FARM/SaRHEV AND HOt'SEIIOLI). Form flint*. The reavoti why black wool in not worth M much as white wool of the same oualitv in, wvn the (buntry tfrnffctnart, tlmt black W\H>l cannot bo bleached and will take no other color perfectly. Don't forgot at this tut&vwi to take U> hast cure of your colts. Thev need the host feed of the whole season. Don't think it will pay to let the colts go ont into the tlehis and pick old f<>ggy gr.tsa. The manure from animals fed on otvtke.l or steamed food ts not so valuable as from animals fed ou whole or ground grain iu the raw state. It has been fully proven on the farm that the dppos&K ot a hen are worth her feed, usrd as a ferUlh. tx In ether word*, and as our friend I lichens would any, not to put too fine a }ouit upon it, a check for the amount of her deposits, lire-suited to the gardener Vltank. should be fully honopsl to the amount of its face. lVeoari! A rich, well pulverised, olean, and rutlu-r still' loam is Uwt for onions. The seed *houJß bomowjt in mas urine or ten inches fphtt (k>m *ow imefeotl and four to six inches apart in the row. The Iniungt; is umking alow but steady progroffl in tlie IVininiou of Canada. While the Dominion CSrange is on ami cable terms with the National Orange of the I'uited States, it owes no allegiance to it, ami lofts uot derive the charters of its subordinate granges from it. There is no better way of killing out quack or w ire grans than to summer fa! low the laud. Sometime* it will roquir - two seasons and wry thorough woik; still it can U* killed in this way. Use fkrwh and do uot u* any thalts one or two years old, is the ad vice giWni by a farmer. A corresjHunlent who keeps about fifteen hundred fowls ou his farm, a few miles from Chicago, tells the frame hirttrr that he finally actlhd uu two bro hs lk>) B~ahwsl. Slid the horn. Tn* fl Mis separated into three lota, and notw ithstondtng the large num ber there has never tv*eu a case of cholera, and little tremble with other diseases. Tlie snow birds in Kansas are making a givxl living by eating the eggs of the grasslnitowrß, which hate been thrown out of the ground by the frost. The soil found on the slope* of Veen- Tins is said to l>e au antidote to diseases of the vum, mi other fungoid dieeo* of planta. A fourteen ton cheese ia (he mite thai Ohio will contribute to the Centennial. Fodder for cattle of chopped straw and hay is U-ing mixed in Belgium just no w with good wbeaten th.ur. and allow ed to ferment for twenty-four hours somewhere otjafeiag the stable*. The aroma rkaug'from this mixture ia said to tickle the animals' palates and set their mouths watering; and, seasoned with a little pulp, this food is as eco nomical as it is nutritive. I'taaMi Stmt !■ rtli 4 A of the Detroit Frte Prnu givj-s his opinion of plowing as follows; Teams drawing loads on the road get a breathing *\k}l on the descending ground, while m plowing the draught is the same from morning till uight. There is a certain number of pounds that a team can draw day after day and not worry th- ui, but if more be added, even as Utile as fifteen or twenty pounds, they walk unsteadily, fret, and soon tire. Xo amount of fecxlmg will keep them in condition. I have seen many plows in use on which it would have been an eanj matter to decrease the draught twenty five pounds, and if men were drawing them instead of horses it would have beeu done. It must be plain to the farmer thai every pound he can take off from the draught of his plow is so much gained tor his hones. It may he done in this way: For any soil i-iamt aand or gravel, use a steel plow. Th-'ir eo-t is but little more, and the draught enough less to pay the dif ference in plowing twenty acres. Iu plowing sod, the coulter does a great deal of the work, and should be kept sharp by iorgiug at the blacksmith'a, and grinding ev vy day if necessary. Of course it will wear"out sooner, but new coulters sr ■ cheaper than new teams. Set the cortlUT in line with the plow, the edj*j sqnare in front, with an angle of forty-live degrees from the front to which it is attached to the beam. When the share gets wora short it is poor economy to use it any longer, but replace it with a new one. Let the traces be as short as will allow the horses to walk without hitting their heels against the whifiletroea, and have just pressure enough of the wheel on the ground to make tha plow run steady. If the liandie* c* >wd continually one way, the draught is not right, and if the plow is a good one it can be easily remedied at the clevis. To prevent the horses step ping over the traces in turning, fasten a weight of about throe fourths of A pound on the ou.ta: le end of each single tree— that 13, oh the right end when vou turn to the left, or vice Each observ ing farmer knows that lioraee are sns ceptilil#- to km fc ess aral equally an to I hr-ve scon homes that were working steadily made recking w,th sweat in a sir tt time by a sharp word or a jerk ou tlie Git. Let your horses do their work as you do yours, aa easily as possible, ami be au willing to overlook their mistakes its you would the mistakes of hurann beings. T• Plan mr 10 PIBOT. A correspondent of the Prairie Farmrr argm-s against the aucient prac tice of plowing: lam inclined to think uon -in version, complete pulverization and surface mannring. that is, the natu ral decay of vegetable growth, ia best for continued fertility. In fact, I have com menced to practice this theory. I planted six acres of com theiast season, plowing about two acres, the balance J broke with spading plow and the cultivator, leaving the brkeu rtalki on tlie surface. The result wax average crops, as good a on the best plowed land, but not satis factory, owing to the unprecedented drought and the universal chinch bug. I shall try agsin, and report in due season. ,1 I am satisfied of one thing, the man who mil give us a machine that will cut and pulverize perfectly, mix soil and trash, will prove a public benefactor. I want that machine. The idea is not very popular as yet, but let us investi gate; let us get at the facta. My object in writing this is to hear from somebody. Let ns find the better way. Talk about political economy! I can think of no question of more vital importance titan the preservation of our soil. Tell us what the chemists ny aliont the Jaws of fertilization, the changes mechanically, chemically, or otherwise, what experi menters Lave had to sav on this sub ject, and oblige many like myself who are struggling fur temporal salvation by agriculture. U lux *vm WnUe the lira* lay. Put two or more quarts of water in a kettle, add one large seed pepper or two small our*, then put the kettle over the fire, sayr the Ohio I'amvr. When the waterJwihutir in a coame-gronnd In dian meal, until you make s thick mnsh. Let it .cook an hour or more. Feed hot. Horsemdish chopped fine and stirred into the mush lias been found to pro duce good results. Four weeks ago wc commenced feeding our bens mush as prepared -in the above directions, and for reMft"' we are getting from five to ten eggs per day; whereas, previous to feeding, we had not had eggs for a long time. s We hem a great deal of complaint from other people ft bout not getting eggs. To all sych we would warmly recommend eoqhed food, fed liot. Boiled Sppleskihs, seasoned with red poppep, or boiled potatoes, seasoned with horseradish, are good for feed; much bet t?r than uncooked com. Corn, when fed by itself, has a tendency to fatten hKis, instead o: producing the more proffuEoleeigg laying. A spoonful of vermin ami tone HgMesystems. This is especially Out ten chicken B, hatched t'a : we have lost but one. been fed cooked feed THE MASSACRE OF THE HERMANS. Ttif Story of the Mmurtf ooxt ilie CftMHrr of I • of tlir tilth fcv ikf The story of the massacre of the tier uuin family hy the Indians is revived with additional