-'" - x CENTRE Reporter, TK8P1PET1......... Editor. Centre ITall, Pa., April 8„ 1870. ITRMX. —s2per yritr, is arlmncr, 'J 60 tthrn nof paid in o.irttncc. A'lvtrtisnnmts 30c vtrlinf for fl " i!| - rrtion\ ami for 6 ana 12 month* b ctal confrnef." Tho frienda of Hon. A. 11. Dill, of It w isblltv, talk of bringing tint Andy for governor. He would tlo, aritl i* very popular in his section of the state. Col. Xoyes. of Clinton, i* also mention ed for governor and has many superiors already. He, too, it a gootl man. The U. S. .Snpreme Court ha* decided that women have no right to vote umU r the Constitution. Now let Susan !'•. I i --eretia. Betsy Jane ami Moll) and 1 idly take to darning stocking* and learn nur sery rhymes for any "interesting circum stances" that may turn up. Fred (irant intends forsaking the ar my and start a Ivnuk. His lather, the President, no doubt will furnish the stamp* —he has saved enough from the salary grab to do it with. Ihe iirants will no doubt understand the shaving business. This week elections w ere held in three state* —Connecticut anil Miehigan on Monday, and Rhode Island on A\ tslm—- day. The election in Michigan will be mainly forjudieial otlicers. lYxnneetieut electa a governor. The radicals hax e al ready given up this state, and a gts.nl democratic x ietory may he lsketl for • ♦ ♦ Gov. Curtin is up in Connecticut to sl-eak in laxtxr of Ingerall, the demo cratic candidate fxr governor, ami liK'r al rapubliean candklate* for cougresc- AA'o exjxtvt to havegotsi iww* from that quarter. The kv-gorges have ja-*setl out of the West Branch without doing tlu* lUmage threatenoxl. The gorge* movetl at inter vals, and thus panssi away without dam aging the bridges as scorned alm >*t inev itable. Next tali's t-ampaign in this county will lie a live one, as most of the tiui*r i..nt county ©dices are to lw filled. AYe will have a Treasurer, Sherifi. ITothoiio tary. Register. Kecxxnier. ami three t>>ni inissioner* to elect, added to these also will he a Governor and State -enstor for one year. It is estimated that filly y ear* heme the United States will have a population of 150.000.001k Uncle Sani w ill lw a jmw - erful fellow then, ami able lo "lick" "all the world anil the rest of mankind." Igtbor troubles are threatening iu the cotton manufacturing towns of New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and op eratives are to demand a restoration of former jriees. as jkt instruction* from the Head Centre of the National Union. These labor trouble* aregettingehronie, and the sourt some of these union* are busted the lwtter it will be for laborers, as operatives are often forced into strike* against their own will. The New York Tribune pay* the fol lowing compliment to the Deimx-ratir majority iu tlie House at Harrisbnrg.— "The fact that the session closes 1 w itiiout the passage of a single bill at the dicta tion of the rings which have so long ruled Pennsylvania must inspire the in dependent men who are trying to reform the politics of that State with new liojw and zeal. There* is focal for thought ia this jmra urepb from the Boston Herald. "Those people who think it impossible for Pri-i --deat Grant to get a nomination for a Third Term have not looked at the figure*. There will be 3*B* in the Con vention. Of these the l*iSouthern states will have 138. Grant could get all these today, and 48 more wonhl give lnui a majority. He would undoubtedly be the strongest candidate on find ballot were the convention to be held next week. Gov. Hartranft has not yet signed the local optionjrepeal bill, and it is intimateeople daily junking applica tion for appointments— most of them laboring under the fallacious notion that they have only to knock at tlc door* of the Executive Department to be admit-! ted at onoe, and never dreaming that their qualifications for the positk nsthey seek must be tested by an examination. The rule, however, is still in force that no person can be appointed In any of the departments until lie is examined ami found qualified. Of course this does not apply to presidential ap|K>intments of to offices above the grade of clerkship. Jessie Ponieroy, better known as "the boy with the white eye" who luis made it a practice in the past few years t. lure children of tender years to secluded lo • calities, and, after having securely bound tliem, to practice on their help less little bodies tlte torture of clumsy viviseetion with u jsocket knife, brought to sotue of his last victims tlte deliver ance of death, and is now senteinaid by the courts of Massachusetts to lie execu- ted. He was only 16 yean? old when the first brutal deeds were committed, and - Was sentenced to imprisonment, but 011 account of his remarkable good behavior daring his confinement he was pardoned. No sooner was he set at large when lie again committed the most deeds of brutality. A petition signed by hundreds of respectable Massachusetts men was issued for his pardon. Twen ty-five mothers of that state, recently Waited on the governor to protest against the maudlin folly of the petitioners fur pardon, and urged That the monster, wfct> had tortured and murdered helpless children should he hung with* out further delay lie say—lie "wn will ing to be hung, provided no rejxorter* should wit nam the hanging. • • News tsimes fixim t'hieago that the great western trunk lines of railroad im patient offhrther delay have enlisted in the railroad xxar It! light it through 1 lie Baltimore and t>hhi roatl liaxing lwen making eoutroet* for grain at k'Aper eut per 100 jwxumls from ("liieago to New York, the PiUshurg and l"it AVayne. Michigan tVntral ami Miehigan **tmtli ern xxhieh xxtirk intt>-t>|ieratioii xxith the lVtinsylvania, F.rieand New A oik i en tral railroads have put th>wii rate* pei 100 to New York dOcent* Philadelphia '.'•A cent*; Baltimore. ".'A eent*' Boston, to cent*. This action indicate* that the Sari toga eolttpaet is etilnelx brt'kt u up. east and west, and that the cutting of rates, originated by the Baltimore and Ohio and Pennsylvania comi>anic* ha* extended to all the trunk Hue- and in volved freight a well as pas ciiget bn*i ne** The result has lieen ha*tei iI bx the contest la'tweeii tlu trand li'.nk and ideal AA'estern railro.oi* in • in.id.t w hieh are in\ olx td in the . eiiera! i rel. t-\ni'Krn\tiuiHs rnn:i> m:\i- Kit's. Of all the disreputable politii i.iu* that ever flourished in the I nite I *tatt * tlu carpet-lxagger. who simv the eh *e ot tlu war, has tilled tlu- jst-nti..u of *enatt i . isnigrx—-man, governot >if ,in the .