The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 08, 1875, Image 3

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Our friend® will oblige by •ending u*
item® ot local news in their locality. gy
us the facts only, and wo will put them in
shape, aho notices ot death* and msrn-
H \nv one sending us the name® ot si* ne*
tub orihen, with the ca 11, will ho entitled
to receive the Krvonrvß one year tree
The Ur.ioßTKn being r<! ?V'-V
everybody <n this side of . • ;
w here it has a larger circulation than any
two papers, will be found the bo>i medium
for advertising busine<f. ®ale®. .V. v\.
r#~Suh*cribei to the Reporter, resid
ing outside ot Centre county, should re
mit u Id cent', yearly, for postage which
wo will pa* here ; this reduces the postage
to one half, a® the sum paid by them for
one year's postage wa® '.vet®.
- The weather still continues fine and
Briggs Brother's garden seeds, tha
standard*, choice and fresh, at Sc.hor
,V Co s cheap grocery.
The quarterly conference, Evangel
ical, will meet at Centre Hall, on 51th
Rev. A. A. K.-r'.in is or. the -ick
list -ru'ult of exposure.
Rev, IV 11. Leiuel was in on u
visit, lie look> well and i® flourishing
with hi* flock at Siigo.
Geo W. Hniton ha- ••fluted frOM
Centre Hill to Ooeola. Pa Success to
Win. P. Mitchell. Co. Survey. , ha
re*igned and removed to lawk Have
Pulling down churches ain't fun
either—Jacob Harp'tvrsprained an an!, r
in trying it and now limp® around like
the hero of an hundred battle*.
Mr J- K. tiise, of F.'.wool, 1...
writes u*. Marcher Had a very cold
w inter and plenty el snow, but singling
poor on account of high snow drifts
Scarlet fever on the rage-adu :> and chth
Iren alike taken by the disease. The on
' s v person your readers pr\bab y wou.J
.vh gnue is the t-iree year old boy ot
Miles Miller, formerly of the L op he
died last week. Fever on the decline.
- Wc would call the attention of our
readers to the - ard of Messrs. Deininger A
Mv-s-.r, in Me have
been well acquainted with these gentle
men for years past, and can assure our j
friends who may want anything in their ,
line, that they will be Uoneitly at.d tVriy
dealt with by this firm. By moderate j
j rice* and good work they have built up
a good business, which they fully deserve, j
.Success to them.
A correspondent troui t urtin t-wn
hip, writes i.® that there ban oak tree m
in- teighborhosvd. in which an old bear
with two rub®, several foxes and a litter ot i
*kuak, had their winter quarter®.—R< -
. iqmWiM*
And is the eliter v-f the liepuhlhan had
known the above sooner he would have
Loled there too.
Mr se!so:i XV i'.i.ims. of Lcmont, W
felling a tree on Monday, oi la-: wee®, ae
eidently had his leg broken. The tr* • in
falling, slipped off the slump, and str. - ; g
his leg below the knee, crushed it terribly
some of the broken projecting
through the flesh.
XX'ild pigeons have put in their ap -
pearacce during the la®t two weeks, in
large number®, they have not beensoplena
ty in the last twelve years. A few- utter
noons ago we shouldered our doub e bar
rel with a view to offensive opporation.
against these aerial navigators and select
ed a woods over and through which we
saw the platoon® of the enemy perform
ing their evolutions. XVe made use of !i
the science known topigoort warfare—am
bush, stratagem, by storm aad the b- ; 1
- pen field. The result wa= our
-bowod that the pigeons understood their
biisiae®. pretty we'd. XVe routed a good
m .-wy—they never stood more than a sin
_;e gre with mieexceptfou when wo pull
ed both ; uco '""
-ion. W felt indifferent about picking u*
thedead-we hearu" noth-n drap h> won
derful how they seated beo wa U of our
thunder, and although {bey nuu.b-r*.i
hundreds against one double barret vet
pigeons is coward>. One of u? Ht.u.
dropped eijfhUbe forenoon of the samet.<> J
and we had an opportunity of wreaking •
vengeance upon them next day.
glory enough for one day.
To Lieu ALI. COMPETITORS is the aim*
ofthc proprietors of the WiUon Shuttle
Sewing Machine. It i* founded on tie
very best principle known to the sewing
machine science, and improvements, in
advance of all other sewing machines, arc
being adopted constantly. The \\ ilson :s
rapidly gaining the preference of all Par
ties that are acquainted :th sewing ma
chines, and it lias already taken the front
rank among the machine* of this
country ; and its price, owing to its being
manufactured where labor and material U
much cheaper than in eastern cities, is fif
teen dollars le- than all other first class
machines. Machines will be delivered at
s,r.y Kaiiroad Station in this county, free
of transportation charges, if ordered
through the Company's Branch House at
227 and 229 Broadway, Yew York.
They .end n elegant catalogue :iid
chromo circular free on application.
This Company want a few more good
agents. -A
/r The Lutheran church of thi -plao?
is now razed to the ground and tin- m-
terial moved to oppwite lot. Jake
ilarpnter and Coon reck, with their 8
shop hands, did the jod in less than two
weeks. They can tear down churches in
a abort time, but can they "boflu uj> a
vieniplc in three days'.'" >
DONATION. —The Reformed people
..f Bruah Valley have always kindly re
membered their pastor and family, in
bringing or sending such things that are
needed in a household. This was done
in a private way, as each individual fam
ily saw premier. The custom was sonic
what changed this last winter. Several
sled-loads were made up and brought
to the parsonage. It need not be told of
what all these loads consisted—suffice it
to say, they were worth sbu, and what
was personally giveu about S3O. We, the
recipiants, would in this way express
our sincere thanks to the doners, and
especially those who were so kind and
active iii the gathering t;p of things.
May the blessing of the Ixird rest upon
them. t W. M I. ANOIS.
•Correspondence of the Keporter.
Louitburg, Kansas, March 20, 1875.
Dear Sir : Having seen a copy of your
paper, and being much pleased with it and
1 being a native of that state and county.
I felt like writing a piece for it, if you wilt
give it space. Having left there in 1803.
first to Illinois, thence to Kansas, no doubt
you I would accept news from Miami
county, once in a while, as it was the
Home of the notorious John Brown, and
■one of the border counties, where most of
the troubles of Kansas were located. But,
Mr. Ed. those times have all past. Miami
county ranks as one ofthe first counties in
the state. It is settling up very tuft, fine
towns can be seen within its limits, nice
bouses and farms, ean also be seen, men
dealing largely in cattlearo quite numer
ous. As to sufferers this county can boast
there are but few, if any. I have
hear "* oi blu one or two, in this locality.
compla ; n'X * bout " ot l . hei . r ,- t . ock
through i B grass grows. Our legislature
najscda relief bill, that each county
could, if it dcaired. l-ave elections for the
purpose of voting bonds, to aid the suffer
pfi a n d this county voted theirs down by
a majority of 252, There are some parts o.
the county, where feed is very scarce, and
stock can be had very cheap, hut they are
not in u suffering condition. Around
Lewisburg all will get through with their
-tock although the stock U thin. Ir< m
the appearance of the weather, spring has
come and the farmers are busy ploughing
' thc-ir'ground, and sowing their oU. some
of them are through, there will be a grea
deal of oats put in this spring, there is not
much winter wheat in this locality, but
where there is wbaat it looks well. There
will be a good deal of sax sowed here this
spring, almost everybody u sowing from
ten to twenty-five acres. Stock
very profitable here, i. e., cattle;borsei are
no safe, except in the cities. lb**? kuown
good horses sell for 60 and ,5 dollars, but
cattle can be wld at W tme for a good
*iic* law.#.
XVeilnoe.lax started in with ruin.
! Outiv Hilliunl vieinit\ will want
be all < \citctm nt alien (ho now tore
| of .mr friend Hugh lairrituer i* i>oned,
who will *=vll goods t suit (ho people
i latnl time*. Mr. Ijirriint-r will leave for
{the * ity noon.
Commissioner Hiiilon |iiwhll
!(otho Fork® in IVim township, on Tues
day, toarrungi Tor u now county bridge
ov> r IVmp- creek, at Kcntfetlcr'a in Inn
of (ho one de-tr.>\'i d by (ho Howl.