hut sad interest l>y the I return of R> tw\i girls who were held !hv the Indians. The famdv consisted |of John tleriuuu, his wife, tivdia. ami seven children, a follows : llelwwva, twenty one; Stephen, nineteen; Johan nn, fifteen; Catherine, ncveuteen; So j'hia, eleven; Julia, seven, and Nancy, tlvy. Fh t) t Ydtl ago (hey left Morgan town. Fannintountv. tla. and removed to Howell county, Missouri. In May, 18TA. they removed to M< rryville, Stone county, Mo., and in the following SepteuiWr they linnugmted to •-Igin, llowaid cotmty, K".. from which place they started t> Colorado, ami on tliia journey tliey were all, with th<* ex ivption of four, murdered. On arriving at Bttolac Hill river, ut the oee.tral part of Kan-m*. only about fourt en miltv. from the Kansas Pacific railroad and within thirty miles of Fort Wallace, they were attacked by tin- Indians. Catherine in an iuterview said: Just as tin- sun was rising. and while eug.vgod in ilriving the cat tie up the river twuik toward the wagon, I heard shots and veils, and. running closer, saw my fath er fall, shot through the I sick by an la dian. I was temldj frightened. hot 1 can never forget the spectacle there etmued. My luvdlwr Stephen wua a half mile away hunting np some stock, and ha bad a" aim with him. As jmor father fell nailier rushed toward lam only to receive a shot fioui another lu lUau who fired at her head, killing her almost instantly. My father was not killed at ouoe, for he moves! his arms about as hi- * :e scalped by one of the party. They also sculjssl tuv motlier. An old wjuaw picked up our axe ami struck it in niv father's head, leaving it fixes! iu his skull. During Uio Urae tins wtu going on one rvxle after Stephen and ahot •l acaiixd hum My aider, Rcl-ecca, made a l>M*r defense with An axe; ehe kuvvkod doA'U (MM ot tile llhlitiw Slid would have killed hiti* if idie had not toiualiaw V.l front IH>IIUKI. \\ liilo hatlf insensible and scarcely alive, the lndiaus—tiw or si* of tWm —despoiled her person, and After that ther scalped her. They then c*rn>ii her near the mgoo, totroff hr clothes, piled them over her. with *>oll' other things from the wagon, and while she was still alive set fLe to the pile and burned her tip. Here the broken hearted girl broke ; down, and it was some time before slie oould proceed. Amidst solwi and h-ars, and in broken utterance s she continued 'as follows, occasionally assisted by Sophia: After all were killed but we Ave sis ' ters. they gathered around us to see which one aliould be put out of the war, as thay said they couM only take four along. Chio Indian, who seemed to lw a chief, came up, and looking at Johanna and me suddenly drew Hp las gtui and ahot sister's head oil. 1 was so t. ightened tliat I could not stir for a ! long time. As soon as they got every thing they wnntcd they *>t the wagon ou tire and killed the cattle; then made Sophia and I get ou homes ami tied us ou, took our two Utile sisters up m front jof them and started off as fast us the ! horses oould go. We traveled all day, going due south I should judge. One }Uitv trust to save Rebecca's life; but the Indian alie hit with the axe said he would have her scalp, and so she aas killed. After traveling two days we crossed a railroad track. The day after we got over tic nulraad Medicine M.ia, with a small party, left, and were gone until late in the afternoon. When they came up to us they had three fresh soaljxs and a number of article of wear ing apjar,-l that must have Iwkmgcd to . a rniui, woman and small child; also had a lot of canned fniit uid oysters. After ; keeping us riding nearly two weeks the i main camp near the Staked Plains was ; readied. Stone Calf luul command, and, when they brought us in all the trilie turned out and had a great tunc. The same night they had a big scalp dance over the scalps of our family, and made us look at it. Two dayß aftr the main botly of In dians was reached. They took sisters Julia and Xancy away from the camp, and I have never seen tliem since. Sivphia saw them ouce. alx>ut December, but only for a few minutes. All of as were oue day placed 011 horses, and, after the Indian fashion, wade h> ride as fast as the horaes could go, and the Indian who caught us luul t- > take care of as for gix>d. Moon aft -r this tin* whole IKKIV starUnl north to get out of the way of tlie troops which, it was repotted, werechwe at hand. Btone Calf, with Sophia, was left behind with about one hundred more, and the rest, nncier charge of Gray IWard, Eagle Hea l, Heaps of Bird anil Lean Bear, still kept on the uorth. In abont a week, wliilc encamped on Wolf creek, the soldiers again male the In dians run. I did not w>e them, but heard the gnus. All of this time I was 0:1 horseback and a gtxxl deal of the time very sick ; had to ride all the time, and at night was often whipped and bcat-u because I could not cam* as much wood and water as atunc of the aqtviws. All this time I was under the ch.u*ge of Long Back. At times I wa nearly frozen, having nothing but a blanket to keep wann witli at night. Sometimes there would be a foot of snow on the ground, but they male me work just as hard. This was sbout Ih-oeraber. My feet were frozen and the nails of my right foot all came off. In January I met sister Sophia for a short time, and she told me we were better to lie killed. Catharine wis asked if slie thought th. jr would kill her, and she answered: Sc> ; I always th'jughi the soldiers would release us some time and told Sophia not to be afraid. In the hitter |ort of January I received a letter from General Neil, brought to the camp by a Kiowa scout, U-lling me to keep up good spirits and the soldiers would soon capture us. A second letter was received soon after this, but the In liana would not let me open it. They ncd to let me look at it, but would not hi me take it into my own hands. As M*n as these letters were received I felt ever so much better. From this time until Itomeo met us the Indians treated me much better. We had but little to en*.. Horses and dogs were all the meat w > hud. When the Kiowas were in camp with the letter they would not let ;nc out of the lodge for fear they would steal me and take me to Fort SilL One sqnaw was at times very kind to me, but all the rest naed to strike me every chance they had. They used to point me every few days. About a month ago I was sure the Indians were going to surrender, as Stone Calf and Eagle Head with their Isolds joined ours and all started north. I did not see Sophia all this time, but knew she was near rue, as the squaw that had been good to me said: " Little i inter with Stone Calf." At last Medicine Water came to my lodge and told me I was to be given up. I asked him to let me see Sophia, and he answerer], "Sister dead." I did not believe him, and one day Stone Calf told me she was alive and well. About two \reoks ago I saw a four-horse wagon coming toward our camp, and ns soon as it was near enough I starter 1 to run out and meet it. The Indians would not let me, but made me go into a tent. Soon Borneo came to me and spoke to me in English. It was the first time I had heard it for months. He Raid I might go with bim and he would take good care of me. I got into the ambulance, and there for the first time in two months saw Sophia. We at once left thajndians behind and in two days came in sight of the soldiers' tents, where I saw General Neil, Mrs. Miles and all the rest who were so kind to me. I could not help crying. Mrs Miles is as kind aa a mother to us. " Did they take all the clothes away from you at the time you were captured ? ,! " Yes, and only gave ine an old blanket to keep warm with." "Can you identify the Indians who made the attack on vonr family ?" " I have seen them all fifty times since 1 and can tell them all." " llow many of them ifas there?" " Seventeen men and two squaws." t " Have you seen the sqnaw that bit your father with an since ?" " Only once." " Was Medicine Water one of the war party ?" * i •' He s>ented to be the leader." " Did they sculp all the family after they were killed I ' " All exjieet Joliamia. She had Itectt sick ami her hair was vt-rv short. " How wa Soplgp treilked after alio left yowl" " l-'rom what ahe tills me she hail a HI noli easier time than 1 luwl. She was only whipped oiuv or In uv, ami did not have to carry so much WIHHI and water." " Where will you go, now that you are rescued from the Indiana (" " 1 don't know yet," she it plied. " 1 would prefer to remain here rather thau go lti-k to tieorgui. If Sophia ami I Call g t a g"> •• to H)vai, wtiii-h he did withan UiUisim-tiori soluewhat after this fashion ; "latdieanud gentlemen, 1 ant a plain man; ami I am Sivustonn ! to speak tat thoughts phunlv, without tntich weigh tng of tuv wort\s, ami without stopping to consider whether th< A are wluit Will please tuy an iteius* tn ail resjwvta or not. Ami if, lit tins i Vel f.g's leeture. I should eVants* to sat anything tliat Jim not pl.