The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 18, 1875, Image 3

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local itkmsT
Our (Viends will oblige bv sending us
items ol local news in thclr Uv give
u. the facts only, and we will put them in
shape, also notices of deaths and marrt
one sending us the names of six new
subscribers, with uie cash, will be entitled
to receive the UEPOBTK* one year free.,
The RKPORIKH being read by nearly
everybody <-n this aide of the counlt.
where it haa a larger circulation than any
two papers, w ill be found the best medium
for advertising business, sales, Ac. Ac.
jrfrSubscribers to tke Reporter, n sid
ing outside ot Centre county, should r
mil us 10 cents, yearly, tar postage which
we will pay her. ; this reduces Uiopostage
to one half as the sum paid by them for
one year' > postage was JO eta. .
gyr Public Sales should be advertised
in the Reporter, as it goes to nearly every
family in the valley.
J. A, Haine S sale, near Churchvtllc,
M £j of' And. llousiuan, Stale College, 24
March, farm stock.
Sale of Kd. Kline, Centre Hill, 5M March
farm stoqk.
Jacob Meyer's sale, at Lindon Ha!
March 26.
Jacob Gepbard, Penn, sale U> March.
CSr~Subscribers changing their post of
fice address this spring, should not fail to
notify us of the fact, and furnish us the
name of the office they remove too, to that
the Reporter can be mailed according
The sale of Mrs. Mary A. Ross, in
Gregg on 11, was the largest ever held in
this valley.
rv-ad and take the mail train up the moun
tain, on the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad
on Monday morning. Kb.
Lop Shugert meurns the loss of two
match horses—they were blooded stock
and probably an hour or two old There
ain't many horses that make faster time
than that.
-—Harris township has the division fe
ver, and will make application to be cut
in two. The capita! of the one portion
will remain at Boalsburg. and the capi
tal of the new will be at Lemontor, as
Mr. Lombard calls it. Thouipsontown.
The proposed line would cut Oak Hall,
throwing a portion into each division.
The turnpike company held its an
nual election and "fight" at Spring Mills
on 9th. Thera was a high old time be
tween the rival parties—the Duncan and
the MoU wings. The affair was fun for
outsiders and fhll of earnest excitement for
the interested The Duncan wing
claim the victory, but the MoU party Ulk
of having the matter looked into through
the courts. The legetimacy ot proxies and
transfers were some of the bones of conten
tion, and to get the control of the manage
ment, of course, the chief end. The turn
, out was large, and the election was kept up
to bed-t:me. .v
Centre Hall will have some substan
tia! improvements the coming summer.
There will be two new brick churches
one by the Methodists and the c-tber by
jhe Lutherans—both of large sixe. Also a
' number of new housee— Mrs. S. S. Wolf
has purchased the lot now occupied by the
Lutb. church, and will erect upon it a new
brick dwelling. Sboop Jc Van Pelt Ulk of
putting up new buildings for their foun
dry and machine shops in the rear of their
old buildings The water works will atso
be re-constructed ar.d galvanixed iron
pipes put down, and the town be supplied
with fire-plugs and base, and a reservoir
he built at the foot of the mountain.
Jacob Soft is building a house near the
etlcr. Ref. church, and Jacob From one on
Main>treet, on the hill.
Burnsides A Thomas still keep sell*
ing groceries and other household necessi
ties cheap for Cash. This is the only store
in this part ot the state, that it conducted
. upon the principle of selling s trifle above
co-t for cash. They keep the finest and
be-t groceries in the market. House- j
keepers should not fail to give them a tri
A German, who gave his name ss j
Miller, and hailing from Harrisbuig.came
to lbs house of Jonathan Spangler, in i
Brushvalley a week ago, where he took j
sick and died. He was about t& years of ;
age, and bs been in this country about
six years. He said that he was ou his wsy
to Penn'a Furnace in pursuit of work.
This information as to himself he gave
while stopping over night at Mr.
Luce's, a tew days before. At Mr. Spang
ler's be was questioned as to his residence
and relatives, but gave no information
* upon these points. He was buried at
We suppose we will have to give lr
vin Leech, of lisrris, the belt—at Ross'
sale, on 11, he bantered both Wo. Mm.
glear.vJno. H. Keller for a wrestle, and
these th*upions would not Uke up tbe
N glove—a virtual acknowledgment that
Irvin could throw tbem. Inrin i, besides,
the champion barn-raiser of Centre coun
ty and the United States, having rendered
valuable assistence at some eighty "frol
ics" of that kind, in his time. Long may
he wave to "throw" and "raise"--pity he
did not live in old Grecian times, he
might have carried off all the prizes at the
athletic gsraes.
A concert by the WalnutGrovemu
aic class under the instruction of Prof.
kP. Meyer, 2 miles east of Boalsburg, on
Saturday evening, 6, was a decided sue
cess, and did credit to the professor and
the class which was under his charge this
winter. The music was appropriate, the
selections good and admirably performed,
to tbe satisfaction of a crowded audience-
Mr. John Boozer, of this place, met
with a serious accident on Thursday,
while attending Mrs. Boss' sale, a few
miles east of here. He was on the mow
and; tramped upon a board which lilted
and ho fell through to the floor below,
some six feet, sustaining a dislocation of
the ankle joint and a double fracture of
the bone outside ef the leg,—namely, of
the external malealus and of the fibula
about three inches above the foot.
The reputation ofSechler & Co., for
keeping the handsomest grocery, in
Bellefonte, keeps spreading with every
package of goods they seud out—their
goods are fresh, first quality, and what is
of greatest importance in these tight times,
their groceries are sold so remarkably low,
that people talk about it, and wonder how
it comes. If you wmt a floe article often,
coffee, syrup, dried or canned fruit*,
qucenrware, Ac., Ac., jut go to SechlcPe
fn the Busbhoufc block.
A druggist in Lewiston, Me., declares
thatover a ton ofanuff if annually consum
ed in that town in dipping, chiefly by wo
men. If tbey had a cheap grocery up
there, like that of Sechler A Co., tbey
wouldn'tdo it—they'd spend their money
Sechler 1 * groceries.
S. K. Armagast. of the Loop, lia*
gone to Nebraska to pitch hit tent.
Mr. Willow and family will move
t from thi* place to Millheim, shortly. D.
L Brisbin from Potter* to thif town. Elia*
Kramer from Penn to Synder county.
Hugh Larimt r from Penn to Centre Hill
and keep store. Mr*. John KOM from
Fanner's Mills to Centre Hall. Geo. Jor
dan to Haines township. Samuel Kreax
( er, jr.. from Haines to Gephart's farm,
Millheim. Philip Stover, sr., (rem Haines
t) Aaronsbuig. Adam Krumrine from
, Ferguson to the Loop. Sam' 1 Long from
Miles te Ohio. W. B. Shafer from Madi
sonburg to Zion.
NOTICE.— The books of S. S. Wolf, will
remain for a short time at his late
place of doing business, atter which they
, will be placed in other hands for collec
tion, hence early attention is required of
all persons interested.
