The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 11, 1875, Image 3

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Our friend* will oblige by tending u*
items ot local new* in their locality. g v e
u the facta only, and we will put them in
ahape, alo notice* ol death* and mam
||PAl. p .
Any one tending us the names ol U new
subscriber*, with the oash, will bo enltto'd
to rooeive the HKPOUTKK one year free
The Rxrom* being read by netw >
everybody on thia side of the county,
where it has a larger circulation than any
■two papers, will he found the best medium
for advertUing twine**, sale*, <*o. -V<
-Subscribors to the Reporter, rysid
inKOUUidr-ot Centre county, shouldre
mit u* 10 cents, yearly, for postage which
„ will pay here ; this reduces thepo>:agc
~, no half, as the sum paid by them for
one \ N>T * P®****® XVHS { "
ro-rul '"' Sales should be adxctli-ed
in the Repcr.'er, a* it goes to nearly every
family in the v ley.
SALES - . „ .
p. Rrcon'* aU, near Re!!elonu\, March
J. A. Haine s sale, near Churchville,
March 23. , ,
Saie. Dr. Van Yalaab, dee d Spring
Mills, March 17.
Sale of And. Uousman, Slate Co' lege. - i
March, farm stock.
Sale of Kd Kline. Centre Hill, -1 March.
Jacob Meyer * sale, at Lindon Hall
March 27. „ , .
Mich. Room, Gregg, -*> In March
Sam' 1 Long. Milt*. *nD K March
4a,hn Ockor, Mile.-, sale IS Manh
Jacob Gepharvl, Pn, *le W March.
Sunday, 7. snow all day,
See K-q tJei-hiirt's notice, and | R>
vour railroad stock.
-The mow is about two Urt dc.p '
thi- county. .
——A little sen of J. --buck, of Gr<t,t.,
boa<t* of a lamb which weighed U> pound*
when one day old.
Rev. Shuuiaker, who ha* a tni-s n
ary charge at Lancaster, ha* accepted, a
call from the Reformed charge at Ar- n*-
Mr Shugcrt voted for the repeal of
the Local Option law, and Mr. Alexander
vou?d against it W print the vote in fall
in another column
five weather prophet who predicted
a miiil wir.ler, ut gone ?.-uth for a uii.ue.
c liniate,— when he pane J thwugh h re i .-
had fcis <rs froxen.
The cien who robbed Mr. Grove, tn
I'nion eouuty, have not yet been captur
——So! tor WalluM has our thanks for
documents sent us. Bepresentalives Shu*
s 4n j Alexander*.**) have out thanks
'tar favor*.
for moj
orevcnling cattle, swine, etc.,
•-.I - large, has been reported
from running a. *, .
.. buie Senate, leaving
affirmatively, in ttse . ,
it to the voters at any* *****
spring or fall, to accept or r >.*-- ,
The sale of Henry Meyer t" j bl *
place, on 4th inst., was largely attem-fd
His etock amounted to over #IIU!
Mr. Ira C. M itchell writes from Dal
las, Texas ; We are making gardens here
now, ar.d silting in doors without fires—
about as spring like as it will be with you
two months hence.
Geo. B. 11a: tsler, of Lena. 111., for
merly of this place, is in on a visit. George
looks well, and as natural as ever.
Conrod Peck did a handsome favor
for Centre Hall on Monday morning. last
The snow of the day pervious being about
knee deep, Mr Peck made himself a large
snew-plow, out of plank, and V shaped,
hitching hi* horse to this, he passed over
the side walks, shoving the snow aside
wide enough for a boy and his gal. Coon
deserves a monument of more lasting ma
terial than snow.
A protracted meeting ha* been in
progress ta the M. K. Church at Spring
Mills during the last four weeks, and still
continues under charge of Rev. 11. C.
ibraitb. Twenty-two persons have united
.with the church, ar.d many more have
teen converted, the majority being heads
of tannins. Owing to the serious illness
of Mrs. Leckie, Bev. Reekie Ims not been
permitted to xs-ist in the meeting there.
-Mr. KittcH, railroad contrae or and
localizer !l !al staunch dem- vrstjc sheet,
tlie Canjbria Freeman, peeped iu on us
tie ether daj*. Mr. Kittell hereto bid
on soma of the raili-eJ w®rk,-be had the
management of the tunnel at Beaver Dam
summer beiore last. Hope he wiii get a
job *gain.
porter detir to Lave a feast for their ey cs,
and tc-e something they will admire, th-y
only need be directed to the establishment
of Sechler A Co., in the Bwih bouse bloc k
where is a large jar of pears wbu.k woud
sell for SCO. We never saw anything in
the line of fruit, *o matter in what man
ner put up, to commai-J ones admiration
for real elegance and taste, as Joes this
magnificent jar of pears, put up with so
much beauty and artistic skill, standing
with queenly splendor upon a table filled
with different fruits. No one should fai;
to call in atScchler'* and ue this elegant
jar of pears, it is the wonder and admira
tion of all who have seen it, and ha* made
many mouths water—it is not tor sale, and
costs nothing to see it
Mr. Lyon#, the agent for a Publish-
ing House in Philadelphia, i* in town tak
ing orders for u large illustrated Family
Bible, containing ITUO pages and 18C0 ilius
trations. The engravings are tha finest we
have seen in any Bible and we think no
<wve will regret spending a short time in
A-xasoining them, when the agent calls, at
he designs to visit every family. H 3 *l#" the history of the Polar and Tmpiea! ]
World, a work of great merit. Wc wUh
*xm much success in his undertaking.
— LiUie si ceil perform gteat feats acme
times uoder tbia head we dare men
tion that Wn. B. Minglo tumbled Doc.
Neff into th • mow one day last week.
This was a "b.\ thing" for a liUi man
like Mingle, but juH here comes in our|
neghbor, John H. Keflar. wha relate
how, in his younger days, he flung George
Livingston—who was ouc aftheUllssl men
of this county, sprawling into the snow.- .
This puts Mr. Keller about 18 inche-.i
ahead of Mingle on the yir.e of the man
baptised into the snow. But Capt. Ilea
iner also wears laurels of the snow-dipping
order, for on last Friday morning he laid
ye editor on his back in the soft snow at
Aaronsburg, and the Captain is two utories
taller than we are, at that. Beainer fee.s
big now and thinks of running for Sheriff
on the strength of his having given us a
show-bath. May fit railaoad contract
be his lot.
/ffSfSubseribers changing their post of
fice address this spring, should not fail to
notify us of the fact, and furnish u the
name of the office they remove too, to that
the can be mailed according
tuniou was held on Saturday, February C,
,1875, ait the residence of Henry Gelbart's
widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Gelbart, nearZion,
jPa. The aged widow, who has attained
iier three score years and ten, had the
pleasure of having the greater parted her
posterity meet with her around the family
including children, grand-children, great
grandchildren, and husbands and wives of
those married, is 73. Fifty-three were
present at the reunion, of which 11 were
childran, seven having their respective
husbands and wives with them-
grandchildren and two grcat-grau<>.Lil-
Jrcu. The day was enjoyed by all, being
entertained by instrumental and vocal
music. Mrs. Gebhart bus been a consis
tent member of the Evangelical cbutth
-ince November 1845. Tli e gca:e. num
ber of her children are folk wing her foot
I,OH*T Front 'IVXHS.
PI KO, Collin l'o . Te\, |
March lt 187A i
HON. Favu. Kim/ Sir M.v
former letter in the Reporter has brought
rue o malty Utter* ol inquiry concerning
Texa- and the opportunities offerer! there
in, ami the inquiries are so similar in im
port. that I :>m induced to nsk the favor
of your columns tor the purpose of n gen
eral reply.
