EAR*, HARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD ■ >aaaatila Wats. Tha Amort tan Ayriculhiriti, ill it* hint* for the WMdii, aavs: On mint day* it will l>e wU to ombol the mom. Take ont all the bo'ts clean all the mov ing parte am! gears with kerosene oil, then oil them with pure lard or oil, ami replace the bolts, first putting some clean tallow on the screw threads of the bolts ami nut*. When all is clean, throw a lam sheet over the machine, to keep it free from Just. Scythes may lie ground tin ami prepami for next month's work, ana hay rakes supplied with new teeth. Any tools or machines that are to be pmcnml, should Ih< looked after now. Consult the advertising oolunins for information as to ttie makers' ami dealers' names. Xotking that can a-ld to the manure pile sliofiUl be wasted. Oattleyarda should Ih> rakinl over, an-l the dnsipmg* removevl t-- the pile every day. L-'t no stable manure remain scattered an-l ex posed to the sun an-l ruin. 1-Vu-ly jwtahves should be put in at once. Plant shallow, :u-l -will np a h-s-h a* the sprout anpeai •; if fr-st is fcured, cover up in tn- 1 aftsrnoou witli an inch uf Jtfc *oil. Plant good sui.sl rijv scSvi and jjivt pall potut-w* L> the T'V- 1 g |t| Fowa w-p|A w-Tl but iu the ganUli Iffi-lt that may ls cl- used at ich: f*r wmng chickens, an-l k-s-p Uiein nowd uutil the -low is -lri<sl from the grass. Cs'l-1 and damp are the causes of more fatality among diicks, than any other evils. Young -lucks are excellent to destroy imsvls ui tha garde- . s hen or two, ceo|*ed witli breeds of ducklings, will do more go*sl iu tins way, tlvan alm-vst any -'Uier remedy, and they ar*- self-acting. Hogs ar* scarce this HMQO> Their will be a demand for light pigs uext tall and if a good thoruoghWd U*ur lvaa n-1 been seeawd, no Urn* diotkl If Ut. A newly farrow>*d sow will take the boar iti three days after pigging. She will go sixteen wee ks, and pigs may be looked tar in September. The pigs may lv matlo to weigh one hundred pounds, by Christmas. Spring pigs, if pushed now, and kept on good ciovcr pasture during summer, may weigh two Luudiod pounds bv winter. " A sow is simply a farm machine for the rednoti-*i of piga, ami should not be kept idle, and as with other machines—keep only the beat. Ewes with early lamk*, ii not to be kept fir brooding, ahouid be kept weil fed, and separated from the lambs as soon as then" is good grass. Use lambs should have a little extra food during weaning. "Wean the lamb* gradually during a wreek or ten days. If the spring clearing up has l>eeu do laved, it should no longer If put off. .Vll earth, manure, or vra.-tc that may lie against buildings should If removed from about the xilia. In whitewashing, the sills should have a double allowance; lime is a preservative of timber. Make everything around the dairy as sweet as possible, plant vines or climbing plants for shade, and use plenty of whitewash inside and out. Dou't forget the stock Now is their harvest season, and they must repay the cost of their winter's keep. Ch-anlim as everywhere ahouid be made imi-e native. See that no drain discharges, or any cesspool or filthy matter of any kind exists withui fifty feet of the weil. Rise early and go to bed early, a*J wash the body every night with Irpid water, before retimng. I hire soft water is the Kt of all blood purifier*. It dissolvt® mod every im purity that may find its wxyto the blood, and passes it off through the skin, lung* and kidneys, thus waalung ont the blood without any irritation in the system, and without those chemical changes and de posits which are likely to arise from the action of drugs. Why then use doubt ful, dangerous, and often injurious drugs for purifying the blood, when pore, simple, safe, and pleasant and far more effectual water may be had with out price 1 A hot lemonade is one of the best remedies in the world for a cold. It acts promptly and effectually, and has i-o unpleasant after effects. One lemon, properly squeezed, cut in slices, put in sugar and covered with a half pint of boiling water. Drink just lief ore going to bed: do not expose yours*if on the following day. Tliie remedy will waixl off aa attack of the chills and fever if used properly. Bauer Making. S. C. Drew, of South Koyalton, Ver mont, says : My dairy nnmWre sixten cows ; bt-vau got do J* n* y*, the remain der th* Last hatter cows I could oblk-ct in this and neighboring towns. I think a good cow is as good as I rare for to make butter from, lie the breed what it will. I like half-blood Jerseys ; think the butter is better to have some of tliat breed. In winter I feed early cut hay, with oat*, and corn fodder cut when it is in the right state to produce the most milk. I give each cow two quarts com meal in the morning after milking, and three quarts wheat shorts the-last feed at night; let them into the yard twice daily to drfek; if it is wanner there than in the stable, I let them out an boor or so ; if n*t. tie them up aa soon as they drink ; keep them warm by reg ulating the ventilators according to the weather. I vary my feed of mcid in the morning, and give shorts when then- is a tendency to run to hit .mote than to milk ; feed silt regT)l*rly twice a week. My milk-pans an* targe, with the double bottom, for running water in summer. The temperature of the milk room is about sixtv-ftve degrees day and night; the milk I* skimmed when thirty-six hours old, and conveyed underground directly from the pan to the barn. The cream is kept a little cooler than the milk. Churn three times a week ; warm the cream to fifty-eight or sixty degrees at the outset ; butter ooznes in about thirty muiufim. Alter washing it nntil the water is nearly clear, take it from the churn and weigh ; put it in the worker and mess the water out with the lever ; then salt orje-third ounce to tin pound ; use * bttle carrot-juice for color ing. As the salt is evenly mixed, mold it into quatter-potmd pats ; pack in tin tin plrtes ; set one above the other. •My cans hold twenty-four pounds Ship to Ikwtou twice a week. -ID samm- r the cows are kept at pasture day and night, except long enough to milk, anil are fed two quart* meal in morning. Cream cans ar* kept in running water at from fifty to ft/ty five degrees; churn same as winter. Made in 187k, 4,090 pounds of butter. I now receive sixty--five cents a pound at wholesale. Never put hands in the but ter, scald the mill:, or work more than once. A Sad But Singular Incident. One of the most popular writers of sensational books fifteen years ago was Professor J. H. lugraliam, whose so called religious pr vol, " The Prince of the Houso of David," reached the enor mous aple of one hundred thousand oopies. Quo ddJjL'nrietoii, the publisher, was looking over a proof when Pro'essor lugraham caHed upon him with a singu lar propomtyjn. He offered Carleton a i new boor t a pretty high price, gome thing like tan thousand dollars, one third ©I which must be paid then in ad vauoe and-the remainder at intervals after .the.boot was published. Upon in quiry as to the nature of the book, it ap peared that {lot one word of it liad been written, but that the author proposed to set about it at ence, or as goon as he should arrive home in Louisiana, where he was tire pastor of off Episcopal church. The $3,3-'l3, tlven, was demanded for a mere promise to write. " But suppose you dont live to complete or even to be gin the work-,''' said" C-arleton, "what abont my §3.333?" "Oh!" answered Ingraham, " that is harflljr worth antici pating." Under the circumstances, the proposition was rejected; raid it ifl .not known whether any other'publisher ac cepted it. N'6w for the sequel. Pro fessor Iqgraham returned home, and within three days after his arrival, one afternoon while he was changing his coat, a pistol dropped from his pocket and exploded, shooting him dead upon the spot. Not one word of the "new book 5 had been put upon paper. 1 THE IIIIA YE EXPRESS lESSENHEH. Ilf UsOwdMSs Trr'iir twlrw.le* I* lll**. and KUU kh Tlilel **• rmeiswl Ma far and tiirmptril la llafc Htm. An exchange tolls the story of the at tempted rohbery of an express oar on the Ft, Wayne road and the death of the rohlicr, aa follows ; The train w a short distance west of Lafayette, lud.. lunl was running at the usual rate of sp<vd. The meeaCJiger, Mr. IVice, sat in his department guard ing the i>ipre matter he had on board, which wivs wry vabisbbv. lie wiw alone All the pus>, iigen on the train wen anpjHvaed to le Ahuiitwruig, and Ui< n was naught to disturb Ins quiet hut tin •'click, ty click,- dick-ty click "of th rapidly r-vol ting ear wh-sla. Suddenly the messenger was arena*-I from hi-- reverie by in the ear o( a masked man, a powerfully-built and muscular fellow. The door* of the ear ha-1 bism thoroughly lolted, ami how he ha.l sn.wdcd in effecting an entrance was a mystery t. Mr. I'iic. The latt-i juiuped't-1 his fet hastily, realising at one--that an attempt at roblxuv was to be made, when the would U> robber a*l vat ice. I from la-hind the stove, which stood between the door he ha-l entered lunl w here the messenger st-ssl, ami calrny await.