MSS.O.I, WQLF, Atfa'a.
H. H. Duncan intciuD stocking his
mill-dam willi salmon trout, I rom the slate
Then in now fair prospect of the rail
road work bring put under w-sy in Harris
township, th>s lummtr, May it be d. Be with
speed. We trust President Miller and the
directors will now keep pushing the met
ter without erasing- the smoke of the loco
motive should becloud the tallfy from the
Forks to Lemunt, by fell—it cei be thus
and should, end if the energy is put into
it thet is due the work, this will be done
—The Fine llrove Grammar school
will give a public night on the 'Jtlth of
March. Music will be turniihed t>y the
Band. A vmall admittance will be charg
ed for defraying the expense* of the house
An act for the prevention of horsws,
cattle, theop, goals or swine from tunning
at large in the various township* of the
commonwealth, when the majority of vo
ters iheiecf shall decide, has pas-ed the
senate and passed first reading in the
Baltimore District.
I Baltimore District K Kahr P. K.
! Baltimore, Green St F Kttn*
" East— B llengvt.
Mission—.! W Ciair.
" Circuit -N Young.
Jarretsville Cir—A W Krcauier
Glen Rook Station J Arehei,
. Shrewsberrv Cir—ll C*nrad.
York Cir—S Aurand A G Carotbera.
" German ML—C F Deininger
" English ' 11 B Hartal, r.
Prospect Cir—G M Ourrin A Uerger.
Conewaga "—Edwin Swengle.
Logansviile J Kreamer.
Carlisle District.
[Carlisle District, S \V Gilbert. P. E.
" Station—J M Pines
I Hagerstown Cir—W S Wallace.
L.-esburg " —ll A Stroke.
Big Spring "" P Giahatn.
Cumberland " R C 8.-wersox.
Bonderville " G F Yeager.
Perry ** —II A Doirich.
j Marysville " —S 1 Shortens.
Liverpool St—J M Ettinger
Cir—A Stapleton.
Middteburg " —D W Miller A Anthony.
I McClore S Yearick A Suppy.
Miffl in Mis Z Harnhesgcr
Dillsburg Cir—S E Davis.
| Mt Holly St—J M Longsdorf.
Isewisburg District.
| Lewishurg District, A. L Reeser, P. E.
Union Cir—S Smith.
! Uufi'aio "—G Hunter A Jarret.
White Deer Cir- P Kaidebacb.
Mil on Mis—Shenbsrger.
Columbia Cir—S P Reamer.
Milton W K Davis.
Luzerne G L Bur*on.
Wioming " —W W llhoads.
Dushore St—G Zohner.
Delmort Cir —H II Ream.
Lards villa L M alias.
Hugbsville P M Kaup.
Orangevill J M Braider.
Daniel Mis— W H Buck.
Bioomsburg Mis—J A Irwin.
Berwik " —J Croaman.
Kingston PSOrwik.
Williamsport Dislrict.
Williauisport Dist , M. J. Carothers, P.E.
" St—A Krause.
" Mis- A 11 Irwin.
Newberry Mis—ST-Buck A J E Courier.
Lycommg Cir—P 11 Rwnel A Group.
Jersey Shore"—A KearickA Keller.
Niilany valley Cir—W Detwiler A Mus
Lock Haven Mis—U F Swigeel.
Sugarvalley Cir—R Young
Centre Hali "—M Sloat AL K Harris.
Seneca " —R J Derrick.
Canton J M King.
Liberty H N Grenninger A
Centre Cir—J M Price AD P Kline.
Ho*. J. H Davis— Complimentary Re•
lution. —Hi* Honor, Judge Orvis, of the
25th Judicial District, presided at the ses
sions of the several courts of this county,
which commenced on the 22d ull., and
continued for two weeks Judge Orvis,
through his kindness and courtesy to the
Bar, and in fact to all with whom he came
in contact, has won the golden opinion of
all and has endeared himselftoour people.
His great legal attairmcnts are unques
tioned, his quick and accurate conception
of the matters in controversy, end his
prompt but courteous manner in giving his
opinions were fully recognized and ap
predated by our attorneys and others who
bad business before him. A man with the
ability of Judge Orvis should not be per
mitted to remain in the courts below. His
place is on the Supreme Bench, and it is
but due to him that his friends see to it that
he be placed there
The several courts adjourned on Friday
atteraoon of last week. Immediately after
the adjournment, the President of the Bar
Association, Hon. S. L. Rust-ell, took the
cheir. Whereupon J. M Reynolds, Esq..
offered the following resolution. Resolved
by tbe bar Association of Bedford, that the
thanks of its members be, and tbey are
hereby tendered to tbe Hon. J. H. Orvis
for bis uniform courtesy to tberu, and fr
the impartial and expeditious manner in
which he has dispatched tbe business of
the past two weeks while he presided over
our courts, and that in bim we recognize
a gentleman of high culture, and a jurist
of profound attainments.
Unanimously adopted, and on motion
ordered to be published in the county pa
pers Bid lord Gazette, 11/A.
For the Reporter.
Still we are having brisk sales.
The public schools in Penn twp , will
close in a few weeks.
James, son of Elias Wert, while in the
act ofaplitting a bloc* one day last week,
made a tniscut and bit bis foot cutting it
severely. At present he is doing well.
The concert season is over and the va
rious bands retired from the field for the
On next Thursday, Penn township will
lose one of its bert citizens, Mr. Eiias
K reamer, will move to Snyder cwunly,
where he has purchased a farm. Mr. Will
iam Geary from Harris township will fill
his place.
Candidates for |he superintcndency are
becoming anxious, numerous and burden
some. May the election soon come off so
that tbe people will get rid of them.
Mr. I rank Kern left hi* old home last
week at Penns Creek, (or the far country
west. May success attend him and bis
pathway crowned with happy seasons.
The Millbeim loan and building associ
ation %ad their first sale on Monduy even
ing, Bth, inst. The affair was a successful
one. MoDey sold at twenty four per cent,
Tbe proceeds of 8. O. M'Curdy's exhi
bition are to be applied towards the ercc
lion of a fence in front of the Millhefm
school house. That is m capital idea, Mac.
carry it out. 10 S. C.
For the Reporter.
The snow is on the more.
The "coon" bad his six weeks in full.
Flitlings are daily occurances.
yenduesare daily "outcries."
Public schools are about over.
Topers rejoice at the Legislature.
Brush Valley will bo minus a granger
in a few days. Emanuel you have our best
Another brick mansion will be on the
programme for Kebersburg this summer.
It is to be erected for Daniel Brumgard.
A short time quite an old men
from Uarrisburg, who called himself John
Smith, came in our valley in search of
work and while here he took sick and
died, lie was minus of "the one thing ]
needful." His disease is said to have been
con-umption. He was buried in the Re
formed and Lutfaern semetry. "Pence to
his ashes."
Time is money—Especially tojtbeyouDg.
Would parents of children then please
take notice and see that their children will
go to school instead of running after every
vendue iuside of ten or fifteen miles. Par
ents, in a great measure are responsible for
what ther children, as well as themselves
might know ; and more particularly what
hey do at such places.
