, was destroyed. I ♦ • i Cincinnati, May 'M Four children tone an infant) of S M. Christian, at Versaillo- O , where burned to death ia>t Wednes day by the explosion of a can of kerosene, with which one of them wa* endeavoring to kindle a kitchen tiro. Albany, May W.-Lat Saturday night ' the barn of Austin Gilford, in the town of ! Knos, iu mill county, waa burned, and the i bodies of two men, supposed to be tramp*. < ' were found burned to a crisp in the ruins. ' Newbm*. N, Y., May SB.—Last night ' j the house of John Coi, a railroad flagman, . ' near Garrison's wa broken into by five 1 men, who bound and gagged and then robbed blip of SI,TOO In gold and silver, , the savings of thtrtv year*. The thieve*j' have not yet been traced. A Most Teful Article in every house- | i bold it a tewing machine. The Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine combine* in *v- J jrj" degree the most perfect machine yet : invented. It is elegant lu i nih, simple to ' - learn, runs smoothly anJ quickly, and" 1 what is more important, it the cheapest i The WUon Machine bs rrcvjtij the , I highrit praitu from alt who have unci it, : > and stands at the head of all tewing ma - chines. Machines u ill be deli* ered at any Uaiiroad Station in Ibu county, free of , transportation charges, if ordeicd through M II the Company'• Branca Mourn at X2J and r 229 Broadway New York. i They tend an elegant catalogue and i cbromo circular, free on application. This Company want a few more good - CgftiU. SNOWSHOE SAVED BY RAIN-A 1 BRIDGE BURNED. ' Miiesburg, Centre co.. May 29.—Snow shoe.[in this county, barciv escaped being turned to ashes this afternoon, from the 1 tires in the woods in the vicinity of the)' town, and but for the timely rain that set in Snowtboe would most certainly have', shared the sad fate of iu sister tow n, Otceo- t la. Two span*, fifty-three feet, of the Miller Spring trestle, one mile north of Scow shoe, op the BcHefonte and Snow shoe Railroad, were burned which will < cause a suspension of freight business for 1 several days. The rain, which began ' about 3 o'clock this afternoon, will chock r the fires that have been destroying o much property in Central Pennsylvania. Scrlbner delights us with articles by such' j writers as Albert Rhodes, {who furnishes < an illustrated sketch, "In the Latin ' Quarter") Clarence Cook, Jules Verne ' James T. M Ka.y, Prank Vincent, jr., and , G. E. Waring, jr., Dr. J G. Holland's novel, "aevcuoaks," proceeds, growing in interest with each succeeding chapter. The poetry it contiibuled by Mary E. Biadley i U. K. Warner, Ucnry Ames Jliood, Da- 1 1 beiia Grant Meredith, and Sidney and - Clifford Lanier. St. Nicholas bating finally swallowed up all other youth's magazines, is becom ing almost as corpulent at some of iu elder , ly contemporaries. It is really and truly i a good magazine, not only for the young 1 folks, but for old ones too. - RIGHTS OF RAILWAY PASSEN GERS. At Auburn, Judge Smith has recently 1 given a decision affecting tbe right* of railway pa*cng<*s to be provided with | r seals in cars. The suit was brought by William 1). Thorpe, of Auburn, against ' tbe New York Central. The complaint ' averred that while traveling from Syra-' ' cuto to Auburn, he could find no seal in ! tbe ordinary cars, lor which he paid his ' !lure, and he thcrelure found a seal in the 1 Wagner Palace coach, and for this ho re fused to pay extra. He informed the con ductor that he Would at once retire, when- ■ ' ever a seal was pro* ided lit tbe other car*. ' i'ht* explanation the conductor would not; 1 accept and instated on payment of extra taie. Tins Thorpe refused to do and was ; ejected with considerable violence to per son and destruction