|OENTKE V4XD.ICBTI Kditoi Centre 11*11, P*., March, 2">. l^To. 7 KRMS.—s'2r fr y f " r > •"'fits.-r. ".'a* fi Ast* tof .< aiiranrt. vtrferrfurrmmf* 'JVprr/tnr tor .Ksrtiowa, finsit 12 taosfA* Av '/<- ct<( contract. The republicans of the seventh ward. Philadelphia, have nominated Blaine tot President. mm • ♦ • Tho I*. S. Senate has laid Piuohlatek on the shelf, where he will lw allowed his nap until next lVeetnlwr, when In will pinch -Ivaek again to claim his seat as Senator frotn Louisiana. Aathis tuu latta is so anxious to have* plav in the eapitol, suppose the senate voti him a corner to keep tt pea-nut stand in "islet to got rid of him. And now the Lowtalowu tiasette, rad ieal, says that all the late annoyances and iuipudence of the blacks under the civil rights MU, is attributable to "democratic teachings \Nell, even iti the tlaaette's apologetic light, the thing would not hwk well for the negro hut when we all know that all the training the negroes have received was from radical teachers, the tiatette - plea for the nigs i> worth alsmt .is much asnnwut shine in davtiuie. The two republican |vajK'r> of I'nion •xtnntv, the lwwislmrgChronicleandthe MitHinburg Telegraph still keep up dc fending their unruly representative, Wolfe, reivntly censured hy the House for hi- rowdy ish conduct upon the tlis>r, iu order both to make a lieu aud a mar tyr of himself, t'harles uotst have got into the tuire pretty deep after all.ashis own home orgatts have not yet succeed ed in pulling him out and cleansing him after six weeks effort in thai direction. The Williainsjvort Bulletin is drunk with the ivtufort it affects to find for the radicals in the New Hampshire election, and in a half breathless manner hastes to tell how it was in New Hampshire two and three years agv>, ami how the democrats gained last year, and then winds up hy forgetting to tell that its jstriy fata inenilwr of congress in the recent election—making a democratic gain. How like the chap who whistled to keep his courage up .is he jxts-cd a graveyard. The Bellefonte Rfp. ia loaded dow u with a long art icleon the New Hanip-lure elec lioit. It w antsto make its readers think its j .arty has carried that state, but hasn't the courage to say so, because facts won't haik it up. To elect just one ioti gre*.iuan out of three, and that with the closest nipping, don't just jingle like a republican victory, hut of course it is not out of place for that and other republi* can jvapers to be loud in the expression ol thanks for the small number left them. These fellows need not *hink that the democrats intended to sweep the entire Isvard in New Ham|>shire. The efforts made by the Forty-third Congress to improve the prospects of the Grant |arty took up so much time that but little attention could be giien to leg islate legislation. Nearly all the work finished by the late Congress was sloven ly in the extreme. Among other evi dences of negligence, or incapacity, or both, was the passage of a law increasing the rate of postage on third-class mail matter to one cent per ounce. It is thought tliat some of the member* of Congress who aided in the passage of this law were influenced by corrupt con siderations, as the change of the rates will be of great advantage to express companies, which it is known were rejv rcsented in Washington by an impudent and jiereistent lobby. That the change was effected, however, was doubtless mainly owing to the carelessness ofl'on gressmen, who did not take the jmins to inform themselves what its consequen ces would be, since we can hardly sup pose the majority would be so stupid as to assent to a new scale of postage which i- certain to amuse the indignation of nine-tenth of their constituents, while UOIMHIV, unles it 1* the express compan ies, can lie gainers by the change. I'n der the new law, extravagant and sense less rates of postage are imposed uj>on transient newspapers and periodicals; the jiOstage on the monthly magazines, except to subscribers, w ill IK* doubled ; a man sending a transient newspaper from New York to Jersey City may have to pay two or three times as much jKxit age as would be required for the trans portation of the same ]>u]>or from Sau francisco to lx>ndon ; and the law lias other features of an equally idiotic nature. But although the people have shown their disgust for such law makers, President Grant is busily engaged in iinding fat offices for the j*sre*t sja-ci mens of the lot. And now Charley Wolfe, of Union, like Cameron, has been pardoned. The House, on Wednesday, 17, day before adjournment jiassed a resolution rescind ing the vote of censure, passed upon >lr. Wolf. Charley thus Mas aide to go back to his Pa and Ma in Derrstown without the fear of getting a scolding. Charley cried when the House agreed, unanimously, to wipe out the black stroke made for him. The following we copy from a report of the pro ceedings: Mr. Lusk (dem.) offered the follow ing which was unanimously agreed to: Waniaa, owing to the uncertainty of human life it is not improbable that some of our number may not return to meet us in the adjourned session ofl*7fl; and WILEBEAS, a feeling of good fellowship and brotherly kindite** should charac terise the hour of separation ; therefore Be it remArrd, That the vote of censure pawed u(x>n the Hon. Charles K Wolfe, of Union county, be and the saute is hereby rescinded, and the record of the vote of censure be expunged front the journal of the house. Mr, Wolfe, evidently taken by sur prise, arose, and with a feeling that well ed his eyes with tears,and for a moment almost overcame his power of speech, returned his thanks in a short address, •which was received with applause front nil parts of the house. THE FIRST CARDINAL. —Archbishop HcCloskey, of New York, lias la-en pro moted to the princely position of Cardi nal, and is now made eligible to succeed Pope Pius, provided he can master votes enough, when the present head of the Catholic Church aluill Is- gathered with its fathers. Bishop McCloskey is the Jarst American ever i*spal to a Cardinal. There are now U Cardinals scattered throughout the paly one | of whom is an American. A T lakes a i two-third vote to elect a Pope. THE i;ovbK\oKsnir The Williamsporl Banner mi-i v the , ■MM ofQri. XojfH ii> it* (Mn •• i Oo\ rrnor. Tho (tanner in uu '(H'Jlksa.M follow S of the t'oloml j "Tho iVniocracy of tho stale le.ve Wen looking around for some time past ! to tlml II lender who in the coming fall campaign shall lead them to victory. With eotntnon oiiiient all ey c- huve turned to the Hon V < Noyvs, of t'liu I ton county, as the one man titled to the 1 1 need of the hour . the one man ii|*n whom all honest men can unite, whose . record i- |nirc and unsullied Sprung from the ranks of the w .irking p< oplc, 4mm C. XoyM is a Aim ajan (men of honest manhood . of the hardy yeoman rv of the state, who ha\c carved out their own fortunes hy the labors o| their own hand. Not in tin caucus t the |*>liti eiau,or iu tin othet devious ways la w hieh men achieve prominence did t 01. Nov •> first come Wfori the people ll< came to notice as a mkw --tul husiness man, and his neighliors sent him to tin legislature to doluisiin s> |..r them, and he did it as he dot's every act of Ins 11 1 honestly and straightforwardly In a eormpt legislature his name was never tarnished hy association ot connection with venal joldieiy . He attended to his legislative duties, and left the leglslatuii as he had entered it an holiest man Of a tine commanding preenc t gen tle, genial di |'till,'b< he is a model ot temperance tnnnhixH i, adorned hy tin highest soeial qualities Firm and de cided, as all successful men are, yet los natural rtiggednes* of eltar.n ter is soften ed hy a kind ! art. and a charitable di p>. lias been notified h% :!;• v . retary of the Navv tliat there is a vacancy In tin Na val Academy from the Ihstriet he ri-pit - -i nts, and he is requested to recommend a candidate for an appointment. The recommendation must be made prior to tire first of July nest If not by that time, the Secretary will till the vacancy The candidate, if ap{H>intcd Iwfotv that time, will U- required to rejurt for rx auiiuatioii at the Suva) Academy in June. If appointed after tliat time, but W'fore the tirst of July, he will he exam ined on the l"th of September. The course of iustruetion is s t \ years; the pay J.'**' per milium. hut ofthisthere is an outlay of for clothing ami flim fur luinks, Ac. in admission SIOO must lie dejwxstted for book-. ami there w ill lointee must be over fourteen and un der eighteen years of age. No candi date will lw admitted unless he has sat isfactorily passed mi examination hy the Academic Hoard. He must lw "iu all re spects physically sound, well formed, and of robuatconstitution " lie must be of good moral character, satisfactory tes timonials of which must IK- given, and most pass ,i satisfactory exaiuin.itioii lw fore the Aeademie Board "in reading U riling, SJK'l ling, arithmetic, geography, and Kngli-h grammar." Arithmetic is considered jvarticularly essential, as tin instructions read that "the Ward should ascertain the aptitude of a candidate in this branch of study, which, if g>sl, should count in his favor iu ease of a slight deficiency in other brunches." Hut the examination is thorough in all the branches named, a "slight" deficien cy only Wing admissible if made up by thoroughness in arithmetic; and the Na vy Ih']>artincut earnestly recommends any one "conscious of any deficiency in these res|K-cts, mintment consequent tijwin failure, by accepting an appointment and at tempting to enter a service for which they are not fittest. eech explaining the necessity for fresh legislation on the relations of the Herlin government with the church, dwelt especially on the fact tliat the pope had authorized the Aus trian bishops to obey law- similar to those which he denounced in Prussia. The state was not afraid of the cncy< lo cal, hut considered the matter serious and would not jx-riuit itself tolvc treated with scorn bv the church. Prince Bisiuark made a p"w erful speech in support of the bill, lie said the maxim that more obedience wan due to God than to man. certainly did not mean that more obedience was due to a Joj>e, misguided by Jesuits. than to lin king. The government wa? doing its duty in protecting _German freedom < f mind against Home. The house resolv ed to discuss the bill in full sitting in stead of referring it to a committee. Since the establishment of the Insur ance Department of the State Govern ment in Pennsylvania, numerous cases of fraud and insolvem-v on the j>rt of the companies have been brought to light. The people's Central, and Safe guard companies have* succumbed in rapid succession. The National Fire In surance company of Philadelphia is now added to the list. This coin|wiiiy on Fri day last decided t<> make a proposition to its creditors to pay forty cents on the dollar in full liquidation of its liabilities; but it seamed to !• questionable wheth er even this projmrtion of its indebted ness mil lie paid without considerable outside assistance. The intelligence now readies that other Philadelphia companies are in trouble, and (lie Amer ican Underwriters', the Fame, and the Penu of Pennsylvania are mentioned as being of this number. Strange to say , several of these rotton concerns have issued their policies ijuiti* freely in tliis city, the temptation held out to projier ty owners, whether real or jK-rsonal, Iw ing the offer to accept a slightly reduced rate of premium for the insurance of the risk. — Sun. T O.M: OF THE BROTH EKS-IS-I. t M , From tin Unit I m Hernlil. i, Collector < asey, the President's broth i er-in-law, is an amiable, inoffensive old fellow , capable of taking stiff a/d fre ouent drinks, and talking horse, Isitfi .r > which traits endear hiui to the Presi . dent, flc conservative in polities. TO OEM* HIlKUtf ( Wellington, March lU.