-asi- touj f ls-g that i: tie of you will got up and march out of the house to tmtrk your displeasure. 1 have known this t<> le done. I have even kuowu a Christian man on the Sahliath, and t church, when the miuister hapjs-msl to say aotucUtiug that did not pit av him, get up ami slam tlie |w-w-door twUilld him, and stalk majestically down the aisle, as though the n.mister was lured just to aay thing . just to please Uiiu! " I aide - and geutlemeu. It uti un eient notion llint souls were trnusmitti d from one toariothcr; tliut uo tu-w s-iuls were ever created, but tlmt whenever a liab* was born ooiue one el** died, and the * nil of the dying man was trans ferred to the Ihhlx of tlie UiU-; uinl 1 have ao rue times llnHight, wheat I luivu sjs-ii a man go stalking oat of church, to the disturbance of niinist.r and *ongre gallon, Is-isiiiM- the mini-ler h:ipj*<-ned to aay something tlmt did not just pha-*- him, tiiat this thimry of tin- transuugra tioa of aouls might l*e true, ami when tlmt man was IKU-U UOIKKIV ltappi-uel to We do u't know wlu-thcr Mr. I tough know s to this day whv liis hit took so much better than it usually docs, and was Mi rapturously eh Pen si, with clapping of hands and laughter. It is to be pre sumed that he wai not allow id to have towa iu ignorance, however. At all events, neither "pillar" nor parson left the ehureh, and Mr. liough proved an unconscious peacemaker. Moral.—The mau who cries "St >p my pajvT!" because a journal whose general character he thoroughly approve* differs from him iu judgment ou some single point, is second cot nun to the man who stalks indignantly out of ehureh because the llllUlster is liold enough to wiy something tliat dmss not exactly please him. The Emotions of a Pauper. It has been noted that a certain de; p. rate, but calm, stubborn and sullen air of resignation appeared to settle upon paupers who have 1-ivn for any length of time ulUu-h.-d to county j>oor boum A man once a pauper, seeuis scarcely ever to rise above the ing position and setth s down to it, a ■ if he had gone content,ally " ov r the lulls to tlie poorbouae," and hail lost all aui bition to go beyond it. Receutly, a Chicago iwper, dtwiring t > know some thing of the interior of the |MXj>vt he navv; It is curious to reflect upc>n how easily one uiav U> influenced by his aurroumi iiigs. Tor Uiat matter, we are all 11. re or fcn creature* of circumstances, grow ing up aoourding to tlie cluirat ter of our birth place in life, lint, even after hav ing become thoroughly ac.-ustorued to and identified with i-nr stat: u and mode of living, a changi- of place and aivK-ia tioa will eventually alter our whole prin ciple of action, our id< :vs, and our cliar actcr. So frail is the human miml! Living amoug jwupTs during three day a, imbibing their Sf-ntin: -nts, -liaring to the full their discomforts and tin ir sor rows, I l>egan almost impercvptibly t<> think of myself as really one of them. At tint I L;nl been obliged to exert my self to act my iurt; gradually the tusk became easier; till, finally, 1 found my self akui-st wiuule-nug wh ther I luul ever l>cen anv thing else. Wliat was tin powerful yet slender Isind which united me to the outer world t How frail the barrier, uud Ist uguixhalde b any save myself, which sejar.led IQC from tiiose wretched outcastaalxntt me! It seemed aa if the slighU-st of agenci. a might snap them both asunder, and leave nn a raujwr in truth. Hearing the tvnumi cal voice of the " ls> ■< pauper," I invol untarily shrunk Iwiek with a sluulow of th tem>r which held my associates. 1 knew, of cours,', that I need hnve no apprekenrioo, and that a motion from me would transfer me back to tli" world. Yet, such ws tb iuflu< nee of tmrrouud i'.igs, that I was snbject t- the emotions I liavc descriljcd. A " Home- Made " Bnelliug. Mr. J. A. Anderson, carpont- r at St. John, N. it., for the lust four years has been building a good sized house for himself, and finished it with scarcely any additional labor, except that of his own hands. It i< a sulMtautiai wootleii house, built ou spiles, thirty six f.- t by twenty-six feet, with a pitched roof, and bow attic windows. It is two stories high, containing four rooms on the ground Uv the slow process of 1 sir ing faoh-s all round the intended opening. Mr. Anderson seems to have some prac tical id>iis cnneeniiiig domestic arrange ments which might he copied hy other builders. For instance, lie placi his kitchen sink on iron logs (liis own black smithing) instead of the usual rupltoard, tlrat everything may lie open and above board, so hi speak, and tlie dirty dLvh clotlisinav have free ventilation Mr. Anderson having unwisely built his house at the extreme edge of his lot, his neighbors conceived the idea of rais ing a piece of garden ground several feet high right ag.iinst the eastern end of it, which would have caused that portion to rot. After obtaining small relief from litigation he thought it best to move his house some live or six feet, no as to throw the passage to the rear, between the house and tbe raised ground; so he immediately set to w rk and cut through his chimneys above tie ir foundations, which rested on the ground below, mid moved til" house, having previously put down extra spilt s, a work of no little labor in itself. Motherly Devotion. A story is told by a farmer at Jllooin field, Pa., which seems to indicate rea soning power ami a bit of the heroic ele ment in a common rat. Two rats, an old gray matron of the corucrib and her off spring, had been caught together in a common box tiap. Through a crack the pair could be wen together within, lov ing enough, till the farm dog wan brought to the month of the trap. As soon as the mother rat scented the dog she seemed immediately to divine the approaching fate, and giving a terrible squeal, she caught the little rat bv the neck and bit him sharply, causing almost instant death. The trap was opened an instant after, and the old rat, which had thrs killed her offspring rather than have it murdered by the dog, quietly sub mitted to her fate. The convert to the woman's crusade, Van Pelt, has been fined twenty dollai s and given thirty clays in the workhouse for disturbing a religious meeting. M MMAKY OP XKYYS. Itrata al lalM*4 tram llotwr nu.l Ahreud. Ilia r*i.a *** lha rmperer of lb Mil prnjM la atsticale tn lavcr ttf la* .Intipbler, the iWntoan J Kit, and luake bin Itiime iti Itiw I niCed Slatra . Thorn are Heil.>i' diflerei, bet-toe . Ibtti i .trbw ami Ibo t'aiUal ts.uueil or the prtvvttiee of Nat arte. . . .The trial of lite tioiksnr of IUOHIA, on the eltarpa of atleiiipuitp to |*itiitm the ItrtUah lustdatil al lib* court, ha it-.tilted in lite dmagraemant vtf the ixmuutetou before w liiob Uteraee was tried ~, lUwolutlolcl I'ltlnllltp lit,re e|4Ußle and tile- Unci in.