to clothing. Uu at ;once begau suit, laying his dam ges at; siU.l*X). iho deteiisu raised the question. | that Uiey hud no control over tbe W uguer JGo.'scar*, which leased the right to run* - over the road, and therefore the New j York Centra; and Hudson riyer company h j should not be held responsible lor the act* i I of servants el the Wagner Company.': The motion for a nonusit was denieed and ! alter a long trial the jury gvo u verdict ol | i SI,IXIO. This establishes tho right of u pas- i 1 tengt-r to a seat in any cur of tbe train, in! ( ( the palace coaches, without extra price, ( i providing the oidinnry cars are full.—Kl mira Advertiter. A package containing over >17,0U0, ad dressed to the Park Bank, N. Y-, was. stolen from the Treasurer's office, Wash-) uigton, on Wednesday utlernoon. KINGS FORD'S ONWEQO Pl* KF. r-ANP- ; Silver Ciloss Starch, For tho Laundry. ' MAKL'FACTL'HKD BV T. KINGSFORD &. SON, The Best Starch In the World. Gives a Beautiful Finish lo the Linen, ind the difference in cost between it and ' oommon starch i scarealy half a cent for ' an ordinary washing. Ask your Grocer ' for it. HI MIS FOURS ' Corn ®Urth 9 FOR PUDDINGS. BLANC MANGE, ICE CREAM. AC. Is the originnl— Established in 1848. And < preserves its reputation a* Purer, Stronger anil More Delicate than ' any other article of tho kind J offered, either of the same name or with other titles. i STKVKKISOM MACADAM, Ph. D.. Ac., the t highest chemical authority of Europe, t carefully Analyzed this Corn Starch, and i says it is a most excellent article of diet i and in chemical and feeding properties is I ; fully equal to the best arrow root, i Directions for making Puddings, Cust | . aropio of Hania twp, nris looking forward to the time When 1 he county Convention will be called upon; to place in nomination men for the differ ent count) Ilic, #to be fillet t the to * clci turn an J wo Is *T duply lnl*rlt'-l in the i-.iilt of tl I upon ihe ticket 1I <• people as Well it* the time* demand tbi* Ring candidate* are !a*t playing out with the honest, thinking portion of the people and wo di'.i o to eo political hiler .• at nit- and let tbcttt know that sitting lip a ticket it tuiuoti* to lb welfare ifoiirc-'Uii ly \iiiong tho luto) t<> no tltleO heottl eof county C >mmi*iuner is aver.v important on* to every eiliacii, and w* would sugg, Sl that George Swab, of lisi towtishlp, be one of the nominee*. Tin people could not inane a better choice ; In i* a farmer of quid pretention*, ha* aiway been a democrat and a worker for the in ureal* uf the parly. He call speak bull tboG.uman and English languages, am would make a faithfbl officer it chosen i< thai position llAhhta. ♦ ♦ • Treasurer. We are autli.-rir.ed to announce that J H. Barohart, of Spriii'. will be a otndi l*lo for Treasurer, subject lo ilia u**g< * -d thednmoorallc party We are authorized to announce that D. K Guise, of Potter, w ill ho a candidate for Treasurer, subject lo tho utataa of tbe democratic party. We are autboriited to announce that D. ,\ Mustar, uf Putin, will be a candidate for Treasurer, subject lo lha usage* of the dentocnttio party. We are nulbori-ed to anr.ognce that Wui Rbihard, of rotter, will be a candi date for Treasurer, subject to the usage* f the democratic parly. NhfrilT. We are authorized to announce that L-'V A Mußson, of Philipsburg. will be u candidate for Sheriff, subject to ihft usages j of the democratic party. We are authorized to annuuncu that George Huffsiruf I'oitaf. will ha * candi date f.r Sheriff, subject to tbe usage* of the democratio party. We are authorized to announce that John Spangler, ot Palter, wiit be a candi date fur Sheriff, subject to the usage* of the oernocmtic party. We