FRED.KURTZ WLWT ' 0 Centre Hall. Ta., March, 11, \*~s - year, ta adraarr, -\>jwilation of i'.dorado, Iho reassin why Now Mexioo tatlod was hi cause the radicals were not sure it iswdd be carritsl by their party. What will Hartranft do when local option repeal comes before hint fir his signaturv'? lie is plfdpsl to tho tem pera niT jHHiplo, ami afraid if tho liijuor ites, and know how to drink beer with tho Germans in the Tittsburg s,vh'ii. This will be music that the governor will not like to fae. as In* i- a candidate for re-election. Tho rvsolutions jsismhl by t'ongr. in lfkfi, eensurinf Simon t'amoron, wa re rowinndtsl on 2nd inst. These resolu tions were {wsnl by a mdtcal t'ongres-s whendameron was Lincoln's Sa retary of War, for corrupt 'prwi-tiow. Hie old \Vinnoluigo was jn-rmitted to r. sign, hut t > lot him down easy, old \be -n-nt him as minister to Uussia. Tho rescinding rosolntiotis passed unanimously. The Hon. S. S. Cox, in his speech on the tax and tariff bill, drew a striking picture of the enormous taxation with which the country is burdened : It is well authenticated that in the jxist ton yaars we'have paid in taxes $7,000,000,000; three-fifths of this to the federal and two-fifths to the state and municipal governments. It Uascertain ed that this sum is nearly one-halfot the total assessed wealth of the country in 1870. The yearly average of this taxu tkm for the jiast dectdc, is $7.000, i*.>0 — five per cent, of the whole taxable valu ation. When you remember the rate of interest which the widow or the orphan and the savings bank dcjKi-itor receive for their investments this five jwr cent, a year is crush ingly enormous. In eve ry twenty years, as Governor Tilden has said, there is assessed for taxation a sum equal to all the assessed wealth of the country; so that within twenty years, under lud administration, we consume the cost of governing it. I* this not the true text of our adversity, and the sure key to our panics ? It matters not that some grow rich while people grow JHKT. A nation is not made rich by the trans fer of property—one class to another — the one accumulating, the other paying out; this is not general wealth. When we reflect that this all-devouring taxa tion eats out the whole substance of the people every twenty years it hardly lie comes gentlemen to talk about slavery or incivility among races, or disabilities among men. Do not such attempts to tax beget pillage and speculation? He sides, the largest amount of this tax goes to feed a temporary cormorant like the federal administration, and that oduiin- istration thus swells its pride and power And what is this federal government, as it was first established—not as now ad ministered —that it should übsorb more tluui twice as much as all our state gov ernments and municipalities ? Rumors in regard to coming changes in tlx- Cabinet continue to circulate free ly, and there is the best authority for saying that both Mr. Bristow and Mr. Jewell have decided that in a certain very possible contingency, they will re sign their positions. There is nothing in the atTairsoftheir&(iecialde|>artii>eut tliat leads them to desire an early retire ment, but it is said by the friends of lx>th gentlemen that they will not consent to identify themselves with the Adminis tration for a single day if Grant ventures upon any further flagitious measure* in the south. Thus, should the President undertake to overturn the present Gov ernor in Arkansas, a* his message to the Senate lately threatened, there will cer tainly be two vacancies in the cabinet. Mr. Jewell has given the President to understand what his feelings are upon the question, and if Grant ventures on any high-minded measure* hereafter he will do so with the full understanding tiiatit involves a reconstruction of the < 'abinet. Grant's little tariff bill, which we pub lished in last week's Reporter, has been kicked from all sides like a worthless cur. The World in a lengthy article up on the bill alludes to the whiskey clause as follows: The obligation of the whiskey jieople to these gentlemen is easy to be seen. There are about 30,000,000 gallons of whiskey and spirits in the hands of manufacturers and wholesale liquor dealers. Under the Tax bill, as it has finally passed both Houses of Congress, this liquor, as well as that now in bond, pays no tax except the old tax of 70 cents a gallon. But all liquor manufactured on or after to-day must pay the new tax of 90 cents a gallon—2o cents a gallon more than that already in bond or in the hands of manufacturers and dealers. Thus the 30,000,000 gallons already on hand have been increased in aggregate price just $6,000,000, und every cent of this money goes into the pocket* of the whiskey people, not one cent ofit in to the Treasury. A measure at once more imbecile and corrupt lias never passed through Congress. The only tol erable thing about the proposed tax on whiskey, as it first came from tlve Ways and Merns Committee, was the addition al tax of 15 cents a gallon on liquor in bond or iu the hands of manufacturers and dealers, whereby the Treasury would have gained some immediate re lief, and the price of whiskey on hand and whiskey to lie produced after to-day would have been in some degree fairly equalized. It would have given the Treasury two or three million of dollars immediately. But this was exactly What the whiskey ring fought to prevent and succeeded in preventing. Both Mr. Dawes and Kasson strenuously helped the ring to fight its battle in the House, and whatever may have been their mo tives in so doing, there can be 110 deny ing the fact that they have conferred a much larger benefit upon the ring than upon the Treasury. Leaving the whis key ring's axe, now nicely ground, out of the discussion, the tax of 90 cent* a gollon on whiskey is much too