-.l result- lie t that inure robbers would follow, ami re solved to await until the worst came to | tha ei: lad-ire resorting to defense. I The maakr l man now spoke to the ei preswv.au, ami with thr.-ats Uld him to hand -or the k. ys ~f his saf- adding that he would be a -lead man if he re fusc-L Quick a* lightning iTiee fled to the extreme end t>f the car, determine*! not only uot to surrender his keys, but to sell his life as dearly n jw-ssible. Seeking assistance was simply -nit of the -ju- eti-ui, as all the noise jawaiWe t-> be made cotiM not attract any *>ne's atten lion. The robber was prompt t*< act, ami scarcely lia*l Mr. l'tice reached his pirns* at tlie end of the car, wheu he tire-1 a shot at the . xpixssmaii. Price threw up his left hand to ward oil the sli-*t, mid the ball jiass* d through the fleshy paxt of his left arm below the elbow. Plie robber, seeing tliat he ha-1 done no damage, at once fiml again, ami this tiiue the ball struck Mr. Price in the h'ft cheek, tearing awav a portion there of, uear the hp. It win tow Mr. Puce's turn, and ' taking deliberate aim a deadly messen ger wua dispatched at thevilliau. Seuree lv had the echo of the slu>t from Mr. Price's revolver died away in the -wr, when the robber staggered :uul fell to ward the stove, and Mr. Price i>l unly saw in tlie dim light of the car, tunt he was gasping in death. Satisfying himself that there were no more robbers n-wr, the Messen ger advanced to where the robber lay. Uis mar had relied ftvui his face; there lay naught but Lis lifeless 1.-rm. Death had been instantaneous. l'he deadly missile struck the victim above the right eye, entering and lodging in th* bmic. Mr. Price recognised the remains to Is- tins'*' of Hiram Itinkl- v, formerly a freight conductor on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railnw-1, who -wan disc barge*.! some ume ago for tlie crime of robbery at wrecks —both of passengers and tin* goods and other valuables contained in the cars wrecked. As wc have already stated, Mr. Price had the doors of his car bolted, and the first intimation he had of the presence of any one in the car beside* himself, waa when he was confronted by the robber. Examination di*oloee the fact that a panel had been cut out of the car, and a hole made to enable a hand to reach in and draw th*' bolt of the door. Piled against the door of the car, as an addi ; tioual precaution, was a lot of sacks tilled with corn, which the robber had to push away in forcing open the door. .Vll this, of course, occasioned noise, bat not sufficient to I*" noticed above the hum and roar of the rattling ma chinery of the train. Mr. Price brought the body of the dead robber in his car as far as Crest line, Ohio, where it was removed to the station and the coroner uotitlcd. Mr. Price then came towrard Pittsburgh, his run being from Chicago to Pittslmrgh, but at Ma. sfield was rocalUxl by the coroner. Mr. Pries states an his opinion that the J ad robber luul two com}"anions, passengers on the train, and his idea is ; that they were uot to appear until liink ley succeeded in getting him bound to the floor. They then were to rush into the ear, and the work of robbery could be completed in a few moments. Price | thinks all three- of the men got on at lama, and the two who aro suspected as the companions of the dead man left the train soon afts r the tragical occur - reuce, at a place called Forest. We are happy to be enabled to an nounce us a sequel to the alnive. that at , a meeting of the Ailarns Express Co., held a few days afterward, the sum of SI.OUO gold WAS voted t Messenger as a testimonial of his faithful conduct and bravery. Spanbh brigand-. A very edturpruring, and, so hi speak, advanced act of brigands have just IH-011 got rid of at Alicante, wiutro their opera tiona iiff-ivr to have caused oonsidflruhlc discomfort for aomc timo |iast. These I marauders, who unmix-red about four, did not rely on the traditional rusty car ' bine and short jacket of the profession. Thy dressed like respectable Bimnisrds, and need little but chloroform, the plan employed being for one of the most ex pert of them to get into conversation, in the character of a stranger finding hut way into the town, with some well-to-do citizen taking hi* evening Rtroll, and then to suddenly stupefy him when no one WM watching. Aided hy hi*, com rades, who were concealed clone by, the brigand present!v removed his victim under cover of night to a retreat in the mountains, where a rmnaom was named, ami a short time only allowed for it to be sent under pen&itv of deatli. The repetition of this adroit proceeding two or three time*, however, brought the police on the tn-'k of the criminals, ami they were driv. n from tlioir place of j concealment to the crmst. Here they are known to h.te taken pannage in a smuggling felucca trading with Algiers, i hut as the vessel was chased for some ; hours hy a government revenue cruiser, and is r<-port<-d a* arriving in Algiers very shortly after without her passen ger#, there are warm hopes expressed in ! Alicante that the smugglers took advan tage of the confusion to get rid of their ! auspicious passengers by the summary ! process of throwing th-m overboard, so Eweeumiig themselves of their ill-gotten xity, and saving Kiug Alfonso'* gov eniment any necessity for appealing to , the extradition treaty. Tin- Perambulating Hales Again. The Detroit Tribune says tlwt H rgt. Bates, who became known bv carrying the American flag through the South soon after the war, and also through portions of other countries at various times, proposes to start from Windsor, Ontario, to carry the stars and stripes, j unfurled, to Toronto. He -will do this, he says, in order to show that the people of Canada entertain no other than senti nv-nts of friendship and good will for their neighbors in the United Ktates. At Toronto he will bike the Iswt to Os wego and thence carry the British union jack, unfurled, to New York city, which lie expects to reach about the first of July. He will soon after embark for England, ami on the 2d of August ho prof)ose to start from Calais, France, ' on an extended oontim ntul tour, bearing ■ his Img through several European coun tries, and ending at Bt. Petersburg, Russia, which h- expects to reach some time in October. His REASON.—A lady was around the post-ofiice at Detroit, the Frcr. PrcM says, speaking with the Ivootblac'is and \ newdboys, and urging them to attend Sunday-school, A few said they would atterd, others gave- reasons why they 1 couldn't, and oue young rcd-kea 1 was silent. " Wouldn't you like to come to Sunday-school, my boy ?" kindly inquired the lady. "Noam.'' "Why wouldn't you?" "Oil, coz." "'Cause what?" "Why, suppose the fire bells should ring and the preacher wouldn't let mo put 1" lie exclaimed. JUSTICE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Thr Wine* l ■> KBr Trlbr H •■ Trral- Marnl k, ik, Kn.ll.h Trop. An interesting -Icbate took place n few days since in the Itritish I'm Inunent on the trial of the Zulu chief lauignlilndeU* iin-l the cirenniatancea eonu*ot*d with the so called Kntlr outbreak in the colony of Natal in the autuinti of IS7H. In that colony which n* aland oue thiol the site of England, with some lS.iHkl inhabitants of European descent and native population more than ten times an laige the removal of it Kafir trile, with Its cattle, Uy-ntd the la inters of the Stale without having first ->b tamed the permission of the authorities, is deemed illegal, an-l in itself alni-mt an -erert act of rebellion. The lliwbi trilv* having hu-1 some -lis agreement with tlie Natal government about the rcgiatreU*m of guns given thent f-<r working m the diamond field*, determined t> *< < k a more congenial s*ll. The last di'Ukchmelit f the tills' had reached a plus- called Busman's ltivcr jvass, near the frontier, when it was overtaken by an arm-sl force of colonists seut in pursuit. A long parley ehalted, which ended ill fighting und the *l.stli -f five Englishmen For th.-a. f"w rau-lom shots tire-l m fwir an-i auger, a terrible revenge watt taken. The pnraiiit-f tlie retreating hallo, waa -sinhuiir-l wnlh a larger Isdv of volun teer* ; the tills*, with an allied *in> even h-ss guilty, wu.-- brokeu up, its goods ami chattels were pillaged or destroyed, the women ami children were thrown into vutu.il slavery, an-l their lan-la were nivag.--l. Their chief, Isuigulilxdolo, who at the time of the skirmish was in lies in advance with another portion of liia p*-ople, was placed oil trial, the main charge against him being that he wasdirectlv responsible for the -leath of the five volunteer*. 