arc atnhoritcd to *nnouni <• th*t| J. i.enry Kelirr. of Harris, will be a candidate for Sheriff sub'ect to tbe tisfgc* Jot the ueuioilratlu paVty. ' Wi-aro authorised to announoatbat Jon alb. Krea:ur, of Miliheim, will b a can didate for Sbnriff, subject to the usage* ol democratic party Kfgiolor. We are authorised to announce that Sain'l J Herring, of Gregg, will be a can didavo for RegLu-r, subject to the qtages I of the demo..r*tic party I'rtilhuiitilniy We *re authri*ed to announce that 11 vi. Brett of Ferguson will be a candidate* if* r Protnonoiary, aubject lo tbe usage* of .the demucratu party. NY i- are to announce that- John H. R.-if-iy,ier, of Peon, will be a candidate lor Protkonotarv, tu *i.u us*res of tile party. \v h are authori* '-1 to announce that *a 'on Willian.i of Bellrfante, will be a can- Ulidate for ProthoDoury subject to the usages of the det,K-ratrc party. Ketssrtlt'r. We are authorized to announce that IL-nry IWk, of Spring twp, will be INH ,UiJate for Recorder, sub)oct the usage* of the democratic party. He can be cosuit ed both in English *nd German, Utillllliiahioupr. NVe ar aulhi.rixod tu announce that U. A. Mingle, of ilaitics. will be a candidate for Commissioner, subject to the usage, of .the domoprgtig tutny. We are authorized lo annoi .ice that J. Newlin Hall, of if-ward, will be a Candi date for C'oraii**ioner, subject to the usa ge* of the democratic party. 1 JdVrrlurmr.f) UrptiblitMU MtPiifT We re authorized to announce that t'apt. 11 C. Meamer, of Potter, will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject lo the usages of the republicsm paity. Tp K A P M I S I cT~ 13.00 for 10 Cent* 1 Three back tuimberi of CIIURCiIE B MUSICAL VISITOR, containing over three dollars worth of new ar.d mu sic vocal and instrumental—a!! grades) will be s.nt post-paid to any add root. or. receipt of ten cents Address, JOHN CHURCH A CO June lOSt. Cincinnati, O. foUNSON S HOTEU l BtttrroxTx, ra. Johnson A Son's, proprietors, having refitted and newly furnished this hoyje arc now prepared to accommodate travelers in the most satisfactory manner. June 10 tf. NEW GOODS! —AT Til*— T'cnfre Mills Store, J. F. THRONE has juet opened a fine Slock of GEN ERAL MERCHANDISE which htf in selling at GREATLY RE I) ITER PRICES, Consisting in DRY GOODS, ALPACCAS, MOHAIRS, PIQUES. LAWNS, MUSLINS, PRINTS, FLOUNTS, SHIRTING, TWEEDS, JEANS, COTTON ADES, ITNECAS-L.MERS. EM RORDKRIES, GLOVES, R SLIAWLS, HOSIERY, SKIRTS. RIBBONS, and fancy article* belonging to the ; Grocery department Sugar?, Coffees, Syrup, N. Orleans Mollaaae*, Domes tic mid Foreign Fruit.*, Fish.Salt, evo* rything usually found in this depart ment. QU EENSW A RE, whole setsordish e- or by the piece. IMIGMAUD PATENT MF.IKL CIXI'K. WOOD and WILLOWWARE. HARDWARE, FORKS, RAKES. SHOVELS HOES. NAILS. &c . GENTS' CALF BOOTS, LADIES' BUTTON GAI TORS A MO ROCCO. CHILDREN'S' SHOES of all kind*. TOBACCO & CIGARS, all at greatly reduced pricea. Call and ee for your*cf ve No charge for showing good*. HIGH BUT PRH EX PA It* far all bintU of drain, and country Product takm in ex change far good*. june4-4n>. E STRAY SHEEP.— Nino nhet.p. 6 old one* ami 4 lamb*, loft the premise* of th ■ uinlcr-ignci). near Centre Hill, about 8 week- ago: of the old one* .3 are ewe*. 2 wether*; no particular mark on balance. A .reasonable reward will be paid to any one giving information that will lead to tho recovery of the •hern. I! J. IIELTMAN. 