The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 25, 1875, Image 3

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Ourfr.ond* wiH~lK'*. bv set
items ot local now- in their ecnlity . M
the facts only, and we will put Hum m
-liape, al*o notice# ot death- *nd marri
Any <>ne sending us the name# of j■
subsertber*, with the cash, w ill be eUUd
t receive the ItxroKTXK one year . ,
The lUroHiKH being r. M *'> on thl# #•* of tlie v> .
where it lis* * larger circulation than any
.i. ~5.'.....,.1 .a- 1 --!
for advertising business, sales. &< *Vs
fisfr-Suhcrihers to ike Reporter, r. sid
ing outside ot Centre county, should re
mit n- 10cent#, yearly, for postage whb
we pay here . this reiKH*esthepostas.
l„ .mo half, as the sum paid by Hum r. r
one year's postage was *A' cU
gdrSub-cribers changing their po-t ot
ficc address this spring, should not fail to
notify u# of the fact, and Btrnish i - the
name of the office they remove too, to that
the Reporter can be mailed according
Kev. J K- Miller, pa-tor of Uw
. tVntre 11a',I Drik chavge, has NHffUM
new license law It will be found very,
Wonder whether tie ground-hog
rule# UM weather, or the wealh. r the
ground hog.
Mr. X lntite. of Serine XK ' i!
~i iu up new stole at Potters Ml . '
the Br #1 in stand, this spring.
Dr. Runkles horse shied at the
Gypsy camp, on Wednesday |s w> * •
Result, sulky wrecked igaii st tree, and
the D*e. sent kitinc inoi a snow ha -
- Stop at Mrs. Barree's II >! *
Mills, for a good ureal, which the land- ">
will serve up in a good sty o to both uc.e
the palate and satisfy the "inner man
Godev, fe-r April, i* at hand, tire as
vvar and ahead of all the r-st No"
knew a lady hut what wa* pleased with
the Bvwk.
The woolen factory at I', Her > M. u.
which ha# been *tandii g still tor the ,a.t
two year*, w ill he put in operatic!', again
this by Vlr. W I*l A. vn.
A man by* name of M Uler.aban, liv- J
ing near Giglerviile M.ffllin county, shs-t
himself on last Monday, with tstal rvMil.
Whether ace ,b 'lUt or with intei.t to lUt-1
cicd we did not learn.
tip. Monday night, the house of R.-v, '
Dr. Sah'il *.n New Berlin. I'tw county,
-•aught fire and was burned to the grouiu |
Hi* valuable library and all the furniture |
was consumed mil. the Vui.vling.
Jacob Ilar|>slec tnu taken the job tt
team g down the Luth. church, in this
place and ha# commenced the w.r_ >!
demolition. Air. Sam l Earner has the
contract for tne brick-work on the n.w
The Methodist church, at Plva-a:.t
tiip taHkk 6re on lxt Sunday ulicrroon.
smo was damaged t-> the amount of sevet i
iucdrwJ dollars The fi re seems to have
tron the heaters in the side ot
the building Through timely* a.,1 the nr.-
was quenched.
Peter's Household Mel.dies, a *•.*
iwtjon of songs, duet*, i horusrs, ltd • P '
4 has been received and contains quite a
number of chcea piece*, worth >.a
dollars in sheet form. Single No. ,4k*. r
54 per year, monthly. J. L. 1 eter New
York. '
A spicial meeting of the Board of
Directors ot the L.. C\ it S* <U R. U <■ o
w ill be held at the Perm. h. R oftcc in
Phila en Tuesday the 3v*th of March,
when H i# expected that the recent pro
posal* receivvd, will be di-po-ed of and
work allotted.
The agent of the Equitable Lite
Ins. Co*p., Mr. .John Kankin. a tew days
ago, paid to Mrs. S S. Wolf,
amount of insurance upon her husband#
life in that company. Mr. Rankin is the
company's agent for this county*.
We Uaru that a party of fitly* gmttlemeu
fioui ClinUn, Centre ai d the adjoining
counties will shortly >-e formed forthepui*
pvue of indulging in a sixty days Buff ilo
hunt it) the Slate of Kansas A special
car, it has been ascertained, can be obtain
ed for tha purpose for l,'ddO - -or s'Si each
"Dr. Cbas. T. Price' and "Dr. T.
y. Burt," who hail from No. 07 Williams
sitict. New York, are pronounced by the
press to be swindlers. They pretend to
cure consumption and tits; but we hope no
one will be* foolish enough to invest any
money in lha r humbug*.
—On last Monday morning while
Willis Rishel, son ,-f John Ki-hel, v
hauling wood near Sinking creek mills
his horse floundered in a snow bank and
in attempting to extricate liiro, befell on
the boy dislocating his right arm, at the
The other Joy we came scroti a !
man who seemed very urea.-y about
souiclbir.g, and it was *oi'n acertaineJ that
he had fears that Secblcr A Co., w< uld be
obliged to quit business if they continued ,
to fell groceries. and then he would ho at ;
a. loss lor another place where to buy and
save money. The man WAS told to be
composed—that Sechier A: Co., could
stand it at long he could— that they
wore on the host footing and made small j
profits and quick sale*. lie felt a little'
easier, but still to be fure of u good thing,
he at once went to Sethler k Co s., and
laid in an extra stock of their cheap and
lYesh groceries to provide fo emergencies.
A party of Gypsies camped in the
Fort woods laft week, and remained there
over the cold snap, in their miserable
tents. They say they were out in their
tents all this winter,—how they kept fr-m
freezing hard as stones is a marvel to in-,
when we think of the low canvass hovel
a- their only shelter. They seemed to have
weathered it right well, however, ni d tell
Us they never knew anything of sickness.-
Their horses, tied to trees, have the open
air for their stable, night and day. It all
appears hard—but if the gyps can stand it,
we can, but the poor horses, they cant
apeak to tell how they relish it.
DEATH or Mas. BLACK.—On Satur
day last, Mrs. Black, wife of Mr. B. V.
Black of this place, departed this life af
ter a brief illness. AVe sincerely condole
with Mr. Black in his bereavement. A
few months since he buried three little
children, #ll of whom died within three
weeks of each other. Now, by the death
of bis wife, be is left with a little boy—all
that remains of his once loving, happy
family.— Republieau.
we announced the death of John Kishel, a
highly esteemed old friend, who departed
this life in his 87th year. The deceased re
moved from Pennsvalley to this county
over fifty year? ago. His father, Adam,
and bis two brothers, William and Elias,
< all dead except the latter), removed from
Centre county about the sa-ne lime and
settled in the vicinity of Luthersburg.
where they raised large families, now scat
tered over half the Slates of the Union.
The deceased was our nighest neighbor,
in the days of our boyhood from 10 to 18,
and he delivered to us numerous lectures
during that time, when he would suspect
us for some game of mischief—(we were
just like most boys once)—for which we
did r.ot thank him at the time. Since
however, we have given him full credit
for looking after our welfare when we got
too tar away from home, us we sometimes
did. We think he was the oldest person
in Brady township. Mr. George Knurr,
Sr., near Troutville, may be his senior,
though we know not. Clearfield Jlrpuhli
LONUKROER. —This aged and venerable
man died here on Tuesday morning, 16th
instant. lie was 93 years of age on the 2d
of July last, and many hoped and believed
he would live to se J his hundredth birth
day. But Providence decreed otherwise,
and the old man now sleeps his last sleep.
Mr. Lonberger was the father of John
Lonberger, of Milesburg, and of G. W.
Lonberger, of Spring township.—Watch
A Mifflin county farmer kept a 'desti
tute woman during three weeks of lreez
jpg weather, and*pn her departure gave
her some money. A noble act of chariiy
---Notwithstanding the unpleasant*
RWtfikl tNMklf N WtdlWtilJ fvoti
ing, IT I rot, the concert *l Ohurchville,
by tlio Wllgtll OfOTt Muilml A- Mil
lion, iiniler tlie leadership of Philip Mov
er, win well attended anil the exer,i#e*
aero exceed ingl \ good. lie tin* h v or.)
