The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 20, 1875, Image 3
THE ( KNTRK REPORTER fUU R8 DA\ MAT PA 1875. S= *~LOCAL~ ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige by rondtug U* item- .>4 local ws Iw *hAr locality. give the tacts only. and we wHI out flown In shape, also notice# of death* end **Any one sending u* thenervvc* ofsi* *** .uix-criber*. with Unsoash, xvlllbe •WW" t. receive the Hkp>tkk otic yeer frs . The Ufrom *R being read hj twn U everybody n thie 1v .i, 1 . t , tinv where it hu larg|r >-irou eti i h*n n> tveptvm will he found thebcU medium for edverUeingbownoM. sale*. A' ** **-Sub*eriber* to the Reporter. tssW inc out-ide ot Centre county. should r, mit u 10 cent*, veerly, for posttgS win, we willpey hoVc ; ihf. rod,,cr, the r to one half! M the um paid by them r one ycer't po*tngo \\ s* .V ot> l>r. 0. U. Early, of Kit CO , died a few day* ago- Thank* to our friend*. Seltzer ot New York city, and Kerlin ot Lena, .or paper*. One of our imp* inatt.mjttng an ah broviation ofC.anetUand Bulletin, mad* it Gas Blt. Rrockerboff Bros leave Bo'.uU and go to Reynoldtville, Jefferson coun ty. At a tpellirg match in an eartern town a follow managed to carry off the priae, and the police arc after him eve •ince. XV 11 Smith, of Farmer * Mill*. brought, hen egg to this office measur ing SaP inches, and weighing j *■• • The weather wa* cool thu week, and on la*l Monday morning there wa* a heavy f r ,st in some parts of our county. The grain field* in thi* county do not have the most promising apperance just now. the fields, with *ome exception, look very Hotted. The gra** i also back ward. , ( The adjustable spring bed. sold by 1> Dorr, Bellefonte, is the bestthu got the kind made Having one in use. we know this to be a fact. Jerry Condo sent us a nice lot of fre*h sucker*, for which he has our j thanks Jertv i. one of the most succeas full tlshe-men on Penn s. ore. k and atom* j to know the charm that bewitches t e finny tribe Deiaiager's fin and cheap Chronic* and elegant frame* are going fast—ad ad- j mire them. Go and see for yourselves. Can't do better anywhere .The Tutene arc offering sewing machine, as premiums forgetting up club-, for the Republican. The catch in it i> that those fellows are tired ef their wive:, j ar.d that's the way they expect to get rid •f them. A Resident of Indiana borough, this! s:ate, recently recovered $573 damages! again* said borough, tor an injury to his I caused by a defective board walk. Rev. Fisher, a graduate of Penn a| College, will preach a irial sermon for the Luth. congregation of this place, next j Sunday forenoon. • To show what a little newspaper puff will do is exempted by the follow ing .* We sent a copy of the Reporter to j Bart.utu with his advertisement, and he. like every onc.takir.g a liking to the pa per, read it all through, and finding a local of cheap groceries sold by Sechler A Co., he at once issued an order for sugar, coffee, ham, eggs, potatoes, beans. Ac., I Ac", to be bought of that firm, for his : show folks when at Bellefonte. and was: so well pleased with the quality and low j price, that he now declares Sechler the nablest, fairest, and cheapest grocery man lie has met since he left New 1 ofk. This is the way it is done down in Mississippi • A candidate informs his fellow citirens that, "at the earnest soltei lotion of my wife and daughters. ! have consented to become a candidate for c -un ty treasurer." —An exchange is naughtv enough to say this: Frexivulug is the name of the Centre county surveyor. We presume he never opens anybody s letters by mistake. The Titusville Herald thinks he might make his tortune by renting his name to the proprietor of some patent lite-saving elixer. It would look well on a bottle. The only art gallery in Centre coun-, ty wiU be tound at J. 0. Deininger's, at Centra Hall, where the finest chronica j made arc to be leen. He has some of the most elegant chromes of Washington and his wife—a pair that should find a place upon the wall in every household. He | keeps all styles of frames. Prices less | than in the city. Admittance to his gal lery, free. Foote. the Berichter man, popped j in on Tuesday, with hU smiling face. Mr Win. P. Wilson intends aban doning the turnpike from Centre Hill to'Miffiin county, because the tolls do not j pay for keeping it up. In this event it; will become a township charge. He also I contemplates a change in the location <• the pike between Centre Hall and the gap. > which will be abandoned and a new road j laid out starting with the ore-bank road around the mountain, and following along the side of the mountain to Geo. Flory s thus avoiding the present steep grade above our town. bra.-ka. May 10: I like the country very well, but 1 don't like the storms here We had a terrible hail storm on 8 of April, the hail stones were as large ashen rgg, and had it come in the summer, it wonla have destroyed everything One bridg, and two houses were blown down. Ham fine weather since, and every prospect for good crops—but the spring here is later than ever before, so the old settlers tell ine. /r La*t Sabbath llic cornerstone f t*... new Luth. Churches—one at Centre Hall I and the other at Pine Hail—were laid The attendance at Centre Hall was large and an able and appropriate sermon foi the occasion was preached by Rev. Lilly of Bellefonte. The following articles were placed in the stone: Bible, Ilymn Book, German Catechism. Constitution of the Church. Aug.burg Confession, these were in the corner stone of the old church, a'so, English Catechism, Lutheran Church Almanac, Lutheran Ob server, American Lutheran, Centre Hall Reporter, Phil'a Press, minutes relating to taking down and rebuilding of the Church, copy of Subscription toward building of Church. List of J!embers, names of Coun cil and Building Committee, and names \of officiating Clergymen. > . To Fabmeks.