The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 06, 1875, Image 4

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    Ym-ww Written in an Album.
Her* t one leaf referred for me.
From ell Hit tweet memorials free t
And her* my simple song might tell
The feeling* thoa mint guee* ao welt
Rut ooahi I tliua, within thy mind,
One little vacant corner
Where no nn|>reiiicn yet w eeen.
Where no memorial yet haa teen.
O. it ahonkl be my aweeteet oara
To write my name forever there!
Tom. Moo**.
Fare Hints.
The hay product of the United States
lias more than trebled in the last tlurtv
It is said that over twenty thousand
cows ai-e kept for dairy puriHtttew within
a radius of twenty mil.* of Whtwton, 111.
Twenty horses die in New York city
every day, which give* a total of more
than 6,000 a year. Their carcasses are
sent to the re*ud< , ring oompanhw.
Central Now York farmers estimate
that, w itli average culture, granl soil and
m&uuiw, the <\vst of produciug wheat is
seventy two to seventy-eight cents per
A witnc iu a Catskill law office de
sori.WN thepoverty of a flekl of corn as
follow*: " The crop was no stunted and
short that tha toad* could nit on their
iiaunehes ami pick bugs off the ta—**l*.
If your hen* arc inclined to eat their
eggs give them a lilieral doae of cold
lard chopped up iu pits** as you would
minoe meat. This was told me by a
lady friend, who said it cured her hens
of this habit.
One speaker at the Maine agricultural
society meeting oonfaed that he "used
to chase the creatures around the laru
with a pitchfork, and thought Uie devil
was in Uie oows, but he discovered by
treating theiu kindly tluU tho devil was
iu lumaelf instead."
A cholera remeslv is name,! by a corre
■pondrnt of the .trurrvan Rural l/onic
as follows: litis disease is vt*rv tsastly
treated as follow*; For flfty fowls take
two quart* of wheat bran and tir into a
pot of Ukiling water, add one toaapoon
ful of naleratus, one ditto of black pep-
I*r; stir it all together and place it
where all the fowls can get some—the
hotter the bettor.
Grinding tools calls for the exercise of
great judgment in the determination of
the angle, and skill in handling so as to
secure a true edge. Workmen make a
mistake in grinding down to the edge.
This should never Is? done unless it is
nicked or otherwise rendered irregular,
ss the grindstone leaves a rough edge
which must be cut away by the oil atone.
By grinding well down to the edge,
wit *>ul reaching it, the iron is given the
required shape, and a very little rubbing
on the oil stone will produce a good
keen edge.
Kflhrm f r OrrkuWa
For some reason buckwheat, which is
not much of a crop in itself, is found to
be just the thing fur growing iu
orchards The dense shade afforded by
the plant keeps the ground light and
friable, and this tendency is further in .
creased by plowing under the green
buckwheat at least once a year. If the
orchard is old it is as well not to try to
grow the grain, but keep a succession of
growths through the yew to be turned
under when in blossom. Buckwheat is
usuailv cheap, and needs only half a
bushel per acre for seed. If allowed
to ripen a crop occasionally, what is ac
cideutally scattered will furnish sufficient
seeding. This is the cheapest mode of
keeping large orchards in good condi
tion, as the grand requisite is to keep
the soil, especially the surface soil,
loose. Clover injures the growth of
young trees, and it take* two ye ira to
get a crop ready to plow under." A new
advantage of buckwheat is that when
rightly managed it become® an aid in
fighting the codling moth. If the trees
are kept *raooth and no chance for a
lodgment of the worm on the trunk,
many will hide in the stalks of buek
wheai. Plowing the ground just before
winter sets in destroys the enemy, as it
winters in the pupa state, and cannot
live in contact with moist earth. Where
all tho loose stuff, weeds, and rubbish
are plowed under, just before froexing,
thousands of the exiling moth are de
stroyed, tlius greatly lessening the evil
the following season. This has been
practically tested by apple growers of
the Grand Traverse (Michigan) ragion,
who And buckwheat the beat crop to
keep their orchards in good condition.
Plowing orchards late in fall, or during
winter when the weather is warm enough,
is advisible wherever it can bo done.
Sprtif Siiieatlwa.
A great many farmers imperil their
•rops by sealing before the ground is in
proper oonJition to receive seed. No
matter if the season is late, it doe* not
pav to sow seed upon cloddy, lumpy,
half-pulverired soil. There is no Beed
that we know of that ahuuld be sown
upon ground in such condition. Seeds
cannot germinate, in the first place, if
sown among a mans of clod* and lumps
of earth. The soil must be fine and
compact al>out the seed in order to in
sure germination. If, by chance, a por
tion of the seed does get properly cov
ered, it will not make s healthy,* rapid
growth for want of proper soil in which
to extend its roots, Early seeding under
mieb conditions retards the growth, re
sults in a loss of seed, and the plants are
never so healthy and fruitful as when
the seeding is delayed until the aand-bed
is in proj>er condition. Make haste
slowly, therefore, in sowing seed—that
is, make all possible haste after the
gTound ia in proper condition, but not
It is l>etter to buy roots, even pota
toes, if the farmer lias not got them, to
fowl with hay and grain to his stock
through the spring months until the
ground gets settled and the grass is
grown sufficient for pasture* than to turn
the cattle on the pasture* or meadows
where tli y only get a sufficient taste of
fresh herbage to destroy their appetite
for dry food. Boots are wholesome, a
necessity to animals fed with dry food;
and if judiciously fed they promote both
tiie health aud tlirift of the animals.
BEES. —It is not safe to remove hives
of bee* from April to December any die
tanoc short of a mile, as many are liable
to return to their old location and are
lod. A good hive of bees ahotdd be
filled almut three-fourths full of becw, as
th?y are packed between the oombs, and
should i|*ve in April not less than ten
pounds of honey to render their pros
perity sure. The combs and bee-bread
in a hive often weigh ten or fifteen
pounds, so that must be taken into ac
count in the gross weight of the hive.
Another Gold Field.
The Now York Time* says: It is now
reported that Gen. Caster proposes to
discover a new gold field somewhere
west of the Black Hills, among the Big
Horn moufitains. This is a locality for
which expeditions of adventurous ex
plorers lure before now fitted out in
vain. The (government has absolutely
forbidden any invasion of the region,
which is an Indian reservation. It is
now suggested that Gen. Custer may
find gold there; certainly he .will, if he
takes with him the mischief makers who
have made so much noise about the
visionary deposits of the Black Hills.
There lias been an interminable amount
of talk about this last nauoed oouutry;
and if to this is added another "gold
field" and Indian puzzle, people will
begin to think that the far West is a
cert of limbo for the detention of profit
less and vexations chimeras.
The Big Horn mountains, which the
report says Gen. Custer will penetrate,
are about oue hundred and fifty miles
west of the Black Hills, and they are a
portion of the Rocky mountain range.
The country between theee mountains
and the Black Hills is like thatsonth
and east of .the latter, and may .be prop
erly described as a desert. The informa
tion concerning the Big Horn country is
very general, though its nriucipal togo
gropliicel feature* are well mapped.
The Pan am a (anal.
The sea which divide* also unite*. Ju
ancient timea the command of the ocean
(java power to nation*. for then com
merce was almost entirely a question at
transportation bv water.' In war Union
victory wan decided by the strength of
navies. Thua England w*a for oauturio*
the ruler of the World bcoauao of the
•unoriority and the enterprine of her
sailors, Rut a change haa come over the
world. The invention of atrnm makes
railroads tuore useful than canal*, and
the aliip in mpcrmulad bv the locomotive
engine. The Union Pacific railroad
controls the trade of a continent, and
the pa—age around Oapn Horn has
become almost as obsolete a* the voyagvw
of Ciintaiti Oook or the diacorarest of
Still, in spite of tliia enormous value
of tle railroad to eiviiiastion and com
moroe, the tveen.still plays it-s part in
the world's atTaira. The wiadoui of the
great engineering feat of cutting a canal
through the Isthmus of Sue* has lusm
fully vindicated by its result*. England
ha* been profited more than France by
the speony communication it affords
Eurojie with India. The commerce of
the world has lxv>u leuclllal by the
new means of transit. It is not strange
that the United States goverimirnt, iti
view of tliis success, should le desirous
to emulate it bv cutting a canal through
the Isthmus of l>arien. Rut it uiioiud
uot lie forgotten Uiat the conSgioations
of the continents make a rust difference
m Hie attuiu tun, Tho Suea ,mU is more
valuable toKwro}* than the larn n canal
can be to America. We have—what
Europe haa not—direct railroad commit
uivwtton over the continent from ocean
to ocean above the forth tli degree of
latitude, and tli rough a territory subject
tti but one government. Rtvau*< of lier
rival and jealous nationalities the rail
road system of Europe ,h* not poos—
the wune security nor offer equal ad van
tages to the oounnerve of the world.
Therefore, we must not imagiue that
the Nutuaguau canal is as important t<>
America as the Sues canal is to Europe.
The coiiditkma axe oiti>gether different
lltit tin-iv is no doubt that the IV-iflo
anJ Atlantic oceans will bo ultimately
joiued by s canal upon one of the luis*
through tlio Ist hums of IHrien which have
iwii surveyed undertho of the
government. The rail road cannot stop the
.-anaL Tan req-ort of the results of the
United Sutea sowing expedition has
Iwu received with >Wp interest. It ex
plain* the advantages of the different
plans projK>sed, especially of the Nicara
gua and Panama routes, and. though
there is Utile probability that tlie work
will be Wgnu soon, it is well to have the
facts fully promoted for the considera
tion of the public.—-Y. 1". JlrrtihL
A Bead City.
The New York ll<?raUl, ooninienting
upon the assertion of Senator Morton
that New Orleans was a .lead city, says;
New Orleans is one of tlie most in
teresting of our cities. It lias a conti
nental quality that none of the others
posaess. Its routs extend into other
soils than the Cavalier or the Puritan.