, good da--at Early-town now, ami nntioi
i> nates bringing them to Centre Hull in
il few weeks to giro a conoert.
We are pmu-d to learn that tlir. e
children ami a hired bov of ,leeiili Smith
\ residing rear Pent! Hall, me lying very
' ill with Scarlet fever The daughter,
about IS year* old, had an attack of diplt
tlieria a!■ vv vioio ago. ami was -1 vvly
• recovering. vlnn it turned it S, artel fever,
' and thus affected the whole family with
1 this eontageeua disease The girl and one
of the hoy when last hoard of. Were very
- low, ami poor hopes ate *ui allied lor their
recovot y,
Tw o tTm.i'KkN Hi KNKU i > ID. vi it
r From tl.o Solii grove Tribui e. of last
wiik, vve git tail particulars of the recent
terrible accident in that county : "On the
■ ilh of March thedw ellirg ol Gotlleib Shry,
* a tanner wlie a tew years ago moved into
1 I'll.oli twp front one > f the lower counties,
I and purchased the Ititncr firm, vva en
tirely consumed hv fire, two children, both
i girls, and aged WpNtltllj llWi A ye.ii-.
NA, ore hurmat l<- ilc;!i while w>> otl • r gii -
\voro M'lioiuly though not tata' v hurtied •
The family before they retires! tor the |
jnight, placid sonic chips m the evw to 1
fflry, ami left a basketful ol them standing J
| near the stove At about o clock the I
J father and mother were awakened bv
| bright light ; Mrs Miry got ut ot bed and
I proceeded down star- to a-certaiti vv! at '
I causeil the light I pun reaching the door j
leading into the Cellar kitchen, shceavv the j
tire ar.d called tsv her husband and then (
opened the door V- so. u• the got j
air it hurst f >rth in unconlrolablo lury and !
spead a'.! >vcr t. h.-us M • Shrv ru-h- j
ed out of the ill fated bulls . l,y another;
door and run around to the lr- nt of the .
house uudcr the w itulow of her bed i<> >n
By thia Unu- Mr Shry w i ■,t of bed. and
! selling a baho which a- sleeping oi the.
I cradle, he threw it out -i t wind. w. By
J :hi- time the room was filled wi'.ii sotokr
Oneolthe childien escaped through the
frent door while the other one came run
ning into hi* room and he threw it out ot
the w in,', vv. lie then started to get the
other two, the room belt g full ot smoke
■ii d I'd tire. 11c reachd ihcui, took them
j n hi> a-n>s, and being overcome will, the
| -moke he fell, and knew nothing more un-
Itil he found himte fon the tnow, outside
of the house. Those who escaped had no i
i. lothing oc except their night apparel, i
j The two girls, alii ough badly burned, i
j barefooted and without any cii>th,ng
ed for their nearest neighbor, fully one- [ i
fourth of a mile di-tant. Mr. File to.-l
the children into his house and hitched up ,
his team and started for the scene of the ;
accident. He found Mr and Mrs. >hry .
huddled up together in an out house, a! ,
most frozen ; he toot, them to his house i
ai -1 made them *s cojn-ortaLle x- lie couhl ,
under the circumstance*. ,
A few* charred tones were all that could ,
be round in the ruins of the tw o untortu- ,
nate children; they were collected and j j
solemnly interred,"
If it be true that a uiaie uie 'up. ical edu
cation diminishes crime, why is crime not | '
Je.-rea-ing in States and CWttUtU— *
where universal education ha- prevailed
for generations ? To our mind, a preeiae
and wii sh eked mind, without correct
moral endowment- is *. barren of good
results at the farm which i annually crop
ped by the owner without mixing any ma- i
nure with the toil. His plowing and sow
ing it well executed. He hat been pro
perly educated upon that point But the 1
vital part of his e lueation lias been over,
look .J. He has, in a great measure, ren- '
dered his farm worthless and made hiui- 1
self p or, because lie knew nothing about
the iriu*. of manures. The school lie
graduated at did not U.i,i, that I -son,
hence he knows nothing about thejetti. acy j
of that which would re-tore lii barren '*
The uiind it iu-t like the soil. It must
be manure ! to yield a full crop of good
fruiU. The State can impart mechanical
Its-lint, read, write, -t- , but without the
moral (manure le--ion being Uutiit at the, '
same time, the pupil * education will prove '
a failure. The cost and the results tlowii g
from more mechanical common school ed
ucation, in our judgment, do not warrant :l
the people of this State to invest any more *
money in that experiment
AN e have been led to make these remark* i
by reading an article uj>n thi* subject,
which we clip from the Philadelphia Age. v
as follows ;
The friends of a Mate system of cmpul- 1
sory education tind their strongest -.rgu
luent in defense ot the imperative necesti- '
ty of such a iiio* eurenl in the a-sumed ' '
postulate tiiiit education liuen- '
That is the ba-i* of ail laws upon the sub- ;
ject which are in operation in this country. I
It is declared that u people have the right ' I
to protect themselves from the effects and | i
cunsrquences of crime, uml us education ! 1
will do that, it follow* a- a matter of course ( 1
that they have a right to pass ai d enforce ' •
a compulsory plan >f education. Proven 1 I
tion of crime i.- as definite a function of !
legislation as punishment of offenders. 1
This is the position of tl.e advocates of a
system of compulsory education.
The opponents of the System, or rather '
of the reason assigned f>r the adoption o! |
a forced plan of education in a free coun
try, deny the postulate that education
necessarily crime, and support
their side of the question with facts, fig
ures and strong arguments. Joseph 11.
Chandler, nn b >nored and esteemed citi
zen of Philadelphia, who has served on
Boards of Prison inspectors for years, and
lius devoted his life to that branch of du
ty, recently read a paper before the Sociul
Science Association in relation to the effi
cacy of education in the promotion of
morality and the prevention of crime,
lie narrated his experience as a student of
prison discipline, and expressed his firm
conviction, bated upon that experience,
that while education modifies the charae
ter of crime, it does little or nothing to
prevent it. He also declared that in his
judgment, it is the power of conciencc,
not that of the intellect, which rnut be
looked to for keeping men virtuous arid
upright. lie also added : "While in the
lowest order of crimes. I may have found
more unlettered criminals, I have the for
mer more amenable to gentle moral deal
ing than the Utter were." These were
Mr. Chandler's startling-points, anil he
supported them with statistics drawn from
the prison records <>f Philadelphia for the
last fourteen years. These figures show
that the j crcentages of cdu. atiun among
the people, and that the spread of learn
ing in the communisy lia-not diniin'shed
crime, either against persons or properly.
While Mr. Chandlers positions are
neither impregnable nor tin assailable,
still they arc ao supported as t claim the
eurnest and thoughtful attention of those
who favor using the power of the State to
force children into school and keep them
thereby the infliction f pains and pen
alties. Legislators upon this subject
should study carefully and conscientious
ly the real connection that i-xists in a
community between public education and
the general morals of the people. They
should arrive, if possible, at a true esti
mate of the influence of knowledge of a
purely literary character upon the moral
principles of those subjected to snch a
.system. They should ask the question,
could there not be a well-stocked mind, a
barren conscience ? In other words, the 3'
should get down to the starting-point of
this matter and satisfy themselves by the
best evidence possible, whether, in truth
and reality, education such as is impurted
at the present time, does of necessity de
crease crime. The subject is one of the
greatest importance, affecting the highest'
interests of the community, and should be
well settlevl before, action pf t, definite
character is taken in relation to compulse
' ry edCetoil
Tin- follow i g i> u copy oi" the license lull
rep, ltd l>\ lilt'coliterencti comn
iof the senate and lioue nml adopted by
I Iwlli branches of the legislature .*
An nit to repeal Hit ai't !•< permit tin l voters
•>t this vmill >tiw ,*nltli to v oil' every
three year* on the question "f granting
license* to sell intoxicating liquor* ami I
to restrain mnl n<gulil tin* sale of the •
name. •
Section 1 lt< it ■ nn < 'i.f, rtc , That the
Hot approved tlir Tlh il i v of Mrh, n. il.