27, May 3t. PUBLIC SALE. By virlure of nn order of the Orphan'* Court of Centre county, there will be offer ed at public, at Mad ! onburg on Saturday, June 2(t. the following property belonging to the estate of Wm. Ilnrkin*, dee'd. A HOUSE AND LOT. situate In *aid town, bounded south by lot of S. Wiie. east by High street., weit bt an alley. Condition* of Sale : One third ofthu purchase money on confirmation ol sale ; one third in one year thereafter, tin balance at the doath of the widow, to in secured by bond and mortgage on the premise*. JOHN IJARKINS May 27- Adm'r DF- FORTNEY~^Ttorney~ at Law * Bullefonte, Pa. Office over Rey onltf bunk. 14'g) J A % .M'MANUS, Attorney at Law tf Btllefonle, promptly attend* to all Dalian* atrunea t9 hits. jui2,'Wt MARRIAGES. On the 27tb of May, at tha reldene cf the brute* parent* near Howard Pa. ly Rrv J. A Bright, Mr A. V Smith to KIIIIIIH II I'ifcr tmih of Uowartl, Pa. At A hioii,hu rg, 27th uU , by Rev. J. G Stioernuker, Beta r. Smith of Penn Hall, and M Beckle H, I.auvi-r,of Potter tap | At the icMilem i - twp, on 2d, Dav I Rorman, iged 4e voara, 7 month* and 13 day* Hi* funeral we, very largely attended. At iSin, Pa., on the 77th of May, of , ontumptlon, Mr M'm Garbrlck aged 63 • ear*, 4 month* and 24 day* FatbnrGar , •rick ua* an active member uf the Luth, Uhureh, wa* pmaeh- I bv tbapati-r. Re* J A Bright, > Red 11U.„. Rye 90 ! Cuntis ....Oat, OU tlariey 90.' 1 70 Clo/erseed (4,00 PoUtoe* 00 Lard par puun.t 8 Pork per pound'J6 Battel "A! Kgg, 16 plaster pertoa sl4 Tallow 9 Bacon )Q ilatfi th Lard par pound 8 rent*. Buck * heat 5 cU Fourper barrel retaii7,oo... Nova Scuti* pla*ter §l4 to 15. Cayuga plaster 1.'.0U per JJUU lb* ; AMERICAN WASH BLUE, i For Laundry and Household Uac, M* uu* to b-aith or fabric, and i u*i by all: i ? the la'fc laundries on account of it* plea*-' jing effect and chcapnet* Superior for, f w hitewaahing. Put up in packagw* cn-| venient fur family u*. Pricg 10 cent* each. Par sale by groter* everywhere. Al-; way* atk tor the American \Va*h Blqe, if you w*nt the cl>e*i>e,t and Uft*t > AMZKU'XV CLII.XWAHJMX WOKE* Otßi e, 72 WiJllain Street, N. Y.! F.>r *le at Wm. Wolf*. Centre Halt. Jun#lo 2m l GRAHAM &> SON, Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Ladies', Misses' and Chil-' dren's Fine Gaiters. . All Kinds ofCuitom Work Made To 1 . Order. Harness leather. 'j Hole Leather. Ualf Skins And Shoo Finding, aiway* on hand. Binop Street, 80may tf Buliofonto. Pa, 1 i I Spring Opening of Bonnets. Trimmings. Millinery, AT MISS LUCY DEININGER'S in Cculre liall, who ha* just returned from Philadelphia. ! With tho LATEST FASHIONS, and ml complete stock of New U->nru New: j Hat*, elegant Trimming*. Ac , hich will ibe said or madn up,-a! reasonable price*. ' Also, old ladies Dress Cap*, j The new style* are very pretty. La- call and too tbem early. First come, . first *orvl. ' may 13 4b •j Spring Goods, At Potter's Mills* I. I*. M'FA'TIBFi. Dealer in j Domestic Dry Goods. Ladio's Dress Goods of every description, embracing ail th#: New Style* in the market. Alto, SOTPtSS, LACES. fIOS- I IEH V GLOVES. CLO Till SO, t ASI\l EH ES. CARPETS OILCLOTHS, BOOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES 4 PROVISIONS of every description, all of whiph will be old at very low rate* for CASH or iu i equivalent. Don'trorget tho place, coine ■ uul *ee ui anyhow, if you don't buy. No trouble lo show good*. Country Produce Taken in Kirhitnge for Gtd. I in i ay 6m. I Headquarter# for Boot* and Shoes ! 