No More. Tin* i the bunion of the heart. The bunion that it alwayt bore ; W live tolovo ; w* meet to pari ; And part to moot on earth no more, Wo clasp each other to the hoarl. An J jiart to moot on aartli no mot e. There ia a time for teare to alert - - For (teare to fall an 1 larks to a oar j The tamo for team u> when we part To meot upon the earth no more j The Una for teare tear hen wo |>art To moot on this wide earth no mono. SO Mom This ia the bnrden of the heart. The burden that it always bora ; We live to love ; are tuoot to |>art; And pert to moot on eaith uo more : Wo clasp each 0 her to the heart. And i ta when we part To moot ou tills wide earth ■ no more. AT WAR WITH THE STRIKERS. Some men can always make plenty of friends without taking auy trouble, and some can make plenty of euomios in the same way; and that last seems u> have been my luck through life. 1 snpjxvso as an ordinary mechanic I'm not such a very had sort, and I'll toil ycu why. After about a doseu years of mtirried life, there s always a pleasant ainile U wel come mo home—a sweet look that 1 always answer with a grin which spreads all over my rough, dirty face, till it gets loot ou each aide in my whiskers, and up atop in my hair. Then, t, for all I'm a big, gviui looking fellow, as my mates call Sour Sam, the little ones never eccru a bit frighicmxl at tue; but one comes and gets hold of my cap, and an other my coat, and one omnm and pulls before, and anotln-r comos and pnslies lieliiud, till they got mo in my cliair be side tlie table; and I know times and tunes I haven't had half a meal for tlie voung rebels climbing on me; for, aomo- Imw or another, if tliere is auy time iu tlie day that goes fast, it's diauer hour. You get .sat down, and toss this litrle one, and play with tliat, and cut two or Uirec mouthful*, and thou it's time to go liwck to the sliop, and grime yours* If up again with sUx-1 tilings and oil. I was such a grim, grulT fellow, that my shop mates took ptvetuus little uoticc of me; and one day, after it had lieeu Iwewing for some time, tliey all turucil out—hundred and forty of Vm. Now, I was so took aback, and it come njxm me so unfijwtodlv, that 1 put ou my coat and came out with the rest, and stood outside.the gates; but as KIU AS 1 was outside, 1 felt mud at having done so, and would have gone lack, uulv it was too late, and whit my shop unites Wl settled it seemed that I must abide by. So, thinking of bow it would end, I walked home, though two or three called me a sneak for not joining their meeting at a public house hard by; and after ait ting by tlie tire for an hour, I made up my mind what I should do, and that was to go back to work. For I didn't want to strike, and felt that the treatment we got at the works was as good as we de served; and it didn't seem fair to me to lviok upon one's employer as an enemy because he luu! hail so much letter luck iu the world than I had. So back I went without a word, and as 1 git near tlie gab's there were three or four of our cliajM hanging about. " Where going, Sam i" says one. •• Works," I says, gruffly. " What for ?" he says. And jn-t then the others came up, and then from here and there more and more, till fifty or sixty stoxl round. "I'm going into the works," I ®iid, roughly, and trying to above my way on. " Well, but wliat for f" he says, with a sort of half-laugh. " We haven't hoard that they've given the rise ; but, being a favorite, yon got the news first. Why didn't yon tell us, mate?" Of course I didn't like his bantering way, nor I didn't like tho half-laugh which followed ; but I Mid nothing, only tried to push through the crowd, when lieing brought up shirt I swallowed down a sort of feeling of rage that stvm- od to com# np to mv throat, and facing round, I said, boldly: " Harry Perkins, you're ou a strike, as ret call it; well, I'm not. You don't mean to work—l tlo ; and I'm off iuto th* shop." Weil, this swmcd to stagger him for a moment, but the nest minute half a me, the other side was making head, aud wo were being beateii I wick step by step, and driven along a narrow street, but fighting desj¥rat:ly the whole time. Every now and then a chap on one aide or the other would stagger out blooding and wild, aud make his way on to a doorstop, or np one of the courts that connected the street with the next, and more tlian 0110 went down with a groan; while by some means or other about eight or nine of our side were driven up a court by some of the oth'T jiarty, where, seeing tho chance, I shout ed to them to follow, and we all ran, hard pursued by our enemies for twenty rods or so, when they turned back. "Come on!" I shouted, and, leading the way, I got into the next street, led them along it a little way, and then turned down the next court. "Keep together," I said, "and we'll take Vm behind." And the next minute we were back in the street, where our mates still fonght on desperately; for in my heart I believe every blow struck on our side was nerved by the thoughtof home and those , wo worked for. s Next moment we took them in the rew, with a desperate rush, cheering as weTdi l so, and tumbling them over right auoi left; while our mates in front, who wen*„iusttheu giving way, cheered again, and the} fight was hotter tlian ever. But now, h mined in lietween the two parties, tVie strikers fonght desperately, and I caught sight of Perkins, with a small hamqnor in his hand, knocking down first d. U o and then another poor fellow, who crawled out of the strug gling mob as Well as he could. Th re were ino police visible, but they could have dout? nothing if they had been there; but ever* window was crowded with people, whtj e men's wives came hurrying up shrinkiug to tho people looking on to stop the fight. Ju*t then 1 ***" downed the man op pa*ed to me, when I heard a heavy blow: wd turning, saw th 6 man who worked FUKD.KLTKTZ, 1 Alitor nml I"ropriotor. VOL. VIII. t the next viae to mo go down from a Mow on the forehead from Perkins's hammer, and tho next momont t stixxl on mio aide just in time to avoid a Mow aimod at mo, when the handle caught mo on (]it< shoulder, and tho hanmior luxtd snapped oft, falling upon tho grouud te hind mo. I believe I was h:df mad then with |sou atid excitement as I hsikod at Per kins, and closed with him; when, teuig Ivth big, stout follows, and heads of the row, the desperate struggle going *n le twis'i. us seemed to act like magic on the others, who .topped to watch ns as we wrestled together here and there - now up, now down, tho center of a busy throng, cheering and shouting us ou as if wo had ttcou two wild boasts tightiug for their amusement. l'm not going to give yon a long de scription of a fight, nor of the savage feelings that burned iu my brain, as mail with fury 1 tore at him again and again ; for 1 often look lsu-k ujs.n that time with feelings of sliaiue, though 1 can't help thinking tliat I only aettsl as moot men would have done at such a time. All I can tell von is I've a recollection of giving and receiving fierce blows, of falling, being picked up, and lieing cheered on, and muttering through my set tooth, " it's for those at