IMK (ENTEEREPORTER. THVRMDATM.VY 1* LB*. locaTLTlTknis^ Orfffrinmi* win'obMc bv item%u> Wai ww. in llu,ir ..r , , y hV,u ii< U -th fact* xmi v, and xve w."S '. crouati..!! 1k...!.. f.V To' forßKWi*noi. nlo. A Y. Reporter. re-id ; n ,. anUidc of Centre county. should e mil uCIO cent*. yon**. wo will ry ''7 > ,V "' rv>hu, T ' Vom t to one half. ** the '' V sl ' l l> > a,m 1 one year* postage was 'A I ft*- lrof. llnvr was unanimously to elect 0 l Co Sup't in Clinton county. Ft. m the number ot drunk* that are rojioried from various quarter* of bite, >t would appear that the n* xx license l.iw i* grand * The l.ook Haven Republican u -ak * the following cruel pn-* at tie I"T '' UcUofonte. "A nuaabnr of chtriUble people in R ■ fonte sent frozen potatoes to the Min<-ru.g people of Kansas The Corner-stone of the t. 1 •'>' church, at Centre Hall. will iau ' > next Sabbath, loth Mtts Lucy IVininger * .ins: - • turned front the city, with the ate-: >.xl of benhets, hats, trimming*, *c, which 1 die* will do well to go end see before thev Are all o J. Here is en item to which we diro. t the attention of John H Keller, \\ n L Mingle, n.l Irxiix Leech, who think '.bey j *re "some" on wrestling an.l eemettme undertke to throw much bigger folks thatx ihmu>lvea Hero is chance tor then to make some Ramps *'J i l r * .M Laughlin, * the item *h us M J 11. McLaughlin of Detroit will wrestle any ir,AH living for from $3. to $10,0*4 and the championship of the world. The Ma jor Will UU or Rive expense-. to wrestle in this country or England. He profi r to wrestle with John Graham or U.cUro, ctnapnof England. The Aisj. McLaUghon BOW in London, England, giving exbibi tion* in Indian club swinging and An ■..•rt can ttyW of wrestling, and who claim* to t title ot champion arc->tlcr of I :| C 1 r- iita*, '.sue: the gTvftt Atuer *i. Wt**l!er of t'mtnauio. —I-SR T SCHOOL. A* wi !be en y, an Advertisement in another column, H -elect school will be opened at Oantra'i Halt, on June 7. Prof. KrNe, the Princi- j pa', is a graduate of ft ah;ngt. a C - Lege J at Canuonsburg. aud a lueceoful teacher of some twelre years experience, and 4Vr . the last four years has had charge of the ] high-school at Johnstown, Pa. Students' from a distance will find excellent accom modations here, as boarding can be had at | from AO to $3 per week. Tho beauty of, our location and its case ol access present ' additional inducements for tnalo nad t- - | male students to come to Centre Ila.l. J. O Deiningcr has just unpacked art H; of new hardware. in- is ouiarg ing his sk-ro. You can now lird aluo-st anytliiag vat: want from what is needed '.O build a huii-e down to baby carriages .Vltehacies will find what tfcey nc.J. Yony sells cheap, remember that The new license law provides that a Luibtsd, wife, parent, chilJ, guardian or employee of any drunkard may muifv any pe-son, in writing, not to sell such drunk ard iutoxicaliog drink; it such notice not c.>mplied with, the person giving the notice may recover from the one seeing, duniagcs not less than SSO nor UI.TO than ssti), a> many be assessed by the court or judge, as damages ; a married woman may sue fir such dainsges for her own separate u.-e; if cither party should die the action may continue without limit as to damn* gcs. Barnuiu's Big Show —or more prop- ! crly Great World ! Fair—will be at Belle- j fi-iito next Monday. This is the greate.-t I and moat costly affair of the kind that ev er a cat through the country, and from all j i*rters, where it has exfcioitcd the ten. of thousands of people who have gone to see it, express their wonder tad aJu::ra- ( ti.n over this great enterprise of the in iinitable Barnum, and the press speak in glowing terms of the grent ucce 4 s with which it meets everywhere. Barnum nev er fends out anything that is net worth ( feeing, llis show thif year goes far ahead of all his previous great show*, and nevli- j lig in ancient or modern tim&s ever equalled it. A destructive conflagration visited j Miletberg, c.n Wednasuay afternoon. 5, about 4 o'clocK. The fire broke out in the . foundry of the Mi!e*burg machine -hops burning foundry, machine shops, grist mili j and wagon shop*. The fire department ol j B. llefonte, two n.iles distant, was tele , graphed for about fifteen minutes ps-t fuur | o'clock, and reached in time to render j soma ier* ice, but too lato to save any of the burning building-; but they -a< ced ed in saving the covered bridge cro--ing the Bald Eagle creek. Several dwelling houses caught, but were saved. Probable los, $40,000 ;no insurance. The proper ty burned belonged t" Mr Joseph Green. Joseph Green's loss is about $25,000 with no insurance ; AY in. Kerlin, lessee of the mil), lon s, in grain, about SI2,UJ, and no insurance. John Loncberger's loss, in foundry SIOOO, with no insurance. Bul lock A Son, blacksmiths, ]o.