IST-, ontitloil n not to permit the \etor*
nt tin- i.iiiiiiioiiw. illtli to viita i vory throe j
• j year* on the jnotit of grunting license
,to -, !! int->v o'iiting liquor* he and tl.
r | -HIIII' is hereby repeal* 1.
> Sec Dial license-for sales of liquet*
J white not otherwise prov itied for hy pe
' j cial law", iii iv he granted by the court o
1 .ji:ti r!. i -r : the ptepct i irniy a
' | the first i t >o -I <1 >,-.-i. II in each y < ar, ant
-hall be fir one y ear The -aid i ourt shal
' t tlx bv rule or siMttdittg order a time
■ J vvhich applications for said licenses shal
! be heard, at which time nil person* apply
; ing, or "laknig objections to application'
j tor licenses, may be heard by evidence
petition, remonstrance < r counsel Pro
j vuled Hint i-■ i the present vntr liceti-e* n
• toresnid may be gratited at the tl.itvl, oi
I any earlier srs-ion f said court-
SiThat all hotels, Inns and laverni
shall be classified and rated according to
| the last annual return of the mercantile
I apprai-er or ns-cs-or of the proper city or
e. untv lis : Hows, to wit All oasis
where the class:!'., ation shall be slo,tkA) or
| ni r,-. shall constitute the first cla-s and
;p.\ fToO where the t!a--illcatioii shall he
j r-,tvll and i.-'t more than sli',lVM the -ec
! Olid class and shall pvV fliM ; where the
i classification -hall h- sikt' ami not more
than j> tksi tiie thud i 'i- and -hall pay
S'Jki ; -where the classification shall tie
5 t.ivvi ami not nu r< lha i' nki the fourth
i-- it>:.( sll .I| .i $tU w here the classi
| :icat > n shall be less than sl.iU the fifth
. la-- and shall pay JTO Provided, That
no licni- -hall he !c-- than s."* And
provided further, j'tial any person licens
ed the present or any portion of n year
shall pay a pro • i? ■ -h*r of the license
tee and the author ty granting the license
shall designate the classification tor that
year. Ar.d provided further, that no li
cense for bottler- shall be less than f oil.
>ec ■ i'iut all) sale made of villous,
spirituous, niall or brrwnt
admixture thereof, contrary to the provi
sions of this law. -hall be taken to be a
ui.sdemeam.r, and upon conviction of the
offense in the court ol quarter sessions ol
the piU-e iany city or county, the per
son -o . If.*', ling -I.l*ll bo ..i.te: 'ed to pay
a line . t not !e-- than n..r m -ie than
SotAl. with the c. -ts of prosecution, and to
stand c nvieted until the sentence of the
court is complied with, notesccedißg nine
ty days, and upon a second or any subse
quent conviction the party so offending
shaii a dm* of not li -- than nor
more than gl,ta ltd ..nacra,. im; rifM
ment in the county jail of not lc. than j
three months nor more than one year, and
if lieen-t-J shall in lieu of imprisonment
forftit his bond and said license and be in
capacitated from receiving any license
aforesaid for the period of fiv.- year.- there
after, and any keeper of any drug or
apothecary store, confectionary or miner
al, or other fountain, who shall sell any -
spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liqu -rs, j
mixed or pure, t-> be U-..1 as a beverage, |
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor;
and liable to the same conviction and pun- :
isbuient a, unlicensed offenders.
Sec. •• That it shall be the July of the
court, i: iy.>r, aldcriuan -r justice of the]
peace, before whom any fine or penalty i
shall be recovered, to award said fine or
pena'th -, a- Will is ; : m.!- ot all forfeit*
e 1 bonds t" the city or county treasurer, f
a- the ease may bo.
See (T That the constable* of the re
spective wards, borouyhs and townships
1:11 make a return of retailers of liquors, '
and in aiitiition tnereio i si..l! b„* th.' duty
of every -uch coiis'.ab'o at each term of j
said court of qunrter sessions t-f their re-1
•pcctive counties to make return on oath
or affirmation whether within his knowl
edge lucre i-any unlicensed place within
his bailiwick kept ar.d maintained in vio
late .i of lh;,a.:, .1 it-hall be the espe
cial duly* of the judg. t of all ol saiu courts
to set- that tbi return i- faithfully made,
an 1 if any person shall make known ir.
writing, with his or her name subicribed j
thereto, to such constable, the namu or [
nan. •* of any one who shall have violated
this aet, witii the i winos of the vitnes-t -
who tar. prove the tact, it shall be his Ju
tv to make return thereof on oath or affirm
ali n to the court, and upon his willful;
failure to do so he shall be deemed guilty
of the crime of perjury, and upon indict
ment and conviction shall be subjected to ,
its penalties.
Si. T' 1 '* husband, w ire, parent, child ]
guardian or any pcrsi.u who has o. may
bcrcaflit have the habit of drinking intox- j
i .itii g liquor to excess may give notice in
writing signed by him or her to any per
son not to sell •-r deliver intoxicating li
quor t> the per-on hav ing such habit, if
the per-on in notified at any time within
twelve months after -uch notice, sells or
deliver# any surh liquor to the person hav
ing -uch habit, li.e person giving the no
tice may in nn action of tort recover of
! '.he person notifl<-,i any sum not le-* than
, fifty nor more than five hundred dollars,
:i- may be assu-sed by the court or judge
jus damages. A married woman may
bring such action in her own name not
! withstanding her i .venture and all dam
ages recovered by her shall go to her sep
: urate use. In case of the death of either
party the action and the right of action
given hy this section -hall survive to or
against his executor or administrator with
out limit as to damage*
Sec. 8. No person or persons non-resi
dents of this commonwealth shall engage
in selling, trading or vending intoxicating
liquor aiid no hawker, peddler or traveling
agent shall engage in selling for any per
son or porsons w ho are non-residents, or in
vending, trading or contracting in any
manner, whatsoever in intoxicating liquor
within the limits of this commonwealth.
Sec.Any bond given by any person
undet the provisions of this net 11183- be
canceled after thirty days' notice in writing
shall have been given and received by the
respective purtics thereto : l'rovided, The
sureties to be relcn pd from such, or any
bond, shall bear n > risk pending thereon.
In 'l.e eyerit of cancelling any bond and
the releasing of the sureties the principal
shall provide acceptable substitutes if lie
desires to continue the business, otherwise
bis license shall immediately be revoked.
Sec. Id That no license to sell intoxica
ting drink* shall hen after be ifiantcd to
any person until lie shall have executed a
bond to the commonwealth In tbo pena!
sunt of $2,000, with two sufficient sureties,
to be approved by the court grunting such
license, conditioned to pay all dnmnges,
which may be 1 eco\ered in any action
which may bo instituted against bini un
der the provisions of this act and all costs,
tines and penalties which may be imposed
upon him in any indictment for violating
this act or any other law of this common
wealth relating to soiling or furnishing in
toxicating drinks, and the suid bond shall
ho tiled in the office of the said court for
the use and benefit of all persons interested
Sec. 11. That it shall not be lawful for
any person, with or without license, to mil
to any person any intoxicating drink on
any da 3' on which elections are now or
hereafter may be required to be held, nor
011 Sunday, nor at any time to n minor or
to a person visibly affected by intoxicating
Sec. 12. That any license heretofore
granted shall not he invalidated, and that
none of the provisions of this act ahull be
held to authorize tho manufacture or -ale
of tt,ty intoxicating liquors In any oily,
county, borough or township I eying spi>
cial prohibitory laws.