New Orleans, Frernch in its origin, and
at one time under the control of the
Spaniard, has always shown tlie infiu
euce of France and of Spain. lliere is
something of Tari* in the sprightlineas
and taste of the people; in the tnerri
merit, which makes Sunday a feast .lav
and not a day of fasting; in the Car
nival and ilarili Gras. Every street in
the old city recalls the glory of the
Bourbon or tlie ambition of "the Boua
fiarte. Before the war it was a prodigal,
uxuritma metropolis. The planters
looked upon a winter "Visit to New Or
leans as a recompense for a liard sea
son's work in the cotton field and sugar
house. The Mississippi poured its
treasures into its lap. It was the eutr?
pot of Mexico and Culm and Texas.
There was no city to cliallenge its do
minion but Mobile, for Galveatou was a
little seacoast town that was scanvlv
known in tLe families <.f cities. Alone,
therefore, fur distant from the other
ruling cities, mistress of the Gulf of
Mexico and the Mixxi-ssippi, New Orleans
nq idiy strode along, raid before the
war had pe-luips as macli wealth for her
population as any city in the Republic.
Even now New Orleans is ninth in the
list of cities, if wo may take the figur.-s
of the census of 1870. It then rejtort
ed 191,000 population and 33,&>£ dwell
ings—something more than San Fran
cisco and less than Cincinnati. Tlie
latest authority as to its commerce, Ed
ward King, in his valuable and interest
ing work on " The Great South," shows
still many signs of prosperity. The last
reported cotton crop, 172*-73, was a
hundred thousand bales larger than the
year before the war. The total value of
the imports in New Orleans for the
same year was more than one hundred
millions and the exports over six hun
dred millions. More thai) one-third of
the cotton passed through New Orleans.
I liia is a source of enormous wealth
. alone. It is hard to thmk a city should
be dead, or in any apprehensions of
death, that sends out from it* porta mure
than six hundred millions of dollars a
The Ifrraltl, after giving some of the
reasons why the trade of Sew Orleans
should fall off, adds : Sew Orleans mav
suffer a temporary depression, but
there are alejneuts of strength and glory
about the old town which cannot l e de
Fires and Floods In Australia.
The Melbourne Arjtus report* that
the colony had been afflicted by a viita
; tion of beut such as had not been exjie
rienced for several years. The mor
tality Lad been unpreeedeutedly great,
and during the previous week there were
two hundred and seveuty-iiine burials
in the Melbourne cemetery alone, of
which one hundred oud ninety-six were
of children. A series of disastrous
bush fires had also token place, doing
immense damage to property. Tlie most
direct loose#, say* the Argiu i, are those
of settlers, who have hod their farm
houses, or cattle, or stacked crops con
sumed, and tliey are many in uumber.
In several cms s Docks of from five hnn
| dred to one thousand sheep, besides
| cattle, were bnrned to death. The hot
-1 tost summer ever known —a snmmer of
blistering wind \ droughts and deslroc
' tive bash fire*—lias been followed by
heavy and disastrous inundations. In
January, at Mel! w>arn*, the mercury rose
to one hundred and five degrees in the
shade, and oa March thirteenth (first
fall month), whole districts of country
out there were under water. Within
three month", by fires and floods, mil
lions of property had been destroyed.
Made Land*. .
The reclamation of a very vnlnable
tract of land upon on# of the Scotch
rin-r* was made in a very simple manner
| qui e recently. Stake.* were driven into
j the mud at the water's edge at repu*
I lar distances parallel to the course of the
river. Between these stakes branches of
trees anil brush were thickly matted or
interlaced. This simple contrivance rc
! suited iu the deposit at every high
water of large quantities of silt arid mud,
until at last an embuikment was thrown
up without any further expense, suf
ficient to keep out the wafer except at
high floods. The land thus reclaimed
was sown with grasses, and is now used
for grazing cattle, and is valued at SBOO
per acre for this purpose alone. There
are thousands of acres alongside of our
rivers, lioth upon the coast and inland,
which might be reclaimed in this or
aimilar ways at very little expense.
The Coal Miner.
In his gloomy " wuys " and " drifts "
—often nine hundred feet below the sur
face—the English coal minor is quite a
different beiug from what ho is in his
village. There, in curious postures, his
limbs cramped and his torso twisted, Le
" hews " at the face of the " seam " like
a galley-slave—the thin gauze cf his
dimly-twinkling Davy lamp alone separ
ating him and hia fellow-toilers from in
evitable explosion and certain eternity.
Yst, grown careless by familiarity with
this thrilling fact, he has frequently
been known to devise ingenious means
to unlock his lamp for the purpose of
gratifying his inordinate love for a
"pipe of baccy." The fearful explo
sions of Burradon, Lundhill, and Page-
Bank—in which over five hnndrod liver
were sacrificed— was attributed to some
unknown pitmni.'s cravings for " a
An K.llior Pmrkis a a#rmu o* lb* Unnib
•ad 11 a Frail*.
The New Tork 7Vi6i* haa l>ecn led
by the flirtatious of April into n line of
thought that run* from the season it
self to the season'* frieud*, or as it term*
them, •' April men." It ways: We might
tolerate April during his thirty dav's
life, however, if lie did not give ilia
character b> so many jxsiple whose ill
luck had dragged them into the world
while he had charge of it. Au April
day you can guard against with Are,
overrun s<, or it flannel shirt; but how
will you defend yourself against an April
friend ? The man or woman born 111
this treacherous month is uot tickle,
witli gusty but sincere fit* of aflWtoui
ami prejudice, as we might suppose.
They are the sweet ncutimeutaliste in re
ligion, friendship, or love; the friends
wlio send you bushel* of flowers when
you an ill, but never sit up
with you at night; who delight in long
and frequent 1> tt< ra of raptuou* or d>
s|niring effusion, but who would not
stmt tiieiirelves often dollars to sate
you from ruin; if you move out of town
they will not remember you for a day.
if y u die they will write #u obituart
notice or a copy of verses which would
bring Uvtr* from a stone, and will go to
tin* auction of vour effoct* ami brag for
week* of the tat gain* they got there.
The surface of their character to those
who know theiu but little j* a ilelicioua
glow and harmony pink, tender bios
soma of emotion, sweet Oiiutug*, and
songs of praise, ami shower* of ready
teal*-—ye god*' what floods of tiu* !
Rut th eir Witt* or washerwomen
see the ftvt and mud Wlow they strike
every hour upon the icy sulkstratum of
nelfishuesa, the cruel, miteiupercd will.
There is Floyd's pretty wife acrv>.ss the
way a most devout Utile creature ac
cording to |kOpular lielief. She has the
fins* of u utedia<val saint as the roselight
falls aliout her. The echoing anthems
make her tremble and turn pale; a
picturesque st*ruii<n or earnest prayer
brings the sudden t.-ar* down fi-r
clirs'ka. Rut at home she is greed v and
miserly, a k*nt as to teui|**r, a larv house
keeper, and a seltisli wife ami mother.
It never has occurred to her that her tine
sentiments or *euUiu*uUi religion could
become real in her actions, or serve a*
daily bread for her own soul or for tli
about her.
There is N'otcod, txi, #!ura we
watched the other luglit at the opera— 1
uotxxly ivulJ doubt m to the time of the
Year when he was lorn. The uin ruble j
fellow was descanting to a young girl
l>e:de him on Schumann and Beethoven
and " tlie current* of passion and love
which ebbed ami flowisi tlirough Lis Soul
at their call," ami his pa.c blue eyes were
tiled on her face with a meaning which
dyed the pretty face with criiu>ou. it
was one of many guilty episodes in his
life. Meanwhile, Mrs. Xoroett, who has
bonis him five children, was at home
w>liking as usual to k>x-p liim and Un-ui ,
fisl and clothed. There haw been plenty ■
of April s children's among musicians
and ix>m(s<aera —men and women who
Were given power to stir the souls of
others to noblest end*, and were them
selves grows and seltish and mean. The
ranks of literature have know a too many
of them—there was Moore, clmnting
tender*-* t hymns to patriotism and lore,
while duchesnea wept around, and )xx>r
little IV-asie sat alone and neglect- d in
the slialby cottage. There are Byron
and Dickeua and Laiuartine and u doxeu '
others. But tlie world lual the lwxt of
the lairgiuu with these; it heard the songs
and renqwd the dowers, and only the
wife or children at home mv how hard
and shallow was the intiddy gronud be
low. It is in private life that tlie chil- j
dren of April are to be dreaded, and
bring a curse on real honor, love and re
Bgion as deadly as the plague.
Varieties In Fashion*.
Wide rich fringes with fanciful head
iugw trim the basques and over-skirts of
two thirds of the 1 rench ilrens*® iui{H>rt
ed this season, a fasliioti journal tells us.
I*acc like crocheted headings are on
some, while others have the brutal lat
ticed heading# of the fringes usually seen
on Canton crape shaw ls. There are also '
braid fringv® of silk orwro* 1 in many i.ivr
Worth refuse* to abandon jet trim
tilings, and uses them on ail his hand black silk dress*-*, overdress*-*, '
and wraps. I'mgut usee it very sparing
ly. jvreferring the jnipular Titan wool
braid for trimming the rich wnqa for
which he is famous.
Among the most stylish over-besses
are tabhers and fichu jackets mad* of
alternate atrip* s of Titan brw.l and bead
ed yak la* v. They are ornamented with
a *osh and bows of double-foced satin j
ribbon, black on one side, and jiale blue,
cream, or scarlet on the other.
Batiste of pure sh-er linen is now im
ported in |*lt) rose, light Mm*, ami navy
i.lue for hints, wrappers, ami children'"*
dresses. It is trimmed with open Eng
lish embroidery done in white on the ,
garment. The suits of tins tine lawn are
charming for afternoons in summer. 1
Morning wrappers of oiuk or blue ba
tiste are Gabnellos, with basque bocks, j
and sometimes shims! waists. They '
have insertion and edging in rows down
front am! luck, and a llounoe on the
edge is also embroidered.
Byron or sailor collars of tlie dress ma
terial or of the silk used for trimming ore
on many new dnssses. Sometimes there
are two collars, one of tlie plaid wool j
like the liasqae, the other of silk like the
sleeves. Other Byron collars of silk are
made of fine knife plaiting* laid around
the neck, while still others are rows of
crimped plaiting passing downward, and
alternately of silk and wooL
Many plaid basques and overskirt* are
cut bias, and each plaid is made to meet
in every H-aiu.