' Tyleiiville is tickled to the ore. They
bad e singing convention which termina
ted with it grand concert, on lest Satur
day eve
W. J Itair has lon two good horses in a
short time. It i thus that the cows are
f< d dow ti t'l ( way during a severe winter.
Miidisonhurg boast* ola steam engine
Truly this indicates progress in that local
llaw MOB.
j Wrecker! Seamen Twsitiy-TlirH D*v
, At Sea in an Open Boat— Murder
J And Cannibalism.
~ ) [fVsVnrf <\f Wir ]
We have received intelligence froiis Ha
4 , jtavia regarding the sufferings of some of
I the sur\ iv.>r from the British ship Kuxine.
'• hound fromShialds to Aden, which caught
8I Are and waabandoned in the South At
H lanlic. On the 12th of June last the iron
• ship Kuxine sailed from Shields with a
e cargo of coal and a crew ol thirty-two men
e and excellent provisions Everything
went well till the 3d of August, on which
J .tale a storm tossed the vessel about so vi
olently that her Cargo was shifted to the
I starboard side, ona man was washed over
! board. And c nsiderable damage done to
j t-ie sails and rigging All eniieavors to
I' right her were fruitless, and after large
quantities of the coal had been thrown
I overboard, traees ot tire were discovered.
Although every hatch and opening was
Jc'osed as ligthtly as possible, the flames
j made such headway that on the Hlh of the
j same month the captain decided on aband
j oning Ins ship. Those living freight left
in three boats—the captain ai d thirteen
men in the long-boat, the first mate and
eight others in the second, and the second
I male and seven seamen in the third. It
I was known that St Helena was S6O miles
I distant, and it was determined to make
I' for the island. During the first night the
boat commanded by the second mate lost
■ sight ot the others, and at dawn was alone
upon the wide ocean The little vessel
[was upon the life boat principle, about
thirty feet long, her sides being protected
with a bulwark of sailcloth. She had ten
air-light cases, two uiasls, besides a fore
booin, and carried a set of sails and ne*
I cessarv cordage Tne provisions couipris
| ed tw i cases of buscuiU, a barn, a cheese,
I twelve tins *>f meat, and two tmail casks
jof drinking water By the ninth day the
I mate came to the conclusion that he nad
been steering too far to the westward, but
as the wind and sea did not admit of any
change being made, it was decided to go
on as heretofore, in the hope of meeting
with a vessel or reaching the coast of
South America. The rations were di
minished to half a biscuit and a glass of wa-
I ter once a day, and thus the 24th of Au
gust approached with no sign of rescue or I
land. On this date a slit!' breeze sprung
up as darkness drew on, and at midnight,
while a man named De Jager was at the
helm and the rest were asleep, the boat
capsized and its occupants suddenly found
themselves struggling for their lives.
How the accident occured is not known,
but it is surmised that De Jager placed his
charge against the wind, a* it is certain
i that he had already threatened to "knock
a hole in the craft to put an end to the
misery of all." Anyway he "put an end
I to himself and another, named Reynolds,
| both sinking, notwithstanding help ren
dered thetn by their fortunate comrades,
who had found safety on the upturned
keel. In the morning the boat vu right
ed, but all the food was gone. In order
to prevent capsizing in future the mail
wore cut down and only a small sail set, to
that the boat might be steered right be
fore the wind. Hunger and thirst-charac
terized the day—a Sunday—and twenty
four hour* later it was agreed that lots
should be cast to tee which of the num
ber should be sacrificed for the benefit of
the remainder. Early on the same day,
one Muller, after drinking largo quanti
ties of salt water, declared that he offered
hit body as food for the others, and en
treated them to kill him. ''After a time"
—we quote from the affidavit of James
Archer, second mate —"Manus Shurt pro
posed that they sheuld cast lots who should
fall at a sacrifice for keeping the others
alive. To this wc all consented. Having
no other meant to make a lottery, we hit
upon using small sticks of different sizes,
deciding that the one who drew the small
est should be the victim. After having
made the sticks ready. I held them in
my hand while the others drew. On com
paring them together. I found that the
Italian, Francis Shufus, held the small
est stick. Having also agreed that the
lottery should be thrice repeated, and that
when it should then prove that either two
or three of us had drawn the shortest stick,
these should cast lets among themselves,
so that the victim might be singled out,
we found that the same man had for a
second time picked out the same object.
Francis Shufus when bis turn came for the
third drawing, hesitated to join, and would
not draw, upon which the man Sandstrom
proposed be would de it for him. This he
did, and the shortest slick was found in
Sandslrom's hand. Shufus bore it with
the greatest calmness, and showed the ut
most resignation. He was left alone for
some two hours, while we row and then
eagerly looked round the horizon to see
whether a sail could be perceived or any
help would come. We stood upon thf
thwarts. Shufus prepared himself to meet
his fate by praying or speaking in Italian
He gave us no parting message to be scntto
his friends.'moat probably as he knew no
more English than to say "yes" and "no."
His bearing was that of a man whose mind
was made up Seeing we were past help,
and fearing that our hunger and thirst
had grown beyond endurance, we saw
ourselves driven to sacrifice Shufus. He
laid himself down, but before that August
Muller had told hirr that he would take
his place and die for him. This Shufus
refused, and, laying himsolf down in the
bottom of the boat, gave himself up to be
tied ; then one man held an empty tin, so
as to catch the blood. Mulle-, on saying
that now some one must die for the others,
passed the knife sound the man's throat.
He did not struggle or scream. The
blood was drunk by us all. Muller then
cut out his liver and heart These we cut
into small pieces and ate them mixed with
blood ana saltwater. At the last moments
of Shufus I was at the helm. The head
and feet were thrown uway ; the trunk and
limbs were put into one of the air-tight,
tins of our boat, which wo had opened
We continued on our way. It might have
been 2 o'clock in the afternoon when tl e
man Shufus died. Some three hours after
a ship was seen, which, perceiving the
boat, made for us. This vessel turned out
to be the Java packet, bound for
Amsterdam, and her commander, Cap
tain Trappen, did all in hi* power, to re
lieve the misery of the fivo unfortunate
waifs, James Archer, August Muller, Vic
tor Sandstrom, Manus Shurt and Alexan
der Veruienlcn, who had been twenty
, throe days at sea in an open boat, and
sailed fully 2,000 miles.
The pretty story about James Lick, of
Califomis, as igning his immense enlale to
trustees, to be un ii for Various charitable
and benevolent purposes, is all spoiled
again. He took another notion, destroy
ed the papers, and sticks to his dollars
like a miser.
It is now suggested that the Legislature
should make "Ground Hug, day" a legal
holiday. Certainly so good a prophet is
worthy the reverence of n a'ters of Bham
A bill appropriaiing SIOO,OOO for the put
chase of a site for a post office in Harris
burg. passed boll: Houses in Congress and
has been approved by the President.
