The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 20, 1875, Image 4

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A TtHnl Asriraltar*.
Every war's etporieuee more com
pletelv demonstrates the wisdom of a
varied agriculture. The farmer who de
pends mainly upon one crop, although
that may ho the moat important one
grown, will find every few wars that the
supply of that product will exceed the
demand so much that it will fall
in price, below the coat of production
atni sale. We use the latter term con
siderably, Ixvause we are aware that the
producer pays a large communion for the
aale of his products. All the different
between the price received by the farmer
and that naiif by the consumer, after de
ducting the legitimate coat of handling,
storage ami transportation, may lx> md
down as cast of selling.
Take the important product, wheat
Wo think that a large majority of tlie
farmers. East as well as West, will agrtx*
with us that the price this year is too
low to pay e>st of production. It may
said that the price of wheat i* ezc**i>
tionallv low this vear, because the yield
is g>*M all over the world. Tea, that is
true; the breadth of wheat sown every
year is no great that a gvxxt crop, univer
sally or generally, will so reduce the
price that a huge sluvn* of the growers
must produce it at a loan.
Take another product—apples In
years when the orchard* of Uie country
yield a fair crop, tic* prices are too hi*
to afford uuy pro tit to the producer, and
a fanner who depends mainly on his
apple crop hwr income, will lie likely to
tin 1 that his income falls considerably
under his expenditures in such years.
We think farmers suffer much less from
a glut of apples than from an over pro
duction of any of the leading cereals lie
cause but few have a large proportion of
their fanns in orchards.
U udoubtodly it is I letter for the world
that so great a breadth should tie aowu
in breadstuff's, tlvat a small yiehl per
sen- shall not result in scareity, ami cause
suffering or starvation, but "the instinct
of self-preservation should induce
farmers to so economise iif fanning that
th-i failure or the over production of any
leading crop shall not reeult disastrously
to their interests.
The farmer upon one hundred acres,
who lias a few acres in wheat, a few in
corn, a few in oats, a few in liarley, ami
a few in potatoes and roots, and theu has
a liberal {stature and meadow, with four
or five acres in apples ami as many more
in pees, peaches, plums, quinoee and
cherries, keeping a half dozen cows and
perhaps twenty-five to forty long-wool
grade sheep, will be likely to come out
better, taking one year with another,
than one whs devotes a large number of
his acres to wheat, or some other leading
crop. If any one crop is a failure, or
sells too low te afford any profit, the
others may yield protit enough to pre
vent any serious loss,—.tmcicsM Rural
Farm >•n.
Fresh oak, pins, or chestnut sawdust
as a mulch tor trees has been known to
do much harm.
Tim sales of the grange store at CV<lar
Grove, Hocking county, 0., for 1874,
exceeded #30,000.
A cotton factory will in all probability
be bnilt and operated this year by the
Patrons of lbrew county. Ark.
The time to sell farm produce is when
one can obtain a paving price and main
tain a reputation for selling first class
The grangewhest warehouse at Clarks
burg, la., lias thus far proved a success
in keeping up the price of grain to the
highest market rates.
The Patrons of Monroe county. Ma,
revived direct from Louisiana, through
a grange agencv, six and a half tons
of sugar and a large amount of coffee.
Shepherds who make a practice of dip
ping their sheep in tobacco water after
every shearing ate seldom troubled with
scab or ticks. Cleanliness and good food
and care arc preventives.
Swedish turnips, sugar beet* and
mangolds are the varieties of roots licet
adapted to ordinary cultivation, as they
are most easily and cheaply grown. On
mil well manured they need not cost
more per acre than a crop of 80rn or po
tatoes, a* the rows should be made far
enough apart to do most of the work
with the horse hoe and cultivator.
It pavs to put wood ashes and lime
and a light sprinkling of aalt around
e.i *h peach tree. The top earth should
be removed from the tree before the
ashes, lime and salt are put around it.
If the trees are at all unthrifty it will re
store them to life again, and in a short
time they will look as thrifty as if noth
ing had been the matter with them.
It does not injure the beat grassy on
any permanent pasture to graze close;
for those varieties which will not bear to
be cateu down may as well die out and
make room for those that will thicken
into a perfect mat, like the sward so
often met with in England, where there
are as many as seventy distinct varie
ties growing uq anv square vard in a
A Bad Habit.
A former ran get into no habit worse
than that of borrowing tools, and for
this reason : First, one who owns tools
does not like to lend the in, and thinba
lees of the man who borrows. Second,
one never comes to learn bow to use
borrowed tools, nor to keep them in
order; and third, he who borrows never
can be a good farmer. It is true that a
young man, jnst starting, may be allow
ed to borrow eojn> , but he should not
establish the habit; or again, a man mar
borrow a new implement to see how it
works. A man who borrows is not like
ly to use a tool as carefully as if it were
his own, and consequently does not do
careful, nice work. What can a man
be thinking about when he borrows a
steel plow, keeps it several days or a
week, and brings it home, as will be most
likely the case, so doll as to be unlit
for use f The owner can only take it to
the shop, and at his own expense get
it sharpened. If a man lends tools to
one, there are several neighbors who
will want to borrow; and thus it is, a
harrow, for instance, may be going the
rounds t!dough the neighborhood all
the season. It is everyway desirable to
cultivate wliat in called "good neigh
borhood," bnt this cannot be done
where ißirruwmjj is practiced.
Kabfeer H*oi.
To preserve the feet dry is n necessary
safeguard of the health, and rubber
boots will be found of groat use about
the farm. To repair these IKKIUI, the
following recipe for making rubber ce
ment will FOOT ounces pure
India rubber, one eighth ounce pow
dered asplialtiißi, pnt together in a tin
can, then add about six times the quan
tity of benrinSj M it stand three or four
days, then lake a stick and work it over,
then add lseuzine and stir it well until
yon have it aland the consistenoe of
Honey; then it is ready for use. It
should be COT red ss t ght as possible
while dissolving, and afterward. To use
it, scrape th" polish from the rubber,
then apply th* cement to the place to be
mended unci also ti a piece of rubber to
be used as a pntoh, Dry half an hour
and apply another coat, after an
other half hour, press the patch into its
place over the break. Like all other
preparations containing Itenziue, it must
lie kept a* ay from the tire, as it is ex
plosive as burning fluid. Cements,
similar to tlie atwve, are sold by ped
dlers at most of our county fairs every
Piantiua Fruit Trto near the f.lne.
The courts, it appears, LETS decided
that a man has iio legal claim to a part
of the fruit of a tree growing near the
division line, and drawing largely upon
his soil for its growth and productions,
not because the complaining party lias |
no grievance, but because the " scales
of justice" are inadequate to the exact
division of the truth. It is decided that
the aggrieved party may cut off the
limbs that hauff over his ground, but
he must do this with as little damage
as possible; which means, I suppose,
that he must use sharp tools and wax
the ends of the stubs.
" Oh, for the time when I can afford
to wear old olothes," sighs the love-sick
youth who finds that it takes all his earn
ings to keep up with prevailing styles.
That Terrible * If.'*
Oundnetnr Buchanan, of the Fhila
dolphin express train, which caused the
terrible accident and Ima of life on the
Baltimore and Potomac railroad, says
an exchange, telle the old, old shtry of
negligence or inattention in the perform
anee of duty which has become ao coin
mon in the recital of railway * l other
disasters. If the gong had aonuded and
the engineer had beard and obeyed it the
accident would not have ham>enod, or if
the engineer, not tearing tlie gong, had
taken the resjHmsilulity upon himself to
■lop the train and wait the uaual time,
the catastrophe vMlkl have lawn avert
<sh There wulil ho no clearer statement
of the cause of the accident, but tl>at
terrible "if" slww* bow rorkle*RlT the
liven of the traveling public are daily and
hourly periled. It ace ma impossible
that a nulroad company would aisjiatoh
a train with a gong that refused to sound
or an eugiueer who would fail to hear
and obey it. Yet hail it not IHHUI for one
or other of these lipotlieees the conduc
tor who pulhslthe lxll rone declare* tliat
tlie accident would not nave occurred.
Mr. Buchanan's other terrible " if"
suggests an even mote pertinent in
uuirv. Is it lmsstblo that trains which
do not have tlie right of way violate the
rules of the road unleas a gor.g sounds
orinußjpMn hears and obeys it t la
humsn life held so cheaply as this by
the railroad com(tameef li it had been
the engineer'* duty to stop the train and
he had failed in his duty the ciilputdtity
would have been less so far as the coin
pany is concerned; but that it was not
ins duty, unless the gong sounded, is
plain, from the surprise of the conductor
that he failed to take tlie reaponsibiiity
of stoppiug the train if he did not hear
it. This was a died waiting place, ami
under tlie rules of the company the tram
should be stopped with as much cer
tainty as at tlie unwt important station
011 the line. According to the rcaaotmig
of tlie conductor of tlie w recked Intra an
eugiueer coming into Jersey City might
run his airs into the North river, utiles*
he beard the gong or undertook tlie
" responsibility " on his own account.
The public will not bo satisfied with ex
planations like tbatcouveyed iu either of
these terrible " if's."
All Island in Kuius.
A letter from Chtba says: Ten estates
have been burned by the rebels, several
iu the district of Colon. The reWla,
about tlftv iu number, entered the
village of Yista Hermoea, with tlie in
tention of burning and sacking tlie vil
lage; but the Spanish governor of
Puerto Principe Wing advised of their
movements, he sent an officer ami twenty
men in pursuit. On their arrival the
Spaniards final a discharge on tlie re Wis,
who took to instant (light before they
had time to accomplish their deaigua.
Affairs oil the inland an growing every
day mom serious, and are rapidly ap
proaching a crisis. The volunteers who
have gone into the fiehl are mostly
laboring men. and nave been obliged to
leave tlieir families destitute. The
money they receive while in active ser
vice is not sufficient for their wants.
The misery and suffering in Havana, and
indeed all over the island, is heartreud
ing. The planters and <"state owners
are in despair, for the work of dcatrue
tion goea on, ami every day tin tigs new
aceouuts of the buruiug of estate* The
numler btuned during the last few
mouths, it is said, already amounts to
seventy. The policy of the reWls is, by
bnruuig indiscriminately all the estates
belonging to Cutxuia and Spaniards, to
lay waste the conntrr, and deprive the
government of the resources for currv
ing on the war. They say if they should
only burn the estates belonging to the
Spaniards, the government would seize
those belougiug to the Cubans, and still
have means of carrying ou the war.
When the war is over the Island of Cut*
will be in ruins, and it will take many
▼ears of hard and patient labor to r.tore
it to its former prosperous condition.