Uhevenne, W T, March I l our
more uf ill" Ilia* k Hill* miner*, limited
Watrcn, Mi'll iiwUl, William* and I hoiit
!>. nrrivnl ni Furl liirmui* to ilny. hav-
I nig walked from lli st >i WHII", eight miles
I'riiin Harney • l'i>nk, in seven da.v
: They bring lino specimens of gold du '
willi 111' i• i Warren bus Mine that he
wmtiwl mil iiflwo pan* i't ilirl 11 1\t jit*t
Unlaw llio surface and among which ther"
vu'Tii ijriiii rnnU llii n\" llu'i >ui! i dug
down l ill" bed of til" rock. 111 all" |duc"
III." Will"! Wu* i plentiful 11 it I Ht "I III"
time tin * worked waist deep lu K H"
thinks that with pumps and hydraulic
in vim,,r.v slG' per day to MM'h "iaii
could he made. He also bring* with him
. spri ituens i'( siller which, old miners
tale will yield ftf.WUto the ton, and say
ll>t is the purest they ever saw. He will
U tiling here these specimen* of eiher ore to
Jhoatsayml lie has also with him fine
j specimen* id plumbago, lead and oojiper,
| and say* there i.niuro gypsum in ll—
; Black Hills than ten railroad* could haul
away in fifty tears He claim) also that
' there are tin mines there lb" parly
.' I. aves t.-r Cheyenne, their .-1 j- ! being t-'
, 1 get pro* isious. machinery and tools, and
recruit their numb- r by a- litany as pa>-
„ I tibia, after which they will return from
In re, tho route from this place being, they
say, the only practical one, on i niui U
nearer than from Sioux I it*'. With the
additional advantage of good road*.
They report no trouble in crossing the
I streams or in finding good water and
. camping ground every night Th.y say
the distance nan bo walked easily in (*
, days. The railroads have reduced the
fare one-third frein Chicago to I heyontie
to parties going t • the lllaek Mil
Many strangers are now here, win', it !•
sujij —v.l, are 1-iOliot f--r tin* new lo Dura
j do, notwithstanding the orders from the
i Government prohibiting puriies from g •-
ing. Persons just arrived Iroiu the In
dian agency stale that the Indians are
anxious lo rlt lo the Government their
right to the Black Mil's country, hut d..
not pro|H>o to ghf it up ijiiiiioul lifiujj
paid fr it.
♦ •
| A Jolly Ball iu tlx* HIUIM.U County
Alu to lor the Insane tine (-lep
for all K 'lids of Music Ihe Lest
Kind of t ure
On the bfOW uf .Snake liiil. t verltM'king
the llackensack and the pretty villages of
Carlsladt, West IL'boken, and New l>ur
haiii. stands the Hud- >n Couiity Asylum
for Lunatics. It is three stories iti height,
with picturesv|ue cupola *.--1 .eft. '
Inge windows When Dr Eddy be auii
its superintendent he introduced a series
of dancing entertainment- a- part of the
mode of treatment. These sociables have
been given usually aboulonc# a months in
the winter season, and twice in the sum
me;-, o;; the pavi'.on near the west wii.g of
the institution.
Last Friday night, the vlosing hup uf
the season was given, and among those in
vit-d Freeholders Speer, Cojkeiulall
and Schruuder, and County Physician
Stout The lunatics were l"d into the
broad corridor fronting the women's wards
the a-or being ~eJy we,.;,
pairs led "ff in tho opening march to the
music of the "Conspirators chorus In
the van was a stout, florid faced, gray-hair
cd octogenarian, who walk--! arm-in-arnx
with a |iale-faced, fiaxen-hairrd girl of
twenty. The old man had spent twenty
ymr? over the jnjrieate machinery of
• now p'm..go, a i-i is > b> io." if* I
with his inv".iti< ; li" hears a tiu
ble rescmbianrc to \\ blisti M 1 ml
and for this unfortunate likeness t.e ha
bcrn named the "'lb **. His partner t
a school teacher .a Northern New Jersey,
and became in-sne through ha d study.
John t' Bric-n, a fair baircJ, wiry tram*
ed young man led a portly woman of for
ty li.ii.ed tsUie'iin. John %, .h,d in D<.
regulation suit furnisiil by the county,
brown jean jacket and i antaloons, lo*
sho.-t, and unbleached muslin shirt. His
legs were arrayed in strips of an old ban
danna kerchief, at d tuiprndr-si from the
collar button of his shirt wen- numerous
horn buttons, which lie termed medals of
award for skill in surgery and physics.
He is very talkative l.xs an impressive
dogmatic style of talking, and uses the
m<"M extravagant language He believe
that he is superintendent of tho Asylum,
and hi* mission it lo hang every person
who tii-kcs - di.tnrbthcp.
With l-ardly on exception the women
danced like automatons without a jiarlicle
ofanimati -n. Tne men kickedthe floor in
in iteiuent and did not -it down until ex
hausted. Partner* for the dance werefur
nished thrill by the Matron, Mr* Arm
strong, and Warden Grime-. t'nly when
faced with a partner did they seem to un
derstand what they were to do, tho musm
always setting their feet in motion. Il was
noticeable that those convalescent evinced
a preference to dance with the vt-itor,
turning away from their unfortunate frl
low inmates. It mattered iltli" what mu
sic wis furnished, for IV oil v., j- Iks and
scliottisch wire inv lariub'y danccu in jig
like fashion.
At half past 10 Warden Grime* mar
shalled the party into the supper-room,
w hen they juirtook of a light meal. Re
turning llx-y watched three set* of the vi-i
--torx dance ; quadrille This afforded them
much amusement, many of the patients
breaking out in laughter as tho Freehold
er* whirled their Wive* and daughters
around the room.
Dr. Kddv says that the treatment
ha* proved beneficial, and in the curly
spring he i* to begin tlie picnic season
Sun 16(4.
Last Friday night Mr. John K. Mar
kill, of Norfolk, St Lawrence county,
New York, returned home late, having j
been detained by n storm, and going out
somu timu after to csro for his team, un
just in the act of opening It is stable door
when lie was vi-i/.ed from behind by a pan
ther, which attempted to grapple his
thr at, nnd he was carried lo the ground,
falling on hi* back. So sudden WH- the
ntluck that for a moment Mr Markitl was
partly stunned, but quickly realizing his
danger he attempted lo draw his jack
knife, at tho saint! time culling loudly for
help. In the meantime the animal had
fastened his jaw* on the vide of It is vic
tim's neck ; but owing to the heavy col
lar of Mr. Mai kill's coat, which was for
tunately turned up, and a fur collar
around his neck, the animal's teeth did
not jiei.etrnti- the fi-,-h, although the pres
sure, a* described by Mr. Markill, was
such a* to almost entirely prevent his
brctahing llis alarm brought to liisn*-
i-istiiiice very soon a large anil ferocious
dog, which al once fastened on the throat
of the formidable foe. The nninuil then
turned on hi* new antagonist, and for a
moment a terrific buttle ensued After
a prolonged struggle Mr. Murkell suc
ceeded in conquering tlx- animal with a
pitchfork and the dog's help. The pan
ther measured from tip to tip seven feet
five nnd a half inches, was <>f a brownish
color with leg- rather short, hnt thick and
COMMIT) Kti About ten days ago tlx
dry good* store of Hugh White, at La
mar, or Yankeelown, Nittany Valley, this
county, was entered ut night and robbed
of various articles of merchandise, On
.Saturday Tom and Irv High of Mill llall
were arrested on the ehnrge and commit
ted by Alderman Batcblor in default of
buil. The old muii High was also c. m
mitled. Irv is hut recently uut of the
penitentiary tor rubbing the store tlf ty.
llrtuly al Mjll'Hn)!. l'here vyeru tyo oth
er parties supposed to have been concern
ed in the robl cry, who are now at large.
