The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 06, 1875, Image 3
THE < ENTItE KEFOHTEK THURSDAY MA Y <'*, 1H75- LJOA L. ITUMS. Our friend* will oblige bv s.mlin.-r u* item* <>t local now* in their locality. < u- iho fact# only, and wo w ill put then shape, !.*•> notice# of death- M'' marri ages. , . . Any one sendingu# the nam* 11 of • \ new subscriber*, with tne cMh, will be omitted to receive the RkPoHTK* one your free The RuroltlK being rend by neatly every body on tbl* side ol the county, where it hi* a larger circulation than any two papers, will be found the b.-t medium for advertising business, sale*. Ac. Ac. X-W-Sub-cribor* to the Reporter, resid ing outside of Centre county, should re mit us 10 cents, yearly, for postage which we will pay here ; tin* reduces the postage to one half as the turn paid by tl.cni for one year's postage w -t- 20 ot*. Examine our terms and the date on your subscription. Stiijsor A Magce is iht name f the next new law-firm. J. S Bock, of Clinton county has rcuted Centre Mills, in Mile- tup , of J F Throne. —Neat tail the citizen* ot this county will have tlir. e Co. Commissioner- to ill ecu Let the newly iuc: -cd 1 -nd -d- and saloon keepers ivtusaiWr that ear county jail .s now empty and tlv,t Sheriff Shaffer has lots ot room. -——Wo nil need leather— at least sole leather—and a large stock of N I jr. Buer.o* Ayre* sole leather at U * ureofStV per lb., and an article that can t not be excelled. Also French and do mestic cait skins, and every thing in the shccmaking |jne. Graham A Co , are : t, d ia B aekerh.-ff - block. - rumored that the Johi -town Iron Company will purchase IV- tsvlvania Furnace. The Furnace was badly cr p pledby the panic. The ore found on Joseph's farm, n> ir tl * place, is l.'ghly valued by the Joht stown Co j, r making Bcsaemor ateci Jacob Mowry, the oldest ol the tie eriginai settler* of Shamokiti, died recent iy a: an advanced age. lie was the father of nineteen children, twelve of whom are living ; his grand children numbered ix ty-ftmr, fifty-seven of whom are living; five great-grand children, three of whom are living. \\ . udetful ! U ondertul I w hat a fu-s Hi Entire has created at t'olleF- Mills, with bis new store* and cheap good- Eve ry one goes there, buys there, and dream* about it- Its a fact lie be.*-:* of selling cheaper than any other store. The Williamiport Garotte A Bulle tin wonders why that city does not I ave a cheese factory. Jlevauxe the suteli of such an institution is supplied in the Gazette Washington Iron Works hare been leased by Jacob Ycarick of Nittany for two years from the first of May. Ho has taken immediate jsossession, having taken charge on Monday. The work* will per haps bo stopped a little to stock up, which will not take long, and then it i* -aid they will resume briskly. The lea*o includes ail the stcok and fixtures held by "the . :d company, and some 7,.1<J0 acres of land The tannery of Jacob Mayer, i:i the L op, was blown down by the fierce wind on ">t Friday morning. Damage several hundred ioilars. The dwelling of Mr. Schlegel, of Madtsonburg, wa* destroyed by fire on Thursday noon of last week. None of the content- were saved, and the loss an-. Uni te SI2OO. No insurance. D 11. Ha-tings, esq , ia-t week un admitted to the bar of tn is county. Mr. j Ha-'ings will no doubt rise in the prof -- lio.i to which he has just been admitted, as he is both a gentleman and scholar Success to h ta. On Thursday evening, last 29 u.'t . we had the first thunder gust of the season and a right brisk one at that. The light ning was quite vivid and the thunder roared in a creditable manner, aecomj n n ed by a torrent ot rain. May diJ not start in like a lamb but came roaring as if all the furies were let loose. The fir*t three days of the month were very stormy and cool, and the morn ing of the 2we had thick sr.ow squads. If old winter docs not soon haste awuv, he will get his (roety hair singed by the July sua. So nowr get out and be gone, we will use fans and lemonade with a fly in if we need anything to cool us this time of the year. ——The north side of Mr. John Bitner's birn, about 2 miles above this place, wn.- unroofed by the storm on last Sunday. The roof was a new one. Mrs. -M'Entire at Potter's Mills, has opened a new Millinery at that place, and is now stocked with the latest styles. Ladies see Iter Card. A large and fresh assortment of gar den and flower seeds, and of last sea son's production, just received at the cheap Grocery of Sechler Jc Co. These seeds come from the celebrated seed farm of 1). M. Feriy k Co., near Detroit, one of the largest and meit successful cstabv lishment' of the kind in the Unite 1 States. The seeds from this firm never fail, a fact which has given them a reputation in Eu rope. Mr. Sechler having been anxious to supply a want in this line, has the -ati-fac tion to announce, thntbehas succeeded af ter much pains and inquiry. Thi* is im portant for every housekeeper who hi, : a kitchen garden. Go to Sechler 6c Co., then, for your seeds. On last Tuesday afternoon a three story frame building, belonging to Alex ander Brothers, at Unionville, was destroy ed by fire. The first story was occupied as a store by Leathers A Buck v. bo saved the greater part of their stock The pro perty was insured. Deschner is n naughty fellow he keeps a 2i lb. "bat"' (brick-bat) on , xhibi tion in bis gun-shop, to draw grecric* to see the bird. Joe Furey, the Tutcns. Judge Love, and a hundred others hnve gone to see the rarniint and then be food to grin at. We shut our eyes when w "locked" at it, hence we were not foaled. Barnum's agent was drawn, and a little he fore said he would buy the curiosity but don't want it now, as they are a stupid bird that harbor in all chimneys and some times in a fellows hat. —♦Onion setts at Sechler & Co s Groce ry- —— MoiSOCS AGAIN liKARD JROM.— Three of our Boalsburg Modocs. viz: "Swiftfoot," "Fancy" and "Aley" were in the mountains last week fishing and came across three cubs, one on the ground and the other two on a tree. The men were unarmed, except a hatchet or two, but nerved themselves for u desperate en counter which they expected on the re turn ot the old hear ; but nothing daunted "Swiftfoot" concluded to climb the tree for the two cubs : tbey succeeded, howev er in capturing all three, and arrived sale ly in return with their trophies and now consider themselves heroes. The bears arc now in the Zoological Garden nt this place, doing well. Barnum has not sent for them yet but the Modocs are expecting an order for their animals soon j. C. B. On last Wednesday the Centre coun ty jail was cleared of its inmates— Sberifl Shaffer having allowed bis boarders to take their departure and seek for new pas tures green, Our jail is now empty— long may it remain so. Auction! Auction! At tho store of S. S. Wolf, dee'd, every WEDNESDAY and SATVBDAY AFTERNOON and every evening until the entire stock is sold. Come one and all. A fine assort ment of all kinds of goods on hand. STORE FOR SALE.