high to 1 be easily collected. Tlie recent tax of 70 cents a gallon was too high for the < purpose of revenue, and the more ex- J tremfe the tax the bolder and more sue-1 < ► oohmAil )> fnuuU u |win tin- n\ nni* c imo. • vk.V j 7>K '.l VKW'V /• I HImShD. It will be rvmemU'red that during tin llr>t voars of (lie a* ft termed, Simon Cameron was Lincoln- See'y of War ho |(tvc out contracts for nipplyiuy tho army, ike ,to |M>liti> a I pals his principal confidential distribu tor of a fow millions of dollars, was no lo a poison than AUv Citmniings. ami he at high rates furnished tho sold tots with straw hats.Scotoh henings. inttshtt pants, and shaving soled shoos and such liko. all approved ofhy Simon Cane oron. His jHditioal jart\ wore in a largo majority in t engross hut they ounld not approve of Cameron andtAttnining's manner of dUfribnttng ,l '° l ,uW e fuuds, and thoy jstssfl a iivduhoii of .vm-tirc on Cameron which was entered on tho Journal of Congress whore It remained until last wook. rrosidont Lincoln to get ulnar of hi* Sce'y of War, sent Stu. n to Kuasia, and every mi"H stmo. >:■ nton has luvuirytitg ti> have the resolu tion of nonsuit, ivjiealeil, hut t.nh d us long us there was a majority of the war members" of t'otigri-ss in s< s>i,>ti. >inoo the Noxcuilh r i li'ctt. u he thought MM is the time. Ninety of those fellow s w ill not le Imck in I'ongrcss again thov will do it and Sivitiohl of this state made tho motion to tvpoal the offensive resolution after twelve years of its exist ancv. M'ho employs a unoliutu to in terrogate liiuxdn in tho spirit land on tho subject, and gets an answer tliut tho resolution shoulil l.vs that he sltotthl teele.msl tint din's not ex|dain if it was advising him to resign or for sending him to Kussiu, and C ongress ivntplics witli the medium's atisuer and they rejH'ahst tiu rusolntion ofix'lisure which jiarticularly states ts u, et'.>, t public opinion on that subject. t MO-DOC. Ami now Mtrk diKlp> the •<• /■> - ry did. JV'sidos. just to show 1 outre county folks how little of truth isinhitn, wo w ill just stato that wo aro willing to stake SIOO agaiu-t his sso, that ho oan not substantiate his silly do® story. Gray also says wo "can not got titty dol lars out of him ; "well, there mi# a time wo could —didn'tyouCiray.f u\upon a time, toil as to just >si)- what wo would take to sot up l'ottor townsinpJK* you ' We re fused your stamps then, didn't we ? He don't want theiu now. Look out tor the Mo-dog.- IIFI'FAI. OF LCH'AJ. OpTi<>X BY Tin: HOUSE On 2nd in-t„ the bill for the rojieal of the local option law passed finally in the House. The follow ing is the repealing act: /?-■ if CIMICW, cfc. That the art approv ed on the "J7th day of March v. n. !v-\ entitled an act to permit the voter* of this commonwealth to vote every three years on the question of granting lict n-c to sell intoxicating liquor- he and the -a me is hereby repealed. On agreeing to the billon final parage the vcas and nays w ere as follows: Yr.vs —Messrs. Aoheiibach, Agiuw. Andre. Anstine. Kakeoven. Hardsley, Boyd, Hover, B**< k. Butler. Carver, Con rad i Hcrk.-', (Yawford, CYnikshank, De ! vereux, Deyarmon, Douglas, Dry. Ihirl ing, Kldred. Krwin Northamptoni, Kt tla, Kverhart. Faunce, Kincher, Fogel, Fredericks, Galley, Gelir. Geiselman, Gemuiill, Gillespie, Good, Gorman, Gross, Guustcr, llannan. Hartshorn, Harvey, Henry, Hetrick, Hill, Hoffcr, Holland, Hostetter, lluhn. Jamison. John, Kennedy, Kyscr, Kiinnictt. Ki-t --ler, Kniglit, Knipe, Large, Andrew, laiw, Lecron, Lewi- Schuylkill), hoftu, I#>- gan (Crawfowl-, Loach. laiudcnslutigcr, Lusk. Lynott, Marshall, M'Henrv, Mc- Lean. M'Nitc. Miller Herk- . Miller i Philadelphia Miller SitmerseO, Miner, Morgan (Schuylkill , Mumper, Myers, Newell, O'Neill, Pallatt, Parker. Patter son iPhiladelphia!, Petroff, Pijer. Quirk, Keutter, lie) born, Richardson, Ringgold, lioney, Roseumiller, Jiutter, Kvan, Sal ter, Schoeh, Shugert, Smith ri:ith|ti Imil h<- u made \t ry Mini cote -nth ought to ho made now , ami aftoi mioli a •■•Kliiin urgtnnent as that tin house attrt'tti to it. ft fit ih'tiiooi at i< member voting again-l it t./ xrtt i> cordo.v* sn h< // Tin > owi- itu rttOToTV r o tut won KII\ t iKorr-n IGOKK. U t hat on > oivcd a puniphlct copy <>l tho grcAt speech of tiouontl Gordon t striking ami felicitous computi ton hetwci n Titus thile- ami tho pres. out earpct hug doehtinui on -out hi ttt outragi's lioail tho following p.~sagc Mr. Gordon Othot testimony from cptally tosjiov tahlo it publican sources roithl ho introilmoil Hut, sir. what is tho UM\ tthott Motto hut those who <|o faun to believed ' WJu u yi'tii own rt'puhlit an oolnniittoo, ap|snii(fd hy a republican nmnti", is i hinged with making at-Ail oiiskiny report. It cannot havo Ikh'li forgottoii that tionoral i.tatil hitusolf titailo a timr of tho southern >tato> siinvtho war, and that ho rejsiit ial what ho saw and hc.iij Nit overt tionoral tiruuf was ohurgod with Aift- t'linAi> /" the sotillu in people, tii'in ral tirant has not Is-i-n in the south since. (If: ! (I // iht I'll ■ 1,1 ' . :lh I't 1, I , III', t lt thtll sri-fiou fhteh kin i .ockrd htut in' his ri.'h.i - ffiinit.Acs lAiiniyAlktMM IMMf hill, MOU ,tii,f iiifriYnf i/ Ait* Af'ii fn WIIII.A c 'Aid jsi-pA for Iht fust nilh jtatri, Mi I'residftlil, as llhislrativo of these I times, 1 shall tiw read a jauugrajdi from tho history o! Titus dates and tin gn at "jsipish plot," which, w tth tho i hango of dates anil nam,-, would fitly de- idn the coiidition ofilto south If you will substitute for Titu dan- the "catpot- Iniggcr" ami simtlierii juvplr for t'alhol i<>, you w ill havo a perfect daguet teo typil of an tthorn s.K-iety under tin- rule of advontureis- SjK'aking of Titlls dates, tin gieat pro totype of tin' present carjw-t-lmg dei htitu er upon southern outrages, the historian says "lie caused a written narrative of a conspiracy oft he Jestiites to murder the king and subvert the Protestant religion to le drawn up and laid In-fore tin king." Tiny -aw they wen-nionsti n.