The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 01, 1875, Image 4

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Hint* AkMI k,
As tho now and itv disappear, much
rubbish that has collected during tho
winter will l>e unco wee. I. Those who
live in tho country are too rarthiß
Almnt matter* affecting tho health. Fonl
nwrfaoe water frequently flow* into the
well. Oosspoola aud barnyards overflow
and saturate the ground, which gitw off
dangerous v.i|xtrs under Uie tnllneuoe
of th 1 snn' warmth. Favor* of various
kinds and other diseases attack old and
young. X<> clean until all danger is re
moved, should lo tho first work of
spiinp. , Tlie crUtr under tho lioaw
must leA he ovAlookod.
A farnier should l>e provided with
waterproof l*x>ts and overcoat, in which
to work about drains, ditches, and wet
barnyards. There are several kinds of
nihli'r clothinp, hut that which is uot
subject to crack is tho host.
livery farmer must decide for himself
if it is better for him hi hire help and
cultivate more taml, or cultivate less
land and k> without help, Hut it is
cheaper to pay for help tluui t let work
pet belli mL or to leave ueoossary work
undone. The lest help ia the cheapest.
A married laborer is as a rule the steadi
est. 11 -sides, tie need not he boarded in
the house, t the aerioua ittooavormnio'
of the t <unUy, and the distinction of do
mesne privacv. Farmers who lure oou
slant help, should provide a dwelling
for the men, where they may bo boardou
by one of themselves. Farm laborer*
sli mid l>e paid every week or every
month; these short mwmbmil* prevent
mistakes mid dispute*. t'ash pure have
more than, credit
irain-ainst be examined. hot they
become choked am! water remain ujxui
the crops. Stagnant water ia injurious
u< t only to all vogeUti.Hi, but to stubblc
land, but much jwnctit may he pained
by turning tl>o spring wash from road*
• to me.*lowa or pasture*, and causing
it to spread as much as jxwsible.
Top-dressing meadow* or fall grain
w ill be found useful. Sprvad the ma
nure evenly Qpon tho wiow, if any re
mains, and po over it with a Thomas
brww, or the brush harrow, as soon as
the ground is dry enough.
Surfar*. water should not be allowed
t v remain Ujx>n or {tatlia, or in
ruts. Irt it off, ami fill up the holes or
rut . with dry earth or gravel from a
Ivank. A dry ros.l will shuid mafiy times
as much w.-ar as one that is wet and
nimbly. Paths should be uuule dry, or
phuiks laid .lewn for walks over "soft
ground. When wet ground pets pud
tl d, it Uktvt a long time to dry.
Grass and clover aoevl jnAT I>Q Sown
npou th last snow witlf gtuut rw>> ami
regularity. Hub atrip tnay bo sown
exactly, without moaning or overlapping,
us the seed can bo readtlv atxm uptai tlx.
surface. The seed will not lie injurtal,
as ib:ll uot vegetate until the ground
bwonioa warm.
A good supply of grreu fodder never
coram iiiuitt Cows at pasture will al
ways eat a meal of frvvdr cut green fod
der, and it belpe tho uiilk paiL An arrv
or two of fall plowed ground should bo
liberally top-drvawd with manure, and
sown early with oats and pern, or barley
a*nl rctclM, The ground must be made
rich. Two and one-half bushels of outs
or boriey, and on > and oue-half of peas
or vetcbeo, should be sown.
Early jiasturiug is a mistake. The
sb s*k is made dissatisfied, and loon their
appetite f>r dry food. Trampling is
wry injurious to the soft soil, which
does not recover from it for several
years. The injury to the grass is se
rious. Never pasture a meadow in the
spring. — Agriculturist.
The spi ing of the year is as good a
tint-* to set the vines as the fall —indeed,
somewhat preferable, au authority tells
us. No deeper spading of the earth is
ne -essary tluui for growing vegetabke;
nor does the soil require any more fer
tilizing than for a crop of core. No
manure, however, should be put in im
ra -diat euiitaet with the roots of the
vines, but place it over them, after they
h tve boea covered about two inches with
trie soil; then tlie ground may be made
as rich iui you please around" the vines
t > the distance of ten feet, to which
distance the roots will extend iu two
or three yuera, if the soil be quite mel
Grapevines should not be set nearer
than Hiv feet ajiart, and eight to twelve
feet are lietter for vvnr thrifty vine* like
th'i C -neord. In rinevard culture eight
by eight in the usual distance to set
them. The sines on lieing planted
should be eat back to tliroeor fonr eyes,
or down to two, if you please, and" as
the young canes shoot ont—in no cause
the first y-ar should more than two canes
be allowed to grow, aud those the strong
est and l*-st Some writers recommend
allowing but one cane to grow the first
year; but I think it better to grow two,
wluch shonld be cnFbaok at the end of
the year to aboitt half their length, get
ting the canes for fntnro bearing from
the lower ;ust of the vines.
Vines agkcqfld, when two years old. 1*
set nl>out tight inches deep, the roots
spread, and flic earth trodden firmly
upon them. A trellis should always be
med in garden* to train vines upon" also
in vine jar la where thrifty, long-caned
vines are grown.
Pruning is an art that is learned fully
only by rrpericnee. The canes grown
the previous year bear the fruit in all
cases; therefore, snch canes are to be
saved—as many of the largest and long
ed as yon think the vines can support.
As a general rale, not over one third of
the cues of vines in full growth should
be pruned ont. The best time to prune
is in November; but when not done then
it should be done in hLureh or April, be
fore the say begins to flow.
Hatter i'arkaee.
Tlie modes of fiacking hotter at Her
kinter, N. Y.. and at ttk Albans, VL , are
very similar. At both places the peek
ing aud shipping are dono mostly in
wliat are enjl-.d Welsh talis. These are
constructed of spruce, with top wider
than liottom, and large enough to hold
fifty or jixty pounds. A coyer is made
of lialf-inch boards, with a hoop around
it that projects and clasps the top of the
tub, and resembles eloaoly the lid of a
cheese box. WVn shipped a circular
piece of muslin U hud OV er the top of
the batter, and a little salt spread over
the muslin, and the oowrr put on and
strapped doa aMiMi tldee pieces of tin
or leather. Th advantage of these tubs
consists in their convenient sire and
chcapnMft, hpruce gives less taste to
butter than m-st other kinds of timber,
an>l heme butter is often packM in them
without proper pr oration. A taste is
soon imparted to the butter next to the
wood, :wid flu* in wiiHrient protection from
the air on top renders th"ra unsuitable
for long keeping or long transjiortaUon.
The firkins and half firkins so much in
vogue in other markets, are little used in
either of the places aaraixl, nor ure the
mt.rhiuery and apparatus for packing
butter-in the West employed.
Matter in the Malls.
The united States Congress, in trying
to a 'ifcntt • cxprotm and petal matter,
and to exclude the former from the mailt
by plitei'ug <*i it a higher rate of postage, I
has failed t a discrimination that
in i i.firely jutt. In placing the rate on
transient printed matter atone cent per
ounce, book* will be thrown-out of the i
mails entirely for short distances. A pa- j
per of fuir ixe, wLn issuing a triple or
<piadrwplA sheet., witt oost almost as
much for )elvr by the single copy as
the piioo for winch it is sold. A paper
weighing three ounces, by this law, taken I
one mfle in the United States mails, will
oost trace* cent-.- postage. To take the
siime psper to Europe will cost only two
cents ]K>stag\ Tim great anxiety to
help the f*pr-Ss companies by the Uni
ted States authorities has been at
the expense of the people.
No WHiTEWASHwa.—A jury of inquest
c<> usMtahg the disaster at St. Andrew's
Church, was directed Ivy the ooroner not
to brine hi a " wliitewiehing," verdict.
"It will not do." he said, "to make
I'ivine Prijrideuoo responsible for the
culpable uegligeaee and incapacity of
Pall Teal af ihr C ivil Klsfcla Hill o !♦..**
hi ( muitm.
AN ACT t> protect alt wtiam* m their civil
and legal ligtitn.
Wii vinos, It Is ewm.tlal to Jusl government
we reo-igiii* the quality of all men before
the taw. and hold that it ia the dtttv of gov
omnient in ila Aaallnga with the |opl to
mele out equal and exact Justice to all, of
whatever nativity, race, color or |ei*ttaion.
religious or political, and it I sang the |'pc>
pixqufate ol'lo i of legislation I*' enact goat
fundamental pinimniea uit> law : Therefisvy
lit it nntiv'ol fly t.V .Wwotr .iml /'"* "/ I"'-
amfrtfir. > o/ IA. Cm 110 l NJrtli* o/ .tuu-..01, II
t\mgtYt*, Tliat all jmwmhis within
the jur.MlH-uon of the Culled State* shall l-e
enuiiod u< the full aud equal enjovjaanl o( the
aenvtiumxUlnaia, adtantagv*. faeililua end
privileges of itms. puhhe oiwoevwueea on land
or water, theater*, aud idler places of |atl>ltc
amusement; subject onlt to tho enidilun ami
limitations estahli-he.l by law. and apidn ahle
alike to the ettiaiw of every race and color,
regarvlkw of any jwwvious wssltuoii of aojv I
gtr, J, Ttial anv |emm whoahali violate the
foregoing section l.y denying to any rtUn u, e\-
.s>pt f.w reasons tiv law applicable to eiti;ens
of every rav and color, and regardless of any
prevnm- nniHtl n of sorvttvde, ll.e full en
joyment of any of the accommodation* advan
tages, (acrlitvvs. or privileges in said eeclxui
ei uu.ei-le-1, vW hy ai hng ,w yioiaug .nohde
nlal. slvall. for every nc!i offense, forfeit and
|<*y the sum of t-*W> t the person aggrieved
thorehy, to he recovered >u an acthwi of debt,
with full ivslo : and ahall als-v hr ,-vety sorh
offense, le deeoHsl guilty of a Misdemeanor,
ami u|*wt swii.yi.iii thravof, shall l lined
not less than FfdV nor Rkw than (l.dOtv a
shall he uttiw iavqie.l uot ktes than I bitty day
tor iu.ww than one year /Vvrsk.t, all
pr*u may elect to *oo for the peualty af.-rv*
sasl or to ptvml under their rt.-hts a' emu
tu u law ami l>y Mate statutes j aid hating so
elected to pr.**wd iu the >aie or the
other, their light to lit the Uier juris
dictton shall he hand. Hut Una proviso shall
md ajqiiy to .-mutual pcoceedtug*, either under
Una a l or the crmunsl law of any State Ih,l
procnirf 'that a judginent for the
|w<naliy iii favor of the party aggrieved or a
judgment tipui an imbctmcul, shall be a bar to
either prosecution reaqwadively.