-s SIH state, and every member of the firm a per fect gentleman and ready to sell yougoodi at the lowest figures. Try them—;heii store alone U worth a trip to Beilefonte tc see it. coinc across a mnn who will refuse a good office, and prefer to ferve his fellow met in tho pursuit of his legitimate business, Washington refused H third term ; Ciaj said he would rather be right than b< president; and now {hp Lieutenant Gov ernor ship is declined by Mr. Becliler, o Beilefonte. —The tender of this honorubh position has been made by his thou* ands ol customers because he has earnei it on account of his selling the finest, best nnd cheapest groceries, and thus has prov en a great blessing to the community. Bu Mr. Sechler respectfully declines th honor of being Ligut. Governor; he pre fers the private station where he can do hi fellow men most good, and he reason thus: if elected Lieut. Governor, who wil sell cheap groceries ? there will be an em to that antl the people would have to sul fer. He is right—the Li' ut. Governors).i sinks into insignificance when brought int comparison with Sechler & Cc's rliea| Grocery business STORK FOR SALK.—The store of £ S. Wolf, dee'd, in Centre Hall, is ofl'cre for sale on very reasonable terms. Tb *tand is one of tiie best in the valley, an off-rs an excellent oppert unity to any pai ties wishing to go into business. PETER HOFFEB, F.b 4, iiR3. C E. WOLF, Ada 1 1 Did you he.ii from the pit e , eh ' WO.IM >LI* M ii-.lin with I rain. [1 —Several M#Matkntwnsitt will V® 1 found in the lot. i" candidal'. ; Slinrliidg A Co off. i i.,cr..o.r grain. ; la\ P\ o:.-, li id the n . e f Ap peals in another column **—MefelwwuofOnwtre couct.v are in tere!.'d in tho column . (i. |>-,iblilnH! elsewhere h\ Mr. K 1 1 Noil, M ~uti'. App si-, r t r C.'i tr. . :v L.-t Sunday was tl >r t warm summer-like day t this i-on ;lia tlu-r --m.'meter standing up in thrfifF* Monday evening wo had a ihuud. r K l '*!- SCXH.IMI IT:; T -re will I' an other -polling bee ill the school house, at Centre Hull, 01. Friday cx iiin,;. 14;h All are invil.-d to attend nod puruoipate in lh' e\rcise. Admission ires- Prune r A C HelN i to. pot up spouting at 13 )u : \e>s>t, and take all k:tuis iU e, untry pro.lue in t-v- i ietigo f tin-ware, -X t>n iii-l ALuidiiv, T. ti. Mingle *nei T. 11 Hhole. two ei.te , n- young men fr. in A . i sbutg. p.'i >d '.i r- o. h hero ou their way to lilii .- to M- k thoir lot.un. - ;in tin ft t. M .>• their shadows never (grow le-s an el Ihvir Ja> bo hug in the land. John McDonald, a native of Brown township, MiflltnC ', returned 1 -un b tiska to lUsJn ills, last wo- k, having ' vvalko-i the whe>le ii-t .lie-e-. Having walked tililt elistaiwo „CCe-!l:ily bo should now try a run fot off -e. -iX nirex lUii i< i.av g v." row | 1 meat* g--ir mi this sprit g iban at any I time before. W. rk i- r.ow g-> : g tuuitid* new brick cburehes msd four or t'.vo tie Us-•. | ! and e-n new water-work*. - - The people on the w. >t of Mam t:. t tuould buileihoard wi:..k- 1 :n-y e*u aff >rd it, ail oi them-it i* uot creditable lei alls w the front of their puuu.-> - to be turned i. : luudhed- wit . every little rain. I The embtj • gru shopper i having a herd time In Mitnn -. :,i The >t -re win ter hai t'roxen UP the myriads ol egg l'd | last iuiniuer and the power to gefminute Ilia- hei-n A- Mr-. St-'We make- cue (ot her negro character* -*y, "It's an lilj \vJ that blow- nowbar.' > CORKER STOKE LAYING 1 s:, r snxne of the now Ev. Luth. Church, M i . Centre Hall, will tc laid on Sunday, May j j 'O. ibe cere won ir will be eonductcd by j Rev, Miller, Harts.-ek and Lilly. All j |Ci;r:*tian p<-dtol IwuemJ. To FXBMKK- —Bei'c. -n'.c. Pa . May ' I HCh, 1-75 We arc n<>w paying the loi 'lo ving prices, in cash on delivery, lorl ! go-.J wheat, well cleaned, delivered in the j I Thomas ware b>xu>e, v.*: JUd wheat' j i3ilo fx rlu White wheak $1,15 per Im.. Shelled Corn, 65 c?s. Oats GOvt*. 1\ *.a j low, good, ci>. ft'.'i utintic t-soil the [Cayi: * P' -t r, ' .r. !, nt $9 60 • ier ton of 200.4 pound' : and are selling t more this-en on than ever b- :'.>re. Far j mers whix have tried it ,peak highly x'f it. 1 SHOUT: II R A CO j -izes, has just been rei-eived at DoiuingeFs hardware store. We have examined them : and find them N > 1 Chrowi s which are Mkd in the city at $5 retail w tiich Deininger actually offers at to $2,25 .'perfect i imitation* of oil painting*. These elegant, ; pictures embrace a variety of übjeot* toj suit all iat. He has a large M ck of a'.i ! styles and size* f Iran;, at equally low figures Why not ernbe! ih your homes ( ■ when yon can get an cm a Wont at these' ■ figures? Hi. profit- are low, and his pir tures fully worth the money. Go and sec ' 1 hi* stock—prices from 250 upward*. j P. T. BARM M S GRKA'I TRAVEL-! I.YG WORLDS FAIR AT BELi.K FO.VTE i The u o*l uolab.e event in t::e amuse-1 , ment annul* of Beliefont" will he the first' I