>us false hoods, and jiati no attention to tin r.i I -avs tho historian . "Enlarged his fiction, mid in Septem ber made a disposition before sir Kd inoudlmry Godfry, a justice of the peace He added to his storv at various time-; and the substance >*f it finally wa- * * * tlip Jesuit.- were the authors of the great tire of Ifiofi, and j;,iit they were then plotting to burn alt the ehij pi;i* in the Thames. At a given signal the Cath olics were to raise and massacre all the Protf-stajits in the kingdom. * ' Somecolor was tnu tot], -tispieion I \ the death * • * of the ma gistral*- before whom < tales' dispositi* n hail been taken. The bov wa- carried to the grave with every demonstration of |>opuiu it sir Fdnund bury .Godfrey was styled a p*rtyj to th' Portestant cause. "The capitol and the whole nation," -a\ - Mueauluy, "went mail with hatred and fear. The |wua! law-, which had twgun to l>*e something ••iHieig • Ig • were -hitr]MK* Congress if* no more since 1U o'clock, March 4. We do not know tlinl it had any mournera when it drew its last hreath not even the President went into tears at its demise, but judging from its organ at Washington, he wan in abet ter mood to make "snoots" at it than to cry. It en ye that "more than one half of the members of the present t ongrcss, will dewi \ 1 dl\ retire to the seclusion of! private life" with a record for stgward shiji which it denominates us "white feathered," it declares tliat, in the way of spe< ial legislation, "Thefinanrea have been tinkered at, and a piece of senli inentalism known as the t'ivil Itights hill has been enaeteil into a law." The republican numbers are further charged with having " wasted their tiflie in frivol ous debate," and, "fearful of their own personal interests, frightened by the bellowings of their political op|Kineuts, and generally demoralized by an abject and cowardly spirit of self-distrust, tliey have yielded themselves to he the will ing tool* of; he iiide|M-ndent press. As republican icjresentativgs, they have proved themselves to lie despicable fail ures. With rare exceptions, the strong minded, bold, determined statesmanship which illustrated the earlier period of the party's history stands forth a mark ed contrast with their chicken-hearted umi jc.tijianjiuoo dilly-dally,makeshift lit' U l I It.' 1 l.lllht Hi ll >|K'Hk. r lilllillf WH- . lilt". II Ileitis.' ||f Wit* a gtio.l pHiliHiiintHri*ii, mill in. i liv.atih. ll.' wan known 1.1 |,- |, steadfast Hcptili- Ufa ii I'liat lie lia.l pt.'viouoly phtmie.l it tlflili.'nitf .liMiiptioit ot tin- IvfptiUli .mi pHitx. .iii.l liu.l itll.-in| >tl to .'it'iin ir>- it foitht i \ illi\ >• out. w tilt r.. nut" li-.iii il" rultkh "lint 111" gr. lit mistake, "adds tin- urtiflf. "WHK tlif ik.'li'.'tinn nt .' lliitt. . unit It.ill am t. ilcMruy t.ruttl, lb. article . l iti. I". "t "l |. - flit tilt I Htill tilell *.: V" "Tin-truth I", the |wily hn* too mam politician" IS 11.1 too f. W alat.-alliCII, to.- iiiaiiv M'IU mcr* and two few | wit riot* ' I.H I N rs \ I HI: t 'li t l-! low " : /.Viii/iid, I'lutt the r.-|Hrt f tin- S|-- cialt "111 in itt. e Oil Nt kail".." he accept, d. ami, in the judgment of thi" 11. iti*.*, no ilitelf. i.lic. Willi tin- enisling li>.'.rii in. iit of tin United fctati is i advitsthlc. Thi* fcM'lutioti wa* n.loptc.l hy a vote ■f 11* to sn. The majority wa* coiuj.>>- ■od of the democrat." pic-int, and MIIIIC -ity -tive republican*, ..r more than tw ice a" many republican* a* v.'tc.l against the Fun. hill. The eighty republican who voted again*t the rc*ulutivtn were (the very wcakc-t nicmlerof tin-llou*e, and a coiiijuirisoli of the nam. * in the minority with the h*t of repablnan who voted for tii K n .solution would *h>vv that uit .'lie *i.!c wcii. pretty much all the ignorance malice aa.l blitntpartisan -hip if the republican party, ami lu tion favored the j>a*.-.igv of the rewolu ii it >.f i!r. V'.,rd ~f illiuot*, declaring the picw-iit goVcrituieiit Hint t ouMitu tion illegal ami recognising Joacph lirook* a- Governor of Arkaiiaa*. Th* tir*t vote wa* taken <>n tlii rciwdutioii, and rc*ultcd ulvcr>cly. mi to 1.Y3. The yc, i* and nays .ic |tc r t a'l '. on . motion to lav tin-Poland resolution un the tabic, and i! wa* defeated, UN to 147. Tl.e main ut, with the r.-*ult ulatv*' given. The i*>liticjtl •irm of Grant. ( lavtoii. iV.racy and J. • ,-i'pti ya.44*0.1.} b •;-! i.d.!a-r*, i* thereby itix-oivrd forcv vt, ' GPKXING DAT OF THK SKN ATK NYs-hingt"-:, Ylarch j, I7j Th* crowd ill lho Sona'o gallorit-s to-day was larger Hun, us a..y , ~ s'OC.' tho inaugurti'ii, and the flour a„* crowded titr* ti-u tile wa* called l* order. Tbu greatest nn xivty was manifested to as.citain the 'o- emtio a of tho seats of Andrew J ■ lins.ui at. J prominent „*w v e,Mr. Johns" w a* assigned a meal on tho outer r..* cr lha Democratic side that formerly oi.upicd by Mr B >gy, who now has the et for merly occupied by Mr Alcorn Daw.* h .- the -.-at which Mr. Chandler occupied t-P-oiiou desk, 'f M.-tsr* Johnson and Law. * weiv 'urge boqut-t* Uuii'sidu m. welcomed by thecla|.ping of hand* in the galleries. Vic President Wilson called the Sen ate to order at twclvo o'cl-'ck, aiid aft.r rending the pr lamation of the Prcsuh nt. tlie oath vva- administered to tho new Sen at r- A- Mr J.