—The ruuiMiuy , of war has addressed a eoimiiuiileattoii to ( Uerteral ffherman saying that all exoedi tions into that portion of the Indian terri tory known as the Black hilU country ' must he prevented as long a* the prevent * t-eaty exist*. Efforts are now being made to arrange for the extinguishment of the 1 ' Indian title, and all proper means w ; ll be jyued to accomplish that end. ii n<> is Msroxsmi.r 11l describing the -c lie- ill tin House, on lii.lav night during ll<> pa- ige ot the Boom bill,-ay - the I'liiladel pliiit newspapers are eaieful to conceal froln their readers tin teal rc-ponibili ly foi the prvediii - which liny so' vigorously condemn N..w vii deilaie on the uniform testimony <>t those who vvere pie-cut that all that vva- di-i uu> till ill those M i IU - w ,ts 111-piled ol pel (winded by uuiolxr- of tin I'liiladel plmi deh gallon The b li.iv ior of tlu ••• repie-1 Illative- of the I cutv lviii.il i lly would ha vi blollght disguu t >n a p<>- ed to tin- lUt'il-Ule in ipse-ti n >'li high constitutional grounds it i- pie-nmed) and from the beginning to tin close ot tin- session tin-c theu n sorted to the most di-gruieful means toiuteirupt tlu prvs ceding-, oV Claw e quilt 11 111 I Oldeliy repri'-i'iitrttiv t- .Old thus-i t ut< ..ii ad jouriiineltt fhere were hoiioiuble i v ivpt ion-hut wi speak of the delegation t-a I oily Some of tlu'tu Were -o con spiiiiou- by iheii bhtekguardisin and contempt t< i i ni v rule ol p.oliun iilary decency a- to bring disgrace on their as so, late- and the iuv which tlu-y repre sent They are tl lelll-elv i - Ih-V olid the reiti It of ptthlii opinion, lln-i nun had the guns turueil otf, and so perfect w.s the understanding among the men that wllelt the hall via- relighted they were all found sitting with overcoat ami hat in haudtiudy b> retreat on tlu- vi olent adjournment whnh tlu y had v v |H• eiute-by marching up and down befoii the S|K-aker, pro i , u republican, and threatening to drug him out ot theehait .us olnpany lllg the tepeated nu iiai v - vv ;th the vile.-t atel luo-t insulting cpitluts. l'hat liii- lepre-eiitative hlwckguaril wa not put in charge of the sergeant at-urm is ilue to tlu extreme fori i ar.iui'l of the llott-v -till tlu- lloilsi prom !o| with the blisine-- of the session hour aftii hour.uiiawvsl bv tlte-i demonstrations ot nitfianisiii. until the work vva- triump autly completed. For the first time in a long vv hile the reprcseutatives from l'lol adelphia tuuinl tligjns. hi - in a Hou-e iu which neither theit nuiubet not timn ehxraeter gave tlu-m the weight to w hit Ii that great city is entitled in the legisla ture of the i'oiultioiiwealth A- tlu* uuuiWr of representatives lurve increas ed their intlueiue has diminished. I Iu- House i- si large (hat they eniinoloiiger obstruct the legislation whielithejxsiple demand. In revenge the more rurtlauly among them sc. s to Iviugil -gta eujKin the la-gl-lature of tin • muiotiw v atlh by proceedings as th"si of Friday night. We shall do what in Us livs to fix the responsibility of such outrages where it jtistly Wlotigs Hy exjswing the members that disgrace l'hiladelphia, the new S|ki|hts of that city would do far more to purge it- delegation and purify lagislatur. than bv grossly falsi ami dishonest aeensatioiis against tlu- I N ino cmtic majority of the House. 1\ EMI'TY IKEA*I I:) The liadieuls of the lu-gi.-latnre have got thi-niselvi-s into a l-atlid-up c.ndi tion. They have -• iegishtt 1 hereto fore, that the -inking fund has more money than it need*, while the general fund hasu't enough to meet the necessa ry appropriations indeed, nu-tuls-rsare not getting tf.eir jsiv Mackey apjs-ab ed to the House in a letter -. iling f ,t?j the .1. tii it lu reply Mr. Hi ighard made a statement -luov ing errors in amount of f1.71-t in Mackey's i -tunat of the revenues applicable to the general fund and the (louse very projx rlv rvfiiMil to make any change in the -.ul, in/fund ait of W4 f„r the purjiose of helping him. As a iun-1 quenec the Senate out dow ii many entirely properappropriation*. and atteinpted to lecture the Holisi for not helping them in their jKditieal - lu miug to get moiu y under the Treasurer's con trol whit it hp had no right to have If they wanted it so. why iliilli'l thev ppi jsiscthe act them-elve- 1 That wasnt what they wanted -they attempted to make a eatsjiaw of the House and failed and the KadieaU are res|insihle for tie present unfortunate condition of the State Treasury ami L., tb" failurv if-ui h j t-t appropriation measures a ran.,. Therefore the Treasury ring have had tlie whole thing to themselves, and could takeout ofone fund or the oilier,' as it suited them, law or no law . That full control tliey unexpectedly lust last fall, and now they must take the legiti mate results of their act-. If their laid legislation has carried tX n. In the I niied Mates Court, at Mem phis on Monday last, i".'. Judge Knunons! delivered UII elalsirate and exhaustive! eliarge to the Grand Jury in refernee to civil rights. You ask, saiil the Judge, whether it i a crime for which you have a right to find an indictment that a negro has IK-CII denied full and equal enjoyment of ;ie eoiiiUKsliitions, advantugt s, facilities and inns of the slate. Such denial is not an offense over which Congress can give this Court jurisdictions. These are mat-' ters which the state government alum controls. Parties who think themselves { aggrieved can bring their civil action iui this Court :.t on. < Any decision wi j may then nuAe .uu bo reviewed by the! Supreme Court. I'ntil the three recent amendment* tnl the National < 'oustitntion which i slavery and attempted to protect the; civil and jsditicul rights of freedineii,all i parties eottceeded '!. ,t the Federal tiov-j vtUUH'Jit Jtad I.M , ~er whatever tore-, strain such au as this. The pun 1 isliineiit of murder, as;• right of being ac commodated In inn-, */bi hi- common carriers within state, were matter*! not only granted 10 the tieiicr.il |)iii<'N' l t 'r. -toil .-mir K iiiult-r prate, lion. ■ l<> tlu> fti in ilin • ninl iiiii|uint|"|| |i|lll 111 II |> Ill||l||||>|||\ ivvulll- ' iiuuin <1 tin- m lii>li* . 11,ini it iui .mi u>\ • 1 nun ui li'OuiiM il i i 111111 -1 \ t \ nliiil i lllllt, il l Ulljlli •*. ||,|. | ||l | M 111 |*| u| It j. II , luting tin lluiitro .iii.l nilior i.lmo ul ninii-i'iii. ut in Mi |ll|l|iii mill other l itii - ut till' I II li Ul. litis lilt ismii ill illl I'll i*s ' ilu |miioi "I i'ruii '1 nit; ilu* iiu.ro micicl .lul iinjmrtuiii ntsliU ultlii'ruliiii-,1 , it i /i*n. 11. 111. il 111 11" M w ilu* lli il let lilli mil,ml Hi, ul mill ilfiliiio" it IIIhiI|"III*I| "Inii II 1111,1 Jilt Ilu Unite III* I,l*ii II I It'll" ul H * ll Icllgth till* 111,11 I. . lit 11 itliii'ti.llll,'lll .mil -.ii * H lului in ill,. i Ihiimon forbid ding Mali * in ill |ifivo .mi |„•i*miii u| hii* r lilu iti ui |ru|ii'Mi uiili iliu* |irmi'-.*i ul lull. 11l ili'lll 111 Hill 1 1, I's.iii ri|iiul |l|I ilt-1 lii'ii ul tlu-i.iu - Innc tin M)i|'lli iiUtili I.