'Hie tribunal liefore whom the utifor tuuate man waa arraigned w.i* remarka Idy constituted, ami his tiial was one of the moat extraordinary u record. The presiding julge was hir ltenjanun Pun-, the governor of the colony and ami uuunler-in-chicf of its military, while the rest of the court was made up of chiefs of trites hostile to the prisoner, and of colonists. Among the white judges was the father of one of the young men for whoae killing the accused wak on trial. The iiriaouer k plea, m which some of the facta alleged were adwithxl while it was averred that the conclusion drawn from them was entirely erroneous, though in reality a plea of not guilty, was at once construed as a plea of guilty, and six of the judges pronounced judg ment against him. On the following morning it was announced that the court would then proceed to hear e\ idonoe, the purpose being "U> place on record the extent of the prisoner's crime." Wit nesses were examined for the next five .lava, and then leuigalibalclc was sen tenced to imprisonment for life ou an island, lie was lound guilty of having permitted his tribe to post**)* firearm a, of insulting a magistrate's messenger, of disregarding the summons >f tlio Natal government, and finally of the willful murder of the five volunteer*. The admitted fact tliat he was far iti frout of the retreating force, and had had no personal communicatii'U with tin***- who tired the fatal shots, was coiisidenxl an insufficient defetuv, on the ground tliat Mabuble, who actuallv commanded the combatants, was found in company with laoigalibalele when the Latter was arrested. On the third day of the trial, the juisotier on being if he should like counsel, replied in th*- affirmative. The liarrister, howevt r, was sent for, was told that he Could not *ee his client nor l>e allowtxl to nay anything save in extenuation of hi* guilt. l> > uuv> that liad IH-CU admitted. Naturally the law yer refused to lake the in*" - under such conditions. Bishop Colenso interested himself in th- cause of the unfortunate Kutir, and visited England maiulv to plead hi* cause. Sir Rcnjamiu Pino'a r-jx>rt to the colonial ulli v waa consider-d *•> fur from satisfactory that lu- waa relieved a.* gov* -m rof Natal. Earl C.irn.irvon li.c denounced the illegality of the whole proceeding*. " The servants of the crown are lnuind," lie says, "t*> have a couacience in this matter, and bouud, also, to have a voice; and wln-u an act of wmug or injoatioc lias l>een done in any jsirt of the empire, it i* tlieir duty to notice it.** "Itianota queation," aaid the le-rd Chancellor, •' which can bo slurred over or buried, or with re gard. to which we can say, ' Well, it was not sail -.foot- >ry, but after ail the mat; who wax tritxl was very bad man, and if he had not committed tin- offense which ho did lu- would have tried to do something else, so tin- beat thing we could do was to confine him.'" Sir Oar net Wulaeley, the conqueror of the Aaliantaea, lia* lieen sent out to Natal, and through hi* tnot and common sense it in hopnl the relations l*t*wn Kafirs and colonists will beoonic inure harmonious. A Hold Poacher. The Bavarian jxiarhers arc noted for their skill and bravery, but they do not and will not understand the laws against poaching. Tiny say to each other, "Game is free; game has no owner." "What is wild is ours if we can take it, as it is another man's if lie can bike it." A few years ago a bravo fellow, well known all up and down hi* valley, was caught in the act of p'sieliing, and with the proof of hi* theft at his f.-et. A gamekeeper arose ont of the hushes la-side him aud called upon him to sur render. Surrender!—surrender wn* disgrace in his family, shame among his fellows, incarceration in a frightful jail. On one side was a terrible precipice, on the other was his enemy. Tln-ro was no time for consideration. The cliff wa seven fathom* high, lienenth were huge mass.* of broken rock. To leap down seemed to invoke instant death. But the disgrace f Impossible ! The poor fellow milled to the very tirink of the ahvss and measured its depths with furtive glances : "Jesus, Max in, Joseph, help !" he cried, in desponding accents, ami took this fabil leap. One moment his body hovered iu the air, one liand clutching at a bush—the next the bush swung bock, the man was gone. The old forester stood rooted to the ground, and ho muttered, under IUH breath : " The devil will have a hot sup per this time." lint h" was aroused by a shout from l>elnw. H<' gazed downward, full of luvu-rablo f*ciuigs. Jt was IUH prisoner flying like lightning over the rocks, skipping from one to the other like n chamois. Hi* turned about and waved hi* hat. "Good evening, Herr Forster; many thank* for letting cie out of your cltitchm. [ have one request t.i make— it ix for your own nuke, not mine; don't jump over the on-ripi'v, I bog of yon; it's dreadful bad for the feet," !ind, with another hurrah, ho di-uippcarcil in the fon at. The gnmekeeper, mail with rage, forgot lii remorse, atiil heartily cursed the lad he li.id pitied but a tuo ment lxjfore. " I'll be even with you yet." ho cried, aloud, but meanwhile he couldn't help envying the boy his elastic body. In the Palace far. A lady, traveling from New York to Boston, a short timo ago, tok her seat inn drawing room car. the only occn pants of which were two gentlemen. One was smoking; the other held n fresh and unlighted eigar just ready to apply the match. The fair traveler did not like the odor of smoke, and calmly remarked aloud that this was the draw ing room car, and they would please find the smoking-ear forward, for the smoke was very offensive to her. The gentle men removed the obnoxious weeds, but looked extremely serious ahout it, and had a word or two with the conductor when that functionary entered. Ho mildly requested the lady to step into another car, but she was comfortably seated, and declined to move. By-and bye other gentleman appeared, nml ad dressed the would-be smoker as "Mr. President;" and when at last some one let drop the mystic word "Grant," the obtuse but well-meaning damo recog nized her company, anil, summoning the conductor, sought another car. Mt'TIAY IA MHMM'KAR. The Wlon of the lleeperale CnnHlrl en all I nan Iran lilmonrl-- - A Men aw Rerape tar Ihr I rerl. Hitieo Hie ntrauge affair of the Bounly, no aiuTi ili-rtjx rate mutiny at hoi an that of the Jefferson Ilonleli linn Ih-cii record eit. Sailora are thought to Ih< a ipiarrel eouie and evil a I, to Im< aure, and poor Jack liana lnut'li harder name than lie honeatly deaetves. Kvery Mow and then n mutiuoua crew in rc)ortcd; aouie of the men have bi-eu knocked down with capstan Ittni, put m iroiia, haled tiefore the courts, or worse treated. Hut iinuallY the cause of the trouble ia bin I "grub, 1 ' haid work, or abuaive officers. It ia not often that any of theao complaint* h ad to bliHnUliett and murder, It ia due to our commercial marine, na well aa to the cause of common justice, that the eaae of the Ihirden, which ltaa rti iled much iu t.-ti-st iu Pnghutd, idiouhl I**i thoroughly iiiYoatlgnt* h Nothing i-uti juatifj the rnoug of the crew, whoee conduct, u de tailed at aouie length in late enble ilia patches, seems to hn\e IM . II aimply Htro OtOllH. 'the ltorden muled from Nc-w t Irluana for Lutulou early iu April. When the Vi-h-m-1 waa about one thousand utileH trom the l.ugliah ooa.it, being tlieti eighteen days out, and the second mate on the wntch, the crew rune and In gan their deadly work. The nccoud mute wua killed while on dix-k, the flmt mute and i-iiptiuu being ;vdeep in the cabin. Hie firnt uuibi was next culled by tlie uiulimx-re, who kiux'ked litm down a* lie tvune out of the gangway, ami then thr w him into the aen. I'he laptuin wiu tin ti ealled, with the Htiiti'nient that an accident hud liup)H<ned. The ab aeucti of theiuuti-H frvuu l low lutturullv exciUxl hi* auaiiicioua, uitd he went uu deck aitntxl with revolver®. Availed b\ the mtiliueent, who m-ein to have heeii four in number, he opened lire on them, and ultimately compelled them to retreat to liie house i>u deck. The ivtpbun fought at long range, with tin-arum ; the mutineers probably hid only knives for weajHUis. A-willed by the steward, ti Uiy, and cue siulor, who remained by lum. Captain Patterson fastened Un met! in the deck holme, and U-aieg.V ihetn wiUi his lottery of l>lstnlH. For one entire ilav these men lield out, Uu cajitain firing in upon them through a window. One man is said to have Imwu shot sewn Utues, anil all of them were more or lev wouudixl, so that thev were, at last accounts, barely alive. Fiuallv, afU-r a trying siege, the mutineers i-u]>itulated and were urconxL In uUrnt dhirtv hours afterward the vessel was met by piassing craft, from Tii*-li help to navigate her into jmrt waa obtaintxl, tuid the Borden arrived off the Kngiish coa-t May 3d. The mulnns-is confess to tile murder of the first ami second metes, and urge that they were driven to theae desjs-rnti' stejis by ill treatment. The 1 others of the crew, who must have known something of the trouble which was brewing, say that the object of the mntiuy was to gain possession of and plunder the vessel. Poaiiblv like Jack Vilnius and his comrades ~f the Bounty, the mutimvre of the Borden saw an op jHirtunity to get rid of liard work, jxiverty and rough fare, by mining a vt-HN-1 and making Uieir way to stnuige conutriea. They wi re wofullv disappointed, and nobody cull doubt tiuit ooudigu pumdi meiit will speeddv OTertUu tbc.se wretched fellows, l'bc laws of nil civ ilized nations arc very severe iu tbe treatment of mutiny <>r insubordination 011 shipboard. Maritime discipline must necessarily le strict, even to up|<ttrent hardship. The