Cravat bows of silk like the drees or
its trimming are made of two Jung loops,
two ends, aud a strap, all laid in the
finest knife plaitiugs. Other cravat IIOWK
are merely the silk doubled plainly.
Three or four such bows trim the front
of basques.
The newest plaid suits are shades of
green or of blue. These are shown only
in very liue camel's hairand in the Dm!
sine silk. The ]K>pular plaid suits are of
gray or le ige brown abode*. The gay
Madras plaids, with colors copied from
bandana handkerchiefs, are as largely
imported as wore I)oliy Vorden goods
two years ago. They are in all fabrics,
from cheap ginghams tip to lino twilled
silks, and promise to find favor at the
watering-places. At present they are
pronounced too gay for city streets.
Making a I'iano.
It takes nearly four years to make one
instrument; three years and some months
to season the wood, and three months to
form the part*. No less than sixteen
different kinds of wood enter into the
formation, embracing the softest, tough
est, hardest, heaviest, lightest and most
eompiu t grain. In the "action " alone
there arc eleven different kinds of wood.
The piano, inonsiver, is cosmopolitan,
from the fact that the vegetable, animal
and mineral kingdoms of the world eon
tribute totlie c,imposition. While spruce
pine from Northern New York, maple
from Massachusetts, pine ash from
Michigan, cherry from Pennsylvania,
walnut from Indiana, and poplar from
West Virginia, after passing through
choppers, sawyers, raftmen nnd inspec
tors, as well as buckskin of four kinds,
tirst fiom the wild deer and then from
the manufacturers, are necessary, this
country doos not furnish all the material
required. Six kinds of felt, four kinds
of cloth, besides silver for the plates, sil
ver gilded strings, east-iron, many kinds
of paper, ns also ivory, eliony and var
nish, are all inqiortod from ether coun
tries. In an ordinary piano there are
five hundred screws, one hundred and
seventy strings, eighty-tiro keys and five
hundred anil twenty key and tuning
pips. In a seven oirtave square about
ninety nquaro feet of veneering is used,
nnd in tlio "action"alone there are nolens
than 5,072 pieces. From the foregoing
some conception of tho requisites of a
square, upright or grand piano may lie
Eveiy one thinks his jiexty has the
kernel and others only the shell.
Whereas they are all apt to let the kerne)
alone, nnd dispute about the shell, as if
that wuie the kernel.
Nettle* al t'eacerd er I.ealngian la Rrrlta
I It* *l4 t'erllii* between the I alletl
nialea ami Wwftland— A 111 tat fwr lb* N*i
It in n pint topic of congratulation,
tuiy* tin* Now York //miM, (lint no
■)H<ker, no not or*tor, uo |HM<I, W lioUn-r
ut Lexington or Concord, uttoroil on*
word wliiol) tended to toVtVO Uw HUl'lt'lll
fooling of nmiuoHitv ltwroii America
mill 1 ngluml. Tho ioit moid of tlu'iniill,
Mr. Kmorwon, tho one until wliono every
utterance i euro to oiroulmto u* fur urn
tho Luglmh tongue i* h|Hikon, wnn mn>
fill Hot to implicate tlio Ltlgliill (M-oplo
in Ih* oppression of the colonies. ,\lr.
Lim'ntotpa wisdom ia i-.pml to hi*
knowledge of tho fm to. lie tlii d tho
bliuiio whiio tho 1 h-cl&rntiou of 1ml"
peildeHiV' put it. on tho misguided king,
win no blunt obetiumoy prevailed over
tho Imtter sentum-iits of lint ti>luisl<rM,
hi* l'urllitiilolit mint llm wis, hi of bin nub
n-.'t it. "Wo had nimiiy ouoiun a," mild
Mr. Emerson, "mini uuuiy frmiula in
England, but our one U-nefiictor wn*
King (lev>rge 111. 11l the !"flhtlioe of
tho poloiiuM ho alone wtui immovable ou
tho i}l|ontloU of force, I 'til h.'llni lit wmvi'l
"d, mil tho uiiiiimtniM wuvorod. laird
North wavered, but tlio kuig had the
inaauity of imo idea." tliitl tlio EugloU
people IK on blow! ut that tiluo with n
wiser king tho grout ittrif* couhl not
liavo nrnwii. Tho iu>wt illustrious of
English statesmen woie tuuiuly on our
•vnle. Icirvl Cliutham, Hurke and F.-x,
the three greatest orators who ever
(Hke in parliament, strenuously op
' pos, d the mistaken policy of the pig
headed king, and even laird North, hi*
Ist minister, stood by In* sovereign only
from a sentiment of loyalty to which he
I subjected hi* lwttcr judgment. thir
own statesmen drew then most eff.vtive
weapons from the great armory of Lug
lisli tight.* ami F.uglish free,h>m. Their
<*ar,luud piinciple, tluit taxation and
repreaciitaUon went hand xti hand, ami
that a free Jieopie could lav taxed only
by their own representatives, wan a
i principle imlwKlded iu the very found.,
tions of the l.tigltsh constitution. Their
resistance to illegal taxation pi. its ded
from the same spirit tliat st<Hl out
against betievolrmv* and ship money
under the Stuurt*.
Oar fathers were liubmd with the
seutiments of hi.hiey and LMH'KE. The
Declarutioii of Independence repeata the
N lews, and even borrows the phrase.* of
Intake's celebrated treatise ou govern
went. NVe SHKHI iu our great struggle
on the A tf>Cii* corpus, on the trial by
jury, ou the English ixiuimeii luw, on
lie-great bulwarks of English frtcdom.
We fought English oppression witlx Kng
lish ideaa. The moat lUttatriou* of Eng
lish names liauij>dt-ii and l'yui, Sidney
ami lxH'ke ufa j-wt g. lierution, ami
Chatlmm, llurke ami l'ox uf the g< itera
tion th< U living were the autliuritl, s
which our fathers Constantly cite,l. Tin
whole IHHIV of the Fjigh-h whig* symu.i
thized with u*. -uul w> were really light
ing an English ha!tie against the lories.
\\ <v borrowed the phraseology of Eug
liali party contests, and Htigmatimsi a
tori".* tlie rv. cre.uit American* who aivh-d
with the mother country. It was not a
Contest agnin*t English ideas, but a em-
tint ag'uiuot Hie tury juirty and at t y
king, i'hc cnlighU-ucJ jnitiliu stiitituciit
uf KiiglAJid lung ago de nied
that tin- ciiunUu wen* in the right and
(tciirge 111. in Uie wrung, rv< ti on sound
Kitgltrh principle*. Wo rejoice Unit all
the orators at ix-xingtun and t'onci rd
recugnisiHl Uns truth, uiul thai no a. rd
was sjHlketl which wvtlld olsatruct a full
and fns> partn'ipalii U of the Bittisli jwu
pie ill our gr.-at CV'Ub'lUiial in xt ywr.
I'lie w hole British jieuplu lutig silioe in
doracd our n nistaiicay to Uie linti-h
srown, as they nr- logioally cotnjH-Ui d lo
do by their pride in the gri-at aiaioiUMH
and oratora who took our aide in tluit
struggle. Oar is'iiUuinal ralcbrwtioua
are. therefore, not a reproach tu the
Knghsh nation, but a justiti aUon of the
coutidence and a>lMiratii-u it umuumuui
ly Iwst.iws tu this age on Hampth-n
and I'yni, on Sidro j atnl Ls-H-ke, on
Chathan , Burke and F>>x, the moat il
luatriouM name* in British hi®t rv. We
Uterefon* h"]H. to see a full Britisii rvprc
arnUtion in the great Cfiit.uuud at
i'hihulelphta next year.
Hon He Surprised Her.
A little while tvg says the Tt)ie<lo
j (Ohio) JUtuit, a young gentleman and of our city decided to unite their
iu Hyim-u's rosy whom*. and the
| intention wan carried out a few weeks
ago. In discussing their prosjtecU, just
' Wow the wedding occurred, the young
j couple concluded that tliey could uot go
to housekeeping immediately, but must
Ivusrd for a year or so. i'herw are few
things which a young wife resigns with
more reluctance than the hojie f
succeeding to a neat cosy home of her
own, but this young htdy did so, and
made up her nund to lie as happy as
I* >Kj<ible iu a boarding bous<. Hut just
in-fore Uie wedding the gruolu hettr.l of
mi •pimrtuuity to purchase a chonuiug
little house, iust such as liu pixutpectivc
i wife picture. 1 their home should l<e, and
rnewly furnished precisely according to
lief taste. A tstrgniu was offered in the
whole affair, and the gn>m Hosed upon
! it, but resolved to keep the transaction
s secret—for a surprise to his wife.
This he did effectually. After the wed
ding the happy pair started ou the
usual trip, and in due time returned to
the city. The husluuid suggested to his
wife that before going to tli- hotel they
go up into the city to call npou a certain
friend of theirs. She assented, the hack
man was directed to drive to their house,
and they were shortly deposited at the
door of a neat dwelling on str.s-t.
I The door bell was rung; the servant np
jieared and ushered them into s neatly
furnished parlor ; a bright tire was
burning in the prate, and everything was
| cosv and homelike. The wife sat down,
aniC the husliand said lie would step
back into another room to look for the
i gentleman of the house. He returned
i shortly, alone; ami the ladv of the house
was also not forthcoming. The young
wife expressed surprise, and wondered
what could be keeping the hostess so
The time for the denouement had
come, and the young husband tenderly
1 informed bis bride that she was the sole
mistress of the house ami all its eon
i tents.
Thoughts for Saturday Night.
Patience is the key of content.
Ingratitude is treason to mankind.
Pardon others often, thyself never.
No grief is so acute but time ainolio
i rub* it.
Men love in luiste, but they detest at
The innocent seldom find nn uneasy
Hatiit, if not resisted, soon Is-comes
I prny thee, () (Jod , that I may lie
beautified within.
Let pleasure be ever so innocent, the
excess is always criminal.
Every tear of sorrow sown by the
righteous springs up a pearl.
The way of this world is to praise
dead saints and persecute living ones.
The utmost that severity can do is to
j make men hypocrites, it ran never make
! them convert *.
