raiP.EUET,...„.... .. Edlwr. Centre Hall, Pa., May 20,1875. lERMS $2 per yrar, is arfr-t* ft, 2,50 itiA/n not paid in adronct. Advertisement* ine for threr m ifrfionJi, and for band V 2 montk* Ay cial contract. | "The Times" is the most spirited and readable (isper in Philadelphia. Wc obserx-e that in many counties the salary ofthe Co. Superintendent #> re duced by the lute tri-ennial conventions of directors. The Gazette and Bulletin sngges | '" l,al the North and South settle their diffi cully by a s(wlling mat.b That's a ilangerous banter for the Bulletin s (sir ty—Covodo is missing. —♦ ♦ ♦ In Massachusetts 1 in Id of the popu lation is a (au(>er, a eriiuinal or a prnwoi idle and dependent. Theiv are man> otlior potato patelu* thai do not hold their hewds as high aa thai slate, wliieh have a t>ettor showing up. William 8. King. CongrvKsnian from Minnmda. ha* been indirttxl for jktju ry in the Pacific Mail Steamship husi uess,in having on the 23d of Vebruary. 1874, sworn before a committee of Oon grx-ss tliat he had never received a dol lar for the pnrpsxx- of assisting in pr\>- enring an appropriation h>r the lNu-itio Mail Steamship Uomjuuiy. There are always foolish people who will do some fcolbh thing*. We find those in all ages ; even long before the people of the United States w ere foolish enough to fasten Grant npon their necks, there were foolish virgins who did not 611 their lamps, and therefore could not be admitted to the wedding feast. Rut all this foolishness finds company iu a couple of Jerseymen. who were fools enough to go into a rough and tumble tight on a • fsffi'td, a few days ago. in Trenton —the affair ending, as any foolish affair of the kind would, in a grand tumble. If we wanted to fight, we would choose terra finna, with plenty of room to run, and nothing in the way to make us stumble—a clean track for leg-bail— that's the way the Reporter would choose its ground, out of purely prudential rea sons—and great prudence should be ex ercised in a matter of this kind, which would save many a licking. We never got licked vet, because we never would misbehave when totlier fuller was the bigger. But, about fighting on a scaf fold, that's what we desire to get at, and we would greatly caution against it, le --cause the following account of a trial of it is not very encouraging : Edward Clark and Michael Mack, masons, fought on a scaffold on the three story building in Spring stret t, Trenton, on Monday. Covert, the foreman, went up to separate them, and in the tussle the three were precipitated to the ground, thirty-fire feet. Eight feet of the wall gave way and fell with the men, burying them beneath it. The men were extricated unconscious and fearful ly mangled. Mack's right leg was bro ken above the knee, and he had many outs about the body and some internal injuries. His recovery is doubtful. Clark's right leg was broken, and he had a fearful gash at the hack of his head. Covert sustained a broken arm, many cuts upon the head, and was bruis ed about the body. As will be seen by an advertisement in this week's Reporter, the annual election for President and IHreetors of the L. C. & f. C. RR. will be held at Philadelphia, on June 8. This the railroad work —the election of officers —is per formed with precision, but the essential and important matter, the pushing for ward of our road is done with a speed that is set in the shade by a snail's pace. There is another matter that nas prompt ly attended to—and that was the collec tion of the stock subscribed along the line, while the money that was to have been furnished by the Penn'a. RR. com pany to carry the work to "a speedy completion" still remains among the things that did not come up to sacred pledges, although our finest and best farms liave been ait ap by the construc tion of a road-bed tbrougb them only tea be washed by the rains and torn away by the floods. We see no good excuse for this state of affairs. The panic— two years ago—did furnish an excuse for a discontinuance of the work nt that time, and which our people, whose money has been spent, and whose lands have been rent, were willing to pat np with, but we do allege that the "mighty corporation" is in shape now to make good its promi ses to our people, as the sum needed to secure the running of the cars to Centre Hall, or some point in Penns valley, is but a trifle for the Penn'a. RR.Comiiany. In the name of our injured people we call upon the Penn'a. RR. Co. to perform its promises—promises that might have been and could liave been fulfilled two years ago—and put the work under contract with the utmost speed, and thus secure our people the advantages to which they entitled by virtue of the money they have paid and the land that has been taken from them. The Somerset Democrat any* : It is a matter of common remark that more drunkenness lias been seen on our streets since the granting of licenses, than was witnessed for the last year. Men who have not been under the influence of liquor for many months, were seen stag gering on the highways, and numerous scenes of a disgraceful cliaracter shocked the better portion of our community. But it is not in town only where the ef fect of license is already visable. Men from the country, who heretofore had no opportunity of drinking, were seen returning home so drunk that they fell from the seats of their wagons. CONDITION OF THE CROPS. Toledo, May 13.—The blade publishes this afternoon an elaborate crop report, carefully compiled frotn tUtement* by competent parties at 150 point* in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and lowa. These statements indicate that from one quarter to one thhd of a crop of winter wheat has been killed but that has been nearly offset by the increased number of acres sowed, and the quantity of spring wheat will, if everything is favorable, henceforth bring the whole production te that of an average crop. A bout a quarter of last year's crop still remains in the hands of the farmers Mo considerable of wheat ground is reportod as having been plowed. The amount of corn being put in this year greatly exceeds that of last year. The Lebanon Advertiser has a strong leader urging the nomination of ex-Gover nor Bigler as the Democratic candidate for Governor. It asks where is the Democrat In the Stale, not swayed by personal con siderations, who is not ready, aftar a mo ment's thought of the situation, to throw up his hat and admit that Bigler is the 'man? IIO)\ CARPET PA GOER SPES't PR inn IT IX A I 4RA MA. In last wwk'i Reporter vvc gave a short slice of the astounding (volitloul in famy that was practiced in Alabama in order to elect Spencer, radical, and an ox-bartender and carpet-Wgger, to the U. S. Senate. Since that the lnveatlga ting committee has obtained ftirtherevl deuce which makes very interesting reading and furnishes another sample of the foul an.l ini.piitous means used bj the Grant regime to retain power. Ihe rejiort, dated Montgomery . Mar l '-V reads as follows. The Legislative Committee to investi gate the means whereby Speiire* secured hi* election