lives of all ou board, sud the property of others, are in the liauds of the commander. Iu case of a mur derous rising, the officers, who are, for the time being, the government of a floating community, are aKsolntoly cut off from all help from the rest of the world. It may seem a violent and cruel proceeding for a captain of a vessel to tire away at an imprisoned and defense lest crew until they have agreed to sur render and be bound, but in this was the only aecority of the "ship's gov ernor,*' whose assistant officer*—one of whom was his brother—had I wen mur dered by the men who ouly missed his Ufa by a narrow chance. In circum stance* of gnat jwril—and any mutiny ut se* is a great peril— the authority of the ship is the law and its executioner. Tie 'tragedy of the United States brig - of war Homers is a awe in jvoiut. The summary hanging at the vard arm of an officer of that vessel will never tw forgotten iu our navy, whatever may lie the disputed points in the ease as con durtol on board. The storr of the Jef ferson llorden is still more sanguinary, and those who are familiar enough with mariua afiair* t< realize the terrors of the captain's situation, almost alone nt sea with murderoUs mutineers aland him. will bo glad that one more uusuc ceasful conspiracy ou board tdiip has so utterly failed. A Plague of Kat*. A Rangoon correapon-Jent of the I>m- I don Ttni' * vriltw to that journal as follow* : While Hon gal has lately strtig gled through a famiue crisis, the Kureus oountry, lying cm th" confines of Hur mail prop* r, lias narrowly escnjakl a crisis of tilt same kind, but in tins in stance rats, aiil not drought, were the ' cause of the scarcity. It appear* that certain parts of liuriunh are periodically visited bv a plague of rats. Hosts of ; them march across eonuty, and attack the roots of th crops and the gram in I the villages, and actually drive out the people, and can * 1 whole vtllagos to bo | deserted ly their deprodntitms. Knelt a plague hod nppcaretl near Tottnghoo, and some suffering hail arisen in conse quence, but the government appear to have provided food for then- in want of it, and all fear of famine is how averted. A forester, but a few weeks si ice, as lie j was going to visit the teak forests rented by s large firm in Bombay, witnessed the passage of an army of rats as they crossed the Sittang. He was at that time gliding down stream in his boat, and th" lsmtnifin called his attentiou to a large black mass swarming down the nigh Imuks, They turned out to lx< rats, | and as they swam across the river tliey kept a kiud of military formation. He represents their numbers to have lss-n i myraids. They passed close to the j boat, and were large field rat*. The lab- I >r. Mason, in his book on Bulimah, mentions the plague they were to the country, but until tlieir depredations had spread to such a large extent as they did last year their presence was ignored. It api ars that they generally keep near I hilly country, and scour the plains at , seasons when the nuts or fruits in the hills fail them. Valuable Metals. There are eight metals more valuable than gold, as tho following will allow. None of them are found on our farm, though. It may be worth while to mention that tin; first four are never sold by the pound, but their value is quoted for the sake of comparison: Indium, 92,r>'2'2; vanadium, 82,510; ruthenium, $1,400; rhodium, S7OO ; palladium, $653; uranium, $570; osmium, $025; iridium, $.'117.44; gold, $001.45. Indium, which was only discovered in 1800, is found only in the zino-blentica of Freiburg, anil in a white met.d f rare lirillianey, !>ut practically of little value. Vana dium i a native of Mexico nrul Peru, whore it exihts ill lead or- a under the name of vanadiata of lend. Hutlnmitun, Yhodium, palliidiuin and iridium are nil preeipitnten of platinum, and are all very hard metals, the last Is itig insoluble in acids, except when oxidized. None of these uietnis nre found in quantity, or free from other metals; nor are they use ful iu the arts, like gold and silver; nor could they be coined into money, for that matter, without infinite trouble; no that there in very little danger of their superseding gold and silver for any use ful purpose. THE ELECTIONS.—There will be no more noli ties to speak of for five months, when Maine will hold her State election. This will be followed by elections in California, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. Ohio will elect a governor in place of the veuerablo Mr. Allen, whom the people seem kindly dis|>osed to re lieve from further service. lowa will have an October election, and Massa chusetts and several other (States will hold elections in November. MI'MMARY OF HEWN. lirma at lulrreel (rem llama sad AHrand Cliarlra It. l.awranr-r, Uie Kteal silk ainua |{ler, win. nan liaililnl (nuu Indian.! ai I tie. tin New lurk Ilia o|ieratlDiiK wont into ; Iha uilllloita. and It ia believed .'ouipnuuiaea mam men-liatit* an. l nllb-iala A rrowd of wouien uinbbcxt eii old Catlmlie arliiMilliniue Iu | koiugaliilta, Hiloala, dm-laiUi|{ that lliey novsr 1 would allow their eliildtru to iKs-onta (lid ('atlioliiw. Aftel liiUi li eli lleiuetil llie Inllllaiy seta eaile.l mil, and . Iraiod tits sUsel*. wlileh weie full of Kpci'labua. Twenty |wrwona Weie aiisalnl.,, Tim Human Catholic hlaho| of I'rttaela have derided to dlnnoho even llie rsllHiona orders wlileh llie -late tolciatea, helnj-; UUWIUIIIK lo ees tlielit autijoi-leil n> llie aiipel- VlalOll of Ul KOVsrUniMlt,. ■ , Hil handled of th woikiuau on the llergvai(N. J.)tunnel, who rliuek ooUts Uineaiuro, have ieauUie.l walk at the old wages Chariot. 11. I.awionco, Iho gteal Mlk Munggler. who wa* evlia.lile.l fr-su ling land, arrived 111 New York lllaopeiatlona went into millions, and 11 Is believed eompro inuie* many msrehautii and eltlrials Tlie atUmiey-griieial glvso II a* his OJitlliiMl lhat enrollment ptevloua lo (he |iiv*lainaUou for viduuteetw, dues uot preeiiule a iTattuhJ bounty wheis (he company oi regiment waa mnalered into service of Uie Tutted Hlaies |slor to July JJ, lsol. The i|itcnUou grew out if a claim for bounty whore the claimant was enrolled in (he Pile /onavoa, or 110 th New York Volitnleers, ou A|>nl 'it isbl (iualemala has rec>x m/tsl the listepoudeoce of the republic of Cuba. .... lTve houses, one church, and three stables were burue.l at llnyeiitown, liucks couuly, l'a., liivolruig a hsu. of AIO.UU) .... A uiaii without legs or lingers was found dead among tbo Imggage ou a North river jieckel. From his neck wan eus|iideil a large card, iiiscntied thus . "Mv name is Tatrlck Kennedy. have a wife and eight children in (ioshrti, N. V. 1 lost my legs and hngeie in a railroad accident and cannot work." Tlie sleamrr City of New Yoik made the trip from Havana lo New Yolk in llitee davn and ten hours- Is - i uvg the fastest Ume ever leeurded. A new iron bridge recently erected over the Erie canal a fan uules above Albany gare way. iwrryiug with II a team of hiwmm. a wagon, and two men. The men were seriously injured. ~ 1 fhe National Society of Cincinnati held Its triennial dinner at New York, Hatnuton Fish j presiidiug Alhiui autv weavers at the lhtten limine Woolen Mill, Tetersun, N. J., are on a strike. They complain that tlie e|sved and material furnished (hem do lint give them a - fair opportunity to make good wages in rcaeon- I able tune .. .Duruig the Im-tingion (Ky.) rv-on, | the horse Searcher ran a mile in l,4l*j—being lite fa*lest time ever made ... Mr. Jefferson l'a via, in an address U> the Trias veteran* of the Mexican war, enireale them to be a* loyal now to llie stars and stri|<es as they were rralotia and brave in defense of their first flag .William liusseJl. a widower, aged thirty I years, ijuarreled with a younger brmher Ui lue fall.i; - boas., at Newbury, and wiirr. ' bis aged mother interfered be turned upon her ; and aituuel severed her head front tier body I wiilt a shoe knife, lulling ber instantly. He thou afacknd bis father, and would bave killed bim but for the interference of neigh bors, who secured the murdrrer after a strug gle. A younger brother was fatally Injured and Ihr father was M-ti idy wound—!, t'Ut will recover. As tlie murderer had threatened |lo kill the family it is supposed that be .* uieane. 11c was arrested..,.A telegram has I been received at the Itueeian Embassy in Washington *ta( ng that tlx- Cm has left llerliu Cv n voiced lhat Couc.liatory sen I. Inert* of a nature U> insure the auunleuaivoe of |s>ace pi<■ vail there ..A resiiutiou was introduced into llie New YTck State Assembly and unain tuously *d >pud, setting forth that for a, I ! v .-*:•> tin re ha* rxi-tcd in the Island of an armed resistance to Sj—nish authority ahtcb lias been maintain—l and a repuluacan form of govemmcnt estabhsl <l. that the time lias arriv<-d when it is the duty of Hi , Tinted Slates government no take -m-h action a* may be beat caiculat.il to U-rnniiale the war .u Cula. aiid *ecure to the jip!r of Cuba the advantage* of free guvrtiiment ; that llveweiia iufi and repraarntaiiviw of New York Slate m Congres* 1* rt|m -(rd to pa.