—Bellefonte, Pa., May 10th, 1875. We are now paying the fol lowing prices, in cash on delivery, for good wheat, well cleaned, delivered in the Thomas ware house, viz: Red wher- • sl,lO per bu. White wheat, 51.15 per 1 Shelled Corn, C 5 cts. Oats, CO cts P fa toes, good, 80 cts. Wecontinue to sell the Cayuga Plaster, finely ground, at $0 60 per ton of 2000 pounds; and are selling more this season than ever before. Far mers who have tried it speak highly of it Shobtlidoe & Co. Stork Fob Sale. —Tne store of S S. Wolf, doc d, in Centre Hall, is off re. for sale on very reasonable terms. The stand is one of the best in the valley, and offers an excellent opperiunity to any par ties wishing to go into business. PETER HOPPER. Feb4. MRS. C. K. WOLF. Adnrrs Some unknown tbiet or thiove3 gained entrance to Z. P. Krisc & Bro's clothing store at Milroy, on Monday night last and too'c therefrom twelve suits of clothes, Va'u'd at $16,00 per suit. Tbey got in at the front door with a key. Mr. Krise, Upon going to open it next morning, found X: unlocked and says he is sure he locked it when he went out in the evening. The Susquehanna Synod of the Lutheran Church will be held in Mihoo, beginning TO the 19th of June. -Mr. G Getitxel, of Gregg town-hip, lint received a patent for n straw carrier! for threshing machine-, which can l>c ad- 1 jn-ted to < any st:aw !•'the right ot > t\. JaUtc- Moor.- l as nearly completed 1 hi- contract lor gia.ln a nine miles ef the j j railt. a.l wist of Lauwllon. B hen he: , tlui.-hc-, there will te out 1. uf the eighty • J J four miles of ihe read !>• d left ungraded. , This includes the tunnels, neither ola Id.-h | i a very ha iob, a d the other portion > I the road i also c< rop >r4v-! v light IV e l,.*pe the Co will adopt Gen. Giant's laconic instruction* "pu*h things Tie! Centre C* stockholder- are becoming rest- 1 less at the delay, and we do not wonder at ' it. Of course, all will b< ultimately right but "right " -oeiu- (.< trai.! on the eah. .>•• of a very slew tiain in thi* e i-e '-a -u ! e/e. The school house in thi* place waj crowded on la-t Friday evening, to wit ne-- the -|elling cut.-t. Mr. Michael IVrstine \\a- elected President, and Pr, Smith Secretary. The word, were .elect ed ft. in Smith'- tl r.i.i.ntnr School Speller, and pronounced by M.-.:- J**vd Murray and John I. e Mi--. •> Cora Murray and Maggie Uirp.l.r were .hc-.n captain- Two large classes were caked out and the j COntct CsMiiOicuced The sides were per mitted to i ell around t ice before spelling ( down ; which resulted a follows- Mis-I M jrray side ni-- -d 7, and M -* llarp- Ster"* st-la C. Over an In ar wa* then . ,as sumed in elling down. Mi* Vcgie M urrav w* the Kt one to ropr. ct Miss llarpster's *id-. hut finally went down— < leaving the t'ollowii g four perrons of Mis* Murray's > io on the ti tor, who went down , r.-pentively lo>vi Murray, Christ lloffer, - T. 11. llarter and P. J Let so'. Spav j 1 does r.,i permit u. p iudiv dualixe the i speller- but as a whole tho spelling vs.' very good, and creditable to all who ; ar- - ticipa'.ed in the exercises. At a meeting of the member-, nf the I Church of Beech Crc. k as sembled for prayer, it was unanimously agreed that the to" wing minutes be t adopted. 3 That we. as professing ehri-tiaiis, do cx- j t pros* our thanks and sense of gratitude tc i the 11 -n John H On i, for the fair, ju.t | and iiiipariial manner, in which he dis charged hi* judicial duties at the last ses- ( sion of the eourta in Centre county, in tha matter of grading license, believing that \ his example in the administration of justice will do much to correct the evil of intern perance in our mid*:. That while it w a* hi* Ju'.y under the lw j j to grant license for the sale of liquor, yet ; J in the granting thereof, a wie J, and impartial judgment, withholding all j livens**, so far a* in his power, when the '• j, applicant was a man of unfit churieter and j> only granting, them with the distinct un- 1 derstandisg. announced front the bench, thai any viol at i-n of the law w uld bacon- sidered go.-d grounj to revoke the same. „ We also tender our thanks to A. O. t; Furst, F-q , or tho able and fear!e-s man* J h.-r in which he presorted to tho court the i ]. J ['appeal of the ladies of Bellefonte,' and l - Lr defending said appeal in such term* V Lto command the gratitude of tho entire k Ih-istian community. j. *>♦ * ■ y I I'KNN HALL AND VICINITY. T*or the Reporter- j .1 Some of tho farmers are planting corn k and a go d many are done. The gtain looks well and tho husband- j men expect the pleasure of reaping a bountiful harvest. i S Mr Wm. Xe. •se, a gentleman residing about three-fourths of a mile Ircin this j j village, met with tho sad ini*fortun a few t days ago of having one of his h-g- broken X from the kick of a horc. The liinb was set by Dr. Leitzel, under whose attendance ' he is doing well. ; j The Academy under tho leadership of. Professors Gurley and Lcitze?, is ffourish- H ing. . > The students of the Academy organized j, a very intere-'.ing literary society at the beginning of the term, which convenes H every Friday evening. j The young folks of this community also met la*t Thuredey evening and organized ! a singing school—which is to be conduct- 11 e.l by Mr. Bartholomew an efficient mu sician of this place. K T. J SPAXV I*9 FROM PENN, NOW AND THEN. 1 F.r the Reporter. Look whore you will for some time, and d yuu can see the smoke ascending heaven- | ward, indicating that the scoundrel* arc ( not all gone yet The n-ountains have J been fired in every direction a' various times, sometime* hardly waiting until al- •' ler the showers. The season for visiting smoke houses i v and graneries is again at hand. Some 1 scamps have opened the campaign by pay- j ing a visit to Mr. Cbri-iian Alexander* grancry (while Alexander was asleepi * and took therefrom 2 hams and 2 should er*. When they come again Christian J ought to shoet them. The boardwalk from Sno->k'- to Foole's j store, Millheim, nas been repaired and 1 now presents a bettor appearance than u*u- al. Tiiis matter should be attended to in every part of the banket. # The farn ers are all done planting corn I by thi* time and are awaiting warm and pleasant weather for the speedy growth of I their grain Ac. On the 9th in*t the citizens of Gate j "-chool district met at their School houe, ,- west of Siuiiiiv illc and organized a Sab- bath School. On last S.ibbalh, being tho j -co nd time they met, their school nuni- - berrtl som" fifty, with fair prospects f r a I much larger increase in the future. Sue- 1 ues s to it. j Scarlet fever hn. been raging fim->ngthe | little fi.lfcs of North