The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 18, 1875, Image 1

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    To Spring.
11 0 lli on with dewy look*, who look est down
Through the clear window* of th morning,
Thine angal ere* apon oar wectem We
Whiah in full choir hails thy anwoaah, O
Spring !
Tits hill* tell each other, and the listening
Valley* hear ; all our longing eye* are turned
Up to thy bright pavilion* ; taan* forth
And let thy holy feet viait onr cUmo.
Coma oV the eastern hills, and let onr winds
Kins thy perfumed garment*; let ne taato
Thy mom and evening breath; aoatter Uiy
Upon onr lovesick land that mourn* for thee.
Oh. deck her forth with thy fair finger* ; pour
Hiyaoft ki**en on her brow ; and pot.
Thy golden crown upon her languished head.
Whore modem trente* were bound up fot
Twenty Frog*.
Twenty froggiea went to school,
Down beside a ruahy (toot;
Twenty little coat* of green.
Twenty vest* ail white and clean.
" We mutt bo in time,'* eaid they;
*• First we *tndy. then wo play;
That is how we keep the mlo
When we froggiea go to school."
Matcr Bullfrog, grave and *ten.
Called the classes in their turn;
Taught Uiern how to nobly strive,
Likewise how 'o leap and dive;
From his seat uixhi the log.
Taught litem how to say. "Kcr-chog !*
Also how to dodge a blow
From the sticks which bad boys throw.
Twenty ftoggtea grew np fast;
Bullfrog* they became at last;
Net one dunce among the lot.
Not one lesson they forgot;
lVUished in a high degree.
As each froggie ought to be;
Now they ait on other logs
Teaching other htUs frog*.
The ancient clock in Ddeon l>an
rolph's old-fashioned kitchen was alowly
chiming Die hour of nine. It was 110
amort toy, no trifle of or alalias
tn, but a tail, hjiuuv, solid relio of tlu>
last century, looking not unlike a cofflu
euit act on end, iu the corner—a clock
that had lasted through four genera
tions. and judging from ippetnseM was
quite likely to last through several mom.
Deacon Danrolph cherished the heir
loom with a sort of pride which lie liim
aclf would scarcely have confessed to.
There was a great, ruddy A*® of
nut logs iu the red brick-paved fire
place, and the candles in the highly pol
tahed brass sticks were winking merrily
from the high wooden mantle, where
they shared the post of honor with a
curious sea-shell and a couple of vases,
each containing a fresh usage orange,
from the hedge that skirted the clover
field behind the barn.
At the window, a curtain of gaudy
chiutx >i*it out the tens of thousanils of
stars that were aliiniug so brightly ou
that frosty autumnal night, and ou the
coxy rug of p&rti-colored rags a con
tented tortoise-shell cat purred away the
slowly lapsing minutes. Hut the tortoise
shell eat was not the only inhabitant of
the snug kitchen.
"Will," said Doddie Danrolph, de
cidedly, 44 if you don't behave yourself,
What she would do Doddie did not
say; the sentence was terminated by a
laugh tliat act the dimples round nor
mouth in motion, just as a beam of June
sunshine plays across a cluster of red
ripe cherries.
Doddie Danrolph was just seventeen,
a plump, rosy girl, with jet hair, brushed
back frvm a low forehead, and perfectly
arched eyebrows, that gave a bewitching
expression to a pair of melting hazel
eyes. She wis rather dark, but the
severe critic would not have found fault
witli the peachlike bloom upon her
checks, ami the dewy rod of nor full,
daintily curved lips. Evidently Mr.
William Cab book was quite satisfied
with Doddie's stvle of beauty.
" Come, Dodiiie," raid \Y'ill, moving
liis chair where he could best watch the
flush of the fire-light upon her face, aud
picking up the thread of tliecunvcrsrtion
where he ha.l dropped it when it became
necessary for Doddie to bid him 44 be
have himself "--"you might promise.
It'a nine o'clock, and your father will
soon bo home,"
41 What, Will f" said Doddie, de
murely, lining a square of ml ia her
patchwork, and intently observing the
44 Nonsense, Doddie ! Ton know what
Terr welL Promise to marry me before
Christmas. I tell you what, Doddie, it
is all very well for you to keep putting it
off, but i can't stand it What with your
father's forbidding me in the house, and
that romantic Stanley's coming
every Sunday night"—
Doddie gave her pretty head a toss.
44 As if Mr. Stanley's coining here
made anv difference in my feelings,
44 No; but Doddie, it isn't pleasant,
you know. I'm as good a man as Tom
Stanley, if I don't own railroad shares
and keep an acronnt at tlm Hamilton
vilie bank ; and I love you, Doddie, from
the very bottom of my heart! Now this
matter lies between you and me only; no
other person in the world has a right to
interfere between us. Come, promise
me." He held lx>th her hands in his
and looked earnestly into the liquid,
hazel eyes. 44 Do you love me, Dod
die <"
" You know I low yon, Will,"
" Them we may just as well—hush !
what's that noise i"
There was a portentous sound at < trow
ing bolts and rattling latches in the
porch room beyond—a scraping of heavy
boots along the floor. Doddie rose to
her feet with sadden scarlet suffusion on
her brow and cheek.
"O Will, it is father !"
" Suppose it is !"
" But he mustn't find you here, Will!
Hide yourself somewhere, do!"
" What nonsense, Doddic 1" said tlje
young man, resolutely standing his
ground. " I haven't como to steal hi*
spoons. Why should I creep away like
a detected burglar t"
" For rny sake, Will! O, Will, if you
ever loved me, do as I say ! Not in tliat
closet, it is close to li s bcd-rooin ; not
through that window, it's nailed down
tight ; he's coming! Here, Will,
In the drawing of a breath, she had
pbshed William Cabboek into the square
pendulum case of the tall old clock and
turned the key on him. It was not a
pleasant place of refuge, inasmuch an hi*
shoulders were squeezed on either side,
and his head fiattwd against springs
and wheels above, and the air was un
pleasant and close ; but Will made the
best of matters, and shook with snti
pressed langhter in the solitaiyprisou cell.
"Well! a jolly scrape to bo in,"
thought Will, "and not knowing when
I'll be ont of it Doddie's a shrewd
little puss, however, and I can't do bet
ter than to leave matters in her hands."
"So you haven's gone to lied yet,
Doddie t" said Deacon Danrolph, slowly
unwinding the two yards of woolen
scarf with which he generally encased
his throat on an evening.
"Not yet, father," said Doddie, pick
ing up her scattered bits of patchwork
with a glowing cheek. " Did you have
a pleasant meeting?"
" Well, yes," qucth the deacon, re
flectively, sitting down before the fire,
greatly to Doddie's consternation—
she had hoped he would have gone to
lied at once, according to his usual cus
tom—"it was tol'bly pleasant. Elder
Huskier was there, and Elder Hopkins
—and—well, all the'ehurch folks pretty
much. Why, how red your cheeks are,
Doddie! Tired, ain't yon? Well, you
needn't set up for me, my dear ; it must
bo getting late."
The deacon glanced mechanically up at
the clock. Doddie felt the blood grow
ing cold in her veins.
V Twenty minutes past nine—why, it
must be later than that! Why, laud o'
Canaan, the old clock lias stopped." The
old clock hail stopped; nor was it at all
wonderful under the circumstances. " I
wound it up this mornin', I'm sartin,"
said tho deacon, very much disturbed.
"It never aarved me such a trick afore,
all the yean it's stood there. Your Aunt
KKED. KTJRTZ, Editor and l'ropriotor.