—The stoic ot" S. S. Wolf, dec d : in Centre Hall, is offeree for sale' on verv reasonable terms. The stand is OLeof&e best in the valley, and offers an excellent oppertur.ity to-any par • ties wishing to go into business. PETER HOFFEK, Fab 4, MRS. C E. WOLF, Adm'rs. Election of Ct Sup't. The director* of tin# county nut in tin courl-hou-e on but Tuc-day afternoon and organized a- follows President l)r Harm-, of Bellofonlc. Srcrolarit .1 W Mattern and M*j S Frank. '1 lie roll of <1 i< * tor* haMi >■ been rails-* 1 127 answered to their names, the full num ber in the county being lsit On motion, the convention j>r<-reeded t< tlx the s*la*y, tl *• v.;* i*-ultiug a- fol low# For sl2lX' „ I 1 \ot*> " IQOO hi MO 1 carrying in favor ef $1 (to the -*!*ry hei.-tofolo wn sl2ltfc The vol * fr Siiperiiitciidt t t resulted • follow- Pr f. Meyer t*.'. Prof IL.nlc I- Prof Mngec - name was . - jrop• >* ,1, but ho declined. A major, kj ot directors * gpresatd th.*m solve* in favor of holding the net - - 1 of the Normal at Mileslturg A ie-*.utton ** j ,--*-d l! inking Prof Magee for the i ral ami devotion ho Ji*- played in the di-charge - f h i-,1ut1,-> ,i-Co. Sup'l. P h UAKNI M S tillF VT IK* \ KL IN,. \\ OKI t> S FAIR A I UKI.t.K -fuN l K \-1 • m Ut-t . .w . 1 t M loiin 'rt. Mull u. , must ■t - iho ui tun; i! Ito im. Jell :.'*• Ipwpw to the Owe*, as P. l\ Bat- un - ilre.v. f ng World s Fait -auuot come to ♦•■>, th- -,* of ns who wish to sco it- and wh * d**e# nt will havo l to I*,* \-lot "o, where it i- ol vrt>ed in our column- u> exhibii on M i.- *l*y, May 17. Thaii hose who indulge in the hoiuiay trip will bo aiup y repaid, and in fnet rvalue-eve nt huru rod per ,ent., in the w ay of wonder ai d fun from the in vestment d**e not admit of the shadow of a doubt, for no tne dro-iu- • f disj>utug the assertion that the extraordinary cntnbinu tion of exhibition* referred to constitutes i:ieonu-srb y the l*igg*-t and b,-:t show or. earth. So much ha- already been -ud and admitted regarding it* pro eminent -,.j * n -r.iv, -iae and unique character that little need c editorially added to u sure toe Ja gest e kr-.. w n to tk - - cti**n It presents many times more of everything worth seeing than wa- < \er before collected in a travel ing exhibit:on, and its it i- no wonder that w .ill its innumerable features of tti>true tion and amusement, and u> host or-uch -uperb arenic celehritie* a* Martioh >Law aiide, the marvelous Braaitiau one. four and seven horse bareback rider; Mine. Kii-a Dock rill, the more than b-utifiii in j e .rnaiion of sh * Amaron an fable ; Tony .'hechi.d hero; Nat ha no, the veritai •itbleto ; the L<--!io Br*.titer-, champion I gymnasts of Anu-ricu : Luko lltv* r*, tne | equestrian Burt-*n ; aid Win U porter, | the silver-tongued "Fool, ' It ,ve y w here | finds its vat sccoiumodalion- thorougUlj :,.L*J by couidle-s throngs of eajjor spec tator* ANOTHER WARNING. A young man named Joseph Yeater on Tuesday morning of last week was found dead in E. A Fancher's cigar store, in L ck Haven, from the effect- of drinking too much whiskey the l ight belorc. Ha and others had spent the evening before driuking. and then laid down to sleep for thonight. In the m ming he was found dead. The Lock Haven Enterprise -ay- : Afler the inque-t the body wa- taken to the residence ot Mr. Y,ater. The family who had previously been notified of the occurrence, ware overwhelmed with grief a- the !ife!e*s body of the son and brother was brought into their presence. Tho ag ony of the mother wn# indescirbable, a with clasped hand* and uplifted eyes the appealed to the God <>f l-.eaven tc give her strength to bear the blow w ieh had fall en upon hor. Truly the case was a s;d one, to witness that mother as she bewail ed the tragical fate of her only , *.. "TELL IT ALL." We have, at last, examined a copy of that most extraordinary work—of wbic" upward* of thirty thousand copies have been s >id to the present time, and which has excited so much genuine intcres and attention in all section* or the country. Weallu let*> .Mr* T. B. H. Stenhou-e's new b ok. entitled, "rr-LL IT aLt.' 1 It is with great pleasure, thai we hail 11.l- re markable work— the gen,, ne bi-tory ,*l a eai M -rini'ii Two year- age the Author publish.-d a little pamphlet on Po lygamy. which attracted considerable at tention, and created quite a ien-atior. among the Saixts. Tl .M"*rni*n paptrs l took up the subject, and itiuding at-r.-ive- i ly to the delicate relic- rice. -> r .tural t-> a sen*ativ- woman, diiplnytd by the Auth or, spitefully Inv t•! Bert " TXLL ir ALL " Mi n and W omen of p -it n, in all parts of the c -unify, who had \iitcd her in Salt Lake City. uiged her to it the op portunity, "aril.' a bo- k." a: <1 lay the whole truth before the world. Mr.. Har riet Bcecher St f, earnest intro duction to thi# volume i* a guarantee o! the delicacy. a well as purity of the work, personally added ln-r persuasion* Mrs Stenho-j'i- ultimately consented, and c!. -> (or the title of her new voiutne. the ward# of deri-ion i>ed ny her Mormon oppo nents— "TKLL IT W. 1." In thi. way, this singular work wa, in troduced to the world. It is a book utter ty unlike any other work on the subject ever penned before. And, although we would not spoil our readers' pleasure by telling Mrs Msahuu-e'i fascinating story ncond-hand. we will state that it is just what it profs-i-s to he—the history of a life in Mortnonism, written by a lady of edu cation and refinement; who, through the influenc.a of religious symphathy, mi-di rected, bcame tho ri-tini and slave of one of lie must extraordinary upt-r-' l*--ns which the world has ever -een. In her own fucinming style, she tells all that can be told ol tnat strange system, not n a vi-it. rto I'tah might relate it, but with the thril.irg eloquence and pathos of one whose w hole iife has be darkened by its shadow. Ttic book posses.,.. n || tJ, vivacity -s i: si thrilling inter, st of the fin, st works sit fiction. Tho binding is elegant and sub stantial ; the illustintione, on wood and -tee!, are costly, and finely executed ; and altogether it is one of those subscription books, which < ne so rarely meets, which give the purchuser fuH value for hi- mon ey. This w rk will be sold only to those who order of the Agent, who will soon intro duce it to our citizens. Wo bespeak for it a moil cordial reception—for it is worthy of it. H. C. Joiixso>-. Publisher, 7th & Arch .Street. Philadelphia. Now is nit; TIMS:.