IV Mitli ilingundT J 1 rodornkleft
fur the Luthcian Miw-ionary Institute,
a( Selitisgrov o. l'ii , tor the min
ReCehcr is now ontln stand, swear
ing ho i® not guilty, hut wo need tint
follow his tost iinonj an\ farther, itsof no
account for wo nooil ilio space to toll our
readers that there are plenty of witne®-
sos that oouhl swear josttive that thoy
wore e\ c w ituosM - to the f.n t that So. h
lor v t 0., in (ho Ihi li Hoiiso hlo. k, have
the newest,cleanest ami oh. i|* -I gr. > on
hotwoon tin' rising ami sotting sun, *>o
ami soo for yourselves, ho w iso, ami huy
! whorv nionoy is aottially to lie saved.
Rurn.-ide A 1 l otiu's, the nnly
aheap grvsvrj 111 t outrul I vim a, are
now fixed up with a now ami trosh
sto. k for the trade. ami oiler more
good* for cash than you oiuiget any plwee
this si.lo of Jordan Tlu ir sugars, oof
fees, s\ iups, ami ..11 hnusollohl ties
cessuries are always la—i quality, ami
sohl at a small protit t. r cash.
The director® ot the I . t A I KK.,
met again at I'hiladelphia, on Tuesday
last to lot the railroad work, XX e did
not \ot learn who get* the contract.
Last Tuesday evening a pleasing event
occur*® I at Uio I*. - Hill Scaoi'i h Us..
I; was a sclm. 1 exhibit:. a, e sing the w in
ter term of school isugat I y Mr I. I Jam
Not* ulistttlijirg the tad e i.diliou of j
the roads, the hou- ■ at an *ar!y tour was
ailed with an attentive and appreciative
audience. The room wa* tastefully deco
' rated w ith wreath* and strands . I ever
greens When the curtain wa* drawn
i aside, a stage beautifully carpeted and fes
tooned, greeted the anxious garo of the
j audience.
The exerc.s . w > re ..pened wilt, a pretty
! piece of tnusie entitled, ' Crown Hun,
sung by the s hool, the Su utatory Was
ihen deliver.d in a very neat manner by
Ma ter J. an Fahrton written in Vere.
The several reciiatioi s by some ot the
J members of'he A. B O cla-s were verv
j commendable | . rforiuanc.s indeed The
j Lssav - bv Musi® Hershberger ati.l L liain
berlain were rea l in a very clear and uis
tinv. tone of voice, ai d reflected great
credit in, A lively and
stirring . ng called, "Jl dd on to the
Plow, was then sung by the .ci. .■!. tor
want of r m w are only able t> give a .
short synop-i- .t the whole performance
and having no programme, we are obliged
to omit a number of name- that w ere quite
worthy of nienti n here. "Ju-t Twenty
:Vt .rsn.i- was n beautiful * >ng and cho
rus -tin --I-> in. by M: I. it Runkle
So "L'beer u|> t-..m Mr Her?:, .r
--ger singing the solo. The itifferent quar j
telte* rendered by the Mi--t> Lahrion,
Herstiberger, Kuukle aid M --r- Kr;,}..-
and llunkle, were ait.: i ■ rleci ri-n-ti-.
•ions. Mr. XVi i Fahrion presided at the
organ. We .-i-orct to omit nu-iiti.-n ct the
racy speeches, ino good Jialejues, lhe
L'wh Band, the comic performance of
, the Condo brothers aud the successful
The Valedictory wa* spoken in an im
pressive manner by Mr. Hiram Cane,
Ms. J„oii> ti in a very touching manner
spoke t f the plegsaa; s,- ' :ia 'tis existing
between himself, parents una pupi.., .. t
expatiated on the importance ot i areni.
interesting themselves in the education ot
their children. XV can heartily oongrat
ulato bjih teacher and scholars on thoir
eonipUte suecett.
• ♦
Punu A Wirt. CM" llcld.
Sj.ri: g-M ft'J c, Mm i>tr*ul>, Mm
Kuup. , ,
Gregg—Thos I'ftUi, tl Jlirs.
MiU-s —J A Miller, Geo Roycr.
Bonner—P Jarid R<an.
Huston -John Cruig
lis,r.ii—c. Daly. Jac Fearer
lium*. . ~ -...
Howard U>rii* h C, u,-11 Snyder.
Liberty—D Sehench
Walker —John 1. >r J.
Mdesburg—J F M*saver.
Sh< \U-.c—ll Stoncroad.
Penn- E Krumrine. t> M Foote
11 iwarJ-<-t B Koon*. A Hoiter, M
Liberty—l Gun-niu. It tnouii m
liaiuca—Jacob Bower, jr Adaiu Hi#-
U ]iiiL— Daniel Brumgard, O M'olf, A
Ru*h—A Frank, J sbuop.
Hiilipeburg- O P Jonc-, L A Shearer.
Worth— M W M'Kinney.
| B-llefonlc 1 Mw.
llurri- - Jnenb ohw , . S Garner.
1 Huston—J Stine, M Aieiai.u-, ;
Benner—A \V M'ngiicr, A Koch, U
; < "°j' D B Malone, F S Fletcher, J 11
Linn. . , . ~,
M:le-burg-W ... \ ' JW. Jucob Byman.
k Walker—John Decker.
Potter—J A Grove, Cha* smith, s.n |
Earner. . ~ „
1 iloaai,' biro A K:e 11.
; Spring—M i' U'fcr, M m Stuart, II
' M i ier, S Lmiii'
Bush- - D W Holt,
L Union—G L Peters.
2nd Week.
Potter - L Ja- .Sweelwood.
B' lit r I> ti. '. I bert, A J
t'urtin -Jacob Noll
l'enn—Jacob Dutweilcf, John K'-en.
Union—J CP< i-r*.
Bullefonti J D Gordon, 11 F Bartly.
Howard .1 It L*ath-r, F". Fletcher.
Mile---.I M'alker. Wm Walker, J Vk
cr, Jn Walker, Win Kreamer.
Gregg—J no Long.
Philip-burg— it uud.on, J M Ma terri
Spring—John Sweeny. J u Lsrrimorc,
J Flora.
Liberty- J A Quigley.
Unionville—(J Alvxander.
Taylor—Jacob Froniz.
Palton—Sam'l E Gray, S Homan.
llalfir.oon S 'I (iray
Huston—J M Mile-,
iinino.-J S Human, L Mnicb, C G
Bright, Dan Smith.
Snowshoe —Wm M Kinney.
TRIAL LlsT Lt Wuck- April Term.
Wm Harkim Admr'i vs C M uston, et
J M Yocurn et al vs M io Lyon et
Co mm on wealth vs H Urockerhofl
A Reader vt Wilson A t.'nrr.
B A F' It Ligget ss J, Mackey.
ilabn A Wagn- r v M'ni Pooi.oan.
Harper Bros vs.l V Thomas A Co
Alilliken, Hoover A Co v* J Under
J Hrutzmun vs J W Scott A ('..
Com of Penn va Alfred Kramer, cl al.
H " v.lonnth Kramer.
h v Rebeecu Musser.
'• W W '-'i L Alu*er
Uofler, Bower A Co ys y;.r:ie Peters A
Jalrn Hoffer vs Budget Al'Gill.
O M'Cann vs Penna RR.
TRIAL LlST—2nd Week.
City of Philadelphia vs Smith Rhonda A
Ist Nat Bank Huntingdon v-Jas Green,
et al.
J A D F'ru/.ii-r vs Hale A Co.
Carlianii A Jfaugher v- D Z Kline et al.
Coin of Penna vs D II Reese, ct al.
Todd A Duncan vs B A F D Ligget.
Win M'Floyd et ul vs J S Reed A Co.
John Hoy vs M r m Holt.
Jor M'Alarny vs J J Thompson
Jno Irvin jr vs B Ligget et al.
Shouting & Tinwakk I —You can save
money by buying Tinware from K. ,M.
Pruntr^C' o -. Bellefonte, —prices 25 per
cent, lower thau any other tin-store in the
Barn-spouttng 18 cents per foot
Stove-pipe 121 c per lb.
They take nil kinds of country produce
in exchange.
llemetcber—K. M. PtunerA: Co. 1.0-gfln
gfln St,, Beilet'oiUc. Apr 1 St.
- ♦ ♦ 0 r-
Altoozut he * A colctfeU 'squire.
CIU, cjsJLSC^.