* nib ei ti state*. i> tlu* most tlisreputable im pudent, uu an. and unpriiitipleti The northern adventurer who has thus tem porarily fu*tened himself u|*m the *onth is the vermin u|sn the l**ly p-ditu- that would eat up and destroy it* xital* lo this stage *ouio el the Southern -tales have lct'U brx>ughl by the modern pli.ti i*ee who [Kicked up hisdirty Inn nin tlu moruing into his eariwt-lug. ami started from some uorthern stvtioii where he was ltankrui't in pur*e ami tharaeter, and on the evening of the same day we found him heraldr tl a* I v "*eiiator, congressman or govenior of some south ern commonwealth. It w.i> though fraud, and in violation of constitution and law. on the jsirt of the rule is at Washington, that the earj* t-lweyt i ob tained lit* plate in the south, ami it is by federal bayonets alone that he i* ena bled to hold theui in op!et>plc of the state* t whom they are a curse. A* it xxu* by fraud violence and violation of law and justice that the earpet-l-ayger *u et edetl iu mtxuo|s>iiriug the utfevs, high and low, in the Southern state*, heme it is quite natural that the— vetmin in the congress and state legislature will mij j>ort and champion all measure- iu vio lation of constitution ami law and *n— tain frauds and bayonet rule or tlu- }>art of the administration at AVashingt"ii, in order that thev may keep in favor with the ruliug [>owets and hold the plu.e* which they have obtained through the aid of the wrong thus practiced bx the national administration. Now these caq>et*baggers are l iiird- Term men. There i* —-arve .i republi can in the north, unless it 1h .hi <•!!; < - holder under Grant or hi* I mot- black • t KarU'r, but what i- opjmscd to the third term game. But you point to;. carpetdiaggcr, and you find him loinlh in favor of electing irant for a third time. This is natural. They owe tlieir places to the aid received from the AVhitcdiou-e —the man in the AVhitc house must haw the Southern state* under carpet-bag and Ivavonet rule in order to make a show for a third term in tlie national convention of his party. The game between theiu i nj*n the old hg-rolling plan: You help tue and I'll help you. Auy measure that i prov ed by Grant, no matter liow eharlv in violation of the constitution and his oath, is certain to receive the sup|s>rt of the carpet-bagger. History never told of a more subservient set ofliek-spittles. With radical drlcgtUn of the south in favor of Grant —and they are all under carjet-bag ivntrol—lie needs only some fifty from the north to in initiate hiui for a third term. Here is the secret f all Grant's bayonet tyranny in the south —it is another term he is plotliug for, and although the great mass of northern republicans are op|iosed to his nomina tion for a third term, vet he seems to "have got thctii"at last. While the cow - ardly carpet-bagger lord- it oxer the dowu-trodden people of the -outh he al so w ill be dictator in the next radical national convention and say who shall be nominated for President, and this right in the face of the almost unani mous voice of the northern republican*. EE. Y.v.s 17. r.4.Y/.r.V\A'H SEX I To/.*. The Philadelphia Enquirer, a well known republican organ, pay- the fol low ing compliments to Mr.JWallace: Mr. Wallace's maiden speech in the United States Senate on the Louisiana resolution was a noble triumph, and gave assurance that, after long waiting, Penn sylvania has at last a mcmWr in 'hat body who shall have something to say, and who -hall know how tosay it in such manner as to command the resjiect of j his fellow members. Mr. Wallace's ex -1 jierience as a debater in our state Heimte has not been without itagood results. It J gave him fit training forthehigher place* j and graver duties which he wa- elected to discharge. Besides his ripe scholarly culture, his natural ability and his pro found knowledge of American jo!itit>. Mr. Wallace possesses a reputation f*r invimible integrity and unbleiuislied truthfulness of character which cannot fail to be ajqirecintcd in a body like the United btates He uatt*. Altogether, Penn sylvania, has good reasons u, uiiigratu late itself ti|>n its ncwr Senator. COXXEi.TICI T bEM<> the conclusion tliat'thc miners will have to yield shortly and accept the demanded reduction of w ages, as their resources are not sufficient to |**rmi< in holding out much longer. We have been paying close attention j to the column* of the Philadelphia, Times, Col. M'ondents. Fearless and In.tepee- ' dent in its opposition to ring rule, its able editorial columns will commend it to the favor of all honest and intelli gent reader*. i 1 The Readlngraslroad company ,hntak- IcuiMdiHl stand, againis tin- Miner*'; 'and AA'orkinguien** Hem volcnl A- ,toia lion, a in) an irdcrha"bc n issued | roliil> it itig tilt? of their employe. * fawn b im: member* of that organ teat ion, a in) iioti- , fx tug them that those joining it would. In- di-cliuiccd immediately u|*>n (bo fact i becoming known ' , i],i> olHcci-* -f l! !iiiui|iiiiiy • ♦ • Now I!ntI lln no gojgc*. oiu ii.ii i.aiiM' of anxiety ami threatening 11.1 in age nttd destruction, lave p.i*-> >1 away (without doing t lit* tut nit I lull w • feared, anothci speck of Double i* looming iiji in tho coal diD ii I-. where I In- miner* are mi a strike, ami whore iiol and bloodshed utx likely to n suit any linlil l'li' innl region* aii' in a tearful state of i'Xi dement in i "!iM-i|niMn'i\ iiinl lif<* and jiro|Mii\ an unsafe lln \iiitii liai the militarx in nailim—n lo inn roll lo I lie -cone of disorxler II|I>II lln liril ililiiua (iou ilial (lio local authorilicaare jnwi i le**to pli *cl\r tllC |H':et. I'll© Hiilit*l— ami lulwrers' union U in antagonism (" iln- railroad nn>li-oulcompanies train* larv ititorfoivd with ,iu.l oWtiuctioti* plaecd uj-oii (In lr.uk*. in wreck train* and tin- mill* * sir abandoned, and the j .'-inkers thicatcu fr—h hand* whotnight I )*• illing to work Prince Hi-mark, iihttlcm may In- hi* fa ill Hi.