-hn-on advanced t-> the Clerk's d<-k to tike the oath there wa great applause in the galleries, which n *o.'ii clicked by the Vice President. Af ter he wfrt* sworn in a large boquet was handed him by a page, and he wa- es corted lo his seat by Mr. Bogy. All the new Senator* having been sworn in, Mr. Morton offered a resolution ac knoulvJgh g tho Government in Louisiana, which was laid over at his res quest. He then offorerd u resolution t<> ad mit I'iiiohhack in Senator from Louisiana and gate notice that he wrxul.l ask its con sideration perhaps on Monday. At 12.'2 D. on motion of Mr. Frelinglmy sn, the Senate took a roecss till one. In.mediately Senator Johnson ,jas * ,r --rounded by visitors, and he wa* kept busy slinking hand* until the close of the rcce's when Vice President Wilson stepped down to hi* scat and gave him n cordial greeting. Senator* t'aperton, C'ockcrill, Jones, of Florida, Maxey and NYilliers took the modilsed oath having been in the rebellion on the Confederate side. LAWS RELATING TO INSANE PER SONS At the pre-'-nt time there is unusual in terest manifested in this Stalo in reference to tlie safe-keeping, treatment nnd gener al care of insane person*.—Three Statu in stitution* have been provided for their accommodation—one, the Western Penn sylvania Hospital (or the insane ; another. the Slate In.ano Hospital at Danville, and a third, the State Insane Hospital nt War ren. In addition to these there are nu merous private hospitals for the treatment of demented patients, where they are at tended to by physicians skillful in man aging this most deplorable menial disor der. Besides these manifestations of and attention to in ane men and women, each county in the State takes cure of it own insane poor in almshouses, and thus this class of hopeless individuals are pro | vided tor in the Slate of Pennsylvania. From lime to time laws have been plac . ■ d upon the statue hoaks of the Common-! wealth intended to rule and control Insane! institution! and prevent patients from he- 1 j ing robbed of their liberty or right*, or' 1 treated in a cruel, barbarous manner j Kuril year these ordinances have leaned I more and more to the aido of the inmate of insane hospitals, gave them and their friends broader grounds on which to i ( us-' lion the acts of thoir keepers, ami readier j means of obtaining justice from Courts of law in ull parts of the Slate. Bill these !aw are scattered through the report fj year*, hard to tind, and when found, not alwat entirely consistent with each other in all particulars. A lawyer, in many cases, i* puzzled to lit one provision in a particular aet with a similar provision in another. A layman in the luw CHIIIIO! make use of the statutes ill an intelligent. | satisfactory or practical manner In order to gather up tho odd* and of this whole subject, a hill i* new pel d ing before the Legislature of tliia State for | the cudiilcalioß of the law* relating to in j sane parson* In till* State. The genera! provision* In this hill cover the following point*.- First. On what evidence iii-enc! perrons are to he admitted to insane u-y -IUIII* Scond I u*ane patient* may com ; miinicnte with counsel. Third. ilulonsj corpn* to be for such person*. Fourth. I Proceeding* fir commitment of insane |n llolli fttllllliit(•<(i l>y (lie i flirllill Hitltll. | Courl> in>• y -'lot iiniinv |u*riui( (utfurma ti i nutol into t. nit it *yln i■ i St> y PII lit T IIIIITI i I''LT'VUIL |>o IN IM|U>IIII>UIIV Highlit Flitting light" not to kit lilt paired Then mini • u prfX'tiUlioti ol tlif ! Inn lor lltti t ii oit■ I |irlt't'liu|i of t rimi- , mil iiiintiit Ttiii u follow rd try uii ynu' i llitl lit 101 lot lh flii'l'liollh to till' grin" (I ] toil, ot proi'i'tlur? mitt Inwa In relation to! lint lioii.ttnli .it Danville and Warren, and lllu wini it.i \\ iU iii l'entiay L nnia Hoc |< 11 it I for llip luinlir I'll 111 all the laWi Hlitl or." Inaurii Hi reformer to iltiano hoipilalt and tlipii uiiiortuiititp Ininiili'i nip htought into i lip Html l oiupnct form, iiunlo rontiit* i iil null iio Ii uilirmi il iiitily areritihlr. Pit win. -,1.1,1. ii km i .l.i. .... ... IIIPH lllltl lllllMUM H 118 l rih'Ull I* I 4 nV* ">tl>. 1 to patlint" ,'l these institution* nnd tll.-.r ti ami hoW U'secure them, * an arrive ut their ile-ircs m n certain and ensy manner At the same tune, lira Man ugcr* ..I Hospitals, hull. State ait.) private, can as. crtuin the true line of their duty, n marked out hv law, and waik in lh<- prop cr | nth. This modification of the laws ul I'.-nn-y It anli. ill 1.-latioli lo insulie pert.'!'! is n wok long needed Under the new ty t< in our insane hospitals w ill he brought still iK-ui .-r lo the humane spirit of the age, white nt the value time the rights ot both Manager* nnd inmate* will hi amply pro tected Philadelphia Age ('.> .. j omuls ul liuftr ij ulff * <1 until tv VI: llivuxoml Jot 111 IS It It ' Xlllalll.-d to U. Iti this way. A mall gave ins not* lui flisti which note wu- endorsed b* Mr Jno NN .-Ifc, of N'-nh'.l Co .a> (•**■ 1 Nut. WUsk'ptg i.l il. thu maker by- (tic- pays inel.t "f ilil.-lc-t, hut after the eS|iratioli "I six year, the inuk.r failed and tould uut pay. Suit wus ll.rll brought against the bail, Mr V , far tho money, wl.o it apl'i'iio delivertul two puuioit of butter ti' the gentlei'ian wtu* to 1.l the nolo, for which eie.iit on the paper was given This I butter delivery occurred before the t-xju fatt.'tl of the six y.ait, and hy* reason ol j tho facta jury of twelve men at our recent] court made him liable for the amount j of the note N cry expensive butter,' that. •♦ 1 - Ihe \ rilAligt) (ipVi'Ullnf iH) . Oil .lay morning, lasi week, Capiaiu Ma. key. iivi.-ig a few miles from Tilusvillc, feund u hound 1 \ it- k i" "ne of his field*, on the 'Haw, and bc-i le the dog wa* a dead toi 11.. hound Wut unable lo walk and Cap-, lain Nla. key carried him to bit house; wl.cli he was taken care of On Saturday .a-t a g.iiiUii.aii living near Lutst .vn, v.'r.wi..rd counlv, lorty uiile* from ih<- i place where the hound was picked up, called on Captain Mackev and claimed the .ho' 'J'he owner said the hoon-l -tartud "It the trail on the Friday before he was found by Mr, Ma. key and il was his ,'pilii. n that tho dog had chased Ihe fol iu!ly ■jvMmi.cs, until K.