Ml N Kits' ruoi*llLß" 4
! Oilier Orjiaiiiimlinita Knrm An Alii
atice Willi tlio Minora.
Poit-vil '. I'a., March 30 A meeting
of the Minor* and Laborer*" Honevolotil
\ *O. ation n"ld XL hail to® W orkilignieii-
Society wit* liehl in tbi* city to-day for the
purpose of organising and training a com
bnuitioii tor invitvii% 1 protection. Iwenly
II ri e ditra I- were rvpri ntod President
.1 I' XV. .)i of Iho Minci- X ot la
lien occupied the .hair and there was a
toll repro entaiionof boih organiaatlon*
.1 !. I siney. President of the Miner-
Kit) Ml \ oektiMtftht I'mted Slates'
came here from Cleveland on busiiie -
connected with the above meeting and re :
polled thai he tavot the aJtaticc.
The following resolution.® were adopted
unanimously :
Re i v ..I, we hereby agree to form j
an alliance f -r the mutual protection and i
general b< ni fit of all, and each organu i '
lion to preserve its individual character |
at.d charter
I:. -. l ed, That the Miners and Labor
i, |,, i dent X - -ociati t and Meihan- .
ICs' and XVorkingiiien * Benevolent Asso
ciation be governed by the same rule* i. o*
gov <l.l ng the Kxe. Ul.vo t'olumittce . f. lie
M and I B A. m' d entitled to the sunn
representation pro rata.
R -. \. d That the XI and I. II A. and 1
M and \\ H A . <1 ■ work in hari tony 1
and sU-tain each other in this and all com- I
ing si- .-:g'e' and difficulties, both morally (
and financially until justice is done both. i
V o i atch froin Shauiokin thi* evening
states that the miners continue joining tlir
Miner- I'm n organised there recently, i
and it is suppo-ej they will suspend workp
in all the mines soon I'nu-ual quiet pre-j|
vailed throughout this region to-day, and |
the laboring association® hero deprecate} |
the ®cts of v tolence committed at Haxellon;.
yesterday by their eo workmen. |
A (,'dtliolic l'ri.'st IVrsuade* h Mob
To Ibsperse.
Ila/t 'ton, Pa March •'<' The uiob '
, h let Vu.i. i'i 1 this morning for I
thi- place, wa* intercepted at the Beaver 1
Meadow mine* by l'athei Marren, a Cath- I
olic priest ol Audrnricd, who permaded '
them to di-persoand returnto{heirhome*. '
The llanelloniant have thus escaped a seC*jl
. lid va-ion wh eh threatened serious i
consequences, and everything i now qui- i
et. <
The KxciUuii'iit at llazeltou —A (
I'erfcct IN'ioi) of Terror—
-11 ..-■ don. April 1. Ihe excitement nt
upper to-high yesterday, during the raid (
of the 1u11..'. , ...a iptrn-e, anil during (
Ik.. -'.ai v. a t-erlect rmgn . t ter.*or. |i |
•eeina that they divided their (or. e before
entering the town, some Coining in at the
ea-t end and others at the west, lhu> cut
ting off the retreat of the citm.ns. j
Shots were fired indiscriminately and
without any order, many of the crowd be
ing intoxicated.
At the hi tel a v io!nt demonstration was
made; the rioter- went through the house
end. a coring to force the landlord at'd
bsuider- to join their ranks cjome of the
inmate® loi k refuge in thr cellar, while .
other* i -caped through the bi ck do -r The
company's store was a SO atlackeJ.
The -upcrintendetit and clerk* escaped j
but tie lioters fired shots into the building. |
P. r-oi. riding along the highway were |
it. ; ; .! nudw. ro fired at w hen they re- ,
fused t" join them, fie Uio expected ,
fr :ii Schuylkill county did not reach
Au lenr'.i.i. Ki.ts are reported at \-li- _
!. w Ills . I .s- of several lives
Alti-qu at 1 ere tli - in. rnit g. The a. - j
lion of the herifl ha® had a wholesome ef
P ■.•-vi. e April i'eaMJ.. troulde i
fr. :u the mob at Ashland and other pelntt '
the l'!elphia and Reading railroad !
train hand®, known a. biucklega, were*ent
to protect the prop, rty -t the company and
guard the tracks an.l bridge®. Many of '
tin in, fearing attack, have not returned
hero, but* for ether nart- of the
Schuylkill region AH i® quiet at Ash
laud this f -ren ■ n, bat affairs are very un
An applies:! n was niadcto the ra: road
authorities last nigh: for tran-portalion for
.1 a! | lice who desind to return to
Pi ,'adeh .. . and Reading, as they did not
de. m it safe (orthem to reuia..., Jhe : r
number was in-ufficient to be of service.
In several instances they hud been stoned
ati.l ur.u aj;un • The transportation was
supplied by a special train thi. morning
A number of freight car® standing on a
siding at Excelsior were set on fire
One car wa® burned ar.d another dam
aged by its being run down a grade. The
rai'.r -.i.J authorities deem it useless to have
special p. ,c ibinkiny that their employ
ee. ami pr p rty ran only oc ~ru;..-ti > 1 bv
aun itary force. Tho impression is that.
the military will soon be called out.
X'oluntccrs here arc holding themselves
in readiness. The miners at Shamokin,
Ruck Mountain, Henry (.'lay and Big
Momn-t/i coil is- . turned out entire for
the basi- of lo'i
ewltbury Chronicle, 2mi.]
The tlirnilciiing nspcct of the gor
oes above us made it necessary to use
: evc r v menus to save i.ur bridge utxi
' >tlitr < a!>. ni property: aud now, the
danger stttna to be entirely over, the
briilp.'!', in addition to the safeguards
mentioned last week, was loaded on
11;;, 'av night, with thirty-seven cars
ti ie.i to ti:*. it uiw; Jirpi' with stone
and cinder, making h weight of twelve
hundred and eighty tons, fheis cam
retrained in the bridge uutil 4 o'clock
p. in yme.ia, 2 were run
(iut, nil danger being cousfiit'ic.*
(J: COUIEC trains could not pass through
but a train on each eido of the river
iaii at require J limes, and passenger.-
with baggage groped the
bridge between stone pile* and logijed
cars as heat ihev could.
About 1 o'clock Wednc-day, the ice
moved jieth.ip- 200 yards and stop
ped.' The bridge piers cut the thick
ice without breaking it between them.
The strength d lhe ice was so great
that the entire body was stopped ,
About 6 p. in. it agaiu started and
moved with great speed and irresista
b!c force for the space cd* an hour, it
then formed a gofge below town, and
■the whole mass stopped amf bega to
ri>-c at the rate of twelve feet per hour.
The water banking into the boat yard
and among the adjacent residences
with great rapidity, compelling the
citiz< us. about d ;k, to make all speed
to gave their goods by removing them
11 higher groi ml.
A large aiuo.,ii} ,f !u:r!; i r us car
ried out m ilo as premises causing n.ucii
loss to the company.
The soulh-eagt corner of .Mrs.
Wolfe's warehouse, below the old
bridge site, was torn out. The builds
mg was occupied by a couple of race
i boats to the students, who
rallied and saved the '.alieib.''
Walls, store lioiige narrowly escaped
destruction, but It showed lita ranie
stubborn resistance thut lias churao*
terized it for these many years.
The tyuter continued to rise until
some time during the 'iilit. It made
a couple of attempts to start before
taking its final departure. At 2a. in.
yesterday, it rtaclicd its maximum
height, having ristni to within three
and a half feet of its J866 flood
The pressure upon the bridge was
almost incomprehensible. The entire
fabric trembled ns the thick, solid
masses were cut und gioun I against
the unyielding structuie, Jitij b >
lieved by many thut, hid not precau
tionary measures been adopted, th
whole concern would been swep.
ayray, As it ie, howevtr the bridge
tuflVrod m injury wliult'ver
IJ.uli. < <.f ico two fit t thick and of
ciuti timu* hit'rttlth wen- fiUW'l t (truly
feet high upon the hauks, and left
there. Below Smith, Fry A: Co'aniill
Urjje tieci were cut oti'by the immense j
boulder* The Itooin l>clouj;in|r tolhini
firm wa* injured, and some I inn her
At Milton, where j;reat danittg® wa
ten ret I. the passed hartlllesaly
hy Water ran through lliat town
for awhile, seeming to threaten disu*-
ter, w Inch did not occur.
rut: etui i ni'ttuKsa Fitti." AT—j
(IKS i it.\ t stari NatON AT ail AMOK IN
I'oltsville, March 31.- A grand
i parade of the Mechanics and Work
logmen's Benevolent Association, ot
A-hland, and the Mechanics and La
lioreii* Benevolent A-soelalion*. Irotti
t iordott and 11 (ckscherville took place
i.U \hlund this afternoon. About
1 iiv'i> hundred linn W( re in line, who
i e \ prec-ed themselves as determined to
i stand out to the last. At 7 |>. m.