vi-tt of P. T. Ilr.rr.urn's gig.ittic c. mbina :th n cf diverse exhib.fic:-, xxhictl i to ! j pitch it ; U-cming acre* of tents ot. I Monday rext. So much ha* already been j -aid and admitted regardi: g the ; re-em- ! incnt superiority, *i*e and extraordinary character of this veritable Traveling j World'* Fair, ami s > thoroughly and in [ teliigently bn printer * ink been utilized to notify everybody of its oorning. that i itllctnedbe editorially added to insure i the large t C 'ngregati"n of people ex*er ' Unownin this rectioir The avalanche of ooti-currxnt testimony u- to the indcscrib ille proportions and altraotitenc-s of. 1 Bar; uni * cr xvning at hieveraent iatiiii-l ply irresistible and that it presents maty |timrs more of everything worth seeing than r. aa ever before collected in a travel ing c-xbibhiv; , is equally well known. And - j it is no wonder that with it- innu-. mernbie features of instruction and • xtnu-cment, and it* host of such -uperhareniccelebrities.., MatUnhoLaw -1, the marvelous Brazilian < ne. four land - ven horse bareback rider; Mm*. E.i.ix I> cknll, the more than beautiful in ' carnation of the Amazonian fafcie ; Tony jti e chi d i.-ro; Nnthalio, the ver?tble, i athlete ; the Leslie Brtthers, champion ' gyinii..-:.' fAuir:r:i; Luke River*, the equc-trian Burton ; and Wm 11. Porter, : the siiver-tongusd "Fool," it everywhere finds it* vast accommodations thoroughly 1 tested by countlt" * throngs <-f eager spec-! i tutors GYPiON CHAMPION WASHER . j Thi* eel bn.tcd w,.-hing inachir.eis find ing rapid salo wherever it ha* been intro duc4, a* it ha* proven itself the best ma chine ye* invented. It works easily, ! doss its -.x rk thoroughly at 1 well, and in ! eo abort a time a-to commend itself to ev ery housekeeper. \V.* off.-r $2" reward ' f r any conscientious woman xvho will tes -Itify that this machine wili not viork irr a j I Satisfactory manner. 1 The following citizen*, of this county, ': having purchased this u ucliii. , will t -ti -1 | fy to its superior nn'ritr : Dan'i Tre-hcr, 1 Jno. R ■■*. (ieo. Hus*, ' Jerry Tresher, . Rev. Groh, , Dr. Wood-, . Mr. Curvin, Win. McFarlane, , Andrew Korrnun, ' Wm. Shoop. j Dn'l Keller, . Isnnc Struok, " ! Sam'! <'rotzt■ Henry Witmcr, David bhcarto", Wm Rodger*. , .incot' RiUier, Philip Shook, John L. >ig, Nt all Stover, ' I>r. Hilihush, Dati'l Shafer, t Andre x Other, 1 Rohan Grim, Franklin Miller, ; S. Grnmtey, ' J ftnchane, Geo. fioyar, I Cba. Bearly, Jno. Il< -!erinan, c Jacob Royer, i-rew! Weber, . Jacob Trtsilcr, Miebnd ification- can be seen at the M. E. Par? >r. be age, anl any information by addros-in, id the Pasbir, Rev. 11. C. Glhrnitli, Th r- r glit it reserved to reject any or all bids f 11. C OALBRAITH, 1 Bliidine Com. J J. G. LARIMORE, .'Albjia. iil.P, W£4Vm M i ii' \\: H i \ ITU VC KM KM HRI.I I NNTI '!•• *"t *• S . "... reV Co 13 I* AO hiioU 14 < " WW W.-llir H " 11 11-in. in A l o U H> i Iturnside A I n.>mi- !•' ;? I-1 o tiugg. nhetnier "l '• 11 Flt -rtlov u ' r \\ V Twitmiie ' j v SstMßtan •* 1 II \ . .v.n -v Sou Vi 'i; 11 1 ' le All kill ' 1 ' • 1 K I'.ut. | 7 John ttroehbtll " j K Graham 41 Si h - " • \ lit,. .. ii,. : ACo i> w m H Well a Bon 14 7 IKd wnrel Brown .. ........ H • o.' ,\ ! ell K .ul ... '4 . • • I. . 14 7 :• f. W M.lier n 7 ... 1> W \\ -Jring A C • 14 7 |j II Sands '4 "Jo .1 f William- 14 . .3 Mi. h:,. l Hirrx 14 7 75 W , .it A Hie as V -5 75 II O 11. il 11 ' II O 11. iter - 7 4' 7;. .i we . 1* 10 .8 Lyon A Co. 1" ** 75 Frank l* Blair., 14 • o> II Y Siiu r 14 7 To JA J Harrl* II 2 I. . A Sou II W 7' John Montgomery. 14 _• o-< C F MotitMuntvry 14 77 > 1.-'.iU M*V A l.tiMU.... . It' .re 14 7 75 KCChe-eman 14 7 To Welch 14 7 75 i theo l. re H.m hn. r 14 7 .5 f#< Rtcl trd II 7 T5 J 1" Zimmerman 14 . .5 S A C Mo r. 14 7 75 lioffar k K.iin" - 14 7 7o IJ. till 1> L. h Id IB 75 St. flint go ACo 13 IB 75 J It A CT Alexander 13 Id To ; John Power* 14 7 75 ' M Uunkle.,,.. 14 7 ,5 1-aae- ltw II 14 . .5 ! Harper Br. . 10 20 75 Mrs H D Yeagar 14 7 75 Hoggs Township. JJ Luca- 14 7 75 Charles A Brown 14 7 75 M Co. A Linn 13 IB 75 C Curim A Co U IB 75 Rentier Towuship. F A J Be..'.e'r 0 25 .o, LcuU Has- D 25 75 Rurusitle Township. George K B. at, H * 75 Curtm Township. i Webber o. --.iu , : 14 7 T ■ k Ferguson Township. NjemseUt A M William* > ■ lo 75 Idiom*. B 'hrger 1 4 7 75' .1 1 t.mlap eV Co 11 7 75 J h' Sample A Co - 13 IB 7o |J BSnntn Jr 14 7 75 •M G Gmv II 7 75 i Frederic* Giae* II " M' K Gregg Towuship. 811 Duncan 14 7 75 Philip >tieH,k 43 10 75 I J Grenoble.. - 14 7 7o : J 15 Fisher 12 13 25 Harris Township. !J J Price 14 7 75 '$ 11 Stover - 14 7 75 George- 15 Jne t 11 7 75! .1 T Sluan 14 7 75 It Ho- A S :j 13 10 7". - M II - er - 14 7 75 Cyrus Wae>n II ~ • \V J Jacks n 13 lit 75 C F York 14 7 75 John H Neieligh ......... 14 , 75, [D F Taylor 14 7 75 lurry jt Kennedy 12 H25 Jkitcn lowpship. : J 1" l)a\ >.