I could never think well of a man's in
j telloctual or moral character if he was
habitually unfaithful to his appoint
liomembrnnce is the ody paradise
out of which we cannot be driven awn v.
Imleed, our first parents were not to lie
I deprived of it.
It is the mind that makes tis rich and
happy, in what condition soever we are,
and money signifies no more to it than it
does to the gods.
Truo virtue, when she errs, needs not
i the eyes of men to excite her blushes;
j she is confounded at her own presence
and oovcred with confusion of nice.
A good man nnd a wise man may at
times lie angry with the world; at times
| grieved far it; but be sure no man was
I ever discontented with the world who
tiid his duty.
Duties are ours, events are God's,
i This removes nn infinite burden from
the shoulders of a miserable, temptod,
dying creature. On this consideration
only can ho securely lay down his head
ana close his eyes.
" OrHiogrammania," is what they ore
calling the rage for spelling matches.
liewt* af Internal Iran llama aad Abrwmd.
Ilia (lartnan government Joiiruala give Iran
•lulliriiig e*ur*lie* In regard to Ilia relation*
of I'ruaaia Willi foreign (Miner* . , .During
• debkto lit the lYueeleu I'iel ou the tall with
drawing the Mate giant* from the Human
Catholic clergy, I'rltice lUsmarck mads a
•|Mir. h declaring dial he wa* uot an cueitiy of
the Oalhnllc Church , he wa-rod uuly ftgainal
the I'apxcv Agent* of the Kreiii'h govern
nient hare tua 1* ConliwcCa in IVihetula for leu
thousand liore* The Carliala have eur
(it lent Hurl A|>e, near Han lander, and rattled
off two hundred I'ltaouera and four gun*
l it* Anti Matery Hociaty of Pemiayltatum rel*
lualett the taia hundredth *iuiior*ry of ll*
oiganiralloii iu t'liilade!|4ita. \ uw>-l'ieattleiil
Wila.tu em!led the Meeting to older Ilia
iejni tod liiat the Turk* lift*e murdered 'J7O
< 'litialiaua lu Uotuurlie and Hulgarla during
(lie !a*l three un'Oili*, and lltal Ute nature of
(he li'tuu* liaie Itrn ■ ..muiunn'aletl ti the
foreign repiciiciitaUvra lu 1 Vim*aHUlo(4#.
lu a lualcti game of haee hall al Havannah, iia..
two players, M.t'ullough and Ihuier, were
badly liijiued. McCulhwigb* leg waa broken
by a runner Jumping ou bun, and ttailey hs.l
hi* mw* spin and ye nearly put by a "red
hot hail. Tho game wa llien *lO|'|*Ml ....
iTeaident if ant haa *p|Hliled l. au.ler tl
Ila y er, of Tent.ease*. t'onaul at (Meeea, lilt*
*ia . . Tha stage from lKiwineville tu Haota
mento. Cat . waa *lo(>ped by highwaymen and
Well*, Pal go A Cu.'a treasury bo* containing
♦ ".,*iW in g. ld duet, hair and coin, waa carried
Tli" coiuiuKtre on eloelleua of Ilia Louiaian*
l."*i*lmio Have acoe|>te>i the Wheeler aval J.
and the DeiaoeraU have now a uiajuritjr of
avocuteeii in the House ....The rcjsiila of
uegro mceud.ailsm lu Hi Tle-iuaa. W 1, (VuVe
to tw unfouuded Tm and twenty dollar
in lea of the National Hide and leather Hank
of lloaton, with th-nuou* Mgnature*, are lu cu
,-Uatiou Ihe annual hndgit of tjigland
atiowa that th* eurplu* of receipts over ex(u
dlturea for the fiseal year ended March 31,
Is;;., au x3.v3.533. The expeullture* for Uie
rurient local vrar arc eaniualed at XTo.ilos CvO
and tlie revenue* at A75.6*3 000, lravin a aur
" (due of X 117.000.. . 'the ilritiali faiiiatucnl
rejected a pctuiuu f"f the reuiovst of the
who *al lu the 'lichhorns trial* and for
the luipeaahuiri.l of (he Speaker of the liiStae
of Couimott* Henry W. 1 Hilton, eeniur
nlimruf the It -aton /.' v-ivis. Inisarriyrf, djisl,
aged arteuty sine year* Within Ave UKKIUIS
Mr. tint ton h*>t hi* wife and son. and there
afHk-lions, coupled with the recent deooase of
Mr. Haskell, editor of tho 7>>iir riyC sec* the
indurct eauaee of hla death .. Jutwt Uffovd
and t'homaa Mr-lanry, workman at Hawktu a
foundry Ui HjiringAekt, Maaa., wore instantly
kalcd and Ja:ue* Huko fatally injured. 1 y the
exj loan u of a ahell The widow uf ilia
late Thuinaa I'iurry [>.opoae* tu build a new
structure fur the V. M (' A of Caiciunau, tu
cot frtxa #".000 to #100,009. .. Ttie eel
making it a una lorn rauv to (•racuce ued.cxne
wuhoul filing s .e-nfi -alo with tlie county
clerk, aar knlot in ik New Yiuk Mate Hcusla
The w.fe of a plifrtrkn St. Paul. Mum.,
ocnuuiticd e.inidc !v taking etrycknuie
Mr® Mai-Oil, aged KlttllJ, haUged tlOOrif ||
PrvvKlein*, It I , ilij Mr. I: w.u. dwitM M
• rwe portable young widow. drowned herself
tin] rlikl It lUublUI, )Io lit* Cbipuu
t.lir; uutt N< bury|®ilt, Ma® . we enld
tar t I.UOO.hW to • joint stock oou>j*ny or
gs; irod tu Now fork for the working of the
mine. The rum> parties pa. I #II,OOO for
other |wiwii of luul ut the * .rooty ~,, John
Hunter, of (VtUrtfwuod, Canada. liw 1-eeii
sentenced to fotirteeii year®' :tu]-ii®oiiuicn! for
ux t . harsua with iuteiit to defraud the Han
f rd lueuranee Company ... A party of three
(t i n® laeidnl in lha Zenith at
l'ari® to make ectMiii&c obear>aUona. TLTE
1-allooc attained the extraordinary height of
0,000 luetic® (over " feet. Two of the
aronauta were suffocated to death, and when
the lailtnu reached tiie ground the third waa
ahnuat insensible anj ha® since heeu ao ill that
hia recovery ie doubtful ..Three hundred
I aire of titiii a ere tlnlr. lei by a fire at
diarixtia, N. C . Two woauen and two m<-u
have Imeii recently mil fr<gn WashuigUm to
the asylum for the insane, having g> ns crayy
over Uie lleecher Utal The American re
vivails(s in fhiglaisi are meeting with great
sue,-®-®®, their meetuigs borng attended by tLu-u
--wands of peoUo.
A New V"t k j.iliormAii ta under a Tiwt for
dubbing a piiac.iier to dealt. .. Anion fan
bug a Swede, wiule drank. faUily slabbed
Andre Johnson, ui the latter "a sick room,
at L'ubttiiilir, . Joliu I'situa, a Gertnan,
who rntrrcd Uie room on liearuig the trout le.
waa atal-lied four time* by bin burg, and dud
ic-tautly. IVIt-iu a wife ai®o lecriieda feaiful
•fab in the tup lanburg plunge®! the
knife into hi® own l-xty ai l also rut hta llin-ai.
He lived only a few tuomeufa..... The weekly
record of death® by di|<lilJirria continue* in Uie
large cilia* of the Tiuted Stat®*, *iUi no falling
<-ff m Uie fatality of the dreadful -tieeaae.
Tticre was a fading off last week, over Ike
came week last year, in Ike coal auyj ly from
tka IVSlaviUe region of 70.5'.'" ton®, and frtwn
other aecuona the defic.ei® y la fully a® large.
From lauou* ecfn •> tka decrease Una year
over last 1® Sol. 71® tons A forty-eight
hourw now and kail etorrn raged in Michigan,
llkiiots. lowa and \V i<xuiain, and 11 ia believe.l
that even Uie fruit treca themeelvea are In
many casee lulled ... It ie believed U-at the
season will be very airkly in the Wi-et Indie*,
and Uie yellow fever will prevail eenoudy
Mason the counterfeiter, stabbed two of the
witnesee® against bun in jail. He attempts*)
to kill Uietn but failed ... A large amount of
valuable stock, which cost large sums of money,
is now being imported into the Tinted State*
from Fnglaud.... The F.mperor William hae
written a lefter of congratulation to King
Victor I'mauiie] expressing his g rat ideation at
the recent interview between the latter ami
the I'.mpernr of Austria at Venice The
lull withdrawing Uie Blalo grants from Uie
Catholic l ishoj hae jaeseil its recond realmg
ui the Tniaaian Chaml>er of I'eera The
Mriiran government hae caused the prisoner*
rccunliy arr®'eJ for raiding into Texas to l>c
remove®! from Matamoraa to Monterey, a dis
tance of Uiree hundred uilea, which will pmt>*-
bly prevent tliem from being idenUfled
Htockmen rep >rt seeing small parties with peck
luules inquiring details of Uie way to the Illack
Hills. They he in Uie csTcrus during Uie dey
and travel hy night, thus rendering It imjmeei
ble for Uie military b>detect theui.
At the Islington Centennial it was said that
fully 100.000 praon were present ; had the
weather I eeu pleasant there would no douht
have been a still larger number. ..The lodg
ment of a fish bona in the throat resulted in
the death of a man in New York nnder painful
circnmrtsnces The miners captured by
I'm ted States troops in the Black Hills regions
have been released under promise that they
will not again attempt to reach tlie hills tinUl
the government gives them authority to do so.