(mil. * tuto tbe eaiist fraud* wore (taet. I by Die t'aual I varit, Cbe Senate and lite tanembly of Sett York'" a - ' Tbe (loveruoi td lexaa ba, a(i!>ralrtt to the President for aid to kupjurn* the out, ape* (K-I |e It ated by Metl ttaua on ihe i'eta* m l lit* hecivtaiyof Wat ha* leleprtqthed Ihe tomnitii bap otti.-rr of the I'citarluit nt of t ela* |.. use overt elToil lo i'tevonl further raid* g\ Mate Heuaioi liohert McKelilta, of lent hae bet., aeu| lo |>riaun for rtvo yeatr fol hut f tuot wife* avand.buiphter .All (he faro bank., and lotlerv and (■obey aln-ja in arts lo 1* cioaed l,y lite (KTBOO ...IUO lh v. J. 1. Jt -.-a, of Slleo. Ml oh las lee n nntei rot to ait y,arw lu t!.t Slate j-im.ut for t!, forgot) of a docl OU whi.-'tt he obtaine.l (1.000 'n, o reaijemx) of Mr. Pedgway, near | <-ti, Iter graduated at Atttherat t ohepe lu He studied at Lane a I'uiver *lty three year* and waa 1. enr.,l a* a J-i i her in Itnmuiiicanta of Ply mouth Church ho places at from tncnly-llve huiilred td three Uiottewud. Aatda from bit duUoe aa clerpyman. he haa li'.lett several U --toriai |a*itiuna. written a large number of ItooLa, aii-1 dehtered utttutwrleva Uvtnrt* The Overlook M-mnlahi Hoitee in the t'atektU", near Wmvl.liek I'leter eouuty S.Y., a fatneua ■nmmer res. rt, caught tire and aa*'.y c -i.--.uued A meeting of merchant* m New York of |tartT, vvaa held, al whwih reeoluUotis mdeewing the artion of flovernor Tihlen relative to eaual* were jam.- 1. and a tvinm.'tc* a; ; ouitad to Jireaent t . rojswt to (ioventor Tddeo. 1 aU-r troubles are re javrted lit several eoitou manufsettiring towii* of Ma.-ea.-h nee tie, Ma.ue and New Ham)*hlte, caused, as alleged, by an itu|arratio oidor In at. the Pall iuvrr Head (Vuite of tits Natl -nai Cnititi, mjtunug operattves to Jruiai.d a re antrauou of f -r-nirr | n,e .The deeres-e of the public debt of the Cmted Slatra uuro J i e t, 1574, haa IKHSI f -.i 413 tT." (2 Mr. Citlhlcr, ej-raking at Poutefr act. Logins!, jtroj-lieeird a brrlltant future for Atnritca, a: d •aid that KngUrd b" ! t eeck th fTiendrhlj and ah.ance of the I'n.ted Htstea. The Cuban government haa abc order ita a*r vLjacla to b >ta! ard /trailr lor lite Ou-txv outrage, but (ic-nnai-y liaa refuted .IVlegate Ouui.-n, of I'tali, waa jut on trial f->t polygamy Alt i itiMkucsJ, Uie jr-oaeciitaa Lwiit); barr. J lijr lltrr faJ. to of limila'.ion* Tito Sri York SlAto Sotiato i.ti-oj a roaojuti u to tfivca !ihlo lli loiia ci.Aru. J ;a Soar Yofk < U ,:ftOt iraKifera . At-ilrraa letter *.ol ti rgd I.ufor, U.C tu irdcir-t* of Hcrtuaii SclilliiUri. 7Bill U- kbit:-..) ! ("tut t '..bit 13 .John N. J. BJutiko I t. ".Ird ill l!ordvillo, N. J , u buntrj. ro I'luUrcu itro .at nl l_v foa a wttirhftw. Two other* wore Imruod to Aohea. Sir. Motika a aft ao tdrrihlv hatxioj lhal he died .. The nuils of Nalick. It. L. oore! reocntlT, oftiot; to the t-trite of U> 0(M ifttirea. . . Ike Intler 111 Tv:imc'' Mt !. in Klhole lUlr, Jeffciv tfi cotsntT,, rx|4.iled, killing three men The 1 rioa of three n.. u 71 ho ha.l | ar.ahed ith < >U a fie (otuul Inr hiniler* in a rooloia cahw in Neea coanfy, hanean Marrv lirovn. age 1 thirteen, aoti of a SVa York ooalocu ht-uae w found dra.l in Uia father a karn in lilHiiiimgl.nrgh. Uiii:|i count jr. having aecidenUj hauge-1 himaetf while pre paring a flrst of April truk F.n h Arerr, of Fam.ngt in. Me., win attacked hj hia half rfbry aori, ho terertlf wouiided him With a eiiut gun. The !a-l thru c:.I into tl.e ham, net It 011 fire and jrerurlied in the flame* . .. Hyhratitui Keller, liia wife, and fiie children, • ere htm. .1 m the nun* of llinir houee, trliich *s Wo* 11 down in JaAj cr Cft-untT, Mo All *ero rati tl Int one danghter aeien ream ohL Hie got 1 rumen! of Sai.ta 1 kmiiigo * ill tnake a tlrinattd of $6.<100,(A10 of tire Tnitcd Mot. - for the lalier'a armud intcrtfiitlon in aupi rt of Ilacr Tlie jell 1* fercr 1* raging in liATana. tin the Speiuah it jtwladii m the har bor much faLahtj" eanta.... It la claimed that frjatrno in at the head of the Slriicana engaged IU ratdlnrr in Teta*. and that hia hand of mur derer* mint! era about 1.1 JO lueu fully armnl. .... The letii hu 71 n.rt. reiicwuigthe Moody and Sankey renral. coin-idem the unvenient tranaitory although h ng to be reruotnlierrxi aa a onrioo* featme of religion* life... .The number of H;r*i>trh eohliom elaiii by the rimnfo bince U-e Culaui *ar U gan .a teenlj-foid thai which ha* fallen by native eteel and lest) .... (iovenior I'orter. of Tennceeee, ha* perdt itcd ei.State Senator McKenna, wlio wa only a few week* ago eeuteur. l to five yearn in the penitentiary for marrying hi former wife* granddaughter.... Many of ilia ra arriving in f'tsba from Spam are Carb*t prison (ii, sli >. after being captured, prefer Cuba to homo prieoue V destructive tiro widi low of life oocunrit at Buffalo. N. 1.,.. McCaiV nry, recently airested ,n Texas rhaigrd with ceunUrteititig. has lou llio mean* of ecu ling over two hundred persons to the penitentiary for .h*|>o-iiig of bis bogus money Fluted States Minister Woodburue t* trying to get Uie French people interested in the Centennial, but has hard work of it, an Frenchmen do not take to exposition* to any great extent Since thn issue of General Cabrera's manifesto to the 2M bfiieer* hare left therervice of Hon Carlo* and entered Franco. Of these nine were general*. Thn election in Connecticut resulted in a Democratic victory. Governor Ingersoll is re elect r 1 by a largo majority Nearly all the imivernity profesaom in Spain have signed a protest against the reactionary educational measure* The King of lturmah is pre paring for war against tbo Indian government. The steamxhip Fai inlay ha* railid from Gravecend to complete lire laying of the dtreet Cmted Ktat"* cable A woman in I'inar del Bio, Cuba. 1 elioving alio was acting |,y the order* of tbo spirits, tore out tho r yes of her *OD, and after a ard attempted to tear out her own President Grant says tliat he can seo no reason for anticipating a var with Mexico A f30,000 horse waa kill'sl on the I'aria (Ky.) track by a collision A roan was carried over the fall* at Little Fall*, on the I'assaic river, above rt< roti, J , and drowned. Iho wa* broken to fragment*. Work is to be rest mod at once on the F.a*t river bridge Iwtwcon New York and B -ooklvn. In the election ditu;banco* a Atmapo!.*, Md., onn man wa* In! Ed and nine other* in jured.... in one day the paper* reported no lees than eix case* of atticido in different sec tion* of the Fluted State,.... .The department* at Washington are preparing 11 make a credit able display at tho Cenluiuial ....Mr. Young * Natu-alir.&lion bill haa pa**ed tho Dominion Hour.- of Common*. It entitles Germane n iturali. eI in Canada, after a e deuce of five yam. to all the rights and privilege* of J'r.t iah subject* in any part of the world as fully an it lintiah aubjei-ts by biith A bill is be fore the New York Legislature providing for the appointment by the Governor of re-, en commiHaioner* to roprcrent, without pay, the State at tbo Centennial exhibition in Phila delphia. The bill appropriate* $25,000 to be I used in aiding the exhibitors from that Stale. I ....George W. Wonder, aged seventeen yearn, entered a hotel eiei ator in Baltimore,and while ascending was instantly killed, hi* head being orusbed between tho top of tho elevator and i the ceiling The iiomc correspondent of (lit) I'orla Journal >l bio remdenno lu the I'ullet! Mtatea if it ehrnild laniß* for MR In irraaln in fioin*. and *aya il * wllh * tien l<> rttrlt a poaail ie ruteißeiiry llti Alolibiohop MiM'loekry una elevated lo the t'*fj!alte ... Il Uat Altai lliAt the |*libli of Jauiea II InKer eoil by Ouveistoi 'Jiltltn. of Nr* York, wa plant. >1 on a tutiilnu HUtle'a otidence apamat llic obi l'uuituaut UUj. I tie levlralloui are believt.l lo lut| Uowte |H it>oii apalnal vtboai UO |4oofa bavv UlUirlto beau obutntal and dla ol'tae lite ealatenre of a laipe altiouul Of (trie jterly wliirh the city can eecttro . .. The vole foi tiovetnor in iXmneeticut K*.d b.I.TtS for InpeiaoU, Hrui., II It I (or (.ret tie, ami J 7.'