Sa.\ 3, That the lhstivct and tNrcurt t'lxtrts of
the Curled Statos shall have, rvclustvelv id the
acta of tlw several States cogiuaaiK-w of alicrvuum
and offeusaw, and violations of, Ura pro
visions of this act ; ami actions for the penalty
gtveu hy the |wrc*dii'g aecttmi mar he Jworeeti
led iu lite Tenitortal. I'lstrtct or l imill Court*
of the I'mtd Slate*, whenever the defendant
may be found, without regard to the other
partv ; aud the litrv: Atlmueys, Marshals.
audVitqaity Marsha.'* of the I'm ted Slate*, aud
t' >nuuissi a<en> a|qsiiuted hv the thrvu.t and
Tarntoral oouim ,d the Initial Wale*. wiUi
)*>wr of arresting ami uuprisisiuig or liailiug
offenders agamst the law* of the I'uited States,
are hereby sjwetally authorised and re.|uued to
institute jWH.wwhug* agauiat every pensm who
shall violate the jwovuuons of this act, ami
can** hua to be armitad aud imprisoned or
trailed, M tho caw may Isv. fur tnal. la-fore
such court of Uio United states or Territorial
court aa by law lias ccguuuun-e of the offense,
except iu res[sv-l of Uie right of acUuti awru
uig to the persou aggrieved -. and sucb 1 hstnet
Ait rnieys shall cause such priK-eediuga to be
[irvwcvricd to their ternm-alhHi aa in caher
cases ; /rvri.i..f. That nothing contained in
tiil> section >4i*U U ciu>tr;uti to deny or de
feat tuv of civil action accru.nplo u j
-*-rs,ii licther by rcaitou ol Una Mor other
(in* ; ntul Mix Di:nc: Attorney who fliail ixill
ftlllr fttj to mt-litute tiul Jio -ooule Ilia pro
ceeding* heroin required, shall, for every such
off rune, forfeit ail pay the tiuu of fULt) to the
pormui aggrieved thereby. to te recovered by
an action of debt, with full <x<*>, and slialt, on
OOOXKSIOU thereof, be deemed guilt \ of a mis
demeanor. and be lined not Irm than el,"00
nor more than #5,000 : .(*<( prvreierf fvrihrr.
That a Judgment for tlie penalty in favor of
the |rtt aggrieved, against ai.y such biatrial
Attorney, alia.'] be a bar to either proeecuuoo
Sr.i. 4. That no cttixcu ptMeemxiiig all other
qualifications which are or may be prenenbed
ix law shall lie dis.]uai:hed for service as grand
or petit juror in Miy court of the rutted States,
or of any State, on account of race, color or
previous condition of i-crvttuda, and any officer
or o?her jwn-on cliaigcxl with any duty ui tlie
refection or sumßkHiiug at juror* who sliail el
dude or fail to Mimmott any citixeu for the
can-ex aforesaid shall, on cvwivictian thereof,
be deemed guilt* of s misdemeanor, ai d be
tiiied not more than #5.000.
Hn . 5. That all cases arising under the pro
visions of tins et iu the courts of the Tinted
States shall be reviewable by Uie Supisun-
Court of live Tnited States, without regard to
the sum in rantroverey. under the same we
vieioun and regulation- as are now pro* Hied by
law for the review of other causes in said court.
Dissipation in Nevada.
The State of Nevada, says tlie Virginia
City Kuterpritc, ith 55,000 people, has
nine hundred liceuaexl places where
liquors are retailed. Tins is at the rate
of one liquor dealer to each sixty-one
inhabitants. It is estimated that the re
ceipts of theae liquor solious average
840 per day, or at tlie rate of sixty cents
per capita. The nam tier of licensed
liquor saloons iu the hading towns and
cities of the Stat - is as follows: Virginia,
two hundred; (void Hill, fifty; Carson,
fifty-one; Reno, thirty; Elko, twenty -
four; Eureka, seventy-nine; Austin,
twenty-eight; Hamilton, eleven; I'ioche,
'latere are two hundred and fifty places
in Storey county where liquors are re
tailed. The aggregate receipts of these
saloons are SIO,OOO daily. This is nt the
rate of $300,000 per month, or $5,600,000
yearly. To produce this amount, the
daily lalior of 2,f>00 miners at $1 jwr ilay
would lie required. Iu the saloons of
Storey county ia therefore sj-ent ilailv in
tho purt-liase of liquors a sum equal to
that earned by about all the miner* in the
county. Let us make a fnrtlier estimate
of the money daily squandered in Storey
couuty in jauidcring to the popular vices
of drinking and gambling. There are
in the county twenty licensed gambling
games, which are sustaiued at an average
daily cost of 8100 each, or $2,000 daily.
This does not include the winnings of
the games, whieh doubtlewi aggregate as
much more. But we will place the ex
penses and profit* of the games at SI,OOO
daily. We have therefore:
Expended iu liquors ilail v #lO 000
Ex;-ended ia gambling daily 3.000 j
Total #13.000
Or monthly #3J0,000
Or yearly ' .#1 6*0,000
Which is equivalent to the labor of 3,250
miners daily at the rate of 81 per day.
This is a very suggestive showing for" a
single county.
Farm Laborers in Scotland.
A case of considerable interest lias oc
curred in Scotland, where a laud-owner
lias been held responsible, ami actually
fined, for housiiig a form servant in his
employ iu a dwelling unfit to lie used.
At l'erth a farm servatit sued his em
ployer for dam: ;• for breach of contnu-t
tn not providing him with a habitable
houne. From the evidence it appeared
tliat the house in question wa* in n most
lamentable eond.uou. It hail an old
thatch roof, through which the rain and
sn.iw dnscendeil U. ticlt an rxtent that
the flour of the house wo*flooded In win-
U-r time, to the extreme discomfort of
the tenant and lii* family. No proper
rejKiirs were mtab\ and the man left his
work, iu which course he was justified,
and a conqieusation of £7 awarded him,
in addition to £3 of costs. It is believed
that this raso will have n wholesome
efTei-t iitwm the Iwlgingsof farm servants
in Scotland.
A Featnre of the Case.
As a feature of the silver mine specu
lation in the West, it is said that some
news|>a|>er men were induced to publish
articles calculated to increase iho pre
vailing excitement by having stock car
ried for them—that is, held at tlu-ir dis
posal without their having paid any
money for it—with the stipulation, how
ever, tliat they were not to sell until cer
tain figures were reached, which, ttnfor
tunately for them, were never attained
at all. The Ban Francisco JtuUctin says
tliat one newspaper man iu that city wits
permitted to ilrenm of a million for a
short time; but he was only carried, and
never had the power to realize. Another
ia said to have hail SIO,OOO dangled lie
fore his eyes for weeks, but he could
never touch the tempting prize, because
stocks hail not been worked up to tho
figures agreed upon. Stocks went down
and they had nothing left lint tlie feast
of the imagination on which they had
A Scarlet Fercr Remedy.
A Buffalo physician offers the following
method of treating scarlet fever, which
In asserts is reliable, and if faithfully
carried out will prevent deaths in four
fifths of the cases that might prove fatal.
Scarlet fever should be treated by mi
ministering to adults one toaspoonful of
brower'a yeast in thre - tablesjmonftils of
water, sweetened, three times dailV; and
if tlie throat is much swollen gargle with
and as oft -u as necessary they
should apply yeast mixed with corn
meal as a poultice. Continue to give
catnip tea freely for several days to keep
I eruption out of tho skin.
* I tinpirr mf Horilrr 11 wr -Tkrw !•
KIII.-.I nml Trl> Hrttil.hrU.
FJijah Oililm, hero or desperado,
whklwwr it may I*', has n ranch msir
Helena, 001., niul ftlH.ut seventy milon
northwest of tVkUon Oily. Tlw house is
An ordinary log cabin, having u single
door mid' window on tho smith wdo.
The roof in thatched mnl sodded. This
wa lli homo of liibbs mnl his if# mid
two childrcu, iuhl upon tl night of lh>'
attack there wore with them u ilw.
Hutchinson mid hor lit*K* ohiid.
1 >uring: tho pn*t y.vir or two Uloro
have Mpiunp up aiu.uip tho acttlnra uu
Itrviwu mnl thv* criMika twn wvn-t ..qfiuii iwrtctiHildj fur tho purjMHwvmf
prvit.vtioii ami fur tho puuialituoiit of
ivitua. t)uo baud, httautal by Flltjah
tliblm, and niuutwiring alxnil thirty
ituiu, livinp uu thrown onx<k, cwUvl
j thoiuaolvvw "Tho Hopulabirw." Tho
■itltor juirty clnum d tlio uiuuo of " Yigi
Untoa," and tho DMUlvn UU CVxik
cnxvk. lh-twix-ti thoin nrvo tho ui.v.t
lutt>r aud deadly boatility. thblw wa*
!irvu*.-<l by tho Yig*ihut..ri alaHtt midnight,
i** (lot up amino uio out Wo wniit you,
mud tlio loader. "We wilt gtv* you ten
minute* to got out of tlio hou <v; **. will
pivo yon fifteen tuiuut. a to pet out with
vour family. If you arouot quick about
it w< will burn you, house and all."
thblvapmpucd for a vigorous defense.
Tho ViptuiuUw w.-ut Mtitunl to the mtrtli
aide of tho hiMlso, and nuiito preparation*
to w-t it tn fire, but the h wore ixstk.-d
WIUI lniwatum, and would ;nt cnt.h
Filially thov came unwind to tho south
side of the liouao, anil oomiuonocal piliup
hay ami w.xal ugniu-t tho dtMir. Bum
Ikioilo in*l struck a match, and was in
tho act of r.toopiug down to light tho
tln< when tliblw took aim at him with a
sis shooter revolver through a chink in
tho heavy slab shutters of the window,
and sent a Iwdl through his right Im-ast.
Hoono fell biu'k, oxchtituiiig: "Hoys,
ho'a got me." Tho jsirty Una dropixxl
liack a few yards, and huddled together
for a minuU-'s oanfertuiee. Bojuo one
cried out: "Charge tlio door." Gibba
flnxl twoiuore shots, ill quick stuvesaiou,
hitting ouo of tho Hovhls atnl Ihwijuuiin
F. Kiuie. lloth men dropped, aud as
tfiev fell tho pun of one of them in strik
ing tho grouud was discharpixl. and tho
whole Usui of fifty-four buckshot rid
dled tho Ixnly of lkivnl C. Ikxine, kill
hip him instantly. tiilrlvi followod up
this with a sally from tho di*>r, run! Uie
whole jnuty lhxl in coiistornatiou, fol
lowed hy a bullet from tho settlor's ritio,
which struck ouo of tho Yipilantea in
the aide, knocking liis revolver from its
scabbard, hut doing no further injury.
Th> ucxt uiomiug liibbs surremiorvwl
himself to Justice Ooweu fa ltepulnt >rl,
and was acquittrsl on the prouud of self
defense. Giblw, with hi* brother Wil
liam, Lewis Oillihuid and Justieo Goweu
then armed Uiemsolvovt heavily and rode
: over into South l'ark, putting three
.lays of hard riding betwoeu themselves
ami tho exeiUil Vigilantes.