Nearly all inquire about "opening- to:
each one- particular vocation*, and thi
quetlion i- truthfully and fully answered
by sax ing thai there arc no "opening-" in
Texas -no "openings' for Lawyer*, none
for pn,-t, inone for Teachers, none f>r
Dentist*, none for farmers There i- sim
ply a grand Held into which all can eon e
and make their own openings, and for ac-
live, energetic, bone-t men and women it
iadifiicult to Conceive of better opportuni
lie* tor accumulating the necearic and
comfort* of life, by a few year* of pati.n 1
industry that are presented between the
Sabine and the Kio Grande. And there u
plenty of r. >tn. If the entire population
of the United Stat. •- wat trantlVred to
Tex- it would net then be a- denselv
populated a- France or -ev-ral of the tier
man S:*te> A learned ud ascpariatMad
citiaen of the State in whoe company 1
was recently riding oxei our praries, re
marked, "If the entire population of
Pennsylx .ma could be poured out into
Texn- how it would make thi* famed land
bl like the rv-e ' ' I replied. Perhaps
there > a large portion of that population
which might not be - vdoirable hare- the
mining population "Ah," said he,
' \Yc w . have plenty of work for them.
There arc minerals enough in T xa* to
employ them all, and we would be witling
to take them ju>t a- they come. The
reputation of Pennsylvania farmer- ha<
read . d here ,u advance of iheut an.i there
it no class of people who would be more
cordially welcomed, anil those who have
children to provide t".r could nvn make
tl.vtU all comfortable if they would come
and secure the-e rich land- while they are
cheap. The chance- that Illinois, lowa
and other North-Western States present
ed a quarter of a Century ago are now pre
set.ied in Texas, wilh thi* difference, Tex
a* land* are cheaper than any I . S. Gov
ernment land* have ever been, thev are
better and the climate u finitely prefera
ble. 1; Mars will occupy bis powers iu
other quarter* andjwriuit the inhabitant*
Of thi- State to culliv te and pursue the
arts of peace for ten years, by that time it
will he checkered all over with railroads
and lands that can be bought now at pri
ce* ranging from titty cents to live dollars
per acre witl then be uorth from fifty to
cne hundred dollar* an acre. M-j.-r W
S.J. Adam* n-rmerly Attorney Genera'
of Ttnne-stc, went to Comanche County,
hetw ten the Bras s and Colorado river*,
and located in the practice of lew, about
one year ago. I met him in l>a!!a* a few
days ago. lie says ho never know ola
new country to settle up -o rapidly and
with so good a class of people as that part
of this State is now doing. Over one
thousand people have settled in Comanche
county since he went there. As an illus
tration of the mafiuer in which the ri ;K:
•!<'<>{ of men can make openings here, a lit
tle if the experience of my afore.aid friend
Major Adams wi.l not be in-appropos
Through soi..e financial disappointment
(and ibis he told me himself* he found
himself iu Comanche, a stranger, without a
UOllar. He entered the bct hotel, met the
landlord and asked him, "Do you keep
this hotel, sir " "Well, I try to.' ' Vk ell
sir, I have come to your town to s ay ai.J
practice law. ar.d I haint got a cent "All
right, sir, 1 11 treat you as well as if you
had n million." A good room was as-
signed the pi*j i r, he ato hi* sup|>er and
rested until li. Next morning
he requested the lanulord to a*ci*t him in i
securing an office. The two gentlemen j
called 01. a Physician of tho place who i
owned the only dasirable office in iht
place. After an introduction lht> Major -
proceeded lo buiiie-r by n.king tho L) >c-:
tor what rent he asked for that roomT|
"Five dollars a month, sir." When do (
you expect your money sir ' "At the end j
of the month." "Well, I think it extreme
ly doubtful about your getting it from me
at that time cry v.>ll, sir, you go
on and take pi' -i "iou of it, ai d pay n<-,
when you can." Court commenced in the
place t.ou after and the Judge a Perm
sylvanian|hy the way. oamod Osterhout,
| assigned the Major to defeat some impecu
nious jail birds, ac urtesy always extend
ed in Uti. c -Jfity to newly arrived attor
ney* byway of iauvduiiior.. When 1
met him in Dallas la-1 week he hud pisniy
of fund*, as attorney for the county has
tho bonds of the county with hiui for
fJO.UJU 11 negotiate f-r the purpoo of
building an- .. Court IF n.e. There are
plenty of such chances, out is
comes to Texas, supposing that he iri go
ing among green houses, h - experience is
very likely to be similar to u person I
hc-ard of recently who expressed hi# d s
gustm thR !ai jrunge, "These Texan* are
the smartest set ol loos* I ever saw."
Lawyers, teachers, prenchurs, jar>..w's,
and everybody must come hero and make
their own openings. They will find a ge
nial and salubrious climate, a kind and
productive soil, and intelligent, gener
ous and hospitable a people to
them as can be found in any country.
in reply to inquiries about Schools, the
following are the fact-. The Statu ha* a
final.*.:*l Common School basis superior to
any other state in Union, but owing to
imp rfect an-1 bungling lcgitalio M J for
want of an efficient an 1 experienced head
the Public School system is not in good
working order. Th-- -cboois arc largely
dependent U|*s private patronage for
success. The advantages >.i nJ'jCation are
highly appreciated and teachers ar well
paid. They make from one to two hun
dred dollars per month. The way to got
a situation i. to be hers, watch whcri n va
cmncy occurs and tko your chance among
other applicant#. While wetting and
watching there is plenly of work to do on
farms so that no one need be idle If
there is an "op- ning" hero for any body It
is forruch a person us Prof. It. M. M dec
who will take hold of the public School
system of the Slate and make it a life
work. Honor and Fume await "the com
ing uian" for tbat groai service. Persons
who arc not prepared to eon.a fci-rs, hut
desire to invest can do so through reliublc
agenl#, who will purchase land certificates
and locate fheui us advantageously us if
the owner were personally present, taking
an undivided third of tbo land* thus secur
ed for services. Great care should Lp ex
areised liowever in the selection of agent-,
us Tcygy bus been nearly as much cursed
with land pjyajes us Pennsylvania. They
are rupidly being driven to the wall how
ever, und by obtaining flip Certificate of
the County clerk or Lund Commissioners
to the reliability of un agent eonfi.l.-nce
may be reposed witii fully ordinary safety.
The Slate arid its counties are Plessed with
honest and efficient officers.
But, I fear I it in trespassing upon your
and will leave the bulancc for
next time.
Truly yor prigpd,
til* <!. ilfTfgKU..
—* * ♦
l'rx* Ham. AT auxm) —The Hoard
of Directors have about completed the ar
rangeiuent to open this school on April
next, by Prof. G. D Ourley. of Luneasler
Pa., who comes well recommended as a
skillfull teacher. This will be a good In
stitution for Students preparing to f.-iteh,
or for College.
There s#e gpo.d prospects that the Wat
sontown Car jtfjpj} pe in opera-
Saniuc-1 Cox, the oldeft inhabitant in
Northumberland, died on the 18lhin-t., in
his 90th year.
Another nnil factory for Northumber
land is the order of the day. That little
towft is t,Jtking tip.
There is an act this Legislature
authorizing supervisors of turnpikes to
erect fountains or watering troughs, for
horses and cattle, in the public highway
at the expense of the townships.