-. such m<*- ures aa will secura to the republic of Cuba i ail tha right* and jw-.vilege* belonging U> I belligerents ill tins war. Tlie divers examined the hull of the Schiller for four hours. Thev found her broken up— a confused rnaaa of iron sud timber. ller lower dock mlal on the rocks. and her t-nt . in ! *jt hv:ti£ liMti torn off by Uio fork*. Son* of the ;wr WM rem>iL iul nontfo WM (lsibl(..,.'ni di*till*r lately afTsotol by i Uio roiioiuo anlliunUm hvo Jr.ucxl together for carrying Una uutter into Uio court* ami lost.ug the constitutionality of the internal ' revenue act. They have rrtaitioi! *x-Sotiai<>r t'arjf liter, of tVlaouoiiu ... A a gang of <*m victe were*working on the ground* of the S.ug Sing prison near ttie railroad track, Ave of Uie moat d.j < rate made a ru-li post the unarmed keetcr fur a freight train which w a* proceeding at a very elow rate, and jumping ou Uie engine drove off Uie engineer and fireman with loaded revolver*. They then uncoupled Uie etigine from Uie train, an 1 palling the IhroUle wide <Hn started on Uieir terrible ride for liberty. As the engineer etepped otf, however, he | turned the ptiaign on full without being per ceived l>y Uie convict* ui liojiea of Hooding the boiler and eo sloping the engine. Hut outlet patioii* were fully realised, for Uie engine had uot jwocoedod far when eho blew oat one Cylinder heal, and at the eijmation of three mile* the other cylinder gave way and the engine wtoppod, the convicts taking to the woods. The purwuiiig parti** hail not been I Kiiceeeefiil at laet accounts.... By tho will of Uie late Jamie Ihot, of llartfont. Conn., over 1100,<00 ia be pleat bed to charitable tnatitu- Uoni....Josh I*rarer, colored, was hanged in Carudeu, H. C., for murder in tho preneuco of *ix thousand people, lie van convicUwl ou circnmst*ntil cvi.lcncc, but confessed his crime on ths wsffoid Ho also scknowltylged lutirJcring his wifeaudchild, ss well ssanotliei woman, beside* burning severs! bania and gin houses. Kaniuel White, a prominent citizen of Lud low. Mass.. was bitten in Uie *ide by a I-oar 1 and bled to death before assistance could reach htm J. 11. liar ton. Democrat, was elected mayor of St. Louis The American consul at Panama announces the death at Guayaquil of Uio lion. Thomas 111.idle, rioted States Minister to Kcitadnr Arthur K. (ialt. uiueteeii year* of age, a clerk in the Lynchburg National Itank, has almcotided with CIO.OOO belonging to the bank.... The Mas : sachosotta Legislature has appropriated (50, (KK) to tho centennial A boy of fourteen was aeciilentslly shot by another of fifteen in New Yoik. while tliey were examining a pistol. The journal Isi lococ driVi It run of Home has lieon slispen Itsl for puldishilig tlie Pope s address to the Herman pilgrims The priests imprisoned in Posen and neighboring towns have been release. 1 . .The |*wtmaster general ha* onlennl tiiat the postage on letter* to and from foreign countries, with which different rate* have not been esiaMi*he<l, shall lie Ave cent* for each half ounce A* Samuel Day, of Newark. N. J., was passing by a machine shop he stopped to try liis strength by lifting part of a broken Ay wheel standing on the walk. lie seized it Iwdow it* center and a* lie lifted it toppled over on liiai. crushing in bis chest and killing bun instantly. Th* Jury in the case of l'ather Herdsman, the Catholic priest of Philadelphia, charged with embezzling chntcli funds, have failed to agieo on a verdict The striking miners held a grand labor parado in Wilkesbarre in which some three thousand men joined. Everything was orderly A collision oc cur; od on th* fourth of April off the coaat of c'lnna between the Chines i steamship Fu-eing and tho lliitisli steamship Ocean. The Fu sing founded almost instantly, causing a loss of fifty lives lteu. Noun, who lived on a farm near Lexington, Mo., was called to the door on a Saturday night recently by a band of ma* ked men and riddled with buckshot, thirty two entering his head Alonzo Jackson and Albert Smith, with their wives and two cliildreu each, wont over a dam at Zanesiille, Ohio. Huth women, with ouo child each, were drowned Tho Papa! Nuncio made a formal demand for Ihe restoration of Catholic unity in Spain, and the government has replied that it is resolved to maintain hberty of worship The Governor of Missouri lias issued a proola matiou appointing June 3 as a fast (lay. lie states that information is received from all part* of the Htate indicating tho grasshopper plague, causing loan of cro}>a and possibly famine, and so calls on tho peoplo to unite in calling for diviuo relief... .John C. Breckin ridge, ex-Senator and Yice-IToaident, is dead. Tim Top* liw roauh ail to convoke the vsticaii council again at an early data lo die ouaa ecch-*i*Uc#l rttofDM, Ttie /'•' Mil.'.' <1 turtle attribute# ilia origin lite reeent Ktiropaan wr tnumt* lo tlie alarm of tlsrniaiiy n< Iho jwaasgo by tlie 1 rrn. li Aa- M-tnbly of the bill oattcafuillg Uie i -utrrl of Utn Krwncti •liny Chandler, llail A Co., boot and eline ilralrm, l*bll*illplila, have *uapauil *l Their liabilities ere from fIWi.OOO to ♦ lit,wo. A uumber of their eredibm are New 1 iif.;lat. t tu*niif*c(urors Hy (be fall of an elevator in Blots 111 Hi, uuo ttikii waa ktli—l, an thai filially Injured, end Iwo ware mili.Mialy hurl ... li*|*>rt* fi.iiii Jack**— end Clay cutiulloa, Kansas, a lain that the w boat and • >al cr<i| are nearly dnalruyed, ami the Itltiui oulii|iioU"ly eaten up. The tady liu|h> la of Ibe Inipjiora .lying off, wblßb lliey aeeui lo t*e doing by tbuuMUitbi. The New England Kocu-ly of New Yolk rlly baa male arrange meiila to go lo Ibe liiiukai' filll oaisbrsUutl Juno 17 Ibe Unman Catholic blshupe (if ITu*ata, who addjeaaed a |ttUUott to the Km l*ior, and r—clvod a reply laet mouth from (bo Mlliialera of Atale, hale made rejoinder that to reject tlie declalou of the vatliwu ixhiu t-il would tie tK|Ulvalenl to an abandonment of Catboln-iaiu . and I ha; lliey are convinced the Holy Hee would never be unwilling to act In ounfortuity with all projwr decision* of tlie •Stale government. TMK H HINkV KIM.. HrraUtiie I |i at a l.laauilr HMlu.Ur In lltr I yilrtl Mulra-t Ht'la uud l The most skillfully executed cam paigu ever mad.- by the UmU-d StaU* government against the whisky ring culminated in the m izure of thirty din Ulleri.-s and ns-tifying' establishment* in various citiea of the West aui South. The details bring to light frutnln not in ferior in dim- ni-ions to those attained dur ing the operation of the old ring which culminated ill IHOB. This u*vv ring, which lias Ix-cit brnki-u up, hud its ht-inlquurtcrs ut St. I*litis, hut its reiiiificatiiiiis Mtctiiled U> Chicu go uud Milwaukee, niul thtilicw all liver the llusf. West Utld Holltll. It fil>t Is dame strong in IH7I, and since then tin Htcvding is i tdimated by those wlut have given the matter the most thorough i-XJUnmatiotl at nUuit Sl,'iHU,<lHU p. r auituin. The fnuiduleut operetiima have Ix-cii ilj*oli a gratul scale. In Ht. Ls.uis five out of six distilleries have been impln-ah-vl. In Chicago four out of seven iliitilleries auit three no tifying establishments are eliargtxl with evasion of the tux, and cheating thi govenmient. In Milwaukee six out of ten distilleries and seven rectifying es tablishments lis ve I teen implicated. The investigation shows Unit ui ht. Luiiis alone the revenues have lx-en defrauded to the amount of 91.000,000, ami there is evidence front the first day of Junuarv to sml including the first .lay of April, 3,000 Imrrels of untaxixl spirits have Iw-ett placed in tin- market by Ht. I*mis distillers. The tixx ou a Ixirrel of high wiuea is SOO, in round nttmlM-rs, so that the government lias I<—t since the twe gtuutng of the year $173,0U0 ui Una city. With regard to its formation, it is stated that m the early .lavs of the ring some |M>iitiri&Jis led certain officers iuto it on the idea that it urns necessary to raise an . hvtion lund. This was only a " blind," tul when once captured the officers w.-re .-a ily hiTd. >jxch v.-ar it grew stronger. It hud its paid agents ami spies in Washington, and actually in the departments; it u—-d offioere of justice and officers of revenue iu SL Louts ami els. where, until its }Hiwcr and dimensions w.