A bride in Indiana, after the conclusion
of the marriage <re oniony stepped grace
fully forward and requested the clergy
man to give out the hymn : "This is the
▼ty I long have sought,"
Salt I,ake City, March 11. —ln the cae
ol Attn Klira Young v* Brigliam Young,
nuit lor divorce and alimony, a decree
having heen made that llrigham Young
pay TTOPO tor attorney* fee* and <£**>
monthly alimony, and the time having ex
pired wherein the attorney'* fee* *houid
have been paid, llrigham Y'outig wn*
brought before Judge M'Kcan to-day and
adjudged guilty of contempt and ordered
to be imprisoned one day and pay a fine of
twenty-five dollar*
Salt Lake City, March l'i The New*
say* the iiupruonment of Brigliam Young
i* indignantly heaped upon the head of a
venerable and respectable gentleman,
who lia> done mere for the country and hu
manity than most people I riteiiie excite- ,
metit prev aite* here (Ingham i* till in
the penitentiary, comforted hourly by vi
ils from hi* wife Amelia and lYiend*
London, March 1,1 Messrs John I'. M
lin Thuru At' Merchants, No 1 Last
India avenue, have failed. Then liabili
ties are SIO,tM),OUO.
This firm lias been interested in the Kast
India and China trade for many years. It
was one of the most }H>wortul house* on
Kast India Avenue— a corridor running
the entire length of the Kast India house
in Leadenhnll street, London. This build
ing is in the immediate neighborhood u!
Mark lane and Mincing lane, the head
quarters of the corn and colonial produce
markets, with which the firm ha* been
closely identified Within pistol-shot is the
Bunk of England and the offices of the
Itolhckilds, Barings, Gladstones, 1. S
Morgan A Co., and the other large mer
chants. The offices ot Messrs John C. lui
Thurn A Co. were most unpretentious, the
simple inscription of the firm's name on a
plate of ground glass marking the head
quarters of the hou e in which large bank
ing busiuess was also carried on.
Scranton, IV, March 9.—At the Mount
l'leaseiit mine in this city to-day, two
boys, Urury Welsh and John Owens,
were crushed to death in a coal screen.
Both lads were employed in the screen
room with about sixty others, "cracker
boys," separating the slate from the coal.
Welsh was in the act of stepping across
the screen, when his foot was caught in
the ponderous machine, which was re
volving slowly. His cries brought to his
aid his companion, Owens, a boy some
ffftecn years of age, who bravely, in the
face of a fearful (ale, sought to extricate
biiu. In the cffl rt his arm was caught in
the screen' and before the machinery
could be brought to a standstill, both boys
were crushed into a shapeless mass, their
heads and arms severed trom their bodies,
ami altogether presenting a shocking
spec table.
The brave conduct ef the boy Owens,
who gave bis life in the attempt to save his
comrade, it one of the noblest examples
of youthful heroism on record,
Maucb Cfcunck, Pa., March Iff. —A lour
of inspection through part of the coal re
gion shows that the miner* still evince the
same determination to hold out for the
IBM basis. They say they can stand it tor
two months and even longer.
The coal at Summit Hill, Asht -n, and
other places is very tcarco, and at Dry
Hollow is loaded in teams and taken to
No. 10 for shipment by rail. The large
shops at Lansford, of the Lehigh and
Wilkosbarre Coal Company, are supplied
with some difficulty. At Besver Meadow
and other colleries coal is very scarce for
the use of miners At Nesquehoning they I
are loading nearly one hundred cart of i
culm daily for shipment to New York.
The mining villages present a very dull !
appearance, and the only work done i
pumping, to keep the mines from being
flooded. The miners, as a general thing, I
seem to have a (air fmounl of ready mon
ey, and their larders are still well stocked.
It will be impossible to state when a re- !
sumption will take place. The operators
will have to mako the first advance
SL Louis, Mo., March 10—A special
despatch says a desperado named Hall
took a negro into a saloon at Wnverly. '
Mo., kept by a man named 8001, and
"attempted to pUco him on an equality
with white men under the Civil Right*
bill." The barkeper protested, but Hal! j
insisted, and the barkeeper cbasrd tbe ne
gro out ol the saloon at the point of a i
pistol. Another negro, named Bell, then
interfered, and the barkeeper shot him
Alexandria, Va., March 9.—The Ga
zette has a report from Fauquier county,
Virginia, to the effect that on Saturday
lost a colored man named Haines went to
the house of hit mistress between Mark*
ham and Pcidmont, and seizing a hatchet
made a murderous assault upon the in
mates, the woman and her two children,
cutting and slashing them terribly. The
woman resitted him, and drove him
the house to a straw rack, where she split
hi* head open with an axe and stretched
him dead at her feet. The children were
so badly hurt thatlher will probably die.
The woman although very seriously in
jured may recover.
Mauch Chunk, March 12.—From Mauch
Chunk to Katton, where the Lehigh emp
ties into the Delaware river, a distance of
forty-eight miles, there are eight large
dams on the river, and it ts safe to say that
two-'.hird* of that distance is covered with
ice which by actual measurement has been
found to average forty inches in thick
For some litno it hat keen feared that a
freshet would take place, but the fine
weather of the past week has for the pres
ent dno much towards relieving tho fears
ol residents along the liver. Still the out
look is somewhat precarious, and should
the ice break loose with a rush the dridges
and a large amount of other property will
be destroyed.
Adam* county it out of debt, and ha* R
balance of $7,000 in the treasury. The
county gives a Democratic majority.
Mr. Thomas Green, died on Friday of
last week at his homein CurUville, Clari
on county, Pa , at the ago of one, hundred
AI loon a juveniles nrc happy. There
is not sufficient money in the ttensury to
pay the salary of the pedagogues of the
A ninti named Isenberg win struck by
the I)sy Eiproi near Spruce Greek,
Huntingdon county, one day lent week and
WM instantly killed.
AtSunbuiy. I'M., on F'riday night, Mr.
G. Schryt' house WM burned, together
with two children. Mr* Schryt la proba
bly fatally burned.
The Huntingdon Journal *ayt: Three
Shade Gap girlt of the Methodist persua
sion having met togcthor, concluded to
pray for the welfare of their lovers, tut
the first onp had not got very far along in
her peliti' n w hen it was discovered that
they were all eng ige 1 to the same man.
Tho religion* exercise* were at once ter
i minatud.
At ie>ck Haven Inst week a man in a
sleigh endeavored to cross the raibord
track in front of an approaching train, but
was unable to clear the track in time. The
engine struck tho thigh and threw the
man o i ths cowcatcher whancs he was
taken uninjured. The hind legs of the
horse were cut < ff completely and on the
mangled stunts the frightened animal ran
nearly two ?qi a e* bs'ore be fell T. on ex
kg ration.