After their flight tho Vigilantes auc
i ocedevl iu enlisting on their side tho
sympathy and co-operation of nearly all
ontsnlo of the two bmids. Thirty
arrests were made. Twelve of tho
Vigilant.a wore selected as a jury from
what ia known as tho Committee of
Safety. The prisoners were put through
summary trials, ami twenty of them wore
eouvieted of la ing connected with the
obnoxious txuid. The sentence in each
ease was luuiLshmont from tho country.
The severest sentence was just twelve
hours iu which to leave, ami from this
time until ninety days itx. given.
The Law of Ltj-Oter Ticket*.
In 1871 Jatues K. Boyee set out for
Chiiago from Sun Francisco by the
Pacific railroads and th" HH-k Island,
lutving as baggage, iluly checked, a
trunk and IK>X of photograph*. At Wil
ton, la.,l**ing unable k> travel through
ill-health, he left the tr.iiu and remained
Ave ilavs on a lay-over ticket, arriving
there October 11, 1871. Ilia Intggwgo
I reached here October 6, and wna de
stroyed iu tlie great fire. He brought
suit to recover its value, and in the cir
cuit court was recovered a part, certain
artirles not pertaining to an ordinary
traveler's equipment not Wing allowed
for. The supreme court reversed this
judgment, the most interesting j>art of
the division remliug as follows;
The Imggage of n|*u<*eiiger Was usually
delivered to hint on his arrival at his
destination, and if, for any reason, he
failexl to call for % it, the common carrier
had a right to store it in a warehouse
and become a wareh- >nieman only.
Siteli stirage was for the lenefit of the
jmsaeugcr, and public in Wrest did not
demand tliat a railroad com j amy should
be resjKtuaiblc as common enrrier after
a reasonable time to claim and take away
taiggage, nor ought the jaissenger to W<
able tii extend its liability for his own
convenience nor by reawoof the inevita
ble accident to himself.
It was coiite tub si that the company
oonsented til the delay by giritig the
" lav-over" ticket. But it was under
no legal liability to do litis, and it was
done for the humane purjuwe of accont
inodating the J*" aeuger, who was
pliyaioaliy unable to pursue hi* journey.
Tliis was no fault of the compauy, and
if it was willing to oblige him in his ex
tremity its respotiKibiiity ought not for
that reason to lie enlargeil, for had hi*
aickMn Wvn prolongisl it would cer
tainly be nnrcaaonnble to oouqiel tie
cumiNiny to still lie re*jKnnil>li< for ins
Diplithevia ami Its Cause.
Wmn a case of diphtheria occurs in a
house, writes a physician, without evi
dence of imjvirtation from without, *till
more when several case* occur together
or in quick succeasioti, there will lie good
reason to suspect that sewers, cesspools
or contamuiateil wiiti r may be the source
of the disease. My lielief is that, in a
very large proportion of cones, there is as
chew* a rcuttionahip W>twcen diphtheria
and insanitary conditions a* exists W>-
tween typhoid fever and similar insani
taty conditions; and I scarcely ninsl say
that, if this bo so, the general recogni
tion of the fact is of the greatest im
portance with reference to the adoptiou
of preventive mawnna There is reason
to believe that morn harm would result
from ignoninc • of Iho filth origin of
diphtheria than from practically ignoring
ita iiifectiotisness. Many instances liave
como to my knowledge in which fetid
foeal emanations have ap)>eated to W> the
direct cause of diphtheria.
Tlie Force Bill.
Tim Forsse bill, whieh creabsl so inucli
excitement during tho last days of the
Unit/sl Btabu Congress, proposes to sus
jX'tid the hnhi un corjMX at th J I'ri-si
dent's will. 'There is a provision which
makes it a felony for two or more jht
sons t-i interfere with tin- •■xeontion of
United Htsb-.s laws, pttnishabln witli ira
prisomnent for ten years and n fine of
8I0,(K10; and still another provision
makes it a felony for two or more per
sona to conspire to overthrow any Htntc
government; while another puts all
State elections under the control of the
United States officials; another makes it
a presumptive oct of intimidation if a
person is found with firearms, concealed
or otherwise, cm election or registration
ilay. The last clause declares that the
intimidation of State votem is a crime
against the United States, and provides
that wlioever kills a tierson iwiying nut
these provisions shall be hanged.
A Remark able Trial.
A murderer lias been tried and ren
t-need under tlie new Law of Connecticut,
which allow.i a man to elect whether ho
will bo tried by a jury or by two judges.
The ftoetineil, who was charged with the
murder of a young girl to whom lie. was
engnged to lie married, elected to lie
by judges, and by them was found
to IK- guilty of murder in the second de
gree, and sentenced to imprisonment for
life. The new law, says a New York
pajier, seems to be just, and appears to
work well. Whore two judges act as the
jury, there is little opportunity for trick
ery or evasion, and a general certainty
lof securing justice. In such cases, too,
■ an appeal Ls improbable, aud a case may
lie regarded as definitely settled. The
working of the new law may prove so
. beneficial as to deserve imitation iu our
own State. It certainly will protect an
inuooent man from the unblinking clamor
of thi populace,
I'nremsnla Xtolrsltarsll* ItlvHHrt kr a
Niels VlrU"l tamial^na,
Never Ix-fore hut pneumonia raged ao
aevert> lt at this season. It atnl diphtheria
have attracted tlte attention of Uie Ul-ili
till faculty everywhere. At a late meet
ug of tlif Nrw Vttrk Mt'tlnvd Hooielv Ir.
I'otem renl a pa|ter, front ahielt we
make tlte following extract*;
l'tteuinoiiia aiguille# iniliutt>uti it of
tint mi cells and intercellular IMttaage,
without any uttoetwary complication*
with IvroilMiiti* tr pleurisy. 'ilte air
et IN are lined with a very lion itieut
brane, without mucous follicle*, atnl ant
covered with nqiiitmoua epithelium, in
•toad of tint cylindrical ami eihntetl
variety which line* the utr titlx-*. Tint
idiarp deiuarkatiou frequently prevent*
disease of the air tt-lla frttiii rvi. ii.hug to
the air tulx-M, ami kit-|>a bronchitis frttiii
developing into pm-llltlOllia umlrr
uiuiMiial cirfumntancoa. F.x|**urv- to
ttdtl, raw air it tint most common raii-vc
of pneumonia; hence it ia uture prevalent
during the winter month*. Individual*
of all agon ami ttimlilioua of life are
liable to piMtiiimtuia after Hiidileii eltaugtvi
ill the teiiqierature, and dome couq-nm
lively robust penaitia have been attacked
by thin uialatly after expuauiw to extreme
tuelemeiicic* of tlitt weather, t>r when
tcuijx-nxrily debililatttl by overwork,
fatting, or after having made amine tin
pro|*-r changes in their etothing* Imli
vidualt have alio la-en attacked who have
been miiit. ring previously from atlittrtler
of tin- liver, skin kidney a, termed by
Murehitou hthieiuin, or litliio condition
td tin- avetetu ami hlottl, whteh may lie
reganicvl at a modified form of urteniia.
A nuinlier of cohcn al*o ari-t- from the
chilling of tho Uidy, commonly culled
| •• catching ctdd," IUUI mi et]UfU iminU r
<>f nttnek* are develojwxl H|x>iihimxiiiMly,
without tuiv H|*viad cxjxwtum to cold.
l'.very phymo'.iiu low- hid icnuimi to
ole. rvo in certain pcmoiM, who
h.ibituully have an evixwut of lilhab>xt in
! their excretion*, the*,, will iv.m.. to l-e
elimitutbxl on tin- event, of ll lot-nl iu
j thtiuiiuithin, or tut ordinarv febrile cold
or catarrh, but they will bo ilivcluvrgod
in übttmliuice on the MUIJHUU-UCC of the
fever. In micli i-uMk th retention of
the litlmt.-x ill the HyHteiil I in* prolmhly
I determined the l.Hwl Uiltiuuiiultiou, and
when nature ent-i thetn out again the
diaewtm Hiil-eidea. If U {MTHOII however
: robnat In- subject to Uie diaarrwngt-meut
<>f lii* liver ami kidueyn, with it* cotmi
, qu-'iit titliK-uiic condition of liiu 1110-HI,
lie will toko cold Mtaily, ami if lie 1M
: coition ex|*>'.l to cold ami wet weather,
or to a draught of cold air, he will remli
ly n-eeive a check of i>er* pi ration .r n
| suppre-eiiou of the functions of Un akin.
The lntb r event in n much more iuq-ort
i uit disorder than a mU-ntiou of a certain
quantity of watery fluid which should
. IK- cant out through the por* of the
-kin, although it i calculated that from
: I w.-iity four to thirty ounce* of inwenai
j hk> jH-rnpimtion i* naturally evluil.d jwr
■ -lay, or ala-ut one ounce |K-r hour, WLM-LI
' l* nl-out one half the quantity of the
viKtble secrt>tiou of tho kidney*, which
; *hould amount B- almut forty eight
oiuux-* IKT dav, or two ounce* jvr hour.
It i* nUculab-1 on-J hundrtvl ami
[ tlftv grain.' of urea or-- curt out by the
healthy *kin in twenty four lours; while
the kidney-*, wlnwe priucij*il otlice II I .
! do this, only ex.T--te live gram*,
ltcsides Uu*. th.-re are LM-tic, fortuac,
butyric, ami smlorir urnl* in the mr
mal iM.p*pirutioti, the excretion of all of
which i* prevented by a chill of the sur
face. Hence s alight form of nra-mic
C'-ntanuuatioii of Ui blood will be a>l<l<st
to pr' existing titlin-min.
Poverty, with low living, remdemx' iu
| Un- foul air of large town* ami cl>a.>
raims, when varied by ocsiqwtriu* in
vulvillg ex|*MUin- to Uie ineleiuellele* of
the weather, e*j*viallv if complicated
wiUi uiteiuiKWums-, tue justly r<
as among the priueij-tU caiLs. j of imcu
monia in tboac cold .-ttsoii* which are
marked by a very low rang.- of U-ui|w'ra
tore, interrupted by sudden ami great
cliang-s .f w.ather. Yet extn-imm will
meet, ami th> votari--* of pli-iisur-' and
fashion who arc too deliewt. ly ful ami
thinly clad, who iM-oome overheated in
crowded r-s-iuH, will also milb r, a* well
as Un- robust, plethoric, ami go-*l liver.
Therefore, it is fair to iwwmmc that a
very large number of cascaof pm-iuuonin
occiuring in persona of g-M*l circum
stances might liavo l*s-n by the
exercise of n litUe more can- in their
maum-r of dieasing and living. A tune
ly res. rt to some bilious or renal modi
ciu® woul-1 prompUy remove the liUiic
-r other contamination of the KVot-inaml
bkxxl. Hut when pneumonia lias al
r-swly oommencud it becomes mx'.-.smiry
to deal wiUi an inflammation of tlm air
cells and of Uie NO called int.-reelhiUr
sjirtix-.s, which jass ln-twecn tlu-m and
form the h-ruiiuatioiis of tlic air till un.