.ti for booth, 'lVuiiran.H. *l'he t aipiea akilntl ileirpattou aloiua Ihire llrttlta'rale and one liepubllt-an , a I'.UI'HTAtiC K*'" tJ ' two. 1 lie tvtala l.epteialni. ta I'runeiat.. Hints About Indlifcatioii. 'liter,• IN tni tonm common atlmeut with jwriunia of mnlJlo life limn lUtliyrcHlitm, uur one w lii 'li un-wn from aneli varixt tammv, or xvl'Jeh 10 odt.-nUiU I a RUrti llllti cult to t Y'. AnythitiK wlucli dcrttrinu the lone *1 the U\t r, h'hil, '.hmou h, or .t|'lcr*ti, enclt twi clinmic, totntintliiAii, v il< ntnry habit ■, uitfiiv- himly or ttitxn tv, . iivtm of any bintl, irregularity of IKKIIIV functiona or wny of living, haul ft alii, gluttony, t hi fit tiuciil uacof wmiu >.l UiotHi orgamt which lutvc been iujuretl by long debility, or moibid action, and if accompanied by lLtlulcncy, lo JI of uj'ja-tito, acidity, etc., tin-, Hvmjdomit will Miggt >t a niodnic.ititm .f tiie rciucvlil". to tv employed, 'i'hd fol lowing arc rectunmeiitled t.i remove the immediate aymptoiua of iudigoatiuu: I. Mag tit MA, tluree dracluna; rhulntrb in powd< r, one acruple; uutt r, four oinictw; cuuuim.'U water, mi" ounce; eom|Miuud Hpiril of luveuticr, half u tlrhciuu. Tube two tabioHpootifulH thr, e timcH a day. Thi* will ihvtniy uciditv aiul haiun tone to the etornach. U. 1)U1 wutcr, tin to t uin'es; Hj>irit of cinnamon, olio ounce: auimoniatcil tincture of valerian, two drachma; tincture of fortvdropa; Huljihuric i-th-r, one draehm. *Thia a aiatd to allay pain and d.-struy flatulency. 3. Hcuotrinc aim a and jaivv tinrwdrMulutrCi, each, one drachm; cmipuuiul jHjwdcr of ciuuaiuou, one mm pie; Intrd tsiatp, half 4 drachm; Mrup to form a maax, which iiiuy bo tiiviut-d uito fifty pill*, of which two in a HUllicient dost*. This is an ajwrieiit, and couae<|ueiiUy aasinta dig**- ticu bv rcmovn.g crude malt, ra from the Ht.unoch. 4. lufuKiou of eoltunlto, KII ounces; carUtnatt* of jiotaaa, oncdrachin; comiamiid tincture of gent:an, tliret* tlraciiu.K. I> >•, two or three taMe tqt.oufuU daily nt noon, 5, K)u*t>m raits, thr< c tlnu-hma; roae nut r, half a pint; tincture of tiuwanlli, half an ounce. Dtwc as last. ap.-r: N< Y„rh in cruwikvl vvitli rnh unuiariiiil tmn, afnu.l i'f lli* XJWUM- i f etijij ,rrtui(j lln-v gU.U'vl bulteifiica 111< r- i-i a tmch. hir ut tin* Fifth Avenue H t-1 alio •' itux>me is §"20,000 u year, ami atill he rav* Uc i-au't u to git in arm 4. lie"* a j roud fell, .w, tuiil toy*, ru. a -mgl.* mail, SIB iiftii havr' tlw Iwst hor-a a, lbt room*, njnl lw"l of the i i-crn. •• If I elinuUi gi-t mnrried," h- iuii.l, " 1 wotilil have t>' afiiit mywif or owr ilrnw my unx>ni<-." •• lluw ia that 1" aekixl a friend. " Well, now, ciuo uito the peurlor aiul I'll bliow you. You gee, ladiea nre • tmvngant nowaday A. ilrrait KO much utore Uuui in I'.urope. Ime an th'-v don't w.ariich iluuuomU like llw wotm n of Florence uii.l Milun, Lut th.-T winr fuch rnh ilnan*, lam-a, tdiawlK, mid fuim Now. I'm proud, and I wul.l not want mv wife outlr. ma!, no I Irnva to keep out of the inurrtsgn tmiiur*\A." " )iu T"U ere that lady there?" ho baid, p'Uitiug to a fcduonaMe calh r. '•keb.* •• Well, alec Uaa on a §1 ►> pannier• .1, watUtted, |Hlon*ieed, biovrn. gro* grain ire**, and 1 wear a B*.'' Sh' w. nre a §l,'2ao etim.d'* hair aliawl and a §f>oo HI t of set hie, while 1 wear n §7O overcoat. Slie w< ar* :t 370 Ifounet, wlnl" I war an §h She w' juw S2OO worth of |>oint up I and point augUe, varhil- I wear it §4.'. tltirt. lit r slioeH eobt 310, and miuo rod 812. Her ordinary tuorning jewelry, which ia change.l every year, not counting diamond*, ctw-t s4ofi; mine coat $50." " Well, how doea it foot up "Why, the clothaa nhe JUUH on cost 82.225, and inino cost 82' Hi, iuul that i* one of her dicn <>utllt, while 1 i have —way thresh The fact i," aai'l lie, growing earnest, •' 1 couldn't begin t<> live in u brown • tone front with tluit woman and kwp up upiwHrahoca to match— rut riagea, eiiurcfi, dinners, opera, and M AMIIC fc>r 82'i.WlO. Itl liave to become a second rate man, and live in an eighteen foot housw, or withdraw over to Second avenue, and that I'll Iw hanged if I dor" and he slung hi* fiat down into a nice silk hut in the excewi of hi* eanjestue.sH. Ileacribing a lln>haul. A uiairi <1 Lilly, coiai* lied U> slnm lm letters t*> InT iiu*bttlld, sent tlli.' follow ing to u friend: I cannot U> :ititU il, tuvl art *t friend, blrat n* T am in thi< matrimonial (tite, unless I pour into your friendly bosom, which wu always in unison with mine, the various r-ew*atk>ui which swell with the liveliest emotions of pleasure, my almost burning heart. My dear husband is the most amiable of men. I have been mnrricil seven w.-eks, anil lmve never found the lenxt reason t wish that I could be more happy. EXPLANATION.— Read the first line, nnd then evi rv other nnlv. Ehtlnintcs nnd Cost of I'tiblic Works. The pnnnl qnoafion Inffirn tbo New Ti rk Ie giHl.ituib Ins called atteution to t'.i cost of public wurks. To show that the actual cost of all great worka, not only in New York, but in other .State*, Ins always been enormously in excot * of tbe original estimate*. Mr. Alvord OM oertcd tlint the original ontim/ito for the Krio eannl enlnrgeinetii. won S1'2,(K)0,000 anil tho actual cost 5*11,000,000; that the original cstiinato for thn Chnmplnin canal waa $871,000, and tlm actual cost S4,(KK),(NX); Unit tho original ootitnatea for all tho Htuto canals wore $-0,000,000 anil the actual cost S7'2,(MIO,(KHI. Thi* i* a striking exhibit, and its force, says a prominent city pnper, is not much im paired by some uiaaeurnry in tho figures. Ntcphcii Allen'* Mtttlm*. Kvp gtMiti company or none. Never itlle. If your baiitla cannot 1* usefully era jiloytsi, eultivAtc ytiur mind. Alw-uyti Mjn-nk the truth. Mukc few promiNc*. I.ivc tip to your engagement,,. Keep your own M-CI-CU, if you lntvo any. WIM-II you H j ten k U> u }H<>. 1 oimvcraations arc the very Min WH of virtue. t IIKMI cliaraeter i* above all thing* duo. Your clntruoU-r cnutsot lie caaciitnally itiittrnl except by yur own acts. if one MM uka evil of you, live no that uouc will IM-UCVC hiiu. 1 >i ink tu kin,! of Intoxicating diqttorw. F.Vrr live (tnUortuuw ex,ve|tv,l) witli in your income. When you redirc, tlunk over wluat yon have tluiin dltriug tic tiny •Make uu liuntc b b, (lib, if you would I WO" per. Small ami puiw give (Vtun|ie tcucv with tratn|uility of mimk N.rvn pluy at tuiy game of elinnoe. Avoid tcmptutiou, through fear you uiav not withstmiil it. Ixsrn in-mev IsifoTe you apteral it. Never run into debt unlet* you ara- a wav to get out it guru. Never borrow if youoau jKw-sibly avoid it. Jb; not marry until you ore able to auiHirt a wife. Never apeak evil of any one. it,' juwt before you are gera roua. If every one of our rem lent would try llobbiua' Lira-trie Huftp (Cragia dt 00., 11iiimtel|ibta I, they would, like u.s, b, outnc liiin Imlievtra in it" wonderful an riL lluve your grocer order it- * The laoudou 7V leoraph thus compli nn uta intelligent Kngliahmen ; If a body of one hundred Knglialitnen, j*- M-;jtl of ordinary iuUdligi-uoe and education, ws-rc b- In- acleclcd at lra;v- Inuutrtl, vie risk little in mv rug that not live of the number would be able to i-tato ..IT haml how mauy Status there are in tlic American Union. The ait of voicing r,H'd", the iu<*t dif- II cult und isnpt-rtuut iu the manufacture of calhnet or jatrlor organs, was inveubni by Mr. Kmnioiia Hamlin, of the Mason A Hamlin Organ Co., in 1817. It has IM-CH universally a-lop-tml by Aracxtuan and largely by European maker*, but none have ntLaiural licit high "tstvdard of t x,s lh-rav iii it which U rcuchral In tlic Mason A llvmlin Cubinet Orpmns. This fact ts uiuienxtily r-tvigma< ,l by tuusi ciuu*. * An liidiau'k Pull lire** Suit. The editor of tin- tkui Antoiiia H> raUi wra* shown tin- panijihcritalt* of an In dian recently kiUud on Devil'* river by a |*rty of st,wk:ucu. The trappings rammst of n hc.l ,lr<- -s of featlier-, Ik-Ail*, eU*., t i which n trail of red flan iiel was attuchetl, sdomral with *agle featln-rw, ami long enough to have ■wept the ground. it ts a gurgootw picMcf arclubstun*. T'luv shield has aevvr.U buckakin coveritigs, very ait* ti--aiS;r arrange.i with plumes, MiuT.