to the senate took a recess to-day. Over 3UO pages of manuscript testimony hy Republican witnesses prove the following facts Before the election Sjieucer went to Louisville to see Gen. Truey, and urge him to send troo|is to Alalia ma, the pur jtose lwing to nse tho troo|vs n- a jmhtt cal machine to intimidah IVmocralic voters ; after the election a pa rate Court-room Legislature was orgaui*ed, Invause it was feared that if lHth|wirties met together the iVmocrat* would con trol the organization and defeat Spencer Re|Mib!ic*iis who opposed Sp-ncer were bought iiver with money ami the prom ise of appointments to office in onler to get a quorum for the court-room body . men wen 4 seut for and jiaid to come and represent counties not only without i-cr tificatccof election, but without any prv teuse of election, in onler to defeat a quorum in the Capitol la-gislature Gne member was bribed by Hinds, and an other was drugged to insensibility The money used in corrupting members was government funds Uirrowed solely for that purjsvse from jnw-t office and reve nue officials. When a compromise was proposed by Attorney General Williams it was found that, unless one iViuocratic Senator could l>o unseated and a Repub lican placed in his stead, the record would show that the Court Room l.cgis lature had mi quorum in the Senate, and that Spencer's election was void. There upon one Glass, the Republican Senator for Macon county, was juviil from F-too to sju> to jiair off with a Democratic Sena tor ill what was known as the Miller and Martin contest, and violate his pledge. The Lieutenant Governor Me- Kim-lay 1 was to rule, and the Republi can Senators were to sustain his rulings so as to settle the contest before notice of the treachery could Ih- conveyed to the alment Democratic Senators, The testimony of Robert Barber, Clerk ofthe Court Room lower House, and also Clerk ofthe same House after consolidation, is a sample of the w hole mass. Barlx-r be ing dnlv sworn testified as follows. 1 I was Clerk of the lower House of the ! Court Room Legislature,and also Clerk of the House in the Consolidated Legis lattire. The object of the Court Room legislature was to secure the organixa j tion and elect General Spencer to the Cnited States Senate. Wo did not think this could be done if we met at the Capi tol. After relating the means employed by Spencer to shelve ex-Governor Bar sons and Alexander White, who he had heard would be rival candidates for the Senate, the witness proceeded : I have letters from Spencer relative to the use of troops, but as they are confidential I do not propose to introduce them." The committee insisted on seeing the letters, and Barlier, after consulting hi* counsel, introduced them. la-tter No. 2. dated Decatur, Oct. 22,1873, after stating what troops had been ordered to Alabama, .u>d where stationed, proceeded thus: • ' "I wish Randolph, Deputy United Stato Marshal, would use the company at Opel ika in making arrests in Talahoosa, Ran- j dolph and Clabourne counties. I wish I you would go to Tailadego and block the J game. I must not, however, he known in this tnatfer. Signed in haste, truly ' yours, George K. Spencer. The.witness continued : The cxpres-1 sion relative to the arrest in Randolph, and other counties refers to a letter re- j eeived by me from Randolph county, in which it was stated that if troops could be sent into counties named to make n' few arrests, enough votes could be run out of them to secure the election of tin ' Republican candidates for the la-gisla ture ; I informed General Spencer 1 >f t he-e < facts, anil this is what that part of his letter relate* to the assistant secretary ofthe Republican State Executive Com mittee ;I was fiuniliar with the plan of Spencer and the Republican party ; J. J ; Hind* was Spencer's confidential man.. and represented him in every particular ;; he had control of every movement; in j our conference* I was informed that all the money needed to secure Spencer's election was provided and in the hands of Hind* :it was said that the Lowndes county delegation, except Major Hunter, were disaffected, and this would defeat Spencer'* election ; we were informed that $2,(00 had been raised to diaaffeet these member*; I interviewed several of the delegation, and told them that Spencer had made up hi* mind to give each of tlu-ui an ap|*oiiitment, and Spen cer, who was present, promised them route agencies ; Bryant, another inem ber, arrived the next day, and, a* I un derstood, received s3o*l from Hinds; this seemed to fix the Lowndes county dele gation ail right ;the Legislature conven ed that morning : the Lowndes county delegation were present and voted for Spencer; many members from other counties were promised offices; I was authorized by Spencer to promise mem bers ns many offices as I might think necessary to secure their support. After testifying to the drugging of a member, the witness proceeds to detail how Baker and Chisholm, two men from distant counties, gcnerully known to have been not elected, were sent forand induced by the promise of office to enter the Court room Legislature a* Representatives of their respective counties. The witness further testified that (lending the cam paign Internal Revenue Assessor Ixw 11. Mayer wrote him a detailed plan of campaign with the troops, which he communicated to Sjieucer, and Which was finally adopted. The trooj* were to be sent whenever needed ostensibly for the purpose of protecting the revenue officers and breaking up illicit distiller ies, bat really for jiolitical uses and pur poses. On all important points* the testimony of the other witn&Bea.asalaothe record*, sustain that of Barber, and ia cumulative merely, except in the matter of the use of government funds, ultout which he knew nothing. The investigation causes a profound sensation here. The Hurrisbarg Car works have resum ed work on u contract for two hundred cars. This employs only one-third of their force. The workmen at the railroad shops at Renova hava commenced working ten hours per day, after working on short time since 1873. The York county court has ruled that no licenses will be granted to applicants who have been convicted of violating the li cense law within one year. The main building of the Tuscarora Academy, at Acadomia, Juniata coimty, was burned down recently. It was four stories high and built of brick TUP isTIIVt SPAS it The foiled States Isthmus exploring | Expedition hn- returned to t ohm, and reports that its labors were eminently micccatful in running a line for a ship canal across the Isthmus of Garten. There are mm thtce routes designated for jmssiug ships from ottau to ocean and allofthein have then advantages. The most northern route is the Teliunn te|HjC, the middle the Nicaragua, and tin southern crosses the Isthmus of Darieu From one of these locations engineers declare that a practicahle path can he chosen to shorten the distance from porta on this continent to those of \ia At tin* present time all ship starting from the eastern si,h of North or "-filth America have to |uiks f.u south around fape Horn I>c fore they can run either north for (Hrt* along the coast or start sheets for islands in the I*llol tic or (stint* in Jajstn, t hum or other parts of \-ia. This is a ruinous waste of time, special ly when the t'a|K'of tiood Hope has ticen praettcully blotted off the nauti tl charts by the Sue* canal, which ts now in working order. In a short time all the facts in relation to the three project ed routes will Ih> laid before the country in an official shape, and the next Con* grevs may IK* a-ki >1 to take suti.i step.