*Ol. Don.
Till] FLOOD.
n i ■■
in-: GOUGF. moving
111 4111 11. IIAVIU' 4VU I*l -H V I lO>
4T N't' M Clint H I'IUNTH.
D.invilU". I'll., Mti roll I". lln
t i Bridge over tli" Sii".|ii> Imiiii" l tl>'<
l<ioe WIII curried nwny. I li" **:tei
i m higher than it *** in 181 m and ii
.till iuing. Thorn i an gorge lie
l ween lier* ami Siiiiluirv II nil mid e<*n
| IH'l'lil'tl I" OUt ■ 11. I I"' II A' Ik 'k Ik
. 1 mill two highway hndge at I'itMoii
iin.l tli" highway bridge at ('utawis-ri
iiro onrrioil nwnv Tin? bridged al
Will. "Initio, Plymouth ami N mti
coke ato in danger.
I'll I Slit *ll ■iS 4 1 Wll.K I IIA It It K.
Wilkorbario. Pa., -March 17. Hie
ifo "till irmaiiia ulatiouaiy at this
place, ami thrro ha boon no neroe .ti
| bin fall of water since tho afternoon.
Row- f holism on Hiyoritrovt arc fill
ed with water aud the gaa works have
u depth of wveral feet of water in
them Tho whole oily is in ditrknc--
candlc* and lamp* furnishing the only
light. Travel ha* been clapped be*
iu, en beie and Kingston since lat
night, the Bats being eulirely .ub
merged and it being unanle to ems*
the bridge. The throe bridge* which
were swept away front Pulsion, are
Jammed in a gorge three mile* above
here. At Nanlicoke dnnt eight miles
below the ice began to move to day
and the rivet wa? closed for n mile
above that point, but I'mia lh< re to the
island the gorge at the lower end - J
\Vilkl>arre i'as bad a* c\.r. Tin
i wtatlier lias bleu gradually growing
I colder and everything wiil be fr- n,
j solid through. This undoubtedly |
pr< \ enlt d the hi idge at ilii* plan from
being carried away, and should a gen
lie thaw follow, the ice may go down
without further danger, but if the
thaw is sudden, the devastation will
be nil the greater on account of the
cold snap.
TKAVtt- SiM'i.Nur.ii.
The l.aeknMitiin and Bloonttburg
iron railroad bridge, which was swept
away last night al I'ilUton, cost $1*20,-
000. and the two wooden wagon bril
--g. s cost neai ly $50,(M)0 each. The
{/ebjgh valley JUilrosd above aud
below Plltston is covered in many
places with great blocks of ice, and no
trains run above \\ illkctbarre.
PtKll-lifa SlTl 4 1 ION Hi Wk.-I Pill
fcianion, llarcti If. — West puts
tou stands between two Hoods, one of
which broke through a ravins ut the
bare of the mountain this morning,
cutting off the tight of the inhabi
tants who sought the mountains for
safety. The losses bv the Hood and
obstruction to railmnU tranic will net
tall short ol lI.UUO.OtHJ.
Hingbiuipioii. N. V, March 17.
The ice gorge in the Su-ijuehanna riv
er at H'-oper, eight niib-s west of,
ISingiinmptoii, is over four miles long |
and twenty to thirty feet hi{h. I lie ■
Vaiiey i •*'•• t H -Weil. At piesctil ll <
weather is t hi, ami the nver fading ,
ItCliUII! Sct.Nl." AT Gkiimasi- WN 1
Port Jervis, March 17. The*c*iie at
(•ermautow n, on the river bunk, Teg
gin-description Hia ice is piled on
the shore in many tdace* thirty fttl i
h'mh, an.i to p) <iC. w gbtng thirty '
ton* .\trout tw< nty simill houses and '
soma shanties have beet) torn la pie- 1
ces, ami about tw > l undrid h us<*jare
tilled with water t • the second st. rv. '
The river i- now going down, and the j
danger is over. About twenty five
small frame buildings, nearest thcriv (
er in Port Ji-rvi*, are totallr wreck
ed, \
Plltston, Pa , March 1H. — The loss
b\ the 11 -i d will reach more |ba:t half ,
a million dollars. The ice is again
gorged at Kausoii, three miles above ;
ibis place, to a height ol twenty feet,
and extends up the river for about
five niilcs The lyihigh ValleyllaiS i
road track is entirely covered with ice
si* feet in height in the narrows, two i
miles north of here. They have a 1
gang of work "lien digging through and
trying to clear the track. It is im*
possible to say how soon tiny can run
through. No trains have luen able
to reach here yet cither way. A great
many mines in this locality have stop
ped work on account ot ha.iug noji
route left by which to shift their coal.
exists in regard to the weather.
Should it become warm enough to
move the gorge, it will cause even
mora destruction than Tuesday's
Sunbury, Pa., March 18. —Tim
prospects below Watcrtown < n tin
West branch are ah iut the same this
evening. The town is in no dangei,
but farms below are inundated, and
the river is running through the fields.
The gorge has not moved. There is
also a large gorge between here audi
Selin's Grove, below the dam, which j
contains part of the bridges which
came down the North branch, and
which will likely carry off the bclin'e
Grove bridge when it moves.
Columbia, Pa., March 18.—The ice
, in the Susquehanna at this point com
menced running this afternoon and is
-till running past in one continuous j
mass. At eight p. nt., it c>trricl away
; the winding bridge of the Tidewater j
Cunnl Company ut Wrightavilic, aud
j moved one of the piers of the Colum
bia bridge rendering the bridge im
i passable for trains. The ice and water
j has done considerable damage to the
Pennsylvania railroad tracks West of
here, piling the ice up on the tracks
delaying, trains. It also swept away a
great many telegraph poles, cutting
off telegraphic communication with
points between Columbia and Harris
burg, Considerable damage ha been
done to the Pennsylvania Canal Com
pany's towing path tearing it out, Ac.
Canal boats were washed on the tracks
of the Pennsylvania Railroad ut Ma*
rietta and stay there.
Wilkesbaire, Pa., March 18. —The
river has been fulling slowly this after
noon, and is now nearly two feet lower
(bun on Wednesday morning. There
is no change in the ice in the maip
channel, and it is generally believed
that it reaches to the bottom of the riv
er. For some distance above the is
land, the gorge below tho city and
from that point to plainsville, a dis
tance of five miles, ice is jammed up in
. a solid mass. At this place, the depot
of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad and
i about twenty dwelling bouses wer
i Hooded jo>t below here. The Pitts*
i ton.
Bridges Are Jammed Up iu Ice
f in the noun channel. For some dutannc
above this station ami on .-I.- t.vo milei
balow, lio track of lite railroad! o r-ovefeJ
with water iwiJ large cuki-| of fee. j*
nil tb" otUClals of the Lehigh y|liij
, Haihonil are now in this c ity, uiui a fnrct
, of men hill already been set to work ill re
moving iee. At Forty Fort, a little below
aud on the opposite side from l'luinsville
th# ICQ is pilea up very high and turns th<
ivn'. r out al til" channel.
Kingston Under Water.
The water cut awnv through the In-aut
fill Forty F rt c"inet"ry and swept dow
rt - >diii|( rt*t nnd rushed through the mat
s atri-i-ts of Kingston, The rilissni wr
hadly lright"iieil lluats wcr rows
through •inns of the |irim-i|ih) -tri-c'i
'l' From Kingston to \Vllk"bnrre, tho do
is USN i onn mile, and th wnti-r surnai
, r iii-riu" thn flats |ietw"sn two places in ai
iin-ru'lillls* short spa"" of thus. A bar
'* was swept MWsy which had 'tuoj Hi
i. (toads of many veers, and no (i-uiei what
. cv. r, are left, Hug" beutdrre of ice wer
, - sriii-d ali ng with such force a lo It no.