Cuba has ceased to be "El Dorado" of
the world. It is feared that a revolution
may break out in Havana any ilay, as tlie
dissatisfaction is general among all
classes. The taxes imposed on the peo
ple grow heavier and more numerous
every day, while tlie means of satisfying
them are diminishing.
A Story of Fire Aces.
The scene oocOrred in a railroad <-ar on
*the Union Pacific rood, in which two
men were gambling, while the rest of
die passengers looked on. One of the
gam enters was a type of the profession
ala who " work " the rood—a despeimie
trickster, sleek and ugly; the other was
a rough, grizzled miner, not a sham, but
a hona fide miner, fresh from the moun
tains and carrying abundance of money.
The game—draw poker—was for large
stake*, and phyea silently and watch
fully. Finally a huge pot aeoumulab-d;
each man had evidently a good hand
and was resolved to stand by it. The
pile of notes was hnge. Eiu*li man
rained the other, until finally the miner
"called." The gambler showed his
hand—three soesand two qnecua—at the
same time covering the money with his
hand. The m:ner uttered not a word ;
he merely took two of his five cards and
laid them down; they were aces. This
meant five acres in the pack. The
gambler had dealt. Then the miner
reached Imck like lightning, drawing a
huge revolver, lie cocked it and placed
tlie muzzle between the eye* of the gam
hie. Not a word was spoken, but each
of the two men looked stealily into the
eyea of the other, boon the gambler's
hand upon the money began to draw
hack, and the gambler's form as well.
The revolver followed. The gambler
stepped into the aisle, and at this point
passengers in the car seemed to lone
their interest in the game, most of them
trying to get under the seats. The
gambler backed down the aisle toward
the door, and as he passe d out the muz
zle of that huge revolver still stared him
in the face. Then the miner put up his
pistol, pocketed the money, lit his pipe
and was as other men. Not a word had
been spoken from" the time the " call "
was made. It was merely one of the
rare occasions where a gambler on the
Union Pacific mistake* his man. It
isn't always safe to fool with an honest
Wanted- An Editor.
The Pall .Vail laz'tir says : The
story about the King of Bnrmah which
lias for some time | act lieen going the
round of the papers is an old one re
furbished. His majesty, it is said, in
tends shortly to publish a newspaper,
and those of his subjects who decline to
sabscrihc to it are to le liehcaded. The
fads of the case, as we understand them,
are comical enough. Almnt four years
ago the King of Burma]) wished to start
a weekly newspaper, in the vernacular
and in English, and forthwith consulted
an eminent British official then in Bur
mail about the matter. His majesty said
there need bo no trouble alxnit minor
details; he would see to them himself •
what he wanted was a competent Eng
lih editor, with Anglo-Indian experience
of journalism, to whom a thousand ru
pees a month would lie paid. His maj
esty added that he would only make one
stipulation, namely—that the editor
should pledge himself to follow with
constant approval the line of policy
adopted by the conrt, that nothing dis
pleasing to liia majesty should ever ap
pear in the journal, and that in the case
of those rules Ix-ing infringed, the editor
should beforehand sanction his liability
to receive immediately five hundred
strokes on the sole of tiir foot with the
"aluckknk wukk " —whatever that may
mean ! The capital of the Bnrmah em
pire is still in want of a newspaper.
A Florida Flea.
A visitor from the North states that a
real healthy Florida flea is about the
size of an apple-seed, and a stranger
just arriving in Jacksonville, and having
one light on his face or neck, turns
nround quickly to look to see where that
boy is who threw that pebble, but not
seeing any boy in the vicinity, imagines
he was mistaken and walks on until that
flea gets to feeling at home, when he
(the stranger) imagines there is a large
sized pin sticking in him the whole
length, or some fellow boring a gimlet
into him—when a closer investigation
discloses the fact that the flea is located,
and going for his blood with a rapacious-,
seas worthy of a landlord. '
An Tnrorlnnat* City.
The city of Onhkonh, Wiaeonain,
which for the fourth time hn* been tie
j rtrajtd by tiro, haw n population of
| ftlvut 11,00b, ami in tiro eapital of Win
nebago county. it M NIIMUI ou both
unlet ttf Uio I'oi river, at it* entrance
iht< Lake Winnebago, on ground that
slope* gradually toward 11* lnke ami
river, Immediately almvc the place the
river witleii* intti Like llutte tlet Morta.
; Lumber ami agricultural machinery are
the prinoi|Mil manufactured product*.
There are seventeen sawmills in the
eitv, cutting over A0.000.000 feet of
lumltor annuallv, Uvndca lath ami
picket*; MI shingle nullw, making ii,sU>,
tHHI nliiugh'w; three planing null*, three
■ tttwh ami door faetoriea, one fence fao
torv, three flour ami grist nulla, three
gram warehouses, two foundries ami
maehiue nho|is, one railroad luaehtne
■hop, two tanneries, Utiee Iwewwiea,
three printing office*, publishing two
weekly ami one daily paper ami one
monthly (leruiau maga/inc; one book
bindery, eleven churches ami three
public liallt. I'he county court houae
ami jail it a very fine edifice. Ity meant
of the Fox ami \Viaootiain riverw ami the
work* of the Fo* ami Wisconsin liu
proveineut Company, it iw connected
witli tirccn lay ami the waters that tlow
iiuto the gulf of the St. l*arenee on the
one haml, ami with the MitroKMppr on
| tlie other. Steamboat* come tin-re from
| Pittsburgh, IV, ami aeveral that were
! built there are uow running on the
Miaarwaippi ami its tributariea. A ship
varl it eetalUiahefl to huihl l*at* ami
liargea for the Mississippi. The Wolf
river u uaMgahle for small Miami suits
up into the piue lumber region for one
hundred mile*. Most of the lumber ami
shingles manufacturett g>wa South oyer
the Chicago ami North we* tern road to
tiud a market. Thia rem! will soon form
a continuous lino to Lake Superior, it
being completed except a link of water
cuuuuiuiicatiou on Green l>av.
A Box of Horror*..
Among the articles sent from New
York to Jersey City for tnuiK|>>rtutiou to
the West by tlie Krie railway \a an or
dinarv soap l>ox, aK>ut two feet in
length, ten inches in depth anil fourteen
inches wide. It was directed to " .Mrs.
M. W. Woodford, Van Wert, Van \Y-rt
county, Ohio, rid A. A 11. W. H. IL,
and was laleh\l in addition "80," which
was supposed to designate the weight.
The box was so light, however, that us
picion was aroused, and it was broken
open, when a horrible spectacle was pre
sen ted. A human tasty, ehoj<jei Up
was parked iuto the box, lunrniiugl.-d
with charcoal. The skull, the hands,
the feet, the spinal column, with nb
attached; the humeral lames, legs an. l
arms, all denuded of tile flesh, were
1 sicked in, an<l the fresh, red fleali por
lions that adhered to the bones indicated
very plainly that the carving process had
lieeif only recently performotL The re
mains were apiareutly those of a female.
The box was consigned by a nian giving
his name as "Dr. Wetnies," of New
York, but the city direct- >ry contains no
such name. It was decided U> have the
box and its content* forwarded to Ohio,
where detectives will lie placed i>u tJi
alert. One singular circumstance in the
case is. tliat on one end of the box was
written in pencil the word " Rones," but
whether it was written Is fure consign -
inent or during the luv.sitigwtiou was not
ascertained. In addition to the suspi
cious lightness of the box, tbe dripping
of bhHKI through the joints led to the
examination. How many such article-,
of freight pass along the railroads tunle
tocted is now the serious question. The
detective*, in this enae.arv satisfied there
was foul play.
A Marriage by the Cardinal.
One of the first public act* of the new
American Cardinal, McCloskey, was the
marriage of a daughter of Thomas Mur
phv, the uot'-d New York politician, to a
young Cuban, Mr. E. Do ltiva*. The
ceremonies took place at St. Stephen's
church, and wheu this was filled 10.0U0
persona stood around the building in the
cold and wet. Nellie Murphy, the bride,
wore a dress which cost Sd,(VX). It con
sisted of white brocade satin en train,
trimmed with js-arls, with the usual at
conipaniment of the wreath of orange
blossoms and the illusion veil. She cer
tainly looked quite charming and pretty,
and she wore a magnificent diamond
necklace. During the imposing cere
monies at the church Mis* Murphy stood
apparently unmoved and unconcerned.
She kept all her preseuce of mind. The
bridegroooi, however, Ms-mixl rather
nervous, and fidgeted front 0110 pwitinu
to another. The Cardinal pronounced
the usual words, sjH-akiiig to the bride
" Wilt thou take Kllen Murphy, here
present, for thy lawful wife aeoorilnig to
the rite of our holy mother the Church t"
He answered, very faintly and tremle
lingly, "I will." To the same question
Miss Murphy sealed her fate by answer
ing, in a clew voice, in which no emo
tion was apparent, iu the same affirma
tive. The remainder of the ceremony
|>aased off rapidly, the only ineident l>e
ing that the bridegroom's hand shook so
nervously that he could hardly place the
ring on the finger of the fair liand which
Mrs. Da ltiva* put tip before him. With
a blessing the ceremony was then ended,
and the Cardinal, taking again his
crozier, moved out of the sanctuary iu
the same order in which he had entered
Failures in the United State*.
Dnn, Barlow A Co. 's Mercantile
Agency lias collected statistics of fail
ures throughout the United States for
the first thn*e months of IN7G, with the
amount of liabilities. In New York
State there were 152 failures; liabilities,
$2,094,562. iu Now York city the lia
bilities of 197 failures amounted to jM,-
490,500. Nest on the list is Massachu
setts, with 113 failures and £5,514,000
liabilities. Pennsylvania's 115 failures
represent $4,927,006 liabilities. Illinois
is responsible for $2,385,018, and In
diana, Kentucky, Missouri and Ohio for
a little more titan a million each. The
total liabilities of all the States reach
$38,873,222. The failures have not I-ecu
largely in excess of previous yean, while
the amount of liabilities shows no in
crease whatever aliove the average of
years. Considering the contiuued de
pression in numerous interests, the ex
ceeding severity of the winter, nod the
lateness of the spring, the conclusion is
said to !*• on the whole encouraging. In
New York city especially there was a
very considerable diminution in the
uuml>er of failures. Iu two or three
vefy imjiortant lines of trade there has
not been any failure at all of prominence
during the first quarter of the year,
while the few very distinctive failures of
the year, thus far, have been confined to
branches of trade in which there liave
been very few failures hitherto. Even
these are more to !>e attributed to au
overproduction and undue competition,
excessive even iii prosperous times, than
the result of a general depression.