home," till there came a fiercer and longer struggle than ever, ending in tedh falling heavily; and I shall never forget the sickening crash wiUi which my opponent's head •aiue down upon the curbstone. Then, blind and giddy, 1 was standing panting there, with a jiolioemau hold of each arm ; but only to be drugged away ucxt moment by mv mates, who bore me off clieering. Early next morning, though, the po lice were at my place, and I followed them quietly, shuddering as I went, for I had heard that lVrkins was in A dying ■tat'. Then came the examination lav fore tlie magistrates, and 1 was remand ed for a tlay or two till the doctor* had given iu their opinions. Our heads of the firm, though, took great interest in the casi< as soon as they knewall the par ticulars ; and one of the cleverest coun sel they could get took mv CMS in hand, which ended in my being discharged, for lVrkiiw grew Utter; but a good tunny of us were fined pretty smartly for the breach of the peace. The workshop was open diivotlv, and quite lutlf the men went back to work ; but from that day I liegaiito find out tliat our town was no place for me. My em ployers were kind enough, and I was not a penny the worse in pocket for niv iu oouuter ; but it grew plainer and plainer b me, tlay by tlay, that 1 should In' driven out of tho town. Threatening letters came. Once I was struck down from lieliiud as I came borne on a ilark night, and though I felt sure the man I caught A glance of was Perkins. I could not swear it ; then came the news of the cowardly tricks at Sheffield—throwing powder iuto houses—and my wife grew {•ale and ill with apprehension ; while what filled the m-ware nn t- the brim was my poor law lieing set upon and ia sulb'd one night only a few yanls from our door, so near tliat I heard her call " Help !" and knew hejr voice, and ran out The next week I was sitting in otir empty room, the floor trampled and dirty with the feet of those who had been to the sale of the thiugs in our bit of a four-ro>tiled homo. And the tliiugsliod sold well, too; for my mate* had nat ' their wives, and one had bought one tiling, and another another. Hut I was down lu-arUil and sad at seeing first one little familiar thing and tiu-u another drugged away, while the thought of l>e ing driven out of the placo was lutt'-r to me. Tlic wife mil chilitrcn had gono to London, nud then- waa 110 ouo there t > see me as something which showed there wen- weak place i in the strong man came niining from my eyes. Hut I had to choke that down, for n knock csuue at the door, and it sounded hollow and strange in the empty place. It waa a letter—just in time, too, for I was thinking just before of locking up the plnec and going away, but fancied 1 should first like one pipe of tobacco for tlr- l.nt where I had spent BO many quiet evenings. However, I opened the letter, and then started to run after the postman, feeling that it must Is- a mistake; for inside was a crisp new twenty-pound unU, with a few lines tell ing ine that it was from two friouils, who regretted the loss to the town and its works of an Inmost, upright men, and Ix-gging my acceptance of the trifle in closed, as of the esteem in which my services hail been held. Twenty pounds, sir—a larger sum than I had over lieforo owned at once ; but. as I'm an honest man, I thought more of the words of that letter than I did of the money; while, through ls-ing wi-ak, I suppose, there was a wet spot or two upon the note when I put it away. After it was dark tliat night, I went and thanked thonn from whom I knew it liad come, though they would not own it; bnt the senior jiartuer slapped mo on tho shoulder as I went out, and he said ; " There's two much lulling aloof lw tween master and men, Horauel Harris; but if all men w.wc like you, wo should have no more strikna." How Smooth-Bore Cannon Are 111 fled. The invention which has mode the proposed ciiange practicable is a rifled steel aire, which is introduced into the old smooth-bora gnus. The cast-metal gnus are luxated, which expands the lx>re. Whil" in this condition the rifled steel aire is driven in, and when the iron cools it shrinks on tho oore, holding it liard and fast. This steel ooro is found to vld greatly to the strength of the gun. The cannon thus reeonstrnctod in prac tically a new weapon of double strength for longer range and extraordinary pen etrating power. In this manner largo old-style ordnance, rendered utterly use less by the improvements in iron ship building, lieconKM thoroughly efficient. A ten-inch smooth-bore can thus be con verted into an eight-inch rifle, capable of piercing over a foot of iron. This is rather understating than overstating the efficiency of the newly-invented rifle bore. The experiments at Hostou noma months sincß showed that these re modeled guns drive a txilt at short range through fourteen inches of iron and into thick oaken wood Ix-yond. At longer range the force was correspondingly great. The London TV mrn, in comment ing on these experiments, said that if they were correctly reported these new rifle-cannon could pierce and explode any iron-clad man-of war in the British navy. Earnest in his Lore. A newly married couple from some where down the Lansing road were rid ing in a Grand River car, and the groom insisted on holding the bride's liaml in his big red paw. "On ! no, don't!" she said, as she jerked her hand away. "Oh 1 lav, let me hold vcr hand, jest for ten minutes!" he pleaded. " Shoo ! Don't you see they are look ing at us ?" ahe whispered. "They are, eh!" he replied, looking up and down the car. " Wall, now, I'm going to put my arm right around ye, and if any fellow in this car dares to spit crooked I'll git up 'u mop the door with him until I wear him up to bis shoulder blades !" His arm encircled her, and the other passengers looked as solemn as if they were on their way home from a funeral. THE CENTRE REPORTER. A Verj St range Paso A singularly sad case t reported iu New York [wiier*. An old man naiuod Stock via lived with his wifo and MX ohil dreu at 1,961 Third avenue. A short time ago ho hud a poruh tie stroke, and was rendered almost speechlesa. On tho UvUh of Felmiuy ho wont from his buttae at an early hour, and wander ed about the citv until half |at ton u'eluck at uight, when ho wua discovered in Fifty eeventh street, near Third avenue, and arrested. Ho had a near on his nose and one on his forehead. He reeled and tried to about, and tho officer thought that ho waa drunk, and took him to u jvilne station. A sergeant who wua at the tleak vaiuly endoavorod to asocr tain the man's name and residence, and at length entered his name ou the Mot tor its John Duo, and looked him up. Ou the following day (Sunday) tlto prisoner was arraigned on a charge of drunkenness. The man wua unable to artioulato and sto-xl like a alatuo be fore tho railing. At leriuan iu the JHI- Uoe station tried to engage tho prisoner in conversation and came to tho conclu ntou that he was an Italian, and his ua tionality wsis thus entered iu tho pr mittod him to sit liy tlie stove and tried to urge him to partake of food, hut the mysterious priaouor would neither eat nor sloop, and sat motionless Itoforo the stove. On the day following he was sent to the workhouse ou IllackwoU's Island and hx-ked up iu a cell with two vicious prisoners. At this time his family and friends were looking for him. Thov inquired at tlie police station, the courts, the Morgue, advertised in tho ui-w*pa|X'(w, and wont to Pateraou, Newark, and other olaoes in Now Jorwoy. His brother-in law scoured Ute city, and at length Btookvia was found almost dying in a cell iu the workhouse. Those in the cell with the ejivx-hlexs man had quarrehxl with liim and tewteu him nearly te death. Tlie authorities were at ouoe appeal t who lives in tl> extreme weatern juirt of the city "|ent nearly all afternoon and evening out in the snow, playing with a neighlmriiig boy—rolling in .snow banks, etc.