*' this Mtbjo. I I'lioi air iiili-iuli il solely t.i pii iout tin* .uliilriiri transfer of |tro|> orii Irmii oilimi IniitKi ii iiitliuul legal iiiljiiilii utui or ino• mill pi. iout ilu* i -iiililifliiiioiil of tribunals for "in i lul** nf Ii I Holts 1.111 111(1 111 >lll tlil-M ll 111 11l , 101 l ll ititiiu tin tight. ut nil. Hi,-, niliilii tlili>. It'll, I i mil.l .ill controversy, nit • liinoil ut tin in ti"i, uf tin --t.ii,' ..nil .nut | luii oil" HI. i.ii.,* in iiulii iiliinl- Hi ' l iti'i. ,i . i-iuii in \|i. higuu uiiil t )ii" in | •iiijij > rl ul lilt-- mill .il*.' tin* slaughter 11 * >ll*l' I'.l— •> 111 ill,* SIIJ. I*l Illl' I'll,lll, llilll \\ .hi ui* linn >li ul* ut great length ii iih tlu olilrugt * against llii ooluroil fiii'i', in.l i v|in— -i— In* *i lit,mtliy uiili tin,l !.ii .'i ami rests. laid, class of our foil"* .illl.i'MH, including lu'lnllil t|Moul iull il iiuiji'iiti "l iiuui'i* iisorintivo t ini-iiuii _■> titli-iiii-,, uf tin Siiitli it toi rcgtlllli'Ti* • xiHtu iinii lu-ii in cither iluvo, iiiiioiil Muto ",* Notional, tin* |hiuit of punish - no. iliu-.' in,mii .nul ."iiar.Hi* murder i'l> lull \ll \ K Willi k OF Til K > K SSIO N I. : i i 1 iii I* Passed Final I v ~ 1,1, i'tlf J*l* \ ..I living it .1 icgulaliiig tin* terms ■ I all 1111 iiiti' i- • I I'IIUIH*1 1 , uiiil nil R I t Y , uar.i borough and lowitsnip • r*\ .-r n . I'ltn< iibiliil dlftil. t- olri toil liV ,l i . people I In-*i*t luii" ilu- toriii begin * OTI tlio first M .I .I n f M uroli nttor eli*R , tiott ! Vri . .1 fur llii prepayment ~f lii.. |> •! , i.* •;• 11. Legislative Itri .in] a. n ~uir. d til tlu |> >-* ■ i la* - ut tin* I lii tod Stlo All ail repealing the proviso in the ait of 1H74, supplementary tu tin- ait f*r the education a.' il luaiiitoi.allot* of ilu* ilfall luto "l I'lialo **f llto soldier* of tin- fonts nton wealth ,"JT I an■■ * ndment admits to 1 tho Soldier* , Irphatis Soli.Kili a number nt to exceed ftltO of tlio orphan* of I'cfMi • liialiiu • ildi. rt it ha olU'ttr l Hi tlu regiment* > f oil.or Stale- All Ml, a alii lining the '. on oi ii ! i and I.uo K i -- * t l l..*r ugh* to lei v and col loot t tm tor (ii and water (iiirtwiia ,Thii ail permits a | . a it far tl . |iuri>o', not to exceed eight uilllt ut, the foliar of tho attested i aluation.] An a,t to i *'• nil? .or irtvguUrily u. sealing Uf, Jury wheels, and the cu*f< d> thereof. ll author.the Judges, it *n irregularity appear*, ton,! luting i.tsi . out l ati" of I'iialie *(t", l" i->ile an order ►to take from the win ! tin nau.e- *ml ' make a now aeleciton.] An act n-lilting l > Court .It . ith. r [ i-o the Juiljfe nidutri. :. whore tlie,-. i> . i.,ou than one Judge 1.-arnej in the lav*, •evtraily to try oat •on the uma trial hat ai.-l with the mat |ia,tei of jur.'ra. and I , held -ejiorate Oourta for the dia|. *t -ii of cause, in the Coinm i. I'loaa Si*i-I *'11", t), i" i. *1 Ti runner, am! in K<|uit> An act to aulh' /.' the entry of c oiis |iu!a ry non-tulu. fihia >..t autboiiu.a tin l'le- dii .- te lir.-i't tho entry . ! j'lJglließt of lii'U auit, if 111 hia Oj.illl.'l, the plaintiff al.alt have | C- urt in iiar. oi Si, ( i.. 1'.*,,!!.] An art to authorize partner.lti|. aatoela. ti.'tia to ue a e. ■>,r, .t, aeal in the rleeu lion of deed-, hi tula nlid in -rtgage., and to acknow iedgi sueb inatrunivtil-hy their ' Chairman and Se. re'.ary Ah ail authorizing tlu ritu.i. c.f wilts i.slliit I'V Ci-urta .i. piis' ' i or chat god by l tho iialiluti II to the Court bating I j riadieliori at tho return day of audi I writ. An act d f.ning a*,*l put lshu g thrcrime .of liiiinapping and concealing ihiidroti for f the pur(. -e of i itortitig money 'Tbi* jlaw imp-e a penally of So.OCU flne end fifteen jeara luipr.antituent ] An net Huthori,ing th • holding of Orphan*' Court* h\ other tlian the regu larly • "inah'iennl Judge*, in certain ernes. A siippleo • t t*> "An ••*: to J.rot ide for tho do,tru ■" ;u dto precent the apread of Canada ihulo -, p|iroted '.to AM day it Man IMJ. 11..,ni1l- fee day*' i"- lii o t*. purto s ouning land on which Can alt thi* e an* growing of roinniofii'o• UK lit "I legai proceedings against then, J An ;u t to provide f"r appeal* in eaaea whore thoiiunty couinii*ioncra and au- Jiiors have failed or thai! hereafter fail to fig tho compel.slti .i >j < opnty troaauros. [Only affect* Franklin and Lawn-nee countie*.] An a.*t !•> i Ktend the time fr the com pletion of lailroada autherixed to bo con • truetod hv rnt'r. ad or railway corpora tioti- ■*f thi- Cointnotiwcallh under any general law. [il ejtcr.tJ* the time five years, but require# railroads accepting the privilege to hereafter hold their chars tcra tubjeel lo tin- proviaiuna of the Con- •titution ] A supplement to the "Act authorixing the formation and regulation of railroad corporations," approved April 4, 18'-8. [This permits companies for constructing railroads, having a gauge not exceeding three feet, to place their capital stock at no less than fi-O.OOUa mile, and tile article* of associat'on hen jhkfjtk) of stock per mile shall have been subscribed and ten per cent thereon paid.] A supplement to the act to consolidate the several acts relating to gome and gatue U-li, appro*ed May I, 1871. [lt prohibits the killing of elk or wild deer, except be tween the first day of September nnij the first day of December.! An act to provido for lim election and 1 appointment of trmtee* for the State I<>l mnl school* arid to further regulate tlieir management. [Krijuirc* the ichool to he managed by eighteen trutccs, twelve elected by contributor* ami six appointed iby the Superintendent of Public Induc tion. State appropriation* t<> school* to be ditlrihuteil by n Itonnl remitting of Dov oinor, .superintendent Public Imtruction , and Attoiney (Jeneral. Certificate* to graduate* a* practical teacher* mu*t be i signed by four out of the live examiner*.] A *upple.iiant to nu act relating to writ* 'ofquo warranto, approved June IJ, I and authorising writ* of quo warranto Inj certain ca*e. (It provide* MICII writ* may be taued by the Attorney tJeneral or any dciring to pro*ecutc the aame, by the Court of Common Plea* of Dauphin coun ty.] An act relative t< day* of grace on ne gotiable paper. [lt make* tatue law. -what i. the universal cu*loir, ■ three ] day* of grace or negotiahb' paper, j i An ael requiring recorder* of deed* t" 1 prepare and keep in their respective of tlce* a general, direct and iidscctuni index lof deed* and mortgage* recorded therein prescribing the duties of raid recorder* i ultd declaring that the entrie* in raid gen jeral index wti mll he notice to all persons. A supplement to nu act relative to for* 1 ti-itm • .