Although much trammeled for tlc uanl
of a proper road on the southern bank of
the river, our cilixeii* have horn much
rejoiced for wvrril week* that the new
bridge had come Into u*e The ioe how
ever was known to ho ol ununul thick
no-*, and since the partial breakup In De
cember when the tretlle work of the rail
road wai carried away, the entire force >"t
tho current having been thrown on the
farther pier, i an-cd some uneasiness for it*
safety This, with the heavy ice about the
the cribbing, may have had aomrthing to
do with iP destruction, for there t'rsl span
The thaxx which commenced on Monday
and continued until Tbui>day ex ei.tng W a*
not rapid enough to create apprehension*
fa breakup until uaw canto tbal the ice
had given xvay in the upper water*, and
van then it xxas not believad that it would
give way on our dam, as thare was but lit
tle >ign of rottennet- about it. I'he river
ha.l been rising slowly until Thursday
night, during which a heavy tl >. J must
have come down At the time tlalbraith *
omnibus came over on Friday morning
with the passenger* and mailt from the
Pacific west, there was nothing unusual i
i a appro: Alice, yet halt an hour aiterwar.l*
it suddenly boke. commenced g uging at
Jack's creek, and a few minute- ailer
ward- pier after pit r xx i literally crushed
arrying down f,>ur span* of the iron
trueture, o'te bulging again-t a tner ot the
abroad bridge, ui ,l the others between
town and the gorge Tlte water in the
meantime ro-e very rapidly, flooding the
yards, garden* ami outhouse* between
Elisabeth -treel ai.d the creek, and caus-
ing tg' nerat preparation tor removal A
few moved altogether, but tuoit were quiet
ed by the general opinion that the worit
was last. Mo,t of the inmate* of the build
ing between the lock anil river moved out
some heavy'piece* of Ice hav ing struck
The two short spans, cfu feet each, ex
tending Iroin the U rin bank of the canal
to the firs! rix -r. Pr, are uniiyured ; hut
the other piers are a ma-s of ruin*, ot
which not a vestige can be *ecn.
The bridge had only been in po**c*ion
of the c -unty authorities >nice January
court, when \ iewor* reported iti it- t'aior,
w h ch report w is > nfiruu-d by the court
It* t. ta! cost w:,- about STcltA', and the
actual 10-- tuay ho set down at from S3OOO
to slO,Cu> less.—
TilK It LACK 111 U.S.
Suecos >f the Gold-Miners' lis;jevii
Sioux City, la., February '.*7. \ special
despatch to the Sioux City Journal, frotu
Yankton say* Kph. Witcher, a well
known cilixen, who was a rnetuher of the
expedition to tho Black Mills, armed in
Yankton to-day lie reports has ,ng left
hie companion* at the stockade of the ex
pedition, within two miles uf Hartley s
Peak, on It x-Klder Cr-k, on the 3d in
1 -tant Witcber says the expedition was
. composed of twenty-seven men, and one
! lady arid her - >n. There were six wagons
! and the party well urnud, some being
mounted. They were also well supplied
I with provisi- i - ar.d mining loo!. The
j expedition left hereon the (Itli of October, j
They -truck Niabrara Kiv.r about one
hundred and twenty miles above its mouth
i snd, after following the stream some dt*
i lance, they crossed the country to a point
east of the Black Hills. On Cheyenne
River they met a party of 2UO mounted In
-1 dian*, with whom they held a jwaceable
parley. Alter reaot.i.ig a path at the foot
of the hill* they -truck into the mountains, <
and niter picking their way reached a
point within two miie* of Harney's Peak
in fifteen Jays from the date of their en
try into the hills. They erected a stock
, ide eighty feet long, and built log cabins
i from an atmixj*:;: supply of timber which
itliey found. The Cold weather greatly im
peded their prospecting. They sank twen
ty-five prospect boles, and (truck gold in
every instance from the grass to the
I bed of the rock thty found numeral)* gold
I and silver bearing ijuarlx lodes, and the
' specimen* Mr. Witcher has brought back
are pronounced very rich. The party nev
er saw an Indian while in the hills, Mr. ;
I Witcher describes the paru ol the hills '
the/ *gw a* having magnificent valleys,
; seemingly limitless forest* of pine, -fl um
dance of elk, deer and other game. The
greater portion of the return trip was made
through snow-drift* over a tracklc- eoun
' try in very stormy and severe weather.
They discovered in c -ming out of the hills
what has been named Witcber's Pan- aj
1 g-xni, natural wago;.-road. This shorten* j
. | the way out of the hill* by thirteen days
Thc-ira-,:u.a!s lived • ri the grass they found
beneath the snowr. Mr. Witcher say* he
can take loaded > i team* into the hill*
from Sioux City iu thirty day*. The,
members lelt in u,. ..i „ I health
I and spirits Mr. Witcher returned for
J reinforcements. He say* thoro is to u
--h dence of other parties being in the hill*.
Mr. Gordon, who came with him part of
i the way, was delayed by hi* horn' giving
out. r- iiirfr.g hv been heard or seen of
the two army -kpeiiition> rci-s>>.,* i;i>er-
I cepl them-
Repulsed At llilbao —350
AlfcuiaiaU H ilicd
London. February 28—Seven tattalions
of Carlists attacked Bilbao on Friday. Af
ter a vigorous bombnrdment they made an
at aii 11 on Forts Pucnte Nucvo and Ar
botaiu.o*, j - iiro liken and retaken
three time*. The fighting w u,,,.rate
on both Mdr= The rarlint' w ere finally
repulsed. The Alfonsist* l.-t l-'iO killed
and wounded. The AlfonisisD subsequent
t>" ett-.oked the C'arlinU in their intrench
ments, ana wui t *, tyj-n repulsed with the
lota of 300 killed and wounded.
The Carlift* are preparing for a grand
effort iig lin-t Puigcerdn.
Two-third# id Hie (Juy Ji^rnod —700
Families Rendered Hninelr&j.
New York, February 10—The stoam
hip Al|), which arrived to-day. brings
the following particulars of the fire at
l'ort Au Prince on the night of February
AL> '.it half-pa#t ten o'clock p. m. u fire
broke out in Uio and in u short time
the tlAinm illuminated the liea.tiu tor
miles around; piece# of burning wood fell!
on deck of the steamship Alps about a
mile arid u half from the ah ore. The
ho K ." were principally of wood and very
dry and WHO u s,arcitjr of water ar.d only
three small engines wttii hue* iibpj! gard
en size, it was impossible to combat the
flami-H. The amount of d'imngc dono is es
timated at two million dollar*. Two-thirds
of the city has been burned to the ((round,
and sti or Ipyen hundred families render
ed homeless. The era i, thought to have
originated from the explosion of a barrel
of kerosene. The fire was still burning
when the Alps left.
KTII.I, THK ORT i* for the Wilson Shuttle
Sewing Machine. And why ? Because it
is the ffiOfi perfect and desirable sewing
machine fur family u„e *;,J i,.Hnufacluring
yet invented, and is the cheapest. The
constant demand tor this valuable machine
has made it almost impossible for theniaii
ufacturers to supply the demand. Ma
chines will be delivered at any Railroad
Station in this county, free of transportu
liop charges, if ordered through the Com
pany's Hranch tiopsp l( l 22J apd 229
Broadway New York.
They send an elegant catalogue and
chrotno circular, free on application,
This C"m 11any r.eed a lew more good
Feters' Household Melodies, N'os. 1, 2
and 3. A Collection of Popular Songs, by
Hays, Dmjks, Hte watt, etc. Kadi number
eOntuins Seven or Eight Bongs.