Very Had Writing.
Talking of H|M'lliug ami writing, the
New York Herald says: Had a riling is
productive of earning, and who can tell
bow uinch Horace (Ireeley, ltufus
Choate and Colouel Forney, public men
with extensive correspondence, have
don 3 to make swearing a national vice 1
Every letter these great Htatosmen wrote
went forth as an evil one to promote
profanity. Colonel Forney, on the oo
caaion of one of Mr. Cuoate's great
speeches, wrote him a complimentary
letter, in which he said, in his poeti -al
way: "You sum an heathen heaven in
yourself, and top high crowned Olym
pus." Mr. Choate read the sentence
thus: "Yon seem an heathen in heaven,
you wretch, at top a fly blown pumbue,"
and in a fit of anger wrote a most abu
sive icply, which Colonel Forney still
keeps in his album as a cordial invitation
to dinner.
A Dakota judge has decided that under
the Territorial laws an Indian cannot
be convicted of murdering one of his
own kind. The question arose in a re
cent prosecution of two Kan teen for the
murder of a Pouca Indian. The raur- I
derers were acquitted under tlie de
cision, and were at liberty to depart, J
but fearing that prowling Poncas, who
were not satisfied with the decision,
might kill them, they wore remanded to
jail for protection.
81' mi ABY or SEWS.
Ileal* af lilrrM friM Hssae aatl Url.
' John Mnt.-egei. ft miliar, while Oil hi* way to
work *1 Mafflt a mines invar Wulkosharic, wa
i attacked by four other miner* an.l ahot in the
> (an, but not dangerously wounded ... Iter.
Thotuaa A. Jagger. I>. IV, baa beau eouse-
I , crated aa F|'isco|>al |babo|i of HouUiaru Ohio.
' | Captain General Yalmasela baa issued a jwivla
matiali offering unconditional (MUUOII to all the
' t'nl>*u yebela who auriaiiitrr previous to May
30. Ma doserteis from the H|>wiiab
' aiiuy. who will be obliged to art ve (it the war
guar J of the army until the dure of the war
Ilia coronet a jury baa eioiioralrd Fledeilek
Ulan. kbioTnr from complicity In the death uf
hi* wife, whoar Uslv waa fouiitl in brr a|>atl
( uiriil* ill Jaiaoy 0i1y,... Hhortff Hoy I, of
I Orange counly, N. V , kaa levied ou the real
, ealala ami |erw*vnal property of John V (Vmier,
a defaulter, at Ooa'.ien, valued at #30,000,
i luiilet an atlachiurtil in favor of the National
i bita-k Van! Company. Among the property
ael/od ate folly head of llolaleln cattle ...
i lan. White, a nag to, atteni|>tnl to lavlab a
' wl.low bring uear Italeigh, hhelby oouuty,
1 Taiiu., ou whoa* plantation he we* at Work.
' liar cue* attracted the attention of her eon. at
the eight of whom the negro fled, but waa
' aflerwarrl raptured ami taken to HaiUrll to
await trial. That night he waa taken flow the
jail by a |-ort> of illagtuaeil man, cattled to the
wood". ami hanged to a tree I'he i'rwatdenl
liaa a v .r*|<tal the realgnet.ou of Allen.ey
i ieneial Willlaiua and ap| n.ted (Meatus Tin re
pout hi the r acant |-oalU-m The City of
(fekoah, Wis., waa neatly drat roved by fire
the loea la eaUmalod at #3.000,000..,. The
(lermwua of New York tendered a eoUipUuien
lary dinner U) ei-Kenolor I'ail Kehurr. ..The
Allegheny cotuity workhouse, aituated at
Olaiemoiit, nine mile* ftetu l'lttehurgh, l'a.
waa ]>artially deetroye>l by Are. Of the 350
mutate", uoue were injured or oecaped.
l'hllip Mieiulan waa atruck ou the heail 1 y a
(vavuig atoue lu the hand* of Joseph lßjvle, in
Jeraey City, and died 5 few day* *fterw*rd.
Ihiylo waa arrested A Are at tiill£ Hlug,
S. V., destroyed three hotels ...The rrel
deoco of Mr*, l.ucy liakewell at Nbclbyv.lle,
Ky., tu which waa the library of tbc great
naturalist Audubon, was burned. Mr*. Iteke
well waa Andubou'a sisirr :n law, and hla
library had been left with her. 'lite collection
consisted of about eight humlred rolumew
Nothing waa saved Two eolutnd women,
a mother and daughter, welo found dead Ui
Uietr twala lu a small house lu iletroli, their
heads chopped ami hacked with an at almiwt
beyond the eemblance of hutuau being*.
Suspicion |>oinia to John Thotuaa the httaband
of the (lrwl uatned victim. a cub red baitmr, aud
he Uaa been arteeled lire InxliM of two
colored children, aged rospoeuvely >u and
eight year*, were found near Cuba. Tcun.
The fleeb bad been eaten from the bonea by
buzzards. but the wkuUa were in g<*d c m
dition. and mdu-a!e>l baring beet, broken lu.
The father la euapectel of complicity w their
murder Somebody eutered the city halt.
llobokeu, N. J., and cut oat #350 worth of
order* for groceries frvwu oretweer of the |*jor a
book John Miller, a Oerwan, waa uiatonlly
killed ui I'aronia avenue, Jeraey City, by bcuig
accblculally tbruwu from a truck whtcb be WAS
driving. He fell I*fore Uio aiuwvla, which
[UOMd over hla cheat ... A kxvy named N.u
uous, aged fourteeu, was fatally slabbed 111
lite aMuiwii b> aauilwr toy uf Uie aauie age,
in New York . Joe Howard, colored, cut
the throat of (iue Strickland, a white U>y
twelve yeans of agn, lu Milton county. Georgia,
over a game of cards. Howrll flod. Btn,klauJ
died uiatauUy I'av „I HiuUin has derided
to erect on the Fifth street market *]< ace, Cm
eitii:au. a granite tower oue hundred and anty
feet hlgti, aurmouiite-l hy a cokseaal etatue of
Cuidiiuatua hobtied ru a toga. The lower w.U
coat #50,0U0.
A duostrou* gale prevailed along the great
Sake*. A barge on take Onlono iadeu with
iron ure w ek lust with four ;r*c-ua ou hoard.
Of a lishuig fleet of nine vewael* osi lake
Michigan, the follow nig casualties are re
ported : The Sea loon, ('apt Hpriagwfelu.
stranded at (Yrand Marr ; South Wind. Cap!.
Clan foot, with four men aboard. undoab(elly
lost. Or u. Hooker, Capt. Myers, on the beach 1
riauet, CapL lieniet, at llrown's Pier; Sea
UuU, CapL Frank Keyouk, with three men
aboard, lost; E. 11. l'wrkina, CapL F. dirake,
witii four men aboard, lost Tlie strike of
the ltrocklyn hod carriers m at an end, they
working eight hours at #2. while the brick
lay rn* are working the some period of lime and
receiving #3.20 instead of tt for ten bourn
labor, winch they were receiving prior to the
disagreement.... A singular suit la Ivefore
the supreme court of New York State. William
Steen. the keeper of a hotel nrar Kingston,
sold ii pior to a man nam.xl batting some time
since, under the inflwence of which l'atliiig
became crazy and killed a man and was there
fore sentenced to pruwni for life. Mrs. 1 tatting
now sued Mwa under the civil damage law,
for #5,000 laoac ItnuulL formerly Stole
Treasurer of lowa, lias been convicted of em
bezzling money lielonguig to the Stste
John Wilson committed suicide in s hotel
111 Hartford, Conn., by meai.s of a slow char
coal tire, which he had taken Uie utmost pam
to ariauga Tlie supply of c >al from all
regions so far this year, saya tho H>ttert Jour
nal, foots up 4.1it.'.-39 tons, against 5.594.650
tons to the same period last year a decrease of
1,479,711 tons. The decrease in Uie supply of
anthracite is 1.537.47 C tons A negro named
llecl was whipping hiw wife in Nashville, Tenu.,
when the ueighbora called a policeman name*l
Robert Frazier to arrest him. Oil Frazier's
entering the door of the limine. Rood ahot turn
m the mouth and heart, killing him instantly.
Reed was arrested and lodge*! in jail. That
night an armed mob attacked the jail, and aa
the jailor would not surrender the keys, broke
open four heavy iron doors and secured the
murderer. A rope WM put about his neck,
and he was led to the suspension bridge, from
which he was thrown wiUi the intention of
hanging, but the rope broke, and he fell a dis
tance of ninety feet to aotne rocks below and
thence rolled mto the liver. ITo was shot twice
on the way to the btidgo. A large police force
were unable to drive away the mob Tlie
Oslikoeh lire loeece amount to #2.500.000.
against only #500.000 insurance.
Foam are entertained of a conflict between*
English and French fishermen engaged in tlie
Newfoundland fishenoi.... Tlie United State#
public debt statement shows a reduction.lnnng
April of #2,325.346.63.... balances In tho
I'nited State# Treasury: Currency. #1,0%,375.-
76 i special .Jepoeitn of legal tenders for
tiie redemption of certificates of de|>oslt,
#47,W'5.0><1 ; C*UII (including #22,403.300 in
rain Mttifieitr* 1, #!>4,625,669.23 ; outstanding
legal tenders, #379.051,760 Tho a<) istant
postmaster at Vicksburg, Miss., resigned l>e
cause white clerks were discharged and their
places filled by colored men Forty-one
persons were killed at Hunkers Hill colli* ry.
North Staffordshire, England, by ai evpl.veion
.... A tornado struck ('niunilna 8. r., doing
much damage. (>nc |vr*on 1- rwjvorted killed.
and several injur**! Tli-'inis Jlorsey, of
Verplanckv s Point, N. Y., agcl fifteen yrn*.
shot n lvy named Mahar, ag<sl seven years,
at that p.ace A fishing-Israt. Containing
three men, wan cajet/ed In I-ake Michigan.
Tlie crew vver* nil drovi ne.l Hot.ry I>i ltm,
fifiy-tl.rse years of age, while inluMoated,
stabbed luinself fatally w.tli a hutalier-knila in
Cincinnati. 111 presence of bin wife, After read
ing his life iueiirance policy.