• 14 i to It Irvtn 14 7 75 John I Thompson 14 7 75 L Williams 14 7 75 L ■ • W meT - 14 7 75 Haines Township. Shem Stiig'emyer A Son— 13 lit 25 V. : g Wi'.. ; A lleihl ! ! 10 75 1 R P ; Tl K>mas llarper t4 7 7". Tftoron* Yeariek 14 7 75 MM MU.-m r - 12 13 25 Half Moon Township. IV (ir:,v U 111 75 ■ ill Gr-itHn 14 7 75 ; James Love Son 14 77 > Howard Rorough. H A M re 14 7 5j IT Kill II T 75' Baisar Web, r 12 li 25 R, h: Cook B 75 James Mahaffee 14 7 76 B K Troves .... i 4 7 76 | Lucas J' Br,> 14 775 Ji Dai 14 * 7 75 ; II B Grove 14 7 75 Howard Township, : ItC leathers. 14 T 75 LUevtv Township. IJ A Quigly d C 0... 13 10 75 J I .<■ Dl 5 Kune ............ 14 7 75 Mar ou Township. .f- Wilson 13 10 75 Milesburg Borough. !A T Hoggs 14 ¥ 75 I McClam F Cook 14 7 75 !J. hn Hitibler 14 7 75 '0 II Else eV Bro 11 7 75 IJ S Milts Township. •I F Throne 14 7 75 I ijeker5 A Martin.™ 14 7 J / Willkcr Township. V David Sol 14 7 Henry Brown 13 10 Worth Township. ~ Hoover * Reese lb 1(J "JO Jones 14 7 1 VGrny 13 10 An ap]>enl will be held at the Commi sione -s < fiiee. Beilefonte, iho 4th day >ia June A. D 1876, and laxes hereby ni'es ed miit be.paid on or before the 20th d of Jane. Y'ou can attend if you latin ' { grivd. £. D. NOLL, < tw MvrcßtiUit Appr*i^ Tin: NKW Eldorado. A Monoji r ('oinldnation 1,800 Mr the !ul two week* in corijunc lion with It -ton niitl Philadelphia o.>in panic* f> r locution in the Black HHUcotiii Ity, number - about 1,000 litctt I Ik* I"" idenl. Mr II II I'i. t - 01, i ii < inuiuiii cation with the aulh.i.ilic* ul \\ it-l'Stijjt ii who luivr tu untuned delegation* ol Mutt* t'hiott toirtf. t, if ponil'le, treatv nit! thorn for the surrender of their land* ut. ui t .*cur ,11! illUgin, di-trlet* nil,l farm-, ntnl tlie.i will locate mid work the gold twine* They have arranged with the railroad , oli,|,:illi,'t for I', U,l- to tin' Ho,l Ullt *' greatly teduced rale*, fifty five dollars be ing the price ol littitHf ft out either Now \ irk, lioaloit , r Pliilauolphia the thro companies elrindy tiuinbor I,X*J men, wild application* for memberthip are i nstnht All the companies will meet in Ni w 5 oik on the lllh of May to perfect theo*g*nLa tion mid the detail* el the enterpri e What the tenl protpti U of the enterprise arc can probably heller be determined I then. A UOLOBKD WIKK-BKATKIi >ll< H> rs A POLK KM AN. I'llK PHIS'S Kit HKMO\KD l IU>M JAIL It\ LV NCIIKKS Is husjH'Uilcil Front n BriJge. rlt It ttot't. tißt: i iMi I'hEt Icl l si*.- Illli A IM-T.VNCK o*' 90 KIT. Nashville, April 30 -Hubert Fraau rib, policeman shot as and kilted at one'o clock lhi* afternoon while in performance ofi !hi* duty bv Joe lteed, ,colored i Ueed we v (ippinjf hi- wife w hen tome of the neigh bor* ent for officer Frazier w ho hurried to Heed - reiJt ine, nnJ t lie entered th> door and tamarked to Heed he would ha* e to arreat him, Heed shot htm twice, once in the mouth and through the heart, kill ing him instantly. Heed then attempted to make hi- .-wape but si captured about a bait* mile from hi* home in an old brew erv cellar and hurried to jail to keep hiui out of the hntids of th< threatened mob. The excitement is intense and there is evtry probability of an attempt bole* made to lynch him 10-uighl. Jailer ll*v orin is ukingevery precaution to keep him secure from mob violence. Fraxir \>a very popular and war universally esteem ed. The Prisoner Lynched. The uiciioiitcii over the kilh**j[ e* pw* liceinen Fiasier by Joe Ihul (coloredi grow more ami more intense during the afternoon and evening aid culminated at hah" past ten to-night, and a large and ri ch: J crowd gathering in froiit of the jail demanded the keys from janitor Heverin, who refused to give tbetu up They thru attacked the building, fen ed an entrance and .it half pit t ten, alter forcing open four heavy iron doors sut eroded in reaching the . ell in which the negro was confined, the door of which was soon broken open and Heed was >r ,'eu. a n-pe fastened around his neck a: J hurried ?• the susj en-i. u bridge from which he was thrown with the intention of hanging hint, but the rope breaking he fell to the rock beneath, a Ut lauce of ninety feet, and from thence into the river. He was shot once on the way to and again at tlio bridge. The body has not yet been recovered. An alarm was given on tbe first indication of the riot and a large police force was sent to the jail, but they were soon overpowered si.J driv en away by the rioters. The jailor and his assistants did.all in their power to re sist the attack and protect their prison er. FiiIGHTFI'L DISASTKK. WRECK UK THE >TKAMKst bCIIII.