VOL. VIII. used to ssv it was a sign of death
or marriage in tho family before the year
was out." There w.ts a supprtxKwxl sound
like a chuckle Whiud tho clock ease a
lhtacou 1 huimlph fumltlesl ou the shelf
for the ohxtk key. " These springs must
Ih< out of order somehow," tu<l the den
cini, decisively. "How scared y*m look,
child! There ain't no cause for lain'
acared. I don't put much faith in your
Aunt Jane's very old tnue snjwrstitiou.
Where in the nsme of all pwewivlu the
key f I could ha' declared 1 left it in tho"
•• lan't it on the shelf, fatin rf" asked
lVvddte, gniltiy, conscious that it was
snugly reposing in tho pocket of her
olevktxl gingham drees.
••No, nor'taint in my pocket neith
er." And tlown went llm deacon, slally
enough, twi his knte to examine the
(I,sir, last |vroliaitoe the tuivung key
might liave fallen there. " Well, 1
never knowed anything so strange in all
my hf," said the deacon.
"It i* really very strange," faltered
hypocritical IXxUlie.
" I'll have a reg'lar search to morrow,"
sjiid Dencou Ihuirulph. "It must bo
sonic where arotntvL"
" Yes it must," said 1 Kiddie, tremu
" Only," the deacon wont on. slowly
resuming his place before tho tiro, "1
kind o' don' like to have the old clock
stand still a single night. Whcu I wake
up, you know, it seems like it was sort
o" tAlk iug to me in the stillness." 'Hie
dcucvut hioktxl thoughtfully at the flery
bock h>g. Dodtlie fidgeted uneasily
alxmt tho room, straightening table
covers, setting Iwvck chairs, ami thinking
—oh, if ho would only go to bod ! As
he mat there his eyelids Wgau to drvxip
ami his hciul to uod.'aomnoleutly. lKxt
die's eyes brightened up with a sjiarkle
something like hope. " Child," he said
suddenly, straightening up in the MitT
liack cliair, " you'd better go to bed.
I'll sit tip a while longer till the logs
burn out. '
4 'But, fatlier, I'm n>t sleepy."
44 Oo to lied, my child!" reiterated the
deacon, witli a gixxl humored authority ,
to brvx>k no opposition; and Doddie
crept out of the room ready to cry witli
anxiety and mortification.
41 If Will will only keep quiet a little
while longer," alio thought, sitting ou
the stairs, while the moon streamed in
chilly splendor. 4 * Father deeps so
soundly—and he is sure U> go to sleep iu
his chair—l could just steal in and re
lease him as quietly as jxjssible."
She sat there, her plump tlugers inter
laced, and her eyes fixed dreamily on
the floor, while all tin* time her ears were
strained to the utmost capacity to catch
every sound in the kitchen beyond.
Hark ! waa that the wail of the wind, or
was it something to her literally 44 nearer
and dearer." Yes; s!io could not le mis
taken uow; it was actually a wore.
Doddie ruse softly to her feet with re
newed hope. Surely now was the ac
cepted time. Noiselessly as tlio floating
shadow she crossed the "liall, opened the
kitchen door and stole across the creak
ing Ixxirils of the floor. The reuuUe
wero burnt out, but the shifting luster
of the firelight revealed hex father mai
ding before the fire with dosed eyes aud
hands hanging at his aides.
44 He's certainly asleep," thought Dod
With a heart that beat quick and fast,
she drew the Key from lier pocket aud
proceeded, in spite of the nervous
trembling of her fingers, to lift it into
the lock. So absorbed was she tlie.t she
uever noticed the cessation of the heavy
breathing—never saw the deacon start
suddenly into wakefulness and look
around him. Lovo ia blind, aiul it is
equally true that it is deaf. The deacon
rose quickly up with a shrewd twinkle
in his eye% and Doddie gave a little
frightened shriek, as a hand fell softly
on her arm, possessing itself quietly of
the key.
44 Lot me help yon," said the deacon.
44 Father, I—l have found the key," j
faltered Doddie, 44 and "
44 Found the key!" returned the sur
prised deacou. 44 Well, that's lucky; |
and now we can find out what's the
matter with the clock."
Doddie's heart, throbbing so wildlv a
moment ago, seemed to stand still as her
father turned the key and opened tho
door of the clock-case.
44 Hallo!" exdaimud the deacon, ns
Mr. William Cabbock tumbled into the
room. 44 So you was the matter with the
clock, ch t"
"Yes, sir," said Will, composedly. 44 1
hope I haven't seriously interfered witli
the works of the clock."
44 You've seriously interfered with
rae !" said the deneon, waxing indignant.
44 What do yon mean, sir, by hiding in
my house like a thief?"
"Indeed, indeed, father !" cried Dod
die, bursting into tears, 44 it wasn't his
fault. He did not wont to hide, but 1
put him there."
44 You did, eh ? And may I ask what
44 Father," faltered Doddie, rather ir
relevantly, 44 1 love him, anil—he lovi-s
44 Is that any re.oii why ho shonld
liide iu the clock-ease, miss ?"
44 No—but—father! Oh, father! I
can never marry Mr. Stanley. He is so
soft, and I"
Doddie's tears finished the sentence
for her. The deacon looked down (not
unkindly) on her bowed lies*! and the
tender arm tliat supported it. Ap- |
jiarently, 44 the course of true love,"
roughly though it run, was overwhelming
all his own worldly wise arrangements
in its tide.
44 And so you two young folks really
think you love each other?" said the
deacon, meditatively.
44 1 love her with all my heart and soul,
sir," said Will Cabbock earaostly. 44 I'm
not rich, I know, but I can work for
. 44 And I can work for myself, too,
father," interposed Doddie, with ryes
that shone like softened stars.
44 And you said yourself, sir," went on
Will, 14 that the stopping of Die clock
meant either a death or a marriage. Of
course we don't want any deaths, so
don't you think the most sensible thing
we can do is to help on a marriage as
soon osixMsible?"
The deacon laughed in spite of him
"It is late," ho said, "Come around
to-morrow morning, and we'll talk about
it. No, Doddie, I'm not angry with
you, child. I s'pose young folks will lie
young folks, and there's no use tryin' to
stop them."
As tho deacon rehung the pendulum
and set tho iron tongnc of the old clock
talking again, Will Cab bock paused on
the doorstep to whisper to Doddic.
" What shall it be, Doddie, a death or
a marriage?"
And she in turn whispered :
"A marriage, I hope."
"My darling!" said Will, "it's worth
passing a lifetime lie hind the clock-case
to feel as I do now."
Mrs. John Waclitol, an old resident of
Lancaster, 0., some twelve years ago
ran a needle into her breast and failed to
have it extracted, as it never occasioned
her either pain or inconvenience. A few
days since, however, tho lady felt a
strange pricking sensation in a bunion
on one of her feet, and, upon examina
tion, found tho m int of a needle pro
truding from the excrescence. With
but little trouble it was taken out, and it
appears to be the same needle she lost in
her breast a dozen years ago.
A Vermont Hear Nior).