1 P O W R llß' BOOT AND SHOE STORE.; Opposite Bush House, BELLEPONTE, PA. Power*' Boot A Shoe Store i* the largest ' and be*t slocked establishment in Centre < County. Ho keeps constantly on hand a full line of II O O T N A N I> N HOE N. He 1* lust opening the largest stock of Spring Good* ever brought to BeTlofonte. ( if 1S) 23>1 © a I for ladies, kept constantly on hand. Boot* and Shoes for men and women, of i all styles, quality and price*, from the ' most costly to the cheapest, constantly kept on hand. . WE DEFY COMPETITION ! ' either in quality or prices, Call and examine hit new stock of Spriug and I Summer Good#, and you will find it (9jm KdYflQtftgt. Aprillly, GOODS. (fra. ft. E Mcl'ftTlHE. Potter'* Mill*, ha* just returned from Philadelphia, and I* now ready to accommodate her cuto our* with lno lali-'l >tyle* of Mri.w, Nilk nd fancy llau, UonneU. Ac, Velvet*, flower*, Crape*. Hlik Feather*. Ittuude*, Ribbon* Eut'be*. Braid*. (Irna neflll, Ac. In tliurt, a lull line ol all the nte,t style* of Mllicncry G>tiC, which will be *<>) dat tha lowest price*. Ca l and j ce the GiM'd*. jm~ilt*aiid Bonnet* tetriiiiined in the, a test *l)ls. TM ntnay t> VJEW HTOBK UEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. 11. A. I.Alt It v > at the old Centre Hill stand. J tut opening a Mock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! A large variety of Ladies Dree* Goods! .Great Bargain* in Muslim and Calicoes. 1 Ready-made Clothing Warranted to Sail.; Hi* Cloth* and Castiuters, Cant lo- ex ft-1 lyd His Grocery Department, I * every una ia assortment and low prion#. Syrup, Sugar, Ten. Coffee, Canned fruiU. Domestic and Foreigu FruiU, Cheese, and every other article belong ing to the fjricery Depart me nt -*® r " Farmer*, MrchaniM and laborer* look co your tine duller saved i* r. dollar to pocket. Then tall and at what a ton tellingly low price*. trouble to ah.,-- Good* Also the >AMit.v fun* al . -/'> h"l Apr lu. y. Miller 6i hon, CKS f HE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS A NO Al NO J VINES, jCUKMICALR, UI LS, DYK BTUFKB, PRRFUMKKY. NUTIONrt, Fancy ARTICLRK Fur THK roiLRT, CIKK WI.VK 4.V0 Liutomt,' • >" r medicinal purpose*, truaaea rurt* tu great variety. Also choice CIUARS AND ruBACCO, .and all other article* usually kept ia a J first elan* Drug Store. Preacriptiijus ctuelu ly Utimuuuuded I Aoct tf MILLER A SON. BEATTY "Si'l TUE BEST IN USE stamp !r Circular. DANIEL F. BEAITTL Washington. New Jrey. ' THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next dnor to Wilaou & Hieka* Hard ware guirt, Allegheny St., BELLEPONTE, PA , ! Jas. C. Williams -1 (Succewor to B F. Hankie A Co.) DEALER IN r PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS OILS, DYE STUFFS, VARVISIIES. BRUSH KS r KKFC MER Y N6TIONS, AND rANCY ARTICLES PUR THE TOILET, Ac. pvazmnz&UQyfjM for medicinal purp^ifti. 1 SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES a SUPPORTERS in great' variety Also, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all uiLer article* usually hept in first class Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. i 18 Deep Weil Pumpt, J ffl If Cittern Pumps, JKR IB ill m ALilS6efc •> Airti-Frazing Pmipt. .""o p i pm J"" p •-j* Mb r'Srt h- HITIHS. miss (mis OF ALL KINDB. Gum Hone § Packing, Bell and Brant Founder*, sod M*tufacturr* of the CELEBRATED Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. illutirated catalogue and price lirt."% fit J. B, SHERIFF & SON, M WATER (., AMUt AVMM. a pf ly- PITTSVCBiIH, PA. •'* 1 ; **■ Cf**■& *• s4# *Sg * 1 SHOHTUDGE A CO, COAL, LI HE, At., WILUAMSHORTLIDGE. BOND VALKNTIKI SHORTLIDGE & CO,, Burner* and Shipper* of the celebrated Bellefonte I WIHIBIIEi iLillMiE. ; lienler* in the very beet grade* of lANTHRACITEI^AII: The only dealer* in Centre County who tell the W\ 1 Li K F; S B; Ai R R E Ci O! Ai L from th* old Baltimore mint* Alto * i SHAMOkI.N AND OTHER GRADER of Anthracite Coal drjly houtad eiprettly tor Loot, ana. at the towe* price* DEALERS IN G RJIJ*. i Tl.ey pay the higbeti price* in cath for grain that tba Eastern mark at* will afford WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED AO, Bought or will he told on com minion w hen