Price, 00 cents each; Yearly, 12 Num
bars for
M X'-S.W'llK t•' A SHIP S i'KKW
Ssn Francises', February It! The Syd
ney lleisld el January to gives an aceuunt
of llie tiiatsacra ot the captain, utßveis,
and crew of the Hading brig James Itor
niv. of Sydney, by the nalite* of Howes
Island* The ship's cuiiipniiy, eotislslitig
lof the captain, two..(fleers, carpenter,
lew ant, six seamen, forty colored lub.o
I ers, and one | u-rng#r, ws divided into
1 three parties on arriving t iho islands,
nli.l -tall.Oli d on different Islaluts, w bell
;'lie natives surprised and captured Die
l.rlg Utid sUtlieslioro parties tlial
of the sc. ond officer, Win Hltodes, who
est aped with ixtoeii colored men in u
boat, and after being four days without food
j or water the) reached Solomon Islands,
i Subsequently llie Amerieaii whaler, Ben
1 jaiiiin t'uinming-, I ok them up and ear
j Med thrill to Bird Island, whence they
were taken to Town by llu brig
NX o! 1 c-r ill- It Is hrltri ed that tlie r> *1 of
the 1 u-w wore .ill uiassa. rr t It is repor
ted that six \osseis linio l.eeli taptured t')
the native* of these islands and their crow s
mas— m.'l cd
I XX U MlssiNli
St John* March 6 On March 2 the
ship X'iolrta. from France to S.iii Pierre,
UJeti with salt and sugar, w as abandoned
in the ice in St Mary bay. The captain
and crew were saved.
Pe pie from the shore went l. save the
ship, hut a northeast g*!r scattered me tee
and twenty oflhein wore lost, and twenty
tw • oil r- are Still missing
Balltinor. , March 2 Ihe IVnn-yiva
ma Kailroud lias reduced ttie tare for pas
sengers from Baltimore a> follows to
Pittsburgh, 7 ■ to Wheeling, 7 ■ *' t in
cinnali, sn, ludiatmpolis, >7, L u sttille,
Chiesgv), St ltouis, $lO,
The officer* of the Biltim re and Olii®
Railroad Company announce that on ami
after March I they will reduce the fare
from New York to Columbus from sl7 *'
to $1526; Zaiie" 010 slt .VI to $1 . 2.- In
dianapelis s2l to sl7 25
Fkaiis And Fota ttoDtM.s xs ro
IV,rt Jcrvif, New \ .rk, March 4. —■
The saow of yeo'.erday and lt night
fell to tlit* depth of ucarly n foot along
the Delaware, nnd to- day it has been
rapidly tbivißg, Three deyswwllwr
like this xxi.l bring matters to :t crisis
here, and the question at to whether
the ice gorge xvill o !ar euccuuib to
the influence of the thaw us to otler
resistance to the ice and higli water
from above or not be decided, ll to
dav's weather is repeated t > morrow
there will begin to be a visible change
in the oondition of the fiver before
Saturday morning, atul the river will
begin to no, and, with a thawing day
Saturday, -tinday will be apt to ecu
lively timea here and at other jminU.
Reports FROM I I- mi; HIVER
Ue|Kirt* ftoui up the river say that
the people at Callicnou, Ooehccton,
Narrowaburg aud Uoryvillc are be
ginning to leave all hotiace otitl.e low
ground and to occupy roonia engaged
weeks before the break up, in antici
pation of a grat inundation. There
are four great gorg-* up the
at Holbert's ltend, a mile nrm above
Lackavrageo, 500 feet wide,fifty deep
and over a mile long; another extend*
ing from the mouth it len Miie river,
above Most Hope, to a tui e above the
railroad bridge acmes the river; a
third jn*t west of Callicoou, white
sixteen miles of iea are heatied up, on
CaliicooD islati 1 ami three ntiles furth
er up thu river und another brtuien
Hale's Kddy and di |o*it. There ure
several amaller jams but n> ne to seri
ous as th? aboye. Beside the enor*
moua quantitiea of ice in thi*e jam*
there Hre about forty tnilea of the
main river above here yet unbroken.
No ice haa vet come out ot tbe cast
branch, which run* up through Dela
ware county from Hancock, draining
the'rkiM r- *ioyi !or over
mill*. The LackrfVaaeu river, forty
mill* long, and (mptving into the
Delaware twenty mile* above here, i*
vet a t did bed of ice. ami uone of the
smaller streams arc yet broken up.
All this will come down on the first
high w'.iler ami if tbe
not give way, time wiH lie little hit
of that part of Port Jervi* lyiug on
the flat extending from the up|K-r eud
of the jam nnd extending for five miles
down the river to the Novcrsitik.
FOWKKIS hxentiaiM*.
K. W. Ware, resilient engineer of
the Krie railway at litis place, experi
mented on tlie gorge with giant pow
der. He used charges weighing front
half a pound to three pounds sufficient
to iend she large.l rock to atoms but
the eflVct on the ice was barely
cvpnhlr Mr. Joba (. Mills, ofo lb*
en, to dav offered to contract to make
a channel in the gorge by putting two
thousand men to work upon it,but the
plan u not i.onJdefc4f-T;'ble Mayor
Abbott is daily in frceipt "1 lellera
from engineers and other scientific
men offering suggestions in relation
to reducing the gorge, but none of
them are practicable.
The prewauwiii)i.j' mpp-'Ti*- have
been redoubled, ntnl if the flood cornea
it will not lake the town unawares.
♦ ♦ ♦
Washington, February 14. —The
following interesting description id n
burning w <dl > n Pennsylvania lute
I teen received by the Signal Oflice in j
this city from Mr. J. i'ummuijj*, of
Tartnium, one of the voleuler r ob
sh vets of the Signal Service.
On the night of the 2nd of Februa
ry. 187•, I, in company with several
others, paid a visit to the great fins
Well. situated abn'i! nine mil-- from
Tarentum anil Cl'lcen miles aouth ol
Butler, tit a pldcecalled J, anion'* Mill
on the farm of Mr. William Homy,
and owned by a company consisting of
Messre, William Hervey.J S. Yitmle
grifl.and J McAllaelcr. The well
was tnpppij nhont two w.-ek- ago, a- I
learned from one of llio pr.p. iutor in
their search after oil. The* have
gone down a distance of 1,145 feet,
and have just struck the first sand
rock. The well is located in a ho.low
about oOd feet gidp, between abrupt
hills. Our parly came in the vicinity
of the well about 9 o'clock at night,
having seen the vast light floating in
the sky on many a dark night on pre
vious occasions thirteen mile* distant,
but when we came in its immediate in
duciiw am] saw lltp trees pji either
hand lit up, and lltcir trunks and
htattchrs silvered to their tops by this
bun tig torch, the scene was beyond
desc ptinn. On arriving at the
grou.-d we were met by hundreds of
people from all parts of the country
tyho, like our-elpes, flock nightly to
sep this groat wonder. The first thing j
to strike ihc visitor dp arriving is the
great mass <>f flno white flamo of in
tense heat and brightness and the hol
low rumbling noise heard as the oui
rushing gas plunges into the atmos
r phere ami light- all atottml by its im
posing brilliancy. Tho flumes of (his
catuisl torch is abtgt forty feet long
.111-1 till. Til Will®, Mid hie|>S 111
1 diiiH iihitina night uinl il*y willi strtk
"'H regularity. 11 ciicc ihc light
j Imili tegular nml conatntil. I In* lt'*l
omitted lv *. huge ii li.itly of llarae is
very gto'ut. The trees all nrnuud,
at i.rujM.rli.iiial distances, are budding
| and ilio grass ibal bim iml heeii trod
.lon lo\v ii liy tin' llirmig ul visitors is
Itrowiug liuoly, ittul considering tliat
ibis u iiiid witiler, ibis circunieUue®
will give vuii some ulen "I llu< great
lieal. 1 approached within sixty Ivct
l of I lie tin iiic, mill supposed II In be nt
lluit iliitaiiee about 110 degrees. 1 lie
jiltu e lias llie i liaidi'lrr nt * cani}i
un i ting lit night in eoiiM ijuenee nt the
mighty crowds who congiegaU' there
Ibe light is grand You can see to
read Willi ruse a ijuarter of a mile
from thin eiiornious gas jet, and it tin
interrupted by trees and the wind of
lb® road, reading could bo done atthe
distance of a mile and a ball. I lie
noise us ibt* gas rushes out and is con
sumed is wonderful.