Wo Ami tho following in tint AtHtri
ctm SiHirfsitHin :
lkiui Bobbin* is a farmer by oeeapt
thm, living in Winlutll, Vorniout, and,
like many of tliat ck living in a far
I wick settlement, luta a taste for H|>orl
iug. w I licit lie indulges m opjHirlumty
Taking advantage >f ft Ann snow
cru*t, ho loft hotne <* morning, aecow
pam.xl by hi* two boy* ami dog', on tut
excursion chiefly to gather spruce gotu,
carrying an at for foiling trots*, also a
gun" for a chance slnd at rabbits and
grouse. They had boon *•* crul hours in
tho wis sis, and had wcured a good lstg
of gnm and gauto (no gum ganto), whon
thoir attention was plainly culled by the
peculiar and persistent barking of tho
dog. (hi approaching ho was diaeovored
at a hole in tlio snow hading to don
twuoftth tlio roots of ft partly overturned
tree, in which something poaaoasing life
and motion was dmdv seen. A stick
Uirowit into tho den canned its exx-upaut
to change its position, but failed to dis
close its iilontity. Hurtmsiug it to be a
hedge hog, Paul dischargtsl the gnu
loaded witli small shot tit random in the
vlou. Scarcely lunl tho report died awny
when, amid a sltowror of snow and crust,
out rushed, not a hedge-hog, but a big
Ihwt. Bruin, at Arwt, aeniisl eoinewhat
confused at being thus rudely aroused
from hiii winter slumbers, and for a mo
ment stood irreeolute, then started oil a
run as fast as his stilToned luulie jteruiit
Uxl. Paul, too, was startled at the un
expected result of his shot, but proved
equal to the ocoasnm by springing U|xn
tho animal's back, ax in hand, to dis
patch him. As bruin started, the ihig—
cur though ho was —made furious at
tacks upou the dank ami rear, while his
master, clinging with one liand in the
long thick fur, rained down lusty blows
on bruin's sconce (using the |xill of the
. ax so as not to injure the pen) with tho
other. What with the many and sudden
turnings of the liear iu defending him-
self from Die attack* of the dog, aud con
tact witli brush aud tree, lHutl wu* many
times unhorsed, but gamely held las
grip mid an of ton recovered liin jxxatiou,
ultimately administering tlie coup <h
;frare, and coming out of the Conflict
with no tlamage, save a few bruises and
rant garments. A* an example of down
right pluck, this exploit may fairly rank
with that of 44 Old rot" and the wolf.
Rattlesnakes for Dinner.
There is nothing in which the sad and
(ituple denizen of the far West so de
lights as in astonishing the tender Eun r
aid unmigrant. Fifteen of these wistful
(•eiags, fresh from tho gorgeous civiliza
tion of the East, fluttered into a Virginia
City restaurant the other ilay for Itrt-nk
fast. While they were studying the bill
of fore a solemn Virginia citizen walked
in Mid measured them wiDi a ghuiee.
Tho opportunity wns too delicious to re
■dst. He sat down and loudly remarked:
44 Waiter, how long does a man have to
wait before you oometo take hi* under?"
The Mubliug waiter shrieked, 44 All right,
Mr. Terry; wliat'U have, Mr. Terry f"
The pensive Terry instantly ordered iu
a tone of thunder the following pictur
esque dishes : 44 Baked horn toad, two
broiled lizards ou toast, witli tarantula
sauce; stewed rattlesnakes on the side."
The waiter was acquainted with the wavs
of Virginia City, and without even the
quiver of MI eyokiah observed to the
Chinese menials in tlie kitclu-n: 44 Ha
aked horned to O-od; two broiled lizards
on too-ast, tran-n-tula sauce; stewxl
rattlesnakes ou tho si-i-de! For Mr.
Terry--ver-r-ry nice and well done!"
Mr. Terry's real breakfast, privately
ordered presently appeared, an 1 every
individual immigrant choked himself
and got a [tun in his spine in looking
over his shoulder in the vain effort tosee
the remarkable di-di which the iugi uiuat
Terry was calmly enjoying.
Strange Suicide.
Jamas M.'Mahou, twenty-five years of
1 op>, jumped from the second outside
gidierv of tho dome of the Capitol at
Washington, and struck beadfaremoataa
the roof of the main building, a distance
of at bust 150 feet Ix-low. Of coiiroq he
was killed iuxtuitly, Ids skill) being ter
i ribly fractured. 11c leajx-d out so far as
to almost clear the )>ediment of the cen
tral portico. One of the Capitol police
men recognized him as a po. rly dressed
man who liad been about tho building
several days, Mid who looked as if he was
not altogether of sound mind. Tho mat
tor created a great deal of excitement iu
the CipitoL The terrific leap was wit
nessed by a number of people who were
looking out of various windows com
manding n view of tho front part of tlie
center building. Tho Ixxly was plainly
visible on the ri*>f during the time that
i elapsed before it eoulil be readied.
Me Male HI luwl lx>eu studying at tho
Baltimore Catholic College for the
priesthood, but wis advised by his pre
ceptors to return borne. Latterly he had
Ixx-n working at the carpenters trade
with his brothers, and left his residence
on tho fatal day apparently in good
levUth. The father, who wan before the
j jury, was unable to account for his son's
i conduct.
Belter Thau His Master.
Hero is a true and curious dog story.
The other evening a reporter was going
homo late at night in the midst of moat
horrible weather, when lie overtook a
drunken man trying to walk along. lie
was followed by n mongrel our, who
kept at his heels and wanned to stagger
like his master. 'Die drunken man
stopped and the dog liegnn to bito at
hi* leg*. " Let me alone, will yon I"
cried the drunkard, " I'm going on after
a rest," but the dog continued to tug at
his trousers. Die reporter to
see the end <>f this curious scene. "Diere,
there!" cried the mau at length. "I'm
going on. You'll tear the breeches off
me.'! He started, and tho dog trotted at
his heels. After a few yards the drunk
ard agnin stopped, and the same seono
occurred, the dog growling and snapping
until his master liegnn to go forward.
Tho reporter went a mile out of his way
to sec this intelligent dog take his master
home, and saw him wag his tail with
evident satisfaction as tho drunkard
reeled over liis threshold.
A Fatal Occupation.
Die statement has l>een made by a
Sheffield (England) physician, that the
fork-grinders' employment is probably
morn fatal to human life than any other
pursuit in England. According to this
authority, there are generally from eight
to ten individuals at work in the room in
which this industry is carried on, ami the
dust which is created, composed of tine
particles of stone and metal —tho grind
ing being always performed 011 a dry
stone—rises in clonds, and pervades tho
atmosphere to which tho ojxwatives aro
confined. The dust, which is thus every
moment inhaled, gradually undermines
the vigor of the constitution, and pro
duces ]>ermanent disease of the lungs,
accompanied by difficulty of breathing,
cough, and a wasting of tho animal
frame, often at the early ago of twenty
five, and the average longevity of fork
grinders is found not to exieod thirty
An editor out West complains that the
sheep hawked around that section for
sale haven't fat enough on them to fur
nish grease to lubrioate the ankle-joint
of a mosquito.
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A Pretty UesMsaee.
Muali improvement hai been made in
tho inbiMnnl design of new dwell
ings in the country of late. In former
days * house wna a bouse, uo matter how
it was put together; hot nowaday* if n
new house is built the matter must lx*
considered carefully, the architect must
bo consulted, ami wn if it is to be a
clump house it must be a pretty one ami
a convenient on a. It has been settled
tliat to build a house prettily ami cou-
TouieuU coats bo more thau to hare it
put ether without taste ami with uo
c •ouienoc in Unt arrangement*.
A Village on Ire.
V icliigan pajicr given the following
description of an arctic aoeuc in that
Skit*: " The present season is peculiarly
cnlculabxl to encourage Uie tlsliing fci-:
uesw ou the Kagiunu river and the l>ay.
Not tunny men in Uiis region, whatever
th ir p< notion or business, fool as if they
could afford t > idle away the winter
months, if anytliing con be found by
which on ho:uwt ponnv can lie turned.