< i;i*er- or grunt of special ex clusive pritilgc* to • i.ti..... turnpike and plank road corporation*, approved May 16. 11H74. prescribing the manner in which cor-1 jiora'.ion* .-hall convent to hold their char |r wbjotf fg the iirovUion* of the Con stitutioa adopted flfeggpiber jO, f£7v An net to punith person* for gui t.Mpgi concealed weapon* within this Common wealth. An act to prevent the Sale of intoxica ting liq i ils an I for tlie preset Valien of nr. i derat lii.,.' eni'ni,,|,merit* ..ml te-tin ions Alt a. t to provide lor Iha V* eel ion ol w a let rough* (or ilie use ol hnfaea nil.l i nllle on piihln roa l* ol this til'iniiioowoallh. An art Pi II ltd'ml an a. t untitled "An n. I to until.i ,,.* married women awning loans of the Common wealth >r of the city I'hl!a.lel|.lila, oi . I capital slock 111 iio, I co,|>oiut).Mi ..I thi* Commonwealth | >* is (o inrlii.le the 1 ..ui- a* a .*ll us tlu- . tiptlal *|o. k ol ,-orpo tat to . I Ilu- t * tuition w i* 1 1 11. V* t.i I*, .ill. *i * the Vl om v ,i.s Ii * . i .. \t, 1 1 1 ■* i ,1.-1.1 inl ai.d Slate I r .-usurer 1.1 settle I. I oqtat.,tiding claim* due for WoI k done and luat-'tial tnlliiaheii the I ( 'otistitut I 'lia I ( oil* elllion. An * i aulli.iiiring .*'inm.ta caniera, la* I'.ts, i oiiiioisau.il mere ha tit* an.) oilier pels. ma to -ell g nn|- war.s i liter, halidiae bi.gg.gv ..ml vlr | topeily unclaimed or petishahi.* upon wl.i. h tl.ey l.niv- a lie*. Joint t. -ohttion providing for a apei-ia . oiiiniittee to make an inveatigatioli inf. lie Htlaiis. I th. l'lii!adrl|.|>ia and Itaad ii g t'oal at d Iron Cutnpaliv | An act I peal an acl t pel mil the Vo* .is .*! It.. C. 'lull.. n. w rallh I.* Vote urt, 1 1. 1 . e>. ars on Il.e qiieatioii ol graii'.iug li * i llaea to sel* ill t<* * lout ing liquor- all.! to icstn.ti. an.i regulate 11 ■ v sale of the aailie. *\ supplement t*. at, , t entitled "An act diy idil'g the citie* of this Stale into thre. *I.- a. s regulating the passage of i>rdi* i i.i .e pi *.y i lii.g i oi.tra. la for supplies and a ik tor said .iiies authorising the in .leave ot indebtedness and 110- creation iI . sir.k i, g tond tu re.l.. m tbe salike, tit*tin ing and punisbliig eeitain offenses in all ol *aid t il,i - *., id | :ov tiling l i tbi incoipo ration and g<" i rmm nt of i in,** of tbe third . oi-s appiov.'l May '.M. li'Ti (This if lite bill lb .1 i . aligns lb. mode of u**t *** lent ■! real estate Mi I'lllsburgh, and iss.sk- oil,, i alti lali.'li. in the ' Wallace aw ol Ust y ear ) A supplement to "An act to regulate the manner of increasing the indebtrilnr a ol municipalities, to proV'de fot the r.-demp ti.-lt ot I l.e sain*., ul.d l> iilip.'se tselialties f . li.r i. * * ,s* initiate thereof, approved li e Ani. day >*t April, ihTd amending the S lit! ml, oil 11 ell,. I [i l require* yearly pub icntloli of indebtedness, rwelsUiw, V a iualloli, tuiable property al.d assets ot . ii |sorattoii J Joint resolution providing for additional ..,*!>*,' -sin nil - I .eg - lati t r iial.il* iiook. Joint it loiutioii providing for tbe print ■ u g ft ! i.UU add. in.rial copies ol tbe ape* l is ifp'H. > f tl t (i< . goal Survey of i'rnnsy.V bihb on mineralogy aiiJ pelro leUlU. A u ait t.. provide tor the publii ation of I ,'fll i-opiet of the tenth Volume of tbe transaction of the "state Agricultural Socle* i 'J An ail Ml leiali* II t tbe pay mi lit of the j -Is and i riiies of tlie dtv >*io„ of dec* ! .**•:. -lift,.ets. (ltequire- the , o*la to be i aid fro.i, tlie treasury of lite county J A further supplement to "an act to < - lahi .tb a *\stem of free banking ti, Pena lty v ma, and to set ure the pubi.e against .shy no sent banks, approve.l March • 11. lai*i ,lt require* publication ol .n --teotiot. to i slab *sb a bank or increase It* . apiiai .lie 'a ur.dcr lite free banking law.) An ait authorizing and trgulmling the ti iHitig oflova! appr.'priatuHii to schools .-omnionly know n as home* for friendles* . ildrcn It authoric-s C >urls of Com. nion Pleas prtliiori to • rdrr the pay i ei to! luom-y ft : t!.* education and I, vititei am .* of cbi'Jren in ' Home*, and ..* pit> y ides !. "I i full re; reset tali *t* of tlie j|)b[- i .ts >f the Statu In the exhibition ) At* a.t to provide for the temporary . osing of any public stint or public high way when tbe sarin* may be needed for the ua- of any agrtcu'tural fair or any exhibi tion of tbe products of tbe soil, or ii.ilie, or of (nan fai . rf- ninthir, ri or w.-rki or art. An act M latii'g to the term* • f > ffli e* of Judg, • learned in the law. being supple ment t'> the act i f the 15th Jay J .\|fi!. A D . 1H74. eiit llej "An act fixing the time when the teim of uffic <• of Judge* of the Suptetae Court and other Judge* learned in the law thall commence." 11 Ci„. the term of Judge. to rommi tico the fir.t of December after their election ] A supplement to ah act entitled "An act j,. j' taxation of corporations, approved Apri! ".4. A 1> 1K74. construing the Erst proviso to the seventh eUon of the said act to incluJecoal in the manufacture •>! coa, (Till* hill r 'fHi|>U from taxation i oat tiacd in the manufacture of rex. j An act authorizing money for the propa gation of ft■h. , Authorize* appropriation ..f f'.(XXi to co-oporate w ilh Naw Jersey in the propagation o( ahail in the Delaware river.) A •! a"i authorizing the Comiii.stmner of Publ. Bulldmg* am* •*< or.lary nal Adair* to make aJJitiont to the build ing known a- I.and Department. An act to authorise the chang* if venue in criminal Caai a. An a> t to permit defendant* to testify in ci iminal catea. An act to validate certain op* made by married women An act relating toand authorising chan ge* ol venue in civil can", An act to authorize the outgoing sheriffs in all counties where said sheriff, are paid by salary to deliver to their suecesiors all \ unfinished and unexecuted writs and pro | cess of any description An act relating to Orphans' Courts. A supplement of an act entitled "An act relative to Courts of this Commonwealth,,' approved May 4, A. D. INVJ, to provide for the service of writs in certain cases, to provide for the service of writs on agents, clerks, attorneys in fact, managers or gen eral agents of non-resident defendants in certain ca-es, An st to nuthorUe several Judge; throughout the t'ommonpi-allh, to fix the number of the regular terms of said sever al Courts, and the time for holding the .