-re qn gigantic it deemed its. If itupregtishle. The leaders did not believe it jKMUnblc that any secretary would thxre to grapple with tiiem, and so they have march-d Uddlv on Ut their dedrustiou. The overthrow of this combination is the result of nine weeks of hard work performed by the solicitor of the treasury. All knowledge of the plans and ojtent tioos was kept with esjccial care from i-verrisklv connictcd with tlie Internal lb venue bureau, from the commissioner do* u. We are t >ld this was made nee.w sary by tlie disoovery, Iwfore any active or very important steps were taken, that some one, suppoN d to la* in the bureau, wis in the habit of telegraphing imme diately to the agents of toe ring every official secret that could be of the least value to it. No order, however ;■ wt r.iKl confi dential, could be notm 1 to any of the oflieem or agent* of th • bureau; no iu vt stigation i<r examination of rejatrta or returna could 1*- male, and uo move ment in any way affecting the ring could 1H contemplated in any department of the bureau, without l"-uig immediately reported to the men who were engaged m defrauding the government, or to their agent*. It therefore liecame ats<>lutcly ueosaary, iu order to prevent lite manu facturer* of "crooked" whiaky, as the illicitly distilled article in culled, from destroying the evidence of the fraud* almost la-fore the secretary's iuvestiga tion began, that the work should le done, not only without the aid of the Internal ltevenue bureau, but without its knowledge. The Mystery of l.lfe. The nnndvr of suicides in the ITiitrd Stale* has been singularly increased of late. An exchange, referring to Uie matter, can remitly understand why a Qsml-up couvivialist, on excised hypo crite, a fellow anticipating justice, an invalid disgusted with a wretch's! ex istoucn, or a |<iverty-stricken wretch with starvation staring him in the face, might coquet with arsenic or take a mid den fancy to a liemjen cravat; but why n man of wealth, well stricken in years, surrounded by estimable friends and relatives, enjoying g*sl health and an excellent reputation, sln-uld abandon nil theae luxuries at the pistol's mouth in n moment of caprice, passes our compre hension. Perliaps KIIKV all extremes an l suitl to le alike—too mtieh comfort is really as injurious as too little in this world, and th" man who lias no anxieties at all to distnws him is placed in exaeUv the same mental condithm as the man whose mind is so excessively harassed that life sei in* unendurable. It can ac count in no other manner for Uie self murder of the large nutulier of men, in really good circumstances, that have lately Iwen rcjH>rt<sl. Walking a* an Kxrrri**. I'vorv muscle ill the Inxly IH gontly aiii! tinifortnly liroiight into action I>v tlio swiiiß of the lcp ami the arms, ami consequently of the trunk in a vertical ilirootion, 'l'he QDtlnlotionH made by the h"a<l, cheat ami alxlomcn in a vertical plane are tliiiH not only aconnling to Hogarth line of I "unity, !mt also in that tending to js-rfeet liealth. K.very internal orguii is gently atitnnlatod u> more nilmat action. Never, in n ivmi nion walk, iloea a ]>eraon breathe twice the same air, I>C<MIISO he is conataiitly changing his position. Tl'.ig fact alone is of incalctilnlile ailvunt ge. Sotne vrritera eontctui that the rrbrcathing <if air once partially UMS! is one of tlie moat fertile cause* of consumption. The most favorable time for wiiikuig is nbout mid day in winter, and in the morning and toward evening iu the summer. In one part of Norway the longest day ia three months. What a splendid chance for a Inzy man to start a daily jler. DR. YVAI.KKK TKIKI> VAuiors EXTRACTS from he rim and root*. without lioneflt. Ho noticed, however, that alcohol, that bono of the human race, wu used in their preparation, and he determined to exclude the poison entirely from his own practice, so thnt the sin of making men drunkards, while pretending to euro them, should never lie at his door. The Al mighty blessed his experiments, tuul in the Vinegar Hitters ho has produced a pure, hsidth-restoring agent, which banishes disease in every form, reiuvigo ratos tho system, and restores strength to tho feeblest sufferer. There ispo part of life's oitodel where tho enemy can made a lodgment, that the Vinegar Hitters will u >t iind him and put him to tho rout. Impurity of blood is tho parent of disease; the liver, the stomach, the lungs, the nerves, every vital organ is affected primarily, from this cause, and in this direction the Vinegar Hitters acta with magical influence. „* A "Heavy Wet*" Hoina votira sgn the elder Booth im playing Brultui at the M Mud Theater," in lialtimnrc, and the wife of Andrew Jackson Allen, the American cost inner, witH the Lueretia <>f the night. Itruliu* lin>< to speak ii long oration over the dd I* sly of the 10 Arr.-d matron, but IIM the weather WHS billeriy cold, Aire. Alien itullieed the manager to plane a Hii|Mriiuiuerary Imy on the liter, Aa it was not iieiveHMury that any |Mirtion of the Imklv Hhotild Ihi seen excepting the profile o? the fui-e, the deception was not discovered by llooth. Trie tragedian liHit proceeded a few tinea in hia ajieovh, when a slight ahiver waa observed to ugitaU- the deaii l*>dy. ilooth aacrihed tliin to the i*ilit draught of air to which the aelf imniolated Liter. tin waa exposed, and went on the body writhed, Booth muttered between liia teeth: " Lie atili, minium; reoolleet you're dead. Another violent contortion of the oorpae. The orator bemtoe Milled and exclaimed : loud enough to tie heard in the pit: '' Confound it, mutant, if voti don't tjmt that infernal wriggling ill leave the stage." tie prouneded, however, until ho iiiiiw to the liuoa: iWlioM lit at t rut an corwa ; Koe alittf o Ui lust I.iu-iaua loej— in death. Here the bier ahis.k aa though ita burthen had Iw-ett galvanised, and the I*hlv Hp rang from the treatlea in it* winding wheel, and, ruahing to the foot lights, exclaimed: " Blast me if 1 tun going to lav uc that 'ere tieuch to lie drow mted !" It ia iiujH—stblti to eun oeivn I lye ludicroua figure the boy pre Hen ted. He waa enveloped ui m-verai white nheeta, the euda of which trailed >M-hiud him, and hia fane waa perfectly black. The audience waa convulsed with laughter, which never oeaeml till the curtain felL It waa afterward* dia ooferod tliat Ham I >rake, a oomciiian of faoetiona memory, had obtained from the paint room a pot of liuuid lampblack and placed hiunw If in uie " fltea " im mediately over the u preaeutative of the defunct Human matron. At inter - aU he uourcl Hinall ipiantitiea of the liable fluid directly iu Uie fatvi of the uuliappy youth, but at length, the whole oouteut* iif the veHmd demanding in a aiiower, it waa too much for Hoah and blood to bear, and produced the lutiicroua cateui trophe. The Value of a Hollar. A merchant friend of the writer, a few months siuoe, received a dollar hill ill |mrt payment of an account early out morning, and a few moment* later jstid it out to liia butcher. It was jieeulutrly stained, ao that it attracted attention. An hour or two later the mine bill was {•aid on another account, and waa ugiui. paid out. It waa received on account and for goods no leaa than six tiuiea dur ing the day by the one memhaut. Ilia curiosity waa exciU tl, and, aa the ex pressman would my, be started a trace to leuro tbe route it bad traveled during the day. He waa surprised to learn that it liad changed hand* twenty-one time* during the day, and finally rested in hi* mfe at night It is not probable that all the money in circulation will average nearly ao great activity; and yet there are but few who have ever thought seri ously of tbe paramount value to every business relation of keeping money rap idly ui motion iu the community. If there are any of onr reader* who have not tried Dobbins' Klectric Koap (made by Crugin i Co., l'hiiit.), we ad vise Uiem hi give it one trial for their own sake. Have your grocer get it * The m Hit difficult thing to remember —the jkior. Ilr. llerre's I'aiorlte l'rocrlptlon ui very strongly rcc< xuiaetxiel irt the medical faculty and u largely presented among then (cniale panruta. It worthy of all confidence, aa tut) he aeon from the fallowing teeu memtah.' - l>r. CI. B. Chapman. PlatWmoQtb, Nvhrn-ka. write* 1 have under treatment a lady. who. for thepaal aeven yeara ha* been aithctcd. and, after trying eereral physician* without root inog benefit. la gaining rapidly on roar Favorite PrwMtr.ptiiin. iTtIITI, 111. I>r. It V. Pierce, Buffalo, K. Y.t t*rar Sir I hare not words to eipreo# my gratitude to tou for your advice and aaeiotance in my raae. Vbere u not one who haa nawd your medicine* aince they have been brought here, but that can aay with me thar have been greatly bene fited. Knew I have hewn M helped by iu uae. •II or aeven around me left off ail doctor* and medicine*, and now u*e It in Ihetr families, after l eing cured of the aame disease aa mine, iou do not know w hex a wonder it creeled in i ur city, by it* raatcnng my ww I wwte "you about," for alia had been under the care of three of enr Iwat doctor*. but could not Ml up but for a few moment# at oua time. 1 logged of .her to trv your medicines. and before alio had uaed half tha bottles ahe Could go all around the yard, and haa now juet c. tnc home from a vuut fire mile* away. Mit* Tnouks Mi-Fiunn. I>r. l v i#roe' Favorite I*re*or)pUou is told by dealer* in med.cineo generally. —Com. There are several kind* of worms which trouble hon.ee ; the pin worm* t|*inU"<l at Isxlb end*) are the m et common and rooet dangerous. Mimimi Catniry Ctttdtlum I'otr drr will, in a few day*, eject the worm*, and the hurec will begin to thrive.— Own. Factories and machine shops should not h* allowed to ran * day without Jt Smcn • j.4 sodym Ummt nt. In ca* of t sadden son Jeut, an immediaui use of it may save weeks of suffering and fnrhapa a limb, or even life.— I Com. SAVE MONET. —It is well worth saving, and you can save it in baying a sewing ma chine. and get one of the lst an ! most perfect machines in existence. The Wi'son nliuU.