— It is always tho right time to do h good act, ni.d every man with a family should regard himself short of his duly until liis home is endowed with a Wilson Shuttle t- wing Machine. Let it be understood that thi- admirable ma chine captured the Prize model and Di ploma o! II- r.or. at the Vienna Exp-ition in lf-73. and has everywhere deinoiistrut.d •t* superiority over all other machine- Machines will be delivered at any Kaiiroad Station in this c< unty, free of transporta tion i barges, if ordered through the Com pany's Branch House at k'".T and 229 Broadway, New York. They lend an e'eg i t catalogue and .ehroino circular, free <xi application. Tbis Company want a few good agents. OYPSOX CII..MPION WASH KB This celebrated wasliing machine is find ing rapid sale wherever it bus been intro duced. as it has proven it-elf the bet ma chine yet invented it work- easily, docs its work thoroughly and well, and in so short n time n to commend itself to ev ery heusekeeper. We offer S3O reward for any conscientious woman who will tes tify that tins machine will no', work in n satisfactory manner. The following citizens, of this county, having purchased this machine, will testi fy to its superior merits: Dan'l Tre-lier, Jm . Ro--, Geo. Hu*s, | Jerrv Tre*ber, Rev. Oroh, Dr. Woods, Mr. Curvin, Wni. Mc-Farlnne, Andrew, Wm, Shoop, Dan'l Keller, Isaac Strunk, Sam'l Crotxer, Henry Winner, David Shearer, Win. ltndger*. Jacob Bitner, Philip Shook, John Long, Noah Stover, Dr. Hiiibusb, Dan'l Shafer, Andrew OcUcr, Ruben Gr in, Franklin Miller, S. Grnmley, J. Bichnne. Geo. Boyer, Cha-. Bcarly, J no. Moslem an, Jacob Boyer, I*rcat'Weber, Jacob Trculcr, Michael Strohm, Uol. Ncfl, H. (j. Reamer, D. Bouse, Sam' 1 Mussen, Sam l l-nnbert, Israel Yanuda, Jo m Limbert, (ieo. Shraid, Frmk Weber. 1 Philip Stover, Samuel Motz, Jon. Crape Ge>. BrumgunJ, J a *. Frank Mrs. Miller, ; Dan'l Wolf. Loit Stover, J, Larrlmei Jn>. Musser J. Fortney Wm. Lphr, Adam Heartswkk C ii'S. Frune, Mr Furv, F red Ehrbart, Adam Yanada. JAMES P.KKIE3, Prop'r, Milrcy Pa, GKK \T FIRE ATONIIKHSII Tcnihlo Drsl ruction of Projmrly. txhkosh, \\"i-, April 2 1 l*. A terrible fire has been raging all the aft* r IUOOH, All the t*-1• i*| ■ i . lll'-e, bank., 'telegraph - ill.. , the Harding Opera II hi-.-, I'.*--. 111... I'nlserMilist Ghuieh, all the Hotels but one and nearly all the busi ness portion of the city are gone l iter ly iinj>- ible to estimate the In—, Two men h~. t>. i. Uilt. i by fallen wall- The city i-in the wildest -tate of frenzy, The burnt *- n.s.ily nile square. "Out ui tlu- Streets" Hundred# of l'ooiilo Homeless. O 1,;.. \\ 0 \pril "> Tne tire 1 .e out in Morgan -V itr.w saw- mill, burnt! g lbs'- an*) a *h -<-u other -aw and shingle mills oi Sawdust avenue, wn.l mi lions *-! feet .*1 lumber, a hunJted i n-. i Ihe j.rtnling offices, Harding • Ojxia Hon-* aid Itrvkwith A Adams hotel. The burnt ,lilricl i one and a half mile* lung and half a luile wide. 1 tiler live* are leported t.* l*e l,**t, aud hundreds of person* ar homeless Nearly all of the bu-iness h us- are burned, including all the bank-, and on the north aide there is : not a dry g•> d* store standing It is itn !l* -siple to give the losses to night Ihe ; city is in the hands of a mob. and extra I police ate on duty. | The telegraph uflios here were burnt „t . jrli, but t ttt|>* rary olfice* have ,nice been cstablialted. vine insurance mjsauy - the Northwestern, of Kllvw ! I.e.* -I.*-, - j W.OUO by the Crc - 1. >* about ! s;ao,ftoa. Tin: FIRE ATOBHKOSII t .. , Vpr, A special despatch t* tho Inter-Oeeali from Oshko-h say*: Tti.-r. . t* * p .--itdo way of arriving at the 1. -s to ft -urnnce c*>iiipauie> by the Oth - -It tiro, - nee all the agencies but one: hav.- been burned out arm the books are *tt coufusi i, while tho hooks of one agency, ar<* burn - 1 The insurance with thi. la-t natued agency, Garry *k Hariuog'i, j* e*ti- : mated at SoOO,OUG The fire is thought to be greater than was at first reported, and is now put at $2 500,000. 1: s .--limated ir. general term* that the insurance t* 50 per cent, of the lo*. families are burned out, aud relief i* ( much no led. The city council ha* ujt proptntied c'i.txvi tor their immediate want- Ti .reis no discouragement among business men and the feeling is rtrunj; thai rebui ding must commence at once Sev oral hours' raiu to-dav failed to extinguish i!ie ; whu'i I, still burning among the del r.. Ad I s.oil fromJFond du Lao to, the Time- -.*>•* a "d-.cp pal! hang* ever the city; llvu titn.s since its foundation iia, conflagration visited it, but the jre*ent calamity is the most crushing of all. Thi* is the third time within a rear that fire ha* desolated it." Tl.i* fire took iu...t ef Jhe fine residence arid home*. The citizens seem utterly help 1. -* and walk the streets with sad faces. The ruin* are s-.ill smouldering, and when the former owner* areaikedwhal they will do, they reply that they cannot tell at present Theotfio.-s of the telegraph cotujuxnie* are burn.-d, and tho utilities for working the line* nr.* very jsoor. This au.ibci tc thg general confusion and inability of even thu-e who are 10-ers to give particular*, precludes the possibility of an extended report The later telegram*from Oshko-h place the is by nre in that city at $2.500001'. In . .unpi.ris n with p*spulation and wealth th:s rival- Chicago in the bre line. FEARFCL DESTItUCTION OF lIOR SES BY III'FFALU t.N.VTS Memphis, April 28.—Comjdaiuts are pouring in from till surrounding counties of the fearful de-truction of none* and mule- by Buffalo gnat*. Many small planters, especially colored one* are ruin ed bv having their only horse* or utulcs killed ai d being unable ft* replace them at a i .-.e cfcen they are so badly needed. The Ledger publishes n letter from a plan ter near Mac. n. Favettc county, which says not l***s than two hundred horses and mule* hav di.-d the past three days with in ten mi.i of thi* j.laee. "I down to inv farm yesterday, distant eight miles and c .in'.cd thirty seven dead horse* on the way. I htve 10-t four cn my farm an J my neighbor five, while some plant er- have !,■'. a high a* thirty. It loi'k* like starvation to the people. Without money, some sf the farmer* will bo com pelled to turn i ut part of the crop plant ed, a* they have no monsy to replace the OFFII EBS RESISTED AND FIRED UPON AND SERIOUSLY WOUND ED. Wilkesbarre, April £9.—This foreno m Cor.