—with lie curleM neas ami disregard of clothes coinmoii to highlifed UiyM. They played till after dark, and alien tliishul came to go home hi* clothes were nearly soaked through. He had Ism eev< rely punished a few days previous for coming home in that condition, ami was told thnt if lie came h HUP in tliat sliii)* 1 again he would lw< whipjxst within an inch of hi* life. He knew that his father would Is) as good as his word, and a* lie thought the mat ter over, he made up his mind thnt he would stay out till after the folks Inul gone to la-d, and then crawl into a neigh bor's wood-house and stav through the night, and he carried out his plan. Some time during the night the owner of the house was awakened by a noise sound ing SOUK thing like groans; he listened and again heard the sound, which seemed to come from the woodshed, but which lie thought was pmliablv a stray dog. The noise continuing, lie finally got up, jiartly dress, d himself, took a light, ninl on going into the shed dis covered the IM>V cronchisl in one corner, partly oovwred with some old rags of carpeting or something of that sort, and insensible with c*dd. He curried him into the house, sent for his family, and after several hours of incessant lalsir the boy revived. Upon Wing inquired of why lie went into the woodshed, h • aaiil it#ra IsH-nnse lie was afraid to go home. That family must bo ruled with a severe roil. A Suit Won by Wafer Power. Tli folk iwing is related as an incident in the professional life of Ogden 8. Sey mour, lat' Chief Judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut. Mr. Seymour's eyes have always been weak. In college his friends usually road over the exercises to him. lie has hail to employ assistants as amanuenses, readers, etc., ever since. One day Mr. Seymour went into court late to argue a case, with tho details of which ho was perfectly familiar, for a young lawyer who conducted the exami nation. The jury was composed of men who were unacquainted with Mr. Sey mour. During the close of his argu ment he spoke mildly, as was his wont, and frequently wined his teiuful eyes with Ills handkerchief. The facts and equity of the case were rimlly against him—but the jury ren dered a verdict in favor of his client, to his and ovorylKnly's astonishment. The solution of the mystery wn readied when two of the jnryrneii, lieing taken to task for their absurd verdict, declared that " they didn't know uothiu' nlsuit law, but nolxnly needn't tell them that Seymour wasn't right—and ho knew nil nlKiut the case!" This was found to have Ixvu the bias with the rest of the jury, too, except one man, who yielded Ixxaunic, lie said, " it was no use to quar rel with fools. Seymour cried it into Vm so that they couldn't lie stirred, and tho case wasn't important enough to split on." sew Press Hoods. Dyoor cloth in a new fabric for dresses, says a fashion journal. It is a thick yet aoft silk like heavy pongee. It in lm jxirtod in plaids of crrit with brown or block barn, and the plain rrru and cream good* to match. "Lonlmue" in tho name given tlio aoft Imsket-wovcn and twilled ailka to lx> uacd for Hummer cos tumea. It com** in pin-head checks, broken plaidn, and blocks of block with white, blue upon blue, Imff with blue, and in tho high Madron colors now no fashionable in l'arin. It ooetf from $*2.50 to {M a yard, and in single width. Burette or drugget cloth ia tho ynmc given a Milk and wool fabric of rough surface, not twilled, but with raised knotted threads of brown or gray npon white. This is spoken of ny French writers as very stylish for costumes. Toil* C Oriental is all silk tissue in open checks like the Mexicaine of last sum mer; price 8-.50 a yard. Algcrino for overdresses and linen grenadines are in errtt checks and stripes; others havo blue mixed with them, and show very quaint colors. There are also cent organdies iu checks and stripes, and colored greuotlines sold as low UM forty cents a yard. Among the best wool ffcbriasfor spring suits arc plain and plaid debegos, some twilled, some loosely woven in new gray and brown shades, and all of excellent quality. They cost from fifty to sevoaty- Qve cents a yard. CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., TA., THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1875. THE INHERITANCE OF CRIME. The Usher .ll'rlwl.ala ssd nkai .he bw ll.ur is Urissrstlse Ike I snamsnli —A N4 Nlari. One of the most striking pivemges in the rtqairt of Miss Hi'huyler, president of the New York Htate CTuvritins Aid SiH-iety, reol at its rtHX'iit annual meet ing, was that iu which the case of Margaret, "the mother of criminals," was ixiusidercxl. New facts are ixnitinu ally coming to light in n-gard to this r> luarkatile iuheribmoii of crime, and when, finally, they are all grou|>od nnd determined, tlu-y will form the most in structive liiKtaiioe ever offered in criminal history of the iuqvortanoe of preventive measures niuoug the young. 'Thus it apjH-ure tliat the last genera tiou -we bt-lieve the sixth iu tlie un happy line from the outcast child, has just INH'H Imrn iu I'lsUr county. The mother of the IKIUI was only fourteen, and tho father was the uncle of tho mother. In the same gew-rutiou of the young mother, says the New York 7hig, there are six voting liovs and girls who are all in tho 1 louse of Refuge, The sisb r of the original Margaret i known in the medical history of the county during the time of the Hcvolntiou as having lieeu one of the nest dissolute iwreous ever known iu tlie region. The I long train of diseases, weakness, Mai habits, corrupt and morbid pawnoits, physical and moral degeneracy, and opeu crimes, which those two pauper eliildreu left lieliiud tliem, ntn never be tueusured by human eye. The female children of the hue tesxuno mothers iu their Uxms of illegitimate children; the boys were thieves and vagrants, as hy a law of nature, as aoou as they could exert any activity. As tlio girls grew up, they had th"ir IIMM-S returned contiiiually to thecounty poorhouse as their iiatund home. 