rim Kev. Newman Hall, in a let
ter to the "Independent," describes a
great meeting held in Hiriaiiiigbam,
Kugland, by Moody and Sultkry, the
American revivalists. A vast struc
tore intended for cattle show*, and cs
pabl® of holding 10,000 persons, was
tilled. Ssukey sung, and Moody, who
did the s|ieaking, does not seem troin
Hi Hall's account to be differcut front
the Melbodisl cxhortcn to whom we
arc used in tliis couutry. Ho is a
powerful natural orator, and u-ts the
accustomed uiguments Willi
loine.l fore®. In this instance lie de
picted lb® horriblcnCss of sin and the
terrors of bell until bis hearers wier®
wrought ut into a state of intense
emotion, uiul then depicted the office
of Christ as a Savior Then, follow
ing the ordinary camp meeting meth
od, lit) added, "Ho loves yull ; He
wants to save you now. Won't you
accept Him as your S.tvi r ? All you
who want Him to save you stand up
Don't you want to be saved? Stand
up, if you do. t here isijuite a tiuiu
her standing; now there sre others.
N w, v.'ii Christians, bow youi heads
in silent prayer, and you who want to*
be prayed for, keen standing." The
scene that followed was like a doxeo
caiup meetings in oue, M. ,>dy and
Sat,key go utxt to London, where
great results arc expected.
Baltimore, March 2 The propria
tor o! the l'ark Hotel closed hia house
to day to the public, to eecap* incur
ring the pi intilics of the Civil lvights
At xandria Va ,March 2 lu coti
sr.jueiice of the Civil Highls hill and
feaiiug troub e, both the principal ho
tela here cancelled their license* aud
The Emperor of China bring dead, say*
it London Weekly l)ut*nn, all hi* sub
jects. according to their rank, will b* re
quired to tuuurti lit* demote un lim \ i< ti of the g vern.-r of the province,
the Mandarins under hita r.ot only put on
mourning, but paint out tbe decoration* oil
their house wall*, and wrap their seian
chair* in biack cloth The common peo
ple have to share their heads, and also
perform iertin evrnnotjio* nres- ribed es
pecially l>r litem hut a* foi the Manda
rins and 10. a! gentry, on a sec. nd procla
mation fri m the governor > i tne province,
they meet together an certain appointed
davs in a particular temple, to "lift up
their lamentation* tor the departed mou
rn, h whom most of these mourners never
oncu beheld.
The mode of their proceedings i* in this
wue The Mandarins gntry and other*
entitled tolake tiarl inlhe ceremonial, bar*
i..g u.M.iciij iiikido luu lenipia, lowly and
tilently take up each one the position pre
tcribej ler him, according to hi* rank, on
a raised platform previously prepared.
Tins done, a profc.-f of ceremony ap
pear* upon the scene. Everything being
ready, tbe professor, amid profound silence
talis u„l, in .0;..... v.-!.: * on,i , ' i*r.tin
down 1 Immediately one hundred indi
viduals, more or less, being the highest in
rank and power In the province, simul'.a
n< ously fall prostrate. Then the next or
der c .11110 "Knock your head* once upon
tLe ground,'* which the company luimodt-
S'.sly Jo, a.U .gain too lorehoads
Up tho flour, and yet a third tunc they arc
required tu kneel and knock. The Pro
feasor, wbi-e they are still on their hand*
and knees, now command* them to "begin
their lamentations," whereupon ttiee
adult, i*tit>H*l bei<-gs comuten.ti to im-an
and weep iu a whimpering, subdued lotie
of voice. This having been kepi up for a
minute or o, all arc ordered to "slop their
crying," "riso up," and "di|>er*e front
their places," which, by llii* lima, thoy
*ccm not unwilling to do. Thus end* the
vSifctotuiiy ol 'lb run Lowing* ami nine
knocking* Tho funuiest thing connect
ed with the whole business i*. that until
the emperor * death has been officially
announced from Pekin, nobody is suppos
cd to be sorry. A steamer commonly
l-.iag-1!;o tic",'* down to a province l° n ?
bbfore the governor's official dispatch sr.
rivet, and thus, though the emperor's de
cease i perfectly well known, everybody
surprisingly commands hi* feeling*, and
goes about hi* busines* as u*ual It is on
].- when tho eovcrnnr sends forth hi* pub
lic announcement tnai tb® IsnJ is consuls
ed with sudden and universal sorrow
Happy is the monarch when his people de
light to honor.
rtall Laka City, Feb. Sri A decision was
made last evening by Judge McKean in
the ens® of Ann Kit/.* Young's application
for divorce and alimony. It is that Ann
Eliza receive $3.0d0 attorney's fee*, and
$5(10 per month alimony pending the trial
tho alimony tu unto from B>e filing of the
complaint, which was about twenty months
ago. There w loud applause in the
court room after the close of the reading
of the d®elioti.
SKI'/.l'ltK I1 DI.-TILLKKI K -
W.vthevill®, March 6 Deputy t'ollec-j
tor Warner has iu*l returned from a ton 1
days'raid throuvli tha Eighth district of!
Virginia. He seir.eil Alteon distill-ry
buildings, 241 ma-h tub*, eighty-oil® gal
lon* "f fruit brandy and ten gallan* ofi
wlii-kcy. and seiacd and destroyed fifteen
•till* of 1 7f#B gnlion- capacity, destroyed I
84,600 gallons ot m*ti beci, ntnly gl
--lons of whiskey, 1,404) gallon* of low wine*
and 150 bushels of mull, and mad® filteen!
arrest*, when high water compelled his!
Y Fo.-tot, SUTKhW
Boston, Maic'i 6. The bark,
front Falertna, ashore off Capo Cod, has
gone to pieces. Sixteen live# were
lost. The only survivor is the stew
John (Jots, a w..Tt-to 3o farmer, resiling
litre® miles west of Tyrone, Itung Itiin-elf
in hi* barn on Thursday Inst. Religion*
affairs hud been troubling hint for some
time past. He leaves aw ile and five chil
London, March 4. —Advices front Bue
nos Ayres state that disturbances have oc
curred in that city, during which the pal
ano of Hio Catholic Archbi-ltop was sack
ed and the house# of tho Jesuits set on
New Orleans, Feb. 20.—A hurricane
swept over Chaupgne settlement in Avo
yellse parish Ut week, destroying ncburch
and titty-four buildings and killing two'
~ i iii: N KUKot: r.xuu Mmj i IKII:
ltll.ll rs
m Kictinioint Msrt li 2 —Tin se|ru lu re
I ui< beginning lo exeieiso llmir nghts uu
„ der ilia civil rights bill. During the day
toveisl |.srtie* lisvu i various rotlsu
, ranis, including lite s u room si llio Ex
„ i-)>nn lt bolel, suit in olio instance a bar
_ l,t r shop, Slid demanded to be wailed on*
{ They were lefustd in every instance and
ordered out Nothing is as yot known as
l.i what the party ibus treated will do.
• • •
~ Produce.