K- -low II mid
Tear Up Great Trees.
" All the telegraph polos on tlm flat* al
T d WII nnd toii-grnpiii. i oiuiiiunication c •
j. only b had byway of Scrautun.
More D.tnittge Anticipated.
Fears are eiprossed by the residi nl o
the K i ugstoii aid" of the river that anotb"
rle ol water above w ulld be flopped bj
s the gorge and lon <-.1 through the clianru)
.jallrady formed through the Ci-uielery atnJ
sweep down upon Uiogstull. IT, la would
avi- W ilkciharre further damage by nf
lowing the ice l > melt away gradually hut
gii-ut damage would be d-oii) to King. ion
and many farms would ba ruined The
1 weather has liol moderated.
' A committee from the stockholders ol
, | Kin K\ llktobarre bridge drove to i'ltulon
totday, amla-ked peritiisssoa of the olt|ccr
of the bridge t,om]ian)c Ulsru
To Dustroy Bridges,
which were swept away ant are now
' lodged above tins < ity in order lo pravsnl
i ihtir tlfsifiit upon ihu one lirft? Tho
t tfi giVtt (bir cuiiMßit, mid jgt*| trituou?
tirt? ID w (untie lo
Burn the Bridges
at an early hour to-morrow ti -)riii„g. It
mil tki.a leu days to clear tile I.elngli V al
.i*V Ualtroad of ice should the Water fall
■ ainl there he no other rise. There are no
milts north of here
A Gorge lea red.
J'.irt jjepi -t. M l Mun i. lh "Ihe riv
i : has ke.n rising all evening, and is (ull
•f floating it*, iitniiirig at tie rate ut
twenty 111 I lea an hour. (should a go'g*
iorm at Havre do Utace, it will I SUM*
grt at destruction
C'utiawingo, Slil , March lh The riier
Im, roen isii feet in the !at two hours.
I lie bridge litß- will doubllrt, go
Mi t SI- NKV It is wall vof lh taring,
and j i-u can save it l.uyixg a Kt wing Slu
t hing, and get one of the beat and most
pel feet machine* in existence. The WiU
ton Shuttle Sewing Machine has reached
a point of excellence and jo-rfectneai
"quailed by no machine in use, and the
< i tolaiilly ami rapidly increasing demand,
which i> almost beyond their maiiufac-
E t. ig ia|ia,uy ,o (apply, is oonvinc'ing
t-viji'tice that the Iliftril* uf this machine
r apprwcialed. Machine* will be de
livered at any Kailtt-ad Station in tbo
eounty. free i>l transportation charges, il
- rdered through the CoiutmnT S Uraiich
H->use nt '£l~ and Kroadwav, New
(find np cUgsiit catalogue anil]
, hfoliitj circular, tree oft appilratiou.
'l'.is C'-'iiipaiiy waul a lew inora good
a fa nU
Loudon, March 10 <> A. VI News has
been received hare that the nsf.vtl ofi
yn.H nave 0.K ... r. d a surveying party I
iou.ti.andeJ by u Hritith Lieutenant and
consisting of tixiy tbice ripoy* and coo-i
London, March 10. crowd,
continue to attend the revival meeting,
held by Itev. Massrs MoCcS 4 atid CxaiiAey j
T-o.|,ut over ,*MXti jie. pl* were* j.reseiit
:.nd thousands were turned away. The]
• treeu ia the vicinity of the hall were'
choked with j-. p'.e ui ab'.c to ul taln ad
Rt'dLAKs Raw,c*e.- I'hsriM O Conor
recent opinion, which may be lgcor,tcpHj j
*> in, |.lined that kurgUr ba no right'
w fticb a nliien is bound t - respect,'* is a
hit i f sound law which should bo learned
hy the whole i immunity. The citixen
should know dcciJt'dly that he has the
right to shout Sike a d g a burglar f*und
on hi, premises, and the burgiar should
know at -o Tt.e reason of this opinion
is, brielly, ibal a burgiar by the act of
burglary becomes voluntarily an outlaw.'
Aiid tms no protection of any kind. There
fore, burglars beware.
tin the 11th ir;st. al the residence of the
'-ride, father Mi Wilson lt.-ck—by Itev
.1 A lirighl. Mr t'baric-s A (fast uf Haiti
Kagle. to Mis* Msggil- Hi-ik of near Jack-
Son* lib- i'a.
tic. the "dtid of I)cc i uiber. ItiTo. Mr t'al
vin Bierlv tc- Miss Anna K farts, both of'
Tylrrsvilie, Fa.
iin \Uh inst. Mi Johu Hoy, jr., of Jack
cone tile, to Mrs Sydney Grauiiey, of lte
uo .-100 dk . Mr .lamas Wet. of Aa
roi cburg to Miss Miranda Itrumgart. of
near Itabcrsburg
t'n lti'.h inst. Mr J II Hockcv !* M;s
Henrietta Bowt-rsocks, both of Oentre Co
tin the 14;h insE by K<-v. K Slambaugh,
Israel Yonada and Miss Lydia Vonada,
both of Haines twp,
tin tha lath, in Fine Drove, by Rev M
ti. Karhart, Mr \V-,ley Krb. and Mrs.
.Susan Ulootu, both of Ferguson twp.
tin March Ist. IfCo, at Lick Haven.
F.iiima May, daughter of A C., and E. J.
tieary. aged 7 year*. II months and 14]
tin the'Ah inst, in I'enn twp., Hannah
wife of Jonathan (Sanders aged o7 vcar
-7 months and 9 days.
House and Lot
The House and Lot. belonging to the
Ktial" of Mary K. Jurdoo. late c>!" I'otter
twp.. dee'd, will be offered al public sale
.•II tin- premises, on SATURDAY, April
17th. IsTo. at 2 o'clock The lot contains
1 24 acres, thereon erected a House and oth
er outbuildings. Terms:—tine half of
' purchase money on confirmation of sale,
the in one year thereafter, with
interest to be secured Ly bond and mort
; Mar. 25, .It- Admiui-tralor.
1 n<lcpctiili-ut in Every
thing ! Neutral in Nothing !
Opposed to all Corrupt Kings in
Municipal State ami National Affairs,
'piIKTUIKS will t-p i--ut>d on Satur
1. day, the Lttli of March, and every
nunnit.g ihcri-afli-r. Sundays exceiiti d, un
. tii-i the editorial direction of A K. Mc-
CLVRE printed compactly from clear, new
type, on a Inrgo folio -In i t, containing till
r the New . of the day. including tho Asco
i cialcd I'rcss Telegrams, Specml telegrams
and Uiirresp indenyi- from all Points ot
1 , of interest, and Icatlcss editorial discuss
! ions of all current topics. It aims to be a
i rt r t i la-- New spaper in every respect.
Mail subscriptions, po-tage free, Six
dollars J'ur umiuni or Fifty cents j>er
11 month.
ADVERTISEMENTS, fifteen, twenty
.and thirty rents per line, according to pie
' | sition.
Xul MH.i.ros:
rpilK WEEKLY TIMES will bo iue<]
1 every Saturday, Containing t'hoici
' Literature, interesting article* for tlx
r Family and the Fireside, \ aluabltx contri
, hiitmn's for FARMERS. M HCII AN H'S
and every industrial Clin-. ('arefullv
1 edited column dp Ilduseliidd and Domes-
I i< Kcoiioniv, togelhcr with a Ooinplcti
Summary of the Neva's of the \4feek, am'
full Market atid Financial Report*. 1
' will be tho Its-T bd ellKAfssf Woekli
i| Newspaper pi I'c-niisjTvanin,
Ii 2" ®°py
'■: Too Coti7 > _ yoo
e| Twonty Copies, . ! IffOO
v And at the SHIIIB rate, (HO cents pe
copy.) for any additional number. Name
i may bo added to Club) at any tinio durinj
the year.