Millh. •im for some ! time but so fur no deaths have occurred. ' On next Sunday evening Rev. J. M J Price bold communion service* in the ' church of Milihcixu. * \ Chamber's new Clothing store will toon ! he ready to be occupied by John John 1 ny sells mora cloth if g and for less money } than can bo bought efsewher**. • The supeivisors of Penn twp. have been notified to attend to tho mending and re pairing of the different bridg. in their lo- ' *lity. • 10S.C. ! • * PBOTHONOTA K Y. EntToß Report eb. —We ec*by youi I last is-ue t hat candidates are com ing inn the (eld to contend for the various offices to be voted for next fall. We nominate ' G W. Kumbarger, of Patton township for the office of Prothonotary. Mr. B. ha held a justice* commission for about four teen yean consequently islfamiliar with terms and law forms ; he can speak . with equal fluency both the German and English languages, (qualifications not to - ne overlooked) lie is a poor man, has all his lifetime been a laboring man, and now ego not stand physical labor, a man ver> popular at homeland well known ovor the county, a gent'einan and a scholar, and if nominated w ill add strength to the ticket. —Should the whole ticket be farmed ot <ueh men a* Squire Rutnhargi-r, we would roll up such a majority next fall as would frighten the Republicans "Out of theii boots." "The office for the man and the man for the office "—we will only add tha we would not like to be the Republ'ca' candidate that will run against him— to nominate him is equivalent to electing him Popular Ofiniox. THE CENTENNIAL. A Large Subscription. f Phi la. Evening Telegraph, Friday May Wt 1875.] A aulacription 0f510,C00 l as just been added to the C ntennia! fund by the Sin ger r'ewtflz Machine Manu acturing Com pany. Every industrial institution in the country is interested in the grtat Exhibi tion, and those ot the larger class, it is ex* pec:J, will respond In tull chorus to tb> # ingyr contribution. j MERCANTILE APPRAINKM hNT tll 1.l t l UNTK ' t !••* 4.-1 .1. j s.-cliter re Co ia JO 71 Vtl Kuistoe 14 7 "I W\\ WMUM 14 || 11 Herman -V C 0... 11 15 71 ' iturtikitl. A I'll.una* 15 10 7' ! I-an. t>iigg. tihciiiH-r. 10 20 • II F Hartley 14 77 I\V TTw luaitt 14 771 A J-ii-,-tuai ... 14 7 .. |II I . un. k A Son I'J l-l ' 15 K Rankin 14 7* < F P.*it* t. tc. n 1 4 77. ! .I.diil Brachbill.. - 14 7 . K Graham A S >tt H 7 V |lr.- fccrtiort ACo H' 'A' 7. \\ in S W .-it A Bon— 14 Jtj ! hdward Brown. '4 . •* Albeit Ivaull. '4 . i )u.* Svv.-ciij J 4 77. 1. \\ Miller 4 r ,I)\\ \\ I'lt At .• 4 111 !J 11 Sand 4 Jf j " J O !* i *7 i Micki.i-1 Barry 14 ' k Wilsvii V 11i.4 u r 11 tt llcff r • " J. 11 O Hotter ' f 1 r j \\ \ \ ; Lv.-ii A Co ft r Frank 1' Mla.r \* <•* H St.lxcr >4 . LV JII , S : J Ewllw A Horn | 'JJ r. John Montgomery J* ' ; C K Montgomery 14 ' T IL- el Max A I b 7 1 A r. .i -..pi, a iir.. <• ft* r. !1> M W .I,viler A Son i -V . | tl.-It.-r Aiv n e 'ft -V A M >M. Itri.le 4 . . I bit rover A Son.. . t- Wm McClelland • 14 . S A Brew A Son ... • • ••• ' M K \* i Jft B C Che. ;4 • " Jamc- Welch 4 , .0 Tb.-o lore I>, -chner >4 ; ro Ft' Richard \* il® J P Znumcruian - J 4 A V Moore 4 . ,a lieir. rAh in# - ** ~, John l> l.ieb 2 M-A Shonlidge ACo 1 1 J* J K A i T Alexander Id ' o' John P. xr- M }* AA® l-a-.c Diw-son 14 7 Harper Bros > Mr- 11 l Yeager.... - '• ' Hoggs loWUsllip. J J I.ueas J 4 A AT* Charle- V Brown J4 < ro McC.-x A Linn } ' J l ' a? C C'urtiu A t'o... i- Uctitiyr ToWttahlP. FA J Bee/or ft k? A? Lx>ui llai.- - liurnniilv loWUshtp. George R B , I 4 1 Curtio Township. Webber A Sinter 14 7 75 Ferguson Township. L'l.-tiison A M Williams ft'' W75 Thomas B dinger J 4 < I Dunlap Co 14 7 ro J C Sample A Cts - la i K Sunlit Jr 14 A AT? M ti Gray- - 14 A Frvderica G'ace —• 14 • firegg Township. HII Duncan 14 T 76 I'tlltil. Ml talk 1- ft* Ail I J Grenwhto - - { 4 • J B • 1- ' 3 * Harris TVwuship. I J Price 14 A I*>t ■ H Stover. "4 ; (J iie.rge B Jack 1 T Stuart J 4 • AT" I) lies* A Son U J £ - M Hoarser . ... 14 • .5 ,'vrus Wa.on '* ■ W J Jackson 1-' 1" a2 F York 14 : John H Neidigh.... . 11 ■ •" l> F Taylor. 4 ,TO Murrj A Kennedy - I- I 3 Huston Township. I F Davis 14 7 76 [> Irvin - l4 • .0 John 1 ThointUkon *"■ i Joseph L Williams 14 Levi Werner - i 14 • 1® Haines Township. •vheia Shigleniyer A Son..._ 13 10 '£> Y- ting Wilson A Dsihl~. 18 10 7o it F Philips A Bros 12 H 25 Thomas Harper... 14 7 .0 rtioma* Yearick.— 14 ' <J MM M u--t r 12 18 26 Halt Moon Townshiji. I Y Gray - - 13 WJJ Jll Grnffin 14 _• 7o James Love A Son 14 7 76 Howard Borough. [I A Moore 14 i. 'J* - T Klitie 14 7 75 Biilser Weber 12 13 25 Robt C'"k 13 10 7,1 tame* Mbatlee„ l4 . B F Troxe* .... - t4 Lucas .1 Br<> .. 14 'A. John Deihl l4 7 ,5 H B Grove —-_ 14 7 7j Howard Township. RC Leathers ........... _l4 7 ,6 Liberty Towusbip. J A quifly.i-Co 13 10 75 J IJr l> B Runes. 14 7 75 Marion Township. Holme* A Wilson„.... ........ 13 Id 75 Milcsburg Borough. A T B"cs* 14 7 76 McClasn A C0.k......... .. l4 >_ <6 John Hibbler ................... 14 7 75 C H Else A Bro I I 7 75 J S Longb- rger 14 7 75 Miles Township. J F Ti"rone 14 7 75 OckerA Emerick 13 10 75 S Frank A 50n.—................ 18 10 7-5 W F Bally 12 18 26 T N Wolf. 14 7 75 RSStovcr 14 7 75 JWShool 14 7 75 JVnu Township. W K Alexander ~.... IS 10 75 ou*erA Kur.kle 13 10 75 J W Smoke A Co 11 16 76 Jacob lsenhuth 14 7 15 J FChnmbcrs 14 7 75 John D Kiot II 7 76 K C Campbell™.... 14 7 75 Stover 'J 2o 7o David Krtlc 14 7 75 l'attoti Township. G W Rutnbergrr 14 7 75 I V Gray A Co 14 7 75 Puller Township. W Wolf 12 13 25 Mider 4-Son 14 7 75 J O Uetninger.. 14 7 75 J A Koesman —l4 7 75 S8 Wolf* (Estate) 14 7 76 W J Thompson A Bro™ 13 10 76 L B Melntire 14 7 75 II A Larrinter 14 7 75 Strohm A Swnrtz - 14 7 75 l'hilip* .r Glnsgo 14 7 75 Wtn Armagast - 11 7 75 Plititpsourg Borough. GravA Hvskell 14 7 76 R M Muster 14 7 76 Ml** J Flegal 14 7 75 Campbell Bros 13 10 75 (J S Flegal 11 7 75 CGHerlinger 13 10 75 W L Harper 14 7 75 •lame* G Wight-man 14 7 75 Hoop Humes ACo 12 13 25 Maggie Condo 14 7 75 dtrouMi Lehman J Co 14 7 75 Strouo Lehman ACo 14 7 75 C Munson ACo 10 20 7:, d K Fleck f. 14 7 75 John Hnworth 14 7 75 J K Mackiney ACo 14 7 75 O-enr Adams 14 7 76 M Nr..