- LKK. Three Hundred Lives Lost —The Ves sel Crowded with Trourists—Par ticulars of the Calamity. London, May b Intelligence ofashock ipg mar no disaster has just roached this city. The Eagle lino steamship Schiller. Captain Tii .mas, whi< h sailed from New York, April'.M, for Hamburg byway of Plymouth and Cherbourg, has been wreck ed off the SictUyjsb . The accident occurred at one o'clock this morning, at which hour the steamship struck on the Itclaniere ledge-, near Bishop's rock. A fog prevailed at the time. New York, May s—The Schiller was valued at S7UO,OGO, and was insured for her full value. Her crew consist* 1 of 1-1 men, including officers. She carried six kegs containing s.kti,MX) in gold -hipp- d by E. S. Jtallin A; Co., bankers, of No "4 Exchange place, in this city, E. S. Ball in & Co., Paris, and 250 mail bags, containing Ibu entire conti nental mail, together with a large Austra lian mail. Her cargo*on#iled <>f general nicrcbandi*o, including t*U bales u! cotton 2.518 barrels of roin, 4.t*>3 bushels of corn nr.d a large consignment of lenf tobacco. New York, May S.—There were 140 cabin j .i--mgcr. and 123 steerage passen gers on board the Schiller, beside bar ship's company, indicating that the loss is nearer 800 than 'Jul. as reported. 1,,-ndon, May 0.---Evening.-- Forty three survivors of the crew and passing* s of the steamer .Schiller have arrived at Penxance. Of these thirty-three have gone to Plymouth and remaining ton are too ill to be moved. The f-dlowing addi tional particulars of the disaster have been received t A heavy (og has prevented observation on board the Schiller tine* Thursday, and in consequence of the fog the engine* were put at half speed and snu reduced at nine o'clock on Friday night. At ten o'clock the satno night the ship -truck the lodge, and at once a great panic prevailed Captain Thomas is highly praiseu for hi* conduct during the terrible scenes which followed. Two boats were ' tilled Willi men who refused to collie out • The captain fired his revolver over their heads to drive them out, and tlw-n fired at them, but without effect. Afterward the -hip was washed with her broadside t<> tin -en and all on board theso boats perished. .The tackle at the stern Was released too soon, leaving tho boats suspended by the '! bows. 'j Three boat* then got away. One of them, a life bout, was so hixily injure, i that she sunk, and eleven of the people < t- •• "SPELLING BEE," u now liiimoreu " Song and Chorus, by Sep. Winner. J funny subject, very jocularly worked u) '"j. words and Mu-ie admirably adapted, lis the ring of popularity about it would prov y an effective Philadelphia. IK\.riilKK JrSTICK woiinwAiui UK A D I j The announcement undo on Monday in it ho Supremo l loin I of tb< Stall al llai'v blitg tin' di all - I Hon. tie-'rge W . WooiUii t. loriueli* Cbiet Jul ic "f the t'omi, will ereata a feeling td Judge W oral ward died in Home, while! i making mi European tour Willi ln f-iuii i lly, mid hi* death, - • farn* we ar ahlo to learn, wi wholly unexpected l< h' r tilend* on this side of the ocean Tin sympathy of oilr people will go out to hi -ii, ken Mlid bereaved family, whihav, been thus ruldenly deprived of a kind protector in the midst of stranger- ami thotlsniids of littles Irom houie. Judge Woodward at olio time was Pics i lelit Judge ol the Centre judicial dis I Oct. THE PENNSYLVANIA BTRIK EliS. INTIMIUATftrS OF NOS-WOttJilSu MLB —jiu uiat'OsiTioN TO yield. Wilkcibarre, Pa , May 7. — Lai night *\ns an exciting nut* in tlm tniii-' juijj legion around Kingston. A pro id-ion of from fifty to one h unit red 1 niiuers with loitlic* ami armed with gun*, revolver* ami dub-, marched to '.lie dwelliugs. of the tucu who are working iu Hutchinson'*and Payne'* mines, and gave ihciu notice lo quit' work or lite penalty would be death, j flie gang were very ttuUy and liireal euing, but did uol damage auy build-, tug* or uiolo*t auy pet son. They carried with tbciu the effigy of a ! blackleg, which they look lo a grove, w here it was hanged by the neck to a tree, and the crowd emptied their fire anus at it The result has been that Payne's men refused to return to work tin# morning. Three of Hutch- , msou's melt while on their way lo the shaft were followU ton*, and previous > lo that it had oOO.UOO stored at ' Mouesdale, waiting for navigati n to open. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western in April mined w'Ok.OQO tous, and the fVntisrlvauia Company < also run out a large amount. Iu six- > ty days more these three Companies * will stock the market. The tuiuers of I his scettou will hold t a meeting to morrow to contider the situation, ' HAT Till: IN .-FAIN YR ToLY , good lo choice f-KM*6UIi. Wheal—receipt-'Jfi.tWO bu*hel, markii; heavy and, N" I sprit g fl 1 1 39 So H9l 15' I t IT. N"2 $1 ITRI -M. NoV Northwet $1 1 ISLV No 2 Milwaukee $1 Ki Kv* <|uict; Canadian bond SL, State $1 t. Br|*y steady at $1 -SO. Corn —receipts TB.UOU bushels; mixed western 9b'ni dull weak and unsettled; No 2 mixed 72c -pot; THicj bid seller June; 76|e seller July; reiected j 'ihic. Oats—No 2629 c ltyu .No 1 07. itarlev demand good l lull prices; No 2 4l ■' I'o 1 3a. PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia, May 10.