-table Michael Ca-,y went to 'My tn 4th township to levy upon the good* of James Connel. but was resisted and he re turned to 11ty for a-i-t*Rce, and Po lice Officer went with him. They ay that the whole Connel family, comprising ten or dozen men, had congre gat. i together in the house and barrica de .1 it. When the officers approached they H I re fired upon, Iteihsenner received three balls, one in hi* bead and two in hi< body. Casey was also shot. K> ibseanor was brought to thi* city where be now lie*, with n<> hope* of recovery. The con stable i- in Plymouth yet and in a very critical Condition. The news ciealed ins tense excitement in thi* city. Sheriff Kirdendall at once collected a posse arm ed witli rifles ar.d went to the scene of the shooting. Two of the Connel* have been ariested and aro now in thu city prison. The other* Ht !at accounts were surround ed *o that they could not escape. Tho whole family are de-peradoe* and i* feared w ill fight to the last. I.nti r Particulars. \Vilkesbaire, April 29 —The sheriff and poise r<turned nt seven o'clock this even ing with old man Connel and throe more <flii -or.. Edward, Lawrence and Thom as. The p e numbered about 1(X1 men. all armed with carbines and muskets. They surrounded the house und Sheriff Knead* and Chief of Police Kellev ap proached it nnd demanded tho surrender of the Connel*. They refuse i. and the old man, who is between sixty and seven ty year* of ngJ. threatened to shoot any person whoappronehed with hostile intent, and dee tared Unit he would die before he would be arreted. Three men were then placed at a rear window to tn vor the Comic)'* while un at tempt wa made to break in the front door which was heavily barricaded. Several j vol lay* were fired from the inside while this was taking place but no one wa* hit I Everything being in readiness William Hopkins buttered down thedoor and n por tion of the pose rushed in nnd overpower ed tho Co:inel'a before any of them had time to fire except the father and his shot did not lake effect. They all fought de pcrately but without avail and were final ly handcuffed and brought here, and when the prce*-ion entered tlie city tho wholi population wo e on the streets and the ex citement was ir.osl intense. Lawrence and Edward who fired tin shots from the window which struck ofll rer Iteihsenner, were held for that cause, and the other* in default of $. r >,ofit bail each, were also sent to prison. Iteihsen ner is sinking rapiuly. Casey will proba bly recover, although he has four eon huck*li<>l in his body. Over ono dozen muskets and rifles, most of them loaded were found in the house of the Connel* ut ter their capture. GRASSHOPPERS KILLED BY THE COLD WEATHER. St. Paul, April DO.— Despatches from various points ray tho recent cold weath er has killed tho young grashopper*. Thi general belief is expressed that there will be r.; further trouble from this pest. Berl n, April 23.— The police authorities of Posoii have notified all the Ur-uline Sisters in that lDtrict who are not natives of Germany that thoy must ItaTe the coun try wlthfn two months. lIoRKIHLK MURDER. MeinphU, April '22 The Appeal pub lishes the partieulars ol n horrible iiiunb ,<f two eolared children. Nettle end Pod lliHige*, ngeil i* ami eight years, repec j lively, iiear Cuba, 111 tlii county, mini 1 week* since. The affair was only brough to light >e-lt>iilay by a negro mall I tiding tlit-1r bodies 011 the b.uik of the bnyoti, where li e receding waters had left them ( I'h* bodies weru lu-wrly ilevotired by bur aards, hut their skull* wiie crushed, am showed liial tho children had been litur dered and thrown into the bayou Il has been ascertained (hat lec.nlly 1 his e Hodges attempted lo hang Ins wife 1 hut Iter cries brought assistance ami Hodges tied lie thru Weill to see Jael WoldriJge, another colored preacher, am! it it believed induced It 1 111 and hi Wife ti kill the children, as they wife last sect ; alive with tliein. The 1 lilldrens' di>ap< ( poaranre aroused suspicion. Roth 11-nlgi and N\ - Idridge flr l the couitry Attn ihe inquest yesterday Woldridge's wifi *ie arrested and held lo answer Double Mur-lvr in Detroit. Detroit, April 2M Last evening t* colored women, mother and daughter, tin f- rmcr 1 allied Elisabeth Thorn** ami tht .alter Harriet Fisher, were f.-Ulld dead ii their beds, in a small house in Hasting •feet Their bodies were chopped an. j hacked with ail uxe almost beyomlw-em j bb.nce ot hutnan beings Suspicion poiuu [to John Thomas, hushaiid ot the first nam . cd \ ictuu, u colored barber, ag-d sixtytw< | alid he lias been arrested The inolivt -for the blo-wly deed i- unkn wii as yet j NINE YKARB WITHOUT A WORD A Troy Husiuind'a Brutality Tuwaro Ilia Wile —He-Union in Death's Presence. The Troy Pre- tell the follow .g slrangt story c. ncerning tk> husband i t a lady who died recently in that city. The laJy and gentleman referred to were married about twenty years ago, and came to West Troy sin rtiy aUe.-.finJ livc.t thcrt together until the death of tho wife The latter wa- a most industrious, highly re spectable ami religious woman. For the first ten years of her tuarriej lite, during which period five children were born, she did everything possible for a woman in l-jtr position to do in order lo please hei husband, but lo no ; .rj .c. When sh did her be l her husband w as sure to mak< out that she had done b< r worst, lie grum bled continually, but at tunes lie would break out and pour upon his wife the most unmerited abu>c, continuing it for several Jjj'* together. Then would intervene a silence broken eniy hy hi? seeing an op portunity to give his wife a beating when nobody was in sight, and when she least expected it. After ho had abused her he would bring in the neighbors and say t • l! cm th-.t hi- wife hadfillen and hurt her self, poor creature; how sorry he was for it, and he would address her as "Mv dear,' and ask if she wn- badly hurt anJ he would run for a doctor. Ho was so plausible and kind and affectionate that nobody would believe his wife when she told that il wa he- husband who had caused her ilia in juries. due neighbors thought her erary, or at least hysterical, when she made any statements of this kind. For a long time he managid lo beat bis w fe and toe ureal it in this way. Indeed it had reached a point, the wife taking lhoo fit* so often, t.'