- 14 7 75 D Aver* 14 7 75 Hoover Harris ACo 12 13 25 Riclinrd Hays Billiard* 7 40 76 Perk* A l'urkcr I I 7 76 G Rook 14 7 75 W H McCauslar.d 14 7 76 H M llerington 14 7 76 G.-orge H Zeigler 10 20 75 Mr- C Durn-* 14 7 " Ke-ler ACo 13 10 " II Allport 14 7 " T H Switzer It 7 " Samuel Miller 13 1(1 " M W Myer* 14 7 " John Ailport ACo 14 7 " Burli Township. John N utlulh 11 )6 Richard Lniigdon 14 7 W J Jackson 11 15 John Miller A Son 14 7 K M .Stnrdovant 14 7 Bprittg 'Tuwualiip. J Fenron Mann 13 10 " H I ltarne* 14 7 " (i H nag 9 26 " Hnnw .Siine Township. May Loeb A Co 12 13 J H Crissnuin 13 10 Herbert William* 14 7 J W Willimns 14 t C llinlon 14 " P B Crider A Son 14 " Taylor Township. John Copenhavor 9 25 " WII Koksrtson ~11 7 " JohnT Fowler ACo J4 " " Unionville Borough. Buck 13 10 " AJ * T BGriest 11 16 '' 8 A Martin 14 7 " Waiker Township. David Sol 14 7 4 Henry Brown 13 10 ' Worth Township. Hoover 4 Reese 18 10 ' J G Jones 14 7 ' I V Gray 18 10 ' An appeal will be held at the Commis sioners office. Bellefonte, the 4th dny o June. A. D. 1876. and taxes herebv asters ed m ist be paid on or before the 20th d*j of June. You can attend it \ou feel uu grieved. E. D. NOLL, - ta Mercantile A praUer iOlitU AKY On Saturday lat, Jams M Deite, Esq., District Attorney of Clli ton county, died t lti residence o Church ilreal. nll< i an i) I lit • o( one > ee Mr Dcise litttl suffered long, that ltw! >1 1 sense. Consumption, busing stricken lilt ' while\rl in the venr* * f til* usefullnei and lnk> r Kur III* |mit seven \or Mi . Deie hut fil'cd ti c otfire ot Distmt ' lotney, titil he ha* always disehurgeil th | tintt< tltcruof with credit and honor t , himself. Mr. D*ie died in lite litlvi I hi>|to of n bleased life beyolld. l'ratclolti ' a*he, t>n Saturday it w.ek, ttltilo Admit \\! , tur, of Centre township, Bnydar ounty i tt hunting manure, Uting lilt two chii ■ dren on tiie it agon mute ol lite board* o ' the wagon box cntttr detached and *Hd ol , lite lionet' leg! The horiM too k frlgh ■ and ran down the hill at a fearful talc • Mr Walter did all in hi |• >ct to ' hit children, hut wa> thrown from th , wagon, escaping with .light injuries Ih i poor children, however, we learn front ll ' M iddlehurg Post, w ere !•• fortunate, on ' of lit em, a little girl about 7 yuar ><( ngi , heirg throw n acrott one of lite traces, • I which it wa suspended by the tie; It, th mark* being ttlainly visible, beddr* re ,jeel v ing ueh internal injuims that thedic> . .11 a few hours after the accident 'I hi ''other child, a tuialt boy, it it feared cat not recover. He was thrown with fuel , violence to lite ground n to paralyze hot' of It it leg-, Lctidn receiving tcvere bruin ea. . — z —* "*T * \\ il'iaui Hair, aged f.iurteen yeart, o Hanover. York County, barely escape, •ariout injury by a fr. ak of somnambulism He had been at Itanium's .how, and Jur ing lite night he dreamed that he had heat transformed into a ftrehack rider, arid wai I making a difficult hup through a hoop, amid the plauditt of the tpectator*. ln< .tcad of the arenic performance the lad ! jumped out of a tecond ttory window and I landed on the pavement —Tha collision did n.t awaken him, and he wat after* jwarda found n the citrus ground#, wktf> he wat aroused from hit deep tleep. flu j sustained a number of painful bruise*. • ♦ • THK PATH OF A Vol'So M AX WHO ATTEMPTED TO SCARE HIS BROTHER IN-LAW, K Chester, May 16. Edward Cole and bit brother-in-law, George Pierce, eccu pied the tama houte about three from Penn Yen. Last Thurtday night young Cle went to Penn Yan to #pend the evening with hi* parent*. On return, ing home he took it into hit head to as tuine the character of a burglar and frighten hit brother-in-law and hi* family Heaching the houte late in the evening Cole knocked at tha uoor. Hit law asked, "who'* there 7" Disguising hi* voice, Cole replied. "Your money or your life." The door not being opened. Cole went to the rear of the houte and pul ling off hit hoot* cli.uhed upon a #he>t and effected an entrance through a window. Mr. Pierce, who !eep* down tlairt, cried out, "Don't come into thi* boute or 1 11 kill you." Seeing a carving knife he ran up vlairt. Cole remaining quiet at the head of the itairs to receive him. Mr. Pierce immediately grappled with the -upj> >ved burglar, and in the druggie which fol lowed cut bit throat.with the carving knife, levering the jugular vein. Jutl be fore expiring the poor young man exclaim cd : "You have killed Edward Cole ! My poor wife ar.d children !" the awful truth hurtling for the firtt time upon the mind of George Pierce that ho had taken the life of hit sistsr* huband I TERRIBLE CONFLAGRATION t Pottiville, Mar 1C —To-day near Ham burg, St. Micheal't Lutheran and Reform od church wat dedicated. A large con courte of poople came from the surround ing country to witnett the dedication. During the tervice* a tire broke out in a grove where a large number of hortct and carriage* were tied to tree*. The ground being thickly covered with leave* and bruth. the fire tpread with great rapidity, and before the tram* could be reached nine hortct perithed in the flamei, and five more were burned to tevcrely that it m< necessary to kill them to be put out of ag ony and pain. Seventeen vehicle* were entirely dettroyed. The team- were prin cipally owned by farmer* THE WAR ON THE WHISKEY RING. Washington, May 13,—A special tele gram to Solicitor \\ ilton from Milwaukee tay* that in one of the distilleries tcir.ed in that city there were found tuhterranean tank* with a capacity of twenty-five thousand gallon*. Thi* it strong confir matory evidence of illicit production and the wisdom of the teiaure In three of the St. Louit distilieriet seized similar confimatory evidence wt found in tecrel entrance* to the cittern room, and in the fourth the keeper was bribed and the book* burned Tie examination of the voucher* and return* of the whi.key dittoed and rec tilled at Cincinnati and thipped front that place it now being made, and the seizure i will be made in a day or two It wat the intention of the authoritic* to ruako the seizure there to-day. but it hat been de layed in order to examine tome additional pap'-r* that havo come to hand. Thu* far no evidence hat been found showing fraudi in C leveland or I'itttburg COMMENTS OF'THE PRESS ON LFTTEU° NE 8 C KNTENNIA ' London. May 6.-4 30 A. M.