-d birds, ami a little Imckskin flgurc of a man, which n supiiust'd to be an idol, in the middle of the shield dangle* the thtX'-n scalp of a white girl, worked iu with IM-IMU mid tievl up with blue rib- I ton, lik< the braid td a schoolgirl., Modern Medlrai Hikcoterj. It t* claimed that diw.with a few except ion*, ho* lwwn coutjuertsl by the r< x-areh and intellect of enlightened men; and yet a of New York nduiit* that "of wiener*, niedi eine i* the most uneertjun," and that " thou and* are annually slaughtered in the sick room." (hvtMU " schools " of medicine are in existence, one of which " mokes the jw'oent ill" iu order to ehftiw a cure, and another ar. J. Walker, of California, an old and re spoofed physician, tried Uith modes of treatment and K-th failesl. He then npjMiihd to usturo'a cuiative- herlw; asitl now enjoy* rugged heslth. He lis* given the liem tit of lii* discovery to the world, in tb shajK" of Vinegar Hittera, and Rinee it* mtrodu. l i>>n lias sold a .puuititv alinuct lurge > otigh to make a small hnrtior, or to Hiat the tiroat I2v*lein. It* curative properties are at l Ud by grateful thousand'. • Not to lie (illen Away. A Luly vrrnt to jmy her reajiect* to one of the latest arrival* on the list of baby hood, wh n the following eoJloqny b*k place Is-tween her and the little four vwir old sinter of the new comer; " I liave ootne for that lwby now," said slie. " You can't liave it," wa* the reply. Hut I mimt; I came over on purpose," urged the vudtor. "We can't siwire it at all," j>er*i'.tel the idiihl, "but I'll get a picoe of i*aju'r and you can cut a jmt tern." __ Hhd 7ntldrnly of Heart DhteaM". I! tr romtaou i the snnoiuxvinent. Ikon- S*IKIS are auddeiilv m j* tntn eternity by t!ii* (*!*] null'. Till* l m. .. li one thai all 1* not right, and if you would preserve it from further dis*e, yc*i must help it to b< at rightly by the use of such a remedy an ill remote the came of the (rouble. t'se I>r. I'ierce'a <•oMeu Ytedkmi Discovery Iwforo Uie disease ha* 1 income too seated, and it will, by it* great blood purifying and wondoiful regulating pn-pcrlse*. effect a perfect cute. It vmlaitia tmalicinal iiroper tins which a.-', specially upon the tissue* of the heart, hnngilig about a healtliy acUon. Sold by ah fint-clan* druggiats. in: AHI lUsLAsK llttßll. Ibicxroirr, Siencer Co., liuL, l'eb. 1, 1874. Dr. It. V. I'leree, linffalo. S. Y.: Alout two j ears ago 1 was afflicted with a disease of the heart, whtrh at Unw* created pre, -u-e aroun I . almost causing s iffocs tion. I saw an sdver'.bwmeiit of your ilolden "sdioAl Disoovcry. recommending the same as a cure for discs- <• of the heart. 1 then Knight half a doreti bottle* of it, and after using throe Kittle* I wa eiiti ely relieved and am now enj-iTC'g goo.l health, (iratefnlly yours, Vms Kn.i TAX. We invite fir of our roadrrß lo Ihe advertisement of Dr. I augley'a Root and Herb ltitti n, wbi. lt have for more than twenty year* been so favorably known and an exten*i*e!y uaerl aa e spring and a immrr mwli eine. Few preparation* t-pial tliee bitter* ID puiifvuig and elranniiig the blood of all im pttrilie*. and thus trcovrrutg the lieahlt ami enrrectuig all rlrseaxea r.f the etomaeh and liowela. For the vartoit* e.implainie that aie cured by thi* valuable medicine *ee ibe adver (termei't brade.l " Bur me and I 11 do you good," iu to-day a paper. <'#'. UITOJCRIHTIS on CHHONIC SOUR THROAT It ia attended with irritation of tbe timn ehial tulm*. which convey Uie air we breathe into the lung*. Tin* imialiou produces aore thmat, hoer*cne**, eotigluiig. and armellme* epittlng of matter streaked with blond. If it ia neglected it will extcud down to the lung*, and at ttl* into con (limed couruniption. Allen* Lung Balaam will be found a m rt valuable remedy for curing Una di.eaee. and prevent its miming into conaumplion. For *ale by all medicine dealeia. (" in. Patented 1573. The be*: F.laatie Tm*e. Made tmlr by l'omeroy .7 Co., 741 B'dwkjr, N. Y. Cum. THK HP MAN HAIM. —How many JER anna almre tlli* delicate and beautiful orna ment, by burning It with rtfcnhebc t/vtshc* ai-d plastering it with i reaee. which ha* HO affinity for tho akin, and la not ab*orbed. I* irnell a Cocoaine, a compound of <**■ >annt oil, etc., ia nurivalcd a* a iljeeaing for tho hair i reat.ily ab-orlwd, and i* pwuhßrly vlapud to it* varicna oosditiona, prcrenting ito failing off and promoting it healthy growth. Feo adr't. Com. Dr. A. Johnson, one of the mo.*t stie ceeaful pna-titienera of hia tone, invented what is new called Johnson * Anodynr Lini iiirut. The gri st Buccce* of this srticlo in the cure of brouchitia and ali djeease* of throat and lung*, wi 1 make the name of Jobneon net Ir*.* f*n . rably, if lea* widely known, than that of Louis Napoleou. (.'• in. CAPTlON.—lhtrchosers of the Peruvian Rvrup i a protected solution of tha protoxide of iron) are cautioned again-t being deeeivi d by any of the preparations of Peruvian hark, or baik and iron, which may lie offered them. Examine the bot'le l>efore purchaaing, and lu> siiro ami get the " Peruvian Syrup" (not Peru vian baik).— C*in. EuKmuomr in Lira. —All nervous dia tnlxia. chronic IIUMMM of tha (-bant, haad. liter, stomach, knlnsya and blood, AT haa and pain*. cartons and general dabtllir, ate , iiii. kit mrad after .truss fall bv wearing Tolta'a Elsclnr Hollf and i lamia. Valtialila book fraa, by Yulta Halt <30., Cincinnati. Ohio. Com. Veterinary surgeons all ovw the ramo- Uy an. ran iiituctuliua NAst-ufas i 'antiry Ckm ihlum J'l'irderi for Ilia follow Iu Iruubla* In itoraae Ixwu, of sitwilta, rouKUncaa of tba hair, *toppas of Ituwala or water. thick water, I coughs and cokia, swalhug of ha glands, wot ma, botae ail, Hack wind awl baataa. Com. j "Ht'V JIIK, AM I'lX M vol' IIOOII." i(tlu*a lit! Umm ( .ui.lw <4 ill. |1 Mite* m • !* Ifliadt, iljr|i|wU, torpid llvtf mi<{ ill m<.drHi .HM •. wi* *• • .o' t -** Mm u Or. blMlbkl'M UOOT AMI 111.111 l lIIfTKM". I'lei ol ••• .. leal wale at,4 (aatle a|Mrlent. ara aUU fflld> llirw 0K,., U^W.AA.OJGA-.^ The Market*. aaa ni. haef oall a. frtii.e to ( Ura lu)loc*J 1# * tit, Uotanion to Oood Ttuai, t * II kliba i'#<.* lh : lloui t'.atra knUra ........... I 10 *• 9' Maw JUlrr t to * I M Whaat—Red Wwrn 1 Btt d I H be. aajinoa .. 1 IH* I W Rya 4)* I 00 f I I) Itirtr) --MM# I II * I SI her lay Mad..., I 41 * I M Owt*--Mt sad VY--aunt .. II * M | (V-in-Mo-i Wwuni..,, M * 01 Ray. j- • rat id * I 10 Ktnw, |wr rat OS # 00 Rom a- .a • O II 1 rk U<~ a tl Oft 0 S Iv-t . IS * IS* .ait Ma.arral Ku. 1. 1100 *llOO Ro ,u 10 00 <*lo 00 llrjr C' t. iter rat 000 * 0 M llrrriti*, to-aled, [*r let OS * t<4| I'vlr-uleutu— !vania tma M * M I'l.uaai hltla /•■-. .r. IV* IT " Kkiiutuad OS * 11 Waetam... is * 1M k-'aa-BUlr SI * St 41AUI. Dial t as *l9* K>a -Jtuu IW * 1 00 Horn Minel M t M Rarlrj Mat# 1 10 * 1 SO* Oat* —(Hair SI * 11 a i-crano I ri -tif soo *io* Wheal No. a *|.tU* 11l * 1 10 Ct>rn-Sllia4 00 * M Oata 0a * M R/e • * M Rarlry 1 11 * 1 M uiriauu. ) Ootloo~!x MlddUuaa I*>l* 101* rStioe- Kitra 0 to ■ 0 M Wheal Had Wratara 1 SO * 1 SO Hja 1 14 * 1 00 Own-Yell .. * a* (hU kilnl 01 * M l**rulruiii '*• 01 rntUMLMU. I r.)r -I'.t t.e;!.ana 1.i1ia....... . S (4 * S TS w ..a! 11 ealrm lied I SS * IST Kya 1 bS *lo* Com— Yrllua. M * tT Mtui n * as o*a—M i<* 04 TO - rvnde II into Ka4aad. Ml* ! . a -J~ms bee* aa* MOT. tXCelsiorDo Your o*u Printing; mil; O la. 