1 rioting began on the street opposite
tlie liepplier House, 4 hie! Burges*
tjenseli called out the police force to
quell the riot. Tha roughs from (Vu-j
tralia and I'atoh.s turned on the
Chief Burgeon and tired several shots
at him without effect. No arrests
were made, the police fearing it would
cause a greater riot, tirent exi ile
merit prevail*. Ihe citixans fear there
will be trouble to-night. i'liere is a
report to the effect that the "black
legs." as they are t Mansion
House,employed by the 1 hiladclphia
and Reading "Railroad Company, will
he attacked.
Todav, between Nocust Ciap nnd
Alaska Oollicry, the train bands were
stoned, fired upon ami driven from
their train. Superintendent Othousen .
went to the spot and brought the train
through safely. While UM NOONUM
were on their way from Heckseher
villeto Ashland and firing a salute at •
Gordon, one of the nrett had an arm
sliot off and another badly wounded
internally by the premature discharge |
of a couiou.
As predicted in tlusredispatches yes -
terday of a coming general suspension t
the result of the miners joining the
Union at Shantokin, the foilowiug
dispatch was received hereto day Ir in i
that place. " I lie men at Buckmlge
Colliery, worktd by May, Aud.uried
A Co , intend striking lu-utorruw tot
the basil of B7I Every onu sus
ponded todav at tho Henry Clay
Collierv. worked by J Laugdon A
.Winers' Jourm if, t/urc k'X>
The quantity sent from this region for
th® last weak was'Mwan tons. i'w>('..- Ba, -
227 1 t.s lor tha (. ore.l -i.diitg week last
y®ar. Decrease, 62 I'''
Tho supply >o"* trotn alt the regions {
the last wek >mw uf which are estimated
was 181.WW ton* of anthracite, and .>!,>*•
tons bituminous, for the week, IK> ..0: n*
again" 273.51" tons for the corresponding
week lot >.-• 1' ii 1 •' 1 "*•
Tin- whole supply enl for thl year i
"i'dit >'Ji tot.s, against 3 237,5-'2 ton lot. r
responding period last year, dec re t *••
far 573.222 tons The anthracite u 553, ICO
j ld*sf. ... . f i
There i no change IN the SITUATION OJI *I
lairs M this region T" NOTE thi* *■ LOE
rotors adhere to tt.r.r pr .gramme. a- 1
the man MM MONLTR .*■ twmlnsD TONJM*
lain their position It u ar. unt.,u* n.!.-
t,--t h iwever and though it may possibly
Lst'a month longer, the end will be reach
ed by that time.
J\_ TWl'.-In acc-unt w .th Pax-1
l . i : <•*cr-oer
1971. DK-
Vlar 25, To bal. at settle
ment: - 10
Mar 25, Am t of duplicate "2
do To cash froui Thomas
M Kirov ;<•>
do To each from J. f oust 81W
T rent from 4. St >ver. 12 00
J875, CR.
Mar 25, Bv V ueher* <3*7
cl . By percentage oo duplicate 307->
do By traveling iipcnses .. 7ID
do By services. ....... *slll
d . It v errors in duplh !•. . '2 *)
do By ex--'-- rattan on du
plicate of 187'J I h
do By exonerations on du
plicate of 187-1 t 06
do By order in favor of
John Farr.Eß J*"-* 0
1874. BR
\l r 25 To bal due twp. at
settlement TS I "- 1
Mar 26, To Ani I of dupli
cate -
S'.tlo 18
1878. U'4
Mar 25, By Voucher# n"3 28
do By exonerations on du
plicate ot 1873 - W
do By exonerations on du
plicate "f 1871 - -'J
do By services 40110
do By Percentage 3127
do Bv Traveling expenses, fit"
(Jo M.v nrder in favor of
Levi HnVdcr iv
In acc't with P Shefßer, Rond Supervisor
1874, Bit.
*1 *r !'.i To bal at scttlc-
n.anV *
Mar 35, To Ain't of dupli
cate 90i I
<.< is t 27
INh. ' ®
Mar i"), By work tioue *>i.
mads ~ 715 8r
do By exonerations on du
plicate <>l lK7:i -I "4
do •£ Hy Service* 106'*•
do Rultunco Jus tp, fclspl*
tleuicnt Ik* '•i _ :
S'.trl 37 1
In ace't with Robert Lee.
Mar 26. To order on San.'l
Royer "d*"' P'
<1 , To cswh at Audit Meet
in < 00(10
Mar 2ft. T Anil ofdupH*
cate OUC 42
do To Tax received on un
seated lands 'JO 00
do To an order on I). C.
Young l5
• ——flo97 of>!
1876, fJIJ.
Mar 26. By wrkdohuon
roads fi72 Jo
do lty exoneration*. 71
do Hy work <>n new road... 800 00
do Hy Service- ](">( 0
do Hy error in AN* W Love*
Tn 1 Jo
do Hy error in Sutn'l Roy
,. order . . ' . 18 76
Pred Rurte in in , t wi'li P ttcr twp.
1875, DU.
Mar 25, To order on P.
Slieffler 18 50
1871, Ul
Apr J, Hy advertising Au
ditor* report IJOO
! 87.7.
Peb. ]ij Tl .ket* for twp .. . 500
Mm fo ndfigoof Auditor
Meeting 1 IHJ
• $ 18 50
Jo* Qilliland Trca* of Auditor*.
11871, I>U.
.1 une 1, To cash on band If* -J4
IrT'i, 01,
Mr 25, Hy cash paid for
I 'room i<*n* 1 50
Ido Hy cash p<l do* (jillilund 200
|do lty •' " J J Arney... 1 of)
do By " " W Goodhart. 200
Ido Hy " "fa* A Keller.. 200
' do jjy "
i Mar 25, hal, in hand* of
I Treasurer 40 22
$ 4ft 84
; We the undersigned Auditor* of Potter
township, do certify that we have examin
ed the übove accounts end certify to the
correctness c>ftb same
J A Keliku, J J ARNEY,
I Town Clerk (. SVM (JOODHART.
Apr b. Auditors.
rlo „
j Hy Vii tue of Sundry wih of I noi la
Icias'Levari Fodn and Venditioni Kspn
as. Issued mil of tlie Court of t'oluinull
Plea- <d Centre County I'enna . and lout®
j direeled Tlioro will be expo.i-4 to public
I sale at tlie Court llou-e In Hell, l.mte, on
Friday the 23d day "f April 1875, a' one
'o'eloik p in. The following described
Ileal K>!ate lo it it
All defendant 1 * interest in the two fob
lowing described piece* of land situate In
lll.wai l twp, C( litre county, l'a No I.
bound. . I, south by Hti'd Magic \ alley Kit,
wat by land of James Beverly, on Ibe
i ■•rill by land ot Jai ob Long. Jsi \\ bill
: man, el al, on llie Ka*t bi' land of Jam.b
(taker, containing '.I acl. there.m erected
ill iiiic hott-c A - A * No 2 on the North
h\ It K V It ft on \l ,-,t In .lame- llev-j
lerly, on tho South hy land of hoirs of ,10-eph
-eph Molltgolut I V dee'd, oil the 1 >1 hi
Hand if Cornelius Kane, containing C
acres more or less S. ire I taken in Kvecu
tiori ami to be sold as the property of John
P Packer
VII that certain let of grotin I siui in
Liberty two. Centre county, Pa flout I
ed on the North by an alley, Kol by
"street. >outh bv Foot Street and \N est by
lot ot tieorge Niliart, coiilainlng •* lent
front and l2Udeep tno building* < Scired
j taken in Kxeculioti and to be sold a. the
property of Jacob liunkle.
I All that certain lot of ground situate in
\tad.-onhurg, Mile- twp, Centre countv.l
Pa HounUml ill the South by public f
-chool lot, on the fastalid N.-rth b> lain.