—Thi Standard tcvercly criticiae* the lettoi from Gladttone read nt the Centennial celebration of the balllo of Lexington. I reniarkt that the hnbit of t<>adving t< American* it ditcrcditablo to Englisl public men and journalist# The retulti lof Republican experiment in the Unites! States nrc corruption of public lifo, ex junction of public spirit, oppress i-n of tin j minority, diagutt of honorable inen will I politic* and the tranifcr of the govern ment into the hands of corrupt, untcrupu | lout arid ignorant pertont. ' London, May 6. 6.30 A. M. -Tha Time fully endorse* Gladstone* Ictiers, anc |ay* it would he melancholy if the firs great attempt to complete independent should result in social anarchy, althougl there it nothing at present to justify tuci fears. Grave evil* exist in toino Amer ican institution* which mutt bo rcmedlec if progrett it to continue. FIGHTING^IN SPAIN. Hantander, May 14—Tlie Curlists nr s in-11 ing G ueturia, and huvcdoncgrculdam age, A vigorous tiro it returned from tin fort and from five men-of-war In the har , hi>r. [Reinforcements have been Ues ■ |iatched to the town. AFGHANISTAN. Destructive Conflagration in I'rtr aawur. London. May 16. A dii-putrli from Pot tawur, Afghaii'stau, report# that place vis ited by a very destructive conflagration ant halt the city wgi laid in waste. At on< timo tiie powder iiiaguaioe wat in peril hut the fire wat happily stopped before i reached it. JAMAICA. A Revolution At l\rt Auprinop. Kingston via Havana, May h—A rovo 1 lulion broke out in Port Auprince on Sun | day. General Urico was drugged from th church and shot, and forty foreigner* has , been killed. Among tlie victim# is a tor • vnnt of the Rrititli consul general Build ingt were fired Hnd every specie* of disor ' dcr prevailed, and u state of tiege lias bee proclaimed A Bijiish gunboat it ther and another will bt- vent te-uioirov, * Strainer* were no! peunitud lit enter th * port, and have landed their cargoes here r JEFFEItSON DAVIS' ADVICE T< TKXAN3. Houston, May 13,—Jefferson Davis i an addrtit-to the Texan veteran* ol tin Mexican war entreat* ihem I" be a* !">"• ii now to the l#i ■ at d stripe* as they well xealou* and bravo In tlt# defense *•' thai' - first tlag . GEN IK\ I. SHERMAN AND ' 111 PR! SIDKN V. . i || Lml that Pre sident Grant l *oni „ what stn prised that Sherman should p „ 1 propiiatc to hlmtolf the credit of planning 11 the campaign v* Inch finally led to the over* , throw of the Iteacllioh The b -ik ullkt ly to provoke explanation* Mini repite*. not only from the friends or the President but also from a number of persoit who no d . in the army under Sherman, ami wlio t.I - uggiiev *-d at the manner In which he ha* I treated llietll , A Ui'MAK WottntH A re I arkable child was horn in llratloii township Mifflin <n Friday lal A l'<'y, etilirel) healthy, utul thriving well, hot laving tu lt ticse cxct-juiiig two opening* for nostrils • and no eye*, though fully developed eye- ltd# which caii ho opened. Otherwise ho headl* perfect, with the exception of an | unsightly roll or protuberance upon hn pi forehead. One of his (eel has six loe, 'though two ol them arc grown together; I the other fool lias five tees, ami Upon i •Ide another which very much re*emb' a thumb. Altogether the ihilJ present an extraordinary freak of nature. /'c* , aerat A Wilki sharre dispatch slates that th# Emp re ntintt, near that city, will proba hly he i>ut in operation this week Th ' prospect# are exceedingly favorable f.r ! resumption of work in the mines througl * out the valley, including th 's a'. Knig ton where thero ha# been the most troubU The "Mlltoloan says that the pool connected with the units at tlie upper em of Milton are lined along the shore will dead fish. The cause of the wholesale de struct) n is 'supposed tobav# been owin* to the sevcie winter and accompanying id# gorges. ' About eight o'clock on Sunday nigh ! Alonxo Jackson, his wife and twocbildren, i Albert Smith, his wife and two thildrei ! went over a dati) iu a skiff, neat Zanatvilc, Ohio, drowning Mr# Jackson, Mrs i Smith, one child of Jackson and one ot | Smith's. It is sal J that the men were uti . dcr the influence of liquor and could net . manage the boat. Boston, May 10.—The plasterer# belong 'ing to the union in tin* city are on a#trik ' for an increase of 60 cents per day over their pire-ont wages cf $3. Si-me -W) men left work this morning. Townabip Sut>ervi*or# should bear i" mind that tewn#hi|is are liable for acci dents an<l damages to teams and person* occasioned by the road* not being in or der, and no discrimituiian is made in th> law, exempting any special season 11 rre are fact# mentioned by tha Scien liflic American to which all should givt ,heed aud act accordingly, vir "Unles* the mouth is frequently and carefully cleansed, it Income# infested with vegetable and aniusa's parasite*.— These caute do-ay of the teeth. Soap is the best material for preventing the dv velopmenl of the tungi and for neutralit-< ing the acid. Precipitated chalk mixed' with the toap atti-U the cleansing ae . lion." The t'incinnati Enquirer sayt . A lte porter ot the Cleveland Herald stoood on the Court houte ttepi the otter dav andj counted eighty-four men who want U In Governor of Ohio ; and. it being a clouds ! day. it is tuppiosed that he missed about two hundred. The Governor of Michigan hat signed tha bill repealing prohibtion and suhttilut , ing the statutes regulating the liquor traf Ac. A villainous scheme to rob th* State of mean* of wr claim certifl rates of several million dollar*. ha Jut*, been dicnvered at Jefferson C" ty. There teem* no disposition on the part" iof th* roal opecator* or the men to hasten the end of the utpn*ion. The best mi ners are leaving th* region in contiJera-, ble number*, tome going to ether coal, fields, other* are returning fr the old i country. Oaox.v ro* Sxtx.