'The children grew up in nurserica of crime, and became, of course, puujs-rr or worse. The stronger and Milder lived by thieving, or committed rubbery, burglary, and murder. Crime and iu dulgeniX' gradually caused tlio degen eracy of Mine, oil J tliey M'caiue ciiilep ticw, lunatics, and idiots. Now and then some of the unfortonate race were pre servoil by M'iug early confined in a re formatory institution. Iu one instance, , oue wild girl of the stock married a man of decent cliaractcr, and aomewlutt im proved the race. It should lie remain- Mrel by all students of such siibjis-ts that the tendency of inheritance is a kind of arithiuetiml reduplieation of eliarac teristica. It ia this ncientific fia-t which explains the dcgnnrracv arising froni the marriage of near n-bvtiveis. Weak disoasos, ami morbid teudcneiea are reprodacod. Feasibly nothing else is the cause of the micunty or idiocy arising from the marriage of those very near iu blood. If tlie drunken children of drntikards married, their offspring would probably M- lunatics or iiliots. In this race of criminals tlio stock was preserved by interiuarriage with some fresli and vigorous foiuiluM of ruffians. Home of the nioinU're of tlio miserable bnsxl reached tho agi of ninety years, ami some of tho females ha.l at least twenty children, the final total uumM-r, as we have before :-toted, of tlie race M'ing nome seven hundred, mainly pun jK-rs, M-ggars, prostitiitea and criniiuals. Now, every town ami village has anme tiuhappv " ilargar*-t " wandormg about among its stivi t aid loms. Among the eighteen hundred pauper children of the State, yi t iu almshouses, it itmuy a " motlicr of criminal*," bans carefully trained for crime ami |*anpecisni. How many a ragged little girl, roving about oar city streets with her l*egging basket, utterly frieudlcss and neglected, it grow iug up to transmit her long progeny of ruffian* ami criminals. It it true that crime it no much more inteatc in the city than tho country, ami tin* conditions ore w> much mite unhealthy, that in all proUability the criminal aiild will nvo no progeny, ami will herself IK* laid early in the pauper's grave. Still aim iu.ty live long enough to tempt and oir nipt oUvirs, possibly to transmit off spring, ami certainly to rtiiu herself. In the country such livi*s at tin**- of the unhn]ipy Margaret are only too ofU u known. Dr. Harm, the experienced head of the Prison Association, ha* statist that he it familiar with even mora terrible instance*. Ami yet, a little pre vention, a little influence, like that which the self-men firing ladie.i "I the "Chnri ties Aid " arc attempting to exert on the almshouse*. a brief instruction such as the imlnatrial siliooD offer, an early placing iu a good family, couhl convert a Margaret, 4 ' mother of nominal*," into an horn-at woman, mother of a long lino of honeat men and virtuotut women. Iturial in Wicker Baskets. Tho discussions in regard to cremation have called attention generally to the fiubject of the dis]Misition of the relics of humanity, and ranch dissatisfaction np |K*ara to provail everywhere in regard to the present expensive system of luirials. Among other things it is urg<*d that s more speedy dissolution of the IKMIIIIS of the d<>ad ought t*i IM- provided for ; and with this object wicker latski-U in lieu of coffins are recommended, ami a great ileal of correspondence has been for warded to the lsinilon 7hnr* on this sul>ji*ct. A l.nly writes; I liavo given orders tlmt when my time comes I am to IK> laid to rest, not in a close coffin, but in n wicker bosket, in order tliat as soon as possible I may, as I told my little daughter in explaining the first terror and mystery of death and burial, turn into daisies. Talking and writing is useless, unless somebody doos some thing. Jjct some enterprising under taker invent this wicker basket, suitable for our last sleep, but with a suitable covering, to guard against two difficul ties which I think Mr. Seymour lladcn underrates—first, the widespread fear of premature interment; second, tie- fre quent need that tho jxKir cost-off gar ment of the most lieautiful and lioloved soul should IK* shut up immediately after ilenth, and before any nrrangunients can IM* made for even the simplest funeral. This temporary coffin could lie easily re moved at the grave side or in tho grave, leaving the wicker liaskt-t only—earth to earth—to help in making the earth more green and lovely. I think half the horror of mortality would IMI taken away if wo could feel that even our dead lss'lies IK>- caine a blessing instead of n curse ; ami our ghastly churchyards ami glisimy Cemeteries were changed into what my child still calls the first gravo I over brought her to. Marriage of lilood Relations. The French Academy has of lute had (•resented to it some curious statistics in relation to the subject of the marriage of blood relations. These liavo Is MOI largely published to warn the people of Franco against tho danger of these mar riages, which are said to amount to full two (x-r cent, of all the marriages in that country. In Lyons ami Paris it has been ascertained that while one child Ixirn in ordinary wedh>ok may lx> ih-af and dumh, the proportion of children of blood relatives thus afflicted is tweuty flvo (x'r cent, greater; in Bordeaux it was thirty (>er cent. The liubility to this misfortune increases very greatly, according to the nearness of the relation ship. On the other haud, it is a re murkuhle fact as connected with the marriage of persons who are deaf and dnmh, but who are strangers in blood, that tneir children are generally able to speak and to hoar. A Coffin Dealer who Wanted a Not Ire. "I've taken your |NMMr for twenty six years," ho COIUUIMMMU, ns ho reached the head of the stairs, " and now "1 want a puff." Ho was a very toll, slender man, had n fiuvi whieh hadn't smiled siuco IHA'J, and his nivk was embrneeil hy a white eruvat and his hands were thrust into black gloves. " I'vo got a uw hearne, a now stia'k of coffins, and 1 want a local notice," he continued, lis he Nut down uiul sighed, as if ready to screw a coffin lid down. '• My dear sir," replied the man in the corner, "I've met you at A great many funerals, and your general lien Ting lias created A favorable impression. You sigh with the sigherw, grieve with tho grievem, and on extra tsxiuaioiia you can si it*! tears of sorrow, even though you know that you can't get ten JRT txut. of your lull under six muutlu." " Yea," sighed tho undertaker, ill stiuctively measuring the length of the bdi|e with his eye, and wondering to hiuiHt If why editors' tables weren't covered witli era|ie, with rows of coffin nails around the edges. " Death is very solemn," coutinned the man iu tho corner; "but still it is an ixxwiiioii when one can appreciabi a neat thing. I've vu you ruh your knuckles ugaiust dtsir po-ts and never cltauge ooontennuce; I've ma n vou listen to eulogies vm men who uwisl yon for twenty years lief ore their death, and yon looked even more solemn than tlie !