New \ .uk, Mf> b 1 Kloui firm, •
, < el|.t y.usl Lm ml. superfine Western nlill
1 | Tut.- f4 25 ft I 6.5 < t'liunon l<> (f .■ tsr '.a.., ■
It (SI. good I lll.tec I Oft 6 .16, w lute wheal j
, i-xlra >5 -.fiiiUl, \V lieal steady receipts :
14Uuu barrels; N t spring $1 13(0,1 'JO, NO
1 iif I n:< - 111 N" V Milwaukee i ItH
• tl6 jta northwest ft MH|I it !*•-•
( shade tinner at '.si Corn lest active, mis
. <m| ssilirn MlttaMtc; Willie Ml.|K's Cot
fre firm at Bun, I6fc 6ugar steady lair
r lit good refilling "l<'iKe, Molasses firmer
.at i*.e Petroleum dull, I -fined ttr.i.Hlr-;
firm at 46c Dressed 11.g easier ut 6fi,
Itulter w.-lerii lfi'.i,
Cbieago, March n Wheat steady slid
ill modurate deioaad, No I spring '.X'iH .
. 'die, No a HTJi- Spot or March, Stifc seller 1
April, Ul|e seller May N" 61. rejected'
' Tr*> Corn dull and nominal j SioJt uiitsdj
jt >i fl&Hc spot, tic! |c bid nd 1.1 Msrcb 74|-
I seller April 70i> hid seller May, nt|w inl|
.. IjJ Hats (lull, No J 62K • V.'Ji spot 62i 1
seller April; rejected Ui Ty® steady und,
In moderate demand So I '.Cfalßk Har
-1 lev dsmad fair and market firm; No 2
i , $1 mi spot; ft od seller April.
i Philadelphia, March K- Clover .-ed till
, j settled, Western lord tic Flour flrai with
(a lair trade, superfine ut $i 26. extra ut
' 5* 1 U7♦ tA SO, lVtn " ni.d II liilo sot* 1
F >(> a'> 50; high grodes $6 26( i 7 75. Wheat
rs d >1 2'l" 1 2i. 1 2.(1,1 Jr. I 'orn j
dull, yeiiew 61 Di'O, western Ulile 1 61 hv
'|6l|e Outs steady , wlnle I 'dc, mixed iMx
! Butter w .-stern extras do firsts 21
i 27e, Eggs western S7f<vßUc.
•-• ♦ ♦
M A K h 1 A(i ti>.
On the •lb oil . hy It- v 61 at. M. .1 t^
Sluv< r< f Hdlneiin, to Mi> Jennie Wil
son ot Kolslld, Ps
VI' DID ilt - ftIKKTIKO N tie® is
hereby given that the Auditors of i
Poller iwp., uiii modal Oil fort, Mar.
'J'.ih 1875 at U o'eliK-k, lo audit and settle
•he aoeounu of the (Jverxevrt of poor, and
tioud Hupervliots Ait persons having
business lo transact with the auditors are
requested lo attend.
\\ \V ScxMiuta, J.smi - M 'CU*TI' K,
Town Clerk Jos M OtLMLASP,
J. J. Aisir.
Mar >l. Au.i. - 1
\'UTICK All | rs ns*indebted to and ,
all persons i n\ing cln'ius kgainslUralf ,
,V Thompson and li.e uiidersignsrd are r. - ,
guested to call and -elite their uei (Slants i
W Ith J allies M lan bell, at Cvuir* Mill, n i
or before lb ;ll,t uay ! M.treb, nexi j attenti li to the shovels reijuestrd. , A W GKAPK. ,
(lAUTION. An indentured boy, nut-.
j i-d Wesley Kdg.r, in the l*ik year
ot his age, having rur, away fr..m me, 1
hereby .auliiu. all |.et >n* against harbor
ing or tiusdng him with any tning an my
account, as 1 w.ii j'sv i ■ • debt* cuulractru
by hi-n. W >l. \\ KAY Ell. farmer,
lets. Us. 3u Farmer's Mills i
BEATTI piano:
THF. BEST IN I>K. ** Send stamp
for Circular. DAXIKL F BEATTY.'
Washington, SewJwttCV
There w ill be offered at Public Sale, at
the residence of the undersigned, near..
State College, Fergu*.in twp, on WED
NESDAY MARCH Mil. the f ill Wins
property Three lleatl Horses, Hand!
Horned Cait'e, If 11 g; I iVtiue iiall;
Tlsrrwh.i.g M*, *...1 i Millbriiii M*-
■ nine, ifay Hake, (sum Spring (irmir.
Drill, 1 Plantation Wag n, 1 >i ring Wa
g -t . Flows. Harrows, '.'small Cultivators,
1 Millheim Cultivator, I Sled, Scraper.
Corn Planter, Hav Fork. Rope* and Pul-
Ites. Log Sled, Shox • 1 Flow Silver plated :
double Harness just r.ew, Horse Gears, i
Fly-nets. Double and v inc!t ticw. Chains
of nil k-f d. 1 lirain Cradle, and a variety
of other artii les. Sale to commence at 1
o'clock, I*. M. when terms will he made
Feb Hi t-d.
There will be ciputcd at Public Sale at
the of the undenigtied. at On*
the foilowitig property: 'J Work 11. r*c-.
'J '.' year old ("oiti. 1 yearling C-'it, H (.'..w*.
1 Bull, Farming Implement*. 1 Plaiilati n
Wagon with Hay ladders, FloWk, H-ir
row*, I 1-bQr..|('Bl**b'f. I 2 horse Cul
tivator, I'lank Roller. Singletree*. Dou
bletrees, Horse (tears, Britch-hands. From
(tears. Flow (iar, ('oilers. Bridles, and
other article* to numerous l>> mention.
Sale at 1 o'clock p ni. when lenns will be
made lin >wn EDWARD KLINE
SIOAL auUionties through, u*. the worli
< THE BEST 11 F BKATTY, Propri
etor, Washington, N.J.
r n\Lh
Bv virtue <f a writ "f Fieri Facta-. i>-
-tu-1 out of tin Court of Common Pleas,
to me directed there will U> expoaed to
Public Sale at the Court House in B* !!•-
fnnte, on Saturday the -lib day of,
March, 1875, at one o'clock P. M tbtj
followingdeicril>ed xm\ to wit; j
AH that Certain lot of ground situate
in Jacksonville, Marion township, Cen
tre Co. Pa. Beginning at a atone, thence'
>, .VtJ* \V. P.'l js-r. to a atone, thence N
454°. K. 5 3-10 per. to a stone, thence N.i
SHJ°. K. U per. to a stone, thence S. 512°.j
K. 5} per. to the place of in-ginning con
taining ti - .' per neat m- .isuiv. thcteonj
erected a l.og Dwelling Hub*'. Stable j
atul other outbuildings. Seiied, taken,
in Execution and to be sold as the pro-1
pcrty of John 11. Trevillvan.
SiiKßirr'a Orrn k, |
Bellefonte. ■ 11. F. SHAFFER.
February 23.1875. I Sheriff.
By virtue ot n writ of Fieri Facias is
.tieJ out ol the Court♦ Common l'lea* ><f
Centre Co. Pa., to ma directed, there will!
he exposed at public wle at the Court
House in Bellefonte on Tuesday, the 1 lith
ilay ol March A It tsis. at'J o'clock P
M tho iulb>winj| described real Kstalo to
AH that certain tract of land situate in
Benncr twp, 'Hid county bogining at a
one tree thence South A I". K, A) 1 per to a
black oak. thence N 50 , Ka-t 16 per. to n
hickory, tlienre N 88 . K. 181 per. to
-tone- thence N r 811'. \V IS9I per. to
.tm,o., tin m i- n oc. W. Ul| par to the
place nf beginning, containing one hun
dred ami tiffy-two acres and fifty-two
1 perches and allowance; thereon erect-d
atwostnry Iranio dwelling House, large
Hank Barn, and other outbuilding*. Seiz
ed, taken in Execution and to be sold as
the property of Win F. Tibben*.
Suttnirr# OFFICF., )
Bellefonte, ' B F SH \FFRR.
. Sell. 10. A. |J, 1SV") J ffhetiff.