Cardinal Mc('!o*key consecrated Archbishop
Williams, ( Uostori A lull s* mtrodurrd
In tho low or house nf HIP iirrmin Hint to sup
press oil religious ciders . ..John Wslker,
it laborer of New York. wan fatally stabbed by
liiu stepson, alula fighting over tim ownership
of a can® Henry Harrison. second mate
of the barkaiitnie Victoria I'ersz, lying at New
York, took a female companion on hnaid liin
WMil, and when alio wished to leave at mid
night. lie attempted to detain her. 1 luring tho
cr.ifllo tho girl either fell or wan pushed over
board and was drowned. Hi.rrison was intoil-m
ratoJ at the time A New York policeman
wait scntencod to the pom ten liar}' for throe
months for aeeanlting a brother polico ottl • or_
The lire record shows the following:
First Congregational Church, JancHville, Wis.;
loss 960.0U0, insurance £23,000; Methodist
Church. Kockport, Mass.; loss £IH,OOO, insur
ance, £5,000 - incendiary; tho paper mill,
barns, and eflice of John McLean in Factory -
ville, N. Y.; lose from £65,000 to 70,000, in
surance (li'J.OOO ; in Main street, Moutpclier,
ft, beginning in Unices block, burning both
sides of llie street for neady one-fourth of
a mile, destroying about thntv stores and
dwellings; loss 150,000 A crazy woman
was found wandering about the streets of
Jersey City with the body of a dead infant in
her arms. She was sent to the almshouse. '
The Auatrlau Mtulater to tliia eountry baa
resigned hla position. He will travel through
the country previous to returulng to F.uiope
MaJ. J. 11 Mclaughlin, of lietroil, ofloiw
to w testis with any living man for froui
#3.000 to #IO,OOO and the championship of the
: wotld. The steamer St. l.uke, from l.oavon
| worth, hail., to St. l.oula, atruck juer three of
the SI. Charles bridge, twenty Ave miles fiutu
(he latter place, about leu o'clock at night, aud
! sunk In Afleeu feet of waler. Thole were
' stand one bundled poison* on board, of whom
nine were diuwued six nieii, one woman aud
two cblldmu f da aid Connelly and lUlward
Ills son weie anttia'atvd by gas, which AUodthe
room flow a leaky pipe, in Buffalo. When
;vuaoiia entered the room with a light there
was a tert'lAc eiphanou, which lifted Uie floor.
... The Alaliama aud Chattanooga imllioad
has Iwen sold by the Uiaslei comunanlolieia
to the trustee* for Uio Ait mortgage bond
iioldei* for #1,200,000 over and alaive the lieu
created by the recetvei * certificate and the
.auirt wts The Ciilou Tacirtc rallfoed
coined # 1,083,853. #S in April James U or
utaii of New Yolk, waa cbokevl lo death by a
piece of meat while at dinner. . . Jauiea Itice,
i.i.u lkd'lw a noted professional burglar,
escaped from the CoiiuecOcut Stale pilaou lu
.xunpauy wdli another prusouor. They both
pi (tended to haie rrfoimed, and ha>l gained
l>rt> ilegr* ou account of good behavior, taking
advantage of which they managed loget wv.
Two laluing lueu were *uffocated by the
caving Ui of a van,l bank at liruoklyti. Several
othria bad a narrow escape Tlie ltev.
Itnfiia ltalxock, IV I>., of Fuughkeepele, died
in Salem, Maaa., of typhoid ) nnanoiiia. He
was a llapllal lu.uUler of ovel nfty y car* stand
ing, ami was widely known liiroughoul Uie
New Fug land and Middle Stales .. Hie
liem>H-rala of Montgouieiy, Ala., elected (be
mavor, clerk and twelve ahlermen. Their flrwt
v .clory since reconstruction ... A man named
Welsh, a striker from the OreeiiAeld cutlery
works, weut to sleep ujs.ii the radioed track
uear Spring field, Mara, while luleiiraled, ami
was killed by a |>aaaiiig train The horse of
llonier Waller, a jwominetil far mar of Duchos*
county, N. Y., ran away with him at Hover,
and he was thrown out and instantly killed....
Ibe Hun. IV IV I'talf el-I'nited Stales Sena
tor from Indiana baa acoej ted the p.eiUon of
eouitiiiaaiuner of Internal revenue, tendered
him by the l'reaidcut Jerrmiali IV l.eek,
of Hannleii, Conn., fell |iarlly out of hla car
nage lu New Haven, and his head striking l-
Iween the a j Hikes of otie of (he wheels, which
was revolving he waa strangled Ui death
Wesley Van l>Uaeit, a wealthy and eccentric
fanner cf Copake. N. Y . m a At of inaamty,
shot hi* mother, an aged lady, through the
head and bieasl, killing her distantly, and thru
shot himself through the heart.
A Houdrrfnl ( alrulatlng Murhinc.
A oorr(W|H)iiilctit id- tlw Ciuriuuati
> ■ . < nr: givt-H lli*' folo-wiiig arxs.uul
of a " ixsii-uuitihg' (|gui#." na hu nejla
it: The iuvf-utor, Mr. F. I*. Warn u, a
w.itchiunk.-r ..f thin |4iSix. (Tlirvv OnkH,
Mich.), baa lx>-u working UJHU very
difficult AU.I ctiriott* ti ices* of mocluuiiruu
—4 calculating uim-hitiT which he aaid
waa to work uot only iu the firat four
rule* of anih luetic, but waa alao to per
form oomplitxkkxl tuallieuuiticrkl calcula
tloaa. So Jvenu<U who kuew his plajiH
-\*'r thought it |KMeibl to coiiHtruct
such n machine, but the iuveutor'a faith
ha.-. Isen atrong from the liegiuutng, arid
tua penutaol iM-rncrcnuu*- linn nt laid
ISMU crowned with complrie "Uixess.
Tlie liau'iuue la tlie rretllt of about tell
yenr* of labor. It war* uot built for
uiuliu'tt-'turr iuid nale, but lo HOC what it
waa jvosmible to nccutnpliah by nut
chinerv. The tuocluue, which 1 alwnu
tiful |UIXN* of luecluuniun, aurjiritor* every
on*- who stixi it iu ojM-ratiou. It will a**
a multiplier or divioor of twelve figurvo,
the muitiplii-iuid and dividend heiufrlim
ibd only hy the nuuitto-r of wlux-la
placed in front to receive the ouawer.
i'he preucnt nunibs r on tlie mnchine ia
twenty. The machine (xnitaina over
'2,100 KjMiuully formed pinxe, aud in
eludiug Hcrews aud rivet* over .'i.UUU. It
ia probably the moat cximplimbxl and
intricate p:>xx* of m<x'hiuii*m ever con
BtrueUxl, and yet it workx with |*erft< t
iwis' and nocunto-y. It will ruu Ivackwar.t
ax w.JI tut forwHid, will d t* et mid ahow
an error, were it itowthlo for ®ne to oc
cur. It will divide one uuuibcr by on
other, o-Id the quotient to another nuui
l-r, dubtrnct or multiply, arxxirding to
choice, at one vine ration. It deal* with
fraction* aa well na whole ntimU r*. Ily
putting the firwt jeower of a nuuilwr in
the machine the JHIW.TH of that uumiier
up to tlie full ctqmcity of the lnm-hiue
can he obtained. It aui nlxo be uw-d OH
n ibfT* relax' mnchine, if deaimd. The
following exmiiple in com]x>utid interest
WAR net into the machine nnd perforuMxl
in forty five second*: What in the cum
)H>un.l interest of jo.retO.TS for twenty
venrx at seven per oeuh Answer: Sl(">,-
A Lover'* Herengre.
Tin* Lsxinardtowm (M.1.) tlcaron pul>-
linh. s a rvjH*rt of the trial of Jaiuon T.
(irnvin, iu the circuit court for fit. Mark's
cotuity, Mil, on tiie rliarge of oettiug
fire to a new dwelling house, owned liy
William Burcli. The facts in the our,
aa develojMxl at the trial, are soniewhut
extmonliuarr. (Inives is a young man
who, up to the time he wiuv ciiarged with
this crime, hod Imrne a good character.
He was gTeutly in love with a I- autiful I
young lady named I>b'lle (Juy, hut her '
parents dioliked hiui, and favored the
attentions of William Ilurcli, who was
also n suitor for her hand. (1 raves was
discarded, and it wax generally under- j
stood in the ncightiorliood that Mr.
1 lurch and Miss OUT were to lie married.
Barch'n father built him a new house,
into which he was to take hiahride. In
tlie meantime the rejechxl (traves took
to hard drinking and lvecame nuwaly and
remorse. One evening, about the time
the house intende I for the home of t e
couple was tluinhed, ho mounted his
horse, rode to Meoluuiicsville, pur
ehnN'Hl a Is.ttle of e->al oil, iuid then pro
ee.'d-xl to Mr. Itureh's new house. It
was burned down that night, and those |
who first came to the fire smellcd a
strong odor of ixmloil. Nolvodv doubted
but tlmt (Irnves had s*'t fire to the house.
l']atelle Cluy died soon afterward, it is
Nnid, of a broken lienrt. Graves was
found guilty of the eriiue, and sentenced
ti two years' imprisonment in the peni
Overdressed Srhool (tirl*.
An Amcricu family, in which were
several girls, came t<> livo in this city,
says the New York Tinf*, some time
! Inst year. The JMI rent* had moveil in a
good social circle, ntid had l>een held in
considerable esteem in the town where
they previously resided. They were re
spectable, but not rich. While living
comfortably, they refused to SJM 1111 more
tluin they could afford for ilress. In a
short time the < Ident girl, who was nlsmt
thirteen or fourteen yearn of age, mid
very anxious to go on with tier edtiea
lion, lierntne a pupil at one of the pnhlie
school*. She remained there only a few
weeks, lieing fairly driven awnv by the
taunts and sneers which were leveled at
her on account of her homely apparel.
\f!<>r a slcrt interval she tried another
srhool, hut witli tlio same resutt. She
was avoided try the other girls, treated
with neglect and SUJM rcUiousneM, and
at last was obliged to li ave. Tile oonse
qticnee was that neither she nor her si.s
t"is attended any school, and thus for :
the sake of any unsoomly abuse, which
it is the intercat of evervl>ody to put
down, the education of those children
Common Sense Reason*
Why Dr. Walker's California Vine
gar Hitters should lw> used :
Ist. They nro an entire vegetable
hitters, frisi from all alcoholic ntimn
'id. They pre the result of careful
study, experiment and labor.
Sil. The greatest race is taken to se- j
cure medicinal virtues, and exclude !
everything objectionable.
•Itfi. They unite, as a life-restoring !
acieutifte tonic, the greatest strengthen
ing and vitalizing principles.
sth. Persons of sedentary habits and !
over-worked, find in them a specific for j
want of appetite, palpitation, debility, 1
constipation, and innny other nameless I
fit h. The aged find in them guarantee I
of prolonged health and life, and weak
and delicate females and mothers find j
especial benefit from their use.