GoamquenUy the tlsliing business has
received nn unusual stimulus. To en
gage regularly in tlsliing wiUi nets re
quires more capital tlian i* to la- found
lying around loose every ilay iu the lum
ber regions. From 91,000 to 8&.000
may lie very readily put into nets and
other articles of onttit, but to sjx*ar fish
through th ico is a busine-m tliat may
l*i taken up by even the iaiiHvunion*
with little or no trouble. The *j*-ar cost*
but a moderate sum, and nltuori any one
can get a blanket or two. Then n nfionty
is needed, to bo located on Uie ice in a
couvt nicnt place, and to serve nan ali-l
ter ami a resting place at night. To
g< t up a shanty of common style re
quires nlxuit lob foot of luilf inch match
c iling. This make i a tight shnntv and
msta only alsiut thns dollars at the
planing mills. Then two dollar* more
will furnish thclwlancc of tlie material,
and a small stove can !*< added at light
cost. It wall lie seen tliat the fisherman
can fit himself out at very little expenae.
If he has g**l luck ho may jmv for his
entire outfit twice over iu a (lay's spoor
ing. A gmit many sliontios are being
added to the village on the ice of the
Irny. Tlie floating settlement will doubt
less lie much larger this winter tluiu ever
ta'fore. In previous seasons, it will b
remcml>er*l, the iuliabitanta of this vil
lage on the ice were numerous nnd ambi
tious enough to have a regular municipal
organization, with a mayor, etc. Wo
may oxjioet the arrangements of this
kind the present season to lie nt least as
complete as ever liefore. Tlio inevitabbi
saloon was established in a convenient
locality sonic time ago, and it would not
t*i very surprising to hear that some
ambitious fellow has erected a two story
hotel in the icc villngc and was about to
open it with a grand liull."
A Broker's Loiter.
There are some things thatare so good
that they deserve to ho reprintod onco
a year, and thai are always fresh at Hint.
In this category we must class tho fol
lowing letter which iuiri*>rt* to l>o tlio
reply of a New York broker to the teach
er of his sou, who had written to ask
his preference in tho prescribed course
of studies ;
Hin: Yours to n'dA cont's noted. Don't
want son to study str'n'iny. Twon't
[my. No ships ruu'g to stars, and no
prospect of it. All inwh, if 'twon't h'lp
trade. Also stop Latin ft Greek. BoyTl
kick np as such L't'n words as [n<tit
larceny A delirium tremens, Ac,, asm
'nough be'r in Gold lid. I'm bullish
011 'ritlun't'k, ami T'k some stock in
gr'm'r too, but I can make money 'nough
without L't'n and G'k, etc. No use.
I'm mcmb' Ht'k Exe'g, Chamb' Coin',
Ac. llnboU's Aritlim'tic hi short of
stock terms. Put boy thr'gh on mar
gins, corn'rs Dr., Cr., ct pr. et,, cl'r
homie, Huilr'ds, ami Go'v'tn yourself, A
go short on y'r Grk and Lt, Ac,, A.
They're lieat md'iso for tho street—al
ways in dem'd here, I mean Dr. A Cr.
etc. When term ends, please ship boy ami
B'ks by N. Y. C. A 11. H. It. witlj 11.
L'd'g in hat, eonaVn to JIM
Strict. Draw sight dft for hill. Money
easy —at'ks stiff ft short int'st eov'ru.
Sliall I get yon long on 100 L. 8. at 07 ?
Boys tuition do for margin. Exc'ngo
o'sy. Yonrs, etc."
PtncuMomA.—Pneumonia is now more
prevalent and fatal in New York city and
vicinity than it lias leen for a great num
ber of years, the cause of this being at
mospheric conditions akin to those which
give rise to diphtheria and oerebro-npinal
meningitis. From the year 1805 to 1870
there was no marked increase in tho dis
ease, and since 1870 no decided increase
has l>cen noticed until the present year.
The present epidemic commenced alxmt
the middle of last December, ninety six
persons dying of it during tho week end
log December 80th.
j The accompanying illustration shows
a view of a very desirable brick cottage,
well suited fur a suburlvut or farm house.
; The first story pbui cnutaiun hall, |*ar
; lor, dining room, conservatory, kitchen,
I >autry, etc. The aroond contain • three
chambers, btxlrooia, ktUi Mom, ami
ample supply of closets. We are in
debted to Modus. A. J. llickucll A Co.,
j "ii Warren street. New York, publisher*
lof the Village lluUdrr, Willi supple
ment, which contains tlie elevations,
i plans, full s|ecirtmtions, form of cun
: tract, from which the design tuts been
I executed.
I'riiU of the Sound.
One dues not iiave to go down to aoa
to encounter perils. During the late
"term the propeller Woodward was
caught in the ice iu Long Inland sound,
and run on to a ledge at Falkner's
island, on the Connecticut coast. Tho
dinrp point of tlie rock crumbed through
the hu:l ami held tlie vassal tightly fixed
upon the reef.
The crow escaped to tlic island, hut
the next morning returned to tlie steam
er. Then tlie storm came on again ami
they could i"it reach Uc shore. There
una nothing on I*surd to cat, and tlie
•longer of being overwhelmed and
crushed by the ice. wlucli had pikd up
on the roef to Uie windward to tlie
height of ten feet, became every mo
ment more imminent. Tlic men tried
twice to launch tin ir boat and return to
the shon*. but their efforts were frus
troted by the ilasliing warns.
OapL llrooks from Uu> lighthouse saw
the peril of tbeerow, and adopted speedy
measure* for tlieir rmcnc. His two
daug!iters, Mary and Nanuie, aged
eighteen and twenty years, cauiu nobly
to the rescue with the spirit of s genuine
Ida Lewis. Tliey nidixl their father in
dragging the heavy lifeboat from Uie op
posite side of the island over to th< shore
nar the wreck. Although the mercury
was at scro, with a biting northeast wiml
tliat the luirdv seamen were scarcely able
to withstand, the two young ladies
bravely belpcil to Ixsr the I mat over the
ice cakoa to the open water, where it
could lc launched. A rope ami thrown
to the ship and made fast to the deck
ami also m cured on shore, ami by its aid
tho lioat was rowed over the stormy
waves to the vessel's side. The sailors
were all taken off, and the lifolmat re
turned in the same manner. All were
completely exhausted u hen they arrived
jon the islaml. lint for the noble efforts
of C'spt. llrooks' family tho crew must
have perished. Tlie ilav endoil witii a
terrible snow storm, 'rhe sncccciiing
hiy the weather was Hue, and Clapt.
Ilrooks succeeded in getting word to
the mainland by means of his solar tele
graph, an instrument used by lighthouse
keepers in conveying messages over
short distances upon the wnter. It is
simply a small looking-glass swung upon
a frame, ami when worked it is placed
near the ground, so as to catch tlic reflec
tion of the sun nn l flash it across to tho
operator on tho fii re. Rv the number
und charm U r < f those flashes the moan
ing of the message is understood. Aid
waa promised from the mainland ns soon
I as the sea would jwrmit.
The Island of Madagascar.
The Queen of MidngiMW is stated to
linve lately issued a proclamation order
ing the enfranchisement of all persons
enslaved since Juno 7th, 1805, " the year
in which the convention with my cousins
was completed." Tho proclamation
further Rtatea tliat if such slaves desire
to remain in tho country they arc at
lil>erty to do NO a free citizens; if they
desire to return whence they wore
brought., they can do so; and any one
retaining them contrary to their will,
after this notice, will inenr a penalty of
ten yearn in irons.