Catherine Hays. agc<l seventeen. Jour
neyed from Ireland to her brother's house in
Brooklyn Isst August. Tlie brother had a
fan ilv of live, and living out of work, was re
duced almost to starvation. A few days ago he
said to her : " Kate, I wish to God you were at
home with father and mother, where you
might havo a good tune, instead of being here
as poor as we are." The next morning she
answered the remark : " You will not hate to
say that again " Hhe put on her eiiawl and
went out. and soon after her body was found
in Uie canal. ... President Grant made no
speech in reply to the toset. " The Preeident
of the United States,"at the I,exington Centen
nial dinner, merely rising from the table and
bowing to the large assemblage... .Tlie fsmoiie
horse Kentucky died at his stable on I-ong
Island The last time tie was sold f40,000 wae
paid for him ... In an affray at Ilswkius
ville, < is., two men were killed and one serious
ly injured.... Frosts have caused serious
damage to rnttoa in aeveial of the Southern
States... The difficulties in the I cmisiaua I.egis
let lire are not jet settled, and the State will
evidently have to yens through another (xihtiral
crisis Two men lieing refused admittance
to the Hush Taveru iu Wales. Maes., attempted
to force an entrance, whereupon both were
shot and killed Another band of Mexi-'
cans have been raiding upon Texan ranches,
ami four of the ranches were burued. The
Mexicans traveled in a party of forty and
robbed aud burned as they went a10ng.... both
Houses of the New York Legislature adjourned
to take part iu the Lexington Centennial cere
monies A contract has been made by
which the stone work ou tbo Fast river bridge,
between Brooklyn and New York, will be com
pleted this year.
The Secret! ry of the United Slates Treasury
lima leaned a cftlt for 13,000,0(10 of flvs-lwrnty
bunts, upon which litlereel will coses on (lift
twentieth of July. Tlift bunt* re.ll *4 In ftra
coupon hoods, *il mi* Included within Ihft
following numbers t"ifu*, from 1ft,401 to
17,100 ; I'M hundreds, from u.ool to tI.'JOU j
Ave liiimlrotla, from 'Jo.llOl to #U'J,t(XJ , ana
UiuiiMUili, front 6A.001 to jD.IISo ... The
nil (or* of tiro I'fttla I Htoo ami I'ny fought •
iluel with a word*, lloth (isrUaa war* wounded.
'lite charge of Ulrel brought agaiual t>r.
heiieaJy by the sub-editor of the Loudon
.tilwrftar Ita* hoati dismissed ~ The com
mittee of the |.oul*iana lx>gl*leture i|l|mlulkl
to investigate the account* of Htate A whin
Clinton, recommend tliat ha be tinpeaotird far
high prima* and misdemeanor*.. .. The Irret
urn of |t<M>th a Theater. Sew York, a* ftr
rnalnt nmter tha Ctrl! lUghle nil) for refilling
a noNral aeat to • colored man .. . . The
•u|>ei!lileu<leut of lit* new ra|utul at Albany,
N. V . aftra thai with #'4,ftoo.<>no he will be able
to |Hit a roof ou the building in two year*, and
thai (he l.rgnlalurp nuuid go lulu 1U ohambora
iu three year* Oscar HUM-HI waa killed IU
K-uueruiie, Trou., by one lhiyle liurtou, laat
fall had ft lerriide to. onlro with throe brother*
Itemed llnet*. lit wbh'h (wo of the lU r*e*
wrre lulled. ftitd the oilier deugeroualy wound
ad. liar 101 l being ehot nine litnem. and. It waa
Utought, mortally wounded.
The Spring St)l>.
Following* 1 jwhr iv.tiioa tli* Rprinp
o|witiiig-H of tlm mill morn ami the tlrtvHS
nimki'rn, mini tln-i* IN ititti'h cirilencut.
AMONG; Um eprini* ely lt-e UM lh'fliy, or
Kllgtiall w Hiking' hat iu chip, bija fair to
Inv a hunting htylc for nhopping, uiortiing
prouii'iiKil", mini trnvfluig w. nr. It lum
u high, ehghtly tapt-riiig crown, with m
rouinh-ii top. The brim ItomU low mini
" juiiro down ovt-r the forvhcmi mini in
the twn'k, hut ts turned up very high on
llm nub >, miid lined with nilk th odtir
d the chip, or a- 'tuo dark, tu'utnd tdiu i*
if the hat is hLn*w, hrowu or grmy, hut of
any color tlmt guit* the fancy if the chip
IN white. The trimmings are ncarf* of
Noft idia.h-d plaids or dannuvk rthhon, or
m rge or gnw grain, lhirk red rosea in
m IUILKS are placed ill either tile fruut or
the I Hick of tile hat, Ulid I lows mild loulM
of tlie rihhoti or scurf. Somctimcw tuu
flowers are uf strongly coinrtranting
colors, hut the dark rvwas are worn im*t
by fastidiously tmsteftd women.
A marked feature of the suit openings
is tlie mlwence of the poof tr (wuuer in
the new ooMtuuicN. Hut alt the drmperiis
are mmnaed ill the Imck, and the deep full
plaits formed of the hack breadths fall
over toiirnuroN or hustle# of modest di
lucnsiouN. Tuiii.'s iui.l apron ovemkirta
are est ill worn hut modilled, ami many of
the lmjHirted styles liave no aprons or
overskirts, hut with flounces, plaiting*
and slnrnng* arrange,! en fablier acrona
tho front iin-adtliK, dimpj staring' under
reveis extending down Uie side*, while
tlie I Mick hrnmitha form a deep box
plaited watteau iu tlie buck, falling ill
straight lines to tlm floor over the tour
nure. Sometimea two, three, or no-re
knife blade j lulling* trim the bottom of
the back breadtlia.
Suit* for little girl* and miis-a of
plain, atrijwd, or piaiu caiuei'N hair and
debege, are made with kilt skirt*. This
style is worn by girls from two bo twelve
Years of age. The Italy u a bswve, long
Idouse, held around the waist with an
elastic run m a hem at tlie bottom. A
scarf tif the came in worn around the
hip*, knotted, and with UMMW, flowing
ends falimg either at the back or on one
side. Large w lute taulor collars of plain
linen, or of Irish lace, or application
embroidery are worn with those kilt
auita. OtLer suit* for 1 ttle girU are
mode with kilt skirts, but the corsage is
formed of a vest and jacket very similar
to alwy's. The white pi.pio suit* are
made in this style. The plainer ones are
lsitind on the edges with linen or cotton
galloon, the liandwituer are embroidered
iu wrhite.
Abunt the llatlcr.
The old problem about tha hatter
and Uie counterfeit bill is going
the rounds again. A hatter ia wnibsi
ujH'ti by a man who wishes to purchase
a hat. A hat is found to suit him ex
actly—the price eight dollars. The man
offers in payment A tifty dollar louik
Dote. The hnttcr has no small bills, and
is obliged to go to a ni ighbor and g.-t
Uie large bill cliauged. lie returns and
delivers the luit, and gives to his cus
tomer forty-two dollars of the small,
good bills, ltefor. night the neighbor
who hid changed it brings Imck the
fifty dollar note r.® counterfeit. Of
course, the luitti r Inn tu give hint fifty
dollars in gissl money for iL The dis
honest customer ww.® in t seen again.
Now how much did Uiu liatb r lose by
the ojwration f
I have heard u vast deal of discussion
over this <|u<-<tion. The last time I
heard the thing mooted was in a friend's
store, where were present twro gisnl book
k<* )M-rs, and an accomplished insununv
agent. How much did the liatb r lose t
" Why—fifty dollars and the hat, of
course," said Uie agent. And the others
were wilder than he.
Just take the simplest possible propo
sit ion, and we hare it. The hatter's
cash ix>'Utit at mglit. Or, a second situ
pie prujHisition. There was but one
HliaTjx r in the business—what did he
tnnke off with I Or, to make it, perhajps,
plainer still, nup|s>se, instead of going
to his ueighlmr to get the fifty-dollar bill
changed, the luitter had happened to
have fifty dollars in small bills of hisowu
at home, and had guue home and got
tliem t Beckoning up profit and lotwi
from Uiat situation is very simple.
A Hero.
There is enough of heroiam atnl nerve
in the way a Tennessee loeomotive en
gitieer met his death to temper with
sympaUiy the judgment which his fool
hardiness deserves. lie was employed
on the Georgia and Kast Tennessee rail
road, and was cautiouslv working his
wny over the trs<-k* witli a iass< nger
train ju®t after tho recent floods had
subsided. He reached # Sweetwater
creek, over which a temporary bridge
litwl lieeti built to place the one waslnnl
away by the swollen waters. If ss-ni.-d
insectire, and lie feared to risk his train
and his passenger* in crossing it; ao, un
coupling the engine front its tender, and
ordering the fireman to leave his j>ost,
that but one life might Ite endangered,
he dashed at full speed for the oUier
bank. There were moments of breath
less sus|s*nsc t then a crash of broken
timbers, an explosion, a cloud of steam,
and a wrecked engine. The engineer
was seen no more.; the rushing river
into which he fell swept his IHHIV far
awav, leaving only his name, David
Halloway, to memorize his generous but
reckless act.
Tlie most eminent organists of Paris
ninl London, a* w<-!l as tVarren, Morgan,
Ztuub-1, ttf Trinity, Grace, anil other
principal churches in New York, have
given to tin* Mason A- Hamlin Organ Go.
writb 11 testimonials to the sniieriority of
their cabinet organs, which tliey declare
to have excellencies not found in others.
Tli" Parisians devour 100,000,000 of
apples ever winter. An eminent French
pliymcian thinks thnt the decrease of
dysjiepsin and bilious affections in Paris
is owing to the increased consumption of
this fruit, which, he maintains, is an
admirable prophylactic and tonic, as
well at a very nourishing and easily
digested article of food.
A Second Fnthcr Mat I hew.
Who is there thnt does not respect the
memory of Father Matthew, the grent
champion of temperancef Innumerable
societies bear his honored munc; but
there is one man who has struck a more
sure death-blow to intcmjieraiice, and
that man is Dr. J. Walker, an old Cali
fornia physician, who lias discovered, in
natures "meek and lowly herbs," a
modieiual "tonic" iind gentle stimulant
thnt completely token tlie place of the
foohiounble alcoholic pois ma called
"tonics," so popular as a compromise
between strong drink and cold water,
and does away with the mania for drink,
and in reality cultivates an involuntary
disgust for the same. It even does
more: It acts upon the entire physical
system, parities the blood, nnd produces
hale, hearty health. Tho discoverer of
this great medicinal stimulant is surely
entitled to the thanks of n whole nation,
and it is not extravagant to entitle him
" a sacond Father Matthew."