The largest of tlnwe are only one-scveu
ti. th jart of an inch in iliameter, but it
is cetimiitod Uiat there an- 6OO,(KM),OOOuf
Uiem in the two lunga. The approximate
w ight of the lung* iu th<- rulult is nl*ut
two ami one half |M>unds, and tlu-y have
a cai-acity for containing id-out three
hundred cubic inches ..heir, wiUi s pw
er of cX|*uii<ioii of 132 mjuarv fis-t, or
more than eight tiin.-s Uiat pwu-wml by
the skin. The inside of Uie air-cells is
expoMd b- all the injuries which can I*- upon theui by the V-TV cold,
and often very foul nir which individuals
aru (xcasionally oblig-d to bnsithc, and
sometimes they an- thus forrxd into n
oomlitiou rt-mob-ly resembling n frost
bit.-, ami at oilier tim<si ore ul-wolub-ly
crowded ami poisom-d by tho inlialntioii
of foul sir.
Tlie outside of the air cells is olnioM
equally ex]*wisl to ilnngi-r, lM<ing sur
rounded by five meshes of tlie exceed
ingly small capillary blood vessels which
intervono Ix-tween the terminal brunches
of the pulmonary arteries ami tlie com
mencing oues of tho pulmonary veins.
Tho pulmonary veins convey all tie
venous nml impure bl<*xl of the laxly to
the lungs just outside tho air e*lls, iu
order to lx- n-vivifle.l by contact with the
oxygen of the air, which ontnes hi it
through the nir tnlx-s. Tims the air cells
are nlwnvM in clixx- contact with very
inquire bhxxl, for the sj-wee lx>twt*-n
them and the pulmonary capillary bhxxl
vessels is only one two huudr-sl ami
fortieth ]>art of IUI inch. If the system
and blood of the patient l>o healthy nisi
pure, n favornblo form of inflammation
will arise, whieh is dangerous only fnmi
its extent. But if the bhxxl lx> previ
ously cont timnutc.l from any cause, a
more or lew unhealthy inflammation will
lx> excited, which may boeomo fornii.ln
ble. The danger of the diseaxe dejicmls
primarily upon how many of the air o-lls
ix-come inflamed. If only one-third of
one lung is involved, the case will almost
certainly recover, provided the patient
was previously healthy. If the upper
lolx- or third of either lung lieoomns iu
llsine<l, the svmptoius nre morn serious;
th -re is apt fc> I*' d'-lirillin, and the case
will not recover so promptly or certainly.
The gravity of the ease increases iu strict
pnqxirtion when one-half or the whole
of one lung ia inflamed, or parts of both.
The constitution of the patient mast
next lx- regarded, osjxxmdly his previous
state of health and the condition of lii.s
internal organs.
Engaging In Strikes.
There was before the New York legis
lature a bill making it conspiracy to en
g-ge iu strikes. 'Hie workingtncii'n
associations opposed it. An exchange
said: Tie- right of man to work or not to
work, as ho pleoses, for what wages are
offered him, is indefeasible. It includes
the right to strike. It also includes the
right to work when other uien strike,
and the rights of 25,(KM) men are neither
more nor less sacred than the rights of
one man. We quit" agree with the re
monstrant* is wrong to oppr. ss
the workiilgmnn. Wo disagree with
them only in what H-em* to lie their
claim that the workingman is oppressed
when lie is forbidden to break the head
of another workingnuin who chooses to
work when he chooses to lie idle.
A city chap visited the Hunkers at
Lebanon some time since, ami as h wan
dered through the village encountered
a stout hearty specimen of the sect, and
thus accosted him; "Well, Broadbrim,
are you much of a Shaker?" "Nay,"
said the other, "not overmuch, but I
can do a little tljat war." 80 ho seized
the astonished man by the collar and
nearly shook him out of his Wots.
Ifrxia mt iMlrrm* lrw llaaar aa* Slirait*.
Htaouioi* an O lag in I ullnl Hlatea |-or(a
ropist hsvii-K seen many wiocka *t aa*. Ut*
wuh-Km gi-iiatoil-r ilwnrlnl t>y o,e mora .Tito
K>lm l.f-K> a t*mn> <lj—miisl * ill,, ml vutiiig
* pailliy lo tho gl*aali.i|>|Mr-Hlrh'k-ll lo|:teiia lit
llin Mlalo ... Ttio on 11 pel Mr* iitou In foroa
(.* llin H-la-llun uf otuplavoea hy liio I'IIIUkI
h-*t"M i;e\oniiiniil h*a Is-on *lsui<U*i"*t hy
uni -r iif lliti I'roal.teiil..,,. In Krlwinlxl),
N. V., C '•. rhr.t n illi niunlai, amm mail
mut ftniial guilty all 111 one day. . ..In Iho mm
uf Kliaixti.t. iho iXllufOll *lf uiui.lri. i lu Vw-
Kliila, M-iilctict*! lo l lianiiwl. a alay uf |ru
ockxlumm haa hrni |{iaiitod. 't wo i-lillthrii
of Wm.'ni.siiaa. a culoiul iux, of WUkaaliaria,
I'a.. Mora hut next whilo Ihalr luulhoi aaaiHit
after Mlar. Th rl.lml *aa a buy lliltm yuaia
old, ahu died a fan luinnlaa aflar (ha luolher
ralurtiad, aixl lha uuiis"at, a lal y, hail tla
tsiniail to a Ofix|i up (u Ilia kaaaa A
txHlar akpltalol In llualnilla, Ind.. Willing lo
parMMM UlnUtlUy and raiiuuvty 111jttril.g four
.•titer* ... Iu Na llaiu|liiio Uio vole fur
(luvMtiur wan au clean thkl Uieir *ia nu
ill..lea hy the |<>|>l*, aixl th* election of
tloveruor pMa lo the tela turn ..,.. j
About one liumaaiid man have join d Ilia
Haw lUack Iltlhi npediUou lo nlatt tlua
"(Ming.... In Atlanta, (lourgia, a ouk.i-ud bat be*
juoted wilh iHliuia in MetUng aalouiw and taat
ilig the Coil Right* queaUOil. tie lual hi*
|ia!ruuage hy it, and llita au vutkud U|*m hia
mind that he couuuiucd suicide.
Th* NaUuiial lhitlar and fl-gg Ar<x-iatieii of
Ilia UliUod Status refused, hy a iUski vote, lu
ixMtdeiun the artitk-lal cokxlug uf holtsr
Tulle mi tha So* York aud Erie canala are lu
he largely rt-duce.l this acaeun ... Indiana
aixl MuitieaeU have Jet It-fiuxnl to |4MS th"
i-.4upula.-rv education lam Andrew Joliu
*<4i denies that lie bought lila smi in the '
L'uileil Stales Senate, and courts au iuveetiga-
U08.... (Villi.t Yaliuaeed*, the IM-W Gov
eiiior-deuvral uf Cuba, haa armed In Havana
sod traiuud a prurlamaU.*), pi.-in sing U. lutro
vltioe iieeiled refuruis. aixl atauount-mg lit*
war agsiusl iho uieurgenu will he vigurottaly
ranted un Tho jury lu the celebrated
Iturdaunl divorce rare ia Kiigloud liave found
Lady Midtint guilty uf adultery, and the
judge has granted iho decree HUH, with cueto.
The lib fooling 1-olweoti tlie 1 YutoeianUi
and CatiiohoN in Mi vuo contnmee, aixl di
ituhaiH-ee are throairmd . . ltrvghsni Ytxuig
haa leeu eruieiired to one day'* uu|4ireitmrul i
and a line of CJJ fur AMiUm|4 of court m
ueglrcling to |ay Ann kitaaa lawyer*' lui
witluu the time lived hy lite ruurt.
Jehu Mit'liol waa alerted lo tlie English
rarUstneut fiom Tipperary hy 1 V>l majority. I
.... The National Eire Insurance (Vmjvuiy
of Philadelphia ha* rtvsi-rn.lrd J.sdtlia
l.rilhn. roliue.l, as hanged at llelair, MiL, for
the ttvuidrr of 51.x* Su*au I'aytor and (ieorge
\Y her I or, col Tod. waa ha .gad at 1 ..sxUwi. MiL,
for the inurvler of Mia. Margmrrl \\ hitoiau....
State Kngtuecf 'lliuinjwin, of last a,ana, to- 1
[oris Uia! their is tmmuient danger of cievaa
ree-iu that State, and Uiat at sotnc |stints the
lever* have aln-vlv h.'gtui to rave lu.. . ..It le
announr<st that the |*rty now in the Itlack
Hdl* will, if nrceexary. he dnveu oat hjatrou|>,
and oUier* will b" pre vt utcd fcaa entering.... j
Hie I'm <i 1 rays the Pc)xi rs*if"i* the s hat ou Airhl tsliop Mcl'lueliey, nut
only on iwontil of the |*r -oral turnts of thai
|T\ late, hut bees use the Holy See Is dusinoua
of h muring the Catholic* of Ameilca ai.-d < f
making the piugris* of t'a'.li.dx ista in the
I'mie.) Stains A 150.04) fire occurred at
Stillwater, K, Y,... The I'uitel Statee I'iMvl
mrn'r flank is said to ho in a much wurwe ran
diei.Ti than supja-acd, and little will bo re
ahacd fiom 1L
Ttie cotton and w.xtlon manufacturer* of
llitladelphta have rrwolvni thai no advance
sill te made uu the |weeeul rate of wage*.....
A toll le before Uie Canadian Parhameut lo '
organic*, a N'.wthwextern Tnnb-ry ouLxnt* of
Matiitolia, with trrntotud ofllcrrs. .. Fifteen
live* were Iwt hy the Mnkmg of Uie eteamrr
IV 11. Hart Ott the Missisnl)-]* tlver Jatmvs
It. Cvwtlcy. rauvidcsl of th* murder of Mi*e
Julia ItswkeK, was nenleuccd to <h-ath In the
su|*etne court in Hrdham. Ma-*.... A stranger
sent into a machine shop in Nrw Turk, threw .
lumerif hetwecn twolarge rag-wlit* lx, and wt#
ground to yseccs ... Two girls who ran away
from tlie Normal School U> j*u a
thratical cwnpany acre airestnl iu flail.ta re.
Hume colored jsihllcurm in Montgomery.
Ala, swore oat a warrant for <ViL AVs nsr ai d '
hi* ticket agent. Hie former was dischargct. '
aud the latter bound over in (4® to a|>|ar at 1
the next term of tlie court. This cane ban
caused several U.ratncal c to cancel
engagements for Montgomeiy.