A I)VK KTI sK M L N T-j inserted at tn en
t v-li\ e ooi.U per line.
Vidro** THE TIMES,
N'J D Rputh Seventh Streel
w AAuSend stamp for full infurinatioi
r, Price List, Ac., Ac. D. F. BEATTY
io YVashington, N. J.
Chicago, March 22. Blour steady an.
, In moderate demand; spring extras sls •' 1
o .'St. Wheat duit and un"lll*d: N"
spring .CI"; No 2, W| strictly fresu; t orr
n.-tiv"; No 2 d74(jjo7|c. OftU—deM<
aetlvy ami jirices advanced; No 2 f>4i("
.14. I put, U>.-, NO 1 97 (a Barley dui
and noitiia); Nog #1 oH('(l (*' s|iot Seed
steady; clover seed $H K)M* Kb
New York, March 22 l*i ur, *uj>orflnt
wc-ti-rn and Sutesl uo(<s4 Moj cniimn t<
'go.ul $ i (V'ifi, * 10; good to I bolce s*• l V-v"
to; white wheat • xlra Ohio $5 t*'
ft Louis i h WTu-at u shad" lower;
No 1 spring $1 22ft,l Vft; No 3 $1 12(ffl U-
No 2 N. W. $1 I7fi*l It", No2Chicago $1
.(>4 '-I I IB|, ungraded lowa and Minn emit*
-tiring $1 Ll' v 1 23. Ryequietal Ko((itk'> ,
li.irlet scare." and firm I 1 $1 ii <*• -ri
mixi i western v.llow HofiyH&j.
11, in \--l w.-!,-rn 1,7(.1 lilt,•, while li-f.i
704 c. Co (Ice dull at luifn, I7|e. Sugar
dull; fair to good refining 74(n. |e; prune
*c. I'ntr ileum refined 144tel4|c. Eggs
firm at 82ff$tc. LnrJ lll'-ylt o ll.
White cYheat II 00Red !( Byetsi
7U . ...C|o/er*eed '<,(*• Potatoes (Xi
Lard per pound 8 I'orktier poutidOu
Butt.-1 Kgg s 16 Plaster per ton
114 Tallow ti... HbB'I'KI Ilaih 16
Lard per pound ft cents..,, Buck* heat
i ll , F our per Larr. l retail?,UU...
Nova (ieolla plaster sl4 W 16. Cayuga
plaster s'j.6u per J<SA>ibs.
. ] Sloan Fog Raw The store of H.
. s. \S olf, dec d, in Centre Hall, is offirred
for sale on very reasonable term* The
{stand is one f lite best in the .alley, and
[offer* an e- cellos.l up perl unity Pi any par
ities wishing to go into business.
leh 4. MRS. C. K WOI.F Adm'rs
A >w s Biatchloy s
' H ED i
Ml 'V is lh.- HI k ImW .eilgeij
l'_ STANDARD f tb.
mtfsri, by popular verdict, tin
■ ■
j H !
joint*, and the copper chamber
which never cracks, scale* or rusu and
will last a lifetime. For sale by Ddeters
and the trade generally. In order to be
sure tljai \ou get Biatchley's Pump, be
careful and see that it lies my trade-mark
'at above, If you do not know where p.
buy. descriptive circulars, together with
[the name and address of the agent nearest
vou, will he promptly furnished by ad
dressing, With stamp
CHAh w ftLATCMLEY Manufaclur r
j 6rKl (ijttitncnw (*!., Philadelphia, Pa
11 mar Km.
I'l J . I 1 I T *PL*ODI4 Pi
ano rtucumbints*
j every improvement m tone with power
i and gn at durability, and has received
I".he uinjualtfied endorsL-metits nf the bigli
.t Musical authorities for it* Marvellous
i xtraordinarv richness of Tone, having
Large siae. 74 Octaves, overt-iruug Bass,
full Iron Frame, French (Jrand action.
Krit Desk, Carved Pdai, i did Rosewood
Moulding*. Ivory Key Frout Capped
| itami.juls, atsraffi- Treble, Ac., Ac. llc.
n eight when boxed over One Tli lusand
Pounds Liberal discount u> the trade.
Ag. Nts Wanted—'male or lentil*.)
gar Seud stamp for Circular Addiess
lthe inventor Htid Proprietor, DANIEL F.
BKATI Y Wusl.u.gj.,l \ew dersi-t
J. . MH HI,
U ndertaker.
The undersigned begs leave to inform j
i his patrons and the |>ublic generally that'
ihe Is now prepared to make Coffins and;
:i > fed folly solicit* a share of their patron- t
age. Funerals attended with a neat |
bears.:. J. B. SU A FEU,
|I"L 11 '.i Madisnnburg j
JOHN t lNP'h
Furniture Rooms,
K.vtoitslon Tables,
Chamber Suits,
Fined: Common Furniture,
Con*i-ting m part .-I BUREAUS, BED,
The public generally are invited t call;
and the lino assortment of FUKNI
-1 I UK to be found at the above establish
ment, ail ot our own Manufacture,
Undertaking in ali it* branches,
Co (litis, Caskets and Shrouds.
Having purchased an elegant Hearse, 1
will attend all orders of undertaking 1
ma*' receive from Pennsvalley. Centre Co.
Jan 28 if.
BEATTT 1 1 as l
Ut > M BIN KS K V Kit YIM P RtV r. M ENT
KNOWN, kg*.>end stamp for Ctn-u-i
lar. Address D. F. HEATTY. Wash
ington. N. J.
M.W fon
i McClnin's Block, Directly pp. Bush!
1 House,
Bellefonte, Pa.
H. IIKHMW si CO., Iro|*ri.
Dry Goods,
Helow Iho Usual Priors.
I Nov 12. If.
C. C. The True Cape Cod Cranberry,
C. best sort for Upland. Lowland, or
Garden, bv mail prepaid. $1 per IIX), $6
p.-r 1 ,UW. All the New. Choice Straw bor-
Iric-and Peaches. CaUbigue of
|these and all Fruits, Ornamental frees,
■ Evergreen*. >hrub, Bulb-. Rose,. Plant*.
SEEDS, the choicest collection in the
country, with all novelties, will be went
grati, t- any jilain address. 2o sorts of
either Flower Garden, Tree. Fruit, Kver
' green, or Herb Seeds; far sl,Ol ISDt bv
I! mml. prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA
■ 1 Wanted.
i BM. WATSON, Old Colony Nur-e
--■ ries and (seed Warehouse, Plymouth,
1 S Ma,-. Established 1812.
| Jan. 20.
-j I, still located at Pino Grove Mills aud
is now prepared to travel to the ho; of
patients at a distance and r,.ndr any de
-1 sired service in his iin*, in the best man
. ner, i t hot quality and al reasonable
' | rates. Insertion of nw dentures made a
stieciaUy. Trrth rrtracte<l without p-iia.
2ljan 74
' male.) to take orders. D- F. BK.WTY,
Washington, Ne\\ Jersey.
1 V\KCL'I'GUS NOTICE" L.-licr. ms
1' tamcntary t" the o! Reuocya
II isii'ik:, lui" i-i Vmium township, tVntrfi
v c;:;nVy. Dei d., bftv ip g UocuamuUJ •- ..
j uintu. -igiU'U. nil peVlkm. - £ the
sm.i! i state arc '"guested to mako imtnedi
;nto ■"" .i-iucnt, and those having claims tc
I pre-cnl them duly authenticated for pay
ment A. LI'KEN BACH.