* sewing msc tuoe has reached a pouit of excel lence and peifoctiww* equaled I>t no machine in use, snd the constantly and rapidly in creasing demand, which is aimo# beyond their inauiifsctnnug ca|iecily to supply, isconvmcu g evidence thst the merits of this machine are appreciated. Machine* will t>* delivered at ' any raibvad station in the countv, free of transportation charges, if ordered through the : company * branch house N27 and K29 llroad wav. N. Y. They aend an elegant catalogue and chrcano nrcnlar free on application. Tin* : company want a few more agents. - Com. A distressing cough causes the frietuls of the sufferer altiuvt a* much pain as th* sufferer him*. If. /•-. Itis.Mr * hd.so-n .•/ M lJd ( furry s|* olily cures cough*, cokls, In ffuvuxa. sore thnt. etc. It will always tli*v* 'ii-uiiiplum. and in many well attud cases it has effected a perfect care, fifty rents and and dollar a tottle. large bottles much the cheaper.—flunk "BI T INK, AMI I*l.l. 110 YOIKiOOP." Of *ll Itw mode* of rUUitng Ihe hum*n roneUttUm m pun tie* of th# MO-HS. dj |>#ieii*. torpid liter and IU ktndn#d di*#*c#*, txxt# la *> niiveMlts! w tb# aw of |lf. I. \ Me 1.1 \ HOOT AM) IIKKH HITTIkHP*. The* M*t it* a pot>tit utnir and |titW iparkMit, it* tnttd In tn#tr < |euU<'ni. **{# utd#r rlrcoanitaoca*, and >rvM*nd har# l*miali*llmntij iafh# lv#:#ftt*h#* U*t# d*rlr*ad torn thnr a**. Tbif *r# tb# a*i*t and )-*• •taring and madlclDf dtaooaarad. AamUl phjairtana r#cuhkx2j praam I •* hm OIUI. a UUUDWIN A (K).. Pritro*. WholM*)# Aganta The Markets, saw tons. B**fCatU*— Prim* to Extra Bullocks Ilk# 13k iVaurocu to flood Tsxana <>k# II Mtl oi 00 #7 00 Hog*—LlT* 01%# 0h I>rssse>l (hi 00% Sheep MS# 01% lambs 10 # 14 (Vol too—Middling I%# 1% Flour—Extra Western 8 10 a 8 SO Stat* Extra 8 10 **6 3.) Whsat -llsd Wr515ru............. 1 38 08 1 30 No. 3 Spring 1 30 4 13) lire -State 1 10 >4 1 10 barley—t at* 1 33%4 1 W% Barley Malt 1 44 # I 44 Data—Mixed Wcatsm I*Vl4 18% i\rn—Mia*<i Weat5rn.............. *7%v4 "* llir, pv cat ..... 88 # I 10 Straw, per cwt 8(1 # 00 Hops . 74a, S6t44(V~oida 08 # 18 Pork—Maaa 31*0 #33 40 1-anl 14%# 14% rial! Mack.—! No. 1. new 13 U) 41 (X) No. 3, new 9 8 > #lO UO Dry (led, per ewt 8 00 #6BO Herring, Scaled, per box! ... 40 # 80 Petroleum—'"rude ..6 #8 Refined, 13% Wool—California F1ew*...... 30 # 38 T-xa* " 37 # S3 Australian " 81 # 81 Butter-suts 30 # 30 Western Dairy 34 # 38 Wtatern TsUow. 30 (4 33 Wsstwru Ordinary..,.l3 # 14 Psimaylvanta Fine 38 # '.O Ch*s**-—SMt* Factory 14 i<4 14% " 5ktnuued............ 06 # 07 Westaro. Os # 13 Kme—State. 18%# 17 ILXIKT. Wheat 1 SS 1 33% Rye—Stat* 1 08 # 1 08 Corn—Mixed M 4 *3 Barley—State 1 13%*4 1 19 Oat*—state Is # 80 scrrano. Flour 8 35 # T 3d Wheat-No. 3 Spring 1 16 # 1 10 Ooru—Mixed 84 <A *6 Oaia 70 <<4 73 ltye 1 07 <4 I 07 Barley 1 40 # 1 40 BAicrmoaa. Oottou—Low Middling* IS%# 16% Flour—Extra 8 00 # 8 (KJ Wheat—Red Western...... 1 87 <4 1 40 Rye 1 18 #ll* Corn—\sllow **>.# M%. Oats—Mixed... 74%# 14%, Petroleum 05.',# 06 rxiusitrau Flour—Pennsylvania Extra 6 37%# 6 85 Wheat—Western Red 140 # 1 43 ltye 11!) <4 1 13 Corn—Yellow 81 # *6 Mixed.. *5 # 85 Oata— Mixed 73 M 14 i'etroleum—Crude. W%#o%' BeAaod, 18% TO THINK OF IT—TH YOUNG MAN WHO SPELLEDHUXSARII "B-N DONBLATAFD+RD" WM ASKED TO STEP DOWN AND OUT. ■■■■■■■■■l for ||* ARTE WITH TOO NHLLDIRE T*| R SKIA SI •■ II MAY DO LE LM • IIFUI BALMAU PN.LTOIL..-. EBAATE! I— • ■ ■LUTJSLL "ILK LUE W| ML ■> 'K ■4ML#WIA IRAN II U RULU.KU to TOIL' ML FI CI J ILRL "TI.OR* !**• KIIIIIZJ KLL.UH TIRMO **" . TO MILLMI FILL T LLW |IML ———IMWSI MPUUIIIF IT PIE RA N M IF CT* U: 4RS SI M 111 \L U IKK N. NEED I ■%■■ "F JILL .ML) ♦ UM I.E. LN.LLILL.ITU WL TTTL)|'|'L IWA ALTEMPTA TO (TO A|> ANWLLILIIF |BMWITOAP*J .HI.LIAR (IMILIA MOOD. HAA ITO M'l'B I H __________ HHMHMMI TRIURI, A |I|RRRFFAND F.LA H|RT " TUELOR'A HRT.L L<ALILNTR UFA \ TRUAAIA " INTNL. CLEANLY LLNBI. PA* T NAF JW I '*• "** LT. ALL KMI RVTF ILULMJNIF "■■OW F'N*. I IMMLLKA MIULEEEEIIT - U.N NEED LA BALHIAS, TOD.-EA-D IJ IBA UMLNAAKM, K>AA LAATML. ALAARA TELLALDA, KKWAKS <* (UIRATIONH UNBUUM .UMT-D "I M ME-TOY " KELNLN-IA—.IF. 1347 < L.N.UNIT MINI, |-|.LU<IE!|.|;L. AT.'L 737 RR-> I, KTEO Y.K MAUL L. FEED OR EAPESM A., I • 11 I.F LEADING DRUGA—'* REND • EAIAKUFOA HEELER, TLWLMRA A ("A,. AM ■■■ JILL V.1.V1 (I.MIA 'WE IBR EEEURANEE nt WAR NMM .R.LIT.L FIR* POEM LA UFA TOL REK LUG FDN OAL IILAA E( II LA WVTSSIJXW ETENNK (A.NUAUALLF " /£3_XV UM.I- LASHT A CO- /-W l"C£3r*\ 1 R(M, •—*-(#•##. D '. MF "LW „ I L\H#l | . KAA INTO LA RTAEDILI GAMING to HVMLF' >V U>R BEAT RAT MAN 1 OTEAO CAA AIAAL I SAW YORK MNTOL UUUKA FEY UEMA URAVTUSI MNA R.AA TRY IT AND IRA U*RE . WA AND LOT EIIRULA, <A I 11.N1.P. I.% NT/. A RN„ . I7U UAAWM.FNIW VFFT. - " . SFFLKW. TH * ML MT KLAAILT TRAAA. - Zi "MUGKA AIUAMAI AAATAL APNAG* PAL IVLFL A , J , J' C 1 NAIAD IK I AA4 IKS ANIL IKA I ' LATARNIANAALI. MA N" M L B-.GJING IT. FRUIT* OL ITO i W.T- T. R'.-M LAANALLAA AKLLL. AL V ROAI- PAR FAN UAULNLALIAATL AUK >' _T TAAAAKIY.LAAAAL BY LAAIL.PTAL |AALD. FOR 164. ATIAM. ILK* RAIL, UA *ll FOR TODH ALDAA LLIOATRELAD (U—.IMIE# ■RUN LAU DUOAAI MA. FIN. KU RUIRTUFOD AARANN AIR.AID TAIL I-- E—.D ... IT I .IDTUA* M~.UNNKIIA UTOA |H|IH, FONIULLY A ., 744 LLRAADWAI,*. T. MAR%ATO4 MTXSKLFCAA IKA TAN AAADA U K.LAAUR TTOAA CM.AT TOD SW —MMA. IC&K MILLT ROX COXA, RLOTRX * FEED, ft er;* ■ - -.... ipw KLL CUM AHII IUHHWO*. * UM. SL>r,o flHpßr* POPE'S ■VNTFLO AIR PLHTOL WI AM-UF UAADLUT "I IKA ADLATI? FLFLA. - W T. IMTKFRR R'-N-—' J NIRK IIKO*., 1 AAAFUTORTMI I 3R_—— "IF ML. LIAAALM. SAM. U BAT ARR >• POWIMMMM F AN TKA MTO LA LIRA NTKL ATDA. LALLMAA OF ON AJAA. 111 ■ NANA. DATROM. TNDUUITLL OF UM U AALA NAD BAADAAKA • IF to. PANT ILTAI IK P|. AND to AA M ITOBL AAD KOTO AND AID'.R TO POUR AALAN. UM UAA UATOC AAMDFAL M TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT. __ HOLD RY ALL UHUOOUTA LADIES OR GENTS CAA NAKA IM 16 to VIA |NR (TOP. LA MANTOM K> ARUOA AA AANUL FOR A>< !>AAA LUIORR.R I ITLFT IH AND TIL. 1.1. I'l. IT IK. AF. AUCTAAADOAOLAA. MAAATODIA TAIL VAN OF .SLRKNI CAR MM I .(OAT WLUAATADPATO NAMA NOCRAAAML, .UH J*RLA LM TTAN. AJM' .AAATPL AD 31.A0. JKDCRAAA. H'. J. RK.TTLA.. I ... U LL... 111. PRAALDFKRF. H. L._ IIA 111 2F. ISTNL^SS HUW TOAD LOOAALA FCRDUAR RAOAIPT MLKA IO FOR AO NAMA I'KHAR A ILL .R.U HOT D3/L AR YHBIAADAMP.A T. NPTBIOIN OHMUMNI FIW. >W • N 'W/RI * OITI A ETKTAO LLINITD R f ' r RAUDA ARA LAD..RAND K UM W \, \ J f r IN OAL RTALNATIL PKRATCIAIM LA IKA CORLF LUR TIN TKIA VF RKRN <\\S/Y MATIATO IMUIAL*TA,LIRARTO. 1 ' . PLAIAL, DIAPRPALA. KLDNTF DLA —RAAR,ARHNA.|RBA.MR*MMDIA. *2 M A ORDR.RA.TLA.LNAAIR R.TOPLAIAU .F F AND RURALDN> \ AND T.IKAR RKFOUK DLAOAARA OF X IKA. HAUL.BNAD.LIANR. LLIAAK . _ ' _ KIDAAPAAND KTRMD •* ALLK IS LIFE. FTT.L PAUKITLARAFRBP YOIT* •** AALLFCA „ TLT CLARIAKKU. KIO. |5 L <2O *U>"TT.ZTNSZX EV U \R^'lK^S^^-KAAAFT 800 K ACEVN H'AXTED feTELL IT ALL BR KM. FAN INK— AF SALT HR DTP. TM TL NAM UN A.FA EF A A.OAA LF.C-1 TOOT LA TRNDURTON L.F MRA. NEAR. 7> AAARP ml A TRAU'I RAPARAAAOA BFR LATA to -KADDAA */LR* AT.PALAMA. NNM IAN,-, IT IF UA UNA. AA A "RNBANLR AIA...AA MM *AAA" BRTTFKC FAN LAND CAAAD. A A. LIAR KRO A KAAK .ART AMAFIP .A ATLK POND U <A..-A LOT ALL. IT LA POPOTOR w-vr-rr ; F -V TK •* TOADP. AND OARTAADH AR AFFCAR ANUKA KTOM TA A— KJ BM A AA> " KAAAL T'NRD " R.AAML AAOAAAA RADANR TL L.OARJKODR TRMAIA HI AAD APAMSA ART ANIAD. IRAN I• AA *• A RU> ' BKU U >1 AT. M WA RAT MM ANN KTA. M. M>* - NAM AR WAX* -AAD A. . ;I AA.I LA.LTI RNRTOH N .TARUORM. X..IV. PANAAHTAAA FC FVTL PTRUW UNOT RO AND RUN AA AR ll| IIAA A. IK WAARAARAOTTA A CN. HAATLARD. UU. M"M^MMM"MM— 7" 0 A LA ADDITAOA to S2OOOO MIUSRO GOLD! gXC 1 __N, ___GNAT—AM I-PRCTRARM AND ONRUIAN FRAA WALUR, RUD A CO., 724 WAAANRA AA, PBALA. IF FK< OAAR FKALLAR'A \VRTK BOOKS ~tin?. LADOAA FTNRSP FNR (CA TERM ADD— PHTLA ITOLTOM K IR R P T F OO I:IFI SNOI HN—TA I |L M. K BA A A V $lO. TO SSOO. NRNNII. - R. AND POP, <.F UAA \\ ALL ATRRRL RRTLRTA C RVT T?DLL' J.IK* HN-ALJ*.; A OAA .BAR KARA OFRLY 1 F AETRA. HANKMA. 7 3 R-UDOAR. N V ■ dk % A IFR A DK IN A F+U END —FLWITIR FTCTVUMT NF THE BUCI HRUJ CMIU> IUMMS. * >*AER"* TBE ISOMT OWWMML LETTERS TR TENS, L-ORAYTH AND LAICRR TIK* P. H. MIR ALL S* TRRIPUOA *F THE MTORS T! O<ANIRY IF BH KWALL M C IATMI. THE TSRU ISTSMEL S MAP DRAWN HJ'HE T*H*EF LI*AFHLU. N OF THE #<*, TWIN* THE RWLIETSW M%T> F THE HLA K HIUS RM RU* ISML RRM EDIT* IN <4 COTM 4D TA TV WETIEK ND EDTU' TL OF OOISPSA |M* RRSALR. PHCR, H.T ICNTA. TMI>COUFA,WIF, A-JDRWES HOKA IC 11RAI.ICY A CXI . PEHLTAFCHM LIT MOPWM(.. TL>H>EGO. IN. FF 4 - FFOC,THR. F—(ID FIL I"KL I -ILK "TO IK*— DLIU'^ZD 1 II HT-ER>.CI'I ,V.> LI-TM. UAAA . 0 PKR I)AY!;& SS.L VISTUNG UKLLTUEM*** V ANJA. IBW LWRE HI TBW WRERID ?)T TTIAJN.LFCOER- ■ MRIHISS T* LW*TN WXWK WITH SSL FOR IFI RT# ADTLRV-• I < M4M.K), KAALMOALJ# KTMLT*R*. SIQ WSAH;>U' STREET.. H>*ST N. V.ARI WANTKD A(*KNTK WR)"HRR* TO CMVH FAR " OTIR RFVNKL L S'DFCTLRIINI !!*LA THM YSRETI IWKRE OF EIMNTOCN.L SFFMLI TIL I'TT MLARE AKIDRWA* (HE PUBLISHER 11 B RL'H , *FUQ B-WTOA. t PORTABLE SODA FOUHTAINS F 40. FOO. s<O, K SIOO. OOOD. LIRRARLK. AND CLLKAP HLILUPUD K-NDY TOR IW WNNNLN.