Tliere are atxxil fifty Uux auid Indians in '
iu the Clack Hiils region, over forty Uiouoti d
of whom ale f<*) hy Uie Ctuted States govern
lueot Tie Indiana Legislature has re -
|<ea!ivl the flatter li pnvr law and |*w.| a
!k-ense law in its stead In railing for in- .
fi.rnisti.4i reialive to tlie fllack Hills, Mr. In- ;
galls, in Uia L'ttPed Slates Senate, DIDI : Every
thing iiid.cato I that Uie country wa* on the j
vergo of one of the suhtie cuutag tons called a
gold faver. wbirli would result in Uie ruin of
many Tlie Yirgiiitus treaty between the
Cuited Slates and H-em has tx-cn signed.
Eighty thotiaatxl dollars is |wud by Spain for
the relief of tho families of the murdered j
prvsonrr* The native# of Awam mes-a- 1
crod a surveying i-arty ewmmanded )-y a flritiah
lieutenant and consisting of *ixty-Uitr Bopnys
and poolics The Morris Itun Coal Ooni
|-any made an assignment with habilitn-a
#400.000 and f-1.f100.000 asset# In Phila
delphia a foreigner w*s deuied nafuraluta iota
fur the reason that lie tu an infidel Ttie
now American Cardinal Met 1 ekey is sixty-four
yearn of age sil was lrn in UrtxdUyii. N. Y.
Turuugh Ohio, India ia aud Michigan
much damage has ticon dmic hy hail storms....
It is estimated that there were nix million tons
of ice iu the Port Jervia gorge shortly after it
The result of Uie Ixntisiana arbitration will '
give tho CoiMMrvatiw* U.o lower House of the
legislature, hut alii retain a email Ib-publicau j
majority on the joint llkt Tho I'mtcd :
State# Senate, by a vote of lliirty-Uiree to
thirty, postponed Uia Pinchbeck case ni.til
next Ioeen!>er K.x-t'ongressmvn Patker
lias been appointed by President Grant to I* !
chief-justice of the sup; ciue tvxirt for the ;
territory of t'lah The Austrian rowi'er
t'otn|4uiy's nulls, five miles from Cleveland,
Ohio, blew tip lately, killing three of the em
ployee < A myatoriooa poisoning case took
place in Chicago, from the effects of which
a mother and infant died. Three other children
aro very ill. The jxdiee arrested the father.
General Cabrera, (lie well-known Corbet
leader, lie dcrla' e t for King Alfonso *lxl has
been de&oauccd a Irailor hy hia
{wuiioun iu arms Tho United States Secre
tary of War has informed General Sherman
that all exjxditions to Uie fllack Itills must l-e
stopjxvl a# long as tho present treaty with lb*
Indiana exists. Tlio steamer Lewis wan
burned whilo c laluig al Cheater, 111., and
five lives wore lost.
Tli* iro-gorgo at Port Jcrvis was swejit out
hy a freshet which overflowed the town, caus
ing a damage of f.V.000. and carrying awav
two bridges, one a railway bridge valued at
fM-'.OUl 1 , aixl auothor a SU*|k-IISIUII liri Ige
north vfO.OOO Hie Knitna Silver Milling
Coinpvny has been ordered to file a bond, to
cover costs in it* euit for tho recovery of
S"i.<H)O,(V)O, hy Judge Donolitio, of the New
York xupretno court The Ui cot.irhue
liaodioap, run at l.hiroln, Knglaiid, was won by
Tho ti turner. Tho favonto was badly tieatru.
... MiM-rs. Kioivet A Co.. well-known lauslou
merchants, have *ii*|<ended )ieymeut. Their
liahil.tios aro stated at tpJ.OtKi.O.iO The
Now York Assembly |a*cd tlio hill (irotccliug
incorporated hanks I>y a vote of nxty-six yeas
u> forty navM A Catuduu (N. J ) ecli<*>l
teacher wa* arrested and jxn. under bonils for
whipping a scholar.... Wo have further r
jorbi of lons of hfo in Utah hy snow slides....
The old llian arrested iu An/.onacoufi-tMu-e that
ho is John lloudur. iio d< lues committing
tho Kansas murders, hilt so\s that John and
Kate, his son and daughter, did. lie eays he
Hcparetod from tliem iu Texas, where Uiey all
went to from Kansas, and eaiue to New Mexico
a-id eubec'iciitly to Arizona. Jo'iu, Kate, and
tho old WOUIXII were together when he left
TOOTH POWDSR.—Mix equal portions
of powdered el nilk aud chareoul, adding
a small quantity of powdered curd soap.
This simple rocipe not ouly cleanses the
teeth, but is a preservative against decay,
An luteretlng Story.
A very iutematiiig story ia nowcurrcul
in New York eity in fashionable and
phihuithropie six-uty.
According to thia narrative, a lady of
advanced yearn and great aocial .Itatuio
lion, W!M it eoiiapieuoua for her eoer*
getie ami clticictii b.-nevolcnee, hint her
|MM-ket pn-ki d recently of a wallet con
taining nlhiut fliWHl, a huge portion of
which (die had Col It-etc. 1 for a Well kilo VII
ami moat demurring charily, of which
he it n prominent manager. Of tliia
tuin a purt wan in check* ami the rent ill
I tank notea. Hlie WON greatly disturbed
at the lona, ami wan jut nlxiiil to make it
gixnt from her own private reaoureea
w ln-n the aervaut one day told her thul
a Htt.mge ltatking mult dciml to ace her
iu the parlor. She went down without
MiM|Mtcting what wit* to follow. Ib r via
iior, addressing her by name, mid:
" Madam, you have imt a eouuidanobla
auni of money, ami 1 liave come to re
store it to you. (if oonrae you are aware
that it wan Mtolen by pn-kiug your
|MK-ki t; but Un- fraternity have conmd
ered the Mlbject, ami we liuvit coui-lluU-d
that Woeaunot kix p any money that hnn
linen taken from you. We know your
goodmtaa ami tint .-huntn mto whn-lt you
devote your time and your ineatin, aud
we liave determined to reatore th i
]MM-k< t iNMtk. lb-re it ia with it* contents
undiminished, ami 1 truni you will not
lie unwilling to rev ive ami apply, aa
you apply so much otlmr money, a email
addition which we have taken tile lilM-rty
of making." Haying tlilM ho banded her
tin- jMH-kt t'book ami left the holle Willi
out waiting * moment. On opening tlm
jxicket I look H|IC found everything tliat
■die ha.l lost ami olio hundred dollar*
added by Uie pick|tocketa for benevolent
Tin- American Cardinal.
The question of creating an American
cardinal, says tic- New York TWAiind,
lina In en agitated for a long time. ]lur
ing the punt twenty five yeara tlie Pouo
liaa shown a strong tendency to male- tiie
College of Cardinal* more catholic than
the traditional policy at Home formerly
allowed it to lie, and two fifth* of the
cardinalH of hia ap|ioiutiuonl liave not
law:ii Italian*. In IKSO tho ndimuUtra
tiou of l'reanleut Fillmore aasaad an in
tiiuiitioii Ui be conveyed to the Holy See
that tile np|tointiuetit of a cardinal in the
United still. * would be Well received,
and Mr. Cam, then Charge d'Alhira at
Itoine, puntied the subject zealously,
though |nrhi.pu n<4 iu hia official ca
pacity. It wan well nndewtood at Ui
time that tho new dignitary, if apjiouit
ed, would be Arelibixhop Hugluia. The
Archbiahop of ltaltimore, however, and
aouic of Uie other American pr< latea, op-
IMVMIVI the acle-me, and it wa ull> .went to
drop. In iHii't, l'r. rideut Lincoln emit
word to the l'oje that the Aiaeriean gov
ernment would feel |articnlar graliltcw
lion in any additional honor* tlint bin
hohnem could confer upon Archbialtop
Hugliea, ami agiun Uie queatiou of Uie
cardiualaliip IK came a (xuntuou aubji-ct
of onvemation. There ia rewiaon to lie
ht-v.. that Uie lnit wait uliuoet aa go. .<1 aa
onli'iel for Archbiabo{> llughew on that
Oceanian, ami why he did not get it liaa
ucvcr been exphuued.
English Hound Hat.
The English round iiat vrilii picp-rt
iuii brim tlwt protect* liic vjm will lx
th" favurito hat for p*-iu-ml wear. The
HI. Us art- not high, but u>v rolled clom-ly
ngiunxt th> crown. It in imported ui
tin- lititvd qualtti< .of blnck and brown
chili, aud is triium-tl with ailk or velvet
facings, liiaiiy lixipw tui-l fold* of RTO*
pnun, and aoiuc ali< >rt batli-Ts drixqling
ovt-r tho crown. Thi* hat is worn quite
far f vrwnanl, and is the rewroe of tho ox-
Agir-'ratnl prim-iit fuel.ion of plwiug the
hat ('Hi far (tack oil tlio head; • itin-r ex
treme is objcctioualilc. 'l*he I'usUlu is
a pretty tuulor iial for youug Rirls to wuar
in the eountry. The Warwick lias a
round high crown with n flaring sailor
brim, (iirofla i* a aaucy lint turned up
on the left side ouly. Tfn Souvigny lias
a high p*aked crown with flexible brim.
The Heloise, with wimitar erowm, ha* (lie
bntu rolh-d rvenlv all around, and the
Yilht Franca ho* (ins roll niueh exaggy-r
--ab*>L < >Uu r nondescript xhopt-* puzzle
one us to whieli i* the front, bock, or
ride; indeed, the truumiug alone decides
>ucli matL-ro.
Smashing Cfiasa.
A wr-riotn casnalty occurred at the
New All-ony (Ind.) i l •(-glaiw work* the
other day. Several : en Were standing
00 an elevator, sti-wlungt very heavy
loi l of plat*-g!an* worth ivoBM) f2,fi<Mi,
when Uu- eot-vbtol winch propt-lhxl tlie
windlass broke stiddeuly just a* tlie ele
vator riaki'hrsl the topmost flix-r, IUHI tile
men and tlieir cliarge wi re pr-cipilaU-d
tngctlMf a litstaiKv of thirty fe-t Tlie
glaw was brok" in fragment*, whieh al
most burii-vl the men. Three of the lat
t-r were seriously wounded; and tlie full
extent of their itij uric* cannot, of comae,
lw eatiuintrxl Vet, owing to the aubtie
way in whieh fine (vartiek-s of glarw iu
ainimU- tin IUM Ive* into the flesh.
A Time of It.
Ax au old man and hi* four sons were
hunting iu the wilds of Cooke county,
Texas, a large cougar juuqxsl out of a
tree and knocked the father down. As
it n Uiuevl its hold on him after he fell,
the Ixivs dared not xh'xit; bnt fortunately
the old man held tin- lxuint by the thrvxit
with one hand and by one of it* fore
legx with the other. The lxvyy gathered
round, and three caught 11 old of Uie
cougar wliilo the fourth emptied Ixdh
barrels of liis gun into it# IMCE, breaking
it* spine. It wua then dispatched with
out difficulty.