—, i* not a i< ©hie man ii") afraid to iim' har*h |voWir* It i now said he will have the old law * forbidding intor ■urx between thf Pop© and tho t'ath- I• die clergy in Prussia,except throughthc Kiiicrnnii'itt, re-emoted, ami that niea*- on * will IK- inirodmcd wholy *us| ml* iiit tin' l"a|al authority in Germany "un til tin* I'ojio abandon* hi* jr* -tensions u> M .uio-1 thf law * of tho Kingdom " rut: l ira i:x< ri-i.it n Pari*, Marvli 'l'lif 1 ni\i*• jinh 'li-ho* tin* Pajtal Knoyoiieal renewing 'thr excommunication |irximiuufx-tl against thf old t. atiiolii- , i Switzerland ! and censuring thf authoritix* for pro tooting thfin. Berlin, Marvli '.o -1, Ihmx |.> i-- 'lor, Prince Bishop of lln—lau, ha* U < n -unmioiud ton*igu |.:* bi*hoprik be ifjtiiM* lu* promulgated thf l'np.i Km x iflifsl against fth—i*lifal laxx* The conference of Roman klitholn |ii*h<>|i* at Kilhla i* hfld with closed door*. tin* *uhjfvt tit thf uifftint i* to discuss and i**uo a ]>ustoral letter oon tv mint tin- hill If fort- tin Russian I lift •withdrawing ""tat. grunt* from the j church. Till I 1 IT* I i/ t MUX I i//"\* A* fat a* thi* country ,* mim rliol, -ax—the New York H ■ rl i >| ii itu..h*ui met it* Waterhaxin the luirMitu* of thx- Katy Knit huhhh-in riiila w .-re ovcrniti xrith rvjx.rt* from tin other world ami eommuiiitatior.* from belie\t ra; tlu publisher* added to lln fXeitfliient by the ami lilua-lnelitof new IxHtk* on Spiritualism, ami tb> ante r.. m* of *-'adr. Ko*ter. Nlaiistie! I uid the other prufe**ioltal deiuoiistnitor* of tlu- immortality of the **>ul yit-re throng ed with eager eustouier* Hut simv tlu* Philadelphia gh"*t eotife**'d itself in lw 'a )H>xnru widow in tlu- fh-li, and Mr. Dale (>wt-ii puhlishol hi- meloiifholv t tifossioii, all is i hanged. The -ensa tiou miltsidfd in an iu*tant. It exajo nited, a* it were, into thin air. and xxith it A had t. the Fahly—, tin traveling me dium* and the Spiritualistie 1* -k* and jfouiiuuuieations luixc di*ap|watt -t in thi- country. N'<>t long ago it was an nounced by tin English Spiritualists writb u fioiirisb <>f truuipiu-ts that two noted uul>eli( vers bud {><*.• >nu- emit cri ed and had develo|ed into powerful me diums, and ware producing the most extra and couviining physical manifestations, i row ds of people went to their dark s ene> and saw tlow rsund sweetmeats drop from tog ceiling, and felt eggs and orange slip into their hand* from unknown sources. The dead were called up and were* recognized by the visitors, a nwonnut living through the room was identified by .1 Spiritualist as the one which In* had eaten in his own house many mile- away a short twin? he fore, the tables duneeil and mysterious IH-US and HA njoe- were sounded, some of the believers saw "a gigantic figure," and other- "the wings of the attending J spirits," and, tuore astounding than all. i-cveral gcnttc-un.-u and ladies cm- I phaticirlly stated that they fett tiu i,u*- j 1 limns floating in the air. When the excitement wu-at its height ion a recent occasion, the mediums called f..r light-. Then they addressed their jaudu-m 1 and a-ked if the phenomena were*satisfactory andc n themselves, so that they might I more effectually explode the fraud. It i- to b< ho|K'. The Rescued Party of the Hchoout r CJeorgP S. Fogg—Account of the ir Suffering* Baltimore. March U9.—The name* ot too .ten men brought t" thi- port yesterday by the rtear. 1 • \.< tihci'g. Captain Jaeg. r who were ".uk*:. oil the schooner George 8. Fogg ofT the bsiik. of New Found laud, nn nccount of which wa* telegraphed L. i night, are Andrew Mooney ami Thoma* Mooney, hroth vuirew M<>oney, who i* among iho:e nr. the Number# The ice ha*beenirruall the winter, and tonic* of! the vitiugw 1 g'./.eoui up-..!, it frequ. ot ly to hunt 'es birds it I. ..1 r>.. tigtn of m iviog before the lata! day lie - ' pojU Lad been leclved tor n seek from the [ hendlamls that i \c-o-| was MM abv.it. nn,l en the second of March tin hiigwnsdi ovrrcd, twonn J a half m'lc froiu the horn, fast in the ire. Tiie pnil.V ol thirty : .or, nil men but .lam- tirncc, wa- ijtiieklv gathered, and they .tailndmit on the lee 111 r, m| .pent the day on i board. I otvi r,l ciciung till \ stinted holllt-w aid but H:,1 IH Ipi I-ecded far when the tern ! lee In, , was presented to thcin Hint the i e I nd palled between them nnd the shore, (lt d Ho opening wns increasing every tin- • li t lit Coil.tcl nnti i. Si-i.'- d on tllelll n thev h.i'trntd foiwaid, and each tt.i , away lu. hens \ outm tiling a lie ran, to be iiu oinbet i d at little us po.-ibli*. \\ I ii (In brink ol the ii e was i. achrd the .paii ol wator between them and thchoio was a half mile w ide Ihe i.* had broken one lulla >-t*l lluln (he land and the immense Held upon w hit h ' they >t,, d Hoateil steadily lurther out li. j "a It was now ipiite ,laik The party wa. exhausted nnd but bnlfidud and they prepared fur the terrible cold which toou "•In At Ht.l it tallied until thii Were ml Wet to the tklli i lie I alii then turned to sleet al.tl -now, (ill) wind Voi led to (hi north *II viand tin eold becalm inien.e, , I i tierce bln.t. ot wind tutting them to j t' , t-nto* I'hi n began tin elt'ort for life the un it stamping their tret, running mad- ' I I about, and the unite sturdy encouraging 1 the week and faltering 1 b - 1,1 -ti.l increased, Until, as Mnonel - lis. it had leached a degree ut intensity In I is)Ul*d befotc 111 that latitude this wui-.1. .it midnight the cold and evliau.- lii :i 1 t _.in to tell upon the doomed one® ' it: tin attic* patty. First one and then an* ot'.e ot Hum would he down, .ay iiig h< could go no furthci The other* would! j . h them Up and try to keep tin tu on tinn it t, but t.t.er reeling tor a short distance like tlrui:ken men they would fall *ti-< L-ss upt li tliv ice and die withaut a strug gle-. I hose a'. Ie 1 o keep their feet hud Ci.ougll to tto to keep themselves tlolii lali . ig into the lat.nl ictl.uigv, and with sad] hearts iitch Victim Was ...*(t te his fate NY he n morning da iv tied seven t..i;-,- w t*rc count d at inter i nls upon the K t- ahd ' ot the remainder none t -*uKI tell who wa-'' to tie the nest victim .N L, Id of n<* twenty feet stjuale, lloatc-d near the brink ot the t* e in the OJ m Water, upon which | nir>c wf them got, hoping that it would flout toW atd the shore ice, and they could thus .