'a aaMa lataO. a.tre, mu. TO l|iVletii|omt liualtiraaMrud. *d t rnln nj(. uid ry and inrrraaa trade Amateur rrluttn*.dr rui ' . a - f.*r ejjare : 8018 M. 1 a' r Jfteit fen and rnske ranaey fast . rriSllnj J t ; .let tuoatamia f^rfail t ri> talal ■ e.r i-narraly i*-rt tithe Slfr* res St.- 1 Atutl At.. Meeidao, tea mm - mm ..... A.lrPiU>l ™ ki |tin< *r 1 rrrfrrlb Aresrslr, KMHWMM If Malt tu-a and MUuarj uu Si-Wsdid Park* Amimwmt (VM I**J TAA • DM! M, .1 ('; pr< Uriu* with It Tt. ft Snorl* mas n tft MralnX.lft ("no IwlodUftft IIM. Atftftl. V afftftift. iftfl (.ftftkl <4, :>.t.HI. Ktalftuftato ftftftCW i.! tft! *.<. *ftlAd;.,*Ua Kail Tfttrl *.<* Vd( Kilft ht I. ft UftftW ft. .ft OI I* ii .*, nulft) at 1.1...j a.". n i. ■*<*# nirr himiw., iu. Iftrtftrrra. 44 Ilia* Mrrrl. BftMM, lUu. OPIUM CURE iisii '..ft Crftl. 11. Ifrkff, r o Boi 474. IftpufU lad I*> 441 1. I lll ib' aftaad. HA r ftftd water www fttroft ft In I*ll la ft fttaftlft raaa I In- l.a ftlftrnp fa drrolftr c . Inr mdftM. of I - ! r .-ft. AdUrwa* lia II A. KICHMUKU. Aat Umm 7 411, M J *.ph. Mo J. !*. U laalaa A 4 a.. V>. f OraAaea, /V ad. V. . *a "W a ' aiftftllft UUnk I or N-rr I'ftftß """"J 0 * *" "**■* liaft tttft !* Ar f \\ %il.ft A, 1.1, r* , a, - "Bai nC&SII roar- r n.blrta all Ik. qftftima TrMrg I I rlat.ftd la a Aral ilaa* i lac tuft IVftdftt " Try It - It l )aal ibr tblaa far Dn Tftra ftad ft*ft l-ftfton*. and bat Mr UIYTILII ftt .11 ..r the atrvftft and ftftU." I I mr*T I I Mart) Vftlualdft c.-.Alr. nclpaft I A ~W ftftat frftft Sand for I "Irrular la i.eo. l.(iimiOa.,l7BDuM ftr . Kr Vocfc PIERCE WELL AUCER IVaaitani o4fta 1A In ay oaa lhal w ftint .nfalTt etftupate tftith uarra la bonne a kxnrb wail. ttbroah ftuftbrw ar.l aftdtun.. and la Wfctnc r aad raani h-Ma* and V- rtrtrmr Aftaala ftftritftd la man Mala 14 . I'KH 1141 (H /kurrKKD. M btCfttftUklt t A M-ftaft 4>4 4<4. 11. PIKRI'K, BStwftaki lava. A *■ A OAY GUARANTEED O m M oiit or Well \ttfrru4 KMUa \ m in fwd umtorr rrinb rtdi from (Jomtwnof Im, iilM ▼ msm4 DEKOIA CAUTION. It rtft an A uftft- bftft oara allbnai oar cuafti aft. alii b* {.rraarutad f.a lofnnftftm. nl Aoftar Book trww 1100 • li.rrnf ftl to ft .r'- A ftftftta Addrftftft W. 44 JILX. B> t.004. S' Lroulft. IU Crrne I aPOOXKK'H wttuo . Jtodom Market VtgtiabU Seed* __4, . _ - _ Spoamer* IVim Flowrr Seed*. ncLIABLt 1 Clnln Varfat* Anara. 91. i abt>M*. h liWr'ft Braaftftlck. par or. aOr. Par lb. ffl. CCCnCI ottl'3! W H SPOONFR Boaton Mam. U/lt'Tt D I TV t'cpU'idollar f.p*r. Tsa I'esTll- WAN I till .N.IA.MI.NHI.AI E*—... I*II.*M VIMS) New I and **• lar W" Ilea AGENTS l^'t^r.T^R.i-i&vr- Burnett's Cocoaine Prcvwnta the Hair from Falling. Burnett's Cocoaine Promote* ita Healthy Growth. Burnett's Cocoaine Is uot Greasy nor SUcky. Burnett's Cocoaine Leaves no lUisgTosahle Odor. Burnett's Cocoaine Subduoa lUfTactory Hair. Eurnetfs Cocoaine Soothe* the Irritated Scalp-Skin. Burnett's Cocoaine Affbrdi (he Richest Lustre. Burnett's Cocoaine ll sot an Alcoholic WMb. Burnett's Cocoaine Kills I aml ruff. Burnett's Cocoaine Gives New 1-Uo to the llatr. Burnett's Cocoaine Remains I-ongeet In Effect. Prepared only by JOSEPH BURNETT A CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And Sold Everywhere. IyRKK OF I'll tNIiE, a rrwrlpU-n that aw I l>- .. Hews a tnn.itti to aa.nta v.rywh.ra Addr*a> ,V 1I f ItXi ICLSUIR SI'KXI CO . Ilaehaoan.Mlca AGENTS WANTED p! HriUfu iH-'k v\+r publtaM. M*od lor elrcaUrt and Mr t*i IPU It* A®T*'tlk. . . . - __ NATION'A I. IM'HIISHIWti CO.. Willadelpkle. Fa. tNTI U tl.I NT* K.v* ! rwhere.t *ellof sum. 1. " 1 If. ..I llr Uviaeatoae." from M childhood to Hl# "teat Jnot'iU." >", r.'mfl' -, J. U.HV, AttnttMrn*. ;v, p.luia* t H Itt'SSRLI. lnh.. Boatoa. Masa w*s>it llall. I taenia. S3 o*w artlel*a and tba l?tl 1..M Famllx Paper in Ain.rloa, wltli two SAOC piir..nww. lr.— A M Mill i 11, mm llmadwas. wTt. 9N.000 ALKKAUY SO I D. AGENTS WANTED fivtha new beek, urn AND ADVXNTL'BXS St Kit Carson k* as oaiaraia *ad Maad, U W. C. >**■ *n Lt l.Lan* *uraoa,t'.a A,hi-m Ort* Sklaad ky hka- HIC Tbkkk T TBPI akS AimisxlM MSe> ianink arwto.l lll'ima, TRarPXR. SCOCT aad OUIDS ,TiM il U aratalk. fll aad e*l,l daarrip li,.a. kl u< IkSlaa trlkaa o(k* FAR kjr Kit Cant a, .a* llvtd am—rllMß all hull It alraa a Oil, rallakla awaat of tka M-ip. iS.aad tha MCDOC WAR. Aaa watk of KISTO RY.Ii Ulataiuakia A araaJkepartnalty SraßetatawaSaeiaev- Our liliutraiai circular, nl hat V all asellraata Writoaatao tan tammy at vara Dl STC, OlUt A*T A fa, HarthrS.eaaa. J. ESTg^CO. -* Ufa. !■ I BRATTLEBORO, VT. The Most Extensive JUnufarlory of Rood Organ* intie World! OT ILLUSTRATED CATALOOUXa SKKT FWKK. Tmt ri.*Tl it Tilt*** act-roirritii u Aw* . * • in H ■■• ip.r..d)b( tl 9 • • _ Si -■• !# TK to l> JWMMr>lnlirtlM Mof pta*i Mlkw nlt>|M tuwiMH.aail ink. M fk4 44MH •/ h utl JHMW * ottow aaaaad toUl.Mni.iw.nad MolnJ Traton. nud li la (ha onto u* aara aaaarrl. la U iwwtttoki la vbtob iba b*df aaa ba f lacati U iu Iktaa radical aaiaa wbon aO MWt fall ll aaa H wara Ml .aaa and mwM ahaa as |wlna traaa aaa la ■and Witaa aaa. .dju.tod, au mutton of Iba aaa 4nlir H Tbaaa uMtruMMut. ba. Ikr nri ■ a.' ul u. MM .aimant (an.iiUiiaam la (ha |iiilU| "brio. UM .liaflau. f wnaiha, pailaala laMi mrmfli W Hn #d-w, aa wall aa to ID* n~ aa4 la.! 1 — fruaa laaaa. auMtia. trtia nbtob an, to ml awa tmaa. ftwa UM uaa "t mn tuna ut MoiaUir Traw. an. rural4a la rbk eurmkr ant la C..r.H, I. Iw (wan ay. a. (bad aaar tka. r.M, and alnna U.i Ulna I ba.. aawrlgaiwd wanton and MlkfuaiuM and tnaa ton* In UM l.alb. thai Iba Kiaau. Traa alb. ualr thai abmild ba naad far Ik. ratlaf and ran ut llrrula and aaw atlar a.r. iba. IMni laara' .MiUaM.Ma lr< Uaa. and harta* adjuaind maar boadnada ut Tmaaa. taad fur Iba MM imu BMUU rani, alt rail 1 1. I ialatnll| darlam K lokai irliintt. apkdtm. thai ,M Mar fbwM ia tba aalr mm aniutod to Iba aaad at (ba pabfc. Umi aiaauni# kUM oak puwar at alt adatdad to lb. wmwuair ut a Trataar bnpwartor. and aai ouuiin.uJ Ibal your |VM> am anil} aura, a larva Mka'l m ut all aaaaa (a whtrb k k apiUMrt. aai nil -a child ran. but la aula Miiai naa wKbia au awa bauwtadca ot paucato fr m Mv.l .nn ut aca. H BI'KNHAM, M D. Prat at Haalnaaj and tarrarr. M T K Madlaai I'oMag* Bawara at abaaa aad nMhln. lrullallna KUaOa Traaaaa. wblab auiua LMnua .dwrllaa and aaU. fraoda (hat u.j in acralKtanf W Ihr Tbaaa Trafa.i ara aaal bjr wall to ail parta at Iba aaaa UT. . attotaauna ruaraataad la all aaaaa Mmaar alakk iar alba., wrua tor UaeantrOr# Urcular i/aj to Iba ELASTIC TRUSS CO., 083 Broadway, New York. A SOLD ON TRIAL. X THE VOK H JMMFU. . la TTUKO I sarsxr, "V M lunbn S Pr.!U ya . KhafUn*. JF—aa-1 all kJiwl. at Mill *,wM|, ► Via,- ssKt w.rKm >t.i iat.fir. ' HWICi \ tb UM Im Im UM KBSEE I tBM '<* b"rii|.l' *4 voitß vrutu, _Z_!!_!__ Vwt, Pn. V' wiibom ooxronroor "W I PUKE COD LIVES L OIL AND LIME. J Mllbar'a < t*i Ei.rr Oil unS Uw. Ttir inx 1-IUL.-M nf LU* ..(• UID . $lO PICK I )AY s. warasa ad VutUac aad ti.-ataaaa um-. tba bat In tba wM It aacndrani aannlaa to t..-rtn a..r* ari* ami fur *& rta AiWrwaa H. I'H67„NIJtY. ba-l 1-a.abM Stanr. lis M'aabiact.-n Suaat. Boatoa. Ma.. mAGRXTS WaRTKD KVBnYWltritß-- , n •koIMM ta Uu tnat-lui HK'Mkpui u Aiaariaa •aUpIHM , K Hli — mtiMr- luii—'m-W if,.la. -Awl waala Ua and ft < treaiar to KOBKW P.U BU lT. Aia i* • rr.R nv -vr ' JM- 81-ri ul t' S .so.VM | ■ IOOK AGEVTS WAXTED WNTELL IT ALL Br M>a Btockoon •( SM l.'V- Cty. far S knti IM tf a Bmaa Hah fnist la lirteartam h, Mrm. ar. J V. e- ; wnu • cajxtwai* toy, bam >• -a***.. b r. rmrmrrrm. —nt d((v rt-. af lb* bl.-WMU, a a ■■ ~w 'arm " li-lfbt. Bi 'aa* Gaad. K lh tow M IteV -.:t arfna!.;- M mm w*b iml Iktaca l *2. It to fr-swlar •-?