.i-t thy erraneetiierits w. re all but com pleted to tend the p- >-r woman loan insane asylum. One day. however, the broken hearted wife was tilting by the cradle, in which wa* her youngest child, a baby, rocking it, and attending to some sewing at the same time Her husband was in one of bit silent mood* at the urn*. \Vhiloshe wa* sitting as described, the husband en tered and passed through th. house into the yard He return, d within a few minu :cs, hut in the interim a neighboring lady had entered and gone into an adjoining beJiooin. This lady obt-rvcj him w >.k ing up quietly behind his wife and, wilh o .1 uttering a word or giving the least warning, doubled hit fiit and struck her A Tremendous Blow. on the back of the h*J, leaving her, sprawling on the fluor insensible This done he at one# ran out to bring the neigh bors as u-ual, and affected the greatest concern about hi- wife wondered how much she was hurt, and finally pr. po-.d to g.- fur the Doctor. Tbo lady who had secret ed herself in the bedroom accused him of the assault, and when he was gone for the Doctor ahe went for the police an 1 had him arrested. 11 is wi|Vappeared in court ( ami told the whole story i>l her husband's cruelty towards her, but, wcmari-like. begged the court to forgive him. Her re quest, howevtr, was denied, and the cruelj husband had tolanguiih several months ir. jail. On leaving the dock after receiving sentence he turned to hit wife and said that she had wronged him by what she had testified to, but to remember that he would never speak to her again on earth. Thi scene occurred nine years ago. The man: served out his sentence and returned to his family. From the day of his return until two days before her death, which took place recently, he never exchanged u word with her directly; It was ncce-sary, liv ing together as they were, husband and w ifo, the parents of the same children, to have an interchange of sentiments regard ing the affair* of the household occasional ly, This WHS done in the following man-, ner : When they were sitting in the same room the,d would tell one of the children to say so nod so to the mother The mother would answer directly, which if it required n further answer, would be done through the child n before. But it was only when he WRS in particularly hap py moods that he would even communi cate in this way. His un si usual mode of. communicating In his wife w hat he wanted to say win for him to retire into a separate .room, and theme issue his mandate*j through one of the children. Two days be fore the wife died, after she had been sick | for some weeks, her condition was made known to bitn, when in* was working in the garden, by the doctor in attendance j and the clergyman who bad been called! in. lie was told that his wife was on the verge of death, and thai he must make his pence with her while she was yet con scious. The idea of death seemed to .-tug-' ger him. He was silent for a moment, and! then bursting into tears, repaired ,to the dealh-bfd of bis wife, lie bent over ker and begged her forgivenos# in hitler plaints and tears The dying woman grasped bis hand, and, calling him by name, said she freely forgave him all, and added Unit she was prepared to die, being at peace with the whole world. A few hours before death the wife said, and tfioy were the last words she Was heard to Utter, 'tliut the ln*t two days with her husband never aw ay from her bed tide but when he left it to serve her. bud been the happif-l days of her life, and that the only wished they might bo the beginning of happy duys to her hu-band." RAVAGES OK THE BUFFALO GNAT. Memphis,* April 27. Planters are com plaining greatly i f an unprecedented iles truclio!) of mules, horse- and cattle by the Buffalo gnat. It i- estimated that within the past im days sli*),l.ttl wroth of stock hat been killed by them within a radius ol i hundred miles, taking (hit city as the centre of thu circle. THE REIGN OF TERROR ON THE TEXAN BORDER. Washington, April 27.—A private let ter from the Texas frontier to a Govern ment official hern confirms the prr** ro ports relative to Mexican raid-, murder* ing of men, women and children, burning of houses urid the -Healing of cattle, and that a reign of terror cx.J's on the border. The rtkide e claim to Le Americans or resi dents of Texas, f.mj the civil authorities tf Western Texas ale powerle'-s to resist the ra den, and as yet the Governor has made no effort tb help them. NO. 38 AN ACT. Tu punLh pertom for t'trrylni run* cealcd weapon* within lit** Common w cnllh, HM I'ION 1, ll> il riwWrrf, i('t', I litl uny |n iali within tlii* eumnioiiwealtli who "l ull cany any lire arms, siting hul, hand-hilly. diik-knilV. nix-.r or any t lie i dirndl) weapon, tunica led upon In* pi imiu, with the intent theie with unlawfully iiiuh niulii iotisly to do injui I to any ETHER IM-ISOII, i-linll l> deemed guilty ol'a misdemeanor, and upon the I'ouvictiou illlicit, shall l>e to pay a line nut t-xeoading live hundred dollar* and undergo an imprisonment by separate or solitary Cotilitit uieiit not exceeding one year, or either or both, nt the discretion ol the court, and thejury trying the ease may infer such intent us nton said, from tbe fact of the raid defendant carrying *ueb weapons in tbe manner as ufore said. AI'I'BOYLU —lbe lSih day of March, A. D. 1H75. J. F. ll.\initAsrT. No. ->7. A SUPPLEMENT. P.. an act, approved the liralday May one tbotisend eight liundi cd and se venty-three, entiiied "'An Act t< Utile lid altd Collpolidate the Nt vera I act* relating to game and game fish." Sit iiuN 1 lit it enacted, Ac., Thai lie first section of said art be amend d so as to read a* follows, namely : That no pei? -ii shall kill or pursue, ID, any part ol this -tale, any elk, or wild leer, save only from the first day of September to the lirst day of Decern ier in any year No person shall iave in bis or her possession, or offei for sale, or ttansp *rl, uny elk, or wild le-r, or fresh venison, save only from; die lirl day of September to the first day of December, in any year. No: (H-rson shall, at any time, kill any I fawn w lieu in its spotted coal, or have the fresh skin of -uch fawn in Ins ot her possession. No person shall pur sue uny ilk or wild Jeer with dogs, in uiy part oi this slate, or shall kill, in the water, any such elk, or wild deer, >r fawn, which has been driven there-; to bv dogs No person shall, in any oart of this state, set any trap, or aov uher device, at any artificial suit lick, • r other place, fir tho puip .so ol trap ping any elk, deer, or fawn, and catch! •r kill (he same, except for cotisunip iion in Ids or her family ; any jiersoii -•Rending against any of the provisions • I litis sect on, shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and ihll be liable to a pvnaity of fifty dollar* for each elk, wild doer, or fawn, so killed, pur sued or trapped, or fresh elk, wild deer, or fawn skin had u his or her, pocj;jon, and uigy ho proceeded igaiuat lu any county of