—Flour firm *ioi less active; Wisconsin and M innemU fain iiv 5-"> BOhtfl ".5. Pennsylvania, Indiana and ( Hiio $0 00(a<) fl*', high grades $7 OCX* I Hill Wheat dull and dwUning, red 511 4.'">(". 1 4'; amber at $1 4', white jl 4S(* I 6t> Itveut $1 10. Corn slow yellow ;,t 99c.; mixe I 87(n;99e Oat-firm; white TfihcTSc: I mixed 78e. Provision* sieadv. P>>rk $22- 17flfi-23. Beet hams I9fii2'jc. L-.rd Ifliti lOcj Clover cd— Western $lO ot'(a 11 Spring Opening of Bonnets. Trimmings. Millinery. AT MISS LUCY DEI N INGER'S iu Centre Hall, who hat just returned from Philadelphia, i with the LATEST FASHIONS, and .] complete .lck of New Bonnets New Hats, elegant Trimmings, Ac., which will lie sold or made U|>, lit reasonable prices. | i Also, old ladies Dress Caps. The new style* nro very pretty. I.a dies call and see them early. E'ir-t come, first served. tnaylU Jt. NOTICE OF APPEALS. —Appeals will be held at the office of th county Commissioner* in Hellefonte, for the different townships uuil borough* ol Centre tooiiy, oa the fo)lo*i*g day*, via. (in Monday May SI, l*T-">, for lb* town ships of Miles, Haines, Penn, Gregg and Potter. ) On Tuesday, Juno 1, 1875, for the town i-bips of 1111 rri-, Ferguson, Half Moon, i'allop and \\'Hlker. On Wedncanny, June >, 1815, for the township* of Marion, Liberty. Curtin, Howard and Urn borough of Howard. On Thursday, Juno U ; 1*75, for the . townships ol H'lgns, 1. nion, Huston. Worth *n I tho borough* of Unionville , and Mile-burg On Friday, June 4, 1875, for the town ship* of Taylor, Burnside, Snow Shoe, . Hush and the borough of Pliilipsbnrg. On Monday, June 7, 1875, for the town ships ol Spring, Hcnnernnd theboroughoi Hellefonte. I A. C. IfINTON, SAMUELORAMLY' Altost J. N. HALL, H. li. I.UHSTKK, CoJr.ty Coni'r, r ' Clcfk. may Fill A UMIN ISTUATORS NOTICE Letters ofadinini*iralioii on the e late of Jacob Aleyer, late of Mile* two., deed, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be in g debled to said decedent are requested ti make immediate payment, und having claims against the estate will pre r cant tl.ein autheiilicuted for settluiuent. UENKY METER, JR. way 13 Ot. Aon'r. 1 The strike nf I'lilladidtihia A IL-adine Hallway employer* in liie Hehuylkill ro glon is collapsing, un 1 the men are re -Mining work". ■♦ ' ■ lIKLLKFoNTR M AKKKTM. >V I,He iV -11. It,-.I tl" H.\ ■ *-* Cot 11 H7< ....Oats Ik). Barley 90 70 ...Clo/cr ee.l B,tsi Potatoes 1* Lard per pound •* Pork por pound I* Unite 1 'JI Egg* ' I'luster per I on till fallow H lias ol to .....Ham 16 Lai I 1 r pound 8 cents Uuckaiie*i 65 > t. Fiour per barrel ret*il7.oU. Nova Scotia plus', 1 fit to 15. Cayuge plaster j''.sn per 2t**)lbi - TrciiHiirer \S'c Hr lUllu'tl -l I . Bfll-c jM'• llif 1> K lit Ma**, tf -r. i I lie randidali < r Treasurer, subject to the of the democratic party. Mit'i-ifL We are authorized to aMiotrura thai I 01, 11 hoaiigler. ol !'<> ti-r, wilt bn a caiidi late t, r Jsiierill, subject to the usages ol 'he democratic party. W>- aro authorized l<> announce that I. fietiry Keller, of Harris, will baa a-ididate fur Sheriff, subject to the usages >f the democratic party, . are authorized to announce that Jon oh Kreamer, of Mutheim, will be a can lidsie for Sheriff, subject to the usages ol the democratic par'y We are authorized t>> announce that Iovi A Munmn, .r I'bitipsburg, will be a candidate tor Sheriff subject to tho usage* 1 of the democralic party. We are authorized to announce that 'George Holfer of Putter will be a candi date for Sheriff, subject to ibe Usage* of the democratic party. I'rotlionotary. 1 We are authorized to announce that K is Brett, of Ferguson, wilt be n candidate t, r Prothonolary, subject to the usage* ol the democratic party. IttN-nrdpr. . Wo ~ie autii ru.-d to announce that! 1 Henry Heck, of Spring twp. will be a can-, didale for It, . -rder, subject tlie usages oil : tiio democratic party. Coin 111 lH*ion<*r. We *re aulb -rized to announce that J. Nuwlin Hall, of Howard, vriiihaa oanai .date t<-r < omraissloner, subject to the usa ges of the democratic party. Agent* %l 11111 cil to MU The Political, Personal, and Property Rights a j Of fTr Ci i Mufr, II \t> t rterritt antt ! Aole to yrftrrf thnn fly Wr /ili(*i' /'ore,, is. 1.1. /. Containing a ccmtueniary on the Fed eral and state Ooiistnulions, giving their history and origin, a'.d a full explanation of thrir principles, purpose* and provis ions : the p -wers and duties of Public err*; the rights of the pc—pie, and the! > b'',gat|on* incurred in every relation of life ; also parliamentary role* for deliber-j alive bodie*, and full direction* and legal' form* for *ll buainess transactions, as inaking Wills, Ducds. Mortgages, Leases. Note- Draft, Contracts, etc A Law Library in a single Volume It mecU the, want* of all class - and -<-'! to everv- ; body. JOSKS BROTH KR;j 4 Ca,, Huiijy't I'l.ila. Pa i Spring Goods. At Potter's Mills. • j 11. UTATIHF. Dca'er in Domestic Dry Goods. Ladle's Dress Goods ,d every description, embracing all tbe New Nylcs in ibe market Also, SOTIOSS, LA< KS. HOS* 11'ti V. Ol o FAX f'X.U77fJ.YW. I AMMKNKS. CANfKTS. o/l.