-yi.ard fell > ihaUft >d and his enemy lay down Inside him. The liound is some dog. no doubt . but the to* wa also a it.vudy goer. ■aa - - _To I'*Tc|-- Kif. r.- Parties elected I" the "fllce ->f J uiHru of the Prat a nl the re .. Nt election, should bear tho fact in mind if they do not notify the Protbon.siary v .lhin ibirty dav • after the etvctiun, th*t they Iwifctid Ul a. I Ml. a h|l their .uaillll" *ion, itu.r names will not be forwarded lo the i'dice of the Secretary "ftho Comrn • wealth; and c<'iife<)uonttr nrt i"smiiii**ion ' will be issued by tho State authoritie* THE TIM ES. .4 HIKSTCLASS MOl.yjMi XKWSI'APKK Independent in Kvcrv thiftg 1 Acu'.rxl in £otliiiio 1 Opposed to nil Corrupt Uing in Municipal .Stale and National Affair*. f|NHK TIMtS v. :i 1,.- 1-.x• ■ 1 .-n Satut- I day, the I.7th >f March, end every nunnit.g thereafter. Sunday * excepted, un ih r ti. . lilci.ti .lire-;. of A 17 2*. 1 LUKE printed Ccrtvpaetly from cjear, new ly 1 '•-. ■ 11 a large folio sheet, containing alt Ihe Ni w* of the day, including the A . "Bled Pics* Telegram*. Special le!egrano Vl'd Corrcpondence fr.'t" all i>irit of of iul. icsi, kiui Icgtless editorial ditouss I. 1 * <-f all > urr> nt topic* It aim* l > be a f.rrt cla*. Newspaper in every respect. Mail subscription*, it*ge f; e, ."-it dollar* per annum or Fifty cents per month. ADVEBTISEMEKTB, fifteen, twenty and thirlv cents per line, according to po sititiß THE WEEKLY TIMES. 1 Fiiisr-t I.ASS xeh.SI'AI'KK run THE VII.U".V f|M!K NVKEKI.Y TIM KS .. I 14 South Seventh Street, Pniladelphia. TjNSI ItA Y".—twin# to the premises of the 1 j under-igned, near Olu Fort, on Dec, 1-t, it Chestorwhite hoar, about 11 LL.C. old and having a till in left ear. The owner is requested to prove property, pay char ges and remove the same. Mar. 11 J'L JAB. ALBXANDBR. lA\ KUI"TOILS NOTICE Letters te j tamentary to the Estate of Rebecca Books, lute of Potter township, Centre, county, dec d.. having grant, d to the undersigned, all person* indebted to the -aid .-.-lata are requested t-v mako immedi ate settlement, and those having claims lo pretont them duly authenticated for pav , ment. A. LUKENBACU. Mar 11. fit. Executor. XrOTlrLi* hereby S'Twn by thu under* il signed that ho is ordered by the President of the 1, ('. & H. ('. K it. to is-1 uesummons on nil stock in hi* hand* for, 1 ollection which remain* unpaid and Exe-! cution* on all judgments on his docket en-; tered against subscriber* for unpaid stock within ten da v from tlie issue of this pa- 1 per. J. P. GEPUART, j Mar 11. 21. Justice of Peace. / lAUTION.—We hereby rnutlon the! Y> public against buying infringmenu! on tin- Champion Washing Machine, Gip son'* patent. See that tho machine you! buy i* patented, for any machine possess-i ing real merit, that is not an infringinenti is patented. Parties buying infringment*' 1 Hre liable to prosecution v.ith the vender, of such uiachiiitt. Wo uro lint only authorised agent lor , (Yhlrecounly of the Champion Washing Machine. Parties wishing to ted tho mi chine tit their house* will be aeeommoda tod by addressing, Z. P. KKISK. 4mnr. BAKU AIM*. It \HO A INK. In closing out our | winter •took, wo nfTor special bargains to n|l in I'luthipg, Kiiodg. HuU, I Clip*, Bool* urid shoo*, Cloth and Rubber Overshoe*. Trunk*, Valises, Ac., Ac. Call ] ill the Clothing Store, Milroy. Respectfully, Inmrllt. Z. P. KRISK. N r oT!cK—' Tho book* of 8. S. Wolf, will remain for n short time at hi* late [ place ol doing business, alter which they ill be placed in other hand* for collec tion. hence early attention i. required of ■ill person* iIIt•!. -l*i]. I'KTKR lIOKFKK Kel.4 tl MRS (' K. WOLF, Adm'rt. --STORK I OHSAI.K.— The store of S S Wolf, dee'd, in Centre Hall, is offered fir sale on verv reasonable term*. The stand i 01 e of tile best in the valley, and otfcr* an excellent opportunity to any par* tie* ui-liiiig to go into business PETER lIOFFKR, Feb I, M US. C, K WOLF, Adm'r* IIKATTYI!.. A N WEIGHS WHEN BOXED OVER ONE THOUSAND POUNDS Liberal term* to dealers iAUSend stamp for Circular. Addres* D F BKATTY. Washington, N. J. Kor lbt Jtf|iorti'r TilK fits|KL SoT A GUN MNfil.Y DK VISED FAULK IV t'• t tNt <1 both ii„. u|,| n ,,.| M, u 11 -tmiii iii, i r . lilt, wilt, lD won) ~f Ciod or the Hilly Set iptuip, ,|io H uI• ji-1 1 ol Iliri.tinnv. I'tiiormnl tin, rul of tin Aiiottli . (tcHi lic.l u (itxiMrl, tin, burden of j w lite It wndhe powerful coining of .Irani flu lit Jem. (liriil, Ike one Eternal (}„d, who he. ante liintrnnle mid died that we might Itvr, m il who will one ,ly ratio the dead mul jolge tl, world in KtableouMmia mid r revive nil believer* to glory Tliit f|ii|>l ii io. m till, jally cli'Vlin.l fable. dream or false miracle Siieb ll.tiom •botiiiilrd moona tlit* Ji w, Turk* and Heathen lllttuooiitti, llilddlilalii Mild M til M 111 1,. ml Mil I* 111 nr.< nil of tlltrui full of faliulout hhturirs Hint doctrine* ; all with ' uut . villain I. mill lull ~| absurdities a'nl HI .'I tin .in gto-dy impure Mi,.|<>t.*.i ties 'lare tint translate them ul all M.I. haii. o. danism lint most intelligent of them all . miatn* titanjr thing. tliat * oulil mkr Saudi" School .hiidlrtt laugh But tin* i."i.pi I i| ( ii..i u in# fable; it it mi iiifalli '•ln ruin ot fit It ami practice ,at certainly irun at dm landing efJuloi* ('sosar on tlia ■bur**. Nt Britain i lia A|>oiles .In] nut :livriil, or fuiju t c Gospel (o mislead oili er*, nor were thev imposed on by others. Peter I rail • ut to U turn foundation; dr viim revelation, I In* only foundation of froth Nt o can ii"t no the Sun without ihn !*un to an run not know li".l aithout lia.l (iotl inu.t reveal him-elf. uf hit rut. j.