the lat< wherein ho may he arrested, having the same in his or her possession: /Vended hcncerer, That any (>erori may sell, or have in his or her j* •*#*-*- sioii, the elk or wild drcr aforesaid between the fi'St day of py?ejber in any year and the first day of Februa ry next following, without liability to' the penalty herein imposed: Promd ed, lie shall prove that such game, if killed in tins state, was killed within the time allowed bv this act, or wa* killed outside of the limits of this state an f at some place where the law did not prohibit such killing. Dogs pur suing elk, or wild deer, or fawns, nisv be killed by any person ; and any con stable, or other town • Ricial, may kill any d g that habitually pursues elk. wild deer or fawns,anJ the owner of such dog shall he liable lo a pen a It of leu dollars for each elk, wild deer or lawns, killed by suchdog ; iVorid ed. That this act shall lie so con-tru ed u* not to change or alter the act to lo whiotl it i* a supplement, nor to change or alter any supplement there to. except only as to the time during which it shall he lawful to kill or pur sue any elk, or wild deer, in any way.i part of this * at?. Ai'i'ituviiu—The 18th day of March, A. I). 1875. J. F. II a it ru AN IT. TUB UNHKONH CALAMITY. Latest Details of the DisaOcr —L is-, Two ami n Half Million poilat. —! I Insurance,liver One Million. Chicago, April SO.— A special dispatch! to the Inter-Oceen from Oshkoth says , The total lots by the fire Is thought to be greater than was al first reported, and isj jnow put at J'J.oOO.OCM. it it estimated in I general terms that tbo iniuranca is fit) per; cent. of the li s*. About WO families are burned out, and relief is much needed, j The city Council hat appropriated S'iOOC ,! i for their immediate want*. There it noj discouragement among business men, and' the feeling is strong that rebuilding must , commence at once. Several hours' rain ' 1 to-day failed to extinguish tie fire, which is still burning among the debris. A dis patch from Foi U du Lac to the Times says' a "deep pall hang* over the citv ; five jtinii - since its foundation has conflagra tion visited it, but the present! calamity is the most crushing of all. This it the third i lime within a year that tire has desolated! lit.'' This fire took most of lb® fine resi dences and homes. The citizens seem ut terly hopeles and wnlk the streets with! sad faces The ruins are still smouldering, and when the former owners are asked what they will do, they reply that they )cannot tell nt prcscnL. The offices of the ' telegraph companies are burned, and thc : facilities lor working the lines are very poor. Thi*. to the general confu-' -ion and inability of even those who arc; losers to give particulars, precludes the 1 possibility of an extended report. A MORE HOPEFUL PROSPECT. Chicago, April 30 A special to the Time* from (Mikoth says the prospect at' thai city is already briglitning, and the { probabilities are that before winterthema* ionty n| the husinots blocks will be re jjsuilt. Sixty nine business structures were destroyed, and at>o-it half of these will be rebuilt immediately. The police to-ilu.v iimdo a careful count, and found lhat,j large and small, the sum total of the (]wel ling# destroyed Is about live hundred.. These are valued t an average of 52.'00 each, which gives an aggregate los, ofsl,.| VoO.CO, which i* probably near the correct' figure. Tbo loss on business Imu-es is about Sl,t#lo,otK), and on tbo lumber mtcr i t from s2fk),ooo to $250,000, making a to tal of about $2,500,000, on which tbo in urnnce is fully $1,000,000. Outside of the lumber interest the insu rance is about fifty percent, of the losses, i Among tbo heavy loser* are Jones & Stillei s'.<o,ooo; insurance, $71,000; it. L Bg ger, 70,000; insurance, s4il.(>tK) ; MeKoy A Folds. S:IS,I*XJ; Clhi k A Forbes, $30,000 : insurance, S27.(*KI j S. M. Hay At Urn.,! >ls 000; P J \\ at.oti, SIO,OOO • insurance, SIO,OOO ; Cell A- R gers. $25,000, A relief committee has been organi/.nd, and -iilut tncial assistance the afflicted is arriving from Fon dtt Lac and other neighboring cities Last evening at a meeting of the Council the lire limit# were pushed forward in tbo direction from which Are always threatens. The object is to take the saw and | Inning mills out of this locality. ANOTHER MINING ll O - CREA T Loss oy LIFE, London, May I—2 A. M.—A terrible explosion occurred yfstefday (HU'inoon ki the Bunker's Hill Colliery, North Staffordshire, while the miners were at work. At midnight twelve bodies had i been taken out. Twenty-three men are i yet in the urine, and there is no hope that any of them will be recovered alife, DEATHS. On April VS. Ida C'atharln* Kmeriek -lnugliter of John Kmeriek, aged 2 years 'I months Hti.l 24 day*. ' High in I lea van's <>w n light sin. >1 welli-th. Full the sung of triuiuph swellelh; Freed from i*nrth ami earthly tailing, Lilt for h.-r no voh <>l walling." tin lhr> 2Mh nit, ut t'rntre Hill, of di •ease of the heart, Eh* .h.-iji l'nget, aged 74 yens, V month* uii.l '.si days MARKETS. , Produce. N..w Y'.ik May I Wheal In moderate deluaild, receipts 71,000 bushels; No I Spring *| V7(.. I :t|; No asl |ft(*l IH. No 2 Milwaukee $1 23 (fill 24 winter red 3sl 47f.U 42 While $1 40(<tl 44 Itreflrii.f i.l ti6efusl Out. tinner; re t-mpls IV.tKXI bu.litis; mixed Western 74f< i 07L-; wlilla 7ii(.s7lh Ha.V ifuiet at I Coltoe firm at lu( s..gar firmer fair (.> g-'od refilling hjiasi. , prime hi.sHt PHILADELPHIA Phila'lelphia May 1 Flour active end] higher; Woc.msin and Minnesota family i <s6 to (all 2a. Pennsvlvania. Indiana and Ohio 754.00 26, high grade# 267 76 ! Wheat excited; rrd $1 4<i; amber $1 46, white $! 4s(,i | M Itye at ft l*J Corn active; yel|.-w yUaPlfe. Oats stronger, white uiisrd 76c Pork $22 76(4 2.1 Lard i.i(,y lie- Prtr. leuwi refined I3|c Cluverseed tiuw sll 6 (412 Ibiltersteady; New ork and Bradfoid .uulily extras (si3o; do firsts 2"J( ', 2f Kggsfiiiu; wtiteri iierh 16(e. CHICAGO. Cliiaago. May 1 \Vlieat iriegulsr; No 1 •urii.g *1 ITjL NO 2 $1 liti spot; $1 01| r Slay; $1 Oil seller June, rejected 'Jd. . Corn—demand active and prices advanced; No 2 mixed 7i>(476|c sp.