( I.oTHs. HOOTS. SHOES ORO( t'.klKS A t'TIOy/sioss o| every description all of which will be -Ul at \ ■,-ry low rates for CASII or its equivalent Dim t b-rget the place, comr and see ut anyhow, if you don't buy. No trouble to show goods I >uatrj Produce Taken in Exchange fur Goods. Crngy fim. 1 I.Li N ER Y GOODS. Mm. X. JI McLVTIHF. Potter's Mills. hasjut returned from Philadelphia, and is now rcadv to accommodate her custo. 1 mert with the latest styles of Btrw, Silk nn.l fancy H*U, Bonnet*. Ac, Velvet*. Flowers, Crapes, >ilk tioods. Keattul* ' Ulotides, Hibbon* Kuchca. Uratds, Ortia-, menu, Ac Jt. short, a full line of all the style* of Millenary Goods, which will b*- *<>ld at the lowest price*. Call and see tho (roods, and H-nnets retrimmed in the latest style.nmay 3m At Bellefonte, MONDAY, MAY 17th. P. T. BARNUMS 1 GREAT Traveling World's Fair. The Hnrniim Unrivaled Exhibition. Company Proprietors l. T. BARMM PRIM DENT. P. T. HAHNUM s METROPOLITAN MUSEUM ! P. T. BAHXUM'f (ULLOSSAL FAR A VAN ! P. T. BARM'M'K AIONBTKU JMENAGKRIE ! P P. T. BAHNUM'S Strain Opernfrd Polytechnic In stitute. Twenty Great Shows in One, in cluding a srpeiatn Stupendous luter- C'onlineiital Anipliiihenlre, with I 111 II 4 l|w(4>llO*M International Hippodrome 1 And Ihi TERRIFIC WILD BRAZILIAN j HARE-BACKED RIDER. Lo mind's Imperial Rtn/iliau C'ir- CUB. TWO EIGHT WOULD WONDER EXHIBITIONS DAILY. A Single Ticket. Only 50 ' T. tJ. Admitting to exch and every De paitnicnt. Children under nine 1 years of age half price. Doors open nt 1 mid 7 I'. M. I Grand Animal and A rente Enbct one hour lt -r. Mayfi 21. Headquarters for Boots mui Shoes I 1 O W E It S' BOOT AND SHOE. STORE. Opposite Bush House, BELLEFONTE, PA. Power*' Hoot & Shoo Store i* the Wgeßt nnd best stocked ostblihment in Centre County. 1 He keeps ponqiautiy 011 a full lino of It 4 4ft T S A A Ift S 1( <> E N. Hoi* just opening H\o lnrgout stock o: , Spring Goods over bruitgid to Hollctbntc FIM 23 0 2 2 for Indies, kept countantly 011 hand. Boots and Shoe* for men arid women, o e aB styles, quality and prices, from tin I, mad costly to the chenpe't, constantly I, kepi on hand. " WE DEFY COM PETITION ! O > , ' I is sillier iu quality or prices. Call am '* exwmnu hi- new .stock of Spring anc Summer Goods, aud you will find i to your advantage. Apr*{Jly t* Tlie ntJhiin K ioti Monitor, 6f R, liyiij - William K. Harp iter, a boy eleven years of age was committed U our Jail lift* (Tuc • do) evening, for nabbing another boy A tier. We hnvn not yet futljr learned the feet* in it'll"! (" Hie iinlo'tu ! iiiate at'alf. Both hoys, we itlleve retlde ,!a S|-ru. c Cli '-k, tills euuiily. The *tb , blng was dona Iti a Xlghl, In whien Harj • iter siahlod All*' ihn • tun- The latter 1 1 isald to be lying in n very critical coiido . ii,in. I VKW MOLL, NEW CHAS 0 PLATUMLEY Xanafacturer. itßb Obmmeroe St,, Philmlclphin, IX*. 11l mar I'm. W. A. CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER ( E>TKi: IUIJ..PA. j. Would iuu*t respectfully inform the oil /.on* of litis v i' inity, that hu ha* started a " new Boot and Shoo Shop, and would be thankful h>r a share of tho public natron age Boot* and Shoe- made to order and according to style, and warrants his work (to equal any mada elsewhere. All kinds of repairing'done, and charge* reasonable , Give him a call. ft-b 18 ly ItK -UY lIBOCKKBHOS'r, J. P. fttiVUKM President, QF.NTUE COUNTY BANKING CO e (Lato Milliken, Hoover & Oo.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS. I And Allow interest, Discount Note*, i. Buy acJ Sell. >f Cnvernment Secu tics, Gold £ ft aplftftfitf upon*. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. BF.LLKFONTE, PA. f e E. PERKS £ SCAN, Prop'rs. J" uoli known hotel, situate in the j business iiortion of the town, lias been , thoroughly renovated, repainted and fur ; nished new. It will be theaitn of the pro id prietoic to make it a pleasant Homo for ul those who may favor them with their pat -. ronagc. A free carriage is run to the de pot, and the bet stable* io town) are COB- Y< sicwd ffUb Vbt Bcuit. 29apr. Pumps Of All Kinds | JfimjU SteamllolarjPump< Deep Weil Pumps, JkMU " Anti-Frezinp Pumpf. I \ t o aatHi u j— r'Vfii j" tB p - * ... Aaa\ "*•; M f** H (MMMJ A A MAMUtt C II P luu IMli? limits, miss turns OF ALL KIN DP. Gum Hone 6f Packing, Re/Z and Bragg Founder*, and Manufacturer* of the CELEBRATED Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. Hl.&* dfor tlhutraled catalogue and price Zi*f."