■ ri-aveil widow; I've seen you back your hearse up tea door in such an easy, quiet way that it roblxxl death of half its tenure. AH this luive 1 ®x*u and up|iiveiaUxl, but I couldn't write a puff for you." " Why uotf" he demanded. " For many reasons. Now you luive a new hearse. Could Igo on and say : • Mr. Sackcloth, Uie genial uuiterbiker, lias just received a fine new hearse, and we hojie tliat our citizens w ill endeavor to Mwtow u | M m it the jsitronage such eutarpriae denerves. It rides easy, is handsomely Jluisln-il, and those who try it once wilf wont no other.' Could Ido tliat f" " No, not very well." "Of course I couldn't. You can call a grocer or a drv gixsls man a ' genial friend ' and it's ail right, but you areu't genial—you cuu't be. It's your business to M' solemn. If yuii could lie even more solemn titan yon are it would lie money in your pocket." "Tiiat's so," ho said, sighing heavily. " If it was an omnibus, or a coal cart, or a wlnwllsuTuw, I could go ou and w rite a chapter on every sejsirato spoke, but it isn't, you see." He leaned back and sighed again. " And a* to your coffins, they are doubtless nice coffins, and your prices are probably reasonable, but could I go ou and say: • Mr. Sackcloth, the under taker, lias just roccivi-d his new styles in spring coffins, all sizea, and is now pew pared to siw as many of his old custom era as want sann thing handsome and durable at a moderate price.' Could 1 say that C Another sigh. "I couldn't sav tlud you were holding a clearing out sole, iu order t get ready for the spring trade, or tliat, for the sake of incr>si--ing your patronage, you had decided to present each customer with a chrotno. 1 couldn't say tliat von were nqtairmg and re|utiting, and had the most attractive coffin shop in the city. It wouldn't do to hopa that|eople wrould |sitn>mr.c you, or to say that all order* sent iu by mail would l* promptly filled, and tliat your motto was ' soli's and small profits !' " He put ou the look of a tombstoue, and male no reply. •' You see, if you ltad stove* to sell, or dealt in mackerel, or wold fishing tackle, everything would bcTovely. You are an undertaker solemn, sedate, ruourufuL You revel in crajw, and you never jm.*# a lilsck walnut door without thinking how much gissl coffin lumber was recklewly wasted. Tln tolling IH>ll IS music to you, and the city lull flag at iialf mast is "fat on your rilm. Wo'd like to oblige yon, but you mv how it is." " Yes, 1 we," he said, and ho formed in prooconion and moved down looking around now and then to s.s if the hearse was ju*t thirty four feet le --hind the offieinting clergyman's car riage. Society Expenses. The coat of taking a young girl to a lxdl in New York, according to Jennie June, is not at all a trifle. Sup]Mcuwh!o 44 dress" suit, the faultier shirt, the Ana cambric, the French hoota, there is sure to la* the delicately tinted cravat and kid gloves to provide, ticket* to purchase (for via brtlf't mamma is, iwrlm|, a lady manager, ami de)M*nda on aelling $1IK) worth, at leant, to the young gentlemen who dance with her daughters ami eat her chickeu naiad), a bouquet to order, carriage to look out for, supper to pay for (tin* latter for mamma, n cousin, a hungry friend, or noun-thing, as well an ma M herself), no tliat la-fore he in through, the expense* of a single ball will foot np norm-thing like the follow ing : Cravat, $1,50; gloves, $2.50; tickets (2), $10; bono net, $5; carriage, $4; sup per (8), includingeliamjuigue, sls; total, 8W. An item this, in a salary of SI,OOO a year, or S2O per week. This, too, is doing things on the very amnllont jxwsible scale and on a risk of tn-ing considered 14 mean," for thert* are always unattended -li-terx or some one s|M*mling the winter, v. h would like to IK* iu vited, and for whom must IK* executed tlie entire programme. Then, no un married ladv is now content with one bouquet. lMleship ia counted by the nnmlK-r of magnificent lMinquotH of English rosebuds and carnations it draws nt its chariot wheels. Hhnll all tho flowers IK* IM-stowed on favorite singers, imd none left to crown tin* youth and Issmtv? By no means. Sharp young fellows who have l<*aru<*d tactics, therefore, are rather apt to tight shy of inviting young ladies to bulls on their own account. They let naj*a or a cliaiwronc take a couple of carriage loads, set them down inside of the 44 Academy," and then they appear in a faultless get-up, present their lmuquets, nnd come off with living colors, for on extra bouquet will make aim-mls for cverytliing with tho belle of the ludl. All Over Diamonds. The Itonton Transcript tells this glit tering story: A lady blazed all over with diamonds at a Fifth avenue party recently. On each shoulder she had four star *, too size of a dollar, made of dia morula; her hair was set thickly with diamonds; there was a diamond bnndeuu on her brow; she had diamond ear-rings, and a diamond necklace; u|xm the sides of her ehest were two circles of diamonds, from which depended lines and curves of diamonds reaching to her waiit, upon which she wore a diamond girdle; on her skirt in front were large jieaoocks wrought in lines of diamonds; there wero rosettes of diamonds on her slip]>cra,&ud diamonds large and small all over her dress and jrerson, wherever they could be placed. The lady's grandfather was a eurtiuun, her fatlier a pawnbroker, nml her husband—well, ho lives upon her father. Tho old gentleman is worth his millions, and still follows his business and adds to his store. He is nevsf pres ent at these parties, though, Treat au nt of a Debtor. An exchange, in speaking of imprisou uient for debt n it is SIIOWIH! in aouie of the Euit.d States, gives tho following story from a fellow prisoner; A young luau by the name of llrowu was mat lute prison for deM. His uiauuere were very interesting, llis fine dark eyes lasuued so mueli intelligence, his lively coiutte nanoc expronmxl so much ing.-nionsiiess, that 1 was induced, contrary to my usual rule, te aeek his acquaintance. Comiutuions in misery aoou Iswouie uttoelieil to each other. llrowu was in formed Hint one of liis creditors would not consent to his diseliarge; tliat he had abused him very much (as ia usual in such cases), and mud" a solemn oath te keep him in jail "till he rotted!" 1 watched llrown's countenance when he reix'l veil thisiuforuiuUon; andwhelle-r it was fancy for not, 1 cannot say, but I thought 1 saw the cheering spirit of hope iu tliat moment desert him forever. Nothing gave Drown pleasure but tho daily visit of lus amiable a ifc. Hy tho help of a kind relate >u she was able te give him aomoluiios aoup and fruit; and every tlay, clear or wteruiy, alio visited the prison te ebix-r tlie drooping spirits of her htint Mind. She seemed an angel admiiiistering consolation. Due day [HMCI the hour of one o'chs'k, and she canto not; Drown was uneasy. Two, throe and lour passed, ami alio did not appear; Drown was ills traded. A messenger artiveil. Mrs. Diowu was daiigerously ill, aud suppuaid to be yiug in a convulsive fit. As msiii ns Drown reo-ivtd this information he ilarhxl te the door with the greatest rapidity. The inner ihmr was opened, and the jailer, who had just let nome oue in, was closing it as Drown poiMcd violently through it. The jailer knocked liiui down with a massive iron key which he held in his bun]; and Drown was nan-ied lsick lib-leas, and covered with bhssi, to his evil. Mr*. Drown died, and her hudsuid ana denied tho sad privilege of closing her eyoa. lie liugenxl for auic time, till at last lie culled me one tlay, and gazing ou me, while a faint smile played upon his lips, he Kiiid, "he M-lievixl Dial ileatli was more kind tluui his creditors." After a few convulsive struggle, he expired. About IVnitcnt Lrttrra. Ia the J!t**h<'r Til>>ii IrUi the follow ing incident WUI related to show w luit might be written under excitement : LoWSO Jo loifnyette WW OM of th* ma el* of honor to Anne of Austria, wife of Loui* XIII. of France. HIM* WM a youg woman who had paased many yearn iu a convent, an J waa described an ''sincere in her piety," ami "so devoid of mallei- that it actuidlv pained her to be made ae>|UainteJ witli the faults of other*." In the simplicity of her aonl alio haet gray eye* turned toward heaven, her couuteimnce wan transfigured as iu an ecstasy; no saint standing within a sculptured shrine could lie more pure, more hoi v." A Imlrl lawyer. 