*' —D BY ( ITAIM!AN A CM .HMUEAN, LAD. IW SEND (OR A TTOLNLNSSO RHL * ■** TRM to TEORA WTT.-J I—FFEET EOMLORT IT'DHT END DAY. ADAPT# 14 £A. 8 TIV 61 IT— lt I - EK-RY MOTKOB OI ■FI T R . " R XW TTM BODY. RMNLNLNN KUP XV * _ LIU— OND-R ILIE BUDNL REAIYR.' N®KBK -LE.-L— ORE—R—TFTIAIA F IIRML (TORMNNENUY CURED. \JE \Y ELASTIC TRUSS CO., NO. 6H3 HRONDIRNY, N. Y. T LLY, KAD R—AT T.Y MAIL < ELL OR —ND FOE CKRCOLNR. AAD BO CURED. AL.I NT- 1' INTI IT I 011 A NEW BOOK PRESENT CONFLICT OF SCIENCE WITH RELIGION: RER " MIHLERN .VOPLICIMN MET CM IT* OWN (IROU&D." A TX-'K F : FTIV*LMW I HT* WTAJ IJ'7WETIM OF TH# DY. A RUT)OT OF TIIRI IN *T TNT*IKO XOVI TI(W*L*WT IBTSMTML THL FLN# C RTREST. THS BIBM UFNIBDHI FTOR NWQR. ADTIRSTF, P NV 71H'! L ,I CO.AIS ARAB SI . PHLUIMPHU. Im E> TWO FOR? AC- A*NT mm WSTIT. D R \V MVVI TSVF K F' ,BTWTOTTLCHKNS DEAL ESTATE. U A LVRNOUF WWBIUIR OBUY. —ll OR CICBNNN* RON| R-LNTO MAR CDRERTTOE THEIR ••NIL KL ERY ENIKIL ERREOM. LA -ORERKL HNO.LRED FIT. AMP*PER. IN NEW YORK. N*R KIIEUND, NEW JRREAE, PENNSYLINULN, ETC. OAT* KNERUEE —NL FREE TO RURY N.IDRE*E OO NPPLLEKUNO KO K. KK . KIM KIT, T.YO WARIH SI. NEW YORK. A Great Offer! ?3jß 4HI ILRONDWNT, NRWYORK, WLLDUPMEQ/ 1 100 PIANO!* .1 OTFLIANM or TIREI.I L.I~. NINTARRS, TNR/W<FIWA \VAT7:TTI, OI EXTUKJIKLY LOW I'LLUTS T„ R RAAH, ILTHLNG TILLS* MONTQ. WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS OR* THE IK*N| IIMDC; F*' TOUCH CLANTLR, AMD I FINE FRLNJZITUR TOIH .JIUU CRFUL* PARE OJM< EVEN. WATERS' CONCERTO ORGANS NI.NOI I. RXRRLLRIT IN LAM- R BR-NULY I (A-Y DEFY Rll IN PEL IT LA 11. RIRT'NNRRRLS BLAPIIA LAE I MI TOTIC! oft AE 1111 111 ML. KILLER. ANT-NTA WANTED. A 1 BE ML ILIEROUIIT IN TEAR H ERA. KILNTALRRA, ( LI LIRE LIRE, SRLIOOLE, L.URLM-M, RTR. SPR-RLNL ITO. DARFARNINI'I LA-IRAILR. ILL.L'IKTALOGORU .KINTIED. TK~K>IKK MOUTH TO MANIA EEORYWBERE. ADDROAS Cl.' KXCKLESLOKMTO TX> . BUOHANAA.MLOH DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! P&T WOVELTY 553 l JLH FEINTING PEESS. HTTFL FOR RROLT-SSIOITTIL AND AMATEUR PRLNLRRB, MCLIOOLS, SOI ICLLRS, MAIL JNH| UFARTURRRS, LLERRHNNU, OWDITLX FFLII THE BEFIT EM INVENTED. I#.*oo IFLUIC. |'PTTO ATYUA. PRICE* FROM JIA.JO to $150.00 LILEISI BENJ. OE WOODS & CO. AFXAAFRT AML K&AOREJAIP DEWIER* IN NIL KIODOF PRLNTLNS MATERIAL, BCMI STAMP LOR CSUOOGUC.) 48 PADAREL ST. W—LEA , V|g DR. J. WALKER'S (ALLFORUIA TLN GAR HITTERS ARE A PURELY VEGETABLE TIRFFIJORATION, MADO CHIEFLY FROM TUE NA TIVE HERL>A FOUND OU THE LOWER RANGE* OF ITE SIERRA NERADA MOUNTAIN# OF CALIFOR NIA, THE MEDICINAL NROPERTIEA OF WBICH. ARE EXTRACTED THEREFROM WITHOUT THE NEE OF ALCOHOL. THE IUEVJON IA OLROO* DALLY NAKED. "WHAT IS THE CAUAE OF THS UNPTRALLCLED AUCCEAE OF VLSKGAB UIT TKIOIT'' OUR ANSWER LA, THAT TBCY REMOYE. THE CAUSE OF DISEASE, AND THE PATIENT re- COFERA HIA HEALTH. THEY ARE THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND A LIFE-GIVING PRINCIPLE, • A IH TFCCI RENOVATOR AND INVIGORETOR „F THE SYATERA. NERER BEFORE IN TH HIITURR *F THE WORLD BA A MODKINE LAI COMPOUNDED ■AAANRFNG THE RAMATKAHLE QAALITIEA OF VISKMAS UIMTAA IN HEAUN£TA* PICK OF EVERY DOWTOE MSA IA HEIR to. TI ARE A GENILA I'URFKUVE U WELL M A TOOLE, RELIEVMP T ..NIREAUON OR LAFLNAUON OF THE LAIER ALJ \ TOTCNL OIPUIM IN BILIOOA 1 THE PROPR RTLRS OF DA. WALKS** VIFKOABLLIRRRA* ARE APERIENT, PIEPLINEIRI CENNIAATIRE. KUTRITIOIW, LAPRE, WARM*, BTOTOUVE, COUNTER IRTJUAT FIUDIMFIC, AIUMW TIRE, MUD AOU BIIIOUA. GRAFOFAL TFTOAAANDS PRODILM VNR XOAB BITTCM THE MOST WOTWIERFUL IN RIFORAUT THAT ARAR AMTAINND THE STNKIAG R NO PERSON CAN TAKE THESE BITTERS AERORDING TO DIRECTIONS, AND REMAIN LONG UI WELL, PROVIDED THEI" BOUEE ARE NOT DA- S'ROYED BY MINER* POISON OR ETHER NEAUS. AND VITAL ON ANS WASTED BEYOND EPATF. BILIOUH, BENI TTENT AND INTER MITTENT LEVERS, WHICH ARE SO PREVA LENT IN THE VALLE A OF OUR GREAT RIVEN* THROUGHOUT THE C.IITOD GTATEE, EAPECIAFLY IHOEE I R THE MISSISSIPPI, OHIO, MISSOURI, HLI. OU TENNESSEE, CUMBERLAND, ARHAN ASS. REU COLORADO, BRAXOA, RIO GRANDE, PEA.A- IBAMA. MOBILE, SAVANNAH, BO ANOK \ JAMES, AND MANY OTHERS, WITH THEIR VAST TRIBUTARIES, THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIN COM TRY DURING THE SUMMER SND AUTUI. N, AND REMARKABLY SO DURING SEA AIMS U UNUSUAL BEAT AND DRYNESS, ARE INVARIABLY ACCOMPANIED BY EXTENSIVE DE RANGEMENTS OF THE STOMACH AND LIVER, SND OTHER ABDOMINAL VISCERA. IN TBEIR TREATMENT, A PURGATIVE, EXERTING A POW ERFUL INFLUENCE UPON THESE VARIOUS OR GANS, IS ESSENTIALLY NECESSARY. THERE IS NO CATLTANIE FOR UM PURPOSE EQUAL TO DA. J. WALKER'S VIXEGAR BITTERS, AS THEY WILL SPEEDILY REMOVE THE DARK COLORED VISCID MATTER WITH WHICH TH'. BOWELS ARE LOADED, AT THE SAME TIME STIMALAUNG THE SECRETIONS OF THE TVER, AND GENERALLY RESTORING THE HEALTHY FUNCTIONS OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS FORTIFY THE BODY AGAINST DISEASE BY PURIFYING ALL IT* FLUIDS WITH V IXEOAR HITTERS. NO EPIDEMIC EON TAKE BOLD OF A SYSTEM THUS FORE-ARMED. DYSPEPSIA OR INDICATION. HEAD ACHE, PSTN IN THE SHOULDERS, COUGHS, TIGHTNESS OF THE CHEST, DIZZINESS, SOUR ERUCTATIONS OF THE STOMACH, BAD TAETE> IN THE MOUTH, BILIOUS ATTACKS, PAIP:TA TAT ION OF THE HEART, INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS, PAIN IN THE REGION OF THE KID NEYS, AND A HUNDRED OTHER PAINFUL SYMP TOMS, ARE THE OFLKPRIUGA OF DYSPEPSIA. ONE BOTTLE WILL PROVE A BETTER GUARANTEE OF ITS MENU THAN A LENGTHY ADVERTISE MENT. SCROFULA, OR KING'S F.VII, WHITE GTRELLINN. ULCERS, ERY WJWLA*- SWEIIWI KEEK, GDTRE, BCTOFTTIOUA LAFLA TIM*:INDOLVNT INFLATR.TNSUOQK, LLEREONAL AFTW-UON*. OLD SOM, ERUPTKINA at THE SKIS, SORE EYES, ETC. LA THERE, A* TA AIL OTHER EOAANTOLIOIISI LIA ESSE*. WALKS*'! VINAOAS BITTSBA HARE TBOWN THEIR GREAT CURATIVE POWER* IA THE MUTT OBSTINATE SND INTRACTABLE CAREA. FOR LNILAMUIATORY AND CHRONIC HHCNNIATISRL, GOUT, BIHOU.I. KESIIT TENT AND INTERMITTENT FEVERS. DIAEAWEEF THE BLOOD, LIVER. KIDNEYS AND LILEMER, THERE BITTER* HAVE NO RU!-AI. SUCH UWWM ARE CATUWD BY VITIATED BLOOD. MECHANICAL DISCASCS.-RCRAONSEN RAGED IN PAINTS AND MINERALS, SUCH AS PLUMBER*, TYPE-SETTER*, GOLD BEATERS, AND MINER*, AS THEY ADVANCE IN LIFE, ARE SUBJECT to PARALYSIS OF THE BOWEL*. TO GUARD AGAINST THI*. TAKE S DOSE OF WALKS*'A VIS KIIAT BIRRFIW OCCASIONALLY. FOR SKIN DISEASES, ERUPTIONS, TET TER, SALT-RHEUM. IMOTCHC*. BPTT*. IHTNPLEA PURTUIRE. BOILS. CAMIANCLESS. RING-WORNIA. SCALD HEAD. K"-E EYES, EIYSIPVIA*. ITCH. SE' F > JTA*UORATIO&I OF THE SKIN. HUMOR* 1 A~A DISEASES OF THE SKIN OF WHATEVER NAME OR NATURE, ARE LITERALLY DOG UP AND CARRIED OUT OF THE SYSTEM IN A SHORT TIME BY TH* AS* OF THERE BITTERS. PIN. TAPE, AND OTHER WORMS, LURKING M THE SVTTEM OF SO MANY IHOUAAMH ART EFFECTUALLY DESTROYED AND REMOVED. KA SVSTEM OF MEDICINE, NO VERMIFUGE*, NO AN THELMINITKE WILL FREE THE TIYUEUI FROM WOROU TIKE THESE BITTER* FOR FEMALE COMPLAINT*, IN YUUNG OR ELD. MARRIED OR SINGLE, AT THE DAWN EF WO MANHOOD. OR THE TURN OF LIFE, THESE TWIN BITTERN DISPLAY SO DECIDED SA N.FLAEUCE THUS JNPROVEMEOT SOON PERCEPTIBLE. CLEANSE THE VITIATED BLOOD WHEN EVER VON FIND ITS IMPURITIES BURSTING IHRUUGL THE SKIN IN PIMPLES, B "NOTIONS, OR SORES CLEAN*S IT WHEN YON FIND U OBSTRUCTED AN-1 SLUGGISH IS THE VEIN*: CLEANSE IT WHEN IT I* | FOW: YOUR FEELING* WILL TELL YOU WHEN. KEEP I THE BLOOD PORE, AND THE HEALTH OF THE SYSTEM I WILL FOLLOW. H. H. SFCDOXALD Si CO.. VKREGGTSTS SB<l QEA Agte. San FTAACIMXR CALLFNRUTA TOD ore. of WASKIARFENI SND CUarttoa SU.. X. T. SOLS KY OIL L>R*M S4 H-L-R ! ■■ T. A. P.-HP A AGENTS WANTED &3r MLT'MC BOOK •** (RIHTLATMD. H—D FOR CITOATOR AND OAF *?ATTOYAL 00. REIITSSIREIS. re. RK Wo TOLL ON TRIAL TH# ttOLLMXti KB A 1* TURBINE WATER WHEEL. • VK IK MUM BOOT WHOCL IN TH* MR --4 KM. PON NOR CUE. DOTS# • TOTOFW" IOD: FTVDNNL CKOKAC IT IF W ISFC'N. AMAIESL LI UM W -I WATOR OND ' RWMSM-R " AN ADJUFIOBL.- M -R YTRFIPF ; EKIS R-NA FOR PUNPHL-T O YIIUK TIL^ BROADDUS'3 LAQCID OOMPONND BA- AND INSECT /WV J \ OTSTTORSR and / W \ FERTILISER. VOOR CTNPE MAR BO FF—I BJR LOEEETLAN ON* OR TWO DOL UN. BOOD FOR CLRCULER CONTSLNLO* FOIL I>ORTTEUTON AS—NT* W.NT—I IN ERVRR SLOT, FTND ONOLI ADDIOEO. R V HROAPDL'S. IGL L"NS—ORTLI ST , CLACLNAOTL. A GEO, p. ROWEII jTcol ■to 11,(1*11., WW ARTSS* A,D IKIKKIA SCEASV. HSNNJ STRWGGIWRI TWENTY YAARS BRLWWE* LIS* AAD ML WITH I MMERHWELED KR OONNDLM NTE FJ MRT •<> UTOUN* *• ■.* IOUA I BIWM, DTOOENRE* • WOOD.. 1.1 REMEDY UMFNT, EER, I'" SFTHM. END CHLKRRH. TTRRUM TO ITOLEE, TAFUMLLY FO UM PAHEOI M LIE *>N TO REAL EN.I ELEEP R. RR: TOR LEU J LLRILI■ ELATE ERE AEPPLLM -NR. EERAPLE PEEKEE— TO RUN DLETRO'.LL.'TO CAN UD *•• ONE. OR ADDREEF TO AJSJSEILFL * .AWDECWEK. UKTO. I SENELD KY PRNSGKFIE. VNLKTOE REKN. BY MNLL. LA MTO AN |||S A MORPHINE HABIT SPEEDILY I JJ&AG RURVTL HY DR. IH-CK'S OULJ I I FW | H I HCT KNOWU A SURE TUMTILY. ILL I W IFL NO CIIAITOE tor TREATMENT NNTLL CURED. CALL ON OR ADDRESS DR. J. C. BECK. CINCINNATI. O. OPIUM CURE lial INS. >*RSI*. D. WEEKTR, P. O. BOK 475^U1K!JT.11.(1 T-A SA MA RITA N HER VINE IF N URA ENRE FOE EPURPTTE FLTO, CONEKMEOK END ■I F SPERKI,. IT HNA BEEN LE.IED KY TKEUR.TID, END NEEER | I IN—NTOFNLLINAFLNEIEEEEE. FWLMRUITV, I ML ZmSAR TFLSK.'JSS'.JSF 1 "-'*-'- 4 -
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