Til* I'aoFt.a'a Fat it so It i susceplb
bla ol easy praof that tb# Hewing Mat bine
baa been a greater blessing to tbo masses
of American people tban any Invention of
tbe promt century Nothing *Ue has
done much to save the lives and health
of the wive* and mother*, the patient, over,
worked woman ol the land, who, a.a rl**
mo*t needej relief (Votn the burthen* of
eveiydav life Every father and huband
fall* in lit* duty if be neglect* to endow bit
home with *uch a triumph of tclenee a the
WiUon Shuttle Sewina Machine. Ma
chine* will be delivered at any Railroad
Station In Uii* county, free of tranpoU-,
lion charge* if ordered tlirougli the Com
I any'* Branch llouta at £.'7 and iWh Broad j
way, New York.
They end an elrgunt catalogue am!
chropio elrcular lYce on application
This Company want a few more good
• v •
I A reportei of the UallluioiO American
■ thus describes one of the many pro- esses
of making shot in one of the *bot lower*
jof that city. One of the ".ecrcls" of the
manufacture i* the mixing of the lead with
a certain proportion of a combination ol
mineral suh.tance* called "temper Ihe
I temper is fused with the It-ad, and givethr
i molten uiclai that consistency which
j make* it drop, and without which the iaau
j would be moulded by tit# sieve, and woulu
j form IKtie pencil* instead of round shot.
When "U U ' shot for instance, are to be
made, the lead I* poured into a pan per
forated with hole* corresponding to that
SIX*. The little pellets come pouring down
in a continuous shower, and 'all into a
tank filled with water on the ground floor
In (heir descent of two hundred feel they
become perfect sphere*, firm and dense,]
and they are tolerably cool when they'
strike the water, although tba swift con
cussion-make the tank foam and bubble
as if the water was boiling furiously The!
shot mutt fall in the water, fur if they,
would strike any firm substance they
Would be flattened and knocked out of
shape Two get the little pellet* perfect
ly dry after they have been in the "well," j
i the mo*l difficult and troublesome pro
cess uf the w hoi* manufacture. An eleva
tor with small bucket* (very much like,
those in flour mill*; carries the shot up *]
fast as tbey reach the bottom of the welt,
and deposilt Ihrm in a box 00 feet above
the first floor. The water drips from the
buckets a* tbey go up, and not much is!
poured into the receiver above, although
it i* intended to be a tort of dipping ma
chine. From this receiver the shut runt,
down a spout into a drying pan, which
greatly resemble* a gigantic shoe, nude of j
thc< l iron. The pan rest* at an angle w in, h
permit* the wet shot to roll slowly down to;'
the chamber below, and the pellet* became ,
perfectly dry a* they pa* over the warn. ,
sheet-Iran. |
The house of G Sihrtjf, near the aqua- ]
duct, about five miles below
wa* totally destroyed by fir* on Friday's
night sth Two children perished in Ibr '
flames, and an old g-niiemau and two j
other children were so badly burnt that f
they will hardly recover. It caught from ,
wood being put in the stove to dry. 1
A rather curious srbitralios came off si |
Selinsgrove last week the parlies being '
Henry \Valter and Kills tiartnian, and tbv -
contention a bond of SIU)U, which the lat
ter bad given conditioned that be wa* not
to visit the former * wife The arbitrator* (
gave judgment for $ 1010. I
owe j
A new sensation disturbed the social 1
circle* o! Washington a few days 1
A young uian was arrested who ?
had found great enjoyment in attend
ing numerous balls and parlies there
during the ptescul winter, aliired iu .
habiliments of n lsshionabl belle, and .
strange to say, be plavad his part an t
well that h* was not diOoVtred uutil a ■
few days ago. He says he is only fit- j
teen years old but Ins father say* ho is '
twenty. llii dress was of the latest
fashion, and he wore four button kid ,
gloves. His head ornaments were
procured at ihe same place where
belles are usually supplied with these
things, were in the best taste. He
managed bis long train with the ut- v
most case and elegance. It is said he !
has a very feminine appearance, and 1
would be called very good looking in 1
hit)fema!c attire. Iu the pocket of his r
dress, when arrested, a note was found, '
signed by a member of congress, re '
questing the doorkeeper of the house t
gal If i ice "to ad mil the bearer at* all 1
times to the ladies' gallery besides j
other letters received from certain male ,
admirers, with one from a female 1
Since (lie adoption of poa'al card* ,
for cheap communication by mail.'t
there ha* been uo m<^llti tion of our 1
|>o*tal law* which an greatly accotn j
modate* the public a* tlie one permit- 1
ting the sending through the mail* of r
nearly all clause* of merchandise, in \
package* not exceeding four pound* <
wright, at the low price of one cent <
for every two ounces. The following |
are aomc of the article* officially nam- ]
cd as belonging to the claw of mer
chandise that can be mailed at tiii*
low rate :
Rates of postage on third claim
matter :—Mailable matter of the'
third class embrace* all pnmphlel*,'
occasional publications, transieut
newspapers, magazines, hand bills,
posters, unsealed circulars, prospect
uses, books, book manuscript, proof
sheets, map*, prints, engravings,
blanks, flexible patterns, articles of
merchandise, sample cards, phono-!
graphic paper, letter envelopes pos
tal envelopes and wrappers, cards,'
plain and ornamcutal paper, photo
graphic representations of different
types, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots,'
scions, and other articles not above
the weight prescribed by law, which
are not, from their form or natuic, li
able lo destroy, or deface, or other
wise injure the contents of the mail
bag or the person of any one engaged
in the postal service.
All packages of matter of the third j
class must lie wrapped or enveloped,
with open sides or ends, so that their
contents may be rcadilly and thorv 1
oughly examined by postmasters
without destroying the wrappers ; but
seeds and other articles lialile, front '
their form or nature, to loss or dam- ]
age unless specially protected, may!
be enclosed in unsealed bags or box- :
es which can he readily opened for
examination of the contents and re
closed ; or closed bags, made of ma
terial sufficiently transparent to show
the contents clearly, without opening,
may be used for such mutter.
No writing will be permitted on
articles of this class, or their wrap
pers or envelopes, except the uddrcss
of destination. Any oilier willing in
or upon any package or article of this
class will subject it to letter rates ol
Matler of the third class inclosed
in sealed envelope* notched at the
ends or side, or with the corners cut
off, cannot be mailed except at letter
postage rates.
The following, and eomo other ar
ticles unnecessary to specify, aro un
mailable; Packages containing li
quids, rioisoiu, gla-s, expbaive chem
icals, live animals, sham pointed in
slruments, sugar, flour, or any other
matter liable to deface or destroy the
contents of the mail, or injure the par
sou of any one connected with the
" I'ortJervii, N, Y., March 11 —lt rain*
" ed here thl* afternoon, and all the indica
tion* ara that there i* a heavy turtn in
• prospect About two inches of now fal.
' tlii* morning. The weather i* now wariu.
' "<uggy and cloudy. The onginear* to-day
■ reached a point in the mm of Ice in
' which lh.y have been operating with nl-
I, tro fly cerinu to r mint day*, where tiiey
> 1 found the ice twelve feel thick, and lying
' Hi inly on the bottom of the river. A
charge of nuro-glyterme weighing twen
ty pound* wa* u*cd at ltd* spot, and the
' | emit wa* the breaking up of a very large
<|uiit!ty of the ice. Piece* were thrown
; cicar to the I'etiiuylvauia horc, and a
( heavy column of ice and water *hol into
| the atr nearly tv o hundred teel There
port from thl* bll wa* honid distinctly
! ail over the t wn.