-ante, tie time for summoning the Grand Jury and for the return of constables, al dermen, justices of the peace to the same. ' An act to make legal and valid all bonds or certificate* of indebtedness heretofore i-.|i< il bv i itic --I the third c as- for build ing w ale Is w.aj,,. An act fixing a common basia from which to calculate the earning*of miners or per son* working in coal mines. An act to amend an act concerning the • ale of railroads, < minis, turnpikes bridges jand plgjib foiid.- approved theßth day ofj April, |Nil, and to extend the provision,' thereof to all incorporations An net to tegulalelhu practice of mcdi-j • inc. surgery and obstetrics in the Com j on,nwealth u' Pennsylvania. t ■* t PINCH'S KARLY HI.VrtIKY. The i-liatly currcspundunl of the Pitts liurg Leader leys; Pilichback has a very i i eiinirUblo history. H*> was one# a slave.; ills father wa Major Holmes, u wealthy planter In Georgia. Hi* mother WHS a j ,|U*droon, the property of hi* father. Ma | j'r Holmes was a classical old d,>g. im-j iiictisely loud of reading, lie dubbed the young brat off spring with Shelley's high sounding name byway of u joke, ami. wnd/i:' up lha high-sounding given-name with a -urnum. of *,',,;/hbaek, lor the sake ol'lhe lidiculou-. The lillle bl'at, WhUwit: in ihetiilnre to make such trouble in Lou- ; itiati*, and the Uniltd State- Senate, wa' j a gr W ut p,> jfiph hi lather, a *oft 4f black f ait b*i! for ih** family to play with. JLj war called then "Pinch," u- lie is to thiji day. U ii said tw b worth $:loO,OX>. (INK OF Mlt MOODY s SKHMONS, lly J \V r v tiii I Cot i \\ i* lis, e often w iahod tu have a reliable report 111 oil,I u f lliitafa allil| li' n(|llO||a thai !',.' 111 ll followed With audi Wonderful r. suits in Seotlmul and Kngtaiol. The let to I below I-Just what we wanted. IIIIIMIKIIM AM, Kng , JAN. ,"tti, |N"F, \ i living in litr mitighaiti Thuraday morning, I d. eided tbat alter buainea* ti'i.ira I w-.iuhl make arrangemeiita to >,i. tun.l tlu i i inlng •,.| vice l.i b.< held hy M..US •* 411U ,. y „„ , M,„„]y J| (|| jj|,.j Hull, .1 . hi p 1.1 Accordingly I left the hotel 111 time to arrive at the flail a halt hour earlv, hoping thus to aeeure a good ftt'ttt 4 * r v 3 rite building seats II (Ml. and it la eati mated ..ll good authority that l least In Ml people were in the building whan . llOtJ.Mfff \|,fc l iii) |. ||| ## n||() from ilir (liroiiy. bb ht, nfiffHurtli fl >ckod it*# tli- •| tut lllllit ItliVf lureii tMin.d away * • * At . M' Moo.lt arrived, and after a liloiiiei. . silent p'ayer, Op nod the service allhl*. *>ll liyiiui ia( the collection "Jo- ■ua p., l it ali At Itila time tlie ilail UM |tl lu l, bu! \ ■ \ li'tlt? r,iu|ji ie ug left, and that at Inc.riven lent loca I'M I tie i olltlliued, and at lliuea wry 'i. .yy ran, pr.ibalily kept many at home Vltei prayer, Mr Manltev tang the ltd '. 111,, or, l lie |iarable ol tlie lo.t l,rep I lirae heautiful Word*, sung in this earn* si nvpre.si, e manner, will linger long it my memory. A'Mrr Use o'lli hymn, "Uoidu me, <1 Ilioutii.ul Jebuiah. was sung. Mi J"'" 1 , 1 r " tl.e sd ell.",lor ot tlie lid Kputleof i'eter, the first I,'.ler.es also from tin '.'4 th chapter of Matthew lis. IlfilL t-lb i e|si's, ai.d bused I,ts ad.tress fur tu evening uti the me ilulioii p. .Noali (In • ei. ear* "C'Mi.e tiiou and all tby b'.usr •nt.. the Ark 11. . ud 1 t"> Is a draad nie-ssga but an irupeia •lie "lie, and III,• that it i* important that w> now consider, for Christ .ay. "A* the day. of Noe Were, so shall also the -niilng of th. v,|, ol Man be Are we to men will be saved It as, why were tbe wi. k. d de.ti.'ycd, and tbe tigtileou* al ow id to In,. ut , . j, lt reaaonabie to liir.k 1 1, at tb. w,,kts'l were (lUiilsiitai In ...her them into il,,* j.,,, of heaven and nly lh" g.* d lift to suU'.-r on eaiti, ' 1 • ic t en I your uttent.oii tothe invitation g ar. t i Anaii, wbiult was iio' only foi t.ini#eif, !• .ft ai( tu* house and also tooth I lather, .dthe Hible, who, though i t.,,11 allowed themselves tu so mingle With .ml hie Ilka the world, that their children wi re nut included il, the salvation which I.e. received As tar instance. I. t, Who, when ue went I" plead with his auns-in •ow to rti-e from tlu doomed citV tsfSodoln, w. mo. kedby them anj forced tu fie.-, lea* trig those dear to bill, to perish. See P or h I, and ev.-n King DaviJ. who bad great **i TOW because of unworthy chit* ir." being "flout of the Ark of safely. "' ; > sii". In so 11,e tiiut lo.t att'l yoiMseivci. t-ut your children shall t-'e ailed out of tile w.uld and > not left out of th. Ark. it required grs-a{ murage nd faith to t.uild |hr Ark*— mood tfie ridicule aud -corn of those wire surrounded Noah. If they had had lunatic asylum* in th >*e days, Noah would certainly hate been put 111 one Imagine the difficulties were N ah iviitg now. and to receive the same com- VXM 'f* question would be : I \\ buiid auch a thing on dry is'id, j how wiiiil'l jt ever gel to the water, or the, wali*. gel to tl J on would hear of lb, comic ma*> at the theatre raising a laugh at the i xpense of such a lunatic The pa per would occasionally have article* to' sh-w hew tin* Snan thought himself better than others how great a sum he was spending in 2M* f.Hslisf.ncva ; and how little . su.e there Was to dr aj the event which he predicted .Scientific men would show t" the,, statistii s and observations that no event . 1 the kifi-i fiad I Uul tl liutr Htiti htot YCFt alu ttv* f.illum l,"'j ' lll ' Thai, though oemaioMl * d> • • cur in rivera, yri tl,rr is alw ,y* igti ground uncovered ; arid that the Ark its* I Si'll'4 only be „>efu' as so much kiiei ing w IH -il one or two of the workmen employed on it drop into a pub li boua< for a dram, they would be chaff ed by lliei, companions there "S. you are working tm that old hulk, are VoU. w (iicli that lunatic is building ' Towlnidi they, bail asbamed, would r,-|i|y 'He may be a lunatic, but his tnut.ey ts as (mil a- any .