-ity. for he received front God the Fa-j ttier lo.nor and glory, when there eauie a Vol. Il to him from the excellent glory, I'liir it UIV beloved Son. in whom 1 ..m Well pirated. An J thlt volcu whieh . ume from heaven w .-heard, when we w.-re with him in the holy mount We havel alio a more *ure word of prophecy; a here unto ye do wejl that ye take btK'd, a unto . light that stiiticlh in n daik pine, until the day dawn, and the day K*r arite in' your bearu. In regard of the lir*t kind of Ucveluttoii, the Apostle tayt: We were oyaw itneno of the Uiajiwty of Jesus Chri.t, ■HI the Mount of Tran.figurali-ut, of which we lure an mv .unt in Malt 17. 1, and Mark'i-l'eter, .Jiiiuet and John were of thcTrumtiguration. They, saw the brightness ofChrisl—hi* facekbin. as the sun— lii* raiment white a* the light a> no fuller cuuld while thrai They taw the appexraliee ot Motes and Kliat, 1 men of God. in glory talking with Him about hit decease which lie thould aCCoiu- j liith at Jerusalem. They themselves w.-re! the men that w.-re repolug on Tabor and: ..waking taw the glory ot their Master and lliv men standing by them. A* they de parted, Peter said. l„el ut make here 11, ree 1 Tabernacles oi.o for The", oue for Mmes and one tor Ellas. Thay were to full fit. glory that they did n • know wlut lo do, | Mark tj. They had such af, 'heavenly Joy and g <-ry a* enabled them t. ray, ll it go, Kt to be here. Thev heard Hie voice Iruin heaven iayuig : Thi* is my be oVial Boli, Ac. l'hyy knew that (id i repretei'U-d J. us Christ a- bit Son. hi*' ( beloved Son, in whom He vv* well pleat"' <.l n t-eioved that God beholds Weill pleased all poor tinner* who are in Christ.; I bey knew that (iod himself represented. In in * a 'l.-acher who taught true dectr.n*! a Prophet greater I has 11.-ut IS ! Ji, They heard Ud htmseV *ay. ilear y* j him. P. ler, James and John a* ihe ehot- : • II eyewilne-f ft ~f (Sol, h.-ard ; i ,• K .relation on Mount Tab -r. Thi* Tramfirufat'on ttok pLeu only a abort' lima be#ur th* . ru iti x ion, forthe ericuur ageuieiit of lha di'viplu of our Lord Bi ll.vans -I thi* remarkable event. *• tru'h Ot the K -pel w - 7: reaied mmudiaWv t" . ler, oames and John. But Paler will' not build bis faith upon thi* foundation alone, lie therefore spin;..;, , u „ morel rMw V'liiui pi y, (prophetical w.irvl,) the Scripture*, the written word of (jod, I. <• . Muiinlr HrTetatiu i. (Sod doc* not now tpcak to u* by riikmi, dreams nnd voice*, but by men employed a* instru ments . and this it a surer foundation of hnlii than all other lievelation, Deut IS: i 1 ti.-d s ancient prop!* were lo depend upon prophecy rail .-r than *ignt and won der*. They were direct'*! lo the Law and the T< sjinteny I* f3O Ahrahdtn said to the rich man, They luvi Motes and the pr*>|deU, l-t them near them If they hmrn.-l M "tes and the prophets, neither will th.-y be persuaded though he roae fron the dead The word of God ia intl nilely ncra important and valuable than a >'age from the dead Peter heard fue ot the pMthcr, ar.d rrw the glory ..f the S..n , yet he would not have believed hi* own eye* and ears, had he ccn or beard any thing contrary to luitture word of prophecy. In at much, llief.. cyt ho had ..wis. n.odp*s. and immediate ltevelalion, int uld "Mainly know, wlusher he l-rwached the p 'Wcr and glory of J.-sU* Christ or not know that he was not preaching a falsehood -a fable B sidos the Holy t.hoit strengthened him. ao that he knew that b- proaehed no phantom, no hobgoblin nor anything of thia kind ''u: why tr.,,: ii. dw yard of G,>d ,(han in vtsi ii.s and apparition* *i answer, j bacattta of the divine power in tho word ' For the word of God i* .juick and |Kvw er: fill, and hHr|>erthnn any two edge d > or j, picreing even to the dividing rounder ot i soul and apirit. and of the joint* and row. and is a dicerner of the tiiought* and inltuit* of the heaMs, H<-b. 4. I'd Ii wa* n. l nccc.-Mary that all men should scti Chrlrt trvnfigu>4 The timony of three witnrM Was -i aUcsl lbi !*i t Their tOktm. my ha* boon recorded ill the ui*t'ir<' i volume; and Wo know that' Ui Holy S. rlpluret are a sure foundation lof faith. The reason of this, i* the tupcr-l natural and divine power in it Divine! truth :• a light thai thinelh in darkn."", a light that Ills Inherent power to cnli|fhlor. the benighted soul ; t-i ;r. !.... .ouv irtion ! sial a change ot vh-wt and leeling* T> thi* cr.d, lu w ever. there must be attention. The hertulurea mut bo road and atudivd. ■ Indued all our K.-ligion eomi-t* in know-, ing and undernniiding the Word of God No man ha* any m re lteligion than he has religion* knowledge. Xo man ha'anv more Religion than he intends t<> have. Then v- o.' toii/ii Scriphn 0* should be the' tuotlo of every man that love* Iruth But where is tho durhtK*.. *pnken of 4 reiily within us-net In a corner The whole heart it full of darkne**. Th" un derstanding i* full ol darkness. The judg ment i< full of error. The will i full of; rebellion nr.d the affection* are full ol self ihne*s. Reaton i blind and all the de sire* are diverted from all that i* good. THIS i indicated by St. Peter wh. he -peaks of a '-gh; that shinatfi in n dark! place—all the world 1* dark. No man can enter the Kingdom of God who brought life and immortality to light in the gospel, except he walk in thi* glorious The natural man rereiveih not the thing* of the spirit of (iod, for thev aro foolishness unto him; neither car, L" know j then:, t*.nu's tlivy nr* spiritually deceiv ed, Kph. 4 IM. But what will dispel thi* datkness; I answer the light of divine truth. Hence the Psalmist sav - Thy word is a lamp tomv feet and a light to my path, lib- 105. *j Tim. It JO. No hu-l, man power will avail. There mu!