• I Daniel tlrim and on tlie Wot by Mail
Sieeet. containing 1 of an acre mora or
j less, thereon oreeled u Blacksmith Shop :
Seized taken in Kxccution nnd to bv sold'
as tim property of Win. C Noll.
A I .HI).
VII that ct-rUin lot of ground tituate ir.
I Potter twp. Centre • >unt\ . Bounded on
tin. North by U. o H.-in on th* South
Karl by laml ot John Kovi-r. S nth West
t'V land ef Autos Lee anil Win Boat, con
taining three acre* more or lo*. thereon
erected a two story frame dwelling house,
stable and other outbuilding, Seir.eJ tak
en in Kxecution and tube s Ul as the prop
erty of Samuel Painter et ux
A LS(.
All that curtain tr,t ol land situate ir. i
Itaiiie* twp. Centre County, P Bound
ed on the K-rt by land of 11 lle( and ,
Widow Mots, ON the South by In- ■! Of]
ti. o Miller, on the We-t by lattil of Snni'i
Mots et al. and on the North bytw|i, r.-ad,
containing to acres more or le-- ll.vrcoi
erected a large St .no (itisl Mill, a -i
mill, tenant Mill House, large two story:
dwelling house, liank burn ami other out-'
building- Seiaed taken ill execution and
to be sold as ttu property of Dainc) V\ ri
A L>o.
ill tliat certain M.xuagv tenement or <
tract uf land s.iuato in I!ntun twp, t enir*'
count*, l'a Big idling ala |.ut tlienc*
lv". West ldj par to it wlilta Walnut,
tin M•• N . s i . We-l, U p.-r to a p -l.
thence North 50 , We-t 30f i.erclics to b
post, thence 3'g-, Kasl 1" perches to the
place of beginning, containing 4 acrrs I3i
perches more or less, together Willi the 1
anpur',<-naiicri A- Seiiol token in Kxiou
tn-ii and t-. l-e tt !d as the proj . rty of Win :
Cut!. .ire and Mary Crassitutre.
All that certain tract of land situate m:
trieag twp. Centre coutiiy, JV Bounded
n the North k> land of Henry Buck
Fast nil 1 M -villi i t land of Satll 1 Yerick
and W by I.- I f Michael Hesiii eon
taimt-g 50 acres more or !es, thereon,
erected an old dwelling, good orchard
Seized taken in Execution ar.d to b aildi
at tile pr peril . ! Lewis ltollelibCck.
, All lliat lertaiu tract of land -ituale in
Worth twp. Centre c-uiity, Pi Begin
ding at ;i white t-ii ~i|tj lA ti,e naptc j
.-f Ir. : a'' * itiier a:. l An.lrtw Pellet by land formerly ofLytw Shorb A
Co (NOW ONO. ICol toy). N 57t Waat, Htl
perches in a post, ti.. nee N ->2) K 115 per'
t• a st- • > of Robert Kider lb. , e
l* land ( f -aid Roberf Killer, S --71 hast,
j-j) per. to a p*.l corner of sanl Bobert
Kider, "li line Of Hobert Campbell, tin uce
by lands of sam - S. U) . W IUbW. to a
white pine the plac; ot ( - g,nn,i.g, con,}
tsining two hunorcd and ll.luy three acres
and one hundred and thirty f-.ur porches,
A t'gcther wit i the a|-|>urtn.or ces A
Seized taken In Kxe. ution and to b- so'il
as tlie prop rtv oftsid.-.-u V\ heaiai.d
A Ls< •,
All that certain tract of la-' ir.j
K-.|,g *mi ,w. iitie (Uf lv. Pa Iti gin
nlng at st->n> them . i.y land* f J. \ViJ-'
! la i ~N. 47', Kasl. 70 per. to si ms, the!,, e
b* lend of Curlitts, South 4d Kol llsiper.
to a i ueslt I oak t ■ uS. J,' \\ .-t
,-o |x iton -1 tt. .('■ l-y and .- f M(. A1 -
stcr and Yarncll. N ti*. West fi" per t
tlie place of beginn i-;, containing 70acrot
11,,.:.- 1e.., iher. i:e -i a • !.. nloi a.
half sto'y dwelling house, barn atol cthtt
-Utbuiiding- Soic.-d token . . Kxccution
land to be .dd at the pr perty ef II JLa.
t n,
A L- V l*.
Ail liiul (.(Haiti tract uf land situate in
t'urlin twp. Centre ci uiiiy. Pa. 11 .tided
nt ie N it., by iat lof J 'in M.t 1 -sey •
and (icorgo Furt, Kasl bv land of John
Mann, South L* aud of John Manntsi.d
John Daley ar.d W . st by land of Nathan
At wood and AViu. '/■•• g'.er, ( ntaining 153
aens more or loi, tliere- n erecbnl a log
dw- ling fi-.usc. Stab •• A- Se.xoJ laer.
iti Kxecution and to be sold as the proper
ty 11 Hiram Y out.*
A I.St*,
All that certain tract ol tar. ! situate it.
Worth twp Centre count*. Pa. 15--u--led
on (he N-r'.li by land of John J Thomp
son on the Kast by land t W 1! Blair et
al on the South by land of John 11 llarp
tcr and J. lit. 1 Thompson, and on the W
by land of John I Tnomj son, containing
one hundred and thirty acres more or lets
with the appurlenam es Ac. Seised taken
in Kici ulioii ami ta be sold as the pr per
-1 tv of Spoils A Walker.
All defendants itlteri si in a (e-taln lot ol
ground situato in Poller twtn Centre coun
ty, Pa Bounded on the South and East
bv land of Samuel Foster, on the North by
land of Jacob K -ch Sr. and on the Wot
by laml of W. J. Wilson, c -ntaining one
:o re. thereon erected a lj story frame
house, stable and oilier outbuildings,
ijei-eij tsktn in Frecution and to ba sold
:u (tie property of Jacob Hoch. .
HuxKirr sOirtc x) II F SHAFPKH
Bellefonte. , Sheriff.
April 3rd. 1876. I April Brd
Independent in Every
thing ! Neutral in Nothing !
Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in
Municipal S.iair tui isaooual Allaire.
r|HIE TIMES will h.> i- led on Salur
1. day. the 18th of March, an i ivory!
morning thereafter. Sunday* exc-picd, un
i>- ib" editorial direction of A K. Mc-
CLUKK print. •<i compactly from i .ear, new
type, on a large folio beet, containing all,
the N. w of ttie <1 iy, including the A*o-,
eialed l'n •** Telegram*. Special telegram-j
!ir d Correspondence from all point* ofj
of interest, htiu Idsiicw k<lio<r>..: di*cu**-;
iona of all current topic*. It aim* to he:.;
llr*l-c!as* Newspaper in every respect.
Mail subscription*, p<>-i*ge free, Six,
dollar* per annum or Fifty cent* pcrj
i month.
ADVERTISEMENTS, fifteen, twenty,
mid thirty cent* per line, according to po
mi: MII.I ia\.
r I f 11E WEEKLY TIMES will bei-iued
I every Saturday, containing < boio„r,, i,... re. ,i„K altcU- for the
Family khd h0 Fireside, valuable contri
bution* i ,r FAItMKKS, MECHANICS,
iltd every industrial Clans. A Carefully
edited column on Household and Domin
ie K'unoinv. together with a (.'oinplet.
Summary of the New, of the Week, and
full Mai ket and Financial Report*, 1>
will he the iik.t mid ctIKAfKaT Weekly
Newnp.iper in peon*vlvani*
One Copy SI.OO
Ten Copies. ... 9 mi
Twenty Copies, . , , lU.OO
And at the same rate, *0 cent* pel
C"py.) for ii,iy additional numlirr. Name*
may he added to Club* at any time during
the year
i AR\ E KTISE M E NTS in-orted att*ven
ty-uvc cent* litre.
Addros* THE TIMES,
N i II South Seventh Street,
I Philadelphia.