44 S juire Johnson " was a model law yer, as the following anecdote will evince : Mr. Jones ouoe rushed into tie* squire's office iu agn at passion. 44 That infer ual scoundrel of a cobbler, Smith, baa sued me, Mr. Johnson—sued for $5 ■wed him for a jwur of IKM its." 4 - Then yon owe him the $5 r" 44 To lie sure I do; but he's gone and sued me—sn<*d me!" 4 * Thau why dou't you pay him, if you owe liirn f" 4 'ltcanse he's sued me; and when a man does that I'll never )>*y him till it rvant for her sister, threw tho detectives off her track, and they never found out who the locksmith was who was arranging the key. After Sharkey lived up town for four months he left the city. When he left New York he went to Jamaica, and thence made his way to Havana. His liarliarous treatment of the woman when she joined him in Havana has turned all sympathy from Sliarkey, and the authori tn* wo aid lo glad to deliver him up. A WATCH.—FredericStiebman, watch maker in Paris, said his soul had (Missed into a watch ut which he had been work ing for twenty your*. One day this watch lost ranny nnnntes—the next day it gained many; thereupon Frederic went to lxxl and said he wns very ill. Tho watch stopped, and Frederic, when he saw tho hands motionloßs, sprang up from his roemnbont posture and fullback —dead, " Term*: HH2.00 a Year, in Advance. A Lwm' Ruse. Home years since two wealthy Ismhelore livvdiu Ute vicinity of Pari*, lliey had a young maid of all-work luuned Marie de'lst FonL Marin was a sweet, pretty girl, awl lively and mqimiil iu her uiau uere, although mudeat iu tlm extreme, and this was tin- reason that the two brothers kept her iu tlieir employ. Tliey knew thai she was frugal, icouomiofti, awl ilrwised iu the inoat mods-rate man uer imaginable. Due day Marie sur prise! lor euiployere by informing them tliat a young artisan, routing in Pans, lia-l asked In r hand. They strove te ilisMiade her from amix-mod lest rebliere should attempt te tub them. Their fear* were strengthened by tho numerous burglaries tliat hnd recently taken place iu that vicinity. The resilience of the obi men was some distance from the main read, and stood near Urn river Hone. It was a lonely, gloomy location, and on tho night in question the winds swept through the tall larches KurremiiUng the mansion with doleful and unsuiing eadi.-noe. About midnight the old men retired; but scarcely hail they fulh-n asleep when Maiic rap|Mxl at their door aud informed tliem that robbers were at work below. Doth tho badiehw* were terribly frightened, and wh-n one conimenetxl to Mtr the door the other lagan removing a tile from the hearth te hide the lulls. " You have a gun," said Marie; " take it and slnsit the villains." Hut the two trembling men jsml no hixxl te her advice. " Cowards |" said the brave girl, aooru fully. " I wiali tliat I were a man for five minute*." Just then there came a hi*vy crasli from the apartments la-low. The brothers crept U-iwwUa tlie laxl, where tliey aliivereil and criugvxl unable te speak from terror. "We shall all be murdered in our M-ds," said the girl. " We will la fouud hy tli" |*ilicu in the morning with our throats cuts from car to car. Puate! fools, give me the gun." She soured the double barreled gun tliat hud upon the shelf, and startel down stairs, while the two frightemxl men watched her without saying a word. Presently larng wont the gun, and a groan was heard. Hang! went the second barrel, and a screech of pain re sounded through tlm house that caused tlie Mood ol the brothers te run cold. A brief |nae ensued, and then Marie came tripping up stairw, but her face wore a determined, dissatisfied look. She asked fur jiowder and ball to reload, which were furnished; but before die finished loading, footsteps were heard re treating from the house. No one slept in the house that night, nor were they again mnlaatmL But at iwrly dawn, on goiug down stairs, a (**> l of blood on tlie hall floor showed tliat one robber, at least, had been seriously, if not mortally, wounded; and it was plain tu see by the bloody patli in tin* earth tliat the victim hail I wen dragginl to the river, (lore marked the whole distance, and the police were at once fmt on the alert fur the arrest of the ivtng thieces, ami the recovery of the body of the dead one. Hut all efforta proved vain„ and the bravery of the young girl was discussed far ami near. Tlie grateful bachelor# were an ovwr whelmed that they offered to give Marie a dower. "Ah! messieurs," replied nlie affee- Uouately, " how can 1 leave yi.wi ? You may again be attacked by rinMl" " But we will not, nevertheless, stand Ietween yon and luppiness," tiiey re plied. " Here are thirty tliousand francs—you luve saved our lives, and richly deserve tlie money. If you choose to live in this house with your husband, we will rejiair tlie lower part for tliat purpose, and you can also be hired to keep our room nest as at present." Henri married Marie, and they ac cepted the dower and tlie bouse. Years passed, and recently tlie real facts of this midnight robbery came to light Both of the old bachelors were dead, and hail willed Marie another thirty tliouwuid francs. The brave girl did not refuse it It turned out, how ever, that tlie robbers were not plural. Henri sctinl na the burglar, tlie blood was from n lamb killed for the purpose, and the whole was but a ruse of the two lovers to own the hearts and purses of the two ola misers. All bj Nail. A uirwq*ondent. writing of the matter sent by mail iu the I'nitcd States under tho new jH**tal law, says the express companies complain of it and so do tlie stage drivers out West. Tlir-y luid been in the habit LK*fore the repeal of the franking privilege of taking a hag of public documents to lever the wheel from a mudliolc and go away withont it; and, if pn*ssed too bard, they might uow grow into tlie practice of dropping ballast along the rood in had weather. The mail contractors on stage routes are very angry at the operations of the matter. It was the custom always that when a stage was in trouble the driver would drop n bag of newspapers, till pictorial j*ajK*ra adorned every cabin along tlie stage routes of the Territo ries. Thev send gold ill four-pound jyiok- Ag<*s from California to New York. Til-si* jweknges are registered and pay