**• B|*iiit ? I i.niwcr in hi* word. Hftk to know tin'tinih Hiiti the Holy Spirit will ■titi vimi. A* aoon a* a mail will Iwjfin to work outwardly In tin' umol ihi nioant of grace, (ioil will work inwardly by hi* plr* ■ t work ill ainl Hiroitffli the irulli and ibu* purify uitd sanctify the tool And now lo flint up, wi< liuvn preach* d t<> u* K'i*|*i* 1 of Ilia kingdom of I'hritt, wliicli i* no labia, but a Itayelalioti of iJivino truth —Wa not only too the majr*ly of a ciucifl ml Jinn, but we Intro ■ mora aura word of prophecy, wliii li can liot tla |*roiluci*il not by Hutu, but by tb<* Jloly Uliotl; lot m, therefore, give lit**) to it, that wa may egperienco joy and |tc-aca in believing il and b anvrd by it with an everlasting •alvalioii A man might ba tempted to iloubt tlia truth <>f the < hrintlan Religion,' but hero in lliia holy Hook i* tbo M*urance ofcttriial life through a crticlled Jc*u. Well might Dr ) 'aton say : Surely, if] Chr'ttianlty In- a doluiiou, ll i* a bh-tted •lei ut ion indeed , and be who attempt* lo destroy it, it an enemy to mankind It it u delusion w iii. h touches u. lo do iutlly. to love mercy, and walk humbly Before God , a deluti 'ii wiiicb teavho. u* to love <ve, forgive and pray for our encmie*, loader good far evil, and promote the glory of, and ; the happfneaa of our fellow rresture*; which, whertvt-r It i* raccived, produce* • humble, meek, eharllahla, and peaeclul temper, and wbU li, did It univeraaily pre vail, would bullish wars, nn ami misery from the world. It is a delusion which not only tu|i|iorts and com forts its believ er* in their wearU.'tne progress through tbi* vale ot li-art, but attendt thein in death, when all other consolations fail, and enable* them to triumph over sorrow*, sick ness, and I lie grate. Jf delusion can do this, in di lution let me lite and die ; for what could the most blessed reality do more ? J. T-. Axrcßiburg. BEATTY PIANO: NOOTiIKK PI A NO FORTH h .- attain, ed the same popularity tamp for ('uvular I> V BK NTI'Y, NVashing, ton, N-w Jerey. Ho! for Sussman'a!! Ju.vt IIJH-IIC.I in his new .juartcr* in lluah'a AtcaJp A LA HUH K (if Trunks, Valices, All kinds of Lsnth&r Zhtb rinding Shoriiuilcrs cuff unt/ arc .SIVSNAUAI I for cheap ttoek. BUYS AND SELLS CLGVKK IM> TIMOTH V SKKI). idee C I !. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA PKALSRS IN J'VHI: ULT COS AXD MEDICINES, IOULMICALS. Oll.s, |)YK MUFFS, I'KKU MKHY. NOTIUNS, PA.NC\ A KTICLKS FOE TUE TOILET, A. . ic . Ac. PI KeUl\L AXD LIQI ORN, 11 fr purjuAoe. TruaM-* A: S'JppjrUrt in great variety.] ' A u<>. < hoice ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO, , and all other article* usuatlj kept in a flrlcla* Drug Bl>r*. | i Preacrintioui carefully Compounded. [jatoci tf MILHKABQN. . ~ CENTRE HALL FOUNDRY &. MACHINE SHOPS M \ MJJH **— 3LI P' * ' B B QSHBi btiL""'; • T" • P )| The undersigned having taken puttci • iun of the above cuahlunnirnt, repect-i fully inform the public that the aainc will, | be canted on by ihctn in all it* branch** L a* hareiutore. The* manufacture the CELEBRATED TTIIUB BLUE COUNT LA N'TKP., the ■ beat now made .iHtiRSE POWERS. UIKSIiING MA CIUSKS A SHAKERS, PLOWS.I sTuVKS, OVEN DOORS. KETTLE PLATES, CKLLARGUATKS, PLOW SHEARS A MILL GEARING of ere* ; ry deacription, in abort their Foundry if 1 complete in every particular, i We would call particular attention to , our KXCFLsioP PLI|W, nrknowl-: cdacd to Li the' Plow now in use. r ihihihg in the beam f"t two or three hor-] -c. We al*<> manufacture a new and improv ; I ,*d TRIPLE GEA RED IfoRSK PoW-j KR. which ha* been used extensively iu , the northern and western Slate*, anJhav, . taken precedence over all other., AVeare prepared Lds wli KINDS OF CASTING ftuui lh6 target l<> the email- : |ect| iind nave facilitloi for doing all kind* of IKON WORK >uch PLANING,: TURNING, IJOKING, Ac. All knd* <>f repairing done on short no- j I tic* VAN PELT & SHOOP, | janlil-lr. Centre llal! CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, I.KYI MIIR\Y, lat Ui* establishment at Centre Hull, keeps on hand, and tor sale, at the most reasona ble rate*. Carriages, Uuggios, & Spring Wagons, PLAIN AND FANCY, and vehicle* of every description made to ; "rder, and warranted to l>e made of the | hast seasoned material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Pertont wanting anything in hi* line are requested to call and examine his work, they will find it not l<> be excelled (or durability and wear. may fitf. I.KYI M I'll It AY. NOTARY PUBLIC, iiUIiIUNKR AND CONVEYANCER, C K N T R F. II A L L. P A. Will attend to adiuinitlering Oaths, Ac knowledgement of Deed*. Ac, writing Ar ticles of Agreement, Deed*, Ac, mavlo I'. M. WILSON. T. A. MICKS. WILSON & HICKS. \VIIOLESALfi AND RETAIL Hardware aud sitnv |>valt rs Builders Hardware DA Kill AGE MAKERS GOODS, SADDLERS TRIMMINT.S, ALL KIN lbS OF HARD W AUK AND HOUSE FURNISHING flQQPfci. STOVES. SPEAR'S ANTI-CLINK Kit STOVES A DOUBLE HEATERS wbi -U will heat one or two rooms down stair*, and same number above. Uust very little more thitq alove*. Those are tLt> host parlor stove* made. SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVE. Thia stove hH* large ovens, will burn hard or soft coal and wood, Every one warranted to give perfect satisfaction. ' WILSON A HICKS, mat lo ti Bellofunte, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A. W GRAFF. CKNTKK HILL, CKNTKK CO., PA., Ha. ju*t receivariog duo*. A.HD NEW PRICES! man HATES RIBBED out.) Goods at Old Faaliiooed Prices. At the Old Stand of \V.n U#LF. W ould aeapeolfully inform the World and j the r*t of mankind, that he ha* ju; opened out and I* constantly receiving a large >tock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS which ho i* offering at the eery low?