-as e theU. t.v , * NYheli ilhalti-.lt* ■ d tUDyards from the n e Upon which their coliirndcs stood, it gioundcd, an,i the i.u. fortunate- remained upon it for tbler iLv. and nights, during which time su , f them died, the other three being tit -.* picked up by the schooner (ieorge S Fogg on the Ot March. All H*v fuo,| they had in atl that time wa* a small white !-it, wlm:, wu fros*-*n in '.ho ice. This was tlivi led between thc.n f th. thiv nn n two are vii the Nurnbcig, vi.' JutiU Fuer, ill the ship s I s|>ital bud ly* fre -t 11 and Juilirs I'eddlv . Ihe i-.gh teeo mt ii teiuaiutug after the nine floatsd •• '■ ith ih;, ''l brig, w Inch wait cht !y iamno-1 in the tee and was carried with A ■ vi* , led to die in lur. an-l -outi* , * tin !w ad |,"l thtir sense* before reach •: c her !i. ii't'nail time. lin !.-i Ha., .i, ho admit they Hri, ut.- ! . r ■ -lib! irut read her tiaui" but - w -ii i* not Kiig'i-b The crew had M ' • 11/.'-w fluid, a tillsj" t.ear S: Ma il !.• 1-1 i : Mitch. 11.. bi ige 111, lied with th* .i. tvi a wc< kin ■ igbl cf the land iiu-l tt.i ih. rni. il were on her t- n du.i-. ioa •(Ui -tlslll a* to rhiw the new* would |be lei < ;vcl iu St Mar- • M>>"liey r.-p.ied, ' "Then' i- now mourning in every Ii -o-e --iiold, for they d tie! know that any nt u 1 are saved. He said Ilia! h- had six vhiidri-u, and '.(.at SOll.i of those w t,o hud do-d have faint, ( lies t'jually „• large. The tWu tun, will 1 be tnken in i liarg.- by the Qriti*h consul to j day, w !■• wiil probably send them home ; in the Ctt|-:an. which g <- to Hslifiax I thi- W.-ek. . . . MEXICO Further Particular* ut the Religious M:t—acre At Acnpulco. N* N ork. Mar. h Ul. N llrraiu • .or ; rc-fs-n jent gives the detail* of the t-ri Tie I religious massacre in that town on the 1 night of January UOth lei. Mr. Uutvhiuson, pastor of the Presbyterian congregation of the city of , Mcxif" was invited to Acapulco last year bv a lawyer named Procopiu Dtar and ; other* to organi/e a new congregation, the 1 nucleus i-fj whi-h had already eiislcd nearly a year. Finding no suitable sub* stilutc, Mr. Hutchinson same Jwwn in December nnd to k temporary charge of the r.< w church. About ninety peraon* were t,>und desirous of embracing the new doctrine and the old vacant Catholic Church was rented, and on the k'lih of January xm opened in due form, Hutch it;->n preaching twice that day. During the pr.viou- li nth. ttir#.its had been thrown out by adherent! of catholicity agairist their opponent*. The former claim to have been *y*tcmalicaly insulted bv the Protestant- who had a small newspaper organ. Ttio iatu-r energetically deny they had done anything utore than fairly dis cus- sectarian dogma*. A prayer meeting wit* held by Mr. Hutchinson on the even ing of the Villi and a similar gathering wa* agreed on for tho next evening This meeting wa* held but Hutchinson wa* ill and in consequence wa- unable to be pres ent. Tho Protestant Church has only two doors, both opening on the street. One was closed and the other, nearer the tow n open. In front of the door, between it and the -tru-t, an umbrageous tree grow*. Un der the shade of thi* tree anil at either sido oi the ijoof ""atchine proceedings within the church, the n*,a*stns, number ing tome thirty-five or forty men, took their -tand. Procopio Diaz had ndd'e-s cd the congregation in place of the absent niiiii-tir, nnd they were singing a hymn, win i; tight or to II of the cut throat* out *ido cn'. -U-d, ami dividing among them solve. t>vioup*uu . Inn J n"ar either side of I the pulpit. Thr-e inturiiate dovils bared their mur , daivits iniicbele.-, and commenced an in ' discriminate ".laughter of the peaceful in matc of the church, not entirely indi ci iiuimilc, rot il.i. It of the murderers and one of hi* men marked out Diaz, as their special victim. A couple of machete blow: were aimed at hi* head, which, if received in full force, inu-t hai u termi nated his existence. As it happened, h had sufficient presence of mind to dodge hi* head heiiinJ the pulpit, and a portion of the hoard was cut through before the weapon reached its mark. He drew a pis tol and tried to fire, but iii- assailants were too quick fur him. und the leader indicted a ghastly gnsh on his hand. While this wa passing, the heroic wife of Diaz, pick ed up m iiu.il, iti-h® 1 "pon her husband's would-be-tnurdurcr* pinned him t>. the wall, and by inairi force wrenched the ma chete from hi* bloody bands. With this sho defended hciself, and hastened to the aid of Diaz Perceiving a favorable op portunity she sat"! io her bttshnnd, "now fire. Hi- did o and fatally shot the leader. Within tlic church, a bloody and mur derous hand to hand light wa. w aged for six or eight minutes. The machete l was wielded with fearful effect. Human flesh was cut and gashed like bullock meat, while blood streamed in torrents over the flour now encumbered by dying and grounded men and women. Ten ur a dor.- en shots wcrcgriid, r, fey frorp tjjoasiaibd, some of whom hud revolvers. At the commencement of the onslaught, those who were near the door all tried to escape. Ties was ii fatal mistake, for as the wnishippers gained the street, they weic dehbciatelv • otdvwi) by ambuOied iu&s.il it'll' "!•' .111 t- >tlt idi-J lit the dooi ii. Ibis way the Autettwan citizen, Jien rv Mortis, met hit death IL- head Wns nearly severed from hi* body hy a ma chete blow, Mini his chi *t tilt open at a itgli -iroke He ami (ww other molt ami woman WHO killed outright, rtlul t-lrvwii woumle l more or le>* ivwrily, ol whom st veial have since dit d. Vloiliswa. a colored loan fr<-iu llo>toii lit II HVISN Wde tiud stitlal cltildrcil The ma -i-eie commenced about tin min utes alter tight o'clock, and la-ted only sis or eight uiinut > The Brat new* whirb the authorities had > I it wa from a Wi-unded man called Juan Id Ni*gro ( who inadi a i v to I'lara, and at the drug slori* th- .