Marl I.Ot. Executor
,jSH'i\L authorities throughout the worh
as THE BEST. D. F. BE ATTY, Propri
fetor, Washington, N.J.
j\. Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing persons have filed their
lions for license, and thoir petition \y;H b;
- presented at the n?xt term o^Ccu,rt
,i John Spangler Fjotter..: llote
11 <H. Prothonofary
Humeri not! Shippers of the celebrated
r wihihtiel ' O |LBM=E.
Dealer, in the very beat grades of
• 0
The only dealers in Centre County who sell the
W! IIL! KE; SiBIAI R! It! ECl0! Ai L
from the old Baltimore mine*. Alio
of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly for bou.e uie, at the '.overt prices.
; They pay the bigW price, in ca*fc fur r*' that the Kaitern markets will if nil.
Bought <-r will he W on commiwion when desired, nd full price, guaranteed. Im
formation concerning the grain trade will be furni.hed at all time* to farmer
with pleature, free of charge.
which it a)way. .old at low price., and warranted to be at good a fertiliser as aay
other platter. *
£>? mi AWH>
Lime! Lime!
Lime of the beat quality, alwayt on
baud, at the kiln near Centre Hall.
Millheim, Pa.,
Wholesale axd Retail Dealees i* ;
They have just returned from the Eatern
Cities, where they have purv'nated a well
selected stock of
IIARDWARR, Ct'TLEar, Inox. Nails
Oils, Paiitc, Vaaxiaacs, Pcttt,
Plasterers and Masons,
Saddlers, Shoemaker#,
Housekeepers, and in fact,
We call particular attention to a fin# at-;
torimeni of Picture Frames and Moulding, i
very cheap.
And Carta in Fixtures of every kind.
attention is called to our stock of Spokes,,
liubt. Feiioet, Shaft*. Poles and Buggy i
Wheels, all of No. 1 quality and selling ve
ry cheap. Our stock is large, and cn
-iantly being renewed, and *e are selling
wholesale and retail—at very low prices.
Remember— much money hat been lost by 1
paying too much for Hardware. Try
IJ)iisti&r tx flunk!® BP®'®#
Thev buy for Cash and sell at Cash Prices
for lees profit than any other Hardware
Store in the County.
nCrCall and see us. Satisfaction guar*
a noted.
tug 27-y '74
Manufacturers of
Slieetiron & Tin
Milibeim, Pa.
AH kind* of Tinware, constantly on
! hand and made to order.
Sbeeliron Ware of every description,
' always on hand.
Rooting in Tin and Sheetiron dono in
the most approved and satisfactory style.
Spouting done to order.
Their slock of Tin and Sheetiron Goods
i is large and complete, and offered at tbci
Their establishment has been enlarged j
and stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction guarlanleed, and all jobs*
j | 'fomptly attended to. aprld-y ,
Next door to Wilson tV Hicks' Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
Jas, C. Williamsi
(Successor to B. F. Rsnkin A Co.)
FOlt THE *C.
for medicinal purposes.
Also, Choice
and all other articles usually hept in first
class Drug Store.
- C T. AiftAXftKH. C. M. BOWKRS
neys at-Law. Bellefonte, Pa, Special
.attention given to Collections, and Or.
>1 phans' Court practice. May be consulted
in German and English. 'Office in Gar
r. man's Building. rny 28 '74-fc
Pen us valley
Banking Go.
And Allow In/eroaL
Discount Not•
„ _ Buy tidStl)
Government Securities, Gold andl
Pete* Horrca, W. B. M imlI"
l'rea't. Caakiar
Chas. H. Held.
* l * cl |} Wtcfc—kerAltwelit
Miilbeim. Centre Co., Pa.
Respectfully inform* bit ir.t da end tbe
public in general, tbat be ha* just opened
at hie new eatabhahment, above A laian •
i?is k^f r *'. 2?, 4 IwpMOMtMMly ew bend,
al. bind* ot Clock*. Wtu hw and Jewelry
•.f the late*t *le* a* atao tbe Maraaville
1 atent Calender Clock*, provided with a
I complete index of tbe month, end day ef
.be month and week on it* face, which I*
warranted at a perfect time-keeper.
I Adrtlocju. Watchea and Jewelry re-
I'-j&ircul on logrt BodttAfid warn aim.
—p ir if
Excelsior Cement-
Tbe underfipned now manutaciwtws C*
l u^l'i'u^ 4 kilns, near Pine
t reek Haines twp. Thi cemest
be* a.ready been ttaed in li.-y# quantities
upon tbe L. C. A S. C. RR. and baa been
: found highly vatulartory upoa "l£ba
where it baa been Led. and aa equal te
i"/®®* manufactured for u ta CIA
- 11-11X8, M ATER PIPRS. or wbatevar
l-urp<*e . good quality ol Cement ia desi
rable Thi* Ceoiant baa already been
te*tt>d fr and wide, and rendered tbe lit
moat vetotartion. Person*. therefore con-
Cistern*. i*yi, lf Water Pi pee.
Ac . will find it to their adraniara te bear
ibi* in mind, and also. tbat be warrnnta ike
I article a* represented.
o, , J ° m *Y*R,
may .1 tf Aaromburg. fra
V SrAKOLE*. Proprietor.
I st*ea arrive and depart dailT, for al
points. north, aoutb, eaat and we
hKMtr eeocs KRaorr, . p. snraaaT
President, Caebier.
(La e Eilliken, Hoover A Co.)
'And Allow interest,
Diecount Notes,
BUT and otll.
Govern men I Secu- lies, Gold &
K|'l<lftbtl Contwuia
"ooA £sm
w centrk HALL.PA.
Would moat respectfully inform the elt
aens of this vieiaity, that he has started a
tupw Boot and Shoe Shop, and would Vi
thankful for a share of the public patroi-
Bo<>u and Shoo® made to order and
according to style, and warrants his work
•to equal any made elsewhere. AH kinds
of repairing done, and charges reasonable*
Give him a call. feb IS IT
Dentist, MUlheim.
Offers his professional services to the
public. He is to perform all
operations in the dental profession.
now fully prepared to extract
"•"•Wy sesttesrf pain. nayS-TS-tf.
D F ,J, OKTNK X' Attorney at Lew.
e Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rey*
MAJ wsyK'tt
r , opposite Spangler's hoteL
I nuHall where h.> uat all timea, prepared
tomake all kinds of men and boy'a cloth
"* -
si A R t H M r M , ANl ' TB, Attorney at Law,
tl Belle.onte, promptly attends to al
business entrusted to him. juiZ'Mt
PAINTER, tt&ff
offers his services to the citizens of Miflia
t cntre and ad)oining counties, in
II on**, S |n and Ornaneafttal
M-kop.n,. io °" k .W.1„.11.p1,,A.k
! taiu and Fancy Paperbanglng, Or
danrmpeeafWiy solicited.
viov 6tf W ° dcDe for ot her painter*.
To IIN p. POTTER, Atiomey-at-Law.
V Collections promptly 'made and
special attention given to those.having
| lands or property for sale. Will draw up
and lihvv acknowledged Deeds, Mortgagee,
c. Office in the diamond, north side e
the court house, Bellefonte. oct2?69tf
"Krr Tamer sad
.tr..mte. Siock-taadarahoaMkasw
' ' iiig-Ww ud."
Fbr Bene or Steaia r#ws.
Cross-Cut and Circular
Descriptive ('imlare and Price-1 Jit Mat free.
lII.YW Y F.R HiinurHt'torlngCw.
,(H)4t0694 Wot Eighth St.. CIRCHIATI, 0..
I Manufacturers of Cane Mh hinerv. Steam-
I Engine*, Shaker Threvher. Fn'lß,
S.-hool, and Church B ; D, cfh
Dec 10. y.