Homo renders may find it convenient
to lo reminded Unit Mmlagasoar is a
great ialawilr with an area estimated nt
225,0t#f square milea—more tluui four
times nA large as England—lying to tlic
southeast of the African continent. Very
little is known of its early history. ft
was not until IHIO, when Uie influence
of one of its potentates grew predomi
nant, that the island became commercially
important to other countries. In 1810
the English entered into a treaty with
lUdaina, King of tits Hovas, against the
slave tra<le witli Mozambique, and Eng
lish missionaries utul a few English
mechanics willed in the island,
ltadima was succeeded by Itanavolo
1., a cruel and very anii-missionary
spirited woman, and her proceedings led
to active operations against her both by
French and English. Her son succeed
ed her in 1862, but only to l>o strangled
iu the following year, when he was suc
ceeded by his wife, who, with the Prime
Minister—her husband—and a numlier
of leading men, were baptized iu 180'.),
und in the same year tho chief idol wan
lul> Our I urri—l'allllral Nl*tui of Ike i
'file eleetion of a Unite J HtatnsHeua j
or by the Legislature of Minnesota,
vuupfcte* the list of memU-nt of the I
ioiuite of Um Forty-fourth (kmgresa, |
vitli the exception Of one dmiuiU-.i seat i
rum Ismisiana, claimed by Mr. l*inch- ,
ack. Hie complete list is given la-low, '
he names of ltupublieaus beuig printed
u rountn, l>i uns-raU in itaUm, and all j
•therw, including Intsiral Republicans, '
[mlepeutleiit lb-pul ilicaua, and Anti |
iloiio)>olirts, in is kali. cAJ'tTAis:
TV. Utrl* I*, lb, if.
VI. rcnru M. CuthnU. )
TV. ITtlu. W lliltUucA.
"St. \lgvrWM H. |-*.IUcA.
w* mm.
TV. John K 4.>t.*.
*l. Willi*l* tiIISMM.
>• aiuiwiu.
TT. A mrr>u 11, t'ruui.
TV. 11. WtdlMcfa.
NSW lUilf.
TT. P. T. fi*bu*tittr*Mi.
•VI. TU. P.
** ><•*■
"TV. HIMOU* (VkCfcSltUg.
i*l. Wubi AVnuiw.
j KUBTH < liuuii.
TT. HaJt. V. tMm. '
TV. A . K, Merrtmtm.
'IV. 4uhn KUxTMSD.
ti. Aiu* a. twima. !
IT. Jmrnym K. KtUm.
t TV. 4m.uU. MUMmU
TV. Him< I'MMM.
■VI. A, VmUaM.
■r. UfIMT B. kuiiumj.
Ml. A K btrvMle
•oi r* i.uua.
"TT. TU 4. Bobvitaoa.
. TV. 4olm 4 Pwrnw
TT. Urnrf Onn) im,
VI. JkVrM J Jinmu
"TT. MM ' U.uiLT.m
SI. MMi W ti llttMf.
'."V. JMitl Morrill
*. :'SI. Iwnf r Ulstuod*.
TT. J*l> H Mm*.
w. fcKf l K. rnAw*.
TT. lifnrp U lA mnw.
TT. TlraMl.} O Howe
'*l. Axui * UMKiI.
TT. <;••';<•
TV. R. A|xttu>r.
TT. l".>l- i.
It. MrjKx-u W. Ih-rwry.
TV. A*ru* A. fctrjiritl.
*l. **w Do..!*.
twiatt'Ttt ct.
TV. Orrl. K K.rrjr.
41. H .<•*. .
7T. Kli Sa* l*tmi p.
•1. IDmmm P. Ibipanl.
1, Maami b I'ouw*.
t. ctkarlf IT. J..
TT. nuwwi* X. .V.raawL
TV. *J>m V-nkm.
"TT. John A. U*w.
I*. 4. Offlmby.
"TV. (Kim 11.I 1 . Rcrfc*.
HI. k K.
"TT. OmrseC. Wri^tat.
TV. WUitaui . AUi*J*.
■n. jWM H*tunr
"TV. John 4. Ib|>lh.
* M. -*.
TT. J An If. *>■■■*.
•■. T A gn . r N.Oaery.
"TT. 4. tttat.
TV. A *n*nc.
TV. UK M MurriJl.
W. MsneiWl llmlih.
TV. ti*mrpe H. INnnln
TU. M M. /'-.—i.w t'Ajrfr.
TT. irnxf" A llo(*U.
TT. Thi-mm W. Perry.
IST. luu I*. CmiuTtKn
rr. wriia.a. vru,i..
W. b. 4. K MrUUtu.
TT. 4*u U AWurau
U. buacU X. ttrocr. |
J\-ri)r-UiMl FortrJottith
i vzigrtas. OoagtSM.
RrpublK-51rt............ M 41
limuma ........SO SO
IndojiraJmU .... . ....... i *
l ................... I 1
UuutsrbU for Saturday Mffht.
The beginning of things is in our own
power, but the cud thereof rente Hi at
Ood'a disposing.
There is a trail seeodant pom in ex
ample. We reform others unconsciously
when we sralk uprightly.
It requires lews piety to speak mil hour
oti a oouvciitiun platform than to visit
the tenement house of the poor from cel
lar to garret.
it was the cry of a dying man, whose
life had lawn poorly spent: " Oh, that
my inltMwt could be gathered up and
buried with me!"
A Is-anU/ul answer was given by a
little Scotch girl. When her class in
school was examined, alic replied to the
question, " What i patience f" '* Wait
a wee, and dinua wisn."
Slander is a poison which extinguishes
charity, Itoth in tle slanderer and iu tlic
jieraon who listens to it; so that a single
calumny may prove fatal to an infinite
number of souta, ainoc it kills not only
those who circulate it, but also all th me
who do not reject it.— St. HrmartL
The first yifii* of every man's business
or professional life are yean id educa
tion. Tliey are intended to bo in tlie
onlcr of nature and Providence. Door*
do not o}wn to a man until he is pre
jmrol to enter them. Tho man ritbuat
a wedding garment way get in soircpti
tions y, but he immediately goes out
witli a Ilea in his cor. We think it is
tlie cijeriraon of must successful men
who have watched tlie course of their
lives in retrospect, that ■lwumv thy
have arrived at a point where they were
thoroughly prepared to go up higher,
the door to a higher place lias swung
back of itself, and they liave heard the
call to cuter. The old die, or voluntarily
retire for rosL The boat men who stand
roadv to take their places will succeed
to their position and ita honors and
emoluments.— lfr. Holland.
John Xltrbcl and Ir. Kcaealy.
J. hu Mitchel and Dr. Kcncaly liave
been clccbsl to Uie British Pari lament.
These events, say* the New York Herald,
will canoe great excitement in Kiigland,
and the election of Mr. Mitchel will
command attention everywhere, as it
involves constitutional questions of deep
importance. Dr. Kcncaly, who is so
well known ns the counsel for the claim
ant in the Tichlwinic case, was chosen
from Ktokc-on-Trent by a majority of
two thousand—an unexpected victory
for a man who has so lately been driven
ont of his profession; bat Mr. Mitchel's
triumph is for more startling. Dr.
Kenedy has sought from Uie people a
vindication from the accusations of his
follow barristers; but Mitehol lins
poalod against the sentence of the Crown
itself. His election to the House of
Commons from Tipporarv, without op
position, appears to be understood by
the English government as a detlance.