* wa* nn I I \ Majtu Franc t*o Nlejta, coiuuiui.tltr ola few Federal troojM sla* ti"i * d ah ut Kl tYipuli'o Mi'Jla at unci !urtt tl on a tun to tht- .celiw of action,! *OlllO hdyattis 1 It, and a tew luiuulet In ' t< r, the town p dice followed. Boon aftel i the h'eileral troop* from ill" castle Were on ! the ground. More than Ave minute-could not lit,v 1 olap.ej Irom the 1 losing of the! battle to the time when the authorities' reached their post*. A* usual ill such cases, the p dit e alltl alili v t attic 1,,0 late 1 lln v got to the fatal licit! only to pu k up tiie dead and wounded, but not early enough l < at 1 crl upon the spot or follow up any one who could he ictoguired a. a' participant in the dreadful tiagedy. Ont-I of the assassins who wa* desperate!)' wounded ai d could not get out of the way • was taken into custody anil pln d iu|t lom] • ill ill is-ltd t-lit. Illy in hit. been' taken, in which, ot t ourse, it appt rctl hi tiguietl a* a spectator only. A couple ot ether wounded men Were apprehended, but us nobody has appeared to implicate them, the prosecution may be tookrd upon' a. abandoned. I ME DI(A*i(TN*TUUDNK. t tun.olio - ulteuiiiiig the Lntlirotie iiieiit of the New Emperor of( liintt li.. Daiiy New i contains the following e iiiurUtiit allon Irom a correspondent: Hit I'littrsdav u Itew Emperor ascended the throne oi t lit,, I lie ceremonies at liidaiit upon sut h an occasion having II thing in comiiitin with an event of the -vine kind in Europe In the West the main featu*e ot wliat take, place it the am inlllig with oil and placing u crown up on lite head. hcuceWi use the Word "cor onatu-ii lii China there 1. no crown. i lie oii'.w .rJ otlivial tyuiboloi sovereignty ii that land is a throne, known as lli'c "Dingoti Thrci 1 and it is the Installa tion into t!,i. winch Constitute* the err,*. uie.ny The itvc-clawed dragon i* imp*. nil, and may be almost con-idered as a per- i It. atoii . ! the Emperor s>f his p..w - cr \V !;at. 1, r hrieiig- to the Emperor i . ailed the Drag all hence the title of the throne When the ..-million pencil, 1- • , aid tl the "Drag n'- J'eiuil, ' u used u|a-n imperial decree-, they then tpl-ear in the I'ekin (ianrlte as "from the Tit rune. 1 lot* uf the most important de partmei.ls offl*le in l'ekii. 1- Hint known a. Lite 1.1-|HH. or Board of Kite. It has n 1.0 -I V> Is)llitl'OU* Code of laws or rules of am ..-ut (Jute to guide it. proem-dings l'art "f this Li'i-.ns, 01 at least 11.intimately connected witli it, i> thr AMmmmi IL..ltd At home heie we have tome very t uit - umalgamatioMs of stale office., hit it would paill* a Western to tell wliv *• It m my should he a pail of the ) -rJ t hamberlain - function \\ hen it i- cv ! ..0 J that the palace at I'ekin i- to this il.iv iu * 1 nditnoi something like what we read - I Pharaoh's tit Egypt or Helshnr :.r - ID Babylon, and its- attsi hevl to it utr.ard*. so,,lhsaVers and magi, ian*. ti,e matter begins U clear up. The t-ardjust meritivUcd is in reality an a.trol -gical bo dy, whoso duty i! is to calculate lut ky day s -itid f irtut .tt I urs or minute, t > guide the Emperor and his Hot eminent in their :.tlioos Hue of the rumor* lately current in C'oiiH a- to why war Was h-ng in he ingdeclared again*! Japan rvplaiiod that this board rvsutd not make up its mind as to the !u< ky moment tor doing so. It -eetii- they have l-eeti tr.-ul ed with less difficulty in finding at. lit iieu. day forth* making of the selected rhtld into all etu- l*rror. Ihe i'rtinJiu on the dfrtmuu are not • ory elaborate, and they ar<- more . pi a, ap plied to the proclamation. Musi. .an and inc>>ne bearer, are in attendance When nil i- prepared, the chief of the Hoard of Kile - t induct. the Kmperor front Li* pri • .it ■ room- to a golden carnage ; in lb is lie ridee with attendant* carrying banner-. gnia. Ac. Prominent am g thi <• i the imperial yellow drag.oi umbrella;, there i* alio an escort of body guard*. J-'ie phai.U •h 'lild f. rm |itoi thi. procession according: rule, hut on th>. hut occailon, it in said that they had all died, und had to t. dispensed with On reaching the throne hall, the head of the artronomica! body announce* that the auspicious mo ment fai ascending the throne of the Tat- Ching K \ or the "Kmpire oftir.-al Pu rity, ha come The Kmperor then a.- , celid* and lakes hi* seat, the proper p • i [ tion being to ait facing the south. With incense burning and muic founding, e,r i ry one prenl down to the gi-und i and perform* the kow-tow, which ii the 1 knocking of the forehead nine tile- upon i the ground a* an act of obeiaance. Thi* it I lollowid by laking the procianiution from the beak of the plioenix, and when it i* reeled the eeremonv i- complete An em |ptrorhii been evolved into visible xi | teiic He is not onlv the "Son of Heav eti," btjt he is also "yitC(*erer! of j,IJ un der Heav.in. iha meant of producing tut ha being toetxit vary simple. yet tho rot nil it tiioti wonderful. Ily thi* procctt a tiiaii in the present cn-e it is only a very • moll boy—i* transformed into a demi g.-.l —at lead he ii surh to the Chinese. The proclamation i printed and tent to all paru of the empire, and is received and pined on by the officials with about the sani" mark* ol homage b . i. me due to thaKuiperor'i miui Vuaravor it i read nil go on their knti . and per form the kow-tow. In official language this Is making the event known "to i| un der heaven. Heaven, according to till-, does not extend beyond the margin of the Chinese Kmuire, for that i- tho limit to which the intiniation will be tent that n new Whang-to, or Emperor, has come to the thron •a' Peki". If the Oler'.ial < '*!• cials *eeii to our Jiiinq* limited a* to the extent to which sin ii new* should he for warded. they amply make up for it iu oth er ways. On all important occasions such a- the present, heaven ii informed of the event. This is done by a ceremony at the (irc.it Temple of Heaven, ■ #lt * incamc arc oftrsd, but the aaodaof tiaai* milting the information to tho upper world i* not egnctty known , mot probably it i.- by burning a copy of the proclamation,! for according to Chinese ideas anything which 1* burnt ascend* in the smoke to Tien,or heaven, nnd lliev have soma pe-l culiar religious rites which are founded upon this notion. At the Imperial Ances tral Temple another ceremony is gone ; through to inform the new Kmperor'- an- i c.stors of what hn happened. At the . Temple of the i'.trth an„thof ccrern nv i- i performed to lot the earth know of what lias taken place—lt Is the veritable earth ' | to which this message is sent ; "all under! . heaven'' means the people tinder heaven It seem* that these rile- are not celebrated , by priests, but bv princes. Tho function i is" no doubt vicarious, a they act fur and represent tho Hiop.