Wher*** the Hun. t'!i*rl*> A Mr*r, Prl<l*nt ot
I ill* court if I .'ontnum l'l*ae. In 111*- -jlli Jti.tu-ul 111* I
11lot, roneUttnx of th* eounlte* of I nntr*. I Union end
i l*iBol l. *ivi III* ltouortil* W W. Git* *nd 111*
I Ilonor*lit* 11. Pop, . A**.. f*lei! J-.ntse* In I'entrr
! <-.iunljr. h*Tlna l-on* their J**c|il. beano* <Ul* thr
. nil il ot A veil a li , I Sty. I* me itlr*.-t,*t !->r hldln
| * court of Oj.'r *nd Terminer and Oenei&l .Tail lirlw
,'rrj and Ouarier s*iiin of ih* p<c*iii It*ll*fout*. f> t
-, rl/ 'f f>_i, I r <■, *,, dt , 0.0 "it,. on ih* iin
Moudaf ')f A, nil. lieu.* Ul* ifcth <l*, ~f A| 'li 1*74,
j and to ounllnu* two woeli*.
Notl. • ti th*r*fnr* her*l<r*lT*n to Hi* Coronrr, Ju*
I lire* <>t Hi* l'**i *. Alddrrmaa and t'on<t*bl*> of Hit
**l.l county of Onlre, that tli*r h tlipn ami them In
r! their proper t>*r*oi>*. ol 10 oVlock In the (orenoon o(
. aald day. with their r-corda, Inq ilsitlona. aaanilna
tlona, ami tli*lt own reinemhrancca, l.) dn thea* thtna'i
' which '0 their ottc* *pp*rltna fotw doo*. and lbua
Hho*rhaopd iu re- onlienree to ;rj • i *alr.l
, (be p: i*o*i*i* that '* w( >h*i| ho In toe Jail ,t Cahtri
I and thrro t" proaecutf .a-nm ;nyit
' * Given un f*.- my ha id, at Belief-, nt ih* 11th day oi
; Dec., ta ibiraar ol onr Le.-d. 1874, and tn Iho uluetj
•tghtb )4ivf !rd oj Jhe l,5 uJ
l' nx ll*ii Acxbxu V. TbD flourish
I lug School will open on the !2lti of April
. under Prof, (i H tiarloy•-who conies
i highly recoroetided a* a thorough scholar
mid oxperieuced Teacher. The School
, will tie classical and normal Boarding
. can be had at reasonable rates near the
I School. For further particulars apply to
tieo Buchanan or J. It. Fisher, Penn
; Unit. I'll •-'!
On the 14th of Match. Mr A M (item
, ingi-r to If is Sarah Wolf, both of Sugar
Valley, Clinton county, I'a
ttn Feb "Jsi, 1875, Mr. John From and
Mi Sarah Humor, both of Centre Mali,
In Bellefonte, on the Jh'th n't, Ellen
Mnrgaretta, iiilknt daughter of Daniel H.
mid Mnrtha K, K( Her, aged ciglit months
<*n March 2nd, at I'vnn Halt, Mis* Eliz
abeth \\ caver, aged •<! years, 4 tnonihs
and 14 day*.
<>u '_►,•!h of March, tieorge F Buchanan,
son ef M II and S. tieise, aged t> month*!
■ind l'J day*.
'Mourn imt ye whoso child hath found,
l'ur rr skies ami holier ground ;
Fl -wars of bright and ph smlil hue,
I Free from thorns N I firesh * lib OM,"
Established, 1843.
The old, reliable p'ace, where
and other marble
| work is made, in the very be*l style, end
| upon reasonable term*
fta*** jMaot/vt jo, favors, ue rt
spectiitfo solicit the patronage of the
Shops, Kail of Bridge, MiUheirn, Pa.
! Apr. 8. y.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
I lowing person* have tiled their applies
• lions for license, and their pet Hon will be
presented at tl-i- ii 'st term >-t C- urt .
.Joint Potter... Hotel
i.eorge W Mass-oi Worth Tavern
I Daniel Garnmn Bellefonte - "
■loiathbti K r i(i(ißr Penn Tavern
'(Joltllsb Hssg S|iring . "
Henry Hobh ..Walker "
A. liaiini Heltefotitr Liquor St*>r< I
•Ja. I'ut-more.........l'hilipsburg ..Tavern
M. L Leitxel P' iter ■'
Itebei ca Mu.ser M lilt • ill!
• I 11. Od ink irk Potter Hoiel
' Robert Taylor.. Pbilpsb'g Boro Tavern
J C Nason... do do .. do
H C Yeager Bellefnbit .... Betiautatit
Jacob M li.s.M .to ...... do
ti \\ D 'wf.o.g Uo ...... do
JC Sooth., do do
; Win Brown do do
Kted Smith do do
j W'ru Dolati I.x Tavern
Charles Brown do do
l.aac "iiler - no do
lieu M 11er.........11uu - T do .
Jno Limbrtt do klu
Itetij Snvder I. do
Jfi-i (• t>* i .... S'luwSt.. do
i Jno Coponbaver-.Taylor T. .. .. do
(' A Faulkner...PhilipsVg 80r0...d0
K l'crks A fon IL-ilefolite B ir0...d0
Elias M ...( : Ml .s ! ■-01i1p... do
1' Lie d Philiptb gl' •( >so
Fli.s Loitghry. . Fvl'-o-iite fx-.r0., do
<ci s•* let Hush twnshi| do
' Pbtliti (istes Ferguson twp lo
II C Frisk ... lluston twp do
1 Nichols Ht-ilcfdhU- Boro.. Restaurs!,t
29 It 3f ProlhonoUry
The fellowing accounts have been Kx
"■mined andjpsssed t'V NkN and remain filed
of record in this oAKe. f-ir the inspection
of b- ir*. legatees, creditors and all others
n any wsv interested, and wilt baprtisant
ie.l P. LIE Orphan s tiourt of Centre rutin
■iv to bo hold at Bellefonte for allowance
*tul confirms: m -n Wednesday, the 28;b
lav of April A D 1575.
1 na account of Kdwiu J Desbler M. lb.
' Executor of the last'will and testament af
Ttiotns* Cronemilier late of Haine* twp.
Centra county deceased
The account of David Eye and D\ id
Dennis administrators of the estate of John
Bloom laic of Ferguson tw p. Centre coun
ty dee'd.
The 1 ttal ace ntef Dsiiii.l i itccker.
guard,n of F Becker. Lydia A
Dicker, Prry D-• ner, and Sarah E
1), ker. eh ild ran .,f Conrad Decker late of
P -t:. r twp. dee'd.
The account of Martin Imlan adminis
trator of Samuel il'iiiabaugh. as filed by
T. M Hall u:.d Mnharl D dan sdininis
:rair of Martin D-dan late of Mi'cs urg
Centre county, dee'd.
The aeocount of A. S. Zimmerman and
J. C. 7immerman administrator* ol all
itnd singular tha goods and ( battle* right*
ami credits of John Zimmerman late of
Walker twp. Centre county, dec d.
The account of John F Heckman ad
miniatrator of all and singular the good*
, and chatllc* tight* and credit- which were
o| Elixsbeth Herkntsti late of Orcgg twp.
Centre county, dee'd.
The arc unt of John I.iggit and .lame*
| Waggoner admit itratorsot all ami *ing(i
Ist liie goods nt.U chatties r'ghts and cred
it* whisli were of Matthin* Wsggoner late
of Liberty twp, dee'd
The account .(f Orlanda TbomM admin
itrator of the K*Late of Mis. Mary Shilling
Sate of Darn* twji, t enlre county, dee ,t.
The account ot Aaron I>. Weaver and'
Wert administrator* of all and *in j
,-ulnr the g.mds and chattle* righU anil
credit* which v.-er-, > f \v ort latel
if Hulnto twp, doe'd
The account of George J. Krin*n and
-lohn Kornutn, executor# of the Kt*te of
Andrew late of Haines twp, Cen
ire i ounty. dee'd.
The partial account of J. P Oephart,
—'le acting administrator cf tho k tu-iu of
■la>-'bo. Ahl late of G.'ilire tounf'y. tjee'd. j
Tiie account. I J -nkthun Weaver. guar- t
ii*n -f CjTtt* J. Weaver, minor --Hi of
Salomwn Weaver lale of M i!e twp, t>n
tre eviuntv, dee d.
The account of Dnniel Shuev and E'elix
Sliucy, exectitors of the lat will and ie*u
incnt of John Shuev into of Harris twp.
Centre county, dec d,
, The account of John 11. Hart* wick, exe
-utor of the Ul will and tcxtamcnl of Hen-,
ry Hart-wit',. h-> uf Haiti, twp. Centre
i county, nac u.