Mr. Dyke moved in the English House
for oopies of all the documents connected
with the trial nod conviction of John
Mitehol in 1 BIS, and with his escape
from Van Diamau's Lsmd. This motion
wn adopted by a vote of ono hundred
and seventy-four to thirteen, and the
debate shows tlint the government is
determined to regard him as an escaped
felon, and to deny on that ground his
eligibility to election. I n execution of
this policy Mr. Disraeli moved that a
new writ of election be ordered for
Tipj>erary comity. lloth rases are
singular examples of the way tho whirli
gig of time brings about its roveng .*,
and their progress will l>e watched with
as much interest in Araerion as in Ireland
or England.
The Vesper Hell.
To the traveler in Spanish America
the striking of the vesper liclls exrrciaos
a potent charm. As the usage requires
every one to halt, no matter where ho
may be, at tiio first stroke of tho tiell, to
interrupt his conversation, however im
port ruit, and listou without stirring until
Uic conclusion of the chime, tho singu
larity of a whole population surprised in
a moment as it cornea ami goes, held in a
stab' of petrifaction, and paralysed as if
by an encounter, may IK imagined. Ou
every aide you we gestures interrupted,
months half opened for the arrested ro
mark, smiles lingering or passing into
an expression of prayer; you would fancy
them a nation of statues. A town in
South America at the tinkle of the
Angelas resembles the city in tho
"Arabian Nights" whose inhabitants arc
turned into stones. The magician hero
is tlic boll ringer; but hardly has tho
vibration ceased when a universal mur
mur orison from these thousands of op
pressed lungs. Hands meet hands,
question seeks answer, conversations re
sume their course; horses feel tho
loosened bridle and paw the ground;
dogs Irnrk, babies cry, the fathers sing,
tho mothers cluitter. Tho accidental
turns thus given to conversation are
Terms: 02.00 a hTear, in .A-dvanoe.
Aa Barters Vtvwr "f M l" aa* Ms PaaL
il*—lluw Iks Nw Trtfcc* Orssais*.
Tlwi New York lYitwnr lias • chapter
on the ml mm of til" Weak It goes ■
on Ui allow all that ia done for Uie In
dians and thm tall tts: lie complain*
that there ia not enough of him, and
that he cannot repeat aa lie would. A
noble Bkiux, for instance, whose abac*
of lite appropriation, l*-fore it goes
through tJie usual sweating process, is
about sufficient to support a aniali
family iu Madison avenue, ftada
that when the Isjmity which this
great and glorious government gives
him for Itciug red in oolor, and handy
with hair, and wearing only nc gar
ment, machos him, it will hardly buy a
drink of the oomiuouret whisky. Ho he
moves away and otwauituw amtther tribe.
The DcjiarUnent of the Interior hecr* of
his lisaatisfaction and forthwith mnds
a commission out to meet him and nugo
tiato with him. Discovered in the stage
of intoxication, at which the unsgina
lion is moat active and numbers arc of
small consequence, lie answers mathe
matical conundrum* in the large way of
a lord of the soil. The d-j mtmenl
recognises him aa a tribe and calls liim,
for instance, the Teton Hto x. He say*
there are ! ,400 lodges of him. The de
partment at once estimates eight soul*
to a lodge and compntre him at 11,200.
What could the department do then but
tutk for an appropriation of #500,000 for
him? The amount waa voted. Parti'a
were ant ot from the .L-jmrtment to
find this Teton Bums and prearat him,
ou behalf of the government, with #500,-
(100, leas mileage and expenaea of the
commission. The expedition failed.
The Teton Who waa 11.200, had
gone away, and the committor, which
ootupriarj some of tiie beat talent in the
•teparlßMnL could not find him. They
found another one, however, who waa
reasonably aolter, and waa only about
6,000 Teton Hitmx. They came back
tuid made an appttqwiaUuti of #200,000 to
him, and sent it to him by the usual
channel*. Nothing has since been heard
•if him, but it is supposed that ha got
tired, aa well of being ao many a* of
waiting ao long, and suffered absorption
into some tribe, or |M>rhapa a aea change
into aometiiiug rich and strange. N'oth
tng ao kindlo* the enthusiasm of the In
tarior department aa the knowledge that
a Teton Hiuux is wandering through
Montana or Dakota in a stato of savage
unrest. Immediately a committor from
the department goes for the Teton, find*
him nomadic and discontented, says to
liim, " How many art thou, O Teton t"
and con j urea him by hia expectation of a
bulge in the liappy hunting ground* to
enter into a treaty and consent to aecept
an appropriation from the government.
1 laving i ibbuii'd hi* reluctant emu* til to
receive aid from the oppressor, tbo de
partment get* an approjiriatiaa and di
vide* it among deserving persona.
Who would not, under such tiirum
stanoca, be an Indian—or at least an In
•lian agent I Who would not unite with
the poet in the aspiration, " I want to be
an Indian and with the Indiana stand I"
Let tut mourn that the red men are dis
appearing from the whiakv shops of the
frontier, but let us give the Indian
agent* tiie credit they deserve for mak
ing the most of them while they re-
Value of Mineral Predarts.
The aggregate value of all the miner
als mined in the whole world amount at
preaeut to $1,000,000,000 per year ; of
this coal alouc is worth nearly two
third*, aav, #606,000,000; tiie rest one
third, or' about #383,000,000. Gold
standa at the bead of the list, the value
of this metal mined |r year beiugabout
#100,000,000; next is iron are, being at
pn-sMit #70,000,000; bat of no mineral
is the production ao Largely increase*] sa
Hurt of iron, and it will sotm surpass in
value tit*; of gold. It has incresed
during the last seven years from eight
een to twenty-eight, whilo coal ha* in
creased from eighteen to twonty-five,
and gold remained aliout as it waa. Hie
production of steel increased from
eighteen to fifty-four, proving the prog
roas of industry in general in whicn
steel is the main agent.
A Kaow Palace.
. At Uie Clipper Gay hay-yard, in a
Nevada city, a number of l*>yahave beeii
at work for* two or three day* in tttnuel
ng into a large snow bank. In the cen
ter of Uu* thev hAvo excavated n large
chamla-r. Aifjoiniug thia ore halls and
galleries, and in these are nunu-rou*
windows in the ohape of port hole*. The
outside of tiie drift ha* beeu hewn into
idiape, and altogether the palace is a very
ckborate and complicated affair. A
grand reception and concert waa given
in the palace, the interior of which was
brilliantly lighted up with canules placed
in a candelabra formed of anow. The
palace and the entertainment attracted s
great number of spectator*.
An English paper very considerately
recommend* an increased consumption
of eggs as food. It says; Excellent
sandwiches may be made of hard-boiled
eggs and browu bread and butter; eggs
*prond on t<*t are fit food for kings; a
poached egg—that is, one dropped from
the sliell into hot water—is not only
clean and luuidsome, bats delieiou* mor
sel ; egg* are Utter flavored without
salt or pepper, a little* sweet butter being
the liest dressing; jw.raon* who est eggs
freely may live to the age of eighty or
ninety; and hiatly, egg* contain mtveh
phosphorous, and ore the bet food for
those persons who ore deficient in
A Madman ou Trial for Mnrdrr.
Solomon Hpyer was arraigned some
time ago for killiug George How in tho
insane department of tho almshouse, in
Philadelphia, on November 5, 1874. A
pit a of insanity was entered, and a jury,
which was impaneled in tho case, wns
sworn to pass upon that question, the
killing not Wing denied. Physicians
and employe** of the almshouse testified
that the defendant was an inenrahle
mania*', and had been insane for ten
The jury found tho accused to bo of
nnaound mind, and tiro judge ordered
his removal to tho State lunatic asylum.
liabilities of Married Women.