-iOi'. *nsi telegram < has put the new Kmperot's age at three . years and another at five. Tho explnnn- 1 tion of this i- easy. Kvery Chinaman adds one year to his real ag", nnd tho Kmperor adds two. The three year- may thus be"! the age counting from hi* birth and the five years the official imperial age. His; father's name fa Prince Chun, but his own) j niimo ha. not yut boon declared. A new name is always assumed by an Kmperor t on coming to the throne. Tung-Chih, "the union of law and order," was the one ta- | ken by the late Etnperor, und bv that he is . known no public documents, coins, Ate. The present Manchu dynasty begun iti lkll. but Tai-Tsung had adopted tho titlej of Kmperor of It wro not till the •' flr-t giye;j dit'e tha' th : la-1 of the Mjngsj, killed the whole or Ifia harem and hanged ' liiin-elf. when a nephew of Tui-Tsung's, a " child of sevan, was proclaimed Emperor; with the title of Sliun-Clilh, and the new 1 dynasty was called the Tni-Ching or Ureal Pure dynasty. lie who has just begun U | sit in the dragon tbrono is the ninth Km-) pnrur ofthis dyioot v, counting from Shun- v Chili. TIIE CHRISTIAN AT WORK The Christian at Work appears now with an entirely new outtil of type, and present a remarkably neat and striking appear ance. The editorial pages are in large type, and the contributed atticles are also printed with a distinctness vory refreshing to old eye* as well as to young. This cvi dencc of prosperity will gratify ibenutner ous friends of thi widely popular religious weekly. The Lebanon ' News'' says that Mr. Jeremiah Showers, ol Annoville, was the recipient ..f m very 1 irge orange by express la-; w eek It - appearance c aused suspi-j ■ hill, an examination was made, and enough arieuii was discovered to poiiba his entire family. 1 Till A M KHIt'AN KYANOI LISTS IS LONDON At the mniiing meeting nn Tuady nig Id, March en>ih" 1, union Christian \N i.r1.1, th* aiidleiu, could not lime been i"■ to he •lene in London, however, liad mu.t do ii It Wan nut any new tr< .pel that London I wanted, nor any new power. It was the j-alio- old, old i"ry, llint the mini.tern ol 11 lu hurt-he. ha.l been telling couliniially. 11, than cuulimieii In. discourse of wlii-h the following is n condensed report . liud i way. were riot on I way., nor Hi. ithought, our thought s, and we mu.t nut ( mark out channel* lur the Uuly (ihost to •OF k 111 w hell II come.. When tjod Mat g -nig todettroy the world, and wanted HI. :rk built li.- did not toll a nation t"doit neitlo r did He call upon hundred* of men 'to do it, hut one man, and he a tuan who wa coiutemptihlc in the tight of the i world, for the M>>rld laughed at hiiu and I mucked hiiu \\ hat was highly ctleeiut-d .by man wa. an abomination h. Hod, and what aa* highly t.teemed hy tlod wa* an abomination to man NN hen He wanted .to bring three million, of jwople out of Egypt. IL* way et doing it wa. ijuite dif ferent from any that man would have adopted H- did in t tend an army with I chariot., hut u man who huj been forty year, on the bat k n.le of the deterl, and ■i lion- name 1.a.l been forgotten among the children <>| 1 .real, a man tlow ot (pooch, > elullrriug man. There nut u man ilio.e name .hone out on the page of Di ! \iiie hi.lory but was considered a fool in Ilit day. lie had no doubt that Enoch wa. considered a great fool in the tight of the w rid, but he walked with Ood. and t.oj .bought in much of him that he said, ' "Come uji higher," for h liked hi. com i patty. Noah wa. the laughingstock ot it. day. Men iiiade great sport of hint out lie Wa" wiiiiltg to be a fool lor tiod • -ake, and (oi| u.ed hiii) and hle.ied htm.! , And if we want to be of use to tiod He must he witling to he fool* in the .ight of! 'the world. Look at Joshua going round the wll" el Jern ho. It wa. a most absurd | sigl.l, Ilow the Loudon pres. would have ' come do an upon a scene like that! Fancy the Archbishop of Canterbury and ollierj dignitarie* going round London blowing raiiir born.. Everybody would he dt*-i gutted, and .ay they thou'd have goldnn truiupeU at leal' But that Wa* not trou ► way. L -ok at Samson When the spirit I in.on him huw lie worked ! With ajaw- | botir of nn a., he slew a thousand men.' i'e lb" now a dl> - Were Hot willing t ) work w.th a jaw -bum of an a>. Tliey j wanted tome puli.hed Weapon* that the world would not say anything against,! but Samson came down from the ri*h,j and took up the flr.-t jw bone ot an at that he came at ro. and went out and! .lew tiie l'biluliiic. right and left. What] wa. wauled now w as that ev.-ry o-ie stiould { grab up the tirst jaw -hone of all u- that ttu-v could lay hold of, and not wait to do! -.ui.o great thing. How ab.urd it mu-t nan- 1 ■ '."i! to liideon with his thre ■ liundred u> -n with pitcher* What iju-t-r weapon*those were' but every malt"! >ud in his place, and there-nil was that th y foi.ud Ihi tyholo arty. Look at Elijah fed l-> such uncb-aii. Contemptible thing, as rawi.s and when the Lo-d lint hun sonic where - -Mier- that they were all right and left handed men. That wa tt ha! I. mdon wanted now, men w hoe. odd ue the'-r right hand or their left I .i d, their eye*, their tongue*, thotr ears for tho King 4 f Glory. \N ho would have thought of Kisha t. lake the place of the w in,lerlul old prophet Elijah' M.-nnow a dav* would go to the school* ot the prophet* and pick out some theological professor, but Elijah found a tnan behind tweli c yoke of oxen, and Rlisha slew hi* oxen and stalled otl with Elijah, conse crating alt to tha senri of tym. t'hri*'. lis, titii i...il aloand 111-ix the luarncd and the wise, but UaliliNin fi>hortncn, and that handful of men shook the world. Even t . fore He > ould use S*ul the name liad t ■ he . hanged to Paul the Little What 1. mdon wanted, and what the whole world wanted, wa n -t ehwiuence, but Chrit, and Him crucified. Let every man and soman, then, who loved the Lord Jesus, begin to publish the giad tiding- of alva tion ; let tin tn talk to then neighbor- of the I ve . f Christ and •) r lh < ;tv. |*ir .t v*t able (h do it. The world jd .1 i t like to have Qhrist preached, hut It wa jut what the World did i.,t like that Christian* mul give it. The lion of hell was overcome by a liou ; but the Lion of the tribe of JuJah was also a 1,-tilth. There was weeping once In heaven when John found no one worthy to open the 1t..0k ; hut at last one touched him and aid, 'Weep not. Johr f r ll.u it <.ne wortcy Kit- 4,ii •*•* the tribe of Judah ha* prevailed, and 11" i* worthy.' And when John turned round to look at the Lp t. it m a slain Latnb. (iod's Lion is a Lamb slain. It was tho weaknes# of tiod tliat overcame the strength of man. Then, in order to succc* there must he union among Christian*. There were three class"* of people thst Of.ahl ic s.i . ualhit" With ti.i n: ,-ctnenk f.very niin istcr who v,srtP"l ti Crown Christ Kmg ought to be interested io the work, < very riahhnth syhaol sup. rir.u ndent and teach er, avttry missionary nndoolportaurought,' at least, to ]>ry for It. and every father unJ mother ought tojoin in it When he was in Liverpool the other day a woman i ,me to him with ft photograph of a beau tiful boy, who. *hc said, would now be nineteen y.