-l; 76c bid tetlei June; rejected 72- bid <i*ts steady and in j moderate demand; No 2 024(402i- sjiol, ' 2ic bid seller May; 61|c b.d setter June I Rye dull and lioinjnai a! 31 07. Uarle) j dull ac.4 nominal; sJ*s 2 |1 Sum 31 spot, f 26 seller may. HUiIFOM i T M AM MfR White iVhuat n UUKed Hl6 ...Rye9o ...Coin*>6 ....Oats do. Barley ho 70 cio.'erseed C.OU Potatoes 00 Isard per |Miun.i ft ..Pork per pound'.a Buttcl'Al Eggs 16. .....Plaster per tor. fit Tallow ft Bacul.lO Ham 16 Lard per pound H cents ..Buck*heal <ls i ts F our per barrel retail?,oo... Nova Scotia plaster sl4 1-1 16. Cayugs! plaster $2.60 per I^4. Trmninr. We ero authorised to announce tisat 1) K Guise, of Potter, will he a candidate for Treasurer, subject to the usa;es of the democratic party. Sheriff. w. Bte Bt.ihord.e4 Ui Uiatj John hpangb-r. ul Po tor. will he a oandi-l date for Sheriff, subject to the usages of! tho letnocratic party. We are authorlxed tr> snm-unro that] J. itnnry Keller, of Harris, will be a> candidate for Sheriff, subject to the usage*] of the democratic party. We fir; uuthorLod lo announce that] Levi A. Munsoii, of Phiii|i*Vurg, will be a ' candidate fur Sheriff, subject to the usages of the democratic party. We arc authorised to announce that' (7mrge lloff.-r of Potter will be 3 Candi date for i;ii h riiC subject to the u>agrs of thai democratic parly. Spring (MMHIS, At Potter's Hills, J. H. M'EKTIRE, Dra'er in Domestfc Dry Goods. Ladle's Dress Goods -1 trcry u ripti r., embr*i.iftg all the New Styles in the market. Also. \OTL O.V.V I.M KS //ON JKIty (I LOVES. CLOriUSQ. ( ASIMKRKS, CMtl KTS (>!K LuTli v, HOOTS. SliuKS. O ROCK HIES t rKoyisiuM o| avory description all <>f which will be sold at very low rate* for CASH or its equivalent I>on"l lorget the place, come and see us anyhow, if you doti t buy. No trouble to show good*. . Counlry ProJuc Taken in }Cscia*iipiL for GOOJL Omay 6m. GOODS. Hr. \. E. MrETTIRE, Potter's Milts, has just returned Irom Philadelphia, and is now ready lo accommodate her cuato nn-rs with the Rtaslahf '• of Straw, Silk •.nd fancy Hvts. Bonnets. Ac , Velvets, Flowers, Crapes, Silk Goods, Feathers, Blondes. Ribbons Ruch-, Braids, Orna ments, Ac. In short, a full line of all the latest style* of Milleriery Goods, which, will he sold at the lowest price*. Call and • ee the Goods. r-fr-llats and Bonuris relrimutcd in the latest style otaay Bui At Bellefoiite, MONDAY, MAY I7 th . P. T. BARNUM'S GKKAT Traveling World's Fair. The Barn am Unrivaled Exhibition.' Company Proprietors. P. T. BAKM M PitK IDEM , I, T. HAKXI'M'N METROPOLITAN MUSEUM ! P. T. B %RNI'M*N UOLLOSSAL C ARAVAN ! I*. T. It A ItN I'M'N MONSTER MENAGERIE :I I*. T lliß\l M'S 'Steam Operated Polytechnic In stitute Twenty Great Shows in One, in- 1 :eluding a sept rate Stupendous Inter continental Amphitheatre, with linn t liolello's International Hippodrome ! And tht TERRIFIC WILD BRAZILIAN BARE-BACKED RIDER. Lowund's Imperial Hra/iliatt (Mr CM. I WO EIGHT WORLD WONDER EXHIBITIONS DAILY. A Single Ticket. Only SO - ems. Admitting to each and every De part men I. Children under niue years of age half price. Door* open at 1 and 7 P. M {Grand Animal and Arenic En I < ee <<ne hour later, MuyG 21. P <> W E R S' BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Opposite Bush House, BELLEFONTE, I*A. Powers' Boot & Shoe Store i> the largest iitnl host stocked establishment in Centre County. He keeps constantly on tyuuj a full line of si < I N A \ l> S II o i: 6. Ho is just opening the largest stock t>t Spring Goods ever brought to Bellefonte PINK tHOCt for ladies, kept constantly on hapd- Boots and Sboej for mcu and women, ol styles, quality apd prices, from the raos! costly to the cheapest, constantly kept on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either in quality or price, Call and examine his new st< ck of Spring and ( Su outer Goods, and you will liud it Jo your advautage. Apr2lly. JY KW STORK, NRW GOODS AND Panic Prices. 11. A. LA Mil I MICK. it the old Centre Hill .land. Jtlst opening H Slot* of NEW GOODS, OLD FABHIONKD J'KK KS! A lnrj{t> variety of Ladies Drew. Good* Groat liurguiti* in Mu.liutNud t'alicoca. Ready luudu Clothing Warranted to Sail.j Hi* Cloths and t aisiuiers, ( not Ih* exreDod His Grocery Department, AsUiiiLhe. ever} ou.iii assortment and low jpricns. s yrup, Sugar, IVa. teflm. Canned frulU,! Domestic and Foreign Frulu, Cheese, | and avery other article belong ii'K to the Grocery Depart ni •• nt JUT Farmer.. Mechanic* and Laborer* look lo your interest One dollar saved ia dollar in pocket. Then call and ace at what astonishingly low price*. Sd*No trouble to show Good* "IfcH Also the choicest FAMIPY Kwv* al ways on band. Apr. 15, y, DM i >i is i RAJ OH S NOTICE - Letters of administration oil the estate ol t*eo. Carliii, late >■! Fuller two,, dec'd, lave been Kranted lo Ibe undo; signed, who requests all person* snowing them •elves indebted lo said estate to make >in oedtaie pay in. ni, and those having de •uatids against the same to preset,l then. luly authenticated t-j I** for si-Ulemeul. J O. CARSON Apr. lo fit. Adu.'r. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN I'UHEbHVUS A Mi MEDICINES, CHEMICALS OILS, DYE STUFFS i'EHFI'iIKKY. NOTIONS FANC* ARTICLES FOR TIJK TOILET, I*l Hi: MINK AND LIQIOHM, ftlf ItJttiltCiLfcl pUr)!OHNI. i niMn it* .*>upfjorira in (treat variety. Also, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* usually kept in a first class Drug Store. Prescriptions caretuily Compounded MILLER it BON. BEATTY PIA ?°I THE BEST IN ISE stamp fr Circular. DANIEL F. BEAITY Washington. New Jersey. THE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE. Next door to Wilson & Hick*' Har dware store, Allegheny Kt., BKLLKFoNTB, FA., Jas. C. Williams (Successor lo 11. F. Rankin A Co.) DEALER IN CUBE DUVQS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS. DTE STI FFS. VARNISHES, BRUSH KS. J KKFt'MKKY, -NOTIONS. AND rANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. Ac. mi&iwms&uauaas for medicinal purpoi**. SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES A SUPPORTERS in great variety Alto, Choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* usually bept in first class Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ftmarTP.f NEW YORK BRANCHSTORK McClnin's Block, Directly Opp. Busb House, Bellefonte, Pa. 11. HERMAN A CO., Prop'™. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES. NOTIONS & FAN CY GOO DB. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Below the Usual Prices. Novlitf. Blatchley's S *T> \ lmpr, vwirUCl'M \t X> f BER WOOD PI'MP .*/ is the acknowledged .STANDARD of the •nai e., by popular verdict, the •et pump for the least nx nay. VUenlion is invited to Biatchley s Improved Bracket, tbo Diop i'heck Valve, which can be with •Irawn without disturbing the joints, and the copper chamber ! wtiicn never crack., scalr* or rusts and .will last a lifetime. For sale by Dealer, land the trade generally In order to b< 'sure thai \ou gel Blatchley's Pump, b< 1 careful and ee thHt it has my trade-utsrk as above. If you do not know where I buy, descriptive circulars, together with I tne name and address of the agent nearest you, will be promptly furnished by ad {dressing, with stamp. CHAS 0 BUTCHLKY. Maaafaeurer. 