Why should any una buy a soap half
rtain nr clay, when Dobbin* El*ctrie
inmp (until* by Oragiti A Co., Phila
ilehihia), ia for nal* f It raU but a
trifio more, ami will go five ttinea n* far.
Try it •
A JOIWT Hroot Itowwin. Th* young
Kmn iu Um Halifax work*, nuya u
I a union iyirri*|Miiidottt, ero certainly not
protty, but thoy mooin to lutvo ullm flow
of Mptrit*. luu tohl tliat thoy lutvo u
roiumrkitbly fluo bvato tu ilnum. A Udy
iu llmlifmx hmviug occttmioii to onlor a
udllitior'e aliop hud hr nttoution at
tixcted by m Immutiful Mul vory ox
ponHlvo Kroiu'h Iwiiiiiot, Mid iui|utroii
tho prior; aha wim bold it wan Hold.
" Oh, I htnl uo tdo* of buying *uch an
o|M iiaivo bniict," laud tho Imly,
wlaoh thff ntillimh amid: "It Uitjotiib
etook Imiuii t that in, it Irolnngft to throo
fmcbiry girl*, who wour it by turim on
A Koumrkabl* Hook.
In IMA, p. T. ltarnum wrote hie fttitobiMra- j
pit? fur lturr A Co., (he eelabrftiod puhliaher*
lu Haniord, Ct , fur which they jaud him AfUmu
Ihonaand dollar* ll uunl* a hook of eight
hundred page*, wa* profueeiy Illustrated, g***
a liarUPuW amount of llarnum et enlful life
lu mil iwita of lite world, and Inrltuted liia Pale- j
liraled leoture on "The An of Money lielUng "
ttormce (treelev pr<ntouitrwd the bunk " worth
a hundred-'loUat greenhark In Utany a
iu hfa." 't he puhitahcre auld ninety thouamud
corfte* of (ha book by aubetYtlriltm, ftt three
dollar* and m-iimlf a oopy. In I*7l. whan Mr. '
liarnuut started liia gloat raralng showa. h*
bought back the copyright and alereolype
; lalea of h book fur ten lliouaftnd dollar*.
adilad an a| |<auiliv bringing tha snuiut of hut
hfa up to that dale, (muted an edition of one
huiwtred thoiisaiid cu|tiaa. aant them with hie '
traveling ahowa, and eoid the whole uf them at
cueb- one <b liar ea. lt. tie haa added an apprn
•tlx each year. which haa now mcreamed the j
volume to a thorunand pagea. It average* a
sate of one hundrtal Umuaand coplea ra. lt year.
They are neatly l-.iutd in ruuaho, gilt, and eoid
in all tua traveling ahowa. A* hla (tatrona
rinerga from hie great altow lania with hi*
U>da under their arm* they look aa if coming
frutu a circulating library' No book in th a
country ever had auch an enormous aale, or *o
abouuda Ui curious Incnleula of real life *■"!
valuable ex(*ricnca. itufal > Ckmnmr.
The (Jueeu of nil Sow in* Machine..
In *}iekuig of the menu of the Wilton
ahuttle eevriug uuchiti*. it in ouificieiit for ue
to r*y that r thiuk the invention of Una ma
chine marka our of the taual important era* m
the hlatorv of Uiia country , en when *• OKU
aijer Die influence it baa upon the aortal well
being of the inatteea. U la difficult U> runonve
of an luveuUuu of mora importance. It ha* a
beautiful, unite lot* ui innnit; it makae the
genuine "h ek-etitch alike on both aidea, and
doc* to |rfMiuu all ktuda of filaiti and fine
eewing ; U netkla no oifameiidat on , Ma itpid
aalna, ilia iucreaeing demand, and the many
flattering tcotim ituaia from thuae who have
uaed It la rufhi'ient |wil of lie men la The
aiit of a an*ma machine t deeply fail in
every houteliuid, attd aa tiia Wiboa ahutt a
eewnn; machine, on account of Ha extreme
aimphoty an 1 lew cart of manufacture, la autd
at a much lover price than ail other firat-ciaw
machine*, it la meeutut villi the ritanaive
palmnaci that it ao jtietlv deeervee. Machuira
a ill he delivered at any railroad alaltun in thla
out*. free of iranaimnauou rhargea, if or
d ted Ihe tuUipanyV hranch houee at
Vfl and saa ltruadway. See York. They eend
an elegant catalogue and chroutu men lair free
on acjihcadou. TUia company earn a fas •
him e good amenta. ( om.
Pimple*, Eruptions Rough Shin,
The ayetrm bring put under the influence of
lr. I'icior'a < u Medical Ihaoovery for a
few weeka. tiie skin becomes smooth, clear,
soft and velvety, and being illuminated with
the glow of px-ifect health from a.thui, true
N-auiy '.ati.l® forth in all it® glory. Lite effects
of all medicine® which oj-crale upon the ys
teta through the medium of the hiuud are
beeoiaarily a -inewUai alow, no master how
good the remedy employed. While one to
three buttlee clear the ®kin of pwmpie®, bloUbee.
eruptions, yellow atioU, c -intd-mr*. or "grub®,"
a doren may {aawtUe be re.pu.rcd to cure autue
Caeea where theaystem la ruUeu With acrufuloua '
or vtrulci.t Hood piutnoaa. To cure all tlieae I
diseases. however, from the common pimple to
the wur®t scrofula ia. with the use of Una nnwt
potent agent, only a matter of time, hold by
dt alow in mt dictuea.
t vmsfcn wirn aßcr-nowa crxan.
Chai atuu a. Columbia county, V I'.
Dr. B. V. I'terce, Buffalo, B. If.:
jM\.r sir~l am ®isty veers of age. and have |
U- n afflicted vkith toil rheum in the worst
form for a great many year®, until. acvtJeuUy,
I saw one of your Uiuka, which dwtmhrd my '
case exactly. 1 bought your Golden Medkcai
lhacorery and took two bottles and a half, ai d
waa i ntnrly cured From my shoulder* to my
hands 1 vu entirely covered with eruptions,
also on face and body. 1 was likewise afflicted
with rheumatism, mi that I walked with great
difficulty, and that is entirely cured. May (lad
spare you a long life to remain a bkwai'ng tu
mankind. With untold gratitude.
Mas. A. W. Wiujiira.
BciiKKTT'a CooOACf* in the Ixwt and
cheapest hair drusstng ui tho world.—Cm.
The Ulan tic Truss of I'omeroy k Co.,
Tit Itroadway. S V., la by far the best in use.
Hopw men and othcrm, who pretend to j
know, say that tiie following directions had 1
belter lw ol -erred in usdig ShvruSin't (Vrrairj
l.tondi'iow /\ orders.- Give a home a labk
sp.iooful every night for a week : the same
* very other night for four or ait nights ; the
wasue fur a toii'h cow, and twice aa much for
an ox. The addinati of a little hue salt will be
a:i advantage.— CVm.
We have heard rrwntly of several
severe caeea of spinal diaeaae cured by
aon'a .tnndynr t-Amtmaml ; one cam of a ma:
forty live year* old who had not done a day's
work for four year*. Tha back should firv-t be
washed. thru rubbed with a coarse toweL Ap- |
ply the liniment cold, and rub in well with the
baud. —Cove.
KhECTHKTTT n IdFK. —All ncrroua dis
nrderw. ehroaic diseases of tha cheat, head,
hver, stomach, kidneys and blood, aches and j
peine, nervous and general debih'.y, etc..
quickly run.l after drags fail by wearing Volla'a
EJe-tiic Hell/ and Hands. Valualile txiok free,
by Volts Belt Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.—Oovo.
The puhlialier of tiie Cheyenne tWytv 1 /e.idrr
will issue, April 17th, a twenlv-eight column
extra. containing a fine map of the liiack ltilla. >
including all the ttmnilein ranges ku JWU under '
that name , also, a large variety of valuable in
formation. gathered from official and pnvate
sources, relating to Una ell-elisor lung topic.
I*nce 10 cents. Send your orders to 11. Glefcke,
puWisher, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Own.
Tit* Qt'EsnoN S*rn.Kn.—Thrma #mi
nent men. lr. Jaw. Clark, physician to Queen I
Victoria, and I'r. Hughes Hcnnetl, say tliat j
consumption can lie cured lr. Wistar kuew
this when ho discovered hie now widely-known
Baltatn of H LID Cherry, aiid ejj-eriviioe has
proved the correctnces of his opuiuin. Fifty 1
cents and one dollar a bottle, large bottles
much the cheaper. —("inn.
••m v mr, am> vor ooon."
Of ®ll tbs SI .tss of oditins TH® hsiwaa romtnstSs, OF
imc'irum << ib® bloi.t <tr®n®rsi®. lotrbl H®si ®od it®
ktnlrMt Ul®®S*S. SW I- ® ,U.-r—®fui s® lb® it®* of Or
-1.1M.11i 'S ItfHiT AMi II lilt H II ITT Ml*.
Th-y RI ® P*U®nl Sonic *n<T s®NTL® ®P®RL®R,L. ®r® MILD
IN LB®lr iporslk n-, *L® iindor any rtreumatsar®®, asd
IHOOUMV h®V® b-'ro® TOSLlEl'ioy loth® bwtflbQiwliii®
USRLWD from LH®lr U® 1 bey ar® lbs ®af®l and Lt
• i .tins and tu minor m®dtcio® y.l diacoisrwd. Family
nfcjwkclsn® nwularll tirascrlb® thrrr.
W bohmsl® Agests.