Tlie Yf;uion k Hamlin Organ Co. have
completed aud now occupy Uieir new
factories in ('atubridge(virt. Max*., in
which tliey have introduce 1 machinery
to an extent never Ivefore employed in
the manufacture of organs. Hy the aid
of this they not ouly produce the lxwt
organs, but with greatest economy.
Twice as many organs can lie produced,
in pnqxirt-oii to tlie uunilx>r of men em
ployed, as woul-1 l-e possible with ordi
nary fiu'ilities, and this in the rennon
not only for such admirable instrument
but also for such low price*. •
Lot* of Hold,
Wells, IV go & Co. give the produc
tion of bullion for IH7I. on tha " IV-iflc
slope," at 87f,4<H),(ii!0, of which $*27,300,-
OtM'i is gold, m d the rest silver, Cali
fornia prvxliiicd nlx-ut $17,600,000 of
gold, ami M-lit rui SJ,."IK),tKK); Neviuln
over S.k",(KK).O(K) of silver, ami Chili
nlxmt $0,(KK1,000. This in the largest
pnxluetion ever reachtxl in this country,
exec-.ling that of the previous year bv
Harris Ix-wi <, late nrenident of the
New Yor's Stat- Agricultural Society, is
known to lw- a strong advocate ol the
economy of cultivating rvxit crops. He
is reported, after trj-ing numerous v*-
rieties, to now cultivate only the long
red, ovoid ami yellow globe mangel*
(giving preference to the long ml), uiul
the white sweet (termini turnips.
Bithber horse shoe* are the latest
novelty. Their cort, as compared witli
those of iron, i* alxut one third mote,
and their weight forty JXT cent. less. It
is said that liorses siill'eriitg from coli
tnu-ti-il or ernckinl hoofs, are m.x-u cured
by their use.
Mtdhal Adrt rtlslng.
Tho medical profession arc outspoken
in their denunciation of the system of
metliciU advertising, antl declare thnt
any medicine that in advertised i* a
fraud. How thoroughly ineonsistentand
unfair is unci) an argument. The men
who arc so loud in their rritiriawn arc
those who advertise themselves an medi
cal savans lijostentations display; splen
did residences with massive door plates ;
fast horses aud costly carriages. !>r. J.
Walker, of California, an old practi
tioner, respects! alike for his skill and
conscientious independence; dares to
differ; aud having discovered in his
Vinegar Hitters a purely herlwdistic
medicine, free from all spirituons pois
ons—a wonderful specific for numerous
disorders—advertise* the same for the
relief of his fellow man, and is Wine out
in his declarations of its many virtues l>jr
thousands of invalids, who or* being
cured of disease by its use. *
M|irtnir lloniH-U.
The new stylos in liat* and bonnoia
were shown ai Din lain o)M<uing. Tho
fashion fur large and ample head guar
with fall trim in lug* is a fixed faot. flie
crown* of tho liala and Ixmnct* of this
spring will cover tho whole of tho top
of tho hoed. Tho hriina are wide in
front, Imt U|M>r to nothing in tho hook,
or an< turned up or out away to make a
pbu-o for tho catogau or noil of liair.
< 'hip, white, blank, and gray, and aa aoft
aa felt, ia the material of the routing hat.
There are no lM*nu<tta proper to be aeeu.
They are all hate, trimmed something
liki 'un old fashioned Ixmuet of twenty
live yeara ago, with a profuaioti of aoft,
l>n traded, wide ribbon, feel Intra and
flowers, The lirinta are lined witlt
lovely hhu.lri of ailk; pink, blue, errant
color and white; fare trimming* of flow
era ap|>eai under the looptw! brim*,
'l'liere art- no at ring*, but buwa and
utruamem in the latek.
He llav Read the Paper*.
The other evening when a father Ixixed
Ilia noii'a ear* aa a puiiiatimeut for itu
pttilemw, the lad KUMKI In-fim him aud
remarked: So ham, father, I wa*
matting thia moruiiig that Utc drum of
the ear ia one of Uia moat aeuaiUve
thinga iu the human aynt<-m. A aiuldeu
blow upon Uie ear it liable to product
deafueiM, and Uie inacticc of cuffing cliil
< lreii cannot la- too severely oetimtmL
It ia Imt a mil'' of that dark |iertod when
a man with a wart on hia mate waa put to
dctaUi aa a soroemr.
Ika't Hack, Hark, tough, tough J
Cough w a Mjmpuaa by aUleb van.Hia dl
wl e aabUwua uf tlia tlmal. brotM-iuai tulma
ami liuiga mauifuat ibrmartvea. liut whether
it artatta fnmi the irritation prtwlaoeil in lite
lbcavl and iaiytiv by taking cold, fcaa an al
ia. V ot brunchllla, Uuljaeul ocuaurupUuu.
or frutn vanotu. other .auaea, nothing will allay
it meie a|eedily ttt cur* it more i-rtnaouUy
llian I>r. fierce . Ouldeu Medttwi lltaouvery.
It duea not matter whether tt be a ramM at
lark. or a lu.gernig <*-<tgh, tha 1 hacuvery ia m
etUier raac -|-ially well a U|><.■>! for tla relief
and i-ormaueui cure, lit fact, it wdl cute a
c.aigU ui one-half the time neenmary lo etu# it
witii any other twdk-Uie, and ll doe* it not Iw
drying it op, bat l>y removing (he oaoae. aub
duliii; the irntamai. and healing the aSectad
jauia. No nine ahull J Iw loet in oumtneming
(lie ue of a l-ruuer medlaue for the relief of a
cough, for tuiieaa thia cuuree la |.mwoed.
eoi .o.ka and tlangenma dtaee of the lunge la
ilab'e to rweult. (iulden Medu-ai Ihaoovery ia
m>ld by all daalerw in awtjama-Cwi.
* ALLEN 'H LPNU HALOAM cauwai the
lungs to throw off Uia matter that ia collected
over the air-cells, and make* the patient
breathe mure freely, and jwrifiea th* blood,
gives strength to the Ixdy, and lone to (tie di
gestive organs, end heel# the uutemd parte,
and give# Ufa and health to the system. Asth
ma ia is ".ii tehevad hy It* Dee. For aels by
deaJerw iu family tuodxtiies generally. Cum.
Dvor-oxorliou, i itlicr at body <r mind.
produces debility and ttiw-am. The usual
lemedy is lo take some st.mulsul the effect of
which is the same aa giving a ured horse the
whip instead of nets. The true way la to for
tify ihe system with a permanent tcxitc like the
Peruvian* Kvrup (a protoxide of irvm). whieh
gtvoe etreugth a d vigor to the whole system.
JOAIUON't Amnif/tur J.nttmruf is, vrith
ont. dottht, the safest, surest, and lest remedy
that has ever been invented for internal or ex
tern#! ttae. ll is appiieabl* to a great variety
of ram|iUit>le, end te equally heuehoal for mail
or beast. COMV.
We liave seen it stated in vonotui
J*JXT tlir.Kighoal th* ooontry thai agent# for
the sol" uf .'•krrubm't ( artiiry I WL ltum /W
iltr >ui authorised to refund the money to
any person *ho rhookt nee them and nut he
as:tailed with the result. W doahted thle at
nrat, Uit the |'>(4-isU4a authorise us lo aar
that it iv true. - - ('-MM.
X, Y. SujiremeCYourt IUM eotiflrm*l it*
injuix-tii.n against au imitation of the prr|*.a-
U'SI of Witch Hazel, known as Pond # Extract.
HI UKETTV OUCOAIXE ia tlie luat and
dHpn hair dreawlng iu the world. — Cain,
tlrirn Isi llOtlu ('arOe seat to W O. CAW
WOW. 411 ktol.J Ms", Hastoe. Maoa. evil bs
pswWll and newtoiasMi Oiled Oas xAiilWieual
The Xarketa.
saw T'-aa
IWT Oattte-IVlms to Kit ra bufioeka If". A !*h
ComnxM n> tiood T5aau5.......... v* 11
Mlt"X Ouw* M U> <*M IS)
lloa -Uvs OT'V r>
iM-seMvl <*',• 0V
WhSTT- I Id o*
tsunfaa <4 h
(V4ioo-MtddUnr !*• ICS
Flour Kit ra Wndere 4 M t* 1 SO
Mato Kxtrs 4 W <as*o
Wheat—H#l Woatorvi 1 -V-.l • I IT
Mo. ISpneg I li\* 1 14V
Bye—Olats •* IP*
llxrtry —KUI 1 Ml d 1 le
Harlsy Walt 1 41 4k 1 41
Oala—MiX"d -vi!n d
Vm-MlX'vl XMmo. Ml* M
May. jw* rwl M <4 Pg
Mr.*. pW CWt 44 .* IS
8.-js T4..444*i-obi. M * U
Porl-Msaa i 'W * W
lard ... 14 * It
Fteh—Mackrrst Wo. 1, nrw........ 11 HI jilt W
Xo.lm loon 4.10 SO
Dry Cod, t cwl 4 <KI td • 40
ItTrtnt, AvW. | box M <4 4*
Mrl. Crod". 01H-*t*N K<6i."d, II
Wool—Can tome r#*ca SIS A W
Trxaa ~ K * S>
Andrailaa •• >44)
OuUsr- -Stale 4 *
Wsn.r* (airy. t 91
Wsa'rru Y"llo M * 9*
Wrstsrn 0rdinary......... IS 9*W
IVt iiaylraola Fin# SI . B> K
Cbseee—4tta! CbcUTT . IT'.t* It',
" Kktmtusd 14 * ll
W" "store |j 1* 14W
Egg*—SUU- 94 t* 40
Wheat IM 1H
Kys-mato to it *4
Oore-Wiisd n 4 II
lUrtoj Mais | vt 4 1 i
Oala—Male (4 4 (1
Wttr 4 94 C 71
What- No 1 Hprtng 1 i *l(4
Onrn—Mlxsd Is <4 W
law II * 41
W?Nk mi
llarlry 1 11 I
Oottou—lew Mlddiitiga 14',.* Ilk
rtonr—Exira • ( k * 00
Wheal—Bd W"Store 1 9* I* 1 94
Wy 1 j 01
t\r— Yrtk-w. linn
(Jew—lll in) to td at
Potrotoum OT'.id 9?M
Floer —lVansylvenla Extra (19 M IM
Wheat —Wsstorn Ilsd 1 14 Id 1 to
Er* 99 4k Ff
Oora—Ystlow 91 id W
Mlxsd 91 4* M
Oats—Mixed 67 vv* 611.
IVinMsasa -Orads IH49I*S BsAnsd. 14\
Prairie Lands
mm *tJt itT
Tie & Miaul Rircr R. R. Co.