The New York Assembly lias panned
tho bill providing for rights and liabili
ties of married women. This, it is pre
sumed, will do away with mnch of tho
frauds committed by husbands in put
ting forward their wives an cloaks to
cover tricky business operations. The
act as panned provides that every married
woman shall be liable on oontrnct, obli
gation or conveyance made and executed
by her, nnd may sue and be sued and
proceeded against in all the courts of the
State as fully ami in the name manner
and with like force and effect as if she
wire unmarried.
A little girl about nine years old, in
Detroit, having her father's dinner pail
on her ai m, when a man gave a pull at
the long braid of her hair hanging down
her l>aek. "Did you do that, sir ?" she
exclaimed, whirling around. Ho ad
mitted that ho did, nnd nho continued,
"May be you don't know who I am, sir.
I'm engaged to Jack Thompson, sir, and
we're to bo married in nine years, sir!"
NO. 11.
KlfinwUltMk; ifce %*!• ef twf>#m
mliirr mm I .1 Ifcr I all**
Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, chairman of the
oucatutlUw on appropriations, made
general statement * fco tlio impropria
tion bill*. He reminded the Hons* that
iu sitecch made by him on the Mb of
Mirth taut he estimated the total ess- j
tMHuaa of the year at $270,000,000, and
ha was gr*Uli< d to be aid* to aay, on
locking over the analysis of appropri*
tions made lv the Hcretanr of the trm
utay, and adding to them toe permanent
appropriations for hist ywr, that the
total amount waa #BTO,2I<M*H>-~uot
quite a qnarterof a million more than
tin i ntimate of what he believed the ex
! peoditorte ootdd be mlneed to. H<
also retailed the fact that on the 2Sil of
_ Jane last, whim he prvqpntad the bat of
the appropriation talk, he gave a sum
mitry of the amount appropriated in the
twelve regular toßa, not counting the
W00.000.000 NavalEm*fg®rv bfll, and
•Anted that they made about $26, {>4,000
. titan the tame bilk of the preceding
year ; and that on the whole a redaction
if th- • aural expanses of tbo govern
stent had been made of about 825,iki0, -
'<)•. lltat statement had been v.-ry
, generally eritkiwd, both in the Ruuae
and In toe public proas. The statement
< of the Bocrobury of the Treasury allowed ,
a rod notion of not quite #20,000,000, but
. there wore three j)nta of dtflhreuee to
which be called attention. An item of i
#£,200,000 appeared in the bills of last
ytar, which had not appeared before, ex
otpt in pefmaneot appropriations, being
the expenses of the national kan, whim
#2,250,000 was itself a reduction of
#590,000 from the uaooiit expended for
the same purpose the previous year. The
Secretary had also included the #4,00*1,- !
900 Naval Emergency bill and #2,184,000
i of relief acts, of vhidi he had stated dis
tinctiy he could not tell the amount
! Putting all these elements together the
Secretary' statement came within about i
half a million of hia own. He thought,
therefore, in view of all the facta, and
tiie statement having been hurriedly
made in the last moments of d>* session,
tiist there had been no ground for the
criticisms tnode upon his spoedh, or on
(lie estimates then made that they were
intended for political effect. It had also
been suggested last session that cat
ting down of appropriations would
sun ply result in a large deficiency bit at
til is session. He bad in hi* hand a
table showing the annual •hVta" | f**
rico* 1871, bong for 1871, #22,000,000 ;
, for 1872, #14,(1)0,000 : for 1873, #6,600,-
; 000 ; for 1874, $11,000,000 ; and t last
; amuob a little over #4,000,000, and from
the estimates now Mam the committee
be could not ace that the Deficnmrr bill
at titia ncaainn would reach #3,000,000.
It *.med to him that thai was a rea
sonably fair indication of the esti
mates made at the lest roaston. He had
prepared an auatada of tbeenwoasa of
the government far the last fiscal year,
dividing them into three groups: Find,
all the expenses growing out of the late
war; second, the con cut expenses of
j the amy and navy, together with the
military expenses," and third, all ether
expenses civil expenses, imJaliiw
' tiubii - buildings and public works ct all
kinds, and all the uuaeeila&ka of the
f-uvernmenL It waa carinas to notice
the relations of the drat group with the
general expanses of the government.
Fur instance, in 1871 the war expansaa
amounted to $175,500,000; in 1878, to
' $167,500,000, and in 1874, to $154,000,-
! COO. In 1871 they were 601 per oeoL of
! all expenses; in 1873, 54 per cent, and
;in 1874, 531 per cent. It waa then to be
distinctly understood that the public
debt, tin interest on the public debt,
j the |K-nxioiia, the bounties and all that
went in as tiie expenses tmwanhhd by
tbo war, made now almost 54 per sent,
of the total expenses of the government
The expenses of the civil service ian on
in this way : In 1871, they were $71,-
000,000; in 1873, T'.i,000,000, and in 1874,
! $74,000,000. The most dangerous item
in that amount, be believed to be the
item for public works, am! be thought
tliat the expenditures on them ought to
lie limited and watched with more care
tiiaa those perhaps of any other part of
' the government. In this connection he
alluded to the immense outlay of the
French government for magnificent
public parka. In conclusion, he aaid
that thu committee on appropriations
iiad attempted this session to pursue the
name policy aa it did last year in keeping
down appropriations. All the ajqwo
priation billa have now panned the House,'
except the Sunday Civil Barrier bill and
the Deficiency bilL The Legislative
hill was in conference. It appropriated
about #1,000,000 lon than the Legisla
tive bill of last year, but that waa so be
come the printing of the Treasury de
partment had been left off. The appro
priation* for the army and the navy were
about the same aa last year, except as to
the #4,000,000 Naval Emergency bill of
last year. The Indian Appropriation
bill, as it passed the House, was about a
million loss than the ball of last yuar.
It was now cm the table of the Appro
priation committee, with the Senate
Amendments. The Fortification hill waa
a little ices than last year. The River
and Heritor bill was about three-goaitera
of a million larger than last year. The
Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation
bill was #2,000,000 lew than last year,
because tin Geneva award appropriation
waa in the last year's bill. The Frwt
offio-t Appropriation bill gave about #l,-
500,000 moro last year. The Pension
| bill was about the same. The Judiciary
; Civil Appropriation bill waa about
#1,250,000 lew than the bill of last Tear,
and the IVficiencv bill wonkl be about
11,000,000 less. Cutting all thesa things
together, ho thought the reductions on
the appropriation bills would be a little
more than #7,000,000.
drape Culture,
We have never vet beard of rot appear
ing in grapes of the first or second year's
bearing. We believe that it is because,
up to this time, there has been but little
pruning done. Yon disturb the func
tions of tho vine by cldm pruning and
over cropping. It gives the vine too
much root. If you have a large root
power, a great quantity of crnde, uu
riponed sap La taken up. It is the raw
material to make sap of. It goes to the
foliage and is there elaborated and
changed into true sap, so as to be made
into fruit, wood and root in the proper
and healthy way. Suppose yon have a
vine, and confine it to a stake, say six
feet high, year after year, car to a trellis
which is six feet high, with lateral arms
six feet long, and you have root power
snfHcdont to carry it forty feet in every
direction, it is clear that if yon do not
givo it extension you cannot have the
foliage to elaborate that crude sap into
the true sap. What happens I Why,
this erode, miripencd sap surcharges
tho grape. When this crude sap has
onoo got to the grape, tho circulation of
the sap in the vine, nnd all ita natural
processes, are impeded for want of
foliage, and the Wrry is engorged with
unripe sap from the surface of the grape,
it is surcharged with nuripe juice, which,
when the finer functions of the grapes
come into play, charges the tissue, rots
it, and the grape perishes and falls.—
Ttxas Farmer.