- , af "Vi4 tj todr.aad •oiadhs'l aO-a- beak, tVwia it. M '.ten tar -Umt w-r-< to." **.<., wa-ma rateraa rt. Ear>t-fr "i *d •**' M* fnaa It to CO aAy ( (ill rlijtW M •* I— Wc rat .VW ~t trwf aeM. M'W tar* ct •* - n.aaalOattitetaUiatatoailati"-- Lao,. SHARPS RIFLE CO., Mftsvlirtam* of F!o lUwrh Miliary, FIPRFI NX IIML KLW LLIF BP*I la llir Vlorld. Wlin#fit lDauiU nl tod Tw*rljr U otbmf i pri netted *■>.*:< bw t <>*dfloor H# T\LTT, llATrow. UOKI. Ola HAKYRRNNRS Kaatl* MATE w ar-tijbi aui GUuaa" MM. I-J.1..L whlcb a*c raOv aootata. no la*, a. . ctea. ararllralH fa am>f. vary arpnntminl. and ladorard toy FuMl* Inatffa'l am. u4 Mill mm n all •.-.was Head lar Hank ' Clrralar l llmur ,1 fall mrllmlaf* S. T. HI.ATK MOOIISt. CO.. I _____ * Cedar Mirers, Sew \erfc. CC - (SA er.K 11 SV at imam. tWm. frm AS • 3 6 atu (;ay Syiaa-a A ("-> . C'rttoaU. >■ (£>>,> S BAT, a ami, aaaSOL maW aaA Saato am AAARMA Kur,T, M'l'A I .■ . HMIMDU. VIU-* THE BEST Prairie Lands IOWA AND NEBRASKA, Tbe Bnri? r stcD & Missouri Ri?er R. R. Cc. Oa Tea Yrara* CrcSlt at fl per ccai. latrramt. ONK Mltl.lOV ACKtCM la IOWA aad BOUTH BRX MtBRABK A. TV, fiomt MMl>} la tti* C*M ta anablM FARM, INti aa4 HTOCK KtlUMt. Pradarti mill par Car I.anal mad ImpraiTc. atrnla tuns krlara liar I'llii. ipr l tor cowaa a alar. I .arse Dlaa-onata Tor T nak. " Ttoa aa-aaUad teul-alLa la NabraUa tic In Iba fat Mta a rael a. baf im t tbaUn.livf 111, U 1 VI K K IS" For drmlar, I hat will dmerlba fully Itoaa* Unia aaS lh, toraaa af aala, apply ta or adUraaa. I.AMD COMMtMtONRR, Itn-tinatt a. law*, for lowa l^nda at llnooln, Sato.. f\>r Satoraata UNIT t PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS S4O. sr>o, $;, k sioo. GOOD. DCRABI.It. AND I:HKAP Munaf*turtHl Fy <*llA I'll AN A CO. .llndUots I ml. t If Ks*tvl for a rsUkt HKaiWI 11 w JPII A DTKI(TWKH! $Qr. 25 crnt V* OFO P. A. ROWKJUL A CO.. 41 Park R/n*. If. Y . farther o' 100 races, d'OUtaini (tets of SOOO awa • papara. and wtimat** ihwlag cmi of AtiwartMua ffcOßo tPniw w oiaaa. Partlo.,lara aant /ram. ASdraaa j 3 WORTH S OU.. BL Leak. Mo. RIFUS.BHOT-RUSB. PISTOLSyt BKTOtTHM, Of ay and every ktnd. Send itamp^F^ tofCuihaa. Hr a teratWrntaia I faSPtatal Wwka. PIlY* liaCß, fA." Alnlvfilll lllliltlk Dr. J. Walker'n (alifoniU Vtn wrxr llilters are n iire!jr prppuntioti, made chiefly from the na tive bcrbe fo mil I on the lower rUfIM of U.e Bierra Nevada nmuntaina of Callfor ula, the medicinal nrojiertloi of wliicb are extracted therefrom without the OM of Alcohol. Hie qucatiou U almost daily aaked. - What w the cauae of the as paralleled eueccsa of VISBOAX BtT- TiHst" Our auewer ia, tlutt thev remove the cauae of diaeaec, and the patient re-' cover* his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, • a perfect Kenovatnr and Invlgorator of the system. Never before in the bi.iorr of' the world taw a loedicitM beM com p< ronded pummn*Bg tba remarkhWe qnsiitiee trf VtMsaat llirnttd ia bealiuir the tick of ewy diewow aisit It heir to. They an s gentle l'orpmur* at well at a Tmiie, rrhrvitif>uj or lafiaaimatioo of the Liver as.4 Vincvral Oryaat ia htlioaa IMmime The properties of I>n WautEX'e ViHtota llirrra* are Aperient, Ihanhoretie, Cantonaii% c. Notriikwid, lxiiatire, IhiuMw, Bedatire. Counter. ln-.uat badattfie, Aiteia. lire, aud Anu-Bihuaa. uratriut 1 iioiiMiiuK proeia;ai"vai IOAU BITTER* the BMMC wonderful la rigorbol that ever aastaiucd UM Kiskrn, No Person ran take these Bilterc uncording U> dirwtiou*. raid remain i<-ng aowell, prov lded their bones are not le stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vita' organs wasted beyond repair. Biliontu Remiltenl an! Inter* mfttent Fevers, which are *o pnev* lent la the callers of oar great ricerr throughout the Coiled States, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio. Missouri. Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkso km. Red, Colorado, hraxos Kio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, Jamas, and many others, with their vast tribvtar*.*, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autuipn, and remarkably so during me sons of unusual beat arid dryness, are invariably accompanied by extacsire de rangement* of the stomach and Leer, and other abdominal trineera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful iniiueuce upon these various or gans, is essentiaUy necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. WXLKKS'S Vixnoaa Bm-Kas, as tbcv wiH speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying AH its tiuiii* with VDIMII' BITTERS. NO epidemic can take hold of a evstcm thus fore armed. I)vxpej>sia or Indigestion, L\ad ache Pain iu the Shoulder*, Oouvhs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness. Soar Eructations of the Stomach. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Biiinas Attacks. Paipua tat ion of the Heart. Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy rdvertiH ment. Scroftila, or Kind's Evil. White Swelling*. Ulcer*, Erysipelas. Swelled Keck, Goitre, Serofuluns Inflammation*. Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, si*. In these, as in ell other t om-titutional Dis ease*. WALKER'S V urns A Bimu here shown their great curative powers in the meet oWunate end iutrarUl-ie cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism. Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases af the Blood, Liver, Kidney* and Bladder, these Bitten have no couil. Snob Disusesi ere caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Disease*. —Personscn -aged in Paints and Minerals, such as i iuinoer* Type-wtlera, Gold-beaters, end diner*. they advance in lift, are subject to par*:, si* of the Bowels To guard Against this, lake a does of WALSH'S Tt* so AB P'TTEts uccsaionslly. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tat ter, Salt-Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, l*utn!ea, Boils, Carbuncle* Ring-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes. En-Jpelas, Iteh, Scurf*. Pi*colorationt of the Skin. Humors tr.d Dt*ease* of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dog up and carried out of the system in a short time by the w of these Bitters. Pin. Tnpe, nnd other Worms, iurking in Ihe *v*tetntif eo many thounund.-, ere effectually destroyed *ud removed. Ko r*UMn ( .f nuxiicino, no rermifugee, no un ihelminiticd will free the system man worms tike these Bitters. For Female Com plaints, in young or oid, HMwried or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonie Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Clean!* the Vitiated Blood when ever yon tind iu impurities bursting tkn. ugh the skin in Pimple*, Eruptions, or Sores; clean*# it when you find it obstructed end alucgiah in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your it-clings will tell rou when. Keep the b'ood pure and the heoilh of the By*ten will Sdhivr. ft. 11. MrDONALD 4i CO.. O-. intpiau aj-d i"rn Ajts., >s:i Fnuieiaoo, California >a J oor. of WaaMaelMt ami Ciiarltou St*., X. T. Klrmlr ra K T. H. U-Stx II DEAL ESTATE. tS 1\ Paiaooa aiihtnc obrjr. Mil oraicbaaa* Real Ratal* may adrrtt th'r want, at ?*ry am* 11 ripenta In •***! butvinrd Kevr.paMm ta Nta York, Nrw !".nUiid. Naw Jro j, !S.: : >lanli. *te. Cat* I cur* aaat fte*t up ultima on .ppilaaUoi to K. W. FDWTKK. tail Wnriaw* law Yad. Qq]MT) ] •Tnatil i al> h 7 mail f Irroi r Uulllil I •I"' e-t'ro 1 11 Wtrcocit.Lnckport.ll.Y. A.> PKU U.t I Ouano. tn.or *3O a wank Bai. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! jtMOVELTY jgl £l PBENTINCr PEESS. gSBES Far RrvAialaaal and Aaantrur H Prlalora, kk boola, Xtxirtlr*. Hue. ■BH ufarturrrt, Mrrrhanla,and utlacri Ilia "SS •h'BMTtwttuwiad. IH.OUO in inc. kYfi3L T *° Prices from St. Ooto150XO KpWMj BtWJ. O. WOODS & CO. Manufr, u..-I ■HBB Mara ia aU kinda of Printing Materia 1 , Stad rtartßtox eata!*gaa, 4* Paderal 6t. Bo*tW