desired, and full price, guaranteed Is* formation concerning the grain trade will be furniabed at all timea. to fctatr witli pleasure, free of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER. which it alvayt told at low prieat, and warranted to be at good a fertiliser at aat other plaster. d?? 3£2 Am y&m NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, BELLEFONTE. PA. Lime! Lime! Lime o! tbe best quality, always on' I hand, at the kiln near Centre Hall, ! Alto Agent* for Myer s Excelsior Cement. ihebettin the market and warranted to! tet quirk and harden. For tale by Andy! Keesman at the Pott Office in Centre Hail s G tORGK KOCH. J.G. KMERICK. GREAT BARGANS AT THE HARD ' WARE STORE OF | MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS.. Miilheim, Pa., WiiotWAL* ax Rat ail Dkalms ix HEAVYk SHELF HARDWARE, | They have juat returned from the Katiern , Cities, where they have purchased a well ( tel acted ttork of nARDWARK. Crn.MT.UoK. Nails. J OtLB, PatUTt, V AMKItUKt, Pt'TTT, | B UJIDMMi t CO .4 CHMAKEBS ] GOODS. * Plasterers and Masous, Saddler*, Shoemakers, t Housekeepers, and in fact, 1 HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. J We call particular attention to a fine at* ' tortinent ol Picture Frames and Moulding, very cheap. WALL A WINDOW PAPER. And Curtaiu Fixtures of every kind COACH and WAGON MAE.EES-four attention it called to our stock of Spnkea, Hubs, Felloes, SbafU, Poles and Buggy Wheels, all of No. 1 quality and selling ve ry cheap. Our stock is large, and con stStllly being renewed, and we are selling —wholesale and retail—at very low prices. Remember—much money has'been lott by paying too much for Hardware, Try ittusstr & EuuMs 3po*S 3 a They buy for Cash and sell at Cash Prieaa for less profit than any other Hardware , Store in tbe County. ,fflff~Call and &o us, Satistaction guar anteed, „ MUSSERd: RUNKLE BRO'S. 1 aug 27-y '74 BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM RAVKMCS Drug Store, i WIXT BOOR 10 THE DESOBKXB OB* STORE.j FRESH AN© CM RAF 3 /bpT> BIL I*®? ho^rSf aco ®*m loWßl™ Penns valley Banlnng Go. CENTRE HALL, PAI RECEIVE DEPOSITS* | And Allow Interest, IHseetwt Note Government Securities, Gotland?** ***' ~~~C has. H. Held, *•Amwimr Mtliheim. Cciotrv Co., Pin. Respectfully informs bis friend* sad tbe public in general, that be bee juat - J 17MC5 oSS?\S2ißs£3i or u. ku<.ilr M ,sn". iLUSig complete index: of tbe month an Adav mi the month and week en its bea whieh u warranted as a perfect time-keeper. tv etches aad Jewelry . paired on short notice and warranted. —U M> y Excelsior Cement barf Si pa sstfaree: found highly satiafaetorv anon nit where it h„ TSfilNfl im <**- rKRNS, WATER PIPES, or whatever purpose a go.'d qu.lit, of Cement iedeai nbi© Tail CifDißi hii tlretiv WHATI tested far and wide, and rer:deredsfcfeut most satiefaotion. Persona, therefnrV *. Z UC *{f SSTt* Watot.PiHi. Ac., will find it to their advantage to Pear "" "• *• J £J£KiLV Biatchlsy's 1? D ■;J mproved CtJCUIf- A JCI SM WOOD PUMP Ve,..-ey H acknowledged STANDARD of the market, by popular verdict, the best pump for the least money. Attention i*invited to BlatohlejP* Improved Bracket, the Drop Check Valve, which can be with drawn without disturbing the joints, and the-eoppar chamber •■i i Buv ® r cracks, scales or rusts and if a * For sale by Dealers and the trade generally. In order to he "Ore tuat you get filaichley's Pump, he carefhl and see that it baa ny trade-mark is abo ve, If you do not know wb-c to buy, descriptive circulars, togethei*witk ne name and address of the agent nearest voii, will be promptly furnished by ad- Jrosimjr, with RUunp. CHAS 0 BLATCHLET KuthlttM, 506 Commerce St, Philadeiptih, F*. 11 marital. r