letter postage. They are insured regu larly at a low price" in San Francisco. They go in the )>osUl car and tlx- postal clerks have an eve on them. No such package has-yet oeen lost, for the Uiief cannot use it very well. He must find a mint to coin it, and he might as *"'N off with so many jainnds of lead, detec tion being almost sure. Crushing Out a Paper. Tho crushing out of the Sacramento (Vi ion by the Central Pacific milr<*ul com pany is a new method of dealing with newspapers by n groat corporation. The Union was established twonty-flvo years ago, and until it attack on the Central Pacific railroad m a prosperous pajxr. In revenge for its criticisms the railroad company established a rival paper—the Record—ot exactly the same sir.e and appearance, which was distributed gra tuitously, while the Union WK banished from all plaoea where tho company had any influence. It is supposed that Sacramento wanted tho company to es tablish a rolling mill and wns informed that so long as the Union was supported no favors whatever would be shown to Sacramento by the railroad. Under this pressure inaiiy of Uie merchants with drew their advertisements from the I jiion, and dually the proprietors of the paper were compelled to Bell ont to the nominal proprietors of the Record for a very small nam. Thus the Union has ceased to exist, having been deliberately killed by the influence of a railroad company NO. 13. THE MEJrSOJfTTES. Tfcrlr UrulrmfW la OatraJ HumoHlw aa4 M ini Tfcj Are. Tbe jv>pnl*tiou of the United States haa received ui important mml ml liable addition to the part two years by the ex tensive immigration of Mciimiuite*. Tlito to not Um firti time tliut representa tives of tin. society have found an any loin to thto country. An early a* 1(183 many toft Holland and Germany to <*c*ie religious jteraeeatton, Mid settled in variou* parte of Pennsylvania. In 1708 a school and a meeting buua# ware eroetad by t brui to (tonujuiUiwn, near Philadelphia. Another colony w m m tabitefaeu to wtoit to now known am Law •water county, IV, and unmeruoa stable farmers of that d< lightfuJ agricultural irgiou are the ctoad*ndanta of ttuw worthy pioneer*, and retain many of the •-luuracterteiica and haliita of Umt fore fathers. Subsequently Meutiotuto set tlements wwn to Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, New York and Canada. With the advancement of religion* toleration to Furope the cause* which j tod to the large immigration of religious aorta dtirnaad, and into particularbody being jx-aceful, home loving people, bnt few n'pn—enlativoa of it www found among the crowds of uuuiigrsuta yearly arriving at our shores. Hie MennoniUw recently landing in thto country can* from Huasi*. Tliey are the deaoetulanto of a oohmy that left Germany to 1780 to escape the oonaori|itiou of Frederick the (imat, and artttod to the aonthern pro vinawof ltuaato, upon land granted by Catharine 11. Tlu-y now leave lime-ton territory to avoid an edict of the Em peror requiring *ll able-bodied mm to perform military duty. Their religious tenets teach iwwoe, and they are unable to raooudto uieir cmiaetonce to the order of the Csar. In ltnaato their number to Maid to have been about 10,000, and *o many have immigrated ainee the edict waa published, June 4th, 1871, Unit the Csar haa been induced to modify the order, and baa signified bis willtognow to acoept from thto particular anet mt vice in the military hoapitala to lieu of service in the regular army. Thto, how ever, doe* not appear to liare stopped the rmdux, and it to probable that in a few years tine great bulk of the Bmrisn Menuunitea will be dUsetis of the United States or Canada. The Uumkuu govern ment, fully aware of the importance of retaining thto thrifty, hard working com munity, haa made every poaaible effort to prevent their immigration. When the authorities first learned that the McntKmites would not enter the army, the time of consort ptino was extended, but without the anticipated results. Then an attempt was made to force a renunciation of their belief, and the ac ceptance of the doctrines of the Itusman Greek Church, but witlxuit effect. The late st compromise in the matter appear* to have cuuie too late. The Mcnnouito Church was fanuded in Germany in the early part of the six teenth century by Menno Hiinonis, a priest settled at Flngium, who early im bibed the reform doctrines of hi* oon temporary, Luther, and renouuend all connection with the lloman Catholic Church. For thto he was driven into exile, Charles V. setting s prim on his head, and for twenty-five years he strug gled valiantly with want,* suffering! and persecution. He found an asylum in lloUte-ui, and received permissiou to publisli several religious oksbt* on the true Clirtotton faith. He died there on the 13th of January, 1561. Hto doctrines gained ioUowusa, and a colory of exem plary men, who favored his religions views, was cettldtohed in Holland. Dur ing the eighteenth century the mdsbtf of Menncuites had increased to 100,000, and in 1735 they cstoliltohed a theologi cal seminary. As s sectarian organisation, they re semble tiie I lap testa, and follow many of the simple customs of the Quaker*. The sacrament of ! wpttom is never celebrated until the candidate lias acquired suffi cient intelligence fully to comprehend the nature of the obligations about to be assumed. They chooae from their own memliers certain ones notable for higli moral standing, intelligence and ability as teachers, to be their prieata. For these ministers no special prejiaration is rtxiuirel. They must l pure, honest and faithful to the teachings of Menno. They serve without pay. The Mennon ites strive to live an every day, practical Christian life; tliey are strict m disci pline, oppose the taking of oaths, and. like the* Friends, are strongly antagonto tic to war. The brotherhood in America have organised a board of guardians, which to charged with arranging for transportation across the Atlantic to New York, and from tiieuce to points of des tination in the West. These guardians are custodians of a fund contributed by the brethren who have already m Mini to provide for the ocean pamage of those who are without means. The immi grants are a conarientiona, hard-working agricultural people, and moat at them are the possessors of a moderate capital. A very large amount of money lis* thus come'into the country, aa it is estimate-d that the head of ench family brought from *2,000 to *IO,OOO. One colony has purchased 150,000 acres of land In Central Kansa*. The ground selected was a bleak, wild i>rairie —lately tiie frontier buffalo range, but the industrious settlers have built up a prosperous colouy, with thriving town* and well-ordered farms. Two large, rough building* were erected fdxteeq miles north of NewUm, as temporary barrack residences, whilst the immigrants were building jx-rmanent d sellings. All new-comers are lodged in the barracks— the interior of which presents au anima ted and grotesque apjiearancc. Crowded with strange-looking, lettered trunks, lioxes, beds, oook-atoves, sacks, bags, fur coats and the numerous articles that go to make tin an