%* J. B. SHERIFF to SON, W WATER M„ AMI Ist 4rraw. _ , 23 apr. ljr. IMTTKBI HGH, PA. hUOHTLIDGE A CO , COAL, LIME, Ae., WILLI AX SHORTLIIXiE. BOND V ALEX-TIN* SHORTLIDGE to CO- Burner* and Shipper* of the celebrated Bellefonte I WIHIUTIEJ ILil-MiE. ; D|alert in the rerj best grades of ANTMACITEtmL: The only dealers in Centre Omnty who aell the W I L K E! Si Bi Ai lti Ri E Ci 01 A! L from ib old Baltimore mines. Also SHAMOKIX AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly boused expressly (or boureote. el the lowest prices. DEALERS M" GRAM*. They pay the high eft price* in ceib for (rain that the Eastern markets will aferd WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., I Bought or will be sold on commission when desired, and full prices guaranteed. las formation concerning the grain trad* wilt be furnished at all times, la farmer with pleasure, free of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which i* always sold at low t rices, and warranted to be as good a fertiliser u amy other plaster. OffWl MD YARD NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, BELLEFONTE. PA. Lime! Lime! Lime ot the best quality, always on . j hand, at the kiln near Centre Hall. I Alo A (font, for Myer s Excelsior Cement. the best in the market and warranted to; et quick and harden. For sale by Andv; Ree'nian at the Past Offioe in Centre Hall. ,■ GhORGKKOCH. | J. G. EMERICK. , GREAT BAROANB AT THE HARD / WARE STORE OF MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS.,' Mlllhelm, Pa., WRittitiLi AXi Retail DKAUUU IX I HEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE,! They have just returned from the Eastern i Cities where they have purchased a well i selected stock of HARDWARE, Cittlkrt. I*oi*. Nails, Oils. Paiwts, Vsunisiiss, PIR^Tr, B VIL DEBS & CO A CUM A KER£> GOODS. Plasterers and Masous, Saddlers, Shoomakers, Housekeepers, and in fact, HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. We call particular attention to a line as sortment ol Picture Frames and Moulding, very cheap. WALL A WINDOW PAPER, 1 And Curtaiu Fixtures of every kind. COACH and WAGON MAKERS— four attention is called to our stock of Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, Poles and Buggy Wheels, all of No. 1 quality and selling vt>- ty cheau. Our stock is large, and ©n -.lankly being renewed, and we are selling! —wholesale and retail—at very low uriees. Remember—much money ha* been lost by pay ing 100 much fur Hardware. Try ifluaatr & Hwufcils Thev buy for Cash and sell at Cash Prices for less profit than any other Hardware - Store in tho County. sir Call and see us. Satuhsction guar-! antoed. MPSSiR Jc RUNKLE BROS. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM RtNKIN-A Drug Store, / NEXT DOOR TO THE DESCHNER OUR . STORE.; FRESH AND CHEAP.] ' Apr. 2A Pennsvalley Banking Co. CENTRE HALL, PA| RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow In/e rest. Discount Note ' . ___ . Buy end tell 'Government Securities, Gold audi Connoes P*t*u Horn*, Wu. B. Mixol*. Pros'l. Cashier Chas. H. Held, tlork, Matohanakrrst; Jwelr Millheim, Centre Co., Pg. Respectfully informs bis friends and the public in general, that he has lust cached st his new establishment, above Adena uer's store, and keeps constantly on head, al! kinds ol Clocks, Watches snA Jewelry iof the latest also the Mampviile | Patent Calender Clocks, provided %-tfch a i complete index of the month add day of the month and week on its face, which m %. arranged as a perfect time-keeper. ; M®*Clocks. Watches and Jewelry re paired on short notice aad warranted. ___ sop 11' fMt y Excelsior Cement* The undersigned now manufactureaCe ,^££ RAJN T KD OF A SUPERIOR H L uTIT' * I U k,IM n * r Creek Milts, in Hai ßfM twp. This cement has already been used in large quantities upon the L. C. A 8. C. KR.,and has bee* found highly satisfactory upon all johe where it has been used, and aa equal to •nvnow manufavturod for use in CIM- IkKNb, \N ATER PIPES, or whataves purpose a good quality of Cement is desi rable This Cement has already bee* tested far and wide, and rendered the ut most satisfaction. Persons, therefore con structing Cisterns, laying Water* Pi pee, dee., will find it to their advantage to bear this in mind, and also, that be warrants the article as represented. J G. MEYER. may _1 tf Aaronsburg, 1* J" OHN F. P9TfEIT Collections promptly made 1 aad special attention given to those having lands or property (or sale. Will,drew up and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages, o. Office in the diamond, north side e the court house. Bellefonto. ••ct22 , C*f 2p3sscMS hrdgbp MlLL!*"'* For Bonw or atMB NvW. ! Croes-Cnt and Circular j WOOD -SA W IN< MACHINE** I a U tS^Y*i"'sad Prtae-I 1* Mat fl* iBjUYMI ER M an u fort u ring t ** WitoHH We*t Eighthßl., CIVCXIRATX, 0., 1' usurers of Cane Machinery. Steaaa I; Engines, Shaker Thresher, Fare.. School, and Charch Bella, ate. Dec 10. y. 1 r