The Markets,
saw TOB.
|)eeSO*itie—Prime to Extra Bullocks IP 14
Common to Good Trxans I A Ilk
MIU-0 Onws ft Ml (S O (*
Bugs— Uvs (*k
Ureses.! b'NA ID*
Must 44 A OTS
latullS. .................. 4 Si d 4 0*
Cotton-Middling IS<A IS\
Flour—Kxtra WsSsrn *54 • ' U
Huts Extra.. 5 A 5 30
Wheat—Red Wi515ni.............. I k A I *
No. 3Spring. .. 1 14 41 1 14
Rye—Stat* 1 (• SI 1 OS
Itsrley—Stst* 1 XI d I
Itu-ley Malt 1 48 A 1 40
0t Ml led .-siers ")* W.k
Com— Mixed Western 4
ltsy. per cwt Si 44 100
Straw, lW owl M 4 111
Bops 7>.3f 40 - old* 04 <4 14
IVrk- Mess 11 .0 4*31 ItS
Lard 14',# Hi*
Fish—Mackerel No I, new,......, IS On 414 00
•• No. 3. new 10 00 <4lO 40
Dry Cod. per rwi 00 <4 4 SO
Herring. Scaled, per box HI <4 40
Petroleum-Crude. rc',<4f', Krfln<st, IS*
Wool—Calirornls Flecee. it d a
Texs. " SO <4 44
Austrsllan '* 4T <4 40
BuMer—HUts JS A 3S
Western Hairy 30 <4 }j
Wesleru Yellow 1 <4 '.O
Western Ordinary 13 ,4 14
Pennsylvania Floe.'. 34 <4 3S
C-ssse—Hlate r'a."lorv I*VA If
- skimmed.... OS <4 11
Western 13 <4 14 k
Eggs—Male 1* 4 1*
Wheal t 34 A 1 34
Rye—State I 00 A I 14
Oorn—Mixed S 41
llarley—Wale 1 10 Ok I S3J*
<)t—State TS 4 74 *
Flour 4 50 m r 00
Wheat— No 3 Spring I 18 (t, 1 1*
lorn—Mixed S3 <4 8'
Oat* 40 A 7J
Rye 11l #1 07
Barley 1 S3 A 1 S3
Cotton—Low Mlddllug' is v IS
Flonr—Extra. IIP A 8 no
Wheat—Red Wexleru 1 50 A 1 iO
Rys 1 13 A 1 15
Oorn—Yellow S8 4 88
Outs—MlxsJ S3 A SB
Petroleum fSV'4 oS*i
Floor—Peunsylvaui* Extra 4 34 A S 00
Wheat—Western Red 1 It A I !0
Rye 1 10 A 1 10
Corn—Yellow 89 A 89
Mixed 83 4 80
Oats— Mixod 61 A '0
Fstrolswm-Crude 1* Alt R-Aaisd, 13|f
•elf to I • lit* grwateat BMHIMIA] retnerir tar
It** ling lh* lut<f*. runfvltig Hi* blood, *il re
•lortns tlio loo* or ih liver. It eiriu* th*
ul>lrj:>n, which m nUrwl from lh* Inng*. titer*
by reii**.ng tli* rough. petit*. oti***i<*>.
iKlit ■ •***, *ixl ilim.'.iitr of I>r**llllllll AU
th* sbott* >tuj.t<*u* Ui b* cur*d, ei.l lb*
wltoi* artui again ranUwod to health. Fur
**i by *ll madicin* iU*l*r*. Com.
A (' ENTS £££
rant* hllll'hoV *KM I Til, .iti*u4l m—t B Y
The Croton Crape.
T< ftm I*. —an oM \ im ft Him Wan*
u, *f I gt**l,'m liald, tm <*• tlollnr.
*. * I Mii iiinl i i ttio* Ueu| r <,, IT,
(•**!. mwmMml. K>s|>'bee en* TtrUcnlal ItlatiU
•el* Kiuij* Agrnaia aasla4 tLao* Ommp 1— dlai—
f— ■Pnui Xt*,-*ii*a 1... I • latsaUa *•. * g, r'f~
x.|*M u( li.ta.ll.tile* IU.I* palciiatM Basd
'"*•"11 •!* U'M t *(.u
KATIOMAI. et'M.lnftlWO IXJ . PT-il.drlrbl. p,
Ha, I.lrla e*4 Kmrn*r —c.d th ** for th >|*
Free ! Free ! ! Free !! !
A h**A*um* tUa*tr*t-d —**e*n M*toi*t*a h*
acalba <■" Idle bo* and b*f* I. woo *
awn* tM|i Met PUIS To tu rate * tut
liMtUieeibin* tlHtair-K eot Timk** !..*•
•Mb otb*t mtmnif uii* fwu*A ante u u** *****
Smtt fur It at One* t
It UI *tp aui |W • Puetit CeUe.
oniotM*V* A pnl Joel ML
. r. ItAVI*.
'-*< **■*>—r C. r. M. M..
) <N**b. Nrh.
iOINTS ! Mr*l nuyiilßrriil 1.1 ft
•*uol .>*,. l*. 4* Te* to*. . ***ei| Audi, *1 In—,
**** l, 4 I. u*§* p*f*e 1 — *. eutulop.
. K~a-a> U* .Ifi li. Hj l n' two NKM.**M
hitu, wihUaM* tWbJw"!' t.
I .>llll.l llltUNOei*|| tnlHlleMwi
1 mr. ft M. Cut, re ACo .boMobV■ 2^.
Air Pistol
J**l lb* lbl* l*r Hllr *r*rllrr.
Hoc ouumM ul lad. —d be lb* hod
lion ilHlm la lb* .*M bond (or rw
W * tiler Pol'l. BMIIk., AA Ulh
Ml o-01. (toolOß. Moo*.
Thr 11**14* ( eMMMIII,
M—— 11. •. A., a* --Am HMKh
t2fj&£ xr&st -■—
WSZtiamM *• M*r*H**4. <V/B 4
-w MHir, *.14, lf*o •*,, „
r /y\V VOVIh V— U *rc*U**v Mr
i flnn i wtMiH. *w uii ti **. H
■. .CM KM PHMI ul priMM.*
At / ntrria .ltd 4*lt*> fo*f raw
|V>ote#%K>l V ►* Or •. <( *U **l
I 1 it fur n.o It mm Milt Vmm.
Vjf 11TI ,1> >|< .id leetm U. *m li lliii
> "road K>-.< It u4( at> M
i I I i r
loiil A Oa.. I TH Pmi.ti JI T
s I H.I /; / 7 1 .V \EH VINK
jflLgy U • <M HI l*r rm, CbTklni Ml
t: bM wm m*NI l>f lb—Mil Ml —*
Jf ( tulMVtttf|l!l|ir.|iiM. IbrtMXMf fir
fl f trAtMy iliii f ■—<h lllim, Uf.i A. lUI
IUI WiObli Km 141 Ilk j)i M*b
mm & mm
rtM ULM, Laxcsm Hi Most fart— IB
UMI I'sited MM
Nov fa MB.
Hi Mte Maateal UMnawl mi (dlalaalt IBs MSI
%W feted for hta lite.
Addma, Bl PPAI.O, N. V.
vr. umm thai (uUI farther Battel 1 ma will tell to
apfdieaals la sat tas m lon shsu mkm as scant
aa IBs tern lirsi sad si IBs sans dun.mi ss is laics
Basins at parcbaas Iron MM* U tMM ralaa iuo
IBs fast f oats beiac U |II| sad lar>ni maaafas.
iMttotas 'sited Mate*. attA itiaatraanats BOW la
ass. is a a fecfaat gtuiaataa at ru riaainsllilllg sad
lis asrtuß. sar udraanls
am. A- P&IXCB 4 00.
Ma bs eßUtaed si siml ,-baM Ute asasl raise to
orifartiiß dbect Macsr-s, 441 ata an dot WBsalsr 4
Wilson, no rti Iloss's. Ml tes (mow 4 ftabs*. Ml
.• m4oUwt la n ' i Tti ■■ ~mm\ nil
Nssdlsi SUI hm,ftesnasd 1., (~.t Addrsn.
I'tFUM i; Mrni.* iti~
<w4 Wraadsmy. tsar Tatfc
■B|IX O bate AO Colors Oas Wsfsi
Iry §V ossAss .1 .ran. . B• mats sad i 'lres
■■ w ■ j,,, |o r |(| sod stamp
w WtriASi'K WKKHI.It <" 11-4W M-osdssi K /
r,>K YAM kill.K INCUtt H ITION addran
17 M IIARRIS Ho. At AO. IWlo. Mm
#J> WAITPV ruR AfiKHTB in oar Ira Ma.
V UlUllii A .7 bMW suapla uj Mroa
ion !r lij fl K Wli ITK A Or I . Xaaark. M J
• I*0 to HUM twriMu. A44ran
Kf KiAUtmVrc. mi. AMMAW MM
This .n Tnnt to om
">'h Jarlacl
J■* I ilf I r|k *uhl oad dot AdapU
n ILIIIIV 31 llnJ! to nq . of
■L ? SCSI. ,b " hodj mvii a Rap
tan tor UM lunWl
MRwili'too§ otrmoo or mm
a Mr_Rk,.Z< M drain 0011 l pulutmt'li
\ * , ami a.Ad rbaap ha Ibo
\S Ltastic Trust Co..
Mia. OA3 Rroadwif, Ml. T. Illy.
•nd ml tf Mil I'nil oroond tor Curator. nd MnMI
mIUNM WAJITKD rvKßrvniitßK rt
RhoKMt ba tba • rid loiMtm' Mia hti
Ml (ViaiMßf la h marina rtiprlt ■nirrtxi pi—nt
..*•) :.i; i-Mir locnaolaa-Aaa* tadgowanario
-don't aoato Uiaa aaad for Ciroalar to ROKKttl
WRLLA. Vaaoy Btraat Mao VarA f ftßalfW.
I ■ Paraoao alahtaa a tf, sail or utbM|t Haa)
Ratal* atw ad'aruaa thoir aaeu at *arf oaiaii
aipomo la arrorai hnmlrad Mampapan to Kaa Tocfc.
N. KnaUnd. Nar Jaroagr. fVoarjirooto. au data
am aaot (no to ut> add ran oa aepßrattoa la
K. tt . HfTKK, I.Vt Warih M.. Nror York.
I,'BKK OR CIIYIMiF. a rnamrUoa itil mi
i X ltniMttt "ill pat ap. that u o I'.rllnr Can la
opium KaUaaaod PmrhMtra Addraaa.
I*** J WUKUR, I s.rW—• M.M_
S4O. sro. $73. * SIOO.
tiMppad Kaadl tor l;a
MaaaUnoiad by CHAPMAN A
CO., Madiaau, lad.