immigrant's outfit, a ]wrfrct Babel to created. In pleasant weather the religions exercises are held in the open air, and in thto temple not made by human hands the fervent prav era of these simple worshipers go up to heaven. Midway between the two tem porary buildings to the public well. A liandkerchiif to the only headdress worn by the women, and gray aprons neem to bo their only vanity. The men wear caps of cloth' or fur/and have huge fur lined overcoata. About seven miles northeast of the temporary homes to the quaint new vil lage of Gnadenau, where there are some twenty small farmers, who have built the queerest and most comfortable eheap houses ever aeon in the West, and with the least amount of timber, being mere ly a skeleton roof built on tho ground itud thatched with prairie-grass. They serve for man and boast, being divided on the iusido by a partition of adobe. The lands purchased by the colony are distributed in four counties. The Men nonites are a peaoeful, temperate, nidus know, and very frugal people, aud will soon build up ou the plains of Kansas a settlement rivaling in beauty and pros perity some of the most favored agricul tural districts in the older States. Very Poor.—One of tho importunate juveniles who solicit pennies, was asked: " Where to your mother?" She answer ed diffidently: "She to dead?" "Have you no fatter?" "Yes, sir; but ho is sick." " What ails him ?" continued the questioner. "He has got a sore finger, sir." "Indeed?" "Yes, sir." "Then why don't he cut it off?" " Please, sir," responded the tittle maid, "he hain't got any money to buy a knife." A raflltontire a parlor mitt tWite to coat guU. f A dollar to, TO to a ptore where you can | get a twenty-five mt urttote you do not want. Winnrmoera, Nevsda, arinto five huu dred head of bultorka to San Pnmatero ewy week, Benjamin Franklin waa a pi inter, and he ami: "My aoo, deal only with men | who advertise. A mftMa who haa |wt returned from Europe naya lie feudal ffcfWwr* Monthly wherever he traveled on the * IdSIHUPIII. -■ Love United with aeotwmra will carry a young coupto a great deal more .mfdy •m the road of tile than extravagance n •ithcr day fifteen ton. of drtod appka Wi-rc ftrlit. The new nldtor*' bounty to the United Stetro to *8.38 a month, and no agent can riiarge more than a ten-doliar bill for collecting it. Samuel W. Alton of Nevada to believed to *• the greatest herdsman in the world, Hto ranch to eighty mikw long, and he owns 225,000 to ad of rattle. I to estimated that the Jamea broth era, of Kawaa. have Wlted, brtweeu thciu, over one hundred men. fht* hoc been done within ten yewa- A clergyman at Taunton, Ma*.. lately asked bto jwriahioneni to reduce toe pay, as many rnetubera of- hto aburch iwd lately suffered a mtoustion in theira. An old Colorado miner ctoima to have dtoovered a ailver mine that promtocc ■ well a. tin; Newtmryport mine in Miewa chuaetta, not ten mikw from I'orttoud.Mc. The prairie chicken* and quail had a hard time of it during tto hl mrid snowy time* cm Weatmi fgaiivw, and tboticauda of tlnarn we found, fresco to dtwth. Central New York farmcra catimate that, with average culture, good aoil ami manure, the cCd of producing wto-at to aeventy-five to aevcrty-eight per bil b-L " Hoe," mad a awrowtog wife, *'Jow |tfw*-ful tim cat and dog are." " mud the |-.*d"' c buabaud, " but jnJ tie them tegrSher and then aee how the fur will fly/' A busy roaauß to anticipated in fitting out mtera whalera in New England thto pring. atimutotel by the araaQ atock of •Ml oj< hand and the high price which it command*. Toledo papera announce that there to pk-uty of work m that city, lmt cwre fully ccceeal that aahl work to totting on a bench in front of a coal stove wtohing it were spring. A Nebraska druggtot got a boy to take a tog sniff of hartshorn * a joke, ltoy kicked over a kerosene lamp; oil took fire; bjm on store *1,900. 1L druggtot is now driving a team. In England. reoenUy, a tin of beef, which had been prepared for the aoldrera in the Crimea in 1856, was r-o-utly •jMoud, and it* conteuto found perfectly sound sod wholesome. When * foreigner find* thto plague to a word of one i vitohte, and ague, a part of the plague, to a word of two, he wtoiww >. the plague might take one-half of the Eiig.udi language and ague the other. First cbaa in geography-" How many Htatew in the Union t" *' The book* nay UiirtT-aeiwtt, but the newspapers have it thirty-nine.* "The newspapers are ahead, aa usual, my sou. Co to the head.' This to the first time in the memory of man, ssra the Halt Lake IWAwwr, thto (into Halt lake haa beta froneu, and the mercury has not been below nero this winter. Here to s nice question for scientists to explain. The New York ocMtespoodent of the Rutland J/rmM says thto an Italian boy sat on Union sqnam tor two days dis playing a placard on which wsa written: " llito poor srniuan waa left a widow with four aiuall ciuldrm." A wonderful eiiabitbiu haa been open •d to Hruaseto. It to a roilectaou of about one liuadred - landampee of great merit j Minted by a bey gamml Friteker ctoare of UragM. who died an idiot at eleven years of age. As near as can be ascertained, aiamt twenty wommi are nmldng the fun* throughemt the United States about woman's right*, dirae reform, and lun dred aoctol te< r ics Thto to a remarkable illustration of woman's power. A gentleman drove aaonwful-looking home into town last week, and, stopping in front of atooro, he roqwaftenl a small boy to hold liim a moment. "Hold itn? exclaimed the boy: "into fcanhim up against th# post—that'll hold 'im." The Massachusetts State Teaaperance Alliance oftera to the ehagy of the State primes of fOUtt. aOt). ami fttikiropective. ly, fur the- three beat esaayw pmnited liefor* the fintt day of October next, on the " Evil* and Cure of Intemperance," A Western editor having waited in rain fur the coming of the Boaatou Mennonites, Inquired: ** Where are all the Mennouitea 1" and echo in the -.bape of hia wife mmtal the qneMiou Uiuh: •• Where are allyou men o'nighte?" The Uuited States public debt atato ment alew* a decrease during February of *6,680.188.11; coin tn the treasury, *75,626,083.*3; currency in the treasury, *10,819,007.88; coin ceriafioate*, *22,260, - 400; deposit* lor legal tenders, *45,855, 000. 11 butter-makers would all try to pro duce ttie very beat article and take it to the market in good slmpe, there would lo more butter ixiuaumvd, the price would advance, and butter snaking woukl pay better than any other branch id fiti'!.ling. Enameling aa a practice is said to be hicrcaaing among Plsriaian bellea. The method by which faces are enameled to to inject* draw of arsenic in solution of rose water under the skin. Beauty to such a corf must be a terrible thing to purchase. Several passengers on the lower Mto atostppt wore attracted by the alligators 1 waking in the sunshine. "Are they amphibious, captain?" ask-d a looker on. "Amphibious, thunder!** anaw. red the cnlhiMisßtic officer, " they'll eat a hog ti minute." Perhaps one ought not to mention such tilings, says the (burier-Jountal, but it's hard to keep from thinking how different the history