Tne account of Jacob I*. Rishel adininis
Itralorefal! and singular the good* and
I iHll - rigrbu and credits which were of.
i Duiiiel Rishel. sr. late of Mile* two, Cen- (
, Ire county, dae'd.
The final account of Michael I*. Weaver
I and A H. Steel, ndmini-trators of the Es-;
late.lf pwd, iwiu .t Spring twp, i
; Centra toUtity, doffd.
The account of John Rishel E-'j. Guar.'
jdiai) < i S.iliiU'.l Si." minor child of Geo |
'ever, late of Gregg twp. doc'd andagenti
of John P. Taylor and Benjamin Stover, |
Adinim-lrator* of the *; id decedent to re-.
ive and p.,y out tho tuonay aiming from'
the Slato of Ileal h-iato of -aid decedent.
The account of Samuel Crotxer Kxecu-i
tor of the Estate of Joseph Crotxer ot the.
Personal E-tate of Jane Crotxer. dee'd
The Executorship account of Jacob;
Dinge* Exe. ui-ir of the Kstaie of John Dm
j gei laic of l'enn twp, Centre ( unty, j
I dee d
The auoouiit of Thoma* We-ton adntin
istratorofall and *inguhir Ihe go al* and
I'hattle* right* an 1 4-redii* which t re o'
JoMph C. Crack or, lata "f Worth twi>.|
('en! re 4 unty, dee'd
Tho account <-l Sebaslain Mu**er an i
D. A. Mu*er Executor in the last will nnd
te*tnmenl of Philip B Musser. late of
Penn twp. Centre county, doc'd.
| The trustee account of John From Sr
Daniel Ulmiids Surviving trustee* under'
the will of Wm A Thun.a.. hit# of iiolle
fonte liorCUgh, d>V'd.
The Guardinm-bip account of Aaron
Lukcnbaiigh, Guardian of Nancy Ellen
Segnur miner child of Simon Segnur, Intel
of Furguson twp. dee'd.
The llnnl account of George Behrer Ex
ccutor in the last will and testament of
David Behrer, late of Pntton twp, Centre
county, dee'd.
i Tho account of George Behrer adininis
} tiatorofall and singular the goods and!
► chattle* rights and credit* which were ofj
;. Regina Ueltrer, lata of pi.ttop Dtp, Cc,itrU|
I county, cjec'J.
The Gt):irdianshi|i account of John Cur-'
II tin guardian "f Robert, Minnie, Harry,
i. and Amelia Sailor minor ohlldren of 1
, Suilor, dee d.
t Tlie final account of the Estate of Daniel;
Kerr, late of Potter twp, dee'd as filed by,
! W. W. Spangier Executor of JaCoV
• Spangier. dee'd who was the Executor of
5 Pariel Kerr 1 *'
• *'The afitotir.l of John Hoffer o,
n j. 11. Shyey miner child of Ellen Shueyj
>t late of Harris twp. Centre county deo'd.
Ksqixter a Ukvice I J. H. Morrison,
BHfonty Mar. 27, '76 J Register.
Jeflcrsotiville, March !♦, -Highly con
vict* in the Stale prison at wotk in the
foundry made a bold mid dmprralo at
tempt to escape at three o'clock this after
noon. 'J hey suddenly quit work, over
powered the guard. li( 1 and blinded
them nnd succeeded 111 partially cutting a
hole through the outer wall when a gener
al alarm una givin. Tlie out*ide guard
rushed to the rescue and on the lop of the
walls forced the convicts at tho luuxzlo of
their Spencer rifle to r|eist a further at
'tempt at a-cape, Tlie leader* in the con
-piraey were promptly deslt with and all
its quiet again.
Philadelphia. April Wheatcuiitin
uca In fuir dciuand at former rates
mile* at ?125ul 27 fur red; fl 27a! 28 for
utnher,and f 1 3!al 35 for while, to* tot
quality. Rye 1 aearce and oomrnand*.
f I O'r Corn is in fair requeat with ale*
! .it H4uBV, in the earn afloat or tin- cleva- *
tor. t hits an- in demand OKa7Uc. for
! Western white. The receipt*lo-duy ari
as fol low*: 1 ,(M0 hble, flour, .'!,•" hu*.
icorn: U,loo bus. oat*; 24" hlda. whiskey.
Prices* have an upwardleioleney,anion
lof iin*s mirk at f'22, etimked iiaint at 13a
I lie. pickled hatii* at 12)a12p sall.slioiil
lder at H|e., and lard at 14|al6c. lb.
I gjfs sell at 23a25e r- dotn u.
t 'luvcrsi-tol is in fair demand 4-Vo hue,
sold at lOalljc f' lb., tfiu latter rate fur
Western, 'Tuuothy sells at f J 70a.'k and
flax seed at fl U" V bus.
xVhtte (VSeat SI (JUKod 1"U .Ryelot
M .l'ul I, U) ....Oats 55 liarley 80.
70.. ...Cto reneod •>,"" Potaloc* (jO
Lard per poun-t 8 Pork p*r pound"";
Butter 'At Kggsls ... Piaster !,., kuoj
t!4 TalloW K Bacilli )t) lluui 15
Lard lu-r |< mr.,t Hi r.t: Hurkiskra'J
Cf, ct ~ . F our per barrel retil7.otJ
Nova Si >li plaster >l4 11 15. D'yug i
plaster >".50 per XMJ lbs.
TflF. BEST IN FSK. .utnji!
for Circular. DANIEL P BKAITY. ■
Washspgtua, Ni.w Jursoy.
S Wolf, dec d, in Cetitre Hall, is off, r*o
for sale oti very reasonable terms. The'
•land is or.* of tha be*t in the valley, and ,
offer* an excellent oppcriuniiy to any par
ties wishing to g-i into business.
Feb I MRS. C. K WOLF Adt;. ra.j
JL Blatchley's
9 s l 'x> ; Lint v.-iiivrn-'
JM X 3 : ki; m. - if mi*
mirk,., by |> i-uiar vcrdu the
\ttentton isi ivited to BlaUhley *
linpr a etl Ura< ket, the I)IOJ>
N Check Valve, which can be with
'' r *wn t, th it (i --.urbing tin
jcinU. and the copper cbauiUr
which never cracks, scales nr ru>u and)
wiil last ■ lifetime For sa'** by Dealer*
nd tin- •-Hlin gut,rally In order to be;
• ure that >ou gel ll'-atchley's Pump, in
careful arcs >ee that it i>a* my trade-mark
a* above. If you do not know where to
buy, acs(riju:ve circulars, together with
lue name mi l address of the agent nearest I
you, will be promptly famished by ad
dre-drig, wC.h stamp.
CHAB 0 B LATCH LEV Maavfactur.r
'sal ( ciiitiii riv St., PtlibtdktjJiin, l'a.
| II Mar'.'iu.
Rouse and Lot
The Hi.use and I,H. belopging to the'
Estate of Mary K Jtird.-ii late i f Potter
tup , dee'd. Will (so ottered at public sale;
■•n ll,u ouiises, oil SATf'UDAY, April
17t'j. 187' at 2 • ih k. Tie lot i olilair.s
2) acres, thereon erected a House and .4b
er oulbu Terms -tin® balf of
imrcha-e money on confirmation of sale, j
jthe baiacce in ot-n ys*r ihe;efter, with
| interest lu ti .enured bv bond and mort
Mar. 25, 31 Administrator.
• Undertaker.
The uudersigs.i-d have to inform
'ii* paiiso.s anil the public generally that
[he is now pr.-pared to make Coffin* and
■ es|. tfully solicits i share of their patron
age. Funerals attended with a neat
hearse. J B. Ml A FEU,
;eb II tf Madisonburg.
Furniture Rooms*
Extension Tables,
Chamber Suits,
FineA Common Furniture,
47* 1 n* -ting in part o( BUREAUS, RED
The public generally are invited to cail!
(and nr the tin* assortment of FI'RNI
TI Klt i lie f-iuml a! the above establish
ment, all ol our own Manufacture.
Undertaking in all its branches,
('"fli ii*, Caskets and Shrouds.
Having purchased an elegant Rears®, I
will attend all of i.ndert'-iking 1
inaj rt.(.civo from Penmval'.ey, Centre Co.