M i: ATT 1' A I'LOTTS'
Celebrated Golden Tongue
[are ranked by eminent musician* and dis
itinguiabed men of honor througliout the
world as the leading PA I'LOit OKG ANS
; now in ti*e
An •tcolcnt Organ for tho Ctiuroh, Hall,
Lodge, Sabbath-school, as well as the par
N. B.— Special rates in this ease, as an
An offer : Where wo have no H e
will ~'iU.y h,IJ tew tku ag&nt * discount in
order to fiavi-this wondorful musical pro
ducing Instrument Introduced.
No Other Parlor Organ has attained to,
tho same popularity.
Send stamp for ppjy ite aptJ a list otj
testimonials. Andress :
Washington, Warren County. N.J
Will he offered, at public sale, at the|
resilience ol the subscriber, naar Bellefontn
on Tpkspav, March Hi, at 10o'clock,the
following personal property.
Horses, Cows, Young Cuttle, Sheep
Hogs Threshing Machine, Reaper,
all kinds of Wagons, Cornplanter. all
kinds of Plows and farming implements.
p\b 4. DANIEL BKEON jr.
t. 1.1. K Ft'NT F MAMA FT 6
iVliite i*r'heat $1 I*' Bed 1"" ..Byi '.s>
Cot II iH) ... Oats 6ft. ....8ar1ey W
7tl Cbwersee.l 5,00 Potatoes
l.ard pr pound I* Pork unr pound
Buttea Kgg* 16 Plaster perton
fit I'ttllow H Bacon 10 list" 16
l.ard per pound ft cents Buckslieat
tifi ets F our per barrel retail7,U>.
Nova Scotia piaster fII to 16 Cayuga
plaster $11,60 per Jt*fo lbs
t "4 4 Blatchley'i
J| / B Imnros. lCl'Cl M
; r - lint xxot'l) IT MP
msMiH, by popular verdict, tbi
*™ MB
Cheek X'alve, which < >n be with
Joints, and the copper chamber
which never cracks, scales or rusts anil!
will last a lifetime For sale by Dealers
and the trade generally In order U be
sure that vuu get Hlatchley's Pump, be
careful and see ll.nt it has toy trade-mark
as above, Ifyoudo nut know where to
buy, descriptive circulars, together with
the name and address of the agent nearest
you, will le promptly furnlslu-d by ad
dressing, with stamp.
CHAI 0 BLATCHLEY Manufacturer
VMi (Vitmm-rct' Ht ,, Pu.
! 11 uiar Pm,
111 f/I 111 iius spit - Jld Pi
ano Fort, ombinos
every impruvemcni in tone with power
and grsl durubitity, sad has received
Ihr uiojusl,fled endorsements of the high
est Musit-al authorities for lis Marveilous
extraordinary richness of Tone, having
Large sixe 7i Oitaves, uv. rslrung Bas.
full Iron Frame, French tirnbJ u'lion,
Fr.t Desk, Carved Pedal, h-did U •►ewond
Mouldings, Ivory Key Fr-mt. Capped
Hammers, (fraffe Treble, Ac , &o ,
XVeigbt w hen boxed over Owe *7iioua*nd
Pounds. Libera! dlle..uiit t<> tbe trade
Agents XV anted (male or leinsle >
fiend stamp for Circular Addle s
the Inventor tul Proprietor, D " NILL F.
BEAirV, WasliititVuft, New Jersey.
Public Sale
Will btr(putwJ at i.uli k aa'c, at the
Ut residence of Juba P. Ko. deed, in
(**gg twp it.. westof Spring Mill*
heavy Draft Horse, one Ches-hire Sul
' Hon 4 year* old. one Bay Stallion, Three
Mama with Konl On* l ± Year old Coll,
1 tir \ erling Coll- Thro* Spring Coll.-.
Dire.- Milk Ouw of Improved titoc-11, 1
Fat Kin*. 1 Devon Bull 1H mentis old, 11
Iliad • i Choi. i Sheep, 8 Breed Bona and
!.t of Miuat, Ociter Grain Separator with
Power one Small Thrc.hing Machine and
"-baker, 1 Oram Drill, Fanning Mill, 1
Clover 11 tiller, 1 Fii<ier A'utiar, One
Buckeye Reaper and M owrr combined, 1
grain screen, 1 bay rakfc i circular wood
saw, 1 broad B(1 1 narrow wheel 4-hure
*e U. 1 iart entirely new, 1 pair bob
•ledr, 1 b.p !*d hay fork, rope*, pulli,-*. g
Centre Hail complantera one corn acre
per, plow*, harrow* tbovel plows, y 'i-horse
cultivator* 3 tuiall cultivator*. 1 grind
atone, dinner boil, tut of oak scantling, *
lot o(
1 set of doub 1 * carriage harness, 1 *cl of
tug liariiess. brilcbbands. frot.i gears, ii sets
of strap in-'.i, d..ubl<. ami su.glo trees,
cbaiiis of all kind*, rake*, fork*, grain cra
dles, and a variety of .-ther articles too
tiutn<-r<-ds to mention, bale to commence
at It) o'clock of said daj when terms wilt
W made known and a iilieml credit giv
*> MAKY A tiD^S.
Feb 1
i.l*. S. nd s.auip for full information,
Price List. *C . Ac D F BKATTY,
Washington, N J.
j. ii. sn%i i:i{.
U ndcrtakor.
T)ie undersign d Peg- livave to inform
Lit patrons anil the public generally thai
he i> Slow prepared t-i make ("offiti* and
respectfully solicit? a share of Uo-ir patron
age Funerals attended with a neat
hearse. J. R.SHAFKK,
(eh JI if Madi-onburg.
Furniture Rooms*
Extension Tables,
Chamber Suits,
FlneA Common Furniture,
jOon-istine in part ot BUREAUS. BED
The public generally arc invited to call
and -co the fine ii**urtiuctit of Fl'UNl
fl UK to be lound at Iht above c-lablish
■tienl, all of u;>* own Manufacture.
| b'ndrrtiiking in all it* branches,
Ceillltis, Caskets und Shrouds.
Having purclia-cd an elegant Hearse, I
will attend all orders of undertaking l
may receive from Fennsval'ey, (Vitre Co.
' Jan 2B if.
BKAITI 1 imnr "
KNOWN. kik-Semi sump for Circu
lar. Address D. F | BKATTY, Wash
ington, N. J.
XL ('lain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush
Bellefonte, Pa.
11. HERMAN 4 CO.. Prop's*.!
Dry Goods*
C Y GOO I) 8.
Below the Usual Prices.
Nov 12._tf.
V (' The True Cap® Cod Cranberry,
C. best sort for Upland, Lowland, or
I Harden, by mail prepaid, per 100, S5
! per 1.00(1. All the Nev Cf.c.n
tie-und t'.eai he* AJprieed CatHloyua ol
Ithe-u und *ll Kruits. "rnatiieniMl t'rwea,
I Kverareens. Bbritb*. Bulb*. R *<■*, BUnu.
sKKitS. the ch-tiee-t collection in the
I country, with all novelties, will be sent
gratis to uny plain ad lr- 25 sort* ol
i cither Flower Garden, Tre ■ i'u;t%, Ever
or H< rb owl*i fht sent by
mail, prepaid- WtiOLESALK CATA
Wan ted.
11 M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurse
ries mid Seed NV aroliouse, \SU mouth,
Mm. ITtnlli.hed '
!.1 n ft. "2^
jyi. A. J OItNDOHP.