-ars old. She -aid h" hrhc did I ;,ot kno* what had become of hint, and' -ho asked him, if he *aw him in London, 1 to try and win him to the Lord, that lie might come bat k to cheer her heart, i There wore many such hovs in London, and he hoped CJod would bring them t<>; " ri-t, *o tnat they might go back to be a hlo-ing to their parent* and totho Churrh at large To 1 11 snob he would sgv, our! moWA rt.it Kxi-- jdu, and vfani- v .la ;return. Her heart i* breaking for you Hod w ants you ; Jesus wants you. There i room In heaven for you ' If there wa 'unity among Hod's people in this wmk. 'no power earthly or infernal could vtaiu! against it. When the Church, the pulpit, and the pew were all of one mind. Chris lianity would be iiU•• a red-hot ball rolling over the earth, und all the hosts of de.itfi ri;.d i.c'.l not hi a tile to rdii-t it. I 'fty this," 'hid Christ, "shall men kron that ye aro My di'dples, ifye love one m- : other." For the Reporter. /Wi'e/ifrd t>> (ht Htmoiy •>/ i, l\ It, (tUISf. Thou art gone, ye* g>ne from titv home away. And thy -istore tubs the now in their play; iSorrow All* the heaits of thv parent - now, While therold hand of heath rest, on th\ brow. |l; to unfold, Thou sleep, sweetly sleep, in Jesus' em* btacc, But no earthly joy can e'er till thy place ; Thy cradle is empty and vacant thy chair, But we look tip to heaven and know thou art there. P. L7~SPA NGLER, Attorney-at- Law, j Bellefonte, Pa. Office with hush Jn Yocuni. Consultation in English and German. Collections prompt ly attend ed to. febo-tf BEITTPHE NO OTHER PI ANu Kdli I E attain ed the same popularity. '••end tamp for Circular. I>. f. Bt IT FY Washing-, ton, Nw Jersey. • 1 BE ATT Y&PLOTTS O \TTV A I'LOTTS I'clebrnletl (soldo, lot,gnu PARLOR ORGANS arc ranked by nmlaint musician* and di*-j tiriguHhcl hjitii of honor thiooghout iho world the i* tiling |* \ HLOIT IIKHANK now in it-" Ait i < rrgnn for tin- < linri li, Hull I. oil ml" in this a MI | Mlllrrrtit"|||i-|it. AII oiler : Whore wo buv, li" agent- r will allow any one tbe agent discount in order to have till* wonderful n,u*ieal pro dueing instrument Inlredut 1 No other I'm lor Organ hi- attained In the lame popularity. Send stamp for price li.l and a lilt otj trillniuiiiili. Address lIK.VPTV A FLOTTB. Washington, NN arren County, N J Ho! for Sug&man's!! , I nut o|eni IIA KERN, PLOWS. -TON ES OVEN IXMIKS, KETTLE I* LA 1 K>, CELL A R G R A TKS. I'LUW SHEAR- A MILLHK.\mN lIOK-K PnW KK, which ha 1 eeh utd cxten*ivelv iu :the"northern and western States, ana ha* taken j-rei Jem e over all "tk*n. Wo aro prepared to do all KINDS OK iCASTIXtI fr.on the largest to the -tnall est. and have facilities for doing all kind* of IRON WORK such a* PLANING, rU&NIXG BOKINU, Ac. All k'nd' of repairing done on short no- VAN PELT A SHOOK, jan-l-1 v. (\.r,ti*t Tfall. CENTRE HALL t I COALiI BIIOP. I j HYI lIHHAV, 1 il hli MUbliliinrt it (Vnlrc 11*11. keeps 'on hand, and tr ;i :*. at the in. -I reason** ble rates. : Carriages, puggtas, 4 Spring Wagons, Pi. aim and Fancy . and vehicle* of every description iu*de to , <>rdor, and warranted to be made of the , best seasoned material, and by the moat skilled and competent workmen. Peroty . wanting anything in hi* line rr requested . to oall a:.d c. amino bn work, they will | find U not In be excelled tor durability and I wear, may 3tf. | LEVI >ll Kit 11. XnTARY IT lU.lt', SCRIBXF.U AND t'oXYKYAM F.R. C K STRK I! A I. L, P A Will attend !■> n In.inUtorlati piti-*. Vc kt.-.wi. IK 'Min* of Deed*. writing Ar-' itieleof Agreement, Deeds, Ac tuavlfi p. n. wii.son. i. t. HICK*. WILSON & HICKS. WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL ! alvtat ■ Mini Spue leiiler>. Ituihlers llsmlwarej CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, j 1 SADDLER'S TRIMMINOS, j AI.L KINDS OF HARDWARE AND' IHTSK FURNISHING qoQPS. STOYKS. j 111 SPEARS ANTI-CLINKKR STOYKs'j A nor BLR HEATERS wbi'h will heat one or two room* downjj stair*, and same numlnr above. Coatli very little more than slngla stove*. These arc li e he . t parlor itovel made. j 1 SITSQUKHAN NA COOK 1 STOVE. J This stove nn large oven*, will burn 1 hard or soft coal and wood. Everyone|* warranted.to give perfect satisfaction. j* WILbUX A HICKS, niarlM ti Bellefonle, Pa j I BEATTY Pl * N °l' ENDORSED BY THE lUOHEST Ml'. I SICAL authorities throughout the world I as THE BEST D. F. BRATTY, ProprU , etor, Washington, N.J. * A.J. ORNDORF. DENTIST. Is still located at (drove Mills and; 1 is now prepared to trnrel to the home* of c patients at a ditanee and render anv de-'i sired service in his line, in the best man-1; ner, of best quality and at rMtaonable rates Insertion of new dentures made u i .specialty. Treth at.-ucted ditkout pa,„. i 2ljan 74 I] RFATTV piano! I I I Thl# aplendld I*l* j ano lorlc combine*; every improvement In tone with power* and gr'Ht durability, and ha* receivedl the unqualified endorsements of (he high est Musical authoritl#* tor it* Marvell<>u> extraordinary rlchne*# of Tone, having No SUPERIOR IN THE WORLD litrio lir*. 7i Octave*, overstrung Bass, j i full Iron Frame, French Grand action,. Frit Desk, Carved Pedal, Solid Rosewood) Moulding*, Ivory Key Front, Capped; 11 amuie r*, a Graffs Treble, Ac., A< , Ac Weight w hen boted over One Thousand Pound Liberal ditcount to the trade ! Agent* Wanted finale or female.) 