*i.e,-ise >, Aid tbe i*oti(ic solig* •ft ra" I."Us, u„ul i hay. N ,h' Ark a* their butt < A bund re.l year* have passed, and Noah, livsimui that tne (seople may le p nt and be >a*. iJ from the w rath of tiod. will occasionally st"p work for a day or two. to pr. a. h rightuoUslliUs Makilig no converts, he .* rrw fully returns to In. la bor. The I'M yea,*, are up, and N"*h, r.o* an old "tnan, with many relative*, pleads earnestly with them, tbat the loved on,** may not be luel around him. It is springtime Noah regie. I* to vow bis iandt and tbe merriment inrreaies. He may have received no sound message fr on his ti.sj, but hi* faith i* strong. ll* n..w remove* into the Arc, leaving the home of theM many years, for he W to do a bat (■ * • li&s luld him Still no one be itovea. As now. there are tunny plausible ett use- "They were eating and drinking marrying, and giving in marriage. Thcy a-k Nuah why be builds so large an Ark There are only eight "f vou. you cannot need -■ much riasui And when Noah rt't'lied tl at it i l pre, ide a reluge for all " ing things, they -hake they heads, more than ever unbelievers "Thi* is certain fir--of the old man it ■ ra*y. because hnw could he #>t the wild ai,ii,.ai, in hi* Ark . Hut one morning there is a grand pro- cession, of all living animal*, a.two bv two (bey |*oa .'folly and harn>lesly obey* lln-ir ti J. and Come at the appointed time t > the Ar> of safelv At this fearful *,ght the people tremble Kven a* they say what strange p.iw. r draws people here, tight after night, to hear these l[ib!o RIP sign.. Hut their wis,* ! j ,„eu have an apt icuse, ami their nerves are quieted. They J,. Ron nt now Yrlray cd the scene* of the Deluge. "What wa of the mint value in the world King* and mil lionaire*. uould have given power, wealth and all, tor the d> spued Ark S*< i* Christ, a* mi Noah 4-Ark, of juore ,alue than all the world 1 a*h you to come into the Ark of Salvation. To trut in Christ for the pardon of your *iu. "F->f there i* no oth er name under beaten whereby you can be saved." Can you give me a good reaion for no# loving Christ' A little child ua much interested in securing scholar* for her Sunday icheol class, and requested her play mates to attend with her, hut they declined a* their lather was an infidel, anil would not let them. The child, in relat ing her iil-tuccm to her teacher, asked what an infidel was. and learned that u was one who did nof love Jesus. A few dart after meeting this father at the post office, she ran lofiini and earnestly ashed, "Why don't you love Jcu. ? ' Meeting with no response, the question was again itsked, and still the third time. "Why don't you love Jesus? ' The child was. hurriedly pushed away, hut still the quen- Uion iiiig' re.l Kncli letter opened, the leas c of each hook rend, secmeil to con tain the same question, "Why don't vouj ' love Jems ?" it was useless to attend to l>uini*<, and so he left the office ; but the! j same question followed h>m In tlu l ( strce!s, at home with his children, in the) silent hours of the night, until at mid-i 'night, with the resolve ' to prove Christ a j liar," (a* he thought an easy matter) hi rose and opened a Bible. His eye saw first John •!; lit "For God so loved the world, j that liii gave his only begotten .Son. tbatj whosoever belicvith in hitu should not j perish, but have everlasting lifo." Sure !y this w aRI US AMJ St Eh H ISES, CUKUICAIaS OILS liVK .VH KKS, PKItFC MKHV NOTIONS, KAMA Ait Ht'l-KS Ft>U TIIK I'OILET, A A.- A I*l KIT AVINK 1M I.IQI OKM. for .medicinal pur|ase*. Truiaca & Stipjurtcra in great variety. Also, choice CIGAUS AND TOBAOCO, and all other articles usually kept in a first r!at> Drug Store. Prcwcription* carefully C'>nipouittlgd. •iSoct tf MILLF.H k WOW. CRNTRF. HALL FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOPS taken |*o**e !>ioi> oflhr ihovt' • -laliilinirnt. ri|**cl" lull v inform ilit- public that llir NUM> wilt be carried uii by Uirm in all iu branch** '•I lii-r'Ulure. Thev uiv iufm li.ru the ( KLKIittATRD Till i- M.l'K CoIiSPLANTKK, tbc fbrtl It i made UoKSK I'li VV KU> THENlilNti M A CHINKS A >II AK KK>. PLOWS, SToVKS. oVKN iMMHtS. KKTTLK PLATKS. i KLLAUGIIMRS. PLOW KIIKAIO A M ILL OKA Hi NO iii-W m the northcri. and ue.u.m State*, and ha* *akon precedence over nil other*. Wear<- iirepan-d U> do all KINIiSoF ; CASTING fr-'in the larget to the email ot, and have facililie* for doing all kind* iof IKON WoRK >ucb a- PLANING. ri'KN'ING. RoKlNti. Ac. All Cmb of repairing done on *hort no- V \ N I'KLT A SHOO P. jan2l-lv. Centre Hall CENTRE HALL COACII SHOP, |.s:>| mailt*. at his < -laid;-huiclit at Centre Hall, keep on hand, anil lor ale at '.to m• •; re:i lia ble rates. Carriages, Buggios. & Spring Wagons, Pi.\iK ASI> FANCY, and vehicles of every description niaJo to order, and warranted to be made of the best seasoned material, and by the ruo*t skilled and competent workmen. f*er,oßs w anting anythit.g ie LU line are requested to call and examine' his work, they will find it not to le excelled for durability and wear. *>" Stf. 11l I HI KKII. NOTARY PCRLIC. SCKIBNF.K AND CONVKY ANCEK. CKNTKKH A L L, P A Will attend to administering Oaths, Ac knowle igemenl of Deeds. Arc, ryrjtii.g Ar -. liclesof Agrcen\ef,t. LL.,l*. Jko, mayl6l r. n. wtuiox. T. A. HICKS. WILSON & HICKS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL llHrdnttrennd Ktavr Ucnlcra Itiiilriers Hardware i CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, SADDLER'S TRIM MINOS, ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS STOVES. SPEARS ANTI-CLINKF.R STOVES 4 DOI'BLK IIK ATK Us whi-h will heat one or two room* down j-tairs. and same number above. Cost 1 very little more than single stove- These | are the best parlor stoves made. SUSQUEHANNA CkMIK STOVE. I This stove hub' large ovens, will burn j hard or soft coal and wood. Every one , warranted to give perfect satisfaction. WILSON A HICKS, ■II ,rl. r , IL Hnllofonle Pa BEATTT rrTlnr WEIGHS WHEN HGXKDOVKRONK THOUSAND POUNDS. Liberal terms to dealers. stump for Circular. Address I) P. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. TL. SPANGLER, Attornov-al-Law, BoHefonte, Pa. office with Bush A Yocutu. Consultation in Kngli*i> and German Collection* promptly attend ed to ft-bS-tf BEATTY MANO! NO QTHEH PIANO pORTE h- attain-: ed thfe same popularity", v.i. '-end tamp|' ,for Circular. D. p. iiL VCI Wu-l.iog-r ton, New Jersey. NEW GOODS! NKYV GOODS! A. W GRAFF. CENTRE IHLL. CENTRE CO., PA., lln.ju-1 rowliwl n lurgr invoice of Winter (hunts. Coli.Utillg t the bcul of READY-MADE CLOTHING! DRESS GOODS GROCERIES, I' ICO Vl.Sfli NH, BOOTH A SHOES, HATHA CAPS, AN 0 F VNri|itluii . Ail vvkhrlti manufactured by bin are warranted to render MlUfiftiiin, and u equal to any work done elsewhere. He use* none but the heat material, and employ* the moat skillful workmen. Hence they Halter themsclfe* that tbeir work can not he nrailwi for durability and £tii*l>. Order* from a Ji*ianee promptly attend ed to. Come and examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICKS REASONABLE, Ail kiwis of Kepanng done. N' R W MXDR ANl> SKW PRICES I man RATES RUBBED OUT Good* at Old Faahioned Price#. At the art of Laditu and Children'* Merino lime, C-ular*, KiJ glove*, be*t nuuiity siik and Lisle thread Gloyti, lL>di, Nubia*, Breakfast >hawla, HATS & ( APS, A full a.-ortmenl<>i Men'* Ito,v' and Children's oi the latest style and be*t. CLOTHING, Ueady a pnoicc ► Ucvtwii of Men'* . ud Boy'* Ol the newest style* and most serviceable material*. BOOTS & SHOES, WM WOLF Ck-NlGt HALL Hardware S(ore. J. O. DEIKISGER A new, Complete Hardware Store hat been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hall, where he i* prepared to sell all kinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware. Nails, Ac. Circular and Hand Saw., Tcmi.>n Saw*. Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort ment of tila> and Mirror Plate Picture Fri ine*. Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks, j Locks. Hinges Screws, Sash Springs. Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Tea Bells. Carpenter Tools, Paint. Varn ishes. i Pictures teamed in the flnwt style Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. A- Remember. all ooda offered cheap er than elsewhere aug2V TS-tf The Granger Store! Something New! CASH AND PKODtJCE FOR CHEAP GOODS. SHORT CREDIT A SHORT PROFITS. IMIK4I, GREXOBLi; Spring Mills has established a store to suit the times, and has a complete stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, , GROCERIES, HARDWARE, m'KKNSWARI HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, 5 FISH, SALT. CIGARS. TOBACCO, DRUGS, SPICES. OILS, In short a lull line of !. EVERYTHING FOR LESS PRICKS I THAN ELSEWHERE COME AND JUDGE FOR YOUR SELVES Sfeh.y. 1 . HARDWARE STORK. J. & J. HARRIS. No. r>. BKOCKERHOFF ROW. A new and Ha.dwarc Store lias been opened by the undersigned in Brockerhofl s new building—where they are preparetl to sell all kinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. Buggy wheols in setts, Champion Clothe* \\ ringer, Mill Sews, Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws. Webb Saws lee Cream Procters, Bath Tubs, Clothes Hacks, full assortment of Glass and Mirror Plato "I all sir.es, Picture Frames Wheelbarrows, Lamps, Coal Oil Lumps' Belling, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corn Plows, Plow Point -, Shear Mold Boards and Cultivt lor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades! and Fork* Looks. Hinges, Screws. Sash Springs, Horse-Shoe-' Nail*, Norway Rods, Oils, Lard, Lubricating Coat Linseed, Tanners, Anvils, \ ices, Bellows.: Screw Plates, Blacksmith* Tools, Factory Bells, Tea Belli, Grindstones, CarpentS- , Tools, Fruit'Jurs and Cans,- Pariat, OrK j hVarnjshe* received uni for sain at ItunePM-tf. J. 4 J. HARRIS. 1 "K FA KM Kits AND ALL OTHERS j 6 Id I. ftuggenheiiiit'i'. FOB FOREIGN A !o|flM| DRY GOODS. NOTIONS READY MAD E ( T.OTH 1S t. liRKHSriOOHH, OROCK LIES ' rJtoVUuoKa, sooth A SUOKH, UATa, CAPS, liOOia* MiCkS ci.oriiiN, on. moiiin A Kit FASI'V AKTICI.KA QHKKMHWABK, GROCERIES pRo- VLSIONh. FIX)UK, Ac audi* uow prepared to accomodate. hia old cuatomer*, and to welcome all new ones who may favor him till, their patronage. He feel* wife iu aay iogthut l.ofan pie-aac the moat fatlirl:- oua Caii and tee. •HA AC GUGG KNH KIM EK. P. S. -Mr. Kuatmao ttii! con Lieut * to deal tit ; LEATHER AND SHOE-FINDING) j CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS.' I in the old rootn. where he may aiwuv be found. l*2ap.U 1 f PH K undersigned, deit rmined to meet jA. the popular demand for Lomei 1 new, i.p Gift & Flory's New Shoe Store ! ; t AT CENTRE HALL. ! 1 hey have now opened, and will constant' ■ ly keep on band, a splendid stock of new SHOES, GAITERS, & SLIPPERS, for i men, women and children, from the best j manufactories ia the country, and now of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES uiado to order, upon short notice They invite the people o. this vicinity to give them a call, as they I will strive to merit a share of their pat • mylOtf D. M. Kjttknhovse, WITH KOOXS, M IIWiRZ 1 CO. WHOLMAUt UKAI.KK* IK Fish, Cheese and Provisions, • 144 North Delnware Avenue 137 North "Water Street, Plllt.AbKl.pii ia K.A.koox*. 0 Emit J.Kcawtk .mainly. THR GREAT CAUSE or HUMAN MISERY. > Published, in a Sealed Envelope, Price six cents. . * I fc* Ml. TwUnfiil. snri Radical 127. °* ioduc . t? ' ItlVoluttUry K|UlMikili. lIULK>ICDCJ. Nnuui lebllU| nd IniMdiiUi-iiK lu MmUfv vet- ir. B, KttBKRT J rt'LVKR W tIU M P.. author of the "Omw Book," tc. Th* world rruowtttd •utbur, ia Ibis admirable Lac. Ikia, olMilf iitom huw lili a •ipttiuct thai U awful cunaruurDcra of Belf-Abnse ma; It I'dcriuali removed without medicine. and without daaaarwua aura teal Uiwratlooa. huuirto, Ihatruaiaala, riaaa. or eoraialaoiolntlua out a uiodo of cur* at onra certain tad effectual, b; which errr; sufferer, a uialtar what hl> .'onditlon war ha, tua> euro hiiu.rlf che*t>!;. nil ■ at el; aud rttHcift. j !>- This Lecture will prer* a toon to thousands i.i.J thousands Sant under see], In a plain *ntel< |nt, to an; addietr, post paid, on receipt of all ccnta or two post Ln t t Address the I'uMl.hi re, (HAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 13" Rteadwajr. Ktw Votk; Beet Off.ce Eor, 4CH. It Jul;. BUTTS HOUSE BN.LEFONTE, Pa. J.. BDTTB, Prop'r. Has first class arcoiunualatiou ; (.harp so rt'ftsnith t0.., . | *\/f ILL KIPS HOTEL. Woodward tA ill Btiges arrive and depart daily