11. 1> Or a.i aw, who lu* charge of the nl
tro glycerine, went to N Y this afternoon
I for a new * .pply, the -lot k being exhaust
ed lie. rath the ridge ol leu in which the
heavy blast of ice was made, and eciut-ni
ly from there up to the great wall uf ll.r
gorge, the channel of the river ha* in
suttLienl water to carry off tha ice that l*
now blown out, and it I. •* in disin leg rated
heap* along the line of operation*. Th*
water fiud* us way under ihe ice by *maii,
scattering current* that ripple through the
interstice* instead of having won n cfaan
nel as was found below.
In the M K Cliu'cb, at M iffi iiibui*. an
the evening of the 'Ah insl, by Rev M P.
CrosibwatM, VS. A Armagast, of Belle
funis, ami Mis* Jennie C. tlberdorf. of
At the residence of the briif.-'s parent*.
lon tlie 4th inst ,by the same F I' Ehr
I,aid formerly ol Brush Valley, and Mis*
Ella Hietsr, both of Mifßuiburg.
i On 14 lost ,at the residence u( Mr. U 4*.
llassinger by Rev. J. k Miller, Mr A.,
i Clark of Centre Furnace, and Mi** Tillaj
: Olark of Ueiiefotite.
On 11 inst, by H-v W H Groh, Mr
James M Moyer of Logartsvill* Clinton I
Icounty, to M its Cerisiiana Jordan of B -ai
burg.' . 3_
On the Vtb inst. in Pena, twp Hannah.
!Consort of Johnalban Banders as<| 67
vear* (f months and 16 days. Disease
On 38 ult, in K*rguon twp.. Mrs Calk - j
rrine Wright, wife ol Sam I Wright, aged :
67 years, 4 month* and 16 days.
On "Jo ult . in Poller twp . Mr*. Book*,
aged 70 years, 11 month* and 34 day*.
Prod JC.
New York, March 15.—Flour firm and
in fair demand; superfine western and
I Stale +Oa4 85; good to choice f5 15a
5 35; white wheat extra $5 s<ao 00; c*tr
< Olio 5-'* Ooati 30. St. l/iuu k'wS. Wheat
better and in fair demand, No 1 spring
II 2al 23; No 3 fl lu.l 14; No 2 Chicago
f! I lia! 16|; No 2N. W.fl 15*1 17; un
graded lowa and Minnesota spring f 1 10
al 22; winter red western fl 21a 1 38;
white western f 1 30*1 34. Bye quiet at
WUKr, Corn firmer; mixed western
tuVaHTc; white western *ia*7c. Oat*
steady and in fair detuaud; mixed west
•rn >7*ißV, white 00c. Coffee dull; rio
l(i|alS|- Sugar dull and heavy; fair to
good refining 7faSr, refined Bi\ l'etro
leu in; refined 15aI5|c; crude 7|r. laird,
prime steam 14|r. Ihitter, western 14*
22c. Clover seed quiet at $1 lal 1 25.
Philadelphia. March 15.—Clover seed
flo 301150 Wheat active; re! fl 23a
1 23|; white fl 28al
yellow and western H3c. (iata— white
USaOih*. lluttcr, New York and Bradford
county extra at 33034 c; do first* 30w32c;
western extra 2ha2Uv. Kggs— western at
———. ■ .
VI DIT< >U > MEETING-Notice is
hereby given that the Auditor* of
fitter iwp.. witl meet at Oil Kurt, Mar.
2kb 1875 at 9 o'clock. U> audit and etttr
the are Minn ol the Overseer* of Poor, and
Red Supervitor*. At! person* having
buine* to transact with the auditor* are
requested to attend.
W W, M-asulch, J auks Mc'CttXTicx,
Town Clerk Jo# M UtlXtUXft,
J. J. Atxtr.
Mar li. Auditor'*
There will be offered al Public Sale, al
the residence of the undersigned, near
Mate College. Perguaon twp, on WKI)
NKSDA Y. MARCH 24.h. the tallowing
property Three Head Horses, 14 Head
Horned Cattle. 2 Hog*. 1 Centre Hath
Threshing Msrhine. and I Mitlbeim Ma
chine. Hay Hake, Uuiu Spring Grain
Drill. I Plantation Wagon, I Spring Wa
g<>n. Plows. Harrows, z small t ultivator*.
1 Millheim Cultivator, 1 Sled. Semper.
Corn Planter. Hay Fork. Hope* and Pul
lie*. Log Sled, Shovel Plow. Silver plated
d utile llarng** jul new. Horse Gear*. 4
Fl>-neU. Double and Single tree*, Cham*
of alt kind*. 1 Grain Cradle, and a variety
of other articles. Sale to commence at 1
o'clock, P M when term* will be made
Feb 'JH l*d
There will be exposed at Public Sal* at
the residence of the undersigned, at Cen
tre llill, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 24.
the following property: 2 Work Horse-,
2 2-year ol J Colt*. I yearling Colt. 2 Cow*.
I Bull, Farming Implement*. 1 Plantation
Wagon with Hay ladder*, Plow*, Har
row*. 1 1-horse Cultivator. 1 2-horsc Cul
tivator, Plank Roller. Singletrees, Dou
bletree". Horse Gears, Brilch-band*. Front
Gears. Plow Gears, toilers. Bridle*, and
other article* to numerous to mention.
Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. when term* will be!
made known EDW ARD KLINE
Feb. 25 t-d.
Independent in Every
thing ! Neutral in Nothing !
Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in
Municipal Slate and National Affairs.
rpilK TIMES will be i**ued on Salur-
X day, the 13tb of March, and every
morning thereafter. Sunday* excepted, un-|
dee the editorial direction of A. E. Me
i LORE printed compactly from clear, new
type, on a largo folio sheet, containing all
the New* of the day, including the A**o-,
elated Pre** Telegram*. Special telegrams,
and Correspondence from all point* of]
of interest, and fearless editorial di*cuu-;
ion* of all current topic*. It aim* to be a
flrU-cla** Newspaper in every respect.
Mail subscription*, postage free. Si*
dollar* per annum or Fifty cent* per
ADVERTISEMENTS, fifteen, twenty
and thirty cent* per line, according to po
rpilK WEEKLY TIMES wilt be issued
JL every Saturday, containing Choice
Literature, interesting article- for the
Family and the Fireside, valuable contri
land every Industrial Class, A Carefully
1 edited column on Household and Doma**i
j ic Economy, together with a Complete
Summary of the New* of the \\ cek, and
full Market and Financial Report*. It
will bo the aa>T and cukammt Weekly
j Newspaper to Pennsylvania.
On* Copy, . . . SI.OO
Ten Copiei, . • 9.00
Twenty Copie*. . . . 10 00
And at the same rate, (80 cent* per
copy.) for any additional number. Name*
may be ad doit to Clubs at any tune during
the year. .