7tli. They ore the master of disease. •'
fir*. TIIIM'S Lrttrr.
The following in n <*py of the latter
want Isy Mm. to Judge Nrilaon.iit
which site requested to lie called IUV A
witiions HI tiro Tilt UN lloechor one*:
Jt'tMiß NUMM: I NEK the privilege
frum you for n low words in my own ls<
hnlf. 1 feel vorv deeply tho inj untitle of
my |Htsitioii in tlie Inw mul Imforu the
ivourt now NIHIIIK, sud, while 1 tmve uu
ttcmlood nuti rcs|MH'liitl from the ts'gin
ititift Mr. F.vsrtn' |niuciolein tlie mstter,
yet since your lust mission I liuve IM-<-II
HO scllHllile of the l>ow< r of my enemies
tlmt nry soul cries out before you mid
the Ketillemrll of the jury, that they Ire
ware how, by it divided verdict, Uiey
eoiiMgn to my children a false sud un>
Vocable stain UlMitl their Illotlier ' For
the year* |iust I have bwu tire victim of
circumstances! moat cruel aud uufortu
tutte; Hinigg'lingt from truie to time only
for a jilnoe to live honorably ami truth
fully. Iteleasrwl for Some uroliths from
the will l>y whose power uueottsctoirslV
1 criminated myself ngiuli lind ng'UHi, 1
declare stdemnly Is-fore you, without
fenr of man and hy faith in (hnl, that 1
am innocent of the crime charged ugumil
me. 1 would like to ti Umy whole sail
st.<ry truthfully U< ai-knowlmlge the
frequent falseluMsls wrung from me by
tvouipulston thotigdi nt the sums turn
unwilling to reveal the secrets of my
inarrieil life, which only the vital iw
poilance of my |srsitiou makes neews
sary. 1 intsuuie the entire responsibility
of this request, uuknowti to friend or
counsel of cither side, and await your
honor's hotiorahle division.
With griwt resiwvt,
KiJiAJirru It TiiiTom,
The letter won returned b, Mrs. Triton
by the clerk of the court, not lieui# read
in court.
A FKKJU'H JOKK.—A I'arisian family,
while at diutier the <-titer euuifr, were
aHtonishivl at nveivitifv tiis following
letter: "M. mid Mmlaiue: ] have just
hurried that whst I have cooked for veai
is a piece of the butcher'a little nephew,
who was assiisnuiab ii by his uncle and
sold la hill vs. 1 do Hot ilaTe to COUie
home. Marie." Marie tin the name of
their servant. Hiii horrible annauiKyv
ment cn-ated trreat omsteruation, and all
the family U-iran to'feel poilg'H of indi
ffiwtiou, whu ll were not allayed until it
was discovered thst the note was a hoax.
Tlie )M>ltoo'&re looking for the practuad
Whoever buy* a MOAOII A Hamlin
Cabinet may U- nur*- ho loan g*i*t
the brut uintriuueut of tlie clhii* in the
world, alivl thin at tlie lowest j.ri.v at
whi.h it riui I vs* ."iff..r. led by the makeni
luiving irreateHt frto ilitir-H for m&uufoA
ture. *
A SLA I'TIHTCII iloi HK. -Iu th very
h. ari of Now Vurk ity thorn art- fifty
nix "lttitg'ht< r hoUBr-M whirli every ilav
!iitight* r 1,241 mttlo, 3,3.10 hoga, oiiil
alir-op nrui ix.ww. All tin- rofnw
from ihoiss* ahtugditor hounr in thrown
into the l*y.
The Rcuoru! talk in 1 K.bbtiin' Klovlrif
S.*i|> i uuiiif by Cn#io & Co., l'lul*.).
There Di vrr a tvoap *o highly oinl }{i ii
cnklly priiiKd. It toll* a *U>ry of its own
tuvnlH.tiuit cannot be contntoliotsul. Try it.
TUK CENTENNIAL.— From all |ftrU of
Fntiuv nowa i* received tiuU the mr
chiuito, uiat)tifa<*tiiror and w ino grow* rw
art" tnkiiiK warm intercut iu tin- I'hila
il*-l|liin ( Vnu-nnial. aud that it ia likely
that Fnuioc wdJ I*** on*" *>f tlie larfreet
rxlubitorw iu tlie inU-niationikl exhibi
A SI.OO Beek for $1.40.
Tlie People * i < muiiu. Sense Meilirsu Ad
vtssvr. lu ] lain Pi,gliali or Medicare Kimi litled
by lk V. l'irrre, M. I>., cmiueeJor-in-cuief if
the lumrvl of |diran-iuia and surgeon*, at the
watld'a Ji|eneerv, liuffelo, N. Y Tlr* above
wixk a funk it kbuut nirre Lutnlrcd large
i'sgoe prvfiiseJe i'lhuiU-aleid with iu>d erigrav
iug* and oolixtsd j-ia!u*. and well aud alrv.tiglv
Ikvuihl will U eeijl, pua(-|rd, to arty addx**"*,
for ime dollar and tfty cent* making it Ure
vlifsisai UeA ever off or ml to Ikr Amcnrar,
peome. Oilier booka Leaking of .I.<u>L
iiMuhcaie. of like *ue and atyle of Uudrng, and
luff nearly an well illnatraled, with no oolnred
plates, ar>4 some of litem containing no jtve-
Hcri|4iona and niaiung known tin means of asjf
i are far the diresveeu * Inch they dlaro**, aell
for fri.ui three dollar* and a half ioftvedollar*.
Wore Iff. Pteree.a work not |siLimbed by tbr
aulbur, |uiutcsl and tunned witb lo* own tua
iliincry and were it eoid Lhrotigh agents, ar
r Uier like wvrtk* am, Ui# |-r..-e of il would hav<
to be nut lose thai, four dollar* For when the
|>nbh*her pare the aulh. r t fair jmce for hi*
l.rvelactioii. then add# a profit to the luveel
menl large euouxh to aati-f v hmmelf and r <m
|nsa(e Turn not only f. i toa labor, but alto i
' x live risk of tmctiii arv KM wluoli lie uuiisu*
in taking the rfiance# of Uie enter pries (roving
a aurcesvs. and when (he Male. eoM'ity. andean
- wiiiS SR'iil has each received a profit Uiey
have aildml to Uie eipenee of a book, thai
ortginally coats about #1.25, so much Ual the
jwople have b- pay not lews than li.oo for it.
The l'ix>t>le a Medical Adviser, on the contrary
is plscnl w.tlnn the |nctu,iary rna*h of ail
. lasses by the author, who adopts Uie plan of
the granger*, dispensing with middle men and
givuvg tho beueiil of their |T..flka to the people. 1
offering his Irook at a price litUe above actuoi
iimt of puhlicauoiv. Thai those drain tig Uie
biHik may run no risk of hieing their money in
sending it though the inaila (he author ad
vrruara thai tnouev ad lreeeed to him at ]
It .1*;... N. Y.. and Inchwod in registered ,
letters, may I 0 at bta rtk of loss. The author *
large ccriespoiidence wiUi Uie |.eo|>le u|von <
msrhuau matter*, which we are crrdibly ui
formed frts|Ueu()y eveeeit# three hundrvsl let
ters a day and requires several trained and •
skillful medical aeeif-taiita and short-hand re
porters to enable him to et.tertan, and ei
them, as well as his large daily dealings wiUi
disease at the wmld's dispensary, appear to
have peculiarly tittsd him for writing the work,
l.y rendering him very familiar with the eveiy
day medical need* of the people. He endeavor*
ui Una work to auawer all Uie numeixwui qnes
tiuue relating to healUi and disease that have
t*ean aildreesed to him by the people from all
parts of the land, ami hence it contains impor
tant information for the young and old. male :
aud female, single and maniid. nowhere else
t*> l>e found. All the most prevalent diseases
of l*otli so ice are also plainly and fully con
sidered and means of sejf-ciue ma*le known.
I'bliks other work* on domestic medicine, it
u.clndes the subjects of biology, cerebral phy
siology. hygiene, temperament*, marriage, rs
produciMm. etc., all of which arw treated in an
oiiguial and uiteiesling manner. It is a com
pendium of anatomical physiological and medi
cal science, and embodies Uie latest diaoov erie#
in each dejiortinent.—Com. • j
lxcaxisa ix Twix Cnrx-mv. The sudden
changing of weather ha* done much tn give
rise to couaum|Hjon. Hut thousands it
on by their own impnidenee, such a* wearing
damp clothing and going from Uie warm room
into Uie cold air anil checking the perspiration,
which causes irritation of Uie lung*, and then
matter or phlegm will collect, which nature
will try to relieve by couching. If 1 store d.ves
not raise the matter with ease, and stop this
inflammation, tubercles will soon form and
consumption will s.vou follow. Allen's I.nng
llalsam will cure couaumptmn if it is only taken
in Umo. For sale by all medicine dealers. -
HrilJ, Titr. CRT is for tin- Wilson shuttle
sewing machine. And why? lloeauee it is the
most |>r-ifect and deirwtde sewing machine for
family use and maiitifartmitig yet inventixl.
and is the chea|>rsL The o-mstant demand
for this valuable tnachiae has made it almost
ini|xw**it>l.- f-w the iiianufaciiirerw to supply the
demand. Machine* will be delivered at any rail
road station 111 this county, free uf Uau*|>r!a-
Uon cliarges, if ordered through Uie company s
branch ho'ise at 527 arid K23 Rroadway, New
York. They send an elegant catalogue A d
chromo circular free 011 application. Tins
company want a few moro g-xwl agents. Cum.
Ei.KiTiriciTttH l*irr.- All iicrvouadio
orvlers, chrome diseases of the chest, head,
liver, stomach, kidney* and bhssl. aches ami
pains, nervous and general debility, etc.,
quickly cured after drug* fail by wearing Volta s
IDM M licit* siul Hands. Valuable hook free,
bv Volta licit Co.. Cmciniiati, Ohio. Com-
Muuy Auffor rather than trvko nanoootui
mivlicitnv. Sufferera from couglin, cold*, m
flucuza. -ore throat or tendency to consump
tion. will ftml iu /'. II irtar'n fliil.uiiii of Wild
Clu rry a remedy a* agreeable to the palate as
effeetusl 111 removing .11* ease. Fifty rents and
one dollar a Imttle, large hotllee much the
Tho TVtnri IUJR that Dr. Wulpole has
loet Ins beautiful ohes'nut maie. She died
suddenly in harness, it is eiq>|vos*d from bote
or pin worms. If the doctor had used NAc*-i
--ditn't I'aralry fund.turn I'otedrrt, be would,
no dont t, have hail his uioru to-day-they arc
death on worms.-- Com.