0 Ten Ynn'Crrdll nl O |M-r mt. lalrrm.
.SSftaiMlF A<KK> - ,OWA -
Thr ftnoal country | t|w> WowUf t-l F\UM<
|>t; am! STIH K It
Proitwrl* will |n% fmr l.nnH nwrf I mpr* r
mi in- l*n* hrforo liar IVlnrlpul hr
rotor* Hue. I.wmr l)Uinnla
fmr f 'nah.
•' Tb* kMlied deatltuti m In bVhraakn Mm In ih f u
—— n r**Uxi. twyowd Iha Und of Ibo K 4 M K R
• f" V"f circular* thai will Wrtv fully liww land*
and thr Iwno *# Mb. Mj t- nr addiM.
Huihnai n. Imr, f-*r lowa l.*od* t
or Mtw4n. N'oU . for Nol.rwk* laank
lr.cmll, f Imrrl. A llnil.
1 f demand fur your ba Kmuu
• •
•V<SlD>vV Jtwra. Ki nnrr A ( r( l
> rr. ,u . 11..* M rur
I rum (n all of tnV> It
I ! I wn* (•llml t Mtl.fartton "
V A/ > lllinr" I thine t<> rata* r 1 " •••'
- n
I " ko Man, i*lobl eooktu*
LaaWTWa t# m-nl (ran Sand at ..aer (or
Circular to
I .| (. r. (MNTZ A CO.,
I 7(1 Ounnr SI., Nr* 7 ark.
TCI rCRRPH Krtra Indoor wn'r k Uara. Aitdiua*
' tt - tunHrn .1 *ln,ihj. Nui.t-.etoratal.O
I!()>) A II \V. Ajtrnla wantsl. ml. and frmal*.
_ ii l ".. i • . ,M• f i ■. mnhaaiaa. Mirk.
■I as Or Ihr I'rrulra I'r4r^ar.
M m will, jr-.ur nam* handaarly iirlnlad .•"
■ ■ Ih'.ta. aanl. (aat-pald. atNM, r—orli't of 71)
.an!. v..or f.M-i.da will all aanl Ibrw
who 1 lhar ara r-.tora Addmaa.
W I! CAKKtIN 4(1 Kna.fao.l Slraal Baalaa, Maaa
Life Insurance Company,
or l*Mll*Al>KLrill4.
An old and snorokdal Ufe I'ompAßX dwiirw to wenw
Ihn >mUT of a reliable petaa. aim baa had •i|wrtM>r
• a I.f!*- Inauranoe SolkHor, aa Dhtiioi Afent, for
thla Ini sllly
r.c /Vmi * *nr/v Wmht+l make* annual dhrtdenda,
or r. turn < f surplus t* t* member*. ami ha* aa larse a
lro, 'iiii>ll of Aaa-u to l.lahiMtlea aa aujr Mutual l.tfa
'ntpany In the I'nlied fMatea It I ano* p*Mim at all
drwlmltl* form*, wbion an- all aou forfi-ltalib, . nl an
offer Inducements to th* InanrAn* public equal to Iby.
It in prw|ared tmake hiatal tkmmi*alo I'- Mracta with
•uwiionrod mvn In the SJS jeara of Ita exl tenet* tha
PKNff MI TI AI. haa dlaputed the of Imt
two Tohcte . AII1 I to
H. H RTF Pit Klffl, Ifr^./VratVlMl.
oifl t'heatnnt St-ect. l*iilla<l*lp)iia. Pa.
A# O I Untul, Handtun • t">• p Mclla avery.
THK wliar*. A rate chance. Alao,
CVtIU Our n-w ob.rt, lllltlSTlAN
A hi ti K \CK.H, h> .I.lmiitu .'iccra.Cln-
M • Hnn , tl price, . N.w York Hmd
sjklf f l..r|.raliK.l HHIIM.M AN.4 Harr
npili 1J 1a,1H..1*.Y..A 17Q IT.4hW( .0(n ■O.
*KAliosAl ixv oa.FUMMpkit.rk.
ET A cui AIIGV Smith's Illustrated Pattern Baiaar
■ TRe oelf Megesine tfiet IWVOBTB WVUHI ewO
•ILLSftmeme of them. Only *.o■ W with Premium. hillMtll mmtmr
V I iwvU rn-ito inn —M—<..o f''' 1 u "*"*
JU * I rtrartßHHSk. Bllu. •> B rau.ra 1i •*a;rwni •" 1 *^l- .. ~
*ld. M aaat*. IBM, ■NM !rt H " ,Brt, * . . _!.***'.: ~ ***** „,..,,.
H *->' *. ~ Any hßttern on ttite pug* mailed on reeelet of mnrttoO pf— n . lr _
wan. pawtii • ■>*-; Mw at Mr urn.
cnm miMf w hn # *,i*.oo
•bltmaßbi iMMh S *0 rf jFoslr A* Mrw'n *•'• r"<* '•> ■ ' : LAOCiOf CLUB J™'
!&,T? "£2 Ofrtameertßdr. - Q*-8-R*CT
nSiW. r^^jMWß.*mrißaaia
p. O. Bo fiOfifi. 014 Broadway, WW Vo* Ctty.
*4O, *4O, *74, k *IOO.
Wlilppad laadr lar l!
Haa:*...r-d by ( lIAfMAN A
CO.. Naibaa, irt.
(ST Aaad Am altalaloßiM
Huatuianm of CalaM Hiaail loadlw.. Military.
SfKMI oa aad < Itnd.i. — Slta Thr Mral In In.
U arid Wlaaa al lalatMliouai art Maaiir >H •*Rm
uriw umt aioliri ai (Saa OS BI BamrtLj
FqlVMoti'WT:,*: '
Willi KrtaikMu f". i;Oil,a<4a. eooaad eix*
dart Aa lUaatralad t'aial. faa
A..ot tan OmOB, K a WWTCJIITT,
Haatr- ai<. ttiaa. Wmm at.
For Home Uee, and for Cturchf *
and Hails.
Uncqutlcd in Tone, and in Beauty of
Tie Mil American Op Co.
or ttoMTtt.v, M-tmL,
CaM auaoitua b Unar krw IJM, aM Kniaijaayi aad
tlaarni lluia, art aaaiari Ba |ialMr UuA la Baaa laam.
HMMrte ham to be hißßd n'rtU irurt the i*Mt i ffirelß wttte*
(May lun iaa4a u Mr laajtidia fall of aifiariatin
Ke triliar laau aiaaol aa auaUf M- ula'ja. tba Plea Uqn
run l> TO Mt lT Tllfc T! MKM.
I.lill aaal trm am apyhaaliag.
BXIIKKTaiUKKM. Sad Maaaatar LVaalar
|| Btrrlidar Hrarkrt n.aa Ftaaar art Ml
>• nam .liauti jaal imblialaaj. Add ma I. H 11.1 Tl 44
KM d IMA. SaiaMßM ftnaß. ■ f_ Baa (Hid.
BMKi A ilaMib. A,. -11 l Winirl Kxbaaart Hart
WBlar'laiakmar A 11 Waraar.lVS Braadamy Jl V
"Peoplo IProm
Tha irraal tvnmwa al tba Aaa. lavaMßaiwa al Ida
anurtul Mitli WaaWkdallaai at Uaa Kdd,
llaaurnlrMM. b, lha Kmw York braydi. liuaiaa
aanma Huai aatuntahmc 11aalia. Tba b'da waaui
aal .i.i.',. ,W *.• • /ayra. >'f. 'aim from Id/a
Bart lur • •tn-ulai (.* faretUT.Tinai, air , la
AMttklt AN ri BI.UWIKU (tI..HaHMd (X
TMa aaa Traaa la • r
alb fualiai nal ail
elf K . *§y I c |M mki rt day Ada*"
BB " „ , DB luadt la awn artlaa al
T1 V • . JW iba body, ran,alniny Ra.
Una a.Bar Iba Maid mi
ri niama or aaaarm
\ AT curt Bald SayMß
V/ >✓ Elastic trust Co..
Na. BH3 Hraadarmy, N. T. Uu, *
•ad aant by Ball Crt or-rt la, (Brraßr . art ba aarrt
lor the B*v lb<4 ** sb<rrw ft* Hflelßrtm," *r
ISO Ymum MM. Aay. W.aaaa
la m * —w aaa aad u aad Ua book a.
XI O W ba I. H It Jul lb.b.-4
n kr Ibr liana, art aid aril 'art
__ . ___ Kaad trc rtnibi ana bnaa la
\ a Imuk. KM ■ art a.nuial >. clpllal ra
aabrt i'ana alam art > ulnalda aawtdm aaat Man. A4-
dram an hßr muni alaiaa, I * KuAlfni maliaiyb-N Y
i uiirn aa ima. Ma. m ■• bs •
A aaak. ar S> > (orlnltad I'ab all .anjiln /ra.
Writ# ad noaala r II RKVII. (Kebab Baa Bmfal
r,l A ftanitiy art Hnlnaa I ante. Ibr baM . Ibr aurid
1 X inyaA "i.l aauba 1" I ram rl with arcrt few tt>
<u Add nan H > MAM.FT. KanliliiaafJa Kapam
3111 *....! .. Mian. H.atn Alam __
A OA ritTIvKKM! Hart A real a Aa OR) t.
A K'>w 1 J SOU. 41 CaO Rua. N. T . few tbadi
rbaydiaj^JiOO lay, nmahilmJMßaa/jgOOaaa.
ItIAK/\ .A MONTH Aaaau aaatad aaan
tliV'Sl 1 dm* Bad nam Vmoeabia art Sim
U/rtUV/rti rarttcalamaaß fraa Addraa
t WAJRTW S OS. R laafe SU.
neweookTELL it ALL
,1; 2?
imdarina by Mm. awaar. "Ilia m-y af a
aaa a'a oimnm Ui karr tbr -AaJdm 4'*-
r r.l. >rv areM ik.i|i. <k d lb Mirawaa a. t
Mdtoi'l a Ibr Mm*
m rM avid Bbß (ar all. R ta payabr mn
ar 1 auk urtTbady.aJ<mtarnan albri bemka tAnarki
a .. tl ituirra al - Ciad ami ... Brtaml aumra
adin i tt Xaarykady waata Bi art ac' ** •***(
tram I. la • a day f Bit* H i faw r-*a.' Wt
?MlU.anlrwi NOW - awn i* warn, a - aad
waaC row', .Ull I iwkllaa aba a .Jncam U-|
aaamkbm wßbtrt yarorainra. mam am. na;m la mm
VIIII.II A. liwaatiiaaiaaa Uajhafed. Oaam
ss * S2O ft:
3 'G-'G>S
GROCERS 31 * A , |
Ita IMPKfIVKD K RIKirT •. a. Ala* .