I- still l<>< ated hi Pine Grove Mills and
i> now prepared to Hie homes ol
I it.. „t,... uoi i .no' uinl render any Jo- >
-ii. .1 ci \ 100 In hi- lino. In tho best man
ner, of best quality and nt reasonable
rule-. Insertion of new dent urea made n
specialty. Ttfth rxtmctni <rithout
_ li_
T OllN P. Attorney-at-L*V,\
f' vadieotions promptly uie-ie and
I special uttontion given to" those having
! lands or property for sale. Will draw up
| and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgages,
I Ato. Office in the diamond, north side o
iho eourtjH>W, U.'llcfoute, oct22*6tf
ID. SPANGLKB, Attorney-ai-Law,
Uollofonte, Pa. Office with
! Hush & Yocum. Consultation in Knglish
and German. Collections promptly attend
j ed to. feh6-tf
- AGENTS WANTED, t A4ulo or IV
i ,aale.) to take o'raeti. I). F. BE ATT Y,
'Washington, New Jersey.
Burner* aud Shipper* of lh celebrated
1 Wf IIIBTIEI '"tllflMlE. I
Dealer* in the very bent grades of
Th only dealer* in Centre County who *H the
W I; Li Ki E S Bi A It; it E Ci 0! Al L
from the old Baltitnute mine* Alto
of Anthracite Coel dr>ly hound *pre**l; for heute uie, at the lowert price*.
n E AL Elt S I A
lUy W lb* hi K hMt price# in caah for (train that the Katttrn market* will afford.
■ Jh'Ufhi or will he told on coaimiaeiott when d*ired, and fall price* guaranteed. Jo*
formation concern in* Uie aratn trade will he furnUhed at all lirut* to farmer
with picture, free ofcharfe.
which < a!*a>-* told at low price#, tpd warranted in be ma good a lertifiaar aa as 3
other platter.
BELLKPorre, pa.
Lime! Lime!
Lime ol the best quality, always on
' '.and, at the kiln near Centre Hall.
MlUhelm, Pa.,
Wu ueaaLS AM> Reran. Dumhi*
They bare just returned from the Ea'temj
Citiea, where they have purchased a well]
selected stock of
IIARDWARK. C'l'tlkrt. Ibok. NAIL*
Oil*, Paiwt*, V a Balance, Pcttt,
Plasterers and Masons,
Saddlers, Shoemakers.!
Housekeeper*, and in fact,
We call particular attention to a in* u
aortmeiit l Pi .-lure Frame* and Moulding,
very cheap.
Aud Curiam Fixtures of every kind.
attention i* called to our stock of Spoke*,
Hubs, Felloes, Shaft*, Poles and Buggy
W heel*, all of No. 1 quality- and telling v<-
ty cheap. Oar tock it large, and con
stantly being renewed, and we are telling
wholesale and retail —at very low price*.
Ucmember—much money ha* been lo*t by
paying 100 much for Hardware. Try
<& fiuzikJn Bffc'a,
rhov hay for Cult and sell at Ca*h Price*
for le* profit than any other Hardware
Store in the County.
jßtrCall end &oe u*. Salt*taction guar
u* 27-y '74
Manufacturer* of '
Shectirou & Till
Miilheim, Pa.
All kir.J of Tinware, con*lantly 01
hand and made to order.
Shcetiron Ware of every deacriplion
alway* on hnnd.
Hoofing in Tin and Shcetiron done it
the moi approved and aatiafactory style.
Spouting done to order.
Tneir slook of Tin and Sbeotiron Goodi
i* large and complete, and offered at tbi
Their eiiabliabnienl ha> been enlarged
nnd stocked completely throughout.
Satisfaction ffuarlantecd, and all iobi
promptly attended to. aprlii-)
Next door to Wilson A Hicks' Hard
ware store, Allegheny St.,
Jas. Ca Williams.
tSuoccesor to B. F. Rankin A Co.)
for medicinal purposes.
Also, Choice
and all other articles usually hept in first'
class Drug Store.
X\.neys at-Law. Bellelonte, Pa. Special
attention Riven to Collections, and Or
phans' Court practice. May be consulted
, in German and English. Office in Gar
|man's Building. my2B '74-tf
Penns valley
Banking Co.
Ana Allow In/erwst,
Discount Mom
1 Buy and S*h
I G orerntaeu I Srcuritiea, Gold u.u|
PrTt Horria, Wm. B. Mikoul *
Chas. H. Held,
C'l*k, Hatfkna4rr* Jeweler
Miiilieim. Centre Co., Pa.
Respectfully infarct* hi* fntnd* and lk
public in a*"***!, ikal k baa jurt opened
at hi* new establishment, above Alexan
der * o, and fcMMamMtaaUj on band,
*l. kind* <i| Clock*, W niche* nod Jewalrt
iof ike latent style*, a* alto the Mamnvilf*
, 1 stent Calender Clock*, provided with a
ompiete indrt of tb month aad day or
ilbe moo Lb and week on it* face, which it
[warranted a* a perfect uma-keepcr.
.Mr*( <o< k, \\ alcht* aad Jewelry re
• pelroc on short notice and warranteo.
aep U* 6S ly
, ■
Best Sample Rooms ia Town.
' D JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor.
Bellefonte, Penna.
Free Butt lo and from Uu Depot.
Excelsior Cement*
The undersigned new man u facie re* Ce
or A l itv S T* D 1 OF ASUPERIOk
'•..lun' :* l u *** nenr Piae
, WW* *'Jli, it HaiM iwa This cetweei
bat already been used in large quantities
upon the L. C. A S. C. RK.. and ha. Wen
found highly satisfactory upon ail job.*
where it ha* been used, and at equal to
"J inanufaviurod lor u it, Cl>-
, TaRNS, \S ATKE PIPES, or whatave
"2w!Sr. "a 5** 1 £** already been
foatod far and wide, and rendered the ut
' therefore con-
Vin* Water Pipe*.
XL'*- j advantage to War
tbia in mind, and also. that ba warraou tbe
. article at represented.
* J £JS"fh
V M'aeolu, Proprietor
rsir and depart daily, f or al
point*, north. *Olllll, mm and •
luKaar laorKUHorr t. t. iirsn-
President, Cashier.
klillike®, Hoover A Co.)
And Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Co **™? enl Secu lies.Gofd"
ff4W Coupor
I %;V mu-
. il.?** 1 , inform the cit
>vcni ofthia vicinity, that be huiun<l a
new Boot and bhoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public patron
age. Boot. . a< j Shoes made to ordering
accord ma to styla, and warrant* hit work
Hp equal any made eUewhr*.<All kinds
Uve Imu a call. ]| |
J) * 8. a CTiLltTs:
Dentist, Mill helm.
1 n.,!r M u P ro ' ess >on*l semoae to the
DF.FORIWEYT Attorney at Law.
• Bt ll'fonte, Fa. Office orr Key
o_mdsbank. ZjuL
00, M e tf ljr L ,p,> °l ite f SpanclWs hotel.
aT A Riur M . ANUB ' AUora y at Law,
w . Bellafcaie, Promptly attends to a)
bimueaa entrusted to him. iui2,*ttH
offers his services to tho citixen* of Mlfflit
5 *nd adjoining counties, in
lloiinc, Mgu aud Ornuinenatal
!Mahogoay. WdMl.llapk.A*
I lam and Fnucy Paper).anninc. Or
Inov c u" 6 Wo 2ne forotie ' painters.
a l urJges'
" Nf '* w milll*' v<f( *
For Hon* or Stays Power.
Cross-Cut and Circular
l>wcriplw CircuUn and Prioo-Liat Mat baa
ißLYMYEKMaßufiscturiDgi o.
ObJluUtM Wet Eighth St.. CIBCIRJTATI, 0.,
Manuiaelurers of Cane Machinery, Steam-
Engines, Shaker Thresher. Farm
School, and Church Bells, etc.
Dec 10. jr.