ADVKRTISKM EMS inerted at twen
ty.five cent* per lino
Address. THE TIMES,
No 14 South Seventh Street,
N'OTICE.— All pereon* indebted to and
all persons having claims againstGratl
Jc Thompson and the undersigned arc re
quested to call und settle their accounts
with James M. Lnshell. at Centre Hill, on
or before the 81*t dey of March, next.
Prompt attention to tho above is requested*
4mar.k A. W. GRAFF.
NOTICE is hereby given by the unuer
signed that tie is ordered by th
President of the L. C. & 8. C. R.R. to is
sue summons on all stock in hit
collection which remains unpaid, and Exe
cutions on all judgments on his docket en
tered against subscribers for unpaid stock,
within ten day* from the Issue of tlii* pa
per. J* • • HA.RI,
Mar 11. ft. JusUVtffUCf.
UKLLtFoh'tk MAHkRTh.
V hit# iYhent f I WO Red 100.... Rye W>
Cot 000 66....... Hsr'sjr (Mi
JO 010 /ersced 6,00 „. .. Potatoes >
Ur n*rMU%l 8 Pork per pound Off
ttUterJO Egg* 15 PlMjfr perton
U Tallow K Barot.lo Him 15
Lard per pound Scents ..Buckwheat
flfi cu Piour per barrel retain,oo...
Nova H. <>tU plaster <l4 to 15- Oayuf.
ulasler S'J,U) per 'JUOO lb*.
Stk* Im.k Hal* —Th* stre of 8
4 W.ilf, deed, in Centre Halt. is offered
f..r mite on very reasonable terms. Tt e
•land I* on* of tb bust in the valley, and
>llrt an excellent oppertuniljr to any per
iu wishing to go Into butlAMi.
Fab 4. MItA. 0. K WOLF. Adm r*
ii*X Blatchley*
a* ♦
a *0 S lin pr ved f'Uf'H M ■
<■ * I* the ackfcwledged
ST A N I) ARD of the
•naratt, by popular verdict, the
het pump for the le*l money,
ttlention l invited to H latch ley',
improved Bracket, Iba D-up
('beck Valve, which can be with
drawn without disturbing llie
j lints, and the copper chamber
whit-n nevct crack*, scale* or ru*i* and
, wilt last a life time. For sale by D-.nlt-n*
( and tbo trade generally In order Kt be
sure that x-m gel ITawfcley * I'ump, be
' oarnAit and see that U bat my trade mark
a* above, Ifyuudo not know where to
buy, descriptive circular*, together with
(tie name and address of the agent nearest
Iyou. will be promptly furnished by ad
dressing, with stamp
CHAfi 0 BLATCHLEY MaaufreUrer.
SUtt OomttMW* St., PMladvluhU, Pa
j 11 mar km *
IiLJ . I 1 I 1 Tlt splendid Pi
ano Forte combine,
{every improvement in lone with power
and great durability, and ha* received
I (he unqualified endorsement* > f the high
•at Musical author.tins fur it* Marvellous
extraordinary riubn*-** of Tone, having
No Mipkitmu IN THE WORLD
l.argc six*. 74 Octave*, overstrung Ba*.
.full Iron Frame, French Grand action.
Frit Desk, Carved Pedal, Solid Rosewood
Moulding*, Ivory Kev Front, Capped
Hammers, a tirade Treble, Ac , Ac , Ac
Weight when boxed over One Thousand
j Pounds. _ Liberal discount to the trade.
Agent* Wanted —(mat* ur lauiaU.)
Send stamp for Circular Address
tba inventor an.t Proprietor, D * NIRL F
BKATTY, Washlntton, New Jeraev.
' IBnSeiid tlattip far full informalion,
Price List. An . Ac. D F BEATTY.
1 V\ o*hiugu>n. N. J.
J. 11. Nil %t I 11.
The undeNdrned begs leave to inform
. hi* patrons and the public generally that
ha u now prepared to make Coffins and
respectful ly solicit* * share of their patron
age Funeral* attended with a deal
' hearse. J. B. NHAFKR.
{o " 1 1 lf Madison burg
Furniture Rooms,
Extension Tables,
Chamber Suits,
Finedt Common Furniture,
Censi'liar in part of BCREAL'S, MED
The public generally are invited to call
and see the fine assortment of FL'RNI
-11 RE to be found at the above establish
ment, all ol our own "Manufacture.
Undertaking in all its branches,
(oHiti*, C&nkt'is and Shrouds.
Having purchased an elegant Hearse, 1
will attend all orders of undertaking 1
may receive from Pcnntval'ejr, Centra Co.
BEATTY '' l AT7r ~
KN'oWN". %Sk-t-*nd stamp for Circu
lar. Address D. F BEATTY, Wash
ingU-n, N. J.
MiClain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush
Bellefonte, Pa.
11. HF.KM iN *1 CO., I'rop'nt-
Dry Goods, •
llriow ihe I ftual Prices.
Nov 12. if.
C C The True Capo Co 4 Cranberry.
C. beat sort for Upland, Lowland, or
Garden, by mail prepaid, $1 per lUU. sl>
per 1.000. All the New. ChoiceSlrawber
rie* and Peaches. A "priced Catalogue of
the** and alt FruiU. Ornamental Tree,.
Evergreen*. Shrub*. Bulb", Plant*.
SEEDS, the choice*! collection in the
country, with all novelties, will be *ent
gratis to any plain addre**. 25 ortt of
either Flower Garden. Tree. Fruit, Ever
green, or Herb Seeds; for >I,OO. ent by
mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA
B M WATSON, Old Colony Nurse
riea and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth,
Maw. K-Üblishod HM2
; Jan. 25.
I Hill located at Pine Grove Mill* and
i now prepared to travel lo the home* ol
patient* at a distance and render any de
fired irrvico in hi* line, in the be*t man
ner. of best quality and at reasonable
rate*. Inertien of new denture* made a
• pecialty. Tt*tK extracted u-itAout pain.
21jan 74
mule.) to lake order*. I>. F. BKATTY,
i Washington. New Jer*ey.
By virtue of * writ of Fieri F'acias, ia
suetl out of the Court of Common Plea*,
|to me directed there will be exposed to
Public Sale at the Court licuae in Belle
fonte, on Saturday the 20th day of
March, 1875, at one o'clock P. M. the
following described real estate to wit:
All that certain lot of ground situate
in Jacksonville, Marion township. Cen
tre Co. l'a. Beginning at a stone, thence
S 58J°. \V. 12j per. to a stone, thence X.
45}°, K. 53-10 per. to a stone, thence N.
58j° E. 12 per. to a stone, thence S. 52°,
E. 51 jer. to the place of beginning con
taining 02 per neat measure, thereon
erected a b>g Dwelling House, Stable
and other outbuildings. Soiled, takcu
in Execution and to IKS sold as the pro
perty of John 11. Trevillvan.
Bcllefonte. > B. F. SIIAFFEU,
February 23,1875. J Sheriff
SICAL authorities throughout the world
as THE BEST. D F BEaTTY, Propri
etor, Washington, N. J.