- 111 regard to the matter That a canal tan la* cut from oceuu to is can is conceded. I'tie opinions of engineers settle that (mint. Of course, there arc impedimcnts of no trifling character in the way, hut they can he removed hy the hand of science. Ihe Siier canal has been con structed ; there is a tunnel l>cuc.ith the Alps ; tin- telegraphic cable speaks with "liiiist miraculous organs" from umU-i fathoms of deep sea waves. In a few years it is exjactetl that cars wilt he speeding from France to Fngland with a depth of water alsoe them stlllieient to tloat the largest man-of-war. If tin -c works are jmssible, why not a ship canal from mean to ocean across the waist of this continent? The croakers declared the Sue* i-atial could not te built. It was built. They predicted it would soon be chokeil with the shifting suud of tin I desert. They have proved false proph ets. The same men put in print their estimates to convince the public that the Suez canal would make no returns of a satisfactory financial character. The business foots up in a totally different direction. In the year 1>73 the Working expenditure* of the Sue* canal amounted j to twenty-three per cent, of the gross re ceipts. The net revenue for that year was $3,830,000. of which the preferred charges absorbed $2,34-\OUO, leaving sl.- 485,000 for a share dividend, which is ihrcc attd three-quarters js-r cent. In 1572 there were 1,082 vessels ( tons. In 1873, the Vfcwlit itu*rca-od to, 1,173, and the tons to ?,08- r > l oi.*>n Im made public,and induce a re careful : consideration of the w lode subject 77;. THE WHISKEY KIM; Slllt'tt Ar ILUIIT lUSTU.I.CIW- ci.tn - Stox ol l:l.\ CM : OH tl I.ks. Washington, May In.—To-ilay the movement against the whiskey ring, in which the Secretary of the Treasury has been engaged for two months (cist, ml minuted in the seizure of some thirty distilleries and rectifying houses in the citie* of St. Louis, Chicago and Milwau kee. The evidence collected isof a char acter to insure the present destruction of the whiskey ring. It haviug come to the Secretary V know ledge, before he set his investigations on foot, that all offi cial information of action affecting the ring in nny part of the couutry was promptly communicated to it in advnm e by some person or (arsons jn the Inter nal Revenue office, it was decided to prosecute the entire inquiry through the Solicitor's Office of the Treasury. The work was entrusted to Major Bluford Wilson, and no feature of it was cotnmn nicatcd to Commissioner iFniglas* or any of hi* subordinates until the real work was couqdeted and orders of seiz ure alone remained to Is- made. As the law provides that such orders shall come from the Commissioner of Internal Rev enue the details of the work accomplish ed and the evidence collected were plac ed in his hands, and some of the facts were entrusted to his subordinates, through whom they were almost imme diately in part made public, as the dis connected statements regarding the movement, which have appeared during the last week, sufficiently attest. The President throughout lias sustained the Secretary most vigorously, and the mo ment the main facts of the frauds per petrated were called to his notice lie cordially co-operated in indorsing evcrv movement necessary to secure success. It has been ascertained that about two thirds of the whiskey shipped from St. Louis for the last year has In-en w hat is termed "Crooked," as whiskey which has not paid tax is called. Tin- amount of fraud in St. Louis alone w ill not fall below $l,OOO, On) annually for the last two year*. The developments at Chicago and Mil waukee arc also on a great scale. Illicit whiskey has been traced into all the prominent Eastern and Southern cities. Duplicates and even triplicates of stamp* on packages hearing the same serial numbers and the same stamps have been discovered, ami with several houses it has been the usual thing to enter oil the stub of the stamp issued only half the amount of whiskey actually shipped un der the detached stamp. All the differ ent methods have been discovered, and such transcripts taken in addition, us will, when compared with the returns made to theoffice of Internal Revenue, make it possible to trace the larger part of all the illic it traffic which has been carried on for the hist year. The collusiou of u number of Revenue officers at the points named is establish ed beyond question, and a number of changes will follow this development. Suit will be immediately enteredaguilist ull the projierty seized and against the parties and their bondsmen, and the prospect seems fair that tljc Government will be able to establish so strong a case as to recover from tlie property seized an amount nearly, if not quite, equal to the sum total of the frauds perpetrated. No move upon this scale has ever before been undertaken. It has proved most successful in everything, and the results are in every respect of the highest im portance. THE MINK.US* STItIKK THHKATKMMi Sl'fcKt HKS MY TilK LKADEU*. !.'>SH KD I N K VITA H !.K Kinlur And Whitehead* Mint- Ai tuckv.l mill (lit Employee* Cdi tml Off. Huntingdon, May i'i The lorce of men wlio left here lestcrday morning with Kilif r miul \\ lui. I.i n.I succeeded in run it tn j( t!ii* bloc kade nn# Irat Ii -■ i llirlf drsli- Initial! John Siney, l llm ahtracile le- IKi*n a wm addressing u iiim itiit'liiiiC til miner* \* In ii it uit. announced tlmi tlitw i-itr loads .it blacklegs had arrived. 'I hp meeting bloke 111 > ■ 1 r >lil i-i.-ti nliil nbollt 'Hi ttipit mnl woman united ititil equip ped, repaired t • Kithrr and White head mine* rimy were itidl by Filter mi.l \\ hitch. :nl, vi liii forbid them In iiuii Updii their property Tim mob halted mitl vriit a delegate 111 }<< null of Joliu Siney, tocoiilnr wuh KUkr mnl Whitehead He sniil it iiv a | •in fublu -tribe iii.it a*kcd tlmi a committee ini k 11v go lo tho nun mnl try tind indue* tlmiii lo luavo ll e region. Thr request n granted mnl the commit- If. |ii.