—W* offer fer tale at • bargain a No. 45 S '6oU<t!Jen Tongue Parlor Organ, manufactured by Meastt ' Realty A Plott# of Washington, N, J who advrti,e In our oolums. Th* orga •* manuftirturt-d by this firm arc noted for" their beautiful finish, rich, deep tone, and great durability, have only to be teen and beard to be appreciated. Call at this of-J flee tf. * ** Ftrrix* TO TWKJCTT Doixaaa Sxv j IS. Any one withing a first-class sewing* machine can save from fifteen to twenty dollars by the simple strategy of choosing a Wilton Shuttle Machine, one of the mctl pet feet and capable machine* ever invented. ll ba* every valuable im provement that can be named, and a* all it* triendt know, work* with equal facility in all classes of work and on all kind* of g<K>d Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in,th it county, freeef trans portation charges, if ordered through tbr C- nipany'* Bmnch House at &!7 and '£9 Broadway. New York. They tend an eleg-int catalogue and chronio circular, free on application. Thi* Company want a few good agents. Centre Hall Select School. A will be opened at Con ire Hall in Monday, June 7. to, con tinue for tho term of twelve w c-ks. TERMS Common School Branches . . . $4 per qr Higher Branches 6 loC One half of the tuition to he paid at the beginning of the term, the remainder i during and before the close of the term niavl llm W A. KRI>K, Principal. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bid* will be received by the undersign ed up to Saturday, Mar 22nd, 1875. at" o'clock p MI . fi-r the enlarging and re modeling of the M. K. Church at Pleasant Gap. Centre county, Pa. Plant and spec ideation* can b - seen at the M K Parson age, and nv information by addressing I the Pastor, Rev H C Gafbrailh Thi i right is reserved to reject any or nil bid* fll C OALIIKAI I H. ' Building Com. - J G I.A 111 MORE, May 13. ( M. P WEAVER. MARRIAGES I ; On 4th nil., at the bride's parent*, by Rev. J. K Miller J M Leebof Belli" finite, and Mis- M. W. Gciswliite of Cen tre Hall. On lllh iLt, at the Lutheran Parson . age in Milrov. by Rev. S G. Shannon tieorge W Koch of Centre Hall, Ceiitr. iCo , and Mi* SusanJ* Bower of Potlen Mill*, Centre Co. ■ J ♦ ♦ ♦ DEATHS. On Bth inst , at McCoiinell- Grove, 111., Aleatha daughter of John and Eva Pnu dy. aged 2years and 10 months She li ii - gone, nnd whit an aching void I# lell in the breasts .if parent* ami friends • Her form but yesterday <* vigorous and . futl of promise, is now laid beneath the I springing violets, nnd the merry prattle ot that joyous voice shall no more he heard "The lovely bud, so young nnd fair, Called hence by early doom ; i Just ('.line "o show, how sweet a (lower. In Puradise would bloom." • S. 8. P. TO STOCKHOLDERS i The Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Lewisburg, Centre and Spruce 'Creek Railroad Company, will be held a 1 tho Office of the Company No. 5M3 South ' Fourth Street Philadelphia. I'M. on Tuna • IIHV Junu Hill, 1876, at 1 o'clock, P. M Election for President and Director* same day and place JAMES K M CLURE, Se„'y. MARE -Came to the prem i*" of the undersigned, near Pot tor's .Mill*, about two weeks ago, n light , bay inure, bald on face, 10 years uli . Tlie |ownr D requeited to prove property, pay costs and remove the satne. n JLtoay St. JOHN YOUNG. MARKETS, ii . P I'ru. I it oe. r New York, May 17 Wheal quiet; re . .-1 pi * 6|,i*si bushels; No t spring Jl 'Juki No 3do |l If iq I la. No 'JChirago ft| 18J1.I 1 - .Xi uiigrn.|.->l |. wn annd Minneso ta -pring at s*t Ifif.i I I'd, winter red wist efliTl . it.., I ill- while $ I tiUrtjl 46 It > • quiet at $1 (ttts-v I IKi Bel ley til 111 $1 6'fi. lorn western H7'-i88, yrlfiiw nd b.gii Mused KK(||. ant, il,t western Nl.jfit'w'; • while nt 78i .wi t - Hay fiitn at Mf<a7c ■ l oil. e quiet at I6f'slßie Sugar dull; rt fined f.ur to g.iod n*(.vß4c Petrohilßl . ivlim.i 12i<>yl'J|c Turpentine .luiel a 14> Eggs ÜB-eltled, Western at IfßitlHi l.ard. prltrie steam 16 7-Iflv' Butter, west iliern I'.'t e Hie lj CHICAGO. *j t bieegu, M <)t 17 Wtieat steady and in moderate demand: No I spring $1 tiA(q,l &♦; N„u furn dull: No 2 tulstm , }l|(*72>'. OaU steady nloi in modarals ■leiiiaiol. No 2 QBE Rye dull and liuniie'. " No I TI tS-4 Itarlei drinutid good a I full price.- Nojf 133( . lfW PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia May 17 Flour quirt ant] unchanged Wheat dull; red at 61 4<i(i#l 43; amber $| it Rye f| It) Corn slow yellow HotivMc. Uata Inactive, while at 7t " <<s74Je Provisious dull Laid l'>lal6jc s Butter steady: New Yolk and Bladfori County I xtra* 28aH(V , do filsts 23a24i western ex.rat &ta24c do firsts 17 Pc-; rolli xtras 22a23c. Egg" quiet and steady attorn lualfiic. HKLLKKONTK MAKixKTH. A lute iVheal f I 16 Red 110 ..Ityi '*l Cointk> .u.Oits •>). Marley 00 ,N' . ...Clo/ersced 8.00 .. ..Potatoes ts utrd per pound B Pork tier pound tb iutler Jl ...Egg *ls Plaster pertor 14 Tallow 8> Uani 16 .*rd tier pound 8 cents Ruck • lieai Si i ts. P.our per barrel retail".Oll.. Nova Scotia plaster sl4 to 16 Cayug.. da.ter $2,60 per 'JOOO lb* TpNuurrr. We are autbonred to announce that 1) v Guise, of Potter, will he a candidau •r Treasurer, subject to the usages of the democratic party. Sheriff. We are autbonxud to announce that lohu Suaugler. ol Potter, wilt bns candi late for Sheriff, subject to the usage* ol be democratic party. \V< are authorised to announce that I. Itenry Keller, of Harris, will be e andidate for Sheriff, subject to the usage f the democratic party. Wearo author!.- .i 1 to announce that Jen *ih. Kreauier, of Mitlhdu), wilt be a can tidate for Sbclitl, subject to tbe usage* ol the democratic party. We are authoriri d l<> announce that Levi A Muninn, of Philiptburg. will be a| andidate for Sheriff, subject to the usages f the democratic party. We are authorized to announce that; • corgi- Hvffer of Potter, will be a can di lute- for Sheriff, aubject to the usago* of the, democratic party. l'roiliuituUry. We are authoria- d to announce that *•- •MIS Wiliiaiiisot Ucllcfonte, wilt be a can tid ale for Prothonidary subject to the usages of the democratic party. We are authorised to announce that R si lirett, of Pi rgUMin. will be a candidate ft r Prolhonotary. subject to the Usage* ot * the democratic party Kfrortlrr. We are authorized to *r,t}qqfiC# that! Henry Reck, of Spring twp, willbetcan-: didate for Recorder, Sub|ect the usage* Oil the democratic party. UomniiwMoner. We arc authorized to announce that J. ! Ncwlin Hail, of Howard, willbea candi ' late fr Commissioner, subject to the usa | ge of the democratic party. GRAHAM & SON, Dealer# iu Boots, Shoes and RUB2IM, Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. All KiuJx of Custom Work Made To Order. Harness I/eathpr, Solo Leather. t'alf Skins And Shoe Finding* always on hand. Bishop Street, Wmay if Bcilefonlo, Pa, Spring Opening of Bonnets. Trimmings. Millinery, AT ' MISS LUCY DEININGER'S i in Centre Ilall, who has just returned from Philadelphia, :*it Ii tin- LA IKM KA > IIID N>, and a complete stock of New Bonnets New Hal*, elegant Trimming*. &r., which will lie sold or made up. at rearonable price*. Also, old ladies Dren* Cap*. The new styles arc very pretty. Ra dio* call and sec them early. First come, firtt served. may 18 4t. NOTICE OF APPEALS-Appeal* will be held at the office of the county Commiioner in Beilefonte, for . the different townships and boroughs of r Centre county, on the following day*, vi*.