Some people have peculiar constitu
tions. Mark Twain onoe complained,
after a long interval of idleness : " This
working between meals is killing me!"
Item f
Ha* ito mutt* • vnwu
A bad thing to pot up with—An
•Mxmmniodating kndkmb
In Vermont two yW imprtoonei
mtwd precede an execution.
It k impoaaible to h*ve the last word
with a chemist, bmanae haalwgjm li
More raow k mid to haveWkn in
France thk year than for Iwauty fm*
According to a Fwmoh Jottmal timre
are still living in France and it*
25,000 men who have loafM ®dor the
first Napoleon.
ySs^sb* 1 3l
discovered by a wife w£wtl 4mrt<d
years ago.
Mm Fitzgerald, at Bet AntonkyTtW,
road. m.
The king of
oompoaed id two hruuhWl etalfWhrWim
raw, and (hat ear aeckkce i# Ufl ffm
The news,wpor
will eontriboto from W**}to mgW
to the Past-office depaftowßt ap:ilto
new kw.
A nmksmlAUa oveeeoat#**!
At Mi. IftuboiT 0[t hM"
nhonted "Down In front," wjwioßlp
upper lipa. . .
A young man bringgw#
was tokc't if he took it from hk
hm gfA oil the kainean he evw >■
stopped on the road the other 5
liighwayman, had the
novarin g a long-toil brother in ®k
j John, lam afraid yon have
getting me, " mid a hrightoeyed Mri to
her *wt,'ihaart the other day. |to,
Boa, I have been lor getting y <> aSßK ßm '
two yearn"
1 A biasing now rao throo(Pto
Htreeta of Kaaaaa (My tha ofte
Boos# person, whoae prsmkna she
invwlad. had bathed her to ooaJ oti nM
set fire to her. |
A beaotifnl answer waa given by a
iittto Bcoteh giri When her ekaa at
school waa exaataed fix* wpltod to the
question, "What kpetiemwt "Wait
j a waa and dinna weary."
Neehtiea, ao arranged thafc the bow can
be drawn down and tsxptm toaborv the
atarUnig infocinattun, " Toa i taHong
me to death," ete. am the totost innovn
tion among the yodfig men.
Among tits financial eaywetions of
IGlwaaiuw is the Mntnal Hail Inenrancc
Ooonany, which paid to farinem kti year
BiOOin oungMnrntiona f<*damagt* \*J
anttasned by their eroftt
"Jugs not, kat ye be juged," was a
copy iwecsstly " aai by a teaabrr ui one
of the Saadaafieki pnWk aebook.
Doubttoas that tsadn-r outssHerß filing
one of the onamental bsanchea.
A tew evenings ago, aMgflto hdk in
i Gftliiobe churrh at KewfkWas were
ww&tmaM tJb# m kiiMu t'j •otue
aaatinga giving way and falltegj upon hia
"The! k a matter," arid fete honor,
" that is usually kA to the dkwtton of
the court" "Bat snppom the Qourt
has a* discretion f" inqnuwl a tort at
torner. '• In that eaae tto wrt wiUflne
you $lO for oontompt**
A Philadelphia asm nays flmt when hia
wife get* up in the morning with a jerk,
and neglecting to do uplnr bmr, goes
Kil<nitly abootWr work, ahn k
ixisg a dumsetie row which Worn night
vrifi shake the bouse to its founda
"Won to Emope wbe# the Cw of
Raima vraam a 'beard I*" oil the exile of
8t H. tens. And, to 1 tfaftket woe uto
b* fulfilled ; for by imnhrial nkaas aU
but court official* am aftpwed the lnvi
ke of wearing a beard, and the Guar
will follow soon.
In England people to have
tiicr dhfidmi vaeesnagsd an> put m
priaoe and we|emd with tiwhhght
Wlpix Mguanrntecd
by Magna Charts.
Don't talk about harttimes. H*a true
that in New Tack St JWuTt Guild has to
teed th msmda dailv: but here on ttoi
cthnr hand we haw ptopte actively bid
ding off ixniwiad mter ootoro at a
It roadway galkry ahpriem varymg from
(200 to #I,OOO each.
The deetnutiau of the fpfeato to
Bouthean India hm apjwoachml such di-
DMumacM as to excite serous akra
rrw>n* ta f.ia.tanf yqq-.itiatiun. whohaVC
to tmvd foSyltoW mfl every time
thev catch a tsme thief, m order to
find a tree high etiough to hang him on.
gave tiie Kennebec Jmnmt: The
supehntmident W the Augmta gmworka
skipped tk paper because wa alluded to
the miserable gas ha in furnishing hia pa
trons. He has no particular needl of a
newspaper with no gaa to mad it by. .
We recouunend thai ha put in k> |
By the French code it k forbidden for
any doctor to inherit under awtil the
property hk
in MaroeOke reotmUf k#t 800,000 franca
to hi* doctor's wife, md hk beir* appeal
to the courts on the gfoum! that ton w
In eoutzaventioa of the principle of the
A subscriber tea paper died a tew
days ago, leaving four years' subscrip
tion nmoid. The editor appeaml at
the grave when the lid was being scre^ wed
down the last time and put in the coffin
a palm lead fan, a linen coat, and a
thermometer, which k only wed in
*OU bMtofaw uncle-" Well, Charieo,
whst do yon want now?' CSuurh©—
••Oh! I u( to be rich." Uncle—
"Bioh! Why ml" Charlie—" Be
cause I want to be petted, and ma says
yon ere ea old tool, end meal be petted
because you we rich. But it's e great
secret, end I mustn't teJL"
After quelling e mutiny in the Mis
souri penitentiary, about fifty of the
*' ringleader*** ware punished by wbip
rang, receiving from fifteen to sixty
threo babes each, " with proptwfaonate
bell end cfcXaoKfry JC 1 broad
end water." One of the wont of the
men feinted at the thirtieth blow of the
A storv is told of two lennont farmers
who at* not grangers. ?hej imhmed
their wives to jom andVpwt b*we
they would commit themiWye*. Now,
when they will, they cannot; two Waek
balls greet every application. Mem
while their wivea go regularly and trt
nmphantty to every grange meeting, and
the men stay at home and tend the
Throe young men went into store at
Nerth Turner, Me., a few evenings
since, and drank heartily from* pail of
water, after which they were tokl that
kerosene oil had been spilled in the pail.
AD three began vomiting very violently,
and continued until they were weak and
sick, when it was ascertained that it was
another pail, and that they had .been
drinking nothing but pure water.
The Grangra order is said to bo
rapidly growing in numbers and strength
throughout the South. In Alabama
there are now reported to be six ''hun
dred ami torty-onr granges, with 32,500
members; in Florida, one hundred and
eight granges, with 5,500 members ; in
Arkansas, five hundred and twenty-one
granges, with 21,000 members; WMO in
She other States there are also numerous
lodges with large memberships.
Mr. Maguffin braced himself against
the boarding-house table and fried once
more .to cut the steak. The edge of the
knife turned, but the meat showed no
mark. Then he colled the waiter.
•'Thomas, has the eook used the ax much
lately to chop kindling wood on the
cellar-door steps?" "I don't know,''
said Thomas, "Why, or!" ? Became,"
mud Mr. Magoffin, "if *tn t too dull
I'd like to fry it on this Iteak."