-Mil on to thr mines to confrr with tin' lilrli, but lulled to induce n single uinti lor turn A second committee was nut but SUl', i i Jed tio belter, liv Hot otlo Would Cottar tit to return. Our tunn suggested to • bo, tMt Fisher it In- stood in ll.d way i'lir ittub thru fill back and consulted. Finding tin' blacklegs could not btt petsua tlrd, under iui|>rudeiit advice limy made aw iid ami furiou* charge, -weeping over Mr Fisher and his i arty. Men and *> on n hrandi-hing club* forcibly entrrrd the Iu um , S uic of FiiWr't uten were seix • d and dragged out, their baggage thrown out ol tin window*, the doora broken down, mid provision* appropriated. Men who ha'e b,-< it working in the niinr. for w , ka, wrtr takrii out and inarched by tin mob toward* Tyrone. They marched all night Fiaher aiid Whitehead arrived at O-ccela about mid nig lit, and came to Ty • rone on the early train. Tb* strikers have become wild and iid gov i-rnable, and say all new iiii-n muat and *ball leave the region If the men bad re ported blood wou'd have beni shed treely l'he sherlfi* bad promised to be in attend- HtK'o to protect tin new men, but owing l •cine i ,iuir not fully explained be did net come. The *UCCe. of the ttiob for the la-l two Jay threaten* total llliptlaiull of busi- BCM. 1 bey propoie to clean out ercry bank operated. At rest of t lie I'tti* dent of tlic Murns' Association. ihceolu, l'a , May Id,—John Sumy, President of ih* M a')d ,L. B A . while addressing a Urge mcet.ng of excited mi ner* at thU place 10-Jay. anl thai if (.'apt T. E. Clarke of the police force received atiy injury, the miner* would not be to blame ll wou'J bo the fault of ptrtott*, u tii* rent him here, lie aim said that 'here were time, w hen person* Were jilli tied ill violating the law ; that it ** rob bi-ry, and persona who came HOW arching to take the placet of iho.e out on a strike were robbing the children and women of their brtad, and -liould he treated accord ingly. Siney then sent tiiia infuriated crowd to Powri:. n to drag the turn frota their work tt- they did at Filif * oro yesterday. It i* the universal belief here among disinterested Cilixch* that if there it blood* thed the blame will rrt with Siney and Park-who are under pay of the national organisation and who, it i believed, are being p.tid by shipper* in other region* t 1 at are now working to keep the atrike up Ssney and Park* are bo:h foreigner* and have made tome very heavy threat* against native-born miner* and dapper* who arc all native-born Prcsitleut of the Minens 1 Awocialion Arretted for Conspiracy. John Siney, President of the Miner* National A —-ialion, st arreated here la.t night, on oath ofCapt. Clarke, charg ed with conspiracy. More Men Compelled to Stop Wuik. Tyrone, l'a . May Ik—The ttriher#, with John Sinev at their htad, hat e *top ped all work on the M-*hannon branch. The M >r - isle miners on the Pbiiipsburg branch, are working with about seventy men and the mine at Powellon it working about eventy men. \Vilke*barre, May Id.—A straggling ire was kept up by the *triking miner* from l.Hi o'clock last evening until four o'clock this morning upon the Sheriff"• poise* at Hutchinson'* breaker. Four more men went to work lor Hutchinson thi* tno-n- VURTUKU MINING TROUBLES. Tyrone, May 13. The strikers, with John Siney at their head, have succeeded in stopping all work on the Moehannon branch. There has been no violence simp ly overpowering by supcriornunibers those who wi*h to work. The Morrisville mines on the Phillipxburg branch, are still work ing about seventy men and the mine at Powelton is work ing about thirty men. The Striking Miners and the Sheriff"* Fosse. Wilkesbarre, Mnv 13 —A straggling fire was kept up from ten o'clock last evening until four o'clock this morning upon the sheriff's posse, at Hutchinson'* breaker, by tho (triking miner*. They hope in this manner to frighten tho posse away. Four more men went to work for Hutchinson this morning. Siney Addresses a Large Meeting. Usccola, May 13.—John Siney, president of the M. and B. L. A. of the United Statu, while addressing a large meeting of excited miners at this place to-day, said that if Clark (meaning Captain T. K. Clark ot the police force) would receive 1 any injury, the miners would net be b> ! blame, it would be the fnultoftbe person- 1 who enl him here. He also said that there were times when persons were justi fied in violating the law; that persons who came here now seeking to lake the place*; of those out on a strike, were robbing the : children and women of their bread and 1 should be treated accordingly. Siney then sent this infuriated crowd up to Powelton, some three milee'south oft hi place, to drag the men from their work as they did at fisher A Miller's works yester day. It is the universal belief here among the disinterested citixens, that if there i blond -bed, the blame will rest with Siney and Parks, who are under the pay of the national organization, and who it is be lieved are being paid by shipper* in other regions that are now working to keep this Rtrike up. Siney and Dark* aro both foreigners, nnd have made some very 1 heavy threat* against native born miner* and the shipper*, who arc all native born. MEN DRIVEN FROM WORK. Tyrone, IV, May H.—About half of the l'owclton mine* were cempellcd by tho striker* to stop work last night. No fuilher news ha* been received from the mines this morning. THK CLEARFELD STKIK K Tyrone, May 14 —Fifty men went to work at the Sterling mines to-day. About 11 o'clock a fight took place between the few police uml the striker*, and two of the latter were arretted. There i* no police force sufficient to protect willing w rkinen and the Sheriff is dilatory. L O. Coutri, editor of L' Italia, who cm Monduy was capturod by the strikers, is at Tyrone with forty Italian*, determined to put them to work with proper protection. General Frank Blair in represented n kteadily improving under the effect* ut the translation of blood lately practiced upon him. He ha* received three operution 1 , in the I**< of which neurly five ounce* • !' healthy blood were trantfuied into hi* veins. General Blair, by the way, it not the only politician who would be thebetterj for some new blood i mrri'i: rmiir n mi rm: wins a / i w/ .v in rn ir iti ni\ run roi nrs. Washington, Mm | i Secretary llria inw anticipate* a very th i. rtniupd nei-t- Illlt'llll the p.llti.l tlie übiakev riQp to the xlcp *bo \\ ill take lo get llicm loiivli'ti .l f..r tli fruuding tbe govern ment. Iliforitiutioii rcachc* hero tliul llicwliiaki v nun have directly employ ml iilnl relumed the a Meat legal tab lit lit tin- vt cat to light their aide of the case ill the lottrlM, ami l* Ih-uI the govern meiit iii iti interpretation of the hut The cnitl rove ray i* likely b> Ik-ablttef • me, hut will he curried on vigorously by the government, who Will get outalde liiillttael, if Itt'eeaaury, to protect it* inter i ts. It la liclteved here that all the prominent law vera in the country will In - employed on one aide or the other, and the legal fraternity i* likely to pro tit by tlie aeiinrea whether the govern ment doea or not. In the meantime Secretary liriatow and Solieitor Wibnui are puahing the in veatigation into other aeeiinit* >f the country, and evidence ia aceumuUting, -howiiig that the ring have not been en tirely dc-troyed. A givat many more M iiiiiea will he made within the neit ten days. TIIK KL* KUL'KA N .MITATIUN, Huvaiii tin I the lVaco of J-lurope 1 1.. ii,hoi, May 11. The time* in a load ng editorial, ay* "Wo believe tbe C/.m ji* revolved to hold tiioit decided language !in favor of the iiiaintenaiica of peace, and to ue every effort lo put a lop to thepre*- ut alarm, A few day* wilt probably :hru g forth the , ttieial disclaimer* of the recent reportv. Il i> po*|ble that it will bo mid thut there i nothing to juttify the French appreheiuion*, but (her* boulJ Uo iio mi*tako on thiv point. A* lung a* tbe prevent, condition* remain there niuat be uncavlne**, even danger." !Satisfactory Aaaumueoa frotu itcrlin. London, May 11.