- On Monday May 31, l s 7&, for the town ship* of Mile*. Haines, Penn, Gregg and Potter. On Tuesday. June 1, 1876, for tbe town • hip* of Harris, Ferguson, Half Moon, Patron and Walker. On Wednesuay. Juno 2, 1873, for the township* of Marion, Liberty, Curtin, Howard and the borough ol Howard. On Thursday, June 3j 1876, for the township* ot Hogg*. I nion, Huston. ' Worth ri i the boroughs of Unionville ami Mileshurg On Friday, June 4, 1875. for the town • iiio* of Taylor, Burnside, Snow Shise. Rush ami tlie borough of i'liilipsborg. On Monday, June 7, 1876. for the town •hipsol Spring, Kenner and the borough ol lleilefsnte. A C HINTON, SA.MIKL GRA.MLY' - Attest J N. HALL. R. It FORSTEB, Cour.ty Com'r, Clerk. maylStl A I>MINtSTRATOP.B NOTICE.- i Letter* of administration on the estate ■•( Jacob Meyer, late of Mde* twp., de- d, 'raving been granted to the undersigned, ill peron* knowing themselve* to be in debted to said decedent arc requeued to make immediate payment, and persons laving claims against the estate will pra ent toem nuihontientod settlement. I HENRY MEYER. JR. nay 13 Ot. Artm'r. Spring (>OOIIB, At - Potter's Mills. J, 11. M'F.frfTIREl Denier in Domestic Dry Goods. Ladle's Dress Goods , nt every description, embracing all the , New Style# in the market. Also, NOT/OA'S. LACKS. //O.V IFIf r GLOVE*. s. Vf/Oi.s'. GROCERIESt RROYISIOSS •t every description, all of which will be iold at vary low rate* ftir CA2H or it# - equivalent Don't forget the place, come uid ee us an.vhow, If you don t buy. No i trouble to show goods. ' Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. 6may 6a, MILLINERY GOODS. ' Mm. K HcEXTIRE, Poller'* Mill*. lm* jtmi returned from PliilndtMiirnit. i now rendy to aeeiinitmwlele Iter cu*'o - wiili iln. lute*! lyle* of Kir***, Silk •nil fancy ll*U, Bonnet*. A<*, Flower*, t'rape*, Hitk Good*. Fetber, 111. in.1f., Ribbon* Ruche. BraW*. Orn on-iiU. ,V i 111 liort, * lull 111., "f *ll I In* luteal ly tea of Mitienery liwoi , whirl will l.e told hi the luvnt priced. l*ll anil e the Good*, .*• Mint Bonnet* rot rimmed in tlir •u-tl ty le. -%* 1111I,y 8m STOIC iii MOODS AM Panic Prices. 11. A. I. i 11111 M 1.11. ■I the old I Voire II til Wand J ul opening Motk of NEW GOODS, OLl> FAItIIIONKD I'HK KM A in |(e \ nricty of Laditra Du* Good* It real Bargain* in Mu*liu*and Calicoea. Brady - made Cloth in* Warranted to Suit. Ill* Cloth* and Catwnteri, I till be rxMilled His Grocery Department, AtionUhr* every one in **ortinoiii and io SIMM. yrup, Kugor, Tea Cuflt-e. Catinr.i fruit* Douirtlk and Foreign Fruit*, Cheeae, and every other article belong* ingto the Grocery Depart - n til Farinei*. Median u** and laborm iuuk to your interval One dullar *aved i* a dollar in pocket. Then call and arc at what awonitbingly low price* r-tr- .N ,i trouble to show Good* AIo the choice, t FamilV Fi.oca al waya on hand. Apr. 16, jr. A DMINISTRATOH S NOTICE - keitcri of administration on the eute ol Geo. Carlin, late of Poller tarn., dee'd, hare been granted to the underwgiied, who renjuMU all peraou* knowing them •elYe* indebted to laid rtiaU) to make im mediate payment, and tbo*e having de mand* agaimt the aame to present tbem duly autUrutn ated by law M settlement. J. G. CARSON Apr. la at, Adwr. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL. PA. DEALER* IN PURE DRUGS ASD MKDICLSES, CHEMICALS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, PEBFUMKHY. NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES FOB TIIK Till LIST, Aa, 4 , 4v. *l lit) MIYK A\l> LIQIORS, for medicinal purpose*. Truaaea it Sujrp -rters in great variety. Alio, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO. and ail other article* usually kept in a fir*tcla* Drug Store. Prescriptions Compounded. dSoct if MILLER A SON. J BEAT'TY —ilE THE BEST IN USE *#-Send (temp fr Circular. DANIEL. F. BEAtTIT Wa*hington. New J era* v. THE PEOPLE S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilaon 4 Hicka' Hard ware store, Allegheny KL, UKLLEFoNTE, PA.. Jas. C. Williams* (Succewor to B. F. Kankia A Co.) DKALKH IN PURE DRUGS ASD MEDICINES, , CHEMICALS PAINTS. OILS. DYE STUFFS, VARNISHES, BRUSH ES. IEKFUMEHY. NOTIONS, AND rANCY ARTICLES FOB THE TOILET. Ac. MHISVGMi&UQUOBS for medicinal purpoaa*. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety A Do, Choica CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* utually bept in Brat claw Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ShnarTltf NEW YORK BRANCH STORK. McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Buih Hou*e, Beliefunto, Pa. H. HERMAN A CO.. Proper*. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID-j I EIIIES, WHITE GOODS. LA CES, NOTIONS 4 FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FIR! T-C LASS GOODS. r Below the Usual Prices. Blatchley's Improved CDCUM- J JLI {• UK It WOOD PUMP VL ,v i the acknowledged STANDARD of the qtarwv,. by popular verdict, the *t pump for the leant lu nev. tttcntion iinvited to Ulalcbley's improved Bracket, the Diop < 'heck Valve, which can be with drawn without dkturbing the joinu. and the copper chamber whicu never crack*, acalee or ru*u and wilt U*l a life lime. For vale by Denier* , and the trade generally In order to be ure that \ou get Blatchley'a Pump, h careful end *ee that it baa my trade-mark at above. If you do not know where t< J buy. doFcriptive circular*, together withj tne name and addre* of the agent neara*t j you. will he promptly furnuiicd by ad dressing, with *tamp. CHAS G BLATCHLEY Manufacturer, i oOG Commence St., Philadelphia. IV j 11 mar Urn. WT A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER ( IATKI) IIALL*PA. Would moat renpectftilly inform the cit ten* ofthic vicinity, that he ha* atarted a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful tor a sharo of the public patron age. Boot* a*id Shoe* made to order ann according lo ttyle. and warrant* hi* work ■ tor<|ual uny made elsewhere. All kind* of r<<|iairing done, and charge* reasonable Give him a call. feh 13 ly IIK KV MKOI KKIUIury, J. p. MIIUKKI i lVcai dent, Cashier. QUNTKE COUNTY BANKING CO (Late Milliken. Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, i Discount Notes, BUT Sell. Covemment Secu'. V* B >Gol<' tfr upon*. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. BELLE FONTS, PA. - E. PEERS 4 SON, Prop'rs. This well known hotel, situate in the * business portion c-f the town, hat been ? thoroughly renovated, repainted and fur ■ nWhed new. It will be the aim of the pro priot"i to imiko it a pleasant Home for tho*e whomay favor thetn with their pat ronage. A lroe carriage is run to the do -9 pot, and the best stable! in town arecon < nect%4 with thi tfoue. 29pr. Pumps Of All KindS Steam & Rotary Pump# Cittern Pumpt, JM ml \| jf I 11 Anti-Frezing Pumpt. 000 A A UMH PPPPPP II WW_ "111 fttttl i< uAh PI PF F * • t !! r Line MMM&7 OF ALL KIND& Gam Hose <sr Packing, Bell and Brass founders, and Manufacturer* of tbe CELEBRATED Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. itlu*tratcd catalogue and price J. B. SHERIFF &SON, Am WATER Kt.,AMII Aieaac. 3 l'r. ljr. I'lTlHUt HAH, PA. SHORTLIDGE A CO, COAL, LIME.Ac., 'WILLIAM SHOKTLILMeK. BOND V ALENTINI SHORTLIDGE to CO,, | . Burner* and Shipper* of the celebrated Bellefonte r WIHIUHEI mm z Dealer* in the very beet grade* of fAWuMOTE'"OOAU - Tbe only dealer* in Centre County who ael2 tbe Will LI Ki E; Si B A R It E CiOiAiL from tbe old Baltimore mine* Ala* SHAMOKIN AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly boused expressly for hour* use. at tba lowest j-ricea. A DEALERS IJV They pay the highest price* in cash for graia that the Eastern market* wBl a Sard WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Bought or will he sold on commies ion when desired, and full prices guaranteed. las formation concerning the grain trade will be furnished at all times, to farmer with pleasure, free of charge. * RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DIALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, 1 which is always sold at low price*, and warranted to he a* good a fertiliser a* any other plaster. ofpioe AMD YARD NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, Lime! Lime! L,iro ol th best quality, always on hand, al the kiln near Centre Mall. Also Agents for Myer's Excelsior Cement, the bet in the market and warranted to • set quick and harden. For sale by And* Keesman al the Port Offlce in Centre Hall. GtOKGK KOCH. J. G. EMEKICK GREAT BARGANS AT THE HARD WARE STORE OF MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS., MUlhelm, Pa., WN>XB*ALi axd Retail Dbalkbr in X —** i i ininwr^ HEA VY & SHELF H ARDWARE, They have just returned from the Eastern, Cities, where they have purchased a well, selected stock of HARDWARE, Cittlkrt. laox. Nails, Oils. PAT wts. Varnishes, Puttt, B UILDERS A CO A CHMA KERS GOOJ}& Plasterers ami Maaona, Sa.ldlers, Shoemakers. Housekeepers, ntnl in fact, HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. We call particular attention to a fine as. sortment ol Picture Frame# and Moulding, very cheap. WALL A WINDOW PAPER, And Curtain Fixtures of every kind. COACH and WAGON MAKERS— four attention is called to our stock of Btwkea. Hubs. Felloes, (ihaAs. Poles and Bnttr Wheels, all of No. 1 Quality and seliinr ve ry cheap. Our stock is large, and con stantly being renewed, and we are seliinr -r-rvholeale and retail—et very low prices. Remember—much money has been lost by paying too much for Hardware. Try tf)uß3sr & rJunhlg Sro's* They buy A*r Ca-li and sell At Cash Prices ibr less profit thsn any other Hardware Store in the County. jMTCaII and toe us. Satisfaction guar anteed. f MUSSER,'k RUNKLE BRO S aug 87y'Td BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM BiVKISn Drug Store, (JTRXT PQOR TO THS OBSCURER OUR ■TORE.) FRESH AND CHEAP., Apr. SO. * ] -.'Pen ns'valley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL. PA| RECEIVE DEPOSITS, .And Allow 10/ereei, Discount Not* But hi 4 Ml Government Securities, Gold a: dj| Prraa Horrn. W*. B. MmuT Praa'L Caahtar Chas. H. Held, Cleck. WatrhKiithrr A Jeveler ii Miilhetm, Oolre Ccl, Pa. I Rospactfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he baajuat mid |at his new establishment, above Alexaa .Vsi!£**'. kf*P consuutly oa hand, all kinds ot Cloeka. Watches and J twain lof the latest styles. „ also the Maraavtlfc 1 atent Calender C lucks, provided with m complete index of the month end day ef I the month and week on its which ks warranted as a perfect lime-keeper. Welches and Jewehw re paired on short notice and warranted sep 11' Ml y Excelsior Cement* The undersigned now manufactaree Oe. 335 BA , N T K ■ aSSSSip T4 tarT ssris hat already been used in Isrge quantities upon the L. C. dt S. C. BR., and has been wK?£ upon all j*he r here il bat been used, and as mssl I# now nianufavturod for ut # to CIE TERNS, W ATER PIPES, or whaWvw purposeagood qua'ity ot Cement is desk ruuio Thu Cement bas already been , tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satiitaclion. Persons, therefore eoa* structing Cisterns, laying Water P.-pes, Ac., will ind it to their advantage to Pear this in mind, and alio, that be warrants the article as represented. * J G. METER, maydltf Aaronsburg. K , TOHNF POTTER Attorney -at* Law u _ Col lections promptly made aae special attention given to thuee having . lands or property for sale. Will draw up l" d Mortgage*, , c. ('ffice in the diamond, ourthsidee • oourt house. Bellefonte. octXf ettf iMSPWt bmLL' .Ve Improved Psc Hum or Kws Nm'. ~, —, _ Cross-Cut and Circular WOOD- SAWING MACHINE*#, Jy^p^veglessJns aad Prtea-1 Art Mat frm. W toSH Wet Eighth St.. CIRCIBIATI. 0 . Muuutadurw-s of Char Machinery. Steam Engines, Shaker Thresher, Fan. school, and Church Bells, etc,