Chapped ha nds nro very common "with
thusu who have their hands much in water.
A few drops of John ion't A*orl[/i0 Lii>init
rubbed ovor the bauds two or three timos a
day will keep them soft and white Fishermen,
sailors and other* will do well to remember
this.-- Com.
•• TH Y ME. AND no vor uoon."
Of all ills mode* <•! III" tiumsn ooolllwtioSM
Impolitic* of the bleed, ilj|wi>*i. torpid Itww *'t Its
kindrc.l limes**., I* > sucosaaful ss tlu>oaeef lr.
The* act a* a potnt t*nJc and genii* a part ant, ara mild
In I hair operations, aam under any i ircumManoaa, and
tlitxiaanda have horn* testimony toth* hanatifa they hnva
dart veil rotu their uae. They are the aafeat and baat j
iiirlrif and summer mdlcin let discovered. h amity
physician* ragnlarh - praaotfbe tnam.
Wholesale Agenta.
Ht'itMrrr's <'H*OAl*b la tlie beat and
ahospsvat hair .boosing In Ui* world. - -Com.
i lite Market*.
saw toa*.
, j IWfOatlls-Trim#ls Ksir* 11*1 look* |o Jig:
IN.ri.m.Hi I* ltuo.l Tsisus..., ~ oh n
Mllrh iN.wt *0 00 utlt 00
f II.a-l.lva IM>, (A (SO,
tirvssiHl lu, • 10||
ut k<4 (ff
lam* . it a |#
(Nition m.iiiiiitg >a,va us
riuui 1 sir* *ll # 1 M
sun. Ktira.,,, t la am
I Wbsat lint W mlrni I M v* | M
Na, Spring.,, I 10 a 1 II
ll) Slid lit I* I Iff
I Mart*) huts... I M (SIM
lurl*r Malt 1 Si) .* I til
.M.U MUed Hnbri. UHM TOJ#
< N.I u Mitnl Wnsu.rn as ua 1 .
irr. |< .wi .. ti s i ou
r siras, |*r(si *os* TI
. "'I H- U .ssa ' .14# 0* 14 |*
' ivtk Mr** nuo van UN
ns uv
. I n*l> Ms.Aaawt, Ss, 1, new...,,,. II 00 o*ll *0
•• Nu. a, new . *0 i#iu 00
l>rr l'd, inarrwl a ou W ( ta
Herring. Scalsd, |i Uu . N * lo
r4rut*uu. i'ru.U, H\aotV Mm*, !■,
Wuui—Dsllluraia gnn M 01 M
1 1 mas " '#> <4 M
A ..nt ratio, •* ............ a* at U
llutlrr stale . ft <# M
I Wmleri* I*s)rr M •A V
. West err. Yellow lu 0# XI
WasUHla Or.ll bar r II 0* I*
1 Irn t,tv! vaiita Km* M . xt
CWaaai mau K*r*rr l<Nv* tt
Male riki mined U* * U
WnSfUtTU I* m u>|
K*gs Stau IT |# IT
apesi 10 111
lire amis i #l4
Curb . |
luti*, -sisi* m m
oau uu ~ TI # N
1 aurrsuo
, fluur. IW 0| Tto
WksM Ma. X Spring .. I II 4 1 II
Corn—Musi it 0 m
"• to ti TO
•r* 11l #IM
bsrinff 1 # I 4
IN, I lot, !*, Mlddlibc* t*v, v* UN
t Klour Kits* .. . aas 0| • u
W basl -Us) Wsswu 110 u I SO
1 II I# I II
1 n- Yslluw n * n
oi. -Mi vest ** <4 to
i ■ Prtratsuu, OS'sol MS
[ Ktirur—penosylvn:,'.* turs I XtSW I fJ|
I Wbssl—Weaien, tisd ltu 4 110
1 1 M 01 1 U
Ourn—YvOlow It n UN
UiAml r> 14 II
1 rtata-1,0 Un TI
P*iroieinu Crude twaned. 11%
sMHLa. ussri .
/Xi \ Liquid Compound
/¥\ Bug nuil Inasct /W\
J w V Desrror#r and W \
Your rnqs st| Us saesd U> laiasuug On* as Two dai
Ist* hand lur circular ssstsiiua* lull nartlauiaru.
Aim* stuisd ii. ..ore Mai* sad Coasts Addiasa.
h V IIH< i vlml 'B
TTAT W * TER due*
I —or *aa
Pdtent iFory or Cellnloid Koife
A*4 Una# MItTKK I*FT MHtMR. Alvtn rl) tm
ir I!s* uulc Nulri -} aoi danauWrw lo *m4 tif ilk*
( liNiiih<ra Nfrrl, NrM \ •rk. MihuUclurwr#
| ft #i! hit<*.t i f itkMfr.
Air rimtol
HSaau Ilsrlt #r Mas* Frrfrrlli
Accurale. EMSSUSSM t7 Buisiaa
BUM Muusn man S*t*udid rartar
Au .ns.a' da* Je-.j Urnsn a llaad
,"**llooo si iII T. s Sparta
man uls InnluMt I'm e isrltdiw [Hru. afaun.
rolsul*. *bd I, utiel'M 1 44.00, lISOdlHSflr StfWß
1 ~i~J (Mi.lMt. holt-s*Justine Bell TseaM MX (Ml.
rw si* lo li ua dealer*. ssnv I . mail as isselus a t
I ... and 33 . p.sise TOTi: IIHOU., Mann.
[ luiisreru. IA 11 ia I. - •■*.. H eel aw, .Hats.
A fo!i and seraMhe amsu o the lun IIIIXO
Gold, K1..1 s oelalMDJ ■ ,aa 1 ueiar * .dlrial refeev ei
the recent •.. . eenmesH 1 r Us Vara Ines lea
Perurib aad Lie 1 <■ K H NMxnniaa. and a As
avl| <0 live SUM and eussu* b, HU, kueil and Me
I eras, He lee Ma'wsd annars. ssl a ma# Amaru Sf IS*
Cbbd I >rau* Vile ma u ri IHe Aue.eeie-Osa 'nil i*a.
le-'"io ibe e.l ,eiiar-u sear. i Use rtWa HUla e |naU
Uabed l lrut edllbe. 0 M, SOS aoptea atdd la tun. weed*
Seeee d e-l .leu, .1 u ias- a*sa worn read t Pvlee, aa
1 cut*. Tvaw 1 e.plee, *ll € rsst*. Addeusa
HUKACe BHAI-Itv A <X> . KuUllahrra.
11l Mtanasi. < 'Metis, fa
it. W . Rerrr 4, ( a., fees*
I deeee, AI. *e, "We hate used
eeOvA' ' (be lien Pcaa* a kea uOUa and
-ee-ijer B UM beat lUAlea Co*
"uHMd. llllia A Vlehrr.
' "tN MM, Ufweeea, leeee. Mee* e,
I|Qb| I "vs berucer se bare aid parlta
■a V I , Foam H has tesa esredteal aatia
KvvJvWa faesaes* and it I* rneeaei an (*e
i.erle an* knoera tWAlaaKnerde* '
I To il • lu e near u eeater
VllTVdl 'ui II Milk hee eie . sad
m a I a. ... N-md lor
W ——-W ck■ i ei u. 1.1 K I. l*T A I
| ITU llnateSUvel, New Vurk
.* •• Modem hiefUcaea, Mel na He <Us l.rosad • A
Ue*k •" Ibe nine* The vital qaaeSlaa "i the daj A
i.ierl of Ibe na>' mteaaa and deeps*! Urteeuel The
r"el calve 1 The Itlble telutabha rlr.r ..malr Addreea,
P W /If i l.t H A INI. AIM Arrh BA. rtoladelpbu
l • ...... . . iui • i leaou. ov Warraai .. Teaa
Ho Black Hills.
tv-mbmaSaa forralaa Fur u.e email eertlax. 410 to
n.,0. fori usee can be made el home Addreea.
II I. LoW MAX. Laramie OWy Wyumtad
A Crcaf Offer!
4 H I Branlws v. NrvwY arh, en : dlapaar o/ IHO
Pltll T- tar . aeh. I>l HIM. Tlllra MONTH.
WATERS' New Scale Pianoe
ok# rA brM Mi*te I lorh rlaetir. o Bar
IBC(m tear, boerrlßl, re oaJ r*r.
rarer* 1* rkfrllrd it lunr brsslr | Ike* 40t*
reaiartlllas. rlel aarrrle Hi#*ua **v Imi*
■ alias of IA, Itssiss Value-. Isests W sste*.
A liberal Sle ssal la Trarkrrs. Mluladcr*.
I kurrkre, eerhuals, ladsrs. rlr. Npfvla) us*
<turrmrnia re ,'fradr. 111.1 alsledsvt XtHvd.
I. M It A KKIh. Hr,i A! .NO. Haatoa. Maea
/h HAIIIIV Iv'K ACKXTS h our Ira Xea
Na ffl {SHI K I Xoenloe* Just out Xended la
UJ ill Ull Li 1 I— heml. nod esrcu
j let* free I, | mail II II NVHITK A IXI . Xnoark. X J
■MII/ 4k The best AU Colore. Owe Wafar
I Ml tC make* 3 ..*<■ Sample and Tlrru
I II ImN# la a rnailn.l lor IO renu and alamo
. HKYTAXCf XKKIHJI OO .** Btuudwaj. %T.
C4MI !*e oMnlne4 •( fthovl M*m-h#]f UM> tmii reUe by
vnWftnc 4lr#*l Mbi#!*#. 411 da tmt 4M Wbeoier A
Vf ilevvn, fl I ru . 11 *'. M) eto <ir*r*r A Umkmr. M>
elm . and ofhri in prpp-Mtk* Ineke# llie amoval aad
seed)ee will Iw iwlurrvvl by bri m%ll Ad4ree.
(UH UrundMiii. Nrw Ytrt.
y p I rM.lul.mn4aoTa.Hmap fWIU e*ecj
• bwre A nrw rlianm Abo.