KNuM N. stamp for Circu
lar. Addre-* D. F HF.\TT\, Wash- i
iugton. V. J. i
M-( tain Hl<ek, Directly Opp. Bush
Bellefonte, Pa.
ll.Ili:WBt\ A Prop'ra-
Dry Goods*
!T7*ictly first-class qoods.l
llt'low Iho I'sngl I'l lWa
Now 12 tf.
XA*Send stamp for full information,!
Pro, I.i*t, Ac , Ac. D. F HV \TTY.
Washington, N. I
tub inn stable
The Best an! Ct:ea| sst now in l'e. Man*
ufactured hy
DANIEL DKKK, Beliefonte, Pcnn'a.
StG'<i// arc thrni befort WBre.Vitiiift
oNj)g4fr."Si? lrtpr.v.
Keystone l'utern A Model Works,
/ 110 V, \Y 00$ on UHAS &,
G7 I Lifer St reel, and SO First Avenue,
I'ITTSMJ K<* 11,
i Office with J. B. Sherritf & Son, Worlta,
Sd Floor. lapr v.
THOUSAND POUNDS. Libera) terms
io dealers.
SSR*Send stamp for Circular. Address
ID ITbEATTY Washington, N J.
Burneni aud Shipper* of tbo celebrated
Belle font©
r WlimniEl =I4IIM=E. 2
Dealer* in ike very bet grade* of
The only dealer* iu Centre County who veil the
Wl I Li K Ei Si B! Ai It; Hi E Ci 0! Ai L
from the old Baltimore tnlrw* Alio
of Anthracite Coal dryly homed expre*ly for hou*c u*e, at the Jowett pricaa.
I) E.ILE li S I JV* Glt J I A*.
They pay the highett price* in ca*h for grtJn that the Eastern market* will afford.
Bought or will be *< Mon eommiMion whan deaired, and full price* guaranteed. laa
formatioa concerning the grain trade will be furmtbed at all time*, to famcr*
with pleature, free of charge.
which it al way* told at low price*, and warranted to he a* good a fertillaer a* any
other plafter.
Or r)ti£ M\D YMID
Lime ! Lime!
Linn o! the best quality, always m[
hand, at the kiln near Centre Mali.
Millheim, Pa.,
WH")x*AU ixnUmiL DEJH.KM !* ;
Tbev hare just returned from the Eastern
Cities, where they hare purt-hased a well'
iflKlal stock of
HARDWARE. t'rruitT, lnox. Nail*. I
On.*, P*IKT*. Yakmmie*, PCTTT,
Plasterer* and Maaons,
Saddler*, Shoemaker*,
Housekeeper*, and iu fact,
Wo call (articular attention to a fin# a-1
sortment oi Picture Frame* and Moulding,'
very cheap.
And Curtain Fixtures of every kind.'
attention i> called to our ttock of Spoke*.,
it üb>, Felloe*, Shafts, Pole* and Buggy
Wheel*, all of No. 1 quality and telling *e-,
ly cheep. Our slock it large, and c**n-'
siAiitiy being rwßswcd, and wc are telling
' ~<wtoluaie and retail—at very low prices.
Itemember —much money ba* been lost by :
paying too much for Hardware. Try
AJuss*/' & &ro*v
They buy for Ca*h and toil at Ca*h Price*;
for lc** profit than any other Hardware
Sdww in the County.
jsarCall and ace ui. Satisfaction guar-!
aug 27-y '74
Manufacturers of
Sheetiron & Tilt
Millbeitn, Pa.
All kir.ds of Tinware, constantly on
band and made to order.
Sboeliron Ware of every description,
always on hand.
Roofing in Tin and Sheetiron dono in
the most approved and satisfactory style. I
Spouting dona to order.
Their of Tin and Shoctiron Goods
is Urge and complete. and offered at the
Their establishment has been enlarged
and stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction guartantecd, and all job.
promptly attendee to. uprl*-y
Next door to Wilson A Hicka' Hard
ware atore, Allegheny St.,
Jas. C. Williams
(Successor to 0. F. Rankin A Co.)
(or medicinal purposes.
Also, Choice
and all othor articles usually hept in first,
class Drug Store.
(c. T. Alkxancir. C M. Bowebs
ne.vs ut-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Special
attention given to Collections, eRQ Or>
chsns' Court practice. My be consulted
, iin German licciUt Office in Gar
13\ab' fiuiiding. my 28 '7*-t
rak Bco ffih Murrgnf™
Penns valley
Banking Go.
And Allow In^ereat,
Discount Not*
Buy and Sail
Government Securities, Gold and*
PaTxa Ilorrxa. Ww. B. ifcCf
Fre* t. Cashier
Cbas. H. Held,
< ,w, k, Ratrlimakerd Jeweler
Millheim. Centre Co., Pa.
Respectfully inform* his friend* and the
jpublic in general, that he ba* just omm*
at hu new establishment, shove Alaxaa
der auire, and keep* constantly on hand,
at. kind* i Clock*. Watches and Jewelty
f the latest style*, a* alto the Maraavilfa
i alent Calender Clock*, provided with a
complete index of the month, and day of
the month and week on it* face, which is
warranted at a perfect lime-keeper
.J*W Clocks, Watches and Jswalry re
paired on short notice and warranted
j ap ll' tfi ly
j Excelsior Cement*
The undersigned BOW manufacture* Co
'.OIALITI, at fan kiln*, near Pine
Creek MiiU. ia H.ina twp This
ha* already been used in large quantities
upon the L C. 4 S. C. RR., and bat bean
:>und highly satisfactory upoa all job#
abere it bat been used, and a* equal to
an v now manufavturod for use in CIS
purpose a good quality of Cement i* dt
rahla Thit Cement has alrmdy bee*
lesti*l f*r and wide, and rendered the ut
jmost sal it faction. Persons, therefore cea
atrucUng Citterns, laying Water Pi pea,
Ac., will find it to their ad vantage le baa*
ibis in mind, and also, that be warrant* the
j article at represented.
, J. G. METBB.
.may .1 if Aaroatbarg,
Job* SraxoLgm, Proprietor.
stages arrive and depart daily, for at
points, north, south, eastaad we
HKsttf Buockaauorr. t. v. sstum
P resident. Cnebiar.
(Late Milliken. Hoover A Co.)
jAnd Allow interest,
Discount Note*,
But and d*||.
ijCovernment Secu: lies, Gold ie
apllffibtf CouDont
"i*A asm
M ould most respectfully inform lb* dt
°f thil vicinity, ikit lie ku Marted •
i n .* w * nd Shop, and weald ke
: hankful tor a share of ike public pa trea
ts ga. Boot* and Shoe* made to order aad
according to style, and warranto kit work
*o equal r.ny made elsewhere. All kind*
;ut repairing done, and ihargee reaaeaakle
■ Give kim a call. fek IS 1;
Dentist, Ml 11 helm.
Offer* hie professional services to tk
( public. He u prepared to perform all
.operation* in the dental profession.
* ow fully prepared to extra*!
teeth obx.tuUlj without pain. mrS-?S-<f.
D**- FORTNEY, Attorney at Law,
e Bellefonto, Pa. o®ee oeer^Bey
onld s bank. a*fWlt
Orer Dinge#' Saddler Shop
;t r.t.Hall where be is at all limes, prepared
tomafce all kinds of men and bor'i cloth*
•eg. according to the lateet styles and at
, reasonable charges.
•I A o Attorney at Law,
t# Belli'forte, promptly attend* to xl
bmiaeas entrusted to htm. iutt/Mt
" -
offers his services to the cititentof Xl®ii
Centra and adjoining counties, fa
Houne. hign and OntMteaaUl
M.b0p,,,,. Ac 0 " k,A.k
nov { ff n ° Wa * k d=n ® forotbT
T t'HN F TOTTER, Attomeyat-Law.
|" . Collections promptly, made and
special attention given to tboeo- having
lands or property for sale. Will draw up
I*l U o ,Cno ? lw !^ d Deeds, Mortgages,
Ac. Office m the diamond, Qortbsidse
the court house. Bellcfonte. oet22*MKf
"Ersry Fubmt us
I W^MsedsrsbsaMtow
For Bans er Stsaas Fswav.
Ctoss-Cut and Circular
Oil to Gtil West Eighth St., CIKCIjrjLiIL On
Man u lac Hirers of Cane Machinery, Steam*
Engine#, Shaker Threeher, Farm,
School, and Church Bells, etc.
Dec 10. y.
■Hr ** Villß 9 a