W> tw Is tb* w-Ui wWb I • Sn t
o>ttl4Om U d|:\rKM.K>T Mmioit. In
viae it la o- Kin* kit lull.* r.twder .... i* >oa ie fa
Iflnati. pmn.l it h pa,. Mi <i (Mi "au pa aw.
wbwa PM Ma Ml t mil... ,- t.r .. 1(1 Mala* Pn*.
of *J raerlpl p. 1.24. It rU, h r*na. Wi el ww*
rwewtpl ..f M | .(Mi at w*n. with *i>ii ■ .In Mi.
and IMIUK l.w M it mn ami I'likn. If It* limritt.
"Yu .rirra ugl- -n la whtrh Itn. n-,n , ia..i k mm
Tha ooar of ib tatirt m inu< n inn nam
MI"IM at Km pmln Ina-wdisala Kofi bp era
can uD ilnKii Mpnclm (Mna
11. M . I'rartleol Hnni,
('fctni*. til.
& 1 I \ • (•*" rFK l> * V ftwwd fw "Himn.l "
•7 I ' ' (I>Wm. J. II BUFFORDW HONS Haataa
Itnlli I* tiralK K4 esw arHebo and lb.
. a." M f.n.tlj Nlt la Inrm. with Ma Nn
OfciilM. haa. AM M'FH m, :lH> llmadwap. ITT.
AC KXTS Ohaac (Sua* aella at teht. Na-m—ary it
■np n* da fran Ctgn l'h>v MT| On . Bnaiua.
£>)(Wk • wain In Mfia >'ti|ilat iMna
Ca"" I X I'.iMHlCn.oi .Bataiiii.llWi
ebnCetwl la tin maid - lopmlm' pom la
at IVnwpaar in Awterlao *tplirtifW pWn
oi*..(lmly lit'** tniiMilai hool ImtimiiwuiU
Anal w. urn • md fnr llwcalu In ROKKKI
WILI.VU Van M —4. Kaw VnA H Q Rm | <*l.
|£>K rui: DAT ! ■ niaMloa or MINI a woak Boi
— l an and Kiim-hi Wo onae R aad IU M
It Applmnaa. <• A (.. Marina. O.
BiruajswoT-eiss. kktoltow.
or aar aad omit kind. Solid at amp
afmlKK IIM Cml U>.l#M liaa^^H
folWrtal rif tlll uCK, f
cbKNil. MtllKlTt. X tha Un
Far foil In formation rttapeetinc oar (load., or Aanacfca
ht am. nMm WAt.jl NUI INK 1| Al ft I\ I
( O.M'ANY at liar I lord, ( all., c oar Bmact
Ofllrw. la Wading Um _
Arjn •Ann A \Orlt and In all. Artie'
Jl n II PmM II "*"■ •lap*"** 1-ur .vampla In* U.
VU U yJU I.INIXIi rtlX A HRO. trVnTOMgag
A Rook Mpaalat tbe tnpaterlee of TFT ITT om
and how ani oaa tea? operate eue TV A JUJLi DA •
noaftiili wtlb a c .irttai of t..0 or ft IIMMI. Ooroj.iat. an I tl! tint ration. In anjr addnoa Tl'll-
JIICIMiK Af'O., Hantaan a.M. Baoiua. I Vail
MUMi . *'" r TrofVaalnnnl aatl Aaatrur
SjSPi I rlilria, NrkMl., Aarlrllr., Alan.
JHHsS .ifWcliimi a, Mrrrkaala, and oikm ilia
th.- BEST MOT Invented,
iBEI jl- Ten atalaa. Prion, trom a.too to SISO.OO
gStS. | , BEN J. O. WOObS A CO. M...ufr,nd
dealer, in all klodaof Printing Material,
Vwi fi.r iatalo*ur 1 l> Pedciwl St. Bo.tou
MONEY r" -f'*. ">'.ruiboM
till at A I lot Ala t t.tial.wtin. wmpiaa and full par-
Itcolar* Frrn. 1 Al trt.. n. 11l ll.iwwrN .Htaloit
Da TT Tl n WH * T kHr riLwi
I 1 J Facta," • Treat ipe on tbe
% ('annua, Ilia torj. Cure and
■ \ Pret roUt.n af FIX. KB, Pub
l.tll br P NKI'STAKD
■ ■ I l'kH A l-O.V. Walker sue
I Nrw York Sent KR-iiKuial
I ■ l|taru ol tbe L nltad Uaua op
aMJdi nt a Iruet waawa
AXVRKk. JtMUnaMmmrhoa Far
wI J oat fit Kc Kiutiu A tfiuu, ilaplm, Übb.
I | 9 M |WS knoa n ami Hire Rcmrtljr.
D>t trwtiusal uatil cured. Coll on or adiipcM
DR. J. 0. BKCK, *
lU Jill (tract, CISCttDATI, OHO.
fCV Hitler* are a party Vweel*
preparation, made chiefl* from the ao*
tiro herbs found oo the fever ranees at
the Sierra Nevada anontitM ef Catttar
nu, tU medicine! preperttea of which
ate extracted iherefroa wltboet the eat
of JUcubol. The qawfaa la ahanet
daily eafcad. "Whet leUK ceoseo* the
unpatali'- somes of Vbqab Brr
tkbsP Our answer is, that they rum* e
the eacee of dfaeees, and the paUant re
swore his health. Thejr are Che freer
blood purifier sad a ltfo-p'- me prineMla.
I r-jrffect fceooretor aad IcTigwilM
i# the system. Merer befcre la the
hietery at the vt*U has • assftshiefceie
■aTAri""afTtieeaa Bi frees la Sas'huttbß
wt of every Umsm eteahheir ta fhay
sie e fwnis Pemedre es *• m e Torts,
relit tie* (ksfsmee er lelasdartl* el
the lirr eel Tiaeirei Puma la Wmm
He Mlfitltt ef Db. WAUCBBf
T iraesa Brrrevseie AfsthwtV Thealswelr,
Cermhiartre. Brtsttleas, Usaadra Dtwretia
bedsore, Oiiaeti frtliri. BeAssase, tttsre
tire, Hi Jkß t iiihors.
it. it. * on .
i freegwui art tiee,
uhS em. it Wui.;uv* M 4 <X.utu Ms.. If T
•nie kl Bit UrMOarUla m 4 IL ia.lar.ra.
T T.'e Q.-Ha tl ~ "
S. UUMIP caßwrr e •
aBB* lehißa BIIJB t
?SMVI Ij" Kb'. ..TT'cu <
Matil in a *pdi atrertien I order t SusfrSMl ;..MI haHnWec*-
ana lanaa Imi 3ts JJMO ißarewwa
eee— a 000^*00.0*^6.111
lowa R. R. Land Co.
Uaalwaaia imaa Jnikwllß*l*
||M kMr ILacata Watra l ai
Hub Ml k imm4 alaar..a a.kla nrikulaa R
.iiml mw Nr. lyw So ladlaa* Imna maAH
■w M 4 iM |tl i—r mt. mart rtaM ' Cdf . inai
MIV t ..Min i ■*. fIT Raadulpii KM—. tAMn' aB".
aad otraß tail u'.-n tii" aad Immi *n raark Ik* k-Mrta
(nan. r* Mia pa lal lanMiMa all! l-rica* art u-mm.
add-ana I 1 Railroad (Bid IV, Cklwe, or Oiu
IU * rti *' B. N,
EPILEPSY ZESZr&tSSL tao/n- Far cMa-at'laaa. ariSMMna ad
nnaa 7 , • K-taa tCWA RM< . Rataart. Irt
Habit Cured
A rrriaU Md aatrv earn, uriiboat kanua ttaitnrA
and at home. Aa anttdota UiU wanda pare!? oa lt
rwu mania Saad fcc (inilalf taaaaalna (•
>aX latea baea ttarsaatmeUf cared. 1 alalia la bate
Down trad aad prodacad lbe riarr omoinaj. and
oxlt area craa pom orrra Banae.
l>H. i. m. (XM.LJ.Aa. U Parte, lad.
lift" r
om whF&i
PM cfintra at ttao Maaultn Md Knar. r tafa, mm Ulb,
•• Ol I klJMib" tad "Tl> tti.TI.KvI
A. i nraaMaai |e ceh rniacrttaa (Mr M :• o. ; aad
* With' Mrk tcarlj Ml nerd nn
50 CENTS. a 'JZaS*^.
mm tiw. *xmnm>
'****** id*
WarM Mr Ina. Tla, or Wood. For aala
fe (Twielwaa FRIXrES- JfHTAtXIO
rAfXT ro MOdaxflA .W Trk.
CAUTION,-Psrelaan trill pkaaa
tea that oar nasM aad trade mark are on <*-i. Mut
BWJ peckapo. Send for a Ctrcsler.
tnm of Vo-otahlo aod FVoor Seed
"bo rpli rtMa..r,
of loot IH S I la qqttd aot >nU loe a. la U will be fmmtl
Minal railiable ta-min of aow .eeotaUka tnteodaanl
I ' Ibe file "■>*. baritat mad.- nee rr*
tabloa a tpeefaHr to manj roan, limtm or a *-a
*"i. *?•* .*■(** KarUn— n ni> aevorml laia a, I eoold
aad all otbaea ebo an aaperiaUj dealrtota It. bant tb. Ir
aead par* and freah. aod /'rA#ree Asm MiWe.
•"■I oat from our i eUbUahautai ore eutotod lit tkne
warranto a. at van [a nt. c.iaktctte
JA.NKS J. 11. (IBFlittlir, Hum.
The Ways
of Women,
k" Swt-I.Y.C SMITH, if n,aaaaftba met Twaa/taU. Mat.
™ *-*"** h— "• Aft Wcaa paa p.. Hall an
'b™ —m mat at ■aMiitw.* Tbe New M
YW Wit u . a. mi m lanao.rwa on
anaaa.aa Dr. Metk.,lb.ubbaoad lim' akyttlrlaa. mj t,
* "naat, n.cnn m tmmmtJT. lpof .p-
MrtsabrMafM-.MMat.MMsrt WHY HIT Tfl.L,Mai.
j pl.l.toa-fMCtI-*! nhMlnuaUMlaOohni
I *"• "IWriH. BILK AH a Ca.HwOW.Cwa
UIDVCT °" r New f'ntatasae
rlata Air H, aad arid I e aaat
frARDEN PotrhKOitAriticiWK.
,t cottlalna tlalanf thecbolml
rarletina, on-fwHr -ntwu (rten
am lost t.f tl>k. .r e|. Ir rafted
fur tb moot Wl M ittfl Ot -
___ ten atul Hi t Bed a-e: Farn. ,
scklrarl. Ererrll A- Co.,
OR ffnfi ■(■ H. Market Mreei,
OEtKUO _ Hoof aw. D.w
p 1 a. in. i aimirt tit .an on taisniA
jHIBfc ' ~tn.lrtiari- Iw.olj jraani safwaea IHa and
k ba" won AaTHHA, I axportaMataa bp re
ro._a.l t.oba .nd MaaHap Sa m
Kft rtaajdraadlleiasaM npAQßuaw
WML. **" *• iwßwMty to Hi® iNntSois i c*
MNH|o*r *