R J"" HIMM4 IMP • (
to! llt ** T* OAS* —Rood for Vl tinnM
-llf ootaWaaJ H. Wrm>m>H RUHR Root, a.
H tlluliLliw thooo atohma to rslaa Hoard
or MurUwL* t, I " Y|#nr4n, M prM*rtd <Mrtj
la Paris. K*eb I'srUf* wntatwil ond oat uj atl na
rvwtpof fI.OI. SumyM wslWfnr IdcK Adlf*o
JFF> OIKI.'V t— *r law*. <•'" S .1
1 j aato to Hook (IHat tho oaerata aad * > plain tog
t> tut luir rt ta.aotaiaat of tba dar. Addraaa Bat
A3.*.. Maa York.
In Actual Use:
tW ro* Uirtrutni CATAUMFS.
£)•) A DAY. AcmU wn'nl mala And rnmalr
rfliitU <Mrw Koa-U MTi (to turtum. Mirh
latt> K PKK PAY HommWAfaw. or 13U A aufc ht
<7* D*L AIT And Kipanana Wo or T( AND will par
flpßrww. O. wKHBEK A 00, M arton. O.
P 90 PKK UV Al homo. TarmA froo Ac
♦ 3 *• *aU rtrwoA <lo Htiwaow A <V TVwADod. M>
VF.J* ' I'naful, Mabel* >ll A, I UUAP KCLUCTAIR
„ 2 11 jc „ wbera. \ Atrr. chant*. Also,
OU _. Our nw rh*r. IIItI• T I A !N
A |\| CK Urs i*> >i>iudncttw ci>
rlnnatt prtran mm* an !*w York. SraO
CI2I f I. rt-mi.t i: I' BKIIX.MAN.A Barr
nFiLIj mh..\ V.. a i?nw imxt.fiß.o
Ai.KXTK Gbanc Chan* mil* at AlcbL Nna*t**n ai
aoap. Qod Iron, Ob vn ( h*nM'f (Jo.. Ronton.
■■SI * r Mad Anuitrur
I * liodU, Norte tlc, Mmn
(MKlMiitylu. Prleea ft-om At .00 *0 RUO.OO
■ K njßlwJ. o. WOODS A CO. MaaaTra ard
Dr. J. Walker'* Callforiila Tln
fCr IllttflW are a purely Vegeuble
prrpnratioii, uiado chiefly from tuo na
il re herb* found on tha lower rangaa of
the Sierra Kernda moontalnaof Califor
nia, the medicinal jiropertica of which
are extracted therefrom without the oa*
of Alcohol. The qucMtlou bi almoal
daily aakifd. " What w the cauae of the
unparalleled auccena of VIXHOAX BlT
i r.itaf" Our anawer ia, tliat they remove
the cause of diaeaae, nnd the patient re
covers his health. They are the great
blood purifier and a life-giving principle,
a perfect Keuovator mum! Inrigorator
of tlie system. Never before In the
blAlury uf the vnrbl bru a iiiatuiue h**n
Cfimpimulml pomejiing lb* rcmsritabU
i)r.aiitie* of Viskuas UirrsKS in healing th*
uA of every 4i*e** utaii U h*ir to- They
are a geutl* ParrULo ** well M a Tonic,
r*liriog Congenui or IhSammati'in of
tli a l.n er ana Vitcersl Orgsus in Uilions
The prripert Iph of I>r. WalkkrW
VISKOAB JItTTSSA see Aperient, IhaohoreUo,
Caraiinativa Nulriuou*, Laialive. I'iureti*,
tiedaiir*, Counter Irritant fcudorific, Aiiaea
lira, and Anti-liiiiouA. •
Urafpftil I'nouMand* proclaim Tax
■aax Birrxita the exist wonderful In
> vigorant Uuit over tnstaiastf the tunJtlat
No Ferwoti ran take thewe Bllterg
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted beyond
liiliouK. Remittent and Inter*
mit tent Fevers, wtdcfa are so preva
lent in the valleys of our great river*
throughout the United Kute*. especially
those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Bed, Colorado, hr&tos Bio Grands,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobiis, Savanaah, Bo
anoke, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during the Summer and
Aouupn, and remarkably so during sea
suns of unusual beat and dryness, are
invariably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of the stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In tbeir
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow.
erful influence upon these various or
gans, is essentially necessary. There
is no cathartic fov the purpose equal te
Dx. J. Walk ex'S Vxxxnax Brrrxxa,
as thev will speedily remove the dark
eokired viscid matter with which tha
bowels are loaded, at the same time
stimulating the atcretkm* of the Uvea
and generally restoring the healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the body against diMwat
by pacifying s8 iu fluids with VEXXOAK
BITTXKS. No epidemic can take boid
of a system thus fore armed.
DyKjaepnix or Indication, Head
ache, pam In the Shoulder*, Coughs,
Tightness of the Chest, Dirtiness, Soar
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste
m the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pal pita
tat ion of the Heart, I uflnmoiation of the
Lungs, INdn in the region of the Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia.
One bottle will prove a better guarantee
of its merits than a lengthy fdvertias
SrrofalA, or King's Evil, White .
Swelling*, Ulcer*, Em.pel**. Swelled Neck,
Goitre, Serofalotu lalUmmatk>n*, Indolent
Inflamwauoes. Mercuri*! AtTections, Old
' bars*, ErupUonA mt riis Skin, Son By**,
In Ibeee. as in all other com-ututional Dis
*a*e. WALKKS'S VIXCSAS biTTkas hat*
•huwn their fveat curative power* ia lb*
mot wlMtinaU end intractable caae*.
For iuflaaimatory and i hronk
Kheumatism, Gout, BUiou*, Bern it
tea i and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of
the Blood, liver, ludaeys and Bladder,
lh*** Bitter* have no em. Seek Diseases
att eauaed by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical IHtwases.—Pvnwnsen
gaged in Painu and Mmerala, such as
t'lamuen, Type AUter*. tirdd-beotee*, and
Miser*, as thejr advance ia life, are
I to paralysis of th* Bowel*. Ts guard
sgaiutt this, take a doee of WAJUUX'S Vte-
WAt biTTnas oreadonally.
For Skin Dhtoaars, Eroptiena, Tet
ter, Salt-ltbeum, Wotchea, Spot*. Pimptaa
I'U*lU ; m, I J-til*. Carbuncle* iting-wurm*
Scald irad. Sore Eyes. Enrdpclu, Itek,
■ Scurf*. Discolor*tnu* of th* Skin, Buinor*
uid litsraae* of tha Skin of whatever name
■ m nature, are literally dog ap and earned
; iut of the system in a short time by the ess
of these B-ltcr*.
Plb, Tape, and other Worm a,
lurking ia the svctom of o many thousands,
are eaectusHy destroyed and removed. No
,rtcui of uiediciue, no rrniufugee, no aa
th-lminiticA will free the system from worms
IA" these Bitter*.
For Female Complaint*, in young
r old. mAined or single, at the dawn of wo
si an hood, or the turn of life, tbcee Tools
Bitter* display so decided an influence that
mpruveuieut ts *onn perceptible.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when
over you find iu impnnUe bunting tkrmgk
lh* ekin in Pi tuple*. Eruption*, or Sores;
j rieauM aw hen yuu find it obstructed and
I duggish in the veiu.<, cleanse H when it is
: fouJJ your ieelingii will tell von when. Keep
he bfood pure and the health of the systeiv
arUi follow.
•>r*eri*U am! lie*. Am . San Frmneiam, CabfnratSL
*4 cor <4 It nbircttw sati Itulk* St*., St. Y .
A-M b, all unci llrmltn
I T > V -Xwjt "
• Vmum **d ruiima C*rA*. th- I—t tn th- w 114.
71 nucnlßomt *rr>Lr In h**t* hot* wtth *unl lot th
rU Uiun M C M AXLKY. K***hl- K*nar.
SIO Vuhlnilca IW. IL-ka Xu*
h . Ibt UwU AMnm M X UJVSU. Krt.r
xjw Buit,l*r •( e*Urjr*. hhattlna.
*<• aU kimtoof Mill Urartu* -r.
*-t!lu* th- SiIUMiM Tt inn*
Wtt* Went. v**r cwm*rt.v,
■nent-WVT*. th-<*h th- t<**t ts aw.
itiWUt'Ef ill vSBb Vur S—trtotlr* riaiAMi *4-
jW -Ir— t> t (>..
1 Vn-t.. f,
to*. Ftwf. P. MeeAer, r. O. Bo* AIA. Uie.M
WANTED! ^aftHSW-3dS,3K
AOOU New! and tar rhAr. Mnitm Vta
im ÜBNTS WAXTKB fur th aew book,
I Kit Carson
■ tf ka —ah —r(ttout.l>.w c. Tjf~ AratU
I t'-L aA hitaaD.iJUM hn avuu* *j On -
H mil Tk--a.TTmcsaa4 LctwcTU lb* Ah let nab
V luatm HI'VrSR, TKAFPAA SCOUT —4 61 IP*
■ •WMklbM tl intiiL, hit —4 4—cntf.
.TTT. laAiaatrMai wftb* FAA WtST.HHH bv AttCama,
I -H ll—4 a-,—, I—a all bK >IK ll cl—a a full, latiabt, a——t
Oa MCOOCWAW A- a <rck of HliTO
; RY,tttata*alaabi* A ~ap J .apcrtaa' "j hra*aata to mala aiaaaa.
1 Ca, Ulaatnala*<lf— tan aal haat-all apallcaala Wrtlaaada-.
ma tawttar, at aaaa. l-LSTIN, 6ILK aV A COL. Han*4. Cba*.
i **A (Jend, it ia ttia hal **w btok fut. MiotUf
mm with cix 4 thiaca In an. It la |npuir fv.tjr.
| *r \ith —rr, tuUalUaiftbrr boak tlcu*
■ 4 MoiMtra wr -CM *r4 *." ljn.beat ac-ia*
> nAa—a W E—rybocir w,u it i o4 an •4jb|
I Im* I* tafad.y f Saih il-rnnl a— ia ' Wl
want V4B n— truatv a*anu MV-*n c* wouxu - ia*
! olVlil HOtlWatat Vr to thoae wh# will cn>lj-W