- In the House ol Cornniona tbia * aiiornooun, Mr. Bourke, Fruler Foreign Secretary, in re*|K>me to, in inquiry by Sir Fharle* Hilkc a* to the Foiitiiiental situation, aid the govcinment b arms- 1 men I it fane. • ♦ s STRUCK BY LItiUTMNU Taybir douring mill, four miles north if Springfield, Ohio, uat burned lat jw, ,* . 1,, >s, JIT.Wk). insurance IfH,- LACK OF BRAIN A LOSS? The Drain is not the Sole Organ of the Mind. 'J he paper read a few night* ago in New - rk. at the annual meeting of the N uer o! 'g : cl Society waby Dr. Wm. A. Ham mond. the übjcct being "The Brain not the Sole Organ of the mini). \\'c have, >aid the loturer, no evidence that the n.titd can cl t indt prudently of the nerr outayaltm. W here there i* no ncrvob* •y*tem there u no mind, and where lha nervous *ystctu i. injured or damaged, there is corresponding injury or derange ment of the rnind. The capacity of Daniel Webster * era-; i ium wa the largest on record, naruely— -122 cubic incite*. That of the Teutonic family, including the Kngiuh, German*, and American*, it tc inchea In the na tive Afrit an it i> Nt inches, and ui the Aus tralian ard Hottentot. To. The brain of tlie idiot seldom weighs over 21 ounce*, and in my own experience, 1 have found it often at low a* 16. Absolutely the IO mini human brain i larger than that of any other annual ex cept that of the Elephant and the whale. Relatively to the weight of the body it ve ry greatly exceeds the proportion existing in either. By the term mind I understand a force developed bv nervous action. All the manifestations ot which the mind is ca pable in its fullest development are em braced in tour groops—perception, the in tellect, the emotions, and the will; any ene of these may be exercised indepen dently of the others. Instinct ? If the entire brain be removed from a frog, the animal will continue to perform those function* which are immediately connected with the maintainancc of life. Jf the web between tlio toe* i* pinched the limb i* immediately withdrawn, if the -boulder be scratched with a needle the hind foot of the tame side is raised lo re move the instrument. If the anuiiil i* held up by one leg it struggle*. I fit i* K laced on it* back, a position to which ■ogt always object, it at once turtle* over |on its belly. If one foot i* held firmly with a pair of forceps, the frog endeavor* t<> draw it away. If unsuccessful, it place* thu other foot against the instrument and pushes convulsively in tho effort to re move it. Not succeeding, it writhe* the whole body from side to side, and always in a forward direction. All those and even more complicated motion* are performed by the decapitated alligator. Wo have frequently seen the | headless body of the rattlesnake coil iLe!f | into a threatening attitude, and when irri tated, strike its bleeding trunk against the offending body. On one occasion a team ster on Hie Western plain* decapitated one; 'of these reptiles with hi* whip, and when bending down lo examine it more careful-1 ly be was struck by it full in the forehead; So powerful was the shock to his nervous system that he fainted and remained un eoncious for several minutes A natural historian relates that a viper whoso head had been cut off determinedly moved! toward it* hole in the wall. What is Mind? Wherever thero is gray nervous tissues in action there is mind I removed the brain of large frog, and waiting a few minutes for tin- animal to recover from the 1 shock 1 pinched the left hind foot with a pair of forceps. The limb wa* at once' withdrawn. 1 pinched a little harder, and ' the aniiual struggled violently to escape, and succeeding, made several leap* of two or three feet each. I then touched the | right side of the abdomen with a glass rod ion which was a drop of vinegar. The 'right bind foot wa* at once carried lo the exact spot 1 hud touched, and wa* rubbed' energetically against the (kin. The left side was treated similarly and the rod was held in contact with the skin. It wa l pushed away by tho left hind foot. The -kin over the left shoulder wn then seized with the forceps, and tightly held. Varying the Experiment. | Efforts were made to remove the instru | menl with the left hind fool, nnd these not -uccet'ding, tlio whole body of the animal wits violently agitated, and through the struggle the hold of the forceps was h|p ;rd nod the frog made two leaps. Laid up on it* back it immediately resumed the I ordinary position on it* belly with its hind j legs drawn up. I then held the glass rod • with a drop of vinegar against the right dorsal region. "The frog tried to push the instrument away with the right hind foot, und it then made similar • tl'orts with its left hind foot, and not succeeding, it made a leap ofabout a foot, und then scratched the irritated spot with the left hind foot. Another brainless frog I placed into a tub of water, und it at once began to swim. "Theso experiment* show that the spi nal cordhas the power of perception and of volition. The newest thing iu the presidential stock line, is the entry of Hon. Win. P Kelly ef Philadelphia for the scrub of '7O on tho Radical ticket by the Potteville Miners Journal. Wo tuggest George FianeieTrain us tho Vice-Presidential nag for that team LKHBON OK RUTH'S LOVK. the Itev Dr. Nl itchell of Chicago, ul the t hurch of the Cuyenaiit, at Park-ave, and thirty fifth si. | I'lesbytoHan). lit* teat we* taken trim Both I, Pi "And Ruth mid. Retreat iite not t leave thee, or to returri from following after then, for whuh er ll.ou gcetl I wtt(go, and wliare thou hHlg.,l I will lodge; thy people shall he my people ami thy tiod my Uod." I hi* little book "f Btilli eii*i*t* of only four chapters, but it i well said that "these inclose a garden of ro*e* as fragrant and as full of mystic dower* as those which the modern traveler still finds blooming and twilling about the solitary ruins of !*- tael and M.