50t} tXiuioierce St,, Philadelphia, l'a { II mar Pro. W. AT CURRY, BOOT & SHOE MAKER i:\TRE H A LI.. 1* 4. Would most respectfully inform the eit sens of this * trinity, that he has started new 800 l and Shoe Shop, and would b, thankful for a share of the public patron age. Boots and Shoes made to order an. according to style, and warrants his wort ito equal any made elsewhere. All kind* if repairing done, and charges reasonable (live him a call fib 13 ly itK ttr iiKooKKßitorr, 4. p. shi/oxm President, Cashier. OENTRI COUNTY BANKING CO (Lafc Milliken, Hoover & Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, Buy arJ Sell Government Secu lire, Gold <(• iplft'i'htf upon*. TAS. M'MANUS, Attorney at Law Bellefonte, promptly attends to al business entrusted to htm iui2.'Bt BROCKERHOFFHQUSEr bki.lf,fqntb{pa E. PE(SS <* SON, Prop'rs. This wfcll known hotel, situate in th business portion of the town, has been thoroughly renovated, repainted and fur nished now. It will be the aim of the pro oriototsto make it a pleas nt Hotnp foi those who may favor them \v<'k thijir pat ronage. A free carriage i* run to the de pot, and ;hw best stables in town) are con nected with th House. 29apr. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM RANKIN'S Drug Stop e, (NEXT DOUR TO TH<£ DESCBNER GUN STORE.) FRESH AND CHEAP. APr.Wr A Pumps Of All Kim, Steam & Kotar Pum i s Deep Well Pumps, FTR 1| Cistern Pumps, Anti-Frezing Pumps. U lioiM a *\ ***• ¥ trV \ '{ I*"* jUNI Lf Mb rlrt b, OP ALL KINDS. Gum Hone <sr Packing, ite// and Bran* Fouuder*, and Manufacturer* of the CELEBRATED Sheriff Patent Steam Syphon Pump. *i§k,s+Hd frr itiiutrated catalogue and price hd."%M J. B. SHERIFF & SON, M WATEJB M., AMN ArrMM. 23 apr. ly. PITTftM RttKl, PA. SHORTLIDGE tc CO, COAL, LIME, Ac., WILLIAM SUOKTLIDOE. * OXD VALBXTISi i SHORTLIDGE & CO., Burnen and Shipper! of tbe celebrated • Belle font e I WIHiUIIEi ILiIiMIE. ; Dealer! in ibe very beet grade* of !ANtBRA(MTEMiL| The only dealer* in Centre County who *ll the WILiKiESi Bi Ai RIR EC;Oi Ai L from the old Baltimore mi dm Abo BHAMOKIN AND OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly boated eiprewly for houe an. at tie lowest price*. 1 DEALERS /A * V. Tbey pay tbe hif beet price* in cash for frain that tbe Eastern market* will tTrd. WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Boufbl or will b AOM on cnmmiaaioa when decired, and (ball price* guaranteed. la. formation concern in the frain trade will be furniebed at all a am, to farmer* with pleasure, free ofebarfe. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY, DEALERS IX CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, which U always sold at low pricea, and warranted to be a* food a fertiliser ae ae other pi eater. ©??)C2 AMD NEAR SOUTH ENO B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, BKLLEPOaTF. PA. Lime! Lime! Lime ot the best quality, alway* on hand, at tbe kiln near Centre Hall, Also Agent for Myer's Excelsior Cement, the best in the market and warranted to set quick and harden. For sale by Andy Recsmar.*al the Post Office in Centre Hall. GEORGE KOCH. GREATBARGANS AT THE HARD WAKE STORE OF MUSSER & RUNKEL BROS., Mlllheim, Pa., WFT<>LKSALI XXD RKTAIL DIALERS I* HEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE,' riiey have just returned from the Eastern Cities, where they hsve purchased a well! selected stock of HARDWARE, CI'TLKHT. IHOX. NAILS. OILS, PAI*TS, VARMSIIKS, PCTTT, B UILDERS A CO A CHMA KERS GOODS, Plasterers nud Masous, gaddlers, Shoemakers, Housekeepers, ami in fact, HARDWARE FOR EVERYBODY. We call particular attention to a line as sortment ot Picture Frames and Moulding, very cheap. WALL A WINDOW PAPER, And Curtain Fixtures of every kind. COACH and WAGON MAKERS-four attention is called to our stock of Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, Shafts, Pole* and Buggy Wheels, all of No. ) uiwlitv and selling ve ry cheap. Our stock is largo, and cn sianlly being renewed, and we are selling —wholesale and retail—at very low prices. Remember—much money has'been lost by pay iug too much for Hardware. Try Quasar A ilunkJft Fhoy buy far Oah ad sell at Cash Prices for leas profit than any other Hardware Store in the County. .HCrCall and see us. Satisfaction guar anteed. MUSSER A RUNKLE BRO'S. aug S7-y '74 J. B. SHAFEB, Undertaker. The undersigned begs leave to inforo his patrons and the public generally thel he is now prepared to make Coffins and raapecttully solicits a share of their patron age Funerals attended with a neat MR* '-'-MH&J Pennsvalley Banking Go. CENTRE HALL, PAI RECEIVE DKPuSITS, And Allow In/crest. Discount Note „ _ . Buy and !><d. Government Securities, Gold amtt n Coupoi P*TM Hor } r ,^'. t W *- B - Ml * oL *l Char H. Held. Clack, WalekaaberAJcweh Millheiiu, Centre Co., Pa. Respectfully inform* hi* friend* and tl pub ic in general, that be bar jut opeae.l at hi* new establishment, above hwi k ®** <*nsunUy on .b.i.<., al. kinds ot Clock*, W atcbe* and J,. in of the latest stvles, a* also the Marts, '* Patent Calender Clock*, provided WHO complete index of tb* month and oat • the month and week on its ffice, wbki i* warranted a* a perfect time-keeper. Clock*. Watrhe* and Jewelry ~ paired on short notice and warranted sep II" ► > Excelsior Cement- The undersigned now manufacture* i • or i WARRANTED OF A SUPER It • • Ql A LIT\, at bs* kilns, neat Pu Creek Mills, in Haines twp. This cms*■ has already been used in large quantities *s c. RR.. Za h..., tound highly satisfactory upon nHJ-.f where it ha* been used, and as equa' JPJfJw manufactured for use iD CI TERNS, WATER PIPES, ".whaii- Purpose a rood quality of Cemelt is de This Cement hat already l>r tested far and wide, and rendered the i most bait*taction. Persons, therefore c<> structing Cisterns, laying Water Pip. *c., will find it to their ltd vantage to b* this in mind, and alto, that he warrants i article as represented. J G. METER. may 21 tf Aarop.burg, i . JOHN> POTTER; Collections promptly tniade anr special attention given to thoaevhavia* lands or property lor tale. Will draw ui and have acknowledged Deeds, Murigag... <Sc. Office in the diaiuoud, north sou the court house. Bellefonte. octJil'W "*wi Varasr tmO Stock -feeder eheaM hero oee." MTTIffH ft t. New hnor M I f MILL. tor Borte erStaaa Pogsr Crews-Cut and Circular WOOD-SAWING MACHINES. C64to West Eighth dc, CUrCUfRATI. 0.. Manutacuar-Ts of Cane Ma <•binery.Su. n- Engines, Shaker Thresbar, Fa:n School, and Church Belli, etc. Pec 10. y.