## market price. DRY GOODS and l Print*. klulin#. Opera Car>lont. and Wall ; Flannel*, Ladle* Ore** Good*, autk a* ! Oelainc, Alpaca*. Poplin*, Eupret# Cloth, 'Sateen#, Tnrncise, together with a fall ltoek of every'.bmg usually kept in Vhc l)njr Gopd# line. which he ha* determined W ell rcif cheap, cooiiin|f of NOTIONS: A full clock. con titling part of Ladie* and Children'# Merino iie. Collar#, Kid glove#, heat nualily ilk and Litle thread Gloroa, liooda, Nubia#, lireakfaft thawlt. HATS & CAPS, ' A full !>>urtment >•! Men* BOY'S *riJ Children'* oi ihe Uiei style nod belt. CLOTHING, Ready made. * choice selection of Meat and Boy'of the newest style* and must tort utalemU. HOOTS & SHOES, 7 "WM. WOLF. CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DKISINGEE A new. complete Hardware Store ha* J been opened by the undersigned in Cen-j ire Hall, where he i* prepared to sell allj kind* of Building and House v urtikUigl Hardware, Nail*. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw#, Teanoa Saw*, j Webb Saw*, C'.ubas Hack*, a foil a**ort-| ment f &sd Mirror Plate Picture Krnwet, Spokes. Fo!lo, and Hub*, table; Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Fork#, i Locks, Hinge*. Screw#, Sa#h Springs.; Hore-Sboc*. Nail#, Norway Rods, Oil*, Tea Bells, Carpenter Tool#, Paint, Yarn i*he*. Pictures framed in the fined *tyle Anything not on bftad. ordered upon horte#l notice. f I. Gu^eiiheimer. FOR FOREIGN A DOM 181 If DHV GOODS. NOTIONS. READY MADE CLOTH IK< DItE6U001, <4ROCK UI KM, I'KOVIMIuKM, ROOTb At SftoKM, lIAIS, CAPS, DOO'i'S At bliOib < MITIII\U, OIL yCKK.VSWAKR, GROCERIES. PRO VISIONS. FLOUR. Ac and it now prepared to acooaod.uo fc i hi old cuitoraers, and u welcome tWJ new one* who roar favor Lisa wm, tbeir patronage. He feel, aafe mg that he can pleaae the moat faetiJi • otia (.'all and see. w a I 2, AACOrfJC K>'DKINKR r. B.—Mr, Katsman still continue^ to deal in AND SIIOE-FINDINGW. CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEEDS. in the old room, where he may alna< on found. 12ap.'./' 'P JiE und,.TaigMdV X the popular demand f or Lower iSMCTiIt.?!!? SADDIJtRY. £&. ~a VtriC<3 ftr - d J^£^ t H f nw , Collar., Bridle*, and in fact e [IA *° d <|Ual ' l f ; W * lp *' claw *i>' . or Fthina to complete a ir*l wl.icl. ° now offer* at price* "** will uit tae time* _ JACOR HINGES. Centre Halt Stoves! Fire! Stoy's! At Andy Reetmau'c, Centre Hall, at . latest and b**t rtovet out, he ha* jnt _ , _ received a large lot of Cook Stores, the Pioneer Cook, the Eclipse Cook, the Reliance Cook. PARLORS—The Radiant Light, *elf-fec der, Ga* Burner. National Eaa Jewell, At taxHeeelD *U>ve* a* Lo W a* anywhere la Mifflin or Centre co. w TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE "VOTE PIPE a npoctisc 1 All kind, of repairing done. He k% alwaytonband B^*. CUPS. diH*crs, All- i. DISHES, AC. hu .a wlrr **t*d and charge* raa.oc ggy. Centre Hill FURNITURE. JOHN li It ECU HILL, in hi# elegant New Room*, Spring ctreet, Ilellefonte. ilat on hand a tplrndid acsorlmeat ot HOUSE FURNITURE from the cam* tuonecl to the nott elegant. CH A M BKK SETS. PA RLOR SETS. SOFAS, CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS. WOOL MATTKKSSE* HAIK MAT TK ESSES. and anything wanted in the line of hi# hutineca—homemade and city work. Al *, baa made a fpeciality and keep# on hand, the iargeat and 2ae*l clock of WALL PAPER. Good* old at r*iuoL.ah) re tea, wboh-taiw and retail Givi aim k call before pur c baaing eUewWato, fb6*ly J. ZELLER dr SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerboff How. Bt Ikfootrjft* I'fri\iHeri, Fn Uonda Ac., Ac. Pure Wine* and Liquors for medical !I purpose* alway* kept. may 31. 72. OENTREHALL " Furniture Itooms! MBA KBVXBIHE, respectfully inform* the citizen# of Centra county, that he ha* bough t out the old stand of J. O. Dei Dinger, and has reduced the' price*. They have constantly on hand, and make to order BEDSTEADS. HI JRKAV'S, SINKS. WASH-STANDS, HUMS MAP* CHAIRS ALWAY# OX UAXD. !, Their *tock of ready-made Furniture i I large and warranted of good workmanship and u all made under their own immedi ate supervision, and i* offered at rate# cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 26 feb. ly. Gift & Flory's New Shoe Store .' l AT CENTRE HALL. They have now opened, and will constant- JEJSJSR on h * nd . • splendid (lock of new SHOES, GAITERS; A SLIPPERS, fo* men, women and children, from the bett manufactories in the country, and new of fered at the Lowest Prices. BOOTS and SHOES made to order, upon short notice. They invite the people o. thi* vicinity to give them a call; a* they will strive to merit a share of their nat ron g- mvKHf D. M. RITTENHOrSK, WITH KOOXN, KCIIM ARZ A CO. _. . WUOHCBAUI DKAI.KKM IN ' Fish, Cheese and Provisions, n&szss&r* THE GREAT CAUSE II UJIAN I s E R Y . Just Published, in a Sea/rti Envelope. / tire six cents. ....L 1 "^ c if lr *," n . t J* nnlatw. Treatment. and Radical 37 Lw .?*' w ekneaa. <* KiHTmt..rrbu>, Induc ed by Half Abuw, Involuntary Fmlaaiowa. latency iI? 1 " UrMlity, uid ImiuiduuvaU to llirilu, a en"! !J"f ;Oamiimpttop. KpUepiy and Ktla Menial and I !>>*lcal IncaiukciUr. Ar.-tty KOBga*' J. CI LVEH- W PU.. M 11., author 0/ the "OfMU book," A, Tba world reuowned anther. tm Skia admirable L. , lure, clearly iMvvea fruui hi; own ei parlance that the awlul conaeyuencea of Self Ahuae may be effect removed without medicine, end without danueroui •"retail uperattona, bouctea, tnatrumenU. rlui St 00 Mia la (m,lnline out a mode of cure at and effectual. by .bleb every .offerer £ £XX.r?hi? hla condition may be, may cure blue ken cL-V-i. ~fc vateiy and radically. nbeaply. prl ftir Tbia Lecture will pre#* a boon to iheuaandn ana thontanda. Mentunder eee|. in a plain envelope, to am addreae •Titrate# CHAR. J. 0. KLINF a rn I* JulT BJo * dwll, Ne " York; Pot I oßce 80., tie# BUTTS HOUSE HELLEFONTE, PA. I ,J B. BUTTS, Prop'r. Has hrt class accommodation; charg es reaaona • t f iLLKR'S HOTiL. Woodward P frtage* arrive and depart daily j