>ah (hi* side the Jordori and h<-1 mid I tie *t iry i* not one of public , aff air* or of man'* heroism. A woman the young widow, Kulh is the central fl<> lire, and it is the story ol her which casts such a vail of lenderne** and beauty over all the narrative. The incidents aro very few and quite familiar. Tho love of Ruth IS the lesson and the charm of the book. It was not a romantic, but an aim oat rever ential lose, and yet Its language of tender new and ot fervid affection might well tsv borrowed by romance in it* inu*t glowing hours , it w*a* love of the purest, most un selfish, and eitinordfnary kind, But w lulu Butt* ii rigntly viewed aslha central figure of the scene, il would be very unjust and strange if we should for get Naomi, the one who called forth such mve, who, theugh of another race and re ligmn, with nething of youth or opulence or b-wuty for her aid, and occupying tuch position in the household and whose diffi cully ha been proverbial from tbe day* ol IHulrach, and even from day* tuore an cient still, until now, who uotwithilaiiding all thrso disadvantages, could draw to herself from both her heathen daughters in-law such warm affection*, and front one such a deathless love Bulb the loving we may well admire; but therefore all the ■Mora we are led to lutu and look upon Na- 1 omi, tho olio so b -loved. Kveti Urpab was almost persuaded to follow this belov ed mother to the people and to the Hod of Israel, and Bulb was wholly won. Hutb learned faith in Hod through love to Nao mi. Her faith was gaihod by the path •avof a human love Kulh was won of l'lgah kindred and from all the foul abominations of Moab * foul idolatry, won to piety and to the more steadfast trust in Naomi's (iod, by love for Xoami Life is the greater power In our world Words are light, kvro religious word* trowi pen to pulpit, or from paront* are fell to be easy things Men are tfot to he, converted by the ledgerdemain of words, | of eloquent words, but by the welcome in fluences of live*, and must of all, by the live* where loveliness is felt at botne Some who seek lor usefulness look too far. I They look for religious duties. The acts rd (iod of Israel, un der whose sisgi thou art come te trust " I hi# is only the prelude of David's re* joiting to aim, "How excellent i* Thy lov ing kindness, oh Lord, therefore the chil dren ot nun t'tjt their |rut under tbe *ha do* of Thy wings." Let no one embrace the Hsvior or think j of serving Him eic. tst with the whole hcartedties* of Kulh. She had forsaken ail and put her trust in Hod. She would net luin back even at Naomi's w or iff "(so. return to thy mother's house "I " \ ou may find of you in the house of a hu-band." There could' be no rest for Kuth in idolatrous Moab. and she desired no husband from the youth who knew not Naomi's <>,!. the Uod of Israel. What an eaample to all young persons in her unchangeable devo-j lion. Let no hopes of improving your temporal condition, either in marriage or, in any other way draw you aside from If ui Kenoutv e all for <*••%). and count alt things but loti fur the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jeu*. your L-rd If others turn from the Lord anJ go bsck lo the world, do not you follow them.' Kxrn though they be your near relatives, with uh >tn you have been bound in clos est tics, let them net prevail. Be faithful to your Uod ; this will bring you peace at tbe last "llewrken, O daughter, and in rlihe thins ear; forget also thine own peo ple and thy father's bouse; so will the King greatly desire thy beauty, for ]|e is thv *.orJ, and worship thou ll>us." The kingdom of heaven is 'The pearl of great price." Happy Kuth, who was willing l part with all she had to gain that priceless pearl. lit ndijuartt it for Hoot* and Shot* ! r o w E H s' BOOT ANO SHOE STORE, Opposite Bush House, BELLBFOXTK, PA. Power*' Boot A Shoo Store is the largest and best stocked establishment in Centre County. He keep* constantly on hand a full line of BU OTN 4 X 1> S H O E K. He it just opening the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to ltellcfonic. / ) B Z 3 M 0 2 3 , for ladies, kept constantly on hand. Boots and Shoe* for men and women, of all styles, quality and price*, from the j mot costly to the cheapest, constantly I kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION! either in quality or price*. Call and examine his new stock of Spriug and ( Summer Goods, and you will find it to your advantage. Apr'Jlly. r IV W|UK). T. A. KICK*. H ft. Micu. WILSON & HICKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARD WARE DEALERS. IRON.PAINTS.OILS, GLASS,AC Builders Hardware COACII MAKER'S GOODS. CA BIN KT M A KERB STOCK Stoves of All Kinds. CHILDREN'S BUGGIES, WAGGONS, CARTS. &C. WILSON A HICKS. iivllefonle. PH. NOTICE —Wo will sell to responsible men on three month* credit. Will take off 6 per cent for rah which is equal to 20 per com iirr annum. It will pay the pur chaser to borrow Ht 10 from other parties, if he can * live in buying from u*. In this way wu can turn our money and sell low cr. Mar 18 11. M auled lo Kell The Political, Personal, and Properly Rights a Citizen, Of thr United Staff*— How to rxtrcite and how to preserre them, liy Theophilu* Parson*. LL J). Containing a commentary on the Fed eral and State Constitutions, giving their history and origin, und a full explanation of their principle*, purpose* and provis ion* ; the power* nud duties of Public Offi cers j tho right* of the people, and the obligations incurred in every relation of life ; also, parliamentary rules for deliber-; ntivu bodies, and full direction* and legal form* for all bu*ines* transactions, a* making Willi, Deed*, -Mortgage*, Leases.; Notes, Draft , Contracts, etc. A Law Library in a single volume. It meets the j wants of all classes and sells to every-' hod v. I 1 JONEU BROTHERS & CO., J Jdmayot, Phil*. Fa, " ' UKINIMUM. A ' Mt'HXKK Established, 1843. M I L Ll I KIM MARBLE WORKS HI DEININGER & MUSSER. The old, reliable place, where Monuments, Couches, Headstones, and other marble [work la made, in the very best style, and upon reasonable terms, tw Thankful for j><\4 /unors, wr re-\ ijjectirrly lulicil the patronage of thr public, Sh"p. Kift of Bridge, Mtllbeim, l'a. | Apr. B. y AOEVTI WAVTED far tha CENTENNIAL QA22-fT£2B s.niJSVti.. A book for every American. Sells eve ry where alsight. Farmers, Teachers, Btu* Jenu Lawyer., Merchants, tiebool Direc ■ U>r, Mtuuls. turers. Mechanics. Shippers, Salestneu, men of learning, and tuen who can only read, old and young, all want it for everyday reference anil use. Shows the grand results ol the First 100 Years t '£ Republic. Everybody buys il, and Agenta make from $1(10 tu JiKJk ri*t nib. Send fur elf cular Address. J U MoCUHDY A CO., rovliiherft. Philadelpliia. l'a.; Cincinnati, Ohio.; Chi cago. 111 ;or St Louis. Mo. Apr . 