C Y 2 1 ' me <>"r WOW chart. ' II HIT I A N
A W I.H II "**. l* a V(4*advd eueenea INa
r% rlnaatl pftiee same *e New Yark Read
Vell.'l T ' rienn.t" Ki- liRIIW.VAX.a Bare
> I , 1,1, lav hi * Iff* Mil ,ol* .O
"ROOTTQ S%KK r i2rs
n V J V / f\ LJ r dee Muale.aant Irrr.
larl-aa stamp for. data
FI.OU* Add-*m Til 11 ■ A
n p p I f A N T ri BLIhHIXC
■C P P I I CO . I3H Hruth aeeeeilk
■ W as ha a a atreel.l'hi'aaWplila. fa
W VNTKII klilCNT* emrj-ahese la oaaeaa foe
II <mr rieal Crnlrnul*! Ilauk, vruerk* <l* ie*o
*.<vr of viperVmrul c-"le Foe parliealars addram
the pnhluher. B. H Rl'hhßLL, Rasa, Mass
rtv/w av /\ k .MONTH loan nan tod wrmrf
■ whom Htwinsaa boaoeahla and Aval
UJMI/V/ in" Tartlciviara aant tee* Add rum
~ WOKTII i CO . W. lento Mo
AMI M I'lMKfi R to
BtTxt T A B TlTfll B,w superaadla* all
la tltlllk NX "Ibere. be' <l* ad qdnd
■C T2XJ S S Sm t'T the n*
,tr phywIMMMVMMv dnui
*tt4. Amy end nTy. h*w
J The •Hiccee* And anleer
eel uHafacUno the? hare
*tien. na
new# rfffclfd. hwe -f.'W*frii.Rh*' fact lh#l ofi4' een
Iw 4wr#fw fwrerf wHhotit turning 'r annwyaNre, and rgA
'•( tk* ix#4*-i ># ♦♦/ /Wa*ar />A*fjrei4,
'ffon caomml by Ihf a#mw jirwear# of Matii Tniawn end
SupporVatr* It i Ihe nly ewn* cure foe Hernia. •• If t
tho only Tnwa In yjwo tht etU h*kf the mrHnie •ocnreK
In all |nllli4i* in klch Hw> Ixxfi r#n h# nlacwd It aril)
PMTCOR rnit. N! i iim when nil A4INVB f! It ran be
wm n {th KAMI an 1 rw*mfMl nhon no a|>rtn| tow# MM be
iipbl Vt iHifl itfirw adj iitwd, no motion of the body or
arrldffnl tea it Theee Imtrunenia bare the
"xaxi't <w*f Nfyemaf vt the i#a<et eminent |irartlUnn#w
in the pnfrenbn
I r n the imawrma tntiminlida in nor poaanba we
arpwiil the f.ali**tia#
•'Aft-*' the rt|wttWßc# of mffntht, |iaUnnta Uetlfy
*liMtigl) to ll* 'O-M.-i, a* wall a* to the end freedom 1
lr m mcontentenre with which the in*triament In warn
With inpnbr *d**fi#ro* 'A# / '<•*#"• fve* **■*>*ra in
a bl|h ilßgnw A 1.1. rpoiit*ttee and qoa'ldfAlkMia r'tiW
f*r aUwrnWntkim. 1 here no hiMiiatmn tn merer-din*
it a* en important wnn* f>r the velief and cure M ,
tl-rnia .1 M t'\R.tOt'HA!*. M. *.,
" Ki Iloalth tl.tlcor of the Pari nt sr+ York, Surftna4B
I'hlef of New York Htnte llnepitnl." etc , etc.
OfO V. Hornr, M II ..Saiiertntendent Kinetic Trnailn.
/#nr .*l' After auffentagi fur thlrtt yettt.ln my own
pertM.n, fnm tho i*- of okery form of Mel elite Tntm pro*
eureMe In thin rowtlff end in Kurope. I. two yeerv a#p\
applied jrr.ur rr**#. and alncff thet time I here
rgpertenrod comfort end eettefaetton, end Iwn ten*ht
the truth, that the l-Utlo Troaa la the only Instrument
thet abnnld le need fr the relief end cure of Hernia,
and now after more thin thirty yearn' continuous pree
tlce, ABd bnrttlg ljii*t I MAI hundred* Of Trueans '
(end for the Iwt twontir month* your* eirhieleely), I J
Rratelully declare It l le my deliberate opinion, that
*..* P'Aoftr rro. tithe only i*ne cn'itled to the cwmfl |
den-e <( the nnblftc; I utl >lAAtkdt| i* the only power at '
all idAfded to the ryqalnnti of • Tru*e or 1
end MB e mrtaced shel pwr (kufie fvw# art tie ny enree J
n I kT-Ro pn>p s"ti-n -if all ceaea to ehirh It I* applied, not '
• v 11\ among children.M In MMMVCNAA ceae* mthinmy J
own knowleilße of patient* from 40 to 76 year* of ecn. I
Prof, of Anatrnnyr end Burgary. X. Y K Medlre) ( ollegre <
Beware of eh#*ep end worthlee Imitation Rlaatlc t
Tniww, which * >me nertlee edverUAe and aell, freudu 1
lenting rw|inarnting that lhy ere mean fee tured by the
KViatic Tniaa (To.
Thee** Trnaee* are went hf mail to All parts of the conn- J
try. HeUafeett in gruaianteed in ell case* Before pur- 1
rha*tn#i any other, write for IVwcrtpttre t'trouler (rrw)
tthe •
683 Broadway, Now York._ !
la a Bar* aura far rptWptte FtU, CoßweUtoe# eoi
UJL f A|>aUi*. It ha* heoo t*ied bf tbaeaaeda and eerar 8
(fY* I w*a known to fall ID a tingle r**#, lealeaa eaap ftr i T
I elrcniar ghlng #Tid#e**ef earw. AAAmaa, A. j
B Tklii Eic imOXP. DOA 141,81* sloeapb, Vi* 1 %
T*" " 1 """ 1 "
In Actual Use:
tar Naaa ma kmttru Ctttuiera.
' &>*> AItA V, As—at— —"tod, neia a (—la
Pi a-to A'l.lraa. K.Sa Mls 'a . hu> bauaa. Mirk
IS aaai, 1..r Ant |Wa| tka .aatato aad >iphUli*
lu I—i fa,la* la.ssliati twl Iba da* Add ran has
, (SSh. X— tmk !
S4O, s:,<>, $75, A SIOO.
ooun, ttnnant-K. aso CHEAP
fthtppad Mrfty Ism U*fl>
MamleMen* by <sl AKM AN A
('An MUIMS, Jed.
IW Seed l.a a Ihnlawa
nin i Ai.Kjrrs WAWTKU nvmrwHiuuL-TW
k> A at,,'it—at la Uta -t„id let—to,,' prtan late
1 ilfl eel I Iweea, la A moose-t-ill. .rtt-k. ,1 imi
sisifhiisr wa*a Uremia i—t tnda* ian.l.
Seal aaai* in— —ad It— riratlw to NOIJtIT
■ ■ MOi tit.'—, la,, kata *l# -ttote. ijsr
. Mctatdaias'- .v ot u— *-.■ at s
et— JM-IM vMiawS Uan tmji.. II u feala. etrf
•V 'v A t*.l,l—*., atM aatatU. s* sShat Mt AM at
.a. IliaMMB mt u OaS t-t e" Keaaaat etaeta
..San. a tr—o atd, awtti a, and as*.u an wM
I,mm 10 to Sea Saj f SSU n I an. m i— ' W* ■ o aa—a mat,' t*t.u ks* - sate at eatant - tad
a. a-.n stadWetSt iVwk Stan eMatrvUaea.— lao.
I m Feteae. el this* e bar. seß e, es#eae#s Seal
Setota mm I edtaruaa Utatt >uu at *a full
ateaeaa is tetont baedra* Si ateta.ti Ia Kae Tat*.
Mae Ruelaed. Smm J-tear, Fusifbaela. ato Uate t aaal to aa, -.Unto aa HHill.lSW to
S. W . VOaTKS, ISO Wen* St. Mew 1 erb.
ss t S2O t:
$lO PER DAV & iCvrrjaa
an VlatUita ud RIUIMB Caret, lbs bat* to Uta ear id
Iff MaeetAcattl tunat to basia -<-* eHA eaet tor VA
tot—a H C* KaeabMt.
31(1 1* tahiaetMß Mia-t. n-Mtat. Mate
M t-atr aed aresrea
Aorirra Übaaa Ileaa al ttebt. Mil Tto
.nit beettto. fat OSaso Ohn( IFTg O- Sttoa
->r. L'lti's.vsr-srscesja'i;
y Iwlt —to. U ■* KHbr* A OO ■ Martoe. O
For FrtrfrssUbb! ud Am*lrr
■ Prtßiar*. Rrtinuls, BweWUes, M abas
tirat. Frieas rmta At >1 to Sl*o*e
■ SIN J. O. WOODS S CO. Maaernto*
i i i ifrniiiiiia ITlaiirtul |
StoSaa—torCatotoceti ** Fedacai to- Seslee
kit t toualb to una la —arywaar. AAd ran
KX< .!*!< HerbaaaaJSlaS.
Free ! Free ! ! Free ! ! !
A head—a. lilaatralad —|fe eaeteletae tolar
Btoltoa or -rarttr-1,. Tain S-e aa* eMate to saeate a
mn <faa|> ltt> T mt TU AIX raSTS <IV I*t
tutlA . _
II .aatolea Uta *ra H. rriu> aad Tteaca U.
etU ollnr leiatertoae etatiw toted oelf to tie. papar
Actt.f for tt tt Once .'
U will aatf ean yea a ToSTA!. t'aen.
Mee aaatbar tor April )ul oak
. r. Din*.
lead t anttolaalaeer C. F. K. U-.
Omaha. >rb.
A g 1 1? VTkJ •Stoi tot .toad, ear* at btot |
AllTi.t 1 ValttaWa umpla. aad law, 10 .
Mia MHPMIN 4 anil M. t'arliaadl btraat. A Y
| Geo. P. Rowella CO-I
V JWBP ■ 7 w BMW
I HKO*ofar*t for &e.
int rrxi. (I. Mffkrr, P i) Hoi 47 A. U|kl4
Iff BuUdetw el Pel We. Khamng.
f and oil ttod. M Mill Wring. ate
HwTT celling iSo b humu Tra*:e
in 1 liß—w Warxa X'nu: <lll cainrLF.
> U> "4RH ltm SOM In M
tfcJß Urol HyS Far 4i"fni>u I'uapbSU *4
<<—• % oilk mf <. 0., AI.HEADY HOLD.
iCKKTK VAKTEB fr Us# saw book,
Kit Carson
v t <maOM.a*.ChHikmlU
• <-L 4 .r,—.f.t. a.Aeui fcw wee4 V. kha
ali tWi<liitM Ai la—'i Mai teaM
< i< ii HVNTM*. mrris, XW-T —* crti*
• fiMhM It Q|| III! HI lie 111 II in rti.