JJ tamentary'•> the Estate oi Itehecca
ooks, late of* Potior township. Centre
oounty, dee'd., having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to the
naid estate are requested to make immedi
ate settlement, and those having claims to
present them duly authenticated for pay
ment. A. LU&ENBACH,
Mar 11.6t. ElWUtor.
Burn,r and Shipper, of the celebrated
r. Dealer* in tba vary beat grade* of
j A NXili t ACI TK C<AI
Tbe only dealer* in Centra County who sell tba
* from lb* old Baltimore mine* Alto
r J of Abibraeite Coal dryljr housed expressly lor house use, tl the lowest price*.
1 l.ejr pay tbe higbart price, in cash for grain that tbe Eastern market* will sftti,
I wbicb U always sold at low price., and warranted to He aa good a fertiliser at aav
S OiDtfP plAltff, 21
A ill) VA3©
Lime! Lime!
I Lima ol the beet quslity, always on
head, at the kiln near Centre Hall.
j ■ IO
Millheim, Pa.,
Weoutsaui AKD RETAIL DaAXxaaix
Thejr have jiet returned from the E art err
i Cities, where ibejr have purchaiad a welt
•alerted stock of
HARDWARE. Ccrttar. laox. NAILS
OtL*. Pat era, Vhmhio Pitttt,
Plaalerer* and Masons,
Saddlers, Shoemakers,
Housekeepers, and to fact,
We rail particular attention to a foe as
sortment ol Picture Frames and Moulding,
very cheap.
And Curta>u Fixtures of every kind.
aUcbtion ia called to our stock of Spokes,
Hub*. Felloes, Shalu, Poles and Buggy
Wheels, ail of No. 1 quality and selling vc
■ y cheap. Our stock is large, and cn
aiantiy being renewed, and we are selling
—wboleiale and retail—at very low price*.
Keoiember—much money has been lost by
paying too much for Hardware. Try
iUuasur & Siro't,
They buy for Cah and sell at Cash Price*
for less prvflt than any other Hardware
Store in the County.
#~Cail and see ua Satisfaction guar*
an teed.
•ug 27-y '74
Manufacturers of
Sheeliron & Tin
Millheim, Pa.
All kinds of Tinware, constantly on
band and made to order.
Sheeliron Ware of every description,
always on hand.
Hoofing in Tin and Sheotiron dony in
the most approved and satisfactory sty e.
Spouting done to order
Tneir stock of Tin and Sbeetiron Goods
is large and complete, and offered at the
oTheir establishment has been enlarged
and stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction guartantecd, and ali jobs
promptly attended to. aprl6-y
Next door to Wilaon A Hicks' Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
Jas. C. Williams.
(Succoasor to B. F. Rankin A Co.)
pmtmm* lqwiom:
for medicinal nu- pnflo|
Also, Choice
and all other articles usually hept in first
class Drug Store.
ncys t- Law. Bellefonte, Pa. Special
> attention given to Collections, ana Or.
fihuni' Court practice. May be consulted
n German and English. Office in Oar
. man's Building. 21 '
Banking Co.
And Allow Interest,
Discount Note
1 BUY ADU S*]|
Government Securities, Gold atitt
Pxrxa Hurraa, W*. B. Mt*u"*
Pree't. Cashier
Chas. H. Held,
Millhetat. Centre Co., Pa.
Respect fully informs his frienda aad the
pub c in general, that he kaa jat opened
at bit new establishment, above A (Waa
ler • cture, and keep* constantly en hand,
*i. kinds ol Clocks, M'tidua and Jewelry
•J £•*••• '•*.* also tba MsunnvUu
i stent Calender Clock*, provided with a
complete index of the month end day of
be month and week on it* face, whieh la
warranted as a.perfect time-keeper.
W etches and Jswalry re
fwitr©d on short notice and vtftutfdL
Excelsior Cement*
Tn undenugned now roanufactures Ce.
uri , V is£ ,lAN T ,£D ASUPKBIOK
iS wi,?' "u *''*, n *ar Pine
Greek Mills, in Hama* twp. Thi* cement
M ready been used ie large Quantities
upon the L. C. A S. C. KB., and has been
round highly satisfactory upon all job*
, where it baa been used, and a* eeaal to
I h KNS, W ATER PIPES or whalevw
- <r>d Of Camantia daai
rable This Cemeel has already been
ie*tod fr and wide. and re acred the et
moat aaustacuon. Person, therefor* ooa
.£ K'T™- l**"" Wnw Pi P~.
t-c uih iioa si to Uf r •dvajatsgs V# bur
this in mind, and also, that ks warrant* the
article as represented.
-uae 'l&ESgk
. ... JO ** Proprietor.
stages arrive aad depart dailv foe el
points, north, south, east and we
UEi * r bbocKxnnopy, t. p. aarexav
Pnwdwt, Cashier.
(Info Milliken, Hoover A Co.)
And Allow ID tercet,
Discount Not on.
Buy ""I (ML
Covernmeot Seen: lied, Gold it
spiff (tSt f £ ou poß#
Wouldmost respectfully inform the cit
tens of this vicinity, that he ha* started a
new Boot end Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public patron
age. Boots and Shoes made to order and
■ according to style, end warrants his work
ito equal any made elsewhere. Ali kind,
.of repairing dona, aad charges raaaonablo.
Give him a calt fob It ly
Dentist, Millheim.
Jhiu n* P" 3^*00 * 1 — to thn
public. He 1* prepared to perform ali
operations in the dental profession
leeth eheo/efWy mthmtpotm. myt-TS-tf.
FORTNKY. Attorney at 'Lew, A
• Bellnfooto, Pa. Oic over Bey* .
oid s bank. mavlffl* i
~ , S^, r, - V e p^iu , Spaa (tier's botaL
1 Cat.Hal! where ke is at all times, prepared
tomake all kinds of men and boy'ffcfoth
mg, according to the latest styles and at
reasonable charges.
T A K.H M r MANUS ' AUorn *F SBrLaW,
V Bsllrfonta, promptly attends to a)
business entrusted to him. iutt.'t
offer, hU Mrvioes to Use citixensof Xittia
Centre and adjoining eountie* in
Ilouue. Sign nod Ornaneaalsi
4c °* k W '' W^SU
' nov' * W °* k dcDB forotb,f palbtera.
- .P roni P'ly made aad
special attention given to those having
land, or pronbrty for sal*. Will draw up
I "JL ,c^ no T fle 4? ed Deeds, Mortgages,
Office in the diamond, north side o
the court house, Bellefonte. oct22"flßtf
.. Jkdosv
* MI IV™*
Tor Hesse et SSwe Fees#.
Cross-Out and Circnlar
_ out Prlewlut seal free
t 81.l WYERManufacturing* •.
jCW t0694 We-t Eighth Su. CINCIIINATI.
iManufacturars of Cane Machinery. Steem
j Engines, Shaker Thresher, Farm,
I" School, and Church BelL, efo.
Dec 10. y.