41 j Ho! for Sassmans!! Just opened in hit pew tjuarter* in 1 Hush's Art edc A LAKHK NTOCK OF Trunks, Valices. All kinds OT L&uiW & finding! j Shoe makers call anrl tee SbS&MAfr for cheap ttock. BUYS AND SELLS CLOVER AND TIMOTHY NEED. i d#e * tf ' CENTRE HALL FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS ♦ • Tile undersigned having taken posse*- , ion of tfae above establishment, roapect iully inform lha public that Ibe aawe will be carried on by litem in all iu branches at heretofore. They manufacture the CELEBRATED TRUE BLI'K CORN PLANTER, the beat near made. UoJtBK POWERS. THKSHINU MA CHINKS A HIAKKRK, PLOWS. STOVES. OVEN in .oils. KETTLE PLATES, CELLAR GRATES, PLOW s 11 K ARS A MILL GK AttINO of eve 'ry description, In *hort their Foundry ial ' complete in every particular. We ould call particular attention to our EXCELSIOR PLOW arknowl* 'edged to be the bet Plow now in uac, ■hiltinjt in the beam for two or three bor {MS. We alao manufacture a new and improv ed TRIPLE OEAUED HORSE POW ER, which haa been u-cd extensively in the northern and wtQiT, Stale a, ana ha* taken precedence aver all other*. We are prepared t> do all KINDS OF iCASTIV* thn lorfo-t to the atnall !eat. and hare (in'iiitiw fur doing all kind* of IRoN WoRK >uclt a* PLANING, ITV RHINO, BORING. Ac. AH k'nd* of repairing done on korl no- I tice VAN PELT A SROOP, jan2l-lv Centre Hail. BEATTY NU OTHER PIANO FORTH ha. attain •4 tho aotue popularity. V*-S?uvl sump I for Circular. D. f BE.VTi Y, W*hing- U>o, Sew Jersey. C ENT R E HALL COACII SHOP, 7 i MA I MURRAY. hI hi* csUblishment at Centre Hall, keep* un hand, and lor air. at the most rea*ona-| Me rate*. Carriages, Buggies, &. Spring Wagons, Pi.ArnAKD FANCY. and vehicle* of every description made U>; order, and warranted to be made of the bo*( seasoned material, and by the most skilled and couipctont workmen. Person* wanting anything in hi* line are requeued to call and examine hi* work, they will find it not to be excelled (or durability and l wear. may Btf. lIAI MI'RRAY* NtITAHY PI'BLIC, SCKIBSBK AND CONVEYANCER. CENT K K II A L L. P A. Will attend to administering Oath*. Ac knowleigcinent of ISeod*. Ac, writing Ar liclesof Agreement. Deeds. Ac, mavli II FATTY 1 ryy " Ct>M HI S ESEVERY IMPROVES!EST KNOWS. V-suSend stanip fbrCircu-' lar. Address D. F. BEATTY, Waah ington. K. J. C. T. AI.KX axukh. C M. BOWK** A LEX AN PER A BOWERS, Attor _i\.ney at-Law. Bollefonle, Pa. Special ntlention given to Collection*, ana Or phans' Court practice. May he consulted in German and English. Office in Ger man's Ruildinir. mt 'JR'Tt-l. BEATTY 1 WEIGHS WHEN BOXED OVER ONE THOUSAND POUNDS. Liberal term.- I to dealer*. 'Vsu-S.'ud slump for Circular. Address I) F BEATTY. Washington X .1 1 jy.t A J. ORNDORF. DENTIST. I* still located at Pine Grove Mill* atid j it now prepared to travel lo the home* ol patient* at a distance and render any de sired servico in hi* line, in the best man ner, of best quality and at reasonable 1 rale*. Insertion of new denture* uiad* a j specialty. Teeth extracted without paiu : 21 jan 74 BEATTY&PLOTTS A PLOTTS' Celebrated Golden Tongue PARLOR ORGANS are ranked by eminent musicians and dis tinguished men of honor throughout the world us tlio lending PARLOR ORGANS now in use. An excelont Organ for the Church, Hall, Lodge, Sabbath school, a* well a* the par lor. N. ll.—Special rate* in this case, as an advertisement. An offer . Where we have no agents we w ill allow any one the agent'* discount in order to have this wonderful musical pro ducing instrument Introduced. No other Parlor Organ has attained to the same popularity. Send stamj* for price list and a list ol testimonials. Address : BEATTY A I'LOTTS, Washington, Warren County, N.J. J. B. SHAFEH, Undertaker. The undersigned beg* leave to inform hi* patron* and the public generally that he is now prepared to make Coffins and respectfully solicits a share of their patron age. Funerals attended with a neat hearse. J. B SIiAFER, fib 11 tf MhUisb'nblpf. mfATTY piano! Jill I L TWa .plandid Pl ano Forte eumbtMi i very improvement in tone with power Ut>4 grem durability, and has received the unqualified endorsement* of tha blgh "•t Mu.ical authorities fur it* Marvellous ■ xlraor.ltnsry richness of Ton*, having NO SUPERIOR IN THK WoKLU. Large siite, "i Octaves, overstrung Hans, full Iron Frame, French Grand action. Frit Desk, Carved Pedal. Solid Rosewood Mouldings, Jv.uy Key Front, Capped Hammers, a Graflo Treble. A. . Ac , At. Weight when boxed over One Thousand Pound* Liberal discount to the trade. Agnus Wanted (male or female.) A* Send stamp for Circular. Addtem the Inventor ami Proprietor,DANlEL P. RKATTY. Waihfnxton, New Jersey. C. PECK'S New Coach Manufactory. CENTRE HALL, PA. The undersigned ha* opened a new es tablishment, at hit new shop*, for the inanufactute of Carriages, . Buggies, dc Spring Wagons,, Buttons AMD Blki>*. Pt-ars avd Fascy of every description , Ail vehicle* manufactured by himj are warranted to render satisfaction, and a* equal to any work done ®Uwhere. lie um> sun* but the best material,! and employ* the mod skillful workmen. Heme they flatter themselves that their j work cen not be excelled for durability; and finish. Orders from a distance promptly attend-1 ed to. Come nod .examine my work before! contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASON ABLE, Ail kind*of Itoparing done. | _ ~ F.W GOODS AND NEW PRICES ! | HIGH RATES RUBBED OUTI floods at Old Fashioned Prices, At the Old Stand of UN. WOLF. Would respectfully inform the World and! the rest of mankind, that he has -pered out and I* constantly receiving a large stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS which he is offering *t the very lowest j market price. DRY GOODS and Prints. Muslins, Opera Canton*, and WoH! Flannels. Ladies Dress Goods, such a* ! Detains, Alpacas, Poplins, Empress Cloth, 1 | Sateens, Tnmetse, together with a full] • lock of everytiiiug usuplly kept in the: Day Good* line. which be has determined to sell vety! cheap, consisting of NOTIONS: A full *U k, consisting part of Ladies andj Children's Merino Hose, Collars, Kid! glove*, best quality silk and Liie thread 1 Gloves. Hnods, Nubies, Breakfast shawls,J HATS & ( APS. A full assortment oi . Men's Boy's and Children's o( the latest style and best. CLOTHING, Ready made, a choice selection of Men's j and Boy'go! the newest styles and most! serviceable materials. BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF "CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGEB A new. complete Hardware Store has j been opened by the undersigned in Cen 'tre Haft, where be is prepared to sell all kinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nails, Ac. j Circularised Hand Jsaws, Teneon Saws, WvbbSaw*, Clothes Racks, a full assort ment of Gias* and Mirror Plate Picture Fn rates, Spoke*. Felloes, and Hubs, table ' Cutlery, Shovel*. Spade* ami Forks, s Locks, ilu.gr.. Screws, Sash Springs. Horsa-Sboea, Nails, Norway Rod*. _Oil, Tea Bell*, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Yarn isbns. Pictures framed in tho finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. ©•-Remember, all od offered cheap er than elsewhere augs'7Stf iTheGranger Store! Something New! CASH AND PRODUCE FOR CHEAP GOODS. ! SHORT I'ftKDIT Jc SHORT PROFITS. ISBEAiGBENOBLi; Spring Mill* hat established a tlore to >uil 1 the times, and has a complete stock of ! DKT GOODS. NOTION'S, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, QURENSWARK HATS, CAPS. BOOTS A SHOES, FISH, SALT. CIGARS. TOBACCO, DRUGS, SPICES, OILS, In short a lull line of EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICKS THAN KLSKWHKRE 'COMK AND JUDGE FOR YOUR SELVES. j 6fcb. y. j IJJ EW HARDWARE STOIiE. J. & J. HARRIS. No. 6. BROCKERHOFF ROW A new and .complete Ha.xlware Store ha* l>een opened by the undersigned in BrockerholTs new building—where they are t>repared to roll all Kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Natl*. Buggy wheel* In aett*, Champion Clothe* Wringer, Mill Saw*. Circular and Hand Saw*. Tennon Saw*. Webb Saw*, Ice Cream Freexer*, Bath Tub*. Clothe* Racks, a full assortment of Glass and M irror Plate ol all sices, Picture Frames, Wheelbarrow*. Lamps, Coal Oil Lamps, Belting, Spikes, helloes, and Hubs, Plow*. Cultivators, Corn Plow* Plow Point*. Shear Mold Boards and Cultiva tor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovel*. Spade* and Forks, Locks. Hinge*. Screw*. Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rod*. Oil*, Lard, Lubricating Coal, Linseed. Tanner*, Anvils, Vice*, Bellows. Screw Plate*, Blacksmith* Tools, Faetorv Belli, Tea Belli, Grindstone*. Carpenter Took, Fruit Jars Hnd Cans, Paint, Oik, Varnishes received and for sale at )unf> J. Js J. HARRIS. BE ATT Y PIANO AGENTS WANTED! (Male or Fe male.) to take order*. D- F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. C. K. SHKItHIFK. J.K. MILLKB Keystone Patern & Model Works, J. F. MILLER A CO. PATENT OFFICE & EXPERIMEN TAL MODELS OF IRON, WOOD OR BRASS, MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. 67 Water Street, and 80 First Avenue, PITTSBURGH. Office with J. B. Sherriff & Son, Works, 3d Floor, lapr.y. JQR.S.G. GUTELIUB, ~ Dentist, Millheim. Offers hi* profesaional service* to the I public. He is prepared to perform nil operations in the dental profession. JW-He is now fully prepared to extract teeth absolutely without pain. rn.vß-73-tf. RKATTY riAso ia,Send stamp to• full information, Price L st. Ac., Ac. P F. BEATTY, ' Washing**®, N. J. IOK FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS Oo to I. Guggenheimer. FOR FOREIGN A DOMEMJC I>ltl 00(108, NOTION*, READY MADECJLOTHIA'C. DREHROOOIiR, OttOCKRIKB, FitOVlaiONM, &OOTB A HH Ottt, tiATri, CAP*}, DUUiftik r.ULLz . CLOTHINCJ. OIL CLO? life AND FANCY AKTICI.h* IQUEENhWARE, GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS, FLOI'K, Ac audia uow prepared to accomodate • i hi* old customers, mud to welcome ail new once who may fa?or him with their patronage. He feela aafe in *aj iog that he can pieaae the moat fattidL oua Call and aee. ISAAC CUGGENHEIMKR. P. B.— Mr. gunmen still continue* to deal in LEATUEX AND SHOE-FINDINGS, CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS, in tiie old room, where he may alway be found. 12ep.tf. f pi! k undersigned, determined to meet X the popular demand for Lower Price*. respectfully galH the attention of < the public to hit slock of SADDLERY, r.uw offered' at the old stand, Designed especially for the people and tha times, the I l * r aat end moot varied and complete torunent of I Saddles, Harneea, Collar*, Bridle*, of every desertion and quality ; Whip*, I and In Sect everything in complete * £ no class csublsshm. Nt, he new offer* at price* which will atiit toe time* | JACOB DINGER. Cer.tielj.il Stoves! Fire! Stov's! At Andy lie*man'a. Outre llall,ai latest and be*t clove* out, be ha* jai received a large lot of Cook Stovee, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipee Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS—The Radiant Light. wßftr der, Ga* Burner, National Eg* Jewell, Ac. a%.Hesell* tUtrm a* LOW a* say when in Minim or Centre co. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE WTOYE PIPE A NPOVTIXU All kind* of repatrtng done. He ha jalwaykonhand Fruit Can*, ofuJJSiiee, BCCKETB, CUI^S, DIPPERS. DISBKS.4C. All work warranted end charger reason •hie. A chare of the publie patronage licited. AND. REKSMAN. •Jtet'TOv Centre Hal' FURNITURE. JOHN BRFCKIBILL, . in hi* elegant New Room*, Spring street, Bellefonte. Ha* on hand a splendid assortment ot / ! HOUSE FCKNITI RE from the com monest to the most elegant. 1 CH A M BER SETS, PA RLOR SETS. SOFAS. CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS. WOOL MATTRESSES HAIR MAT TRESSES, 1 and anything wanted in the line of hi* I business—homemade and city work. Al so, has made n speciality end keep* oa ! hand, the Urgent and fined stock of WALL PAPER. 1 Good* sold at reasonable rates, wholesale and retail. Give him a call before pur charing elsewhere. feb6-ly J. ZELLER& SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoff Row, Bellefoote.Pa Dealers in Drnga, Plimlrals, Perhtnerj, Fnnr-y Goml* Ar„ Ac. Pure Wines and Liquors for medica purpose* always kept. may >l. 72. Furniture Rooms! fIZR A KKi n RIM.. respectfully informs the citizen* of CVatrw I county, that ha has bought oat the old UundofJ.O. Deininger. and ha* toduced the price*. They have constantly oa hand, and make to order llfi BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS. WASHSTANDS. CORNER CUPBOARDS, 1 TABLES, Ac., Ae. > | Ho MADE CBAIES ALWAY* ox HAXP. i Their stock of ready-made Furniture is large and warranted of good workmanship and is all made under their own immedi ate supervision, and is offered at rates - 1 cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 26 feb. )y. Gift & Flory's New Shoe Store ! < AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and will constant ly keep on hand, a splendid stock of new SHOES, GAITERS. & SLIPPERS, for I men, women and children, from the be*t I manufactories in the country, and now of- I fered at the Lowest Prices* BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon short notice. They invite the people o. this vicinity to give them a call, as tbev will strive to merit a share of their pat" I ronage. mvlOtf D. M. KITTKN HOUSE, WITH KOOXS, SdlM ARZ * CO. WHOLKUAUC UKALUUI IX Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue, 137 North Water Street, PntLADILPHIA. K. A. Kooki, Q SCIWAU J. SCHWAB intrlly. MANH O O D : llow Lot, How Restored! JfiftCKSS'Skj V w •£&!•• of TR. CULVER. WEIX'B f RI.KHKATKU KBBAY on the radical eure iwtthout medicinal of Kjpermatorrhdea or S.uunal < Wceinea. IliohlUq Seminal LMM, ImpoSenry. Phyute*l Incapacity, Impediment* to Mar ''•••if 4 *.: aho," oaaamptiao, Epilepsy and Flu, in doeed by Mif indulgence or Miual extravasance. Ac. " Pnoe, la a scaled en vlelope, only u cents. Vbr ralabratad author. la this adtuirabln Essay, clearly demonstrates. from a thirty yaafa' sneeeaaful practice, that the alariutaa consequences of-eelf-abuse J may l>e radicall; cured without the dinrrnnu uae of , gfl internal medicine or the appMeaUon of the knife; pointing oat a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual,by saeana of which erory sufferer. no matter a bat bia condition may be. may care blmaelf cheaply, privately, and radically. AH |MP-Tbia Lecture ahuuld be ia the hands of every youth and every man In the land. I Kent under reel, in a plain envelope to any address, post-paid, on receipt of ata cents or to poet stami s Address the Publishers, _ d CHAN. J. C. KLINE A CO. UT Bioadway, Sew York; Post OBce Bex. 4*. II July. _______ BEITTY ——— ENDORSED BY THE HIGHEST MU SICAL authorities throughout the world as THE BEST D. F. BEATTY, Propri etor, Washington, N. .T_ T L SPANGLEB. Attorney-at Luw V, . „ Bellefonte, Pa. Office with * 9 Bush A l ocum. Consultation in English and German. Colloctions promptly attend ed to. feU-tf A l ILLKB'b HOTEL. Woodward P ff I ifJL Stxffw grrlrt atrd depart dally