I lIIIM witaaeftte FOB wr-T mtmm < K il'Wea.
.UtlnlwwtUaiUl lei. to r>.w UU. relwHe .
of M.MMlii'lal IS* BOBOCWiR ||||>U<UT
MTjMtotaaalaaWa. i t -.i .| ... ■ n - T
Qw 111 anil mielwi —< Pwem elleoglreew Vnwaataa
" 7xr ' n - I '■! i
Yob CaiHate aForiime
- AT HOME ' .
. V® BT TiMNii snwcaiiTioxa FOR
Thf rhraprmt Utermrv, Art MMI Famhtmn JHtjwr to iwrrim.
s''-. i r -t\
f , „j; .v'v - . ' , ■:■ ''
Mr*. R —Oh. Hry! a** what 1 mad** dirtn* OM day, la kin R uh*HHFI aouxur mj friends for TB FAMILY
JotIXAL It ii warranted !§ omt itoJd. a r>Kxl Umrkppr, mad worth MOO.
Mr. B.~lt I* truly a bMUtjr mod a lebiiblo ft!:, *od aaj paUtihw |irla| §ach prvtalaai iheoM suco—A.
!*• FAMILY JorBNAI i* • 8 p*v* •/ Ifo Jfov rffc Lmdfr } am J MfA nvW oowtetfft* 40 RAFOINNA*/
•kriwil rMinr maitrr, hg Ar f-* wrf#r# of (A o p; d/ limir+t<d Fauhivm* im iiwava/<Mr
JM Mi oil /.r <...'y • |rwr with eithrr of th* folio* ir,f premiums :
Th*pair of TWINS AsLIChP and TWINS A WAK|. M alio !1. moantud randy to 1 mm. or tb* tTTWKL
tOiMjOrUia Rarrarlaf ( " HORACK i.HKRI.KY ASD FAMILY,"aiSS; or f I.SO P>"l? <*> *f
oantOhromn ■TH!BRnH4riOl,"*tiJ4,or tha foarhaMtlrul Km* Caroaa. U I*4•' h<rtirla. Koh
o<l Poor. PaaahM and Ktrawbarrlri, Apple and Ham—priti'r I In If oolorn, klac Sill, each muaotad raadf lot
framln* Or we will aire acholeaof any Iwo of oar chromoa fjr XI ..VI. OOItsKOR ATi'iK S* '*• and ma(-
nlflaeat ohrarao, printed la Iwentj lwo colora It la ohaete end bnautlfal, and Ibe aiiilfal
lauiee to the Seaatiful dmlim A a p -oof of the v ilue of lhl new andaapeA premi aw. the rorir rtale
Wat a lead In* dmler In chromoa oflered to purchaeatwotaoataad ooplaa at A 4 .UO each, wltn a new to piaew It
oath, market at (HO.OO. a price It* intrtnilr worth and baaatr wotild rudU/ command. in-.i. n.
We Mud all the abore ne Ulr arranged with otl olnth eorwr with earap'ee of the JftrmfAU ".'"*• Ol. 1 ;
enlare, etc . Including the FAMILY Jorai IL one you for R 2.IMJ. Kaoh Ootht tam. that
reaafiTor at New York p (oaa Any Uidy or IJenUemvi cannot In makWc from JIWU.
Ae n additional Inducement, we glre X.>O,QOO, In Caeh, and ether r oJ*nfi!a
Sab r.oem to work in oar Internet in J behalf. We are datermlne Ito make o ore the hwtiw power of the Lnltad
Btatae, ai regard i oironUeion, ralno of cm tenia, and the low plioe at whu-h it t gtr®o "W'
few ye in we Intend all the profit* of the paper lego to thnee who are h'Tptng "'*?
Mooy of oor agenla only deeetw their eernTnge or aiwre tlwi. I t taking ?Ff
an eltuatad that you oannot derote y >ur whole time to the badoeaa, take the Outfit And eollmt
yonrlelanre h iam Thna prn-ona who hn*e not all their rtm- enaegwd oan proenrw from 10U U* kC enbecrlbere with
oot Interfering with their other datlee, thne making many deliare. If not hnndreda. In a rerr thnrt epaoe of Ume.
W fol wArTAQfoi in *%-,{** that or wh< mar tlrna And
IN* for thA FAMILY JOITINAI. ACA rAMmxAbl/ of A at* iaocnaw, of from PLOUuto ?i,OUU • J*AT. Ufo*
wMh to m*k m >n#y jmu can bocoran nn AfAQt wbrw jom rwiM. A . _. i. mtirt u iw.
AawU.wTOmlKtf that no w+r la tb*Uotfod BUfo .Wfofc.lj>dncAAntA Tbe pyg
And ths eamnoi or Fnmfiort oAaooi bo pu ch**d for b* UIAJ 1.00 to 9 IOwOU t*cA Aua * PAY* tinnii,
tb* Urn oommtani >n of 40 (r rat on K)h lubdCrlb* „ . . . ... - nhl , fVwwa
Soodtump for *Ampl* with SJ pw in*tmt*d CaUfown*. H5p Art^l lea. I 'aat Obro
m*. NornNlea. etc.. gtrlng lut ef Glfieto Agent< ondjiroi kero. MhYl our Agnate are doing. What AgwnU, s.
e*r Bitter* arc a purely Vegetable
prepsrsfiuii, mad© chiefly from the Da
tive herb* found on the lower range* of
the .Sierra Nevada mountain* of Callflw
nla, tb medictnal properties of which
are extrnrted therefrom without the UM
of Alcohol. Tho questlou 1* almoM
daily naked, " What U the cauae of the
unparalleled success of VIXIOAK BiT
TKkii t" Our answer is, that they remove
the cause of disease, nud the patient re
cover* hi* health. They are tl© great
blood purifier aud a life-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator and Fnvigonrtor
of the system. Never before In the
history of ths world hs* a mediciss been
eompounded possessing the remarkaUe
| avail ties of VIHWIA* liirrau in bestingthe
uck of every diwos utati is heir to. They
are a gen tie I'urgaUve as weiJ *a * Tonic,
relievui* Congestion or luflsmmation of
the liver aXViecend Organs In Bilioos
The properties of Pa. Wataart
VlSSOAS TJirr*ts are Apemnt, fhagbotelia,
Carmtnativ*, Nntritious, Laxative, Dureus,
BedAthe, Counter Irritant gudonAc, Alteon
lite, lud jUtCi'Biliotti.
l> ratHui TnouMUtdt proclaim T
aoaa Birraaa the mos*. woodsrfU In
vigonnt that ever sustained the sinking
No Prtiw a lake thmf BUteri
according to directiona, and remain long
unwell, provided their bona* flhs not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital ergaoa wanted beyond
Bilious, Remittent and Inter
mittent Fevers, whkfa are ao preva
lent in the valley* of our great rivers
throughout the United but**, especial!?
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Misnoun.
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Bed, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Bo
anoke, James, and many other*, with
their vast tributaries, throughout oar
entire country daring the bummer and
Autumn, and remarkably ao during sea
sons of unusual beat and dryness, are
invariably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of Ute stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful influence upon theee various or
gans, is essentially necessary. There
is no cathartic for tbe purpose equal to
DA J. Waucaa's Vivaoaa Birraaa,
as they will speedily remove tbe dark
colored viscid matter with which the
bowels are loaded, at the same time %
stimulating the secretkw* of tbe live*
and generally restoring tbe healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the body again*! discuss
by purify .tig sH its fluids with Turasaa
BITTER*. NO epidemic ean take bold
of a eystein thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or lodigedlwL hud
ache. Pain in tbe Shoulder*. Coughs,
Tightness of tbe Cheat. Dtxxineae, war
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste
in tbe Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpits
tattoo of tbe Heart, Inflammation of tbe
Lungs, Pain in tbe region of tbe Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are tbe offspring* of Dyspepsia.
One bottle will prove a better guarantee .
ef its merits than a lengthy rdvertisff
I Scrofula, or King** Evil, White
Swelling*, Ulcer*, Enraipetiaa, Swelled Neck,
Goitre, bcrohdou* Inflammations, Indoient
] laßaauuiiii in. Mercurial Affection*, OM
boner, Eruption* of the Skin, Sore Ere*, C,
ID theee. at in all other cf>a*tJtuU<m*i Die
es*e*. W ALUM'S VISMAS Birrmas have
thown their great curttire powers ia the
moot ohctiaat* sad in tree table case*.
For Inflammatory and Chroftie
Rheumatism, Goat, Bilious. Remit
tent and 1 ntermittent Fevers, Diseases of
the Bi -od, Liver, Kidney* and U ladder,
ibeee Bittrrt have no equal bach Duennas
AT* canned by Vtuslsd Blood.
Mechanical Diseases.—Persona en
raged in Paints and Minerals, such as
Plnnioer*, Type-netter*, Gold beaten, aad
Min-r*. a* they advance in life, an (object
to paralysis uf the BowwU. To guard
again*: this, take a does ef WAUUS'S via
eoa* Birrsu occasionally.
1 For Skin Eraptkma, Tet
ter, Kelt- Rheum, Blotch©*, Spots, Pimplas,
INistules, Boil*, Carbuacie* Hinge u.we,
Scaid-'tead. Son Eves, Erysipelas, Itah,
Scurf*. i.'ixoionUcos of the Skin, ij amors
Jid Disease* of tho Skin of whatever nan*
or nature, an KteraHv dug up and carried
out of the rvrtem in a'abort time by the see
of them tetter*.
IMB. Tape, and other Worms,
lurking ia tbe irtUn of eo many thousands,
tre effectually Aeetrojrvd sod moored. >*o
vtesn ef medtnae, no vermifuge*, as aa
tiialminiUc* wMI free the system from worms
ffkc theee Bitter*.
For Female Complaints, in yoang
w eid. married or eingle. at the dawn of wo
manhood. or the turn of life, theee Tonie
Bitten display to derided an influence that
improvement t* soon perceptible.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wheo
tTer you had it* impurities bursting thirugh
the skin in Pimples, Eruptions. or Sons;
clwn* it trtieu you find it obstructed and
sluggish in the veins: cleanse R when it is
foul; your feelings will tell rem when. Keep
! the blood pure and the health of the tyrteu
will follow.
. H. MtrDOXALD * CO..
lmwrtsnU}-e Agts. Sen Prsneisou. Cahfmia
ted IM. of Wakhmgtua sod Chariton Sit X. t.
*—l* hr all l>rn((|.la IWaltr*.
i —n.v;v.B.-jhr