'c > 'iid stamp for t'treular. AJJre. i the liivcdior un.l Proprietor, DANIEL F. | BKATTY. W.tshincton. New Jertev. C. IECK'S New Coach Manufactory. CXNTRE HALL, PA. The uudertigned has opened a new es tablishment, at hi* new (hop*, for the manufaetuie of Carriagea, Buggies, At Spring Wagons, Hi.ait,ii* anii Hutpa, Plat* A*P F**r* of every detcription , All vehicle* manufactured by bin are warranted to render satisfaction,and a* •ijusl to any work dt be excelled for durability and finish. Ordrrsfrom a distance promptly attend ed to. Come and examine my work before | contracting elsewhere. PRICE* REASONABLE, All ktudsof Kcjiariog done, yRW Gn-itina part cf Indies and iCbildrcn'r Merino Loir. Collar*, Kid glovca, 1 cat ouality - Ilk anl Lisle thread (loye*, II • "is. Nubias. Breakfast shawls, HATS & CAPS. I '• A full a >or tmeut ot Men's Bor'iand Children# ' the latest style and beet. ( LOTIi I Mi, Brady made u ejtoice selection of Mea'i and R.yy'nd the newot ityle* and o: serviceable materials. BOOTS & SHOES, WM. WOLF. i • CENTRE HALL Hardware Store* j i J a. DKININOEK j A !•*, complete Hardware Store ha* been opened by the undersigned in Cn-, tre Hall. where he ii prepared to sell ail; kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nails, &e. Circular and Hand Saw, Tritium Saws, Webb Saws, Clothe* Back*, a Jul', UMtt-< meat of k. Hinges, Screws. Sash Springs, llorse-Bhoes. Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coal j Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, Vices, Del lows! Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools, Factory | Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, CarpintW Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paint, Oils Tarnishes received aud for sale at ' una." W-tf. J_A ,| HARRIS. BEATTY p ITTot AGENTS WANTED! (Male or Fe male.) to take orders. I). F. BEATTY, " ashington, Now Jersey, TOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters tes- JLj tatocntary to the Estate ot Rebecca Books, late of Potter township, Centre county aee'd,, having been granted to the' undersigned, U person* Indebted to the I said eslHte are requeue.! to run I<• immedl- I ate settlement, and th< c having claim* to j present them dulv aiitheuticated for uav-' "tent. A LOKENBACH, , I Mar 11.dt. Executor. I FOR FARMKIIM AND ALL OTHFR Mo to I. fiiigffeuheinier. j FOR FOREIGN A DOMKMK 1)1(1 GOODS. NOTIONS, READY MADECLOTHIM. DKMWOOM, OROCKRIEg, riOTUIOKa, ROOT# Jt alio KM, ilATrt, CAR&, liUOiAA fchOLf (XOTHIXO, Oil. (IX'ilit ASU FARCY ARTICLE# (jUKENSWARK, GROCERIES. PRO VIRIONS, FLOUR, Ac aud ia uow prejiarcd to accomodate i I his old cuHowera, aud to welcome uli uew onea who may fatrur biro will their patronage. Jf e feeia safe in as) - iug that he eau pieaac the rooat fastici . . oua I .'all aud see. U I 5* AA £ OUGOIItIIE^ER. I. H.—Mr. Suasniau still euatitwea to deal i eftahlUbcui tit, he now otforsat pie*s which w ill uit toe time* - JACOB DlN'fiKP. Centre IJH Stoves! Fire! Stov'si At Andy Rcetwmu'a, Ceutru Hall, ai latest and ten store* out, he ha* ju*l received a large lot of Cook blorea, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS The Radiant Light, self-fe. der, bt* Burner. National Egg. Jewell. Ar. sa-"w*stoveaat LO W a* anywhere • in Mifflin or Centre eo. TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE S ™VK PIPE * KPOt TIXf. \ - AH kind* of repairing done 1J, 1 aiwaytonhand Fruit Cans, of all bices. BUCKETS. CUPS, DlP?!**, A work *arrui^j n and"£%J'*w.-a. "* ] Centre Ma? FURNITURE. I JOHN liliEC UHIF.I.. d I Mufisr' N ** *°°~'- ' , uiofioi Iq tbp mofl j ' ! i sets, parlor sets £ CBAIte. HEDSTK A I>S WOOL MA TTRRHS KS HAIR MAT- . J TRESSES, . 1 and anything wanted in the line of hi* bttfl ip**—boffiptuidp ir.d p|iv work. AI |MNMi fmmm *p*cUi*>* t>4 k*t* o* 1 j hand, mm Ur;pii mmd iopk of 1 WALL PAPER. Wholewaia J. ZELLER dr SON ' ] DRUGGISTS , , jNofi Brockerbofi Row.Bellefbntc.Pa * j ltomterwiu hni,is( lu iMit ala. * , Perfumery, Eaney Good* Ac.. A C* • r Pure Wine* and Liquor* for tnedica 1 .purpose*al way* kept. mayßl.iv. V QENTKRHALL J Furniture Rooms! , EZRA KKI HttlM:. ; rupectlUlty informs the cilixwHt of (Vntrw j county that he ha* hough t mil the old ! stand of J. O. Dctninger, and liu reduced the price*. They have constantly on hand . | j and make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS. YVASHSTAXDS, * ~, £?*s ERCUP UO A EDS,. 4 TABLES, 4c., Ac, II me Made Oh amis Alway on Hank. Tlieir *toek of ready-made Furniture i* ! Ur f® * "anted ofgood workmaaahip and is all made under their own iminedi- L ate supervision, and is offered at rates . ch.-ancr than elsewhere. ! " ll d see our slock before purchasing I else where. oi fob. ly. Gift & ilory's New Shoe Store ! AT CENTRE MALL They hare now opened, and will con . jthU vicinity to give them a call, a* they j will strive to merit a share of their pat jronwh mylOtf • I>. M. KITTENiiorsE, WITH KOONS. SdiW IRK A CO. WHOUCBALK DKAI.XKS IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 144 North Delaware Avenue 137 North Water Street, s A * -_ Ehiladklphia. marikly i THE GREAT "CAUSE ...... OK HUMAN MISE RY . Juat I'ubli.ihr,l, „ Ssmftd Knttlepe. /ticc aia- coi/*, Mt.re, Tr.stm.at, sad Radical Ll b. t- ** ■•"Ahaac. In.ohrntary Kanulon*. impotciiry, ?®I7 on *'Debility. and liuucdiiueaU to Marriage gen- H~S : } cornmption. Epilepsy and Flu Mental and Km*'®*! Incapacity ic- ByROIiKRT J. CUI.VKR W RLL M P., author of lb. lireen Book " Ac. Th world renowned author, la thia admirable Lac. •n**. "early proves from bia oan esperisac* that tba - . awful consequence* of Self Abase ma* He effectual! _ removed aiibout medicine, and without llaaglmnn "uraicl operations. bougies, instruments, rings, or cordial* ;nuintinout a mode of cor* at can certain and effectual, by which every offerer, ao matter what bia condltloa may be, auy cure himself cheaply, pri vately aad radically. *aßf~ Tht Lecture wtfl piov. a boon to thousand* aud thousand* Seat under ••!. la a plain envelope, to any addreae. post paid, on receipt of nix cent* or two poet Me a-1 a Addreia the Publishers, CHAN. J. C. KLINE A Cfh I*7 Rio&dv&jr, Nt York ; Pot Ofce Ki. MA*. i Id July. BUTTS HOUSE Bellefonte, Pa. J B. BUTTS, Prop'r. Hb> first clasa aocommotlatioß; charg- "A ' ■♦•" T. tf. M MILLER'S UOTELT xVT^wdTF dug £5 arrive and depart daily